File - First Christian Church


File - First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Bringing People
to Discipleship in Christ
T he C hurch B ell
Mar. 2 , 2016 Vol. 72, Issue 5
Pastoral Ponderings
FCC Family,
I am especially grateful this week for this
church’s support of our children and youth.
The FCC youth group’s annual fundraiser,
Potato Bar and Dessert Auction, is this
Sunday March 6, following the second
service. We already have many of you lined
up to help, whether it is providing a dessert,
helping in the kitchen, assisting with the
auction, or donating a dessert. One way
everyone can help is just coming to the
Potato Bar, enjoying lunch with us, and
maybe even bidding on a yummy dessert.
The suggested donation for lunch is $5;
children 8 and under are free. Lunch
includes baked potatoes with all the
toppings, salad and drinks. There will be a
silent auction, including the painting
Chris Sheppard completed during our
Ash Wednesday service. Desserts by the
many talented bakers in the congregation
will be available during our live auction.
One special auction item will be the
opportunity to pie someone in the face.
Who will receive the pie will be up to the
potato bar attendees! Jars will be set up
for Rev. Beau Underwood, Rev. Sarah
Kingsbery, J.T. Yarnell (Board Chair), and
Landon Schwartz (youth group senior).
The person whose jar has the most money
in it will receive the pie in the face. Come
prepared to vote! (continued on page 3)
OUR MEMBERS ARE PRIORITY #1! SO, if you hear or know of someone who is or is going to be in the hospital or who has a health or other
issue for which they need prayers, please contact the church office at 636-5157 so we may add them to our prayer list. In addition, we strive to
ensure that we are in contact with all our members and would appreciate any updates you may have regarding Our Members in Care Centers and
Our Homebound Members i.e., changes in addresses, phone numbers, room numbers, etc. If we are missing someone from one of these lists,
please let us know. If you become aware they are not receiving their “Bell,” please let us know. Any other information you think would be helpful,
we will be glad to hear from you. NOTE: All prayer requests from the congregation will be left on the Prayer List for four weeks unless otherwise
requested. If after that time you wish to continue prayers for an individual(s), you will need to call the church office and request that they be kept
on the prayer list. Thank you for your assistance!
JC NURSING & REHAB ~ Kent Hasselman
ST. JOSEPH’S BLUFFS ~ Mary Linhardt
VILLA MARIE ~ Don Dixon, Mozelle Smith
Reba Brandenburg, Joan Raithel
LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYERS FOR Glen Gonder, Anita Hammann, Virginia Lister, Jon Schwartz, Susie Strode,
Jim Wells, Sandy Zimmerman
AND OUR CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR Jess Beck, Vivian Bird, Kim Boessen, Gary Capen, Richard & Cumalene Carroll,
Melba Crago, Don Dixon, Cheryl Eichelberger, Terry Fockler, Miriam Fuller, Caroline & Mary Gerlt, Ray Hagan, Kent &
Norma Hasselman, Virginia Helton, Tonya & Reggie Hickem, Patricia King, Lyric Kroeger, Calise & Pete Lauf, Greg
Maire, Kay McClain, Dan & Tom Meade, Rich Millard, Ian Miller, Oz & Jean Mutz, Daniel Olsen, Patty Renn, JoAnn
Roberts, Norb & Carol Rudroff, Joan Schulte, Fran Smith, Jeannette Smith, Chris Sprenger & family, Callie Thompson,
Kay Thorpe, Kelly Steppelman Verslues, Judy Walker, Evelyn Ward, Henry Woods, Mike Penn & family, all members of
the military services & their families, our church families
ASH WEDNESDAY FEB. 10, 2016 - 96
SUNDAY, FEB. 21, 2016
8:20 a.m. ~ 83 10:40 a.m.~ 112
New Members - 8
Integration 8 ~ Friendship 17 ~ Rediscovery 10
Searchers 9 ~ High School (6-8)5;(9-12)NF
K-5th 5 ~ Preschool 6 ~ Nursery 2
(NF-No Form Turned In/NC-No Class)
Lucas & Melody Boling, Eddie Moses, Susan Klick, Tamara
Gray, Joshua Chambers, Ethan Parent, Andrew Flanigan,
Kim & Jillian Lindsey, Peggy Landwehr, Pam Brown, Dave
Gibbons, Emily Schultz, Chris Cave, Ashley Philbert, Kyle
Petty, Ed & Vicky Moses, Brittany Mormann
the Wood family, the Anderson family, the Vegiard family,
Linda Heller, Nancy Mormann, Jeanne Naeger, Martha Price,
the Highland family, Kevin Heady
Our condolences to the Echols family on the loss of Diana
Echols, who passed away February 20.
Joy! to Jenny & Jacob Mueller on the birth of their daughter,
SUNDAY, FEB. 28, 2016
8:20 a.m. ~ 72 10:40 a.m. ~ 122
New Members ~ 8
Integration 0 ~ Friendship 17 ~ Rediscovery 12
Searchers 8 ~ High School (6-8)4;(9-12)NF
K-5th 1 ~ Preschool 5 ~ Nursery 2
(NF-No Form Turned In/NC-No Class)
Lucy Johanna Mueller, born Feb. 22 weighing in at 7 lb.
10 oz. and 191/2 inches long. Proud grandparents are
Carol and Rick Andris.
A Time of Prayer for Our Congregation with
Rev. Underwood TUESDAYS from 8:30—9:00 am
in the chapel.
THURSDAYS from 9 a.m. to noon are a great time to catch
Rev. Underwood in his office at church.
Catch Rev. Sarah in her office on
MONDAYS from 1 to 4 pm
Pastoral Ponderings
(continued from page 1)
All of this wonderful food and fun is in
support of a great cause. All proceeds will
go towards the youth group’s summer
mission trips.
Youth who have completed 6th and 7th grade
will be taking part in Disciples Summer
Mission in St. Louis. There we will team up
with other churches around the country,
worshipping and working together. We will
arrive in St. Louis Monday, June 27th,
work for three days and then have the
opportunity to have some fun together on
Friday, July 1st.
Youth who have completed 8th through 12th
grade will be going to Beattyville, KY to
work with Kentucky Appalachian Ministry, a
Disciples affiliated ministry that supports
families and communities in the Appalachia
region. We will choose our project when
we arrive on Sunday, July 10th and work
together to complete it through the week.
We will have one day off during the week to
explore the area.
This summer we are planning two mission trips for the youth.
June 27 through July 1, our 6th and 7th graders will be going to
St. Louis to participate in Disciples Summer Mission. A $75
deposit is due at that time. Fundraisers will cover the
remainder of the registration fee. NOTE: The deadline for this
mission trip has passed. If you are still interested in joining
in, please contact Rev. Sarah at 573-690-2480 or Sarah@
July 10 through 15, youth completing grades 8 through 12 will go
to Beattyville, KY and will work on a project in conjunction with
the Disciples Kentucky Appalachian Ministry. Youth planning to
go on this trip need to sign up by *Friday, March 16th* and
provide a $75 deposit.
These are two wonderful opportunities for
our youth to spend time together while
serving others this summer. Please keep us
in your prayers as we continue planning and
preparing for our mission trips.
Again, thank you for all the ways you
support our youth group – participating in
the potato bar, donating a dessert, praying
for us as we prepare for our mission trips,
spending time with the youth, and providing
dinners on Wednesday night. It makes a
Grace and peace for the journey,
Rev. Sarah Kingsbery
Interested individuals or
groups are always welcome
to provide a meal (or money
for a meal) for Wednesday
night youth group.
has been blessed
with receiving two grants! The first one is from Grow Well
Missouri, which is providing seeds that food pantry clients can
take home and plant. We are looking for a few gardening experts
who can help teach our clients gardening basics. If you're
interested, please let Denise Woodruff (573-680-3792) know and
she can get you more details. The second grant comes from
MFA Oil, which will help purchase additional rolling carts for the
pantry and increasing our client-centered structure. Finally,
we've been providing our clients with canvas bags, designed
by our very own Rosie Woodruff, which cuts down on waste
and also promotes our pantry to the community. The pantry is
always in need of volunteers, so let Denise know if you're
interested. Thanks for your continued support of the pantry!
Music Ministry ~ Gretchen Huedepohl
This morning as I contemplate the week that was and the week ahead,
words of praise to a good and gracious God who truly does supply all our
needs is on my lips.
As I personally took note of the one-year mark of the start of our
contemporary worship service recently, I celebrated that our worship team
was stabilizing, having built a solid foundation personally and musically.
I wanted to stay on that mountaintop a while. A week later, however,
I learned of the resignation of Lydia Knatcal. I felt a range of emotions, including despair. A part of me wished I was a
bit closer to retirement age or independently wealthy so that I could walk away from the need to re-build once again.
I was weary.
I knew however, that that kind of thinking wasn’t realistic, so without really having a plan, I said a prayer and started
to make contacts to singers both inside and outside of our church family, hoping that at least a couple people might
say “yes” to the invitation to lend their talent for an interim period. I also followed up on suggestions shared by some
of you who always seem to have serving God’s people at First Christian at the top of your lists. In the end, I was
overwhelmed by the positive responses I received. No fewer than 10 of the 13 individuals contacted expressed an
interest in serving in this capacity, at least as a part of a rotation until a more permanent plan could be put together.
Having served in church music ministry for over 30 years, I can attest to the fact that this is an uncommon response!
This past week brought more challenges and questions of “now what?” I unexpectedly found myself without either
guitarist on Sunday. The cellist for our upcoming cantata backed out and the first person I contacted to replace her
declined. The brass quintet I’d secured for Easter Sunday fell apart. I found myself leery of answering phone calls or
opening emails in an effort to avoid the next seeming catastrophe. A week later, however, I can report that each need
has been filled, thanks once again to the generosity of people simply willing to serve where needed.
With these problems solved to some degree, it might be easy for me to say, “Look at what I’ve done!” and some of
you recently have credited me with a lot. I’m wise enough to know that such credit is undeserved, however; the way
in which things have fallen into place in spite of some serious potholes in the road is simply a testimony to the
providence of a gracious God who works in the hearts of His people! To Him alone be the glory! Amen!
Who is the Worship Team? Though most of the current team is outside of our membership, they have proven their
desire to bring their best gifts into the realm of worship, spending 4-5 hours a week in personal and group preparation
for each Sunday service. They have helped to recruit additional musicians of top quality. An introduction to who
“they” are is overdue –
Most of you already know Jim Wells of our congregation who plays guitar for us, is a faithful member of our Chancel
Choir, and has served as deacon. I so appreciate his faithfulness, his desire to give his best, his good spirit, and the
stability he provides the group. John “Jack” Gue from Russellville joined us this past week. Jack is a talented guitarist/
singer/songwriter who lived in L.A. for many years before returning to mid-MO where he has his own band. He also
became a new dad to a son one month ago. Bass guitarist Jonathan Hagood is a brother to FCC’s Heather Case.
Jonathan is a licensed massage therapist currently employed in Columbia, but keeps busy as bassist for a local punk/
ska band and an alternative metal band. Chris Loeffler is a gifted drummer who grew up in New Bloomfield but who
now lives in Fulton. During the day he works for Garrett and Campbell Heating and Cooling and Plumbing in Fulton,
but his true passion is music. He is currently playing drums as a member of four local bands, including two alongside
Jonathan, one which has garnered attention on the national level. Chris also fills in with other bands when the need
arises so he is a busy musician!
I introduce these men to you now in hopes that you will make them feel welcome at FCC and occasionally stop to call
them by name to thank them for sharing their gifts with us. I truly believe these are some of the best musicians in the
area and I’m humbled to be working with them. (continued next page)
Music Ministry continued…
It truly was a good week to a part of FCC! So much ministry took place in our building, bringing the community in to
get a glimpse of what we Disciples are about. I am brimming with gratitude for this congregation, particularly for the
musicians with whom I work, who gave “above and beyond” this week --- inspiring us through song the past two
Sundays, even as we said farewell to fellow singer, Diana Echols; helping to provide a meal and housing to over 50
college students and youth last Wednesday evening; and being a part of providing the funeral dinner for the Echols
family on Thursday. It is at times such as these that I’m most thankful for the tie that binds us together!
*March 6, 8:20 – Forever Faithful women’s sextet, comprised of Karen Davis, Sandra Troutt, Leslie Murphy, Charlotte
Middleton, Carolyn Green and Karla Denny, share the song, “On My Cross,” a contemporary worship song first made
popular by the group FFH.
*March 6, 10:40 – Chancel Choir shares Sunday’s gospel in song through the anthem, “Lead Me Back,” based on the
Biblical story of the prodigal son. Robin Wahlquist, a friend of the congregation and prospective member, will serve
as worship leader.
*March 13, 8:20 – Caroline McEwen, a native of Fulton and sophomore at Westminster College, will visit FCC for the
first time, singing an anthem appropriate to the Lenten season, “How Great the Love.”
*March 13, 10:40 – Chancel Choir sings the soulful anthem, “What a Beautiful Name,” which also incorporates the
hymn, “O How I Love Jesus.” Written in the black gospel tradition, it will feature Chris Loeffler on drums and Scot
Stout on piano.
WHAT A WONDERFUL FUN-FILLED SUNDAY THIS WILL BE! Please makes plans to join us in the Family Life
Center during the Sunday school hour when Brenda Foutes and Eva Pratt will be helping us make our Easter cards to
send to our Lay Minister lists. This will be a fun time for all! We will also have inserts with our Holy Week schedule on
them for you to send with your cards. (NOTE: If you are unable to be with us this Sunday and make your cards, you
may obtain your inserts from Kathy in the church office during the week to put into the cards you choose to send.)
Following our meeting, we can join together in Worship at the 10:40 service followed by the Youth Potato Bar and
Dessert Auction, which promises to be a fun time of fellowship and of course, food! (Please see Rev. Sarah’s article
regarding the Potato Bar for more information.)
I’ll see you on Sunday! Wanda King
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
Proverbs 29:18, SGL
If you would like to give an Easter
Lily in memory/honor of a loved
one, or someone special, please fill
out this form or call the church
office (573.636.5157). The lilies are
$15.00 each. Please make your
check payable to First Christian Church.
(Orders must be received by noon, Monday, March 21st.)
Calling Friends of the Easter Bunny
There are plastic eggs in the gathering area. If
you have an "in" with the Easter Bunny we are
hoping that you can seek his help in getting
the eggs filled. We are hoping for individually
wrapped candy or small toys/trinkets (no
chocolate, please). Return your filled eggs to
the bins by March 19th. Thank you!
□ I will be taking my lily home with me following
the 10:40 a.m. service Easter Sunday
□ I would love for my lily to be taken to one
of the nursing homes to be shared by them
1st Sunday, MAR 6
2nd Sunday, MAR 13
3rd Sunday, MAR 20
4th Sunday, MAR 27
8:20 a.m. Susan Vaughn, Karla
Denny 10:40 a.m. John Bennett,
Cindy Blosser
8:20 a.m. Barb Kuebler, Ken
Osman 10:40 a.m. Rita
Starnes, Rochelle Reeves
8:20 a.m. Steve Amick, John
Bennett 10:40 a.m. Karla
Denny, Susan Vaughn
8:20 a.m. Susan Vaughn, Karla
Denny 10:40 a.m. Rochelle
Reeves, Bill Marshall
8:20 a.m. Morris Woodruff,
Sherry Hoskins, Bob Jordan, Eva
Pratt 10:40 a.m. Sharon
Williams, Seth Sims, Alexis Gann,
Gin Britton, Manny Gerlt, Martha
Davis, Brenda Foutes, Rebecca
8:20 a.m. Nike Thompson,
Lauren Eichelberger, Kathy
Brown, Jim Roberts 10:40 a.m.
Sally Moore, Missy Mann, Taylor
Mann, Cindy Leveron, Sonya
Cooley, Lori Linhardt, Brenda
Johnson, Alicea Austin
8:20a.m. Bobbi Enslen, Craig
Starnes, Terry & Brenda Ruff
10:40a.m. Jim & Cheryl
Eichelberger, Doug & Jenny
Hagenhoff, Peggy Hicks, Mindy
Ochoa, Megan Ochoa, Charlotte
8:20 a.m. Vivian Murphy, Larry
McArthur, Eden Dietle, Joe Payne
10:40 a.m. Chris Bell, Patty
Osman, Rick & Judy Naught, Gail
Watkins, Venita Jackson, Jerry &
Elaine West
8:20 a.m.
10:40 a.m.
8:20 a.m.
10:40 a.m.
8:20 a.m. Jim Roberts, Morris
Woodruff 10:40 a.m. Jack
Maxwell, Ray Lister
8:20 a.m. Joe Payne, Nike
Thompson 10:40 a.m. Jerry
West, Jon Miller
8:20a.m. Jim & Russ
Dunwiddie 10:40a.m. Gregg
Ochoa, Doug Hagenhoff
8:20 a.m. Bob Robuck, Loise
White 10:40 a.m. Betty
Schramm, Marilyn Langley
8:20 a.m. Marge Blosser,
Georgialee Dallas 10:40 a.m.
Elaine West, Mary Ann Chambers
8:20a.m. Sue Snell, Nancy
Dunwiddie 10:40 a.m. Debi
Wells, Bev Case
(8:20) TBD (10:40) TBD
(8:20) TBD (10:40) TBD
(8:20) TBD (10:40) TBD
Betty Schramm
Sharon Gonder
David Durbin
Youth Potato Bar
CED—Stephanie Bell
Bob Robuck
Nike Thompson & Joe Payne
Steve Case
Steve Case
Steve Case
(1st & 5th Tues)
PEW POCKETS Marge Blosser
Flowers in the Chancel
ILM Paul Wehmeyer & Luvena
Wehmeyer GB Loise White
Flowers in the Chancel
ILM of Barb Miller GB The Miller
8:20 a.m.
10:40 a.m.
8:20 a.m. Manny Gerlt, Rick
Vaughn 10:40 a.m. Bill Trimm
8:20 a.m. Eleanor Ballew, Eva
Pratt 10:40 a.m. Sharon Fockler,
Cindy Leveron
(8:20) TBD (10:40) TBD
Karla Denny
Steve Case
PEW POCKETS Venita Jackson
Flowers in the Chancel
Palm Sunday—No Flowers
Flowers in the Chancel
Easter Sunday—Lilies
1. David Love, Grayson Moore
3. Sue Steppelman, Randy Waltz
4. Brooks Jarrett
5. Alicea Austin, Ray Hagan
6. Risa King, Lee White
8. Sean Blake, Wilma Collins, Patti Leddy
9. Jim Morris
10. Meghan Eden
11. Claudia Buse, Phoenix Gilpin
12. Don Case, Patricia King, Orlo Shroyer
14. David Shaul, Rick Vaughan
15. Brett Kuebler
17. Joe Dalton, Brooke Hagenhoff, Emelyn McClain
18. Lisa Bynum, Nancy Weiser, Debbi Wells
19. Ryan Caldwell, Sharon Fockler
20. Michael Helton, Lindsey Ruff
21. Reba Brandenberg, Larry Neill
22. Gabriel Gonder, Rebecca Robuck, Michelle Sheppard, Kristen Thurman
23. Susan Avery, Anna Barlow, John Blosser, Dawn Carafeno, Ray Lister
24. Sonya Cooley, Keriann Wright
25. Austin Thompson
26. Cynthia Cort, Russell Dunwiddie, Kelly Versleus
27. Luella Alley, Jeff Haldiman
28. Megan Ochoa, Keith West
29. Becky McClain, Julia Schnieders
30. Brandon Hudson
This month, we have the following members celebrating a 90 or older birthday.
Let’s shower them with many cards and expressions of birthday joy.
On March 5, Ray Hagan will be a very young 101! His address is:
2230 S. Ozark Ave., Joplin, MO 64804-1262
Keith & Karan West
Henry & Venita Jackson
Michael & Allison Lauf
David & Barbara Plummer
Alan & Jeanne Nelson
Jacob & Katherine Riley
Rick & Judy Naught, Arnie & Nicole Reynolds
Don & Val Lydolph
Tim & Jan Alexander, Brett & Jennifer Baker
1 Corinthians 13:7
First Christian Church offers members the opportunity to apply for three different scholarships to assist them in their
pursuit of a college degree. Applications will be available in the church office beginning Feb. 12th. The deadline for
applications to be submitted in March 15th of each year.
FCC Concludes Its 13th Successful Upward Season
This week, First Christian Church (FCC) celebrated its 13th successful year with the Upward basketball and cheerleading
ministry. Many of our members cheerfully served in different roles ranging from player registration and evaluation, coach,
referee and devotion leader.
While Upward teaches basketball and cheering skills to children K-6th grade, the primary emphasis is on building character and
integrity. At the beginning of every game there is a prayer with one of our volunteer referees. At halftime of every practice and
game there is a devotion lead by one of our members. At the end of every game, coaches award one of five stars to each
player and/or cheerleader. Players are recognized for “best offense,” “best defense,” “best effort,” “best sportsmanship” and
“most Christ-like.”
The Mission of the Upward Program is “to introduce children to Jesus Christ by creating opportunities to serve through
sports.” Upward is an excellent venue for evangelism and community outreach and is consistent with our own mission “to
bring people to discipleship in Christ.”
Several new and prospective members have come to FCC through Upward.
In addition to introducing nearly 350 players and cheerleaders and 1,500 plus family members to Christ every week, Upward
provides a ministry for our own church members to get closer to Christ through sports. Many FCC members volunteer their
time and talents to serve others through various capacities in the Upward Program.
As the FCC Commissioner this year, I would like to recognize the following FCC member volunteers for their “Christ-like”
service: Player Registration and Evaluations - Susan Vaughn (coordinator), Alan and Jeanne Nelson, John Blosser; Coaches/
Asst. Coaches - Alan Nelson, Geoff Gonder, Dustin Kuebler; Devotional Commissioner - Susan Vaughn; Devotion Leaders - Beau
Underwood, Sarah Kingsbery, Lydia Knatcal, Susan Vaughn, Nanci Gonder, Terri Lloyd, Bill Marshall, John Kuebler; Referee
Commissioner - Gary Gonder; Referees - Steve Amick, John Blosser, Taylor Mann, Don Lloyd, Stephen Foutes, Beau
Underwood, Landon Schwartz, Chris Bell, Patrick Romph, Gary Gonder, Andrew Gonder, Alexis Gann; Clock/Greeter - Sarah
Kingsbery, Missy Mann; Recreation Assistants - Andrew Gonder, Landon Schwartz. Special thanks to Terry Loethen for helping
prepare and maintain the Family Life Center and associated facilities for Upward practices and games.
I apologize if I left anyone off the list. Thanks again to all who participated in Upward this year. If you would like to know more
about how you can be involved in this very rewarding ministry, please call Gary Gonder at 659-6819.
Gary Gonder & Susan Vaughn, FCC Upward Commissioners
Keep in touch at...
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Jefferson City, Mo.
327 East Capitol Avenue, Jefferson City MO 65101
(573) 636-5157 fax: (573) 893-5608
e-mail: [email protected]
or [email protected]
FCC Youth on facebook:
Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Office closed on Saturday and Sunday)
8:20 a.m. - Traditional Service
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages
10:40 a.m. - Contemporary/Blended Service
If you need a ride to church for Sunday services, give
the office (636-5157) a call by noon on the Friday
before, and they will have the Sunday driver pick you
Please inform the church office of any
updates of email addresses and/or
phone numbers.
Senior Minister
Rev. Beau Underwood
Associate Minister
Rev. Sarah Kingsbery
Director of Music Ministry
Gretchen Huedepohl
Bell Choir Director
Terri Lloyd
Administrative Assistant
Kathy Speidel
Financial Secretary
Marilyn Schroer
Youth Director
Facility & Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
Terry Loethen
Audio/Visual Technicians
Tony Ramirez, Dan Davis,
Jeff Huedepohl
Child Care Coordinator
Missy Mann
First Steps Director
Pam Hart
Deadline for news articles in The Church Bell: 12:00 p.m. Mondays
AFTER HOURS EMERGENCIES: Please contact Rev. Underwood at 815-303-1990
CONTACTING THE CHURCH ~ For non-emergency church-related items after working hours, Monday thru Friday 8AM to 5PM, we have voice mail.
Please feel free to call the church (636-5157) at any time and leave a message. NOTE: IF YOU LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THE ANSWERING
Please stock up on:
canned fruit, ravioli,
Buy groceries… support youth ministry!
Sign up for a Community Card at Schnuck’s grocery store
Here’s what you can do:
and peanut butter.
Pick up a Community Card at Schnucks or at FCC.
Call 1-800-931-6258 to activate your group I.D.
Use your Community Card when you buy groceries
“The Church Bell” (UPS 110-580) by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Jefferson City, Missouri, is published bi-weekly and there is no issue the
week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Periodicals paid at Jefferson City, MO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Editor/Church Secretary,
First Christian Church, 327 E. Capitol Ave., Jefferson City, MO 65101.
Brothers and Sisters,
Like many of you, I grew up being told that "actions speak louder than words."
No matter what we say, it is our actions that reveal our values, and character.
The challenge is to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
The way Terry Loethen goes about his work speaks volumes. Before I arrived at FCC
several people had sung his praises to me, and he certainly did not disappoint. I have
consistently seen Terry go the extra mile to get jobs done and keep our building
running smoothly. He is a perfectionist, who focuses on detail and goes to great
lengths to ensure things are not just done, but done correctly.
For years he has been a steady hand, managing our facilities and grounds. His effort
animates so much of our ministry because so much of what happens in our building
depends on his constant care and dedicated preparation. I am thankful on a daily basis
for the gifts he brings to the life of our church.
With sadness for us but excitement for Terry, I wanted to share with you all that he is
planning to relocate to the Kansas City area at the end of March to pursue new career
opportunities. When he told me last week about these plans, my first thought was to
selfishly try and talk him out of it, but I also could hear his desire to see what the next
adventure looks like, and I promised we'd bless him on the way.
When you see Terry over these next few weeks I hope you'll join me in thanking him
for the contributions he has made to FCC. The church simply would not be where we
are without Terry walking the walk with us throughout these years.
Stay steadfast in hope,
Rev. Beau
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) – Jefferson City, MO
Facilities Coordinator Job Description
Background: First Christian Church is a vibrant congregation committed to serving God through loving our neighbors. The
congregation is seeking a dedicated, responsible, knowledgeable, and energetic facilities coordinator.
Expectations and Mission Responsibilities: The facilities coordinator, under the supervision of the senior minister,
provides oversight and direct care of the church property, which is a multi-function space utilized by a variety of groups and
programs. This specifically includes:
Custodial Services: The facility is regularly and thoroughly cleaned and cared for, resulting in an attractive environment inside
and out. This includes grounds maintenance, the ability to strip/wax floors, and the need to operate equipment and work
with chemicals.
Preventative Maintenance: Minor fixes are completed within the skill/experience level of the employee and in line with city
codes. A preventative maintenance schedule is tracked and followed. Outside contractors and vendors are coordinated
according to need and budget.
Oversight of Major Repairs: Large projects are supervised in partnership with Property Division Chairperson so that work is
completed on time, within budget, and according to expectations.
Facility Administration: Rooms are set-up and torn down to meet the needs of specific events. HVAC system is scheduled to
accommodate building occupancy while saving energy. Cleaning supplies are kept in stock. Regular inspection of the
building is performed to identify and document any issues related to facilities use.
Supervision of Part-Time Custodial Staff: Part-time custodial staff are scheduled within budget to help fulfill the
responsibilities listed above.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate….
Values working in a Christian environment and supporting the operations of a church.
Has experience working in building maintenance, property management, or a related area.
Communicates well and collaborates with others to solve problems.
Is a self-starter and focuses on accomplishing tasks in an efficient manner
Practices good stewardship by identifying ways to save money and completes repairs in a cost effective manner.
Has the physical strength to carry out the variety of tasks routinely required by this position.
Is well organized, has high expectations, and pays close attention to detail.
Compensation: This is a full time, hourly position with benefits (health insurance, vacation time, sick leave). Duties would be
performed during the church’s normal business hours (weekdays, 8 am – 5 pm) with some potential Sunday and weekend
To Apply: Please send a resume or letter of interest to Rev. Beau Underwood, Senior Minister, at [email protected].
Hard copies may also be dropped off at the church office (327 E. Capitol Ave.) during normal business hours.