Fall 2006 Newsletter_v2.indd


Fall 2006 Newsletter_v2.indd
FALL 2006
The National MS Society has launched an ambitious petition drive to increase
federal funding for MS medical research. The goal is to obtain more than
200,000 signatures in support of the MS movement.
The budget scenario in Washington is intense - many organizations and
interests must compete for the same pot of funding. Additionally, the National
Institutes of Health (NIH), the major source of funding for MS research, is
scheduled to reduce funding in the MS arena over the next two years. We
cannot accept this trend and must take action now.
You can reach the petition either online at www.nationalmssociety.org or
contact your local office for a hard copy you could take around to your friends
and neighbors!
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
3800 W Technology Circle, Ste 201
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Non Profit Org.
US Postage
Sioux Falls, SD
Permit No. 684
Fall 2006
Chapter News
Tributes & Memorials
9 - 10
11 - 16
Volume 1 • Issue 3
18 - 27
North Central States Chapter
Speak Up to Fight MS
he goal of the National MS
Society is to forever end
the devastating effects of
MS. The Society’s goal is
to empower each client
and friend in the North Central
States Chapter to speak up and
do what they can to win this fight.
Public policies, at both a state and
national level affect people with
MS everyday. When there is a
policy that makes life harder for
someone with MS, you can voice
that concern to local politicians
using the MS Action Alert
System. It can be found at www.
Sign up to get Action Alert emails
so that you can let politicians know
that policies affecting those with
MS are important in your area.
There are four main policy
areas that are important to
people with MS; research,
health insurance, long term
care and disability rights.
government aid should go towards
research are made on a federal
level. The National MS Society
supports research to find better
treatments and cures for MS with
its own money and further supports
legislation that offers federal funds
towards research that advances
the search for a cure.
Both federal and state governments
play a role in the availability and
accessibility of affordable health
The Society promotes
coverage for all MS treatments
and therapies in public and private
insurance, reasonable co-payments
and deductibles for MS treatment.
Laws and regulations that provide
access to public and private health
insurance plans at a fair price are
also supported by the National MS
In terms of long term care, the
Society’s network of advocates
encourages the expansion of public
and private long-term care options,
cont. on pg. 2
especially those
Photos: W.R.A.T.H. Riders at Mt. Rushmore, Award Winners Pat Lynch, and Valerie Culp
Publication of the National Multiple
Sclerosis Society, North Central States
Des Moines Office
1300 50th Street, Suite 106
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Phone: (515) 270-6337
Fax: (515) 270-0337
Fargo Office
100 Fourth Street South, LL 14
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: (701) 235-2678
Fax: (701) 235-6358
Rapid City Office
1719 West Main Street, Suite 103
Rapid City, SD 57702
Phone: (605) 718-5703
Fax: (605) 718-5703
Sioux Falls Office
3800 W Technology Circle
Suite 201
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Phone: (605) 336-7017
Fax: (605) 336-8088
Board of Trustees
Dr. Scott Munsinger
Gary Mattson
Dennis Galeazzi
Tom Houle
Yvonne Ellinor
Brian Jans
Steve Lynch
Vice Chair
Jennifer Helland
Lee Lewis
Bill Wright
Jennifer Kline, Chapter President
Patty Brooks, Director of Programs &
Mandy Petersen, Director of
Julie Anderson, Director of Finance &
© 2006 National Multiple Sclerosis
Society, North Central States Chapter
that keep the individual at home or in the
community as long as possible, and functioning
at the highest possible level. The National MS
Society also advocates policies that allow for a
coordinated approach to healthcare between
care facilities and primary caregivers.
Disability rights can be challenged at any level of
government and the National MS Society, along
with its partners in this fight, will support the
continuing implementation of the 1999 Ticket
to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
(TWWIIA). This federal law removes some of
the most significant barriers keeping disabled
persons from returning to work.
It also
supports federal and state legislation to prevent
discrimination by insurers and employers based
on an individual’s genetic information, opposes
judicial challenges to the ADA, particularly in
cases to be heard by a federal appellate court
or the U.S. Supreme Court and promotes
participation in the opportunities afforded by
President Bush’s New Freedom Initiative.
The National MS Society is your advocate at
both a state and federal level, but you can help
by joining the Action Alert System and sending
an email or calling politicians when one of these
four issues is challenged. Join the Action Alert
System today at www.nationalmssociety.org/
advocacy, and do your part to end the devastating
effects of MS.
Sign Up for MS Action Alerts Today!
Sign up and receive emails about
hot issues and how to contact
your local representative.
Use your voice to fight MS!
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Traveling around the North
Central States Chapter, I
have the opportunity to meet
many people who inspire me
with their dedication to the
fight against MS. Being able
to work with and recognize
these people has truly been an
At each state’s Annual
Meeting, I was able to talk with our
award winners for Caregiver of the
Year, Advocate of the Year, Volunteer
of the Year, Achiever of the Year,
Parents of the Year and Employer of
the Year. Each winner reminded me
of the passion and commitment needed
to confront MS head on.
I believe it is vital to our organization
that we have people who are so willing
to go above and beyond what is expected
of them.
Each award recipient’s
story was a story about overcoming
obstacles and reaching out to help our
community. I am honored to say that
these individuals work for our cause
and am proud of the work they do.
These awards serve as a reminder that
we can all make an impact in the fight
against MS. Not one of us alone can
say that we will cure the disease or
provide assistance to all who need it,
but together we can each play a part.
The winners of these awards did not
do what they did in order to receive a
plaque; they were just playing their
part. That is something we can all do
I would like to be able to thank
each person who volunteers
or advocates or is a caregiver
individually, but the sheer
number of caring and dedicated
people in our chapter makes
that impossible. So, thank
you to each and every one of
you for what you are doing to
end the devastating effects of
MS. You are an inspiration to us all.
With my thanks and commitment,
Jennifer Kline
Chapter President
Studies show that early and ongoing
treatment with an FDA-approved
therapy can reduce future disease
activity and improve quality of life for
many people with multiple sclerosis.
National MS Society medical advisors
recommend that people with MS talk
with their health care professional
about using one of these medications
and about strategies and effective
treatments to manage symptoms.
If you or someone you know has MS,
please contact the Society today at
www.nationalmssociety.org or 1-800FIGHT-MS to learn about ways to
help manage multiple sclerosis and
about current research that may
one day reveal a cure.
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
Thanks to everyone who attended our
annual meeting for this chapter. Your
input on how the chapter is run is
always appreciated.
The North Dakota/Eastern Minnesota
meeting was held on September 13th
in Moorhead, MN and there were about
25 people present at the meeting.
The South Dakota meeting was held
on September 28th and there were
about 35 people in attendance. Robin
Miskimins, Professor at the University
of South Dakota and research award
recipient from the National Multiple
Sclerosis Society, presented an update
on her local research efforts at both the
ND and SD meetings.
The Iowa meeting was held October 28th
and had approximately 85 attendees.
Dr. Bruce Hughes, Director of the Ruan
MS Center at Ruan Neurology Clinic
and Research Center and Kathleen
Costello MS, CRNP, MSCN, MSCS, a
medical liaison with Serono presented
on different aspects of MS. We also
voted on board members and learned
more about the merger of the former
Iowa and Dakota chapters and its
positive effect on available programs.
Dr. Scott Munsinger, Chairman
Gary Mattson, Vice Chairman
Dennis Galeazzi, Treasurer
Tom Houle, Secretary
Yvonne Ellinor
Jennifer Helland
Brian Jans
Lee Lewis
Steve Lynch
Bill Wright
Congratulations to the
recipients of Achiever,
Employer, Parent and
Volunteer of the Year
for 2006! All of the
award winners were
nominated by their
family and friends in
recognition for their
selfless work.
MS Dance.
Advocate of the Year:
Valerie Culp for her
passionate work on the
Government Relations
Caregiver of the Year:
Cork Eshuis for his
dedication to providing
the best care possible
for his wife Shirley.
Achiever of the Year:
Employer of the Year:
Sally Ann Harkins for Director of Programs and Swift and Company for
her positive attitude and Services Patty Brooks with their understanding of
successful fundraising Pat Lynch
life with MS.
cont. on pg. 5
for the MS Walk and
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
cont. from pg. 4
Parents of the
Robin LaVelle for
their loving support
of their son Lucas.
Volunteer of the
Year: Mark Foegen
for his phenomenal
fundraising work in
the city of Atlantic.
Caregiver of the
Year: Beth Deckert
in recognition of
the positive and
giving attitude she
has while caring for
her husband who
has MS and three
Employer of the
Valerie Culp, Chapter President Steele Corporation
Jennifer Kline and Board Chair Dr. in appreciation for
Achiever of the Scott Munsinger
all they have done to
Year: Sheri Paulson
make the workplace
for the inspiring way
she has dealt with
Parent of the
her diagnosis.
Advocate of the
Year: Lois Sather
dedication to her
for her innovative
daughter Laura’s
leadership at the
Bottineau Self Help
Volunteer of the
Board Chair Dr. Scott Munsinger, Year: Lori Waldner
Caregiver of the Jay and Robin LaVelle and Chapter for her hard work
Year: Valerie Jo President Jennifer Kline
as a committee and
team member for
her tireless efforts
the MS 150 bike
to ensure that her
ride in Sioux Falls.
daughter Megan’s
Volunteer of the
life is as unaffected
by her MS as
giving of her time
and efforts not just
Achiever of the
to the National
Year: Patrick Lynch
MS Society, but to
for his successful
other community
participation in the
MS150 bike rides.
Scott Munsinger
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
North Central States Chapter
Welcomes New Staff Members:
Communications Manager
The Des Moines office of the National
Multiple Sclerosis Society would like
to welcome Alexson Kane. Alexson is
the Communications Manager for the
entire chapter and will be working to
build solid relationships with media
partners in Iowa, North Dakota and
South Dakota as well as re-vamping
the website in the coming months and
coordinating publicity for the chapter.
Alexson is passionate about this
organization and is looking forward to
working towards increasing awareness
of programs and events held by the
Welcome to Cal McKeown, Senior
Manager of Donor Relations &
Cal McKeown joined the North Central
States Chapter in September and is
based in the Sioux Falls office. Cal will
be working as the Senior Manager of
Donor Relations & Recognition. His
responsibilities will include working
with donors in several areas. He will
focus on major gifts, planned giving and
long term projects. “I am very excited
to work with the National Multiple
Sclerosis Society. It is always such a
pleasure to see the work that you do,
turn into something very special, and I
believe that I will find that here.” Cal
Administrative Assistant
Darla joined the National MS Society
in July 2006 as the Administrative
Assistant for the North Central
States Chapter in the Sioux Falls
office. This is her first time working
for a non-profit organization and
she hopes she will be an asset to the
Society. She appreciates the variety of
administrative responsibilities and the
dedicated staff who work for such an
important cause. Learning about the
struggles MS clients deal with is very
humbling. The more knowledge she
gains about MS, the more rewarding
her job is.
Development Manager
On October 30, 2006 Janey Case
joined the National MS Society
– North Central States Chapter as
the Development Manager in Sioux
Falls. Janey will use her experience
in coordinating non-profit events and
programs to help grow the chapter’s
fundraising efforts in South Dakota.
She has recently moved to Sioux Falls
from Pierre and was just married on
June 17th.
From left to right: Alexson Kane, Cal McKeown, Darla Pintuck and Janey Case
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
As the North Central States Chapter
grows, the need for dedicated volunteers
also increases. Volunteers are needed
from all areas of Iowa, North Dakota
and South Dakota. Your work will
focus mostly on your local area and
committee meetings will be held by
teleconference, so travel is not needed.
Below are some opportunities to help
the National MS Society on an ongoing basis.
Government Relations Committee
The purpose of this committee is to
work with legislators on issues that
affect those with MS. People with legal,
governmental, insurance and health
experience are especially encouraged
to join, though anyone with an interest
can use this opportunity to learn more
about how advocacy can improve the
lives of those living with MS.
Clinical Advisory Committee
This committee will assist Chapter
staff and board members by providing
guidance, advice and oversight
regarding general areas of the medical
and long term care management of
MS. Professionals in the health field
will be of the greatest benefit to this
Chapter Programs Committee
The North Central States Chapter
wants to provide people with MS
and their friends and family with
the best programs possible. Help
plan, execute and evaluate new and
existing programs in this committee.
Those with experience in health
care, vocational rehabilitation, law,
education, marketing and self help
groups are encouraged to join, as well
as anyone with an interest in making
life easier for people with MS.
For more information on the above
three opportunities, please call Patty
Brooks at 605-336-7017 or email at
[email protected].
Communications Committee
Help is needed to plan the upcoming
MS Awareness Week (March 5-11)
and to help spread the word about
the National MS Society and what
the North Central States Chapter has
to offer its community. Volunteers
with media, journalism, advertising,
graphic design, web design or PR
experience are needed to help lead this
committee. Anyone with an interest
in these areas is also welcome to join.
“Ask a Nurse” Committee
Beginning with the next MS
Connections, the North Central States
Chapter would like to have a question
and answer column where anyone
can write in with a question for a
nurse specializing in MS. Any nurses
with experience treating MS patients
would make a great addition to this
committee. Pass this opportunity on
to your favorite nurse!
For more information on the above
two opportunities, please call Alexson
Kane at 515-270-6337 or email at
[email protected].
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
The staff of the North Central States Chapter is dedicated to serving your
community, no matter where you are. Several new positions have been added
over the past year to allow the chapter to do even more for you. Below is the
entire staff list, so you can see who’s who in the North Central States Chapter.
Alexson Kane
Amy Tapper
Beth Aebly
Brenda Koppy
Cal McKeown
Cindy Grant
Dane Lenhard
Darla Pintuck
Jane Fredricksen
Jackie Heier
Janey Case
Jennifer Kline
Julie Anderson
Kelly Boeddeker
Kelly Shinkunas
Mandy Petersen
Mark Sigette
Patty Brooks
Sharon Dehning
Sue Arneson
Communications Mgr.
Development Mgr.
Development Mgr.
Program Mgr.
Sr. Mgr. of Donor Relations
& Recognition
Administrative Assistant
Corporate Relations Mgr.
Administrative Assistant
Program Mgr.
Area Manager
Development Mgr.
Chapter President
Director of Finance &
Senior Development Mgr.
Development Mgr.
Director of Development
Gaming Mgr.
Director of Programs &
Administrative Assistant
Program Director
Development Mgr.
Program Mgr.
Des Moines
Des Moines
Sioux Falls
Entire Chapter
ND & 6 counties in MN
Central Iowa
ND & 6 counties in MN
Entire Chapter
Des Moines
Des Moines
Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls
Rapid City
Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls
Central/Western Iowa
Entire Chapter
Entire Chapter
Eastern SD
Western SD
Eastern SD
Entire Chapter
Entire Chapter
Des Moines
Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls
ND & 6 counties in MN
Central Iowa
Entire Chapter
North Dakota
Entire Chapter
Des Moines
Des Moines
Cedar Rapids
Cedar Rapids
Central/Western Iowa
Central Iowa
Eastern Iowa
Eastern Iowa
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Thank you to all who have donated to
the National MS Society on behalf of
a friend or loved one. Your gifts help
ensure that the North Central States
Chapter can continue to provide our
community with great programs and
opportunities. Please see a complete
list of memorials and tributes online
at www.nationalmssociety.org/nth.
Harmony Township
West Bend Community Drive
ADC Foundation
Aetna Foundation
Bank of America
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Glaxo Smith Kline Foundation
Iowa Distribtuion Services, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Pella Rolscreen Foundation
PepsiCo Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
The Meredith Corporation
The Prudential Foundation
Wells Fargo
Abbott Laboratories
Microsoft Giving Campaign
State of Iowa
Van Meter Industrial, Inc.
Wells Fargo
7TH Annual MS Family Bowl
Fundraiser in Cedar Rapids, IA
12:00PM-2:00 PM
ELIZABETH TRCKA AT (319) 857-5404,
OR E-MAIL [email protected]
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
Five Tips for Year-End Giving
The end of the year has become popular
for making contributions to charitable
organizations. It is a traditional time
to give because of the holidays, but it
is also the last chance to secure tax
deductions for the fiscal year. Here are
some steps to making the most of your
1. Calculate your income.
Plan your year-end finances while you
still have the time to make year-end
charitable gifts. Consider your taxes,
and if you will be owing this year, you
might want to think about creating
a larger charitable tax deduction for
yourself by increasing your gift to the
National MS Society before December
2. Review your stocks.
Have you been holding appreciated
stocks for more than a year? You can
avoid capital gains tax by making your
year-end gift using appreciated stocks.
You can also receive a charitable
deduction for the full value of the stock
3. Consider a Charitable Gift
Charitable Gift Annuities can be
beneficial to both the National MS
Society and yourself. The tax benefits
will prove to be well worth the annual
gift. See your financial advisor to learn
more. Or, contact the National MS
Society to receive printed information.
4. Talk to your financial advisor.
Before making any significant gift to the
National MS Society, we recommend
talking to your CPA, attorney or
financial advisor to see what kind of
impact your contribution will have on
your income tax return and estate.
5. Contact the National MS Society
– North Central States Chapter.
Your gift options at the National MS
Society are abundant, and our staff
would love to explain what projects
your gifts could fund.
For additional information, contact Cal
McKeown, Senior Manager of Donor
Relations, at [email protected]
or 605-336-7017.
The North Central States Chapter
of the National Multiple Sclerosis
Society is proud to be a source
of information about multiple
sclerosis. Our comments are based
on professional advice, published
experience and expert opinion,
but do not represent therapeutic
recommendations or prescriptions.
For specific information and advice,
consult a qualified physician.
The North Central States Chapter
of the National Multiple Sclerosis
Society does not endorse products,
services or manufacturers. Such
names appear (in this publication
or here) solely because they are
considered valuable information.
The chapter assumes no liability
whatsoever for the contents or use of
any product or service mentioned.
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Positive Effects of Exercise for the MS
Patient: One Local Nurse's Story of
How Exercise Improves Your Mood
By Janet Limoges, R.N.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive
disorder that affects young adults in
the age range of 20-50. It affects the
central nervous system which includes
the brain, cervical spine and the
thoracic spine. Common symptoms
are fatigue, pain, spasticity, bowel
and bladder dysfunction, cognitive
dysfunction and depression. These
symptoms can be worsened when a
patient becomes inactive. For most
patients, inactivity can lead to a loss of
independence and decreased function.
This can affect the patient’s quality of
life, which can in turn lead to worsening
of symptoms, such as depression, and
start a vicious cycle. Attitude can also
impact the patient’s quality of life.
Studies have shown that activity and
companionship can play a role in a
patient’s quality of life as well.
In the Sioux City area, an exercise class
for MS patients has been developed.
It meets two times weekly for 1 to 1½ hours. It started with one patient
and now we have six patients, one in
an electric scooter. It involves some
light weights, banded exercises and
weight machines for leg conditioning.
We also do some balance balls and
balance board exercises. Initially the
patients had difficulty with the balance
and weights but all 6 patients have
improved. We actually had patients
go from balancing 1-2 minutes to now
being able to balance 12-14 minutes.
Just to add a little fun to the program,
we have the balance queen or king
prize, which gives them the right to
wear the tiara for the night. It is blue
so the king is comfortable with it as
well. He has yet to win the honor.
Our most impressive case is our only
stroller patient. She initially could not
even lift a plastic cone that weighed
less than a ½ of a pound; she could
only use the lightest band and could
not do any exercises with her legs. I
worked with her independently with
range of motion exercises. Now she
is lifting 1 pound weights, can use the
2nd level of bands and can do some
independent biking on the floor bike.
Her neurologist was very surprised
and pleased that even after a flare up;
she was able to continue at her current
level. What was even more impressive
was that her mood and spirit also
What I have learned from all of this is
that exercise can decrease a patient’s
fatigue, pain and depression; can
improve bowel and bladder dysfunction
and spasticity; and can lessen their
symptoms. We have a very close
relationship with each other. The
patients genuinely care about each
other and I find them calling one
another when they are sick, going out
cont. on pg. 12
to eat and spending
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
cont. from pg. 11
spare time with each other. They say
that they come as much for the exercise
as the laughter. I have heard more
than once that laughter is the best
medicine and with exercise mixed in,
their spirits and symptoms improve.
So keep active while you can. Join an
exercise class if you find it difficult to
do it on your own. You will be happy
that you did and you may even decide
that you like it. For more information
about exercise, please contact your
local chapter of the NMSS or contact
me at [email protected] or by
calling 605-217-2726.
Beginning with the Winter edition of the MS Connection, there will be a Q&A
article answered by nurses from the North Central States Chapter. If you
have a question you think others may also have, please send it to nth@nmss.
org or Alexson Kane, 1300 50th Street, West Des Moines, Iowa 50266.
Self help groups allow people with
with More, for Caregiver Support
MS to come together to support each
also meets in Fargo. We are looking
other and discuss the issues that
at starting up a self help group in
affect them. The North Central States
Underwood and Jamestown.
Chapter of the National MS Society
currently has self-help groups in the SOUTH DAKOTA
following areas:
Aberdeen, Brookings, Pierre, Rapid
City, Sioux Falls, Winner and
Watertown. We are looking at starting
Cedar Rapids, Creston, Davenport,
up self help groups in Huron, Mitchell
Des Moines, Iowa City, Marshalltown,
and Madison.
Mason City, Muscatine, Northeast
Allamakee, For meeting details, please see our
Bremer, Buchanan and Winneshiek website at www.nationalmssociety.
Counties), Oskaloosa, Sioux City/ org/nth under the heading Client
Dakota Dunes and Storm Lake/Ida Programs.
Grove/Cherokee. We are looking at
starting self help groups in Ames, If you or someone you know is
Grinnell, Dubuque, Ottumwa, Fort interested in being a self help group
leader, please contact Patty Brooks
Dodge and Waterloo.
at (605) 336-7017. We provide leader
training and staff support to ensure
B i s m a r c k / M a n d a n , B o t t i n e a u , each group is beneficial to each
Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Forks/Red member.
River Valley and Minot. Tuesdays
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Programs and Services: 2007
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society
initiated a new approach to the way
that chapters will be providing services
and programs to clients with multiple
sclerosis that began on October 1,
2006. The new direction means there
will be more long term services offered
to clients. The North Central States
Chapter will not be providing as many
of the client education programs and
professional education programs that
have been done in the past. Why?
The partnerships that the MS Society
has with pharmaceutical companies
and medical professionals allows the
chapter to focus on other, advanced
programs, while the partners around
the chapter handle a majority of the
client and professional education
The new system of programs for the
North Central States Chapter will
encompass the 5 New Objectives of the
National MS Society.
#1 We are the driving force of MS
prevention, treatment and cure.
#2 We address the challenges of each
person whose life is affected by MS.
#3 We are activists.
#4 We mobilize the talents and
resources of the millions of people who
want to do something about multiple
#5 We will raise a total of $1.25 billion
by the end of 2010 to be used in the
fight against multiple sclerosis.
The new program system will focus
on the following quality of life
• Independence and Empowerment
• Medical Care
• Continuing (long term or social)
• Health Promotion and Disease
• Support for Family Members
• Transportation
• Employment and Volunteer
• Disability Entitlements and Cash
• Education
• Housing and Accessibility of
Buildings in the Community
Specifically, the staff of the North
Central States Chapter will:
• Enhance the current Self Help
Groups and develop additional groups
in areas where they are needed.
• Provide direct financial assistance
to eligible individuals with multiple
sclerosis who reside in the chapter
with funds to help pay for durable
medical equipment, home and vehicle
modification, health and wellness and
basic needs relating to the disease of
multiple sclerosis.
• Recruit professional volunteers to
cont. on pg. 14
be resources and
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
cont. from pg. 13
answer medical and legal questions
for individuals with multiple sclerosis
who reside in the chapter for the “Ask
A Professional” Program.
• Provide education and resource
information in a timely and accurate
manner to individuals with multiple
sclerosis through the use of the
Information Resource Center.
• Develop an advocacy plan for each
state in the chapter.
• Create a comprehensive peer support
program that will match up individuals
with multiple sclerosis based on age,
gender, disease progression and
• Develop specialized services for
individuals with multiple sclerosis
Hey Guys, Let’s Talk ! How was your
summer? How are your medications
working for you? Newly diagnosed or
old school, where are the fish biting?
That is right. Everything from deer
hunting to bladder control, GUY TALK
is back. It's a chance for just the guys
to discuss experiences, challenges and
life after the diagnosis of multiple
So kick back in a comfy chair, grab
your favorite beverage and let’s talk.
Join the guys on December 11th,
January 22nd and February 12th.
Just call 1-800-503-1676 and enter
this code: 565525.
who have been recently diagnosed.
• Research the needs of individuals
with multiple sclerosis who currently
live in long term care facilities and the
needs of those who may live in a long
term care facility in the future.
The staff of the Programs Department
will be happy to answer any questions or
concerns that you may have regarding
this new direction of program and
service delivery. Please feel free to
contact your local office and speak to
the Programs Manager.
Reach-Out is a new caregiver’s support
group for those with loved ones living
in long term care facilities, particularly
in nursing homes. Chapter President
Jennifer Kline and Director of Programs
and Services Patty Brooks will lead
a discussion of issues surrounding
having your loved ones in long term
care. It will be a great way to connect
with others in your same situation and
share ideas with the North Central
States Chapter leadership.
program will be held by conference
call beginning this January. The first
call will be held January 9th from 78pm. Please register by calling 1-800FIGHT-MS, Option 1.
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Knowledge is Power
The Knowledge Is
Power (KIP) program
is a free, at-home
for people newly
diagnosed with MS
and their families.
KIP is written by
professionals who know about MS and
the effect it can have on your life and
the lives of people who are around you.
KIP provides up-to-date facts about
many aspects of MS.
The National MS Society’s mission is to
end the devastating effects of multiple
sclerosis. The Knowledge Is Power
series is designed to give information
about how to deal with one of the
greatest challenges presented by MS
– the unpredictability and uncertainty
of what is in your future.
You can have Knowledge Is Power
delivered to your email address or your
postal address. Receive these new
topics each week in the convenience of
your home.
What is Multiple Sclerosis?
Dealing with your Diagnosis
Working with your Doctor
Treatments in MS
Disclosing your diagnosis
Disease-Modifying Treatments for
• The Impact of MS on the Family
• Maximizing Your Employment
When we receive your registration,
your subscription will begin the very
next month and will continue for eight
weeks at no cost to you.
Visit www.nationalmssociety.org to
register online. Select “Living with
MS,” then look for Knowledge Is Power
in the right side bar, OR call 1-800-3444867, option 1 and indicate you would
like to register for the KIP series, OR
mail the registration form below:
Name: _______________________
Address: _____________________
City: _________________________
State: ________________________
ZIP: _________________________
Day Phone: ___________________
Night Phone: __________________
Email: _______________________
Choose One:
Email articles to me
Mail articles to me
Your name will be added to our
mailing list to receive Inside
MS, chapter newsletters, and
other mailings unless this box is
Please mail form to:
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Training and Resource Center
Knowledge Is Power
700 Broadway, Suite 810
Denver, CO 80203
The KIP series is offered monthly.
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
The 2007 North American Education
Program (NAEP) (formerly called the
North American Education Conference)
is now available in two separate
programs. One program focuses on
research, “The Clues to Epidemiology,”
and the other on symptom management,
“Getting There: Staying Mobile with
MS.” Each of the programs is produced
as a 30-minute video with a companion
program book. The North Central States
Chapter has ordered these materials
and will facilitate presentations of
these materials through the local self
help groups this year. If you are not
a member of a self help group and
would still like to view the video and
get a copy of the companion workbook,
please contact Patty Brooks, Director
of Client Programs at 605-336-7017 or
[email protected].
Self Help Group leaders are the
Society’s direct connection to people
with MS and their loved ones, and
provide information, emotional support
and social outlets for people living
with MS. The leaders of these groups
are integral to group effectiveness,
and training is the key to maintaining
quality leaders. The National MS
Society will be offering new self help
group leader tele-training three times
in fiscal year 2007 (October 1, 2006
to September 30, 2007) If you were a
new self help group leader in the past
year or you want to start up a self help
group in your area and be the leader,
please contact Patty Brooks, Director
of Programs for more information at
605-336-7017 or patty.brooks@nmss.
This educational newsletter for children
whose parents have MS has now been
around for six years. Keep S’myelin is
designed to be an educational but fun
tool for kids between the ages of 5 and
10 years old. Children and parents can
use the newsletter to learn about MS
and it provides another opportunity for
families to talk about MS in a safe and
fun environment. If you want to enroll
your child to receive the Keep S’Myelin
Newsletter, please call 1-800-FIGHT
For the past eight years, the National MS Society has been providing internet
visitors with educational broadcasts about MS. This year, we will be offering
even more new broadcasts as well as archiving the previous ones in an online
library. Visit www.nationalmssociety.org/MSLearnOnline to browse the 10-15
minute broadcast on a wide variety of topics. If you are on the go, you can even
download them onto an mp3 player. New topics will be debuted the 1st and 3rd
Thursday of each month, so check back often!
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Research News Update
Betaseron® to Include Those at
High Risk for Developing MS
Berlex, Inc. (the U.S. affiliate of
Schering AG) announced that the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
has approved expanding the indication
of Betaseron® (interferon beta-1b,
Berlex, Inc.) to include patients at high
risk for MS. These are individuals who
have experienced a clinically isolated
syndrome (a single clinical event that
is indicative of demyelination, such
as inflammation of the optic nerve or
an episode of numbness on one side)
and have MRI (magnetic resonance
imaging) features consistent with MS.
This is the second therapy approved
for treatment of people at high risk for
MS. In 2003, the FDA expanded the
labeling of Avonex® (interferon beta1a, Biogen Idec, Inc.) to include this
indication. Avonex is given once a week
via intramuscular (into the muscle, 30
mcg) injection and Betaseron is given
every other day subcutaneously (under
the skin, 250 mcg).
The expanded labeling for Betaseron
is based on results of the “BENEFIT”
study – which examined the ability
of this drug to delay the onset of MS
in people at high risk for developing
the disease (Neurology 2006;67:12421249). A total of 468 patients received
either the standard dose of Betaseron
(250 mcg, injected under the skin
every-other day) or placebo for up to 24
months or until MS was diagnosed.
Those on treatment experienced a 50%
reduction in risk for developing definite
MS, and the development of MS was
delayed by 363 days in the Betaseron
group compared to the placebo group.
There were also significant benefits
seen on MRI scans. Based on these
findings, Schering AG had already been
granted approval to market Betaseron
to patients with clinically isolated
syndrome in Europe and Canada.
An extension study in which all
participants are eligible to receive
active treatment is currently underway.
It will assess the impact of early vs.
delayed Betaseron treatment on the
long-term course of MS and should
be completed in 2008. A press release
issued by parent company Schering
AG on August 17 notes that more
than 95% of the patients completing
the BENEFIT study have elected to
continue treatment with Betaseron for
this five-year extension study.
This article can also be found online at
North Dakota MS150: July 28-29
Sioux Falls MS150: August 4-5
Des Moines MS150: Sept. 8-9
Black Hills WRATH: Sept. 22-23
Take advantage of the $15
early bird registration fee now until December 31st!
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
Four MS 150 Bike Tours Held in the
North Central States Chapter
and thanks to the
Des Moines, Iowa
help of all the riders
The 2006 Des Moines
and volunteers, over
MS 150 Bike Ride
$34,000 was raised.
brought out 70 riders
The North Central
to spend the weekend
States Chapter Staff
pedaling across a new
is already hard at
work planning the
funds to fight MS. The
2007 ride which will
route wound through
be held September 8th
the Iowa countryside
and 9th.
on Saturday and up
to Saylorville Lake
North Dakota
on Sunday. Although at Mt. Rushmore
Over 180 riders braved
rain interrupted the
the heat of Red River Valley for the
riders, they were still able to finish all
2006 North Dakota MS 150 and raised
150 miles!
over $106,000! This great success
2006 was a great year for this ride could not have
cont. on pg. 19
Grants part of $50 million annual
investment in over 380 new and
ongoing MS research projects.
The National Multiple Sclerosis
Society has just committed $26 million
to support 67 new MS research projects
as part of its current $50 million
international effort to spur momentum
in cutting-edge MS research. This
financial commitment is the latest
investment in the Society’s relentless
research effort to cure, treat and better
understand MS. Since its founding,
the Society has invested over $500
million to advance MS research which
has already led to the development of
six FDA-approved therapies that affect
the underlying disease process and
other therapies that help in symptom
“With its cutting-edge research, the
National MS Society is laying the
groundwork to solve the mystery
that is multiple sclerosis so that we
can eradicate it once and for all,”
says Jennifer Kline, President of the
National MS Society North Central
States Chapter. “This year, the
Society will spend some $50 million
to fund over 380 new and ongoing MS
research projects. This investment
in critical research is paying off with
new treatments and better methods of
diagnosis, rehabilitation and symptom
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Over 215 cyclists participated in the
21st Annual Sioux Falls
MS 150, raising a total
of $113,000 to help end
the devastating effects
of MS. Riders toured
Colton, Chester and
Lake Herman State
Park before ending the
ride with a celebration
Riders in Sioux Falls relax in a University – complete
hot tub after a long day on their with hot tubs, a misting
tent and massages!
The next day, the
same route was ridden
in reverse and a
congratulatory dinner
was served by Ruby
Tuesday’s. Thanks to
all of the participants,
sponsors. See you next
cont. from pg. 18
been possible with out the dedication of
the riders, volunteers
and sponsors.
special thank you to
the F-M Ambulance
crew, Moorhead Police
Scheel’s All Sports
bike mechanics for
ensuring the safety of
all riders.
Thanks is also in
order for our sponsors
who donated time,
money and goods
to help make sure
this ride went well:
Dakota Supply Group,
West Acres Shopping
Engineer’s, Rebif, the
Fargo Forum, WDAY
TV and radio, Famous
Dave’s BBQ, Ruby
Tuesday’s, Extreme
Black Hills, South
Pita, Subway, Nash
Mike Huber rides on in Sioux Dakota
Finch, Hornbacher’s Falls
Weekend Ride Around
Bottling Co., Moen Portable Toilets, The Hills (WRATH) had a great
US Bank, The Old Broadway, Merit second year, doubling both the number
of riders and total money raised
and Swanson Health Products.
cont. on pg. 20
“The W.R.A.T.H. is a physically intense ride full of beauty, historical places and
the best pampering a cyclist could ever experience. I count myself lucky that I
am able to ride, and will ride the W.R.A.T.H. for those with MS as long as I am
able. I am thankful that I have been able to experience South Dakota hospitality
at its finest through the NMSS-North Central States Chapter and their amazing
staff. This is definitely a MS 150 that every cyclist around the nation should
experience!” –Kathy Roberts, McCook Lake, South Dakota
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
cont. from pg. 19
on this challenging, but beautiful route
were able to pedal past Mt. Rushmore
and Crazy Horse Memorial, making
this ride truly unique. Volunteers,
riders and sponsors all deserve a thank
you for helping to make this such a
successful MS 150.
Mark your calendars for September
22nd and 23rd for the 2007 WRATH
ride. Remember, the ride is a challenge,
but so is living with MS. Endure for a
Blazing the trail in the Black Hills
Des Moines
Top Teams:
Jokes on Spokes: $3,360
Team TDK: $3,287
Top Individual:
John Brown: $2,500
Best Rest Stop:
Brenda Colvin, Rest Stop Captain
in Elkhart
North Dakota
Top Team:
Team Road Rash: $18,230 (Captains
Yvonne Ellinor and Dr. Son Nguyen
are proud to say this is their second
time being a top team!)
Top Individual:
Ralph Hansen: $7,690 (Also top
individual in entire North Central
States Chapter)
Sioux Falls
Top Team:
Team Forward Motion: $21,000
(Also top team in the entire North
Central States Chapter; Captain
Pat Lynch)
Top Individual:
Dan Starkenburg: $5,175
Black Hills
Largest Team:
JURIS (led by Matt Thelen, who also
received 2 roundtrip airline tickets
tio Las Vegas, courtesy of Allegiant
Air for recruiting 25 riders)
North Dakota's Team Road Rash
captains Yvonne Ellinor and Dr. Son
Nguyen with their trophy
Thank you for your efforts! You
are truly putting us one step
closer to ending the devastating
effects of multiple sclerosis.
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Each year, hundreds of us come
together to raise awareness and funds
to fight multiple sclerosis. Many of
our participants and volunteers have
a personal connection with MS, but
many others do not. That is why the
Champions Against MS Program
was started, to pair up people living
with MS and event participants.
These connections foster education,
awareness, gratitude and most
importantly, hope.
Event participants can sign up for the
Champions Against MS program when
they register for an event. Participants
may request to be paired with a person
with MS or may acknowledge that they
are participating in honor of someone
they already know with MS.
volunteer to be a part of the program,
please call your local National MS
Society office at 1-800-FIGHT-MS
(option 2).
Two Iowa communities rounded out the
2006 Christopher & Banks MS Walk
season on September 24th. People in
Cedar Rapids and Burlington came
out to support the fight against MS
and participate in these great events.
In Cedar Rapids, Kathy Norman
and her walk committee held a wellorganized event that was fun for all.
Over 100 walkers raised $20,000 to
date and walked from Washington
High School through the Brucemore
Park area. When they returned they
enjoyed lunch donated by Arby’s
restaurant, massages, face painting
and much more. Special thanks to
Arby’s and St. Luke’s Medical Center
for your help sponsoring this event!
Over 137 joined together at Crapo Park
for the MS Walk in Burlington. Diane
Sanders and Patty Chacey planned a
great event once again! Participants
took a scenic route through the park
and returned for lunch donated by
Domino’s and Subway. So far, the
event has raised more than $22,000.
Thank you to the committees,
volunteers and donors who made the
2006 MS Walk season possible!
This holiday season, consider donating
your used wheelchair, cane, walker
or scooter to Wheels for the World, an
organization that restores old mobility
and rehabilitation equipment to send to
those in need in developing countries.
The World Health Organization
estimates that there is a need for 20-30
million wheelchairs around the world.
In some of these countries the cost of a
wheelchair can equal a year’s wages,
resulting in the impossibility for people
affected by disability to ever receive
one. Visit http://www.joniandfriends.
org/pg_wheelchair.php or call Chris at
(818) 575-1722 to learn more.
When: Sunday, March 11th Wednesday, March 14th
Where: Grand Hyatt Washington
Hotel, 1000 H Street NW,
Washington, D.C. 20001
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
MARCH 5th - 11th, 2007:
MS Awareness Week
Mark your calendars and
watch our new website: www.
nationalmssociety.org/nth for
community events and information.
10th: MS Family Bowl, Cedar
Rapids, IA
9th: Reach Out Conference Call
28th: Wedding Showcase, Sioux
Falls, SD
1st: Women Against MS Luncheon,
Fargo, ND
3rd: A Taste of Generosity, Des
Moines, IA
9th: Women Against MS Luncheon,
Sioux Falls, SD
Be sure to check our website at www.
nationalmssociety.org/nth for updates
on these and other events!
Christmas: Office Closed Friday
(12/22/06) and Monday (12/25/06)
New Year’s: Office Closed
Monday (1/1/07)
If you need assistance during
these times, please call
1-800-FIGHT-MS Option 1.
FALL 2006
Coming Soon! 2nd Annual Women
Against MS Luncheon in Sioux
The North Central States Chapter
will be hosting its 2nd Annual Women
Against MS (WAMS) Champagne
Luncheon and Fashion Show in Sioux
Falls on Friday, February 9, 2007, from
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Washington
Pavilion, downtown Sioux Falls. The
theme for the 2007 luncheon is "Little
Black Dress for MS." Guests are
encouraged to wear their favorite little
black dress in support of finding a cure
for MS. The luncheon will feature
wonderful food, champagne, guest
speakers and professional fashion
Women Against MS is a nationwide
education and fundraising program
founded in 1999. While men are
certainly welcome to join us at this
event, it was founded by women who
wanted to come together in the fight
against MS. Two thirds of the people
living with MS are women, and women
often are the care providers for everyone
else. The WAMS luncheon creates an
opportunity to empower each other to
create a better future for those living
with MS today and those who haven’t
yet been diagnosed.
If you are interested in participating
or sponsoring the 2007 Sioux Falls
WAMS, please contact Janey Case at
605-336-7017 or [email protected].
Join us for this wonderful event!
2nd Annual Women Against MS
Luncheon Scheduled for Fargo
Join the National MS Society for Fargo’s
cont. on pg. 23
2nd Annual
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
North Central States Women Against
MS Luncheon
Award-Winning Author, Jacquelyn
Mitchard Joins Local Women in
Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis in
Des Moines
The Second Annual Des Moines Women
Against MS champagne luncheon was
held October 13th at the Downtown
Des Moines Marriott. The luncheon
was hosted to help raise awareness of
MS and raise funds to benefit the work
the Society does for over 7,000 people
living with MS in the North Central
States Chapter.
Bobbi Bergman, news anchor on ABC
5 in Des Moines, was the guest host for
the luncheon. The featured speaker
was Jacquelyn Mitchard, author of six
best selling novels, including The Deep
cont. from pg. 22
Women Against MS
(WAMS) Luncheon on
Thursday, February
Ramada Plaza Suites
& Conference Center.
delicious meal and
national speaker Zoe
Author Zoe
Koplowitz will be
featured. Zoe is the
world’s slowest marathoner and each
year she walks the entire New York
City Marathon course. She walks all
day, all night and completes it the
following day. Although Zoe lives with
the daily challenges of both multiple
sclerosis and diabetes, by the time of the
Kathi Wooderson & Jacquelyn Mitchard
End of the Ocean and The Breakdown
Lane, inspired by Mitchard’s reallife best friend who was diagnosed
with multiple sclerosis.
Weaver of Waterloo, Iowa, shared her
inspirational and emotional experience
cont. on pg. 24
Fargo WAMS Luncheon she will have
completed 21 marathons - all in last
place. She is the award winning author
of The Winning Spirit – Life Lessons
Learned in the Past and was chosen
as an Olympic Torch bearer for the
2002 Winter Games. Zoe’s marathons
have become a metaphor for selfacceptance and being a “participant”
not an “observer” in your own life.
Her transformational journey of the
spirit has captured the imagination
of hundreds of thousands of people all
over the world. Tickets are $35 for an
individual or $250 for a table of 8. For
more information, contact Amy Tapper
at 701-235-2678 (option 2) or amy.
[email protected].
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
cont. from pg. 23
with multiple sclerosis. The theme
of the luncheon this year was “Little
Black Dress for MS.” Women were
encouraged to wear their favorite little
black dress as a way to show their
commitment to ending the devastating
effects of MS.
This year’s WAMS luncheon attracted
over 200 guests, more than twice the
audience of last year’s event, and
raised over $15,000. We were able to
have such a successful event because
of the many sponsors, committee
members, table hosts and volunteers
who donated their time, treasure and
talents. We are especially grateful to
Color FX Printing, ABC 5 TV, Berlex,
Teva Neuroscience, Rebif, Sara’s
Garden House, the Marriott Hotel,
Mercy Medical Center, Ingersoll Wine
& Spirits, Nelson Construction, Rob
Lumbard, Mark & Marilee Davis,
Sharon Mueller, Bonnie May, Valerie
Stickel R.N., Kathi Wooderson, David
Moyland, Lynn Miller and Theresa
These businesses and
individuals truly made the luncheon
one to remember.
Funds raised will support local and
national research and client programs
designed for people with MS and their
families and caregivers, particularly
our local chapter’s participation in
the Promise 2010 Campaign. This
campaign was launched by the National
MS Society to encourage innovative
research into highly promising areas
and to improve MS patient care. This
nationwide effort, fueled by local MS
chapters, will raise at least $30 million
Laurie Friesen, Fran Boggs, Veronica
Fisher, Gina Owen and Marlene Fisher
at Des Moines WAMS Luncheon
to fund four targeted areas that hold
great potential in the fight against the
devastating effects of MS, but which
have so far been under-explored.
The National MS Society supports
more MS research, offers more services
for people with MS, provides more
professional education programs and
furthers more MS advocacy efforts
than any other MS organization in the
A special thanks to Color FX,
who donated the printing of all
the invitations, programs, posters,
envelopes and RSVP cards for this
years Des Moines WAMS luncheon.
In total, this gift was worth over
$1000 and we appreciate it very
Color FX • 515-270-0402
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
Be a part of the 2007 A Taste of
Generosity in Des Moines
This year’s Des Moines Taste of
Generosity, presented by Mercy Ruan
Neuroscience Center, is the 13th annual
A Taste of Generosity
Gala for Des Moines,
and one of the premier
wine events in the area.
A Taste of Generosity
charity auction benefits
the National Multiple
North Central States
Chapter. Over 300 guests will enjoy
a silent auction, wine tasting and hors
d’oeuvres. The menu includes expertly
paired food and wines hailing from all
corners of the globe. Later the focus
turns to a live auction of rare and fine
wines and other unique items.
This year’s “Taste” fundraiser will be
held on Saturday, February 3, 2007,
at the Downtown Des Moines Marriott
Hotel in the Iowa Ballroom. For those
interested, a block of rooms have been
reserved at the Marriott Hotel at a
discounted rate of $89 per night. For
hotel reservations, please call the
Marriott directly 1-800-514-4681. Ask
for the block of rooms reserved for “A
Taste of Generosity.” Remember to
make your reservations by December
31, 2006.
The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. with
the exclusive Chairman’s Tasting
where special guests can enjoy
delectable appetizers paired perfectly
with limited edition wines scheduled
to be auctioned later in the evening.
This is an opportunity for those serious
about their wine and wine collecting to
plan their bidding! VIP treatment is
what you can expect from
this exclusive reception.
(The preview tasting has
limited seating, so please
reserve your place early.)
To attend the Chairman’s
Tasting event, tickets
are an additional $50 per
The main event begins at 6:30 p.m.
with a silent auction and professional
wine tasting which features fantastic
hors d’oeuvres and exquisite wines
served by the top vineyards and wine
connoisseurs in Iowa. At 8:00 p.m. the
focus turns to a live auction of rare and
vintage wines which make the perfect
addition to any collection. Professional
Wine Auctioneer, Simon Lambert of
the Chicago Wine Company, will be
leading this exciting auction.
Ticket prices are $100 for an individual
ticket or $150 for both the Chairman’s
Tasting and the main event, $750 for a
table of eight, or $1,250 for a VIP table
of eight (table prices do not include
entrance to the Chairman’s Tasting at
5:30 p.m.). Enjoy this new VIP level of
service with premier seating (for those
serious auction bidders!), premier table
wines and appetizers served during
the auction and personal wait staff.
Prepare for an evening of fantastic
cont. on pg. 26
food paired with
Visit our Website at: www.nationalmssociety.org/nth
FALL 2006
Sixth Annual Taste of Generosity a
Huge Success in the Quad Cities
The Sixth Annual Quad Cities Taste
of Generosity Wine Auction and Gala
topped the charts as the
most successful Quad
Cities wine auction
for the National MS
Society yet. The event
drew nearly 200 people
this year, expanding
the attendance almost
two-fold from last
year, and raised close
to $40,000, which is
almost a 400% increase
from last year’s event.
Funds raised will be
directed to enhancing
the programs and
services provided by the
North Central States
Chapter. Particularly,
these funds will help
to support the opening of a brand new
Eastern Iowa office in Cedar Rapids
scheduled for spring of 2007.
cont. from pg. 25
fabulous wines from around the
world. Be a part of one of the premier
fundraisers in the Des Moines area.
Best of all, support those you know
with MS while supporting the mission
of the National MS Society: to end the
devastating effect of multiple sclerosis.
The national MS Society is currently
seeking event volunteers, silent
auction volunteers, event sponsors and
This year’s Taste of Generosity was
presented by Radiology Group in
Davenport. Radiology
Center is the most
facility in Iowa and
Western Illinois. It has
provided outpatient
imaging services in
the Quad Cities since
1945 and serves the
certified radiologists.
Consultants, P.C. in
Biogen Idec, Teva
Neuroscience, Serono
Pfizer, and Schnucks.
The National MS Society is grateful for
cont. on pg. 27
the generosity of
auction donors. If you are interested
in supporting this event, or have any
questions, please contact Beth Aebly
at 1-800-FIGHT MS, option 2 or by
emailing [email protected].
Register today to save your place at
one of the premier wine events in Iowa!
Call 1-800-FIGHT MS option 2, or visit
Toll-Free Number: 1 800 FIGHT MS
cont. from pg. 26
the many donors who made this event
possible as well as those who attended
this event and supported our mission
by their presence and participation
in the live and silent auctions. A big
thank you also goes out to the many
volunteers who helped at the event.
This event has been thoughtfully
planned and wonderfully delivered
thanks to the dedication of the
volunteer committee whose members
live in the Quad Cities area. This year’s
committee included: Dr. John Wright,
Dr. Linda Delessio, Fred Smith, John
Tavernier, Karl Stratman, Georgeann
Kreiter, and Eleanor Ball. Thanks
to this fantastic group of people who
show their support for clients with MS
by holding this event each year to raise
valuable funds for the National MS
Mark your calendars, next year's event
is tentatively scheduled for the last
Friday in September. Hope to see you
If you are interested in joining
this committee or donating to the
event next year, please contact
[email protected] or call
John Tavernier at 563-324-9088.
It was announced
Conference the first
week in November
that the National
MS Society will be
commercials at this
year’s MS Awareness
Mark your
calendar for March
5th-11th and get
ready to be wowed by
this new logo!
and Starbucks easily
recognized and strong
One year
was spent creating
the new brand image
and Wieden+Kennedy
had one of their top
teams working on
this special project.
In total, their work
was valued at over
Jackie Heier, Mandy Petersen, $1 million. The ads
Jackie and videos feature
Frederiksen, Amy Tapper
real people with MS
and Kelly Shinkunas (North
and inspire those who
Central States Staff)
don’t know about the
National MS Society
and commercials were donated to join the MS movement.
by Wieden+Kennedy, one of the
leading independent advertising The North Central States Chapter is
and branding agencies in North very excited about all the possibilities
America. They have helped to make this new branding brings.
corporations such as Nike, ESPN
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