
Modular Railroading Society. Inc.
January/February, 2007
Edited by Jim FitzGerald and Lee Monaco-FitzGerald NTRAK Website:
A train of freight cars passes through Hawthorne, Nevada.
Tom Knapp took this photo of his module at an Nn3 layout
at a recent train show. More on the train show on Pages 6 - 9.
Our old Resource #5 N Information Booklet
is now a full size 8-1/2” x 11” 40 page book.
Bob Gatland and Ed Schultz have helped with
new material and bringing other articles up to
date. The revised N Scale Information Book
puts a lot of N scale information at your finger
tips. It is useful not only for someone just
starting in N scale but for the more experienced as well.
The price is a reasonable $6.00, postage
included. Order from the back pages of this
Newsletter or from our web site:
To use a credit card, go to the PayPal order
page or print a mail in order form and send a
Page 1
Major Book Revision
New NTRAK Directors Added
Our third major book revision in as many
months is in the print shop as this is being
written. The latest version of our NTRAK
Module How-to Book will be shipping by the
time you read this. There are numerous small
changes, but the major change is to include all
the new 120 V AC wiring requirements and
the optional Anderson Powerpole connectors
and heavier wire for the track wiring. This
information is integrated into such topics as
reversible corner modules, planning layout
designs and unifying Junction Module design
and wiring. The full RPs (Recommended Practices) are in an added chapter. The book has
grown to 162 pages, but is still the handy spiral
bound book that is easy to use in the workshop
or your arm chair.
Continued are the examples of successful
NTRAK module track plans and scenery
themes. These go from very simple designs to
full yards for easy operation.
The price is now $14.00 postage included.
For clubs the price when ordering three or
more books is $10.00 per book
NTRAK has had just three people on the
Board of Directors the past few years. Bob
Gatland, Lee and myself. Bob is Chief Financial Officer, Lee is Corporate Secretary and I
am President. Bob founded the Long Island
NTRAK club and is now “retired” in upstate
New York.
Recently, as provided by our Bylaws, we
held an e-mail meeting and elected Bruce
Alcock and Dave Porter as additional members of the Board of Directors. There will be
face to face meetings when convenient and email meetings as needed.
Bruce Alcock was an early member of the
Northeast NTRAK club in the Boston general
area. He coordinated the big NTRAK layout
at the NMRA Boston convention in 1986. He
later moved to Oklahoma and has been president of the Oklahoma City NTRAK Club.
That club hosts the Plains Region N Convention each December.
Dave Porter was an early NTRAKer here in
California and I worked with him at many
layouts over the years. He now lives in the
Denver area and coordinated the NTRAK part
of the Collector Convention last summer.
Welcome Bruce and Dave
Special Sale!
We still have some of the beautiful 30th
Anniversary containers. We are now offering
them at $14.00 per pair, including postage.
See page 22.
NTRAK, Inc Officers
General questions and Newsletter material.
Jim FitzGerald, NTRAK President, Editor
Lee Monaco-FitzGerald
Corporate Secretary, Editor
1150 Wine Country Place
Templeton, CA 93465
Phone & Fax 805-434-5058
e-mail [email protected]
Next Issue Deadline: Feb. 1st
Page 2
Renewals and orders
Business Manager, John Cook
15913 Brawner Dr
Montclair, VA 22025
e-mail [email protected]
Web Master, Bill Rutherford
e-mail [email protected]
Web site:
Deadline for Coming Events & other material
is the 1st of the month before publication.
(Feb 1st, Apr 1st June 1st,
Aug 1st, Oct 1st, and Dec 1st.)
New From MicroTrains®
For steam era modelers, here are two
cars. The wood
double sheathed ice
refer is MT 049 00
540, Harding’s Butter, URTC 11619.
$22.95. The stock car
features see through
side slats and an operating door. The
roof and ends are aluminum color. UP
48199D, MT 035 00
120 is $16.15.
The 40’ CN boxcar is painted in head
end passenger colors, black with grey
stripes and red CN.
CN 11064, MT073
00 070 & $19.95.
Union Pacific 61’-8” bulkhead flats are available with two different height lumber loads.
The closeup shows some of the detail in the
bulkheads that keep loads from shifting. MT
054 00 151 & 152 are $22.10 each. UP 262148
& 262074.
Page 3
The Seaboard 3-bay covered hopper is painted aluminum with black lettering.
MT 099 00 020, SAL
35059, $16.20. The close
ups show the end detailing
and the roofwalk cast detail
pattern. The discharge units
are also nicely detailed.
New Book
Specialty Press is publishing a book on
Southern Pacific Daylight steam locomotives.
Here is a rundown of the contents.
Chapter 1:Daylight Design and Development.
Chapter 2:Daylight Mechanical Details and
Operation .
Chapter 3:World War II and the Daylights.
Chapter 4:4449 and Variations on a Theme.
Chapter 5:End of the Line and the Survivors.
Chapter 6:Appreciating the Most Beautiful
Train in the World.
The book is written by Kenneth G. Johnsen,
who has written many magazine articles and
four previous books on railroad subjects. Photography has also been Johnsen’s interest for
over 50 years and his work has won numerous
The book is soft bound, 8-1/2 x 11”, 112
pages with 150 b/w & 100 color photos. It will
be available in January and the price is $24.95.
For more information check:
Specialty Press, 39966 Grand Ave, North
Branch, MN 55056 Phone 1-800-895-4585
Page 4
Southern Pacific Daylight steam locomotives represented the best of the streamlined
train locomotive movement that swept the
nations railroads in the 1930s.
New From Atlas
Atlas has announced new paint schemes
and numbers for their GP-30/35 diesel engines. Delivery is expected in June ‘07. Standard $99.95, w/decoder $134.95
GP-30, Burlington Northern, 3 road #
GP-30, Chicago Great Western, 2 road #
GP-30, Wisconsin Central, 3 road numbers
GP-30, Pennsylvania, 3 new road numbers
GP-35, BNSF, Yellow/Blue “ATSF Patch”,
3 road numbers
GP3-35, C&O (Blue/Gold), 3 road numbers
GP-35, N&W (Black/white), 3 road numbers, one w/o Dynamic Brakes
GP-35, Western Maryland, 3 road numbers
GP-35, CP Rail, 3 new road numbers.
GP-9, B&O, 3 road numbers
GP-9. C&NW, 3 road numbers
GP-9, Milwaukee, 3 road numbers
GP-9, Soo Lines, 2 road numbers
Expected in May will be new paint schemes
and road numbers for Articulated Auto Carriers. Min radius curve is 9-3/4”. Norfolk Southern (2 numbers), TTX (3 numbers), UP (2
numbers) and Florida East Coast(4 numbers).
$39.95 or $29.95 undecorated.
For June delivery will be a new run of the
1984 Ford 9000 Tractor Cabs. Paint schemes
for Cory’s Cartage, DC Transportation and
RP Transfer are $13.50 /2-pack. In 11 different solid colors $10.95/2 pack. In two color
schemes (4 choices) $13.50 2/pack.
Also for June delivery will be GP-7/9 “Torpedo tube” engines with new paint schemes.
Standard $94.95, w/decoder $129.95
GP-7, Lackawana, 3 road numbers
GP-7, Louisville & Nashville, 2 road #
GP-7, Santa Fe, 3 road numbers
GP-7, Illinois Central, 2 road numbers
John Danti worked for Boeing and has modeled the special cars and loads that they shipped
by rail. The photo was made at a recent train
show in the Seattle area. The fuselage is from
a 1/200 model and the load pivots, as in the
prototype. Because the curves are much sharper
on NTRAK modules than they are on real
railroads, the model had to stay in a yard after
an attempted run around the layout.
The brush guard was scratch built and pivots with the load. If you have questions, check
with John: [email protected]
Page 5
Photos & text
by Tom Knapp
A “little engineer” was using one of Joe’s step stools.
On November 10, 11 & 12, 2006, three of us
from the NorCal Division of The Nn3 Alliance (Joe DuVivier, Andreas Parks, and myself) set up and ran our modular Nn3 layout at
the 30th annual International Railfair in
Roseville, California, just east of Sacramento.
This is the site of a very famous and busy
railroad yard, where 100 railroad cars per hour
pass through.
The Railfair is a long tradition in Roseville,
put on by railfans and model railroaders for
railfans and model railroaders. It is housed in
three buildings on the Placer County Fairgrounds, plus an outdoor 7-1/2” gauge live
steam train operation, and a 12” = 1’ scale
handcar you can operate yourself over a short
stretch of track laid just for the fair each year.
The local club has its layouts (HO and N
scales) in an addition to one of the halls, and is
open throughout the show as well. There were
layouts in N, Nn3, HO, On30, G and live
steam (including a large European-style HO
layout) as well as many vendors.
Page 6
The Nn3 layout was set up on the stage in
one hall, sharing the space with a “Time
Saver” switching layout being operated by the
local division of the NMRA. Due to the confined space, we assembled an “L” shaped
single track mainline layout with return balloon loops at each end measuring 21’ x 10’.
Joe DuVivier brought four white metal step
stools for the use of smaller railroaders. (These
feature a handrail for the user to hold on to, but
we always encourage the responsible adult to
“spot” for their little one when they are using
Track cleaning operations on Friday evening
were conducted with a conventional DC power
supply and throttle, but beginning Saturday
morning and through closing on Sunday
evening, we ran DCC (a Lenz command station, Lenz LH-100 tethered throttle, Lenz XPA
wireless telephone throttle, and CVP wireless
throttle with Lenz decoders in the locos.)
Aztec track cleaning cars were run in all trains
to keep the track shiny and clean, and ensure
good DCC continuity.
We ran several cars equipped with the new
David Styles finescale metal Nn3 wheelsets.
(See New Products.) They
look and run much better
than the stock Micro Trains
plastic Nn3 wheelsets. I
have converted over about
half my rolling stock and
will convert over the rest in
the future.
Joe collected the most
memorable moment of the
show – he asked a boy of
about five or six years old if
he had trains, and his reply
was “I used to when I was a
While at the Railfair,
Emmett of Cache Creek
Scale Models stopped by
the layout and let us all
know that he now has N
and Nn3 logging railroad
freight cars in his line.
These can be seen at:
Stock cars with David Styles’ new
metal “finescale” wheelsets.
One leg of the modular Nn3 layout
before the doors opened to the public.
New Nn3 products:
Fine-scale replacement
wheels sets for Micro Trains
Nn3 trucks
Blackened metal 26”
wheels with black engineering plastic bushings and a
1mm diameter steel axle, to
be assembled by the modeler. To assemble these, pop
the hat-shaped bushing into
the wheel, then slide onto
the axle. The correct back-to-back for an
assembled wheel set is .210”. When properly
assembled, the tip of the axle extends .040”
(1mm) beyond the face of the wheel. I assemble these using a jig made by drilling a
hole through a .040” square of styrene, which
I then glued to a small square of steel sheet. I
slide a wheel onto the axle, then place the end
of the axle in the hole, and slide the wheel
down tight to the face of the jig, and secure
with a drop of CA glue on the back of the
wheel. Assembly goes faster than reading about
it. The assembled wheel sets snap right into
MT trucks, and the resulting trucks are free
rolling, and hopefully will resist that build-up
of “grunge” typical of the plastic wheels. With
a .015” flange, they look better than the .020”
flange as well. These wheels are available in
bulk from David Styles, 15 Russet Way,
Dorking, RH5 4TP, UK – or – Republic Locomotive Works at:
Page 7
Springfield, MA, Jan 26-28
Northeast Ntrak will host Winterfest 2007,
the 13th Annual Northeast Ntrak Convention
held in conjunction with the “Big Railroad
Hobby Show” of the Amherst Railway Society, Inc. at the Eastern States Exposition
Grounds, “The Big E”, at 1305 Memorial
Avenue, West Springfield, MA on January
27-28, 2007. Layout set up will take place on
Friday between noon and 5:00 P.M. The Hilton
Garden Inn, 800 Columbus Avenue, Springfield, MA will again be the convention hotel
with registration and clinics Friday night and
the traditional banquet, contest awards presentation, guest speaker, etc., on Saturday
night. Model, module, photo, and parade-oftrains (best train) contests will be held at the
layout on Saturday.
Hotel reservations should be made before
January 7, 2007, by calling 413-886-8000 or
800-774-1500 and mentioning “NTRAK” to
get the convention rate. For more details go to:, and click on
Winterfest Information. For other questions
write to Bob Pawlak, Chairman, Winterfest
2007, at: [email protected] or call 781862-2485.
Bahama Train Show
Plan to take part in the January 27-28th
Train Show in Bahama,...... North Carolina!
Page 8
The North Raleigh NTRAK club will be
taking part in a show near Durham in the Little
River Community Center. The show is a fund
raiser for the Center, so will be open to the
public, but there will be a chance for a lot of
train running. For details contact Dave Thompson: [email protected]
2007 National Train Show
NTRAK Layout
The 2007 National Train Show NTRAK
layout promises to be outstanding! Allocated
space will allow us to showcase approximately 100 of the best modules nominated by
clubs and individuals nationwide. There will
be a DCC Red Line Route circumnavigating
the entire layout, and opportunities for both
DC and DCC running on loops. Clubs are
asked to nominate their best modules for the
show, and individuals not affiliated with clubs
are invited to submit their modules for consideration, if they have previously been included
in multi-club regional or national shows. In
order to comply with National Train Show
timelines, entries must be submitted by March
1. People without modules but who want to
run trains are encouraged to register and join
the fun. For more information go to the website..
Mark Cowles <[email protected]>
Local NTRAK Club permanent layout
30th Annual Railfair at Roseville, CA
Photos by Tom Knapp
Text by Jim F
Railfair was a regular event
for NTRAK for many years.
Tom Knapp took part in the
30trh anniversary show with
an Nn3 layout and took the
photos on these two pages.
His layout story is on pages 6
& 7.
Roseville is 20 or so miles
east of Sacramento and at the
foot of the Sierra mountains
and Donner Pass. The Southern Pacific had a large yard
and engine facility where
helper engines were added to
trains heading over the Donner
Summit. With so many SP
employees living in the area it
was always a treat to talk with
them at the shows. In steam
days, the cab forward engines,
designed because of the many
snow sheds on this route, were
in use in Roseville.
The Fairgrounds are fairly
small. The photo with the
crowd is of one of three similar size buildings available for
shows. The Railfair directors
have had to limit the number
of layouts and dealers because
of the available space. The
convenient parking and local
interest have kept the show in
the same location. There is
room for a live steam layout,
the speeder full size track and
lawn tractor pulled train all
add to the interest. Local scout
groups man the snack and food
service for another nice touch.
Page 9
The Northwestern NTRAK Club, in the NW suburbs of Chicago, took part in
a big hobby show at the Rosemont Convention Center in October. They put
together a 40’ x 60’ layout with their own modules plus two from Heritage
NTRAK and one from Woodland Scenics.
Member Bob Myers has been appointed by the club to work with the NTRAK
Newsletter to have photos and information shared with the other NTRAKers.
This is a welcomed idea and I hope other clubs will do the same thing.
This corner module is a NW NTRAK owned module.
Page 10
Top photo by John Blotnick
All others by Dewey Jones II
A new module by NW member Chuck Polacek
A Heritage NTRAK club member’s module
with an Nn3 operating loop on the upper level.
Page 11
Northwest NTRAK member Roman Urbanski has a 20’ string of
modules that are used together. The Branch Line swings to the rear
and much of the length has just a two track main line.
Along the length is a small town and many industries, but with a
great use of trees and shrubbery. Pictures of this module set continue
on the following two pages.
Page 12
Some of the business area of Roman Urbanski’s
town on his 20’ long module set.
Page 13
A well detailed scrap yard is at one end of Roman Urbanski’s 20’ long module set.
Page 14
Continued on page 20.
Southern Plains
The 11th annual Southern
Plains Convention didn't exactly
start as planned. On Thursday,
November 30th, Oklahoma City
received several inches of snow,
and most of the city was shut
down. The NtrakOK Convention had a trip planned in the
morning which had to be canceled. However, the clinics did
occur as advertised in the afternoon, followed by a swap meet
in the evening. Setup on Friday
was delayed due to the snow, by
the end of the day, the Oklahoma City Train show was ready
for the public and the Ntrak layout covering a 60’x90’ space
was up and running. The
NEONS (NorthEast Oklahoma
N Scalers) set up one loop, a
second loop was made up of
modules from Tex-N and
AustNtrak clubs and the third
loop was modules from the hosting OK-N rail Club with visitor
modules spread throughout.
Over the course of two days,
the show had an attendance of
12,500 people, according to the
Oklahoma State Fair Board.
Convention registration almost
reached 100, but the weather
caused some cancellations. Saturday nights banquet was hosted
by Richard Fisher. Bobbye Hall,
was the guest speaker, followed
by Eric Smith of MicroTrains,
Frank Angstead of Intermountain, Neal Carnaby of Neal's NGuaging Trains, George
Hollwedel and Jim Hinds of
Richard Controls. There were
door prizes for everyone, and a
raffle was held to help cover
convention cost.
Despite the cold, damp start,
the convention concluded on
Sunday with everyone having
had a good time. OK N-Rail
would like to thank the companies that help support the convention with their contributions.
Peabody ˆ The Lake Texoma inlet provides the setting for
the inside corner module with the lighthouse. This module
requires transition modules on either side, but most of the
time, the transition modules are used together, without the
inside corner. The module at left is the town of Peabody,
home of Oklahoma Scrap Metal. The two transition modules
and the inside corner are OK N-Rail club modules.
Henry's Corner is another typical prairie town. The grain
silos provide plenty of business for the railroad and a lot of
action during an operating session. To the left is the anhydrous ammonia tank, at one time a standard fixture for every
farm town. This is one of Bruce Alcock's modules.
Parktown consists of two modules, an 8 foot straight and a
3 foot corner. These modules were built by Richard Setzer
who passed away earlier this year. The club wanted to
include these modules in the layout as a tribute to Richard
who served on the Oklahoma City Train Show committee as
wall as being a past president of OK N-Rail.
Text by Bruce Alcock Photos by Inge Trost
Page 15
Gary Bartley combined two
four foot modules that include a
tunnel for the mainline tracks, a
mountain division and a selfcontained loop. The loop does
connect to the mountain division tracks.
Dally is the other transition
module. Dally is a modeled
after a typical western Oklahoma farm community, with
the railroad station at the center
of town, and the largest business is Inselman Farm Equipment, bottom left.
Here, we see a Santa Fe train waiting to
depart for the run to Kansas City. The train
will run East for a mile and then turn North at
the Tulsa interlocking onto home trackage.
Downtown Tulsa is a set of five four foot
modules that the NEON's have built to show
off the railroad heritage of their hometown.
Page 16
The Neon's (NorthEast Oklahoma N Scalers) have built a second junction module so
they can connect their loop to other clubs for
a bigger layout. This is the first appearance
of this module and it ran well at the Oklahoma City show. To the right is a football
field that still is waiting for bleachers.
New N Scale Modeling
by Lee
e-mail: [email protected]
Photos and Text by Lee
except as noted.
Mr. Masuo Ishihara by Lee
In the travels of life, we pass each other, with no particular thoughts.
There comes a moment when, someone with exceptional qualities, casts his light on your path.
Such was the case, with Mr. Masuo Ishihara of Japan.
Mr. Ishihara passed away on December 9th, 2006, at the age of 54.
On trips to Japan, I found him to be a man of great character, sincerity and deep caring for
others, which was evident without being able to communicate, too well, in our languages. He
was a man of great talent, with an artistic touch for the modules that he built, for the cars that
he produced for the Kato Co. including the T-TRAK Caboose car that I designed. He shared his
knowledge, by teaching everyone, especially children.
Portion of a photo by Kato USA
Masuo with rolled up sleeves and some of
the children he was teaching. I cropped the
photo sent by Kato USA, for privacy. Masuo’s
hands are shown passing on his knowledge to
the children and hands of future modelers.
“His expertise lives on in those lives that he
has touched.”
An outstanding module by Masuo
Ishihara, represents a scene in Tokyo,
Japan. It was featured at the T-TRAK
Layout, Phila. Convention July 2006.
Please see the Sept/Oct. Newsletter
2006 issue for this photo, in color and
more of Mr. Ishihara’s modules on the website.
Click on: Layout Demo #1 / International Photo section.
Page 17
See bottom
of next page.
Several months, ago, I had the opportunity to submit text and photos, for their choice, to the
N Scale Collectors Magazine about T-TRAK and the Youth Program, and the T-TRAK
Caboose that I sponsored to keep the Youth Program going. I thought I would share this
marvelous 2 page layout that they published, for those who may not have seen this or the fine
quality and extensive information that this magazine provides. The extra issues provided by Mr.
Fred Hoxsie for the T-TRAKers involved are appreciated.
The large group of Scouts and Scout group
working at a table, are the first group of TTRAK Youths, taught by Bill Seibert, Jim King
and Jack Mershon of the Waynesville, N.C.
Page 18
Model RR Club.
The nine individual photos are the 2nd season T-TRAK Youth Modelers from the
Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge, TN. taught
by Larry Burkholder and the Knoxville Area
Model RRers.
Four Scouts from Georgetown, Texas. taught
by Tom Hopkins, Asst. Catherine Cosper
The Goals of the
T-TRAK Youth Program are:
To Guide and Teach our youth a very special hobby, possibly, for a life-time of pleasure. They will be learning self expression and
accomplishment, sharing and working with
others, while having fun with this small, wood,
easy to do, table top T-TRAK module. They
can continue as Modelers of the Future, in T-
TRAK-N, T-TRAK-HO, T-TRAK-O, TTRAK-S, T-TRAK-Z or full modules in any
scale, their choice. They will have the foundation of correct modeling because many scales,
as well as, NMRA Module Standards, are
based on NTRAK Standards of building modules. The program depends on Volunteer Club
Members to teach according to the “T-TRAK
Easy Instructions” of building a module and
pass on the tradition of model railroading.
Page 19
Continued from page 14.
An NTRAK module built by Woodland Scenics features a
highly detailed “DPM Business District” as well as a rural
scene. This was part of the Northwest NTRAK layout.
Page 20
World’s Greatest Hobby on Tour
Great Train Expo
2007 Winter Show Schedule:
Indianapolis, IN - Jan 6&7
Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis IN
Pittsburgh, PA - Jan 20 & 21
Pittsburgh Expo Mart, Monroeville, PA
Atlanta, GA - Feb 3 & 4
Cobb Galleria Centre, Atlanta, GA
Portland, OR - Feb 17 & 18
Portland Metro Expo Center, Portland, OR
Fort Worth, TX - March 17 & 18
Ft Worth Convention Center, Ft Worth, TX
Jan 13-14, York, PA, York Expo Ctr, 334 Carlisle Av.
Jan 13-14, Sacramento, CA, Cal Expo & Fairgnds
Jan 20-21, Columbus, OH, Ohio Expo Ctr, 717 E 17thAv
Jan 27-28, Louisville, KY, Ky Int Conv Ctr, 221 4th Av
Feb 3-4, Hartford, CT, CT Expo Ctr, 265 Rev Moody Ov
Feb 3-4, Council Bluffs, IA, Mid Amer Ctr, 1 Arena Way
Feb 10-11, Monroeville, PA, Pittsburgh Expo, 105 Mall Bv
Feb 10-11, Salt Lk City, UT, UT State Fair, 155 N 1000 W
Feb 24-25, Up Marlbor, MD, P GeoEquest Ctr, 1490 PA Av
Feb 24-25, Denver, CO, Nat Wes Complex, 46755 Humblt
Mar 3-4, Novi, MI, Rock Fin Showplc, 46100 Gnd Riv Av
Mar 3-4, Daly City, CA, Cow Palace, Geneva & Santos
Mar 10-11, Henrietta, NY, Dome Arena, 2695 E Henrt Rd
Mar 10-11, Kansas City, MO, Amer Royal Cplx 19th & WY
Mar 17-18, Edison, NJ, NJ Conv Expo Ctr, 97 Sunfield
Mar 24-25, Wilmington, MA, Shriners Aud, 99 Fordham R
Information on future NTRAK layouts,
meets or conventions is being gathered by
Advisory Group member Dave Porter:
<[email protected]>
8695 N. Silo Road
Parker, Co 80138
Jan 13-14, Plano. TX
Dallas Area Train Show, Plano Center, 2000 E. Spring
Creek Pkwy. 10-5 Sat, 10-4 Sun. $7 adults, children free.
Inge Trost [email protected]
Jan 20- 21, Corsley Heath, Wiltshire, United Kingdom,
Mendip NTRAK Open Weekend, The Reading Room
Contact: [email protected]
Jan 28 - 29, W. Springfield, MA
Winterfest Train Show, Eastern States Expo Grounds
John Dunn [email protected]
Feb 3- 4, Monroe, WA
UNW Multi Scale Show, Evergreen State Fairgrounds,
10-5 Sat, 10-4 Sun Contact: Dave Moser
[email protected] 425-851-6968
Feb 17- 18, Estes , Park, CO
Rails in the Rockies, Holiday Inn, 10-6 Sat, 10-4 Sun,
Dave Porter [email protected] 303-841-7365
Mar 2- 4, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom
Ntrak Convention 2007, East Anglia Hotel, David
[email protected]
Note: We try to include any information about NTRAK or N
scale layouts that will be at the events listed. If you send in a
notice, please include that information. If space is tight,
notices that don't mention N scale will not be published. Jim.
Please submit your information to Dave.
If you would like to join in with a module in
a layout, please contact the layout coordinator
listed for that event well ahead of time. There
most likely will not be room, if you just show
up the morning of a show, unannounced.
Apr 20- 22, Winslow, AZ
Winslow RR Days, Snowdrift Gallery, John Scott,
[email protected]
May 12- 13, Corsley Heath, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Mendip NTRAK Open Weekend, The Reading Room,
[email protected]
Jul 26-l 28, Detroit,MI
NMRA National Train Show, Cobo Arena and Events
Center, Mark Cowles, [email protected] http://
Aug 9- 14, 2007, Hartford, CT
N Scale Convention, Dean Daughenbaugh,
[email protected]
Jun 25- 29, 2008, Louisville, KY
2008 National N Scale Convention, Kentucky International Conventionn Center, [email protected]
502-895-6578 146,000 sq. feet of convention space,
very large NTRAK layout.
Jul 13- 19, 2008, Anaheim, CA
NMRA National Train Show, Anaheim Convention
Page 21