The Campus Canopy


The Campus Canopy
The Campus Canopy
Volume X X X
Valdosta State College, Valdosta, Georgia, Friday, January 29, 1965
Number 8
Ten Beauties Vie
In Miss VSC Bout
The Pi Kappa Phi fratern ity
is to sponsor the annual “ Miss
VSC” contest tom orrow night
in the gymnasium. Gene Greneker is to be master o f cere­
monies and “ The Triplets Jazz
'Irio” are to entertain.
An enchanting south pacific
theme is planned fo r the eleven
beauties who w ill compete in
evening gown and talent com pe­
tition. “ Miss VSCr* is to he^selected by a p a e e l'o f fiv e judges
who wilt-edHsider beauty, poise,
Thaxton Announces
Construction Bids
This year, there w ill be a
rash of building going on at
VSC. On February 35, bids are
to be taken on the new Science
building. The building is to go
up in the field between W est
Hall and the new boys’ dorm.
“Bids will be in the $1,250,000
area,” says Dr. Ralph Thax­
ton, college P r e s i d e n t .
ter on this year construction
will start on another boys*
dorm, right behind the present
boys* dorm. Dr. Thaxton states
that this building w ill be in the
$700,000 dollar range, but these
are only approximate prices. A l ­
so this year construction w ill
start on a student center to sur­
round the swimming pool. Th e
amount to be spent fo r this
building w ill be around $450,-
Today final inspection is to
be made on the new library
annex for acceptance.
The new women's dorm is
making steady progress.
In the future VSC hopes to
acquire more land around the
campus for m ore buildings.
One piece o f property has been
purchased. It is the Blackman
house east o f campus.
Dr. Thaxton also states that
no more money is slated to be
allotted for construction at VSC
for the next two years.
Spearman Exhibits
Work In VSC Library
Norvell Spearman, a 23 year
old VSC graduate, expresses on
canvas what he sees in every*
day South Georgia life.
“ I like to paint what I fe el is
tvpical of South Georgia, where
I’ve lived all my life/ ' he ex­
Spearman is the first Valdosta
State graduate to have an ex­
hibit in the gallery o f the VSC
The theme o f his work r e ­
flects Georgia landscapes, N e ­
groes and the tobacco and saw
mill Industry.
Enthusiastic about art since
childhood, Spearman recalls bemg scolded by his parents fo r
drawing more than studying in
nis voungcr years.
The promising young Hahiran
works predominately in w ater
colors, graphics and sculptures.
I like water colors best be­
es11*© they are fast and versa­
tile. I like oils, but I think I
Jack the patience to work with
His “ Saw M ill Tow n " is typi(Continued on Page 6)
talent, and intelligence as bases
fo r its decision.
Chairman o f the show, Jerry
Pilcher, announced that three
girls from each sorority a n d
two independents w ere carefully
selected fo r the contest.
Alpha Delta P i is to sponsor
L a trelle Pitts, freshman, Thom asville; C arole W illiam son, Jun­
ior, Pem broke; and Dean N ich ­
ols, Freshman, Valdosta.
A lpha X i Delta is to sponsor
Cindy Sessions, Junior, W aynes­
boro; Bobbie Minnick, s o p h o .
more, Atlanta; and Gayle M er­
ritt, freshman, Colquitt.
Kappa Delta's three candi­
dates are to be A n g ie Jarrett,
sophomore, B lakely; L a u r a
Resch, freshman, Valdosta; and
Ru-tli A nn Roddey, sophomore,
Independents are to be Gin­
g e r Price, freshman, Jesup; and
Pam Smith, freshman, Jackson­
ville, Florida.
Talents w ill include singing,
dancing, baton tw irling, dra­
matic and comic monologues.
This year, in the absence o f
last year's queen, Jeannie H oyle
Jenkins, the firs t runner-up,
Brenda Smith, is to crown the
new “ Miss VSC ."
Choir Presents
Varied Program
Monday, February 1, 1965, the
Gettysburg C ollege Choir w ill
present a program o f secular
music in the auditorium at
Pound Hall, N orth Campus.
U nder the direction o f P ro ­
fessor Parker B. W agnild, the
choir has established an envi­
able reputation as one o f the
fin est singing groups in the
east. A n a capella choir o f sixty
m ixed voices, the group is re­
nowned fo r its technical per­
fection and sincere warmth. Th e
choir received international ac­
claim fo r its perform ances in
Switzerland, Denmark, Germany,
Sweden, Norway, Great Britain,
and the Netherlands, during a
summer tour in 1963.
Professor W agnild is Head o f
the Music Department at Gettys­
burg College. H e was b om in
Minnesoata and attended St.
O laf College, w here he was a
mem ber o f th e famous St. O laf
Choir, which, under Dr. F. M e­
lius Christiansen, toured Europe
in 1930. H e has also conducted
various high school, religious,
and community choirs through­
out the country.
Bishop's Crusade
One o f the tw elve Episcopal
Bishops coming on a preaching
mission to south Georgia is the
Rt. Rev. John Vander Horst
(pronounced Vandross) f r o m
A n Episcopalian first — the
Bishop's Crusade is described
by Reverend Brevard W illiam s
as not being an e ffo rt to pro­
mote Episcopalianism; but it
w ill be an e ffo rt to present the
real meaning o f the gospel to
the people o f the community—
to those who are looking fo r a
(Continued on Page Six)
Competing tomorrow night, January 30, for the Miiss VSC title is Latrelle Pitts, Laura Resch,
Pam Smith, Ginger Price, Dean Nichols, Carol Williamson, Bobbie Minnick, Cindy Sessions, Ruth
Ann Roddy. Not pictured: Gale Merritt, Angie Jarrett.
S tu d e n t s T o Nominate
Queen Candidate Today
Today students are to nomi­
nate candidates fo r the home­
coming queen who is to be
elected Tuesday, Feb. 2.
dents are to go to the station
set up in the lobby o f the ad­
m inistration building to nomi­
nate fiv e coeds to be voted upon
fo r queen.
Hollywood, the city o f glam or
and s t a r s , sets the them e fo r
the homecoming “ H ollywood at
V S C " Feb. 19-20, said Laurice
Coan, Student Government A s­
sociation president.
A nd the SGA has planned a
w eekend o f activities fo r the
A ctivities begin Feb. 19 with
a parade at 4 pm. B ill Moorman
is the parade marshall.
Friday night, the VSC Rebels
m eet LaGrange on the basket­
ball courts.
“ W e m ight have an inform al
Mr., Miss Spirit
Named At VSC
Each year the choice o f two
outstanding students who show
the greatest school spirit are
announced by the VSC cheer­
The two chosen fo r
1964-65 are Gail Bazemore and
M ike Fletcher.
Gail is a past cheerleader,
sidelined by a knee injury but
“ she comes to the game and she
yells/' She has the personality
and the enthusiasm needed and
you can be sure i f she’s not at
the game that she's close to a
radio. Gail is from Quitman, Ga.,
and was Homecoming Queen in
She is a junior and a
English major, a member o f
A D P i sorority.
“ Lots o f boys come to the
game and are interested but
M ike Fletcher puts out a little
dance after the ball game. W e 'll
have to see how the money
holds out," said Jimbo Smith,
SGA vice-president.
“ Th e Chiffons,” who recorded
“ He's So Fine/' are to be the
band fo r the form al homecom­
ing dance Saturday at 8 pm in
the gym, said Smith.
T aylor and Judy Postell are in
charge o f decorations fo r this
T h ere is $1,500 in the budget
fo r homecoming, said Smith.
The band fo r the form al dance
costs $1,000.
“ The other $500 is to be used
fo r decorations and to help pay
fo r class floats. (Each class may
be given a certain sum to help
pay fo r its float in the parade).
I f w e have anything le ft over
it w ill be used to pay fo r an
inform al dance," said Smith.
extra," sa y the cheerleaders.
“ They seem to think that y ellin g
the Veils is silly. When he gets
up you can tell by the color o f
his face when he yells “ Rebels
a ll the cotton pickin' time/' that
he means it. He attends most
o f the away games and is the
kind o f fe lla w e wish w e had
more o f," agree the cheerlead­
ers. Mike is from Valdosta, Ga.,
is in SPE fraternity, a sociology
m ajor and is in the sophomore
Mr. and Miss Spirit w ill be
officia lly presented as a part
o f the homecoming activities.
Tonight VSC Rebels w ill
play W est Georgia at Carroll­
ton and tom orrow night La­
Both are
t i t
SPE Student directories are
being sold by that fraternity.
(See Under the Acropolis).
f i
The Rebel record is now
over-all 9-3. Tonight it is to
be 10-3.
I f f
Homecoming is coming F eb­
ruary 19.
Mrs. Bette Adams, D irector
o f Public Relations at VSC
is being saluted by Radio
Station W G O V as a “ Com­
munity Leader/'
■L »
B enefit Basketball Game,
sponsored by
the Jaycees
and Lions Club w ill be played
February 4th at 8:00 p.m. in
the VSC gymnasium.
Th e
city's two leading teams, the
Valdosta A th letic and Castle
Park Barber Shop w ill play.
fo r spring
semester Saturday classes at
Valdosta State C ollege w ill
be at 9:00 a.m. January 30,
according to Dr. J. A . Dur­
renberger, Academ ic Dean.
E d ito ria ls ___________ page 2
Society ......... ............ page 3
— ----- page 3
Sports ~______ -------- - page 5
F i l l e r s _________Everywhere
Homecoming .
— page 1
Gives Something Special
Always Cheers
Page Two
January 29, 1965
£ ld it o r i a d d ij,
f p e a t e i n c *
C o lleg e students have a special inclination tow ard b ein g c riti­
T h e release o f parental authority and classroom en ligh ten ­
m ent seem to breed iconoclasm.
Students take them selves serious­
T h ey expect to have th eir voices heard— every w h ere that is,
excep t w h ere it w ould do som e good.
T h e student govern m en t o f
this school cannot be the vo ice o f VSC unless it has the support
o f th e student body. W h e re are th e uninhibited young spirits?
Could the philosophy be “ i f at firs t you don*t succeed, g iv e up;
N ob o d y cares anyw ay?”
T h e attitu de is “ le t som ebody else.”
VSC is becom ing a g lo r i­
fie d high school w h ere one attends class, extra-curricular a ctivities
som etim es, and lets som ebody else te ll who, what, w hen and w here.
T h e re a re problem s— leg itim a te grip es that should b e vo iced
by students.
T h e re a re solutions to these problem s— but only i f
som ebody w ill take the in itia tiv e and m ake it known so that these
solutions can be found.
A n yw a y, who cares?
W h a t do an E gyptian m ortician and VSC students have in com ­
Dead spirits.
“ A l l fo r the R ebels stand up and h oller/' T h e ch eerin g section
responded— on the third try. “ L et's W -I-N .”
W E L L OPEtf UP - 1 OX/gfcH£A^D OWB
OF TKE £ o Y £
~^A U TIFU L M O P E L U P jN YO U R K C O .*!'1
Com m ents On To Things
T h e section m um bled.
To Think or Not To Think . . .
“ T-E-A-M .” A fe w clapped. In ratio to th e amount o f tim e and e ffo r t
and heart put into practicing, both the ch eerlead ers and players
are cheated by the support th ey g e t fro m the stands.
I f a c o lleg e in th e state has a reason to be proud and show it
it is Valdosta State C ollege. T h e past fe w years have shown a slig h t
increase in student participation (a t basketball gam es) how ever,
that increase has been m inute.
W e take it as a m atter o f course that VSC w ill w in th e G IA C
basketball conference.
Som e students d on 't even know that w e
have a tennis team and v e ry fe w students have seen th e baseball
tea m play.
T h e tag suitcase c o lleg e is ju stly hung o v e r ou r heads.
M any
people in the audience at the last Student G overnm ent con cert
w ere not VSC students.
T h e solution is w ithin th e students.
P a r­
ticipation is the ‘‘good word.*'
— L e e Hobbs
“What Do You W ant?”
In a w orld o f con form ity and static ideas it’s hard fo r a person
som etim es to rea lly know what he wants, how he fe e ls about a
particular thing or how he would react to a g iven situation. T o o
often w e have pre-conceived ideas and opinions that p rove them ­
selves w rong when allow ed to develop fu lly. Th e recent Johnny
Cash discussion bears this out.
Months ago, when the SG A m em bers began planning the w in ­
ter qu arter concert a fe w m em bers m entioned Johnny Cash. Most
students w ere surprised and treated the idea any w ay but enthusi­
astically. Th e m ajo rity o f the students w ere unsure about b rin g­
ing a country music show to VSC especially at the cost o f $2500.
W e ll, the SG A listened to the students and then tried to make
what they fe lt was the best decision. It was decided. Johnny Cash
would m ake his firs t appearance at a G eorgia c o lleg e on January
20, at VSC, and with any luck at all, he w ould possibly have a fa irly
good crowd.
I f 2.500 persons constitutes a “ fa irly g o o d " turnout at a co llege
o f 1500 students then m aybe w e'd better try fo r m ore “ fa ir ly g o o d "
concerts in the future.
I f you w ere at the concert you saw the crow d and heard tho
response. I t ’s sa fe to assume that any skeptical attitudes and unenthusiastic ideas about the concert w ere dispelled from the minds
o f the students who had possessed them, including, adm ittedly, this
I ’m not advocating that all concerts be o f the country-folk
music type from now on. Goodness no! W o naturally need variety.
But, I am advocating and suggesting that w e all congratulate the
SG A fo r the recent show and fo r showing us that w e don’t always
know what w e want Individually/ it's necessary that w e support all
o f the e ffo rts wholly*
Th e group secured fo r hom ecom ing is anything but country.
But with any luck they too w ill have a “ fa irly g o o d " reception.
— Chris Connell
V aldosta State C o lleg e was fortu n ate to have a b rillia n t and
im pressive speaker fo r its R eligiou s Emphasis W eek. Dr. C arlyle
M arney is one o f the m ost learned, in tellectu al speakers this cam­
pus has seen in m any years.
H is lectu res presen ted du ring R E W g a ve V SC students an op­
p o rtu n ity to be exposed to a g rea t mind. Dr. M arney combines a
g re a t deal o f kn ow led ge w ith a g rea t capacity fo r understanding.
In his lectu res h e presen ted a bounteous fe a s t o f food fo r
thought. P ra ctica lly e v e ry sentence he u ttered provoked a grea t
deal o f th in kin g in those who heard him. Dr. M arney, a w id ely
read man, presen ted much philosophy in his lectures. W h e re else
on this campus can one b e exposed to such philosophy?
H ere, tru ly, is a scholar. A n d th e response to this in tellectu al
man was m ixed.
Som e students, w ho bothered to com e to th e lectures, did n 't
lik e Dr. M arney because th ey “ couldn’t understand him .” Or, as
one ju n io r put it, “ I couldn't understand w hat he was saying. But
I fe lt lik e that i f I could I w ould disagree w ith him .”
On the oth er hand, m any students w e re g rea tly im pressed with
Dr. M arney's lib e ra l philosophy and understanding o f theology.
T h e prob lem is this:
Do w e w ant to stretch our m inds to
think? A r e w e so m en tally lazy that w e w ill not w ork to reason
out the thoughts presented to us? D o w e want to be spoon-fed a
1-2-3 list o f pseudo-sophisticated answers to our problem s?
Dr. M arney w ould not g iv e the answers because each man
must fin d his own. W hat w ill w ork fo r one m ay not w ork fo r an­
T h e response to R E W was not trem endous— by a num erative
account. But, that is not the im portant thing. It is im portant that
Dr. M arney was a breath o f fresh air fo r the in tellectu ally curious
who heard and responded to him.
Audincees and Artists Meet
• • • •
Many p erform ers (T h e F ou r Preps, the F ou r Freshm en) who
cam e to VSC fo r concerts last y ea r asked i f there w ere any parties
in town they could go to a fte r th eir show. T h ere w ere not.
Perhaps it would be a good thing i f the SG A w ould sponsor
a reception fo r the perform ers a fte r each concert.
O r perhaps
d iffe re n t groups on campus w ould sponsor some such party.
Many o f the la rg e r colleges do this. C offee, cokes, cakes and
cookies a rc served and admission is free.
Th is reception, open
to all students, gives an inform al tim e fo r the audience to m eet tho
— K a y P o w e ll
The Campus Canopy
Kditor ...
IluftinesH M fllinger
Associate Kditors
Society Editor
Circulation Manager
Snorts Kditor
I jayout Kditor ..
.. Leo Hobbs
Clcrnld Boyd
Chris Connell, Kny Powell
Dodio Lnsliloy
Gail Fountain
Martin Millar
Sheila McCoy
Mrs. Botto Adams
Published by tho students at Valdosta State C ollege bi-monthly,
except during the summer and in Soptomber and December.
Letters To The
. . . This has happened to you!
I f you have a car and expect to
park on campus, be prepared
to shell out the exorbitant price
o f $15.00 a year fo r a parking
space which is likely not to ex­
ist. Parking has always been a
problem on this campus.
Last year the SGA made a
proposal that freshmen not be
allowed to have cars on campus.
T h e faculty committee, under
whoso jurisdiction this matter
came, approved the SGA's pro­
H ow ever, this proposal
was neatly discarded in waste,
basket 204 and nothing was
over heard o f it again.
T h ere are three alternatives
to consider: I f each student and
each organization w ill protest
verb a lly or better still— in writ­
ing— to the SGA, there is a good
possibility something can be
T h e alternatives:
1. T h e administration do away
w ith parking permits entirely.
2. T h e administration lower
the rate to $1.00/qt. or $3.00/
3. A l l students simply refuse
to buy parking permits.
4. Freshmen not be allowed
5. Students on academic pro­
bation not be allowed cars on
T h e com plaint is that $15.00
is too much to charge fo r park­
in g permits.
— Jimbo Smith!
Father's Letter
Lt. Col. Paul Ross Wheaton,
fa th er
o f VSC coed Sandy
W heaton is stationed in Dalat,
V ie t Nam. H e w rites to Sandy
and she gets an inside color story
on Viet-Nam . The following is
one w ritten 2 months after the
arrival o f the fam ily (father,
m other, 2 brothers and a sister),
in southeast Asia, where he will
be until 1966.
18 Aug. 64
D ear Sandra,
Seeing you want to come over
h ?re so baa— although I think
this too w ill pass— i f you can
becom e flu ent in French you
could enter Dalat University*
Incidentally, you may know
that it is customary fo r people
o ver here to have several wives,
g ir l friends, etc. Th e Vietnam­
ese many times bring their girl­
friends rather than their wives
to parties, etc. Dalat recently
passed an ordinance requiring
them (natives) to be covered
from the waist up when in the
city proper. The picture is the
way they norm ally dress— with
all this talk about the topless
they overlook the fact that the
Montagnards have been doing
this fo r centuries.
W o w ent down to the Dalat
palaco. the best hotel in town,
the other night and had a very
fine dinner with the best of
everything. Y e t you can drive
less than three miles out In
Montagnard villa ge and see peoplo livin g like wo did t h r e e
hundred years ago. Very, very
prim itive. However, I do enjoy
looking at tho girls!! The basic
reason fo r
this is that tho
French exploited this country
and did very little fo r tho peo­
ple themselves. W o are attempt*
ing to change all this.
W o really do have a very lux­
urious house.
Our cook pro*
pared us a very sumptious Chi­
nese meal tonight. H er namo is
Ahinh and she is really great.
Had to hlro two servants for
constantly fighting.
Your mo*
thcr really broko up a brawl tho
other day beforo wo got rid of
them. Am putting her in for
(Continued on Page 6)
January 29, 1965
For Women Only
This column is fo r women only. The men may as w ell read
elsewhere since this article holds no masculine interest.
Now that we are alone, girls, I realize that leap year was dark
and dismal for some co-eds as far as legally chasing and catching
a man; but, who says you cannot chase that certain someone il­
legally in 1965?
Since this flirtin g stuff may be a little new and difficu lt fo r
most of you, here are a few -pointers to keep in mind as you begin
Contrary to popular belief, men do not en joy being aggressive.
In fact, they would much rather have the fun without the work.
The poor things are so busy going to class, playing ping pong, and
looking for girls that they are enervated when it conies tim e fo r
your date. But, it has been a long day, so be cooperative, girls. Sit
close to himwhile he drives. Grab his hand when you get out o f
the car. Lean on his shoulder when he buys the m ovie tickets.
And when you are at the dorm door and he is tellin g you good
night, do not shake his hand and say, “ Take it easy, pal.” Instead,
play the new game called “ smacky-lips and huggy-bear.” H e w ill
appreciate your obvious affeotion.
Secondly^tfoys look fo r consideration in a girl. H elp him at
all tigxes-'tfKether he needs it or not. T reat him to a steak supper
or offer to iron his shirts fo r the next week.
On dates you should let him d rive your Mustang instead o f his
”55 Ford. And i f he wants to la k e some fellow s out every night,
what is a little gas when you know how manly he w ill feel. A ll
these little things w ill add to the bright moments in his college
career. He w ill never fo rg e t your thoughtfulness.
You must share his interests. Be a detective and discover his
favorite pastimes. F or example, be able to converse intelligen tly
on Lady Chatterly's Lover and Ulysses (you only need to know the
interesting parts . . . that’s all he w ill know).
I f you follow these suggestions closely, girls, your telephone
should be ringing at this moment. But, one word o f caution— if
you injure his male pride, you are lost. Remember, be subtle in
your pursuit; let him think he is chasing you.
SOCIETY EDITOR'S N O TE : This article is patterned a fter a
column that appeared in the Red and Black a t the U niversity o f
— Dodie Lashley
Instructor Has Received
Research G ra n t A w ard
Mr. Wayne Faircloth, assist­
ant professor o f biology, has r e ­
ceived a $2,000 research, par­
ticipation grant sponsored by
the National Science Founda­
The funds w ill be used to
defray costs o f supplies, equip­
ment, and books needed in es­
tablishing a herbarium at V a l­
dosta State College.
The purpose o f the Research
Participation for College Teach­
ers Program is to stimulate ac­
tivity in the sciences and to
Seniors Visit VSC
More than 200 high school
seniors were on hand to partici­
pate in the Senior Day Program
held January 23 at Valdosta
State College. A fte r a general
assembly, the students attended
three twenty-minute classes, in
which various faculty members
discussed the college curricu­
Meals in the dining hall, cam­
pus tours, a fashion show, a
coke party sponsored by the
Panhellenic and Intra-fraternity
councils, and o p e n house at
both the Baptist Student Union
and Wesley oFundation, round­
ed out the day.
Senior Day is designed to ac­
quaint the students with a bit
of College Life.
Two high school seniors, Ellen
Rogers and Nancy Peel o f Jesup. Ga.f were interviewed, “ I'm
definitely coming to school over
here!'* and “ I like the dormi­
tories,” says Ellen.
The two agreed that the fash­
ion show by the Panhellenic
Council, and the singing were
choice collegiate entertainment.
“ People are so nice and friend­
ly. and you sorta’ know what
to expect from college after
talking and listening to the
speakers,” says Nancy.
im prove local laboratories and
Mr. Faircloth has begun work
on the project and is exchanging
plant specimens w ith the U ni­
versity o f Georgia, the U niver­
sity o f South Florida, and the
U niversity o f Mississippi.
His most recent exchange is
a collection o f two hundred and
nine specimens from the N ew
England states which was pre­
sented to the VSC herbarium
by Dr. G eorge Cooley, Research
Fellow at Harvard.
Besides .this collection, the
herbarium includes a Sapelo Is­
land collection received in 1963
and a general collection from
the U niversity o f Georgia. Th ere
are also specimens collected by
Mr. Faircloth and by Juanita
Norsworthy, a senior biology
m ajor who has provided a fern
collection in connection with a
problems course.
Th e botany department has
two new plant dryers and has
ordered aquatic tanks fo r water
plants in the greenhouse fo r
laboratory use.
Since 1961 the number o f
specimens in the herbarium has
increased from less than a thou­
sand plants to approximately
2,400 plants at the present. There
ir e about 2.500 plants that have
been identified but have n o t
been mounted.
Mr. Faircloth is occupied with
mounting plants, teaching class­
es, and writing his dissertation
but, he says, “ W ith this grant
T w ill be able to im prove the
herbarium and increase the
equipment in the biology de­
Have you ever judged some­
one as being stubborn because
he would not take your word
for it? It may have been that
he wanted to do his own think­
ing, and work out his own sal­
Page Three
C^am puS .S cen eA
Professor Lester Strickland
observed rather pessimistic­
ally to his students, “ The on­
ly thing people learn from
experience is that they have
made another mistake.”
| j* f
One Johnny Cash enthusiast
was in such a rush to get to
the gym and secure a good
seat, he dressed with haste
and taste only to arrive wear­
ing one blue sock and one
turquoise one.
Football At VSC?
David Barrow (sr.)— D efinite­
ly, because football’s my favor­
ite sport. I think that football
has replaced baseball as A m eri­
ca’s favorite sport.
I ’m not sure the college could
financially support football.
D avid Smith (fr.)— No, this
college is not big enough fo r
basketball and football.
w e do so w ell in basketball w e
ought to devote a ll our tim e
to it.
Letson Plant (sr.) — Yes, the
campus has a lot o f football ma­
terial, especially among the in­
M ary Jo McLendon (fr.)— Yes,
student participation would be
greater. W e need a fa ll sport.
Ben Bates (soph.) — Yes, I
would because the citizens o f
Valdosta are so football crazy.
Becky Higgison (fr.)— No, you
don’t g e t enough enthusiasm
over two big snorts like football
and basketball.
Gail Hutchison (fr.)— Yes, the
school is growing academically,
so why shouldn’t the athletic
program grow?
Jenny Karn (fr.)— Yes, foot­
ball is essential fo r college life.
It arouses school spirit. Th e pub­
licity is good fo r the schopl.
Jimmy Bass (fr.)— No, because
o f VSC’s basketball record, I
think everyone should continue
to g ive basketball fu ll support,
in order to remain number 1
in Georgia.
Jimmy Grant (jr.)— Yes, foot­
ball would increase the enroll­
ment. There are a lot o f good
football players in South Geor­
gia who could get scholarships
Danny W im pey (fr.)— Yes. it
seems odd to come here after
a high school that had a foot­
ball team.
Jimmy Burroughs (jr.)— Yes,
I like to play football. It’s good
fo r physical fitness.
gives you m ore pride in your
Faculty Mem ber — Football
can be a good thing; it can also
be the tail that wags the dog.
Gail Thomas Andrews, VSC co-ed of many talents, tells about
summer experiences.
Now Now
“ Really, I don’t have too many
hobbies or interests but I do
enjoy practicing Y og i, painting
and writing,” stated Mrs. Gale
Thomas Andrews during a re­
cent interview. Gale, who under­
rates herself, is one o f the most
talented students on the VSC
She is com pleting her Junior
year this quarter, but is unsure
o f her plans fo r next quarter.
Gale’s husband, Lt. A . C. A n ­
drews, is in student P ilo t Train­
ing Program at Moody A ir Force
Base and w ill be transferred
soon to P errin A ir Force Base,
Sherin, Texas.
She plans to continue her
education at Austin U niversity
and i f transferred overseas she
w ill try to continue her studies
Gale is m ajoring in
speech and m inoring in Eng­
lish. She hopes that sometime
in the future she can w ork with
a children’s theater.
Needless to say, Gale has a
most interesting background in
dramatics, and w ill be wonder­
fu l w orking with children. Last
summer she was one o f twenty
college students across the na­
tion to do summer stock work
on Cape Cod w ith one o f the
oldest summer theaters. The
A m o n g her dramatic honors
here on campus was the award
fo r being the most Outstanding
Actress fo r 1963 fo r her perf o r m a n c e in Shakespeare’s
Twelfth Night.
W ith her charm and talent
Gale won and placed in several
Under the Acropolis
Alpha Delta Pi
Th e follow in g nine pledges
are to be initiated into the sis­
terhood o f Alpha Delta Pi on
6: Nancy Turner,
Sheila McCoy, Dean Nichols, Gail
Hutchinson, Ju Ju Hutchinson,
Starr Howell, Jo Ann Cason, Latrelle Pitts, and Carol A lford.
F o l l o w i n g their initiation
there is to be a banquet at which
tim e the annual Pledge Awards
are to be given.
Judy W ells o f Bainbridge has
pledged AD Pi.
Tho new officers fo r A D ^ i fo r
the coming year are the follow ­
ing: President, Elaine Freeman;
V ice President, Susan W hite;
Recording Secretary, Dianne Mc­
Daniel; Corresponding Secre­
tary. A lw yn Hamill; Treasurer,
Barbara Talley; Reporter-H i storian, Cheryl Metts; Guard, Lu­
cille Dawson; Chaplain, G a i l
Bazemore; Registrar, L a u r a
Hobbs; and Membership Chair-
man, Lou Ann McLeod.
Alpha XI Delta
Patsy Bulloch o f Ochlocknee
has been elected President o f
A X iD to serve out the term o f
Angela Bush who graduated last
quarter. Other new officers o f
A X iD are V ick ie Dixon, Mem­
bership Chairman and S a n d r a
Kessler, Chaplain.
The follow ing eight pledges
were initiated January 16: San­
dra Buchanan, Ann Elkins. Lau­
ra Sue Gibson. Kathryn Hansen,
Nancy Gambill, Judy Garrison,
Gail Pinkston, and Brenda Un­
Gail Pinkston received t h e
Ideal P ledge Award during In­
itiation Week, Kathryn Hansen
received the award fo r the
pledge with the highest scholar­
ship and Nancy Gambill receiv­
ed the Essay Award.
During Initiation W eekend
| (Continued on Page 4)
Beauty contests.
She becamc
a winner as a freshman. In 1961
she was a m em ber o f the court
o f the Miss Valdosta State Con­
test and later became a T K E
Calendar girl. She represented
Valdosta in the Miss Georgia
Contest in 1963 as Bliss V a l ­
dosta and is presently serving
as Rose Queen o f P i Kappa Phi
fraternity. These honors have
not dimmed the friendliness and
vitality o f Gale.
She has lived in Valdosta all
her life except fo r one year in
Kalamazoo, Mich., and is now
looking forw ard to traveling
with her husband now in the
A ir Force.
— Glenda Gunter
Concert Called
"Biggest Ever"
Th e biggest concert audience
in VSC history welcom ed the
Johnny Cash Show to Valdosta
State College.
A ppearing before an exuberant
and responsive c r o w d , the
tall, country and fo lk music
star wailed out with the songs
the VSC’ers wanted to hear.
During the first h a lf o f the
concert, the talented and versa­
tile Statler Brothers perform ed
and kept the crowd in a m erry
mood with songs and imitations
o f s o m e o f country music’s
greatest stars including G eorge
Jones and Melba Montgomery.
Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and
D ale Evans, and Johnny Cash.
F ollow in g the Statler Brothers
on the SGA-sponsored program
was the only fem inine mem ber
o f the Cash crew, June Carter.
Combining humor and song, the
popular Miss Carter provided
several minutes o f fun-filled
entertainment fo r all, especially
fo r the “ beady-eyed” boys.
W hen the big Mr. “ C” fin ally
appeared, there was never a
wasted movement. Johnny Cash
filled every rem aining minute
o f the show with songs like
“ Understand Y ou r Man,” “ Ring
o f F ire,” “ Teenage Queen,” ” 40
Shades o f Green,” “ Bad N ew s,”
“ I W alk the Line,” and many
m ore including the popular
spiritual, “ W e re You There.”
The VSC appearance marked
the end o f the tour fo r the Cash
Show which has traveled some
150,000 m iles this year a n d
played foreign dates in Ireland
Germany. France, England, and
most o f the U. S.
From VSC the crew headed
fo r Los Angeles and a two-week
Page Four
Normandy Visits VSC Students Reveals
'Last Thursday, January 21,
Miss Elsie Normandy, a repre­
sentative o f the Peace Corps,
visited the VSC campus. During
her visit Miss Normandy spoke
to several groups on campus.
Miss Normandy is originally
from Manila in the Philippines
where she attended St. Theresa’s
She was one o f the
first volunteers fo r the Peace
Corps and spent three months
in training fo r her duties. Eight
weeks o f her training w e r e
spent at Rio Abajo, Puerto Rico,
w here physical fitness w a s
stressed. Miss Normandy stated
that her morning began at 6
a.m. and included obstacle cours­
es, mountain climbing, and treks
through the rain forests. The
remainder o f her training was
taken at the University o f Puer­
to Rico after which she was sent
to Peru.
Serving with seven other vo l­
unteers, Miss Normandy spent
two years in Arequipa, Peru as
a nutritionist. H er duties con­
sisted o f visiting the homes o f
the people, talking w ith the
mothers, and teaching classes on
nutrition. In addition, she served
in many other c a p a c i t i e s ,
cook, carpenter, nurse, and
practically any job that offered
Miss Normandy s a i d
that she had her own apartment
with “ wall to w all carpets o f
dirt. I had electricity, but no
running water.*’
W hen asked
whether the Peace Corps repre­
sentatives w ere ever subjected
REW Termed Success
Dr. C arlyle Marney, Pastor o f
the Myers Park Baptist Church,
led the events o f the 1965 R e­
ligious Emphasis W eek at V a l­
dosta State College. Th e them e
o f the program, “ Faith in Con.
flict,” was the subject o f Dr.
Marney’s addresses at the as­
semblies. Dr. Marney, and Chap­
lain Doug Tu rley o f Milledgeville State Hospital, led after­
noon seminars.
According to Mr. W alt P o rter
o f the Baptist Student Union,
the RE W program was an over­
all success. “ Those who took
the advantage and heard Dr.
Marney did some thinking about
things they did not have the
opportunity to think about be­
fore,” commented Porter, “ The
impact he made w ill be fe lt
fo r some time on the campus.”
A fte r an evaluation o f this
years REW, plans fo r next year’s
speaker w ill begin.______
to dangerous situations, she
stated that if trouble ever de.
vcloped, as in a revolution, the
workers w ere im m ediately w ith­
drawal. She cited Cyprus as an
Miss Normandy returned to
the U.S. in May, 1964 and is now
employed by the Peace Corps
office in Washington, D. C. A s
to her experiences Miss N o r­
mandy said, “ I had a fabulous
Christie Directs Play
“ The selection o f the cast and
production staff fo r the forth­
coming Sock and Buskin Club's
dramatic production, *The Royal
Gambit,’ is complete, and work
is w ell under way,” according
to Colonel W esley Ren Christie
o f the VSC Speech Department.
“ The Royal Gambit,” a tragi­
comedy by the prize winning
playwright Herman Gressieker
is a play concerning Henry V l i i
(M ike Jarvis) and his six wives:
Katarina o f Aragon (Cheryl
Metts), Anne Boleyn (Cindy Ses­
sions), Jane Seymour (Sandra
Belote), Anna o f Cleves (Elaine
Snipes), Kathryn Howard (San­
dy Wheaton), and Kate P a r r
(Genie Rogero).
In this play Henry represents
cne type o f modern man. Th e
aspects o f the modern age de­
velop through the erotic and
moral tragi-comedy o f his life.
The historical affairs with the
six w ives transcend history. But
it is not suggested that H enry
s t a l k s
through history or
through the centuries; m erely
that he and his w ives are aware
o f the further developm ent and
the logical conclusions o f what
he began.
Thus there is a sweep into
the future and the realization
o f the necessity to remain close
to God.
W orking behind the scenes
w ill be the production staff:
Business Manager, Bob Owens;
Stage Manager, M ike Nelson;
Costumes, M olly Huckaby; Light­
ing, H oyte Crosby; Make-up,
Jerry Dickson, Dean Nichols,
a n d Martha Johnson; Proper­
ties Mike Nelson: Sound, Larry
Hayslip; Publicity
and P ro ­
grams. T erry Carter and Jerry
Connell; and Set Construction,
Staff and Speech 333 students.
The play is being directed by
Colonel Christie, retired Marine
Colonel, who joined the VSC
Speech Department this past
fall. H e holds a Master’s D e­
cree from the U niversity o f
“ Th e Royal Gambit"
w ill be the first production at
VSC under his direction.
The presentation o f the play
w ill be in the Pound Hall audi*
torium in March.
Although experience is the
most expensive teacher, it has
the advantage that w e don’t
forget the lesson so soon.
BRAZIER deluxe
Teaching Scares
Perhaps the practice teacher
has the most interesting part o f
her education when she is sent
to an area school to get practi­
cal experience in the actual
classroom. Each quarter a new
group o f Valdosta State students
scatters to various area schools,
and they are not always p re­
pared fo r what some o f them
Marilou Clark, practice teach­
ing in Moultrie, Ga., admits that
all the education courses ever
offered would never prepare
one to handle every classroom
One six-year-old at V ereen
Elem entary School in M oultrie
came up w ith this question:
“ Miss Clark, do you know what
you are?” Puzzled, Marilou de­
cided to prepare herself fo r any
The answer, “ Y ou ’re
a hot rabbit” still remains un­
Marilou also reports one o f
her little girls came up chok­
ing, crying, and scared . . . “ Miss
Clark. I think I swallowed a
nickel.” “ H ow do you know?”
asked Marilou. Th e answer was
self-evident when the child be­
gan to gasp and grab her throat.
N o t knowing whether to shake
the child by the heels or per­
form an on-the-spot tracheo­
tomy, Marilou rushed to the
principal, Mrs. V era Culpepper,
who in turn called a local doc­
The doctor’s diagnosis — fo r
Mrs. Culpepper and Miss Clark
— Take a glass o f w ater with a
little ammonia in it— the child
w ill be okay.
Th e question that Marilou
asks herself now as she goes on
to finish her practical experi­
ence is “ W hat next?”
Under The
(Continued from P age 3)
the sisters and pledges had a
spend-the-night party at Brenda
Underwood’s home on Friday
night and the Initiation Banquet
was held Saturday night at the
Sheraton Restaurant.
On Sun­
day morning the girls attended
the morning worship at the First
Baptist Church.
Gamma X i has tw o new pledg­
es and they are Claire W illiam s
o f Douglas and Gayle M erritt
o f Colquitt.
Keppa Delta
Kappa Delta honored her
1964.65 Pledge Class with the
annual W hite Rose Ball held at
the Valdosta Country Club Sat­
urday evening, January 16. Th e
“ Blazers” provided the music
fo r the evening.
During intermission, awards
were given to sisters and pledg­
es and the new KD Dream Guy”
was announced.
Jimbo Smith
the 1964 “ Dream Guy” has been
elected to serve KD as their
1935 “ Dream Guy.”
January 29, 1965
The Most Outstanding Pledge
Award went to Jean Powell. E l­
len A d a ir received the Most In­
spired Award; the most Cooper­
ative Award was given to Earl
Mathis; and Brenda Hankinson
and Bunny Bridges received the
award fo r the pledges writh the
highest Scholarship. Jean Pow ­
ell, Suzanne Evans, M a r t h a
Johnson, and Jane Crabtree
w ere presented ribbons fo r the
most outstanding Scrapbooks.
Th e Most Outstanding Sister
Award fo r the 1964 year went
to Dorothy Mears. Sandra Ses­
sions, President o f KD, received
the Highest Scholarship Award
fo r the sisters.
The new KD sisters are the
follow ing: Earl Mathis, Suzanne
Evans, Jackie Jackson, E llen
Adair, Brenda Hankinson, Bun­
ny Bridges and Jane Crabtree.
Pi Kappa Phi
Th e P i Kap’s have initiated
ten new brothers; they are the
followin'?: G e r a l d Chapman,
Jack Murray, Freddy Purvis,
O llie Lindell, Richard Koger,
J e ff Hires, L a rry Adams, John
Hall. Lamar Bennett, and Sam­
m y R evill.
The Initiation Banquet w a s
held Monday night, January 18,
at the H oliday Inn.
Blasche from St. Simons Island
received the Most Outstanding
P led g e Award.
W adis Hutchinson, o f Jesup,
has pledged P i Kappa Phi.
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Th e T K E ’s have elected new
officers fo r the 1965-66 year;
they are the follow ing: Jimbo
Smith, President; R oger Rob­
erts, V ice P r e s i d e n t ; D elle
Hughes, Secretary; N e il Johns,
Treasurer; Jerom e Blanton, So­
cial C h a i r m a n ; Jimmy Bur­
roughs, Chaplain; George Seliba, Historian; and David Har­
rison, P ledge Trainer;
Th e Most Outstanding Pledge
Aw ard fo r the Spring Quarter
o f 1964 was given to Edgar
Greene o f Valdosta and the 1964
F all Quarter A w ard went to Tim
Sanders o f Omaha, Georgia.
These two awards w ere present­
ed at the Banquet at the Shera­
ton Inn on Friday night, Janu­
ary 15.
During Initiation week eight
boys became brothers; they are
the follow ing: N e il Bullock,
Larry Dowling, M arty Boat­
wright, Tim Sanders, Quinton
Grubbs, A r t Baker, and Steve
Parker. A ll o f the brothers and
Pledges attended the First Meth•odist Church Sunday morning.
Three new boys have pledged
T K E ; they are W ayne Gills trap,
Albany; Gene Moore, Thomasville; and Paul Dantinne, W illiamstown, N. J.
Th e new sponsors fo r the
1965-66 year w ere announced at
the Initiation dance held Janu­
ary 15 at Minchews Restaurant.
/B o L
The new sponsors are, G w e n
Hart, Carolyn Reagan, Roberta
Bryce, Cheryl Cormany, Jeanie
Karn, Cecelia Prescott, Lynn
Crockett, Linda Bridges, and
Nancy Turner.
The T K E ’s have annuonced
that the Talent Review has been
postponed until next quarter.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
David Lloyd o f Albany has
boen elected President of the
Georgia Gamma Chapter of Sig­
ma Phi Epsilon to serve the re­
mainder o f the term of the 1964
President. David was formerly
V ice President.
The Sig Ep’s have compiled
the 1964-1965 Student Directory.
The Directory editor is Inman
Grimsley. Assisting him is Bill
The Directory in­
cludes names and address of
each student and important cam­
pus phone numbers.
Ten men were initiated into the
brotherhood Saturday, Jan. 23:
Dick Bryant, Bryan Alamn, Don
Reames, Jimmy Robinson, Dick
Reynolds, James Lee Herndon,
Eddy Fletcher, Tommy David,
Mark Holloway, and Ronnie
The Initiates were honored
at a banquet held Saturday night
at the Sheraton Inn immediate­
ly follow ing the Initiation.
Th e Sig Ep’s have five new
p l e d g e s : D a n n y Fender, B ill W right, Rusty Deavours, Joe Wester, and Jimmy
Smile, You Could Be
Picked Miss Glamour
The staff o f the Campus Can­
opy w ill be asking this question
fo r the next few weeks: Who
are the ten best dressed co-eds
on the VSC campus?
A s a project the Canopy will
enter Glamor Magazine's nation­
wide search fo r the ten best
dressed college Misses.
first place winner w ill be photo­
graphed in three ensembles to
be entered into national compe­
A ll suggestions of campus
choice can be directed to any
staff member or left in the
(Continued on Page 6)
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January 29. 1965
The big sports question around campus: Can V aldosta State
College win its fifth straight G IA C cham pionship?
The Answer: Yes. But in the w ords o f coach G ary Colson: “ It
ain’t gonna be easy.*’
“ There are no two w ays about it,” Colson said, “ S h orter has
us over a barrel. W e 'r e in a fix . B ut w e 'v e been in w orse fix es
before and come out o f them. W e ’ve got a chance to w in this thing.
But we’ve got to w ork at it som ething fie rce. W e can’t a ffo rd an­
other slip.”
Two weeks ago VSC lost th e one b a ll gam e that could have
put them in a m ighty good position had it g on e the oth er way.
The Rebels dropped a 68-59 decision to the high and m igh ty Short­
er Hawks, who w ant to take th e G IA C crow n ou t o f Valdosta,
Georgia, m ore than a co lleg ia te lo v e r wants dating m oney.
W ell, now Shorter is ro llin g a lon g u n defeated in th e G IA C race
with a 5-0 record, and VSC has a 3-1 co n feren ce m ark a fte r d e fe a t­
ing Berry, W est G eorgia and Piedm on t.
The championship is still in sight.
T o stay a live, how ever,
VSC just about has to w in a ll th e res t o f its G IA C encounters.
That means beating Sh orter in th e second "go -ro u n d ” w hich is to
be played here, and also beatin g L a G ra n ge tw ic e and B e rry P ie d ­
mont and W est G eorgia on e m ore tim e each. Y o u can b e su re the
Rebs w ill keep this in m ind w hen th ey tra v e l to W e st G eorgia to­
night and go to LaG range tom orrow night.
O f course anything can happen to basketball records in ju st
a short time. H e w ho eats-th o g ra v y today, m ay w ant fo r beans
"personally, I don’t think anybody in the lea gu e
is goimfr-ttf'Keat Shorter, but VSC. T h e Hawks have a lread y played
and beaten all the toughies.
I think it w ill happen this way. W h en S h orter com es to th e
VSC stomping grounds on Feb. 6, th e R eb els a re g oin g to com e
out on top in a close one. T h at's to b e the on ly d e fe a t th e H awks
suffer and VSC w on’t lose another one. T h a t w ill put V SC in a
special p la y off w ith S h orter fo r th e crown.
That’s the w ay its turned out fo r the last tw o seasons. V SC
and Shorter during th e '62-63 and '63-64 cam paigns sw apped a p a ir
during regular season p la y and then th e Rebs w on out in p la yoffs.
The Shorter team is w ell-stocked w ith retu rn in g regu lars, and
VSC has a brand new bunch o f m en this tim e out. T h e experts
around the state are saying it looks lik e Shorter's g o t th e G IA C
this season. But the experts d on 't know a lo t about th e basketball
spirit around this place. Y o u 'v e g o t to show, th e R ebels th ey 're
Speaking about spirit, I hope w e show th e R om e fo lk s som e
of ours when th ey 're h e re o n Feb. 6. I t ’s g oin g to tak e cooperation
to get VSC o f f the barrel and that includes cooperation fro m th e
stands. W e need to lose to Sh orter again lik e I need a w ife o r
— M artin M ille r
Those who are thinking o f
taking up skin divin g this sum­
mer should read carefu lly. In
SCUBA diving (self-contained
underwater breathing apparatus)
one should have a fu ll under­
standing o f all d ivin g principles.
One should know various gas
temperature and pressure laws,
a little human physiology con­
cerning the body in water, m ay­
be a little psychology fo r dan­
gerous diving, and most o f a ll a
lot o f actual training in all
phases o f diving. W ithou t this
proper training, divin g can be
very dangerous.
The first step is putting on
an air tank, fille d w ith atmos­
pheric air, not oxygen.
air has to be checked fo r purity
and pressure checked to fin d
out how long it w ill last at va ri­
ous depths. A condition called
oxygen poisoning, w hero t o o
much carbon dioxide form s and
the diver blacks out, preven ts
the use o f pure oxygen.
In checking the air pressure
In the tank, a diver can find
out how much air he has le ft
by volume, and then fig u re out
how long it w ill last at one cer­
tain depth. T h e deeper a d iver
goes the more a ir he uses to
keep his lungs from collapsing
under the increased w ater pros1 sure.
As a diver comes up, a d e­
crease in water pressure can
cause the lungs to blow out if
the diver holds his breath. This
condition is called air embolism.
Many deaths are caused by air
There w ill be m ore about
techniques o f SCUBA In com­
ing issues.
— M ike N elson
Rebels To Clash
With Braves
V aldosta State C o lleg e’s bas­
ketball R ebels w ill be hoping
fo r a rep ea t perform an ce w hen
th ey clash w ith th e W e st G eor­
gia Braves at C arrollton tonight.
T h e p erform an ce they w ant
to repeat is an 86-44 d efeat
they handed the B raves here
last Saturday night.
Coach H ow ard C order's Braves,
a G eorgia In terco lleg ia te A th ­
letic C onference foe, opened th e
gam e playing “ stall-ball.'' This
kept th e scoring down but it
didn’t keep the R ebels from
taking a 13-point h alftim e lead
and then m ovin g on to th eir
sccond trium ph against G IA C
foes. T h e Rebs have lost one
in league play.
In the second h a lf the VSC
quintet got started with a fast
break attack and the Braves
decided to shoot it out w ith the
Rebels. Th is didn’t w ork either.
In the firs t fiv e minutes a fter
intermission, VSC poured in 16
points to only fou r fo r W est
This put the Rebs
25 points ahead and W est G eor­
gia n ever again got w ithin
sprinting distance o f the lead.
T h e triumph was num ber sev­
en o f the season fo r coach Gary
Colson's Rebels against th ree
Going into the P ie d ­
m ont gam e Monday night, they
had not lost a game on their
homo court.
Th e Braves le ft
Valdosta with an overall 1-9
record and stood 0-5 in G IAC
Cheerleaders, Ellen Taylor, Loucille Dawson,Joann Caven, Andy Shentcn, Lyn Glascow, Patty
Clark, Peachy Daniel and Betty McClenny, are ready for the rest of t he season in their red and
white pleated uniforms. " N e v e r will wear black again!" they declare, as they brighten tha way to
victory at basketball games.
Thum bnail
S k e t c h e if lH |
T h e sports sta ff wishes to
spot-light Tom m y Johnson fo r
his consistent d efen sive play
this season. Tom m y is a fine|
product o f de­
fe n s iv e basket­
ball philosophy.
H e h it double
figu res hard fo r |_
VSC a g a i n s t §f§
G eorgia ■
l a s t w eekend. |
O ffen sively , T om m y has aver-1
aged 43.2% o f his fie ld goals,
and is avera gin g 6.6 points per
ball gam e, com m endable fro m a
guard position. Last y ea r as a
sophom ore, Johnson averaged
45.8, at a 6.5% p e r gam e clip.
Tom m y is from Valdosta, th e
only G eorgia boy on the start­
in g team. Tom m y's fr e e throw
percen tage is third best in the
con feren ce (88).
Ron F ortn er:
W e w ish to
spotligh t Ron on his cool-head|odness. H e has been used ex-1
■ tensively as a
back up man in
th e last f o u r
A lw a y s
a crow d pleaser,
Ron h a s the
| a
fin e
guard; i
soon as they g e t th eir make-up
and w ith fin e d efen sive coach­
ing, prom ises to be one. R ecent­
— T e x B entley
ly the team needed som eone to
h it fro m a certain spot on the
flo or. F ortn er was picked to do
it. H e swished one. D eligh t was
Coach Bennett held a m eet­
expressed by a roar from th e
in g M onday night w ith re p re ­
O nly a freshm an —
sentatives fro m a ll o f the basket­
Ron has plen ty o f gam es ahead
ball teams.
T h ey decided to
to swish and delight.
begin playin g basketball by
"T h s Friendly
W ednesday night.
A l l teams
F ou r R eb el starters scored in
have 'been practicing and are
Barber Shop"
double figures.
Letson Plan t
ready to go.
This intram ural
was the lea d er w ith 18 points,
basketball season should be in­
fo llo w e d by Tom m y Johnson 16;
teresting and fun fo r all in­
M ike T e rry , 11, and Bobby
R itch 10. R ay M cCully turned
Th e girls have not y e t begun,
in a sp ark lin g perform ance w ith
his ball handling and ball-hawk­
Colson cleared
bench. A total o f 15 VSC play­
ers saw action and 14 scored.
T h e W est G eorgia attack was
led by D avid Brookins and Jim
Each had 10 points.
B rookins is the second leading
scorer in the conference and
the num ber one man on the
T h e R ebels outshot the Braves
M cG R E G O R S P O R T S W E A R
from the floos 53.3 p er cent
to 24.8 per cent and dominated
in the battle o f the backboards
by grabbing 36 rebounds to on­
ly 12 fo r W est Georgia.
rebound leaders w ere T e rry with
nine and Ritch and Plant with
six each.
A ft e r tonight's bout at Car­
rollton, th e Rebs m ove on to
LaG range to m eet the highly
regarded and respected Pan­
Basketball Season
Started Tuesday
Barber Shop
A ccording to the latest G IAC
statistics, M ike T e rry is the con­
feren ce leader in field-goal per­
centage (57% ); and Paul Vick,
the leader in foul-shot percent­
age (100%). (Jan. 22-65)
306 N. Patterson St.
VSC Politicians Relate
Inaugural Festivities
Many Americans sat close to
their T V sets fo r hours as Presi­
dent Lyndon B. Johnson was in­
augurated, but fo r four people
from VSC it was a liv e show.
Mrs. Arthur, Barrow H all house
mother, J e ff Hiers, Jesup; Ron­
nie Davis, Jesup; and Lamar
Bennett, W ay cross; attended va­
rious affairs in Washington,
D. C., during their three day
Th ey began their w h irl o f
activities with a visit to the o f­
fice o f Russell Tuten in the
House O ffice Building. T h e y
w ere his guests at the House
Cafeteria fo r lunch.
Later that day they attended
a session in the House and heard
(Continued from Page 1)
cal o f his ability to combine
ink lines and w ater colors.
A plaster block print o f “ A
Man W ith His Crops” is one o f
the more unusual pieces in the
exhibit. “ Plaster block is versa­
tile and inexpensive and enables
the artist to achieve various
textures,*’ he said.
“ Old Scruggs Estate*' (in Hahira) is one o f the many sub­
jects o f what Spearman feels is
typical o f his environment. One
o f his favorites is “ Sugs” w ith
its bright colors. In “ Sugs** the
artist tried “ to capture a fa ­
m iliar facial expression.*’
Spearman hopes to eventually
work on his masters' degree in
art education.
His plans at
present are to teach art and
history at Georgia Christian
School at Dasher.
(Continued from Page One)
solid, realistic faith.
Th e crusade gets underway on
January 30. In a special dis­
cussion, Bishop Vander Horst
w ill meet with all interested
college students 4:30 p.m. on
Monday, February 1 at the
Christ Church Parish house lo­
cated on Patterson Street across
from the VSC Administration
a debate between the m inority
leader and the Democratic Whip.
Wednesday the group re­
ceived invitations to the Inaugu­
ral Ceremony from Speaker o f
tho H o u s e , John McCormick,
w ith the assistance o f Congress­
man Tuten. The seats w ere so
that they had a perfect view o f
the Inauguration.
Th e highlight was the Inaugu­
ral Ball at the National Guard
Arm ory.
Th e music o f Guy
Lombardo and Louis Arm strong
furnished the setting fo r the
ball. President and Mrs. John­
son, and V ic e President a n d
Mrs. Humphrey arrived a fter
“ I think it was an experience
that I shall never forget,” said
“ It was m oving and ex­
citing,” added Doc.
A fte r the ball was over, the
only tragic note o f the trip
came. Mrs. Arthur, unused to
the icy sidewalk slipped and
She was admitted to
G eorge Washington U niversity
Hospital w ith a fracture o f the
right elbow.
Supreme Court Ban
Increases Bible Study
One result o f the Supreme
Court decisions against prayers
in public schools is an increase
in the study o f the B ible as lit­
erature, writes Clarence W. H all
in a February Reader’s Digest
article, “ Is R eligion Banned
from Our Schools?”
A s s o c i a t e Justice Tom C.
Clark has encouraged this, say­
ing “ the Bible is worthy o f study
fo r its literary and historic
qualities” and that such study
presented objectively” does not
conflict with the First Am end­
“ Teaching the Bible as litera­
ture has perhaps won m ore
practitioners than any other,**
writes Dr. Hall.
“ In Indiana,
almost two thirds o f the public
schools use the Bible in their
literature classes, and a course
in ‘ Biblical literature* is an au­
thorized elective fo r high school
Many secondary schools across
the country have introduced
courses in comparative religion.
In Georgia, the state board o f
education asserts, most teachers
are now including the B ible as
a text in literature courses.
In California, public school
teachers are now required to
include in their courses appro­
priate study o f the role o f re-
VSC Serenaders
Are Magnificent
T.V. Telethons are monstrous
things, as anyone who has w ork­
ed at one w ill tell you. The re ­
cent March o f Dimes Telethon
held in Albany last Sunday,
Jan. 23, was no exception. VSC*s
Serenaders entertained at this
one, and they w ill attest to the
hectic atmosphere which reign­
ed. VSC Serenaders are Shirley
Brown, Linda Bruce, Mar da
Huggins, Bunny Bridges, Mary
E llen O'Quinn, Mary Wolenski;
John Baugh, Hal Radcliff, Larry
Adams, Jerry Pilcher, Jack Mur­
ray, and N ie l Bell.
Actually, the Serenaders had
little contact with most o f the
Th ey drove to A l ­
bany on Sunday m orning and
within two hours had p erform ­
ed and le ft the theater. It was
the stout-hearts who had stayed
up all night that w ere a little
frazzled. A t that stage o f the
program, 11 a.m., the gallant
people who sponsored the show
w ere hard put to retain their
They perform ed their
Students Organize CCA
The Collegiate Christian A s­
sociation was form ed in the fa ll
quarter o f this year w ith the
objective o f contributing to the
enrichment o f the spiritual ac­
tivity on the VSC campus.
‘ ‘Although the organization
was form ed by students who are
members o f the Church o f
Christ, the membership and
meetings are open to interested
students o f a ll faiths,” announc­
es Frances Jones, CCA secre­
Short devotionals are held
twice w eekly at 1:15 Tuesdays
and Thursdays in Room 34, A d ­
ministration Building.
January 20, 1965
tasks with a desperation that
was fo rtified by snatches o f
sleep, gulps o f food, and vo l­
umes o f coffee.
The Serenaders, on the other
hand, w ere poised and rested.
“ Me and My Shadow,” “ Over
the Rainbow,” and “ Hello, D ol­
ly*’ w ere perform ed with a style
characteristic to this unique
hard-working group. And as one
o f the talent officials said,
“ VSC always comes up with
great entertainment, and t h e
Serenaders are one o f the best
groups w e’ve seen on this show
in more than fiv e years.”
Father’s Letter
(Continued from Page Tw o)
Combat Infantry Man's
Incidentally, received
the A rm y Commendation Medal
fo r the three years at Davidson.
A s far as V ie t Cong activity
although it goes on all around
us there has been nothing in
Dalat. — reason — I don't know.
A USOM man who I m et my
first week here was captured
last week by the VC.
in Saigon you can hear the bat­
tles going on— a very strange
Get the latest issue o f
TIM E and you can read about
what is going on over here.
W hen you consider that the
country has only been fre e fo r
10 years I think some progress
is being made— but it w ill take
time, lots o f time.
To lock this place up takes
about an hour each night. Pu ll
the steel blinds, lock the screens,
the steel doors, etc.
Sliding steel gates on the out­
side entrances, turn the outside
lights on, etc. W e have three
guards who stay here each night
and patrol around the house,
also a day tim e guard.
I keep three hand grenades,
and two pistols in the house,
and the guards have automatic
W ell, you have been asking
fo r a long letter and this is the
bost I can do. Your mother has
read it and sends you her best.
She has really been working
hard getting the house in shape.
There are people swarming all
o v e r tho place every day.
Drapes, pictures, etc, going up,
supervising servants. Tho new
day guard is a Montagnard, has
two big holes in his ears, and
pads around here in his bare
In view o f the long letter,
cost w ill be $5.00 per page.
Please remit.
Love from all.
Smile, You
(Continued from Page 4)
Public Relations Office.
scarch is on.
N ow in its ninth year, this
contest includes representatives
chosen from colleges and uni.
versities from throughout the
United States and Canada.
Each college selects a nomi­
nation fo r the national run-off.
Ten coeds are chosen by the
magazine staff as the best at­
tired young women on Ameri­
can campuses.
The coeds chosen w ill appear
in the August College Issue of
the magazine and w ill visit New
Y o rk as guests o f Glamour.
According to information, Gla­
mour is looking fo r “ the young
woman who enjoys her looks
without being preoccupied with
Glamour also stated: “We
hope, through this contest, to
show college women that the
development o f good taste and
good grooming is an integral
part o f an education that re­
sults in a well-rounded mind."
W e have so much m ore to be
thankful fo r than we have to
complain about, that it is a
pretty mean business to fasten
our eyes on the little spots and
turn our back on the bright
ligion in the story o f mankind.
In Texas, history teachers dis­
cuss the relationship o f church
and state.
Th e Am erican Association o f
School Administrators recently
appointed a special commission
to produce guidelines fo r those
who establish school policy. “ I f
we school people are up to its
implied challenge,” says Dr.
Archibald B. Shaw, associate
secretary o f the organization,
“ the Supreme Court’s decisions
may w ell turn out to have done
m ore fo r both education and
religion than all the legislative
hearings and church pressures.*'
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