A New Year


A New Year
Get "Back"
in Shape
Cumberland Brain & Spine
Hair Loss
PAl Medical
8 Tips for Relieving
Heel Pain
Neuhaus Foot & Ankle
A New Year...
A Renewed You r-::
Solutions Wellness
Max Muscle
Jan 1 2012
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5 Health
oJ, Wellness Jaouary 20121
6 TN's First aod Ooly Ceoter
9 Resolving to Exercise in the
New Year
Primary Brain Tumors:
Innovation and Progress
January 2012
Offering the Most Advanced
Cataract Surgefy Technology
8 Get ' Back" in Shape!
• Middle TerlOessee
The Fatal Side of Refined
Sweeleners - Part 1
"The Fattenir.g of America"
Breakthrough Treatment for
Headaches, Earaches, Neck
and Jaw Pain
23 8 Tips for Relieving H~ Pain
24 Resolvir.g This Year to Make
a Difference
26 AIlthem Career College Teaches
12 A New Year ...
A Renewed You!
Provides ~assage Therapy
Back to the Community
14 Revolutionize Your Resolution 27 Give
Offer: $175 Worth of
Chiropractic For Only $25!
Is Losing Weight or Being
Healthier Your New Year's
29 Lose Fat and Inches with
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ZERO Side Effects
19 Female Hair Loss
30 Coping with Stress
Prepare Your Body for
Winter Activities
A Natural Approach to Pain in a H ralthy, H raling En"ironmmt
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6 Health
oJ, Wellness January 2012 • Middle Tennessee
TN's first and only center offering the most advanced cataract
surgery technology, which utilizes a laser to improve the precision
of the procedure
raditional cataract surgery is performed with a blade. Dr. Ming
Wang of Wang Vision 3D Cataract &
LASIK Cemer of Nashville, TN, announced
today that he performed the state's first laser
cataract surgery using a newly FDA-approved
l.enS~ laser system, and Ihe world's firsl3 D laser
cataract surgery using IheTrucVision 3D imageguided high-<iefinition microsurgical system.
Among the First In the World
"We are proud to be the first in the statc, as wcll
as the first in the 8 statcs surrounding Tennessee,
10 offer 'LASER CATARACT'. We arc also
proud to be the first in the world to oombine this
new technology with the 3D image-guided
microsurgical systcm:' said Dr. Wang, who is a
clinical associate professor of ophthalmology for
the UniveJSity of Tennessee. This is the first year
thai Alcon is rolling out this lcnSx laser cataracl
surgery tcchnology in Ihe U.S., and Wang Vision
was Selecled 10 be among Ihe first group of
leading eataract surgery centers in the country to
receive it Dr. Wang isa Harvard & MIT graduale
(MD, magna cum laude). and is one of Ihe few
cataract and LASIK surgCOII$ in the world today
who holds a doctorate deg= in laser physics.
A Revolution In Cataract Surgery
15 years ago, refractive surgery went from blade
(RK) 10 laser (LASIK), which revolutionized \he
eye surgery induslry and enabled millions of
people 10 gain freedom from their dependence on
glasses andcootacllcnses. Today, a similarrevolulion is laking place, and Ihis timc with calafact
surgery. which is also moving from blade 10 laser!
Given that 3.2 million cataract surgeries arc perfonned annually in the U.S. (which is 5 times
more \han LASIK!), LASER CATARACT is
quality ofto
for millioll$
an evenofgrealC1"
people.impacl on \he
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.lnhealthandwellness.com
Middle Tennessee· January 2012 Health & Wellness
Dr, Mlng Win(: Ming Wang,
MD, PhD, it Ihe founder
and c/winnan of Wang
Foundmion for Sighl Reslorolion, a 501c(3) non_
profit c/writy, a Hatv(J.rd
and MIT gra<iu<lle (MD,
magna cum laude) and an
internationally reno ...ned
USIK eye surgeon. Dr. Wang perfonned the
"'Qrld~ fint 3D USIK surgery ond the st(J./e~
first 3D C(J./arOCI surgery.
Femlosecond Laser Improves Precision
Wang VlSion Cataroct ond USIK center is cur_
rently Ihe only center in the sl(J./e Ih(J./ has Ihe 3D
USIK and 3D caramcl surgery lechnology. Dr.
Wang has performed ovu 55,()()() USIK procedures (including on over 4,()()() doctors) and is
one of the designated USIK surgeonsfor ABC~
notional hit reality TV sho... "Extreme
Makeover", During the Cultural Revolution in
China in the 1970s, a teenage Ming played a
Chinese mlLfical i'lIIrument called the er_hu in an
effort 10 escape being deponed to a remote port
of the country ...here he would be condemned to a
life ofpoverty and hard labor, a devostOling fale
thOl fell upon 20 million youlh in China. Dr.
IHlng has come a long ...ay from the penniless
young man he ...as when he am'ved in the US in
1982, and it nOw One ofthefew USIK surgeonJ
in the world who holds a doclorate degree in
laser physics. lie published a paper in Ihe I<'Ot'ld
renowned journal Nature, holds several US
polen/J for his inventions of new biOlechnologies
to restore sight, and performed Ihe "'Qrld~ fir$!
laser-<l$sisled artificial COrneo implantalion. Dr.
Wang is currently one of only three £u/ieons in
the Us. conducting a US. FDA clinical Irial
research on a breaklhrough new eye surgery to
lreat age·relOled loss of near vision and performed the firsl such new eye surgery in the
soulhern United States. He established the Wang
Foundation for Sighl Res/orolion, a 501c(3)
charity foundation which has helped blind
potien/Jfrom over 40 stutes in the U.S, and o"er
55 countries worldwide, ...ilh all sight restoralion
surgerie.f performed f_f-c/wrge
Unlike tradilional BLADE ,ataract surgery. the
new LASER CATARACT system utilizes an
advanced. ultra-shart-pulsed femtosecond laser.
Most Signifi@ntlnnovJtion In ca~ ..rt Surgery
which has a pulse duralion of 0.000000000000001
"LASER CATARACT is without a doubt the most
scrond (that's 14 zeros!). improving the prttision
significant innovalion in calamel surgery in 20
of cataract surgery. Dr. Wang uses the laser to 'us·
years. and il is the mosl advanced technology we
lomize the surgery to the exact Spe<;ifkations of
have today," Dr, Wang concluded.
each indi vidual patient, and a computerized laser
imaging system which guides the laser beam.
For inronnation aboul Wang Vi~ion's 3D LASER
Real-time, high_resolution images of the eye are
projected onto a computc:t' screen, which allows Dr.
CATARACT. cont.act Ming Wang, MD. PhD al
Wang Vision 3D Catarnc1 & LASI K Center: lSOI
Wang to perfonn the surgery and laser astigmatism
Wesl End Avenue, Suite 1150. Nashville. IN.
COITCCIion with prttision that far surpasses that of a
traditional manual blade. And this was also the first
37203. 615·321-8881 (0). 615-321·8874 (F).
[email protected], or visit usonlineat
surgery in the world to combine 3D and LASER
CATARACT te<.:hnologies'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -www.cnheaIChandwe llness.eom - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 Health & Wellness January
2012 - Middle Tennessee
Get "Back" in Shape!
By Chris Taleghani, M.O" M.BA
Boatd-Certified Neurosurgeon, Currtle<1and Btain & Spine
Low impact aerobic exercise that is gentle on the
back and when done on a regular basis is highly
effe<:live In providing conditioning. Several
examples include walking, Water therapy, stationary bicycling, and the elliptical trainer
Consult a Physician or Physical Therapist
If you are experiencing regular back or neck pain
and you are wanting to begin an exercise
program to lose weight this year, please
remember to include safe stretching and aerobic
options. However. it is best to che<:k with a phy_
sician or physical therapist as to what would be
beSt in ynur case.
To learn more Of to schedule an appOintment, call
Cumt>e~and Brain & Spine at 615-884·0001 , or visit
us online at ..-.eumberl. ndblltlnandspll\e.eom .
t is that time of year where so many of us
begin making healthier living choices and
having every intention of really exercising
and getting into shape. Sclieve me. llmow this New
Year routine far 10(> well.
on !he back, but also strengthen the "core"
muscles - the stomach, buttocks and hip muscles_
Also. a regular exen;ise routine helps patients
awid stiffness and weakness while even nxlocing
the severity and dUll"ion of possible futun: pain_
Exercise Can Alleviate Back Pain
Just five to ten minutes of stretching in the
morning and at night can provide significant relief
over time. Stretching ~Id be pain free. Thus.
do not force the body into difficult positions.
Stretch slowly and avoid bouncing.
If you often experience back pain, you might think
that exen;ise would not be an option to help you
achieve this New Year resolution. Many back pain
sufferers have wrongly been advised to either Stay in
bed or at least stop any activity that is at all strenuous. While this approach is understandable and may
even be recomrncnded in the short term, when done
for man: than a couple of days it could actually
undetmine healing. Instead. please consider active
fonus of back exer<:ises as a way to rebabilitate!he
spine and help alleviate back pain. A strong, wellcooditioned back can beller protcx:1 the spine and
withstand more Stress.
Benefits of Aef'Obic Exercise
Chris Taleghani, M,D., M.BA.
Dr. Toleghon; ;s 0 board
cUlified neuro$~rgeon
who specializes in mini_
mally in""si"" .urgery
and complex spine and
serious brain condilioM.
He received h;s Medical
Degree al Georgelown
Unh'e"ily School of
Ml!dicine ond receh'ed
his Neurosurgery Re.i-
Along with specific back exer<:ises. patients who
regularly panicipaie in aerobic exercise also
experience benefits. This increase of the heart rate
deney /raining 01 Pennsylvania Siale MillOn S.
for a sustained period of time through aerobic
Hershey Medical Cemer. Dr. Ta/eghan; oblained
exercise inereases the now of blood and nutrients
to back structures which supports healing, and
his MBA al The George WashinglOn University.
can d~rease the stiffness in the back and joints
that lead to back pain. These patients also have
A balanced workout of back exercises should
fewer episodes of low back pain. and will experiinclude a combination of strengthening. stretching
less pain when an episode occurs. Typically.
and low impact aerobic conditioning. To be effooa person increases produetion of endocphins after
tive, a patient'S program of back cxen;ises should be
30 or 40 minutes of exen;ise. "These bj<H:hemicals
comprehensive, working the whole body even if it
the body's natural painkiller, and mqucnt
targets the back.
release of them can help patients nxluce their
Four cl in ic uffi ce IO (,l tions
A Regular Routine is Best
in M iddle Te nnessl'e
elevate a patient's mood and relieve symptoms of
Many back exen;iscs can help strengthen the spinal
Phon l': 8 B~ · (](](]1 • Fa x: 8 B~ -(](](]')
depression, which is common among people with
column and the supporting muscles. ligaments and
\\'w w .cumh('rI,lndhr ainand s pin('.(om
tendons. Most of these back exercises focus not only
back pain or a back injury.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.cnhealthandwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Middle Tenneuee - January 2012 Health & WeUness
Resolving to Exercise in the New Year
By Cfaig O'NeIl, PT, DMT, OCS, Results • e..rtwood
Avoiding OYertraining
Tb<: most discouraging JW1 of starting an exm:ise
wilbou! furtho:r injury, if III all possibk. Finding !be
routine. especially if you ba\'c been sedentary, is
doing 100 much 100 $00II. Sore m~les and
aching joinu are common iktCTTrnts 10 continuing wilh your regular program, causing many
peop~ to gi,'e up early on !beir New Y<;ar's moIUlion and move tIKI: inlO lheir old habits. Some
soreness is expected when you begin a DC:w
exm:ise routine. however with your ual 10 be a
b<:uer you. il is quile common 10 injure yourself
b«ausc of improper fonn, muscle imbalance, or
performing exercises/activilies thai yoor body is
no! quile yet ready 10 tak<: on.
righl kv<:l of 1:Xm:1x specifically for you is no differenl lhan prt'SCribi", !be righl amounl of
medicine. Too much can b<: very harmful and 100
linle can b<: oflinle value.
There are many faetors that should be consideml
in des'JIIing an <:xereise rouline speci focally for
you and your physical lherapist can also properly
assist you wilh Ihis. These inclulk: ClllTrnt level
offitneSll. cumnt orpast injurinor surgeries, and
medical hislory.
Start Small
hat is your New Years resolution? Studies show that the most
common New Year', resolutions
arc: quining Sm(>king. losing weight. and
Losing weight and eXCIl:ising
to impro\'t'
your health or looks, and Stft'SS manailement an:
among tile top rusoru to begin an cxm:isc
program in ~ New Year. Regular cxrn:ise has
been associ.ted with more health benefits than
anything else, and studies Jhow thai it mtu«s the
risk of some tanr;<:Q, m.;rcasn longevity, helps
~hiC'Vt' and mainf.ain weishl loss, enhances mood,
lowers blood pn$$Ure, and ~ impro~ wthritis. Keeping Ihcsc resolutions beyond the second
w«li; of the year is the hard pan. However, $lUdiC'S
suggest that i f you $ct. 'pc:cific goal or resolution.
you an: 10 limes man: likely 10 achieve' your goal.
Seeling goals to lose inches and pound$ can lead to
• decreased cllance of success. to the p i IIhoold
be based on o;n:ating. new hJ,bit.
You've come SO far already and if !he ache or injury
begins 10 limil your ability 10 ClCrn:ise. quining
bcoomcs lhe neXI Slep for many. Don'l allow your
desire to become a new you 10 be cut shan. when
se<:king a solulion from your physical Iherapisl can.
in most cases. quickly address lhe problem.
The best way 10 begin and mainlain a successful
profP'll11 is 10 Slart small . A 20 minute walk around
Ihe neighborhood is a grea! sIan. When il comes to
weights. high rcps and low weight is Ihe best way
to condilion not only your muscles. bUI is the
safeS! on your joinls and ligaments. lfan exrn:ise
class. like Yoga. Spin or Boot Camp. is an hourlong class, start with 30 minUles the first time and
then progress until you are keeping up wilh lhe
res! of tilt class.
Highly Trained in Assessing Cause of Pain
The physical tlltrapisu al Rcsulu Physiotherapy are high ly lrained in assessing you for
Iny muscle or joinl problems Ihat may limit you
beginning Indlor mlinllining an exercise
proJlllm. Mosl hea1th inSUTlloces now a llow
indi viduals to self·refer 10 physical therapy
without I referral from a physician. Don'1
he$itatc 10 conlle! Rcsulls at any of our locations
found al ~.rau ltsph)'siothtnpy.com Of call
800-888-0531 to make an appOinlmenl today.
The Next Step
The next step is wmmining to your goal. One o f
Consun with a Physical Therapist
the most imponanl factors ofsucceu in maintain.
Consultation with a physicaltherapisl when an ache
ing an exercise routine is doing somethi ng you
continues for 2-3 days or when an injury occurs is
enjoy. )fyou find something you really enjoy. lilt
of Ihe besl things you can do 10 prevenl funher
inches and pounds will drop before you know it If
A physical therapist is trained in assessing
you hale running and il f~ls lerribl<: 10
of your
whal is lhe adual root cause of the
joinu, chane<:s are you WOn'l be conlinuing 10 run
problem and then developing a COUJ$e of action to
by mid February. On Ihe olher hand. if you love to
begin 10 comet Ihe issue. One of the goals of a
Shlrc your New Year's
dance. finding a fun Zumba class al the gym Of
resolulion success stories wilh us II
good physical therapist is 10 find wa}'! for their
church with I group of fricnds increases your
facfbook.co mIRe£uir£Plty$iollterapy
chances of success.
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Middle Tennessee· January 2:012: Health & Wellness
Primary Brain Tumors:
Innovation and Progress
By Dr. Kent C. Shll. TennessooOnoology
vcr 60.000 new cases of primary
malignant (24,000) and non-
malignant (39,000) brain and central
nervous system tumors are diagnosed pcr year. An
additional I ~O.OOO p.uiems will develop metastatic
disease to the brain or spinal cord from another
primary site, called sc<:ondary brain tumors. This
accounts for 1.4% of all cancers. and 2.4% of all
deaths related to cancer as approximately 13.000
patienlS die every year from primary brain tUlllOfS. I
• Pathologic Evaluation
Pathologic evaluation of brain tumors is an important aspect of a mul!i-<liseiplinary tearn approach to
brain tUlllOfS. Immunohistochemical studies are routinely performed on brain tumor biopsies to ensure
accurate diagnoses and grading. Molecular genetic
testing is also increasingly being employed to more
accuralCly delincate prognosis and more effectively
target therapy. The majority of oligodendrogliomas
have a loss of chromosome arms Ip and 19q which
is a predictor ofrosponse to chemothcrapy and may
also have independent prognostic value.
• Neurosurgery
~ise pre-surgical planning is an important
pan of the care of patients going for brain
SUIgery. Neurosurgoons often usc preoperative
MR i images and infrared cameras to track
surgical instrumentation and help guide the pr0cedure. Using !his system. the neurosurgC<)ll can
reference hisJhcr surgical plan and identify
exact anatomical locatioos at any time during
the surgical procedure. IntrH)pcrlltivciy, navi gational guidance provides real time visualiza_
tion of a biopsy catheter's position and the
ability to adjuS! targets and trajectories as
needed. This new technology results in more
precise targeting and higher tissue yields for
pathological analysis.
A patient's identified functional areas and connective fiber tracks Can be fused into the anatomical maps and are panicularly helpful in
identifying and safeguarding the eloquent
areas of the brain, areas that arc involved in
movement. speech. hearing and vision. The
surgeon then uses the map to execute asurgical
plan that maximizes tumor resecTion while
avoiding or minimizing The impacT on impor_
tant areas ofthe brain.
ntu... 1. tt " E ... in of oligadrndrogtioma, . low.grade: bRin
IIlmor. Coil. oMw ,lear o)1Ol'l .. m ...·o ll-def",ed bo<dcfs and.
<lassio "fried..""~.
More recently. a prognostic marker and predictor
of response to chemotherapy. 0 -6-methylguianine
mClhyhransferase (MGMT). has bun discovcred
for glioblastoma muhifonne. the mOST frequent
malignanT brain tumor. De<:reased levels of
MGMT protein enable chemotherapy to work
morc cffectively.
t'lku r< 2. _rgiul ptannin/! i, ... i,1ed by functional
MRJ IMt idelltif... ru"",ionot _
IIlmor 10 minimi .. 6c:fioilS !Tom ""8Cfl'.
• Medical Oncology
While The therapeUTic objCClive for paTients with
resectable brain tumors often remains excision and
debulking to an optimal extent. integrating chemoTherapy and radiaTion is the currenT standard for
many brain tumors post-opcratively. Towards that
end, temozolomidc is an orally administered chemoTherapy That crosses the blood·brain barrier. and is
often used for patients with primary brain tumors .
Funhermore, clinical research is ongoing now in
an effon to design drugs that target specific biological changes unique to brain tumor cells. For
instance. glioblastoma cells are known to express
high levels of vascular endothelial growth factor
(YEGF). Bevacizumab is a humanized monoclonal
antibody that targets VEGF and has shown clinical
benefit and progression free survival for patients
with recurrent glioblastoma. Other approaches
including targeting epidermal groWTh facror
receptor. platciCl derived growth factor receptor•
PI3 kinase/mTOR. cMClas well as immunotherapy
and immunomodulaTOTS amongST many otho:rs are
promising treatments at the present time.
• Radiation Therapy
Radiotherapy is an
imponant pan of brain
• •
radiation damages DNA
of exposed cells, spe- F Ig~... J. S!'<"if.. targoted
Ihonpies direc!<d _'Ofd<
cifically tumor cells moI«u1ar and \HoIogi<_.
within the brain. Con· lies of glioma
ventional external beam being d<veiopod and .....vait·
radiation and standard oble in dinical trWs.
fractionation is given to patients in the newly diag·
nosed setting, usually Over the course of six weeks.
However. in other situations, technologies such as
stereotactic radiosurgery which delivers high doses
of focused radiation to well-<lefined borders can be
offered. Other forms of advanced trcatment techniques including image·guided radiotherapy
(lGRD and inTensity_modulated radiotherapy
(lMRD may be useful in the treatment of brain
tumor patients as well nOw.
""II, .... ""'"
Survival rates have slowly improved as technology
and researeh have advanced over the past 20 years.
Uowever, there is STili much room for improvemenT
in both the quality and quantity of life for those
diagnosed with brain rumors. Many new resources
have been developed from the laboratory bench. to
the bedside. to patient suppon groups and wellness
programs which all underscore the hope of future
progress in the care of brain tumor patients .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.cnhealth a ndwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
12 l-featth & Wellness January
2:012: - Middle Tennessee
A New Year... A Renewed You!
n rl:<:ent years, celebrities like Oprah
Winfrey and Suzanne Somers have
brought Bio-Equivalent (Bio- Ident ical)
Hormone Replacement Therapy ontO center stage.
The popularity of Ms. Somers' books, Ageless.
The Sexy YeaJ$ and Breakthrough, where she
describes how Bio-ldentical hormones relieved
her menopause symptoms and made her feel more
youthful, just goes to show bow important this
subjC\:t is to women in menopause. Men also
benefit from treatment as well. The basic question
asked is, "Are they for me?"'
Relief of Headaches, Depression,
Insomnia and More
Hormone Replacement Therapy by pellet implantation has been used in the United States, Europe
and Australia since 1938. YCaJ$ ofrescarch shows
how this method provides a consistent stream of
hormones that are gradually released into the body
as the pellets dissolve. Over the ye;m, patienlS
who have received this treatment repon significant improvements in many areas including
insomnia, libido, headaches, and depression, to
name I few.
,\., .'
________________________ www .cnhealchandwe llness.com ________________________
Middle Tennesse e - J anuary 2012 Health & Wellness
Male Patient Testimonial
He..... is h ow Our male patients are getting just
as mu ch relief for their symptoms of
dec reasing honnone Iowels as the w omen are
with BHRT.
"I'm all oClil'e guy ill hi.1 mid:fonies who
works ow 4 10 5 daY.1 a week alld ill rdatil'e(\"
good shape. I ha ..e a I",s)" .sd",dule lik!: moW
people "./", hare an adi,'e j"mi(r {lIld" ,'ery
compelilil'e career.
I had ,wli""d in 1/11: IN,sl year or so Ihm my hody
has ('hallxed Will my muscle 10lle WOSII'I ,,·hal il
was a yeor axo, e'\'1l workillX 011/ mOl\'
inlemely I also had 0 l"('I).' diff/wll lime
sleeping Ih"lUgh Ihe nighl wilhoull{~,sillg and
IIImillg ulld I ",as allxious abolll IIIml)' Ihillgs ...
These are a few symplO"~' of mml)' Ol/){'r subl/e
OI1I:S. Ajier doing ,mme res,'a"h. /I/"mghl BioE'I"iml<'lII J/ormolle Pellel Therapy (BJ/RT)
could be a xood oplioll for lIIe alld W01l1d gil"(' il
a 'I).' (wilh Ihe ellcouragem"111 ofmy "'ife),
No Contracts Required
At Solutions Wellness. we speciali>:e in 8ioEquivalent Hormone Replacement Thc-rapy
(bHRT), Many of Our patients (both Men and
Women) haV<' had great Sll\Xess with treatment. So
much. that over 8O"1io of our patients haV<' referred
other friends and family to us. They continue
therapy because they get results. not because they
have to duc to a "contracl." We believe this thc-rapy
is not for everyone. 1\ is our goal to help guide you
to make an informed decision foryourself
Personal Attention
We've always found that patients feel their best
when their treatment is customized to their individual needs. Pellet implants are placed painlessly
under the skin and provide optimal therapy by
consistently relcasing small, physiologic doses of
hormones into a person's body, Your body takes
what it needs, when it needs it. Pellets deliver consistent. healthy levels of honnones typically for
3-5 months in wOmen and 4-6 months in men.
Unli ke conventional oral or synthetic hormone
replacctttent therapies, pellct therapy does not
increase the risk of blood clots.
environment. You will know our staff and your
health care provider and they will know you.
Many of our patients say it is a "spa like environ ment that is Professional. Relaxing and
Discrete," Solutions Wellness is located in the
hean of Williamwn County, in the City of
Franklin. Our friendly and professional StafT is
e~tremely allentive to the needs of our patients
and how best we can hclp serve them.
Free& Confidential Consultlltlon
Call us today to schedule a Free & Confiden tial Consultation to see if Bio-Equivalent
(Bio-identical) Honnone Therapy is right for
you, Or visit us on the Web at
........._Wdlnes5I1ormo" e B~I""u, org and refer
to Data Sheet on Clinical Researeh tab or
Symptoms for Women or Men.
Wilhill a few days ol m,' In'almelll. I begull
sh,,'pitlg de,'pl.... Ihough Ihe m'Khl olld wasfjd(\"
lV,sled amI a"!rt ,,'!u:n / woke "pill Ihe lIIortling.
IVhell / resumed my \\YJrkout.,. / al,m joulld il
ea.lier 10 hal'e a more illlellse workout al1</ gel
'''rough il "'i,hmll il wiping me 011/, My "'ife
m,,/ ji"i"lIIfs I1oli,'!:d Ihal / 1m,s m",,, "fmlall,'{'d"
a"d 'm.I"'1 OI1(ious a"d sln-'ssed a.1 / was prior.
AlfirSI, I did,,'t reali:e il. Meal<Se I ImS back 10
whal I a/ways lV'IU!mher jir,," years hefare. I
was hack 10 Nom",/' / """e a "ense of well
Ix'illg. a sleadil1ess,
Consistent Provider Each Visit
At Solutions Well ness, we m::at each patient like
friends and family. We want to build a long term
trusting relationship in a comfortable friendly
Sel'eral m,,"lhs/aler whl:I1 my wife and / "'ae
discussing m,' ri',m/lS ",ill. anolher J/('allh
Care prol'i<Ier. I reali:ed, alollg ,,-Ilh my ,,-I(e.
'hat I 110 IOllger ilOd heell IOkillg Adl'il aJ I
was h!:lore Prior 10 trealmenl, I wok 4 Ad..il
almosl dai(v for joilll at·I,,'s alld a .llig/1I
h"adacil<'. /\'Oh', III 1II0lllhs alier III,' firw
IlVatmelll, / hal'e takell Advil ollly a je'"
lillles' /lIll IOllger huw Ihe joilll aches ulld
sll'Khl headache as Illsed /0,
BIlR r has ('ha/l!;"d IWII' I feel dralllatically. II
is also ob"imls II·hell Illeed 10 schedule treatmelll again, I am more ill'//{lle with "'.I' hod)', ,
46 yr old male: Franklill, IN
14 Health &- Wellness January
2:012: - Middle Tenrlessee
Revolutionize Your Resolution
By Jamie Free. CPT. FNC
January 1$1 quickly approaches,
o:vnyonc: will no doubt Jt.-t
making Illeir resolulion • . Tile
nwnber one resollllion C'YU)' ynr is 10 be in
bert... shape. lose !hal lUI 10.20.30 pounds IlIat
an: llanging 00 liglll. Every ynr. folks jU$l like
)'011 and [ make tllal our rnoIulioo and )'CI the
I>Cl<t ynr it md$ up bcina: !he same: resolution
again . I was no different. [ wOllId always $Iy I
want to be in beneT shape. lose tile belly fll. be
strong.... fut.... healllli ... and every year I went
liard and tllen fell off b«.use [ believed lIIat I
wu sean:lling for a diet. Well. as [ found when I
wu introduco:d 10 Mill< Muscle. diets end. That is
the problem with lIIem and tllat is why lIIere is I
negative stigma anaclled to tile word din.
Lct me: sum IMt up with one StatC1nC1lI. n.ere is
NutritIon Is a Lifestyle
For the sake of everyone. let's toss diCl in lIIe trash
right nexl to the yearly resolution and pick up the
word nutrition. Nutrition, unlike diet. is .lifeslyle.
Diets take things away from )'011 like carbohydrates or fats and then, when you add them back,
those lbs CO!lX flying back 100. Nutrition is the:
proper way of wing for the rnI o f your life. [5Il't
that an amanng way 10 look at il? The rest of your
life )'011 can look how )'011 wanl and its noIlboul
deprivation but the: timing of the foods)'O\l take in
115 wdl as the types of food as well.
TIming of Food Is Important
Let me: elaborate on !hal. The liming of food is
impon.anl in the absorption proecss of the body.
Ca1ain foods absorb quickly and ochcfs IIIkc time
no piU!hat wiU rut I bad nUlrition piltll. If )'011 eat
poorly. nothing can help )'011 reach your goal. So,
don'l waste your money on produel$ that claim
10 lU$ist )'011 10 lose "'eighl witll no changes
because thcyeannot do thaI.
Free Nutrition Consultatlon
Come: down
10 Max Muscle Cool Springs and
learn Ihe proper wly 10 maximize your nutrition
to reach and exceed your goals. If you bring in
this ar1icle. we wiUgive you a free consultalion
for your eating.
10 ab§Orb . It'aming Ihe liming of how food
reacts and whal spikes your blood sugar is tM
key to finding a new resolution next year. That is
the greal thing about my team al Max MuS<.:lc
Cool Springs; we teach you how 10 eal properly
10 rc~h your goal as well as maintaining that
goal weigh!.
Creating a Nutrition Plan for Succe-n
The best way [can explain what we do to help is
this. Customer A walks in aller the: new year and
asks for • fat burner. We then ask them how they
an: eating. As they explain, we can adjust thinp
in their nutrition, create them I nutrition plan for
SOC«SS, and guide: them in the proper direclion
when it comes 10 prodllCts. "That is the edllC"ioo
process ....e go through witll each and every
wstomer who ....alks through the door.
Remember. diets end. Pills arcn't the answer on
thei r own. Nutri,ion is a lifestyle. Don', put off
feeling your best any longer. Come:down 10 Max
Muscle Cool Springs and consult with one of our
ee"ifio:d nutrition coaches
loday. Make this weight
resolution your last!
J amie Free, CPT, FNC
Max Musde
SporU. Nutrition in
o.ner/CerIi8ed 1'MonII1rIIne(f'cness NUIIiIion Coach
2000 Mendian Blvd" Suite 108
Franklin, TN 31061
I www.yourdoctOl.S4li1l1.com
A New Beginning
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You, Doctors 4 Ufe
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° ldo.'1on WI ad 10, a ........ <10< ..."
Now Offering Rekki!
Neurology Specialists of Middle Tennessee
Neurology Specialists of
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Southern Hills HosplUll (ampus
397 Wallace Rd. Suite (-305
Nashville. 1lI 37211
TrlStar Medical PI ..u
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16 l-featth & Wellness January
2:012: - Middle Tennessee
·· When I joined lhe ME DI80" program. 001: only was I overweighl bul I
was also at risk for developing heart disease and diabeles. 1 also didn't
like Ihe way I looked or lhe way my clothes fll. I really wallled 10 lose
weighl bUI never coold Slick wilh a diello gellhe resulls I wamed.
Then last summer I saw an ad for ME0 18O" Weighl Loss and called for
the F~ Consullalion. After hearing more aboul how lhe program
worked and having my queslions answered. I decided 10 give Ihis
program a Iry. 1 was impressed by alilhe staff [ mel. Each person look
lime wilh me 10 ell plain Ihings. help me sel my gools, encourage me
and give me Ihe 10015 I needed 10 be successful.
l1Iere were limes when I wanled 10just quil and go back 10 ealing
wh.1lever I wallled, bul having 1he MEDI8O" 51aft waming me 10
achieve my weight loss goals as much as I did enoouraged me 10 nOi
give up. The =untabilily really helped!
[achieved my goal weighl after only 16 weeks wilh Ihe program! [
have found clothes in my closel [ haven'l been able 10 wear for years
and now I am, I love alilhe compliments [ gel from friends and coworkers every day lei ling me how grem [ look.l1Ie change in my ealing habils and
lifeslyle were much easier 10 adopllhan I had lhoughl and are a part of me now. MEI)I80° Weighl t oss is the piau 10 go if you rtally want 1(1 be
successful at losing welghl aud k~ping il off, It ...·orked for me aud;1 will work for )'ou:' - Darla Clea,·es
1747 Medical Center Parkway• • Suite 120 • Murfreesboro, TN 37129
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .lnhealt ha nd we llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Middle Tennesse e · J anuary 2012 Health & Wellness
Julie Viselli, MSN, ACNP-BC • Certified by the Amer ican Board or Bariatric Medicine
The staff at MEDI8O" has enjo~ed working with Darla and partnering in helping her reach her weight loss goal. Because
of her medical background. she was aware of the health benefits of wei ght loss. We discussed the importance of weight loss
in preventing heart disease. diabetes. stroke and cancers as well as improving elevated cholesterol. Darla r«,eived weekly
lipolropic injections incl uding B-Complex vitamins to boost her energy levels. ease occasional stress and sleeplessness.
maintain healthy cell growth and repair. and promote immune function. She was able to reach her goal successfully through
detennination and following tile recommendations given by the MED l8if team. We are proud of her success and look
forward to seeing Darla al each of her clinic visits. Congratulations Darla!
Jill Burns, RD, U )N • Registered Dietician
Darla has been on diets in the past and was successful but like most people gained back some of the weight inilially losl.
Since starting the MEDI8O" meal plan. nOi Ofll~ did she reach her goal weight. bUI she has been able to maintain her
weight! One of the key nUlrition componentS of Darla's plan was using meal replacement sha kes while at work or on the
go. Meal replacements are a grem way to OOIltrol intake and st ill enjoy delicious chooolme and vanilla flavors. Darla's meal
plan included. but was not limiled to. protein (chicken. steak. fish. pork. eggs. clleese. etc). vegetables and protein sha kes
(for accelerated weight loss). The MEDI8if meal plan allowed her to eat wholesome meals and not be hungry.
Randy Scheeter, MS - Exercise Physiologist
We began with reviewing the exercise section of the MEDl8O" Success Manual together. I recommended for the f,rst two
weeks she begin with a moderate intensity exercise routine. T hi s oonsisted of exercise at least 3 da~s per week in 20·30
minute intervals while slightly increasing the intensity. The next phase progressed to 30-45 minutes util izing twO modes of
exercise: walking and biking. To help Darla reach her gool weight I suggested exercising 30 minutes to I hour with focus
on Target Heart Rate.
CALL TODAY 615-995-7990
\\ \\ \v.MED180WEI GHTLOSS.com
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhealth andwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Ito •• _
Is _ _ IoPlnl: paIionb tho bosIlncar- ......
---'3O_1n _ _
1DaJrrd III,
Treatment I Transplantation
that keep you from reaching your full potential. Weekly discussion
within small groups helps process through concepts such as
powerlessness, fear, vision, grief, risk & hope.
'" Journey to Living with Courage: Freedom from Fear: Learn how
to identity good fear vs. destructive fear and overcome the fear
of rejection. abandonment and periectionism, Byconquering
rage, an~iety and co-dependency, you can live boldly in light
of who you truly are.
Clinical Trials
t ..
l.H;Inon, Oid<soft, ~
P.E.T.ler $c.;In Services
'" Journey to Freedom: lay a foundation for change in the areas
thllhvllle, franklin, M.. h
bdlation Oncology
Lawrt_burg. PuIa$ti,
hmily SuppOrt Servi<es
'" Journey to Healthy living: Find a balance between spirit,
mind and body by combining group process with working-out.
Share body Image struggles while being introduced to a variety
of e~ercise te<hniques including spin, yoga and more!
'" Boundaries: By understanding physical, me ntal emotional and
spiritual boundaries, you will learn when to say"yes"and how to
say"no·to ta ke control of your life. Can you set limits and still be
a loving person?This question and many more are discussed
within this relational study.
'" Boundaries for Couples: For married, e ngaged or committed
couples hoping to magnify the strengths of their relationship and
leam healthy boundaries. Promotes intimacy through communication.
and de-bonking co-dependant tendencies. lead by manied facilitators.
Hospice (are
provides medical expertise
with compassion for those
who are coping with a
life-limiting illness.
Odyssey Hospice
1400 Donelson Pi ke, Suite 8-4
'" Freedom in Relationships: Understand and process t hrough
common relationship problems while learning healthy coping tools
and lasting solutions to deal with challenges in your relationships.
'" Power to Choose: A 1S·week, 12·step program based on the
beatitudes of ChriSt. A faith-based approach to the traditional
recovery program. A closed group led by t rained facilitators.
To learn more or for a listing of classes, please call
Restore Ministries at 61 5·297·6529, ext 70528.
NashYille, TN 37214
.6i5~365.lOo9 1
~-- ......
. . . "" ~.I!•.,..
Middle Tennessee - January 2012 Health & Well ness
Female Hair Loss
By Michael Ramsey, MBA/HCM, PAl Medical Clinic Director
The procedure requires very little down time
with little discomfort. Once the small hair seeds
are planted, they gradually begin to produce and
grow hairs starting a few months after the procedure. Within a full year, all the hair seeds are
growing hairs. Because ofthis gradual filling in,
the patient notices a gradual thickening of the
hair as shown below.
early 40 million women suffer from
hair loss in the United States.
Unlike men who bald, women's hair
tends to thin and they lose hair volume causing
more scalp to show through the hair. Thinning hair
for a woman makes it di fficult for her to style her
hair and can lead to lower self-confidence, a
diminished feeling of attractiveness and often can
lead to depression.
Great Options for Thinning Hair
The good news is women today have several great
options for their thinning hair. The first is styling
the hair in a way to cover the thinning areas. The
second is adding more hair to the thinning areas
through surgical or non-surgical options. The last
option is to treat the thinning hair with products or
therapies to stop or reverse hair loss.
By styling their hair in certain ways, women can
use their fuller areas to cover thinning areas. Also
by teasing their hair or using permanents which can
make the hair fuller they can help minimize the
appearance of thinning hair. However, these
options don't solve the problem and can be
limiting. If the wind blows or the hair gets wet, the
thinning areas can be revealed. Also, too much processing of hair that is already fine and weak can
accelerate hair loss.
Adding More Hair
Adding more hair to the thinning areas can be done
surgically or non-surgically. The surgical option,
known as hair transplantation, is a procedure where
hair from thicker fuller areas, typically the sides
nd or back areas, are moved to thinner areas to
ake them fuller. Hair that grows on the sides and
ack tends to be permanent so when it is transIan ted it is considered permanent. Additionally,
en and women have more hair on the sides and
ack than they need.
Hair transplantation has become enormously
popular for men and women. In our practice,
about 80% of women can be helped with hair
transplant surgery. The best way to determine if
you are a candidate is to consult with a hair restoration specialist. We offer free and private evaluations / consultations at our office - PAl Medical
Group of Brentwood.
Non-Surgical Option
The non-surgical option is the second option for
adding hair to make it fuller. Non-surgical hair
replacement has been around for centuries. From
powdered wigs of the Middle Ages to today's
high-tech, perfectly matched, non-surgical hair
systems - these options add fullness and density
to thinning areas and are safe, reliable, affordable
and reversible. The Hair Club is an excellent
resource for men and women looking for this
non-surgical option.
Treatment options are recommended for men and
women in the early stages of hair loss who want to
try and control hair loss and encourage recently
thinned hair to re-grow and become fuller and
thicker. The key to the success of treatments is to
catch hair in the early stages of decline before the
hair cells have died off. Through treatments,
health and vitality can be restored to the hair.
Patient Using AlphaLase 50 Hooded Laser
New Treatment Option - Cold Lasers
The new EXT-AlphaLase 50 cold laser program is
very effective at restoring fullness, health and
vitality to the hair. The cold laser- also known as
Low Level Light Laser- is used to increase microcirculation through a process known as photobiostimulation. This helps with hair loss and
certain types of scalp maladies. We offer all the
latest in treatment options at PAl Medical.
Win the Hair Loss Battle
Female hair loss affects many millions of women
today but there are great options to help. From
surgical to non-surgical options, many women
don't have to suffer the devastating affects of hair
loss anymore. Through the art of science and
medicine, winning the hair loss battle is something
millions of proactive, courageous women are
doing today. For more information about these
solutions, visit us www.WeGrowHair.com. To set
up a free and private evaluation/consultation, call
our office at 615-376-6010.
PAl Medical Group Nashville
Unhealthy Hair and Scalp
Healthy Hair and Scalp
Michael Ramsey, MBNHCM
PAl Medical Clinic Director
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www .tnhealthandwellness.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
20 l-fealth & Wellness January
2:012: • Middle Tennessee
Prep-are Your Body'
for Winter Activities with a Combination of
Stretching and Massage Therapy
taying fit during the winter holiday
season oomes with a long list of unique
challenges and obstacles. but staying
injury free can take even mo", of an effort when you
introduce new. winter-specific activities likc skiing,
skating and sledding into your fitness routine. Before
the winter activity season is in full swing. take stcp5
today to wann up and loosen your muscles so you
can hit the slopes or the rink pain free. as well as
minimi:re afkr-activity soreness and fatigue.
Stretching and Massage Can Help
You Remain Injury Free
Before carving fresh tracks down the slopes this
winter or lacing up your skates to hit the rink with
your kids, it is important to inoorporate a combina_
tion of regular stretching and therapeutic massage
sessions for an active and injury free winter season.
The key to keeping active during the winter months
and staying off your family's injured list is to focus
on body flexibility and lengthening your muscles in
the pn:-season. Many of the popular wintertime
activities (skiing, snowboarding and skating)
physically impact your lower body, thereby
cn:ating a need for you to focus your stn,:tching and
strength efforts on hip. hamstring and trunkllower
back flexibility.
Two Common Types of Str.tchlng
According to the National Academy of Sports
Medicine, then: are !w(> CQIIlffiOfI1ypc$ of sm:u:hing
- static strelehing and dynamic stretching - that are
good for promoIing overaU flexibility. Research
indicates that holding a static stretch for 2Q.-30
seconds allows your muscles time to relax and
elongate, thereby increasing joint range of moIion.
Dynamic stretching on tho other hand includc$low
intensity exercises that mimic spon specific move-rnents. These types of stretches are good for
wanning up your body prior to a SpOrI$ activity, as
they help increase circulation, reduce muscle tightness and help your nervous system '5 ability to
contract muscles forcefully.
Start Stretching and Massage
Regimen Early In the Season
Regular therapeutic massages prior to your desired
a.ctivity allow your body to release tho toxins found
in tight muscles, while increasing overall flexibility
and circulation. Additionally. your massage therapist can assess and monitor your body's flexibility
range, while suggesting specific streIches and ocher
techniques that will focus on lengtllcning and
strengthening your body's prQblcrn areas.
Pre-Season Massage:YourGo -To Strategy
Whether you an: pro:paring ~'oun;elf for family fun
..... inter activities or rtto,-cring from a wintcrtime
'poIlS injUry or accident. therapeutic mas"'ge
se"ions combined with a consistent stretching
rcgimen should be your go-to strategy for minimizing ache, and pains thi, winter ,e.wn. Call
Elements Therapeutic \1a",<;ace today to schedule
your ..... inter pre-season mas"'gc therapy sessions al
615--410-7700 or vi,it our website at:
" .." 'W _touc hofe lemems_com/ m urfrttsooro
To kick off your winter regimen. ifs a good idea to
combine consistent stretching sessions with routinely scheduled monthly massages &-12 weeks
prior to the stan of your favorite wintenime activity.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhealthandwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Moddle Tennessee - January 2012 Heilfth & Wellness
The Fatal Side of Refined Sweeteners - Part 1
"The Fattening of America"
By Thomas I..okensgard, 005, NMO, ABAAHP
just heard from I television oammen:ill
that "Honey Nut Cherrios~ ~ ......... Iy
Rood for my hean, Really? Another commercial (on my wife's favorite channel) told me: that
good parents feed their kid's " Pop Tarts for breakfast. Wow, I was shocked! Ha~ you ever looked at
what's in III this sruff? If yQU can't even pronouno;e
the: ingredient list. what do you think your livn and
immunt: JySIem an: supposed 10 do with all thc:s.e
o:hemicroli? If your body cannoI process or metabolb!e the ingredients on the label, it must either store
it. or break it down and then eliminate it.
as the COII1lTIeJ"Cial food industry and Agribusiness giants, along with the FDA,USDA & AHA
brought 10 us the LOW_FAT DIET. they an: fully
vested in bringing produ<;:ts to you that can be IR"
served for derades, on the: shelf or in the fridge. with
literally no nutriti~ food \'iIluc: M III. I o;aIl this
IJ/Idu..Nlltritioll. These types
of bo~<:d, canned. froun, lIIIggod and microwaveable food IIO\tI"CeS seem to ha~ I main thread
running through them all. SUGAR. processed and
rcfined. synthetic and modified. calorie-full and
calorie-fm:, high and low glycemic masquerading
under numerous trade and chemical names. So. in
th is l-pan ~ on sugar, we will try and unra\"I!1
the: mymry ..-d make !iOIDC $ert5e of il Ill.
Whet Soft DrinkS are Doing to Your Body
The commercial soft drink ($Oda pop) rnanufactur-
en have invested billions in
and have
created one of the most successful marketing campaigns in American history. For many people, soft
drinltJ are the single biggest 5O\lI"Ce of Jugar in their
diet, Each can contains 10-12 tsps, of sugar. It is
liquid sugar and is REALLY BAD SruFF! Soft
drinltJ are most OOIIlI11OIIly sweetened by adding
(HFCS). They'''e even tried to make you thinl: thai
if you drink "DIET-POP" you will lose weight. I
am h= 10 tell you that nOlhing ~ould be further
from the llUIh.
End of SIOI'y. WHY? Because insulin, when it stays
high. il doing what it is supposed to do: STORE
there il no t1lC1"iY expendimrc due to couch potatoism, etc .• your body rurns lhe cellular sugar to fat. In
Part 2, I'll give you tile othenide of the equalion. so.
Slay tuned. Sugar can also ~lt in elevated risks
for heart diKasc and cancer (more on Ibis bter).
Whlll Ilbolll Di« SotillS r
Thesoe cauin anificia] sweeteners such IS aspaname.
sucralosc:, /)C $aCCharin which pose I big threat 10
your health . Saccharin has been found to be
~inogenic (cancer causing).
The Effects 00 Your Body
!WfI drids "n h"rd 0.. )'01" hultlo, shIn"",
l«flo IIlfd ),0"" tWighr! .'
Soft drinu contain: Caffeine, carbonation,
refined iAI~ ....orse, supr subslirutcs-food
aoiditi\"CS, such as lII'tifociaJ coloring, flavoring and
preservatives with linle to no vitamins or other
essenti.l nutrients. 'They cause your blood sugar to
sky rocket and this causes INSULI N SIGNA LI NG
and drives sugar into the cclls to store the sugar as
fat. WOfSC yet., this contributes to Non_Alcoholic
Fltty Livn Disease, (NAFLD).
Rcseareh has fouod dw consumption of $Oft drinks
in high quaruity, especially by clUldren, is responsible f(ll' many hcallb probkrns that include toodt
decay, nutritional depletion, obesity, type-2
diabetes, heart disease, and camonation depletion
of calcium which can result in early osteoporosis.
cognitive dysfimction and some CaneeTS.
MOl l 1111 soft drilfks COif/IIi,. " high "",.,...If/ of
"find $WNU"~
The USDA rocommendation of sugar consurnpIion
for a 2,000 caJorie diet is a daily allolmatt of 10 teaspoons of added sugar (which is way too high in
this author's opinion). Many 50ft drinks contain
more than Ibat amount! And that's just one can!
Wloltl Io~ns ..'10," )"'" dri"k sodu "II dll)' 10llg
lit", ,," pGCkM ..'i/h "find SWU/I"ns /IJOd
sinlpk SlIgtlnr
The ~ is called upon 10 produce and release
iltS\l]in. Insulin isa hormone: dw empties the sugar
from your blood stream into all the tissues and cells
for usage. This rnises the blood insulin levels
beyond the nonn and can lead 10 depression of the
immune system which weakrns your ability to fight
disease and can .100 lead \I) utra " 'eight gain.
1bcy all incrcase glutamatc production in tile brain.
This is really bad srum!!
NII~ (blo ..'" lIS A.J{Jlln"",I) U " clrl "'ical
IKII......acitot6xi" dw fool$ the brain inlO thinking
the blood sugar is elevated causing more INSULIN
to be secreted ~ing to more catbOOydrale loading.
Aspanamc studies have found it is linked to obesity.
Spll "dll (1m" ..." "-' SIlCrlll"tt) is " II"II..:"loric
rlnijicillllOOlUftll" m.ade from sucrose. Although il
is 600 times Iweeter than sugar and is unabsorbable
in the body, studies have shown it increases body
...-eight • ..-d disrupu and ~ benefIcial intestinal bacteria.
BD'l:rIlges "';/h bllbbln nmr"j" phosphoric "rid..
CartIonation phosphate can $CVCrcly deplete the blood
calcium levels, which isa key componer>l of the bone
matrix. This in=ases the risk of OSIeoporosis.
Look for thc:sI: upooming aniclc:s in 2012: "What is a
Well I3alanced Diet Anyvo'ly?" and more 10 come on
-n.c fanenina: ofAmerica."
'TIl_lIS J, LoIrt,..pnI, DDS.
"'MD. COO !J II Docwr of
ikn(III Surgery "lid Chiei
Den,,,1 Ojf/Ol!r ",rOIl' Docwn "
Lifo. 1ft grtJJWIlIM fmm /M
U~jty ' " M,', ,-" SdtooI
of [)mruf¥y III 1979 woJ IN
CoIkp '" N,,1W"r>/
..~I. II/gloDr U()IftJ#"S,
I,. ](}(J7. 0.: ~ sptrioliza: jlt 8io1ogktJJ "lid
F"",11y /)MliJrry, 0mJ ~
Denlislry, FWIOCli<»w1 On/ootl.>nria, Oml DN~ TeJri"tl&lIe Memu)' Amalg"", Filling Re",.,.,,/' "nd WJ(N& lie
.. " _ t - '" 1M Imemali<>toal ~C<llk"'}' rf Oml
MMkiM lind T.uko/"ID' (lAOMT), AIIVricoM ~c""""'Y
'"~ n';"AgUIg MMIriM (A 4,1f), Anoci/Jrit)Io
tiel (/~O) tJIOd A-x:a.. N _ktJI Au<rinioor
(ANA). ~r.- Docton" Ufo~ is I«tJwm JJJ/,up...
<in>Yc Drlw. SMile J5O, FrtmkJiIf, TN J7()61.
To leam more, please visit www.ravrdoetorsAllfe.DfJ
(formert, _caao:nd.Of1l, 01 eel 615-472·1795 lor an HORMONE. and ....hen the blood sugar levels stay
lWOirttm••• ~'
~lcvated. YOU GET FAT and YOU STAY FAT!!!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhe"lth"nc!wellneu.c"m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Middle Tennesse e - J anuary 2012 Health & Wellness
8 Ti
for Relievin
By Matthew Neuhaus, OPM
8 Things You Must Do If You Have Heel Pain
Remembc1-. foot pain is IlCver normal' Most foot pain can be effe<;tivcly treated. lien: arc the 8 things
you must do if you have heel pain .
• 1 Avoid going barefoot. Wear a shoe {)f slipper around the house, Your foot needs suppon. Walking
barefoot in the house, especially if you have hardwood floors. will aggravate an already inflamed
plantar faseia.
ne of ~he mOSI common
problems [ see in the office is
heel pain. Heel pain has many
causes. Most pooplc assume they have a "11«1
spur" if they have heel pain. The \ruth of the maner
is, heel spws rarely causes pain. The most common
cause of heel pain is planlar fasciitis. IlowcvC1".
n:member not all heel pain is plantar fasciitis.
The planw fascia is a ligament that runs fr<)1l1 the
ball of the foot into Ihe heel bone. h is tile light
band of lis sue you can feel in your arch when you
pull rOIl' toes up. This tissue bc<;orncs innarncd
and irritated a1 its atlaChment into the heel bone.
Every step that is taken causes a pulling Or straining of the plantar fascia.
The three most COmmOn descriptions i hear from
my patients when they have plantar fasciitis an,::
pain when going from sining to standing during
the day, severe pain in the heel or arch when
geUing oul of bed in the morning_this may
improve wilh 2-3 minutes of walk.ing and stretching, and pain that gets worse in tile bottom of the
heeVareh as the day progresses.
. 2. Stretch your calf. A tight achilles tendon can contribute to heel pain. Check out our basic
stretching video on our youtube channel.
• 3, Replace worn out shoes. Often times. it is the favorite pair of old shoes t!utt causes plantar
fasciitis. We have a youtube video for shoe selection too.
. 4, Try using an insert in the stwc to suppon your areh. The over the counlCT supports I recommend
are Powe1StcpS Or Superfeet. You should oot have to pay mOre than S50 for a good over the
countcr insen.
. 5, I have never met anyone named Dr. Scholl. This is a big company. They make SOme great
products. Areh suppons for plantar fasciitis arc not on the great product list, They have fancy
machines in Walman now, Regardless ofw!utt they advenisc. those machines do NOT give you
a "custom onhotie." Save your money.
. 6, Avoid being scammed by stores sclhng "custom orthotics." Don't be afraid ofsecing a podiatrist
for foot pain, Would you go to the mall for heart problems'! Of eourse not. So many people go to
a shoe store f{)f foot problems. Avoid the advenising seam' Podiatrists have years oftraining and.
in most cases, can quickly diagnose and treat most foot problems.
. 7. Use icc. 1 recommend my patients freeze a 16 ounce water bonle. Roll it in the arch. Thc icc helps
decrease inflammation and tile motion of the bollie on the areh helps stretch out tile plantar fascia.
Try this for 5-10 minutes twice a day.
. 8. If you have heel pain. arch pain. or "heel spurs" for longer than 3-4 weeks. go sec a podiatrist.
Don't let this become a chronic problem. The earlier heel pain is treated, the quicker it will
respond. The pain will go away witll the cOlTCCttrcatment. Sec our websites f{)f more information,
A Podiatrist Can Help
A podiatrist is tile expen when it 00IllCS to fOOl and
ankle care. To leam more or for help evaluating
your heel pain, call Neuhaus FOOl & Ankle at
615-220-8188. Or, visit us online at
www.neufOOt.com. Remember. heel pain is never
nonna!. it can be effectively treated.
~,:,:::,_ _ _~::::::::~~~"",,:~l:ing.www.\nhealthandwe
Rarely is surgery needed for heel pain.
llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Treatment Options
If you need to sec a podiatrist. they may treat you
with a conisone injection. xrays. ultrasound.
physical therapy, a night splint, a custom ortbotic.
other types of braces or suppons. shock wave
therapy, or even a new procedure called dry
24 ~aJth & Wellness January
2:012: • Middle Tennessee
Resolving This Year to Make a Difference
Local volunteers discover meaningful work at Odyssey Hospice
By Vvorne Evans, L.nda Bel and Dan Smith
hal motivates a perwn 10 become
a hospice volunleer'? ll!ere are
numerous reasons, among them
being a medical ~tudcnt, a family member of a
fonner palienl, a relired pcrwn who always wanled
10 help out, or a person interested in end-<lf-life
CIl«'. Two of Odyssey_Nashville's outstanding volunteers, Yvonne Evans and Linda Bel1, explain why
they volunteer with men and wOmen receiving
h<:>spice care.
Yvonne: Sharing a Personal Quality
['m Yvonne Evans and [ am an Odyssey Hospice
Volunteer.l came 10 Nashville by way of Hurricane
Katrina. I fel1 in love with Nashville's wonderful
people and the four seasons. After an unsuccessful
bid at finding parHime employment, llookcd into
volunteering. 1 lost my father after a short illness
and was blessed to have him live for 85 years. One
of the lastlhings he lold me was thaI I was a giver
and should find a way 10 continue to share my gift.
I love what I do volunteering. Yes. seeing patients
who are on their final journey can be difficult. But it
is also n:warding. Thcyhclp me 10 appnx:iate life and
give me the push n«ded 10 move on with my life.
Each of us has n:asons for volunteering. For 33
years, I worked in Ihe public school system in New
Orleans. Louisiana. Twenty-five of those years
wen: with splX'ial education childn:n. [foci blessed
that I was pan ofmy children's and teachers' lives.
That won: prepared me for voluntco.:ring with
Odyssey Hospice. The individuals [ work with
express gratitude each lime [ visit and look forward
to ~ing me the next time. I fed honon:d and blessed
to be in their presence. A trip 10 the library 10 get a
book for a gentleman who loves classic can is ajoy.
Knining a scarf in a fIXIucstcd color is a present for
me and the woman cotmOC1ing again 10 her hobby.
Odyssey Hospice is not just a group of poople. It's
a highly-qualified family dedicated to making men
and wOmen nearing the end of life as comfortable
and dignified as possible. As a volunleer, I am also
a vital pan of that family andam happy to supply as
Join the Volunteer Team
Perhaps yw arc intc-rcstcd in staning 2012 as a
new member of our Odyssey Hospice VOlunteer
Team. For more infonnation. please call Dan
Smith, manager of volunteer services. at
615-365-1009. What a greal way 10 stan the
new year!
~~~_ _~_~~'::~:::::~~~~~_
many smiles and hugs as needed.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.cnhealthandwe llness.com _
Dr. Kenith Robins
Dr. Robins has over 20 years exper\eoce assisting men, women,
children. and families make positive life changes. Over his tenure
of health care practice he has worked with career and life stress
management, chronic pain cond~ i ons, depression, anxiety, and
adult focus and attention concerns, life changes associated with
weight loss, family member concerns after a loved 0118 has been
deployed, and assisting families with stresSOr5 and emotions associated with ag ing family members. Or. Robins can help you or your
loved one to develop solutions to get your life, relationships, and
career back on track today.
26 l-featth & Wellness January
2:012: • Middle Tennessee
Anthem Career College Teaches and
Provides Massage Therapy
assage therapy. once looked
upon as a lUxury only for the
wealthiest among us Or an
occasional treat, is cvolving into a standard part
of healthcare for many of today's heallh conscious COnsumers.
• Ma~ Therapy Relleve5 Pain
Today. many consumen tum 10 massage therapy
for pain relief-almost one.quaner of all adults in
the U.S .• according to surveys conducted by the
American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)
since the mid-I990s. Research conducted throughout tIK: 2000s show that massage thcrnpy relieves
lower·back pain, pain resulting from surgery and
osteoarthritis, and even pain caused by cancer.
Peoplc who suffer from hcadaches. say it reduces
their frequency. and it eases withdrawal symptoms
in people undergoing alcoholism treatment.
• Spedalind Massage Therapy Program
Almost all sutes. including Tenne~. l'IXIuire
massage therapists to complete a specialized
program from an approved massage thcrapy
school or program and 10 obtain a license before
practicing in the field. Tennessee also requires
massage therapists to complete 2S hours of continuing education in massage therapy over a
two-year period.
Ratcsan: very competitive. slMting at S25 for a 5Cminute massage from a student completing a clinic
roUt ion, to
for a massage from a licensed, pr0fessional provider. Several of these pmviders an:
Anthetn Career College graduales, says Nancy
Wilkinson. who chairs Anthem Career College' s
Massage Therapy program. The clinic is quite
popular with students and the public. Wilkinson
says. "so much that we will be offering Saturday
hours staning in January, from 9 am 10 2:30 pm.
We've reached the point where we have had to tum
people away because we an: so consistently booked
up." To help satisty public demand. the College has
also limited its own students to booking their
heavily discounted ratcs-------<Jn
Mondays and Tuesdays only.
Medical Billing & Coding. The College also offers
an Associate degree in Business Management.
These hcahhcan: programs require students to
complete an extcmship in a professional medical
office, where they are supervised to ensure that
they can put their classroom learning into practice.
It also gives them the opponunity to interact with
patients and other medical professionals.
• Diploma In Mauage Therapy
• A Program for Success
Here in Nashvillc, Anthem Career Collegc offCTS
Graduates praise the school for its thorough
approach. ''The instructors went through a lot
a sutc-approved Diploma in Massagc Therapy.
that's helping me now." says Anna Lopez, a
Students study the different modalities. including
Assistant graduate. "I thought it was a
Swedish, facial. and geriatric massage. as well as
program that offered me everything
trigger point therapy and hydrotherapy. Once
r needed to succeed." Medical Billing & Coding
they have completed their coursework, students
• Training and Eduuotlon
graduate Sarnh Gordon says, adding that "the time
work in a supervised clinic rolalion. The school
went by quickly!"
in Other Hellthuore Programs
operates its own onsite clinic at S60 Royal
Anthetn Career Collcge offers training and educaParkway in Nashville. The clinic is open to the
tion in other healthcare pmgrantS as well. Other
• Attend OurOpen House
public. who tan call615.232.3770 to schedule an
Anthetn Career College will host an Open House
students an: studying for a Diploma or Associate of
appointment betwcen 10:30 am and 7:30 pm
Applied Science degree in Denul Assistant, Limited
January 18. 2012. for more infonnation. visit
Monday through friday.
Scope X-Ray Technician. Medical Assistant. or
anthemcareercollege.com. or call 615-232.3700.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.cnhealthandwe llness.com - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Middle Tennessee - January 2012 Health & Well ness
By Dr. Jason Crist
f you have ever thought about going to a
Doctor of Chiropractic, but have hesitated
because you weren't sure if chiropractic
was right for you, please read on ...
Thousands of people have been helped through
chiropractic in this area. They live healthier
lives and they say they are more productive at
their job and at home. They have experienced
the remarkable results that are possible with chiropractic care. Unfortunately, most people still
don't realize the life-giving benefits of chiropractic care. Tfyou or someone you know is suffering from:
Absolutely! Listen to a few of these success
stories, as told by our patients:
I've been a patient of Dr. Crist since 1998 and can't
say enough good things about Dr. Crist and his
staff. They always work with my schedule for my
monthly maintenance visits; or get me in ASAP if
I have an issue with back/neck pain. I would, and
have, recommended Crist Chiropractic to my
friends and family!!!
I've been going to Dr. Crist for the past 6 years
now, dealing with all types of back pain and T
always leave them feeling much better. The staff is
always so kind and easy to talk to, working with
my schedule to fit me in. As long as I'm in Nashville, I'll be going to Crist Chiropractic.
My name is Dr. Jason Crist, and I recently
decided to make a "Special One-Time" offer to
any new patient in this area who is suffering from
any type of physical pain, would like fast, effective relief and isn 't sure if chiropractic is the
answer to their health problems.
I have agreed to "give away" (to any new patient
who asks for it) $175.00 of my chiropractic
services for only $25. What I am trying to do is
help people who are unsure of chiropractic,
without a large cash outlay. I am calling this
special offer my "Give Back to the Community
Offer" and it's my way of saying "thank you" to
the people of Franklin and the surrounding communities that have made my practice a success
over the last 13 years.
Crist Chiropractic has changed my life. Not only
do I feel better than I have in years, but Dr. Crist
and staff continue to go out of their way to make
every visit a wonderful experience! Tam a patient
for life. Thanks for all you do!
. .. or a host of other problems ranging from dizziness to ringing in the ears, you need to explore the
possibility of chiropractic care. These problems may
be helped or eliminated by chiropractic treatments.
Everything. You receive an in-depth interview about
your current health problems, a complete chiropractic examination, as well as necessary x-rays and
report of findings. And, believe it or not, your
appointment will not take up much of your time.
Now, as part of this special one-time offer, you can
come in and fmd out for certain if you need chiropractic care and whether or not it can help you eliminate the pain that you are now experiencing. Before
you pick up the phone and call for an appointment,
you probably want to know a little bit about me.
These people are amazing. I feel better than I have
in many years and they continually make me feel
welcome and appreciated as a client. I don't know
that I'll ever see another chiropractor.
If you're tired of beating around the bush,
spending money you don't have to spend and want
answers that make sense, call our office. Give me
one day to thoroughly analyze your x-rays and
examination fmdings and then I'll tell you exactly
what you need to know and what the recommended course of treatment will be. The number
to call is: (615) 771-0022, Monday through Friday,
7:30 am - 5:30 pm. We expect to have a lot of new
patients for this Community Appreciation Week,
so please call as soon as possible to ensure you
have an appointment at these special rates. If
you've always wanted to feel and experience a
chiropractic adjustment, this is the time!
I have been a Doctor of Chiropractic for 16 wonderful
years. I graduated from Northwestern College of
• Lower back pain or disc disorderslhemiations
Chiropractic in 1995. In 201 I, I was awarded Ten• Numbness or paresthesia in your extremities
nessee Chiropractor of the Year by the Tennessee
Chiropractic Association. My love is for chiroprac• Fatigue or lack of energy
tic and people who want to become healthier. Our
• Muscle spasms, sprains, strains
clinic specializes in natural wellness care, chiropracFRANK L IN. TN 37067
tic and education for the patients. We want people in
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
our practice who are health-minded individuals.
• Stiff and achy joints
6 15.77 1. 00 2 2
People who want the best type of care for them• Feeling like you are older than old, etc ...
selves and their families.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www .tnhealthandwellness.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Migraines and everyday headaches
VOOinol Rejuvenation,
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Call us today for a FREE confidenti al consulta tion.
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Lung &- Sleep Center
Uniquely qualified to help you breathe easier and sleep better
Thousands in Middle Tennessee experience difficulty
breathing or trouble sleeping. Are you one of them?
Insurance Welcome
Clyde O. Southwell, M.D., FCCP
Certified in Pulmonary, Sleep & Critical Care
353 New Shackle Island Rd •• Suite 140C • Hendersonville. TN 37075 • www.lungandsleeptn.com
www .t nhealthandwe llness.com
Middle Tennessee· J anuary 2012 Health & Wellness
lose 3-9
inches in
just 2
By Dr. Sharon Roth, Roth IfoI(!Ilness and Chirop.aeti(:
Uow many years have you made
the resolution "this will be the year
I nO longer hate what I see when I
look in 1hc mirror"? Are you finally ready todo SCIft1C"
thing about that stubbcm belly fat, those Wl3!traCIive
love handles, and the cvc:r increasing cellulite?
Roth Wellness & Chiropractic now offers lerona
cold laser technology which allows the body to
rid itself of the contents of the fat cells. This
results in loss of inches and pounds. lerona
utilizes cold laser technology to effectively
release the contents of fat cells without any
damage toother cells near them. The contents are
then released into the spaces in between the cells
which allows the body to excrete the COntentS
through the lymph system.
Results of Clioical Stucies
lerona technology was developed by Erchonia. who has
been eommilled to research of
the utility of the low_level
laser therapy through rigorous
clinical studies since 1996.
The efficacy of the Zerona
was proven at four independent cytology labora_
tories. The creation of the opening in the fat cell
wall has been con finned at each research site
and is respoosible for the movement of the
stored contents of the fat cells and promoting the
fat cell collapse.
the laser to the area that is being targeted for 20
mioutes. We then have the patient turn over for
another 20 minutes while the laser is applied to
the same area. Because you feci nothing during
the procedure. you are able to rei,.,;. listen to
music, or take a nap! Next is a session on Zen Pro
vibration therapy which will immediately hclp
dump the contents of the fat cells into the lymph
systCtn. and then a relaxing detoxifying footbath.
Beller results will be achie'.'Cd if you drink a
minimwn of 64 ounces of waler a day, walk 30
minules a day and abstain from alcohol during
the two week period.
Erehonia conducted a placeblH:ontrolied. randomized. double-blind. multi-centered study.
Palients signed an affidavit stating thaI no
personal lifestyle changes could be made
throughoutthc entire study. The FDA detcnnincd
that a cumulative reduction of at least 3.0 inches
was clinically meaningful. Patients received
treatment every other day for two weeks for just
6 treatments. The treated group averaged 3.54
inches in two week§. The 3ve-rage for patients
treated since the lerona has been FDA approved
has actually increased to over 4.3 inches with the
slight modifications in lifestyle that were men_
tioned in thc previous paragraph.
Non-Invasive Body Slimming
At Roth Wellness & Chiropractic. we have been
helping patienlS with nutrition, detoxification and
weight loss for 25 years. After researching the
results of the lerona, we were excited to be able
to offer this non-invasive, non -surgery approach
to weight loss. Your first step to gelling started is
to COntact our office for a no charge consultation
Treatment is Easy and Painless
Treatment with the lerona is easy and painless.
Sessions take a lillie over an hour; the low-level
laser is used for a total of 40 minutes. We apply
to see if you would benefit from the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhealthandwe llness.com _
.. finally a new
years resolution
you can keep!
zero surgery
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30 l-featth & Wellness January
2:012: • Middle Tennessee
Coping with Stress
By Jason B. Bour, CLC
he new year is right around the
comer. We sian thinking about goals
we would like to achieve in the upStress is one of the one the most common factors
affecting our health today. It is estimated by the
American Institute of Stress that 75-90''/0 of primary
care visits are stress related. There are numerous
emotional and physical problems related to stress.
including: depression, an~iety. hean attacks,
strokes. depressed immune systems, auto-immune
disorder$. gastrointestinal disorder$. and sleep dis-.
orders. We all respond to stress differently and with
different severities.
No matter where we tum, wc have stress in our
lives. NQI only do we have stress at work, but with
traffic. we have stress to and from worle;. Once we
gC1 home we have stress with household projects,
fmlnces. helping with homework, C1c. On the
weekend. we have the Slress of uying to get romplC1ed what we did not get done during the week. It
seems we have stress in every aspect of our lives.
TwO Types of S1ress
There are two different types of stress; acute
stress and chronic stress. Acute stress is Stress
that has a shon duration. and is relieved shortly
) uson B. BouI', CLC is u CCl1ified Life Coach
after the stressor is gone. Acute stress can be henthrough the Life Coach InslilUle specializing in
eficial at times giving you the e~tra energy Or
ADIID Coaching. ProjessiOlUli membership<
motivation needed 10 get through the moment.
include In/emotional CoaCh Federalion, NAMI,
Chronic Stress is stress that is persistent, and
Nmional Association of Cognili,-e-Behaviorul
hangs around. Chronic stress is the Stress that is
Therapist, and Ihe American Association of
most likely to cause health issues.
Chrisrian Counselors.
________________________ www.cnhealthandwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Middle Tennessee· January 2012 Health'" Wellness
Spirit of Life
fChristians live under the law of the Spirit
of Life why isn't there more "life"? The
deteriorating condition of the chUJCh is well
documcnted from thc perspective ofdcclining membership and undifferentiated morality of Christians
as compared to the sreular world. How is it possible
that Christians can be immersed in the Truth of thc
Gospel, but still struggle to achieve transfonnation
for themscl\'CS and in their ministries?
The answer lies in understanding the remarbhle life
changing joomey of sanctification God has for US
beyond salvation. Clearly. Christ frocd believers
from the law ohin and death. but Romans 8;2 also
s,ays Christians are now under the law of the Spirit of
Life. Christians are required nOlto move in the ways
of the flesh, hut 10 wad in cooperation with the
Spirit to be molded into the image of Christ inwardly
(Romans 8:5, 29). Remember. Jesus said 10 wash thc
inside of the vessel flJ$t. Salntion is the first step of
sanctification. which is meant to dire<:1the course of
the Christian life (II Thessalonians 2:13). It is the
path of wboleness and wellbeing and the oppammity
10 share in the divine namre.
A HNnTransformed
No matter how much we try to be more Christ·like
in our behavior, it's a struggle against the condition of our untransfonned hean. On the other
hand. if a believer's hean is transfonned to
increasingly rcflectthe hean of Christ, then being
more Christ- like comes naturally, Actually. as
someone 's hean is increasingly transfonned. they
can't help but act more Christ-like! While people
are ohviously changed inwardly at salvation, it is
the process of sanctification that brings ongoing
change in our hean.
Extending fo<'glveneu
tocomply, bowever, Vo'C are promised the suffering of the urunereiful $CTVant in Matthew 18:35.
[Ie was turned over by the King 10 be tenured for
his unforgivcocss. Jesus concludes this parable
hy saying that God will hring IOnnent to those
who refuse to forgive,
Bondage 10 Idols
Whenever we suffer tonnent for opposing God's
will. Vo'C have NiO choices. One is thc path to
freedom; the other takes US into bondage which
only adds 10 our suffering, We can give in to the
urging of the flesh and embrace worldly distractions like food or drugs to medicate our hean
angst, or we can go before God on our knees and
repent of our unforgi~eness. When we repent, we
are calling upon God in faith to remove the
source of our tonnent forever. [f we choose to
temporarily, intenninently crowd out our pain
w ith the world's solutions, we enter into bondage
to an idol. Once in bondage. we add loss of
control of our behavior to our suffering.
Frffdom from BiUtrrlflS
My personal breakthrough from o~ercating and
other medicating behaviors began when I
forgave the abusers of my youth and turned a
hean of ministry toward them. After [ did so, I
began to notice God progressively remove tormenting binemess from my hean. From that
point, I was increasingly able to manage
everyday temptation instead of giving in to my
emotionally driven lust for food. Later, [ also
repented of having food as an idol, which gave
me mOre relief. Aller forgiveness and repentance, anyone's hean will more resemble the
hean of Christ. This obedience brings glory to
God and greater peace and joy to Our life.
transfonnation has been successful in churches and
ministries, including a maximum security prison,
women'$ and men'$ prisoner reentry programs. and
discipleship and drug addiction programs.
The call 10 have a transfonned hean is for all who
J'CSide in the Kingdom of God. Romans 8 uses
words like "obligation", "debt and "requirement"
10 describe the importance God places on His desire
to mold all of His children to reflect His Son's
image inwardly (the heart). The "call" isn't an
option for those wbo share God's desire to have a
life of peace. joy and wellbeing. Ow' ultimate hope
and blessing is described in 11 Peter I :4: "becoming
sharers of the divine nature." [s (here any aspcc1 of
a person's lifc that wouldn't be improved by pmgressively sharing in the narure of Christ?
Reflecting the Heart of Christ
f or our hean to more reflect the heart of Christ it
must reflect less of the characteristics of the world.
It must be less dominated by the flesh. The person
we are today must make way for the hean of
Christ. Withholding forgiveness is an example ora
flesh urging encoura8ed by the world. To forgive
like Christ forgave requires dying 10 that urge and
allowing the Light of Christ to invade tha( pan of
your hean. The Holy Spirit who leads us in this
process of transformation is planning a funeral for
the person we are today, He knows that for us 10
truly be fn:e we must first obey, and to truly live Vo'C
must first die.
-1\..- lIlbltcal stra t<:g1es
th~t sm'ngthcu
J. fK:Opk ~nd tr.ltls(orm o,}:amlanon.
To learn more about transforming ~u r heart and j'lUr
Iffe into one 01 weater wholeness, peace alld well·
t>eing, contact Rock House W<1f at 815-369.(1668,
betlli .ockhouseway.com or visit us online at
Johll Ro/n'n Murplry is tin
inlemmional speaker. <:OtmI11mi1
10 leaders, IrallS/Ormalion
/acililalar tlnd tlullrtlr tlf Be
Transformed • New Life
Awaits. ffis compa")'. Rock
House Jtiry, UC ill Bre"twood
"imp/emCIIIS biblical $Iralegi/!$
Ihm strenglhe" propIe and trunsfixm organiztllions"
altd offen a I'OlIge of programs from impro~i"g
leadership ejJeclive"esJ 10 overcomi"g self
defealillg behavior.
There arc many characteristics of the hean of Chris\.
Ministering HNrt Transformation
Consider forgiveness to illustrate the point. ExtendIn ministering hean transformation, we need to
ing forgiveness toward oth~ is a fundamental
help people understand how they are opposing
God's desire for them to have the hean of Christ
requirement of God. When we comply. we have a
heart that is more like the heart of Christ [f we refuse
and lead them to comply. This method of heart
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.cnhe a lth a ndwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Wang Vision m Cataract & LASIK Center
1801 West End Ave, Ste 1150
Nashville. TN, 37203 · 615-3111-8881
WangCataractLA51 K.com
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