Elliptic Curve Digital Signatures in RSA Hardware


Elliptic Curve Digital Signatures in RSA Hardware
Institutionen för systemteknik
Department of Electrical Engineering
Elliptic Curve Digital Signatures in RSA Hardware
Examensarbete utfört i Kryptoteknik
vid Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet
Martin Krisell
Linköping 2012
Department of Electrical Engineering
Linköpings universitet
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
Linköpings tekniska högskola
Linköpings universitet
581 83 Linköping
Elliptic Curve Digital Signatures in RSA Hardware
Examensarbete utfört i Kryptoteknik
vid Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet
Martin Krisell
Jan-Åke Larsson
isy, Linköpings universitet
Pablo García
Realsec, Madrid, Spanien
Jan-Åke Larsson
isy, Linköpings universitet
Linköping, 31 augusti 2012
Avdelning, Institution
Division, Department
Division of Information Coding
Department of Electrical Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping
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Övrig rapport
URL för elektronisk version
Digitala signaturer över elliptiska kurvor på RSA-hårdvara
Martin Krisell
Elliptic Curve Digital Signatures in RSA Hardware
A digital signature is the electronic counterpart to the hand written signature. It can prove
the source and integrity of any digital data, and is a tool that is becoming increasingly important as more and more information is handled electronically.
Digital signature schemes use a pair of keys. One key is secret and allows the owner to sign
some data, and the other is public and allows anyone to verify the signature. Assuming
that the keys are large enough, and that a secure scheme is used, it is impossible to find the
private key given only the public key. Since a signature is valid for the signed message only,
this also means that it is impossible to forge a digital signature.
The most well-used scheme for constructing digital signatures today is RSA, which is based
on the hard mathematical problem of integer factorization. There are, however, other mathematical problems that are considered even harder, which in practice means that the keys
can be made shorter, resulting in a smaller memory footprint and faster computations. One
such alternative approach is using elliptic curves.
The underlying mathematical problem of elliptic curve cryptography is different to that of
RSA, however some structure is shared. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the performance of elliptic curves compared to RSA, on a system designed to efficiently perform the
operations associated with RSA.
The discovered results are that the elliptic curve approach offers some great advantages,
even when using RSA hardware, and that these advantages increase significantly if special
hardware is used. Some usage cases of digital signatures may, for a few more years, still be
in favor of the RSA approach when it comes to speed. For most cases, however, an elliptic
curve system is the clear winner, and will likely be dominant within a near future.
Cryptography, Digital Signatures, Elliptic Curves, ECC, ECDSA, ECIES, RSA
En digital signatur är den elektroniska motsvarigheten till en handskriven signatur. Den kan bevisa källa och integritet för valfri data, och är ett verktyg som blir
allt viktigare i takt med att mer och mer information hanteras digitalt.
Digitala signaturer använder sig av två nycklar. Den ena nyckeln är hemlig och
tillåter ägaren att signera data, och den andra är offentlig och tillåter vem som
helst att verifiera signaturen. Det är, under förutsättning att nycklarna är tillräckligt stora och att det valda systemet är säkert, omöjligt att hitta den hemliga nyckeln utifrån den offentliga. Eftersom en signatur endast är giltig för datan som
signerades innebär detta också att det är omöjligt att förfalska en digital signatur.
Den mest välanvända konstruktionen för att skapa digitala signaturer idag är
RSA, som baseras på det svåra matematiska problemet att faktorisera heltal. Det
finns dock andra matematiska problem som anses vara ännu svårare, vilket i praktiken innebär att nycklarna kan göras kortare, vilket i sin tur leder till att mindre
minne behövs och att beräkningarna går snabbare. Ett sådant alternativ är att
använda elliptiska kurvor.
Det underliggande matematiska problemet för kryptering baserad på elliptiska
kurvor skiljer sig från det som RSA bygger på, men de har en viss struktur gemensam. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utvärdera hur elliptiska kurvor
presterar jämfört med RSA, på ett system som är designat för att effektivt utföra
De funna resultaten är att metoden med elliptiska kurvor ger stora fördelar, även
om man nyttjar hårdvara avsedd för RSA, och att dessa fördelar ökar mångfaldigt
om speciell hårdvara används. För några användarfall av digitala signaturer kan,
under några år framöver, RSA fortfarande vara fördelaktigt om man bara tittar på
hastigheten. För de flesta fall vinner dock elliptiska kurvor, och kommer troligen
vara dominant inom kort.
A digital signature is the electronic counterpart to the hand written signature.
It can prove the source and integrity of any digital data, and is a tool that is
becoming increasingly important as more and more information is handled electronically.
Digital signature schemes use a pair of keys. One key is secret and allows the
owner to sign some data, and the other is public and allows anyone to verify the
signature. Assuming that the keys are large enough, and that a secure scheme is
used, it is impossible to find the private key given only the public key. Since a
signature is valid for the signed message only, this also means that it is impossible
to forge a digital signature.
The most well-used scheme for constructing digital signatures today is RSA, which
is based on the hard mathematical problem of integer factorization. There are,
however, other mathematical problems that are considered even harder, which
in practice means that the keys can be made shorter, resulting in a smaller memory footprint and faster computations. One such alternative approach is using
elliptic curves.
The underlying mathematical problem of elliptic curve cryptography is different
to that of RSA, however some structure is shared. The purpose of this thesis
was to evaluate the performance of elliptic curves compared to RSA, on a system
designed to efficiently perform the operations associated with RSA.
The discovered results are that the elliptic curve approach offers some great advantages, even when using RSA hardware, and that these advantages increase
significantly if special hardware is used. Some usage cases of digital signatures
may, for a few more years, still be in favor of the RSA approach when it comes to
speed. For most cases, however, an elliptic curve system is the clear winner, and
will likely be dominant within a near future.
First of all, I would like to thank Jesús Rodríguez Cabrero for allowing me to do
my thesis at Realsec in Madrid.
I would also like to thank my co-workers at Realsec, including my supervisor
Pablo García, for the warm welcome to Spain and for giving me expert guidance.
I specifically want to thank Luis Jesús Hernández for all our great debugging and
discussion sessions.
In addition, I would like to thank my examiner Jan-Åke Larsson for his interest
in examining the thesis and for his valuable comments along the way.
Finally, I would like to thank my friends and family who have helped me proofreading the thesis.
Linköping, August 2012
Martin Krisell
1 Background
1.1 Introduction . . .
1.2 Realsec . . . . . .
1.3 Purpose of Thesis
1.4 Outline of Report
2 Cryptography Overview
2.1 Basic Concepts . . . . . . . .
2.2 Historical Ciphers . . . . . .
2.2.1 The Caesar Cipher .
2.2.2 Substitution Cipher .
2.2.3 The Vigenère Cipher
2.3 Modern Cryptography . . .
2.4 Goals of Cryptography . . .
2.5 Attack Models . . . . . . . .
2.6 Bits of Security . . . . . . . .
2.7 Computer Security . . . . .
3 Symmetric Cryptography
3.1 A Symmetric Cipher . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 The One Time Pad . . . . . . .
3.2 Security Definitions . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 Perfect Secrecy . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Semantic Security . . . . . . .
3.3 Stream Ciphers . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Block Ciphers . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.1 Psuedorandom Permutations
3.4.2 DES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.3 AES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.4 Modes of Operation . . . . . .
3.5 Hash Functions . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.1 The Birthday Problem . .
3.6 Message Authentication Codes . .
3.6.1 CBC-MAC . . . . . . . . .
3.6.2 HMAC . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.3 Authenticated Encryption
4 Asymmetric Cryptography
4.1 The Key Distribution Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Public and Private Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Key Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.1 Diffie-Hellman-Merkle Key Exchange . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Trapdoor Permutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Semantic Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.6 ElGamal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7 RSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7.1 RSA Encryption Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.8 Hybrid Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.9 Security of Public Key Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.9.1 RSA Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.9.2 Solving the Discrete Logarithm Problem . . . . . . . . . .
4.9.3 Shor’s Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.10 Elliptic Curve Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.10.1 Elliptic Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.10.2 Elliptic Curves Over Finite Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.10.3 Projective Coordinate Representations . . . . . . . . . . .
4.10.4 The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP)
4.10.5 Group Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.10.6 Domain Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.10.7 Elliptic Curve Key Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.10.8 Encryption Using Elliptic Curves (ECIES) . . . . . . . . .
4.11 Digital Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.11.1 RSA Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.11.2 Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.11.3 Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.12 Public Key Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.12.1 Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Implementation and Performance Evaluation
5 Implementation
5.1 Hardware Security Module . . . . . .
5.2 Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.1 Montgomery Multiplications
5.3 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Performance Evaluation of Implementation
6.1 Performance of HSM implementation . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.1 Key Pair Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.2 Signature Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.3 Signature Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Performance of Other ECDSA and RSA Implementations .
6.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Mathematical Prerequisites
A.1 Complexity Theory . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.2 Number Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.3 Modular Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.3.1 The Chinese Remainder Theorem
A.3.2 Modular exponentiation . . . . .
A.3.3 Multiplicative inverses . . . . . .
A.4 Groups and Finite Fields . . . . . . . . .
A.4.1 Generators and Subgroups . . . .
A.4.2 The Discrete Logarithm Problem
A.4.3 Finite Fields . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overall Code Structure . . . . . . . . .
Layer 1 - Finite Field Arithmetics . . .
Layer 2 - Point Addition and Doubling
Layer 3 - Point Multiplication . . . . .
Layer 4 - Cryptographic protocols . . .
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This chapter gives an introduction to this thesis, defining the background of, and
the goals with, the performed work. An outline of the report is provided as well
as definitions of commonly used abbreviations.
Cryptography is an invaluable tool today and its applications are growing continuously. Even though most implementations are transparent to the user, it is almost impossible to use a computer today without having to rely on cryptographic
constructions. The purpose of using cryptography is, of course, to provide security. However, when deciding which scheme to use, security is not the only concern. Often a decisive factor in the choice between two or more constructions is
their performance. This is especially important on the Internet where a server
usually needs to be able to handle many simultaneous user requests, and where
users generally are impatient. The performance of a cryptographic scheme is determined by two factors, the underlying algorithm and the implementation. The
implementation can be done in either software or hardware, where the first one
is simpler and more maintainable, but where the latter may give better performance as well as higher security.
Realsec is a Spanish company, based in Madrid, and has since 2001 been providing information security solutions to banks, governments and public organizations. Most of their cryptographic products are based on something called a
Hardware Security Module (HSM), which is a device that provides several security services such as encryption, digital signatures, and public key infrastructure.
My thesis work was performed at the Madrid office and my implementation has
been done on their new HSM module, not yet released to customers.
Purpose of Thesis
The goal of this thesis was to evaluate the security and the performance of the
elliptic curve based algorithms for digital signatures, and in particular against
those based on RSA which is the by far most common choice today. Another goal
derived from this was to create an implementation for Realsec that combines the
elliptic curve algorithm with an efficient implementation, and to compare the performance with their existing, RSA based, scheme for generating digital signatures.
The new elliptic curve implementation will be performed on the hardware that
the current RSA implementation uses, and which is specialized for the RSA operations. The goal was to show that elliptic curves has some great advantages over
the RSA approach, especially for the higher security cases, and that increased
performance can be achieved without the need for new specialized hardware.
Outline of Report
The basic structure of this thesis is that the first part, chapters 2-4, covers the
theoretical foundations of cryptography, needed in order to understand the basics
behind digital signatures. The second part, chapters 5-6, covers the performed
implementation work and the results achieved.
If the reader is already familiar with the theoretical parts of cryptography, it is
possible to jump straight to the second part. Whenever specific details from the
first part are used, they are referenced and the page number on which they appear
is given.
In order to not require too many prerequisites, there is an appendix covering the
required mathematical background. These prerequisites are referred to in the
text whenever needed.
Outline of Report
Asymmetric Crypto Processor
Advanced Encryption Standard
American National Standards Institute
Big-integer Arithmetic Unit
Cipher Block Chaining
Computational Diffie-Hellman
Counter Mode
Data Encryption Standard
Triple DES
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Discrete Logarithm Problem
Digital Signature Algorithm
Electronic Code Book
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme
Galois Field
Hash-based Message Authentication Code
Jacobian Projective
Key Distribution Center
Key Derivation Function
López-Dahab Projective
Message Authentication Code
Montgomery Multiplier
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding
One Time Pad
Public Key Cryptography Standards
Pseudo Random Generator
Pseudo Random Permutation
Rivest Shamir Adleman
Secure Hash Algorithm
Part I
Cryptography Overview
This chapter covers a brief overview of cryptography. Some historical examples
of ciphers are provided, as well as a quick introduction to modern cryptography.
In addition, the goals of cryptography and the different attack models are defined,
as they will be referred to throughout this thesis.
Basic Concepts
The basic purpose of cryptography is to allow two parties, often denoted by Alice
and Bob, to talk to each other over an insecure channel while preventing an evil
adversary, Eve, from understanding and participating. Alice and Bob utilize cryptographic constructions in order to transform the insecure channel into a secure
one. The communication between the two parties may be taking place over space
(e.g. over the Internet) or in time (e.g. for disc encryption). The original message
is often referred to as the plaintext, and the transformed, unreadable, message is
often called the ciphertext. The basic idea of cryptography can be visualized as
in figure 2.1 on the following page.
Historical Ciphers
The need for securing information has existed ever since humanity acquired the
ability to write. Still, it is only very recently that cryptography started to be
treated as a science, with constructions motivated by mathematical proofs. Up
until the 20th century, the security of a cipher was based on the obscureness
and more importantly on the secrecy of the used algorithm. After the method for
encryption was released or reversed engineered, the cipher was always eventually
Cryptography Overview
Hi Bob!
Hi Alice!
Figure 2.1: Basic overview of cryptography.
broken. In this section, a quick overview of a few historical ciphers is given. More
information about these, and the often very exciting stories surrounding them,
can be found in Kahn [1].
The Caesar Cipher
The Caesar cipher is the simplest possible encryption scheme. All it does is shifting the plaintext letters individually three steps forward in the alphabet, such
Wednesday, June 6, 12
that A → D, B → E, and so on. When the end of the alphabet is reached, it
wraps around, i.e. X → A, Y → B, and Z → C. Described with mathematics, the
letters in the alphabet are assigned numbers in order from 0 to 25, and encryption is done by performing addition by 3 mod 26 (for an introduction to modular
arithmetic, see Appendix A.3 on page 83). Decryption is then of course done by
performing subtraction by 3 mod 26. This is in fact not a cipher at all, since there
is no key (the definition of a symmetrical cipher is given in chapter 3 on page 13).
However, usually any cipher that is defined by adding a number n mod 26 is referred to as a Caesar cipher. This cipher is trivially broken by simply trying all
26 possibilities, an attack method referred to as exhaustive search or as a brute
force attack.
Substitution Cipher
In the previous example, the size of the key space (i.e. the number of keys) was
small enough to make the exhaustive search approach practical. In a substitution
cipher, instead of simply allowing rotations of the alphabet, each letter may map
to any other letter. An example of such a mapping is given in figure 2.2 on the
next page.
Now, the key is given by an ordering of the letters in the alphabet, and since this
can be done in 26! different ways, the key space is much larger than before. It
turns out that this key space is large enough to prevent any exhaustive search
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Historical Ciphers
Figure 2.2: An example of a substitution cipher key.
attacks, but the substitution cipher is still not secure. The reason is that not
all letters in a message are equally common. The most frequent letter in the
ciphertext is very likely to be the most frequent letter in the given language, e.g.
’e’ in English. By performing a so-called statistical analysis of letters, letter pairs,
etc., a substitution cipher can always be broken. This means that a large key
space is a necessary, but not sufficient, requirement for a cipher in order to be
The Vigenère Cipher
The problem with the substitution cipher is that the same plaintext letter will always be encrypted into the same ciphertext letter, thus keeping all letter frequencies from the original message. The Vigenère cipher was designed to fix this. It
uses a key of any length, and then repeats it until it is as long as the message. The
encryption is then done similarly to the Caesar case by performing modular addition of each message character to the corresponding character in the expanded
key. This means that a repeated plaintext character may be transformed into a
different ciphertext character, depending on its relative position to the key. An
example of the Vigenère Cipher is given in figure 2.3 on the following page.
This cipher was initially thought to be unbreakable, but further insight made
it almost as easy to break as a normal substitution cipher. The problem with
this cipher is that as soon as the attacker knows the length of the key, i, we can
pick every i’th character in the ciphertext and since these have been encrypted
by the same key character, we can perform statistical analysis on these letters.
By repeating this for every position, we can retrieve the entire message. If we
don’t know the size of the key, we can try to figure it out by looking for repeated
patterns in the ciphertext, or by simply trying different lengths.
The above approach to break the Vigenère cipher works because the key is repeated. However, if the key is long enough (or if the message is short enough),
it will not work. In that case, the only potential problem would be the way the
key characters are chosen. If the characters in the key are chosen truly at random
(uniformly) over the alphabet, then every plaintext letter is transformed into each
other letter with equal probability, and no statistical analysis will be able to break
this cipher. We will keep this idea in mind and return to it in the beginning of
the chapter on symmetric cryptography.
Cryptography Overview
+ mod 26
Notice that the two “b”s in Bob are
encrypted to different ciphertext letters
Figure 2.3: An example of a Vigenère cipher in use.
Modern Cryptography
The first seed towards what is today referred to as Modern Cryptography was
planted by Auguste Kerckhoff in 1883, when he published two articles proposing a few requirements for all future encryption schemes [2]. The most important
one tackles the previous security by obscurity approach by stating that a cryptographic construction should be secure even if all details about the algorithms fall
into the wrong hands. Only one small parameter should be needed to be kept
secret, referred to as the key.
This idea changed cryptography completely, and transformed it from an art form
into being a science. Today, ciphers are developed openly and scrutinized by
the cryptographic community before being widely accepted. New cryptographic
standards are sometimes decided through competitions where different cryptogWednesday, June 6, 12
raphy research teams try to break each other’s constructions. The believed security of a cipher increases over time as more and more effort is put into breaking it.
Also, a new kind of cryptography has recently been invented, called public key
cryptography. Its constructions are often based on more or less complex mathematics and are usually accompanied by formal proofs of security. The main
practical difference is that the encryption and decryption keys are no longer the
same, and that besides solving the key distribution problem (discussed in chapter
4), it also permits some new interesting applications of cryptography.
Goals of Cryptography
One of the main objectives when using cryptography is of course to prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. This is, however, not the only
Attack Models
objective. Equally important, and even more important in some cases, is to be certain of who actually sent the data and also that it has not been modified during
transmission. The four main objectives of cryptography, ordered alphabetically,
are the following.
• Authentication
Providing assurance that the expected sender of the message is also the true
• Confidentiality
Preventing unintended recipients from reading the message.
• Integrity
Preventing undetected modification during transmission.
• Non-repudiation
Ensuring that the sender of an authenticated message can never deny that
they sent the message.
When describing cryptographic constructions throughout the rest of this thesis,
it will be specified which of these goals the specific construction is intended to
Attack Models
An attack model specifies the amount of information that the adversary has access to when trying to break encryptions. In the simplest case, the adversary, Eve,
knows nothing about what kind of data is being sent over the channel, and can
only see the ciphertext. In this case, Eve will only be able to mount a so-called
ciphertext only attack. This is the weakest kind of attack and any system that is
vulnerable to this kind of attack (such as all of the historical ciphers mentioned
earlier) should never be used.
There are cases when the adversary may know all or some of the plaintext that
was used to generate some specific ciphertext. For example, an email message always starts with "From:" and so even if the contents of the message are unknown,
some information about the plaintext is known. In this case, Eve will mount a
known plaintext attack.
Finally, it may be the case that the adversary actually gets to choose the messages
being encrypted, and then uses the plaintext and ciphertext pair in order to extract information from other ciphertexts. An example could be disc encryption,
where the attacker somehow can affect the files being stored in the system, e.g. by
sending an email with an attachment. This is called a chosen plaintext attack.
Generally, we try to provide security against all these models, since we usually
can’t assume anything about the attacker and thus have to assume the worst. We
will in the next chapter give a formal definition of security, and see that any
system fulfilling it will be secure also against chosen plaintext attacks.
Cryptography Overview
Bits of Security
As previously stated, a minimal requirement for a cryptographic system to be secure is that the key space is large enough to prevent attacks by exhaustive search.
If it is not, the attacker can simply try every possible key until the decrypted
message makes sense (except for one case, described in the next chapter).
For a perfectly built encryption scheme, exhaustive search would be the only
possible attack, and a large key space would also guarantee security. Real systems, however, might have weaknesses that enable for a faster way to break them.
When we talk about the bits of security for a cryptographic scheme, we mean the
number of bits that corresponds to a key space where exhaustive search would
take the same amount of time as the best know algorithm to break the specific
scheme does. For example, if the best known attack in order to break scheme A
runs in time Θ(2 2 ) (see Appendix A.1 on page 81 for asymptotic notation) where
n is the size of the key in bits, then A has n2 bits of security.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a federal agency in
the United States that, among other things, gives security recommendations. Up
until 2010, they recommended using cryptographic system with a minimum of
80 bits of security, but since 2011, the recommendation is at least 112 bits. This is
supposed to provide security until 2030 and after that, 128 bits is the minimum
recommendation [3]. When choosing a construction, the required security not
only depends on the time the construction will be used, but also on the time the
encrypted information need to be kept secret. A message valid for only a few
minutes, e.g. a one-time login code, does not need the same security as a message
valid for years.
Computer Security
One note has to be made about the relation between cryptography and computer
security, since these two are sometimes incorrectly considered equivalent. Cryptography is only a subset of computer security. Not all computer related security
problems can be solved by cryptography. Also, even if a theoretically secure cryptographic construction is being used, it is not necessarily secure in practice. One
such example is so-called side-channel attacks, which are attacks not on the theoretical constructions but rather on the implementation, where e.g. the power
usage or the time for encryption is measured and used to deduce information
about the secret key or the message being encrypted. An example of such an
attack is given in Kühn [4].
Another attack that cryptography cannot defend against is a replay-attack (or
playback attack), where the adversary records a complete encrypted message and
then replays this transmission at a later time. The attacker may not know what
the message says, but any effect it has upon reception may be triggered again, thus
clearly posing a possible security risk. In order to protect against this, additional
measures must be taken, such as sequence numbering or time stamping.
Symmetric Cryptography
This chapter gives an overview of symmetric key encryption schemes, and also
gives a few examples of the most well-known constructions. Note, however, that
the focus of this thesis is on asymmetric cryptography so this chapter will be
fairly brief and only cover enough to understand the possibilities and problems
of cryptography. For a much deeper and more thorough treatment of symmetric
cryptography, see Menezes, Oorchot, and Vanstone [5].
A Symmetric Cipher
A symmetric cipher provides a way of transforming a plaintext message into so
called ciphertext, by using a key. Anyone who has the key can use it to get back
the original message from the ciphertext. We call this a symmetric scheme because the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. Throughout this
chapter, we assume that the two parties communicating already have been able
to share a secret key. The problem of obtaining this key is discussed in the next
chapter. An overview of a symmetric encryption scheme is given in figure 3.1 on
the following page.
A symmetric cipher can be mathematically defined in the following way.
3.1 Definition (Cipher). Let K be the set of all keys, M be the set of all plaintext messages and C be the set of all ciphertext messages.
A symmetric cipher defined over (K, M, C) is a pair of algorithms (E, D) where
E : K × M → C and D : K × C → M and where ∀k ∈ K, ∀m ∈ M : D(k, E(k, m)) =
Symmetric Cryptography
E(k, m)
D(k, c)
Hi Bob!
Hi Bob!
Figure 3.1: Overview of symmetric cryptography.
We have already seen a few examples of symmetrical ciphers, in the historical
overview. Note that there is no notion of security in the definition of a cipher. We
will soon give some security definitions, but first we will formalize our discovery
in the previous chapter when discussing the Vigenère cipher.
The One Time Pad
The One Time Pad (OTP) is a cipher that works similarly to the Vigenère Cipher,
but instead of repeating a short key, we require that the key is at least as long as
the message. This means that every letter in the message will be encrypted by
a different
key character and if those are chosen independently at random, the
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6, 12
original contents of the message will be completely hidden. The definition of the
one time pad over a binary alphabet is given below, but an equivalent definition
can be given for any alphabet.
3.2 Definition (One Time Pad). The One Time Pad cipher is the pair (E, D)
defined over (K = {0, 1}n , M = {0, 1}n , C = {0, 1}n ), where for k chosen uniformly
at random from K, m ∈ M, c ∈ C : E = m ⊕ k and D = c ⊕ k.1
Used correctly, this cipher intends to provide confidentiality, and not any of the
other goals with cryptography that was discussed in the previous chapter. Note
that the cipher is called the one time pad for a very good reason. If you ever use
the same key for two different messages, the adversary can simply add the two
ciphertexts together (mod 2) and the key will be eliminated, leaving the XOR of
the two plaintext messages. There is enough redundancy in the written language
to extract the two messages from this. So, a key for the one time pad must only be
used for one message. However, even if the OTP is used correctly, it is a very impractical cipher since the key needs to be at least as long as the message. We need
a secure way to transfer this key and if we already have this, that method could be
used to transmit the message directly instead. Using the OTP as described here
1 (⊕ = XOR = addition mod 2).
Security Definitions
only makes sense if the two parties can meet in advance and exchange a large
amount of keys, to use for future communication.2
Security Definitions
In order to be able to talk about the security of a cryptographic construction, we
first need to define what we mean when we say that a cipher is secure. In this
section we give two such definitions of security.
Perfect Secrecy
After having invented the information theory in the 1940s, Claude Shannon used
these ideas within the area of cryptography and came up with something referred
to as perfect secrecy [7]. One way of defining this is as follows.
3.3 Definition (Perfect Secrecy). A cipher (E, D) over (K, M, C) has perfect secrecy if ∀m0 , m1 ∈ M, where m0 and m1 has equal length, and ∀c ∈ C
Pr [E(k, m0 ) = c] = Pr [E(k, m1 ) = c]
where k is chosen uniformly at random from K.
The definition says that given a ciphertext, the probability that a specific plaintext
generated this ciphertext is the same for all plaintexts of equal lengths, i.e. there
is no way to determine the original message. Not even exhaustive search can
break this system, regardless of the key space size, since there is no way to tell
when the original message is found.
It is very easy to prove that the one time pad in fact has perfect secrecy. However,
it is also easy to prove that the inconvenience of the one time pad, the fact that
|K| ≥ |M|, i.e. that the key must be as long as the message, is in fact a requirement
for perfect secrecy. A cipher that have keys shorter than the messages can never
be perfectly secure. This makes perfect secrecy a very impractical definition.
Semantic Security
Our second definition of security, that instead of requiring perfect secrecy in a
information theoretical way, requires only that the cipher is secure enough to
be unbreakable by any "efficient" adversary, i.e. one running in polynomial time
(see Appendix A.1 on page 81). We define semantic security when using the same
key for multiple encryptions, also sometimes referred to as indistinguishability
under a chosen plaintext attack (IND-CPA), as follows.
3.4 Definition (Semantic Security). Semantic security is defined through a game
between a challenger and an adversary, through these steps:
2 This approach was actually used for the Moskow-Washington hotline, where diplomats exchanged a large amount of pad to be used in some specific order [6].
Symmetric Cryptography
1. The challenger chooses a random key from the key space, and also a random
number b ∈ {0, 1}.
2. The adversary gets to submit any number of plaintext messages to the challenger, and the challenger sends back an encryption of these under the chosen key.
3. The adversary generates m0 and m1 , of equal length, of his choice, and
sends these to the challenger.
4. The challenger returns the encryption of mb .
The used cryptosystem is said to have Semantic Security if no "efficient" adversary can determine which of the two submitted messages was returned, with
probability significantly greater than 21 (the probability achieved if the adversary
just guesses).
It is easy to realize that this definition prevents an adversary from learning any
information about the plaintext, thus achieving semantic security is the goal for
all cryptographic constructions intended to provide confidentiality. Note that
m0 and m1 may very well be one of the previously submitted messages. This
means that a system which always transforms the same plaintext into the same
ciphertext can never be semantically secure. Instead, the encryption algorithm
needs to be randomized, meaning that in addition to the key and the plaintext, it
also takes bits from some random source as input, such that the output is different
even if the input is the same. Decryption, however, need to be deterministic since
it should always return the same plaintext when decrypting a ciphertext.
Stream Ciphers
We have seen the good security properties of the one time pad, but also the impracticality of using it. We also know that there is no way to achieve perfect
secrecy unless the key is as long as the message. The question is if it is possible to instead achieve semantic security by using the same idea as the one time
pad, but with a shorter key. This is what stream ciphers are trying to do. The
idea is to use an expansion function, that takes as input a short truly random key,
and creates a longer pseudorandom keystream. We call the expansion function a
Pseudorandom Generator (PRG), defined as follows.
3.5 Definition (PRG). A Pseudorandom Generator is a function G : {0, 1}n →
{0, 1}s where s n.
Now, one definition of a stream cipher could be like this.
3.6 Definition (Stream Cipher). A stream cipher is a pair (E, D) defined over
(K = {0, 1}n , M = {0, 1}s , C = {0, 1}s ), where G : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}s is a PRG and
k is chosen uniformly at random from K, m ∈ M, c ∈ C : E = m ⊕ G(k) and
D = c ⊕ G(k).
Stream Ciphers
A concept illustration of a stream cipher is given in figure 3.2.
E(k, m)
Figure 3.2: An example of stream cipher encryption.
In order for this stream cipher to have any chance of being secure, the used PRG
must be secure. Security in this case is equivalent to unpredictibility, meaning
that with random looking input, sometimes called the seed, the result must also
look random such that given some part of the output from the PRG, it is impossible to predict any future output. It has in fact been proven that the above construction, using a secure PRG, gives a stream cipher that is semantically secure
as long as the key is used only once. That means that we modify the previous
definition of semantic security to omit the second step. The problem is that no
one knows if it is possible to construct secure PRGs, however there are some good
candidates such as Salsa20, which is part of the ECRYPT3 Stream Cipher Project
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6, 12
Like the one time pad, a stream cipher is trying to achieve confidentiality. It is
easy to realize that it does not provide any integrity at all, and also that ciphertext modifications not only go undetected, but also that they have a known effect
on the plaintext because of the linearity of addition. In order to achieve integrity,
a stream cipher must be accompanied or replaced by other constructions. History has showed that it is hard to implement stream ciphers securely, and many
systems that have used stream ciphers have eventually been broken. The recommendation is therefore to instead use a standardized block cipher, defined in the
next section.
3 ECRYPT is the European Network of Excellence for Cryptology, project launched to increase
informational security research collaboration in Europe.
Symmetric Cryptography
Block Ciphers
Up until now, we have only seen constructions that encrypt each symbol in the
alphabet individually. A construction that instead encrypts a block of plaintext
into a block of ciphertext is called a block cipher. It is hard to make block ciphers
as fast as stream ciphers. However, they may be more secure and more importantly, they will give us new capabilities, explained later in this chapter. Before
giving examples of block ciphers, we will first define the abstract idea of a secure
pseudorandom permutation.
Psuedorandom Permutations
A Pseudorandom Permutation (PRP) is simply described an invertible function
that is "efficiently" calculated in both the forward and the backward direction.
3.7 Definition (PRP). A Pseudorandom Permutation is a function F defined
over (K, X ), F : K × X → X such that ∀k ∈ K and ∀x ∈ X :
1. There exists an "efficient" algorithm to evaluate F(k, x).
2. The function E(k, · ) is one-to-one.
3. There exists an "efficient" algorithm to inverse F(k, x).
We say that a PRP is secure if no "efficient" adversary can distinguish between
that function and a completely random function defined over the same space.
Formally, the security is defined by a game similar to the one used for defining
semantic security. The adversary submits input values and the challenger returns
the output of either a random function or a PRP, and the PRP is secure if the adversary cannot tell which he received. This means for example that changing just
one bit in the input should flip every bit in the output with probability 12 , since
this is what a random function would do. This property is sometimes referred to
as diffusion, or as the avalanche criterion.
When discussing modes of operations below, we will see that using a secure PRP,
we can achieve semantic security as previously defined. Hence, all that block
ciphers are trying to do, is to behave like a secure PRP. However, like the case
for PRGs, no one knows if it is possible to construct secure PRPs, but there are
constructions that are believed to be close, such as for example AES.
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) was released in 1977 and was the first block
cipher to be standardized by NIST. It has a block size of 64 bits and a key size
of 56 bits. The short key size was criticized from the beginning and allows for
exhaustive search attacks. Also, the short block size makes better attacks possible.
Today, DES can be easily broken and should never ever be used.
The algorithm still lives in the form of 3DES, which is simply DES applied three
times with different keys. The usual way to do this is not to perform three consec-
Block Ciphers
utive DES encryptions, but rather encryption, decryption, and encryption, using
the three keys respectively. The reason for the middle decryption is that when
letting all three keys be the same, these steps reduce to normal DES, only slower.
3DES solves the problem of the short key and is considered a secure construction,
although very slow. 3DES should therefore only be used for backward compatibility and all new systems should preferably use AES. The inner workings of
block ciphers are complicated and will not add much value to this thesis, and
therefore these are not described here. For more information about how to build
block ciphers, see Menezes et al. [5].
The Advanced Encryption Standard was elected as the new standard in 2002,
after a competition that was won by the cipher Rijndael. It has a block size of 128
bits, and key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits. Some attacks that reduce the number
of bits of security exists, the best one for AES-256 which gives it only 99.5 bits
of security for some special cases, as described in Biryukov and Khovratovich [9].
This is, however, still too much for exhaustive search and AES is today considered
to be a secure block cipher.
Modes of Operation
Block ciphers only act on messages that have a size of one block. If the message
is shorter, padding is applied. However, if a message is longer than one block, we
have to specify how to utilize the block cipher in order to encrypt this message.
This is called the mode of operation, and there are several with different advantages and disadvantages. Note that the purpose of these are still only to provide
confidentiality. Some combinations of mode and block cipher may achieve other
goals as well, e.g. integrity, but these should in general not be relied on. If more
than confidentiality is intended, additional constructions, soon to be explained,
should be used to provide this.
In Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode, each block of plaintext is encrypted individually into ciphertext, as shown in figure 3.3 on the next page. One way to look
at this is that a simple table, a codebook, can be used to lookup what ciphertext
the different plaintext blocks will be transformed into. When using ECB-mode,
the same plaintext block will always generate the same ciphertext block, and so
it is easy to realize that this is not semantically secure (it is not randomized), and
therefore ECB mode should never be used.
There are two weaknesses with ECB mode that the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
mode tries to fix. First of all, ECB is deterministic. In order to fix this, we will
use something called an Initialization Vector, IV4 , which is simply a value chosen
4 Sometimes the word "nonce" (number used once) is used interchangeably with IV. However, a
nonce need in general not be random, only unique, i.e. a counter suffices for nonces but not for IVs.
Symmetric Cryptography
E(k, m0)
E(k, m1)
E(k, m2)
E(k, m3)
E(k, m4)
Figure 3.3: ECB mode of operation.
uniformly at random from some space, in this case over one block. Moreover, in
ECB, a repeated plaintext block leads to a repeated ciphertext block, also eliminating any chance of being semantically secure. In CBC mode, each ciphertext
block does not just depend on the key and the plaintext, but also on the previous block of ciphertext. For the first block, we use the IV in place of the previous
block. This means that even if the same plaintext block is repeated, the ciphertext
blocks will differ. The IV is then sent in clear along with the ciphertext. Figure 3.4
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on the next page describes the CBC mode of operation.
Given that the IV is chosen truly at random, and that the used block cipher is a
secure PRP, CBC mode is semantically secure.
In Counter (CTR) mode, the block cipher is actually not applied to the plaintext
at all. Instead, it is used to create a key stream that is then XORed to the plaintext,
much like how stream ciphers work. We know since before that in order for a
stream cipher to be secure, the same key stream can never be used more than
one. The way we achieve this here is to use the block cipher to encrypt an IV,
that is chosen at random for each message, concatenated with a counter, that is
increased for each block. If this is done properly, CTR mode can also be proven
to be semantically secure, of course assuming that used block cipher is a secure
PRP. The operation of counter mode is showed in figure 3.5 on page 22. Note
that for counter mode, the different blocks in the keystream can be calculated in
parallel, and even before the message is known. This makes counter mode much
more efficient than CBC mode.
Examples of additional modes are cipher feedback mode and output feedback
mode. More information about these can be found in Menezes et al. [5].
Hash Functions
E(k, m0 +
E(k, m1 +
E(k, m2 +
E(k, m3 +
E(k, m4 +
Figure 3.4: CBC mode of operation.
Hash Functions
A hash function is a deterministic function that takes an arbitrary length input
and produces a fixed length output. Hash functions are not ciphers at all, since
they use no key, however they are covered here since they are very useful in many
cryptographic constructions. Note that hash functions are used also outside the
area of cryptography, and then usually with much less strict requirements. In
this thesis, only cryptographic hash functions are discussed.
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3.8 Definition (Cryptographic hash function). A cryptographic hash function
is a function, F : {0, 1}∗ → {0, 1}n where n is the size of the output, that has the
following properties.
Preimage Resistance The function must be one-way, i.e. given h, it should be
difficult to find any m such that F(m) = h.
Second Preimage Resistance Given m0 , it should be difficult to find any m1 such
that F(m0 ) = F(m1 ).
Collision Resistance It should be difficult to find any pair m0 , m1 (m0 , m1 )
such that F(m0 ) = F(m1 ).
Just as the case with secure PRGs and secure PRPs, no one knows if it is possible
to construct cryptographic hash functions. Examples of famous current constructions are MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-2, who all use Merkle-Damgård construction
[10]. Only the latter of these are considered secure today. However, there is an
ongoing hash function competition, issued by NIST, ending in 2012. The winning hash function will be called SHA-3 and will be the new standard, intended
Symmetric Cryptography
E(k, IV + 0) E(k, IV + 1) E(k, IV + 2) E(k, IV + 3) E(k, IV + 4)
Figure 3.5: CTR mode of operation.
to remain secure for a long time.
The hardest property to fulfill for cryptographic hash functions is collision resistance. When it is possible to violate this property, we say that we found a collision.
Finding one by using brute force is, however, not as hard as it first might seem.
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The Birthday Problem
Assume that we have a standard school class with 30 students, what is the probability that two of them share the same birthday? Intuition tells us that this probability should be fairly low, since there are a lot more days than students, but the
mathematics tells us otherwise. The probability of a collision is the complement
of the probability of no collision. For no collision to occur, the first student can
be born on any day, the second on any of the remaining
days, and so on for all
students. So, Pr [Two with same birthday] = 1 − 29
k=0 365 = 0.706. That is, in a
class with 30 students, the probability that two share the same birthday is over 70
%, and the probability is over 50 % for only 23 students. These numbers hold if
birthdays are uniformly distributed over the year. In reality, they are not, which
makes the probability for collision even higher.
In general, it can be proven that the number of calculations that need√to be √
performed in order to find a collision among N elements is approximately 2 ln 2 N .
This result is important for hash functions, and as we will soon see also in other
cryptographic constructions, since this tells us that the maximum number of bits
of security that can be achieved when collisions need to be avoided is half the size
of the output. Using this fact to attack a system is called a birthday attack.
Message Authentication Codes
Message Authentication Codes
We have so far only discussed how to achieve confidentiality in a system, which is
enough to make a system secure when the adversary only has eavesdropping capabilities. In the real world, however, the adversary can be active and modify the
contents of a message during transmission. We will now see how we can provide
other goals, namely integrity, authentication, and in some sense non-repudiation.
Many network protocols utilize some kind of checksum to detect errors during
transmission. These are, however, intended to detect random errors, and a malicious adversary can easily make undetectable modifications. A Message Authentication Code (MAC) is, just like a hash function, a short digest of a message, but
in addition to the message it also takes a key as input.5 Usually, the output is
called a tag. The tag is calculated and sent together with the message and upon
reception, the MAC is verified, usually by simply calculating the tag again and
comparing the two. The goal is that only those with access to the correct key will
be able to create tags that verify. We define a MAC as follows.
3.9 Definition (MAC). A Message Authentication Code, defined over (K, M, T )
is a pair of algorithms (S, V ) where S : K × M → T and V : K × M × T → {"yes",
"no"} and where ∀m ∈ M, ∀k ∈ K : V (k, m, S(k, m)) = "yes".
The definition of a secure MAC is similar to the definition of semantic security
for a cipher.
3.10 Definition (Secure MAC). The security of a MAC under a chosen plaintext
attack is defined through a game between a challenger and an adversary, through
these steps:
1. The challenger chooses a random key from the key space.
2. The adversary gets to submit any number of plaintext messages to the challenger, and for each the challenger sends back a tag for the message under
the chosen key.
3. The adversary sends a message tag pair, (m, t), not equal to any of the previously created pairs.
4. The challenger runs the verification algorithm on (m, t).
The MAC used is said to be secure, or existentially unforgeable, if for all "efficient"
adversaries the output of the verification is "yes" with negligible probability.
By using a secure mac, an attacker will not be able to modify anything in the
message without being detected by the verification algorithm, i.e. MACs provide
message integrity. This also means that if a message is received, along with a
MAC that verifies, the receiver can be certain of who sent the message, assuming
5 MACs are indeed sometimes called "keyed hash functions."
Symmetric Cryptography
that only one other person has access to the secret key, so we also achieve authentication. Between the two, we can also argue that non-repudiation is achieved,
since no one else could have created the tag. However, since the key is not completely personal, a third party can never be convinced of who actually sent the
Note that any MAC is vulnerable to the birthday attack, since the attacker may
try to find any two messages that map to the same tag. This means that the size of
the tag always needs to be at least twice the number of intended bits of security.
We have already presented all necessary tools in order to construct MACs that
are believed to be secure. Two such constructions are CBC-MAC and HMAC.
In CBC-MAC, the idea is the same as when using the CBC mode of operation for
block ciphers. We know that the last block of a message encryted with CBC mode
depends on the contents of all previous blocks. However, some changes need to
be made in order for the MAC scheme to be secure. First of all, the IV should
be fixed instead of random. Remember that the randomization was necessary
for semantic security, which is not what we are trying to achieve here. Moreover,
if messages can have different lengths, then actions need to be taken in order
to defend against something called extension attacks. These are attacks where
a valid message-tag-pair, (m, t), is known, and the attacker tries to create a new,
valid, pair (m0 , t 0 ), where m0 is simply m concatenated with some additional data.
Exactly how such attacks can be carried out, and how to protect against them,
can be found in Black and Rogaway [11].
Remember that a hash function can be used to reduce the size of a large message
down to something small, which we now know that a MAC normally does as
well. However, a hash function does not depend on the secret key, which we
know that a MAC must do. HMAC (Hash-based MAC) utilizes a hash function
on a combination of the message and the secret key in order to construct a MAC.
This combination has to be done with care in order for the MAC to be secure,
and the full definition of HMAC specifies exactly how this combination should
be performed. By following this specification, the security of the MAC depends
on the strength of the hash function used and if, for example SHA-512 is being
used, HMAC is considered to be secure. HMAC may actually be secure even if the
used hash-function is not completely cryptographic. In particular, the collision
resistance property may not be required. A detailed description of HMAC and
the necessary security demands on the used hash function can be found in the
original paper by Bellare, Ganetti, and Krawczyk [12].
Authenticated Encryption
We now know how to achieve confidentiality and integrity individually, but we
have yet to discuss how to combine these constructions in order to achieve both
Message Authentication Codes
simultaneously. A few approaches may work with some combinations of encryption and MAC scheme, but one approach is recommended and guaranteed to be
secure for all combinations of secure ciphers and MACs, and that is to first encrypt the message under one key, and then MAC the ciphertext under a different,
independent, key. A more detailed analysis of authenticated encryption is given
in Bellare and Namprempre [13].
It is quite easy to realize that the recommended approach must be completely
secure. Since the cipher is secure, the ciphertext reveals nothing about the message and so the tag cannot either since the keys are independent. Also, since the
MAC is verified first, any messages with broken integrity is never decrypted, thus
saving time. Whenever both confidentiality and integrity are intended, this is the
solution that should be used, as illustrated in figure 3.6.
Hi Bob!
Figure 3.6: The correct order of operations when both confidentiality and
integrity are intended.
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Asymmetric Cryptography
In this chapter, asymmetric cryptography is defined and compared to symmetric
cryptography. Since the purpose of this thesis was to implement and evaluate an
asymmetric construction, this chapter will be more thorough, and include more
detailed descriptions of the constructions, than previous chapters.
The Key Distribution Problem
We have up until now seen some very neat ways to achieve confidentiality and
integrity by using a shared secret key. In fact, the already presented ideas are the
most efficient and secure ones for providing data confidentiality and integrity,
and are in wide use today. However, one big problem with these constructions is
the assumption that there already exists a shared secret key. In almost all realistic
settings, e.g. when communicating over the Internet, the two communicating
parties does not have this shared secret to begin with, and they may even never
have communicated before. Since the private keys need to be completely private,
each communicating pair needs a different key and so for n entities, we need
Θ(n2 ) (see Appendix A.1 on page 81 for notation) keys distributed in advance
over some secure channel. In the Internet case, there is no such secure channel,
and we need something else in order to solve this problem.
Public and Private Keys
The main difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic systems
is that the latter uses different keys for encryption and decryption. The two keys
must clearly have an intimate relation for this to work, but the schemes are con27
Asymmetric Cryptography
structed such that given the encryption key, it is "hard" (see Appendix A.1 on
page 81 for definition) to figure out what the decryption key is. This makes it
possible to let the encryption key be completely public and known to everyone,
while the private key is kept secret to the owner. For this reason, asymmetric
cryptography is also known as public key cryptography.
We can already see that this solves the key distribution problem mentioned above,
since we no longer need a new key for each communicating pair, and since the
public key can be distributed over an insecure channel (partly true, see section
about public key infrastructure). Anyone who wants to send messages to Bob
uses the same key, namely Bobs public key. Before showing how we can build
public key cryptosystems, we will first look at another solution to the key distribution problem, which also was the starting point for public key cryptography.
Key Exchange
A key exchange system is a way for two parties to generate a shared secret key
over an insecure channel. The secret key can then be used with a symmetric
cryptosystem in order to secure the communication, as described in the previous
chapter. The fact that it is possible to utilize an insecure channel for this application is quite remarkable. An analogy could be that you can enter a room full
of people that you have never met before. You then start shouting to someone
on the other side of the room, such that everyone can hear what you are saying.
After shouting to each other for a while, you can keep shouting and understanding each other completely, while no one else in the room can understand a thing
of what you are saying. Intuition tells us this is impossible, and yet we can construct such schemes. See Appendix A on page 81 for the required mathematical
background before continuing.
Diffie-Hellman-Merkle1 Key Exchange
In 1976, Withfield Diffie and Martin Hellman published a paper, New Directions
in Cryptography [15], that changed cryptography forever. Among many other
things, they improved an idea proposed by Ralph Merkle a few years earlier, and
constructed a scheme for key negotiation2 , as follows.
4.1 Definition (Diffie-Hellman-Merkle Key Exchange). Assume that Alice and
Bob want to generate a shared secret key. First, they need to agree upon a cyclic
group (see Appendix A.4 on page 86) (G, · ) of order q and a generator element, g.
This data is not secret and can be sent completely in the clear. Then, the following
steps are performed.
1 The scheme is usually referred to as just "Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (DH)" since those are the
authors of the paper. However, in 2002, Hellman proposed that also Merkle should be included if the
scheme is given a name [14].
2 It is usually called "exchange", even though that name implies that the secret is known to one of
the parties before the protocol is run, which is not the case. Negotiation is a better name since the
secret key is generated and negotiated while running the protocol.
Key Exchange
1. Both sides choose a random number each. xA , xB ∈ Zq .
2. The two sides calculates g xA ∈ G and g xB ∈ G respectively, and transmits
the result to the other side.
3. Now, Alice can calculate (g xB )xA ∈ G and Bob can calculate (g xA )xB ∈ G.
4. By the rules of exponentiation, they both end up with the same secret value
(g xB )xA = g xB xA = g xA xB = (g xA )xB , all ∈ G.
See figure 4.1 for a visualization of the scheme. An adversary listening to this
communication will gain information about what cyclic group and generator is
being used, and will also see the values g xA and g xB . The problem of finding g xA xB
from these values is called the Diffie-Hellman problem, and the assumption that
it is hard is called the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption. It is
easy to realize that solving the Diffie-Hellman problem is at least as easy as solving the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) in the group (see Appendix A.4 on
page 86), because one solution is to find xA from g xA and then calculate (g xB )xA
from this, i.e. just like Alice does. However, the DLP is considered "hard", meaning that no "efficient" adversary can solve it. It is however not known if the DiffieHellman problem is equivalent to that of finding discrete logarithms, or if there
might be another way to find g xA xB from g, g xA , and g xB . Nevertheless, no attack
better than solving the DLP exists today.
Alice chooses group G
and generator g
x (random)
x (random)
G, g
Figure 4.1: Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key exchange.
Wednesday, June 6, 12
Asymmetric Cryptography
It is important to realize that this scheme, as described here, can only be secure
against an eavesdropping adversary. This is because Alice has no way of knowing
that she is actually talking to Bob, and the other way around. This enables a man
in the middle attack, where an adversary, Eve, can intercept and replace all communication. When talking to Bob, Eve will pretend to be Alice and when talking
to Alice, she will pretend to be Bob. Alice and Bob have no way of detecting this
and will continue with their communication as normal, believing it is secure. In
order to protect against this, additional measures will have to be taken. In particular, Alice and Bob need to know something about each other in advance in order
to verify the authenticity of the messages and prevent this attack. The problem
of verifying the identity of the other side will be discussed in the section about
public key infrastructure.
Trapdoor Permutations
We have already stated that asymmetric cryptography uses systems where the
key for encryption and decryption is different, but we have yet to describe how
this will work. Just like the pseudorandom permutation is the ideal block cipher,
we will now look at something called a trapdoor permutation, which will be the
ideal basis for an asymmetric cryptosystem.
4.2 Definition (Trapdoor Permutation). A trapdoor permutation is a set of three
"efficient" algorithms, (G, F, F −1 ), referred to as key-pair generation, encryption,
and decryption.
G - Outputs a public-private key pair, called (kpub , kpriv ).
F - F(kpub , x) evaluates the trapdoor permutation at point x.
F−1 - F −1 (kpriv , y) inverts F, such that F −1 (kpriv , F(kpub , x)) = x
We say that the trapdoor permutation is secure if it is "hard" to invert F without
knowledge of kpriv .
In words, a trapdoor permutation is a function that has an "efficient" algorithm
for calculating it in the forward direction, but is "hard" to invert unless you have
access to some extra information, the trapdoor. A common metaphor is that of a
padlock, which anyone can lock. Opening it again is, however, hard unless you
have access to the key or combination. Just like the case with pseudorandom
permutations, no one knows if it is possible to construct trapdoor permutations.
We do, however, have a few promising suggestions that will soon be discussed.
Semantic Security
In order for our definition of semantic security, defined in the previous chapter, to
be applicable to the asymmetric world, we need to make some slight adjustments
to the first two steps. Instead of having the challenger choosing one random
key, it is instead going to run the key-pair generation algorithm, G, to acquire a
public-private key pair, and then send the public key to the adversary. After this,
the adversary can generate any number of ciphertexts himself instead of sending
them to the challenger for encryption. With these adjustments, the remaining
steps will be the same, i.e. the adversary will submit two messages and get back
the encryption of one of them, and the goal is to determine which one was sent
back. We say that a scheme is semantically secure if no "efficient" adversary can
be significantly better at this game than the guessing adversary would be.
In 1984, the Egyptian cryptographer Taher Elgamal described a way to leverage
the discrete logarithm problem in cyclic groups (see Appendix A.4 on page 86) for
creating a trapdoor permutation and thus providing confidentiality [16]. Before
Alice can send any messages to Bob, he needs to generate a public and a private
key. This is done by choosing a cyclic group of order q, a generator element g
and also a random integer x ∈ Zq . The public key is then (G, q, g, h = g x ) and
the private key is x. The hardness of the discrete logarithm problem makes it
impossible for Eve to figure out x, assuming the group is large enough. ElGamal
is now defined, using multiplicative group notation.
4.3 Definition (ElGamal Encryption). In order for Alice to send an encrypted
message m to Bob, with public key (G, q, g, h = g x ) and private key x, the following steps are taken.
ElGamal Encryption
• Alice chooses a random y in [1, q − 1], and calculates c1 = g y .
• Alice calculates s = hy = (g x )y .
• Alice calculates c2 = m0 · s, where m0 is the message to send, represented as an element in the chosen group.
• Alice sends (c1 , c2 ) = (g y , m0 · hy ) = (g y , m0 · (g x )y ) to Bob.
ElGamal Decryption
• Bob calculates (c1 )x = (g y )x = s.
• Bob calculates c2 · s−1 = m0 · (g x )y · ((g x )y )−1 = m0 ⇒ m.
We can see that the above system is in fact a cipher, since the original message is
retrieved upon decryption.
The described version of ElGamal has some problems that must be fixed by applying some padding scheme to the message prior to encryption. If done properly,
e.g. as described by Cramer and Shoup in [17], the security of the scheme depends on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem in the chosen group.
Asymmetric Cryptography
Note that the discrete logarithm problem in a cyclic group is not a trapdoor permutation in itself, since no secret information can facilitate the calculation of the
exponent. The ElGamal system rather leverages the discrete logarithm problem
to create a trapdoor, in the described way.
RSA is probably the most well-known cryptographic scheme that exists today. It
was first described in 1978 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman [18].
The RSA system uses the integer factorization problem as the trapdoor basis, i.e.
it uses the fact that multiplication of numbers can be done "efficiently", whereas
factorization of the product is considered "hard". To build a trapdoor out of this,
we use some of the mathematics explained in Appendix A on page 81.
4.4 Definition (RSA).
RSA Key Pair Generation The following steps are taken to generate the RSA private and public keys.
• First, choose3 two large primes p and q.
• Calculate n = pq and φ = (p − 1)(q − 1). As stated in Appendix A.4 on
page 86, we know that φ is the order of the group (Z∗n , · ).
• Choose an integer 1 < e < φ such that gcd(e, φ) = 1 (i.e. e ∈ Z∗n ).
• Calculate d = e−1 mod φ. This means that ed = kφ + 1 for some integer
k, a fact that is used in decryption.
• The private key is (n, d) and the public key is (n, e).
Notice that since factorization is considered "hard", an adversary cannot
find φ and calculate d from e.
RSA Encryption In order to encrypt a message M using RSA, the following steps
are taken.
• The message M is converted to an integer, 0 < m < n.
• The ciphertext is calculated by c = me mod n.
RSA Decryption Upon reception of a ciphertext c, the following calculation is
• c d ≡ (me )d ≡ m(ed) ≡ m(kφ+1) ≡ m(kφ) m ≡ m mod n (in the last step,
Euler’s theorem and the Chinese Remainder Theorem are used)4 .
3 They have to be chosen with some care, in order to not enable some specific attacks. See Boneh
[19] for more information.
4 Note that m need not be a member of Z∗ , however, the Chinese Remainder Theorem guarantees
correctness also in this case, see the Appendix A.3.1 on page 83.
Hybrid Systems
For decryption, the Chinese Remainder Theorem may be used to speed up the
computations, as presented in Appendix A.3.1 on page 83. If this is the case, the
private key need to be extended to keep the information of which primes were
used to generate the modulus.
RSA Encryption Standards
The above scheme for encryption is sometimes referred to as "textbook RSA",
since it is the way it is usually first described in literature. However, this pure
approach has many problems. One of them, that eliminates all chances of being
semantically secure, is that it is deterministic. Every time the same message is encrypted, the ciphertext will also be the same. This problem, among with others,
can be solved by making a few additions to the RSA operations. The usage of RSA
has been standardized by RSA Security5 in PKCS#1 [20], and the current recommendation is to use something called Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding
(OAEP). This basically describes how the randomness is introduced and how the
messages should be padded in order to make the encryption scheme secure.
Another problem is that only short messages can be encrypted, since they have to
be converted to an integer < n. One solution to this would of course be to utilize
RSA as a block cipher and use some mode of operation. However, the simplest
and best solution is to use something called a hybrid system.
Hybrid Systems
We now know that we can use some public key cryptographic schemes to encrypt
messages and achieve confidentiality. However, we also know that the underlying operations are much more computationally demanding, i.e. slower, than the
symmetric systems we have seen before. What is usually done to mitigate this
is that a symmetric key is chosen at random and used to encrypt the long message, with for example AES or a secure stream cipher, and then this short key is
encrypted using public key cryptography, e.g. RSA, and sent along the encrypted
message. This means that we can use the best of the two worlds, efficiency from
the symmetric world and key distribution from the asymmetric world. These solutions are in general referred to as hybrid systems. The concept is visualized
in figure 4.2 on the following page, however notice that the example ciphers can
be replaced by any secure cipher of the same class. The only missing piece in
this description is the distribution and validation of the public key, which will be
discussed in the section on public key infrastructure.
Security of Public Key Algorithms
Remember that a large key space is a necessary but not sufficient requirement
in order for a cryptographic scheme to be secure. The existence of special at5 A company founded by the inventors of RSA.
Asymmetric Cryptography
c = (c , c )
Figure 4.2: Hybrid encryption for the special case of RSA as asymmetric
construction and AES as the symmetric.
tacks, faster than brute force, means that the key sizes must be larger than the
corresponding bits of security. For asymmetric systems, many such attacks exists,
and depending on how serious they are, different systems require different key
lengths, in order to achieve the same level of security. This is clearly different
from the symmetrical world, where brute force in general is the best possible
6, 12 some exceptions. This section describes the best attacks against
the RSA construction, and against constructions based on the discrete logarithm
RSA Security
By looking at the definition of RSA, one may realize that the security of it is based
on the hardness of the following three underlying mathematical problems.
(1) Integer factorization
If it would be possible to find the prime factors for integers, the modulus
n = pq could be factored and p and q found. The order, φ(n) = (p − 1)(q − 1),
would then be computed and knowing it enables efficient calculation of
the secret key d from the public key e by using, for instance, the Extended
Euclidian algorithm, as mentioned in Appendix A.3.3 on page 85.
(2) Finding e’th roots modulo composites
We know that a message encrypted by textbook RSA is c = me mod n, and
that e is publically known to everyone. This means that if we can find
e’th roots mod n, then we would be able to extract the message from any
(3) Solving the discrete logarithm problem modulo n
If the attacker chooses a message to encrypt, then he will know m and the
Security of Public Key Algorithms
corresponding c. The relation between these is such that m = c d mod n, so
if the attacker could solve the discrete logarithm problem for composite n
then he would instantly get the secret key d.
These three problems are, however, not unrelated. First of all, Boneh [19] gives a
proof that solving (3) also will solve (1), i.e. there exists a polynomial time reduction from the composite DLP to RSA modulo factorization. More specifically, he
proves that given the private key, d, the modulus can be efficiently factored. Also,
it is easy to realize that given a solution to (1), it is easy to break (2), since we then
have access to the trapdoor. This means that the hardness of (2) is the strongest
(and therefore also the "only") requirement, and this is usually referred to as the
RSA Problem. The assumption that this is hard is called the RSA Assumption.
Many textbooks state that RSA is secure as long as integer factorization is hard,
but it is still unknown if this statement is really true, i.e. if the RSA problem is
equivalent to integer factorization, or if it is possible to attack (2) in some other
way. However, the currently fastest attack on the RSA system is indeed by factoring the modulus, assuming the parameters are chosen wisely and the implementation is done well. In the following sections the factorization attack, as well as
some special attacks due to sub-optimal parameter selection or implementation
are described.
Attack by Factorization
The difficulty of factoring a composite number into prime factors depend on both
the size of the number and on the structure. The RSA system uses composite
numbers referred to as semiprimes, which are simply the product of two primes.
These are the hardest composite numbers to factor. If the composite is large
enough, which the RSA modulus is chosen to be, the best known algorithm for
factorization is called the General Number Field Sieve (GNFS). The running time
of this algorithm is sub-exponential (see Appendix A.1 on page 81), and more
specifically according to the following expression [21].
3 64
9 +o(1)
(log n) 3 (log log n) 3
We will soon see how this attack impacts the necessary key length in order to
make RSA secure, but first we will briefly look at what happens when not enough
care is taken in the choice of parameters or in the implementation.
Special Attacks
As already stated, the modulus can be factored given the private key. This means
that the primes p and q have to be randomly chosen for each key-pair generation,
i.e. the modulus may never be reused. Moreover, p and q have to be chosen such
that p − 1 and q − 1 have no small prime factors because otherwise factoring can
be done efficiently [19].
Since one of the two exponents (private and public) can be chosen and the other
Asymmetric Cryptography
follows, it is possible to choose a small public exponent, e, in order to speed up
encryption. The smallest possible value for e is 3, but choosing this opens up for
some special attacks [19]. In order to avoid this, the recommended value for e is
216 + 1 = 65537.
In some cases, a small private exponent is more desirable than a small public
exponent. However, letting d be small opens
up for serious attacks that totally
breaks RSA. It is recommended that d > n ([19]) and by following the previous
recommendation (and implementation standard) that e = 65537, d is well above
this limit for large enough n.
Implementation Attacks
Even if the parameters are chosen such that no special attack can be carried out,
the resulting construction is still not necessarily as secure as factorization. The
actual implementation may leak information about the ongoing process, that can
be used to break the encryption. When the device performing the cryptographic
operations is in the hands of an observer, measures have to be taken in order to
disallow tampering or external memory access, a protection called tamper resistance. However, some attacks, generally referred to as side-channel attacks, does
not even require physical access. The most famous example of this is the timing attack, mentioned in the introduction chapter. By measuring the exact time
of the cryptographic operations for different input, information about the secret
key can be deduced. This attack is not only possible for RSA but rather concerns
all cryptographic implementations, including symmetrical ones. However, some
systems may be more susceptible than others [22].
Required RSA Key Length
For most symmetric constructions providing confidentiality, such as AES, the bits
of security is usually very close to the actual size of the key. This is not the
case for RSA as well as for many other public key algorithms. The exhaustive
search attack is an exponential time algorithm, since each added bit to the key
size doubles the numbers of keys that have to be tried. For RSA, the best attack
is as mentioned sub-exponential, and because of this, the key size needs to be
longer than the intended bits of security. Moreover, the difference between the
key length and the intended bits of security increases with increased security.
Table 4.1 on the next page shows the relationship between the bits of security
and the required RSA key size.
The largest RSA key that has been broken is 768 bits ([21]), but also 1024 bits
may be broken within a few years and should not be used in any new systems.
The NIST recommendation from 2011 until 2030 is to provide at least 112 bits of
security, corresponding to 2048 bits RSA [3].
The long keys both affect the required amount of memory as well as the efficiency.
Eventually, RSA will be impractical to use because the necessary key size in order
to avoid attacks will make the implementation too slow. This will be especially
noticeable in environments with limited storage and computational capabilities,
Security of Public Key Algorithms
Bits of security
RSA key size
Table 4.1: RSA required key size.
like embedded systems such as smart cards. This is the main reason for the
replacement of RSA by newer cryptographic constructions, in particular those
based on elliptic curves, described later.
Solving the Discrete Logarithm Problem
The public key cryptographic constructions in use that are not based on the RSA
assumption are instead based on the discrete logarithm problem in some group.
Different systems use different groups with different group operations and some
of these may be suceptible to special attacks. Before discussing these, the existing
attacks on the generic discrete logarithm problem are discussed.
As described in Appendix A.4.2 on page 87, the naive approach is to just perform
the group operation over and over again until the value is found. This is clearly
linear to the size of the group, and thus exponential to the number of bits. There
are some better methods, as described here, but note that none of these run in
polynomial time, or even in sub-exponential time, in the general case.
The Generic DLP
The naive approach to solve the discrete logarithm problem, as described in Appendix A.4.2 on page 87, would be to simply repeat the group operation over and
over again until the right value is found. This would on average require n/2, i.e.
Θ(n), group operations, where n is the order of the base element, which equals
the size of the group if a generator element is chosen. Since n grows exponentially as the number of bits increases, this is an exponential-time algorithm. This
method may however still be useful in combination with other approaches.
First of all, if the factorization of the group order is known, the Chinese Remainder Theorem (Appendix A.3.1 on page 83) may be utilized, such that work can be
performed on the prime factors separately and then combined. This means that
if the order only has small prime factors, the DLP can be solved, even if the full
group is very large. This idea was first presented by Pohlig and Hellman in [23].
In order to avoid this attack, only groups with orders of only large prime factors,
or even prime order6 , are used.
6 Prime order is impossible for (Z , · ) if p is a prime, since the order is p − 1, and clearly not prime.
However, p − 1 may still only have two prime factors, 2 and some large prime.
Asymmetric Cryptography
Famous methods, better than the naive approach, for solving the DLP in a generic
group are the Baby-Step/Giant-Step described by Shanks in [24], Pollard’s Rho
method [25], √and the Lambda method [25]. These all have the asymptotic running time Θ( n) = Θ(2|n|/2 ) where |n| denotes the number of bits of n. Shanks’
method is rarely used in practice, since it requires a large amount of memory,
however the Pollard Rho method runs as fast with negligible storage. The Lambda
method is only useful when the result is known to lie within some small range.
A more detailed overview of these method is presented by Studholme in [26].
All of these methods are clearly faster than the naive approach, however they
still require
an exponential amount of group operations. In [27], Shoup proves
that Θ( n) is in fact the asymptotical lower bound on the running time in the
generic case where no special group structure can be leveraged. That is to say, no
polynomial time, or even sub-exponential time, algorithm will ever be found for
solving the generic discrete logarithm problem.
DLP Over (Zp∗ , · )
When applying the DLP for cryptographic usage, e.g. in ElGamal and DiffieHellman-Merkle, we need to use a specific group rather than a generic. The most
well-used such group is (Zp∗ , · ), as defined in Appendix A.4 on page 86. Remember that this can simply be represented by the integers smaller than p and that
the operations are normal modular arithmetic.
Using this group, however, enables attacks that utilize the specific structure and
run faster than the generic lower-bound running time. Examples of such algorithms are the Index Calculus method and the Number Field Sieve. The details
of these methods are complex and are not described here, but can be found in
[28]. The important result is that these algorithms run in sub-exponential time,
and more specifically in the same amount of time as the best integer factorization algorithm does, as described in 4.9.1 on page 35. This also means that the
necessary key sizes will be similar to that of RSA, presented in table 4.1 on the
previous page.
Because of the existence of sub-exponential attacks, we would like to replace the
use of (Zp∗ , · ) with some other group, where no special attacks exist and only a
generic, exponential-time, attack may be applied.
Shor’s Algorithm
Before moving on and describing a group where we no specific structure is known
that enables sub-exponential time attacks, we have to mention that there in fact
exists a polynomial-time algorithm, called Shor’s algorithm, that both factor integers and solves the generic discrete logarithm problem, however on a computational device that doesn’t exist in large scale, namely a quantum computer. The
future existence of such a device, described e.g. by Gregg in [28], would break all
the cryptographic schemes that are based on these problems.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
We have seen that constructions based on both the RSA problem or on the discrete logarithm problem over (Zp∗ , · ) enables sub-exponential time attacks, thus
requiring long keys which is a problem both for management and for performance reasons, especially in embedded systems. We will now see how we can
use something called elliptic curves to find other cyclic groups, where the body,
i.e. the set of elements, is points on a curve, i.e. solutions to an equation, instead
of integers. Elliptic curves have been known for a long time, but the idea to use
them within cryptography was first stated independently in 1985 by Koblitz in
[29] and by Miller in [30]. For these groups, no sub-exponential algorithms are
known to date and the generic methods are the fastest.
Before describing how we can construct these cyclic groups, table 4.2 shows how
this impacts the necessary key sizes. Remember that the key size for systems
based on the group of modular multiplication is basically the same as for RSA.
Bits of
RSA key
ECC key
Table 4.2: RSA and ECC required key sizes.
Note that the keys are not only much shorter than for RSA, but that they also
grow linearly with increased security, as opposed to exponentially for RSA. In
particular, the key sizes in the elliptic curve case need only be twice the number
of bits of security.
Elliptic Curves
An elliptic curve7 , defined over the rational numbers, can be described as the set
of points, (x,y), that satisfies the simplified Weierstass equation y 2 = x3 + ax + b
where a, b ∈ Q, along with a special point, O, called the point at infinity. We
only consider curves without cusps, self-intersections or isolated points, which
algebraically means that 4a3 + 27b2 , 0. Figure 4.3 on the next page shows two
examples of such curves. The point at infinity can be found in either "end" of the
We will now define a binary operation for points on the curve that will, together
7 The name is somewhat misleading, since the curves are not at all ellipses. It is derived from the
fact that the same equation comes up when calculating arc length of ellipses.
Asymmetric Cryptography
E : y 2 = x3 − x
E : y 2 = x3 − x + 1
Figure 4.3: Two examples of points satisfying the above equations over the
real numbers.
with the set of points, form a cyclic group. Both the algebraic definition of this
operation as well as a graphical interpretation will be given. In the special case
when a point is added to itself, we call the operation point doubling and both the
geometrical interpretation as well as the algebraic formula will differ slightly.
The point at infinity will play the role of the identity element. This means that
the following equations hold for a point P on the curve.
P +O =O+P =P
P + -P = O
where negation is defined as -P = -(x, y) = (x, -y).
Point Addition
In order to add two points, P and Q, on a curve, a straight line between them
is formed. This line will always either intersect the curve at a third point, or at
the point at infinity if P and Q have the same x-coordinate. In the first case, the
intersection point is the negative of the result, −R, and all we need to do to get
the result, R, is to negate the y-coordinate. In the second case, the result is simply
the point at infinity. The addition of two distinct points is illustrated in figure 4.4
on the next page.
Algebraically, to add two points, P = (x1 , y1 ) and Q = (x2 , y2 ) (P , Q), the resulting point, (x3 , y3 ), is calculated by the following operations.
y2 − y1
y2 − y1
x3 =
− x1 − x2 and y3 =
(x1 − x3 ) − y1
x2 − x1
x2 − x1
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
E : y 2 = x3 − x
E : y 2 = x3 − x
Figure 4.4: Examples of point addition, R = P + Q. Notice that the result in
the right figure is the point at infinity.
Point Doubling
In the case where the two points to add are actually the same, P , we instead use
the tangent line to find the negative of the result point, −R. If the tangent line is
vertical, the result is the point at infinity. Figure 4.5 on the next page illustrates
this graphical interpretation.
Algebraically, to double a point, P = (x1 , y1 ), i.e. add it to itself, the resulting
point, (x3 , y3 ), is calculated by the following operations.
3x12 + a
3x12 + a
x3 =
− 2x1 and y3 =
(x1 − x3 ) − y1
Multiplication by Integer
By repeating the above operations, it is possible to define the multiplication between a point and an integer. nP is simply P added to itself n times. Note that
this corresponds to exponentiation in the group we have previously been working with, where the body is all positive integers smaller than some prime and the
group operation is modular multiplication. The only difference is that we now instead call the group operation "addition" and that we use such notation instead of
the multiplicative. See the note in Appendix A.4.2 on page 87 about why the multiplication (there called exponentiation) can be carried out much more efficiently
than by naive enumeration of all points. In the section on implementation, different algorithm for performing this efficiently and securely are discussed.
Asymmetric Cryptography
E : y 2 = x3 − x
E : y 2 = x3 − x
Figure 4.5: Examples of point doubling, R = 2P . Notice that the result in the
right figure is the point at infinity.
Elliptic Curves Over Finite Fields
For cryptography usage, we are more interested in curves that are defined only
over the integers, since computers are inexact when working with non-integers.
In particular, we will look at the case where x and y are elements in a finite field.
There are two types of finite fields that have been standardized as the basis for
elliptic curve groups, namely fields of prime order, GF(p), and fields of powerof-two order, GF(2m ), as described in Appendix A.4.3 on page 87. Both of these
cases will generate cyclic groups that can be used for cryptographic purposes, but
the underlying calculations will be very different.
Curves Over Prime Order Finite Fields
The simplified version of the Weierstass equation in this case is the same as in
the rational case, except that a and b are integers, and that all operations are
performed in GF(p), i.e. modolu some prime number.
y 2 = x3 + ax + b mod p
where a, b ∈ Z and p is a prime.
Also the group operation will have the exact same formula as already described,
except that all calculations are done in the field, i.e. all additions, multiplications,
and divisions are modular. The section on implementation talks about how these
operations have been carried out efficiently.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Curves Over Power of Two Order Finite Fields
For the curves defined over a finite field of order 2m , m ∈ Z + , the simplified version of the Weierstass equation looks slightly different.
y 2 + xy = x3 + ax2 + b
where a, b ∈ Z
Also the algebraic formula will be different. In order to add two distinct points,
P = (x1 , y1 ) and Q = (x2 , y2 ), the resulting point, (x3 , y3 ), is calculated in the
following way.
x3 = λ2 + λ + x1 + x2 + a and y3 = λ(x1 + x3 ) + x3 + y1
y1 + y2
x1 + x2
In order to double a point, i.e. add it to itself, P = (x1 , y1 ), the resulting point,
(x3 , y3 ), is calculated in the following way.
x3 = λ2 + λ + a = x12 +
and y3 = x12 + λx3 + x3
λ = x1 +
All arithmetic operations are performed in the finite field. Exactly how these
are carried out depends on the choice of element representation. The section
about implementation covers some algorithms for performing these operations
Projective Coordinate Representations
In many cases when implementing the group operation, the divisions, i.e. inversions, will be much more computationally demanding than all other operations.
By using an alternative coordinate representation, we can transform the formulas and reduce the number of inversions that are needed. Inversions will however
still be necessary when transforming a point to and from the new representation.
This means that for one group operation, no improvement will be achieved. However, if many group operations will be performed, we can stay in the alternative
representation for all of these, and only perform one transformation. We will
soon see, when describing cryptographic protocols based on elliptic curves, that
this is often the case and that huge performance improvements can be achieved
by using an alternative representation.
We will now describe two projective coordinate representations, one for curves
based on prime order finite fields, and one for curves based on power-of-two order finite fields. We will refer to the normal representation as affine coordinates.
Asymmetric Cryptography
Jacobian Projective (JP) Coordinates
The Jacobian Projective coordinates are suitable for curves based on prime order
finite fields. Here, the projective point (X, Y , Z) with Z , 0 represents the affine
point ( ZX2 , ZY3 ). The elliptic curve equation now instead becomes
Y 2 = X 3 + aXZ 4 + bX 6
and the point at infinity, O, is represented by the point (1, 1, 0). The formula
for addition is actually the most efficient when one of the two points is in Jacobian projective coordinates and the other in normal affine coordinates. The affine
point is then converted to projective coordinates on the fly, by simply choosing8
its Z-coordinate to be 1. These new coordinates will then, for all projective representations, simply be (x, y, 1), and the expressions in the generic formula involving Z2 can be simplified. We will also later see that this approach is suitable for
cryptographic operations.
In order to add two distinct points, P = (X1 , Y1 , Z1 )JP and Q = (x, y)affine =
(x, y, 1)JP = (X2 , Y2 , Z2 )JP , the resulting point (X3 , Y3 , Z3 )JP is calculated in the
following way.
X3 = (Y2 Z13 − Y1 )2 − (X2 Z12 − X1 )2 (X1 + X2 Z12 )
= (Y2 Z13 − Y1 )(X1 (X2 Z12 − X1 )2 − X3 ) − Y1 (X2 Z12 − X1 )3
 3
 Z3 = (X2 Z 2 − X1 )Z1
In order to double a point, i.e. add it to itself, P = (X1 , Y1 , Z1 ), the resulting point,
(X3 , Y3 , Z3 ), is calculated in the following way.
X3 = (3X12 + aZ14 )2 − 8X1 Y12
Y3 = (3X12 + aZ14 )(4X1 Y12 − X3 ) − 8Y14
 Z3 = 2Y1 Z1
Notice that no inversions are needed in any of the two formulas. Only when
moving from Jacobian Projective coordinates back to affine, inversions will be
López-Dahab (LD) Projective Coordinates
The LD Projective coordinates are suitable for curves based on power-of-two order finite fields. Here, the projective point (X, Y , Z) with Z , 0 represents the
affine point ( X
Z , Z 2 ). The elliptic curve equation now instead becomes
Y 2 + XY Z = X 3 Z + aX 2 Z 2 + bZ 4
and the point at infinity, O, is represented by the point (1, 0, 0). As in the case for
Jacobian Projective coordinates, the addition formula is most efficient when one
of the points come in projective coordinates and the other in affine coordinates.
8 Z can be arbitrarily chosen (Z , 0), and the values of X and Y are then determined. To get the
benefits of mixed coordinates however, Z is chosen to be 1.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
In order to add two distinct points, P = (X1 , Y1 , Z1 )LD and Q = (x, y)affine =
(x, y, 1)LD = (X2 , Y2 , Z2 )LD , the resulting point, (X3 , Y3 , Z3 )LD , is calculated in the
following way.
X3 = (Y2 Z13 − Y1 )2 − (X2 Z12 − X1 )2 (X1 + X2 Z12 )
Y3 = (Y2 Z13 − Y1 )(X1 (X2 Z12 − X1 )2 − X3 ) − Y1 (X2 Z12 − X1 )3
Z3 = (X2 Z12 − X1 )Z1
In order to double a point, i.e. add it to itself, P = (X1 , Y1 , Z1 ), the resulting point,
(X3 , Y3 , Z3 ), is calculated in the following way.
X3 = X14 + bZ14
= bZ14 Z3 + X3 (aZ3 + Y12 + bZ14 )
 3
 Z3 = X 2 Z 2
1 1
Notice that also in this case, no inversions are needed. Only when moving from
LD projective coordinates back to affine, inversions will be needed.
The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP)
In Appendix A.4.2 on page 87, we defined the discrete logarithm problem for
a generic group, with multiplicative notation. The corresponding problem for
additive notation, and more specifically for elliptic curve groups, is the following.
4.5 Definition (ECDLP). Let E(Fq ) denote the set of points on a curve over the
finite field Fq . The discrete logarithm problem over elliptic curve groups is to,
given a point P ∈ E(Fq ) of order n and a point Q ∈ hP i, find the integer l ∈ Zn
such that Q = lP .
The naive approach to solve this is to simply enumerate P , 2P , 3P , ... until Q is
found. This will on average require n2 additions and so this takes time exponential
to the number of bits of n. By just increasing the size of n by one bit, the necessary
work is doubled.
We know that for the groups we have previously worked with, attacks exist that
run in sub-exponential time. This was the case because some structure in the
groups was leveraged. For elliptic curve groups, no such structure is known,
and hence only the generic
algorithms, described in section 4.9.2 on page 37,
with running time Θ( n) apply. This means that the key need only be twice the
intended bits of security, growing linearly with increased security.
Group Order
Let E(Fq ) denote the set of points on a curve, and #E(Fq ) the number of elements
in this set, i.e. the order of the group. We know that this number must be large
enough in order for the group to be suitable for cryptographic schemes, since
otherwise simple brute force can solve the discrete logarithm problem. We can
Asymmetric Cryptography
be assured of this by applying Hasse’s theorem [31], which gives a tight bound
for the order.
4.6 Definition (Hasse’s theorem).
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a finite field of order q, then
q + 1 − 2 q ≤ #E(Fq ) ≤ q + 1 + 2 q.
For large q, q will be much smaller than q and so the order of the curve group is
almost the same as the order of the field. Choosing a large enough field therefore
yields a large enough elliptic curve group.
For cryptographic purposes however, we would like to know the exact order of a
curve, in order to avoid some specific attacks. In particular, we want the curve
order to be prime or almost prime, that is a prime multiplied by some small number. There exists a few algorithms for counting the points on a given curve, and
the currently most efficient one is called the Schoof-Elkies-Atkin (SEA) algorithm,
as described by Schoof in [32]. In some cases, however, it may be faster to first
pick a suitable order, and then generate a curve of that order. This is how the
Complex Multiplication (CM) method works, as mentioned in Hankerson et al.
Domain Parameters
The domain parameters is the data that the two sides need to have in order to communicate using elliptic curve cryptographic schemes. Note that the parameters
are public and may be transmitted unencrypted, however still authenticated.
4.7 Definition (EC Domain Parameters).
The domain parameters for an elliptic curve scheme are D = (q, FR, S, a, b, P , n, h)
1. q is the order of the used field Fq .
2. FR indicates which representation has been chosen for the elements in the
3. S is the seed in the case where the curve was generated randomly9 .
4. a and b are the curve equation coefficients.
5. P is the base point.
6. n is the order of P .
7. h is the cofactor, i.e. h = #E(Fq )/n. If h = 1, then P is a generator point.
9 The process of generating random, and secure, curves are not given here, but can be found in
Hankerson et al. [33]
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Some care has to be taken when choosing these in order to avoid some special
attacks, just as the case with RSA. However, unlike RSA, the security does not
depend on the fact that each entity chooses individual, secret, parameters. Only
the elliptic curve key pair, to be defined soon, need to be kept secret. For this
reason, NIST has selected a number of recommended curves to use, that avoids
all known special attacks. For instance, they all have a base point with prime
order, and the cofactor is 1. These curves are also chosen to facilitate efficient
NIST has selected 15 curves suitable for cryptographic operations [34]. Five of
these are defined over a prime order finite field, and have been generated randomly. These have sizes of 192, 224, 256, 384, and 521 [sic! ] bits. The rest
are defined over binary fields. Five of these are also generated at random, while
the other five are so called Koblitz curves, which enables faster implementation.
These both have lengths 163, 233, 283, 409, and 571 bits.
Elliptic Curve Key Pair
Once we have the somewhat complicated underlying mathematics settled, the actual operations to utilize these for cryptographic purposes will be quite simple.
Since the basis is the discrete logarithm problem, where given the result of a multiplication it is hard to find the multiplicand, the public key will simply be this
result, and the private key will be the integer that was used to create it. Note that
a public-private key pair is valid only for one specific set of domain parameters.
4.8 Definition (EC Key Pair Generation).
Given domain parameters D = (q, FR, S, a, b, P , n, h), a key pair K = (kpub , kpriv )
is generated by the following steps.
1. Generate a random number d ∈ [1, n − 1].
2. Compute Q = dP .
3. Return K = (Q, d).
Encryption Using Elliptic Curves (ECIES)
There are numerous ways we can provide confidentiality of data by using elliptic
curves as the basis. On of them would be to utilize the ElGamal scheme, described in section 4.6 on page 31. Since it is defined over a generic cyclic group,
we can, for instance, use an elliptic curve group for this. However, the standard
when performing encryption by using an elliptic curve group is instead a different scheme, which uses the convenient hybrid approach. This is called the Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES), and is defined by American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) in ANSI X9.63 [35].
The scheme uses something called a Key Derivation Function (KDF) which is a
function that generates multiple keys from one master key. In order for it to be
Asymmetric Cryptography
considered secure, the resulting keys must be independent as far as an "efficient"
adversary is concerned.
4.9 Definition (ECIES). We define the steps of the Elliptic Curve Integrated
Encryption Scheme hybrid system as follows.
• Select a symmetric cipher, (Esym , Dsym ), a message authentication code,
(MACS , MACV ), and a key derivation function, K DF.
• Choose the elliptic curve domain parameters, D = (q, FR, S, a, b, P , n, h).
• Acquire the public key of the recipient Bob, KB = dB G where dB is
Bob’s private key.
ECIES Encryption
In order for Alice to send a message, m, to Bob, the following steps are performed.
• Alice generates a random number r in [0, n − 1] and calculates R = rG.
• Alice calculates rKB = (Px , Py ), and lets S = Px . We call S the shared
• Alice uses the KDF to derive a symmetric encryption key and one authentication key, (kenc , kmac ) = K DF(S).
• Alice encrypts the message, c = Esym (kenc , m).
• Alice computes the tag t = MACS (kmac , c).
• Alice outputs R||c||t.
ECIES Decryption
In order for Bob to decrypt the received ciphertext, R||c||t, the following is
• Bob calculates dB R = (Px , Py ), and lets S = Px , i.e. S is the same shared
secret as Alice used.
• Bob uses the KDF to derive a symmetric encryption key and one authentication key, (kenc , kmac ) = K DF(S).
• Bob verifies the message integrity by performing MACV (kmac , c, t), and
outputs "failed" if the verification function returns "no".
• Bob decrypts the message, m = Dsym (kenc , c).
The standard specifies which symmetric constructions may be used and how the
KDF can be implemented. In the implementation section, one example selection
for these is given.
Digital Signatures
Notice that the method for generating the shared key is very similar to the DiffieHellman-Merkle key exchange, as described in 4.3.1 on page 28. Actually, the
method described here is sometimes referred to as Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman
(ECDH). The scheme is secure since finding dB rG from dB G and rG is considered
hard (the Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption), of course assuming that
the used symmetric schemes are secure.
Digital Signatures
We have now discussed how to utilize public key cryptosystems, that solved the
key distribution problem, in order to achieve confidentiality. We also realized
that we can use this in a hybrid system, and thereby utilize everything we have
learned about symmetric cryptography. This means that we can also achieve integrity and authenticity in the same way as before. We will now see how we instead can achieve these goals, and more, by using these asymmetric constructions
The asymmetric counterpart to the symmetric MAC is the digital signature. The
name have been chosen because it provides functions similar to that of a physical
signature, with pen and paper. Remember that the physical signature is simply
a specific pattern of symbols that the signer applies to a document that is being
signed, and that the same pattern is used for all documents. Such signatures are
considered secure because it is generally hard to forge them, and that attempting to do so is a serious crime. In the digital world, copying exact patterns are
extremely easy, and being anonymous while doing so is almost equally easy. For
these reasons, a digital signature cannot only depend on the identity of the signer,
but must also depend on the content of what is being signed, such that a valid
signature for one document is invalid for another, just as the case with a secure
4.10 Definition (Digital Signatures). A Digital Signature, defined over (K, M, T )
is a triple of algorithms (G, S, V ) where G : ∅ → K, S : K × M → T and V :
K × M × T → {"yes", "no"} and where ∀m ∈ M, ∀k ∈ K : V (k, m, S(k, m)) = "yes".
In other words, a digital signature for a message is a short tag that is intended
to prove who sent the message and that it has not been altered during transmission, i.e. it provides authenticity and integrity. The definition of a secure digital
signature is equivalent to that of a secure MAC, i.e. a digital signature needs to
be existentially unforgeable. Since digital signatures are the main focus of this
thesis, this important definition is restated here.
4.11 Definition (Existentially Unforgeable Digital Signatures). The security
of a digital signature scheme is defined by a game between a challenger and an
adversary, through these steps.
1. The challenger generates a private-public key pair.
Asymmetric Cryptography
2. The adversary gets to submit any number of messages to the challenger, and
for each the challenger sends back a valid signature for that message.
3. The adversary sends a message - signature pair, (m, t), not equal to any of
the previously created pairs.
4. The challenger runs the verification algorithm on (m, t).
The used digital signature scheme is said to be secure, or existentially unforgeable, if for all "efficient" adversaries the output of the verification is "yes" with
negligible probability.
We can see that digital signatures have much in common with MACs, but that
there are a few important differences that make digital signatures more suitable
to be the digital counterpart of physical signatures. Remember that MACs only
provide authenticity and non-repudiation down to the pair of users that has access to the secret key, but not to a single entity. Digital signatures uses a privatepublic key pair that is unique for each signer, and as long as these are handled
correctly, true authenticity and non-repudiation can be achieved, and this can
even be used in court.
Note that unlike encryption constructions, signature generation need not be randomized in order to be secure. This is also true for MACs, indeed both provided
examples of secure MACs in section 3.6 on page 23 are completely deterministic.
However, some newer constructions for digital signatures are randomized, and
the general belief is that this may provide more security against future attacks.
The drawback of using a randomized method is that the verification algorithm
is likely to be more complicated, since it cannot simply recalculate the signature
and compare the result with the provided one. Also, a random signature may
need to be longer than a deterministic, since the randomness must be included
RSA Signatures
Our first example of a digital signature scheme will be based on the RSA algorithm, i.e. on the integer factorization problem. The idea is very similar to that
of RSA encryption, namely to use two elements, e and d, in the group (Zn∗ , · )
such that ed = 1 ∈ Zn∗ . In the encryption case, the public key was used to hide
the contents of a message, that only the private key could reveal. If we instead
do the complete opposite, i.e. use a private key to "encrypt" a message, then the
public key can be used to "decrypt" it again10 . By sending both this "encrypted",
i.e. signed, version of a message, as well as the message in clear, anyone with
the public key can "decrypt", i.e. verify, and compare the two. Since it is "hard"
to find the private key from the public, only the true owner could have sent the
message if decryption indeed gives back the plaintext message.
Just as the case with textbook RSA encryption, this simple approach has many
problems and does not generate a secure digital signature scheme. In particular,
10 Note that this private-public key pair can never be the same one that is used for encryption.
Digital Signatures
we need to apply some padding scheme in order to defend against extension attacks, and right now, only small messages that can be represented by an integer
< n can be signed. This latter problem is usually handled in a generic way, shared
between all digital signature schemes, namely to apply a hash function. Instead
of signing the original message, the hash of the message (that now can be arbitrarily large) is signed. This approach is sometimes referred to as the hash-andsign paradigm. Of course, the used hash function needs to be cryptographically
secure in order for the resulting signature scheme to have any chance of being secure. Moreover, the security of the hash function has to match or be higher than
the intended signature security. A cryptographic construction can never be more
secure than its least secure part.
A secure way of using RSA for signatures has been standardized in PKCS#1 [20].
Two versions of RSA signatures are given, the older deterministic RSASSA-PKCS1v1_5, and the newer randomized RSASSA-PSS construction. Although no direct
weaknesses with the first one are known, the second one is recommended for all
new systems.
4.12 Definition (RSASSA-PSS Overview). The full details of RSASSA-PSS are
not given here, but can be found in PKCS#1 [20]. In particular, the steps of the
message encoding operation, called EMSA-PS-ENCODE, and verification operation, EMSA-PSS-VERIFY, are not provided, however the general idea is to hash
the message and introduce randomness.
Using the mentioned operations as primitives, the following is performed in order to generate a signature and verify the result.
Signature Generation
Given the signer’s private key, (n, d), and the message to be signed, M, the
following steps are performed in order to generate an RSA signature.
• Perform the EMSA-PSS-ENCODE on the message, to get the encoded
result EM.
• Convert EM to an integer m.
• Calculate s = md mod n.
• Convert the integer s to an octet string to get the resulting signature S.
Signature Verification
Given the signer’s public key, (n, e), the message to be signed, M, and a signature on the message, S, the following steps are performed in order to
verify the provided RSA signature.
• Verify that the size of S is valid.
• Convert S to an integer, s.
• Calculate m = s e mod n.
Asymmetric Cryptography
• Convert m to an encoded message EM.
• Perform the verification operation EMSA-PSS-VERIFY and output "yes"
if the result is "consistent", otherwise "no".
Notice that almost all computation time is the modular exponentiations. Just as
the case with RSA encryption, the private exponentiation may be speeded up by
using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (see Appendix A.3.1 on page 83), as long
as the used primes are stored and provided along the private key. Remember
however that the knowledge of the primes completely breaks the scheme, hence
this information needs to be handled with as much care as the private key.
Also notice that since the private exponent is usually much larger than the public,
the time for verifying the signatures is much smaller than the time for generating
Finally, the possible attacks against the algorithm are the same as for RSA encryption, i.e. as long as the parameters are chosen wisely, factoring the modulus is
the best attack, which can be performed in sub-exponential time, as described in
section 4.9.1 on page 34.
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
The ElGamal encryption utilizes the discrete logarithm problem for providing
confidentiality by using an asymmetric key pair. It is also possible to use a similar
idea to create a digital signature, called the ElGamal Signature Scheme. A more
well known modification of this was proposed by NIST in 1991, and is called the
Digital Signature Algorithm [34].
The DSA is a digital signature scheme based on the discrete logarithm problem
over prime order cyclic groups, i.e. the group where the arithmetic operations are
normal modular calculations. We already know that there is a sub-exponential
attack on this problem, and so this scheme does not perform much differently
from the RSA one. However, the idea behind the signature scheme, soon to be
defined, can be generalized and used under any cyclic group where the discrete
logarithm problem is hard. In particular, we can use an elliptic curve group,
where we know that only exponential-time algorithms exist.
4.13 Definition (DSA - multiplicative notation). The following steps define
the digital signature generation and verification using the Digital Signature Algorithm.
DSA Setup
In order to prepare for the usage of DSA signatures, the following steps are
• Choose a secure hash function, H.
• Choose a prime, q, not longer than the hash output.
• Choose another prime, p, such that p − 1 is a multiple of q.
Digital Signatures
• Choose an element, g with order q in the group (Zp , · ).
• (p, q, g) are called the algorithm parameters and may be shared publically among users.
DSA Signature Generation
In order for Alice to sign a message, using her private key x, the following
is performed.
• Alice chooses a random k in [0, q − 1].
• Alice calculates r = (g k mod p) mod q.
• Alice computes s = (k −1 (H(m) + xr)) mod q.
• Alice outputs the signature (r, s).
If r or s happens to be 0 in generation, the process is repeated.
DSA Signature Verification
In order for Bob to verify a signature, (r, s), given by Alice, with her public
key y = g x , the following is performed.
• Bob verifies that the signatures values r and s are within the correct
• Bob calculates w = s−1 mod q.
• Bob calculates u1 = H(m)w mod q, and u2 = rw mod q.
• Bob computes v = ((g u1 · y u2 ) mod p) mod q.
• The verification algorithm outputs "yes" if v = r, "no" otherwise.
Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA)
A very interesting fact about DSA, as just described, is that nothing in the algorithm depends on the kind of group that is being used, i.e. it can be applied
to any group where the discrete logarithm problem is hard enough. We already
know that the DLP on elliptic curve groups is considered the hardest, and therefore gives a very good basis for using the DSA algorithm. We refer to this scheme
as the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), and define it in the
following way. Note that additive notation is used instead of multiplicative.
4.14 Definition (ECDSA). The following steps define the digital signature generation and verification using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm.
In order to prepare for the usage of ECDSA signatures, the following steps
are performed.
• A secure hash function, H, is chosen.
Asymmetric Cryptography
• Domain parameters, D = (q, FR, S, a, b, P , n, h), are chosen and shared
between the users.
ECDSA Signature Generation
In order for Alice to sign a message, using her private key dA , the following
is performed.
• Alice chooses a random k in [0, n − 1].
• Alice calculates (Rx , Ry ) = kG and lets r = Rx mod n.
• Alice computes s = (k −1 (H(m) + da r)) mod n.
• Alice outputs the signature (r, s).
If r or s happens to be 0 in generation, the process is repeated.
ECDSA Signature Verification
In order for Bob to verify a signature, (r, s), given by Alice, with her public
key QA = dA G, the following is performed.
• Bob verifies that the signature values r and s are within the correct
• Bob calculates w = s−1 mod n.
• Bob calculates u1 = H(m)w mod n, and u2 = rw mod n.
• Bob computes (x1 , y1 ) = u1 G + u2 QA .
• The verification algorithm outputs "yes" if x1 = r, "no" otherwise.
This definition is slightly simplified, for instance we have not specified how to
convert between different representations such as integers, points, and binary
data. The full standard, with all these steps defined, can be found in the document by ANSI, X9.62 [36]. Following the standard, the scheme is considered to
be as secure as solving the discrete logartihm problem over elliptic curve groups,
which we know that no "efficient" adversary can do, as long as the group is large
enough and the domain parameters are selected correctly.
Notice the striking similarity with the DSA algorithm. The only difference is that
we use a different underlying group, and that additive notation is used instead of
multiplicative. Notice also that since a point is represented by two coordinates,
only the x-value is used.
The result of this is that the same short key sizes can be used for elliptic curve
digital signatures as for encryption, whereas both the RSA approach and the DSA
scheme requires longer keys. This is presented in table 4.3 on the next page.
Public Key Infrastructure
Bits of
RSA key
DSA key size
ECC key
Table 4.3: RSA, ECC, and DSA key size comparison.
Public Key Infrastructure
We now know how to use asymmetric cryptosystems, and also that they solve the
key distribution problem since we no longer need a new key for each communicating pair. However, one big issue remains, the one of distributing the public
keys. We stated that this can be done over an insecure channel, since the key is
public. However, if the channel is insecure, how do we know Eve is not manipulating the channel we are using, and replacing our public key with her own. We
need some way to detect this, and verify the correctness of the public key. We
need a way to securely connect public keys to names of the holder.
One naive approach to solve this problem is to have a central authority that can
be queried in order to receive someone’s public key. The communication to the
central authority could be secured by letting its public key be hard-coded in every
device that need to perform this communication. The main problem with this
approach, and the reason that it was initially turned down, is that the central
authority needs to be constantly online and available. As soon as it is unreachable,
no other secure communication can take place. We refer to this solution as an
online Key Distribution Center (KDC).
Another approach is instead based on trees of trust. The main idea is that anyone
that is trusted by someone we trust, is also trusted by us. This works fine as long
as all trust is well deserved, but once we have a rouge node in the chain, it can
maliciously allow other rouge nodes to be part of the chain. With this approach,
we no longer need online access to a trusted party. An offline document, called a
certificate, that connects a public key to its owner and that is verifiably written
by someone we trust suffices.
A certificate is simply a digital document that contains information about what
public key belongs to a specific entity. The certificate is digitally signed by another entity referred to as a Certificate Authority (CA). By verifying the certificate, and matching the name in the document with the intended receiver, we
guarantee that the public key is legitimate.
Asymmetric Cryptography
The obvious problem with this approach is of course that in order to verify a certificate, we first need to validate the public key of the CA, which means that we
need another certificate. The scheme works because this chain of certificates eventually ends at a Root Certificate Authority, which has its public key hardcoded in
the communicating device, e.g. in the web browser. Whenever one of the certificates in the chain cannot be verified, no security whatsoever can be guaranteed
and in the browser case, the user is given a warning, and asked if he wants to
proceed anyway. Hopefully, the user knows that responding positively basically
allows anyone to see and alter all sent information, even though encryption is
being used.
The big advantages with this solution, compared with the online KDC approach,
is that the certificate authorities need not be constantly accessible, since the digital signature in a certificate can be verified offline, and also that we need only a
limited set of hard coded public keys, since we use the tree-of-trust model, i.e. it
scales well. A conceptual model of the certificate approach is shown in figure 4.6.
Root CA
Hard coded
for Alice
Bob: “Now I know this public key
really belongs to Alice!”
Figure 4.6: Public Key Infrastructure - Bob verifies that he really has Alice’s
public key.
Wednesday, June 6, 12
Part II
Implementation and
Performance Evaluation
This section describes the implementation of the elliptic curve cryptographic algorithms that has been created during the work with this thesis. Both the used
hardware and the choice of software algorithms are discussed. Remember that
the purpose of the thesis was to compare the elliptic curve approach with RSA.
For this reason, a fair amout of time has been put into optimizing the implementation, without going too far just to earn a few more cycles.
Hardware Security Module
A Hardware Security Module (HSM) is a device that is intended to securely carry
out cryptographic operations. An HSM can come in different forms, e.g. as a
card that is plugged into a normal computer, or a network device. HSMs are
used primarily for security reasons, but also in order to abstract and offload the
cryptographic operations from the host computer. An important part of the HSM
security is something called tamper protection, which are measures to ensure that
an attacker cannot leverage the ability to physically access or modify the module.
Whenever a tamper-protected HSM detects intrusion, all sensitive data is wiped
off the memory.
Realsec constructs and sells hardware security modules with many different capabilities, such as symmetric encryption, message authentication codes, asymmetric encryption, and digital signatures, as described in previous chapters. When
starting my thesis work, Realsec had an HSM implementation for asymmetric
operations based on RSA, but none for those based on elliptic curves.
The HSM on which the implementation has been performed has built in hardware
support for many symmetrical cryptographic constructions, such as AES, 3DES,
hash function calculations, and random number generation. It also has a specific
Asymmetric Crypto Processor (ACP) unit, which can be used to speed up many
operations associated with public key cryptographic schemes, especially those
associated with RSA. The actual implementation of asymmetric constructions,
including the usage of the ACP, is performed in software on an ARM processor.
The processor operates with a word size of 32 bits, runs at a clock frequency of
100 MHz, and contains only one core.
The ACP consists of one Bigint Arithmetic Unit (BAU) and two Montgomery Multipliers (MMs). The BAU can perform arithmetic operations, including modular
reductions, on arrays of data. Using this is faster than performing the operations in software, especially when the data is larger than the word size, which is
the case for all cryptographic operations. The MMs can only perform modular
multiplication and exponentiation (which is repeated multiplication), but does
so much more efficiently for large data. This is mainly so for two reasons: the
fact that the MMs have more dedicated hardware than the BAU, and that they
perform so called Montgomery multiplications, described shortly.
In addition, the MMs, the BAU, and the software code can be executed in parallel
in order to maximize performance. The scheduling of this parallelization is done
on the ARM processor in software. The MMs can only operate on special memory
which is individual, meaning that data may need to be moved between these two,
an operation that can be performed on the BAU which can access both memories.
Montgomery Multiplications
When performing a modular multiplication or exponentiation, the reductions are
normally a significant part of the work. However, this fraction can be reduced by
using a trick referred to as a Montgomery multiplication, as first described in [37].
The idea is to first transform the numbers to the Montgomery domain, where, as
we will soon see, reductions are much cheaper than in the normal domain. However, when moving to the Montgomery domain, normal reductions need to be
performed. Hence, performance improvements are achieved only when many
reductions will be done without the need to move the data back to the normal domain in between. The idea and its benefits are therefore somewhat similar to that
of projective coordinates for curve point representation, as described in 4.10.3
on page 43. Some sources refer to the usage of both of these simultaneously as
Montgomery projective coordinates, but remember that the two tricks apply to
different domains: modular arithmetic and elliptic curves.
The key to Montgomery multiplications is to first choose a number R, which is
easy to divide with, and then make sure that the numbers we work with is a multiple of R by simply adding the modulus some number of times. Which values
are easy to divide with depend on the system where the operations are being per-
formed, and the size of the numbers to reduce. In general, all base powers are
easy to divide with since they reduce to shift operations.
The way we transform a number a to the Montgomery domain is by computing
A = a · R (mod N ). Notice that this does require a normal reduction, as previously
mentioned. We do this transformation because normal multiplication of two already transformed numbers, A and B, results in A · B (mod N ) = aR · bR (mod
N ) = abR2 (mod N ). In order for the result to also be in the Montgomery domain,
i.e. multiplied by only one R, we need to divide by R, which we know is easy.
The interesting part about this is that if R is chosen sufficiently large (relative
to N ) we can guarantee that the result after division is already reduced, and we
have replaced the expensive reduction by cheap additions and shifts. In order to
transform a number from the Montgomery domain back to the normal domain,
we multiply by R−1 (mod N ), and perform a normal reduction.
5.1 Definition (Montgomery Multiplication). We define Montgomery multiplication between two numbers in the Montgomery domain as follows.
(AB + mN )
(mod N )
where m is chosen such that (AB + mN ) is a multiple of R.
mont(A, B) = A · B · R−1 (mod N ) =
Notice that m is guaranteed to be < R. If we choose R > 4N , we can allow the
input values to be < 2N and still not need any additional reduction, since the
result will also be < 2N .
(2N · 2N )
(AB + mN ) (AB) m
+ N <
+ N = 2N
(AB + mN )R−1 =
We can actually utilize the definition for the transformations as well. In order
to transform a number a to the Montgomery domain, and back again, we can
perform the following.
A = mont(a, R2 (mod N ) ) = a · R2 · R−1 (mod N ) = aR (mod N )
a = mont(A, 1) = A · 1 · R−1 (mod N ) = a · R · R−1 (mod N ) = a (mod N )
The only remaining expensive operation is the calculation of R2 (mod N ) , which
requires a normal reduction. However, since this is independent of the value we
are transforming, it can be precomputed as soon as the modulus is known. Also
note that the resulting a in the second formula is guaranteed to be fully reduced,
i.e. a < N . This can be seen in the previous formula, noting that m = 0 in this
case, since aR is already divisible by R.
In order to help the reader understand the concept, we will now look at a simple
example using very small numbers.
5.2 Example: Montgomery Multiplication
Let x = 24, y = 52, and the modulus N = 63. We want to find xy (mod N ) using
Montgomery’s method. We choose R to be the smallest number that is larger than
4N and a power of the base (10 in this pen-and-paper case), i.e. R = 103 = 1000.
First, use normal reductions1 to find
X = x · R (mod N ) = 24 · 1000 (mod 63) = 60 (mod 63)
Y = y · R (mod N ) = 52 · 1000 (mod 63) = 25 (mod 63)
Next, calculate Z = X · Y = 60 · 25 = 1500. Now, in order to make this divisible
by R, we add m · N for some m. In this case m = 500 is a suitable number2 and
the result is XY + mN = 1500 + 500 · 63 = 33000.
(XY + mN )
mont(X, Y ) = XY R−1 (mod N ) =
(mod N ) =
(mod 63) = 33 (mod 63) = xyR (mod 63)
So, all we need to do to find xy (mod 63) is to divide by R, which we can do by
performing a Montgomery multiplication with 1.
mont(xyR, 1) = (xyR + mN )R−1 (mod N ) =
(33 + 809 · 63)
(mod 63) =
(mod 63) = 51 (mod 63) .
Indeed, 24 · 52 (mod 63) = 51 (mod 63) .
As already mentioned, nothing is gained in this example where only one modular
multiplication is performed and R2 (mod N ) is not known a priori. However, in
a real application, many modular multiplications may need to be performed and
all these calculations can be performed within the Montgomery domain and the
transformations to and from will only be performed once. By precomputing the
value of R2 (mod N ) , the transformations are also cheap. This fact has been leveraged in the implementation and the Montgomery method is used for all modular
multiplications except in the calculation of R2 (mod N ) , which cannot be found
using Montgomery’s method.
This section describes the software implementation on the HSM firmware performed in the thesis work. The choice of algorithms with motivations along with
some implementation details are given. The full source code is internal to Realsec
and is not given here.
1 We could also compute R2 (mod N ) and then calculate X = mont(x, R2 (mod N ) ) and Y =
mont(y, R2 (mod N ) ).
2 How to find this suitable number is not covered here, see [37].
Overall Code Structure
All code has been written in C and compiled for the ARM processor, with the
exception of some test-generation code that was written in Java. The written
code implements digital signatures according to the ECDSA algorithm specified
in ANSI X9.62 [36], and hybrid encryption according to the ECIES algorithm
specified in ANSI X9.63 [35]. The purpose of the thesis was to compare ECDSA
and RSA signatures, but since support for ECIES was straightforward to add once
all the underlying operations were available, this was implemented as well.
Curves defined over prime order finite fields as well as those defined over powerof-two order finite fields are supported. The ECDSA and ECIES protocol code
is the same for these two types, but the underlying operations are completely
different. For this reason, the code has been developed in four layers, with specified interfaces between the different layers. Figure 5.1 shows an overview of this
layering of the code. The named boxes refer to the provided interface.
Layer 4
Layer 3
Point multiplication
Elliptic curve operations
Layer 2
Layer 1
Finite field arithmetics
Figure 5.1: The layers of the software implementation.
Layer 1 - Finite Field Arithmetics
The lowest level handles the arithmetic operations in finite fields. These operations are completely different for fields of prime order and fields of power-of-two
order. See Appendix A.4.3 on page 87 for definitions of the used finite fields.
Prime Fields
Wednesday, June 6, 12
As mentioned in the appendix, the arithmetic operations in these fields are just
modular operations. This means that normal addition and multiplication can be
performed, followed by modular reductions. All these operations are performed
in hardware on the ACP. Montgomery’s method as previously defined are used to
optimize the modular multiplications and exponentiations.
Inversion can be performed either by using the Extended Euclidian algorithm,
or by Euler’s theorem using exponentiation, as noted in the Appendix A.3.3 on
page 85. Since the MMs uses Montgomery multiplications and therefore can perform exponentiation efficiently, the latter approach was chosen. However even
with this approach, the inversions are much more costly than additions and multiplications. In order to mitigate this, projective coordinates were used as described
in the previous chapter, i.e. most inversions have been replaced by additions and
Binary Fields
The main functionality for the ACP is to efficiently perform modular arithmetic.
Since this is not the basis for power-of-two finite fields arithmetic, these operations had to be done almost completely in software. The BAU was utilized only
for performing shift operations on large data.
Polynomial basis, as defined in Appendix A.4.3 on page 87, was chosen as the
field element representation, since this was expected to give good performance
for software implementations [38]. A polynomial is stored in memory as a bitstream where the individual bits represent the polynomial coefficients. A polynomial of degree m − 1 requires m bits of storage. The least significant bit corresponds to a0 and the most significant bit to am−1 . By using this representation,
addition of polynomials is just bitwise XOR, which can be implemented very efficiently one word at a time. Since the reduction polynomial always has higher
degree than the elements, no reductions are needed.
When performing multiplication or inversion, however, reductions will be needed.
It is not hard to implement a general reduction algorithm, but since only supporting NIST curves for the binary case was sufficient for my thesis, special algorithms for performing reductions modulo their reduction polynomials, faster
than the generic algorithm, have been implemented instead. Both the generic
algorithm and the special reductions are defined in Hankerson et al. [33].
Squaring, which is a special case of multiplication, can be performed very efficiently in polynomial basis. All that needs to be performed is to insert a 0-bit
between every existing bit. This is done by using a precomputed table with 256
entries, which maps every input byte to two output bytes. This of course means
that the result will be much larger than the reduction polynomial and a final
reduction need to be performed.
For all other cases of multiplication, the so called left-to-right comb method with
precomputations has been chosen, as defined in Hankerson et al. [33]. This is
among the fastest known for software implementations, defined as follows where
W is the word-size, i.e. 32 on the target processor.
5.3 Definition (Left-to-right comb with windows of width w).
Let a(z) and b(z) be two polynomials of degree at most m − 1.
Compute c(z) = a(z) · b(z) by the following steps.
1. Compute Bu = u(z) · b(z) ∀ polynomials u(z) of degree at most w − 1.
2. Set C = 0.
3. For k from
− 1 down to 0 do
(a) For j from 0 to t − 1 do
i. Let u = (uw−1 , ..., u1 , u0 ), where wi is bit (wk + i) of A[j].
ii. Add Bu to C{j}.
(b) If k , 0 then C = C · z w (i.e. left shift C by w).
4. Return C
In the implementation, w = 4 was chosen as a good balance between storage
overhead and precomputation speed-up. If more memory is available, w can
be increased to improve the performance further. After the multiplication, a
reduction needs to be performed in order for the resulting polynomial to be of
degree at most m − 1.
Finally, inversion is performed using the polynomial version of the Extended Euclidian algorithm as mentioned in Appendix A.3.3 on page 85.
5.4 Definition (Inversion in F2m using the extended Euclidian algorithm).
Let a(z) be a polynomial of degree at most m − 1 and f (z) the reduction polynomial of degree m.
Compute a(z)−1 (mod f (z)) by the following steps.
1. Let u = a and v = f .
2. Let g1 = 1 and g2 = 0.
3. While u , 1 do
(a) j = deg(u) − deg(v).
(b) If j < 0 then perform swap(u, v), swap(g1 , g2 ), and j = −j.
(c) u = u + z j v.
(d) g1 = g2 + z j g2 .
4. Return g1 = a(z)−1
There exists more complex algorithms that perform this faster, and it is also possible to implement a shortcut for division, instead of inversion followed by multiplication. However, since the performance of the harware supported prime case
is much higher than the pure software binary case, not much time was put into
investigating this.
Layer 2 - Point Addition and Doubling
This section describes how the field arithmetic operations were utilized in order
to implement the group operation as described in section 4.10.1 on page 39. Since
all cryptographic operations utilize point multiplication, which needs many repeated point operations, projective coordinates are utilized and when adding
two distinct points, the mixed coordinate algorithm are used, i.e. one of the two
points is given in affine coordinates, and the corresponding Z-coordinate is replaced by 1 in the formulas. Also, the operations to transform points from affine
to projective coordinates and back are implemented, however the first of these is
not needed in cryptographic protocols when mixed addition is used.
Curves over Prime Fields
The group operation on curves defined over prime order finite fields has been
implemented using the Jacobian Projective (JP) coordinates, as described in section 4.10.3 on page 44. As previously mentioned, the underlying arithmetic operations are performed completely in hardware, and the difficulty lies in scheduling
the hardware operations in an optimal way. The hardware manual gave suggestions for this, which was used as the basis. This has been modified in order to
optimize further and to support mixed addition.
Remember that the hardware consists of two MMs, which perform modular multiplications efficiently, and one BAU, which can be used for the additions and
subtractions. The time to perform one MM multiplication is almost exactly the
same as the time to perform two BAU additions or subtractions. This fact was
utilized when determining a suitable scheduling, as presented shortly.
In order to move an affine point to Jacobian projective coordinates, Z is chosen to
be 1. This means that no calculations need to be performed. However, the given
point coordinates need to be converted to the Montgomery domain, by using the
MMs and calculating the result when multiplying with R2 (mod N ) (see section
about Montgomery multiplication), which is precomputed as soon as the curve is
chosen. The conversion from JP to affine coordinates requires one inversion and
several multiplications but does still only utilize one MM and is performed completely sequentially. This has only a negligible impact on the total performance
since this transformation is used so rarely compared to the other operations.
In order to add two distinct points, one given in Montgomery JP coordinates
and the other in Montgomery affine coordinates, the scheduling presented in
figure 5.2 on the next page has been chosen, implementing the formula given
in 4.10.3 on page 44.
The blue cells, along with the red arrows, present a path of immediate dependence, meaning that none of these operations can be performed earlier than they
are, since they depend on the data of the immediately preceding blue cell. Using
the presented scheduling, we see that the full time is actually no longer than the
time of this specific path. This means that all operations in gray cells are "free",
and more importantly that the given scheduling is in fact proven to be optimal.
In order to double a point given in Montgomery JP coordinates, the scheduling
shown in figure 5.3 on page 68 has been chosen.
A path of immediate dependence is presented in this case as well, and since the
λ₁ = X₁ ·∙ Z₂²
λ₄ = Y₁ ·∙ Z₂³
λ₇ ·∙ λ₃²
Z₃ = Z₂ ·∙ λ₃
λ₁₀ = λ₈ ·∙ λ₃³
λ₃ = λ₁ -­‐ X₂
λ₇ = λ₁ + X₂
λ₆ = λ₄ -­‐ Y₂
λ₈ = λ₄ + Y₂
λ₃ → MM₂
X₃ = λ₆² -­‐ λ₇ ·∙ λ₃²
λ₉ = λ₇ ·∙ λ₃² -­‐ X₃
λ₉ = λ₉ -­‐ X₃
λ₁₁ = λ₉ ·∙ λ₆
Y₃ = (λ₁₁ -­‐ λ₁₀)/2
Figure 5.2: The scheduling for point addition
total time is no longer than the time of this path, the scheduling is optimal.
Curves over Binary Fields
The group operation on curves defined over power-of-two order finite fields has
been implemented using the López-Dahab Projective Coordinates (LD), as described in 4.10.3 on page 44. As previously mentioned, the underlying arithmetic
operations are performed completely sequentially in software.
In order to move an affine point to LD coordinates, Z is chosen to be 1. This
means that no calculations need to be performed. During the conversion back to
affine coordinates, Z is inverted using the Extended Euclidian algorithm and is
then used to calculate the corresponding coordinates through multiplications.
In order to add two distinct points, one given in LD coordinates and the other
in affine coordinates, and in order to double a point given in LD coordinates, the
formulas in 4.10.3 on page 44 have been implemented by calling the functions
for performing the binary field arithmetics in the corresponding order. The case
where one of the input points is the point of infinity is handled as a special case,
and the result is then simply the other input point (possibly also the point at
Layer 3 - Point Multiplication
The point multiplication utilizes the group operations in layer 2 in order to implement multiplication by integer (exponentiation if multiplicative notation would
be used). We already know that the naive approach of simply performing repeated addition is an exponential-time algorithm, but in Appendix A.3.2 on page 84
Z₁⁴ = (Z₁²)² Y₁²
a ·∙ Z₁⁴
λ₂ = 4 ·∙ X₁ ·∙ Y₁²
λ₃ = 8 ·∙ Y₁⁴
2 ·∙ Y₁
λ₄ ·∙ λ₁
Y₁² → MM₁
λ₁ = 3X₁² + aZ₁⁴
2 λ₂
λ₁ → MM₁
X₃ = λ₁² -­‐ 2λ₂
λ₄ = λ₂ -­‐ X₃
Z₃ = 2 ·∙ Y₁ ·∙ Z₁
Y₃ = λ₄ ·∙ λ₁ -­‐ λ₃
Figure 5.3: The optimal scheduling for point doubling.
The blue cells along with the red arrows shows a path of direct dependence.
Since this path is no faster than the total time in both cases, all gray operations
the and
by issquaring
are "free"
the given scheduling
in fact optimal
the given formulas.
may be called multiplication by doubling or double-and-add in our additive case.
log (n)
Using this method, we only need log2 (n) doublings and on average 22 additions, where n is the number we multiply with, since n on averge has half its bits
set. The bits of the integer may be processed both from the left to the right, or in
the opposite order.
5.5 Definition (Left-to-right point multiplication by doubling).
Given a number k, with binary representation k = (km−1 , ..., k1 , k0 )2 and a point
P on an elliptic curve, the result of the multiplication kP is calculated by the
following steps.
1. Let Q = O (the point at infinity).
2. For i from m − 1 to 0 do
(a) Q = 2Q.
(b) If ki = 1 then Q = Q + P .
3. Return Q = kP .
By using this algorithm, one of the values in the addition is constant, P . This
means that we can keep this value in affine coordinates and use the algorithm for
mixed addition, which we know is more efficient than the generic algorithm. By
using the right-to-left approach, this benefit disappears, however another opportunity presents itself.
5.6 Definition (Right-to-left point multiplication by doubling).
Given a number k, with binary representation k = (km−1 , ..., k1 , k0 )2 and a point
P on an elliptic curve, the result of the multiplication kP is calculated by the
following steps.
1. Let Q = O (the point at infinity)
2. For i from 0 to m − 1 do
(a) If ki = 1 then Q = Q + P .
(b) P = 2P .
3. Return Q = kP .
Notice that the value of P during the calculation is no longer constant, meaning
that mixed addition cannot be used. However, the different values for P are all
completely independent of what number is being multiplied with. Since for cryptographic operations, P is often the curve generator point and known prior to
running the algorithm, these log2 (n) doubling values may be precomputed. This
would speed up the multiplication by up to 2/3 at the cost of additional storage
overhead. Unfortunately, in my implementation, the amount of available memory is very limited and no such precomputations are performed. Instead, the
previous approach, which enables mixed addition, is used.
There also exist other algorithms for performing point multiplication that are
faster than double-and-add, and still doesn’t require any aditional storage. However, the maximum gain is expected to be around 10% and this has not been
implemented due to time restrictions. Moreover, the interesting numbers to look
at when comparing this with the RSA approach is not the exact running times,
but rather an approximate relation and more importantly the development in
time and storage requirements as the number of bits of security changes. This
comparison can be made regardless of a full optimization or not.
There is, however, one problem with all the above mentioned algorithms. The
running time depends on the number of bits that are set in the integer we multiply with, and different operations are performed in the algorithm depending on
these bits. This may enable for a side-channel attack, where the time or power
is measured in order to deduce information about the integer value. One way to
defend against this would be to replace the standard double-and-add algorithm
with the following.
5.7 Definition (Point multiplication by using a Montgomery ladder).
Given a number k, with binary representation k = (km−1 , ..., k1 , k0 )2 and a point
P on an elliptic curve, the result of the multiplication kP is calculated by the
following steps.
1. Let R0 = O (the point at infinity)
2. Let R1 = P
3. For i from m − 1 to 0 do
(a) If ki = 1 then
i. R1 = R0 + R1
ii. R0 = 2R0
(b) else
i. R0 = R0 + R1
ii. R1 = 2R1
4. Return R0 = kP .
This will always take the same amount of time, regardless of the value of k, however the running time is still the same as the average case for the double-and-add
algorithm. Also in this case, we have the problem that mixed addition cannot
be used. For this reason, this method has not been implemented in the code. If
side-channel attacks are decided to be a big concern however, using this is the
best choice.
In some cryptographic operations, such as in signature verification in ECDSA,
the addition of two point multiplications kP + lQ needs to be calculated, sometimes referred to as multiple point multiplication. In my implementation, this is
simply performed as two separate multiplications followed by one final addition.
However, by using something called Shamir’s trick [16], this can be done more
efficiently. For the same reason as in the previous paragraph, this was chosen
not to be implemented. Also, since RSA normally uses a small public exponent,
the ECDSA signature verification will be completely outperformed by RSA in any
Layer 4 - Cryptographic protocols
Having the first three layers settled, we have formed the basis that is needed
in order to build the cryptographic constructions, i.e. we have created and can
perform operations in a cyclic group with a hard discrete logarithm problem. Key
pair generation, ECDSA, and ECIES have been implemented according to ANSI
X9.62 [36] and X9.63 [35].
Key Pair Generation
The key pair generation process is simply choosing a random number and then
performing point multiplication beween this number and the base point of the
selected curve, as specified in section 4.10.7 on page 47.
The random number generation is performed using the Random Number Generator (RNG) provided on the hardware chip. The RNG generates a number with
the same number of bits as the modulus, but not necessarily smaller than it. In
order to not create a bias, a reduction cannot be used to ensure that the result lies
in the correct range. Instead, a probabilistic approach is taken where the RNG
is used repeatedly until the result is valid. This may of course in theory never
terminate but will for all practical purposes work fine.
The ECDSA algorithm has been implemented as specified in section 4.11.3 on
page 53. Most of the implementation is very straightforward but some steps are
commented here.
The random number generation has been performed as for key pair generation.
The hashing is performed by utilizing the special Hash Engine on the chip. This
performs all operations of the hashing and only the set-up and feeding of the data
need to be handled in software.
Since the curve order is prime for all NIST curves, the inversion of k can be performed by using Euler’s theorem and an MM. For this to work, the number k
is first transformed to the Montgomery domain and the inverted result is then
transformed back.
The other arithmetic operations are performed using the BAU, including a final
reduction. This may possibly be optimized by leveraging the MMs, but since the
time for these calculations is very short compared to the point multiplication,
the simpler approach was chosen. In fact, the performance of the full signature
generation is completely determined by the performance of point multiplication.
Thus, any optimizations should be performed at layer 3 or lower, leaving layer 4
as readable and simple as possible.
Finally, note that only one point multiplication is used when generating a signature, whereas two is needed for the verification, meaning that generation will be
faster than verification. The difference in my implemetation is a factor two, but
can be made smaller by implementing Shamir’s trick as previously mentioned.
The ECIES algorithm has been implemented as specified in section 4.10.8 on
page 47. Most of the implementation is very straightforward but some steps are
commented here.
The generation of random numbers and the hashing are performed in the same
way as for ECDSA.
The key derivation function is implemented in a very simple but in this case still
secure manner, since the master key is unique and random for all instances.
5.8 Definition (Key Derivation Function for ECIES).
Given a master key S of length l and a hash function H of output size at least l,
the encryption key kenc and the authentication key kmac of lengths l are derived
kenc = H(S||1)
kmac = H(S||2)
where || denotes concatenation and the numbers are padded to word size. If
|H( · )| > l, the output is truncated to match l.
Any secure symmetric encryption algorithm may be chosen, but for simplicity
during implementation, only XOR-encryption was tested. Also the MAC algorithm may be changed, but the implemented HMAC-algorithm is the recommended
one. This was straightforward to implement since hashing was already available.
Also in this case, the performance of the full encryption is largely dependent
on the performance of point multiplication. The size of the data and the choice
of symmetric algorithm determine exactly how much of the total computation
the point operations correspond to. Note that the encryption requires two point
multiplications, whereas the decryption only requires one.
In order to ensure the correctness of the implementation, unit tests were written
for each separate functionality, all the way from finite field arithmetic operations
to full signature generations and verifications. Every time a change in the code
was performed, all tests were rerun in order to ensure that the update did not
break any existing functionality. In order to test the end system, and in particular
the ECDSA signature generation and verification, test data from NIST has been
used. For each recommended curve, they give for each hash function (SHA1,
SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512) 15 example inputs and expected results, both for signature generation and verification. This data came in the form
of a text file and a Java program was written to process this text file and generate
unit tests in the form of C code. Performance measurements, described in the
next section, were only performed after all correctness tests passed.
Performance Evaluation of
This chapter covers the result of the implementation performed on the HSM. Signature generation, verification and key pair generation for the RSA algorithm and
for ECDSA are measured and compared. The performance of RSA is measured
as the code was given, and no effort has been put into searching for optimization opportunities in this code. For this reason, and in order to highlight the
differences between software and hardware performance, other sources with performance measurements were also consulted. The performance of ECIES has not
been measured and compared to an RSA equivalent, since the execution time for
these largely depend on the choice of symmetric algorithm, which may be the
same in both cases.
Performance of HSM implementation
Performance measurements have been run for RSA and ECC based on prime and
binary finite fields. Data was generated and is presented here for key pair generation, and for digital signature generation and verification. The performance
of the cryptographic protocols depends almost solely on the performance of the
underlying mathematical operations, i.e. modular exponentiation for RSA and
curve point multiplication for ECC, which means that the results would basically
hold for any choice of protocol.
For all measurements, the RSA public exponent is chosen to be e = 65537, as is
recommended. This means that the private exponent will be large and hence that
private operations (decryption and signature generation) will be much slower
than the public operations (encryption and signature verification). For ECC, any
asymmetry between the times for the private and public operations depends com73
Performance Evaluation of Implementation
pletely on the used protocol. For ECDSA, verification is slower than generation
since it needs two point multiplications. As discussed in the previous chapter, the
verification is expected to be half as fast as generation for my implementation.
Whenever random numbers are expected in the algorithms, the hardware randomizer is used. The algorithms are then executed sufficiently many times such
that the measured average running time is almost constant with insignificant variations. The time is measured using a real time clock included on the hardware.
The absolute time is provided, even though the most interesting numbers are the
relation between the RSA and ECC implementations.
The used curves for the elliptic curve case are the NIST ones for both the prime
case (prefixed by P) and the binary case (prefixed by B). The exception is P160,
which is not a NIST standard curve, but instead defined by Certicom Research
[39]. This is included to be able to compare with the very common key-size of
1024 bits for RSA, even though this is considered too small to be secure by NIST
since 2010 [3].
Key Pair Generation
The definition of RSA key pair generation is given in section 4.7 on page 32, and
for ECC in section 4.10.7 on page 47. Notice that for RSA, two large prime numbers need to be generated, and this is a big part of the algorithm running time.
An improved algorithm for finding large prime numbers would speed up this operation. For ECC, the generation process is nothing more than a random integer
generation followed by one point multiplication and is therefore completely dependent on the performance of the latter. Table 6.1 presents the data collected
for the key generation operations. The same data is visualized in figure 6.1 on
the next page.
Table 6.1: RSA and ECC key pair generation HSM performance.
Bits of
57 ms
322 ms
915 ms
2 min∗
4 days∗
ECC Prime
ECC Binary
4.2 ms
5.4 ms
6.6 ms
10.8 ms
27.2 ms
95 ms
190 ms
265 ms
640 ms
1.45 s
Generated by extrapolation.
Remember that the binary curves are implemented completely in software on
a 100 MHz ARM processor, whereas RSA and prime curves are implemented
mainly in hardware. The results for the binary case are therefore not comparable with the others and are included only for completeness. By using a faster
Performance of HSM implementation
log(Time [ms])
ECC Prime
ECC Binary
112 128
Bits of Security
Figure 6.1: Key pair generation, notice the logarithmic scale on the y-axis.
processor, the binary curve would be vertically shifted in the figure, but with its
shape intact. In particular, the exact same algorithms running on a 1 GHz processor would move it down by one unit (since logarithmic scale, with base 10, is
used), landing only slightly above the prime case curve.
Notice the exponential decrease of performance for RSA as the key size grows,
which comes from the structure of the RSA operations, and the fact that the key
size needs to grow exponentially when security is increased linearly. This fact will
eventually make RSA completely impractical to use. Even though using 4096 or
more bits for RSA is considered overkill today, future increase in computational
capabilities and also improved attacks on the RSA cryptosystem may eventually
mean that this will be required. Waiting minutes, or even hours, for a key pair to
be generated is clearly not practical.
Before discussing the result further, we will present the data for the signature
generation and verification cases.
Signature Generation
The definition of RSASSA-PSS signature generation is given in section 4.11.1 on
page 51, and for ECDSA in section 4.11.3 on page 53. When performing the
measurements, the message "abc" has been signed, and the chosen hash function
is the smallest possible providing enough security (e.g. SHA256 is used when
128 bits of security is wanted). The result of signature generation is presented in
table 6.2 on the following page. For RSA, the performance both with and without
Performance Evaluation of Implementation
the speed-up using the Chinese remainder theorem is provided.
Table 6.2: RSA (RSASSA-PSS) and ECC (ECDSA) signature generation HSM
Bits of
w/o CRT
0.75 ms
2.6 ms
7 ms
425 ms∗
7.5 min∗
2.3 ms
15 ms
48 ms
3.9 s ∗
2 hrs ∗
ECC Prime
ECC Binary
4.4 ms
5.7 ms
6.9 ms
11.4 ms
18.5 ms
95 ms
190 ms
265 ms
640 ms
1.45 s
Generated by extrapolation.
The same data is visualized in figure 6.2, using logarithmic scale on the y-axis.
The data is also presented with linear scale on the y-axis in figure 6.3, in order to
clearly see the devastating RSA time development compared to the ECC case.
ECC Prime
ECC Binary
log(Time [ms])
112 128
Bits of Security
Figure 6.2: Digital signature generation with logarithmic scale on the y-axis.
First of all, notice that the ECDSA times are only slightly longer than the times
for key pair generation, confirming the theory that almost all time is spent on
the point multiplication. Also, the ECDSA signature generation code is not fully
optimized, e.g. uses the BAU instead of an MM for modular multiplication, as
Performance of HSM implementation
Time [ms]
ECC Prime
112 128
Bits of Security
Figure 6.3: Digital signature generation with linear scale on the y-axis.
described in the previous chapter. This choice was made in order to make the
code simpler (for the BAU, the value need not be in the Montgomery domain) and
easier to maintain. Still, the overhead for the prime case is only about 5%, and
negligible for the binary case, showing that optimizing at this layer would not
give much speed-up, and that spending the time and effort on the lower layers is
a better idea.
For RSA, the overhead of signature generation is even smaller and the times are
almost identical to that of modular exponentiation.
Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem gives improved performance for the RSA
case, at the cost of some precomputations and an increased size of the private key,
since the modulus prime factors need to be stored.
Signature Verification
The definition of RSASSA-PSS signature verification is given in section 4.11.1 on
page 51, and for ECDSA in section 4.11.3 on page 53. To measure verification,
the message "abc" has been signed once, and is then verified many times and
the average time calculated. As for generation, the chosen hash function is the
smallest providing sufficient security. The results for signature verification are
presented in table 6.3 on the following page, and visualized in figure 6.4 on the
next page.
As already mentioned, the RSA algorithm completely outperforms the ECDSA
algorithm due to the small public exponent. Also notice that the ECDSA times
are a factor two of the generation times, since the multiple point multiplication
is performed as two separate multiplications.
Performance Evaluation of Implementation
Table 6.3: RSA (RSASSA-PSS) and ECC (ECDSA) signature verification
Bits of
130 µs
270 µs
470 µs
4.7 ms∗
243 ms∗
ECC Prime
ECC Binary
9.3 ms
11.2 ms
13.6 ms
22.9 ms
37.1 ms
192 ms
390 ms
550 ms
1.3 s
2.9 s
Generated by extrapolation.
log(Time [µs])
ECC Prime
ECC Binary
112 128
Bits of Security
Figure 6.4: Digital signature verification with logarithmic scale on the y-axis.
Performance of Other ECDSA and RSA
In order to verify the correctness of the achieved results, and also in order to
highlight the potential differences in the relation between the RSA and ECC approach when performing the implementation in software or hardware, additional
sources with performance measurements have been examined.
First of all, the achieved results seem reasonable when comparing them with
other similar comparisons. The facts that ECC dominates for key pair generation,
that ECC wins over RSA for signature generation for the higher security case,
and that RSA by far outperforms ECC for signature verification is stated in other
sources as well, e.g. in Jansma and Arrendondo [40].
In [41], Brown, Hankerson, Lopez, and Menezes show that in a pure software
implementation, the prime case ECC performs similarly to the Koblitz curves
binary case, and better than the random binary curve case. This would give the
same relation between RSA and ECC as found in this thesis.
Finally, the interesting fact that a hardware implementation of binary curves by
far outperforms the prime case is presented in Wenger and Hutter [42]. This
means that using binary field hardware, the ECC constructions may perform better than RSA even for the lowest security cases, still with an exponential relative
improvement for the ECC case as the security grows.
Using the elliptic curve approach for digital signatures, and for public key constructions in general, clearly offers some great advantages over the RSA approach,
both regarding computation time and storage needs. The results presented above
show that for all systems where key pair generation is a frequent operation, the
elliptic curve approach is preferred.
For the higher security cases, ECC outperforms RSA also for signature generation,
and since NIST recommends that in a very near future at least 112 bits of security
be used, where the performance of ECC is similar to that of RSA, all new systems
should clearly support ECC.
For signature verification, the elliptic curve approach only compares with RSA for
security cases that are currently extreme, although future development in computational power and integer factorization algorithms may change this. However,
if a system is very verification intense, and does not require long forward security,
then RSA may still be the better choice.
The smaller key sizes for elliptic curves also give advantages other than the computation time. The storage need is much lower, which may facilitate the implemenetation on limited embedded systems, such as smart cards which are commonly used in cryptography. Also, the smaller the keys and certificates are, the
faster any network transfers of them will be.
An interesting question to ask is that despite the statements above, which clearly
speak in favor of elliptic curves, why is RSA still more used than ECC? My belief
is that there are three main reasons for this, legacy, patents, and simplicity.
First of all, RSA is older and therefore more well established. It was first released
in 1978, whereas the first proposal to use elliptic curves as the basis for cryptography was made in 1985. RSA simply got a head start that ECC still has some
trouble to catch up to.
Performance Evaluation of Implementation
Moreover, parts of the ECC algorithms are covered by patents. While it is still
possible to implement a system using elliptic curves without infringing on these
patents, the extra work of dodging them might scare off some implementors, in
favor of an RSA implementation. These patents and their implications are discussed further by NIST in [43].
Finally, many people think that the idea behind RSA is both easier to understand
and to describe than that of elliptic curves. The problem of integer factorization,
which is often falsely described as the one reason that RSA works, is something
that people can relate to, since everyone knowns how to multiply numbers. The
fact is that RSA is even mentioned in some sub-university math classes, since all
you need to know in order to understand the basis is modular arithmetic. Trying
to understand elliptic curves without having some understanding of groups and
finite fields is probably a bad idea.
It is clear that RSA is not the ultimate solution to cryptography, because of its
sub-exponential time attacks. As more and more people see the benefits of the
elliptic curve approach, as the computational power increases which makes the
gap to RSA even bigger, and as more cryptographic libraries implement and promote elliptic curves, such that the user does not really have to know how it works
in order to use it, RSA will eventually lose the battle. It is of course possible that
better attacks against elliptic curve groups may be discovered one day, similar to
those for other groups, but the mathematical and cryptographic research community is today far from that day. We can only hope that this is true also for closed
research groups, such as intelligence agencies.
Interesting future work could be to perform a hardware implementation of curves
over binary fields, and to compare the two choices of basis. Also, if more HSM
storage is available, algorithms that use a higher degree of precomputations could
be considered and compared.
Mathematical Prerequisites
This appendix defines and explains the mathematical prerequisites for the text
in this report. Whenever a concept is first used, this appendix is referenced. The
purpose of this appendix is not to be complete in any way but rather to cover
just enough for the reader to understand the material in the report. The reader
is assumed to be familiar with basic concepts such as set theory and some mathematical notation.
Complexity Theory
Complexity theory is a way to classify the required running time, i.e. the complexity, of algorithms depending on the size of the input, n. Often, the most interesting case to look at is what happens when n grows large. In that case, we talk
about the asymptotic running time of the algorithm. There are several notations
for this, but the most useful one for us is the following.
A.1 Definition. We define the asymptotic tight bound notation, Θ, as
f (n) = Θ(g(n)) if ∃c1 , c2 ∈ R+ and n0 ∈ Z+ such that
c1 g(n) ≤ f (n) ≤ c2 g(n) for all n ≥ n0 .
We say that an algorithm is "efficient" if it finishes in polynomial time, i.e. its
running time = Θ(nk ) for some k. An algorithm whose running time cannot be
bounded by a polynomial is called an exponential-time algorithm. Sub-exponential
time algorithms are non-polynomial time algorithms that are faster than pure exponential time algorithms.
Mathematical Prerequisites
Sometimes we talk about the complexity of a type of problem instead of a specific
algorithm. We refer to the hardness of a problem as the running-time of the
fastest known algorithm that solves it. We say that a problem is "hard" if there is
no currently known polynomial-time algorithm that can solve the problem, and
that it is "easy" otherwise.
The complexity class P contains all decision-problems that can be solved in polynomial time, and the class NP contains all decision-problems where a given solution can be verified in polynomial time. This means that P ⊆ NP. An illustrative example is integer factorization, which is considered hard to perform (in the
sense that no polynomial time algorithm exists to date), but is very easy to verify
since multiplication is fast. Most mathematicians believe that P , NP, but no one
has been able to prove it. Many cryptographic constructions are considered safe
only if P , NP, as we will see in chapter 4.
Some problems in NP are considered to be the hardest, called NP-complete, in
the sense that finding a solution to just one of these will solve all problems in
NP. More formally, a problem is NP-complete if any other NP-problem can be
reduced to it, by some polynomial time reduction algorithm. NP-completeness
sounds like a good property for problems to base cryptography on, but unfortunately no secure constructions has been found from these. The commonly used
integer-factorization problem, and the discrete logarithm problem, described below, are both considered not to be NP-complete.
Number Theory
We let Z denote the set of all integers. We also let Zn denote the set of all nonnegative integers smaller than n, i.e. Zn = {0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1}.
A.2 Definition (Divisibility). We say that an integer a divides another integer
b if b = ac where c is also an integer. We then also say that a is a factor of b.
A.3 Definition (Common Divisor). If an integer c divides both a and b, then
we say that c is a common divisor of a and b. The greatest such integer is called
the greatest common divisor of a and b and is denoted by gcd(a, b).
A.4 Definition (Prime Numbers). If for a and b, gcd(a, b) = 1 holds, we say
that the two integers are relatively prime. If gcd(a, b) = 1 ∀b ∈ Za , we say that a
is prime. Another way to say this is that a has no divisors besides 1 and itself.
A.5 Definition (Prime Factorization). Every integer has a unique set of prime
factors. Finding this factorization is called prime factorization, or integer factorization.
Modular Arithmetic
Modular Arithmetic
In modular arithmetic we always want the result of an arithmetic operation between two integers to be in the range Zn = {0, 1, · · · , n − 1} where n is called the
modulus. Every time the result of an operation is outside this range, we add tn,
where t ∈ Z is chosen such that the result is within the range. We call this operation a reduction. This means that the result will be the remainder after division
by n.
Another way to define this is through n so called congruence classes, where the
set {0, n, 2n, 3n, ...} forms one such class, {1, n + 1, 2n + 1, 3n + 1, ...} another, etc. To
denote that two numbers a and b are in the same congruence class, or congruent
modulo n, we write a ≡ b (mod n) or just a = b (mod n).
A.6 Example
25 ≡ 15 ≡ 5 (mod 10) since when diving 25, 15, or 5 by 10, the remainder is 5.
When performing modular calculations, the following rules are very useful.
(mod n) = (a mod n) + (b mod n)
(mod n) = (a mod n) − (b mod n)
(mod n) = (a mod n) · (b mod n)
This means that we can do reductions in the middle of calculations, instead of
having to wait until the end.
A.7 Example
(12 · 18 + 27) (mod 8) = (12 · 18) (mod 8) + (27 mod 8)
= (12 mod 8) · (18 mod 8) + (3 mod 8)
= (4 mod 8) · (2 mod 8) + (3 mod 8)
= (8 mod 8) + (3 mod 8)
= 3 mod 8
The Chinese Remainder Theorem
The Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) states the following.
A.8 Definition (Chinese Remainder Theorem). Given k pairwise coprime positive integers, n1 , n2 , · · · , nk , and k integers a1 , a2 , · · · , ak , there exists an integer x
Mathematical Prerequisites
solving the following system.
x ≡ a1 (mod n1 )
x ≡ a2 (mod n2 )
x ≡ ak (mod nk )
Also, then all solutions x are congruent mod N = n1 n2 · nk .
This will be useful when performing modular exponentiation of composites, since
we can then perform the operations modulo the individual prime factors of the
modulus, and then solve the system to find the solution with the composite as
A.9 Example
We want to calculate 412 (mod 33). Since 33 = 3 · 11 is a known prime factorization, we can apply the Chinese Remainder Theorem and write this as the system
412 ≡ 4(2 · 6) ≡ (42 )6 ≡ 16 ≡ 1 (mod 3)
412 ≡ 4(10+2) ≡ (41 0) · 42 ≡ 1 · 16 ≡ 5 (mod 11)
Now, the value 49 is in both congruence classes, 1 (mod 3) and 5 (mod 11), so the
solution is 49 ≡ 16 (mod 33).
Performing the raw exponentiation, we would of course also get the same result.
412 = 16777216 ≡ 16 (mod 33).
Modular exponentiation
By definition, ak = a · a · a · a · a · a · · · (k times). By adding one bit to k, we double its size, which means that the time to perform exponentiation this way grows
exponentially with the size of the power. More specifically, the required multiplications are Θ(2log2 (k) ) = Θ(k). We would like to perform the exponentiation in
another way, such that it can be carried out "efficiently", i.e. in polynomial time.
What we do to exponentiate with an n bit number, is to look at the binary representation, and simply multiply all the powers of two that correspond to the bits
with value 1. This will require no more than 2n multiplications in total, instead
of the maximum 2n multiplication when using the previous, naive method. On
average, the original method required 2 2 multiplications whereas the new one
requires only 32 n multiplications (n for the powers of two, and then one for each
bit set, which on average is n2 ). We refer to the new method as exponentiation by
squaring, and see that it requires Θ(log2 (k)) multiplications, i.e. is polynomial
Modular Arithmetic
A.10 Example
Consider the exponentiation a629 . Using the naive method, a would be multiplied
with itself 629 times. However, by noticing that 62910 = 10011101012 , we can
rewrite the exponentiation as
a62910 = a10011101012 = a512 · a64 · a32 · a16 · a4 · a.
We now see that we need to square a 9 times, and then perform 5 additional
multiplications in order to get the result, thus we have reduced the 629 multiplications to 14. Also note that no additional storage is required, since the result
can be computed on the fly while performing the squarings.
Multiplicative inverses
The multiplicative inverse of a mod n, denoted a−1 is the number such that
a · a−1 = 1 mod n. A multiplicative inverse to a mod n exists only if gcd(a, n) = 1.
A.11 Definition (Euler Totient Function). The Euler totient function, denoted
by φ(n), is the number of integers that have a multiplicative inverse mod n, i.e.
the number of elements in Zn that are relatively prime to n.
We let Z∗n denote the set of all integers < n that has an inverse mod n (i.e. are
relatively prime to n). If n has only two prime factors, p and q, then the number
of elements in Z∗n is (p − 1)(q − 1), i.e. φ(n) = (p − 1)(q − 1).
If φ(n) is known, then finding multiplicative inverses mod n can be done by using
the Extended Euclidian algorithm.
The Extended Euclidian Algorithm
The Extended Euclidian algorithm is an extension to the Euclidian algorithm
which finds the greatest common divisor between two numbers. Given two numbers, a and n, that are relatively prime, the algorithm "efficiently" finds a−1 mod
n. The algorithm is described in Hankerson et al. [33].
A.12 Theorem (Euler’s Theorem). If a and n are relatively prime, then
aφ(n) ≡ 1 mod n
This also means that we have another way to find inverses. Since aφ(n) ≡ aφ(n)−1 a ≡
1 mod n, we see that aφ(n)−1 is the multiplicative inverse of a mod n.
We will soon see that Zn∗ and modular multiplication in fact forms something
called a group of order φ(n), and Euler’s theorem holds for groups in general,
not only those defined by modular arithmetics. Observe that in the special case
where n = p is a prime number, all elements in Zp except 0 will be relatively
prime to p and so Zp∗ = Zp \{0} and φ(p) = p − 1.
Mathematical Prerequisites
Groups and Finite Fields
A.13 Definition. A group is the pair (G, ◦), where G is a set, ◦ : G × G → G, and
where the following rules apply.
Associativity: ∀a, b, c ∈ G, the equation (a ◦ b) ◦ c = a ◦ (b ◦ c) holds.
Identity: There is an element e ∈ G such that ∀a ∈ G, e ◦ a = a ◦ e = a.
Inverse: ∀a ∈ G, ∃ an element b ∈ G such that a ◦ b = b ◦ a = e.
A group where a ◦ b = b ◦ a always holds is called a commutative or abelian group.
One example of a well known abelian group is the set of integers together with
normal addition (Z, +), where "0" is the identity element and the inverse of a is
denoted by −a. Another example is the set of real numbers except for 0, under
normal multiplication (R\{0}, · ), where "1" is the identity element and the inverse
of a is denoted by a−1 = 1a .
The group operation, whatever it may be, is usually called "addition" or "multiplication", and then uses the corresponding symbol we are familiar with. If
"addition" is chosen, performing the group operation n times to an element a is
called "multiplication by integer" and simply denoted by na. If "multiplication"
is chosen, repeating the group operation is called "exponentiation" and is written
as an . In the rest of this appendix, multiplicative notation will be used.
Generators and Subgroups
The order of a group (G, · ) is the number of elements in G. Assume that we have
a finite group of order n and an element a ∈ G, then there always exists at least
one integer t ≤ n such that at = 1. In fact, the elements hai = {1, a, a2 , a3 , ..., as−1 },
where s is the smallest such t for the chosen element, also form a group that is
closed under the same operation, called a subgroup of (G, · ). We say that the
order of a is the order of the subgroup it generates. If the order of a is n, that is
hai = G, then we say that a is a generator, or primitive element, in (G, · ), since
the element a can be used to generate the whole group. Generator elements are
often denoted by g. We say that a group is cyclic if it has at least one generator
A.14 Example
Assume we have a group (G, · ) where G = {1, 2, 3, 4} = Z?5 and · is normal modular multiplication (modulus 5). Then, since 42 ≡ 16 ≡ 1 mod 5,
h4i = {1, 41 } = {1, 4} ⊂ G
h2i = {1, 21 , 22 , 23 } = {1, 2, 4, 3} = G
h3i = {1, 31 , 32 , 33 } = {1, 3, 4, 2} = G
Groups and Finite Fields
So the elements 2 and 3 are generators, but 4 is not. Since there is at least one
generator in (G, · ), it is a cyclic group.
The Discrete Logarithm Problem
The discrete logarithm problem is what makes cyclic groups interesting for cryptographic uses.
A.15 Definition (DLP). Assume we have a cyclic group (G, · ) of order n with a
generator element g. Given this and the element a = g k , finding k ∈ Zn is called
the discrete logarithm problem.
We know that finding normal logarithms is easy. However, we believe that solving the discrete logarithm problem is "hard", i.e. no known algorithm for computing it is in P. Remember that by definition, g k = g · g · g · g · g · g · · ·. The naive
approach for an attacker, who knows g k and g and tries to find k, is to perform
the group operation again and again until the expected value is found. For each
added bit to the size of k, the work for the attacker is doubled and so this is an
exponential time algorithm, running in Θ(2log2 (k) ) = Θ(k). Better attacks exist,
and their running time depends on what group is being used. This is discussed
further in section 4.9.2 on page 37.
Notice however that for the legitimate user, who has knowledge of k, we use
the same idea as for modular exponentiation, i.e. exponentiation by squaring, in
order to perform the group exponentiation "efficiently".
Finite Fields
A.16 Definition. A field is the triple (F, +, · ), where F is a set, + : F × F → F,
· : F × F → F, and where the following rules apply.
• (F, +) is an abelian group with identity element 0.
• (F\{0}, · ) is an abelian group.
• (a + b) · c = a · b + b · c for all a, b, c ∈ F. (Distributivity)
A field with a finite number of elements is called a finite field or a Galois Field
(GF). The number of elements in the set is referred to as the order of the field.
All fields with order q are in fact the same field, but their representation may be
different. For this reason, we usually denote the field with q elements by Fq or
GF(q). In general, any prime power is the order of some finite field, and these
are the only possible orders. For Elliptic Curve based cryptography, only finite
fields with prime order, GF(p), and fields with power-of-2 order, GF(2m ), are
Mathematical Prerequisites
Prime Order Finite Field
The set of elements in GF(p) can simply be represented by Zp . This is easy to realize since we know that (Zp , +) forms an abelian group with identity element 0
and that (Zp \{0} = Zp∗ , · ) forms another abelian group. This means that all arithmetic operations in this field can be carried out as modular operations, i.e. by just
performing normal addition and multiplication, and performing reductions mod
p whenever needed. These operations are easy to describe and understand, but
not necessarily the most efficient when implemented. Prime order finite fields
are generally referred to as simply prime fields.
Power of Two Order Finite Field
The elements in finite fields of order 2m , m ∈ Z + , is not as easily represented as
in the prime case. Note that we cannot represent the set by Z2m since there are
elements in this set that are not relatively prime to 2m and therefore doesn’t have
a multiplicative inverse, i.e. (Z2m \{0}, · ) does not form a group.
Instead, different types of representations are available. The choice of representation affects which operations to perform and depending on the purpose and implementation strategy, different representations are suitable in different cases. In
cryptography, two types of representations are generally used, polynomial basis
and normal basis. Only polynomial representation was used in my implementation so only this is described here.
In polynomial basis representation, the elements are represented as polynomials of degree at most m − 1, with binary coefficients, i.e.
F2m = {am−1 z m−1 + am−2 z m−2 + · · · + a2 z 2 + a1 z + a0 : ai ∈ {0, 1}}
Intead of working modulo an integer, a prime polynomial (one that cannot be
factored), f (z), is chosen and reductions are performed modulo this polynomial.
Addition is then performed by simply adding the corresponding coefficients, in
F2 , multiplication by normal polynomial multiplication followed by reduction
with f (z), and inversion by finding the polynomial such that multiplication with
it gives the identity polynomial (i.e. the constant 1) as result. Efficient algorithms
for performing these operations are discussed in the section on implementation,
chapter 5 on page 59. Power of two order finite fields are generally referred to as
simply binary fields.
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