

APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Remove the stock intercooler and intercooler support brackets in accordance with the
factory service manual.
Remove the stock air filter housing and intake resonator assembly in accordance with the
factory service manual.
Remove the stock plastic
loom support from the RHS
inner fender.
Install rubber edging (Item 29)
around exposed inner fender
hole edge as shown.
Remove the stock brake
booster vacuum fitting from
the intake manifold.
Install the fitting adaptor (Item
30) into the intake manifold in
place of the stock brake
booster vacuum fitting.
Re-install the stock brake
booster vacuum fitting into the
fitting adaptor (Item 30).
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Unclip the stock electrical
connectors situated on the
RHS strut tower from the
stock wiring loom support
Bend the stock wiring support
bracket towards the rear of
the vehicle in order to provide
clearance for the throttle body
intake duct (Item 9) to be
installed at a later stage.
Remove the stock radiator
overflow canister in
accordance with the factory
service manual.
Cut and remove the lower
radiator overflow canister
support tab as shown.
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Reposition the stock buzzer
under the hood latch as
Raise stock horns in order to
provide clearance for the APS
cross beam and intercooler
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Additional clearance is
required for the intercooler
assembly intake and outlet
ducts around the lower LHS
and RHS radiator support
panel areas.
Cut and trim lower radiator
support panels as shown.
Install APS High Flow Cold Air
Intake (not included) in
accordance with the APS
High Flow Cold Air Intake
Install the air mass meter onto
the APS High Flow Air Intake
cast alloy duct.
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Remove the two stock bolts
under the radiator support
panel that will be used for
mounting the intercooler core.
Install the intercooler and
cross beam assembly (Item 6
and Item 13 supplied as one
assembly) but do not tighten
mounting hardware (stock
nuts/bolts and M8 x 25mm
bolts (Item 24).
Check clearance from lower
LHS and RHS radiator
support panels previously
Tighten mounting hardware.
Install LHS intercooler duct
(Item 3) using silicon hose
(Item 47) to join to intercooler
Retain with 60mm/80mm
hose clamps (Item 17).
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Install RHS intercooler duct
(Item 7) using silicon hose
(Item 47) to join to intercooler
Retain with 60mm/80mm
hose clamps (Item 17).
Disconnect the two stock fuel
hoses and fuel vent hose from
the LHS of the stock intake
15. Loosely install the turbocharger compressor discharge hose (Item 1) to the turbocharger
compressor discharge and retain using 40mm/60mm hose clamp (Item 15) - do not tighten
to allow for hose rotation during installation of the compressor discharge duct (Item 2) later.
Install the 21/2" ID x 100mm silicon hose (Item 5) to the LHS intercooler entry duct (Item 3)
installed previously and retain using 50mm/70mm hose clamp (Item 16).
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Bend the stock AC line behind
the oil filler tube down to
provide clearance for the
turbocharger compressor
discharge duct.
Loosely install the compressor
discharge duct as shown and
retain using 50mm/70mm
hose clamps (Item 16).
Note hose clamp positions
and orientation.
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Check clearance of
turbocharger compressor
discharge duct (Item 2) from
items in engine bay and retain
with stock bolts.
Tighten all hose clamps and
fastening bolts.
Pass install intercooler outlet
hose (Item 8) through inner
fender hole and install onto
intercooler outlet duct
installed previously. retain
with 50mm/70mm hose clamp
(Item 16). Do not tighten hose
clamp yet.
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Install throttle body joiner
hose (Item 10) onto throttle
body and retain using
60mm/80mm hose clamp
(Item 17).
Pass duct support clamp
(Item 19) over throttle body
inlet duct.
Trial fit throttle body inlet duct
(Item 9) whilst checking
clearance of throttle body inlet
duct (Item 9) to other engine
bay components - particularly
those shown.
Bend stock bracket and brake
line shown if necessary to
achieve sufficient clearance.
Retain using 70mm/90mm
hose clamps (Item 18).
Fasten duct support clamp by
passing M6 bolt (Item 21)
through 6mm x 20mm washer
(Item 23) - then through the
support clamp, through
aluminium spacer (Item 20)
and into coolant reserviour as
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Install tee-piece (Item 26) into
stock breather hoses as
shown and retain using spring
hose clamps (Item 25).
Route 12mm ID breather hose
(Item 27) as shown and install
into remaining port of teepiece (Item 26). Retain using
spring hose clamp (Item 25).
Install straight hose joiner
(Item 50) into other end of
12mm breather hose (Item
26) and install into stock
breather hose. Retain using
spring hose clamps (Item 25).
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Install new radiator overflow
hose (Item 33) and new
coolant bypass hose (Item
32). Retain using stock spring
hose clamps.
Install new BOV hose (Item
12) and retain using
25mm/40mm hose clamps
(Item 14).
Install stock BOV using stock
bolts and stock gasket to
adaptor (Item 11) and bolt to
discharge duct (Item 2).
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Reinstall stock brake booster
hose and retain with stock
hose clamp.
Install new radiator coolant
overflow canister (Item 4) and
retain with M6 x 14mm SEMS
bolt (Item 40).
Install overflow hose and
stock radiator coolant
overflow canister cap onto
new canister (Item 4).
Push stock fuel line assembly
in to raise the exit angle of the
fuel hoses in order to clear the
discharge duct (Item 2).
To bolt the fuel line assembly
bracket onto the angled tab
on the discharge duct, take
note of the following:
Depending upon the vehicle
model, a spacer may be
required to fit the fuel line
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
Spacer Required
Mount stock fuel line assembly
using hex bolt (Item 21) and
aluminium spacer (Item 20) to
discharge duct (Item 2).
Spacer Not Required
Mount stock fuel line
assembly using stock
25. Install new longer fuel hose (Item 31) and retain using stock hose clamps.
Reconnect stock fuel and vent hoses as shown above.
Trim front bumper bar using
templates (Items 34, 35 & 36).
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
MY01/02 WRX/STI (03-USA)
Trim front bumper bar using
templates (Items 37 & 38).
Install foam pads (Item 49) as
Install grille support brackets
as shown.
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APSWRX-FMI/R6 Installation Guide
MY01/02 WRX/STI (03-USA)
Install grille support brackets
as shown.
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