100 Club Newsletter July 2015


100 Club Newsletter July 2015
Oct. 10
Boxers are in training and plans are coming
together for the 2015 Battle of the Badges
– the No. 1 fundraiser for
100 Club of the Texas Panhandle.
It begins at 7 p.m., Oct. 10 at the
Amarillo National Center - Tri-State Fairgrounds
Combined Law Enforcement/Firefighter color guard honors America at the 2014 Boots vs.
Badges softball game. This year’s game, to benefit Coffee Memorial Blood Center and the
100 Club of the Texas Panhandle, is Aug. 1Thunderhead Stadium, Tri-State Fairgrounds.
We’re putting together a great list of
sponsors for the event – and would welcome
your support. Call 806-331-4100 for info.
Play Ball!
Boots vs. Badges
Aug. 1, ThunderHead Stadium, Fairgrounds
Summer means softball – and there’s no better competition than when the Amarillo Fire
Department and Amarillo Police Department squads take the field in this annual game to benefit
Coffee Memorial Blood Center and your 100 Club of the Texas Panhandle. Tickets are $5. Gates
open at ThunderHead Stadium at 6:05. Game time is 7:05. There will also be events for the kids, a
B vs. B Tug of War and recognition of ambassadors for the many good things Coffee Memorial
does for the Panhandle region. A free concert by “Old Dog Tray” will follow the game. Make
plans to attend - and wear your Boots or Badges team colors.
Annual Meeting BBQ, Big Success
The Tri-State Fairgrounds was smokin’ April 21 during our Annual Meeting “Battle of the
Badges - BBQ Style Cookoff.” Law enforcement and firefighter cooking teams dished out
plenty of ribs, brisket and sausage. Pampa Police Sgt. Houston Gass was guest speaker. He
recognized the 100 Club and others who helped his family after he suffered a gunshot wound
in the line of duty in January. The Pantex Fire Dept. was judged champion cooking team,
although all teams served up some bodacious BBQ that satisfied several hundred attendees.
New Members Wanted
We service the Panhandle’s top 26 counties:
Dallam, Sherman, Hansford, Ochiltree,
Lipscomb, Hartley, Moore, Hutchinson, Roberts,
Hemphill, Oldham, Potter, Carson, Gray, Wheeler,
Deaf Smith, Randall, Armstrong, Donley,
Collingsworth, Parmer, Castro, Swisher, Briscoe,
Hall and Childress.
Visit our website at:
Now with nearly 400 members, the 100 Club is stronger than ever. But we need more
members to help keep your club ready to provide financial assistance to the men and women
who protect us. We encourage you to invite others to join – and to renew your annual
membership and help keep our mission stronger than ever. For more on 100 Club activities,
membership, and our mission, go to www.texaspanhandle100club.com
The mission of the 100 Club of the Texas Panhandle is to:
Provide assistance to the families of certified peace officers and firefighters who are killed in the line of duty while protecting our lives and property.
• Provide assistance to certified peace officers and firefighters who are seriously injured while protecting our lives and property.
• Provide law enforcement and firefighting agencies with life-protecting equipment that cannot be secured through budgeted funds and agencies.
• Provide law enforcement and firefighting agencies with educational opportunities.