grow lead share - The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, Inc.


grow lead share - The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, Inc.
A N N UA L R E P O RT 2009 – 2010
God is with us and there is no strength equal to His strength,
No power equal to His power, no promise equal to His promise.
Pope Paul VI
Fulfilling Great Promise!
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
God is faithful. God keeps his promises. Hope in Christ does not
disappoint. It is the future promise of glory that sustains God’s
people here in Central Florida and throughout the earth as we
sojourn in a world of broken promises and shattered dreams, a
world of fragile peace and increasing inequality. We are men and
women of hope, urged on by the love of Jesus.
Our Diocesan vision compels us to act now and respond to Christ’s
call to make disciples of all nations. We begin here at home
by honoring the work of our Synod commissions, ensuring the
success of Alive in Christ, and breathing new life into our parishes,
schools and many ministries. We invite you to take part in the
ground-breaking work of the Catholic Foundation of Central
Florida and pray that you will recognize this as God’s call and
respond affirmatively.
Most Rev. Thomas G. Wenski
Bishop of Orlando
2004 - 2010
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Most Rev. Thomas G. Wenski
Bishop of Orlando
2004 - 2010
The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, Inc. offers a number
of excellent ways to provide support for the many parishes,
schools, and ministries across the Diocese. All of these options
enable you to advance the Gospel mission within and beyond your
lifetime, as you witness to the saving love of Christ.
Rev. Richard Walsh
Diocesan Administrator
Rev. Richard Walsh
Diocesan Administrator
Fulfilling Great Promise!
Dear Friends,
It has now been five years since the first Synod was convened in the
Diocese of Orlando. As a result of the Synod implementation plan, the
Church of Central Florida is now beginning to fulfill its promise for
mission and ministry to hundreds of thousands of people.
Born from the Synod, the Catholic Foundation of Central Florida unites
individuals, families and parish communities in a way that will have a
sustainable and transformational impact – changing the hearts of those who
generously support the work of the Church and the lives of those we serve.
One of our first priorities was to design and execute the first ever
Diocesan-wide capital campaign, Alive in Christ. Now completing
its third year, the campaign includes every parish and every family in
the Diocese and is on track to achieve its goal of raising $150 million.
Completion of this campaign will be a testament to the collaborative
and grassroots engagement and ownership that began with the Synod
and is now advancing our shared mission.
William S. Orosz
The Alive in Christ campaign has given the Catholic Foundation the
opportunity to build an in-house development team dedicated to
providing support for the Diocese of Orlando. Most importantly, the
Foundation seeks to build internal strength and establish long –term
relationships with the members of our Catholic community. This
approach, modeled after similar efforts at distinguished universities,
prepares the Diocese to meet the new and growing ministry opportunities
that will surely come.
Our goal is to be a true partner with the larger Church as well as the
local parishes. We are aiming to raise more than just money: we are
answering God’s call by inviting the stewardship of gifted, grateful and
generous Catholics throughout Central Florida and beyond. We remain
inspired by our Church’s mission to Grow, Lead and Share.
Gratefully Yours in Christ,
William S. Orosz
Marilyn L. Blanchette
Marilyn L. Blanchette
Fulfilling Great Promise!
What is the Foundation?
n the Fall of 2008, The Catholic Foundation of
Central Florida was incorporated as a separate 501(c)(3)
not-for-profit organization, fully endorsed by the
Diocese of Orlando. The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida,
Inc., is an independent, charitable foundation responsible for
raising, managing and distributing philanthropic funds to provide
long-term, sustainable support for the parishes, schools,
agencies and life-changing ministries across the
nine-county Diocese.
The Foundation comes as a direct outgrowth of the First
General Synod of the Diocese, “Starting Afresh From Christ.”
This 18-month planning process brought together 1,000 men
and women to serve on various planning commissions and to
seek God’s will for the Church in Central Florida.
Their collective efforts resulted in a shared vision that is guiding
our community of faith. The Foundation is playing an active role
in advancing this vision as together we strive to:
GROW in our personal, living relationship with Christ,
and commit to growing our parishes, schools and
life-changing ministries;
LEAD the Church to a new experience of holiness and abundant
life in Christ; and
Rev. Timothy Daly and
Rev. Miguel Gonzalez host the
Synod Assembly (top), members of
the Synod Vocations Commission
enjoy a moment of laughter as they
discuss and plan (bottom).
SHARE God’s love for all people, giving of our time, talent and
treasure in a spirit of love for the Lord.
Fulfilling Great Promise!
Why at this Time?
he Diocese of Orlando is claiming a bright future
for the Church in Central Florida. The Foundation
represents a new paradigm for funding Diocesan-wide
initiatives that will strengthen our people and parishes and help
secure the financial resources needed to achieve our vision to
be “Alive in Christ!”
The Foundation’s efforts are resulting in a sound and sustainable
financial platform, reflecting our Catholic faith and virtues and
enabling the Diocese to implement the recommendations of the
Synod commissions and successfully pursue its most pressing
priorities as the 21st century unfolds.
These priorities include:
Expanding the presence and impact of our Catholic schools across
the region;
Strengthening our outreach ministries to the poor and marginalized
through Catholic Charities of Central Florida;
Starting new parishes and missions and increasing our support for
existing parishes;
Addressing the issue of priestly vocations and increasing the
number of viable candidates for the priesthood; and
Assisting the faithful to grow in intimacy and communion with
Jesus Christ through a vision of lifelong Catholic education and
faith formation.
Our Lady of Lourdes School, Daytona
Beach (top), Catholic Charities of
Central Florida, Inc.(center),
2009 Chrism Mass at the Basilica of
the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of
the Universe (bottom).
Fulfilling Great Promise!
What Do We Do?
The Foundation’s
activities will potentially
benefit every area
of our life together,
from our parishes and
schools to the larger
community in which
we serve.
he pastoral initiatives that emerged from our
Diocesan Synod comprise an ambitious agenda for
the next decade and beyond and will likely require
funding in the range of $350 million or more. The Diocese
developed a blended growth plan that included a creative
mix of funding strategies to support these urgently-needed
ministries. These strategies included both a tax-exempt bond
financing plan and the Alive in Christ multiple-year capital
campaign. While the realities of the current economic climate have
temporarily limited our ability to secure funding through bonds,
the capital campaign is on track.
The Foundation’s responsibility is to secure private support as
part of the growth plan — including overseeing and
implementing the Alive in Christ Campaign— at a level
unprecedented in the history of the Diocese. All stewardship
and development functions within the Diocese now fall under the
purview of the Foundation, and in time it will begin to manage
the consolidation of parish endowments to leverage investment
opportunities and maximize performance.
San Pedro Jesus Maldonado
Mission, Wildwood (top),
blood drive at Most Precious Blood
Catholic Church, Oviedo (right)
Fulfilling Great Promise!
Who is Leading?
he future health and vitality of the Diocese — and the
people we serve —depends on our successful implementation of the vision God has revealed to us. We
have abundant gifts, talents and resources that we must harness
and share in new ways to make our vision a reality. This is the task
of the Foundation Directors. Their leadership and guidance is
furthering stewardship at all levels of parish and diocesan life and
their personal commitments will continue to set the standard for
generosity among parishioners across the Diocese.
The Catholic Foundation is in the process of recruiting 12 Founding
Directors to serve initial two-year terms. Their time of service
intersects with an historic moment in our life together as they help
shape the work and witness of the Church in Central Florida for
decades to come.
The willingness of
our Directors to give
and serve ultimately
transcends time and
money, with humility
and the love of Christ
as our true measures
of success.
William Orosz, Founding Chair,
and his wife, Jody, enjoy a picnic
at Annunciation Catholic Church,
Altamonte Springs.
Fulfilling Great Promise!
Our Founding Board of Directors
I am the true vine, and
my Father is the vine
grower. He takes away
every branch in me that
does not bear fruit, and
everyone that does he
prunes so that it bears
more fruit. You are
already pruned because
of the word that I spoke
to you.
John 15: 1-3
e think of these pioneering Directors as
“spiritual entrepreneurs,” men and women with a
mind for business and a heart for the Lord. We are
grateful for their leadership and vision as we work together to
advance the mission of our Church.
William S. Orosz
Annunciation, Altamonte Springs
J. Stephen Zepf
St. James Cathedral, Orlando
David G. Powers
St. Mary Magdalen, Altamonte Springs
Victor A. Zollo, Jr.
St. Margaret Mary, Winter Park
Chair, Investment Committee
Fulfilling Great Promise!
In Memory of
Joseph Sciortino
Richard Strube
Resurrection, Winter Garden
Chair, Audit Committee
Allan E. Keen
St. Margaret Mary, Winter Park
Chair, Board Development
On February 1, 2009, founding
Board member Joseph Sciortino
lost his battle with cancer. He
was 77. We have very big shoes
to collectively fill and many
goals to achieve, to honor him. May his steadfast commitment
to the Lord, his family and to
excellence drive us in our effort
to love and serve our Church
with deep humility and will.
Joseph M. Sciortino
1937 – 2009
Patrick Rainey
Holy Family, Orlando
Chair, Development Committee
James A. Croson
St. Patrick, Mount Dora
Board Member
Fr. Stephen D. Parkes
Most Precious Blood, Oviedo
Pastor, Most Precious Blood
Spiritual Advisor to the Board and Staff
Joseph Sciortino, with his wife
Marilyn, receives the Papal Cross
Pro-Ecclesia et Pontifice at the
2008 Festival of Faith in recognition of sustained and outstanding
service to the Catholic Faith.
Fulfilling Great Promise!
2009 Reaches 105% of Goal!
very year, faithful Catholics throughout the Diocese of
Orlando join together to support and sustain
the life-changing work of the Church in Central
Florida. The funds raised annually through Our Catholic Appeal
provide for the day-to-day operation of our Chancery, ensuring
that the Diocese has the necessary resources to proclaim the
Gospel and help bring the love of Christ to more people.
Our 2009 goal for Our Catholic Appeal was $11 million
•Raised to date: $11.5 Million - 105% of goal
•Gifts received to date: 45,489 pledges
Through Our Catholic Appeal, the faithful have a profound
opportunity to share their gifts in a way that truly witnesses to
hope. The programs and ministries made possible by Our Catholic
Appeal enable our local Church to care for the poor and needy,
comfort the sick, strengthen families and parishes, educate young
people within a culture of faith and service, and nurture those who
have been given that most sacred call - the call to the priesthood
or religious life.
Our 2010 goal for Our Catholic Appeal was $12,250,000
•Raised to date: $11.5 Million - 94% of goal*
•Gifts received to date: 43,810 pledges*
* as of October 31, 2010
Programs funded through Our Catholic Appeal nurture young people
(Hope Community Center, top), inspire vocations (center), and
strengthen our faith (Corpus Christi procession, bottom)
Fulfilling Great Promise!
2009 Corpus Christi Society
he Corpus Christi Society is a special network of generous and faithful Catholic leaders who
made a gift of $10,000 or more to Our Catholic Appeal . Through their selfless support,
Corpus Christi members make a tremendous difference in the lives of God’s people
and inspire others to respond generously for the sake of the Church’s missionary work of education,
pastoral care and outreach to the poor.
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Algero
Mr. and Mrs. Selim Ayoub
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bert
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brandt
Dr. Michael Broom
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Burkey
Mr. Andrew P. Caneza
Mrs. Jean Corr
Mr. and Mrs. James Croson
Mr. and Mrs. David Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Easton
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Engelman
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Euler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilardi
Mr. and Mrs. David Halloran
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Heaney
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Henkelman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hilbrich
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Holm
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Landon
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Licursi
Mr. and Mrs. John Lord
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lower
Mrs. Frances Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Massey
Mr. and Mrs. James McCahill
Mr. Thomas J. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nocero
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. William Orosz
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Perdue
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Poliner
Mrs. Frances Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pouliot
Mr. and Mrs. B. Terence Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rainey
Dr. Jose Ramirez and
Dr. Pearl Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Saathoff
Mrs. Diane Schneider
Mrs. Marilyn Sciortino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shantz
Mr. and Mrs. Todd South
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stratman
Mr. and Mrs. Don K. Strube, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Strube, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strube
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Strube
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Strube
Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Ustler
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski
Ms. Bickley Wilson
Dr. Thomas Winters and Dr.
Rebecca Moroose
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Zepf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zielke
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zollo
Fulfilling Great Promise!
2010 Corpus Christi Society
Anonymous (1)
Mr. Joseph Amrhein
Mr. and Mrs. Selim Ayoub
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bergeron
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bert
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brandt
Dr. Michael Broom
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Burke
Mr. Andrew P. Caneza
Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Cellucci
Mrs. Jean Corr
Mr. and Mrs. James Croson
Mr. and Mrs. David Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Engelman
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Euler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilardi
Mr. and Mrs. David Halloran
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hannigan
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Heaney
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Henkelman
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Holm
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Jurbala
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A Keenan
Dr. and Mrs. Troy King
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Landon
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Licursi
Mr. and Mrs. John Lord
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lower
Mrs. Frances Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Massey
Mr. and Mrs. James McCahill
Mr. Thomas Myers
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Nocero
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. William Orosz
Mrs. Frances Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pouliot
Mr. and Mrs. B. Terence Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rainey
Dr. Jose Ramirez and
Dr. Pearl Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Saathoff
Mr. and Mrs. Derrik Sandberg
Mrs. Diane Schneider
Mrs. Marilyn Sciortino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shantz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strube, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don K. Strube, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strube
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Strube
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Strube
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Strube
Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Ustler
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vaxmonsky
Ms. Bickley Wilson
Dr. Thomas Winters and Dr.
Rebecca Moroose
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Zepf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zielke
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zollo
Fulfilling Great Promise!
$125 Million Raised to Date!
he Diocese of Orlando has been blessed with extraordinary
growth in recent years, providing new opportunities to
continue Christ’s work in our world. As the beneficiaries
of God’s great abundance, it is our responsibility to ensure that we
have the facilities and resources needed to proclaim the gospel for
years to come.
Across the nine counties of our Diocese, God’s people are making
that vision a reality through Alive in Christ, the first ever capital
campaign for the Diocese of Orlando. Alive in Christ is designed
to support the ongoing growth of the larger Church in Central
Florida while helping parishes and missions to secure the
resources they need to sustain and expand their own ministries.
Within the context of one large campaign, all 92 parishes and
missions in the Diocese of Orlando will conduct their own effort
for Alive in Christ, with groups of parishes making up a series of six
campaign “waves.” All of our parishes are currently participating in
Alive in Christ at some level, and the last wave of parishes is expected
to wrap up the active phase of the campaign by December 2010.
We have set an overall campaign goal of $150 million. While
these funds will make possible many of the larger Church priorities that
surfaced during the Synod, the majority of campaign proceeds
will remain at the local level, enabling parishes to move forward
with important projects that help all of us to Grow, Lead & Share
our faith more fully.
We are training Church leaders (top), assisting new and existing parishes
and missions (Centro Guadalupano Mission, Wahneta, center) and
cultivating new leaders (Campus Ministry, bottom)
Fulfilling Great Promise!
Together we are expanding the scope and reach of Catholic Charities,
exploring new ways to recruit and train Church leaders, and providing
more young people with access to a Catholic education. At the
local level, our parishes and missions are improving their facilities,
enhancing their outreach ministries, and investing in the future
through permanent endowments.
As a result of the generosity and extraordinary sacrifices of the
faithful throughout our Diocese, $125 million has been raised
for the Alive in Christ Campaign as of October 31, 2010.
We are reaching out to those in need (Lazarus Free Medical Clinic,
Wildwood, above), educating young people (St. Joseph School, Palm Bay,
top left) and nurturing our clergy through programs such as “Good Leaders,
Good Shepherds” (bottom left)
Fulfilling Great Promise!
A live in C hrist
Capital Campaign
Total Goal: $150,000,000
Called to Grow...
New Parishes & Missions
$ 5,000,000
New Schools
Tuition Assistance
$ 11,000,000
San Pedro Retreat Center
$ 1,000,000
$ 5,000,000
Cathedral of St. James
$ 1,000,000
$ 3,000,000
Catholic Campus Ministry Center
$ 1,000,000
$ 5,000,000
Recruiting & Forming Clergy/Lay Leaders
$ 4,000,000
Catholic Charities of Central Florida
$ 4,000,000
$ 8,000,000
Catholic Foundation of Central Florida
$ 8,000,000
$ 35,000,000
$ 25,000,000
Called to Lead...
Called to Share...
Grand Totals
Synod Case
$ 60,000,000
$ 90,000,000
$ 4,000,000
Fulfilling Great Promise!
Planned giving is a
simple yet meaningful
way to leave a lasting
legacy for the benefit of
Christ’s Kingdom.
n 2009 the Catholic Foundation of Central
Florida initiated the Vivos Christi Society as a way
to celebrate and honor those faithful Catholics
who provide for the future of our local Church through the
beautiful gesture of a planned gift. Membership is open to all
parishioners who make a provision in their will or estate plans on
behalf of any of the parishes, schools or ministries of the Diocese
of Orlando.
It is our hope that the Vivos Christi Society will serve as an
important way of continuing the life-changing work that is
currently taking place through the Alive in Christ Campaign.
Indeed, the words Vivos Christi, translated from the Latin,
mean “Alive in Christ.”
Bishop Thomas Wenski presents
founding members Edward and
Diana Sabon (All Souls, Sanford)
with a blessing and a special medal
at the first Vivos Christi Society
Induction Ceremony.
Fulfilling Great Promise!
We plan to launch the society progressively throughout the Diocese as
parishes complete the active phase of their Alive in Christ Campaign.
In 2009 we began building our family of founding members from
among those parishes that participated in the first wave of Alive in
Christ. On April 15th, 2009, 89 honorees from local parishes
were officially recognized during our first Vivos Christi Society
Induction Ceremony, held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of
Mary, Queen of the Universe, just prior to the annual Chrism Mass.
On March 31st, 2010, we welcomed additional founding members
from among those parishes that participated in the second and third
waves of Alive in Christ. We will continue this progressive rollout
through 2012 so that every parish has an opportunity to participate.
St. Therese of Lisieux, patron saint
of the Vivos Christi Society
St. Therese of Lisieux, the
“Little Flower,” once said
that she wanted to spend
her time in heaven doing
good on earth. A planned
gift to the Church likewise
enables us to do good
even after our earthly
pilgrimage comes to an
end and we enter into
Eternal Life in the
presence of Jesus.
Bishop Thomas Wenski greets
founding members Sal and Jean
Campisi and Fr. Matthew Mello
(all from Church of the Resurrection, Lakeland) at a reception
following the 2010 Vivos Christi
Induction Ceremony.
Fulfilling Great Promise!
s Christians we are people of abundant hope. The 545 generous men and women who
represent the Vivos Christi Society are examples of that hope. Through their word and
witness, they are creating a lasting legacy that will continue to grow and strengthen our
Church and its ministries.
Anonymous (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Amrhein
Mrs. Elena B. Antonietti
Mrs. Maria Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ayoob
Ms. Eileen Behr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bischof
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blitch
Rev. Ramon Bolatete
Mr. Otto Bomberg
Mr. and Mrs. George Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brockerman
Mrs. Joan Buning
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador V. Campisi, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carroll, Jr.
Ms. Susan Castrianni
Ms. Claire Catalano
Mr. and Mrs. Brent R. Centlivre
Mrs. Florence Clifford
Ms. Gladys Cordoba
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cornett
Mr. and Mrs. John Corrigan
Mrs. Catherine Cotner
Ms. Theresa Dare
Ms. Victoria Davidson
Mr. John Dearhammer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DelBovo
Ms. Rose D. Donleavy
Ms. June Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. John Earley
Mr. Andrew Feliciano
Mrs. Catherine Marie Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fish
Mrs. Evelyn Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fowler
Miss Mary Anne Freyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Froehlich
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Garcia
Mrs. Nan Genger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibbons
Very Rev. Michael E. Giglio
Miss Dorothy Glanzer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Godin
Mrs. Alicia Goncars
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gower
Mrs. Marianna Graham
Ms. Vivian Grenon
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Guffner
Mr. Brian Gwynn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanley
Ms. Grace Heddens
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hernan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hillier
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hornsby
Miss Ann Jaslowski
Ms. Susan Johnn
Mrs. Patricia Johnsen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson
Mrs. Lida Johnson
Mrs. Marylou Johnson
Mrs. Marguerite Juras
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kapushy
Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. John Klumph
Mr. Raymond Kraemer
Mrs. Jacquelyn Lamberty
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Larson
Ms. Millie Laskowski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Lazenby
Mrs. Gertrude E. Leete
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Leroux
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lewis
Mr. Richard Lienenbrink
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Locey
Mr. and Mrs. John Lord
Fulfilling Great Promise!
Mrs. Irene Lotsey
Mr. and Mrs. John Loughe
Francille M. Macfarland
Ms. Olga Marto
Dr. and Mrs. Mihalj Matko
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc Mullen
Very Rev. Edward McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mcdonald
Miss Susan Mcdonough
Rev. Matthew Mello
Mr. and Mrs. John G Mestan
Ms. Mathilde Mielke
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moran
Mr. Arthur Nasio
Mrs. Annette Neel
Mr. and Mrs. Manual Nieves, Jr.
Rev. Patrick J. O’Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Oswald
Miss Dorothy Patrick
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Pauley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. David Pistarelli
Mr. and Mrs. John Pitkethly
Mrs. Eleanor Pivec
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Poliafico
Mrs. Dorothy Reisch
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Renner
Mrs. Rosa Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Roane
Miss Domonic Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Rojas
Ms. Ruthann Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowland
Mr. James Ryan
Miss Agnes C. Scannell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schatzman
Ms. Patricia Schloot
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. John “Jack” Schrenker
Mrs. Marilyn Sciortino
Miss Margaret Sheehan
Mrs. Marie Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shoffner
Ms. Marie Simolin
Ms. Thelma Snyder
Ms. Lillian Taylor
Mrs. Anna Thomas
Rev. Edward J. Thompson
Mr. Barnabas P. Toth
Mr. and Mrs. John Traexler
Mrs. Doris Trameri
Mr. and Mrs. Victor J Troiano
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Troiano
Ms. Carole Trone
Rev. Richard Trout
Mrs. Sylvia Urich
Mr. Robert Vavra
Rev. David Vivero
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Warren
Mrs. Max Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Weis
Mr. and Mrs. John Wendel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wieske
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Winters
Mr. Daniel Witucki
Mrs. Helen Wood
Ms. Rosita Woodhouse
Mrs. Estelle Zegaren
n addition to the 153 active members listed above, we also honor the 392 members of
the Vivos Christi Society who have been called home to Our Lord.. May their legacy
continue to touch the hearts of God’s people and inspire others to new levels of faithful
generosity and service.
Fulfilling Great Promise!
The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, Inc.
Statements of Financial Position
June 30, 2010 and June 30, 2009
Cash and cash equivalents
Leadership gifts receivable
Fundraising fees receivable
Property and equipment
Total assets
June 2010
June 2009
Liabilities and net assets
Assets held for others
Accrued expenses
Total liabilities
Net assets
Unrestricted Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total liabilities and net assets
Audited by KPMG LLP. Audited Financial Statements are available upon request or online at
Fulfilling Great Promise!
The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, Inc.
Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets
For the Years Ended June 30, 2010 and 2009
Changes in unrestricted net assets:
Operating revenue and support
Fundraising fees
Development and stewardship fees
Unrestricted leadership gifts
Interest income
Total operating revenue and support
Operating expenses
Alive in Christ campaign
Our Catholic Appeal
Major and Planned Giving
Management and administration
Total operating expenses
Restricted asset distributions
Temporary restrictions expired
Temporarily restricted assets distributed
Changes in unrestricted net assets
Net unrestricted assets, beginning of the year
Net unrestricted assets, end of the year
Changes in temporarily restricted net assets
Leadership gifts
Restrictions expired
Interest income
Changes in temporarily restricted net assets
Net temporarily restricted net assets, beginning of the year
Net temporarily restricted net assets, end of the year
Changes in permanently restricted net assets
Leadership gifts
Alive in Christ campaign distributions received
Interest income
Changes in permanently restricted net assets
Net permanently restricted net assets, beginning of the year
Net permanently restricted net assets, end of the year
Increase in net assets
Net assets, beginning of the year
Net assets, end of the year
June 2010
June 2009
Audited by KPMG LLP. Audited Financial Statements are available upon request or online at
Fulfilling Great Promise!
Gifts of Cash
Gifts of Retirement Assets
To encourage selfless stewardship
Charitable Gift Annuity
Lead Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trust
among individuals,
families and organizations;
Revocable Living Trust
Gifts of Life Insurance
Deferred Payment Gift Annuity
Appreciated Securities/Stock
Gifts of Real Estate
safeguard and promote accountability
of the gifts entrusted to our care;
and engage donors to support
the spiritual, educational and social
needs of our faith community.
Personal Property
Fulfilling Great Promise!
O ur F oundation P rayer
God our Father,
You are the vine and we are the branches.
You have chosen us to plant seeds of faith
into the fertile soil of our diocese.
Send forth your Spirit
to fill us with the humility and courage
that will allow our gifts to multiply
as we work together to build your Kingdom.
Challenge us to be selfless stewards
and inspire us to be fully Alive in Christ each day.
For more information about the Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, Inc.,
please contact:
The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, Inc.
PO Box 4905, Orlando FL 32802-4905
(407) 246-4889