Line in the Sand: Challenges of Protecting Dunes along Delaware`s


Line in the Sand: Challenges of Protecting Dunes along Delaware`s
Challenges of Protecting Dunes along
Delaware’s Coastline
Jennifer Luoma
June 4, 2015
Delaware’s Beach and Dune System
Rehoboth Beach
July 1906
Rehoboth Beach
September 1920
Photos are courtesy of the Archives and Historic Records
under Delaware State Museums, Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs
Countering the Effects of Erosion
Broadkill Beach, 1956
Rehoboth Beach 1962
Bethany Beach 1962
To mitigate the effects of long
term/short term erosion and sea
level rise
We protect through regulation…..
Beach Preservation Act in 1972
Title 7, Chapter 68
Beaches were declared to be “valuable
natural features which provides
recreational opportunities and storm
protection for persons and property”...
Regulations Promulgated
• May 6, 1974 - Regulations Governing Beach
Protection and the Use of Beaches adopted
• August 13, 1981 - Regulations were revised, which
incorporated the mapped building line
• December 27, 1983 - Current regulations
The Building Line
Prior to 1981
The Building Line was determined by a
site visit by a Department representative
In 1981, there were many pre-existing structures.
The 4-Step Process
“to eliminate or diminish the amount of
encroachment over the building line”
The size of the area of the parcel of real
property located landward of the Building Line
is inadequate for construction.
Step 1: Construction must begin at setbacks
established by the County or Town.
Step 2:
The structure must occupy all
available area between the side
yard setbacks.
Step 3: The square footage of the footprint of the structure (living area
only, not including open porches and decks) shall not exceed the
average square footage that exists among adjacent structures
within the smallest subset of lots.
Step 4: Seaward penetration over the Building Line shall not
exceed the average encroachment that exists among
adjacent structures within the smallest subset of lots. Any
decks constructed along with the structure must meet the
requirements of Section 6.1.8.
We enhance through nourishment..
Rehoboth Beach prior to 2005
Rehoboth Beach now
South Bethany prior to 2008
South Bethany now
Section 3.13 Building Line Re-established
2.13.1 When, in the opinion of the Secretary, storms or
other natural phenomena cause a substantial
permanent change in the seaward contour used to
establish the Building Line, the Division may, following
public hearing, re-establish the Building Line from
information provided by topographic survey.
Eroding areas where the line
would move landward
Accreting areas where the line
would move seaward
Line using current topography
Current Line
Eroding areas where better
protection is needed
We preserve by…
Thank you!
Jennifer L. Luoma
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Shoreline and Waterway Management Section
[email protected]