101 Dalmatians Preschool Pack
101 Dalmatians Preschool Pack
101 Dalmatians Preschool Pack This pack includes: 1. Count the puppies clipping cards 1-10 Cut the cards, laminate for durability and give your child clothsclips to match the correct number on each of the cards. 2 Count the spots worksheet (1-10) Cut out the number cards. Use them to match the number of spots on each of the puppies. 3. Uppercase and lowercase letter matching cards Cut out all the cards. Let the child match correct uppercase and lowercase letters. 4. Tracing strips Laminate strips. Use dry erase markers to trace the lines. 5. Letter D and d sorting mat Cut out all the letters and laminate for durability. Let the child sort the letters using sorting mat. 6. Color the ball worksheet Simply print and let child color the worksheet according to the color written under each of the images. 7. Roll the puzzle game Print and laminate. Roll a dice and place matching number to complete a puzzle. First to put all the pieces together is the winner. 8. Catch the ball board game Use dice to move accross the board. First to come to the ball is the winner. 9. 101 Dalmatians bottle cap matching game Print and cut apart all the cirles. Glue them inside bottle caps and use them for matching game. 10. Match the shadow worksheet Print and let child match the correct shadow. Have fun! Michelle from Best Toys for Toddlers Please note that all the images are property of Disney.com and have been found on different coloring and clipart sites. Please don't sell or distribute this pack. Use it only for your own personal purposes or for non-profit organizations (preschool, kindergarten, school). Count the puppies clipping cards 1-10 Best Toys for Toddlers Best Toys for Toddlers Count the spots worksheet (1-10) Uppercase and lowercase letter matching cards Uppercase and lowercase letter matching cards This and That about Kids Best Toys for Toddlers Roll the puzzle game Best Toys for Toddlers Best Toys for Toddlers Best Toys for Toddlers Catch the ball board game Best Toys for Toddlers