PlRGIM - University of Michigan


PlRGIM - University of Michigan
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March-April, 1987
Volume 5 Number 7
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March-April, 1987
ierpent's mootlJ ileluxe
M Vote Blue!!! Oh, that's over now?
Following the tradition on campus,
we at the Review have devised our set.
of 12 demands. And here they are:
Here's an exciting course to. take
next semester: The Theory and Practice ofModem Literary Criticism from
Marxism and Psychoanalysis to
Structuralism. Semiotics and Deconstruction. This fun filled course will
examine the contemporary rejection
of the principles of new criticism and
the development of alternative critical
perspectives redefining the nature and
function of the text, the author, the
reader, critical evaluation, and the
outermost boundaries of literature
itself. Yes, this is really a course in the
Career Development curriculum of
the Pajama U (The Residential College to the rest of us)-We wonder if
they'll be using Barbara Foley's latest
1). Professors Bert Hornback and
Steve Rosenstone (our favorite upper
class, northeastern elitist liberal from
Yale) must be moved to the fiction
section of the library.
2). The creation of a nudist awareness
day. If you wear your clothes, you are
a skinophobic.
3). An orientation workshop on the
writings of Burke, Goldwater, Will,
Watt, and Tanter.
4). Grape juice before every protest on
the Diag.
5). Canonization of Preacher Mike
and a free tape of his greatest sermons.
The package will include the Stoney
Burke-Preacher Mike Debates.
6). Gee, its getting hard to think of any
more demands. Oh, wait, here's one.
All points bulletin: The Marines are
looking for a few good eunuchs .
7). We will build a Pizza Hut on the
Diag to protest US investment in the
. Soviet Union. Proceeds from pizza
sales will go to the Review.
8). Mandatory distribution of Soldier
of Fortune magazine in dormitory
mailboxes. Also included will be an
autographed copy of Vanna White's
9). A negative checkoff on the SVF for
the Beastie Boys.
10). Condoms for the Burpman.
11). We demand the Student Publications Building, or at least all the
computer disks that people give to the
12). Yay!! The last one, this is tough.
No classes on Arbor Day.
13). Wait, we overstepped the bounds
of normal decency. WE HAVE
Knee braces for President Shapiro to
be used at public addresses.
We hear that a few fraternities were
.disaPPQinted. tb,at ,the .T~and As w~re
going to strike.
mayoral election-and Nicaragua is
one step closer to democracy.
There is no truth to the rumor that
the nuclear disarmament groups on
campus are going to paint the famous
inflatable Beastie Boys prop as a
missle and orotest it.
One reason for Pierce's stunning
defeat was the public's disdain for the
excesses of the Sister City program.
The voters in last year's city election
supported the program. However,
they did not expect the mayor to
propose legislation for and send garbage trucks to Juigalpa, especially
when Ann Arbor has crucial problems,
of its own to solve-such as the high
crime rate and poor infrastructure
Times they are a changin' in A-squared. The Pinkertons, a left-wing
theater group, were booed after performing in front ofa class. It look,S like
guerilla theater is going the way of the
Seattle Pilots, Supertrain and the U-Cellar.
The MSA elections were real fun,
We had a g()odtim~, ran a campaign,
babbled the usual garbage, stood on
the Diag and shouted at people,
bought buttons, put up posters . . .
and lost. But seriously, we tried hard,
got our message out, and amassed a
constituency that will be heard from
in the near future. To all who supported us in our sometimes quixotic
quest for MSA fame and glory (?),
thank you for you support and Go
From the didjaknow department: If
.Big,EdPierce wars~lectedmayor.he
would have pressed for an increase in
the siie of the Sister City Task Force
from seven to eleven members. He
would have also sought to increase its
funding by $1,000-2,000. Ann Arbor
taxpayers can now breathe a sigh of
relief. (And feel a lot safer too).
Here's one from the Yale Daily
News Insider's Guide to Colleges. 13th
ed.: "The student government-the
Michigan Student Assembly-is certainly active, but students say it's not
very effective." So, maybe we'll form
a party to try to change that. Nah.
President Shapiro is attempting to
push through a code and is justifying
it due to the racist incidents. We told
you so.
see page 15
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March-April, 1987
David Katz
Associate Publishers
Kurt M. Heyman
Mark Powell
Seth B. Klukoff
Executive Editors
Steve Angelotti
Paul Seltman
Entertainment Editor
Gloria Sanak
Personnel Manager
Marc Selinger
Elections Editor
Big Ed Pierce
Patrick Batcheller
Craig Brown
C. Brandon ,Crocker
Daniel Drumm
Rick D)'f'r.",:<',,;."':" "'"
George "
Leonard Greenberger
Asha Gunabalan
David Norquist
Patrick Paiis
Donna Prince
William Rice
D,ehbie ~hlussel
Tracey Stone
Joseph Typho
'. David Vogel
C. William Colburn. Paul McCracken. Stephen
Gerald R . Ford. R. Emmett T.vrrell. Jr., Norman
Podhoretz. Irving Kristol. William F. Buckley.
Jr.. Edwin Feulner Jr. ,
The Michigan Review welcomes. appreciates.
pleads for letters from our fans. admirers,
adversaries (at your own risk, of course), and
groupies. If you want tQ see your letter on these
pages (page 9, actually), please temper your
writing to no more titan two dOllbk-spoced,
typt-lI'ritten p~s. Also, let us know your name.
where you iive imd YOllr phone number.
But your response is not only limited to a
leller. YOII may also submit an article. All work
will be rel'iewed by Ollr impeccable editorial staff
and considered in light ofstructllre and content.
Articles can be sent to Ollr spaciolls, modern
corporate office in the Michigan League. Well.
aCll/ally. here is the mailing address:
The Mkhigan Review
Suite One
911 North University
Ann Arbor. MI 48109
The Michigan Review is an independent,
student-run journal at the University of Michigan. This means that no one controls us. We
are in no way, shape, or form representative of
the policies of the Administration and accept no
dough from the University.
Typesetting is provided by Trade Graphics,
Inc. Our printers are Observer and Eccentric
(But not in that order).
Copyright 1987
!J1rom litt iEbilor
The Daily Blues
It backfired.
What was supposed to be 'a humorous April Fools Day editorial by the
Michigan Daily became the target of
religious bigotry charges by a group
called Students Against Religious Intolerance, and others. The editorial,
entitled "God is Dead," included such
lines as "God died at 3: 13am on April
I," "The woman identified as Mary
Magdeline, kept shouting 'I've kicked
the habit,' " and described the pope as
carousing around Italy, drinking a lot
of wine with a naked lady on his lap.
Now, I am sure that people found
this editorial humorous. I found parts
of it funny as well. And the Daily
correctly asSerts that some people
were offended by the editorial and
some were not. Great. Yet, there are
several larger issues involved here
which call into question the already
tenuous credibility of the Daily.
The Daily's ' editorials regularly
champion the causes of various minorities on campus and point out the
many instances of intolerance towatd
the minorities and other groups, such
as the gays and lesbians. In recent
months, the Daily has addressed us in
serious tones about the evils of racism, bigotry and intolerance. Oearly,
the Daily attempts to be at the forefront of educating the campus about
these issues. Thus, given that the
Daily strives to be enlightened about
such issues, one would assume that
they would take great care not to
offend any group, even when writing a
harmless April Fools editorial.
However, a group of students, some
of whom belong to SARI, (a group
whose mandate is to fight incidents of
religious intolerance) were particularly offended by this editorial, which
was written by a self-proclaimed agnostic. The writer, and the majority of
the Daily editorial board, thought the
editorial was funny . A segment of its
readers did not. As a result, SARI
protested the Daily and issued a set of
demands, one of which was a simple
public apology by the newspaper.
An analogous situation is the recent
WJJX incident. The callers who told
the racist jokes thought the jokes were
funny. The disc jockey also thought
the jokes were funny. The black minority on campus did not. As a result,
they protested and the University shut
down the station. Finally WJJX and
the disc jockey in question issued a
. public apology and the station is back
the air. ' ,
Yet, the Daily has refused to acknowledge SARI's demands. A simple
apo~ogy would do, but the Daily
remains dead set against it. The
Michigan Student Assembly has even
condemned this incident of religious
intolerance and has asked the Daily to
apologize. Had the editorial poked fun
at blacks, hispanics, gays, or lesbians,
a protest would have followed, an
apology demanded and an apology
granted. The Daily even issued an
apology in December when they were
inundated with letters condemning an
allegedly racist cartoon on their editorial page. So what is the problem
now? The problem, perhaps, is that
the Daily views incidents of racism,
bigotry a·nd intolerance on campus
with one eye open and one eye closed.
In other matters, watch for a surprisingly new Michigan Review in
September (Yes, we will be back). We
are planning expanded coverage of
campus affairs, an expanded arts
section and a presidential contenders
interview series (and ~ese are just
some of the changes). We would also
like to wish everybody a happy; and
productive summer. AD<\ when you
return in September, don't forget to
read Blue!
Seth B. Klukoff is a Senior in Political
Science and Editor-in-Chief of the
The Review wishes best success and fortune to our graduates:
Charles Lipsig, B.S. in Statistics; Staff Writer 1985-86, Personnel
Manager 1986-87
Joseph McCollum, M.S. in Industrial and Operations Engineering;
Staff Writer 1982-1984, Executive Editor 1985-86, Associate
Publisher 1986-87
Patrick Palis, B.A. in Political Science; staff writer 1986-87.
Your dedication and conlribution will be sorely missed.
.1\, "
March-April, 1987
Indian Reminiscences
by Asha Gunabalan
I was brought up in India for the
first sixteen years of my life, before
immigrating to the United States. I
feel sad and sorry for the second-generation Indians on campus. They
seem to be missing something-their
sense of identity. (There are about 160
Indian students on campus, most of
whom are children of the Indians that
migrated to the US in the 1960s).
They look like Indians, have Indian
parents who have become assimilated
into the American culture, and visit
their relatives in India once in a while.
Yet, they are confused. They are
unsure of what culture to identify with
and, moreover, are unsure of how to
be happy with themselves once they
have made that choice.
Years and years have gone by in
which different ethnic group:, have
come to this country. And each .generation becomes more Americanized.
It is painful to watch the younger
For example, my neighbor hated her
landlord and constantly complained
to my grandparents about her. Yet,
my neighbor would continue to help
her landlord cook and even babysit
for her children.
Indians tend to be very helpful to
one another in a simple way. If my
family ran out of tomatoes or eggs, my
grandmother would send me to her
friend's house to fetch some. One of
my cousins got married in a mandir (a
place where one gets married) near my
house and we had fifty guests who had
to stay overnight. We did not have the
room for all these people, but our
neighbors opened their doors, and a
few of our guests spent the night in
some of our neighbors' houses. It was
such a good feeling to be part of this
strong, tightly-knit community.
Much attention is given to being
together, whether with friends or
family. Our festivals are celebrated
I feel sad and sorry for the second-generation Indians on
with their blessings. When my sister
got married, she and her husband
received the blessings of several of my
aunts, uncles, grand aunts and grand
uncles. Before I departed for America,
I had to visit most of my relatives and
receive their blessings.
Marriages and births are very joyful
occasions. When a cousin gets married, all the immediate relatives and
friends meet in the cousin's house at
least a week before the wedding and
help out with all the preparations. We,
as youngsters, had the best deal. We
did not have to help out too much and
could spend a lot of time teasing the
new bride and bridegroom.
I can go on with a lot more examples of everyday Indian life. Yet, I
with many other people. There are
four major festivals that are celebrated in Southern India. On these days,
people wake. up early, wear new
clothes, cook delicacies, offer them,
and pray to God. Then they distribute
these delicacies to their friends and
relatives and go to each other's
houses, chat for a while, and eat some
more. The older people like to gossip
while the youngsters play some indoor
games, such as chess, table tennis, or
parcheesie. If it is nice out, they may
play football, cricket, or badminton.
I will discuss some ofthe customary
habits of the Indian family. As soon as
a visitor comes to the l!ouse, they are
offered something to drink, usually
water because it is hot outside. After a
while, they are offered some tea or
coffee and snacks or a meal, depending on what time they arrive.
It is common practice to go to one
another's house without calling to
make sure that the people are home. It
is also considered appropriate to stay
there for four or five hours and have a
It is imperative that youngsters
always respect their elders. I remember my grandmother yelling at me and
smacking me (right in front of our
guests, too) because I refused to offer
my seat to one of my aunts. Older
relatives are held in utmost respect
and deference. Before venturing out to
do anything, it is a "good omen" to go
Asha Gunabalan is a Sophomore in
LSA and a staff writer for the Review.
... campus..They.seem to be missing sQmething-theirsense
'of identity.
generations go through this process
and lose their ethnic identities.
The second-generation Indians,
whose parents were born and brought
up in India, have the hardest time
during their adolescent years. The
pressures that they experience are so
different from the pressures that their
parents experienced in India. Thus, it
is very difficult for the adolescents
and parents to understand each other.
About 80% of Indians are Hindus.
Yet, it takes more than being a Hindu
to be Indian. Although we may learn a
lot about Hinduism, or any religion
for that matter, we cannot understand
the people who actively practice that
religion. Most of the popular books on
India state that Hinduism is such an
integral part of our lives.
I thought it might be interesting to
describe a few customs of the people
ofIndia as I remember them. This will
give you a sense of what everyday life
is like, as seen through the eyes of a
People in India seem to gossip a lot,
and they seem to talk behind each
other's back all the time. Yet, people
remain friends for ' years and good
friendships are valued quite highly on
the ladder of social values. In general,
Indians are loyal to one another and
do not gossip about those they are
loyal to. Furthermore, Indians feel an
obligation to family anf friends, even
though they may not like each other.
feel badly for the second-generation
Indians because they have never really been part of Indian culture. They
may have never felt the feelings of an
Indian and it is sad that they did not
experience our rich culture. I hope
that most of these second-generation
Indians will make it a point to spend
at least two to three years in India.
Maybe, they will discover more of
themselves and what it is to be Indian.
,.£,.,1..•• ........~ .:
• aerobics
taxation without tax loopholes
• jewelry on men
• government interference in
private affairs (unless the
government brings over extra
girls and some ice)
$6.95 paperback
• guns, drugs, fast cars
• free love (if our girlfriends
don't find out)
• a firm stand on the Middle East
(raze buildings, burn crops,
plow the earth with salt, and
sell the population into
"REPUBLICAN PARTY REPTILE is hilarious. I laughed so hard reading
this book that my armchair needs reupholstering. P.J. O'Rourke has
to be the funniest writer going, and boy does he go. This is highoctane wit, S.J. Perelman on acid."
. - Christopher Buckley
author of The White House fv1ess
,~~ ~,
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March-April, 1987
.•................ .•.•.•.•••.....•.•...•....••....... .............................................................................................................•.......•.
What is the Free
by Steve George
Free University. Sounds interesting, but what is it? Some kind of
tuition waver? Well, no, not actually.
Not even close. The Free University
(Free U) is an organization which
"attempts to provide learning possibilities in an atmosphere not Qased on
hierarchy," according to Free U
"Contact Person" Dave Buchen. In
short, the Free U is an organization
for anti-organization.
The Free U is a product of the
1960s. It has existed as a small group,
seperate from the University of
Michigan, since about 1968. Although
no written history was available, word
. 9Lw,91J,tp" ,fep()rt.s ~bat it badbee.p
"""""'supported by Canterbury House until
last year, when the. coordinator
moved out of Ann Arbor. Since then,
Buchen and his associates have picked
up the orphaned program and have
continued to offer their unique university philosophy.
The Free U consists of a group of
volunteers dedicated to an unstructured education without a defined
curriculum or screened faculty. This
raises a serious question about the
objectivity of the material. There are .
no judgments made about the qualifications of the teachers (who are
called " Resource People"). Buchen
admits that bias may be introduced in
the classes, but defends this weakness
by pointing out that a screening pro- .
cess also introduces bias since it
subjects the curriculum and professors to the standards of the University. The Free U has a "hands off'
approach to teaching which is consistent with its anti-hierarchical vision
for education.
The classes themselves, as one
might imagine, are not designed to
attract the average student. With
courses such as "Beyond Monogamy"
and "Feminist Newspaper", it is evident that the Free U targets a more
progressive crowd, including students
as well as Ann Arbor residents. Contact Person Buchen describes a few
course offerings:
Anarchist Potluck: "Anarchists and
friends can meet people who are likeminded. "
Beyond Monogamy: "A course where
people can explore the possibility 0/ a
series o/relationships rather than with
just one partner."
Secret History 0/ the Twentieti Century: "What they don 't teach you in
high school. Topics include general
worker strikes, early US milttary aggression in Central America, and
government suppression 0/ the working class. "
To some, the Free U classes may
seem ideal. There are no exams, no
assigned readings, and attendance is
optional. Buchen explains that a Free
U student wants to escape traditional
classroom education in favor of a
more intuitive devefopment based on
discussion and debate. This a shortcoming of the Free U. Since the
classes do not have any defined
curricula, they may become sidetracked in digressions as the result of
intense discussion and debate.
According to Buchen, the Free U
had a reasonable turnout this year,
with some classes drawing ten or
twelve people while others drew only
. one or two. One class, "Anarchist
gather knowledge.
However, the Free U has some bugs
to work out. Since many people have
never heard of the Free U, it is clear
that their advertising is inadequate.
Moreover, they must expand their
student body beyond a' small group of
progressives in order to bring in more
(Contact Person) Buchen explains that a Free U student
wants to ~scape traditional classroom education in favor
ofa more intuitive development based on discussion and
Potluck", had thirty attendants. Many variety. If there is no dissent in these
of the classes meet on a regular basis classes, they can rapidly become little
while others meet only once and form more than organized propaganda
a discussion group. Buchen praises sessions where impassioned extremthis group for allowing learning based ists can preach their views. With a
upon an intuitive insight into the little effort, the Free U could cast
value of others.
away these restraints and move forThe Free U is not a bad idea. It ward to achieve its admirable, if
encourages open forums on issues and idealistic, objectives.
offers a starting place for people with
common interests to unite. It offers an
innovative alternative to a lecture/- Steve George is a Junior in Chemical
recitation program. Because the Free Engineering, a staff writer for the
U has small classes and encourages Review, and a Free University alum,
interaction, it can be a viable place to Class of '87.
Can the Foundations of Llberb' Crack?
the Review.
After All. Uberb' Entails ReSPonsibilItY.
Please MakeltCQntributions Payable to:
The Michigan, ~eview, Suite One, 911 North University,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
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March-April, 1987
iteuiew 1J1orum
V oter Apathy
by Marc Selinger
,,: \:
"The House of Representatives shall
be composed of members chosen
every second year by the people of the
several States. . . "
-Unite.d States Constitution
Every American citizen 18 or older
can register to vote. Whether male or
female, black or white, rich or poor,
educated or uneducated, each individual is guaranteed the right to select
those government officials who best
represent his or her point of view.
This democratic process, in theory,
grants everyone an equal share of
influence in affecting the political
As luring as the process seems,
voter apathy becomes more '\'idesprad with each election. The failure of
political candidates to address issues
of major concern, the decline of the
party system; and the difficulties involved in registration and voting
discourage many people from voting.
.Those who remain un4eteved ~OQ,­
sider voting to be a tivil duty and
have. an .above-average ability to deal
with the bureaucracy. As the better
educated members of society, they are
gaining more governmental influence
while the less educated people withdraw from the political scene. .
Clearly, this inequality in representation violates the democratic
ideals of the Constitution. Then, does
the voting process need to be reformed? In order to answer this
question, a look at the exact nature of
voter apathy is essential.
The decline in voter participation
through the past few decades has been
quite dramatic. While over 63% of the
voting age population cast ballots in
1960, the turnout in the last Presidential election was ten percentage
points lqwer. Voter interest is even
less for midterm elections, Last year's
election produced a turnout of 37%,
almost four percentage points lower
than in 1982 (U.S. Bureau of the
Census). Indeed, the American public
is losing interest in elections.
One of the reasons for this drop in
voter participation is the mudslinging
that now dominates many political
campaigns. For instance, when a
series of negative commercial advertisements by gubernatorial candidates
in Texas and Senatorial candidates in
California and Missouri preceded the
1986 elections, an unusually steep
decline in voter turnout from the
previous midterm election resulted
(New York Times, Nov. 8, 1986).
People who live in such troubled
conomie stratas. Similarly, Demoregions as the farm belt and the
crats have become more mainstream,
oil-rich Southwest become disenrecognizing the excessi veness of some
chanted when each candidate only
programs and the need to avoid
discusses the incompetency of the
weak on defense. To many
other candidate rather than proposing
the political spectrum has
solutions to major problems.
much that the two parties
While certain areas are· not voting
very different policies.
because of a disillusionment with the
choice available,
political process, the public as a whole- .
nothing motiseems apathetic because the nation is
relatively secure. The economy is still
experiencing an expansion characte.
in the
rized by low inflation and moderate
unemployment; most people do not
feel affected by the enormous budget
much higher unemployment -and
and trade deficits. In addition, no
rates than the U.S. Meancurrent political issue is controversial
enough to reverse the trend of deconcerns
more dispute
clining electoral participation. For
parexample, it is not likely that the
Iran-Contra Affair will send more
diametrically opposed solutions to
people to the polls in 1988 than in
problems. When voters go the polls in
1984. After all, the turnout in the 1976
France, a much bigger difference
elections, two years after Richard
exists between a Socialist and Gaullist
Nixon resigned over Watergate, was
than ·between two American candi- lower than in197:f
serious -ecodates (Comparative Politics 86/87).
nomic or political crises exist which
Apparently, Europeans are less apacould attract more than a temporary
thetic about politics because .their
notice from the overall voting popuchoices can produce much greater
changes than in America.
Another factor in the American
The average American adult rna)
voters' apathy may be the decline of
also avoid elections because of the
the American party system. The
complexity involved in registration
Democratic Party used to be the voice
and voting. While the typical Uniof the poor and the laborers, while the
versity of Michigan student might
Republican Party represented the
laugh at this, the people who receive a
wealthy. Political evolution, including
much lower level of education (e.g.
the Reagan Revolution, altered this
sixth-grade drop-outs) lack the ability
status quo. Republicans now come
to perform such relevant tasks as
from each of the the various socio-e-
filling out forms or meeting deadlines.
According to Raymond Wolfinger
and Steven J. Rosenstone, co-authors
of Who Votes?, " . .. schools provide
experience with a variety of bureaucratic problems . . . Successive exposure to elections. . . imparts skills
that many young people lack when
they reach the age of voter eligibility ."
Indeed, the registration and voting
process requires a learned ability to
deal with bureaucratic barriers. Absentee ballots are not readily available, and people called out of town on
short notice do not have time to attain
them. For those who move, some
states require sGveral months of residency before eligibility to vote is
granted. With each of the fifty states
having its own registration laws,
frustration can develop · and deter ·
people from voting. According to
Arthur T. Hadley. author of The
EmpTY Polling Booth, almost one-fifth
of the nonvoters are deterred from
voting by such frustrations with the
sec page 7
Marc Selinger is a Freshman in LSA
and the Personnel Manager of the
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March-April, 1987
continued from page 6
European nations, on the other
hand, utilize permanent registration.
When citizens of the United Kingdom
reach the legal age, they are automatically registered. If they move to
another district, they are compelled by
law to reregister. Richard Brody, a
professor of political science at Stan. ford University, believes that such
countries "have overcome one of the
key obstacles to electoral participation." In Australia, which has
permanent registration and fines
imposed on those who fail to vote, the
turnout rate is 90%. The Netherlands,
when it repealed a similar mandatory
voting law, witnessed a sharp drop in
voting. According to Brody, "the
message from that is, if you compel
people to register and vote, they will;
if you do not, fewer will" (USA Today,
April 1986).
Thus, many eligible voters are discouraged by the mudslinging, the lack
of crucial issues, the decline of the
party system, and the complexity of
the registration and voting system.
...y.,,', ,; But according to W.o~fi nger? professor
"",·",'i'" ' of political science at Berkeley, and
Rosenstone, a professor of political
science at the University of Michigan,
the less educated members of society
are not voting while those who are
well-schooled continue to do so.
"Education," they believe, "increases
one's capacity for understanding
complex and intangible subjects such
as poltics, as well as encouraging the
ethic of civil responsibility" (Who
Ifpeople are to remain attracted to the political process,
candidates and party leaders should dedicate themselves
toward promoting issues over mudslinllinll.
Surely, not every 'educated' person
is voting, but a high percentage do.
The U.S. Bureau of the Census reports
that in 1980, voter turnout of junior
high school graduates was approximately 40%, less than 60% for high
school graduates, but almost 80% for
college graduates. According to Graham Allison, Dean of the Kennedy
School of Government at Harvard
University, "the government derives
its just powers from the consent ofthe
governed; if half the people don't
vote, where does authority come from
to make choices about foreign and
domestic policy, about sending marines to Lebanon or restructuring
taxes" (Christian Science Monitor,
Oct. 12 1984)? Appareritly, the auth()rity coin~s mostly from the better
educated segments of socie'ty.
It might not seem so terrible that
the 'educated' people have a growing
influence in determining govern mental policy. But this means that the less
educated are not being consulted over
decisions which directly concern
them. For instance, when the need for
a draft occurred during the Vietnam
War, the people conscripted were not
attending or bound for college. Due to
the fact that the uneducated were not
electing government leaders, they
were sent off to war without their
indirect consent. That was not represelltative government at its best.
The logical conclusion might be
that the United States Government
should impose mandatory voting, as
Richard Brody suggests, so that everyone is represented equally. A vote,
however, only has true value when
people, without being coerced, choose
to do so. As Roger-Noel Babar, who
heads an anarchist group opposed to
the mandatory voting law in Belgium,
argues, "if you're obliged to speak it's
Permanent registration, on the
other hand, does not appear to violate
any civil liberties or democratic
ideals. Rather, it makes life easier for
citizen and government alike. Even
reducing the residency requirement to
30 days in every state would increase
the pool of potential voters. Other
measures which could simplify the
election process include a greater
distribution of absentee ballots and a
two day election period rather than
one day to give more people time to
vote . .
Some of the major causes of voter
apathy, however, require more than
just the passage of law~ in order to be
eradicated. Clearly, Aunerica's children need to remain in' school longer
to learn the value of civic responsi-
The faiiure of political candidates to address issues of
m.ajor concern, the decline of the party system, and the
difficulties involved in ' registration and voting disco.urage many people.from voting.
not democratic." The voting requirement also creates resentment toward,>
the government. According to Loel
Mayer, elections expert at Brussels
Free University's Institute of Sociology, "political apathy is considerable
in Belgium and I think the obligatory
vote is partly responsible for that"
(Wall Street Journal, June 18, 1984).
bility and how to cope with the
bureaucratic factors of registration
and voting. If people are to remain
attracted to the political process,
candidates and party leaders should
dedkate themselves toward promoting issues over mudslinging. Only if
these actions are fulfilled will the
dangers of voter apathy be resolved.
..................................................... ........... .
Itn tUemoriam
iaral1 tlollllarll 'ower
On Tuesday March 24, 1987 UM Regent Sarah Goddard
Power ended her life in a fall from the Bell Tower. Her
ceaseless devotion to the students at Michigan and humanitdrian causes throughout the world will be sorely
missed by all.
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March-April, 1987
iuite ®ne
PIRGIM Uncovered
The Public Interest Research Group in Michigan, coming off its
expensive victory in the MSA elections, is now pushing its refundable
fee scam to the Regents. PIRGIM outspent its opposition 50-1 in
recording its 70% victory. PIRGIM supporters increased the ctTective
spending margin by removing most opposition posters from campus.
PIRGIM has recently developed a reputation for anti-democratic
behavior-note their blockade of the door at an MSA meeting to
prevent opposing MSA members from voting.
The issue of the unfairness and unconstitutionality of PIRG fees has
been covered often in the past. Other issues involving PIRGIM's
refundable fee proposal and its campaign have not been covered.
PIRGIM's campaign strategy was to swamp the campus with posters
pleading "Save PIRGIM". PIRGIM claimed that they would leave
campus if they lost the election, due to financial duress. And they did
not want just any old funding privileges-they had to have a probably
unconstitutional refundable fee scam, where students would be charged
a PIRGIM fee unless they checked "no" at CRISP- then they get a
r:efund. If not, "PIRGIM will die."
So the threat ofPIRGIM "dying" was a key element in their victory.
But how valid was the threat? Looking at documents submitted by
PIRGIM to MSA, we learn some interesting things.
In each of the last two years PIRGIM has had projected expenditures
.~~~9.f~7Q~~.Tney \Y,~AA~ ~MA.SUll>lijses,~9~1'~&4;>y~~$,~0~OOO.
Not bad for a "poor'" group that is near death and miedsto be "saved"
with a massive transfusion of U-M student money. (Source: PIRGIM
estimated budgets, 9jl/85-8!31/~6 and 9/1/86-6/30/87).
How does PIRGIM raise money? Their expected income from
canvassing over the next two years is $142,400. That is plenty of money
(enough to set up a trust fund and run a student newspaper forever).
PIRGIM also receives tens of thousands of dollars through grants and
the AT&T Divestiture Fund. PIRGIM is not dying: it is not even
unhealthy. (Source: PIRGIM budgets.)
PIRGIM does not want a "positive" check-otT like it once had h('r\'.
It is true that PIRGIM does not deserve a positive check-otT or 0111'
special funding privileges. But suppose they had ~ positive check-ofT
(the system that the PIRGIM posters proclaimed \vOltld "kill"
PIRGIM)? What does PIRGIM say about such a system? "The positive
checkoff certainly cannot support any growth (our emphasis) in
PIRGIM activities." It will only raise from $20,000-$31.600 per year,
which is not enough (in addition to the $60,000+ from canvassing) for
PIRGIM to live on. (Source: PIRGIM's memo "Budget Scenarios
Based on Level of Funding").
PIRGI.M does not need U-M money to survive. PJRGIM is greedy
and sees an opportunity to pull the wool over the U Iliversitfs eyes. It
is clear that PIRGIM could use more money. So could all of us. But
they are not dying, they are financially healthy, they collect plenty of
money. they have enthusiastic canvassers around the state, they are
doing all right.
Ifstudents believe that PIRGIM is representing them they will gladly
give PIRGIM money. PIRGIM should concentrate on representing
students rather. than promoting ill-conceived, unfair funding scams .
This is especially true given that PIRGIM has clearly misrepresented its
financial situation. It is inconceivable why the University should
consider special privileges for a group whose tactics are misleading and
The Jackson-Shapiro Accord
The Reverend Jesse Jackson should be praised for bringing a swift
and peaceful end. to two weeks of racial strife on campus. We at the
Review were .encouraged by his uncharacteristic restraint in approaching the problem. Furthermore, we are glad to see the University
reaffirm its commitment to minority recruitment and retention, and to
combatting racism. It can only be hoped that the seeds sewn by the
"Jackson-Shapiro Accord" will bear the fruits of wisdom and equality.
We are concerned, however, that these hopeful seedlings will be
killed by an early frost-a frost that is foreshadowed by the Accord
itself, and the demands that preceded it. The question here is one of
legitimacy. First, under what authority did Mr. Jackson negotiate with
the Shapiro Administration on behalf of minority students? Jackson,
who has never held public office, does not legitimately represent
anyone, let alone all minority groups, or even all blacks. Many people
might like Jackson enough to vote for him ifhe were running for office,
but that is not the test of legitimacy. Jackson was not a legitimate
counterpart in negotiations with the University, and the University was
not obligated to accept him as such. But for the success of the
negotiations in ending tensions, the willingness of the few to grant
someone the power of arbitration for the many is a very dangerous
The question oflegitimacy also arises in the demands, by UCAR and
BAM III, that preceded the Accord. One of the demands, to which the
University acceded, included provisions for the creation of the office of
Vice-Provost for Minority Affairs. This is in addition to the position of
Vice-President for MinOlity Affairs, created several years ago by
Shapiro. This means that there are now two offices which are
specifically designed not to address the concerns of all students. The
creation of dual sets of offices, one for all students and one exclusively
for minority students, is a drive towards separatism and likewise a
dangerous precedent. There can be no legitimacy outside the interests
of all people.
UCAR and BAM apparently felt that the Shapiro Administration
was not adequately addressing their concerns when they issued their
demands. In other words, these students were calling into question the
Administration's legitimacy. Unfortunately, since the Administration
. ihlet, with Jackson and gave in to certain demands, thus spurning
appropriate notions of representation and endorsing separatism, it has
called called its own legitimacy into question.
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March-April, 1987
The USS Michigan:
Champion ·of the ~eas
by Mark
P()w ~ il
Fo r those unaccustom ed to thinking of Mi chigan . literall y or figurati ve ly, as th e st rong arm and nerves of
th e nation 's defe nse, an edu ca ti o n was
available on N orth Campus Thursday, Feb. 19. Capt James S. Baumstark of the Go ld Crew of th e Trident
submarine USS ;\4ichigan , a nd o ne of
hi s engineering officers, 198 3 U M and
Naval ROTC graduate Lt. Mike
Monroe, spoke to and took questions
from a group of approximately 70
students and faculty.
Capt. Baumstark and Lt. Monroe
gave an 80 minute presentation on the
Trident (or Ohio class, after the first
Trident, commi ss ioned in 1981)
submarine and on the Michigan jn
particular. T he M ichigan , SSBN 727 ,
commissioned in 1982, was the second boat in the class-of which just 6
are currentl y operational-and, like
all Tridents, is based at Bangor,
Washington . The two offi ce rs took
turns explaining the ship's features
and systems, and the nature a nd facets
of her missi on , with man y slides of the
ship and her Bangor port facilities as
well as charts illustrating the scale of a
Trident boat and comparing her to the
Soviet SSBNs (or boomers, in informal parlance).
Explained as well was the fact that
Michigan, besides being the namesake
of the great ship, is the ho m e of the
low-frequency (ELF) radio equipment
by which the Na vy and our National
Command Authorities (NCA) communicate with our submarines.
During the presentation, the two
officers frequently exchanged lively
banter, which almost seemed to belie
their professional roles and illustrated
the closeness and camraderie which
have traditionally been typical of
submariners. The Michigan'not only
won last year's Trident-squadron
awards for battle-readiness, engineering, and anti-submarine warfare
(ASW), but also boasts the highest
personnel retention rate of any ship in
the U.S. Navy.
Following the question-and-answer
period, which elicited queries on a
wide range of submarine and geomilitary subjects, an informal reception
was held at which the students and
faculty could meet Capt. Baumstark
and Lt Monroe. Lt. Bob Coburn of
Ann Arbor-Detroit Naval Recruiting
was on hand to speak with those for
whom the presentation had sparked
interest in a Naval career.
The Michigan not only won last year's trident-squadron
awards for battle readiness, engineering, and anti-submarine warfare (ASW), but also boqsts the highest
personnel retention rate of any ship in the U.S. Navy.
pabilities are. T here are 6 Oh io cl ass
boats currentl y o pe ra ti o na l: Ohi(! .
M ichiga n, Florida, Gcorgia . /l cllrr ,I f
Jackso n. a nd .. lIaha m {1 . .. lIaska wa s
co mmission ed in 1986" \vit ll N('rada
du e this year and T enness('e' in 1989.
with the new D-5s.
A Triden t IS ex pected to be at
sea-its exac t location unkn own even
to our own a uthorities, li stening to
everything and transmitt ing nothing
to maintain undetectabilit y- 66% of
its operational life, normall y spending
70 days at sea and 25 in" po rt . Each
Trident ha s two sepatate c~ews
(Mic higan 's a r e des ign a ted (of
course!) G o ld and Blue), each operating the boa t whi le the other is
ashore. AJichiga n, with its Blue crew,
is currently so mewhere in the North
Pacitic, according to Capt. Baumstark.
H ow do M ichigan a nd her sister
ships stac k up ag.1inst the Soviet
SSBN varsity. the Tvphoon class? The
Soviet subs are much noisier than
o urs, and must deploy into the
th e
(Bri tain-Iceland -Greenland) gaps ,
which are well covered by the U.S.
SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System)
and U .S.jN ATO ASW forces , as are
their main Pacific ro utes. Despite
being bigge r than the Trident-the
same length but half again as widethe 7)phoons deploy 20 SLBMs, 4
fewer than Trident.
see page I ~
The Trident submarine is the nation's (and argu~bly the world's) most
potent weapon system. A Trident,
which displaces 19,000 tons, is 560
feet long and 42 feet wide with a crew
of 14 officers and 140 enlisted, carries
24 130,000 lb. Trident C-4 missiles
(SLBMs). Beginning in 1989, the new
Trident D-5 will supplant the C-4s on
the existing Ohio class boats and will
be installed on the Tennessee, due to
be commissioned that year. The Navy
will not acknowledge specifics on the
missiles (nor on an Ohio class boat's
performance beyond certain modest
limits nor, indeed, whether or not a
ship is carrying nuclear weapons at
all), but according to the weapons
literature the C-4 has a range of 4600
km, carries 10 warheads (MIRVs:
Multiple Independently-targeted Reentry Vehicles) of 100 Kiloton individual yield, with a CEP (Circular
Error Probable, the radius inside
which the warhead has a 50% chance
of impacting) of 250 meters.
The D-5 makes significant improvements over all the specs: a range
of 7400 km, allowing the Trident to
strike from positions much farther
from Soviet shores; 14 (!) MIRVs of
150 Kilotons apiece and a CEP of 200
meters. What makes these weapons
more worrisome to the enemy is the
relative invulnerability of their
platform-the Ohio class boat, which
to the best of anyone's public knowledge at present is still virtually undetectable while on patrol.
The wiSdom of the Navy's policy of
silence on th~ specifics and the presence of nnclear weapons is readily
apparent: while most people trust
sources such as Jane's Fighting Ships,
we-and the enemy-do not know for
sure just how great the systems' ca-
Mark Powell is a Junior in Russian
and East European Studies and an
Associate Publisher of the Review.
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March-April, 1987
At the Diddly
by Joe Typho
We here at the Michigan Didd/y's
editorial page are upset about the
sickening outburst of racist incidents
on this campus. We have decided, as
an important campus media outlet, to
take a strong stance on these issues.
Therefore, you will never see any
racist, sexist, or homophobic comments in our paper.
Our official satirist has been told to
calm him(Her)self down , and She has
agreed to do so. We will never again
display intolerance, so we now confine our jokes and weird capitalization
practices to the catholic Church, the
Pope, and goD. As our satirist notes,
we could phone Catholics and insult
them individually, but it's so much
easier to write an editorial.
After all, there is no problem wiih
religious intolerance on this campus.
None at all. We know this is so
because we asked Bruce Crepetelli
(not to be confused with the other
Bruuuce: "Blind faith in Bruce
Springsteen can get you killed.")
It's been a great year here at the
Diddly's editorial page. We've printed
all sorts of provocative editorials,
including our famous "January is
Fascist" editorial. That one got some
negative responses; some people
complained that it was pointless. That
would never stop us. We' ve got space
to fill.
But our highlight had to be the
Ramsey Clark episode. Former Attorney General (and hip rad lover)
Clark spoke on campus and some
Iranian moderates (or so Ronnie sez)
and their supporters, upset with
Clark's 1979 Teheran visit, threw raw
ground beef at Clark. Some of the
hamburger stuck to his glasses, causing panic among his granola-eating
supporters, who feared Clark would
inhale red meat fumes and mutate.
We denounced the moderates' actions
because the meat did not match the
wine served at the dinner.
Some of the moderates' supporters
wrote in stating that they didn't throw
meat but instead, in the spirit of good
etiquette, sprayed wine coolers. Then
someone wrote an anonymous letter
stating that S(h)e threw away thousands of copies of the Ann Arbor
Observer because the letters in "Ann
Arbor Observer" add up to 666 and
thus the Observer is the Antichrist.
Bad arithmetic, weird politics-instant journalism- we ran it.
Speaking of spraying things, the
antics of the infamous Beastiality
Boys rap group were interesting, sexist, disgusting, and completely inappropriate for our arts page. It was
terrible when "the Boys"
(girls)(inclusive language-you never
know) inflated two 20-foot fingers to
produce a "V" sign in their song
" Nixon Agonistes, Garry Wills
Sucks". An onstage tribute to Richard
Nixon is just a little much. We wrote
a gnarly editorial denouncing it, but
someone lost the computer disk. We
refuse to run an ything unless it's
submitted on disk (no, there's no truth
to the rumor that we sell the submitted disks to students at low prices for
easy cash)(cash for cache?).
Our final controversy was with the
Puerile Interest Gals and Guys in
Michigan (PIGGIM). Well, it wasn't a
controversy-not to us. We had repeatedly supported PIGGIM's demands for money, a nicer office,
money, a new name, money, peace on
earth, and money. Then someone
suggested that we put our money
where our mouth was. We have.
We've closed down the Diddly and
plowed all our money into PIGGIM
posters. So the next time you see one
of those PIGGIM posters, with the
"missing children" mouthing ballooned platitudes, remember the
Diddly. It's pur sole legacy. Bye.
season strong and qualify for the
regional championship game against
their archrivals. You will have to
gur-ss what happens next or at least see
the movie.
Coach Dale arrives in Hickory as a
new and suspicious character, and
leaves a hero. In between, he manages
to set everyone and everything
straight (Sort of like Howard Cunningham mixed with Frank Furillo).
He gets an alcoholic father, stunmngly
portrayed by Dennis Hopper, to dry
himself out and become his assistant
coach and regains his own confidence.
He instills confidence in his players
and makes them winners. It's all very
corny. but a lot of fun as well .
So, if you are into films with deep
meanings, avoid this one. If you crave
highlight films with Michael Jordan
slam dunks, forget it. But if you
simply feel like enjoying yourself,
having a few laughs, and getting
excited, do not miss Hoosiers.
Joe Typho isa graduate student in the
School of Natural Resources and
Buddhist Studies and was recently
kicked off the Marxist Stupid Assembly for failure to use inclusive
language .
....... ,.
!fSouins in mruirw
PllODUCERS: Carter De Haven
and Angelo Pizzo
DIRECTOR: David Anspaugh
by Len Greenb.erger
If you like fun , corny and predictable movies, this one is for you.
Hoosiers takes place in the early 1950s
in the small town of Hickory, Indiana.
The folks in Hickory are much like
those in any small Indiana townvery suspicious of change and completely devoted to basketball, "the
greatest game ever invented."
The movie opens with Norman
Dale, played by Gene Hackman,
arriving in town as the new basketball
coach. Coach Dale is greeted coldly by
a teacher at the school, Barbara
Hershey, and his new team. DAle acts
quickly during the first two minutes of
his job, kicking the former coach and
two of the seven players off the team.
Needless to say, this act does not sit
.well with the good people of Hickory.
With only six players (one of the
earlier dismissals rejoins the team at
the direction of his father), Coach
Dale begins the season. The team
loses its first three games, causing the
frustrated fans to draft a petition
calling for Dale's dismissal.
There are two interesting subplots
in Hoosiers. Coach Dale discovers
why the Barbara Hershey character
has been so unfriendly toward him.
She does not want Dale to pressure
one of her prize students to play ball.
She would rather see the student
obtain a scholastic scholarship and
enter the "real world", which must lie
someplace outside of Hickory. The
Hershey character has not been able to
leave Hickory. Predictably, Dale does
not pressure him to join the team.
At the same time, the teacher
(Hershey) discovers why Dale had not
coached for twelve years. He punched
one of his college players in the jaw
during a game (no, this is not a Bobby
Knight bio), and was barred from
coaching at the college level for the
rest of his life .
But back to basketball games. As if
you coulO not guess, the Hickory
Huskers begin to win. They finish the
Len Ureell!....:rger is a Junior in Political Science and a stafT writer for the
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March-April, 1987
..•........•..•...•....•................ .......•..... ••.................•...........•........................................................................................
Baseball Predictions, 1987
by Charles D. Lipsig
NOTE: These predictions were made
the day before the season started. Furthermore, any influence by the editorial
board and staff upon the predictor was
ignored as much as possible.
If the Cleveland Indians win their division , they will be the seventh team to do
so in seven years. And they have a good
chance to win it. The Indians have the best
hitting in the majors, with a solid batter at
every position. Last year's RBI champ Joe
Carter, Cory Snyder, and first baseman
Pat Tabler carry the best bats. Rick
Dempsey is the type of catcher who can
bolster the confidence of young pitchers
and help them improve. Tom Candiotti ,
Ken Schrom and ageless Phil Niekro
shpuld be able to win with the offense they
have behind them. Ernie Camacho Ed
Vande Berg snd Steve Carlton will lead the
The New York Yankees have three
probable hall of famers in Don Mattingly,
Rickey Henderson and Dave Winfield ,
one of baseball's best relievers in Dave
Righetti and an abundance of choice in the
starting rotation, which is led by Dennis
Rasmussen, Joe Niekro and Rick Rhoden.
Their constant problem is that they have
trouble playing as a team, caused, for the
most part, by the interference of owner
George Steinbrenner. If Steinbrenner can
avoid causing dissension on his team, the
Yankees will win the A.L. East. Unfortunately, this possibility seems unlikely.
The Toronto Blue Jays have the best
home run hitting outfield in the majors
with George Bell, lloyd Moseby and last
year's home run champ Jesse Barfield.
Tony Fernandez is one of the best offensive shortstops in the majors. However,
the starting pitching will have to recover
from last year's horrendous season where
Dave Steib managed only a 7-12 record. If
the starters can pitch well, relievers Tom
Henke and Mark 'Eichorn can finish off
many wins for the Jays.
The Boston Red Sox feel as if they have
something to prove this season. Unfortunately, they probably will not be able to.
Roger Clemens' efficiency is questionable,
considering his lengthy spring training
sulk, and Oil Can Boyd seems unable to go
through a season without some sort of
personal problem interfering with his effectiveness. Jim Rice, Bill Buckner and
Dwight Evans are still effective, but age
appears to be catching up with them. Marc
" my father is not a nepotist" Sullivan will
attempt to replace Rich Gedman behind
the plate-at least until May I . At least
Wade Boggs can be relied on to hit
The Milwaukee Brewers are the team of
1988, young and still honing their skills.
Robin Yount (would you believe he is
only 31!) provides a good bat and Rob
Deer gives good power in the outfield.
Greg Brock, who appears to have won
Milwaukee's first base derby, should giv~
the Brewers a second consistent power
hitter. Teddy Higuera and Juan Nieves
kad a young starting staff and Mark Clear
and Dan Plesac head up the relief corp.
Catcher B.J. Surhoff will make a run at
rookie of the year.
Picking the Detroit Tigers sixth is a
dangerous prediction around here, but I'll
stick to it. Jack Morris has been pouting all
winter, when he has not been ranting, and
Dan Petry still has to prove that he is back
from his elbow surgery. Alan Trammell
and Lou Whitaker provide the Tigers with
a top double play combo, but with the
exception of often-injured Kirk Gibson,
there are no consistent bats in the outfield.
The combination of Matt Nokes, Dwight
Lowry, Mike Heath and Orlando Mercado
maybe able to replace Lance Parrish , but
they cannot all play catcher at once.
Cal Ripken , Sr. takes over as manager of
the Baltimore Orioles, but he has basically
the same material that the Oriioles had
last year. Catcher Terry Kennedy may
swing a better bat than his predecessor but
cannot provide the leadership that Rick
Dempsey did . Cal Ripken, Jr. is an all-star
shortstop but one can only hope that age
and injury have not caught up with Ray
Knight at third and Rick Burleson at
second. Eddie Murray seems to have
gotten over last seaso'n's pout with the
management. Don Aase provides excellent relief but the best E.R.A. last year
among the starters was Mike Flanagan's
The Texas Rangers made a run at first
with a team comprised mainly of rookies.
With last year's experience under their
belt , the Rangers should do better. Pete
Incaviglia, Oddibe McDowell and Ruben
Sierra comprise a very skilled and young
outfield; McDowell is the oldest at 24. Pete
O'Brien at first and Scott Fletcher at short
are two of the most underrated infielders
in the majors. Charlie Hough heads an
otherwise very young corp of pitchers.
Bobby Witt struck out more than one an
inning last years; the problem is that he
walked about as many. If he gets any
control, he could become an all-time great.
The Minnesota Twins have added reliever Jeff Reardon to their bullpen and
that may make ,all the difference. Part of
the problem for the starters, including Bert
Blyleven and Frank Viola, was that there
was not much of a bullpen to go to if they
got in trouble. Power hitting should be
little problem as outfielders Kirby Puckett
. and Tom Brunansky, first baseman Kent
Hrbek and third base man Gary Gaetti
each hit at least 20 homers for the Twins
last season, impressive numbers even if
they do play in the Homer Dome.
The KallSllS City Royals are a team of
questions. Can George Brett hit over .300
after hitting only .290 last year? Can Steve
Balboni recover from his back injury? Can
Bo Jackson or Kevin Seitzer play well in
left field? Can Bret Saberhagen recover
from his record of 7-12? Can Dan Quisenberry or someone else take control of
the bullpen? The Royals' place in the
standings de~nds on how many of these
questIOns can be answered affirmatively.
In any case, Frank White only gets better
at second. Danny Tartabull should provide years of good service in right field and
center fielder Willie Wilson is a solid
leadoff batter. Wilson and Bo Jackson
could be the faslest pair of outfielders in
the majors.
The Oakland A's will have Reggie
Jackson and Ron Cey this year. Unfortunately, it is 1987, not 1977. Still, the A's
could threaten. Starters Joaquin Andujar
and Moose Haas ans reliever Jay Howell
will be key factors in the pitching staff if
they can avoid injuries. In the outfield,
Jose Canseco and Mike Davis can be
relied on for home runs. Carney Lansford
and Alfredo Griffin are fine infielders on
the left side, but first and second are up for
grabs. Rookie catcher Terry Steinbach had
132 RBIs in AA ball, then hit 2 homers in
15 at bats during his September stint at
fhe California Angels won last season
with a large number of older players and it
should lake at least a yt'ar for the Angels to
regroup around the rookies. The pitching
slafT is still strong. Kirk McCaskill and
Mike Witt will continue to be excellent in
starting roles and Donnie Moore will be a
solid closer. But rookies such as second
baseman Mark McLemore . catcher Darrell Miller and outfielders Devon White
and Mark Ryal will need some time to
adjust to the majors .. Centerfielder Gary
Pettis, DH Brian Downing and first baseman Wally Joyner will prevent the
offense from stagnating in the meantime .
Watch the Angels in 1988.
The Seattle Mariners will not lack
hitting this season. Catcher Scott Bradley
wields a good bat and backup Dave Valle
hit .340 and 5 home runs in 53 at bats last
year. First baseman Alvin Davis, third
baseman Jim Presley an~ left fielder Phil
Bradley all hit power for average. Heavily
underrated Ken Phelps hit 24 home runs
in only 344 at bats in 1986; he may play
more this season. Mickey Brantley and
John Moses will compete for the center
field spot. One possible outfield alignment
could be Bradley, Brantley and
Bradley-it will torture the sportscasters.
Unfortunately, the pitching staff is dismal
with the likes of Scott Bankhead, Mark
Huismann, Pete Ladd, Mike Morgan, Bill
Swift and Mike Trujillo being the best,
such as they are.
Finally we come to the Chicago Wlriu
Sox. Greg Walker at first base and Harold
Baines in right are the Sox' best hitters, but
both are coming offinjuries. Ozzie Guillen
has a good glove at short, but will have to
hit better than .250 if the White Sox are to
survive. DH-catcher Ron Hassey batted
see page 14
Charles D. Lipsig is a Senior in
Statistics and is the outgoing Personnel Manager of the Review.
AND Wl4llt. Wt:RE AT IT,..
LU', ro ~1mUNG AWJr
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March-April, 1987
...................................................... .......................................... •.•.•....•. ...•.••••..••••......•.........•....•...•.•..........•..•....•...
The Flaws of Protectionism:
The Textile Industry
by Paul Seltman
A highly protective policy for the
textile industry cannot accomplish the
objectives of its supporters and can
prove to be more destructive than
constructive for both the American
and international economies. For the
past three years, there has been a
heated debate over whether textile
firms in the United States should be
protected from their foreign competitors. On August 6, 1986, the House of
Representatives upheld President
Reagan's veto of !pe Textile and
Apparel Trade ' Enforcement Act,
which, if passed, would have placed
massive restrictions on American
imports of textiles and clothing. This
was not, however, a complete victory
for the free trade camp; the same
arguments between protectionists and
those in favor of free trade will
continue, and so wil1 the concessions
which each side must make along the
The cry for protectionism in textiles
has centered around the Textile and
Apparel Trade Enforcement Act,
which was introduced by Representative Edgar L. Jenkins (D-Georgia).
This bill's intent was to decrease
textile and apparel imports from a
dozen countries to below their 1983
levels. Jenkins and others ' felt that
quotas were not doing a sufficient job
since they are easily avoided. For
instance, Hong Kong manufacturers
(quota: 14 million wool sweaters annually to the United States) were
having their sweaters knit in China
(quota: 3.2 million wool sweaters
annually to the United States) where
labor costs are seventy-five percent
less. The sweaters were then shipped
back to Hong Kong for final assembly
and were charged to Hong Kong's
quota. So, China has been able to
exceed its import quota to the United
States while Hong Kong has remained
happy with their lower costs of production.
For this reason, one measure of the
Jenkins proposal was designed to
close this loophole: for quota purposes, the country of origin is considered to be where the material
undergoes a " substantial transformatio"n" or "where the goods are cut to
shape." This was intended, in the case
of the example, to shift the quota
charge from Hong Kong to China.
The other primary measure of the
proposal was to tighten the procedures
on the exporting and accounting of
shipments. Jenkins introduced this
bill to aid what he considers to be an
ailing textile industry.
Protectionists believe that the
United States textile manufacturing
businesses are faltering. Representative Jenkins claims that the industry
has been devastated by Asian textile
imports and that 300,000 jobs have
been lost. According to Representative Joe Kolter (D-PA), the 1985
imports "captured fifty percent of the
domestic market," and the growth
rate of textile imports has averaged
nineteen percent since 1980. However , Congressman Les AuCoin
(D-Oregon) countered Kolter's claims
with statistics which would seem to
eliminate any fear of the downfal1 of
American textiles. From January
through May 1986, textile exports
rose thirteen percent, and apparel
exports rose nineteen percent. In the
first half of 1986, textile industry
employment rose four percent; and in
the first quarter, profits doubled for
both textiles and apparel.
In the past several years, there has
been an overall decine in employment
in the textile industry. Protectionists
argue that further tariffs and quotas
are needed to preserve jobs. After all ,
factories are able to keep more people
on the payrol1 when they sell more of
their product at an even higher price.
Yet, a free trade supporter insists that
if a company cannot keep up with the
competition in the world market and
job losses are incurred, resources are
then liberated for more productive
activities. The labor and capital of a
faltering firm can always be put to
more efficient use somewhere else in
the economy. As a matter of fact, a
1979 study in Canada showed that
close to seventy-five percent of displaced workers find alternative employment.
Nonetheless , the protectionist
camp claims that tariffs and quotas
protect jobs "efficiently," indicating a
proper transfer of the extra-charged
money from consumers' pockets directly to the aid of the textile companies. Despite this claim, the free
traders argue that only some benefit is
transferred to the textile firms while
the rest is given to the foreign textile
exporters. Since they are deprived of
the chance to compete for a larger
share of the market, they raise their
prices to achieve the greatest protit
margin allowable under their restrictions. Jobs may be saved, but not
, without bearing a cost of some sort.
Another type of cost incurred by
saving jobs through the protection of
the textile industry is the direct cost
itself which is passed on 10 the con-
sumer. AuCoin referred to the Jenkins
bill as "a discreet way of imposing a
tax on the American consumer,"
namely a rise in price of clothing. The
Retail Industry Trade Action Coalition also prtdicted that consumers
would have to pay seventy thousand
dollars for each thirteen thousand
dollar job saved by the bill. These
figures correspond to the price increases and tariffs necessary to keep
textile firms "competitive" in the
world market.
Protectionists become indignant
over the consumer and free trade
supporters' cofnplaints of higher
prices and point to a "lack of compassion." A higher employment level
should be more important than the
few extra dollars that consumers will
have to pay ' with greater trade restrictions. Where is the American
consumer's sense of patriotism and
commitment to an industry which is
drowning in imports?' Also, consumers should not forget that textile
workers are consumers, too, and need
money to buy their own necessities. If
these workers cannot support themselves because they have. lost their
jobs, the growth of the economy slows
down-the unemployed must be paid
compensation, and they no longer
contribute as much to the gross national product. However, AuCoin still
argues on behalf of free trade. When
peoples' jobs are "on the line," an
industry must fight back with greater
efficiency of production ; and he feels
that the textile incWstry has begun to
do so.
Still another issue which will never
be resolved between the two camps
because of differing ideologies is the
degree of productivity of the industry
and. hence. to what ex'tent it deserves
protection . Roger Milliken of Milliken and Co., the third largest tirm in
the nation's textile industry, wants
import growth restricted at six percent
a year. Milliken states, .. We are
competing with industries that are
being subsidized by their governments in order to get hard cash." He is
disturbed because he does not feel that
see page 1S
Bitten by the Presidential ... vh, bat .
Paul Seltman is a Sophomore in LSA
and an Executive Editor of the Review.
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March-April, 1987
!Ousic in ~ruirlU
B. B. King in Concert
by Rick Dyer
All through March I waited for the
concert, occasionally examining the
ticket I possessed. I would think back
to a year and a half ago when I saw
B.B. King in concert in Stamford,
Connecticut. That two and a half hour
long concert had been the most
amazing concert I had ever seen . . .
would B.B. King be even better this
time around?
On Friday April 10th I was there,
waiting for the concert to begin. the
Michigan Theater was half full already, but I watched the crowd continue to pack in. Some wore suits,
others wore T-shirts and jeans, but all
looked around impatiently and whispered as they watched the final stage
preparations taking place.
At 8: 15pm, the lights dimmed and
the B.B. King Group took the stage.
The crowd went wild, and B.B.'s
superb backup band began their len. gthy jam. Meanwhile, B.B. King's
guitar, Lucille, sat idly on center stage.
The B.B. King Group's two songs
were very good, with some excellent
solos. But looking around the packed
house it was obvious where evryone's
attention was-people looked toward
the wings, waiting for The Man to
Finally, "Ladies and Gentlemeh
. . . Mr. B.B. King!" The crowd rose
to its feet and roared as The Man
stepped on stage, grabbed Lucille, and
began his magic with "Let the Good
Times Roll". The audience cheered
throughout, repeating the chorus
when B.B. lifted his hand to his ear
and leaned toward the crowd.
From the moment he took the stage,
B.B. King had that mystical IT. the
special ability to take control of the
audience and make them really listen
to the music and experience it. Only
B.B. King could control the moment
long enough to spend four minutes of
a song walking around the stage
holding up different numbers of fingers representing how many accents
the brass section should play.
As Neal Cassady says in Kerouac's
On the Road. "All of a sudden
somewhere in the middle of the
chorus he gets it-everybody looks up
and knows: they listen; he picks it up
and carries. Time stops. He's filling
empty space . . . with such infinite
feeling soul- exploratory for the tune
that everybody knows it's not the tune
that counts but IT."
When BE. King tells a story, everyone Ibtens-and everyone laughs.
When hl' c·:li,.i"
"; I", trademark
solos, everyone lcall~ lorward to hear
what his fingers will produce next.
Even during another band member's
solo, you still find your eyes moving
to B.B. to see what he's doing-and it
is amazing how much response The
Man can generate from a mere wiggle
of his hips .
That is the experience of a B.B.
JSing concert, and this one was no
different. B.B. never made a mistake
and never lost the audience. To add to
the joy, the members of the B.B. King
Group backed him up perfectly and
laid down some incredible solos
However, one flaw prevented this
concert from reaching its true legendary billing. At 9:45pm, one and a
half hours after the B.B. King Group
took the stage and only eighty minutes
after B.B. King himself began performing, the concerted ended and the
lights came on-without a single encore.
To be fair, there was another show
at 10:30, but given that the second one
was added only a few weeks before the
concert, after the first show was sold
out, we can assume that B.B.'s most
dedicated fans had bought tickets to
the first one. And for $16.50, they
deserved to hear more.
As the crowd filed out, savoring the
experience, it was disappointing to
hear the one comment that seemed to
be on everybody's mind-Hit was
awfully short." This time, the early
birds didn't get the worm.
Rick Dyer is a Freshman in LSA and
a staff writer for the Review.
s.o.s.: Saving Our Schools
magine what
would happen
if teachers
made the follow·
ing demands and
refused to teach
until they were
We do not
wish to teach
children who do
not wish to be
taught. The pres-
ence of disruptive or even indifferent students
penalizes those
who are eager to learn.
We expect no student to be promoted
until he Is sufflcienHy prepared tor the
next grade. 'Social promotion" places
the unprepared student at greater disadvantage each succeeding year ThiS
practice IS, therefore, not only dishonest.
but cruel.
We expect to be regularly evaluated
by our students, fellow teachers, and
administrators. And we demand to be
paid and promoted on the basis of merit
as determined by those evaluations. In
the interests of improving our skills as
teachers, we deserve to be informed of
our strengths and weaknesses. We then
ShOUld be rewaraed on the basis of our
progress and ability Equal oay for un
equal work is unjust and it encourages
Finally, we insist that teacher training
be rigorous and that certification and
subsequent promotion be based on
competence. We deSire profeSSional sla
tus and the respect of the community ThiS
can only be achieved by malf'talnmg the
highest profeSSional standaras
Teaching is no picniC And the list of
teacher grievances coulc be long and demanding Without aver mentioning money
But when was the last time you heard of
teachers striking on behalf of a return to
discipline quality and accountability In
For a set of 36 oltheae short, Informottve
eS$Ova. send $10.00 to "Allernottve.". Hlllidole
College, HlUldole. Michigan 49242
H1ll:SJALE COu_tGf !"I1L.t.SDAtf MlCf-j,!G':"N
,:H_""""}...."_" ".'......."V".",;.' .. l'.·"'«1<i~.'.W"' , "'."
March-April, 1987
continued from page II
.:.;53 in I)U at bats after commg over from
the Yankees. The rest of the starters are of
questionable quality. Relievers Bobby
Thigpen, Bob James and Ray Searage are
solid. But s,alters Jose DeLeon, Royd
Bannister and Neal Allen had troubles
allowing few enough runs that the relievers
made any difference.
Never mind that Seth Klukoff is a
raving Phillies Phanatic, this pick was
made independent of any outside interference. The acquisitions of outfielder
Mike Easler and catcher Lance Parrish can
only improve a lineup led by third baseman Mike Schmidt, second baseman
Mike Schmidt and first baseman Von
Hayes. The starting pitching is somewhat
weak, but Bruce Ruffin, Shane Rawley,
Kevin Gross and possibly Don Carman
should be adequate for the offense. Steve
Bedrosian is a top reliever and Tom Hume
is a good set up man . Watch for rookie
reliever Michael Jackson to be a thriller
for years to come.
The New York Mets managed to have
more off the field problems than any other
team, although that seems normal for any
New York team that wins the World
Series. While they wait for Dwight
Gooden to return from drug rehabilitation, the Mets will have to hope that Ron
Darling can be as effective as he usually is
and that Bob Ojeda and Sid Fernandez are
not one year wonders. Roger McDowell
will be out for a while with a hernia, so
Jesse Orosco will have to carry the bullpen
load . Darryl Strawberry and Kevin
McReynolds lead the outfield, Keith
Hernandez is a top first baseman and Gary
Carter is an excellent catcher, despite
recent injury problems. But it is hard to
imagine a team which starts Wally Backman at second, Howard Johnson at third
and Rafael Santana at short repeating as
division winners.
The St. Louis Cardinals are baseball's
answer to the roadrunner when they are on
base. Unfortunately, the Cards got on base
a lot less last year than when they won the
pennant. Vince Coleman had 107 steals,
but only batted .232 in 1986. Similarly,
Willie McGee decreased his average to
.256 and 19 steals. Both will obviously
have to improve this season and are
expected to do so. The Cardinals will also
have to find some power. Andy Van Slyke
led the team with only 13 home runs but
has since been traded . Jack Clark had 9
homers in 232 at bats. Catcher Tony Pena
will add some power. The victims of this
lack of offense was the starting pitching.
John Tudor, Danny Cox and Ken Forsch
all had fine E.R.A.s, however, the most
games an y of them one was 14. Todd
Worrell was excellent in relief with 36
The Pittsburgh Pirates cannot blame
their last place finish on a lack of effort.
They have been shifting around a variety
of young players in an attempt to find a
combination that will work . Two key
outfielders were acquired dunng the last .
days of spring training-John Cangelosi
and Andy Van Slyke. They, along with
Barry Bonds, Mike Diaz and RJ. Reynolds give the Bucs a solid choice of
promising young outfielders. The infield is
solid at second and third with Johnny Ray
and Jim Morrison, respectively. First baseman Sid Bream is steadily improving.
The pitching, however, is weak. Rick
Reuschel leads the starters, hopefully with
help from Bob Kipper and Doug Drabek.
Don Robinson provides steady relief.
The Chicago Cubs got Andre Dawson
for his bat. The problem is that their
starting pitching needs the help. No
pitcher won in double figures last year.
Rick Sutcliffe will have to recover from a
5-14 record. Dawson will be fine in the
outfield, but Bob Dernier will have to
improve on last year's .225 batting average. The infield is solid with Keith
Moreland moving to third, Shawon
Dunston at short and Leon Durham at
first . Jody Davis provides able duty at
The Montreal Expos invited almost
every unemployed pitcher and catcher to
their spring training, and with good reason. Floyd Youmans is the only reliable
uninjured starter the Expos !.tave. The
presence of Tim Burke and Randy St.
Claire allowed the Expos to trade Jeff
Reardon . Infielder Vance Law may find
himself doing a fair amount of pitching
this season. The catching is not that bad.
Mike Fitzgerald is an underrated ~atcher
with excellent defensive skills and a little
power in his bat. The outfield will suffer
until Tim Raines returns on May I , but
Mitch Webster is a competent player.
Hubie Brooks was an all-star shortstop last
season until he was injured. Still, the
Expos need help.
The San Francisco Giants were a good
young team last season. The Giants'
outfield is strong with Chili Davis, Candy
Maldonado and Eddie Milner as top
players. Will Clark and Robby Thompson
played solid first and second base respectively as rookies, and they will surely
improve. Third baseman Chris Brown
batted .317 in 416 at bats. Catcher Bob
Brenly has good power but keep him away
from third base. Mike Krukow won 20
games last season and Mike La Coss had
several effective streaks as a starter. Jell
Robinson and Mark Davis provide good
The Cincinnati Reds are on the verge of
becoming anothet: Big Red Machine. A lot
of people are talking about Eric Davis as
the newest baseball superstar and a surefire MVP candidate. But the Reds also
have Dave Parker, who had 31 homers last
year, and Kal Daniels, who batted .320.
UM great Barry Larkin gets the nod at
short and Ron Oester is always steady at
second. John Franco, Rob Murphy and
Ron Robinson are top relievers. If st:"'rtt'rs
Mario Soto and Tom Browning ren.1\ er
from off seasons. the Reds may ovt>rta«'
the Giants.
The Housto" Astros are another team
which has something to prove. but will not
be able to do so. The starters are deep with
Mike Scott, Bob Knepper. Jim Deshaies
and Nolan Ryan. Dave Smith and Charlie
Kerfield are fine relievers. Outfielder
Kevin Bass hits for power and average.
First baseman Glenn Davis hit 31 homers
last season and Bill Doran is perhaps the
best second baseman in baseball. For the
Astros to re)'Cat they will need to repeat
what they did last year. That may be
The San Diego Padr~s are another team
to watch for in 1988. The Padres will be
playing Benito Santiago at catcher. Stan
Jefferson in center, Joey Cora at second
and Randy Ready will see some action at
third. The outfield includes Tony Gwynn
and John Kruk, who both batted over
.300. Steve Garvey is always solid at first
base. Eric ShOW and Andy Hawkins lead
the starters, but only had 10 wins each last
season. Rich Gossage and Lance McCullers anchor the bullpen.
The Atlanta BrilV~s lost Bob Homer, so
It seems at first glance that they would be
unlikely to improve in the standings. The
Bra\' e~ are not much better than last year.
but there are some improvements. Andres
Thomas is expected to replace Rafael
Ramirez at short. Dale Murphy is moving
to right field after what was, for him , an off
season. Rookie Dion James will take over
in center. Ozzie Virgil should improve
behind the plate aftet an off year. Starter
Rick Mahler can be counted on for 15 wins
and former Tiger Randy O'Neal will get
the chance he never received in Detroit.
The Braves will not win many, but .500 is
a reasonable goal.
How the mighty LoJ A."B~kJ DodS~rs
ha ve fallen. Last season, due in part to
injuries, Steve Sax was the only Dodger to
have more than 430 at bats. The biggest
loss was Pedro Guerrero, who only had 61
at bats. Mariano Duncan provided some
stability at short and outfielders Mike
Marshall and Franklin Stubbs hit for
power but had low averages. Fernando
Valenzuela won 21, but the other starters
were less effect ive. Orel Hershiser, for
example, 14-14. Tom Niedenfuer and Ken
Howell combined for 23 saves and will be
joined by Matt Young, acquired from
Seattle during the off-season.
March-April, 1987
.......... •................................................................ ..................................................................................... ..... ,. .... .
continued from page 12
the industry deserves its problems, for
over the past ten years productivity
has risen by four percent each year.
Milliken believes that protectionism is warranted in the case of his
industry. Congressman Kolter agrees
with him, claiming that foreign nations purchase less and less of our
agricultural products as time goes on
while continuing to flood our
domestic market with apparel. Still,
AuCoin points out that the twelve
textile-producing nations which the
Jenkins bill targets imported fifty
billion dollars in United States agricultural products in 1985. Not only is
this a large quantity of exported
agricultural goods, but too great of a
protective shield, AuCoin warns, will
cause restrictive import retaliation as
China restricted wheat imports a few
years ago.
This brings us to the first of two
main problems the free trade camp
has with the Jenkins bill: the threat of
trade war and its predicted effects.
After the bill was first introduced in
March 1985, China fired a " warning
shot" two months later by ordering
half the usual number of airplanes
from Boeing and eighty-five percent
less wheat. The Chinese were demonstrating the. give-and-take which
results from overt protectionism:
America can save garment workers'
jobs, but only at the expense of idle
workers and machines in other areas
of production. Foreign retaliation can
possibly produce higher costs in the
economy as a whole than the protectionism itself is worth.
The other primary problem, according to the free trade supporters, is
that the bill cannot close the quota
loopholes as intended. Under dictation of the bill, a country without a
quota can cut the fabric, then ship it to
another country with a quota for its
manufacturer, and then send it to the
U.S. from there. Because of the
"substantial transformation'" rule, the
, country without the quota and cutting
the material would be designated the
country of origin. Also, manufacturers
with a smaller share of their country's
quota for a product can have a team of
their own cut fabric in another country with no quota and then send it
back for assembly. In this fashion,
these manufacturers could ship all
that they wanted.
Upon close analysis, one has to take
a freer trade stance for the welfare of
the domestic and international economies. With the passage of {he
Jenkins bill, Hong Kong's knitwear
industry would have had to alter its
production process dramatically.
Hong Kong's firms would have been
forced to buy advanced, more automated knitting machines and to retrieve most of their operations from
China. Additionally, expensive autoFrom the·logic department: (quotes
mation would not have been a comfrom two black campus leaders)
plete solution for the loss of China's
Quote: "Blacks cannot be racist."
cheap labor; and more machinery
would have taken away too much
continued from page
Quote: "Tearing down the anti-aparflexibility, which gives Hong Kong
theid shanty is racist."
knitters their competitive edge (a
In Hockey news: The Dead Wings
Fa.ct: One of the people who tore
greater. aesthetic value). Moreover,
are once again the Red Wings. In this
down the anti-apartheid shanty at
passage of the bill might have set a
• case only, better red than dead. Best of Dartmouth is black.
detrimental precedent for providing
luck to Jacques Demers and the Red
Therefore: Blacks can be racist or
strong import protection to individual
Wings in the Stanley Cup playoffs (or - tearing down the shanty is not neeesindustries. Fortunately, the bill failed
until they meet the Flyers).
saril.1' racist.
to pass.
Overall, then, one should evaluate
protectionism as a poor political and
The Other Newspa oer has anA Question for PIRGIM: What do
economic '-choice and as a practice
that they will Lse something
you and Oral Roberts have in comwhich one would not want to prolifcalled
mon? You will both die if you don't
erate throughout the major industries.
want to
receive immediate financial support.
Its defenders base its raison d'etre on
steOur PIRGIM friends liked that
greater levels of employment and
poster so much that they hung one in
more of a cushion with which to
their office. We wonder what they did
develop productive efficiency. Proreport
with all the other posters that they tore
tectionism fails on both of these
accounts. First, " protection alters the
Another question for PIRGIM: If
distribution of employment all}ong
Here's a Quicky quiz, courtesy of
were so bad off financially, how
industries, but it does not affect the
Thomas Sowell:
were you able to afford your massive
total level of employment." Second,
of the following" U.S. PresiMSA election poster drive?
protection tends to attract scarce redents
blamed for not stopping
Yet another question for PIRGIM:
sources into areas where we do not
Why do all your poster children look
have a comparative advantage in
I). Harry Truman
like milk carton kids?
ptoduction. This has precisely been
Dwight Eisenhower
One more: Where's the beef?
the case with the textile industry.
F. Kennedy
However, two extreme choices have
been considered, without a glance at a
new middleground. Gary Clyde HufThe Review is psyched about next
bauer has devised a plan for "trade
year's UM baskeltball team. We drooi
7). Ronald Reagan
relief' which hands the power of
over a potential starting lineup of
And the answer is . . . #7. Alt~)Ough
control to the International Trade
Gary Grant, Rumeal Robinson, Glen
has existed since the TruCommission. The commission's duty
Rice, Terry Mills, and Mark Hughes.
only Ronald
is to create tariffs in order to give
Moreover, we drool over the bench of
for South
some "breathing room" to tradeSelin Higgins, Kirk· Taylor, Chris
flooded industries and to give moneSeter, Demetrius Calip, Loy Vaught, .
tary support to weak plants so that
Mike Griffin, J.P. Oosterbaan, Jack
they may shut down in a more orderly
In BOY-ing news: Sugar Ray Leonard
Kramer, and Steve Stoyko. In Fact,
fashion. The idea is to start with a
we have drooled so much that our defied all odds and stunned Marvecertain tariff level, reduce it periodimouths are dry. Anyway, watch out lous Marvin Hagler in the WBC
cally, allowing additional foreign
U.S., here come the Wolverines!
Middleweight Championship. This
frrms' products to compete for the
was clearly the fight of the decade and
greater available market share created
will be remembered for a long time.
by the exit of the weak companies.
For all Hagler's pre-fight bragadocc'io,
The tariff would rise again to its
he knew, as did Leonard, that Leonard
pre-assistance level within ten years.
had his number.
This' plan creates a "meaningful adjustment" for the international marketplace where countries can work
together and make a common commitment. For instance, the key to one
scenario of the plan would be for
continued from page I}
Japan to create an "exit program" for
citrus farmers and for the United
The Soviets' lead in MIRVing their
States to create an "exit program" for
Thus, our forces charged with deland-based missiles is reversed under
the automobile industry.
stroying these boomers before they
the oceans: their best SLBM, the
Hufbauer's plan indirectly gives the
destroy our cities have their work
SS-N-20, carries just 6 warheads and
ultimate commentary on why promore than cut out for them. They will
is less accurate than the C-4/D-5, with
tectionism can be a destructive
have to charge in close to the Soviets'
a CEP of 1000 meters. However, each
force-it destroys cooperation andnorthern coasts at the very outset of a
warhead is more powerful, with a
commitment among nations. Without
conflict. U.S. Qualitative superiority is
yield of 500 Kilotons; and the misthese two factors, the domestic and
not so great that the numbers do not
sile's range, 9000 km, is great enough
international economies falter in
count, and Soviet numerical superto enable the SS-N-20 to hit U.S.
growth and efficiency; countries are
iority in, for instance, SSBNs, is 2.5 to
targets from Soviet home waters-a
inhibited from producing more of
1. Hopefully, conflict will never come,
highly disturfung fact, making some- but when and if it does our forces will
what they produce efficiently and are
what inconsequential our ability to face an enormous challenge. Then
encouraged to produce more of what
bottle the ocean-deployment routes ,,again, prevailing against enormous
they produce inefficiently. This is
and obviously making ASW more challenge is the history of the United
what happens when trade is not aldifficult, closer to the loving touch of States Navy.
lowed to run its course and the law of
the Soviet Air Force.
comparative advantage is stifled. ~
,~""",.V""~"""';I./&'M~,~~" ~;,~{0"."",'N ",,,W""· '<" " '~"' ·" ~ ", ,<
March-April, 1987
mooks in iteuiew
Conflic of Visions
b~ Jo~\.'ph
As a young man. Thomas Sowell
wondered why certain newspaper editors and politicians always opposed
each other on the issues of the day.
They were issues which seemingly had
nothing to do with each other-monetary policy, judicial policy, abor
tion- but the politicians and editors
predictably lined up "left to right" on
every single issue.
Today, Dr. Thomas Sowell is a
renowned black scholar and a Senior
Fellow at the Hoover Institution at
Stanford University. Sowell explores
the very question which troubled him
as a youth in his new book entitled A
Conflicl of Visions. He postulates that
there are two "visions" which form
the foundation of .all political
thought-the constrained and the
unconstrained. In other books, Dr.
Sowell has clearly made himself a
proponent of the constrained vision,
but in this one, he has risen above
political considerations and endorsed
neither vision. This feat is remarkable, since in most cases the vision
controls the person's selection and
interpretation of facts. However, the
neutral view gives the book some
additional credibility.
Of the two visions, the unconstrained is more optimistic. One with
this vision wants to understand why
there is crime, war, or poverty. Under
this vision, human nature is essentially noble; people pursue activities
for their own sake. Exisiting institutions corrupt mankind; avaricious
world leaders and munitions manufacturers start wars; people commit
(institutionally created) poverty;
punishment for such crimes is vengeance.
Meanwhile, in the constrained vision, which endorses monetary and
judicial restraint, individuals are undeniably competitive. One who utilizes the constrained vision views a
world of limited resources and unlimited wants. This vision seeks to
explain law and order, peace and
wealth. Systems such as governments
are necessary to stop individuals from
killing or stealing any more than they
would do otherwise. Individuals pursue activities because of rewards and
punishments, and since there are
natural incentives to commit crime,
artificial punishments must be created
to stop crime. Sowell does not put it
this way, but in a certain sens(
someone with the constnllned vision
grades individuals on their l\'~ \ il h ; \lId
processes on their intents. Conversely,
one with the unconstrained vision
grades individuals on their intents
and processes on their (thoretical)
results. As Sowell observes; the doctrine of "equality of opportunity"
comes from the constrained vision.
Similarly, the doctrine of "equality of
opportunity" comes from the unconstrained visi0n.
In Enquiry Concerning Political
Justice. William Godwin termed intentional benefit as "virtue," intentional harm as "vice," and unintentional harm as "negligence." He did
not give consideration to unintentional benefit, but it is this factor that
formed the centerpiece of capitalism
in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.
The capitalist unwittingly helps others
when he sets out to make a profit for
Oliver Wendell Holmes, another
adherent of the constrained vision,
said "If . . . a man is born hasty and
awkward, . . . his slips are no less
troublesome to his neighbors than if
they sprang from guilty neglect . . .
the courts which (his neighbors) establish decline to take his personal
equation into account." Still others
with the constrained vision see the
irrelevance of intent to results. Nonetheless, the two visions grade individuals and processes on different
What if the processes do not respond? One with the constrained vision realizes that a tradeoff, and not a
~olution, is possible. The system was
not unresponsive; one side happened
to lose, However, if there is
process, one with the con' Ii'Jined
vision considers the costs of installing
the new process and the losses from
the new constraints. The constrained
vision sees the harmful effects of an
increase in the minimum wage. The
constrained vision weighs the lives
lost in a revolution against the benefits gained. One with the constrained
vision thinks that processes are
shaped best by evolution and experience; the process is as it is for some
good reasons. Sowell calls this concept
"systematic rationality." As Lord
Peter Bauer said, "The market system
delivers the goods people want, but
those who make it work cannot
readily explain why it is so. The
socialist or communist system does
not deliver the goods, but those who
operate it can readily explain away its
failure ." This statement seems to
contradict the intent/ result rule, but
the point is that the unconstrained
vision relies on articulated rather than
systematic rationality. On paper,
Central Planning would seem to
outdo laissez-faire, but empirically.
capitalism outdoes communism.
Sowell's book raises some interesting questions. One is "Why does a
person develop one vision rather than
another?" Perhaps the answer is psychological. Those who ask, " why is
there poverty?" never saw what it was
like to build wealth from scratch.
With poverty in the midst of plenty.
the obvious "solution" is to redistribute wealth . Those who ask "why is
there wealth?" are ones who do seek to
accumulate it. Their devotion to the
market system convinces them that
there are not many solutions, merely
t radeofTs. They realize that this is a
c'onslraincd world , perhaps because
the y are fru strated by constraintsand call for "laissez f~1ire" in the
marketplace. At the same lime. those
with the unconstrained vision are
frustrated by processes rather than
Although Sowell attempts to avoid
it, another legitimate question is,
"which vision is better?" The answer,
of course,' depends on your perspective. One with the constrained vision
will say that his vision is better. and he
will draw some fine empirical evidence from Sowell. The American
Revolution succeeded because it entrusted complete power to no one.
The French Revolution succeeded
because it entrusted complete power
to no one. The French Revolution
failed because it gave "power to the
people." In tum, one with the unconstrained vision will support his
vision with some fine articulated rationality about equality.
Sowel1's book offers some interest·
ing insights on how people arrive at
the political philosophies that they do,
and it suggests to anyone involved in
shaping political phil o sophy
("Conflicts of interest dominate the
short run , but conflicts of visions
dominate history") the appropriate
battlegrounds to pursue.
Joseph M. McCollum is a graduate
student in Industrial and Operations
Engineering and an outgoing Associate Publisher of the Review.