2016 TUMC Missions Fair and Fundraiser Meal


2016 TUMC Missions Fair and Fundraiser Meal
Volume 22
September 2016
Becoming disciples of Jesus to make a difference
within the Body
Sunday, September 11
2016 TUMC Missions Fair
and Fundraiser Meal
Benefiting Habitat for Humanity
On Sunday, September 11, in the Activity Center after the
11:00 AM Worship services, there will be a church-wide
fundraiser meal that will benefit Habitat for Humanity,
specifically, the Trinity UMC home-building project sponsored through our local Habitat for Humanity ministry. At
the same time, displays arranged around the perimeter of
the basketball court will host the 2016 Trinity Missions Fair,
where you will be able to see what kinds of mission service
Trinity UMC is directly involved with.
Please make your plans NOW to participate in the Habitat
for Humanity fundraiser meal on Sunday, September 11, and
be sure to browse the mission service displays in the 2016
Missions Fair.
Details about how you can sign up for the next Habitat
build on page 6 of this Entos!
Fall Course
Introductory Dinner
Wednesday, September 14
6:30 PM
Great Hall
This is exciting course allows you to ask any question about God, Jesus, church, or your faith journey!
Contact Rev. John Han for more information: [email protected] / 817.274.1345.
UMW Sunday
September 25 at all Services
All members are asked to
wear red on that Sunday.
United Methodist Women (UMW)
serves all the women of our church.
We have 3 different opportunities of
meeting times. Each group (circle)
has a slightly different focus, with
each having a time of fellowship,
education about our world, and service projects that touch the lives of
women and children in our community and beyond. Look for details on
the UMW bulletin board outside the
Activity Center.
Evangelism Corner
“Go and tell John what you have seen and
heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame
walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear,
the dead are raised, the poor have good news
brought to them.” – Luke 7:22
Summer is over, and we are returning to our normal routines. During the last three months, we had
camps, Vacation Bible School, mission trips, and Do Something Week.
We have seen and heard amazing
stories through those summer activities. Now, it is time to go and tell
your family or friends what you have
seen and heard at Trinity.
Here are a couple of opportunities
that you may invite your family or
friends to attend:
Alpha Introductory Dinner
Wednesday, September 14
6:30 PM in the Great Hall
See page 1 for course details
Trinity 101 & 202
Sunday, September 25
12:15-2:00 PM in S-126
See page 4 for course details
Come join us for these events if you
have never done them before! I am
looking forward to seeing you!
Rev. John Han
Update on Fall Festival
There will not be a Fall Festival held this year, as there is no organizational
leadership in place to hold the event.
A Special Way to Celebrate World Communion Sunday
During the month of September, our Children’s Ministry 2nd-5th graders will
be focusing on learning all about the Lord’s Supper. Their learning will culminate with World Communion Sunday.
On October 2nd we will be participating in World Communion Sunday.
Churches all over the United States and the world participate in Communion
on this Sunday remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made. We are going to
celebrate by receiving Communion during the service.
And to make it special, we will be displaying breads from around the world.
You are invited to bring bread to add to our World Communion Bread Table.
It might be your favorite loaf that you bought at the bakery . . . it might be
homemade from a recipe that’s been handed down for generations . . . it
might be bread that’s native to the country where your ancestors come from.
Then at the end of the service, your family will be invited to take home a loaf
to enjoy and remember how much God loves us!
Please participate with us by bringing bread on Sunday, October 2nd and
placing it at the World Communion Bread Table.
Disciple FastTrack Begins on Wednesday, Sept. 21
Trinity will once again be offering Disciple FastTrack, a comprehensive 24week Bible study of both the Old Testament and the New Testament, beginning on Wednesday, September 21, from 5:30–6:45 PM in Room C-208. The
cost to participate in Disciple FastTrack is approximately $30 for hard copies
of the two study guides, or approximately $20 for the electronic versions of
the two study guides. Please call the Church Office: 817.274.1345, to register
and to make your selection of which format you’d like to order for the study
Trinity Member Art Display
All members of Trinity are invited to participate in the display of their personal
works of art to other members of Trinity as well as guests/visitors coming to
our church. If any member of TUMC is interested in taking part in this display,
please leave your name and contact information in the Church Office, and
someone will contact you. Each piece of your own art work will be on display
for two to six weeks, depending on how many are interested in participating.
The location for this display is in the coffee bar area of the Great Hall. Currently on display is a photographic work by Cherry Christianson, with a work
by Becky Alexander to follow. Anything that can be displayed on the wall is
appropriate. Please visit the area to see the display. – Floyd Ostrom
August 7th Blood Drive a Success!
On Sunday, August 7, Trinity held a blood drive in conjunction with Carter
Blood Care of North Texas. Twelve donors gave 10 units of life-saving blood,
which helped to save/touch 30 lives here in our area! Carter Blood Care reminds all of our Trinity donors that they should set up an account through
carterbloodcare.org, where they can monitor their cholesterol levels and
other health needs. Donors earn donor points when they donate blood. Thanks to all those who donated blood!
Join the Contemporary
Worship Choir - Fall Kick Off!!
Want to be a part of leading worship? We are looking for people who
are interested in leading on Sunday mornings at the Contemporary
services (both Impact and Elevate)
Those interested will be a part of a
new multigenerational choir that
boasts members from all ages, 13+!
This choir will become an integral
part of the worship team leading
alongside the worship band with
powerful, passionate contemporary
music! This team will begin leading
on a rotational basis approximately
once every six weeks with a rehearsal the week prior to the Sunday they
lead. If you are interested in being
a part of this ministry please contact Denise: [email protected] /
Sunday Evenings
Begins Oct 2
6-8 PM
Kid’s Music Kick-Off Night!
Trinity Kid’s Choir
Grades PreK-6th
Wednesday, September 7
6-7 PM, in the Sanctuary
Come join kid’s choir….we’ve got
an exciting fall season planned; including some great times of leading around Christmas! FOLLOW the
STAR will be our focus for Christmas
along with some great worship pieces! We’ll also focus on some awesome worship pieces and traditional
hymns! For info contact Denise@
trinityarl.org / 817.274.1345.
Trinity Kid’s Bells
Grades 3rd-6th
Wednesday, September 7
7-7:30 PM, in the Sanctuary
Safety Reminder
Just a reminder to ALWAYS lock your
car and please do not leave any valuables visible inside your car when
you park in the church parking lot
– or any other public area. We have
been advised that there have been
some recent thefts from cars parked
in parking lots in the Arlington area.
National Psoriasis Foundation
2016 DFW Walk
Saturday, November 5
Trinity Supports AISD
Thank you to everyone who donated school supplies to help get
the 2016-17 school year underway!
Nearly 1000 individual items were
donated through August 31, plus
sufficient money to fully cover our
30 schools throughout the entire
school year. We are even able to add
a couple of schools. The disadvantaged elementary school children of
AISD applaud your generosity and
support of their effort to become
better, productive citizens.
This 6-week video series, lays out
biblical strategies, scientific facts
and, in military style, teaches men
how to use God’s weapons to conquer sexual sin. The Conquest Series
is hosted by Dr. Ted Roberts, who
has for decades helped thousands
of men find healing and freedom.
Men, we hope you will join us Sunday, October 2, for this powerful
6-week series led by Dr. Posey. Sign
up on Sundays in the Great Hall.
River Legacy Park in Arlington
The Global Hands of Healing Medical Mission Trip team members
are asking for donations of new unopened bottles of over-the-counter
eye drops, which will be used by for
their medical work in Guatemala and
Panama on a trip in late September.
The donation box is located in the
Great Hall though Sunday, Sept. 4.
Entos Deadline:
15th Day of Each Month
Look for the Entos Online!
To receive your Entos
by email instead of mail:
[email protected]
This year’s DFW Chairperson is Trinity’s own John Earley! Please register
for the walk, or support John’s team,
by going to the Team Link: https://
npf.donordrive.com/team/theearleybirds16. Thank you so much!
Deborah Circle: Tuesday Sept 27 at
1:00 in the Dining Room. Rev. Gary
Turner will be the speaker, Edith
Padgett will bring the devotional,
and LeNora Armstrong will provide
refreshments. All Ladies are welcome to attend. Please remember to
bring canned foods for the Arlington
Urban Ministries. For more information please contact Dixie Hoover:
817.675.9237 or Sharon Tillman:
Ages 12 months–Pre-K
Tuition and fee schedules can be
found in the TELC office or on the hallway bulletin board. Please fill out a
registration form and return with your
fee(s) in the front office.
New M em b ers
Jason & Jill Breitenstein
daughters Addie & Camille
July 10
(photo not available)
Naomi Brett
August 212
Trinity 101: This one hour course is available for visitors
& new members who want to learn about Trinity.
Trinity 202: For those who want to learn more about the
Sunday, Sept 25: from 12:00-2:00 PM, in Rm S126
A light lunch will be provided.
For more information, please contact
Rev. John Han: [email protected]
Friday, Sept 2
Noon, in the Activity Center
Special Musical Guest:
Kendall Carter
Senior adults, bring a dish to share
and join us for a pot-luck luncheon
and fellowship!
Book Group
Friday, Sept 23
11:30 AM, Dining Rm
bring a sack lunch
Look Me in the Eye, by J. E. Robison
Review by Lenora Armstrong
A sad, but funny memoir relating
how the author’s life was transformed at the age of 40 upon finding
that he has Asperger’s syndrome.
Carolyn Cox & Daniel Cox
August 282
Friday, October 28th Title:
All the Light We Cannot See,
by Anthony Doerr
Angel Tree
Judy & Wayne Duke
August 282
Madison & Lynette Flowers
Maisy, Kegan, Truly
August 282
Speaker: Tammy Whitehurst
We hope all women of Trinity will
save the date and be a part of this
day of spiritual renewal! It is a great
time to refresh your spirit as you fellowship with friends, as well as Trinity women you may not have encountered before. What a wonderful
way to meet people and build new
Eunice Activity Center
1000 Eunice St, Arlington 76010
Cost $30 per person
Registration forms will
soon be available in your
Sunday School Class
or the Church Office
For the seventh consecutive year Trinity UMC and the
Salvation Army are partnering to provide Christmas
assistance for children in our area. Please consider
volunteering to work beside us by either interviewing the parents of the clients (speaking Spanish or another
foreign language is NOT required) or by entering the data from
the interviews into the computer database. This
heartwarming two-week project takes place in late
September and continues through the 1st week of
October (dates are pending at this time) at the Salvation Army
location: 712 W. Abram. We work two shifts daily, 9
AM-Noon & 1-4 PM. (You are welcome to work as many or as few
days /shifts as you wish). Invite your friends/neighbors to
sign up with you! Training for volunteers is provided,
and lunch is served daily during the two weeks.
For more info, contact Connie Healer: 817.277.0084
Longhorn Council Brownie Troop #1607 Assumes Responsibility for the
Rebecca Read Memorial Blue Box Project for Safe Haven Women’s Shelter
In the fall of 2015, Senior Girl Scout Rebecca Read established a service project here at Trinity to collect donations of
women’s sanitary hygiene products for Safe Haven, the Tarrant-area women’s shelter. Rebecca established the Blue
Box Project as part of the requirements for her Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor given to an individual Girl
Scout. Due to the on-going success of the Blue Box Project, Rebecca was awarded the Girl Scout Gold Award earlier in
the spring of 2016. It was her hope that the Blue Box Project would continue to be a thriving mission service outreach
ministry to the women of our community through Trinity UMC. Unfortunately, in late July, Rebecca lost her life in an
automobile accident.
It is with great joy that Trinity announces that the Longhorn Girl Scout Council
Brownie Troop #1607 will assume primary responsibility for the delivery of items
from the Rebecca Read Memorial Blue Box Project to the Safe Haven Women’s Shelter. Brownie Girl Scout Troop #1607 meets during the school year at Trinity, and
some of these third-grade girls may be students, this coming school year, of Rebecca’s mother, Julianne Read, who teaches at Duff Elementary in our community.
Thank you, Brownie Troop #1607, for helping to keep Rebecca’s dream alive!
chi ldre n’s m inist ries
Third Grade Bible Ceremony – Sunday, September 18
On Sunday, September 18th at the 11:00 AM Traditional worship service we will hand out Bibles to all our
third-grade children. Please let Betsy Spencer know if you have a child or grandchild entering the 3rd grade
so that we can have his or her Bible ready to pick up. The children will be asked to come forward for the
11:00 AM Traditional worship presentation.
Bible Boot Camp
This fall we are offering Bible Boot Camp for our incoming third graders. It will be held on Sunday, September
18th from 12:00-3:00 PM in CW-03. We will serve lunch, learn how to use our new Bibles, play games, and have
a ton of fun! Please encourage your third grader to attend Bible Boot Camp.
Calling all 6th Graders!
Confirmation will begin for our 6th graders in late September and end in May 2017. We want to make sure that
we have an accurate list of 6th graders that are in our congregation. A packet of information is being compiled
and will be sent to you through the mail to prepare you for the upcoming school year. If you have a child that
will be in 6th grade this year, and you are interested in finding out more about Confirmation, please email
[email protected]. It’s going to be a great year!
Children’s Ministry is gearing up for the fall
A lot happens down the hallways at Trinity every Sunday morning. There are so many pieces of the Sunday
morning puzzle that have to fit together to make it work . . .families are being greeted, kids are being checked
in, teachers are reading and instructing and playing, babies are being rocked, toys are being shared, songs are
being sung, lives are being changed, kids are making memories and learning that church is fun.
We need teachers and shepherds for the fall and are on the hunt to fill those spots. We need your help
to make Children’s Ministry successful. Could you be one of the missing pieces? For more information on how
you can specifically help fill those spots, email [email protected].
Would Your Son or Daughter Like to Acolyte? Read On!
Acolytes bring the light in to our Traditional worship service each Sunday. We request that Acolytes be third
graders or older in the current school year. Acolytes may serve through their sixth grade year when they complete Confirmation. We will hold acolyte trainings to help ensure that your child understands their responsibilities. Acolytes can sign up online for the Sundays they would like to serve. Please call the church office if
your child/grandchild is interested in becoming an Acolyte and to be added onto the email list for sign ups. If
you have questions about being an acolyte please contact Betsy Spencer: [email protected]
Local Mission Celebration
Trinity’s third-annual Do Something Week of local mission service was a huge
success this year! Between August 1-6, 390 Trinity servants gave 1,341 hours
and 15 minutes of mission service in our community through 17 separate
service venues. On Sunday, September 11, we will hold our 2016 Missions
Fair, in the Activity Center after the 11:00 AM Worship services. At the same
time as the Missions Fair, we will also hold a fundraiser luncheon to support our church’s involvement in the 2016 Fall house “build” for Habitat for
Humanity. Please make your plans now to be present on September 11 as
we celebrate our church’s giving of mission service to our local community
through the 2016 Missions Fair. Also, please plan to show your support for
Habitat for Humanity by purchasing a meal at lunch!
The Open Arms Clinic
3rd Annual Silent Auction & Luncheon
Saturday, September 10
St. Barnabas UMC
5011 W. Pleasant Ridge Road
Featuring Suzie Humphreys
Trinity Servant
Appreciation Luncheon
New Home Build: Oct 8
Trinity UMC will be partnering with
Trinity Habitat for Humanity to work
on a new home “build” on Saturday,
October 8, at 5917 Whittlesey Road.
Please follow the instructions below to register as a worker on Saturday, October 8 (Everyone must
sign up by Monday, Sept 26). If you
experience difficulty with the registration, please contact Jeremy Byrd
at the Habitat for Humanity office:
For those who are serving as greeters, ushers, and Welcome Center
Ambassadors, we would like to invite you to the luncheon.
Sunday, September 18
12:15 PM in the Activity Center
For more information,
please contact Rev. John Han:
[email protected] / 817.274.1345
Registration/Sign Up Instructions
If registering as a New User,
use join code Trinity
If you have previously set up a username and didn’t use a join code, email:
[email protected]
Upon registration you MUST select
the day you are volunteering. Habitat for Humanity has gone paperless!
You will be prompted to Read and
Accept a Liability Waiver online.
Once registration/sign up is complete, you will receive a confirmation
email with additional information. If
you do not receive an email contact
[email protected].
Old Eyeglasses to Donate?
There is now an eyeglasses donation
box from the Pantego Lions’ Club
that is available at Trinity. The collection box is located on a console
table on the north side of the Great
Hall closest to the Terrace. Only eyeglasses are needed – no eyeglass
Silent Auction begins at 11:00 AM
lunch will be served at noon
Tickets $20 per person, contact Jan
Arnold: 817.235.4630 / jansarnold@
The Open Arms Health Clinic offers free medical care for those in
our community who are uninsured
or underinsured. All doctors, nurses,
translators, office staff, social workers,
etc, are volunteers. Please join us in
supporting this wonderful worthwhile ministry!
What Is the
Arlington Ulster Project?
Since 1994, the Arlington Ulster
Project has been mentoring new
teen leaders that will make a positive difference in our world. UPATX.
COM will give you more info. Applications for teens 14-16 years of age
and host families are being accepted NOW for the summer of 2017.
Hosting a teen can make July 2017
the most memorable summer of
your child’s life through new friends,
fun, family and service to the community.
100% percent of the staff are volunteers and funding is needed to
continue this fantastic program. Use
the search bar on your web browser
to access: northtexasgivingday.org,
then type Ulster in the search bar
for information about supporting
this worthy cause, helping make the
world’s next leaders today!
September Event Calendar
Saturday, Sept 3
7:30 AM, Dining Rm
Men of Trinity – You are
invited for Breakfast
Guest Speaker
Rev. Gary Turner
For info contact Dan Easterly:
[email protected]
September Schedule
ABC - A111 (Activity Center)
4 led by Harold Elliott 18 led by Eddie Tate
11 led by Rev. Gary Turner 25 led by R. Cupps
Aldersgate - S110
Half Truths, byAdam Hamilton
Endeavor - S208 ages 25-35
Seeing Gray, by A. Hamilton
11-25 If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to
Get Out of the Boat, by John Ortberg
Fellowship - S111
4-11 What’s So Amazing About Grace,
by Philip Yancy
18-25 John: The Gospel of Light & Life,
by Adam Hamilton
Foundations - C208 - Relationships in Christ
Koinonia - A107 (Dining Rm)
CTCYM Summer 2016, Guest Speaker
11 It All Goes Back in the Box, by John Ortberg
18-25 New study - TBD
Ladies Class - S106
Serious Answers to Hard Questions
by Bishop Kenneth Carder
Legacy - C210
12 Extraordinary Women, by John MacArthur
Living In The Word - A 205
Parables: the Greatest Stories Ever Told
by John White
LOL (Love Our Lord) - S108 (Terrace)
Life & Mission of Apostle Paul, A. Hamilton
11-25 The Shack, by William Paul Young
New Covenant - C205
led by Rolando & Darla Ramirez
New Horizons - S126
Psalms, led by Larry Beardsley
Partners In Christ - A203
Cokesbury Adult Bible Study Series
Pathfinders - C203
What’s So Amazing About Grace, by Philip Yancy
Seekers - C209
4 Brunch
18 led by Bob Sappington
11 led by J. Morris 25 led by Ned Webster
Young Believers - S102 - video
Bring Your Prayer Bear Donations on the 1st & 2nd Sundays of the Month
Thursday, September 1
Sunday, September 25
7:00 PM Worship Committee, S110
Blood Pressure Screening in the Great Hall
12:00 PM Trinity 101 & 202, S111, S126
Friday, September 2
4:00 PM Guatemala Team Meeting, A202
12:00 PM Happy Hearts Luncheon, Activity Ctr
Monday, September 26
Saturday, September 3
6:00 PM Assimilation & Stewardship, C208
7:30 AM Men’s Monthly Breakfast, Dining Rm
6:00 PM Trinity Care Team, C205
Monday, September 5
7:00 PM Finance Committee, C209
Church closed in observance of Labor Day
Tuesday, September 27
Tuesday, September 6
1:00 PM Deborah Circle, Dining Room
7:00 PM Church Council, C208
6:00 PM Connecting Ministries, C205
7:00 PM Trinity Sports Foundation, C210
7:00 PM Adult Council, C205
7:00 PM Lydia Circle, S126
Wednesday, September 7
6:00 PM Kid’s Choir begins, Sanctuary
7:00 PM Kid’s Bells (Handbells), Sanctuary
Saturday, September 10
7:30 AM Pancake Breakfast, Dining Rm
8:00 AM Alpha Training, C208
Sunday, September 11
12:15 PM Luncheon Fundraiser & Missions Fair,
Activity Center
Monday, September 12
5:00 PM CareVan Immunizations, Great Hall
7:00 PM SPRC Meeting, C210
Tuesday, September 13
7:00 PM Alpha Council, S110
7:00 PM Outreach Council, C208
Wednesday, September 14
6:30 PM Alpha Introductory Dinner, Great Hall
Weekly Schedule
Sundays - Childcare available 8:30-Noon
8:30 AM Elevate Praise & Worship, Sanctuary
9:00 AM Sacred Pops, Choir Rm
9:45 AM Sunday School for all ages
11:00 AM IMPACT! Worship, Activity Center
11:00 AM Traditional Worship, Sanctuary
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
10:30 AM
1:00 PM
6:00 PM
Improvers Line Dance, Activity Center
Beginner Line Dance, Activity Center
Women’s Ensemble, Choir Rm
Pickle Ball, Activity Ctr
Adult Basketball, Activity Center
6:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
6:00 PM
Men’s Bible Study, S108
Staff Meeting
Basic Yoga (beginners class), Activity Ctr
Chair Yoga, Activity Center
Ladies Emmaus, S108
Saturday, September 17
10:00 AM Contemporary Worship Traning, C210
5:30 PM
5:45 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:45 PM
Sunday, September 18
Sager Brown Mission Trip Departs
12:15 PM Servants Celebration Lunch, Activity Ctr
12:30 PM Family Pathfinder’s Mentors, S110
Monday, September 19
7:00 PM Trustees Meeting, C209
Tuesday, September 20
6:30 PM Stephen Ministry Cont. Ed, C208-210
Wednesday, September 21
5:30 PM Disciple Fast Track begins, C208
Thursday, September 22
6:30 PM Marriage Course begins, S126
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
7:00 PM
Friday, September 23
11:30 AM Happy Hearts Book Group, Dining Rm
Disciple Fast Track, C208
Faithful Followers Emmaus, S106
Kid’s Choir, Children’s Wing
Bells of Celebration, Bell Rm
Alpha Course, Great Hall
Sports Council, C210
Trinity Kid’s Bells, Bell Rm
Chancel Choir, Choir Rm
Chamber Singers, Choir Rm
Ladies Bible Study (Evans), S110
Bible Buddies (T. Wood), S126
Intermediate Line Dance, Activity Ctr
Impact Worship Rehearsal, Activity Ctr
9:30 AM Chair Yoga, Activity Center
6:00 PM Youth Basketball, Activity Center
Sunday Schedule
9:45 AM: Sunday School, Youth Rms
5:30-8 PM: Dinner/Bible Study/Games
Youth Rooms & Activity Center
Wednesdays: 5:30-8 PM
Dinner/Youth Worship/Games
Youth Rooms & Activity Center
Upcoming Events
Sept 4:
Sept 24:
Sept 28:
Oct 1:
Pool Party
Pumpkins Delivered
Pumpkin Patch Opens
check Youth website calendar
for more details
July Average
Worship Attendance
Contributions to 2016 Budget
Through July 2016
Elevate................................... 145
Traditional............................ 404
July Avg......................... 611
Budgeted.................................. $1,413,561
Actual......................................... $1,211,471
Momentum Capital Campaign
Through August 29, 2016
Total Pledge............................. $2,304,400
Total Collected............................$301,276
Stephen Ministry Training Class May Be For You
A new training class begins this fall for men and women who are
interested in becoming a Stephen Minister. The skills you receive
as a part of the training are applicable not only to a lay caring ministry, but also in your everyday life experiences and relationships.
Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, and all have a passion
for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need.
Please start thinking and praying about your involvement for the
new class. If you desire to know more about this training please call
Sandra Talkington: 817.265.5987 or Saunda Niblack: 817.275.7455.
Sunday, September 4, Special Offering Recipients
Family Pathfinders of Tarrant County, and
January 2017 Trinity-based Meal Packaging Event
Family Pathfinders pairs trained mentors from local congregations
with families in need to explore financial literacy, career planning,
and life skills. The program changes lives and helps families break
the cycle of poverty. The Family Pathfinders’ 85% retained employment success rate is evidence that the program really works.
Stop Hunger Now is the Christian hunger-relief ministry with whom
Trinity has partnered for over three years to provide the opportunity
to Trinity members to package meals that are shipped to starving
people living in impoverished nations all over the world. This January, we hope to be able to package 20,000 meals over the course of
an afternoon, on the MLK Jr. Day holiday. Each packaged meal costs
Please give generously to these Christian outreach ministries.
H.O.P.E. Tutoring - After School Volunteers Needed
Help with homework, reading and math beginning Sept 27
Work one-on-one with a student in Grades 3-8
Volunteer Training: Thursday, September 15: 6-8 PM
H.O.P.E. Tutoring Center: Good Shepherd UMC, 2020 S. Collins St.
A light supper will be served.
Please contact us today to reserve your place: 817.861.7757
[email protected] or [email protected]
Additional training sessions available by appointment.
Visit their website: www.hopetutoring .com
Tutoring begins Tuesday, Sept 27
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 4-5 PM / 4:30-5:50 PM / 6:60-7:30 PM
Our Prayers
Members of Our Congregation: Marcia Dingler - Carol Wallace Beverly Phillips - David Chavez - Ron & Nancy White - Robert Denton
- Janet Bass - Brittany Boren - Dixie Hoover - Sandy Chambers - Bill
Talley - Patricia LaRue - Linden Damschroder - Barbara Gillen - Frank
Pickle - Laurel Beavers - Wilma Shepherd - Dan Mead - Lou Calame Rowland Lollar - Mary Miller - Doug Christianson - Joe Roberts - Tom
& Elena Cogdell - Bill Bastable - Don Haagen - Lynda Reeves - Larry
McNeil - Maralee Stapper - Ray Jenkins - Dan Easterly
Our Sympathy to: Kristel Carter & family, on the death of her stepfather, Rev. William Liljegren on Aug 27 - Donna & Kenny Hart on the
death of their granddaughter, Hannah Hart, on Aug 23 - Myrtle Allen
& family, on the death of her sister, Carolyn Barnes, on Aug 22 - Hattie
& Wyatt Ables & family, on the death of their father, Calvin Ables, on
Aug 22 - Andy & Brenda Smith and family, on the death of his father,
Bill Smith, on Aug 16 - Carolyn Smith & family, on the death of her
husband Harold (Dick) Smith on Aug 4
Members with Long-Term Needs: Bob Blowers - Misty Castro
- Laura Fiaoni - Kevin Grubbs - Dorothy Gustine - John Hammack Jeanne Harrison - Dub Holcomb - Raye Laughlin - Evelyn Lawvere
- Linda Lollar - Rowland Lollar - Doug Luttrell - Robin Lyday - Ruth
McMillan - Lera Oldham - Brianna Reeves - Cheryl Seese - Maralee
Stapper - Tom Stephens
Extended Family: Gary & Eileen Lindley - Gary & Carol Turner’s
family Steve & Kim - Katie Lowe’s father Gary - Sheila Sims’ great
grandson Jack & son-in-law Denton - Brenda Beaver’s daughter-inlaw Katie - Peggy Lively’s sister Donna - Sue Irwin’s grandson Joshua
- Al Vincent’s son David - Jane Chamberlan’s husband Walter - Brenda
Smith’s mother Noni - Larry Beardsley’s father John - Susan Spangler’s relatives Aeva & Sara Jo - Dr. Scott Youngblood - Ned & Mary
Webster’s grandson Smith - Bob & Susie Deible’s daughter Becky Sandy Chambers’ son Don - Belinda Hammack’s brother Lee - Barbara
Hauschild’s brother-in-law James
Coming Blessings: Andrew & Ericha Brown (Aug) - David & Tamara
(Turner) Speer (Sept) - Daniel & Katie Beaver (Oct) - William & Burgundy Sullivan (Dec) - Maeghen & Forrest Cook (Jan)
Special Souls: Diane Boring - Lou Calame - Cheryl Seese - Betty Chancellor - Anna Covington - June Cox - Carole Craddock - Virginia Deering
- Jeanne Geran - Joyce Gillman - Dorothy Grubb - Liz & Bob Harlan David Hopkins - Norma Hornbeck - Ray Jenkins - Curtis Jones - Francine Jones - Mary Ann Keal - Yvonne Kincaid - Jean McCown - Gloria
McQueen - Gayla Robertson - Marjorie Rudig - Martha Scoville - Wilma
Shepherd - Margaret Singleton - Lita Smith - Mildred Spence - Joyce
Sturgess - Carolyn Teague - Martin & Glennene Turner - Lonnie Wright
Those Serving Our Country: Eric Antochy - Stephen Barnett - Grant
Barrett - Christopher Burgess - Kevin Caliva Jr. - Aaron Carnahan - Tyler Cobb - Michael Craddock - Clifton Dillehay - Travis Dowty - Kyle
Haubold - Sawyer Herndon - Matthew Hoffman - Brian Hutcherson
- Taylor Kelling - Rusty McElroy - Geoffrey Miera - Michael Milburn
- Danny Mitchell - Robert Monroe - Nathan Moody - Jason Moxley
- Phillip Pakhizer - Devon Parrish - Morgan Rasco - Dane Sasser - Marie Shidler - Wesley Smith - Morgan Smyth - Darren Strange - Adam
Thornton - Sam Weatherby - Austin Williams
Dr. Dean Posey
8:30 Elevate . 11:00 IMPACT . 11:00 Traditional
Sunday, September 4
I AM The Way
John 14:1-6, Matthew 25:31-46
Sunday, September 11
I AM The Truth
John 14:1-6, John 8:31-32
Sunday, September 18
I AM The Life
John 14:1-6, John 10:7-10
Sunday, September 25
I AM a Witness
John 14:1-6, Acts 1:1-8
Office Hours
Saturday, September 10
8:30AM-11:00 AM in the Activity Center
All you Can Eat Pancakes, Bacon or Sausage, Juice & Coffee
$7 per person - For Tickets Call: 817.860.7757
Trinity United Methodist Men will be flipping up
some great food and raising funds for H.O.P.E. Tutoring Center to help H.O.P.E. continue to provide free
tutoring to students in Arlington!
1200 West Green Oaks Blvd
Arlington, TX 76013
Monday-Thurs: 8:30-5:00
Friday: 8:30-4:00
phone: 817.274.1345
[email protected] / fax: 817.457.1238
TELC: 817.275.0562
U.S. Postage
Arlington, TX
Permit No. 63
Sunday, September 4–Sunday, September 18
For four Sundays, beginning in late August and continuing
through September 18, Trinity will place a special emphasis
on growing our adult Sunday morning Bible study classes
– our Sunday School. The class leadership and members in
each of the 16 classes will be inviting church members (who
are not already involved in Sunday morning Bible study
classes), and regular visitors who are not members of a
Sunday School class, to join them on Sunday mornings.
As we, as a family of faith, live out our Core Values:
Connect, Learn, Grow, Serve, and Give, we want to offer to each other the opportunity to grow, spiritually,
in order that each of us might be the very best witness
for Christ that we can be. Please look for more information about this special Sunday School emphasis on
the scrolling announcement monitors in the Great Hall
and outside of the Activity Center.