Inside these pages, you will find the stories of the


Inside these pages, you will find the stories of the
Memories of Mexico
June 2013
Inside these pages, you will find the stories of the Four Mile team that left for Mexico
City on June 15th and returned on June 22nd. We tell these stories so that you, our
Four Mile Family, will know exactly what you helped to accomplish...with your prayers and
generous financial support.
The purpose of such a trip? To go and serve….to help change eternal destinies of those
whom we serve...and come back changed….ready to continuing serving our Four Mile Family, our community, and our world.
We have been sending teams to serve the people of Mexico City since 2000. While we
are there, we provide free medical, dental, optical, hair/hygiene care and a children’s ministry area. Most recently, we’ve been partnering with small local churches there. People
come in for the free health services and often end up joining that local congregation.
We have seen some of these local churches double or triple in size after we have ministered there! These efforts have also ‘multiplied’ the mission outreach of OSI by ‘growing
up’ national missionaries to carry on the spread of the Gospel after we leave.
Over the past thirteen years serving in OSI’s mobile medical clinics, Four Mile teams have
ministered to over 2121 in medical; over 472 in dental; over 3466 in optical; over 3305 in
hair/hygiene; over 900 pairs of new shoes and socks given away in foot-washing ceremonies, over 450 bags of groceries providing 2 weeks of food to 350 families (of 5 or
more)…way too many children to count in the children’s ministry area (around 400-500 per
week)…purchased chairs for the dental area, 2 new tents and 2 new coolers for the teams
to use, over 700 pairs of distance and/or reading glasses, 1000’s of vitamins…AND over
1020 people made a commitment to Christ...the most important statistic of all, with many
others asking for a visit from the local pastors.
Four Mile…WE’RE making a difference in this world...
When challenged to write a blurb to describe my experience in Mexico, I find it similar to trying to describe marriage or parenthood to those who have yet to experience
it. I feel like I could use every word I know and fill pages
and pages with memories from my trip and yet they
would just be words unless you had also tasted the experience yourself.
I will, however, tell you that it was confirmed to me over
and over during the trip that it was indeed God's will for
me to be there. So to all of you who prayed, financially
supported or otherwise helped me to be a part of the trip
- THANK YOU! The feelings of being God's hands and
feet to the needy and searching souls in Mexico were
powerful. I have never felt more intensely used by God
Julie, as she is working in Optical
than I did during our five days serving at the Mexican
churches. I continually prayed that God would take more and more of me away and replace it with more and more of
Him; that when the people looked at my face they would see Jesus' loving eyes and smile. I feel that He honored that
prayer and that, as I have heard so many others say, I certainly gained much more than I felt I gave during our week
While there we (the Four Mile team) served with a great bunch of teens and adults from Mighty Wind Worship Center in
Waco, Texas. One of the team members challenged us in his devotion time to "not lose this 'God perspective' that you
gain while here in Mexico". I feel my thoughts drifting to Mexico City several times a day. I think of the teams that are
there, the OSI staff and interns, the churches we visited and the people we served. And when my attention is turned
back to my present reality of Beaver, PA I understand that Armando's words serve as a bridge between there and here.
While my heart longs to go back to Mexico quickly, I can serve God just as effectively right here at home, starting with
my own family and friends, as I can in Mexico. I just have to keep that God perspective that I was given while away.
If you have felt a tugging at your heart for any length of time to give this "Mexico thing" a shot, I wholeheartedly encourage you to talk to Judi or any other person who has been there. It is an amazing experience and I am already excited
and energized to be a part of the team next year.
Julie Bragg
The week that I was in Mexico, I experienced things that I never expected would
happen (mainly the earthquake). My biggest fear when I left to go was that I would
get in the way. Turns out, that wasn’t the case at all! Who knew that I’d be able to
put up a tent? I ended up doing more than what I thought I was capable of. I
jumped around a little from section to section. I worked in hair and nail care, then I
went to optical, then back to hair and nails, and finally child care. I loved every bit of
it. I made friends with the people who lived there and also members from the Texas
team. While all of that was going on, I was able to feel God making a change in me
as the week went on. I have grown so much spiritually and I know it’s only the beginning. In the mornings it would be hard to wake up but, once we arrived at the
churches, I perked up immediately. I learned so much from those who would come
in. They didn’t care about the fact that we didn’t speak Spanish, or how long the
line was, or the fact that I made a mess with every stroke of finger nail polish. They
were just glad that we were there and that we wanted to help/serve them. So many
of them touched my heart in ways it’s honestly hard to explain. Mission work has
been on my heart for quite a few years now. It’s always been something that I felt
like I needed to do. When I found out about this Mexico mission trip, I felt in my gut
that this was something I should do. I cannot stress how much I’ve been blessed
throughout this whole experience- from beginning to end. There was a time when I
thought I wouldn’t be able to go because of financial issues. But, with some heavy
duty praying and help and prayers from everyone at Four Mile, I was blessed with
my chance to serve. Thank you to each and every one of you at Four Mile for your
help. I am beyond grateful. I am so amazingly happy that I was able to do this.
Jenala making a little girl feel special in hair care.
I feel only partly satisfied so I know that means I have to do more! I pray that I can
make it again next year and continue serving back here! Thanks again to everyone!
Jenala Jones
This trip for me did not start in Mexico City or even in the meeting with
Mama Rosi preparing for this mission. My journey began in Moscow
Airport in March. God began His presentation of a gift. I met Judi
Early, informally, both of us traveling in Russia for different mission
experiences. Upon returning I did screenings at Four Mile preschool
and spoke with Marcy Helm, she had ask about my trip and I shared
that I had met Judi. She then invited me to Four Miles Fiesta Party
where I met Mama Rosie who in the middle of a sentence she stopped
and said that God had put it on her heart to tell me she would see me
in June in Mexico. Still not convinced in the call, but being prayerful
and seeking God’s will for my life, many more events and signs continued to drive me toward this mission. As I completed the application to
commit, there came a series of events to try to shake and distract.
The first gift became my team; the seven incredible individuals also
Brenda working in the Dental Department…..
led to this experience lifted me in prayer, shared words of encouragement, and showed me how special it is to be in company of people who totally love the Lord. As I looked at the financial burden the next gift and blessing was received my final balance was given by an anonymous contributor and donations by two church congregations. When others sacrificed for me to carry the word to the people to Mexico I was
again incredibly touched. As I boarded the plane we joked about the “Jonah syndrome” I felt I was experiencing. As
the mission unfolded and God’s plan revealed, I was honored and overwhelmed at all I was witnessing. Seeing the
conditions there and how the people were joyfully serving the Lord energized me to work in whatever capacity that
God’s Word is revealed. Each day as we pulled up to the site seeing people lined up, in need of things we take for
granted, was heart wrenching. Watching the faces without words you saw their hearts, some broken, some sacrificing
for another, and some just wanting to know they were
loved. We experienced their joy, frustration, sadness,
humility, laughter and love. As I was sent to be a blessing to others God again gifted me with eyes to see, a
mind to process, and a heart to love. Watching the people of the churches share the gospel after our service
bringing 189 people to the Lord was tremendous. God
took this opportunity to send me out only to return me
wanting to serve Him more. My hope and prayer for you
is that each of you choose to totally submit and trust in
what the Lord has for you and your life. It will change
you forever….eternally!
In His Service, Brenda Kaszer
I want to thank our Four Mile family for all of the support
Dr. Ismael, Dr. Greg, Cliff, Brenda and Big Hector—2013 Dental Team
and prayers that were made on behalf of the Mexico
Mission Team. I had made a request for prayer for health and safety and God answered those prayers by keeping us
all safe through an earthquake and a tropical storm! The number of people who came to serve this particular week was
well above normal so OSI divided us into two teams …the red and the
green. We were connected with a group from the Mighty Wind Worship
Center in Waco, Texas to form the red team. Our team alone served 99 in
medical, 28 in dental, 256 in optical, 50 in hair care, 27 haircuts, 88 manicures, 28 in counseling and approximately 240 children in the kid’s ministry area. The most incredible statistic of all was 189 salvations!! This
means that 189 people now know Jesus as a direct result of your support!
I will always remember the ministers at these small churches preaching
the salvation message. I couldn’t understand much of what they were saying but I could feel the passion of their words and see the results in the
faces of these newest member in God’s Kingdom. And they will now be
connected to a church where they can grow as followers of Jesus Christ.
It is always a privilege to serve alongside of Dr. Ismael, who gives so
freely of his time. We had a wonderful dental team!
Greg in our Dental Department
Thank you- Greg Steele
This was my fourth mission trip to Mexico City and I have
found that each trip is unique in that God stretches and grows
me in different ways each trip. For instance, I made some
assumptions about earthquakes only to discover that yes,
they do happen, so it is best to be ready! I also discovered
that first impressions can be misleading and God is fully able
to transform hearts over a week’s time or more accurately, in
a moment.
Both were quite humbling lessons.
One of the many things that God placed on my heart and
mind this trip was that we were encountering first hand an
experience similar to the early church described in Acts. We
were laser-focused on our mission to draw people to His
church through acts of love so that they could hear the gospel
message and be forever changed. We worshipped together,
prayed together, broke bread together, cared for one another, encouraged one another, shared resources, and basiSue….doing what she does best….lovin’ on the little kids!
cally did life together.
The result was that some very deep community was developed within the team and the Spirit moved mightily with 189 non-believers
transformed into Christ followers who would now be connected to a church
community where they could grow in their discipleship. I know it is how we
are meant to live—laser focused in mission, in community, being led by the
Spirit… it’s a message meant to impact my every day life here at home.
Another place of personal impact was when we first arrived at the church, El
Buen Samaritano. The Pastor and his wife were waiting for us to arrive and I
have seldom seen such looks of excitement. It immediately caused me to tear
up as I realized just how meaningful our presence was to these people. They
told us that we were an answer to prayer. They were so expectant for what
God had in store for them and their congregation through our service to their
community. It just moved me deeply to have such a sense of being needed
and used by God. Our team was moved to tears, also.
There were many lessons to be had in terms of values, gratitude, joy and reliance on the Lord. I am hopeful that God
used me to bless some people in Mexico and I know that He blessed me with some stretching and new growth. I am
deeply grateful to all who made it possible for me to go on mission to Mexico City. Thank you Four Mile Church!
Sue Steele
Mission trip! where do I start. I always thought that I was a humble
person. Little did I know that God was going to open my heart to a
whole new world. My experience was great; just to see God working
through us for the people of Mexico City. At many times I found myself broken. You never know how God is going to use you until you
surrender fully to whatever God throws your way. I have created everlasting friendships with people I am thankful that God has placed in
my life. Coming home I have realized that all the time I was in Mexico City I thought I was on a mission trip there, later to find out that
God was only preparing
me for my true mission
here at home.
Heather working in the Medical Department
I feel a great calling to start my mission here surrendering myself fully to
whatever God has planned for me no matter how uncomfortable it may
seem. I will trust in the Lord and all that he has for me to better serve him.
Thank you, Four Mile!
Heather Warzynski
Cliff assisting Dr. Greg in the Dental Department
As we age, the ghosts of missed opportunities can creep into the mind
and start to haunt us. We can become overwhelmed wandering is this
all my life is going to be? Or fret that the joy of being a child again, experiencing shear delight in the simplest of pleasures, is gone forever.
OR may be broadsided when, after years of struggle we finally "make it",
but there is an inexplicable feeling of emptiness. Well, if you want to
quell all those "mental monsters" a mission trip is a sure fix. Seize the
opportunity, be overwhelmed with the satisfaction that can only be
achieved by embracing the challenge of stepping outside of your comfort
zone. Experience the sheer joy beaming from the face of a child you
spend 15 minutes with simply coloring a picture. Above all, fill that emptiness to overflowing with fulfillment that only comes in humble service to
others, sharing the love and grace of God in helping to meet their simplest of needs. The days of our lives often drag on, but the years fly
by. Don't miss the opportunity and forever be haunted by "what if". With
great blessing comes great responsibility, but it is an honor and privilege
to be in a position to serve.
Cliff Elicker
What a wonderful trip we had this year! It started off with a 5.9 earthquake on our first night there, but we evacuated the
building and everyone was safe and grateful! To say we were shaken would not be just a pun...but it was a priorityrearranger, for sure. We were joined by a beautiful team from Waco, Texas; one that was not only ready to serve, but
fully submitted and EAGER to serve. We were also reunited with Rachel
Perini, a young lady from Beaver, who was a part of our 2012 team and
was serving a 5 week internship with OSI, and of course, with all of our
OSI family whom we’ve grown to know and love over the years. For me,
personally, a reunion with Beth Dausch (OSI board member) whom I had
met on an OSI trip to Morocco several years ago, just made everything
that much sweeter.
There were the typical glitches of working in ‘the field’ - machines with
missing and/or broken parts; generator that runs out of gas; torrential
downpours; running out of medicine and/or other supplies. But in the
midst of all of this, when we got the results at the end of the week—and
learned that 189 people had given their hearts to Jesus, that these people
were now heirs with Christ and would spend eternity with Him—well, we
learned that we, and all of the ‘things’ that we were providing were only
tools to be used by the Master, and HE was bigger than our circumstances and HE was in control. Such a beautiful lesson! One that I need
to be taught on a regular basis.
Judi in triage: checking blood pressures & blood sugars of everyone
over the age of 25 before they went on to the medical, dental or
optical departments.
This year, in addition to helping us to go, through the generous support of our friends and Four Mile family, we were able
to purchase 400 pairs of distance glasses, vitamins and vital medicines that OSI needed for this summer’s ministry. What
a blessing you are, Four Mile! We were able to come alongside two pastors and their congregations, one quite large but
in a really poor and troubled area (101 salvations); one quite small, only 20-25 people (88 salvations). What an absolute
JOY it is to spend 8 weeks training for this one week mission trip, and then go and serve together and discover that
THAT one week is really the training that we need for coming back home. God really uses that time to refresh me and
show me all over again just how much He wants to use us, and NEEDS us (me) to live in sub-mission (thanks for the
sermon, Pastor Martin!!) to His will for me...back HERE AS WELL. The team talked about this often in our debriefing and
since we’ve been home. What a privilege...what an honor. Thank you, Four Mile!
Judi Early
El Buen Samaritano, Pastor Marcos Clemente
Iglesia Israel, Pastors Abel & Rocio Guzman
TEAM 2013