Bulletin--May-22-2016 1.5 MB Pobrań


Bulletin--May-22-2016 1.5 MB Pobrań
May 22, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Baltimore, MD
May 21 - (sobota) - Saturday - Weekday
8:30 am +Jadwiga Dąbrowska (Marek i Henia)
5:00 pm +Tadeusz Kierzkowski on 31st anniversary of
death (daughter Ewa & family)
Sunday - Lidia Gajec & Grzegorz Jamroz
Next Sunday - Agnieszka Krajewski
& Anna Mroz
May 22 - (niedzela) - THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Solemnity
8:30 am Thanksgiving for blessings received and request
for continued blessings for Konrad (parents)
10:30 am ++Stanisława i Józef Krajewscy
(Danuta i Zdzisław Krajewski)
12:30 pm +Steve A. Nagrabski (Stephen Nagrabski)
8:30 am - Edward Marcinko
12:30 pm - Jeannette Król
& Florence Zdanowich
DATE: September
10th - 11th
May 23 - (pon.) Monday - 8th Week in Ordinary Time
6:30 pm Holy Rosary Parishioners
May 24 - (wtorek) Tuesday - Weekday
6:30 pm +Theresa Rasinski
May 25 - (środa) - Wednesday - Weekday
6:30 pm
+Mirosław Balcerek (Bogusia Balcerek & family)
May 26 - (czwar.) - Thurs - St Philip Neri, Priest Memorial
6:30 pm
For God’s Blessing & good health for Danuta
Wisniewski (Barbara & Ed Staniewicz)
May 27 - (piątek) - Friday - Weekday
3:00 pm
This Sunday after Holy Communion the
second collection is for the support of the
Maintenance Fund. As always, thank you
for your generosity.
For God’s Blessing & good health for
Tomasz Janus (Szymanscy family)
7:00 pm ++Jadwiga i Czesław Kaczanowscy,
++Irena & Edward Żmiejko, & Pelagia Kuzioła
(Maria Sawera)
Weekend of MAY 15th - 500
1st Collection
O Boże błogosławieństwo dla Neoprezbitera(Ks.)
Mateusza Cymek (Rodzina Cymek)
5:00 pm For God’s blessings for personal addiction
(Bogumiła Balcerek)
New Church Roof
Bldg Maintenance & Utility
May 29 - (niedzela) - THE MOST HOLYBODY & BLOOD
OF CHRIST (Corpus Christi) Solemnity
Poor Box
Gift Shop
8:30 am Holy Rosary Parishioners
10:30 am +Anna Krupa (Martha Szyjka)
12:30 pm +Leonard Jones (Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Tamiola)
May 28 - (sobota) - Saturday - Weekday
8:30 am
May 22, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Baltimore, MD
The large Votive Lamps on the Main
Altar & in the Divine Mercy Shrine are lit for
your special intentions on Friday night, and continue to burn the following week . Envelopes for
lighting a Votive Lamp are in the pews and on
the table in back of the church. This week candles are burning for:
1. Personal intention of Karina Kasztelnik
Nabożeństwa majowe - znaczenie
2. Special intentions of Gerard Cegielski
3. Special intentions of Leonard R. Litrenta
i tradycja
CRAB FEAST – 35th Annual Crab Feast hosted by
the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart.
Cost is still only $48 per person for all
you want of hot crabs, cold beer, crab soup, pit
beef, pit ham and more. Sunday, June 26,
at the Towson American Legion Hall.
Majówka— Maj jest w Kościele miesiącem szczególnie
poświęconym czci Matki Bożej. Słynne „majówki” nabożeństwa, odprawiane wieczorami w kościołach,
przy grotach, kapliczkach i przydrożnych figurach, na
stałe wpisały się w krajobraz Polski. Jego centralną
częścią jest Litania Loretańska.
For tickets call 410-823-8585 or buy
online at www.missionhelpers.org.
W naszym Kosciele Litanię Loretańską
odśpiewamy w piątki przed Mszą Świętą,
w soboty przed Mszą Świętą
i przed niedzięlną Msza Świętą.
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Creation Tells Us about God
One of Pope Benedict's favorite explanations of God's existence is the analogy
of electricity.
No one actually sees electricity, he explains, but we do see its effects, and so we
know it exists - the light bulb goes on, the vacuum cleaner goes on, the alarm
clock goes off.
Just so, no one actually sees God directly, face to face, but we do see
the worksof God - the Church, the saints, and, of course, the beautiful, amazing world around us.
The Psalm we just heard expresses the sense of wonder that we have all experienced at one time or another in the face of the beauty of creation.
Sometimes we are so awed by the magnificence of a sunset, or a moonrise, or an ocean view, that it almost overwhelms us.
That's the experience the psalmist is describing: "When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and
stars that you set in place... What is man that you are mindful of him?"
The same sentiment comes out in the First Reading from the Book of Proverbs.
In this famous passage from Chapter 8, the Wisdom of God is personified, and describes himself as pre-existing all the
mysterious wonders of the visible world: the mountains and hills, the oceans and skies, the very foundations of the
Before all these things came into existence, God's wisdom was already at work.
The point the Proverb is making is that all those wonderful, beautiful things, as impressive as they are, are only a dim
reflection of the wonder and beauty of God who made them.
Today as the Church turns our attention towards the inner nature of God himself, the blessed Trinity, she does so by
turning our attention to the Trinity's glorious work of art: creation.
May 22, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Solemnity of the
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi, which translates
from Latin to "Body of Christ." will be celebrated
next week. This feast originated in France in the
midthirteenth century and was extended to the whole
Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264. This feast is
celebrated on the Thursday following the Trinity
Sunday or, as in the USA, on the Sunday following
that feast.
This feast calls us to focus on two manifestations of
the Body of Christ, the Holy Eucharist and the
Church. The primary purpose of this feast is to focus
our attention on the Eucharist. The opening prayer at
Mass calls our attention to Jesus' suffering and death
and our worship of Him, especially in the Eucharist.
At every Mass our attention is called to the Eucharist
and the Real Presence of Christ in it. The secondary
focus of this feast is upon the Body of Christ as it is
present in the Church. The Church is called the Body
of Christ because of the intimate communion which
Jesus shares with his disciples. He expresses this in
the gospels by using the metaphor of a body in
which He is the head. This image helps keep in focus
both the unity and the diversity of the Church.
The Feast of Corpus Christi is commonly used as an
opportunity for public Eucharistic processions, which
serves as a sign of common faith and adoration. Our
worship of Jesus in His Body and Blood calls us to
offer to God our Father a pledge of undivided love
and an offering of ourselves to the service of others.
Baltimore, MD
On Sunday
May 29th
between the 10:30 am Mass
and the 12:30 pm Mass all
friends and parishioners are invited to participate in the
Eucharistic Procession
on the Solemnity of the
FLOWERS in the Divine Mercy
Shrine were donated by Karina
Kasztelnik. God’s Blessing.
KWIATY in Sanktuarium Bożego
Miłosierdzia ufundowała Karina
Kasztelnik. B ó g z a p ł a ć !
FLOWERS for Our Lady of Perpetual Help were
donated by Władysława Masłowska in
thanksgiving for Blessing received.
KWIATY dla Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy z
podziękowaniem za wszystkie otrzymane łaski
ufundowała Władystława Masłowska. Bóg
At 4 different locations along the procession route,
Eucharistic alters will stand prepared . The procession will stop at each alter, and the pastor will bless
and pray at each one. Jesus Christ is not just located in the church. He is with us in our streets. You
are welcome to please come join us for the
May 22, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Baltimore, MD
Dolores Mikulski
Helena Soltys
Halina Krajewska
Ewa Rostek
Feliksa Kienkowska
Ewa Surowiec
Izabela Niestępska
Agnieszka Witkowska
Zofia Buras
Andrea Sardi
Justyna Sardin
Michelle Chavez
Ewangeline Mc Glasson
Jane Chase
Bernadine Prokop
Janina Malecka
Rita H. Gluth
Maria Bilich
Zofia Jarosz
Franciszka and Władysłwa
Jadwiga Łanoszka
Janin Bednarek
Wiktoria Berencz
Ewa Filip
Alina Czochara
Anna Tobisz
Stefania Czerniak
Anna Tobisz
Janet Stypula
Julia Gerczak
Janina Blachewicz
Helena Domańska
Henryka Filip
Bogumila Gołko
Małgorzata Bogacka
Janina Leonczak
Zofia Śpiewak
Anna Rulka
Barbara Rostowski
Stanisława Trzeciak
Grażyna, Magdalena,
Janina, Emilia
Wanda Slodek
Lucyna Chojnowska
Maria Malinowska
Czesława Glanowski
Rozalia Surowiec
Jadwiga Adamska
Marie Gerczak
Catherine Boczak
Władysław Warenda
Czermanowicz Stefania
Marie Lodanski
Helen L. Pegielski
Frances Nadrowski
Agnieszka Jaskiewicz
Agnes Matczuk
Gerczak Marie
Gerczak Fran
Mary S. Poniatowski
Sophia Novotny
Jane A. O’Leary
Anna Krol
Helen Jankowiak
Helen Sisters
Bronisława Malinowska
Bienick MT Elrjno
Eva David
Albina Cieslak
Cecilia Olszewska
Stella Macek
Pauline Gluth
Edwina Gluth
Hamme Gluth
Janina Lor
Helena Szustow
Irena Zmiejko
Halina Malicka
Maria Chorabik
Hulda Stepniewski
Wanda Bartkowiak
Bertha Staniewicz
Zofia Wiszowata
Henryka Kurkiewicz
Catherine Ruszala
Antonina Kopka
Genevieve Urbanski
Hanna Glovacki
Margaret Maragos
Laura Rasinski
Victoria Lukaszewska
Marianna Strzyzewski
Vera Geiman
Maria Dziedzic
Janina Bielawska
Sophie Ciechanowski
Kazimiera Ryczek
Catalina Ordanska
Ella Lambert
Imanuela Castro Lopez
Anna Wilkosz
Maria Jamroz
Mary Bizon
Laura Borowy
Leontyna Kempista
Stanisława Czarnecka
Anna Kotlewska
Franciszka Ryłka
Irena Bilich
Melania Wójcicka
Stanisława Krajewska
Zofia Sęder
Leonora Gonzales
Kazimiera Bienkowska
Bronisława Stolorczyk
Maria Pochownik
Julia I Katarzyna
Maria Sitko
Catherine Kutchman
Catherine Boczak
Frances Wiekick
Genevieve Weininger
Ida Resch
Johanna Glowacki
Mary Janowicz
Holy Trinity
The fundamental dogma, on
which everything in Christianity is based, is that of the
Blessed Trinity in whose
name all Christians are baptized. The feast of the
Blessed Trinity needs to be
understood and celebrated
as a prolongation of the
mysteries of Christ and as
the solemn expression of
our faith in this triune life of
the Divine Persons, to which
we have been given access
by Baptism and by the Redemption won for us by
Christ. Only in heaven shall
we properly understand what
it means, in union with
Christ, to share as sons in
the very life of God.
The feast of the Blessed
Trinity was introduced in the
ninth century and was only
inserted in the general calendar of the Church in the
fourteenth century by Pope
John XXII. But the cultus of
the Trinity is, of course, to
be found throughout the
liturgy. Constantly the
Church causes us to praise
and adore the thrice-holy
God who has so shown His
mercy towards us and has
given us to share in His life.