BOR-May 2015 - First Baptist Church Lithia Springs


BOR-May 2015 - First Baptist Church Lithia Springs
May 3, 2015
Pastor Kevin McKoy called the conference to order.
Opening prayer was led by Ron Couch.
Pastor McKoy called attention to the February 15, 2014 Book of Reports which had been distributed to the
Included in the Book of Reports were the following:
Minutes of the November 16, 2014 Church Conference: Approved as presented.
Clerk’s Report for November 2014, December 2014, & January 2015:
Tom Richardson made motion to approve the Clerk’s Report with a second by Julie Johnson.
A voice vote was taken and the report was approved as presented.
Financial Reports for November 2014, December 2014, & January 2015: Approved as Presented.
Organizational Reports were included in the February 2015 Book of Reports. There were no additional
committee or council reports verbally presented.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Recommendation from the Nominating Committee, by Ron Couch, Chairperson:
“The Nominating Committee recommends Bob Elle for the Association Executive Committee,
(Replacing Dewey Reed). The Nominating Committee recommends Jim West for Trustee year 2019,
(Replacing Colbert Beasley)”
There was no discussion/questions. A voice vote was taken and the motion carried, unanimously.
Recommendation from the Church Clerk, Antonette Mitchell:
“We need approval to send a Church Statement Letter for Jonah Sampson to attend Leavell College,
NOBTS. Jonah is a member in good standing. I need a motion that we vote to approve the submission
of the church Statement Letter for Jonah Sampson.”
Heather McGuire made a motion that we vote to approve the Church Statement Letter with a
second by Joey Nesbitt. There was no discussion/questions. A voice vote was taken and the
motion carried, unanimously.
Recommendation from the Church Council, by Danny Anderson:
“At our last Church Council & Leadership Meeting, there was a discussion concerning moving the
scheduling of our Quarterly Church Conferences to coincide with our 1st Sunday Celebrations. Believing that
this would better engage the members of FBC Lithia Springs, the Church Council makes the following
recommendation - To be read at the November 2014 Conference and presented for vote at the February 2015
Conference - The Church Council recommends that the church bylaws be amended in order to change the
Regular Business Meetings in Article VI, Section 3.”
Ron Couch made a motion that we vote to approve the recommendation by the Church Council
with a second by Tommy Hagler. There was no discussion/questions. A voice vote was taken and
the motion carried, unanimously.
Recommendation from the Church Council, by Mike Sinyard:
“The Church Council, with specific information from the church staff, has been discussing the need to
clarify our church’s membership classifications. Believing that this would best organize the members and
prospects of FBC Lithia Springs for more efficient ministry, the Church Council makes the following
recommendation - To be read at the November 2014 Conference and presented for vote at the February 2015
Conference - The Church Council recommends that the church bylaws be amended in order to create a Bylaws
Article I Church Membership, Section 7 titled Membership Classification.”
Joey Nesbitt made a motion that we vote to approve the recommendation by the Church Council
with a second by Woody Mahan. Questions from Wayne Bearden, Frances (Honey) Jennings,
Donna Quinn, and Stephanie Elle were sufficiently answered by Pastor Kevin McKoy. A vote by
the uplifted hand was taken and the motion carried, unanimously.
Pastor McKoy made the following announcements of upcoming events:
Marriage Seminar: February 20-21
Youth DNOW: February 27-March 1
LINK on Sundays @ 3:50 p.m.
Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer: March 1-9
Time Change– Spring Forward: March 8
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: March 14
Good Friday Worship Service: April 3 @ 7 p.m.
Children’s Ministry Community Egg Hunt: April 4 @ 11 am
Tom Richardson made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Ken Howle. A unanimous voice vote
was taken for adjournment.
Conference was adjourned following prayer by Pastor Kevin McKoy.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonette C. Mitchell
Antonette C. Mitchell
Church Clerk
May 3, 2015
1150 + 290 Prospects
1137 + 361 Prospects
James Daniel (Danny) Matthews, by Letter
Nancy Matthews, by Letter
Whitney Pirkle, by Baptism
Frank Garza, by Letter
Sheila Garza, by Letter
Scott Anderson, Moved to Beulah Baptist, Douglasville
Tara Watkins Anderson, Moved to Beulah Bapt., D’ville
Avery Brooke Nail, Moved to Central Baptist, Douglasville
Pam Nail, Moved to Central Baptist, Douglasville
Robert (Bobby) Z. Nail, Moved to Central Baptist, D’ville
R. Zachary Nail Jr., Moved to Central Baptist, Douglasville
David Zimmerman, Moved to First Church, Marietta
Karii Zimmerman, Moved to First Church, Marietta
Ruth Nails, Deceased
Melissa Jones, Moved to Friendship Baptist, Austell
Dallas Richardson, Deceased
Tony Godfrey
The Audit Committee has begun the 2014 church year auditing process. Information from
the committee will be included in the Book of Reports following its anticipated May
Betty Robertson
Hugh Grimmer and Betty Robertson continue to lead the Ministry at Brookdale Sweetwater
Creek (formerly Emeritus at Sweetwater Assisted Living). Judy Reeves and Peggy Schwartz
are faithfully serving with them in this ministry.
On Wednesdays, at 2 p.m., in the Activities Room, we meet with the residents for singing,
preaching, and fellowship. Betty goes back to worship and entertain the residents in the
Rose Garden at about 3 p.m. It is such a blessing to see the faces of these residents
brighten up after they attend our services. We encourage you to join us in the efforts of this
ministry and especially to remember us when you pray.
Tom Richardson
The committee has devoted their attention to the condition of our asphalt parking areas. We
reached the conclusion that to prevent further deterioration and to enhance the look of these
areas, it was time to consider how best to make restitution.
Four bids were obtained. We support the bid provided by R. P. Paving Solutions of Villa
Rica, Georgia to make the repairs.
We have a bid to place a concrete handicap ramp at the front portico entrance. We also
have a bid for signs to be placed around the parking areas.
A recommendation will be made at the May Church Conference. This recommendation will
be in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00 . The recommendation will also include that we
begin a campaign to raise funds to pay for these repairs. These items are a part of our long
range building plans.
Building Committee: Tom Richardson (Chair) Susan Beasley, Greg Lamb,
Vicki Rutherford, Jim Rose, and Jim West.
Lanisa Laughlin
The Easter Egg Hunt was a blast! The children had a wonderful time listening to a message
focused on the Resurrection and hunting for bunches of eggs! The Children’s Ministry is so
thankful for all the volunteers who came to help make this day possible! We are so very
grateful for you all!
VBS is right around the corner! It is just two months away! The planning is in route and the
volunteers have begun signing up to help! Registration for children has begun. It is
available online at and will soon be available in the Worship Center Foyer
before and after the worship service. We are so excited about VBS this year and can’t wait
to see how the Lord is going to move in the hearts of the volunteers and children! Spread
the word to family and friends about VBS this Summer because the children are going to
love going on a Journey Off the Map.
Thank you to all of the children’s ministry volunteers! Without you we would not be able to
help our children learn and grown in Christ!
Kevin Smythe
February 16, 2015
March 16, 2015
29 deacons present
27 deacons present
The Deacons are planning a church-wide Men’s Breakfast for Saturday, September 12th at
8:00 a.m. We are calling for all men, from youth age and up, not only to come and be
encouraged by the words of Coach Horace LaFavor but to bring your brothers, friends, and
co-workers with you. Time is all it will cost for you to come and be encouraged!
Rev. Mike Sinyard
The Measure of a Man class has concluded. It was a very enlightening and inspirational
study. The testimonies by some of the men were truly a blessing. We own the tapes,
making them available for any man, young or old, to use at anytime.
The ladies study on Gideon was also a dynamic and informative study. Thank you Linda
Watson for stepping out of your comfort zone to do a great job.
Classes are ongoing and almost complete. The Circle Maker classes are helping our church
become even more prayer focused. Thank you Alvie Stiefel, Sandy and Susan Beasley and
Jackie Gomeyac for your leadership. Value Packed Parenting led by Bob Elle. Thank you
Bob Elle for your leadership in making disciples.
Classes are currently being planned for the fall and next year. Thanks to all of you who filled
out a survey. It will be a big help in planning.
Special thanks to Stephanie Elle who is doing a great job as our Discipleship Training
Director. Please be an encouragement to her as she leads.
(English as a Second Language)
Debbie Griffin
During the first quarter of 2015 we had 19 new students enroll in ESL. Even though all of them
don't make it to class each week, we have a core group that is always there. Through the
generous gifts from church members last month, the funds were raised to cover the Citizenship
Test for a student from Nigeria. We continue to pray for her family's safety until they can come
to the United States.
This ministry has so much potential for growth as the demographics around First Baptist are
changing. The need is there but we have to be equipped to meet that need. Most of our
students are Catholic by tradition. The ESL Ministry not only gives us the opportunity to teach
English, it gives us the opportunity to share our faith.
As the school year winds down, classes will break for the summer with our "End of the Year
Celebration" and start again in August.
Dot Richardson
The Hospitality Committee has been busy planning this year. Our March 14th "Guess Who's
Coming to Dinner" fellowship was again a success. We had 5 Host Homes with about 56
guests. Everyone had a great time of food, fellowship and getting acquainted.
We are currently planning a Retirement Celebration for Mike and Karen Sinyard. You will hear
more details about this celebration in the near future. In order to reserve the park for our
annual Church-wide Picnic, a date has been set. You will be pleased to know we have chosen
a later date, in hopes for cooler weather.
Mark your calendar and Save these two Important Dates:
June 14, 2015 - Mike & Karen Sinyard's Retirement Celebration
October 4, 2015 - Annual Church-wide Picnic, Woodrow Wilson Park
Thank you for your support!
Hospitality Committee: Dot Richardson (Chair), Dayna Cabrera, Diane Hitchcock,
Antonette Mitchell, Judy Reeves, and Donna Weghorn.
Henry Robinette
The Missions Council approved the transfer of $500 from Mission Lithia Springs to this
summer’s mission trip to Pennsylvania.
Members Catherine Couch and Adrienne Martin worked a table at the Ministry Fair on
April 19th.
Henry Robinette
Here is Adrienne’s account of the event:
“Yes, the Ministry Fair went very well! We did have a display for the Missions Council.
Catherine and I worked the table. Dan and Jean Harrison also had a very nice (interactive!)
display for the summer missions trip to PA, as well as some information for Mission Lithia.
Jordan Nesbitt put together some pictures from a previous international mission and added a
board to the table as well. Informational flyers about Alvie's mission to India were also
available on the table. I would say we had a good showing for missions at First Baptist Church
of Lithia Springs.
While going to another state or another country for a mission trip can be an up-lifting
experience, you can be a missionary in your own neighborhood. Where we live it is hard to
drive five miles without passing at least one church; and if you have cable TV or a radio, you
could hear a preacher at any hour day or night. So why would you need to be a missionary?
Well, here’s what Time magazine had to say about the state of the nation’s spirituality in its
issue for November 26, 2007, “The vast majority of Americans believe in God, and more than
90% own a Bible, but only half can name a single Gospel, and 10% think Joan of Arc was
Noah’s wife.” (I doubt there has been any improvement in the lack of spiritual awareness
within the last eight years.) Literally hundreds of people living within a three mile radius of our
church never attend any church. Others attend only sporadically. So if you do not invite
people to come to our church or talk to them about Jesus, how will the lost in our community
become saved? Please become active in LINK. LINK provides us an opportunity to reach out
to our neighbors and witness about the love of Jesus.
Vacation Bible School will provide us a great opportunity to witness to the community. Help
spread the news!
Mark Witham
It’s hard to believe that a year has come and gone since I joined the staff at FBC-LS as the
Interim for Music. The Lord has certainly blessed me as I have endeavored to serve Him and
His church through music and worship. I consider it a great privilege to serve alongside the
ministerial and support staff of FBC – Godly men and women who constantly seek the will of
the Father as they lead this church to consistently be a lighthouse in this community for the
Kingdom of God.
Here are the highlights of the Music and Worship ministry over the first three months of 2015:
1. FBC hosted the Douglas County Schools Honor Chorus on Friday evening, March 27 and
Saturday, March 28, 2015. The middle school chorus consisting of about 125 singers and the
high school chorus consisting of about 40 singers attended rehearsal sessions on Friday and
Saturday led by guest clinicians. Each group then presented a concert in the worship center on
Saturday evening with a large number of parents and friends attending. Our own Sandra
Chandler was the accompanist for the high school chorus.
Mark Witham
2. Unfortunately, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra concert for area elementary schools
scheduled for February 25 had to be cancelled due to the threat of snow. The event
could not be rescheduled, so we hope to be able to host them in 2016.
3. The Celebration Choir continues to grow as we dedicate ourselves to the singing
of anthems each week in worship. Currently we are preparing for a joint musical
presentation with the Westside Winds featuring soloist, Myrna Clayton on Saturday,
May 31, 2015 at 5:00 pm. This is a ticketed event benefiting the FBC Student
Ministry. Tickets are $15.00 with details on the church web site: I
Hope all FBC folks will support this event and fill the worship center for this night of
musical worship as we “Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord…”. The Celebration Choir
welcomes new members anytime. Rehearsal time is 7:20 pm in the Choir Suite every
Wednesday evening.
4. I want to express my appreciation to members of the Praise Band who lead us so
faithfully in worship each week. Praise Band members meet on Tuesday evening at
7:00 p.m. and again on Sunday morning at 7:15 a.m. to prepare the congregational
music for Sunday worship. They have also been rehearsing for the I-Quest Kids
musical – “God’s Not Dead” which was presented on Sunday morning April 26th. If
you play guitar, bass guitar, or drums and have attained a certain level of proficiency,
please see Karl Lashley or Mark Witham if you would like to try out for the band.
May the Lord richly bless you as together we “Serve the Lord with gladness and come before
Him with joyful songs”!
Ron Couch
The Nominating Committee has had preliminary meetings concerning the upcoming
selection of nominees for committees, councils, and leadership positions. We participated in
the Ministry Fair and will start soon on our yearly nominations and contacts to fill the
necessary vacancies on our FBCLS ministry opportunities.
Intense love does not measure, it just gives.
Mother Teresa
Mark Sampson
Mike Sinyard’s Retirement: As you know, Mike has announced his plans to retire at
the end of June. God has certainly blessed this church through the ministry of Mike and
Karen. We continue to make plans to honor Mike and Karen. A celebration is scheduled
for June 14th. We plan to collect a “love offering” for Mike and Karen. Beginning in June, a
collection basket will be placed in the Worship Center Lobby for you to place your gifts.
Ministry Fair: The Personnel Committee participated in the 2015 Ministry Fair. For
those of you who stopped by the ‘Personnel Committee’ booth, you had the opportunity to
pick up a description of the function of the committee. You also received a “find the staff”
word puzzle. Were you able to find the names of all of our FBCLS staff?
Mark Sampson
Children/Families Pastor: The search for a Children/Family Pastor continues to be the top
priority of our committee. As we seek His perfect will, we follow a specific process to ensure that we
leave no stone unturned. This process involves, but is not limited to phone contacts, an email
questionnaire, face-to-face interviews, checking references, and opportunities to lead and interact
with our children. Recently, we have walked through several steps of this process with a potential
candidate, who is currently serving at another church. God used our search process to strengthen
the relationship between the candidate and his current pastor, and is now leading him to stay at his
current church.
Music/Worship Pastor: We appreciate Mark Witham as he serves as our Interim Associate
Pastor, Music. We appreciate his leadership each week in our worship services, along with his work
with the choir, praise band, and vocal team. The Personnel Committee continues to seek God’s
person to serve as our Music/Worship Pastor. After reviewing several dozen resumes, we believe
that God is leading us toward a specific individual. We’ve conducted several interviews, via phone,
email, and in person. We are currently planning several events for the weekend of May 16th and 17th.
During that weekend, our prospective Music/Worship Pastor will rehearse with the choir, praise band,
and vocal team. He will also meet with some of our Music leadership. Finally, he will lead in worship
on May 17th.
Vacation Policy: Policies are one method by which we are able to effectively communicate
expectations to church employees. We are in the process of rewording our ‘vacation policy,’ in an
attempt to clarify certain aspects of the policy.
Job Descriptions: We are continuing in our process of reviewing current job descriptions for
completeness. We have updated job descriptions for two more employees and have distributed those
updates to the affected individuals.
Committee Members: Mark Sampson (Chairman), Vincent Gomeyac, Rick Martin,
Heather McGuire, Donna Quinn, and Mary Scott
Jackie Gomeyac
The prayer committee praises God for the past three months as we prayed and planned for the Easter
Prayer Vigil and Prayer Walk. We continue to pray and seek volunteers from Sunday School
classes to be prayer warriors during the Sunday morning service.
We thank God for those who participate in the prayer ministry of our church in the following areas:
* Wednesday night prayer meetings
* Sunday morning prayer with pastor Kevin
* Prayer during Sunday Morning worship
* Adults praying for students
* Bible study on prayer, The Circle Maker
* Sunday night prayer walk around the church
We are excited to see what God will do in each of our lives and in our Church as we continue to
personally and corporately:
*Renew a passion for Jesus through praying unceasingly
*Reclaim the Church as a house of prayer with a passion for lost people
*Respond to God's call to unite believers in focused prayer for evangelization and awakening
Please consider being a part of the prayer ministry. Thank you very much and God bless.
" Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition,
and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts". Mother Teresa
Committee Members: Doris Adams, Nancy Clough, Jackie Gomeyac (Chair),
Wendy Mathews, Betty Spencer, Asa Walker
A Pregnancy Resource Center
Dawn Brown
We hope that you took the opportunity during your recent Ministry Fair to stop by our table to see
how we are ministering to moms and dads in our community, as well as, see the many options
available for you to join this ministry. We thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share our
ministry with you.
We will kick off our Baby Bottle Fundraiser with FBCLS on Sunday, May 3rd. This is an
opportunity for you to collect or give funds to benefit the ministries of the Resource Center and give
a Mother’s Day gift to the moms we serve. All we ask is that you take a baby bottle home with you
on Sunday, May 3rd or May 10th, fill it up with donations and return it to the designated area on
Sunday, May 31st. Here are some ways you can fill up your baby bottle:
 Collect funds from your family, friends, and co-workers
 Use your loose change or bills (or not so loose)
 Make a cash or check donation
 Let the physical baby bottle be a reminder to pray for the moms, dads, and families of the
unborn children who will benefit from your donations.
Volunteers are the heart of this ministry, and they come from every walk of life including
physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, lab technicians, sonographers, business men/women,
teachers and homemakers. Volunteers are always needed if you are available to serve please call
PRC Medical at 770-920-1000.
Woody Mahan
Some big things have been happening with the Property Committee recently. A physical inventory
of the entire campus has been completed and all documentation is being updated for the Audit
Committee. We have renegotiated the contract for our elevator maintenance and are now saving
the church $800.00 per year on that contract. Bids have been requested on work around the
facilities for the following jobs:
 Re-painting the Activity Center lobby area
 Re-tiling the Activities Center reception desk area
 Re-carpeting the Walking Track
Various handrail installations and repairs have been completed, as well as, repairs to the front
gate. We’ve had the opportunity to minister to our community through property by hosting several
community activities including the Douglas County Honor Chorus who had an outstanding
The West Metro Baptist Association has entered into a Covenant Agreement with First Baptist
Church Lithia Springs and will be located in 4 rooms of the New Life Building. This Covenant
Agreement will be for a period of 1 year and is on file in the church office. The covenant will be
reviewed annually and renewed as deemed necessary.
Kevin Smythe
The Recreation Council has prayerfully decided to extend the hours of the Whitmire Activities Center,
offering more availability to the community. The new hours will begin on Monday, May 4th and are as
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
7:00 am—7:00 pm
7:00 am—5:45 pm
God has been faithful in bringing volunteers to serve at the welcome desk during these
extended hours. As with most ministries, additional volunteers are needed so we ask that you
continue to pray for servants to engage in this ministry.
The Activities Center will be closed during the following dates and times:
Week of VBS
June 22-25
7:00 am—1:00 pm
VBS Family Night
June 26
Gym Floor Repairs
June 29-July 5
Kim Jeffrey
I have exciting news to report. During the last few months, two children have prayed to receive Christ.
During the month of February at all events, I discussed love. We read several verses about love and
discussed the parable of the Good Samaritan. We are praising God that He continues to call His children to Himself! Thank you for your monthly support!
The last few months have been extremely busy. This spring we hosted Easter Egg Hunts at Kingsley
Village, Hunters Grove and Columbia Gardens Apartments. We had about 100 kids between the three
Easter Celebrations. It was exciting to be able to share the true meaning of Easter with these children
and their parents. These events can’t happen without the support of our local churches.
We will host several Back Yard Bible Clubs this summer. Last summer, we had over 100 students attend
and are praying for much harvest this summer. We need a lot of assistance for this to take place. We
need prayer support! We also need workers! Bring out your youth groups, Sunday school classes, etc. I
know that you will be blessed! We are also accepting donations of snacks, juice boxes, individually
wrapped candy and school supplies. We gift each child that attends with a backpack of school supplies
as an additional outreach to the family. Parkview Apts. BYBC: June 29 - July 3 @ 10:00 - 12:00 is
sponsored by Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church. Kingsley Village, Parkview Apts and Columbia Gardens
Apts. BYBC dates will be announced soon. For more information contact her at 770.605.8673 or
[email protected].
Rev. Marion Beaver
All the activities of the Senior Adult Ministries are up and going well. The RAF has been blessed with a
variety of informative and entertaining programs that range from Missions to Bird Watching. This is a
great time of fellowship with a covered dish luncheon after each meeting that cannot be beat.
Testimonies of appreciation come often from those who are seen during our Weekly Nursing Home
Visitation. Volunteers to visit are needed in our visitation ministry. The Home Bound Program continues
to be a very successful ministry. We are grateful for those who are a part of that ministry who contribute
regularly to the church budget and pray for the Church.
Julie Johnson
Can you count? As you consider where God wants you to serve, if you have been an active
church member for more than one year and are at least 21 years old, consider if our new Offertory
Counting Ministry Team might be right for you. You must have strong mathematical ability and personal
banking skills, be a faithful giver, have no criminal record, no active bankruptcy, and agree to a
confidentiality statement. In the coming months, we will change from counting offerings on Monday
mornings (special love and many thanks to the deacons who have been faithfully serving in this role) to
counting after Church on Sunday afternoons. The weekly teams will consist of three members, who may
decide to count directly after the service, or to go have lunch, and then come back to count. Teams will
rotate on a 4-6 week basis. If you are interested in being a part of the Offertory Counting Ministry Team,
please let one of the Stewardship Committee Members know.
And speaking of things to count, as the summer months approach, please consider setting up one of our
systematic, online giving options so that your tithes and offerings continue even if you are away. You
can do so:
~By setting up an automatic payment through the bill payment system on your checking account
(either one time or recurring).
~Though e-Giving on the church’s website –
Thank you for your continued support of our Church and its ministries.
Committee members: Julie Johnson (chair), Richard Clough, John Horton,
Frances Jennings, Scott Spencer, and Linda Watson
Rev. Danny Anderson
U-TURN Student Ministry
SUMMER! It’s all the students and teachers can think about right now. Families are already thinking
about where they will be going on vacation, and wondering how another school year has already gone
by. Long hot days, Vacation Bible School, Mission Trip, Summer Camp, Sunday Summer Nights, and
oh so much to get ready for. Summer and all of its activities are here, students are graduating and we
want to celebrate with them as they are getting ready for a new chapter in their lives. Be praying for
these students as we send them out to colleges and careers to be God’s witnesses.
If you don’t get dizzy easily, look at what’s coming up with the youth group. Summer Sunday Nights are
back with all the fun and excitement starting June 14th. July 6-10 a group of students will be headed to
Panama City Beach, FL for Centrifuge (camp), July 18th-25th is Summer Mission Trip to Pennsylvania.
And before you know it, as quickly as summer came, it will be gone and everyone will be back in school.
As always, there are areas that we need your help. If you would be willing to help drive, provide snacks,
pray for our students, come on in and join us.
REMEDY (College/Career)
Well very soon we will have some of our students coming back from college for the summer. As
summer is an exciting time for the youth, it is just as exciting for college students. It is time to put the
books away and breathe a bit before they have to succumb to their caffeine addiction once again. There
are great opportunities for our Remedy group this summer. White Water rafting summer retreat, evening
gatherings, partnering with the Youth for Summer Sunday Nights, all for fellowship and growth. Summer
is full of ministry as well, and our college students love to get involved in where God is at work here at
Rev. Mike Sinyard
We have several needs for leaders. Please be in prayer and be available if and when you
are approached to be a leader in one of these areas:
Preschool-Babies and Ones
Children-Kindergarten/ 1st Grade( Part time)
Youth 2- Female
Adult 4 Co-ed- Co-teacher and Department Director
Adult 6- Co-ed
Adult 7- Ladies (Ruth)
Our final leaders meeting before the summer will be a Teacher Appreciation cookout here at
the church on May 24 at 5:30. I’m sorry it is on a holiday weekend but it was the only date I
could pick that was available on the church calendar and my family calendar.
Darlene Duke, Executive Director
During the last quarter Sweetwater Mission:
 Served 3,428 families with 233,234 pounds of food. This includes 47,103 pounds of fresh
 Provided 4,116 individual meals.
 2,684 families received 26,423 clothing items.
 Gave gifts of 8 newborn baby layettes, 402 Easter Baskets, and 300 Children’s Bibles.
 Prevented homelessness for 21 families by paying $9,708 in rental assistance.
 Stabilized 23 families by paying $5,902 in household utility assistance.
 Enrolled 5 women in our HOPE Education program.
In February we launched a newly funded program to assist homeless children in the Cobb
County school system. Through this new program we have been able to assist 3 homeless
families with $3,939 to move into permanent stable housing. These families will receive comprehensive case management services through Sweetwater Mission for one year. They will
be enrolled in a variety of workshops, receive medical service vouchers as needed, and have
the opportunity to participate in a 6-week leadership academy, all with the goal of keeping
the family stably housed. We are actively working with funders and community leaders to expand this program into Douglas County schools.
Sweetwater Mission always needs volunteers to help with all our program offerings. The
Mission is open Monday through Friday from 9 am until 1 pm. You can volunteer daily,
weekly, bi-weekly or even once a month. Contact our volunteer coordinator Barb Cogliano at
770-819-0662 ext. 19. Our neighbors in crisis depend upon your help.
Thank you for your continued support of Sweetwater Mission.
Mike Jennings
To insure the dependability, good running condition, as well as, safety to drive, the
committee continues to take care of the “normal” preventive maintenance (oil changes,
fix flats, [yes] charging batteries, replacing fuel filters, etc.) and to repair any and
all of the problems that come up with our current 15-16 year old fleet. The Transportation
Committee will continue to evaluate our aging fleet and decide on possible courses of action,
for the future.
Committee members: Mike Jennings (Chair), Allen Wilson (Co-chair), Norman Huff,
Jimmy McIntyre, Robin Boyd, Ken Martin
Mark Sampson
The Video Ministry Team continues to staff Sunday Morning services, Sunday Evening services, and Wednesday night prayer meetings.
Thus far in 2015, we have distributed 118 DVDs to 8 different families. To order DVDs online,
visit or call church office.
Each week, to produce the recording and the visuals that you see on the projection screens,
we need 5 volunteers. We are always in need of additional help. If you are interested, contact
Mark Sampson via at [email protected]. We will be having various training sessions
The Video Ministry Team includes the following:
 Video Board Operators – John Horton, Bobby McConnell, June Strow
 Computer Operators – Jeff McGuire, Mike Strow
 Camera Operators –Mike Joyner, Andrew Lane, Blake McMichen,
Brenda-Ann Miller, Seth Redwine, Michelle Sampson
 Recording Sound Board Operators – Michael Bankole, Sherry Horton
 Team Leader – Mark Sampson
 Wednesday Nights – Mike Joyner