Triptic general EPSEM


Triptic general EPSEM
Degree in Electrical Engineering
Degree in IT Systems Engineering
Degree in Chemical Engineering
(4 years)
(4 years)
(4 years)
Career prospects
Technical and managerial
positions with industrial and
services companies,
including management,
organisation, planning,
quality and environment in
the sales departments of
related firms.
Performance of tasks related
to the design, analysis,
planning and maintenance of
systems and equipment for
the generation, transport,
distribution and use of
electric power.
Conversion of electricity into
other forms of energy.
Career prospects
Current systems require
integrated knowledge of the
three branches of information
and communication technology:
electronics, informatics and
communications. The aim of the
Degree is to produce
professionals with the expertise
needed to work in environments
that combine these three areas.
In their careers, graduates
will be up to date on new ICT
developments and will design,
specify and implement devices
and systems based on their
integrated knowledge of these
three fields. They will also
occupy technical, commercial
and managerial positions in the
information and communication
technology sector and other
sectors where this technology can add value.
Career prospects
Technical and managerial
positions in the chemical,
pharmaceutical, food,
paper, metallurgical,
energy and petrochemical
industries and in chemical
analysis and quality
control laboratories.
Performance of tasks
related to the
management, design,
control and maintenance
of chemical plants and
installations, and
Degree in Industrial Electronics
and Automatic Control Engineering
Degree in Mineral Resources Engineering
(4 years)
(4 years)
Career prospects
The primary aim of the
Degree is to produce
specialists in Industrial
Electronics and Automatic
Control, two areas for which
there is strong demand in
the labour market.
Professional associations
also recognise graduates as
being qualified to engage in
the professional activities
that may currently be
performed by technical
diploma holders, which
broadens the range of
career opportunities open
to graduates.
Degree in Mechanical Engineering
(4 years)
Career prospects
Technical and managerial
positions with companies in
the mechanical engineering
sector and the metallurgical
industry, including positions
related to commercial
organisation. Performance
of tasks related to
management, design,
planning and maintenance
of mechanical, thermal and
fluid mechanics systems
and equipment.
Career prospects
Technical and managerial
positions in mining
operations (e.g. mines,
quarries, gravel pits)
and in the cement and
construction material
Performance of tasks
related to topography,
prospecting, boring for
underground water and
controlled blasting.