- Westminster Presbyterian Church


- Westminster Presbyterian Church
“Come,” my heart says, “seek his face!”
Your face, Lord, do I seek.
Do not hide your face from me.
—Psalm 27:8-9
As time went on, keeping God’s laws became an increasingly central concern in
Israel. The Pentateuch itself came to be
known as the Torah, the divine guidebook
that told people in intricate detail what to
do every day. This was the genius of a religion of laws. In all the little encounters of
daily life— between children and parents,
customers and shopkeepers, beggars and
almsgivers, natives and foreigners— the
Pentateuch set out the precise form of behavior that God had prescribed. . . . [This]
was the beauty of it. In doing each thing
according to the way that God had prescribed, a person could, as it were, turn life
itself into a constant act of reaching out to
God. Nothing was done for its own sake;
everything was done to serve God. And so,
without having to retreat to a monastery or
a mountaintop, one could live each minute
in a state of holiness and sanctity, creating
a living, vibrant connection between one’s
little life on earth and God in heaven.
—James L. Kugel, How to Read the Bible: A
Guide to Scripture Then and Now
October 23, 2016
Service for the Lord’s Day
Calvin Acolytes
Aria Quarta
“Lead On, O King Eternal” (Hymn 447)
Johann Pachelbel
arr. Jason W. Krug
(During the Call to Worship in Music you are requested to enter into a time of silence,
actively opening your spirit to God’s presence in your midst.)
INTROIT - “Raise the Anthem Manifold”
Jacob Heintz
Men and women, young and old,
Raise the anthem manifold;
Join with children’s songs of praise,
Worship God though length of days.
From the north to southern pole
Let the mighty chorus roll:
“Holy, holy, holy One,
Glory be to God alone!”
The Reverend Laurie Brubaker Davis
(Please greet your neighbor with a Christian welcome. For example, "Peace be with you" or
"The peace of Christ be with you." Respond with "And also with you.")
°*HYMN 483 - “Sing Praise to God, Who Reigns Above”
Mit Freuden zart
God of glory,
you sent Jesus among us as the light of the world, to reveal your love for all people.
We confess that our sin and pride
hide the brightness of your light.
In your mercy, cleanse us of our sin,
and baptize us once again with your Spirit,
that, forgiven and renewed, we may show forth your glory
shining in the face of Jesus Christ.
(Silence is kept for personal confession.)
All Sing:
Leader: Friends, hear this Good News:
The mercy of the Lord
is from everlasting to everlasting.
I declare to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.
People: Thanks be to God.
H. W. Greatorex
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Beth Whelley and Jack Mehlberth
ANTHEM - “The Whole World Sings Alleluia”
Wayne L. Wold
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice;
This is the day the whole world sings alleluia!
The stone is gone and sunlight fills the empty tomb;
The stone is gone the whole world sings alleluia!
Come sing, come dance, come celebrate this joyous day;
Come sing, come dance, the whole world sings alleluia!
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice;
This is the day the whole world sings alleluia!
SCRIPTURE READING - Exodus 33 and 2 Corinthians 3 (selected verses)
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
*HYMN 236 - “Now Israel May Say”
Old 124th
(At the beginning of the hymn, children in Pre-K – second grade may leave for “Children and Worship” and
“Come and See.” They will be met in the Narthex, the main Sanctuary entrance, and escorted to Rooms 102 and 104. )
The Reverend Dr. Richard L. Baker, Jr.
God’s Light Refracted To Us and Through Us: Moses as Mediator
Text: “Thus, the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as one
speaks to a friend . . . ‘But [the Lord said to Moses] you cannot
see my face, for no one shall see me and live.’” Exodus 33: 11, 20
In life and in death we belong to God.
from A Brief Statement of Faith
The Reverend Susan G. Hamilton
Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit,
we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve.
We trust in Jesus Christ,
fully human, fully God.
We trust in God,
whom Jesus called Abba, Father.
We trust in God the Holy Spirit,
everywhere the giver and renewer of life.
In gratitude to God, empowered by the Spirit, we strive to serve Christ in our daily tasks
and to live holy and joyful lives, even as we watch for God’s new heaven and new earth,
praying, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
(During the Offertory, please fill out the Fellowship Pads and pass them up and down the pews
in order that we may greet one another by name after worship.)
Offertory Anthem - “He, Watching Over Israel” (from Elijah)
He, watching over Israel, slumbers not, nor sleeps: Shouldst thou,
walking in grief, languish; he will quicken thee.
*Doxology (Hymnal No. 592)
*Prayer of Dedication
*Response (All Sing) - “In the Lord I’ll be Ever Thankful”
Felix Mendelssohn
Old Hundredth
Jacques Berthier
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our
debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
*HYMN 281 - “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”
Cwm Rhondda
(As a symbol of our call to “Take the light of Christ into the world” the Acolytes carry the flame
out of the Sanctuary. At the beginning of the hymn, children attending “CrossRoads: Education for
the Journey” [grades 1-6] and youth attending the Youth Class [grades 7-12] will be met in the Narthex.)
*RESPONSE (all Sing) - “Bless the Lord” (from the Taizé community)
CONCLUDING VOLUNTARY - Allegro Moderato (Sixth Double Concerto)
Jacques Berthier
Antonio Soler
(The Concluding Voluntary is the final Alleluia of our worship.
You are invited to remain in silence.)
°Latecomers may be seated at these times.
Head Ushers: Dennis and Ginny Barber
Church Office Receptionist: Donna Shell
CPR/AED: Steve Hamilton, Susan Weaver
*Please rise in body or spirit.
Head Greeter: Pattie Edmonson
Bus Driver: Ernie McCallister
Music Participants: Carillon Bells (grades 7-9; Brent Manley, Director) – Westminster Choir – Calvin Choir
(grades 3-6; John Neely, Director; Christi Wilson, Pianist) – John Neely is Organist-Director.
Today’s Music: At the urging of a Welsh evangelist, William Williams (1717-1791), author of “Guide me,
O Thou Great Jehovah” (Hymn 281), began writing hymns as a Welsh Calvinist-Methodist minister. His
brother Peter, who was later expelled from the church for heresy, provided the translation. The Exodus
and the journey through the wilderness to Canaan is the basis of the hymn. References include “Bread of
heaven” (Exodus 17:4-6), “the crystal fountain” (Exodus 17:406), “the fiery, cloudy pillar” (Exodus 13:21),
and “verge of Jordan” (Joshua 3:14-17). The reference to “Death and Hell’s destruction” is to Christ (II
Timothy 1:10 and Revelation 1:17, 18).
“In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful,” text and music © 1991 Les Presses de Taizé (admin. GIA Publications,
Inc.) is reprinted under CCLI License #2287801.
“Bless the Lord,” text and music © 1984, 1998 Iles Presses de Taizé (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.) is
reprinted under CCLI License #2287801.
Wednesdays in October
concluding this Wednesday, October 26
5:00 p.m. - Class (West Parlor)
6:00 p.m. - Taizé Service—All Saints Commemoration (Sanctuary)
6:40 p.m. - Light Supper ($6, Fellowship Hall)
Childcare available (Infant through Kindergarten)
Biblical Poetry and Beyond, taught by Dr. Richard Baker
The Bible’s poetry shares with our own poetry a vitality and directness that prose often lacks.
—James L. Kugel, The Great Poems of the Bible
If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These are the
only ways I know it. Is there any other way?
—Emily Dickinson
In these Wednesday night classes, we'll read some of the poetry of the Bible to appreciate its
vitality and directness--if not its chilling and decapitating effects. We'll also read later poetry
that has been influenced by the poetry of the Bible. Throughout, the focus will be the spiritual reality, the way of seeing the world, that the vitality and directness is meant to address.
Taizé Service and Light Supper
A meditative service of songs and prayers in candlelight.
All are welcome.
The word “Taizé” may unfamiliar to some. For many people the name
“Taizé” evokes a certain style of singing that has become popular in more
and more churches, retreat centers, campus religious groups, and even seminaries. For some the word also suggests retreats and gatherings which
attract large numbers of young adults. Still others are aware that Taizé is in
fact an ecumenical community located in a small village in eastern France.
This community has produced some of the most beautiful and moving
music that has ever been composed for participation by the whole community of faith (congregation, choir, clergy, and instrumentalists).
Noonday Organ Recitals
Thursdays during October
12:10 - 12:35 p.m.
The last recital in the series, this Thursday, October 27,
will be presented by Trent Sims,
Co-Director of Music and Organist, Harmony Creek UCC Church.
Each recital is free, and a quick lunch will
be served for $6 following the program.
Add your prayer to our Prayer Wall, located in the Sanctuary near the
Chancel on the east wall. You will find blank prayer papers and pencils
in the four mini-desks built into the wall. Write your prayer on the
paper, roll up the paper, and insert it between the bricks of the wall.
These prayers are completely private, between you and God. After
the first Sunday of each month, the wall will be cleared and all prayer
papers will be respectfully burned. Prayer Wall postcards are now
available to send to someone for whom you prayed. They are located in the
Prayer Wall mini-desks and the Narthex.
I will call upon you, O Lord; come quickly to me: give ear to my voice when I
call to you. Let my prayer be counted as incense before you. Psalm 141:1-2a.
We are glad you are here. During the offertory, we
hope you will take the opportunity to provide your
name and contact information on the Fellowship Pad
when it gets passed to you in the pew. After the service
today, please stop by our “Welcome Center” just outside the Sanctuary’s double doors. We have a small gift
for you today to say, “Thanks for being here today” and
for adding to our worshiping community.
Have you enjoyed visiting Westminster? Would
you like to know more about us and how to become a
member of our congregation? Do you wonder what it
really means to be a Presbyterian? If so, you are warmly
invited to our four-week Fall Investigating Church
Membership Seminar that meets in the Library (across
from the Sanctuary on the East side), directly after worship today. Feel free to drop in; we will be delighted to
have you join us today.
The flowers in the Chancel are given in memory of
Elizabeth and John Coleman and family by Connie
Please join us following worship for Coffee Hour,
downstairs in Fellowship Hall. You are invited to
enjoy some light refreshments and fellowship. Donation containers for members are placed near the coffee.
Come walk the Labyrinth, noon-7:00 p.m., Tuesday,
November 1, in Fellowship Hall. Invite a friend to come
along for the journey. All are welcome.
During the service, if you notice someone who appears
to require medical attention, please raise your hand
or contact the head usher. Response Team members will
care for the person.
If someone asks you for money, we encourage you
instead to give them one of Westminster’s Emergency
Assistance Cards, which are available in the Narthex or
the Church Office.
Each week the churches of the Presbytery of the Miami
Valley keep one particular congregation in their prayers.
This week the churches are praying for Honey Creek
Presbyterian Church, New Carlisle.
Need to speak with a pastor after worship? Here
is where you can find them: Richard – Narthex; Laurie –
front door; Sue – Perry St. door; Nancy – Fellowship
Between Jobs, a Westminster support group, assists
people looking for work opportunities on their spiritual
and vocational search. WPC volunteers also mentor
some of these individuals. If you know of someone looking for work, please have them contact Vic Barnett
([email protected]). We will try to support
with companies, contacts, and information. If you own a
business or are a key decision maker, Between Jobs can
use your ideas, a little bit of your time, and your talent.
The following classes conclude today.
Term 1: September 25 - October 23
Earth Stewardship Ministry Team is thinking ahead to
the promise of Easter and spring. It has purchased more
than 500 bulbs and is offering the opportunity for WPC
members and friends to participate in a planting day,
Saturday, November 5, at 10:00 a.m. We need your help
to enhance our grounds while sharing a lovely gift of
creation with our downtown neighbors.
contact Betty Hoevel, Laurie Leach, or Laurie Davis with
sign-ups or questions. Genesis 1-11: Ancient Stories of Origins that Still Influence Us, Thomas Dozeman (Chapel). This course will
explore the rich resource of stories on creation, the origin
of human violence, the role of the flood in the ancient
world and its influence in contemporary ecology, as
well as the underlying oppression that accompanies
urban civilization.
Prayer Shawls are made and given so that a recipient
might tangibly experience the love and peace of God
surrounding them no matter the difficulty. The shawl
offers warmth and the comfort of remembrance. Prayer
Shawls are available in the Library each Sunday morning before worship. Come and let a member of the team
help you find a shawl for a special friend or loved one
with need.
Human Nature and Ethics, Bob Reece (203-205). Affirmations about the nature of God usually play a prominent role in any Christian ethic. But most ethical systems, religious and secular, also rest in part on assumptions about the nature of human beings. Are people
basically good or evil? What is the essential human characteristic? Can we draw ethical data from the theory of
evolution as a source in understanding human nature?
Large print bulletins, hymnals, Bibles, and sermons
are available in the Narthex, from an usher, or on the
table by the elevator.
On Kugel: How to Read the Bible, Dr. Richard Baker
(West Parlor). James L. Kugel’s book, How to Read the
Bible: A Guide to Scripture Then and Now, was good
enough to make The Onion get serious, if only for a minute or two. The usually satirical news organization
called Kugel’s work “a breathtaking new look at the
world’s most popular book.” Kugel, who for years
taught Hebrew Bible at Harvard, has put the best of all
his teaching between two covers. Join us for the ride.
Term 2: October 30 - November 20
Matthew's Jewish Gospel, Dave Watson (Room 203205). The Gospel of Matthew sits at the intersection of
the emergence of Christianity and the beginnings of
rabbinic Judaism. In this course we will work our way
through Matthew's Gospel with particular attention to
its relationship to the Jewish Scriptures and Jewish traditions of the day.
The Gratitude Factor, Sue and Steve Hamilton (Chapel).
Gratitude is one of life’s essential ingredients. The regular practice of gratitude can shape and transform our
lives in significant ways. It has the potential to enrich
love, fight negativity, relieve stress, and limit selfish
desires. Highlighting the book, The Gratitude Factor:
Enhancing Your Life through Grateful Living, this class
will offer exercises for practical application, specifically
focusing on Jesus as God’s model of a grateful life.
On Kugel: How to Read the Bible, Dr. Richard Baker.
This class continues. (See description under Term 1.)
The following class continues
this Thursday, October 27.
5:30 p.m. - 6:40 p.m.
Bible 101, co-led by Laurie Davis and Gene Saunders.
This Thursday’s topic and texts are Wisdom Literature—Song of Songs, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. In
this basic biblical survey course, no prior biblical
knowledge is assumed, no question is too basic, grace
is extended to the unprepared, and every attempt at
humor is appreciated. Newcomers are always welcome.
Our iPad giving kiosks are located in the Narthex near
the Sanctuary doors. They accept contributions for any
program of the church. Donations may be made by
Visa, Master Card or Discover credit cards. Donations
may even be made anonymously.
Use your smart phone to scan the QR code on the back
cover of the bulletin to visit our website and donate now
Infants and Toddlers (Infant - 4 years old) are cared for
from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Room 108. Parents of
infants are provided a beeper by the nursery staff in case
immediate communication is needed while they worship in the Sanctuary. During the worship hour, the
older toddlers participate in a faith formation class, First
Lessons in Faith, take part in an activity, and enjoy a
We welcome young children to worship in our Sanctuary at Westminster today with cloth worship bags freshly stocked with new quiet, worship-related activities,
including a Children’s Bulletin and felt board designed
specifically for today’s service. Not all bags are the same!
Next week, your child will likely find a different, new
activity inside his or her bag. The bags can be found in a
basket on a bench in the Narthex (main Sanctuary entrance) and upstairs in the balcony. All children are invited to use one throughout the worship time and then
return the bag to its original location, taking the papers
home with them.
Pre-K and Kindergarteners are invited to “Children
and Worship,” a unique and interactive introduction to
the stories and practices of our faith. As the second
hymn begins, these children will be met in the Narthex
(main Sanctuary entrance) and escorted to Room 102.
Children and Worship concludes at 11:30 a.m. From
there they will be escorted to Genesis Singers (Pre-K) in
Room 104 and Cherub Choir (K) in the Theater. Children not attending choir need to be met by their parents
in Room 102 at 11:30 a.m.
Children in grades 1 and 2 are invited to attend Come
and See/Godly Play, a unique and interactive worship
experience for younger elementary children. As the
second hymn begins, these children will be met in
the Narthex (main Sanctuary entrance) and escorted
to Room 104. From there, they will be led by their
shepherds to their CrossRoads workshops at 10:55 a.m.
CrossRoads: Education for the Journey, featuring varied and engaging activities for children in grades 1
through 6, continues the five-week workshop, “10 Commandments—Rules to Live by.” This is the second
workshop in our year-long series titled, “Will You Come
and Follow Me.” As the final hymn begins, children are
invited to meet their age-group shepherds in the Narthex (main Sanctuary entrance) and be escorted
to their workshops. See signs in the west end of the
Narthex and on the Fellowship Hall stage. Choir
children will be escorted directly to their rehearsals.
Other children may be picked up from their workshops
at 11:30 a.m.
Christmas Play (for Kindergarten – 8th grade children
and youth) “Try-Ons” will be held TODAY at
12:15 p.m. in Room 107. “The Christmas Hedgehog”
will be performed on stage in Fellowship Hall at the
Advent/Christmas Dinner on December 4. Rehearsals
will be held on Sundays, October 30, November 6,
13, 20, 27, and December 4, from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m.
Contact Laurie Davis ([email protected])
for further information.
From the Garden — Pick up fresh vegetables and plants
grown specifically to support an important local
mission—helping to feed God's flock beyond our walls.
The money donated each Sunday for these delicious,
home-grown products is combined with our monthly
Hunger Sunday Offering and given to support our local
Food Bank. We hope you will enjoy all that is From
the Garden. Donations of herbs, flowers, houseplants,
perennials, and vegetables are always welcome.
Choirs for children and youth today. New members are welcome!
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Genesis Singers (4 and 5 year olds, Pre-K) - Room 104
Holly Martin, Director
Cherub Choir (grades K-2), Theater
Rachael Boezi, Director
Calvin Choir (grades 3-6), Room 100 (Choir Room)
John Neely, Director
Carillon Bells (grades 7-9), Room 301
Brent Manley, Director
Te Deum Ringers (grades 10-12), Room 300
Jerry Taylor, Director
5:00-6:00 p.m.
Knox Choir (grades 7-12), Room 100 (Choir Room)
John Neely, Director
Supper and youth fellowships follow.
All are welcome!
Youth Class (grades 7-12) meets on Sunday mornings
from 10:55 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 301. Youth interested in
participating should meet in the Narthex at the beginning
of the final hymn. This interactive, relational, Bible Study
Class is led by Gene Saunders and Amy Lachman.
Junior High and Senior High Youth Fellowships
meet from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings. All
youth in grades 7 through 12 are welcome. Dinner is
served at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Please bring
$2.00 to help cover the cost of meal.
Please help your pastors help our members, especially
in times of illness or accident. When you, a relative, or
friend enter the hospital, or are scheduled for inpatient
or outpatient surgery, please phone the Church Office
with that information - name, place and date.
No members are known to be in the hospital as of
Thursday, October 20. Recently hospitalized and released: Art Wilson (home).
The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the
family and friends of Charles Farrell, who died October
14. The Service of Witness to the Resurrection was held
on October 20.
Thank you for your presence here in worship today. Every Sunday God blesses us with the gift of new visitors.
Some of you have come across town or across the country and found your way here today. This may be your first
time ever, or first time in a long while to be in a church on a Sunday morning. Or you may be a member of
another congregation. Whatever tradition you may have come from, we are delighted to have you here today and
invite you to experience our worship, Coffee Hour, Sunday classes, or whatever captures your imagination
and need. To learn more about us, visit our website, www.westminsterdayton.org, “Like Us” on Facebook, take a
brochure from the pew rack, or contact Laurie Davis, our Associate Pastor for Spiritual Growth, by e-mail
([email protected]) or by calling or texting her (937-284-2212).
We have good news for you: Westminster is a safe place to ask questions and to live the questions of life that have
no easy or pat answers. We believe that Jesus welcomes all people, just as they are, and so do we. We understand
the life of faith to be a journey better walked together than alone. Westminster is an exciting congregation where
you can grow in faith and discover meaningful opportunities to be a part of a community where loving God and
neighbor is transforming lives. That’s our purpose. And that takes all of us.
God’s grace and peace to you this day,
Westminster Pastoral Staff and Congregation
All members of the Church
Richard L. Baker, Jr. ................................. Pastor/Head of Staff
John W. Neely .......................................Assoc. Pastor for Music
Nancy S. Hodgkins .......... Assoc. Pastor for Youth & Mission
Laurie B. Davis ................. Assoc. Pastor for Spiritual Growth
Susan G. Hamilton ...... Pastoral Affiliate for Congregational Care
Jerry Taylor ........................................................ Music Associate
Craig Showalter ................................... Business Administrator
Amanda Newhart ................ Executive Assistant to Dr. Baker
Kate Stephenson................................ Administrative Assistant
Miranda Watt .................................... Administrative Assistant
Brittany Campbell............................. Administrative Assistant
Shari Hulsman...........................................................Bookkeeper
Wayne King ........................................ Maintenance Supervisor
Marvin Fleming.................................................................. Sexton
Todd Bridges ...................................................................... Sexton
Westminster Presbyterian Church:
Where Loving God and Neighbor Is Transforming Lives
Event Schedule
Visit our website at www.westminsterdayton.org for possible calendar changes.
Sunday, October 23
6:00 Taizé Service
8:30 Nursery (birth - age 4)
9:00 Confirmation Class (grades 9-12)
Investigating Church Membership Class
(Church Tour)
9:15 Westminster Choir Rehearsal
10:00 Worship
10:20 First Lessons in Faith for Toddlers (ages 3 - 4) 106
Children and Worship (Pre-K - K)
Come and See (grades 1 - 2)
10:55 CrossRoads: Education for the Journey (grades 1-6)
Youth Class (grades 7-12)
11:00 Coffee Hour
11:05 Investigating Church Membership Class
11:20 Adult Education
11:30 Genesis Singers Rehearsal
Cherub Choir Rehearsal
Calvin Choir Rehearsal
Carillon Bells Rehearsal
Te Deum Ringers Rehearsal
12:15 Christmas Play “Try Ons”
3:00 Blessing of the Animals
4:30 Youth Music (grades 7-12)
5:00 Youth Advisors Meeting
Knox Choir Rehearsal
6:00 Youth Dinner (grades 7-12)
6:30 Youth Fellowship (grades 7-12)
Monday, October 24
6:30 Bridge Interest Group
7:00 Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus Rehearsal
Tuesday, October 25
Staff Meeting
I. D. Ministry
Chapel, CRR
Miami Valley Pipe Band Lessons
Miami Valley Pipe Band
WPW Coordinating Team Meeting
Cardio Drumming
6:30 Evangelism, Hospitality, and Membership
Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 26
1:15 W.I.N.G.S. Luncheon Program
5:00 Biblical Poetry and Beyond
6:00 Stephen Ministry Training Class
6:40 Light Supper
Thursday, October 27
Sewing Circle
Noonday Organ Recital
W.I.N.G.S. Bible Study
Bible 101
Westminster Ringers
Small Group/Lake
Westminster Choir Rehearsal
Friday, October 28
No Scheduled Events
Saturday, October 29
No Scheduled Events
Sunday, October 30
Nursery (birth - age 4)
Confirmation Class (grades 9-12)
Westminster Choir Rehearsal
First Lessons in Faith for Toddlers (ages 3 - 4) 106
Children and Worship (Pre-K - K)
Come and See (grades 1 - 2)
CrossRoads: Education for the Journey (grades 1-6)
Youth Class (grades 7-12)
Coffee Hour
Investigating Church Membership Class Library
Adult Education
Genesis Singers Rehearsal
Cherub Choir Rehearsal
Calvin Choir Rehearsal
Carillon Bells Rehearsal
Te Deum Ringers Rehearsal
Christmas Play Rehearsal
Knox Choir Rehearsal
Youth Fall Festival
Helt Farm
CRR—Chapel Reception Room
FH—Fellowship Hall
HH—Heritage Hall
WP—West Parlor
Westminster Presbyterian Church
125 N. Wilkinson Street • Dayton, OH 45402
voice: (937) 223-7285 • fax: (937) 223-9085
e-mail: [email protected] • web: www.westminsterdayton.org
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
responds to Hurricane Matthew
May they cling to
the compassion of Christ.
[God] comforts us in all our trouble so
that we can comfort those in any
trouble with the comfort we ourselves
receive from God. (2 Cor. 1:4 NIV)
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) urges your support for those affected by Hurricane
Matthew. The category 4 hurricane has already been blamed for at least 100 deaths and
continues on a path of destruction toward the southeastern US coast. Earliest assessments
confirm extensive damage in southwestern Haiti and eastern Cuba. PDA was already active in the area, doing long-term recovery work related to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and
Superstorm Sandy of 2012.
PDA will immediately begin working alongside established partners to respond to
this latest crisis. Immediate response will help provide essential food, water, and supplies
for impacted communities and villages. As long-term recovery needs are determined, PDA
will continue to support those in impacted areas to ensure a comprehensive recovery.
The needs for the response will be great. God’s people are once
again called on to stand in the “GAP” — Give. Act. Pray.
GIVE: You may make a donation to support the relief effort by using the PDA envelope in the pew rack or by
giving online. Please make checks payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church and write PDA/Matthew in the
memo line.
ACT: Learn how you can help families who have lost everything in the devastation. Stay informed and like PDA
on Facebook. For more information visit www.presbyterianmission.org/pda.
PRAY: Pray for families impacted by flooding through loss of property and livelihood; for first responders and all
others who put themselves in harm’s way to care for those impacted; that communities will work together and
build stronger relationships and connections; for God’s sustaining grace through it all.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
responds to Hurricane Matthew
May they cling to
the compassion of Christ.
[God] comforts us in all our trouble so
that we can comfort those in any
trouble with the comfort we ourselves
receive from God. (2 Cor. 1:4 NIV)
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) urges your support for those affected by Hurricane
Matthew. The category 4 hurricane has already been blamed for at least 100 deaths and
continues on a path of destruction toward the southeastern US coast. Earliest assessments
confirm extensive damage in southwestern Haiti and eastern Cuba. PDA was already active in the area, doing long-term recovery work related to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and
Superstorm Sandy of 2012.
PDA will immediately begin working alongside established partners to respond to
this latest crisis. Immediate response will help provide essential food, water, and supplies
for impacted communities and villages. As long-term recovery needs are determined, PDA
will continue to support those in impacted areas to ensure a comprehensive recovery.
The needs for the response will be great. God’s people are once
again called on to stand in the “GAP” — Give. Act. Pray.
GIVE: You may make a donation to support the relief effort by using the PDA envelope in the pew rack or by
giving online. Please make checks payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church and write PDA/Matthew in the
memo line.
ACT: Learn how you can help families who have lost everything in the devastation. Stay informed and like PDA
on Facebook. For more information visit www.presbyterianmission.org/pda.
PRAY: Pray for families impacted by flooding through loss of property and livelihood; for first responders and all
others who put themselves in harm’s way to care for those impacted; that communities will work together and
build stronger relationships and connections; for God’s sustaining grace through it all.
Catch the Building Spirit, continued
new Habitat home at 6860 Shadowbrook Road in Trotwood for Alvin and
Felicia Lewis and their four children. The Lewis family have lived in the Dayton area for many years and were desperate for decent affordable housing.
After meeting all the requirements and putting in many extra hours of sweat
equity, the family was elated to get their new home.
The 2017 Presbyterian and Catholic build will again start on Memorial Day
Weekend. Email Hank Baust at [email protected] or call 937-429-0360 for
more information.
News & Information
Fall 2016
Catch the Building Spirit completes 24th Habitat House
► Learn more about Catch the Building Spirit at catchthebuildingspirit.org
Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean on January 15
Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean will speak at Westminster
Presbyterian Church, Dayton, on Sunday, January 15,
2017, 6:00-8:00 P.M. (dinner included). This program
is for all PMV Youth Groups, Youth Advisors and
their friends. The event, co-sponsored by Presbytery
of the Miami Valley and Westminster Presbyterian
Church, Dayton, is a part of a series bringing top
theologians to the presbytery.
Dr. Dean is an ordained United Methodist pastor in the Greater New Jersey
Annual Conference and Mary D. Synnott Professor of Youth, Church and Culture at Princeton Theological Seminary. She is the author of many books on
youth and the church.
Quick Response
Scan this image using your mobile phone’s Quick
Response (QR) reader to be directed to the PMV
website to access the links in this newsletter.
Catch The Building Spirit, a coalition of Presbyterian churches working with
Catholic churches, completed their 24th house build together this summer.
Each year the coalition works together to fund and build an affordable home
for a low-income family in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity of Greater
A special thanks to the participating Presbyterian churches from Presbytery of
the Miami Valley: Bath, Central, College Hill, Corinth, Fairborn First, Fairmont, Faith, Memorial Dayton, Southminster, and Westminster Dayton. The
churches provided meals, many hours of volunteer labor, and over $13,000 in
On September 17, 2016, the Catch the Building Spirit coalition dedicated the
Presbytery of the Miami Valley
Continued on the back page...
The Third Thirty Network: A Ministry for Older Adults
The Network Support Committee of Presbytery of the Miami
Valley recently agreed to the
formation of a new Network
that addresses a topic that affects us all whether we like it or
not. Known as "The Third Thirty"
network, the aim is to educate,
inspire and prepare us all for the
inevitable challenges as we get older and specifically approach or surpass
"The big 60". Additionally, many of us in our '50's and '60s are either caregivers or actively involved in the parenting of our parents who are typically in
their '80s and '90s. Started at Bath Church two years ago, the "Third Thirty" is
run along the lines of a discussion group within an individual church. There is
no rigid syllabus but there are topic areas for discussion and enlightenment.
Most of the education comes from the participants themselves who share
their experiences, their concerns, and gather courage, strength and encouragement from each other. Expert guest speakers are also utilized where appropriate or so desired.
The instigator of the network, Chris Pomfret at Bath Presbyterian Church,
Dayton, is supported by Stan Aultz from Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church,
Kettering. Chris's desire is to emulate what was started at Bath and help other
churches in our Presbytery to start their own "Third Thirty" group. Chris has
an introductory presentation and outlines for topics to discuss, so if you want
an initial meeting with a group within your church, then Chris and Stan will be
pleased to come and meet with you. Chris also envisions having Third Thirty
groups come together occasionally during the year so that specific successes
experienced by groups can be shared with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ as
well as bringing in a special speaker.
If you want to know more about the Third Thirty Network please telephone
Chris at 937-545-6667 or send email to [email protected].
A Special Invitation to the November Presbytery Meeting
The presbytery’s Transition Visioning Team invites all currently-serving session members and pastors at each church in our presbytery to attend the Saturday, November 12 presbytery meeting at First Presbyterian Church, Middletown.
As part of its mandate to assess the presbytery’s mission, the Team seeks perspectives from pastors and ruling elders now on sessions about whether the
presbytery’s current mission statement and covenant express what the presbytery is and does and should be in the future. Your ideas and suggestions are
vital, so please plan to attend the meeting, which starts at 9:00 A.M. on
November 12.
Free resources for all churches in the presbytery
The Learning Resource Center (LRCS)
Church, Centerville, is open to all
members or staff of the churches in
the Presbytery of the Miami Valley.
There are no fees required to use the
Some of the resources are designed to help teach a class, while some will be
especially for individuals to use for study, devotions, or to read for enjoyment.
There are many videos/DVD’s, some with study guides for teaching and others for personal use. The collection has an extensive fiction and children’s
The LRCS is open for self-serve anytime the church is open, 8:30 A.M.-4:30
P.M. Monday-Friday. For assistance, email Gay Amos anytime at
[email protected] or call 937-433-1810 on Mondays.
►Visit the LRCS website at sites.google.com/site/lrcatsm
Presbytery of the Miami Valley