Access to sanitation is a universal human right.


Access to sanitation is a universal human right.
Access to
sanitation is
a universal
human right.
Most people shy away from talking about anything related
to the ‘toilet’. It is seen as a private matter, to be done
in private and kept private. But for 2.4 billion people
around the world, there is nothing private about their
sanitation situation. They have none. They have no option
but to defecate in the open, with zero privacy. Or they are
forced to use facilities that are unhygienic, dangerous
and contaminating the environment in which they live.
Safe sanitation facilities should not be the reserve of
the wealthy or developed nations; it is the right of every
At Enviro Loo we are committed to bringing forward the
day that every person has access to sustainable sanitation
Access to sanitation
is a universal
human right.
At Enviro Loo we are committed to
bringing forward the day that every
person has access to sustainable
sanitation facilities.
The scale of the sanitation problem, particularly in
developing nations is pitiful. The economic and social
ramifications of poor or zero sanitation is devastating
families, communities, countries and continents. By
addressing the basic human right of sanitation resultant
health, poverty, education, and environmental issues
will also be addressed. The positive socio-economic
benefits that can be realised if sanitation is addressed
will radically transform the communities, countries and
continents that are currently being devastated.
Sanitation must be top of the agenda of every government
department, aid agency, non-governmental organisation
as well as businesses and institutions that value and
respect life. That the sanitation crisis is worse in
developing countries must not equate to sub-standard,
‘make-do’ solutions with a disregard for human dignity;
and it doesn’t have to. Technology and innovation are
central to modern sanitation solutions that are affordable,
safe, and sustainable.
At Enviro Loo we have developed a dry sanitation solution
that is relevant for urban and rural communities, for
developed and developing countries. Water is a precious
resource getting scarcer every day. Infrastructure for
waste disposal is not always present in many remote
but inhabited locations. And the economic standing of
many individuals, communities and institutions cannot
support excessive ongoing maintenance costs. At Enviro
Loo we understand and have addressed all these factors
that inhibit the installation of safe, sustainable sanitation
and have developed a toilet solution that overcomes
these hurdles. A dry sanitation system that is affordable,
sustainable, has longer life expectancy and is more cost
effective over its lifetime compared to other systems this is Enviro Loo.
We have a solution to a global problem. Governments,
agencies, institutions, and businesses that like us, value
and respect life and want, and have the will, to ensure the
universal human right of access to water and sanitation
becomes a reality sooner rather than later, need to be
acting now. It is a matter of life or death.
Mark La Trobe
Managing Director
Enviro Loo
Development Goals
In 2000 the world made a big
promise. That promise was the
achievement of eight Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), many
of which are highly dependent on
addressing the sanitation crisis.
To meet the MDGs it is necessary
that the following, directly related to
implementation of sanitation solutions,
• Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources
• Halve by 2015, the proportion of people
without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation
• Integrate sanitation into water resources management strategies
In addition, the implementation of
sustainable sanitation solutions will
directly impact the achievement of MDG
targets related to poverty and hunger,
health, education, child mortality, maternal
health, gender equality and women
empowerment and combatting disease.
Lives improved
Economic return
Annual water savings
$8 million
$40 million
$80 million
1.5 million
$7.2 million
$72 million
$360 million
$720 million
214 million litres
2.2 billion litres
10 billion litres
21 billion litres
*Based on Communal Units = 10-20 users
Poor or no sanitation affects the achievement of
the MDGs
• A lack of water, unsafe sanitation and polluted
environments are key links to the cycle of disease, malnutrition and poverty
• Children suffering from diarrhoeal diseases have reducing learning capacity. Adolescent girls often stay away from school unless there are female only latrines
• Women suffer the indignity, health impacts and security risks caused by a lack of private sanitation and washing facilities and bear the burden of carrying water
• Diarrhoea causes 1.8 million deaths per year mostly amongst children
• Of the global burden of disease, 23% is a result of poor environmental health, three quarters of which is attributable to diarrhoea –
itself primarily a consequence of poor sanitation
Poor or no sanitation
is affecting the
achievement of the MDGs
At Enviro Loo we are committed to:
•Continually developing innovative sanitation solutions that provide social and environmental benefits for individuals and communities
• Supporting public and private education campaigns that raise sanitation to the top of all socio-economic development agendas
• Promoting the basic human right of every person to live an hygienic, healthy and happy life through access to sanitation facilities
Everyday we work to bring forward the day when every person will
have access to sustainable sanitation facilities.
• We understand that each of our customers have differing needs and
we will provide them with quality products and services that are appropriate to their needs, on time and to requested specifications
Every day we work to bring forward the
day when every person will have access
to sustainable sanitation facilities.
• We appreciate and celebrate the diversity of cultures and religions and will ensure we provide sanitation solutions that meet all cultural and religious requirements.
• We are committed to promoting the right of every person to have access to sanitation facilities so all people can live in dignity
• We will be courteous and considerate to everyone at all times
• We will listen to our customers and colleagues and demonstrate
understanding by offering practical solutions and appropriate responses timeously
• We will share information, encourage open dialogue and bring together all parties that share our vision for bringing forward that day when every person will have access to sanitation facilities
Sanitation must be discussed and action taken.
Getting it right has shown to deliver significant
economic and social returns. The World Bank’s
Economics of Sanitation report shows that the cost
of not addressing sanitation is indefensible.
Each $1 investment in
sanitation delivers a
Meeting the MDG target on water
and sanitation would free up
$9 return
(World Health Organisation)
20 billion
working days
each year (UNICEF)
Approximately in economic benefits
has been realised from
Enviro Loo installations
$402 million
To date, Enviro Loo installations have helped enable nearly 2 million
people contribute to the socio-economic development of their communities
• The lack of safe sanitation results in increased health expenditure.
• The lack of safe sanitation forces teenage girls to stay away from school and forgo education and overall
attendance through illness
• The lack of safe sanitation causes untimely mortality
• The lack of safe sanitation affects work productivity
• The lack of safe sanitation contributes to malnutrition
• The lack of safe sanitation causes land and water
table contamination
The economic impact of poor or zero safe sanitation is
catastrophic but preventable.
• No health risk; meeting the health and functional requirements of all government authorities
• Safe and non-polluting sealed system, with zero leakage and zero water seepage
• Self dehydration and decomposition of all waste
• Permanent installation
• No water or power required, and no chemicals used
• Zero environmental impact
• Rural and urban installations
• Annual maintenance and servicing costs less than
1 cent per day
gateway to opportunity
At least
1.8 million
Improved sanitation reduces
diarrhoeal morbidity by
The health costs of poor sanitation are rising with hospitals
unable to meet the growing demand for beds. Life is being lost;
most prolifically among children under 5 years of age.
The health math is very simple. Improved sanitation equals
less morbidity and mortality from water-related diseases. In
fact, according to reports an average global reduction of 10% in
diarrhoeal episodes is possible from safe sanitation facilities. In
addition, the World Health Organisation reports that “related health
costs could be reduced by as much as $7.3 billion per year, and the
annual global value of adult working days gained because of less
illness would rise to almost $750 million.”
The Enviro Loo is a permanently installed, sustainable, on-site
sanitation system that never requires removal, relocation or
replacement. It offers a permanent solution to combat and prevent
water-borne diseases that are killing and causing illness to millions
of children and adults.
The system is odourless, free of health risk and exceeds the health
requirements and definition of safe sanitation as laid out by the
Joint Monitoring Programme (Millennium Development Goals).
under five die every year due to unsafe
water, inadequate sanitation, and the lack
of hygiene (World Health Organisation)
(Centre for Disease Control and Prevention)
2 million
Enviro Loo installations have, to
date, provided a healthier and children and adults
safer environment for nearly
gateway to health
A survey by the British Medical Journal
has found sanitation to be the best medical
intervention in the last 150 years
Diarrhoea, 90% of which is attributable
to inadequate sanitation and dirty water,
is the single biggest killer among infants
and children worldwide (World Health
433 million
diseases lead to missed school days per year
(German Toilet Association)
In 70 developing
countries more than
15% of girls
are so often absent, because of the lack
of clean and private toilets, they are rarely
enrolled (UNICEF)
0.3% of economic growth.
For every 10% increase
in female literacy,
Research shows that educated women
there is an increase of
participate in community decisions to a
10% in life expectancy
much greater extent (UNICEF)
at birth, and around
Failure to invest in adequate sanitation
widens the gender gap for many in the
developing world, as it denies millions
of girls the fundamental right to a good
quality of health and education
gateway to education
33,500 Enviro Loo installations in schools provide
safe, clean, affordable toilet facilities promoting
attendance and participation in educational
activities of over 1.5 million learners
“Education is a fundamental human right and essential
for the exercise of all other human rights. It promotes
individual freedom and empowerment and yields
important development benefits. Yet millions of children
and adults remain deprived of educational opportunities.”
Educational institutions have many pressures and
financial resources are scarce. But we all know, as
Nelson Mandela, famously said “Education is the greatest
weapon you can use to change the world”. Every person
deserves and has a right to an education. That education
has to be foregone because of a lack of or inadequate
sanitation facilities cannot and must not continue. It
would be a travesty.
The Enviro Loo has a long history of providing safe,
hygienic and affordable sanitation solutions to
educational institutions. In fact, we have made it possible
for 1.5 million learners to partake in schooling that will
in the long term deliver significant social and economic
returns to their community and by default wider country
Many educational institutions face budget pressures.
In some rural areas access to water tables and sanitation
disposal infrastructure is not a reality.
With the Enviro Loo these barriers are irrelevant.
Our dry sanitation system, as this description suggests,
uses no water. It is a completely sealed system, using no
chemicals, relying on the natural process of dehydration
and evaporation for waste removal. It is odourless, has
zero health risk and no environmental impact.
And importantly it is the most cost effective system
available. A permanent solution, the ongoing
maintenance costs are minimal, with one off installation
investment costs comparable to any other system.
The design of the unit is such that delivery and
installation is simple and in fact instructions for ‘do-ityourself’ assembly are available.
The Enviro Loo is an investment not only in future
generations in terms of providing educational
opportunities without gender discrimination; it is an
investment in the socio-economic prosperity of families,
communities and countries.
As of 2012, 193 million litres of water per year is being saved by
communities and institutions that use the Enviro Loo
By 2050 at least
one out of four people
is likely to live in countries affected
by chronic or recurrent shortages
of fresh water (UNESCO)
Worldwide, soil-transmitted
helminthes (parasitic worms)
infect more than
1 billion people
due to a lack of adequate sanitation
(World Health Organisation)
ENVIRO LOO gateway to
environmental sustainability
Annual water charges of $26 million is currently being saved by
communities and institutions using the Enviro Loo
The world is changing. Our planet is getting more
and more stressed due to urbanisation and an
increasing population. Urbanisation is contributing
to a major sanitary crisis in urban areas and the
need to feed an increasing population is putting
stress on agriculture. Both these trends demand
use of the most precious of the planet’s resources
– water. Agriculture accounts for 70% of human
usage of fresh water, the majority of which is used
for livestock production. And with water flushing
toilets being considered the norm in urban areas,
there is an increased and unsustainable demand for
water to be used in sanitation.
We have to conserve water – there is no alternative.
Let’s be clear here. The Enviro Loo has zero
environmental impact. It uses no water. It uses
no chemicals. Its advanced technological design
enables the processes of dehydration and
evaporation to occur naturally without any soil or
water contamination; as the decomposition takes
place in a sealed unit.
Nature, namely sun and wind, aid the processes for
waste decomposition – both of which cost nothing.
The design is such that there is no contact between
people and the system. This has to be the future of
all sanitation systems; no water wastage, no soil or
water contamination, minimal maintenance costs.
As a world we cannot continue using water at the
current rate, as it will and is fast disappearing. At
Enviro Loo we understand the need to conserve
water and that not all inhabited areas on earth have
access to sufficient water tables. We feel as strongly
about our environmental responsibilities as we do
about our social responsibilities.
We are all the same. No matter where we live, what
we do for a living or how old we are. We all need to go
to the toilet.
Innovation is crucial for
sanitation (Prince of
Orange – August 2012)
The flush toilet was invented in 1775. Whilst it is
good at whisking away our waste, it also uses a
lot of water, and relies on a sewage infrastructure
that is expensive to build, and not necessarily
practical for the developing world.
In 1993, Enviro Loo was developed as a
convenient, relevant and economical solution
to the mounting water challenges facing the
world. It is an onsite dry sanitation system that
requires little maintenance, does not pollute
the surrounding living environment and needs
no direct power source. Most importantly it is
sustainable, durable and cost effective.
The Enviro Loo is the solution that will allow
sanitation to be accessible to every person.
As a world we are all facing the same issues of water
scarcity, environmental changes and urbanisation
pressures. There is no such thing as one type of
sanitation for one set of people and another for a
different set. We all have a right to safe sanitation. But
as responsible citizens we need to be making the right
choices about our sanitation facilities. Our decisionmaking must take into account the environment with
regards to water consumption, our carbon footprint
and land preservation. We must ensure our systems
are hygienic and affordable. And we need to ensure
our sanitation systems have universal appeal and
relevance. We are one planet, with one chance.
The Enviro Loo solution is for urban and rural areas;
for developed and developing countries. The Enviro
Loo installation is preserving world heritage sites,
encouraging access to areas of natural beauty and
ensuring that tourism is an economic generator.
Forward thinking companies running resorts, golf
courses, game farms and campsites are using it. And
local and national governments are installing it in
public parks, on walking trails and rest areas.
The Enviro Loo is a universal solution to a universal
issue and concern.
Our decision-making must take into account the environment with regards
to water consumption, our carbon footprint and land preservation.
We must ensure our systems are hygienic and affordable.
1992:Audi Terra Nova Award - Innovators for the Environment
1997:Top Technology 100 Award - South Africa
1998:Gold Award for Best Innovation & Contribution to Health Care in Africa
2005:United States Tech Award for Innovation
2010: Gold Award for Sanitation - Department of Human Settlements, South Africa
making a difference
The Enviro Loo has been installed in areas of
natural beauty throughout the world, including
Australia, USA, South Africa and Canada,
in order that large numbers of visitors can
enjoy the environment without impacting it.
Across Africa, tens of the thousands of schools
and millions of learners have benefitted from
Enviro Loo installations. These schools have
installed affordable, safe and clean sanitation
facilitates that facilitate school attendance for
all ages. With education, the learners will go
on to actively contribute to the socio-economic
development of the communities in which they
live. (South Africa)
A dry sanitation system that is affordable,
sustainable, has longer life expectancy and is
more cost effective over its lifetime compared
to other systems - this is the Enviro Loo.
The Enviro Loo is suitable for any geography
and any climate. From the cold of Canada to the
heat of Africa. From rainy England and monsoon
Asia, to the vastness of Australia and the
mountains of New Zealand. The Enviro Loo is
weather resistant, environmentally responsible
and its all in one self-assembly construction
means it can be installed by anyone, almost
anywhere, in any country.
Tourism continues to be an important source of
income for countries worldwide. Governments
and tourism boards alike understand the
need to protect and preserve the environment
yet provide facilities to accommodate tens of
thousands of visitors. The Enviro Loo is the
ideal solution – zero environmental impact, cost
effective, and sustainable. (South Africa)
Natural disasters can strike anywhere and at
anytime. In the last decade almost 2 billion
people were affected, nearly 90% of them
by floods and drought. The Enviro Loo is
an easy to install, all in one, self-assembly,
low-cost solution for areas hit by natural
disaster. It is a permanent solution, that has
zero environmental impact, using no water or
electricity. (Haiti)
The environments in which sport and leisure
activities take place must provide the necessary
infrastructure facilities to support and
encourage participation. Responsible sporting
venues and establishments throughout the
world are taking the need to preserve water
seriously. The Enviro Loo is the perfect solution
– providing clean, affordable sanitation facilities
that use no water or electricity.
Tel: +27 [0]11 762-1624.
Facsimile: +27 (0)11 762-3717.
Postnet Suite #505,
Private Bag X 5
Fourways North, 2086.