February 28 2016 - web - Sacred Heart Catholic Church


February 28 2016 - web - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
17 Ann Avenue • Valley Park, MO 63088 • 636-225-5268
The Prime Sin
Moses encountered on Mount Sinai the
one God, the God of his ancestors, the God
whose name is I am. A covenant was to be
made with the people of Israel, one based on
their recognition of YHWH as the one God.
The Israelites would stray from that covenant
from time to time, turning away from the one
God and worshipping false gods.
Their prophets would repeatedly call them
back to the covenant worship of the one God.
We, too, turn away from the one God to
worship false gods. We make an idol of money, worshipping at the altar of the almighty
dollar. We make an idol of power, worshipping at the altar of political domination and
economic oppression. We make an idol of
pleasure, worshipping at the altar of sex and
luxurious comfort.
Our prophets call us back to the one God,
but we ignore or kill them.
Lent is a season to turn away from our false
idols and call on the merciful and gracious
Lord, who is “slow to anger and abounding in
kindness.” We are called in Lent “to prayer,
fasting and works of mercy” because, as Jesus
tells us in the Gospel, “you will all come to the
same end unless you begin to reform.”
We are called to abandon our false gods of
money, power and pleasure and return to the
one God, “who secures justice and the rights
of all the oppressed.”
The prime sin in so much of the biblical tradition is idolatry: service of the
creature rather than of the creator, and
the attempt to overturn creation by making God in human likeness. The Bible
castigates not only the worship of idols,
but also manifestations of idolatry, such
as the quest for unrestrained power and
the desire for great wealth.
U.S. Bishops,
Economic Justice for All,1986: 33
T H I R D S U N D A Y O F L E N T • F E B R U A R Y 28, 2016
Mass Intentions and Readings
Monday, February 29
Lenten Weekday (Leap Day)
2 Kgs 5:1-15b Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4 Lk 4:24-30
6:30 am Claro Floro
8:00 am Armando Montoya
Tuesday, March 1
Lenten Weekday
Dn 3:25, 34-43 Ps 25:4-9 Mt 18:21-35
6:30 am Fran Jochum
8:00 am † Marion and Betty Lallinger
Wednesday, March 2
Lenten Weekday
Dt 4:1, 5-9 Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20 Mt 5:17-19
6:30 am † Patricia Deaton
8:00 am † Joan Bullock
Thursday, March 3
Lenten Weekday; St. Katherine Drexel, Virgin
Jer 7:23-28 Ps 95:1-2, 6-9 Lk 11:14-23
6:30 am † Poor Souls
8:00 am Amy Noser
Friday, March 4
Lenten Weekday; St. Casimir
Hos 14:2-10 Ps 81:6c-11b, 14, 17 Mk 12:28-34
6:30 am † Evangeline Taylor
8:00 am † Larry Hoskins, Sr.
Saturday, March 5
Lenten Weekday
Hos 6:1-6 Ps 51:3-4, 18-21b Lk 18:9-14
8:00 am † Floyd Wuellner
Fourth Sunday of Lent - (Vigil)
Jos 5:9a, 10-12 Ps 34:2-7 2 Cor 5:17-21 Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
5:00 pm † Bob Menley
Sunday, March 8
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Jos 5:9a, 10-12 Ps 34:2-7 2 Cor 5:17-21 Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
7:00 am † Chris John Fiala
10:15 am
† Bob Krull
12:00 pm Parishioners
6:00 pm † Denny Sorg
2nd Scrutiny - 8:30 am Mass
1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a Ps 23:1-6 Eph 5:8-14 Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38
8:30 am † Joe Kline
As You Pray This Week
Remember Those Who Are Sick
Marianna Schmidt
Rick Frazier
Mark Courtney
Mary Ann Girshner
Lori Marsh
Margaret Russell
Francis Russell
Rachel Devous
Sharon Austerman
John Schneiders
Virgie Gilbert
Joan Jackson
Jan Ermert
Mary Clare Galarga
Agnes Suit
Martha Schreiber
Charles Nahlik
Thomas J. Warner
Rich Barbieri
Mary Favier
Florence Gunter
Erin Jones
Pat Bradley
Dale Pracht
Donna Renaud
Kathleen Tierney
Charlie Dahm
Tommy Maguire
Maureen Steele
Thomas Operele
Joe Dodge
Karen Kenny Dunn
Babs Menley
Eleanor Epperson
Matt Chapin
Mary Jo Tuberty
Julia Drummond
Remember Those In Service to Our Country
Chris Hardy
Katie Alsup
Nicholas Knudtson
Michael Duncan
Robert Ottinger
Scott Ottinger
Kurtis Colona
Colleen Hunter
Ken Hardy
Carl Degenhart
Ian Hunter
Brian Cox
Adam Boode
David Lewis
Robert Thum
Kirsty French
Ryan O’Fallon
Joseph Petersen
Ryan Miller
Brian Engelhard
Scott Engelhard
Michael Aasen
Tim Bufka
Ryan, Valerie, Lincoln,
and Emmeline Jackson
Nick and Michelle Perotta
Payton Nichole Jackson
daughter of Brian and Nichole
Gracyn Ellise Gannon
daughter of Daniel and Kaitlin
Caden Eric Jackson
daughter of Brian and Nichole
Henry Albert Mueller
son of Greg and Amy
Brandon Nicolas Mullenschlader
son of of Tim Mullenschlader
and Kristin Davenport
Rest in Peace
Robert C. Wiemer
former parishioner
Josephine Ancel
Walter Thomas
husband of Carol
Leo Berry
father of Bob (Janice)
Welcome New Parishioners to
Sacred Heart
If you are searching for a place to call “home,” why not
join our Parish Family? Simply complete this form and
return it to the Parish Office, or call us at 636-225-5268.
his week’s Prayer Intention
For enlightenment:
that the Holy Spirit will guide us in times of
chaos and confusion, and give us courage to
trust God even when darkness seems
overwhelming .
Name ____________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code _________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________________________
E-Mail address ____________________________________________________________
Pope Francis’ Lenten Message
...continued from last week
3. The works of mercy
God’s mercy transforms human
hearts; it enables us, through the experience of a faithful love, to become
merciful in turn. In an ever new miracle, divine mercy shines forth in our
lives, inspiring each of us to love our
neighbor and to devote ourselves to
what the Church’s tradition calls the
spiritual and corporal works of mercy. These works remind us that faith finds expression in concrete everyday actions meant to help our neighbors in body
and spirit: by feeding, visiting, comforting and instructing
them. On such things will we be judged. For this reason, I
expressed my hope that “the Christian people may reflect on
the corporal and spiritual works of mercy; this will be a way
to reawaken our conscience, too often grown dull in the face
of poverty, and to enter more deeply into the heart of the
Gospel where the poor have a special experience of God’s
mercy” (ibid., 15). For in the poor, the flesh of Christ
“becomes visible in the flesh of the tortured, the crushed, the
scourged, the malnourished, and the exiled… to be acknowledged, touched, and cared for by us” (ibid.). It is the unprecedented and scandalous mystery of the extension in time of
the suffering of the Innocent Lamb, the burning bush of gratuitous love. Before this love, we can, like Moses, take off our
sandals (cf. Ex 3:5), especially when the poor are our brothers
or sisters in Christ who are suffering for their faith.
In the light of this love, which is strong as death (cf. Song
8:6), the real poor are revealed as those who refuse to see
themselves as such. They consider themselves rich, but they
are actually the poorest of the poor. This is because they are
slaves to sin, which leads them to use wealth and power not
for the service of God and others, but to stifle within their
hearts the profound sense that they too are only poor beggars. The greater their power and wealth, the more this
blindness and deception can grow. It can even reach the
point of being blind to Lazarus begging at their doorstep (cf.
Lk 16:20-21). Lazarus, the poor man, is a figure of Christ, who
through the poor pleads for our conversion. As such, he represents the possibility of conversion which God offers us and
which we may well fail to see. Such blindness is often accompanied by the proud illusion of our own omnipotence,
which reflects in a sinister way the diabolical “you will be like
God” (Gen 3:5) which is the root of all sin. This illusion can
likewise take social and political forms, as shown by the totalitarian systems of the twentieth century, and, in our own
day, by the ideologies of monopolizing thought and technoscience, which would make God irrelevant and reduce man
to raw material to be exploited. This illusion can also be seen
in the sinful structures linked to a model of false development based on the idolatry of money, which leads to lack of
concern for the fate of the poor on the part of wealthier individuals and societies; they close their doors, refusing even to
see the poor.
Embracing our Heritage
Tuesday, March 1:
7:15 pm
Stations of the Cross:
Friday, March 4:
7:00 pm
Lenten Fish Frys
all Fridays during Lent except Good Friday
Serving from 4:00 to 7:30 pm in the Parish Center
For all of us, then, the season of Lent in this Jubilee Year is
a favourable time to overcome our existential alienation by
listening to God’s word and by practising the works of mercy. In the corporal works of mercy we touch the flesh of
Christ in our brothers and sisters who need to be fed,
clothed, sheltered, visited; in the spiritual works of mercy –
counsel, instruction, forgiveness, admonishment and prayer – we touch more directly our own sinfulness. The corporal and spiritual works of mercy must never be separated. By touching the flesh of the crucified Jesus in the suffering, sinners can receive the gift of realizing that they too
are poor and in need. By taking this path, the “proud”, the
“powerful” and the “wealthy” spoken of in the Magnificat
can also be embraced and undeservedly loved by the crucified Lord who died and rose for them. This love alone is
the answer to that yearning for infinite happiness and love
that we think we can satisfy with the idols of knowledge,
power and riches. Yet the danger always remains that by a
constant refusal to open the doors of their hearts to Christ
who knocks on them in the poor, the proud, rich and powerful will end up condemning themselves and plunging
into the eternal abyss of solitude which is Hell. The pointed words of Abraham apply to them and to all of us: “They
have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them” (Lk
16:29). Such attentive listening will best prepare us to celebrate the final victory over sin and death of the Bridegroom,
now risen, who desires to purify his Betrothed in expectation of his coming.
Let us not waste this season of Lent, so favourable a time
for conversion! We ask this through the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary, who, encountering the greatness of
God’s mercy freely bestowed upon her, was the first to
acknowledge her lowliness (cf. Lk 1:48) and to call herself
the Lord’s humble servant (cf. Lk 1:38).
Remember your New Year’s Resolution?
Let us help you keep your New Year's Resolution to grow closer
to God and your faith community. Join members of the parish on
an ACTS retreat in 2016. Women's retreat is March 3-6, 2016 and
the Men's retreat is April 14-17, 2016. Registration forms are on line
or in the back of church. For more information contact Sr. Cathy at
636-225-5268 ext. 228 or [email protected]
Eucharistic Adoration
“Come to me,
all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you
and learn from me, for I am meek
and humble of heart;
and you will find rest for yourselves.”
(Matthew 11:28-29).
Please consider spending an hour
with Him on Sunday evening from 7:30
pm until 1:00 pm on Monday. Start a
new Lenten habit. If interested call Judy
Barger 636-343-6025 or email: [email protected].
CO-ED Faith Sharing Group
...New Day and Time!
Join us every Tuesday from 6:30 - 7:30
pm in the Church Hall on the lower
level of the church. Call Christine
Heady - 314-566-1232 or Sister Cathy at
636-225-5268 with questions.
Prayers and Roses for
Expectant Mothers
Expecting or adopting? Contact Pat
Snyder at 314-795-8103 or 636-343-6644
so the Respect Life group can place a
red rose for you at the Blessed Mother
statue in church.
Our parish community will pray
for you and your child and all expectant mothers during their pregnancy or during their wait for adoption.
This excellent series continues during the consecutive Tuesdays of Lent.
Each week, a new topic. This Tuesday
Fr. Scott will explore:
THE MIDDLE AGES (1200-1500)
Why not join him this Tuesday,
March 1 in the Church Hall from 7:15
to 8:45 pm as he explores another era
in our Catholic history? For more information, visit the parish website: www.sacredheartvp.org.
FIAT Women's Group
Mary said "yes" to the angel. How are you saying "yes" to God's call in your
life? Come to the new FIAT Women's Group and join with other women just
like you. Our next meeting is Thursday, March 17 at Kenrick Glennon Seminary
(5200 Glennon Drive) in the chapel. Father Paul Hoesing, Dean of Seminarians
and Director of Human Formation at the seminary will speak. Rosary begins at
8:00 am, speaker from 8:15 until 9:00 am.
All are welcome!
www.kenrick.edu/fiat for more information.
Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee
([email protected])
March Calendar:
February 10 – March 20 – 40 Days for Life Campaign
Saturday, March 19 – Prayer Vigil – 11:00 am – 12:00
pm Planned Parenthood, Stonegate Plaza
Saturday, March 19 – Helpers of God’s Precious
Infants Mass – 8:00 am Cathedral Basilica
Did You Know?
The website, 40daysforlife.com posts stories like this one:
Two people were praying at the 40 Days for Life vigil in St. Louis when a
middle-aged man pulled up at the adjacent stop light and rolled down his
In a grateful voice, he called out, “Thank you for what you’re doing! God
bless you!” The two thanked him for the kind words, but he had more to say.
“I brought a woman here once many years ago. It is one of the greatest regrets of my entire life.”
As he was about to drive away, the volunteers reminded him of God’s
abundant mercy. The man thanked them again and drove away, a peaceful
smile resting on his face.
“God’s mercy IS new every day,” said Brian Westbrook, the local 40 Days
for Life coordinator in St. Louis, “and it is a mercy that is bigger than any of
our hurts, worries or regrets. It is a mercy bigger, even, than the devastation
of abortion. May our presence on the sidewalk continue to be an outward sign
of the hopeful promise that unites us all in the Heart and mercy of God.”
Please pray for Life!
OF IT...
Circle of Concern
Tax Preparation
The Circle of Concern
is a site for the AARP Tax
-Aide program that provides free assistance for
those filing 2015 federal
and state income tax
returns. Persons over 55
and those with low incomes are invited, but
no one will be turned
away. Appointments on
Tuesdays and Thursdays
are reserved for Circle of
Concern clients; nonclients are welcome on
Thursdays, through April
15th. Reservations may
be made by calling 314525-1660.
If there are
any questions, please
contact the Circle of
Concern at 636-861-2623.
Twenty and
Thirty Somethings
Looking to volunteer?
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul has numerous opportunities for
young adults, including:
 Home visitation to
the needy via 100
parish chapters, to
assistance and a listening ear;
 Four young adult
those same services;
 Six Thrift Stores;
 Eighty food pantries;
 Clerical work.
To find out more,
please contact Bryan
Kirchoff at [email protected] or 314-6404366.
By Fr. Scott Jones
his week I will have the wonderful
opportunity to meet with our Yesterday’s Kids group (it is our group
of parishioners who have the wisdom of years and meet monthly to celebrate
it). I’ll be presenting on a topic that might
initially sound like a turn-off: advanced funeral planning. While on the surface it may
sound depressing, I do not find it to be so at
all. I have made out my own funeral plans.
As Christians, death is one more step on our
journey towards God, and it is a very sacred
step. While certainly we all feel apprehensive
and even frightened over death and the inevitable sadness it causes, we cannot deny that
the Resurrection of Christ promises us that
for the Christian, with death, life is changed,
not ended!
It has been a real honor to journey with
families who have experienced the loss of a
loved one. In some cases, it has been the
death of an elderly person, sometimes after a
long battle with illness. Those funerals,
though sad, have also been a celebration of
the person’s life. In other cases, it has been
the funeral of a young person, which always
includes a complex mix of emotions. In all
funerals, there is the need for trust that God
is present and that our loved ones are in His
loving hands. It is never easy.
More and more, churches and funeral
homes have encouraged advanced funeral
planning. I have found that when a person
plans his or her funeral, it can accomplish
two things: 1) It helps the person to reflect on
his or her own faith life, and to prepare for
the final journey towards God, and 2) It allows the family to know his or her final wishes in regard to a funeral. When the survivors
have to “start from scratch” when a loved
one dies, there can be a great deal of pressure from funeral homes to spend big in order to truly honor the loved one…and families sometimes spend far more than is necessary.
Here at Sacred Heart, we have made recent efforts to make the process of funeral
planning easier for families. Our website
now includes under the “Sacraments” section a full explanation of the Sacred Heart
funeral planning process, including a list of
all the songs and scripture readings that are
available and the various options we offer. I
have already used it with grieving families
and it is quite helpful. When grieving families
have a chance to look at it in advance of the
meeting with the priest, they are able to
make better decisions for their deceased
loved one. I would like to encourage parishioners—both young and old—to take a look
at our funeral website and give some
thought to what they would like their families to know should the need ever arise to
plan their funeral.
Here are a few points to consider in advanced funeral planning:
1) What would I like done regarding
my body? (Cremation or full burial?)
2) Where would I like to be buried?
3) What readings and songs would I like?
4) Do I want a full Mass?
5) Would I like the visitation at the funeral
home the night before, or an hour
before the funeral itself?
6) Have I written out all of my wishes
and shared them with my loved
When we make our arrangements when
we are healthy, it can be a wonderful experience of prayer and reflection…it can deepen
our faith. And it is much easier to do it when
we are healthy than when we are in the final
stages of illness (at such times, the family is
often afraid to even bring up the funeral for
fear of causing more pain). Planning the funeral in advance can be a real gift to all
those who love us…and it can also be the
only way to keep crazy Uncle Jack from giving a eulogy that would make us cringe if we
weren’t already in Heaven.
And so, give some thought to advanced
funeral planning. Death comes at any age,
and it doesn’t hurt to consider that reality
from time to time. Advanced funeral planning can be a life-affirming process, and
even help us to live more joyfully the time
God has given to us in this life. As Catholics,
we always celebrate life, and this can be part
of that celebration.
Enlightening Minds,
Inspiring Hearts
Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart,
Lent is a special time marked with Prayer, Fasting and
Almsgiving. Here at school we reinforce these precepts as
we go through Lent as a school community. Our second
through eighth grade students attended Reconciliation earlier this week. We also gathered together as a school community on Monday morning around the large cross in the
school lobby to share a Lenten prayer and reflection. We
will continue to do this each Monday morning in Lent.
There are numerous ways our school children are generous, but one outstanding example is their recent participation in an annual fundraiser. On February 12, the students
of Sacred Heart School opened their hearts to the American
Heart Association. Kindergarten through Eighth grade students spent an hour in the gym jumping rope, playing Hopscotch and shooting baskets to raise money for a great
cause. Their efforts earned more than $11,000 to stay in the
St. Louis area for research and education. The top fundraisers in the lower and upper grades are brothers. Between
the two brothers, Andrew and Daniel Feldmeier, $1,500 was
collected. Congratulations to Andrew, Daniel and all of the
students for a job well done.
This week’s Team Heart winner of $100 is Sherry Hatton.
Her ticket was sold by the Taha family.
We continue to enroll new families for the 2016-2017
school year. Our programs begin at PreK 3 through 8th
Grade. If you know anyone who is interested in joining our
school community, please have them contact the school
office. There is a $1000 scholarship for those families who
will have a child in the PreK 4s 5-day program and a child/
ren who will also be in the K-8 program. Please contact us
for more information.
Thank you for your continued support of your parish
school. Without your support, we could not provide the programs needed for Sacred Heart School.
Mr. Larry Hoskins
Sacred Heart School
Sunday, February 28:
Monday, February 29:
Wednesday, March 2:
Friday, March 4:
10:15 am PreK–K family Mass and
Spirit Attire
3:15 pm Faculty Meeting
8:00 am Grades 3-5 Mass
Read Across America
8:00 am All School Mass
March Birthday Blessing
Please join the PSR as they pray the Stations of the Cross
in church on March 14/15. PSR dismissal will be from
church on these evenings.
Due to the parish operating in a deficit, the Religious Education Office has elected to use our personnel and facilities
more efficiently. Effective immediately, the Religious Education Office will be operating Monday through Thursday.
After discussions with the PSR catechists, the Board of Education, Parish Staff and Fr. Denny, it has been decided to go
to 2 PSR sessions beginning the 2016-2017 school year. The
sessions will be Monday and Tuesday evenings from 6:157:30 pm.
PSR Registration
Online registration for 2016-2017 PSR will be emailed to
current PSR families in March.
Grade Level Mass for Kindergarten
and Preschool
This weekend, Pre-school and Kindergarten students will
take an active role in the liturgical ministries at the 10:15
am Mass. After Mass, there will be a reception for the Preschool and Kindergarten families in the Great Hall located
in the Parish Center.
First Eucharist Parent Meeting
Parents whose children are preparing to receive Eucharist
for the first time are required to attend the parent session
on Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will take
place in church. Failure to attend this meeting may result
in a delay of the reception of the sacrament for your child.
Vacation Bible School – June 6-10
Registration is Now Open
Following Jesus –
The Light of the World
At Cave Quest Totally
Catholic VBS, children will be
taking an exciting adventure
into the deep depths of magical caves.
Each day at VBS, children
learn that Jesus’ love lights our way and no matter the challenge, God is always with us – to give us hope, courage, direction, and love! Learning about the power of God’s love
will help children feel grounded in their faith and confident
about sharing it with others.
Online registration is now open for campers and volunteers. Please consult the parish website to register.
This year, we need MORE ADULTS! We have been blessed
with two years in a row of record numbers of campers (over
200 children). We are asking each parent to consider helping out, even just a few days makes all the difference. Many
hands make light work, and you may just get more out of
this than your child(ren)!
Cheryl Degenhart
Feeding the Homeless
The monthly chili mac casseroles for St.
Patrick’s Center are due to be brought in
THIS weekend. Please place yours in the
freezer downstairs by the Church Hall and
don’t forget to pick up a pan and lid for
next month. If you are not already helping
with this worthwhile ministry of feeding
the homeless and would like to do so
[email protected] or call her at 573-301-0654.
2:00 until 5:00 pm in the Parish Center.
There is no admission for this fun event, but reservations
are necessary. To make yours, contact Marie at 314-3072013. More details will be available in the coming weeks.
Ladies Club Meets March 1st at 6:00 pm
The Ladies Club
will host its March
meeting in the St.
Anthony Room at a
special time – 6:00
pm – to enable the group to attend Father Scott’s Embracing
Our Heritage session at 7:15. We will take nominations for
President, Vice President and Treasurer. We will also be collecting for the seniors at Big Bend Woods during this meeting. They especially appreciate lap blankets, socks, slippers,
tissues, sweat shirts and sweat pants.
Sacred Heart Men's Club Poverty Meal
This annual Lenten tradition continues on Saturday, March
5 after the 5:00 pm Mass in the Church Hall.
The meal is simple: homemade soups and cookies are
served. There is no charge for the meal, however, any donation you make is whatever you might consider to be the cost
of a meal out at a restaurant for you and your family. All the
proceeds benefit St. Vincent DePaul Society.
Praying the Rosary
Lenten Fish Fry
You are invited to join the Knights of Columbus outdoors
around the Sacred Heart statue on the lower plaza in praying
the rosary on Wednesday, March 2nd at 6:30 pm. In the event
of inclement weather, recitation will move inside to the lower level elevator lobby. The prayer will consist of one full
mystery consisting of 5 decades. Contact Greg Echele for
more information by phone at 636-861-9838 or e-mail to:
[email protected].
The Knights of Columbus
weekly Lenten Fish Frys are
still going strong. Have you
been there yet? If not, why
not? You need to take the
whole family, heck, even the
neighbor’s family, to what is
becoming one of the best fish
frys in the area. And why are
we saying that? It is because
the food is just sooooo good -- especially the hand-battered
cod! But, there is more like the succulent baked tilapia and
shrimp. Full dinners start at just $7.50 for adults and $6.00
for seniors and children. Each dinner includes two sides
choices: green beans, cole slaw, pasta, or french fries. The
full menu is available at www.sacredheartvp.org.
Make this your Lenten tradition. Serving starts at 4:00 and
continues until 7:30 pm. If you can’t eat with us in the Great
Hall, the full menu is available for take out.
Meals on Wheels
We are in need of someone to drive on a Wednesday from
11:00 am to 12:00 pm to deliver between 3 and 6 meals in the
Valley Park area. We will be grateful for your help to make
others happy. If you can help please call Pat Hayden at 636225-7887 or Sarah Aleman at 314-707-2150 .
Mark Your Calendars
The Ladies Club annual afternoon of fashions and teas,
“Sunday Afternoon,” is scheduled for Sunday, April 24th from
Cost: $7.00 pp
($9.00 after Feb. 24th)
Monthly Meeting, Luncheon, and Social
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2016 - 11:15AM
Enclose fee and drop registration in collection basket
or bring to the Parish Office.
Lunch is homemade soups,
cold salads and desserts.
Guest Speaker is Fr. Scott.
NAME ________________________________________________________
PHONE ________________________________________________________
# ATTENDING __________________
Sunday, February 28
1:15 pm Basketball Games
Monday, February 29
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:15 pm
7:15 pm
8:30 pm
Basketball Practice - 3G Gianino
Basketball Practice - 7B Elder
Basketball Practice - 5G Gianino
Basketball Practice - 4G Henderson
Basketball Practice - 7B Robinson
Basketball Practice - 8B Venneman
6:30 pm Basketball Practice - 4B Melching/Novotny KA
8:30 pm Basketball Practice - 8G Novotny
8:45 pm Basketball Practice - HS Kacich
Wednesday, March 2
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:15 pm
8:00 pm
8:30 pm
Tuesday, March 1
4:30 pm Basketball Practice - 4G Miller
5:30 pm Basketball Practice - 5B Elder/
Basketball Practice - 8B Bushur
Basketball Practice - 7G Schreiner
Basketball Practice - 3G Fendler
Basketball Practice - 6G Reschke
Basketball Pracice - 6B Kacich
Basketball Practice - 8G Griffin
Adult Volleyball
Thursday, March 3
6:00 pm Basketball Practice - 3B Glosemeyer
6:30 pm Basketball Practice - 6B Hentges
7:15 pm Basketball Practice - 5B Broughton
8:30 pm Basketball Practice - 8B Broughton
Friday, March 4
6:00 pm Basketball Games
Saturday, March 5
8:00 am
9:45 am
11:30 am
6:30 pm
Instructional Basketball (Girls)
Instructional Basketball (Boys)
Basketball Games
Basketball Games (High School
KEY: KA - Kateri Court • KI - Kister Court
SHAA Spring Sports Registration
Registrations for GOLF and TRACK and FIELD are
now open .
Complete details and registration information on each of
the sports offered by Sacred Heart may be found online at:
Junior Golf –
Open to grades 5 – 8.
Registration closes February 28. Any questions, please
contact Lay Director Tammy Baldanza at [email protected]
Training Golf –
Open to grades 2 – 4. Registration closes March 6.
Any questions, please contact Lay Director
my Baldanza at [email protected]
Track and Field Open to grades 3 – 8. Any questions, please contact Lay
Director Dave Trani at [email protected]
Registration questions? Please contact David Robinson
at [email protected]
MARCH 12 - 9:00
Time to spruce up the property for Easter and we need
your help. Volunteers meet at the Church Cafeteria about
9:00 am for coffee, milk, juice and donuts. Please bring any
of the following:
Pickup trucks to haul debris away; gloves, rakes, wheel
barrels, shovels; chainsaws, pruning tools; 6' ladders to
trim the taller bushes; electric trimmers with electric
Any questions, call Jerry at 636-861-3935.
Husband Plants Field of Flowers for Blind Wife to
Smell, So Spectacular it Gets Visitors
(SHINTOMI, JAPAN) Whenhiswifelosthereyesight,afarmerplanted
thousandsoffragrant lowersaroundtheirhomesoshe indherway
colored lower—growingonthefarm.Heknewhiswifecouldn’t
andbeganplantingthe lowersnearthehouse,thenacrossthefarm.
Hetransformedhisdairyintoagiant lowergarden.Touristsstarted
Mass Schedule
Weekend ............................................................................. Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:15 am,
12:00 noon & 6:00 pm (Life Teen)
Weekday ................................................................ Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:00 am
Saturday 8:00 am
Civil Holidays................................................................................................. 9:00 am
(Memorial Day, 4th of July,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day)
Confessions ............................... Saturday after 8:00 am Mass until all are heard
and from 3:40 - 4:40 pm
or by appointment (call the Parish Office)
Eucharistic Adoration ......................................................................Sunday 7:30 pm
through Monday 1:00 pm
Special Liturgies
Weddings ............................................................... Arranged 6 months in advance
Baptisms .......................................................................................... Sunday 1:00 pm
(prior instruction required)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word .......................................................Sunday 10:15 am
(during Mass)
Parish Staff
Pastor ............................................................................................Rev. Denny M. Schaab
Associate ............................................................................. Rev. Abe P. Arganiosa, CRS
Associate ................................................................................................. Rev. Scott Jones
Deacon ................................................................................... Rev. Mr. David E. Lemoine
Deacon .................................................................................. Rev. Mr. Charles R. Snyder
Pastoral Associate ......................................................................... Sr. Cathy Vetter, CCVI
Director of Religious Education .................................................. Mrs. Cheryl Degenhart
Parish School Principal .....................................................................Mr. Larry E. Hoskins
Director of Youth Ministry ...............................................................Ms. Beth Fresenburg
Director of Liturgical Music ......................................................... Mr. Nathan D. Jackson
President Parish Council ...................................................................... Ms. Jeanice Geis
Parish Offices
Parish Business Office .............................................................................. 636-225-5268
Fax....................................................................................................... 636-225-6969
Hours ................................................................Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Parish School & Preschool Office ............................................................ 636-225-3824
Religious Education Office .........................................................................636-225-0341
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ..................................................................... 636-825-2097
P.S.R. Classes ........................................................................... Monday 5:30 & 7:15 pm;
Tuesday 6:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday, March 5-6, 2016
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Fr. Scott
Fr. Abe
Fr. Abe
Fr. Scott
Fr. Denny
Fr. Denny
Deacon Charlie
Deacon Charlie
Deacon Dave
Deacon Dave
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Angela Crowe (P), Bob Wells (P), Stacey Enghauser (P), Eric Klein, Mary Klein,
Ann Haffner, Larry Haffner,Jane Burle, Jill Baer
Harry Kuhnert (P), Bob Bram (P), Brian Ellsworth (P), Linda Ellsworth,
Art Woodward, Pat Woodward
Mike O'Boyle (P), Mary Denise O'Boyle (P), Pam Gabris (P), Ginny Fischer,
Tom Fischer, Michele Jackson, Tom Rung, Suzie Henke, Linda Marc
Andrea Bonsanti (P), Cathy Hubert (P), Joan Pohlmann (P), Clayton Hubert,
Jim Winkler, Marilynne Ploch, Pat Schnieders, Melanie Gilman,
Philip Glick, Mark Broughton (B)
Rene Lorio (P), Tracey Merrifield (P), Linda Karins (P), Angela Castro,
Liz Elfrink, Pat Hayden, Brian Petschel
Phyllis Farotto (P), Ron Dace (P), Maureen Knox (P), Bob McCartney,
June McCartney, Rich Pudlo, Jeff Schulenberg, Terri Schulenberg, Brenda Tate,
Cathy Tate
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Denis Coady (1), Jerry Coonan (2)
Kathy Ebert (1), Denny Bram (2)
Ken Kempf (1), Judy Barger (2)
Jen Logush (1), Bunny Winkler (2)
Mary Ann Girshner (1), Karen Rothery (2)
Sam Warren (1), Ashley Wild (2)
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Kaylin Horman, Malorie Horman, Andrew Carroll
Connor Eberhardt, Dominic Cyr, Ike Cyr
Sarah Koenig, Alyssa Mueller, Joseph Grzywa
Alex Voss, Daniel Voss, Nathan Voss
Ben Dischert, Gabe Scarfino, Matt Bullerdick
Alex Hayden, Jack Hayden, Maggie Knox
Ushers & Greeters
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Gladys Riordan, James Riordan, David Staffen, Rick Wilken
Janet Meyer, Mike Ebert, Craig Caruso, Stanley Renaud
Paul Gabris, Candy Kunzelman, Shirley Horn, Frank Kruessel
Elizabeth Moore, John Moore, John Schnieders, Curt Bennett
Eric Dischert, Joe Scarfino, Ann Woods, NOT FILLED
Laura Craig, Mary Favier, Kim Gossett, NOT FILLED
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
10:15 am
Michelle Pelikan, Katie Hotard
Money Counter Apostolate
March 6
Sr. Pat Dalton, Ruth Simon
Music Ministry Schedules
March 5:
March 6:
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
Cailin and Nate
Anne and Susan
Contemporary Group
ACTS Return (Life Teen)
Sunday, February 28
MASSES: 7:00, 8:30,10:15 am, 12:00 noon and 6:00pm
8:50 am
10:00 am
Jesus and Me
10:15 am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
10:15 am
Mass and Reception for Pre-K and K students and Families
1:00 pm
3:30 pm
Serious Single
7:00 pm
Love and Respect
Monday, February 29
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
9:30 am
Mon-Dazed Women
11:15 am
Yesterday’s Kids
3:00 pm
Faculty Meeting
5:15 pm
PSR - ME Beginning Prayer
5:30 pm
PSR - ME Classes
7:00 pm
PSR - ML Beginning Prayer
7:15 pm
PSR - ML Classes
7:30 pm
Faith Sharing
7:30 pm
Monday Knights
Tuesday, March 1
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
5:45 pm
PSR - T Beginning Prayer
6:00 pm
Ladies Club
6:00 pm
PSR - T Classes
6:30 pm
Co-Ed Adult Faith Sharing
7:15 pm
Embracing our Heritage Catholic Church History series
Wednesday, March 2
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
3:00 pm
After School Music Lessons
3:00 pm
Brownies - Rasure
EC 102
5:00 pm
Friends of Bill W.
6:30 pm
Women’s ACTS Team
7:00 pm
Baptismal Meeting
7:00 pm
Life Teen Band Practice
7:00 pm
Liturgy Meeting
7:00 pm
Marquette Model of Natural Family Planning
Thursday, March 3
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
1:00 pm
Mothers Sharing Faith
3:15 pm
Children’s Choir Practice
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
Women’s ACTS Retreat Send Off
7:00 pm
ACTS Team Formation
7:00 pm
Contemporary Group Practice
Friday, March 4
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
Women’s ACTS Retreat
9:00 am
Quilting Club
3:00 pm
After School Music Lessons
4:00 pm
Fish Fry
7:00 pm
Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 5
MASS: 8:00 am
VIGIL MASS: 5:00 pm
Women’s ACTS Retreat
8:00 am
ACTS (Sister Act)
8:30 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation after 8:00 am Mass until all are heard
3:40 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
6:00 pm
Men’s Club Poverty Meal
AU - Auditorium (Parish Center) • CA - Cafeteria (Church Hall) •
CH - Church Hall • CU - Church • DL - Didian Lot • EC - Education Center •
GH - Great Hall (Parish Center) • JR - Joseph Room (Parish Center) •
LY—Lobby (Parish Center) • LL - Lower Lot • MR –Mary Room (Parish Center) •
NC - Nazareth Center • PC—Parish Center (All Locations) •
PL - Parking Lot • PO—Parish Office • SA - St. Anthony Room (Church Hall) •
SH - Sacred Heart Room (Church Hall) • ST - Stage •
UR - Upper Room (Parish Center)