
To whom should I go and how exactly
can we share together the renewing
presence of the Spirit’s gentle love
“resting” upon us?
Licensed and Insured
20811 Washington Avenue, Onaway, MI
Ph. 989-733-6053 / Fax. 989-733-2848 / [email protected]
Website: /
July 17, 2016
Pastor : Rev. Peter Eke
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Call the Parish Office to schedule.
Since 1959
20935 Washington Ave.
Onaway, MI 49765
Phone: (989) 733-8535
Toll Free: (888) 874-5723
Fax: (989) 733-4014
Email: [email protected]
(Parish Member)
Lord, hold our troops inCOLLISION, LLC
your loving hands.
Protect them.
Bless them and their
families. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord
and Savior.
Timothy P. Robbins, ACTAR #1445
Managing Collision Reconstruction Expert
Corporate Office
4106 Wilder Rd. #290
Bay City, MI 48706-2239
Phone & Fax (877) 627-2748
Based in Bay City, MI
Direct: (989) 928-3358
[email protected]
(Parish Member)
Looking for a space to tell others
Serving Northern Michigan for 67 Years
about who
you are and what you
do. This is the space for you.
Couples are invited to call the
Parish Office, minimally six months
in advance, to prepare for and
schedule their marriage.
Adults who have not been
confirmed are invited to call
the Parish Office to arrange for
Adult Faith Formation
Anyone inquiring about the
Catholic Faith or simply wishing to
deepen their own understanding of
the Catholic Faith.
Amen 989-733-2257
Ellenberger Lumber Company
and Do-it Center
OPEN 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Mon.—Fri.
8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Saturdays
Having a Mary
Heart in a
Martha World
(989) 733-8023
Parish Member
This SPACE is reserved just for
your business.
3479 Main Street
(Parish Member)
Onaway, MI
to all the business that advertise
here in our bulletin. You make this
bulletin possible.
The Office
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Friday
9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.
(989) 733-6053
We, the parishioners of St. Paul, Onaway, open to the guidance of the Holy
Spirit, are dedicated to preserve, live and proclaim the Good News brought
by Jesus. As a sacramental people, we are committed to welcome all into
Christ's presence among us.
From the Pastor’s Desk
Twenty-Four Hours Of Adoration at Saint Paul Onaway:
"Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to
the supper of the Lamb." These are the words John the Baptist used in introducing Jesus to the world. On
the eve of the Last Supper in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus asked his apostles to watch and pray with
him for at least one hour. We Catholics believe that the Eucharist is the real presence of Jesus Christ. Eucharistic Adoration is the worship, praise, and adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament flows from the sacrifice of the Mass and serves to deepen our hunger
for Communion with Christ and the rest of the Church.
Adoration is a Eucharistic devotion whereby members of a given parish unite and spend hours of
adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament (in most cases, exposed), both during the day and throughout the night. During the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament the sacred host reserved in the tabernacle is
placed in the Monstrance on the Altar by the priest for adoration by the faithful. "Monstrance" is the vessel used in the Church to display the consecrated Eucharistic Host, during Eucharistic adoration or benediction. The word monstrance comes from the Latin word monstrare, meaning "to expose".
Adoration ceremonies traditionally include Scripture readings, hymns, prayers and time for silent
adoration. During Eucharistic Adoration, we "watch and wait", we remain "silent" in His Presence and
open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist. By worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be. The Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us. In Eucharistic
Adoration we contemplate on the Mystery of Christ truly present before us. Eucharistic Adoration is "God
and Man reaching out for each other, at the same time. As Saint Athanasius says “God became man that
man might become God.” Jesus waits for us in the Blessed Sacrament. He waits for our little Acts of faith,
adoration, love, thanksgiving, repentance, reparation and charity that we can offer Him as we contemplate
-- His Divine Majesty -- in the Blessed Sacrament.
Saint Alphonsus Liguori wrote: “Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
is the greatest after the Sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us”. The Eucharist
is a priceless treasure: By not only celebrating the Eucharist, but also by praying before It outside of
Mass, we are enabled to make contact with the very wellsprings of Grace ..."
Pope John Paul II in one of his homilies said, “It is pleasant to spend time with Him, to lie close to
His breast like the Beloved Disciple (cf. Jn 13:25) and to feel the infinite love present in His heart ... If, in
our time Christians must be distinguished by the “art of prayer”, how can we not feel a renewed need to
spend time in spiritual conversation, in silent adoration, in heartfelt love before Christ present in the Most
Holy Sacrament?”
When asked, "What would save the world?" Mother Teresa replied: "My answer is prayer. What
we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in holy hours of prayer."
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is one of the best ways to spend time with Jesus. There is so
much noise around us these days. Spending a quiet hour with Jesus in humble adoration will bring many
graces and blessings to us. We grow spiritually with each moment we spend with Jesus! Through our Adoration, Jesus calls us to a personal relationship (to become His friends and disciples), to "remain in
Him" (Divine Intimacy), to "remain in His love" (Keep His commandments). He promises that all those
who remain tightly bonded to Him, will bear much fruit and "their joy will be complete". For without
Him, we can do nothing.
St. Paul Catholic Church is hosting the world-famous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima. The statue will be available for showing August 4 at 6 p.m. until the next day, August 5 at 6 p.m.
Please sign-up for at least one hour during the 24 hours adoration. The sign of sheet is at the back of the
church, here at Saint Paul. Invite a friend, a neighbor, and family members.
The next event for St. Paul Catholic Church is a mob mass from Detroit on Sunday, August 7, at
10am Mass. Invite a friend!
Know you are Loved,
Father Peter
Mass Intentions
Monday, July 18th @ 10am
Funeral Mass for Stella Wright
Thursday, July 21st @ 9am
Sick Parishioners and their Caregivers
St. Monica @ 7pm
Parishioners of St. Monica & St. Paul
Sunday, July 24th @ 10am
+ Stan & Laurie Bandish
req. The Bandish Family
Readings for the Week of July 18th
Mon: Mic 6:1-4, 6-8 / Mt 12:38-42
Tues: Mic 7:14-15, 18-20 /
Mt 12:46-50
Wed: Jer 1:1, 4-10 / Mt 13:1-9
Thurs: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13 /
Mt 13:10-17
Fri: Sgs 3:1-4b / Mt 13:24-30
Sat: Jer 7:1-11 / Mt 13:24-30
Sun: Gn 18:20-32 / Ps 138 /
Col 2:12-14 / Lk 11:1-13
Reg. $2,262.00 + Loose $631.00 +
Utilities $39.00 = $2,932.00
2nd Collection $225.00
Tuesday, July 19th
Ladies Bible Study 4pm
AA 8pm, Hall (Rm. 1 & 2)
Wednesday, July 20th @ 6pm
All Souls in Purgatory
Saturday, July 23rd @ 5pm
+ Ron Beatty
req. Helen Cryderman
St. Paul: 7/10/16
Monday, July 18th
Stella Wright Funeral Mass
10 am
Tuesday, July 19th @ 9am
For Thanksgiving of Father Peter
19th Year of Ordination
Friday, July 22nd @ 9am
+ Father Mason Vaughn
Bless you for your Stewardship
Week at a Glance
St. Monica: 7/10/16
Reg. $105.00 + Loose $196.00 +
Fuel $5.00 = $306.00
Friday, July 22nd
AA 8 pm, Hall (Rm. 1 & 2)
Lady of Fatima Adoration.
We will be having Adoration
for Our Lady beginning at
8pm on Thurs. Aug. 4th until
5pm on Fri. Aug. 5th. There
is a sign-up sheet in the vestibule or
you can call the office. Please sign up
if you can! You do not have to sign
up to participate in Adoration. We
just want to make sure that we have
someone each hour.
All Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers
Please sign up and fill in were you can. We are
finding ourselves short handed. Thank you!
CSA Reminder
For those who have not yet had a
chance to make their pledge. You
can drop off your pledges in the
office or put it in the collection and
mark as CSA. Thank you!
Mark your Calendars
May they rest in Peace.
Tues. July 26th—No Mass
Wed. July 27th—Men’s Bible Study
Sat. July 30th—Adoration
Sun. July 31st—Adoration
Please pray for the following who have
entered eternal life.
Julia Stella Wright
The 2nd Annual Parish Raffle is
here. Tickets are $5.00 a piece.
Beginning this week, how can I schedule
my daily sit-and-listen time and my
1st Prize: $2,000 or a Homemade
go-and-do time, so that my participaQueen size “Michigan Quilt”
tion in the Jubilee Year of Mercy is
2nd Prize: 1st prize not chosen, 3rd Prize:
both contemplative and active?
$1,000, 4th Prize $500, 5th Prize $400.
CSA Update as of 7/12/16
Tickets available after Mass
Bottle Drive:
The children of our CCD program are
having a bottle drive. If you have any
you would like to bring in, you can just drop
them off in the vestibule before church or in the
hall any time the office is open. Thank You!
St. Paul Target is $22,639.00
Pledges $21,529.07
We are at 95% of our goal
(80 of 131 families)
St. Monica Target is $2,146.00
Pledges $1,880.00
We are at 88% of our goal
(10 of 14 Families)
Those in need of our prayers…
Ann Bandish
Lillian Bandish
Bill Breed
Abel Canales
Theresa Czajka
Bill Davis
Louise Dorton
Herb Dowker
Tom Ellenberger
William Ellenberger
Jackie Fry
Donna Giessinger
Vicki Gosinski
Catherine Green
Jordon Harris
Jim Hayes
Reg Hitchcock
Starr Ittu
Harvey Hoyum
Lloyd James
Jo Klem
Don Libby
Nancy Madison
Mike Marx
Brittany Maynard
Dennis McGuire
Sid Merchant
Kathy Merrick
Ann Osantowski
Theresa Parenteau
Anya Pecova
Barb Rouland
Frank Rouland
Lynn Schell
Karen Sobiealski
Ray Stiles
Pete Szala
Walter Szymoniak
Sue Tesmer
Shirley Traflet
Brianna Troutman
Bob Turney