Archaeological Survey of India, Delhi Circle, Safdarjung Tomb, New


Archaeological Survey of India, Delhi Circle, Safdarjung Tomb, New
Archaeological Survey of India, Delhi Circle, Safdarjung Tomb, New Delhi-110003
Name of office
Probable Time
Last date of sale and
of Completion
Superintending Archaeologist,
New Delhi
60 days
Date of Sale: 01.03.2012
Archaeological Survey of India, Delhi
Date of Opening: 02.03.2012
circle, Safdarjung Tomb, New Delhi
Percentage Rate Bid for execution of complete work
Estimated Cost
Price of Bid Form-
: Rs. 21,66,887/: Rs. 43,220/: Rs. 500/-
Contractor’s Name……………………
Name of Work- Dismantling of dilapidated/abounded modern army buildings inside at Red Fort Complex,
Delhi (Phase-III).
Item Description and specification of items of work to be dismantled
Total probable Remarks
Govt. value
Dismantling of old dilapidated/abounded modern residential/store buildings
and overhead water tank containing brick/rubble stone masonry lintels, slabs,
sunshades, columns & beams etc. in reinforcement of cement concrete, doors,
windows & clearstory windows in wood/steel work cement concrete floors,
steel work in built up section in angles, tees, flat/strips etc. roofing in ridges,
hips valleys & gutters in AC Sheets, frames, trusses, purlins and rafter in Rs. 21,66,887/wood work, partitions, false ceilings in Aluminum frames work, cast
iron/asbestos pipes with all sanitary & electric fitting etc.
Photographs and details shown in site plan available on website.
………….…..% in words and figures
Note: The eligible approved/registered contractors having experience in similar nature of work.
1. The total bid cost for complete work should be quoted in percentage above/below against the cost put to bid
including all taxes and other charges as applicable.
2. Earnest Money be deposited in the form of FDR (Nationalized Bank) pledged in favour of Superintending
Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India, Delhi Circle, Safdarjung Tomb, New Delhi along with the duly
filled bid documents.
4. The Bidder/Agencies will be permitted to attend bid opening.
5. The bid documents are available on website which may be down loaded and submitted along
with the bid form cost in form of DD drawn in favour of the Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey
of India, Delhi Circle.
6. If the date of issue/receipt of the bid documents happens to be a holiday the bids will be issued/opened on the
next working day.
7. Auction for dismantling of complete buildings & overhead water tank existed inside Red Fort will be taken on
the bases “As is where is”.
8. The successful bidder has to deposit 25% of highest bid on fall of hammer. The rest 75% amount has to be
deposited in the office of Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India, Delhi Circle, Safdarjung
Tomb in the shape of DD payable in Delhi of Nationalized Bank within 15 days if the highest bid is approved by
the undersigned.
9. EMD shall be adjusted in 25% bid amount of the highest bid.
10. The successful bidder should ensure that no damage will be occurred to the adjacent buildings/features.
11. Site should be cleared in all respect after dismantling of building wise.
12. The successful bidder will only be allowed for dismantling up to 60cms depth in foundation of the respective
buildings and leveling the site.
13. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the auction bids without assigning any reason.
Should this bid be accepted I/We hereby do agree do abide to by and full fill all the terms and provisional of the
said conditions annexed hereto so far as applicable and or in default thereof to forfeit and pay to the President of India
of his successor in office the sum of money mentioned in the side conditions. A sum of Rs…………………is
herewith forwarded is cash treasury Challan as earnest money if I/We fail to commence the work to specified in the
above memorandum of I/ we fail to deposit the amount of security deposit specified of contract (ii) (a) in the above
memorandum in accordance with the clause I of the said conditions of contract I/we agree that the said President or
his successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the earnest money
absolutely otherwise the said earnest money shall be retained by him towards such security deposit .I/we further agree
that the said President or his successor in office shall also be at liberty to cancel the acceptance of the bid if I/we fail to
deposit security amount as aforesaid.
Give particulars & number
Signature of bidder
Address with TIN No.
Signature of Witness
Dated the
The above bid is hereby accepted by me on the behalf of the President of India.
Dated the
Signature of the officer by whom
The bid is accept