October 2009 - Cornerstone Community Church


October 2009 - Cornerstone Community Church
October 2009
Volume 2 Issue 5
The Evangel
Avoid Collapse
Pastor Dale McIntire
Inside this issue:
Church Board Minutes
Quarterly Business
Missionary Profiles
You Are WANTED by
the FBI
Ministry Schedules
The Christmas
catalog I saw the other day
introduced several brands
of collapsible Christmas
trees. That’s right, fully
decorated, lighted, green
boughed and flocked,
collapsible Christmas trees
that include the star on the
Built in a spiral,
you lay the tree out on the
floor, set a pole and stand in
the center, then lift the
smallest point of the spiral
to the top of the pole and
connect it. Everything else
falls right into place. Plug it
in and voila! Christmas! At
the end of the season you
unhook the top from the
pole, lower the tree to the
floor and pack it away for
another year.
It is very easy, even
when we’re not aware of it,
to live smack dab in the
center of an easily
collapsible world. As the
Christmas tree is lowered
from the top of the pole, the
space underneath the
boughs grows smaller and
small until it disappears
altogether. So it can be with
our “practical world.” Our
sense of connectedness and
responsibility as Christians
in the larger world can
become more and more
narrow, smaller and smaller
until it disappears
Jesus knew this.
That’s why he sent his
disciples into “all the
world,” and “to Jerusalem,
Judea, Samaria and to the
end of the world.” Jesus
sent out his disciples with
the largest vision of
ministry possible because
he knew the tendency
would be for that vision,
participation in it, to
collapse until they were
only concerned about
themselves and their
interests and not the
interests of Jesus for the
whole world.
It was because the
s a in ts in Je ru s al e m
surrendered to this
collapsed sensibility that
persecution came to the
church and thrust the
cocooned Christians back
into their mission to all the
world and the ends of the
earth. They had become
complacent, docile,
provincial, closed. They
were supposed to be open,
enthusiastic, eager, and
aggressive in their ministry
of the gospel. But they
The ends of the
world are much closer
today for us than they were
for those early Christians,
but our mission is just as
large, and so must our
vision and our reality be
large, global, purpose.
Through service, giving,
and prayer, through
education and effort, we
also must maintain a fully
extended worldview and
gospel-giving activity.
Get to know the
missionaries and the
missions Cornerstone
supports. Contact them.
Pray for them. Support
them. Join them. These are
the opportunities presented
everyday to “go into all the
world.” The opportunities
to avoid collapse. Make the
most of these opportunities
as they come to you.
The Evangel
Volume 2 Issue 5
Page 2
Cornerstone Community Church Board Minutes
Joann Mattson, Clerk
Present: Jim Chupurdia,
Maxine Chupurdia, Linda
McIntire, Pastor Dale McIntire,
Mary Hay, John Hay, Valerie
Gustafson, Joel Pike, and
JoAnn Mattson.
Absent: Sharron McCann
Chairman John Hay called the
meeting to order. Pastor Dale
shared some thoughts and
John opened in prayer.
JoAnn Mattson read the
minutes from the August board
meeting. M/S by Pastor Dale,
Val Gustafson to approve the
minutes as read; motion
Maxine Chupurdia distributed
the treasurer's report. The
general fund balance is $
17,113.39. The balance for
all funds is ($ 131,120.10)
and year-to-date giving is
$9,878.72 over the budgeted
amount. M/S by Pastor Dale,
Mary Hay to accept the
treasurer's report as given;
motion carried.
Board reports:
CE Ministry Board - Mary
 Sunday School for all
ages has started again.
 The Wednesday night
program will begin in late
October. John and Mary
Hay will lead a parenting
 The CE Board is working
on a substitute teacher
 W.O.W., as we have
known it, is done. Looking
for direction on what to
do with a childrens' church
Elder Ministry Board - John
The elders met again and
spent time in prayer.
September 2009
Hospitality Ministry Board JoAnn Mattson
 Summer Sunday dinners
are over (ask Sharron
McCann to evaluate).
 The church picnic was held
at Dean and Roxann
Berglund's home on
August 23rd after being
rained out on August
16th. There were 27 that
 There will be a potluck
this Sunday before the
quarterly business
Missions Ministry Board Joel Pike
 There were several from
our congregation that
loved, served, and
ministered with the youth
at a Hispanic family
camp in Forest Lake the
end of August. They have
been invited back next
 October is Missions'
Month and the missions
display will be put up on
the wall.
 Joel will be writing an
article for next month's
 Jeff Chapman, missionary
to Japan, shared in the
evening service on
September 13th.
 Christmas in October
offering will be taken
next month.
Outreach & Evangelism
Ministry Board - Linda
 The last prayer time at
the Overlook for this
season was held.
Advent devotional.
Service Ministry Board Valerie Gustafson
 New 'reserved seat signs'
were ordered. (Will have
to be returned because
they do not fit on the
Trustee Ministry Board - Jim
 Higher Education has
paid the contract for
deed in full on our old
 Jim distributed the
minutes from the recent
trustee meeting, new
building use policy, and
facility use form.
M/S by Maxine Chupurdia,
Mary Hay to accept ministry
board reports as given;
motion carried.
Pastor's report:
 Doing more counseling.
 Pastor and Bill Doucette
did landscaping around
the building.
 The live stream failed on
Sunday - still having some
sound issues.
 Update on the Men’s
Bible study.
 The Good News articles
in the News-Herald will
be done at the end of this
Old business:
 Prepare the wording for
the motion regarding the
sabbatical application for
the quarterly business
New business:
 Jim Chupurdia, having
recently studied the
church constitution and
bylaws, brought to the
attention of board that
some procedures set forth
have not been followed.
M/S by John Hay,
Valerie Gustafson that,
per the bylaws, the
(Continued on page 3)
The Evangel
Volume 2 Issue 5
Page 3
MINUTES (Continued from page 2)
board reestablish a
'Special Projects Fund' to
more effectively deal
with designated and
gifted monies; motion
carried. As part of the
special projects fund the
board will need to
prepare and approve a
prioritized list of projects,
needs, and 'wish list'
items, which is to be
maintained by the
Preliminary List (subject to
Retire mortgage
Parking lot addition
Monitor for commons
Chairs (to replace folding
Church sign out in front of
the building
Desk chair for Pastor's
Worship CDs and
Replacement laptop for
White board for
conference room
Wireless microphones for
worship team
Additional refrigerator
Pew Bibles
Converge (formerly BGC)
looking for donations for
their building project.
Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes
Joann Mattson, Clerk
business meeting was held
following a potluck dinner.
Chairman John Hay called the
meeting to order, shared some
thoughts, and opened with
JoAnn Mattson read
the minutes from the June 17,
2009 annual meeting. M/S by
Maxine Chupurdia, Linda
McIntire that the minutes be
approved as read; motion
Maxine Chupurdia
distributed the treasurer's
balance sheet. The balance in
the general fund is
$17,113.39. The balance for
all funds is ($131,120.10)
and year-to-date giving is
$9,878.72 over the budgeted
M/S by Jim Mattson,
Irene Laine to accept the
treasurer's report as
presented; motion carried.
Board reports:
CE Ministry Board - Mary
 The CE Board is looking
for direction for
September 2009
W.O.W./childrens' church
Wednesday night
programs will begin the
end of October.
parenting class will be
offered and held for 812 weeks.
Elder Ministry Board - John
 They have been spending
time in the scriptures and
in prayer.
Hospitality Ministry Board no report
Missions Ministry Board Joel Pike
 Two short term summer
m i s s i o n t r ip s we re
 There will be a mission's
display installed. There
will be more 'mission
moments' in the morning
worship service. The
mission board is
considering sponsoring a
prayer time for
 Jeff Chapman (Japan)
was here last Sunday.
O&E Ministry Board - Linda
 Prayer at the Overlook
 Advent devotional - still
need more writers
Service Ministry Board
Valerie Gustafson
 Update on activities.
Trustee Ministry Board - Jim
 The contract for deed
with Higher Education has
been satisfied.
 Their board met and
individual trustees were
assigned as primary
contacts for key
 The trustee board has
designed a preliminary
draft of our facility use
policy and facility use
 They have met with the
building contractor and
are working on warranty
M/S by Jim Mattson, Florence
Bloomquist to accept the
church ministry reports as
presented; motion carried.
The Evangel
Volume 2 Issue 5
Page 4
BUSINESS (Continued from page 3)
Pastor's report:
 Encouraged us to pray
for our community.
 Website update.
 Next weeks' newspaper
will be the last Good
News column.
 There will be a baptismal
service next Sunday.
Old business:
 No auditor's report yet.
 The church board moves
that Cornerstone
Community Church
approves applying for a
Lilly Foundation clergy
renewal foundation grant
with Jim Chupurdia as
chairman of the grant
application writing
committee and final grant
application proposal
subject to congregational
approval; motion carried
New business:
 David Fair shared his
testimony. M/S by Pastor
Dale McIntire, Jim
Chupurdia that we affirm
David Fair as a member
of Cornerstone
Community Church; motion
 M/S by Irene Laine, Mary
Hay to spend $300.00
from the general fund to
purchase banners; motion
 A congregational member
inquired as to the
possibility of having a
cross on the outside of the
building - referred to the
Trustee Ministry Board.
 The church board has
reestablished a special
projects fund (as per
church constitutional bylaws) for memorials and
special giving. A special
projects list has been
created, to be overseen
by the Trustee Ministry
Board. The following
items are on the list (this
list is not, as of yet,
Pay off mortgage
Parking lot addition
Monitor for fellowship
New church sign
Desk chair for Pastor's
Worship CDs and music
Replacement laptop for
AV booth
White board for
conference room
Wireless microphones
Additional refrigerator
Pew Bibles
Missionary Profiles
Joel Pike, Missions Ministry Board
October is Missions
Month at Cornerstone
Community Church. At a
quick glance, here are
the missionaries we
support, the countries in
which they work, and
what the Lord has them
currently doing:
Jeff and Barb Chapman
and Family
The Chapmans are
currently on furlough,
living in Cambridge, MN
and visiting their
supporting churches. They
are seeing Japanese
people around them
Jeff and Barb Chapman - Japan
Christopher, Rachael, Caleb, Anna
Converge Worldwide (BGC)
come to Christ and
experiencing miraculous
healing. Their home
church is growing and
they are completing a
new school for missionary
(See pages 6-7 for more
The Evangel
Volume 2 Issue 5
Page 5
Those would be frightening words in any situation but this one!
In today’s fast paced life where families are being pulled in so many directions FBI seeks to bring the
whole church family together for an evening of learning the life changing truths of God. The “whole church
family” means just that: singles, couples, parents, children and infants. It is our conviction that when children, their
families and other adults worship, pray and study the Bible together lasting spiritual results are more likely to
occur. Children learn as much, if not more, from observing than they do from being told things. When they see
that their parents and other adults value and participate in Bible studies they are more likely to adopt those
values as their own. As one of our children said of his parents, “Studying the Bible on Wednesday isn’t just for
kids, my parents need it, too.”
We will be offering four classes this fall:
 aBounding Prayer– taught by Pastor Dale. This is an adult class that will not only be gleaning truths from the
Bible about prayer, but also will be hearing what God taught Mr. E.M. Bounds about prayer. The class will
also be continuing to pray for our community.
 A parenting class will be facilitated by John and Mary Hay. They will be using the video series: “Value
Packed Parenting-Raising Rock Solid Kids in a Pleasure Driven World” by Kevin Leman. Kevin is a Christian
author and counselor. His lighthearted why of interacting with the audience will keep your attention and
challenge your thinking. Parents of children of all ages will benefit from the video presentations and the
discussions afterward.
 Upper and Middle Elementary children will be taught by Jim Churpurdia. The class will center on the Bible
and what it has to say about the issues all children face in today’s world.
 PreK-2nd Grade will be taught by Linda McIntire, Maxine Churpurdia and Danielle Fosness. In this class
there will be hands on leaning centered of God as Creator and Savior. The class will also include all nursery
 Another aspect of thorough Bible study is the memorization of God’s word. Each participant will be
encouraged to participate in the learning of the “Alphabetical Bible Verses.” God’s word is our guide book
and it is all the more useful and personal when it is hidden in our hearts.
For planning purposes it would be helpful to know about how many people to expect. We would
appreciate it if you could sign up in the foyer, but know that if you don’t sign up, but find you can attend we
very much want you to come!
We hope that you will carve out Wednesday nights at 6:30-7:30 for the nourishing of your spirits in a
corporate setting. You will be stretched as you learn more of God, others will be blessed through your insights
as you share and the children who
observe your commitment and love
for the Lord will benefit greatly.
So mark October 21 on your
calendar. This meeting will be an
Introduction to the FBI Year.
Afterwards we will be “building” ice
cream sundaes. Please feel free to
bring goodies to share.
If you have questions please
see Linda McIntire or Mary Hay.
Newsletter Title
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 6
Chris and Faith Creech
Chris is a professor at East Asia School of Theology. Faith works with
the wives of the students there and with teachers in the public school
system. They are both mentoring students as well. Many of these
students are in their 40's and have been evangelists, pastors and
missionaries in China, India, Thailand ect, and are looking for further
education and Bible training. Chris and Faith have been joining their
students sharing the Gospel on the streets of Singapore in their spare
Chris and Faith Creech - Singapore
Children's Shelter of Cebu – Philippines
Converge Worldwide (BGC)
We as a congregation are Foster Friends for one child from CSC, and
an individual from among us supports another. The first is Analiza, who
is 16, and has five younger siblings. While it is difficult to find adoptive
parents for sibling groups this large, Analiza would have us pray that a family
could be found for them.
Chardyn, 9, and her eight
siblings arrived at CSC
after their mother died
and their father was
unable to care for them
Charydyn,9, and her eight siblings arrived at CSC
after their mother died of cancer and her father was
unable to care for them anymore.
Tom & Mary Lou Ellison and Family
Tom and Mary Lou have been missionaries in Japan since
1985. On this their fourth term, they are working alongside
Nerima Baptist Church in Tokyo, to support the Japanese
pastor, and to teach and equip the church for evangelism.
Tom and Mary Lou Ellison – Japan
Luke, Ellen, Peter, Philip, Erick and Grace
Converge Worldwide (BGC),
Church Planting
To that end keep alert with all persevera
the saints, and also for me, that words m
mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of
Newsletter Title
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 7
Juan Jose & Elena Felipe
Juan is the pastor of Cristo la Roca in Pelican Rapids, in NW Minnesota.
They are reaching out into the Hispanic community there. We were able to
connect with Juan and some of the youth from Cristo la Roca while doing the
children's ministry at the MBC's Hispanic Family Camp at the end of this last
Paul & Ana Hill and Family
Paul and Ana are pastoring a church in Santiago del Estero, which also has
a daughter church in a town called Lomitas. In Santiago they have a new
youth leader, Javier de Jesus, who is drawing many youth into the church
and into street evangelism.
Juan and Elena Felipe - USA
Minnesota Baptist Conference –
Pelican Rapids, MN
Pastor/Missionary to Hispanics
Paul and Ana Hill – Argentina
Sara, Amy, Paul, Mark and Laura
Converge Worldwide (BGC), Church
Tom & Barb Marks
Tom and Barb work with missionaries who are on home
assignment, preparing them to re-enter the field. They
offer a once a year Member Care Ministry Counseling
Course. They also work with candidate training, in the
WEC-USA base in Pennsylvania.
ance, making supplication for all
may be given to me in opening my
f the gospel. Ephesians 6:18-19
Tom and Barb Marks - USA
Worldwide Evangelism for Christ – (WEC International)
Missionary Counselors - Ft. Washington Pennsylvania
1 Cedar Grove Lane
PO Box 662
Grand Marais, MN 55604
Find us at: www.cscchurch.com
Email at: [email protected]