May - Aldinga Bay Residents Association
May - Aldinga Bay Residents Association
Official newsletter of ABRA May 2010 Circulation: 2000 All proceeds go back into the community. Next meeting of ABRA (incorp. Watch SA) will be held on Wednesday, 12th May2010 at 7.30 pm at the Aldinga Community Centre, Index ABRA News 2 Amy March 26 Community Centre 32 Community News 37-40 Church Notices 41 Gardening 15 - 16 Gems Of The District 4 Health Section 17 - 22 History 5, 34 Letters to Editor 36 Library News 8 Real Estate Section 9 -12 Video Review 25 Cover photo: Port Willunga Jetty & Caves - K. Hutton ALDINGA BAY RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Well! You got your Coastal Views last month. Believe me it was never a certainty. With the short notice of Eddie’s resignation and no-one else ‘lined up in the wings’ to take over it was up to me or there would be no issue for April. Unfortunately it was an extremely busy time for me and I therefore had less time than usual to put it all together. There was also a minor ‘hiccup’ in setting up my computer to access the Coastal Views email which unfortunately led to some emails being lost ‘in cyberspace’. All in all it was a rather rushed exercise with several ‘blunders’ eventuating. (See apologies below). However one can only do one’s best. I have started to collate similar ads & contributions together in the same area and put a reference to that area on the cover index. The aim of this is to make the mag a more user-friendly reference tool for those of you who like to use it as such. I have had negative feedback from a couple of advertisers who apparently don’t like to be on the same page as the competition, but that is the only feedback I have had. What do you think as readers? In last month’s issue I also posed questions about the future of ABRA and Coastal Views. No one has responded. I’ve heard the term “Apathy Bay” used about our area in the past. Is this accurate? The ABRA committee need to hear from you if we are to be effective in representing you. Drop us a line or email with your ideas and / or suggestions. A rather provocative letter to the editor about the deterioration of our lifestyle here was published last month and it got no response. Is there anyone out there? Our last ABRA general meeting again lacked a quorum. This month Cr. Wenham is outlining Council’s policy on vehicles on the beach. This has been a very controversial topic, so hopefully more residents will show an interest and attend. The Mayor also recently ran a “Built Heritage Forum”, which I attended on behalf of ABRA. Representatives of both State and Local Government bodies spoke outlining the processes and parameters in declaring buildings and places heritage listed and the ways in which they can be preserved. It is good that Council is looking into this area with several buildings / heritage zones being lost to developers in the City, not the least of which was the approval of the Leasecorp supermarket complex in Historic Aldinga Township. The Aldinga-Sellicks Alliance (conveners of the recent Aldinga On Display event) is currently in the planning stages to see what events / services can be developed to improve our district. Let’s have more feedback through letters to the editor and attendance at General Meetings. Kevin Hutton Secretary. APOLOGIES. I need to apologise to the following whose contributions or advertisements were messed up last month: The Professionals - Aldinga. I apparently somehow resurrected an old ad rather than put in the current one submitted. It apparently contained details which are no longer current or accurate and caused their business some embarrassment. Killa & Mitre 10 McLaren Vale. Only half the horticulture article came though and was printed making the pictures irrelevant and missing out the competition completely. Giselle Robin. Her article just didn’t arrive. Therefore the pictures printed lost their impact. WED, May 12th at 7.30 pm Incorporating: Aldinga Community Centre Stewart Avenue Aldinga Beach. May meeting guest speaker will be Cr. Yvonne Wenham to explain Council’s plans to handle vehicles on beaches. Coastal Views, April 2010 Page 2 New Age Store & Healing Centre Open Thursday to Monday 10.00am - 5.00pm Unique range of beautiful gemstone & silver jewelry just in time for Mothers Day. Locally made organic candles & bath salts. Gemstones, Angel Cards, Books, & lots more. Come & browse. EPTOS now available. 10% Discount on mention of this ad. Reiki, Crystal Healings, Colour Therapy, Reflexology, Aromatherapy Massage & Readings by Appointment Workshops Available for all of the above Modalities Meditation Sessions - Wednesday 7.30pm Children’s Meditation -Monday 4.00pm Goddess Group -2nd Monday of Month 7.30pm Spiritual Journeys Group - Tuesday 7.00pm 19 Shephard Rd Aldinga Beach (around cn’r on Gordon St) Ph: 8556 5692 Email: [email protected] Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 3 GEMS OF THE DISTRICT Friends of the Willunga Basin (from Giselle Robin) The Willunga Basin is the naturally defined region bounded by the coast and the hillcrest from Sellicks Beach, around Willunga, McLaren Flat to Kangarilla and across to Maslin Beach (see Map). The Future of the Willunga Basin – as we know it – is under threat of invading development. One very dedicated group – Friends of Willunga Basin – is determent to preserve the beauty and significant heritage of this region not only for families living there, but also as a weekend destination for people from Adelaide and tourists from interstate and overseas. The Willunga Basin has also become an attraction for the Film Industry which has already shown the beauty of our region worldwide. The Friends of Willunga Basin started in the late 1980s with a response to a proposed marina development as the Aldinga Bay Anti Marina Association (ABAMA) to fight the issue which lead to the disallowance of the Marina Development in 1989. Since then their attention turned to wider issues and they changed their name to ‘Friends of Willunga Basin’. Their objectives are : to retain natural and heritage assets, keep housing within present urban growth boundaries, insure planning precedes development, retain agriculture as primary land use East of the South Road, promote sustainable lifestyle, plan for climate change and above all: achieve legislation backing those objectives. Tasks ahead are: lobbying the Onkaparinga Council and State Government for wiser, long term planning, not only for the Basin but also for buffer zones around it, planning for climate change and pollution control. Protective legislation exists for similar areas in Swan Valley WA: ‘Environmental Protection Act 1986’ and ‘WA’s Swan Valley Planning Act 1995’ which was brought in by people power. People would not vote for a Government which did not agree with this legislation. I hope it is not too late for us to act like that! In California similar legislation was put in place for the Napa and Sonoma Valleys to ensure that urban sprawl would not destroy something so important – not only for current generation but for future generations. Our Willunga Basin needs that sort of protection – especially because with our recycled water it could become Adelaide’s most important diverse and intensive food supplier when other areas dry out and a change from grape growing areas to vegetable productions occurs. The friends of the Willunga Basin have raised their concerns in meetings, public forums, with presentations to politicians, Council and State Government and need your help to get the protection for the Basin with strong, long term legislation which has to replace the words: ‘may, would and should’ which means: ‘can but doesn’t have to’ which is not legal terminology, as those laws cannot be enforced, with the words: ‘has/have to or must’ to be effective and enforceable or they leave loopholes for developers or the government. Hon.R.L.Brokenshire has reintroduced a Bill to Parliament in October 2009 for the amendment of the Development Act 1993 to get the protection required for saving the Willunga Basin and wants to establish a Willunga Basin Protection Committee as a body corporate, but that Bill also contains the words ‘would, should and may and is therefore not strong enough. His Bill has passed the Legislative Council, but is highly unlikely to pass Parliament because it is flawed (John Hill’s MP words, who especially pointed out the power Mr Brokenshire gave to the Committee}. Well, why do we need a Committee when we have all the facts on the table? All we need is a decisive law and stick to it! Efforts are being made by the government to introduce their own Bill by Leon Bignell MP based on the legislation for the Parklands: Parkland Act and the River Murray Act. How much longer do we have to wait for it?? (Photos courtesy FOWB) Editor’s comment: Some protection is being afforded to this area through special mention of the area we refer to as the “Willunga Basin” zone in the Government’s 30 year plan. - But is it enough? KLH. Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 4 Port Willunga is well-known today as the beach with the old jetty posts – but how did its earlier inhabitants see it? Early paintings of Port Willunga, many by amateurs, reflect a community long since gone but still remembered by many who have visited or lived here over the years. Port Willunga resident Ann Winnall (photo below) is the niece of well-known characters Ellie, Bessie and Rachel Giles, who ran the Aldinga Post Office opposite the Aldinga Hotel until they retired to Port Willunga. Bessie, who had studied under Will Ashton, did beautiful paintings of the surrounding countryside and the beach and cliffs, like the one pictured, many of which are still in Ann’s possession. Bessie’s autograph book, Ann discovered, includes an early painting of St Ann’s church on South Road by Elsie Hay Taylor. Other identified works include some by Canon Wilfred Murphy, whose house was on Port Road, and who painted in about 1903. His are believed to be among the earliest representations of Port Willunga. Ann Winnall in Port Willunga Post Office Through this early art the former settlement along Port Road and the creek comes to life again – the Harbour Master’s house, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the Temperance Hotel, the old dairy, the early jetty from which the sailing ships were loaded with grain and slate, and of course the familiar beach and cliffs known to us today. An exhibition of these early amateur paintings will be on display at the Aldinga Library from the 11th to the 29th May. Thanks to Anne Chittleborough for this contribution. WILLUNGA Peep into the Past - in Willunga 29th & 30th May. National Trust is ‘opening doors’ on some of Willunga’s heritage listed buildings & houses. Find out about buildings, early owners & history The Slate Museum & Court House Museum are open from 1 to 4 on Sat, Sun & Tuesday. ALDINGA Friends of Willunga & Aldinga Libraries are running special History Week activities on Fri May 14th Aldinga Community Centre Are hosting Historic Bus Tours of Aldinga, Aldinga North & Port Willunga on Mon May 24th and Fri May 28th Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 5 Pergola Timber Premix Concrete Decking Pave Set Insulation Batts Treated Pine Plastic Angles Posts & Logs ROK Electric Tools LOSP Timber Hand Tools Building Pine Threaded Rod Hardwood Conduit Meranti Plasterboard Accessories Mouldings Matchboard Chipboard Planing & Sanding done on premises Mouldings to requirements OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Melamine MON - FRI SATURDAY SUNDAY PUBLIC HOLS Plywood Marine Ply 8 am - 5 pm 8 am - 1 pm closed closed Cement Lattice Tile Underlay Paint Brushes Nuts & Bolts Screws & Nails Doors Brace Board Phone: Oregon (08) 8557 7470 15 Lacey Drive Aldinga Beach (Industrial Area) Email: [email protected] Glass Bead Dowel 4 - 32 mm Shadecloth Cement Sheet Eco-wood Sleepers - Treated Pine Sleepers Red Gum Sleepers - Cyprus Pine Gold Posts Door Hardware Gates / Hardware Deck Stains Cladding Render Products Polycard HIRE CENTRE HIRE CENTRE Patio Heaters C/bond Iron FREE QUOTES PERGOLAS - DECKS - CARPORTS Bordo Hole Saws Whirlybirds Eco-wood Lattice Trellis Manufacturing. Bordo Drill Bits Gun Nails 15 Lacey Drive, Aldinga Beach (Industrial Area) Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 6 G O L D C L AS S P L U M B I N G M AS T E R P LU M BE R .Maintenance Specialist .New Houses & Renovations .Eco Plumbing Solutions .Electric Drain Cleaning .Emergency Plumbing & Much More PHONE TROY 041 666 5169 Lic PGE154526 APPLIANCE SERVICES ●FRIENDLY, RELIABLE , QUALIFIED TECHNICIANS ●SERVICE ALL MAKES OF FRIDGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, DISHWASHERS & AIRCONDITIONING ●WARRANTY SERVICE AGENTS FOR: CALL DIANNE ON PH:8323 8803 RTA No: AU06155 186 Main Road, Mclaren Vale, 5171. TELEVISION ARE YOU READY FOR DIGITAL TV? SEE THE EXPERTS AT HILTON’S BETTA ELECTRICAL FOR SPECIAL DEALS ON AREA COMPATIBLE DIGITAL ANTENNAS AND SET TOP BOXES: SALES & INSTALLATION CALL US NOW PH:8323 8803 186 Main Road,Mclaren Vale, 5171. HILTON’S STAFF ARE GOVERNMENT APPROVED DIGITAL ADVISORS & INSTALLERS. Shore hair Chemical free salon NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Men’s, Ladies & kids haircuts Shop 5a Aldinga Central Shopping Centre Ph 08 8557 6240 Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 7 City of Onkaparinga Libraries Youth Photography Competition CALENDAR 24 Photos in 24 Hours Hours This recent competition provided an opportunity for young people aged 12– 25 years to be creative and produce 24 photographs of a single topic or area, one for each hour of a 24 hour time period. Entries will be displayed in our Community Room from 28 April until 6 May 2010 and in Willunga Library 12 May until 20 May 2010. Winners have been chosen, but you are invited to vote for a Viewers Choice Award among the other competitors. History Week 21–30 May Following their launch and display at Waverley House, we will be displaying a collection of amateur paintings contributed by local residents, which celebrate the history and unique past of Port Willunga. On 14May the Friends will be presenting rehearsed play readings. Library Press Display … is an innovative new way to read your daily newspaper. Local, national and international papers are now available 24/7 on the day they are printed. Featuring over 1400 newspapers from 82 countries in 39 languages Library PressDisplay puts the world's newspapers quite literally at your fingertips! Find it at and search under ‘databases’. Exhibition in the Community Room this month: 24 Photos in 24 Hours until 6May followed by Early Paintings of Port Willunga (pre 1950) from 11-31May Friends of Willunga and Aldinga Libraries 14 May 2010, 1.30pm To celebrate History Week the Friends will present rehearsed readings of two short plays about early days in South Australia. More details @ the Library And don’t forget the Friends’ BOOK SALES at Aldinga Library Thursdays 2–4pm, Saturdays 10–12pm Offering a wide range of second hand books etc. A small selection is available for sale every day near the main desk at the library. Justice of the Peace A JP is available for the signing of documents (no legal advice) in our library on Tuesdays from 3–4.45pm. No appointment is necessary. See you soon at the library! Some recent additions to our shelves: Free Wireless Internet Access Moustache Man and the Deadly is now available at Aldinga Library. Whiskers by Rick Senley Library members with Wi-Fi enabled devices No Reservations by Fiona O’Brien (eg laptops, mobile phones etc) are able to have Blood Safari by Deon Meyer free access to the internet in the library after a oneAwakening by S. J. Bolton off registration. The Sweetest Taboo by Carole Matthews Mr Scobie’s Riddle by Elizabeth Jolley. Ask our friendly library staff for more information. Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 8 REAL ESTATE By Century 21 SouthCoast WHAT GOES DOWN MUST GO UP! Sounds a little Greek you say! Well that’s because the number of house sales in the Aldinga Bay area have gone down causing the market price to go up in an undersupply situation. For the 1st quarter of 2010 the median house price jumped a dramatic 9% on the previous quarter while house sales numbers for the quarter dropped to 78, the lowest level in the past few years and 24% down on the same quarter the previous year. The following graphs illustrate the trend very clearly. Century 21 SouthCoast Your Coastal Property Specialist Our promise to you is to provide exceptional customer service because we know that’s what you expect. That’s why more people are choosing to buy, sell, and rent through Century 21 than any other agent in the southern suburbs. SELLING – by Private Treaty or Auction? BUYING – house and land? RENTING – permanent or holiday? Our Award Winning agency offers the full array of property services. Call us now for a free, no obligation appraisal, 7 days a week! You may be wondering why sales numbers are down and I assure you it has nothing to do with market conditions because demand couldn’t be much better than it is at the current time. Home owners have simply decided to sit on their hands for the time being, but if you were seriously considering selling, now is the time to do just that. The market rule of supply and demand will work in your favour. It did for my wife and I who decided to sell our own house in December after purchasing a new property in Aldinga Beach. We took ours to auction and achieved 10% more than we were prepared to sell it for. PH 8556 6001 161 Esplanade, Aldinga Beach If you have a question on this, or any other property related subject, we’d be only too happy to help. Call us on 8556 6001. Andrew Koukourou Director Century 21 SouthCoast 161 Esplanade, Aldinga Beach 8556 6001 PS At Century 21 SouthCoast we need more listings now because we have sold most of our stock, so please call us on 8556 6001 for a free no obligation appraisal of your property. Coastal Views, May 2010 Winner 2008 Winner 2007 Finalist 2006 Finalist 2005 Page 9 30 years makes all the difference.... 1975: Long hair 2005: Longing for hair 1975: Acid rock 2005: Acid reflux 1975: Moving to the Gold Coast because it's cool 2005: Moving to the Gold Coast because it's warm 1975: Trying to look like Liz Taylor 2005: Trying NOT to look like Liz Taylor 1975: Seeds and stems 2005: Roughage 1975: Going to a new, hip joint 2005: Receiving a new hip joint 1975: Rolling Stones 2005: Kidney Stones 1975: Passing the drivers' test 2005: Passing the vision test Internal/External Pensioner rates Coastal Views, May 2010 Reasons why the English language is so hard to learn: 1) The bandage was wound around the wound. 2) The farm was used to produce produce. 3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4) We must polish the Polish furniture. 5) He could lead if he would get the lead out. 6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. 8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. 9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. 10) I did not object to the object. 11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row. 13) They were too close to the door to close it. 14) The buck does funny things when the does are present. Page 10 (08) 8557 8255 Peter & Su READETT Peter: 0418833234 / Su: 0417805714 “the property pair who care” Aldinga We live local – We sell local… 79 Quinliven Rd PT WILLUNGA Web Id: 383058 THE SIZE WILL SURPRISE $365,000 - $385,000 4 bedrooms, BIR’s, WIR, parents retreat. Timber kitchen, built in bar, heating & cooling, pergola, large patio, shedding, carport, fully established and close to all facilities. Great entertainer, the kids can walk to school. Built: 1986 on large 702sqm corner allotment. 20 Seahaven Way ALDINGA BEACH Web Id: 384197 PERFECT FOR STARTERS! $289,000 - $299,000 Great 1st home or investment. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, BIR;s, WIR, dishwasher, 2 living areas, ducted evap cooling, single garage, patio, roller shutters, fully estab & low maintenance, just move in. Built: 2005. FREE APPRAISALS 7 DAYS A WEEK ! PROPRIETORS, PRINCIPALS, SENIOR SALES AND PROPERTY MANAGERS who personally sell your home with old fashioned customer service and care.. 159 Esplanade, Aldinga Beach, SA, 5173 RLA: 189777 Real Estate Alternative Interested in knowing what your home or rural property could fetch in this market???? Call me! Fixed Selling Fee $2,495 This is what is carried out for you For Sale Sign Sketch, Floor Plan & Photo’s. Internet listing Advertising placement A3 size Brochures Home open signs Price Negotiation Searches conducted Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 11 PAUL RAINE YOUR LOCAL BROCK HARCOURTS REAL ESTATE AGENT “As a resident of Aldinga Beach serving my local community is a priority” Call me today on 0419 252 534 for a free appraisal of your property. PAUL RAINE providing REAL RESULTS IN REAL ESTATE [email protected] RLA 197150 GREAT TRUTHS ABOUT LIFE THAT LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE LEARNED: 1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptise cats. 2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair. 3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person. 4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato. 5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food. 6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair. 7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time. 8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. 9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts. 10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandpa's lap. GREAT TRUTHS ABOUT LIFE THAT ADULTS HAVE LEARNED: 1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree. 2) Wrinkles don't hurt. 3) Families are like fudge . . .mostly sweet, with a few nuts. 4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground. 5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside. 6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fibre, not the joy. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak? Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there is not enough? Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle? Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 12 SOUTHERN VALES CARERS SUPPORT GROUP YOU ARE INVITED TO THE MAY MEETING ON TUESDAY 18 MAY 2010 TH FROM 10 AM TO 12 NOON TOPIC: DISCUSSION ON - KEEPING HEALTHY SO YOU CAN KEEP CARING Books, videos and information for carers are available for loan. Transport can be arranged If you have any queries or need to enquire about respite please Phone JAN IFOULD – 8349 3515 Meetings are held on the third Tuesday monthly at 99 Main Road Mclaren Vale In St Margaret’S angLICan CHUrCH SUnDaY SCHOOL – AN OUTING IS ORGANISED EVERY 3RD MEETING ALL CARERS WELCOME ALDINGA COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING EVERY FRIDAY TIME: 9.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. VENUE: ALDINGA SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB (CNR. VALIANT & QUINLIVEN ROADS – PT. WILLUNGA) LUNCH PROVIDED FOR SMALL COST TRANSPORT CAN BE ARRANGED THIS GROUP OFFERS INTERESTING AND FUN SOCIAL ACTIVITIES, TRIPS, GUEST SPEAKERS ON HEALTH RELATED TOPICS, INFORMATION ON AGED CARE SERVICES IF REQUIRED AND CHAIR BASED EXERCISE GROUP. COME ALONG AND HAVE A GREAT DAY OUT! THIS GROUP ALSO PROVIDES RESPITE FOR CARERS HOSTED BY ACH GROUP (AGED CARE & HOUSING GROUP) IF INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT THE COORDINATOR JAN IFOULD - AT SOUTHERN ONKAPARINGA SENIORS ACCESS ON 8349 3515 Coastal Views, May 2010 SOCIAL GROUP FOR SENIORS WOULD YOU ENJOY GETTING OUT & ABOUT WITH GREAT PEOPLE AND PARTICIPATING IN INTERESTING OUTINGS? REGULAR LOW COST OUTINGS ORGANISED. BEING INVOLVED WITH PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO BE ACTIVE AND MENTALLY STIMULATED IT WILL BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS AND SOME FUN IS GUARANTEED!! YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE NEXT PLANNING MEETING DATE: MONDAY 10TH MAY 2010 TIME: 1.30 P.M. – 3.30 P.M. VENUE: ‘LIFE CARE’ ALDINGA BEACH COURT – COMMUNITY HALL – PRIDHAM BOULEVARD – ALDINGA BCH. THIS GROUP IS SUPPORTED BY ACH GROUP ‘SOUTHERN ONKAPARINGA SENIORS ACCESS’ PROGRAM AFTERNOON TEA PROVIDED ENQUIRIES: JAN IFOULD (8349 3515) TINA CLELAND (85577162) EVERYONE MOST WELCOME GOLD COIN ENTRY APPRECIATED SELLICKS COMMUNITY GROUP DATES: MEETING THE 1ST AND 3RD MONDAYS OF THE MONTH MAY MEETING : 3RD & 17th TIME: 9.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. VENUE: SELLICKS BEACH COMMUNITY HALL – RIVIERA RD. SELLICKS BEACH THIS GROUP OFFERS SOCIAL ACTIVITIES, CHAIR BASED EXERCISE GROUP, TRIPS, GUEST SPEAKERS ON HEALTH RELATED TOPICS AND MORE. AS A BONUS YOU WILL MEET GREAT PEOPLE WHO ARE HAPPY TO WELCOME NEWCOMERS. KEEPING ACTIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY IS GREAT FOR YOUR GENERAL WELL BEING, SO DON’T BE HOME ALONE COME & JOIN US! HOSTED BY ACH GROUP (AGED CARE & HOUSING GROUP) JUDY GOWER ASSISTANT CO-ORDINATOR RUNS THE GROUP TRANSPORT CAN BE ORGANISED FOR MORE INFORMATION PHONE JAN IFOULD – CO-ORDINATOR OF SOUTHERN ONKAPARINGA SENIORS ACCESS ON 8349 3515 Page 13 CLASSIFIED ADS Tree Removal and Mulching phone Gavin 042 888 0801 Personal Trainer Vines 2 Sea PT comes to you! Lifestyle coaching for individuals, families or small groups. Investment in your health pays huge dividends. Phone Karen 0430 783 128. See you at the complimentary first session! Reasons why the English language is so hard to learn (continued from p 10) 15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line. 16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow. 17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail. 18) After a number of injections my jaw got number. 19) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear. 20) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests. 21) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend? Servicing & Mechanical Repairs Brake & Clutch CV Joint & Drive shafts EFI & LPG Tuning Exchange Engines Disc & Drum Machining Front End & Suspension Cylinder Heads Manufacturers’ Book Servicing Unit 11, Cnr How & Aldinga Beach Rds, Aldinga Beach Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 14 VALES LANDSCAPE & GARDEN SUPPLY Large range of garden products & firewood ● SLEEPERS ● RED GUM & PINE BARK ● BUILDING PRODUCTS ● MUSHROOM COMPOST ● ORGANIC MIX ● SOIL & LOAM ● CRUSHED ROCK ● AGGREGATE ● BAGGED CEMENT ● PUBLIC WEIGHBRIDGE 232 OPEN 7 DAYS Ph: 8323 9098 Mobile 0427 802 040 OLD MILL COURT, McLAREN VALE SA 5171 (off Chalkhill Road) A wide range of plants for your garden. Perennials Shrubs and ground covers Conifers and hedging Trees Natives Special prices throughout the year on 5” pots Wholesale and retail sales Landscapers welcome Quality plants at low prices. Ph: 8323 8155 Fx. 8323 8626 Lot 6 Olivers Road, McLaren Vale Sand, Metal, Cement Soils, Gravels, Mulch, Pebbles REDGUM SLEEPERS OPEN 7 DAYS Lot 9 How Road, Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 15 The trick is to get citrus trees with the correct root stock (dwarf). Remember to keep up the water & to fertilize regularly & you shouldn’t have a problem. Just have a chat with the team from Mitre 10 McLaren Vale & they will guide you with your purchase. G,day, again. Let’s get straight into pruning fruit & nut trees. Rule no: 1. sterilize your secateurs & loppers regularly, using metho or bleach, my colleague from work, Lance recommends metho only. Rule no: 2. If you doubt the importance of sterilizing your secateurs regularly refer to Rule no: 1, this is extremely vital as disease is so easily transferred by pruning. May is probably the best month for pruning fruit & nut trees, because the weather is still reasonably dry but the tree’s metabolism is slowing down (there is less sap movement in the trees). Dry weather helps to prevent fungal disease on large open cuts, I’m talking about Phormopsis, commonly known as “Die Back”, this can be easily prevented by painting major cuts, (if there is any moisture around) with a Fungal paint ie: Steri Prune. The first thing you need to do, is to cut old water shoots out, the plant is spending unnecessary energy, feeding the water shoots & not the fruiting branches. The best way to imagine what the tree would look like is to imagine a vase overflowing with flowers. There’s very little growth in the middle of the vase. This is the same with fruit trees; the idea is to open up the middle of the tree to maximize the photosynthesis & sugar production. This will also in turn allow more air flow & light, which helps prevent diseases. It is important that you cut all dead or diseased wood & branches off & it would be a great idea to spray theses cuts with Steri Prune straight away. It is important to keep the new growth, as this will give you your new fruit, but obviously you should keep your tree at a height so you can pick your fruit. The young growth lower in the tree has to be kept & protected, so that later on you can then take height out of your fruit tree. It is very difficult to describe how to prune a fruit tree, if in doubt you can always hire a professional gardener to do it, but it is not really that hard, you’re not going to kill your tree, but have a go anyway. One question I have to answer, “can I compost my old tomatoes”, and the answer is NO! Straight to the bin, or burn them. They can be carrying so much disease. It’s just too much of a chance to take, better to be safe than sorry, because they are disease prone. Now is the time to plant your citrus trees. A huge range of citrus has just arrived at Mitre 10 McLaren Vale. Everyone should have citrus trees; there is nothing better than fresh citrus. Sometimes finding the perfect place to plant them can be a problem, space is usually the issue. You can always plant them in pots, they are mobile, look great & taste fantastic. Coastal Views, May 2010 Next month will be the time for pruning your roses. What always fascinates me is that people don’t put a lot of thought into pruning or don’t know how to prune roses. For instance: do you prune your roses for flowers or so that you’ve got a nice old green bush with very few flowers? For example: a rose bush that is all sticks at the bottom, a bit of green at the top with only 1 or 2 flowers. People with a long row of roses, are you attempting to make a rose hedge, which looks fantastic. You’ve only got to go to Leaconsfield winery & have a look at their rose hedge. It’s fantastic, especially in full bloom. (Unfortunately the lack of colour doesn’t do this picture justice - Ed.) There are many different options that you can use to prune your roses. Next month I will do my best to come up with an article that is easy to understand for pruning roses. This month, there is 2 questions, Killa’s question & Killa’s reverse question: Proudly sponsored by, you guessed it, Mitre 10 McLaren Vale, which is where I shop for all of my gardening needs. Get over there & tell them Killa sent ya! Question is: All fertilizers have a “N.P.K.” rating. What do the letters N.P.K. stand for? Killa’s reverse question, this is really easy! You ask me a gardening question, the best & most original question, will be the winner! So start thinking! Send or email your entry into Coastal Views, contact details are in the back of this issue, including your name & contact details with your answer or question. Winners will be drawn on 14/5/10 & notified. Fred & the team from Mitre 10 McLaren Vale have done it again. 2 vouchers for $50.00 each are up for grabs. Thanks Mitre 10! Catch ya next time, Killa. Special thanks to Lance! Page 16 AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Aldinga Plains Liaison 193 Main Road, McLaren Vale COMPLETE HEALTH CARE CHIROPRACTIC Dr Joseph Charles Dr Piers Chorley Low force techniques/Manual adjusting ACUPUNCTURE/MUSCULO SKELETAL INJURIES Lez Shiell CHINESE HERBS/COUNSELLING Lez Shiell WHAT IS PLASMA? The pale liquid part of the blood that makes up half of the blood’s volume. Why donate plasma? The blood service predicts a 100 per cent increase in demand for blood during the next ten years. The demand is being driven by plasma due to an ageing population and developments in medical science. What diseases are combated by plasma based products? Mostly chronic auto-immune deficiencies and cancers. How often can you give plasma? If you are already a blood donor, fit and healthy, every two weeks. How many products does plasma make? Plasma is used to make 16 different products and contains very important proteins, nutrients and clotting factors, which help to prevent and stop bleeding. Taken from the March “The Humanitarian”. RED CROSS :- PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE. NATUROPATHY / HOMEOPATHY / HERBAL MEDICINE / MASSAGE Debra Cooper REMEDIAL MASSAGE / TRADITIONAL CHINESE MASSAGE/ ENERGY BALANCING Bev Lange TRANSPERSONAL COUNSELLOR/ ART THERAPIST Prue Blackmore Information and appointments: 8323 9755 HEALTH REBATES AVAILABLE Coastal Views, May 2010 J.M. Eatts (L.O.) ENGLISH LANGUAGE AGAIN! Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger, neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.. And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? (continued p30.) Page 17 ALDINGA DENTAL CLINIC Dr John Santillo Dr Emily Lin Dr Sarbin Ranjitkar * Gentle Approach & Caring Staff * High Quality Care “ Discover the Difference in Dental Care” Aldinga Dental Clinic Aldinga Specialist Centre 89 Rowley Rd, Aldinga Beach Ph: 8557 7266 Pty Ltd Reduce the clutter at your place! Come and store your surplus household or business goods with us! Individual self contained space Short or Long Term leasing ALSO AVAILABLE U/COVER, SECURE BOAT AND CARAVAN Lot 107 Lacey Drive, Aldinga Beach Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 18 GP Plus Health Care Centre Aldinga WHAT IS HAPPENING IN MAY AT GP PLUS? Type 2 Diabetes Education Group Come and learn about Diabetes and Healthy Food Choices. A Primary Health Nurse and a Dietitian will be able to answer your questions about diabetes and how to manage it. Date: Wednesday 5th May from 1pm to 4 pm Phone 85579500 to book (for catering purposes) Meditation Our Meditation group returns during the school term Each Monday from 1.30pm for a relaxing hour No need to book, just come and enjoy Tai Chi for Arthritis If you have mobility issues or you just want to try some gently exercise Each Monday (during school term) from 3pm – after meditation No need to book, just come and try COMING IN JULY TO GP PLUS Moving Toward Wellness This 6 week self management course run by The Arthritis Foundation will help you with ways to manage and keep mobile Date and time will be in June’s Coastal View To express interest or to book for this course just call GP Plus on 85579500 FALLS PREVENTION Slips, trips and falls can happen to anyone, but they are more common and significant as we get older. Remember; Many falls are preventable Injury from falls can be minimised Aging does not have to mean loss of independence ***No matter what your age, weight, health or abilities, you should try to do some form of physical activity each day*** gp CONNECT AFTER HOURS GP SERVICE After-hours medical care is available at GP Plus Health Care Centre. GP Plus Health Care Centre Aldinga Pridham Boulevard, Aldinga Beach Phone 8557 9500 Coastal Views, May 2010 Monday to Friday 6 pm to 10 pm Saturday 1 pm—8 pm Sunday 10 am to 6 pm Lot 32, Pridham Boulevard, Aldinga Beach. In the GP Plus building For appointments, contact: 8557 9555 Page 19 Willunga Veterinary Services Main Road, Willunga Ph 8556 2075 24 hour emergency service for our clients An experienced team of vets and nurses Modern veterinary hospital Medical & Surgical treatments Dentistry X-ray and Ultrasound Puppy Pre-School Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Behaviour Consultations Senior Health Care Microchipping Specialised pet foods and accessories 24 hour emergency service for our clients Certified Veterinary Hospital We provide a caring attitude and aim for excellence in all that we do. 10% DISCOUNT on any consultation. Present this advert coupon to redeem. Valid for the months of May and June 2010. DOES YOUR PET HAVE ARTHRITIS? Just as we rug up in our woolies as winter arrives so too do our pets feel the cold chill in the air. Older pets especially are affected by the cold weather. Any signs of stiffness or general aches and pains can be an indication that your pet has arthritis. Arthritis is a painful disease of the joints caused by the degeneration of cartilage, which limits the normal range of movement. It can cause a range of signs from reluctance to go for walks, limping, stiffness in the mornings or when rising, changes in normal behaviour and even licking at the sore joints. Arthritis can affect all ages, types, and sizes of dogs and cats. There is a range of treatment options available for arthritis in pets. A check up at Willunga Vets can quickly determine if your pet has arthritis. After a thorough examination your vet will be able to discuss what options suit your pet best. Appropriate medication will be prescribed and other treatment options will be discussed including acupuncture, diet modification and/or weight loss and appropriate exercise regimes. Providing your pet with a warm, soft bed that is protected from cold draughts will certainly help. Don’t let your pet suffer with arthritis – make an appointment at Willunga Veterinary Hospital and keep Fido and Fluffy frost-free this winter! 10% Discount off your next consultation 137 Main Road McLaren Vale Phone 8323 9266 Dr Michael Reid Dr Carol de Bricassart Dr Matthew Brown Dr Chris Collin (see voucher on this page) Phone: 8556 2075 Welcome to our newest vet Jo Williamson NEW PATIENTS ALWAYS WELCOME We offer a full range of general practice services with a choice of doctors. We also provide many Alllied Health services – most of which are Medicare subsidised. Our doctors bulk bill HCC holders and children under 16 Please call 8323 9266 between 8:30 – 5:00 M-F for appointments Coastal Views, May 2010 Joanne recently graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. She grew up in south-west Victoria on her family’s Jersey dairy farm, and has a keen interest in dairy cattle medicine and nutrition. Joanne also enjoys working with companion animals, and is looking forward to furthering her skills in small animal medicine and surgery. Jo is looking forward to working at Willunga Veterinary Hospital and meeting our wonderful clients. We are thrilled to have her join us. Page 20 If you are having trouble with headaches, neck or back pain, shoulder problems, or a range of other musculoskeletal problems, then ring the Aldinga Chiropractic Centre on 8557 8300. Dr Jenny Milisits BHSc M Chiro Dr Jessica Mah B Appl Sci (Comp med) M Clin Chiro New patients welcome Low force techniques and manual adjusting Open daily including Saturdays Exercise therapy and core stability training available Remedial massage available. Health fund rebates apply. Evening times available Medibank Private, MBF and Mutual Community preferred provider. For a caring, professional approach to your health care Aldinga Chiropractic Centre Located in the Aldinga Specialist Centre 89 Rowley Road, Aldinga Beach. Ph: 8557 8300 Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 21 Exercise and Nutrition Information By Venton Cook, Registered Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer ‘Fitness over Fifty’ - make it part of your week Ph 8278 2714 Classes at: McLaren Vale IOOF Village – Wednesdays 1.30 pm (active) Aldinga Community Centre – Thursdays 11 am (chair class) Welcome I am enjoying the school holidays and I hope that you did not mind the break in classes. I return rested and refreshed although I kept doing my daily routines of stretches and strengtheners. The Victor Harbor lake is ‘bracing’ as the weather cools; April will be my last swimming month until October. Bone density You have asked: why do we sometimes pause in our aerobics to ‘put toes together and drop onto the heels’ and ‘stamp one foot after the other with wide feet’? The purpose of these actions is to create impact through the lower limbs, spine and even the neck and head to stimulate bone growth and improve bone density. Gravity assisted movements are beneficial for bones especially compared with astronauts. They lose bone density each month they are in space and weightless. Impact exercises like ours replicate the effect of bone density enhancing machines which are based on a vibration principle. Bone density is hard to recover once lost – it’s better to retain it. All weight bearing activity is good for retaining bone density. More on falls Unfortunately falls do happen! Our best strategy is fall prevention. This includes practicing balance levels one, two, three and four plus strengthening exercises as explained in last month’s Newsletter. Shoe Type There is debate about shoe type for running (reported in W/E Australian, 20th March 2010). The popular cushioned heel shoe is being questioned because it encourages heel landing and associated impact and soreness. Alternative shoes suggested are a tight fitting, flat soled shoe. Personally I have switched to a flat soled shoe and they are fine for our activities including aerobics and very light indoor jogging. Coastal Views, May 2010 I have found our class aerobic activity to be far easier on joints than running (which I gave up some years ago because of knee soreness). I also think that well heeled sport shoes are fine for the type of activity we do, and they are great for walking. What quote do you live by? Good question! Perhaps it is “make your hobby your job and you never work a day in your life”. Regards fitness, my quote is; “to be expert and professional requires 10,000 hours of training and practice”! I have conducted about 2,500 classes over 6 years (representing 2500 hours); together with preparation for each class, and my own practice, I am about half way toward the 10,000 hour goal. Maybe one day I will be expert! Sugar and calorie intake “Why one biscuit is never enough”, Body and Soul, March 2010, explains why biscuits, cakes and such sugary foods are so ‘more-ish’. Sugar in these products, or more precisely glucose-fructose syrup, fails to trigger the stop eating or appetite depressing mechanism. This is in line with last years’ Newsletter item, ‘Sugary sweetness’, in which the role of sugar in adding to weight was explained (“Sweet poison – Why sugar makes us fat” by Davis Gillespie). What is our ‘natural weight’? Another aspect of weight issues is the idea that each of us has a ‘natural weight’, toward which we move, regardless! It’s an interesting idea caused by our genetic makeup. Research with naturally thin people found that even with excessive intake some failed to gain weight and others returned to their previous weight afterwards. This is not to dismiss the ability of some people to burn excess calories and to lose weight. Further, we have been told that our metabolic rate, being fast or slow, is the reason for us being either thin or overweight. One researcher considers this is a myth as she says it is rare to find anybody whose metabolism is more than 10 per cent higher or lower than average. In other words the puzzle of body weight gain and loss does not lie in metabolic rate – perhaps it is in our genes. For Sale: Weights, stretch bands, fit balls and 2010 Fitness Manuals are for sale from me at best prices. All the best for now Venton This information is for healthy persons. Check with a GP before starting exercise. The information in this newsletter is of a general nature and should not be taken as personal professional advice. Seek personal advice to meet your individual needs. Page 22 GLASS EST 20 years Pensioner Rates Free quotes PLUS AND 24 Hr Emergency Glass Replacement Insurance Claims Commercial / Domestic ( Billed Direct) Aluminium Windows / Doors Aluminium Window/Door Rollers, Latches & Flyscreens INVISIGARD—Stainless Steel Security Doors & Screens * Mirrors * Table Tops * Shelves* * Solar Window Tinting * * Shower Screens * Glass Cut to Size Free Quotes & Prompt Service PH: 85566878 U1 / 106 Aldinga Beach Rd Aldinga Beach 5173 A/H 8558 2624 0409 094 166 EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO COME AND ENJOY THE ALDINGA COMMUNITY GARDEN at Symonds Reserve, Stewart Ave. Aldinga Beach OPEN WEDNESDAYS FROM 9.30am – 12.30pm Membership is free so now is a great time to come and grow fruit, vegetables and herbs the natural way and learn and share gardening tips. So come and PLANT IT, GROW IT, HARVEST IT, SHARE IT, EAT IT! Contact Sue on 8557 8090 Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician. Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 23 ALDINGA CANVAS Annexe & Tent Zips, Repairs & Alterations. Boat Canopies Made. Shadecloth Sewn. Poptops Replaced. Tarps & Covers. Air Conditioner Covers Made. Trampolines Restitched. Aldinga Road, Aldinga S.A. 5173 Jeff Moody Telephone 8556 5418 Mobile 0407 616 187 A1 APPLIANCE REPAIRS We service the Southern area (Talk direct to your local service 0403 414 745 NO CALL OUT CHARGE! Minimum service charges apply ELC 138313 No job too small Operating & residing in the district since 1982 Ph: 8556 5843 VEOLIA Environmental Services Hills Liquid Waste Washing Machines Stoves Dishwashers Dryers Fridges Appliance Installation Pensioner Rates Painters & Decorators General Repair Maintenance Additions Alterations Fencing Pergolas Ph: 8556 5444 or Mobile A/H: 0419 473 353 M.T & A.REITER Master Painters Lic. No. R21660 PAINTER CARPENTER 109 Lacey Drive (Cul de sac end) ALDINGA Lic. No. RL14283 SEPTIC TANKS HOLDING TANKS SEWAGE & WASTE WATER SYSTEMS ABN 20051 316 584 11 OBORN ROAD, MT BARKER SA 5251 PHONE: 8398 2484 REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL DOMESTIC Refrigeration and Air-conditioning MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS (Mobile Service) Telephone: Fax: 8327 0166 8327 0926 Coastal Views, May 2010 Quality Painting & Decorating Quotes given promptly. Attention to detail. Pensioner discounts available. Professional and local with over 30 years experience. Lic. No. 178033 Ph: 8556 5908 or 040 908 2311 Page 24 ALDINGA SHOP 6 Cnr HOW & ALDINGA BEACH ROADS PH: 85 577 294 MAO’S LAST DANCER CHI CAO JOAN CHEN AMANDA SCHULL DIR. BRUCE BERESFORD BIO-PIC 2009 Based on the autobiography of Li Cunxin, Mao’s Last Dancer at first sits somewhere between Billy Elliot and Red Corner, but doesn’t take long to reveal itself as a sophisticated bio-pic. After the “fish out of water” scenes, we examine opposing political/social ideologies and how they affect both our individual freedoms and that of a society as a whole. Don’t worry, there isn’t any lecturing or haranguing, just the viewpoint of a man in the middle of a very serious choice. Played by Chi Cao as an adult, Li Cunxin is naive to the ways of the world, but is endearing to us because of this, and for the most part we remain sympathetic to his position as he grows and changes, faults and all. Also noteworthy is the performance by Huang Wen Bin as the child Li, and the transitions for Cunxin ageing and getting stronger are exceptional in their subtlety and smoothness. Most performances are solid, though some cast members are clearly dancers as opposed to actors, but all work together superbly. The sequence set in the Chinese Consulate is particularly engaging, except for the poor casting choice of Jack Thompson as a US judge. He jars and breaks the connection with the story on screen. Joan Chen is brilliant as Li’s mother: strong and loyal to her country, but there is nothing as strong as a true mothers love for her children. Elizabeth, Li’s first wife played by Amanda Schull, is one of the most important people in his life and instrumental in Li’s success, but is ultimately given the short end of the stick. Nothing tragic, but you’ll see what I mean… The dancing is highly impressive, by star Cao and members of the Australian Ballet and Sydney Dance Co. Even those not in to ballet will agree to the inCoastal Views, May 2010 credible level of fitness and talent on display here. The music of Christopher Gordon too, is delicate and seeps through the film in an aural blend of east and west. Part filmed in Sydney, however it’s the beautiful landscapes of China that catch the breath, with the exquisite mountain ranges providing a majestic backdrop to the humble village of Li’s childhood. Aussie director Beresford’s style works; a mandatory training montage and enough slow- mo to make John Woo proud! A strong story about following your heart and your dreams and that hard choices aren’t made without cost. Have some dumplings. Eddie Shapter Intertidal Monitoring on Aldinga Reef Are you interested in finding out more about the creatures that live on our reef? Would you like to take part in a pleasant couple of hours with other interested people recording the species present to improve our knowledge base ? Expertise is not required. Training is provided on the spot. Teams meet several times each year on Saturday or Sunday during the warmer season. Ring Kevin Hutton 8556 5304 for further information. THE FOUR STAGES OF LIFE: 1) You believe in Santa Claus. 2) You don't believe in Santa Claus. 3) You are Santa Claus. 4) You look like Santa Claus. Page 25 By Amy March Many of us would believe that we live in a safe environment, a community where our families and neighbours aren’t at risk due to their surroundings. What if there was something in your community that could potentially cause health problems and place those with medical conditions at risk? In our local area many would be aware of the Sellicks Beach Quarry. The Quarry was first established by the Southern Quarries and Direct Mix Group in 1972. Since then a marble deposit was opened up at the Sellicks site in the year 2000. The quarry provides dolomite and blue stone quarry rubble, selling the rocks to numerous businesses, companies and builders. Although the quarry provides a sought-after product that many people use for their homes and gardens, the influx of dust has recently become a heightened issue. Sellicks Beach woman, *Pam (real name withheld), recently decided to make a stand to try to reduce the amount of dust that has been blowing into the Sellicks Beach area. Dust from the quarry is caused by ‘blasting’ (explosions within the cave) and the fine dust from this carries into the Sellicks area. Due to there being such high impulse explosions to loosen rubble within the cave, is has become hard to control the spread of dust. “They say that [the quarry’s] not hazardous [or] dangerous,” states Carol “Dust however is the main problem”. Along with several other residents in the area, Carol suffers from asthma and finds that her breathing becomes restricted when the quarry dust is present. Not only does this dust issue affect asthmatics, but it also causes grief for those with heightened allergy problems. Apart from the health issues, dust from the quarry also makes its way into backyards and houses, affecting the cleanliness of people’s homes. Carol noted that one issue she has been faced with was discovering high levels of phosphates in her pool. ‘We have a swimming pool and took our sample down to be tested,” stated Carol. “They [asked] did we know that our pool [was] very high in phosphates”. The man assured Carol that although this isn’t harmful, high levels of phosphates can cause chlorine to disappear at a fast rate, promoting algae and uncleanliness in the pool. In early March this year, Carol contacted a government department dealing with Primary Industries and Resources in South Australia. Several mining compliance officers began to tackle and resolve the dust issue in the Sellicks Beach area. Currently, the Sellicks Quarry has been requested to build sheds around the opening of the cave to prevent dust from spreading out into the community. Carol and other Sellicks Beach residents have also been told by mining regulators that the quarry may soon be expanding and moving to mine into the hill behind their allotted area. Although this will subsequently cause more dust and the disturbance of flora and fauna, expanding the quarry area is necessary to continue the production numerous rocks and to maintain a profitable business. Since contacting the government department, Carol has noted that “there hasn’t been as much dust” yet this is just “a small improvement” considering how horrific the dust issue became. Although the dust still has the potential to cause health problems for those in the community, the Sellicks Quarry have abided by regulations that the Primary Industries and Resources Department have put into place. Hopefully in the near future all drifting dust from the Sellicks Beach Quarry will be completely eradicated, allowing our local residents to not be impeded or affected by such problems that potentially affect their health and well-being. Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 26 DUST - A historical perspective. (Comments from Kevin Hutton) Prior to the 21st century most development in the area was piecemeal with individual blocks being cleared and built on as the owners developed. This created problems during construction for nearby neighbours (if there were any) when the wind was in the wrong direction. With the onset of broad acre development by major developers and their practice of denuding whole subdivisions, the dust problem has been severely exacerbated, with insufficient protection afforded to the surrounding neighbours by developers. Readers who have been in the area for a few years will remember some of these incidents. ABRA has been involved in lobbying Council over this issue several times. These photos are the result of dust from Sunday and Ocean Acres developments in January 2008. Imagine trying to mow this front lawn! Council workers used shovels to clear gutters. Similar problems were experienced by Quinliven Road residents when Seacrest Estate was developed. (Pictures from ABRA’s archive.) Timber Treasures Book into one of the History Week bus / walking tours run through the Aldinga Community Centre. They are being held on May 24th and 28th this year. Bookings (which are essential due to limited numbers) can be made by calling it at the Centre or phoning 8556 5940 on Mon-Fri between 8:30 and 3:30. A café lunch is also provided. Phone Dave Hentschke for a Free Measure & Quote on 8556 3711or 0401 540 122 CUSTOM BUILT FURNITURE Pethick Nursing Home - Whites Valley Coastal Views, May 2010 Kitchens Restorations Bedroom Suites including Beds, Bedside Cabinets, Tallboys & Dressing Tables Dining & Coffee Tables Bookcases & Buffets Entertainment Units Timber Framed Mirrors Shelf Kits Timber Towel Rails Toilet Roll Holders Page 27 Roof Restorations Revive your roof with a full restoration and add value to your home Josh Hudson carpentry Fully qualified & experienced in all aspects of carpentry, general maintenance and minor building works Pressure Cleaning Carports, verandas, decking Tile Replacements Doors/windows repaired or replaced Gutter Cleaning Kitchens, vanities and wardrobes installed and fitted Ridge capping Iron Repairs & Re-sprays Shed & Fence Painting Airless Spray Painting Free Quotes All large or small projects with genuine friendly, professional advice Free estimates & quotes Josh Hudson: 0406 584 750 Fully Insured Call Matt True 0401 746 192 BLD 207980 ALDINGA BEACH TYRES PH : 8556 5222 Quality New Tyres Wheel Alignments Century Batteries Retread Tyres Suspension Repairs Brake Repairs ALL MAJOR BRANDS AVAILABLE SHED 6, 106 ALDINGA BEACH ROAD, ALDINGA BEACH Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 28 Cnr Aldinga Beach Road and Pridham Boulevard ALDINGA BEACH ALDINGA CENTRAL CAR WASH PINK PUDDLE Jewellery & gifts 8557 8482 Open 7 days SUBWAY Aldinga Beach 8556 6466 URBAN FUSION CHINESE t/a SENSES dine-in LOUIS’ PLACE CAFÉ FRUIT LOOPZ Coffee, light meals 8557 7799 Fresh fruit, veg. & much more! 8557 7444 ALDINGA CENTRAL PIZZA & TAKE-AWAY ALDINGA COUNTRY BAKEHOUSE 8557 7666 8557 7888 COLES POPPIES PLANTS & FLOWERS 8556 6679 ALDINGA CENTRAL MEATS 8557 7175 SUPERMARKET ALDINGA BEACH NEWSAGENT MISTRY KWIK FOTO 8556 6196 8557 6718 BLONDIES SHOES 8557 8288 8557 7838 BWS FREE CHOICE SURF ESTEEM ALDINGA BEACH CELLARS Open 7 days 8556 5608 Tobacconist 8557 8751 Clothing & accessories 8557 7201 HIBISCUS HAIR & SPA ALDINGA BEACH CHEMMART NEX ’T’ NIX 8557 7021 8556 5152 Variety 8557 8356 GRAEME JENKINS Optometrist COAST DENTAL BENDIGO BANK New location near atrium 85 566 566 ALDINGA BEACH COMMUNITY BRANCH 8557 8166 L.J. HOOKER Real Estate ALDINGA COMMUNITY LIBRARY 8556 6800 POST OFFICE Ph: 8556 5120 Fx: 8557 7880 8556 5249 8384 0022 ALDINGA 7-DAY LAUNDROMAT Coastal Views, May 2010 VOLT CALTEX Sellicks/Aldinga Youth Enterprise Centre 8557 7555 ALDINGA BEACH 8556 6688 Page 29 ALDINGA BEACH NEWSAGENCY Aldinga Central, Pridham Boulevard ALDINGA BEACH OFFICE Now in a great new location in Aldinga Central Shopping Centre (formerly Police Station) Pridham Boulevard, Aldinga Beach. Daily paper deliveries Papers, Magazines Stationery, Cards Toys, Gifts Agencies: Dry-cleaning Carpet cleaning Metrotickets Key cutting Photocopying Phone cards Mobile phone recharge SA Lotteries Ph: 8556 5120 Fx: 8557 7880 Ph: 8556 6196 EXPRESS POST POST SUPPLIES STATIONERY DVD’s & CD’s PO MAIL BOXES POST PACKS MAILING BOXES & BAGS Open 9 am—5 pm Monday/ Friday, 9 am—12 noon Sat. PHONE CARDS For all areas overseas GoTalk OzCall Ratesaver Daybreak Super Saver Happy Calling Ask about GREAT RATES! Laminating and binding ArcTick Certified ENGLISH LANGUAGE AGAIN! Continued from p 17 If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm goes off by going on. When the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. Coastal Views, February May 20102009 Page 30 Comstech Systems Dialup too slow & you can’t get Broadband where you live? Comstech has the answer for you — Comstech Wireless! Get Unplugged with Comstech Wireless Broadband Internet on the go is now a reality with Comstech. When you’re in a Comstech dual band area, you’ll be able to get connected to the internet where you want; at home, in a café or on the move, with Comstech Wireless Broadband you have the freedom to enjoy the internet where you want, when you want. Starter Kit with USB Modem and 1 Gig of Data COMPUTERS & INTERNET · SALES · SUPPORT · SERVICE Shop 3 /2 Old Coach Rd Aldinga Beach Ph: 1300 550 664 [email protected] Pre - Paid Plans Recharge Usage Period 1 Gig $21 30 Days 2 Gig $35 30 Days 3 Gig $45 30 Days 5 Gig $65 30 Days 15 Gig $210 365 Days Monthly Wireless Plans also available Meet the grower, taste the region Every Saturday, Willunga Town Square 8-12.30 pm With your annual membership card get 10% discount across all stalls. Enquiries: 8556 4297 Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 31 ALDINGA COMMUNITY CENTRE Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Avenue PO Box 81 Aldinga Beach SA 5173 Phone: 08 8556 5940 Fax: 08 8556 5192 Email: [email protected] ABN 58 870 130 986 Members of the Aldinga Bay Community Shed have been busy selling an amazing range of goods that have been made on Men’s Day at the Shed which is held every Thursday from 9am – 3.30pm. They are also selling craft, mosaic, pottery and jewellery goods made by volunteers at the Shed. The proceeds from the sale of these goods are put back into the running of the Shed. The Aldinga Bay Community Shed has now been open nearly a year and they have a great range of courses and activities available so check out the latest Centre’s Newsletter and book now. Men’s Day at the Shed on Thursdays has been very successful and a great chance for local men to join the Shed volunteers for machine training and to complete odd jobs and make items to sell for the Shed or make something themselves. So come and drop in and have a cup of coffee and check out what is happening and meet local residents. The goods made are available from the Aldinga Community Centre and the members of the Shed committee will also be at the local shopping centre at times. These goods include wooden bowls, children’s wooden puzzles, bird boxes, cutting boards, toilet roll holders plus many other great gift ideas. Bill, Roger & Bob at Aldinga Shopping centre HISTORY WEEK BUS TOURS The Centre is again hosting guided bus tours of historical sites in Aldinga, Aldinga North and Port Willunga during history week. Two tours are scheduled for Mon May 24th and Friday May 27th from 9am to 3:30 pm Historic sites in these areas will be visited and information provided about their historic significance. Some walking will be required and a café lunch provided. Aldinga Scrub and Aldinga Reef are also included in the sites visited. Cost is $25.00 including lunch. Bookings are essential. Phone the Centre at 8556 5940. Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 32 WILLUNGA HILL ART GROUP PRESENTATION The City of Onkaparinga held their appreciation and awards evening at the Mc Laren Vale and Fleurieu Visitor Information Centre on Monday 12th April. Presentation of volunteer awards for those participating in Stage 5 of the recent tour down under and the best dressed town awards were made. An award was accepted from Mayor Lorraine Rosenberg by WHAG’s (Willunga Hill Art Group) co coordinator Adrienne Earl for the group’s work in painting the crown on the Old Willunga Hill road. This is the Group’s twelfth year that the artists have undertaken this project, which has become a King of the Hill stage 5 land mark for both riders and spectators. The Crown was designed by local Aldinga artist Kathy Ferguson and has been painted on top of the hill every year since the inception of the event with the permission and cooperation of the City of Onkaparinga. After the presentation of awards BBQ and drinks were enjoyed by all those who attended. Pictured with Mayor Rosenberg are Adrienne Earl ( WHAG coordinator) Judith Lamb Jens Jenson John & Raelene Botroff Sandra Jenkins Helen Kunert Lisa Camac Civil Marriage Celebrant, J.P. Ph: (08) 8387 5135 Mobile: 0417 840 065 Email: [email protected] Factory & Showroom Unit 7 106 Lacey Dr Aldinga Beach LOCKSMITH & ENGINEERS Locks supplied & fitted Locks opened, changed, or repaired Security doors & window grilles Floor Safes Steel Sales Builders Lic. No. R8279 PHONE 8557 7700 MOBILE 0418 827 180 Member Australian Locksmiths Association C & M Luscher Do you have a need for additional cabled services in your Home or Business, such as: Coastal Views, May 2010 Mig, Tig, Arc & Oxy Emergency lockout, keys cut FOREIGN LANGUAGE SIGNS. Cocktail lounge, Norway: "LADIES ARE REQUESTED NOT TO HAVE CHILDREN IN THE BAR." Doctors office, Rome: "SPECIALIST IN WOMEN AND OTHER DISEASES. Dry cleaners, Bangkok: "DROP YOUR TROUSERS HERE FOR THE BEST RESULTS. General Welding Steel Fabrication Telephone line extensions Additional Phone outlet points Security Systems, Monitored/ Unmonitored Very Competitive Monitoring Rates Data cabling CCTV – Systems Baby Cam for Baby monitoring TV Antenna cabling and installation of additional outlets Audio and Visual Cabling Home Automation For Prompt Service and your Free no obligation Quote, please call : Claude on : 0407 – 616 399 or e-mail your request to : [email protected] Address : PO Box 82, Reynella SA 5161 Cabling Licence No.: S27558 Page 33 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR TO WHOMEVER IT MAY CONCERN… We are grateful to the person who was thoughtful enough to turn off the water supply at St Ann's Anglican Church, South Road, Aldinga, to prevent the property being flooded. We would be even more grateful if that person would pay for the replacement of the copper piping stolen on that occasion. Anne Chittleborough for the St Ann's Guild DES A CHAMP AT GOLF CROQUET The Twilight Golf Croquet season at the Aldinga Bay Croquet Club finished on the 31st March with a presentation night including a shared supper. Throughout the summer season a drawn partners doubles competition was held. Players drew a new partner for every game and were awarded the partnership score. Scores were averaged out over the season. Des Wilhelm was overall winner with Ross Threadgold runner up and Maureen Cameron third. Prepared by Stan Beck 100 yrs ago 1910 Australia Melbourne U.K. London London London London U.S. U.S.S.R. Cape town 50 years ago 1960 Australia Queensland Melbourne Canberra Melbourne Des Wilhelm (right) receiving his winners certificate from Club President John North. The winter season has now started with playing times being Wednesdays 1pm to 4pm and Fridays 9am to 12noon. For more information about Golf Croquet or Association Croquet at Aldinga Bay contact: Bob on 8556 2659 or Lorraine on 8557 8907. New players and visiting players are always welcome. Coastal Views, May 2010 Halleys Comet seen by the naked eye Delegation to U.K and U.S. to recruit migrants for Victoria 27 die as french submarine hits a Steamship in English channel King Edward VII dies (born 9/11/1841) George V takes the oath as the new king Commander R. Peary gets gold medal for N.Pole discovery Westminster court says Cabbies who ask for tips to be prosecuted President T. Roosevelt gets Nobel peace prize Russian government orders thousands of Jews to leave Kiev Lois Botha to be first Prime minister of South Africa London London London Israel France Monaco Death A fully automatic telephone network to be implemented The Coalition consolidates its hold in this election the murder of Sam Borg still remains a mystery Legislation passed to prevent phone tapping State Parliament legislates offcourse betting , the TAB Princess Margaret marries Antony Armstrong Jones Wolverhampton Wanderers beat Blackburn Rovers in F.A.Cup Bill to curb Teddy-Boys passes unopposed Adolf Eichmann caught for war crimes Madam de Gaulle launches worlds longest liner ‘SS France’ Stirling Moss wins Monaco Grand Prix Boris Pasternak (soviet author) Page 34 SELLICKS CFS XMAS Bottle drive Funds hit the spot!!! We have two exciting projects under way at the moment. These would not have been possible if not for YOUR SUPPORT. On “Sellicks 34” we are adding an additional cabinet with a roll out drawer to house our fridge under the main body to make cold drinking water easily accessible. We received the car fridge last year from the State Government but have been unable to house it on the appliance. In the station all crew members will soon have their own locker for turn-out gear and helmet storage, with hanging space running out rapidly this will be a very welcome improvement. On the 11th of April we held our Easter Bottle Drive. Volunteers spent the morning collecting cans, bottles, jars & containers for recycling in Sellicks and Silver Sands. We raised $300 worth of recyclables during the morning and would like to send a big thank you to our residents, Caltex Aldinga, True Blue Hire & especially Aldinga Recycling who never fail to support us wherever possible. As always you will find our recycling drop off point at the fire station on Fontaine Drive or you can call me on 0437 007 105 for larger collections. Two Kangaroos seek rest and water after avoiding a bush fire at Range Road West, Picture By Richard Keynes Easter at Willunga Uniting Church. This Easter our faith community has been alive with the celebration of the living love of our God. A wonderful display of the story of Easter is created each year in our tradition of the flowered cross. Many visitors, family and friends of the congregation participated. The beauty of the cross transformed was particularly special this year with the addition of an Australian native flower, the hakea. As we have don't have the spring flowers of the northern hemisphere we have adopted the Australian native flower as our 'spring' flower. A beautiful crimson and golden yellow bloom in flower at the moment. Children also created their own piece of art work, collaging a floral cross. Children were also part of the welcome to the Easter service, giving out flowers as people arrived. There have been ma n y Easter messages in print and on screen. But the vivid symbol of the flowered cross manages to transcend words. The faith community continues to worship creatively with a service of music in action the following week. With participants bringing their own musical instruments to play. Our popular cake stall continues each month at the quarry market. A range of homemade favourites always sells out, so don't miss out. Members are also being subsidized to attend a 'Go and Grow' workshop in May. CALL OUTS: 04/04/10 Road Crash Sellicks Hill 06/04/10 Road Crash Napier street Sellicks Beach 09/04/10 Illegal Burn off Sellicks Beach 09/04/10 Car fire Aldinga Beach 11/04/10 Illegal Burn off Sellicks Beach All enquiries to Richard Keynes 0437 007 105 Coastal Views, May 2010 There are many other ways to meet, share and grow in our faith community. Any questions to Jenny on 8556 2758. Page 35 Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 36 COMMUNITY NEWS Out and About Club. The Out and About Club provides weekly respite for carers while members are able to participate in outings and activities that promote physical and cognitive wellbeing. The club will run from 10 -3.00pm each Wednesday at Life Cares’ Community Lifestyle Centre Aldinga, Pridham Blvard Aldinga Beach. A 2 course lunch is included in the cost of $16.00. Please contact Jacinta Robertson to book 8293 5924. Willunga National Trust History Week in Willunga. Peep in to the Past is Willunga’s theme for the weekend of 29th and 30th May, as part of History Week celebrations in SA. The aim is to give local residents a unique view of some of the familiar buildings and houses in our town. With support from community and businesses, the National Trust is “Opening the Doors” on some of Willunga’s heritage-listed buildings so that you can find out more about the building, its early owners or its history. Set aside a few hours in your diary now, for either Saturday 29th or Sunday 30th between 10 am and 4 pm. The Slate Museum and Court House Museum at 61 High St, Willunga, are open as usual from 1 to 4 pm on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Public Holidays. Friends Of Willunga And Aldinga Libraries Events Fri May 14th – HISTORY WEEK Plans are ongoing for this event. There is a whisper that two small plays are the order of the day with local history and local actors. Come along and join us to find out about your district and near settlements. Friday June 11th Author, Book and Chats Day with noted authors. Hot soup and crusty bread will precede this. Any good quality books no longer needed will be gladly received by the library friends. National Trust News Have you considered becoming a guide at the Willunga Court House and Slate Museum? We really need several more volunteers to meet and greet our visitors and make sure they enjoy their visit to the Museums. It's very interesting - you meet people from all around Australia and overseas, who are genuinely surprised by the quality of the displays and range of information we provide. An orientation will be provided for new volunteers. Please think about whether you can help the Willunga National Trust in this way. As little as 3-4 hours each month would make a big difference and would be greatly appreciated. Please phone Julie Taylor on 8556 2255 for more information. Willunga Trees for Life News Phil Barron will speak about Threatened Flora in the Arid Lands at the next meeting on Wednesday 5th May at 7.30pm in the staff room at Willunga Primary School. Phil is an environmental consultant with recent experience in arid land recovery projects and species monitoring. All welcome. Supper provided. Inquiries to Joyce West, ph 8323 7513 hibiscus hair & spa’s menu cutting ladies cuts mens cuts kids cuts restyling razor cutting chizel cutting beard trimming texturising permanent waving permanent relaxing permanent straightening spiral perming body waving colour enhancement tints semi-permanent highlights low lights mens colouring retouches tanning fashion colouring coloured hair pieces styling blowdrying sets long hair styling formal up styling wedding up styling formal & wedding make-up shampooing & conditioning intensive conditioning treatments colour lock treatment Hair extensions beauty treatment Waxing -eyebrow -lip -chin -arms -underarm - x wax (bikini) - xx wax - full leg - half leg lash & brow tinting facials spray tanning manicures pedicures ear piercing retail & home haircare products available all our products are 100% australian made & owned 8557 7021 Coastal Views, May 2010 Page 37 COMMUNITY NEWS ALDINGA BAY RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC Meet on 2nd Wednesday of each month (except January) at Symonds Reserve Hall, Aldinga Community Centre, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach. Meetings start at 7.30 pm, usually with a guest speaker (refer page 2 of Coastal Views each month). Meetings usually end about 9 pm. You don’t have to be a member to attend – everyone welcome. Incorporates Watch SA. ALDINGA BAY WATCH SA (Neighbourhood Watch) Incorporated into the Aldinga Bay Residents’ Association meetings, held 7.30 pm on second Wednesday of every month (except January) at the Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach. All welcome. ALDINGA BAY SCOUT GROUP Storey Avenue, Aldinga Beach Monday nights: Joeys 6.30 to 7.30 pm, Cubs 6.30 to 8.00 pm, Scouts 6.30 to 8.30 pm Come and try – boys and girls from 5 to 14 years. Enquiries phone 8130 6000 and ask for Aldinga Scout Group Leader. ALDINGA BAY CALLISTHENICS CLUB Classes are held at the Aldinga Primary School, Quinliven Road, Aldinga Beach. New members always welcome. First lesson free. Tinies 6 years & under 4 - 4.30pm 4.30 - 5.15pm Sub Juniors 9 years & under 5 – 6.30 pm Juniors 12 years & under 6.15 – 7.45 pm Intermediates 16 years & under 7.30 – 9.15pm Seniors 17 years and up 7.30 – 9.15 pm For more information please contact: Ann 8386 2423, Michelle 8557 7536 ALDINGA BAY BOWLING CLUB Inc LAWN BOWLS The Bowling Club is situated off Port Rd, Aldinga, west of the Oval, opp. the Art-Eco Village. Social bowls are played Tues & Thurs (& Sat afternoons until October,) 1.00pm for 1.30 start; usually concluded by 4.00pm. All visitors welcome. Casual dress, flat-soled shoes. Club bowls available. $2 green fees. The club is also the home of 8 Ball and Darts Clubs. Contact :Neil on 8557 7088 (mob 0427 092 695) or Tony on 8556 6321 (mob 0416 264 282) or clubrooms 8557 7467 & leave a message.. ALDINGA NETBALL CLUB Ph: 8557 7544 leave a message, Jackie 8556 6974, Sarah 0413 096 547, Lee-Ann 0408 855 657 Coastal Views, May 2010 ALDINGA COMMUNITY GROUP Meet weekly on Fridays at the Aldinga Senior Citizens Club, Cnr Valiant & Quinliven Roads, Port Willunga from 9.30 am – 2.30 pm. Lunch provided at small cost. This group will also provide respite for carers. Phone Jan Ifould on 8323 8258. ALDINGA COMMUNITY GARDEN is at Symonds Reserve, Stewart Avenue and is open every Wednesday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and Sundays 10 am to noon. Everyone is welcome to join in for hands-on gardening, or just a chat and a cuppa’. "Grow it – Eat it" There is no cost, and it’s children and wheelchair-friendly. Contact: Sue 8557 8090 ALDINGA BAY CROQUET CLUB New players and visiting players are always welcome. T he c lub c ate r s f or bot h ASSOCIA TION CROQUE T (the traditional game), which develops physical skills and keeps the mind agile and GOLF CROQUET, a short devious and fun filled game which develops both skill and tactics. Both games are played on equal terms between both genders and the first coaching sessions are absolutely FREE. The club is located at the bowling club facilities at the Aldinga Sports Complex, Port Rd, Aldinga. PLAYING TIMES: Association Croquet - Wednesday 1pm to 4pm and Friday 9am to 12pm Twilight Golf Croquet—Wed. 5.30pm to 8pm during Daylight Saving (Sausage Sizzle & Bar facilities avail.) For further information please contact Bob on 8556 2659 or Lorraine on 8557 8907. ALDINGA QUILTERS Meetings start at 10.00 am on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. Held at the Aldinga Institute, Old Coach Road, Aldinga. For anyone interested in patchwork and quilting, friendship and fun. All welcome. For further information call: President: Margaret Doe 8557 8558. W/shop convenor: Karen Bennet 8556 3875. PLAYGROUP – MARY OF GALILEE LEARNING CENTRE Mondays, 10 am to 11.30 am, cnr Quinliven and How Roads, Aldinga. Mums & Dads, Grandparents and others welcome. Contact Carolyn: 0403 163 818. ALDINGA SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB Inc. Cnr Quinliven and Valiant Roads, Port Willunga – Ph. 8556 5918, Activities include: Mon: Bridge from 12.30 pm, pool / snooker Tues: Pool / snooker from 1.00 pm Wed: Bingo 10.00 am, Sausage sizzle last Wednesday of month. Club day, bowls, cards, pool / snooker 1 pm. Fri: BINGO from 7.30 pm BABY PLAYGROUP – ALDINGA COMMUNITY CENTRE Runs every Friday 1.30 – 3.00 pm during term time. The playgroup is $2 per family per week to all parents, grand parents and carers and their babies up to the age of 18 months. The playgroup is supported by GP Plus Aldinga. For more information contact the Centre on 8556 5940. ALDINGA COMMUNITY CENTRE PLAYGROUPS CRAFTY on TUESDAY 9.30—3.30 am during term time. $3 per family per week, first session free—come and try. A relaxed and fun playgroup for pre-school children over 2½ and their parents and/ over care givers. Encourage play, social interaction and craft activities. Please bring fruit ready for your child to eat individually, NO NUT products. ACTIVE on WEDNESDAY 9.30—11.30 am during term time. $3 per family per week, first session free—come and try. A relaxed and fun playgroup for children aged between 1½ and 2½ and their parents and/ or care givers. Please bring fruit ready for your child to eat individually, NO NUT products. Both playgroups are supported by GP Plus Aldinga. For more information contact the Centre on 8556 5940. SELLICKS PLAYGROUP Every Friday 10 am—12 noon during term time at Sellicks Community Hall, Riviera Road, Sellicks Beach. $3 per family per week, first session free—come and try. Bring a piece of fruit per child for a shared morning tea. Games, craft, singing and sometimes some baking. Supported by GP Plus Aldinga. For more information contact the Centre on 8556 3011 or 0413612291. DOWN SOUTH CRAFT GROUP Meet Thursdays, 9.30 to 11.30 am. at 31 Starboard Road, Seaford. BYO craft or learn something new. Friendly, casual atmosphere. Contact Wendy on 8326 5999 or Sandra 8327 3419 JUST WALK IT Group at Myponga. If interested in joining, please ring Ros Hutchinson, 8558 6274. Page 38 COMMUNITY NEWS FITNESS SENIORS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CLASS Class for over 50’s at Aldinga Community Centre Low intensity chair based exercise class, at 11.00 am on Thursdays. $4.00. Enquiries: Venton 0402 608 993. Active class – moderate intensity, including light weights, core stability & toning exercises. Tuesday morns 9 – 10 am & 10.15 – 11.15 am. $4.00 incl. tea/coffee. Enq: Paula 0439 803 496. NORTHERN FLEURIEU PENINSULA STROKE SUPPORT GROUP Meets at Noarlunga Health Village (Teaching Room 2), Alexander Kelly Drive, Noarlunga Centre on 2nd Thursday of each month (except January) 10 am – 12 noon. Our aim: To help each other over-come and cope with the effects of stroke on ourselves and carers. Visitors and new members welcome. Phone Jane 8322 2996 or Brian 8384 2445. MEN’S SOUTH TALK is a group escaping for a couple of hours on a Tuesday. Meetings are held from 1pm until 3pm and discuss various topics of interest, go on outings, and generally relax in congenial company. Sometimes they may listen to politicians, or leaders of local establishments. Aldinga Community Centre, Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Avenue, PO Box 81, Aldinga Beach, 5713. Telephone 8556 5940. FRIENDS OF WILLUNGA AND ALDINGA LIBRARIES Meet on second Friday each month (except January) in the Community Room at Aldinga Library from 1:30pm. Book Sales each Thursday 2-4pm & Saturday 10am-12pm. By the ’hold’ section there are books for sale every day. Any unwanted books will be accepted by The Friends. President: Lorna 8556 2359 ROTARY CLUB OF McLAREN VALE Secretary: Tony 8327 2330 The Club supports activities in Aldinga, Willunga, McLaren Vale and LADIES PROBUS CLUB surrounding districts. OF THE SOUTHERN VALES The Ladies’ Probus Club of The Southern We meet Monday nights for a Vales meets on the 3rd Monday of the dinner meeting at 6.30 for month at 10 am in the Lutheran Church 6.45pm at the Alma Hotel Willunga. Hall, McLaren Vale. A guest speaker is VISITORS and NEW M EM BERS usually provided. For further information, WELCOMED. Contact Alan 8557 7834 . please contact Rosemary Clarke on 8327 4319 LADIES PROBUS CLUB OF THE FLEURIEU Members meet 4th Monday of each month at 10.00 am in Community Room, Church of Christ Aged Care Complex, Pridham Boulevard, Aldinga Beach, opposite Library. New members welcome. We have interesting guest speakers and outings throughout the year. Contact Secretary, 8556 3706. LETS South Box 535, Willunga. SA 5172 LETS South is a local barter group holding regular markets in the Aldinga Institute. All welcome to join. Please phone for Liz for more information on 8556 2705 or 0418 898 142. Check out our websit e for m arket dates STARS – Southern Theatre & Arts Supporters For information please ring 8323 8386 business hours. Email: [email protected] SEAFORD DISTRICT RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC. meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) 7.30 pm. at the S.E.M. Centre (North end of Grand Boulevard). Park and enter on the north side of the building. All welcome. Secretary: Harold Warburton 8327 2056. SCHOOL FOR DOGS ALDINGA BAY INC “In the interest of the dog” Come along and train your dog with “Love, Trust and Patience” – Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings. No training on ANY long weekends. All breeds welcome. Dogs must be 12 weeks old and fully vaccinated. Symonds Reserve, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach. Heat Rule: 32 degrees Noarlunga – NO TRAINING ON THAT DAY. For class information please phone Club Mobile 0432 919 780 SELLICKS AREA RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION DIABETICS SUPPORT Being part of your community Assistance for diabetics is available from General meeting at Sellicks Hall will be on GPs, GP Plus Health Centres and Nurse the first Wednesday Bi-monthly at 7pm. All Educators and your local Chemist, welcome. Next meetings: June 2, Aug 4, throughout the southern area. Oct 6 ,Dec 1 . Meet your neighbors, voice your concerns. Phone Wayne Bird – 0439 750 757 Coastal Views, May 2010 SOUTH COAST ROAD SAFETY GROUP Meet at the Police Station, Aldinga Beach, fourth Wednesday each month at 7.30 pm. Inquiries Bob Neuman 8557 7542. All welcome. SELLICKS COMMUNITY HALL Mondays – Aged care and housing (1st & 3rd Monday) 9.30 am – 2 pm. Yoga 7.30 – 8.45pm Tuesdays – Untamed Drama for Young People for ages 5-15years – from 4pm, Wednesdays – Jump & Jive – 10-11am for Preschool children. Guitar for Beginners - 4pm. Self Defence for Women 6-8 pm from 4 March $3 per night. Thursdays – Kids Cooking Class 4 – 5.30 pm from 5 March $2 per child. Booking essential Fridays – Playgroup 10 am – 12 noon Saturday – Gotta Dance Children’s Dancing from 9.30am For Further info please call 8556 3011. SOCIABLE SINGLES Inc. Provides an opportunity for single, divorced, widowed or separated persons and their children, for the purpose of friendship and companionship. Functions include meals at various venues, film nights, picnics bbq’s, plays, camping trips etc. Serving people mainly in the Onkaparinga and surrounding districts. For more information please refer our web site at goto/sociable_singles or email [email protected] Phone: John Hill on 8322 7483. SOUTHERN THAIBOXING Train for fun and fitness or for Kickboxing and Muay Thai competitions. Learn real fighting skills, become more confident and focused and at the same time become fitter than you have ever been before. Males and females 14 years and over at Aldinga Community Centre, Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach on Monday and Thursday, 7 pm to 9 pm. Enquiries: Dale 0409 894 434 or Debbie 0409 696 608. SOUTHERN VALES VIEW CLUB Meets every 2nd Friday at the Willunga Hotel, Main Street, Willunga at 11.00 am for a meeting and lunch. VIEW means Voice Interest and Education of Women and is a valued part of the well known Smith Family of Australia. VIEW provides women with the opportunity to meet regularly with other women, a forum for discussion and the exchange of ideas, lasting friendships and contributes to the support of disadvantaged Australians through the work of The Smith Family. Enquiries to Marlene at 8323 8861. Page 39 COMMUNITY NEWS FRIENDS OF ALDINGA SCRUB We meet at Aldinga Library Community Room, cnr Aldinga Beach Road and Pridham Blvd on the second Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm. Ph. Helen McSkimming,85563166. Working bees are held each Tuesday morning during the cooler months. Contact John Edmeades, 8556 4385.We welcome new members at our meetings and working bees. Web: WEIGHT WATCHERS SA Weight Watchers Association meets each Monday night (except public holidays) at the Aldinga Community Centre, Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach. Weigh in at 5.30 pm; meeting at 6.30 pm. $25 joining fee, renewal fee $20 ($18 concession) plus $2 per week. WILLUNGA DISTRICT COMMUNITY TRANSPORT BOARD INC. 104 Lacey Drive Aldinga 5173. Phone: 8557 7899. We transport the frail aged and disadvantaged door to door Monday to Friday. WILLUNGA NATIONAL TRUST The Slate Museum and Court House Museum will be open 1 pm to 4 pm on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Public holidays. Inquiries ph 8556 2195. WILLUNGA EMBROIDERERS Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at "The Hub" corner of Main Road & St Peters Terrace, Willunga. For anyone interested in embroidery, friendship & fun. All welcome. Beginner's classes available. For further information phone: Val 8556 5556, President. WILLUNGA ENVIRONMENT CENTRE INC. 18 High Street Willunga ph. 8556 4188 10.00 am — 3.00 pm Mon, Fri, 9.30 am — 1.30 pm Sat Ashleigh Pitman (Manager) 0407 137 261 WILLUNGA KICK BOXING CLUB Meet at The Old Railway Station, Railway Terrace, Willunga each Monday & Thursday nights at 7 pm. Contact Peter 0407 324 530 or just come and try. WILLUNGA LIONS AUCTION The Auction is held on the last Saturday of each month (except December), at Lions Saleyard, Binney Road, Willunga. All enquiries to Lion Wolf Hirsch 85577519 Lion Bernie Levering 8556 5230 or Dean Hunt 0414 564 389. WILLUNGA JUDO CLUB Meet at The Old Railway Station, Railway Terrace, Willunga each Wednesday night at 7 pm. Contact Greg 8552 7074, Kym 0407 798 803 or just come and try. Coastal Views, May 2010 WILLUNGA LIONS LADIES AUXILIARY BOUTIQUE COME AND SEE US!! Have you met our ladies at the Lions Boutique on Butterworth Road, Aldinga Beach? We are friendly and helpful and would love to meet you on Wednesday or Saturday mornings, opening at 8 am until about 1.30 pm. Our stock in the Boutique and our shed next door is very diverse. I am sure we can help you to find just what you are looking for – pre-loved clothes, toys, books, bric a brac, etc. All priced to please!! Local community projects benefit from the money we raise. Donations are always very welcome. Do come and have a look. Contacts: Merle Hirsch on 8557 7519 and Margaret Dorton, 8556 3591. WILLUNGA QUARRY MARKET Second Saturday every month 9 am - 1 pm Willunga Recreation Park Inc Oval grounds, Aldinga Road, WILLUNGA Craft, produce, plants. The next Market will be on 8th May 9am - 1 pm Enquires: Pamela Phone: 8556 2502 WILLUNGA TABLE TENNIS CLUB is always looking to expand its player base and any interested players are more than welcome to join us. We cater for young, old, male, female, experienced or novice. Games are played in the old show hall in Willunga. We have new equipment and loan bats are available. Games are played on Tuesday & Wednesday nights starting at 7.00pm & only cost $ 3.00 per night. These are separate competitions but you can play both nights if you wish. This is a friendly but socially competitive grade of table tennis and supper is always served. To register your interest please contact: John Nixon 8556 5950 Grant Frith 8557 8309 Michael Seiben 8556 6242 LADIES’ PROBUS CLUB OF THE SOUTHERN VALES The Ladies' Probus Club of the Southern Vales meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 10 am in the Lutheran Church Hall, McLaren Vale. A guest speaker is usually provided For further information please contact Nettie Mitchell on 8323 9284 SOULFOOD Soulfood, the choir of the Willunga Farmers Market, is looking for singers who enjoy good food, life and singing. If you have a voice and some musical knowledge phone: Rosie 8556 4203 / 0427 262 467 WILLUNGA HILL ART GROUP INC. Meet the first Tuesday in the month 7 pm at Waverley Homestead, by the Willunga Golf Club, St Peters Terrace. New members and other art persons interested are most welcome. These meetings often include art demonstrations by well known artists, and art workshops are also available. Contact 0410 305 216 or 8556 8701 or Jude 8556 4094 / 043 980 846. WILLUNGA BOWLING CLUB INC. St Peters Terrace, Willunga. Come along and enjoy Social Bowls Wednesday & Saturday. 12.00 for 12.30pm start. Casual dress and flat sole shoes. Bowls available from the club. Entry fee $5.00, (two games of 11 ends.) Pie floaters are available on Wednesday; Pie, chips and gravy on Saturdays. If requiring a meal please advise when entering. COME AND JOIN US FOR A FUN DAY Phone Phil or Dawn on 0402 129 344 for further information or leave a message at the Clubhouse on 85562246 ALL WELCOME WILLUNGA GARDEN CLUB Meets every 2nd Thursday of the Month (except January) at the Lutheran Church Hall, Aldersey Street, McLaren Vale at 7.30pm. Cost $3 (members $2) includes lucky door prize and supper. Guest speaker. Visitors welcome. FARMERS MARKET @ MYPONGA BANK Every Sunday 10am – 1.30pm Fresh organic local produce including bakery, veggies, fruit, cereals, local lamb & much more. 55 Main South RD Myponga 08 8558 6100 10% discount for members. THE SOUTHERN VALES WELLBEING GROUP Meets at the singing gallery, 133 Main Road, McLaren Vale (rear entry) every Wednesday from 1pm to 3:30pm during school terms. A guest speaker addresses the meeting at 1:15pm. Cost: $3.50 Enquiries: Lesley 8323 8527 LADIES’ PROBUS CLUB OF THE SOUTHERN VALES NEWS Next meeting is 17 May (third Monday of the month), when a Rotary exchange student from France will be speaking about her year in Australia.. FRIENDS OF ALDINGA SCRUB NEWS Friends aim to eradicate woody weeds and pyp grass on the foredunes above the Esplanade. Coral Lichen Circuit boardwalk is being upgraded. Boneseed in the park and bulrushes in the Acacia Tce wetland have been targeted. Page 40 ALDINGA BAY BAPTIST CHURCH. Meets at the Aldinga Primary School on Sundays at 10.30 am. Aldinga Bay Youth meets Friday evenings (see web site for details) All welcome. Pastor Andrew Downs, Office phone: 8556 5570. ALDINGA COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Inc. 10.00am Worship Service at Southern Vales Christian College, Aldinga Beach Rd. (opposite Home Hardware). Entry by the East door of the main building. All welcome. Pastor Randall Lawton. Ph. 8556 6132 M. 0423 923 068. ALDINGA UNITING CHURCH Old Coach Road, Aldinga. We invite you to join us for morning tea and fellowship at 10:15am each Sunday, followed by a Worship service at 10:45am. Holy Communion service is on 2nd Sunday of month. For more information please contact Rev. Len Jude 8323 7354. Friendship Group meets at 2pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month. An interesting program includes speakers and outings. All welcome. For more information contact Josie – 8557 7429 or Dorothy – 8557 7271 Coffee, Craft and Conversation held on Wednesday each week at 1pm. bring your favourite craft or learn a new one. Contact Dorothy 8557 7271 ALMOND GROVE FAMILY CHURCH A contemporary family-oriented Pentecostal church. Sunday Worship service 10 am in “The Granary”, Old Main South Road, Aldinga. ‘House2House’ (home groups), ‘PowerHouse’ prayer, ‘Kids Almndo’ (Sunday School), ‘Frontline’ Youth, Ladies meetings, ‘Super Seniors’, ‘Op Shop Heaven’ (2 Carter Street, Aldinga, opposite Institute). For more details phone church office. 8557 7299. You are more than welcome, Pastors Malcolm & Pam Busby. ANGLICAN PASTORAL DISTRICT Church Of St Ann’s, ALDINGA. Sundays at 9.00 am. Holy Communion & Children’s Ministry. Parish Secretary Wendy Sandercock. Phone 8556 4535 St Stephen’s Church, WILLUNGA. St. Andrew’s Tce. Saturdays 5.30 pm St Margaret’s Church, McLAREN VALE. 99 Main Rd. Sunday 10.15 am with Sunday School. St Philip & St James Church, OLD NOARLUNGA Church Hill Road. Sunday 9.00 am SEAFORD SOUTHERN GATEWAY ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Weekly Sunday morning meetings at Moana Primary School Auditorium, Schooner Road, Seaford 10.00 am. Aldinga area Ladies and Mid Week Fellowship available. Phone: Ps Paul Bonython 0403 072 430. SEAFORD COMMUNITY CHURCH We are a caring, friendly church committed to mission. Meeting at the Maslin Beach Community Hall, Gulf Pde, Maslin Beach Each Sunday at 10am (refreshments to follow) and Home Group each Wednesday at 7:30pm Craft on Mondays, 10am -12 in the Seaford/Moana Neighbourhood Centre. All are welcome. For more information, contact Jim and Betty Kennedy 83272135 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Aldinga Meet together every SATURDAY morning at the Senior Citizens Hall ( corner Quinliven/Valiant Rds) Aldinga. We commence at 9:30am with worship/singing/mission stories/bible study. At 11:10 am we commence Divine Service with various guest speakers. Fellowship lunch once per month. All welcome to our friendly church Contact details- Joe Griffiths 8556-6364/ 0402931476 KANGARILLA UNITING CHURCH Cnr Kangarilla Rd and Sand Rd, Kangarilla. Worship Service 10am each Sunday, with Sunday School held on the 1st Sunday at 10am. Gospel Services are held on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 7pm. Prayer & Bible Study, 7.30pm each Thursday and Craft Night every Tuesday at 7.30pm. Special Christmas Service on 20th December. 7pm on 20th December there is a Carol Night sponsored by Onkaparinga City Council. On Christmas Eve there is a combined service at Prospect Hill Uniting Church. More information visit or contact: Joanne 8383 7140 SOUL FOOD Interfaith Worship featuring inspirational readings, visuals & music from a variety of Religions and Philosophies to nurture the soul and mind. Each month has a topic, and is organised by the Baha’i Community of Onkaparinga, at Aberfoyle Park Community Centre, 1 Jessica St, from 1030 to 11-30am on the first Sunday of every month. Free entry and refreshments, and everyone is most welcome. For more information ph. Darryl 8327 1069 or visit CATHOLIC PARISH OF WILLUNGA. ALDINGA. Mass in Mary of Galilee Catholic Church, Cnr Quinliven & How Roads each Saturday evening at 6.00 pm. WILLUNGA. Mass 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays at 8.30 am, 2nd & 4th Sundays at 10.30 am. Confession before Mass. Parish Priest: Father Gauci. Parish Centre: Ph. 8556 2132. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Worship of our God and Saviour every Sunday at 10.30 am at Mary of Galilee Catholic Church, Cnr Quinliven & How Roads, Aldinga . You are welcome. Pastor Byron Klein, Ph. 8556 6436. McLAREN VALE BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor John Drummond 8298 7760 Sundays 10.00 am . Meets at McLaren Vale Institute, Main Road, McLaren Vale. Counselling available. “Sharing Salvation with the South” Coastal Views, May 2010 Ruins of “Wee Free Presbyterian Church” White’s Valley. Established 1856 Page 41 HELP AND SUPPORT SERVICES Coastal Views Editorial/Production Team: The ABRA Committee & Volunteers Aldinga Bay Residents’ Association President: Vice-President: Treasurer: Secretary: Committee: Editor Michael Johns Trisha Bird Narelle Looker Kevin Hutton 8556 5304 Philip Bell, Jeff Williams, Mary Hodges, Dianne Nicckel. Kevin Hutton Aldinga Bay Residents’ Association (ABRA) reserves the right to reject any advertisement or other contributions. The Editorial Team and ABRA does not accept responsibility for printers’ or typists’ errors / omissions. Notices regarding community fundraisers or coming events are published free of charge. “Public Notices” (eg. Notice of Annual General Meetings etc.) will be published at a cost of $10.00 per notice. All advertisers please adhere to the sizes listed below. For the best result, layouts must be black on white background. There is a charge of $40.00 if you want a final copy to be made from a rough draft, and $100.00 to design an advertisement. Size Width Full page 19 cm 27 cm $135.00 Half page 19 cm 12 cm $75.00 Quarter page Long quarter page 1/8th page 1/12th page Depth Price 9 cm 12 cm $45.00 19 cm 6 cm $45.00 9 cm 6 cm 6 cm 6 cm $32.00 $27.00 Advertorial text 10 cents per word. Classifieds: $2.50 per line Ambulance/Fire/Police Emergency ........ 000 Police assistance .............................. 131 444 24 Hour Health Advice ............. 1800 022 222 Adelaide Southern Medical Home Visits (GP) ....................... 8381 6161 Aldinga Community Centre ......... 8556 5940 City of Onkaparinga ..................... 8384 0666 Crimestoppers ......................... 1800 333 000 Domestic Violence Helpline ..... 1800 800 098 Drug & Alcohol Info. Service ... 1300 13 1340 Flinders Medical Centre ................ 8204 5511 Gambling Helpline .................... 1800 060 757 GP Connect (after hours GP) ........ 8557 9555 GP Plus .......................................... 8557 9500 Legal Advice Line ..................... 1300 366 424 LifeLine ............................................. 13 11 14 Mental Health Emerg Service. ......... 13 14 65 Noarlunga Hospital........................ 8384 9222 Noarlunga Private Hospital .......... 8384 9372 Parent Helpline ......................... 1300 364 100 Public Transport Infoline ......... 1800 182 160 Repat. Gen. Hosp. ... 8276 9666 1800 254 373 Seniors Information Service .... 1800 636 368 Sthn Dist War Memorial Hosp....... 8323 6600 Youth Helpline ......................... 1300 131 719 Bromides: $35.00 ALDINGA BAY RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (Inc) PO Box 270 Aldinga Beach SA 5173 The deadline for ALL advertisements & contributions is the 15th day of the month preceding publication. Articles may be emailed to [email protected], or posted to ABRA, PO Box 270, Aldinga Beach 5173. The positioning of advertising in Coastal Views is done on a random basis. If advertisers specify a location, a surcharge of 25% is added except for the first 5 pages & inside covers where a 50% surcharge applies. Opinions published in Coastal Views are those of the contributors and are not necessarily the views of the Editorial Team or ABRA. Neither the Editorial Team nor ABRA can accept any responsibility for any statement that is presented as a statement of fact, however every endeavour is made at the time of printing to ensure that the editorial content and advertisements are accurate. All material published in Coastal Views is subject to © ABRA, 2010. No part may be reproduced without written permission from the Editorial Team. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP NAME: ADDRESS: WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PUBLICATION OF MATERIAL RECEIVED AFTER THE 15TH OF THE MONTH! Letters to the Editor or advertising: [email protected] PO Box 270, Aldinga Beach PHONE: EMAIL: For information regarding editorial content & advertising, please phone or email: Kevin Hutton 8556 5304 (editorial) Narelle Looker 0439 880 587 (accounts) Coastal Views printed in Myponga by Roger Gibbs. Contact 8558 6151 Coastal Views, May 2010 Amount enclosed: (Please circle type of membership required:) Single: $4.00 Family: $10.00 Pensioner / Student: $2.00 Delivery of Coastal Views: $20 extra per year. Page 42 Relaxed flavours of the coast in a modern café environment Great coffee and cake Wood Fired Pizza Menu : Eat in - Take Out Stone Barn Supreme 22 virginian ham, pepperoni, onion capsicum Mushroom, rich tomato sauce Margarita 20 classic pizza of crushed organic fresh Tomatoes, garlic, fresh local bocconcini, Beautiful country garden basil St Vincent garden with views 25 KI mussels, prawns, salmon, squid roasted onion with lemon tomato sauce Wood-oven pizza from 5:30pm Friday, Saturday & Sunday Funky pocket Bar for celebratory events Whites Valley Vego 20 roasted butternut pumpkin, bell peppers chargrilled zucchini and ricotta cheese Rosemary Heaven 18 organic brushed potato & sweet potato, roasted garlic & onion, fresh rosemary & milled pepper Spicy Chicken 25 free-range chicken thighs marinated in garlic, Three unique function spaces chilli with roasted peppers, onion, artichokes & crushed tomato sauce Served with organic yoghurt Middle Eastern Lamb 25 minced spiced lamb with pistachio nuts, Breakfast & Lunch Wednesday Served with minted yoghurt Kids Pizza to Sunday Fully licensed, great wine, cold beers ciders & juices. Assorted salads, gelati and dessert also available PIZZERIA OPEN Fri Sat Sun from 5.30pm 22 Old Coach Rd Aldinga bookings advisable 16 Virginian ham & pineapple Dinner FRIDAY & SATURDAY nights roasted onion & feta 8557 6997for cafe and pizzeria
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