JuJitsu Corner


JuJitsu Corner
-----By Christopher Shoolls
One of the contributing k t o r s to the
IFOJJ's ever-increasing popularity is at
it's roots. I am speaking of the kata
forms of Yoshitsune Ju-Jitsu, (taught at
IFOJJ's Headquarters-Dojo Yoshitme).
Requests from litem& aU over the
world are coming in inquiring on how
to learn and earn rank in this system.
One reason for it's success, is it's different approach to learning. The katas of
the Yoshitsune system are not completely geared for street attack They simply
teach a series of movements and locks
that can be varied towards individual
preferences. It is as though the system Richard Fike of Madlsan, OH.
recognizes individuals by body type, IFOJJ Headquarters at 201-673-8028.
strength, philosophy, etc. and allows
Now onto some items...
them to take the moves where they
A defensive Tactics Seminar for
In my opinion, a system that solely
law enforcementtrainees was recentteaches combat moves is restrictive in
ly conducted by IFOJJ member,
that it is demomtmting someone's inSteven Greer. Sensei Greer focused
terpretation of a fight situation. What is
mostly on joint-locking techniques,
one person's reaction is not necessarily
come-a-long and restraining p ~ c i
true of another's. It is also my opinion
ples. Ideal for the audience that day.
that people recognize that our system
For more information on Sensei
simply provides them with the building
Greer's North American Self Defense
blocks allowing them to create what
School, contact him at 919822-2079,
they want with them
(Fayetteville, GA).
Another way to think of it is mathe
: Italian, IFOJJ Sponsored, demo
If you have 26 building blocks,
, e m lead by Giovanni DiMeglio will
the combination of finished products
be travelling through Europe. This
one could make seem endless. So what
team of Goju Karate players incorpois easier to remember, what the 25
rate dynamic acts of gymnastics to
blocks look like or aU of the structures
compliment their kata and fighting
that can be built from them?
skills. An IFOJJ member for years,
Yoshitsune JuJutsu is available
Sensei DiMeglio has recently attained
through video and personal instruction.
his Shodan in Yoshitsune JuJutsu at
For more information, please contact
our home Dojo in New Jersey. Katia
62 Karate International
Reybon Dncie and Ken Gabrielson.
Gruer, Sensei DiMeglio's Black Belt 1
student, tested for Shodan in Yoshitm e JuJutsu as welL
IWT Recently a TKD school, Mike Lee
Kanarek's United Arts of Self Defense, became a Charter member of
IFOJJ. In addition, Mr. Kanarek became an individual member of the or- ganization. One message Mike wants
the importance of everyone working
with one another. He feels it is extremely important to integrate styles
in order to become a well rounded
I c One of the Gracie bothers, Reyl- I
on, was recently in Canada with one ,
of his black belt instructorn, Ken Gab
rielson. These gentlemen were conducting a seminar for Aldergrove
Academy of Martial Arts. This w a
his first seminar in Canada and we
wish him all the best with his success.
Italian lFWJ police instructor. Roberto De
Ronzi and new wife Sqarameiia Rosaria
surrounded by young Karate Students.
IFOJJ member Steve Greer dem strates a
come-a-long technique at his Poi ce Defensivg
Tactics seminar.
It)ll: Ohio IFOJJ representative, Jack
ally lead trainingin the h a m i c striking, throwing, joint-locking, pinning
and weapons techniques of Aild Jujitsu. Additionally, there
be some
sword training integrated into the diy
long event. For more information,
contact Eric Kaltenborn at 216-2960181.
ItWK Professor Larry Hilton of Illinois
recently joined our Federation. Soke
Hilton, of Ketsugo Ryu, is well respected in the martial arts community and a welcome addition to our
ever-increasing organization. Always
active with his school and federation,
Professor Hilton can be reached at
2216 W. Willow Knolls Rd., #706 C,
Peoria, IL 61614.
Rick Fike, owner and head of the
Madison Combined Martial Art Assobods of rolf-defcnre
ciation, recently taught at IFOJJ
younolf~galnstan assmiluns
member Danny Lane's Camp. Addi~hongth,In opy cmsrgonry
tionally showing his support for the
event, Sensei Fike brought 30 of his Here is b..~...~. diast from the past Jiu-Jitsu
Shihan Felix Vasquez and his Nlnjitsu team.
Herman is conducting a seminar at
the Kent Recreation Center. Shihan
Herman, Chief instructor of the United Budokai Federation will person-
0 Llsolo Jr. NJ
ph V. Callva. CA
Klockanleger, CA
an Wlnredo, NY
n Hernandez. NY
Paparran, NY
anlal Sohoener. PA
K. Clanlon. MA
Juma. S. AIrlca
tdvo Vargas. NY
y Kinglaoy. MS
t Roblson. CA
hew W. Pavne. FL
Sleven Graham. FL
Vivm Jordan. FL
Cheryl Sudbury. FL
Aaron Sudbury. FL
Gary Marcurn. AZ
Thornno Mote. FL
Phlllp Chanlque. FL
Mike Elchtm. MN
Randall a. Brown. co
Wongang Tauer. Norway
LauI. FeraUann.
- -- ~;dbarkash. Pltam P u n Delhl
Joseph WIIIIams. FL
Oscar Hernandez. Mexico
Ceser Hernandez. Maxlco
Ismla1 Hernandez. Maxlco
Brlan. Jamas. PA
Rook Vanrandl. Or
Tom Wasllewskl. NY
Sam Powell. TX
Msiorle Brook. NY
Edward J. Smlth, CT
.... .- lannnans.
.-. ......
, .
Kann Cohen. FL
Chrb Colmbo. NY
Alan Goldberg. NY
Chuck Farley. CA
Dmsor Evaaelor. CA
Perry Glbson. NJ
Kevin Alderlch. Canada
Patrick Ryan. Canada
Cornellus Hall. GA
Mlke Lee Kanarek. FL
Bart Donzella. NJ
JOM Ganldo. NY
Art Llhle. TN
Thomas Grant II. TN
Vernon Seuls. FL
Robert Joneson. IA
J.B. G a s . NY
Walbr Emmanuel Zlegler. PA
Carlor Fabres. FL
Kannath Manin. WA
George Makras. Sydney
Mlke Patterson. CT
h m n wanw. NJ
Daniel Semeraro. Jr.. CT
Louls Frled. CA
Chuck Fadey Southern Karate Assoc. CA
m e Budokan Juddujutsu Club. MI
Bllvlklnahlp Karate. VA
FaU8thl.S Institute 01 Martlal Arts. NJ
Robert's Institute of JuJltau. WA
Weslchaster Ju Jltau Studlo. NY
American KungJkau. AZ
Kandu-Dal Kante Do. Canada
Kaguragyrn Letmathe. Canada
AmarlGan JuJItau A.sodatlon. England
Kamum Gvm Homer. Canada
book, dated 1944, published during WWii.
students. This is the brotherhood,
representative of the martial art spirit.
II#: Shihan Felix Vasquez celebrated
the Grand Opening of his 4th dojo,
located in PA. Sensei Tony V i u e va is the head instructor.
)(w: Michael DePasquale, Jr. recently
received another JuJutsu book dated 1944, from a student. Let me tell
you JuJutsu has come a long way
since then, it only goes to show
that JuJutsu is the true mother of
the arts, during World War II the
marines were taught JuJutsu for
close quarter combat.
IIII:IFOJJ Instructor and Italian Police
Officer, Roberto De Ronzi recently got *
married to Sgaramella Rosaria Out- -'
side the church, his little pupils were
all wearing gi's and yelling "Campain
for their Sensei and his wife. Best
Wishes to the both of you fmm the
IFOJJ Board and members.
Karate International 63