August 28 - St. Paul Catholic Newman Center


August 28 - St. Paul Catholic Newman Center
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 28, 2016
Readings: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Lk 14:1, 7-14
Dear parishioners,
As we find ourselves well into this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Spirit of Pope Francis and
his writings continues to touch our daily lives as clergy, religious, lay leaders,
parishioners, and Diocesan staff. While reflecting on our up-coming 50th Anniversary of
the Diocese of Fresno we have seen where we were, where we are presently, and where
we hope to be in the future. Through avenues such as “Faith in the Valley” and “V
Encuentro”, we hope to continue to explore important areas such as transforming our
economy towards inclusion, shared prosperity, and care for our environment.
Please join me, and many of our brothers and sisters from different congregations across
the Central Valley for the inaugural gathering of this new organization, “Faith in the
Valley.” It will be held on Saturday, September 10, from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the
Fresno Convention Center.
The main focus of the gathering is to unveil a proposed “People’s Covenant”. This
Covenant aspires to unite people of faith and community partners from across the
Central Valley around a set of common values and policy priorities towards creating a
better community for all.
Bishop Stephen Blaire of the Diocese of Stockton, I and other Faith leaders have been in
dialogue on these and other important issues. I realize that this is short notice and on a
busy day, a Saturday, but please feel free to invite some parishioners and others to join
us on that day.
May we all continue to live and practice the Works of Mercy, both Corporal and Spiritual,
in this Extraordinary Year of Mercy.
- Most Rev. Armando X. Ochoa, D.D.
Mission Statement
Called by Christ, gifted by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit, St. Paul Catholic Newman Center is
a parish committed to serving the academic community and all those who choose to be [art of our
parish family.
Reboot Fresno
Reboot Fresno presented by Chris Stefanick, nationally
recognized Catholic speaker, is a first of its kind event
designed to unite our Catholic community and ignite the Holy
Spirit within us. This is a multigenerational event that will be
held at the Mercedes Edwards Theater in Clovis on
November 2 at 7:00pm. Tickets will be available after all
Masses in the hallway, online at, and! Follow “Reboot Fresno” on Facebook and
Instagram to stay up to date with this event! It’s an exciting
time to be Catholic in the Fresno Diocese.
Adult Sacrament Prep
The SPCNC Adult Sacramental Preparation program
prepares baptized Catholics over age 18 for the sacraments
of Confirmation, Eucharist (First Communion), and
Reconciliation. The group will meet Monday evenings
beginning September 12 through January 2017. Contact
Deacon Bill Lucido 436-3434 or [email protected] for
registration forms and details.
Bulletin Editor Change
All bulletin submissions are due by 5:00pm on Monday to be
placed in the following week’s bulletin. Please send all
articles to Jon Van Noort: [email protected].
Memorial Garden Bricks
Leave your mark at the Newman Center! Bricks for the
Memorial Garden are available to purchase until September
1. Please submit your forms at the front desk or order online
at the SPCNC website. We only have 60 bricks left!
LGBTQ Catholic Ministry
Community Activities
Meditation and Tai Chi
For Christian and Evening Meditation, Men’s Scripture
Group, and Tai Chi meeting days and times, refer to the
calendar. There is a $10 a month fee for Tai Chi. For
Family Life info contact John Prandini: 436-3434 ext.107 or
[email protected].
Tai Chi - Thursday Evenings
Tai Chi classes on Thursday evenings are held at 5:30pm
and 7:00pm. The 5:30pm class will teach the Tai Chi
Quan Short Form (24 movements) and the 7:00pm class
features the Tai Chi Quan Long Form (108 movements).
Classes are held in Cardinal Newman Hall. Instructor: Bill
Titus. The cost is $10 a month.
Joy of Love Moms’ Group
The Joy of Love Moms’ Group invites all families to gather
in the west playground (the play yard by the west parking
lot) after the 9:00am Mass for socialization while the
children play. So pick up your Faith, Family & Friends
registration forms from the Community Room and then join
other Newman Center families for after Mass fun and
friendship with coffee and refreshments.
Men's Spirituality
Saturday Breakfast Group
The Saturday Breakfast Group will have its first meeting
on Saturday, September 10 from 7:30am to 9:00am in the
Cafeteria. Join us for breakfast followed by reflections on
"What Makes Us Catholic" and to share our own spiritual
wisdom while forming friendship bonds with the men of our
parish. Join us and bring a friend! RSVP for a $5 breakfast
by contacting John at [email protected].
Become Active in Liturgy
LGBTQ Catholic Ministry will meet Thursday, September 1 at
6:30pm in the Community Room. We will be planning the
Looking to become more ACTIVE in the Body of Christ?
year's calendar for support, social, educational, community
Join our liturgical ministries: over a dozen groups here at
outreach, and group celebratory events. Please join us!
the Newman Center from Art and Environment to Music
and Choir, to Hospitality and Lectors. We invite everyone
to join in the exciting process of learning about and
The committee is preparing for the International Food
developing liturgy. Make our preparation for Advent more
Festival on Sunday, October 23 from 8:00am to 2:00pm.
meaningful for all by visiting the Liturgical Ministry Table
on September 10 and 11. See the range of possibilities
Artisans wishing to participate - please contact
where you can grow and contribute. Questions?
Terri VanderDussen at 905-6541.
Call Paula Fansler at 246-0948 for more information.
International Food Festival
The parish will also host a “Cardinal's Cupboard” staffed by
the SPCNC Women's Guild. We are accepting donations for
the "Cardinals Cupboard". New items (i.e, jewelry, home or
outside decor, etc.), homemade canned goods (i.e., jams,
jellies, pickles, etc.) or a homemade craft item.
High School Confirmation
A Mercy Year Prayer Walk-a-thon debuts Saturday, October
22 from 8:00am to 10:00am.
September 5 is Labor Day
Join the planning team for these events. The next meeting
dates are Thursdays: September 1 and September 15 at
6:00pm in Cardinal Newman Hall 101.
Registration forms are available at the front desk and on
our website. There is a parent meeting Sunday, August
28 at 5:00pm in Cardinal Newman Hall 102.
Mass that Monday morning will be at 8:00am and the
Newman Center is closed for the holiday.
Weekly Schedule
Sunday, August 28
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Lk 14:1, 7-14
Mass for Ron Barrows
Mass for Marie Romero
Mass for Chris ne Drilling Glogow
Bap sms
Le ng Go and Moving On Class
CNH 103-104
Igbo Mass
HS Confirma on Parent Mee ng
CNH 102
Community Room
Monday, August 29
1 Cor 2:1-5; Mk 6:17-29
RCIA Inquiry
Tuesday, August 30
1 Cor 2:10b-16; Lk 4:31-37
Men’s Morning Scripture Group
Community Room
Beginning Tai Chi for Arthri s
CNH 102-103
Tai Chi for Arthri s
CNH 102-103
Wednesday, August 31
1 Cor 3:1-9; Lk 4:38-44
College Night
CNH 101-102
Prayer and Life Workshop
CNH 105
Scriptural Rosary
Community Room
RCIA Catechumenate
Interfaith Medita on
Thursday, September 1
1 Cor 3:18-23; Lk 5:1-11
Beginning Tai Chi for Arthri s
CNH 102
Tai Chi for Arthri s
CNH 102
Chris an Medita on
CNH 104
Tai Chi Quan Short Form
CNH 102-103
Food Fes val Commi ee Mee ng
CNH 101
LGBTQ Catholic Ministry
Community Room
Fresno Catholic Singles
Tai Chi Quan Long Form
CNH 102-103
Friday, September 2
1 Cor 4:1-5; Lk 5:33-39
Eucharis c Adora on
Food Recovery Network
Saturday, September 3
1 Cor 4:6b-15; Lk 6:1-5
Mass for Catherine Heredia
Sunday, September 4
Wis 9:13-18b: Lk 14:25-33
Mass for Stella Hurtado
Mass for Ron Zucca
Mass for Julia Cuellar
Community Room
Football Parking
There are still football parking passes left for this season.
Passes are $150 each for guaranteed parking for all home
Bulldog games in our north lot. If you would like to purchase a
pass, you may do so at the front desk. First home game is
September 10.
Second Collection This Weekend
This weekend we will have a second collection to benefit St.
John’s Cathedral. Your donations will go towards the
maintenance of our Diocesan Cathedral. Thank you for your
Deceased: Angelina and Joseph Sacca, LongcorIsaacson Families, Ron Barrows, Marie Romero,
Christine Drilling Glogow
¨ Please pray for healing of our loved ones who are
ill: Dick Donovan, Nina and Anthony Sotelo, Ben
Rigby, Fel Abenoja Jr., Sotero Ureta, Rosa Arias,
Glenna Smith, Cathy Martin, Dora McClain, Phyllis
Vieira, Paul DeRuosi, Destany Molinar, Don Mitchell,
Dennis Prindiville, Maurice D. Nelson, Deacon Gary
Stevens, Barbara Chubick, Greg Stoeckle, Bob
Belzone, John Godburn, Dorothy Young, Nate
Offenheiser, Pat McCormick, Stephanie Schwab,
Shirley Lea, Sue Noonkester (daughter of Alice
Terhaar), Ollie Mae & Tom Godburn, Ernie Lee, Kenny
Smith, Kyle Springer, Gary Payne, Louie Rusca, Terry
College Night Cooks and Volunteers
We need your help! Our Wednesday night dinners began
last Wednesday. Would you be willing to provide a main
dish, a large salad, soda, breads, rolls or a dessert on one
Wednesday per month? We also need volunteers to help
serve dinner. Please sign up at the front desk after all
Masses or during the week. If you have questions, please
contact John Kyler at 436-3434 ext. 106 or
[email protected].
Save the Date
The Women’s Guild will be hosting a brunch on Saturday,
September 10 from 9:30am to 11:30am. ALL women of
the parish are invited to attend. There is no charge, but we
do ask that you sign up in advance if you plan to attend.
Please join us for light fare and great conversation. It’s
also an opportunity to learn about this great and
worthwhile ministry. We hope you will join us! For more
information contact Loretta Muller, President via e-mail at
[email protected] or call (951) 743-2905.
Wednesday Evening Mass
We have begun a regular evening Mass here in our
Chapel each Wednesday at 6:00pm. This will be in
addition to our usual daily Mass Monday
through Thursday at 7:00 am. However there will be no
Wednesday Mass on the following dates: September 21
and 28, October 5, and November 2.
Contributions for August 20-21
Received by Mail
Electronic Donations
Online Donations
Total Sunday Contributions
Weekly Goal