Holy Ghost Catholic Church


Holy Ghost Catholic Church
Holy Ghost Catholic Church
1041 North Central Street ■ Knoxville, Tennessee 37917
Most Reverend Richard F. Stika, D.D.
Bishop of Knoxville
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 11, 2012
Reverend Monsignor Xavier Mankel, V.G.
865-633-8071 or 865-522-2205
Reverend Father John Arthur Orr
Associate Pastor
Kathleen Kramer, DRE
865-719-8005, email: [email protected]
Rectory and Mailing Address
111 Hinton Avenue
Knoxville, Tennessee 37917
Phone: 865-522-2205
Fax: 865-525-6051
email: [email protected]
web: holyghostknoxville.org
PARISH OFFICE: Monday-Friday, 8:30 - 4:00PM
Dotti Morris, Parish Secretary
Catherine Cunningham, Business Manager
email: [email protected]
Sara Clem, Office Assistant
Jan Johnsson, Office Assistant
Aurelia Montgomery, Special Projects
Louise Blaha, Church Housekeeper
Charles Walden, Organist
William Lovelace, Director of Sunday 6PM
Mass Choir
Louise O. Wyman, Parish Composer
Hispanic Ministry - Fr. John Arthur Orr
(all fulfill Sunday obligation)
Sunday in English
7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30AM and 6:00PM
Mass in Spanish 7:00PM Saturday
in Latin 1:30PM Sunday
Ruthenian Rite (Byzantine) 9:30AM Sunday
in the original church, 1031 N Central St.
6:30 and 8:00AM*
*8:00AM Mass also at St. Joseph School when school
is in session
7:00PM Saturday eve Mass in Spanish Only
CHILD CARE: Use Cry Room at any Sunday Mass;
guardian remains with child unless child care provider
is on duty. Ms. Joan Long is on duty at the 8:30 and
10:00AM Masses on Sunday.
CONFESSIONS - Saturday 5:00-6:00PM or by
appointment (except Holy Saturday & Christmas Eve)
First Friday - Eucharistic Exposition, Holy Hour and
Benediction 8:30-9:45AM at Holy Ghost Church
“…but she, from her poverty,
has contributed all she had…”
Mark 12:38-44
CCD - Sunday 9:45AM-11:15AM at St. Joseph School. Adult Ed on same Sunday
10:00-11:00AM. Classes mid-Sept. to May
RCIA - Sunday 7:15PM in the Church (downstairs) Sessions held mid-Sept. to May
BAPTISM - Families registering & attending Holy Ghost for at least four months
wishing to prepare for Baptism may register for the next class.
MARRIAGE - Contact Church at least 4 months in advance. Engaged Encounter
ANOINTING OF THE SICK followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on the
second Sunday of February and August at 4PM. Benediction and Refreshments follow.
Pastor: Msgr. Xavier Mankel
Associate Pastor: Father John Orr
Chairman: Tom Testerman, 688-8704
Vice Chairman: Robert Montgomery, 687-2022
Secretary: Gene Quintois, 247-4879
Education: Charles Chandler, [email protected]
Parish Life: Carolyn Toal, 599-3713
Communications: Carole Willard, 938-1996
Stewardship: Angel Brewer, 689-0484
Liturgy: Carol Lougheed, 689-7708
Hispanic: Oswaldo Cardenas, [email protected]
LITURGY OF THE HOURS Monday-Friday: Morning
Prayer 6:00AM, Evening Prayer 5:30PM
ROSARY - Each Saturday following the 8:00AM Mass
for world peace and an end to abortion.
Sr. Mary Elizabeth Ann McCullough, R.S.M., Principal - St. Joseph School,
1810 Howard Drive, 37918, 865-689-3424
Holy Ghost Catholic Church
Knoxville, Tennessee
November 11, 2012
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Masses for November 10, 2012 - November 18, 2012
Sat 11/10 JO
Sun 11/11 JO
Father Joe Tarpy (d1-7-89)
Monsignor Thomas Tobin (d 1-18-4-24)
Our Veterans from Holy Ghost
People of Holy Ghost
Dec members of Dombrosky & Long
All U S Veterans
6:00pm Cheryl Bunker* by Elizabeth Bunker
Most Rev. Joseph Rademacher (d 1-12-00)
Jim Johnson
Charlotte Phillips
John O’Brien by family
Michael Flannagan by Helen Flannagan
Frances Kincaid by Martin & Marilyn Bartling
Frances Kincaid
Geronimo Taal by family
Father William Shannon (d 1-19-25)
Father William Walsh (d 1-21-02)
Father Alphonse B Parker (d 1-22-27)
Father Francis Marron (d 1-25-18)
7:00pm Father John Tierney (d 1-25-77)
Sun11/18 XM
Our prayers are requested for the eternal repose of
the souls of Charlotte Kincaid Phillips, 90, widow of
Edward B Phillips, and charter member of Sacred
Heart Cathedral Parish. Charlotte grew up in
Immaculate Conception, Knoxville (and was no
stranger to Holy Ghost either); and for Frances
Kincaid, long time member of Holy Ghost Parish
who died November 5. She was a long time member
of our Holy Ghost choir and helped with many,
many parish projects. May their souls and the souls
of all our beloved faithful departed through the
overwhelming mercy of God rest in peace. Amen
Please phone the Rectory (522-2205), and speak with
Dotti Morris to add names to the following:
Anna Bourff-Addington .. Joyce Adcock .. John Bentley .. Marian
Braatz .. Barbara Brimi .. Mike Brink .. Sahara Burkey .. Mary Pat
Chandler .. Bishop David Choby .. Sue Clancy .. Bobby, Joanna
and Leon Cook .. Pat Davenport .. Maria Dulin .. Jason
Edwards .. Sidnee Edwards .. Hal Emitt, Sr. .. Lauren Evans ..
Lynne Gylani ..Charlotte Guy .. John Haas .. Sandra Hatcher ..
Bob Holifield .. Art Howerton..Lisa Hurtt .. Christine Fritz ..
Shelba Jean Fritz King .. Sylvia Klages ..Norman Knaps .. Linda
Knauer .. Jack Kramer .. Clyde Letsinger .. Tycen Letsinger ..
David Joseph Long .. Patti Loveday .. Mona Manning .. Marsha
Moneymaker .. Ostermayr Family .. Carolyn Payne .. Christine
Price .. Carl Rose .. Dawn Sands .. Tommy J. Sands Jr .. Sam
Sharpe .. Jane Snidas .. Vincent Sebagabo .. Msgr. Robert
Servatius .. Nina Taylor .. Brenda Turner ..Gen Vadeboncouer ..
Eva Varallo .. Chuck Williams .. Claudia Wilson .. Kathy Wilson
Vincent Knoeber* by George & Evelyn Mankel
Father Vince Hines (d 1-23-96)
Mary Torie by Carol Pettit
People of Holy Ghost
Jose Carranza by Mark & Blanca Doherty
Father Joe Wesley (d 11-30-84)
* indicates “living”
TSgt Robert Ayala
U.S. Air Force
PFC Nathan Babcock
U.S. Army
SPC Joseph Caldwell
U.S. Army
PO Christopher Corum
U.S. Navy
SA Keagan A Drysdale
U.S. Navy
Sgt. Francis (Joseph) Dunn Jr. U.S. Marines
Capt. C.B. Hancock
U.S. Air Force
Lt. Col. Joseph P. Henderson
U.S. Army
Sgt. Aaron Hosford
U.S. Marines
3rd CPO Karl Kolzow
U.S. Navy
Middle East
Spec Joseph Nate Mankel
U.S. Army
CMSgt Charles A. Morris
U.S. Air Force
SSgt Thomas J. Morris
U.S. Air Force
Dr. Kenneth Nickle
TN National Guard
Capt. Kelly Padden
U.S. Air Force
Sgt. Edward Stamey
U.S. Army
3rd CPO Brian Wallace
U.S. Navy
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
Stewardship figures for weekend of November3 and November 4, 2012
Offertory All Saints & All Souls
Parish Building Fund
St. Joseph Gym /Auditorium
Votive Lights
Offertory to date since July 1, 2012 - $165,091.50 - Thank you!
Deficit since July 1 $72,408.50
ear Members of Holy Ghost Parish:
I wish to thank those of you who
returned a pledge card for parish
funding, 2013, during the past week. We
still have a long way to go before every card
has been returned. Please remember that
although you, even after much thought and
prayer about your moral obligation to support the church,
have been unable to arrive at some stated amount, we still
need your card returned for a number of reasons:
 We want to be sure that our parish census is correct.
 We want you to join us in obedience to our Bishop by
returning a card.
 We want to be sure of the prudent reliability of your
pledge and its reasonableness (it would be a bit unusual if
during the last ten years you have contributed less than one
dollar per week to have you pledge for 2013 an amount equal
to thousands of dollars. We hope that such a miracle of
generosity will happen here someday but it hasn’t happened
 We try to accommodate all who phone the Rectory for
spiritual services but as the number of deacons and priests
who have been mugged or robbed (some even murdered)
rises it surely does help to know that we are trying to
minister to people who are registered.
 Funeral plans are much easier to make when we are
dealing with people who cooperate with the system. Many
times families will come by the Rectory to bid the priests
farewell when they move from the parish. It would be so
much more helpful if such a visit would occur as people
move into the parish. Please remember that there are
hundreds of you and only two priests to try to serve you.
 Thank heavens that our offertory income is always
higher than what you pledge but not knowing how much
higher is cause for alarm. Our hope is that in 2013 your
giving will approach the $12,500 per week we need to
operate your parish. Half that amount simply will not do it.
Three-fourths of four-fifths of that amount will not do it.
While the annual Bishop’s Appeal seems to be doing quite
well, it is at home base - the parish (without which the
diocese can not function) that must be fiscally stable before
life with God can continue. Please revisit your stewardship
responsibilities and return your card by the end of 6PM Mass
next Sunday, November 18, 2012.
Devotedly yours in Christ,
Monsignor M-
y dear Parishioners,
Peace! The sacraments in general
are treated by the Catechism of the
Catholic Church in at least seven (7) passages.
The following is a reflection on articles 743
and 1831.
That the sacraments impart grace is but
another way to say that God sends “the Spirit
of His Son” into our very being (cf. Galatians 4:6). Each of the
sacraments impart grace. In the Sacrament of Baptism, however,
one of the particular graces includes “divine adoption,” how we
are made adopted sons and daughters in the one only Son. This
divine adoption makes us not only brothers and sisters to Christ
but also with all of those others who have received the same
Spirit of adoption.
While the outpouring of the Creator Spirit upon us in the
Sacrament of Confirmation is often rightly highlighted,
including the various “gifts of the Spirit,” one key sign of the
Spirit’s powerful presence is the ability to cry out both “Abba,
Father” and “Jesus is Lord” (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:3; Galatians
4:6). God has even more than this in store for us when
bestowing the gift of the Spirit.
The Spirit which descended upon the Lord Jesus, anointing
Him to preach the Gospel to the poor and to heal the contrite of
heart is the same Spirit given us in the sacraments (cf. Luke
4:18; John 20:22). The seven (7) gifts of the Spirit are
enumerated in Sacred Scripture by the Prophet Isaiah 11:2-3.
For his part, Saint Thomas Aquinas, OP, treats the gifts in the
Summa Theologiae I-II, Q., 68, A.1, 4-7.
The gift of Wisdom perfects our speculative reason and
directs both our intellect and our affections. Wisdom considers
the excellence of God. The gift of Understanding belongs to
reason and perfects our speculative reason. Understanding
penetrates the truths heard, refreshing the heart and enlightening
its darkness so as to enlighten our minds. The gift of Counsel
belongs to reason and perfects our practical reason. Counsel
concerns matters of difficulty. The gift of Fortitude perfects us
against fear of dangers and adversity which we face so often in
our lives on Earth. The gift of Knowledge perfects our practical
reason and allows us to instruct the ignorant in the ways of God.
By God’s gift of Knowledge we are able to overcome the void
of ignorance even in anticipation of the life to come. The gift of
Piety denotes both the reverence and the worship which we
render unto God our Father. Piety belongs to the appetite, that is,
our desires, satisfying the inmost heart with deeds of mercy in
this life and flowering in the fellowship of joy in the life to
come. The gift of the Fear of the Lord corresponds to the virtue
of temperance, helping us to refrain from evil pleasures in view
of God’s excellence (cf. Proverbs 15:27). Fear of the Lord
belongs to the appetite, that is, our desires.
How wonderful the blessings of God!
God bless you!
Father John Arthur Orr
Join us for Episode 3 of
the most compelling story ever told
Wednesday, November 14
Bishop Stika to celebrate three bilingual Masses throughout
our diocese next year in honor of the sacrament of
Couples will have the opportunity to renew their vows
during Mass and continue to celebrate with family and
friends at a luncheon following the Mass. Masses for 2013:
Father Henkel Hall, 7-9PM
“The Ineffable Mystery of God: That
Than Which Nothing Greater
can be Thought”
Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 11:00 am, Register by
Friday, January 18 St. Mary’s Church, 327 Vermont
Avenue , Oak Ridge, TN.
Robert Barron presents the Catholic Faith’s
compelling vision of God as the ineffable
and majestic Trinity
Saturday, February 9, 2013 at 11:00 am, Register by
Friday, February 1. St. Mary Church , 1291 East Madison
Avenue, Athens, TN.
Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 11:00 am, Register by Friday,
March 1, St. Patrick Church, 2518 W Andrew Johnson
Highway, Morristown, TN.
Register in by due date and receive free gifts from
the Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment
A commemorative certificate and one professional photo
with Bishop Stika
Pregnancy and Adoption Services, including post-abortion
counseling available24/7/365 by calling 1-877-990-4673
Empowering and protecting the poor and vulnerable through:
Columbus Home Children’s Services
Housing for Special Populations
Outreach to Those in Hardship
Counseling & Education
For information or help, go to www.ccetn.org for services and
contact information in your community.
To register contact: Marian Christiana,
[email protected] or 423-892-231
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,
Lumen Gentium (21 November, 1964)
The 2013 Emerald O'ccasion Annual
Dinner committee will be composed of
representatives from all parishes in the greater Knoxville
area. Please consider joining the committee to represent
your parish! You'll have fun and in so doing, you'll be
helping generate critical support for thousands of
vulnerable children, seniors, and families in our
region. Call Sherrie at 865-524-9896 Ext. 1005 to
If you wish to learn more about becoming a
Catholic join us on Sunday evenings at 7:15PM in the Father
Henkel Hall. Newcomers are always welcome. Call
Elizabeth Bunker, 584-2513 or Dianne Levesque, 253-7531
for more information.
The Paraclete Catholic Books & Gifts will
host a Fountanini Open House & After Thanksgiving Sale
on Nov.23rd & 24th. Come spend time with us away from
the hustle of big stores and enjoy storewide savings,
refreshments, hourly drawings, and Fontanini Special Event
piece “Gera” available for sale.
Super Tuesdays are also back by popular demand.
During Nov. & Dec. every Tuesday we will host a different
department sale. Stop by each Tuesday to see what is on
sale or call 1-800-333-2097. Open Monday-Saturday 9-5.
106. Who are said to be 'pilgrims in a strange
land'(LG, 7.5) ? We Christians
107. How will we be glorified (LG, 7.5) ? By union
with Christ in His sufferings
108. Who continually distributes gifts of
ministries by which we serve each other (LG,
7.6)? Christ
109. How are we unceasingly renewed (LG, 7.7)? By Christ’s sharing
His Spirit
110. What four (4) properties make .the link between the Holy
Spirit and the Church, like that of the human soul andhuman
body (LG, 7.7)? Existence, life, unity, movement
111. List the three (3) Saints and two (2) Popes who are cited as
teaching that the Holy Spirit is the soul of the Church (LG, 7.7,
note)? Saint Augustine, Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Thomas
Aquinas; Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius XII
112. Who is subject to Christ the Head (LG, 7.8)? The Church
113. Why does Christ fill the Church with divine gifts
(LG, 7.8)? So she may expand
114. Who is the one Mediator between God and man (1Timothy 2:5;
LG, 8.1)? Christ
115. What did Christ establish here on Earth (LG, 8.1) ? His holy
116. List the threefold (3) description of what sort of community
the Church found in (LG, 8.1). One of Faith, Hope, and Charity
117. What does it mean to say that the Church has 'visible
delineation' (LG, 8.1) ? That the Church can be described, precisely
indicated, and recognized by her outlines.
118. How does Christ communicate grace and truth to all
(LG, 8.1) ? His holy Church
From: Orr, John Arthur. Dogmatic Questions and Answers for the
Year of Faith, Charleston, SC: Create Space, 2012.
Monsignor Xavier Mankel
Padre John Arthur Orr
Les damos la bienvenida a todos los que nos visitan
por primera vez y a aquellos que nos visitan de otros
estados y/o países. También a todos aquellos que se
ingresan como nuevos miembros de nuestra iglesia y
les recordamos ponerse en contacto con algún
miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto.
Les recomendamos apagar todo aparato electrónico
antes de entrar a la iglesia.
PADRES DE FAMILIA: Favor de no dejar
que los niños corran entre los pasillos durante la
reúne los domingos de 1:30 a 3:30. Para más información llame a
Jose Rameriez 828-448-2389 o Angelina Pedro 865-237-7487.
Clases de Bautismo para adultos:
Segundo y cuarto Sabado de Enero, Abril, Julio y Octubre. Se
imparten después de la Misa a las 8:00pm. Se requiere la
presencia de los papas y padrinos.
El grupo Peregrinos del Señor se reúnen los miércoles a las 8
p.m. y los domingos a las 4 p.m. a rezar el rosario. Se les invita
acompañarnos, comuníquese con Candelaria al (865) 388-9505,
Benjamín (865) 692-7167, Tomás (865) 643-5988 o con
Rigoberto (865) 255-5137.
Actividades de cada mes:
Todos los sábados:
Confesiones en español de 6 a 6:45 pm
Bendiciones de imágenes o artículos - 8 pm
misa, no andar sobre las bancas; no andar solos en el
estacionamiento; no dejar que jueguen con los misales
o libros de canto. Todo esto se les pide con el propósito
de que la Misa sea una experiencia agradable para
Primer sábado:
Si tiene una necesidad especifica, para una misa de
aniversario, acción de gracias o cualquier otro tipo de
necesidad de esta índole, comuníquese con un
miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto. Ellos le podrán
dar los informes necesarios para su necesidad.
Recuerde que todo tipo de Misa requiere notificación
anticipada. Gracias.
Tercer sábado:
Grupo: Caminando hacia la nueva Jerusalén
Este grupo se dedica a la alabanza y oración a Dios y se
Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento – 8 pm
Segundo sábado:
Chequeo de la presión de la sangre – 8pm
Reunión de Pastoral de Conjunto – 8 pm
Cuarto sábado:
Noche de la comunidad
Todos los viernes:
Porque ser Catholico
Estudiamos la fe Catolica junta con nuestros hermanos en Cristo
Jesús, por una programa se reúne a las 7:30 pm en la iglesia.
El coro se reune todos los lunes de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm en el sotano de la Iglesia. (Choir practice every Monday from 7-9 pm in the Church
basement.) - Grupo Caminando hacia la nueva Jerusalen, se reune todos los domingos de 4:00-6:00 pm. Para mas informacion comuniquese
con Jose Ramirez (865-208-2758 o Angelina Pedro Ramirez (865- 230-4679. (Prayer group "Caminando hacia la nueva Jerusalen" meets
every Sunday from 4-6pm) For more information contact Jose Ramirez (865- 208-278 or Angelina Pedro Ramirez (865- 230-4679.)
Quniceañeras - Informes con Doris Cardenas. (Information on quinceañeras can be obtained from Doris Cardenas)
The young men in Juvenile Detention and at Columbus Home often don't have the proper clothing for the cold
weather. If you have sweaters, hoodies, jackets, sweats that are no longer being used, please donate them. It's supposed to be a cold winter! Jeans are always needed at both places. Leave them in the designated places at the entrances to the church. As always, thank you so much. Carolyn Toal, Parish Life Chair.
St. Luke Guild Membership Drive: Bishop Stika established the St. Luke Guild earlier this year as a forum to unite
Catholic health care professionals throughout the Diocese. With the sale of Mercy Health Partners (St. Mary’s), the Diocese is
left with only one Catholic medical institution, Memorial Health Care Systems in Chattanooga. Our challenge is to continue to
provide and even expand Catholic health care despite the loss of St. Mary’s Hospital. The St. Luke Guild is an integral element
to this mission by providing its members with education in Catholic health care principles, opportunities for charitable service to
the poor of the Diocese and spiritual enrichment to nourish themselves and their families. The St. Luke Guild is open to anyone
in health care: doctors, nurses, dentists, optometrists, therapists, etc. - those who are in active practice or retired, those involved
with direct patient care or administration. Please go to the website www.stlukeguild.org to register. Registered members will
receive periodic newsletters notifying them of events and meetings, service opportunities, educational seminars and retreats.
There is no membership fee. Please contact the new Director of Health Services, Sr. Mariana Koonce, RSM, MD if you have
any questions. She may be reached at (865) 584-3307 or at [email protected].
Altar Servers
7:00 a.m. Art Clancy IV
8:30 a.m. Dakota Raines, Hannah Raines
10:00.a.m Will Hunse, Caroline Hunse, Katie Whitaker
11:30 a.m. Alec Connolly, Luke Connolly, Sophia
1st Sunday Parish Life Breakfast after all morning & the
1:30 pm Latin Masses
Blood Pressure Checks after all morning Masses
2nd Sunday Knights of Columbus Breakfast after all morning Masses
3rd Sunday Parish Life Breakfast after all morning Masses
7:15 p.m. RCIA – (meet after the 6 p.m. Mass) - JPII Room
Call Elizabeth Bunker (584-2513).
Mystagogia Schedule for RCIA – monthly
meetings 2nd Sunday– Music Room
7-9:00 p.m. Coros práctica españoles
7-9:00 p.m. Opus Dei Women’s Night of Recollection - 2nd Monday
6:00 p.m. Regular Servers Needed
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
7:00 a.m. Pat Pennebaker
8:30 a.m. Julie Raines
10:00 a.m. Carol Cortese, Tom Testerman
11:30 a.m. Paul Puleo
6:00 p.m. Elizabeth Bunker
7:00 a.m. Tom Wolf
8:30 a.m. Lorraine McWilliams
10:00 a.m. Paul Dunn
11:30 a.m. Lee Benedetti
6:00 p.m. Dianne Levesque
8:30 a.m. Sts. Martha & Mary Guild ~ Needlecraft –
call Lorraine McWilliams at 922-2286. JPII Room
6:00 p.m. Parish Pastoral Council - 2nd Tuesday - JP II Room
7-9:00 p.m. Opus Dei Men’s Night of Recollection - 2nd Tuesday
After school Junior Presidium - When school is in session.
6:00 p.m. Legion of Mary (adult group) - Fr. Henkel Hall, JP II Room
7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal - St. Cecilia Room
7:00 a.m. Tom & Konomi Wolf
8:30 a.m. Phyllis Eckstein, Jim Campbell, Brian
10:00 a.m. Share the Word Scripture Study - Led by
Lorraine McWilliams - JPII Room
7-8:30 p.m. Pope Benedict XVI Schola
10:00 a.m. Drocella & Jean Mugorewere, Luke &
Isabell Johnson
11:30 a.m. Frances & Jerry Armstrong, Carole Willard
6:00 p.m. Paul Douglass
9:00 a.m. Rosary for Life – Held every Friday in front of the Planned
Parenthood Clinic on Cherry St., Knoxville. For
information call Lorie Weeden, 546-7622 or 806-1425
7:00 p.m. Hispanic Bible Study - Oswaldo Cardenas
Schedule for Spanish Mass
Pastoral de Conjunto:
Baptism Preparation:
8:30 a.m. Rosary for Peace – Following 8 a.m. Mass.
3rd Saturday Hispanic Leadership Meeting (8 p.m. in Church)
4th Saturday Hispanic Community Night (8-9 p.m. in Church)
Maria Barraza
Olga Sandoval
José Luís Santiago
José Sandoval
Oswaldo Cardenas
Welcome to Holy Ghost Church. If you are a new parishioner
you are invited to stop by or telephone the Rectory Office to
register and let us know how we may be of service to you. If
you have not received weekly offering envelopes, please call the
Church office 522-2205. Envelopes are sent to you through the
U.S. Postal Service each month at no charge to you.
“But she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had,
her whole livelihood.” Mark 12:38-44
Like the widow from Zarephath, who baked a cake for Elijah
with the small amount of flour and oil she had left for herself and
her son, the widow in the temple gave all that she had - her
whole livelihood, to God. Such generosity springs from great
faith in God’s love for us and sincere gratitude. It is important
that we regularly reflect on who we are and whose we are. At
our Baptism we are called “a child of God, for so indeed we
are.” Do we acknowledge and accept God as Father and
Creator? Are we grateful to God for all that He has given us? Is
our gratitude to God reflected in our generosity like the widow of
Zarepath and the widow in the temple? Jesus was not favorably
impressed by large sums contributed by the rich out of their
surplus wealth. How much of what we have is because of what
we want, not what we need? How much of what we claim to be
mine is actually surplus that we could share with others in need?
For families who have Eighth graders interested in
attending Knoxville Catholic High School fall 2013,
please take note of the following dates:
Admission Information Meeting:
Sunday November 11, 2012, 2:00pm, KCHS Gym
Placement Test: Saturday December 1, 2012
8:00am – 12:00pm, KCHS
For further information, please contact:
Nichole Pfohl, Dean of Admissions
865-560-0502, [email protected]
The Ladies of Charity wish to express
appreciation to the parishioners of Holy Ghost Church for
your continued donations. Such support from parishes is
essential to our organization because it enables us to continue
our ministry of assisting those less fortunate in our
community. THANK YOU for your contributions of time,
talent, and treasure.
To reserve the Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue
for your home please contact the Legion of Mary.
[email protected]
Please allow several weeks for availability.