February 2014 - Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club


February 2014 - Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club
Happy Landings, Page 1
February 2014
Volume Twenty Six
Number Two
View Happy Landings on line www.LandingsYGTC.com
Meet Your Landings Neighbors:
Bob Achorn
Special Events
Calendar Preview
**Dates & Entertainment Subject To Change**
trips to the Mediterranean including
By Hugh McCandless
one in which it participated in the
orld War II veteran Bob Achorn
invasion of Southern France. The ship
cheerfully admits to being older
also made four trips to Cuba, Bermuda,
than he looks. The 97 year old told me
Puerto Rico and South America. Bob’s
that he is often asked to prove his age
service ended with his promotion to
“especially after a round of golf,” he
Lt. Commander, U.S.N.R. Bob was
awarded Bronze Stars for the American
Bob was aboard the U.S.S. Kent in
& European-African-Middle Eastern
New York Harbor when Pearl Harbor
Campaigns, Combat Action Ribbon, and
was attacked on December 7, 1941.
WW II Victory medal.
“That June, I was commissioned an
“In July 1945, I was sent to San
Ensign, a “90 day wonder,” as we
Francisco to join the Pacific Fleet, but
were somewhat derisively called, and
with the war starting to wind down I had
assigned to that old transport ship to
enough points to be released from active
bring German nationals from Central
duty that November. As a reservist I
America to prison in New Orleans,”
was called back in the Korean Conflict,
Bob said recounting his war-time
and from 1953 to 1955 headed a Navy
mobilization team in Salt Lake City.”
“In March, when the Kent was
Bob’s post-military years were spent
decommissioned, I was assigned to
as an executive with the Morton Salt
another ship, the U.S.S. Pleiades
A.K.46, which had been built in Italy for 1945 photo of Navy Lieutenant Bob Company for 38 years. He has four
children from a previous marriage,
Romania’s use on the Black Sea. Though Achorn
as well as one daughter with his wife
it had no watertight compartments, we
Letitia. They came to The Landings in 1984 and currently
made 20 North Atlantic crossings in U-Boat infested waters
live in Windjammer Village at 4405 E. Mainmast Court.
with waves sometimes cresting 40 feet. Our worst action
came in November of 1942 when for four days and nights “I had always been a boater and the marina here is mainly
why I chose to retire at The Landings. We kept our cabin
a “wolf pack” of German subs attacked our 42 ship convoy
cruiser for eight years, and of course we just had to name
bound for Iceland and England. We lost 15 ships.”
her “Pleiades II.”
Besides those Atlantic crossings, the Pleiades made four
February 2014
Watercolor Class
Lecture Luncheon Series
Ladies Fashion Show
10 Watercolor Class
11 Lecture Luncheon Series
11 Beading Class
12 Evening Lecture
13 Bingo Night
14 Valentine’s Ball
15 Fine Arts & Crafts Show
17 Watercolor Class
17 Monthly Monday Night Pool Party
18 Lecture Luncheon Series
18-19Mystery Dinner Theater
24 Computer Class
25 Lecture Luncheon Series
25 Movie Night-Citizen Kane
26 Joanna Olsen Show
27 Bingo Night
27 Medical L ecture Series
28 Beer, Brats & Blues
March 2014
Beer, Brats & Blues
LYC Junk in Your Trunk Sale
Landings Variety Show
Lecture Luncheon Series
10 Monthly Monday Night Pool Party
11 Lecture Luncheon Series
17 St. Patty’s Day Party
18 Lecture Luncheon Series
19 Evening Lecture-Middle East
20 Bingo Night
31 Computer Class
April 2014
A Scandal in Paris
Designer Purse Bingo
14 Monthly Monday Night Pool Party
15-16Jimmy Keys Comedy Night
19 Annual Easter Egg Hunt
20 Easter Brunch
History of “The Porch”
By Jim Seibel
t the front of our Wheelhouse building, just south of
the entrance to the marina office, and just north of the
entrance to the Wheelhouse restaurant, sits “THE PORCH.”
THE PORCH is just a little, and unassuming, and rather
plain, covered cement slab holding less than a dozen chairs
and one small table. Usually the only other inanimate object
on “THE PORCH” is a “leftover from last night” plastic beer
cup containing stale water for the occasional dog.
Now -- the real story! THE PORCH is a remarkable
sociological and anthropological phenomenon at the
Landings! THE PORCH was built as part of the original Wheelhouse.
Mythology has it that it then immediately became the
“hangout” for old men who had finally overcome their
hankerings for golf, tennis, boating -- or any of the other
yearnings (such as procreation) of younger men. They ate
doughnuts and drank coffee, they reminisced about the
good old days, they ridiculed the Landings developers, they
laughed, and they just generally had more fun than if they
had stayed home with their old wives. Anyway, that’s the
Originally that assembly did not have a name. Then,
mythos has it, that the informal bunch of “away from home
in the morning” gentlemen became known as “The Limp
Pickle Club” -- a cruel moniker originated by disgruntled
wives who woke up to find their husbands already long gone
and having fun with coffee and donuts and “lie telling” at
The decades rolled by. Over those years not much has
changed (other than the faces and names). Depending on who
frequented it the most, and talked the most, THE PORCH
has been known as “Slusser’s Corner” and “The Mayor’s
Presently THE
PORCH is in a state
of contemporary
transition. There’s one
old guy who comes
with his wife’s dog well
before sunrise to “study
the stars.” There’s
another one who comes
shortly thereafter to just
sit there and play with
his new iPad. He talks about moving out of “this place,” but
he never does. Then, there’s another old guy who needs a
haircut who shows up at about dawn with his wife. (When
do these people sleep?) Anyway, Imagine that -- a woman
Actually, some say that the handwriting is on the wall women will soon invade THE PORCH. The signs are there.
One morning recently, when there were no women there,
“the boys” happened into a discussion of “Women on THE
PORCH.” The consensus
was that it would be a
constructive evolution for
THE PORCH -- depending
on certain criteria.The criteria
discussed included: cooking,
laundry, and cleaning skills;
intelligence; weight/waist
and belly size; hair color and
length (preferably blonde
and long); age/attractiveness
(aka, “hotness”); (and not
necessarily in that order)
Board Profile:
Landings Director,
Pat Daniels
By Hugh McCandless
T r a w l e r ’s B O D
representative, spent
much of last year helping
to rewrite our rules and
regulations. “Hopefully
the Board will accept
them and we can put
all that behind us,” she
said. But Board work
has never stopped Pat
from participating fully
in Landings’ activities,
such as golf Friday
mornings with the Pat Daniel, member of
‘Nine Holers,’ running LGYTC’s BOD
the House Committee’s
Book Group for 11 years, or singing with ‘In-Harmony.
“Last summer I went on a painting trip to Tuscany with
my art teacher from Chicago,” she said. “Our group had a
great time staying in a 500-year-old farm house near Lucca.
I even managed to finish a few paintings!”
Pat majored in English Literature at St. Mary’s College,
Notre Dame in Indiana and later got a Master’s of Arts in
Library Science from Rosary College (now Dominican
Board Profile on page 2
Page 2, Happy Landings
Board Profile from page 1
University) in Illinois. She taught for nearly 40 years at all
levels from the ‘trainable’ handicapped to grad students.
“History is probably my chief interest,” she says, and on
February 18th she’ll give a talk on Mary Todd Lincoln at
the Helm Club as part of the Tuesday Luncheon Series. “I
have been hooked on the Civil War since my father took
me to Gettysburg when I was eight, and that interest hasn’t
waned. In June Carolyn Wilson of Flagship and I took a
paddle wheeler from Memphis to New Orleans. I have
seen many Civil War battle fields but it was interesting to
approach them as Grant did, from the river.” She was born and raised in the small Illinois farm town
of Seneca. “Believe it or not, more ocean-going vessels
were built there during the war than in any other shipyard
in the world. These were the LSTs, the landing craft used
in the invasion of Normandy and in the Pacific. They were
launched sideways into the Illinois River and then taken
down the Mississippi to the Gulf.”
Pat’s late husband, Joe, and she were married a couple
of years after she finished college. They had two sons,
Richard and Tim, and 4 grandchildren.
I asked Pat what she sees as the Board’s accomplishments
and challenges. “We still have dock work at the marina to
complete and a new cooking pavilion to be added at Picnic
Pointe, but we should be able now to rebuild our reserve
funds. A remaining challenge will be to come up with a
good use for Parcel 5, our last piece of undeveloped land at
the Landings.
Social Tennis
lease contact Judi Archdale, 481-9219 or jipa.548@
gmail.com, if you would like to play “social” tennis
Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 12:30 p.m. This is
for 2.0-3.0 players. It is fun for all except serious players.
The goal is to rotate participants and get a five minute
break at intervals. Times and days may change with
majority rule and availability of courts. This is casual and
fun. Please join us!
Beginner’s Luck
Article and photos by
LeRoy Fleming
oger and Gayle
Braffett were the
beginners. This being
their first deep sea
fishing experience, all
things were new to
them. This ink on paper
might excite your
imagination into some Prize winners- Gayle and Roger
small understanding or Braffett
pleasures by reading an
account of this trip on Monday December 16, 2013. There
is no way the printed word can allow you to smell the air,
see the horizon, or watch the birds diving. The Landings
Fishing Club made arrangements with Captain Tony’s
Fishing Express to take club members out 20 miles into the
Gulf of Mexico.
The following members gathered at the Landings Marina
at 8 a.m. to car pool to the Getaway Marina. Tom Sheehan,
Alan Fritze, Mal Youngquist, David Greenberg, Larry
Wagner, Tom Bace, Jon Box, and the beginners—Roger and
Gayle Braffett. The party boat “Fishing Express” looked
very big at the dock. 90 feet long and 25 feet wide and three
stories high this triple engine vessel should make for a great
trip. All rods, reels and bait were supplied by the boat for a
price of $63 per person. With a party of 10 or more you got
a $10 discount. Gayle had her own Chip-n-Dales minus the
bow ties and briefs since it was a brisk morning (50 degrees
at 8 a.m.) she saw a sea of yellow. Yellow is the club color
of the official shirts usually worn by members for special
outings and club meetings. The boat includes a galley in
case you forgot to bring your own lunch and drinks. Captain
Tony has over 15 years experience here as well as Key West
in providing great fishing times. Nick, 10 years and David
6 months were the mates with their credentials to see your
hook was baited and fish removed and records kept. Most of
the time there is an eighty – twenty percentage split between
men and women on these trips. There were 33 total on this
particular trip with the percentage holding true.
Mother Nature can be fickle at times. The weather report
called for 2 to 4 foot seas. Not a problem for a boat 90 feet
long. Well, someone forgot to tell Neptune because there
was a lot or rocking and rolling along with the resulting
seasickness and many were “chumming” over the side. Our
stout hearted beginners were no exception. With all her
male friends nearby, there was nothing anyone could do so
Gayle, as ladylike as possible, lost her lunch. Braving the
swells the anglers dropped their hooked baits to the bottom.
The beautiful yellow and red stripped Lane snappers were
there and hungry for the squid. Everyone caught fish but
as is almost always the case it was the beginner’s luck that
brought Roger Braffett the prize money for the largest fish.
His 21 inch Red Grouper was just big enough to collect $58
first prize.
Our beginners came away with an appreciation for the
seas. Lonely and beautiful, yet deadly if not respected. The
mystique and power of the sea can be tranquil but deceiving.
Standing at the rail on the return trip to the dock, a smile
preceeded “what a wonderful day, I loved It.”
Thursday, February 6, 12 Noon
The Landings
Administration Office • 482-3211 Fax 482-1796
Doug Marcotte.................................. General Manager
Kelly Martin...................................... Executive Administrative Assistant
Kim Cummings................................. Assistant Controller
Helm Club • 482-3224 Fax 482-2558
Michael Goodwin............................. Food & Beverage Director
Kemmor Condappa........................... Wheelhouse Din. Rm. Mgr.
Michele Nardone............................. Activities Director
Happy Landings
The Official Community Newspaper
Seabreeze Communications
Bill Schaaf [email protected]
Tom Logio [email protected]
Jan Kransberger [email protected]
Linda Tucker [email protected]
Ginger Beckwith [email protected]
Happy Landings
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Happy Landings newsletter is to record and celebrate events in
the lives of individuals and the life of the community.
Deadline: Articles for the Happy Landings newsletter will be accepted until noon
on the 6th of each month and should be e-mailed to the Editor.
Disclaimer/Complaint Process: Happy Landings™ is a newsletter published for the
benefit of the residents of The Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club Inc., which has hired
Seabreeze Communications Group as publisher to provide content and sell advertising
consistent with the editorial and advertising policies of the Board of Directors of The
Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club Inc. The views and opinions expressed are those of
the authors and, unless otherwise noted, should not be construed to be those of The Landings
Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club Inc. or its officers, directors or members. Paid advertising does
not represent an endorsement by this publication. Content cannot be reproduced without
written consent from The Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club Inc. Happy Landings is a
registered trademark which cannot be used without the express written permission of the
holder of the mark, The Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club Inc.
The Happy Landings ™ does not accept letters to the editor. All members of the
LYG&TC have the right to express their concerns to the Board of Administrators, after
following these steps: First, bring your problem/complaint to the attention of, in order, the
editor; the Communications Committee; and finally, the general manager. If dissatisfied
with the result, you must then fill out a “Member Problem/Complaint” form (available in the
general manager’s office). The completed form will be given to the Board of Administrators,
who will decide if the problem/complaint warrants its review or action.
Publisher Terrence C. Reid
Sales Department
Al Ullio • Tom White
Director Of Mailing Operations
Sherry Whalon
Production Manager Carol Sands
All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of these contents in any form by any electric,
mechanical, or other means, including xerography and photocopying is forbidden without the written
permission of the Publisher.
The Publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation or misprints herein contained and
reserves the right to accept or reject all copy deemed unsuitable for publication.
(239) 278-4222 • Fax (239) 278-5583
5630 Halifax Avenue * Fort Myers, FL 33912
Ft. Myers • Bonita • Estero • The Palm Beaches • Boca Raton
Thank You Landings Residents
for your continued support in 2013!
Here’s to 2014!
5260 S. Landings Dr.
5260 S. Landings Dr.
5260 S. Landings Dr.
5260 S. Landings Dr.
5260 S. Landings Dr.
5260 S. Landings Dr.
4604 Flagship Dr.
4600 Flagship Dr.
4604 Flagship Dr.
4733 Harbortown Ln.
4636 S. Landings Dr.
2+ Den/2.5
4591 S. Landings Dr.
12822 Yacht Club Circle
12775 Yacht Club Circle
4210 Steamboat B
4200 Steamboat B
4200 Steamboat B
4250 Steamboat B
102 2/2+Den
183,500 NEW
168,000 SOLD
200,000 SOLD
285,900 SOLD
269,500 NEW
395,000 REDUCED
332,000 SOLD
109,500 SOLD
119,000 SOLD
4100 Steamboat B E
4120 Steamboat B E
163,500 SOLD
9901 Sunset Cove Ln.
233 2+Den/2 122,900 NEW
9900 Sunset Cove Ln.
114,000 PENDING
9901 Sunset Cove Ln.
9435 Sunset Harbor Ln. 244
279,000 NEW
9435 Sunset Harbor Ln. 254
300,000 SOLD IN 1 DAY
9431 Sunset Harbor Ln. 134 2+Den/2 318,000 NEW
9431 Sunset Harbor Ln. 133
209,000 SOLD
9431 Sunset Harbor Ln. 113
209,000 SOLD
4414 Spanker Ct.
4387 Bowsprit Ct.
126,000 SOLD
4384 Bowsprit Ct.
4396 Bowsprit Ct.
119,900 SOLD
4386 Jibboom Ct.
4414 Spanker Ct.
128,000 SOLD
4417 Spanker Ct.
4435 Crossjack Ct.
120,000 SOLD
4390 Foremast Ct.
125,000 SOLD
4417 Spanker Ct.
119,900 SOLD
4386 Jibboom Ct.
146,500 SOLD
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Lori Emmons
8695 College Pkwy, #1261, Fort Myers, FL 33919
Happy Landings, Page 3
Financial Overview
November 2013
or the current period ending November 30, 2013,
Club Revenue came in at $770,291 versus a budget
of $734,359 for a positive variance of $36,032. Gross
Operating Profit for the month of November was $127,738
compared to a budget of $135,519 for a negative variance of
$7,781. Year to date revenues of $1,522,992 are exceeding
the budget of $1,414,452 by $108,540 and last year by
$168,540. Year to date Gross Operating Profit of $194,674
exceeds budget by $30,371 and last year’s same point in
time by $3,009.
The Food and Beverage Department had revenues
of $179,928 compared to a budget of $143,360 for a
positive variance of $36,568. Operational expense for the
department was ($31,062) compared to a projected expense
for the month of ($28,826) for a negative variance of
($2,236). Year to date revenues of $293,203 are exceeding
budget by $46,418 and last year by $96,673.
The Golf Department had revenues of $18,612 for
the month compared to a budget of $27,730 resulting in
a budget deficit of ($9,118). Departmental expense in
November was ($9,587) compared to a budgeted expense of
($4,063) for a negative variance of ($5,524). Merchandise
cost of sales ran 70.4% compared to a budget of 71.0%.
Year to date revenues are trailing budget by $14,419 and
last year by $23,998.
The Tennis Department had revenues for the month
of $21,650 compared to a budget of $24,300 for a
negative variance of ($2,650). Department expense for
the month of November ($15,471) was over the budgeted
loss for the department by $2,495. Year to Date the Tennis
department is on pace in revenue and slightly over in
Monthly Overview:
Total Revenue
Total Revenue
Budget $734,359
Budget $1,414,452
departmental expense.
The Marina Department continues to show strong
revenues in fuel and sub-contract work. Revenues for the
month were $141,357 compared to a budget of $134,718
for a positive variance of $6,639. The departmental savings
for the month exceeded budget by $1,558. Year to Date the
Marina Department is over budget by $68,669 in revenues
generated and shows a Year to Date savings of $8,670 over
Administrative and General had a Departmental
expense of $53,536 on a budget of $59,965. Year to Date
the department is showing a savings of $22,234.
Golf Course Maintenance was over budget by $5,542. Due
to the actualization of expenses budgeted in the Prior month.
Year to Date the Golf Course Maintenance Department is
under budget by $5,914.
The Community Patrol Department was slightly under
budget. Departmental expense for the month of November
was $24,334 compared to a budget of $26,385 for a savings
of $2,051. Year to Date expenses of $50,164 are under the
budgeted amount of $53,334 by $3,170.
Property Maintenance Department had total monthly
expenses of $53,706 on a budget of $47,731. This resulted
in an excess spend over budget of $5,975. Year to Date
expense are under budget by $5,969.
Monthly Utilities were slightly over budget for the
month actual expenses of $30,573 compared to a budget
of $30,034. Year to Date utility expenses are also in line
Last Year $699,043
Last Year $1,354,452
with budget at $56,778.
Accounts Receivable:
Delinquent Dues and House Receivables: The club
currently has litigation actions involving 20 delinquent
members. The legal actions that are currently engaged range
from notices of delinquency from the retained Attorneys to
advanced legal and collection actions. Hamilton Mikes, P.A.
is the Law office which is handling the current delinquency
The current balance of delinquent house accounts is
$153,462.44 of which $128,479.42 is over 120 days.
Last Month the Delinquent house account balance was
$153,223.43. We are continuing to contact all delinquent
members and work with the attorneys on these collection
matters. The current list has 28 members which includes 4
accounts being paid in full in Dec 2013 totaling $2,432.29.
The delinquent dues receivable account currently has a
balance of $338,507.47 of which $288,082.95 is over 120
days. Last Month the Delinquent dues account balance was
$332,222.51. The current delinquent list has 23 members
which includes 3 accounts being paid in full in Dec 2013
totaling $19,602.12.
Capital Contributions:
During the month of November 2013 the Club received
$25,000 in capital contribution funds. This contribution
amount was made up of 5 Sales. The Year to Date capital fund
contribution amount is $45,000. The Year to Date Contribution
amount is made up of 10 Sales and 1 Refund.
General Managers Report
December 20, 2013
• Picnic Pointe - We will be moving forward finalizing
costs on the cooking area addition of the pavilion.
In addition, the replacement of the existing Pavilion
structure was approved as part of the 2014 Reserves
projects. As the cooking area was postponed from this
summer due to the need to work on the project cost
further, the two projects will be combined as one project
with work expected to begin the end of May. We are
working on the complete design and permitting in the
meantime of the main pavilion building.
• The Landscape timber that had deteriorated the entire
length of Dockside Drive along the walkway that
borders the marina has been replaced and the project
has been completed.
• It has been reported that the cap of the seawall behind
the tee at hole #8 was cracked and deteriorating. Upon
further inspection, a lengthy section has sections of
major to severe cracks and will need significant repair.
We will be doing further inspections with a contractor
to determine the extent of the deterioration and the
necessary repairs needed. There is some settling of
soil behind it that we will repair but we will need to
determine the cause as well.
• In January, we will be making some improvements to
the landscaping around the back gate entry to improve
the appearance and to replace some older plants, and
pressure washing the wall as well.
• We are working on the renewal of the Seabreeze
Communications agreement for the publishing of
the Happy Landings newsletter. Any comments or
suggestions for improvement are welcome.
• We have begun the process of reviewing the last phase
of lake banks requiring erosion repairs/modifications
that are to be completed this spring.
• Also in keeping with the approve Reserve budget, we
are in the process of selecting contractors to bid on the
refinishing of the pool interior marcite. This project will
commence in early summer and will require the pool to
be closed for a period of time. This will be announced
when the timeframe is confirmed.
• We continue to work with the dredging contractor to a
find suitable site for depositing of the dredged material
from the channel and marina in time for commencing
project in early spring.
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Page 4, Happy Landings
Green Book Changes
Happy Landings February Issue, 2014
Clip & save these
Up to date through January 6, 2014
• Thomas & Laronda Lochridge
4445 Crossjack Court #A2
• Robert & Georgia Lowman
4386 Jib Boom Court #4D
• Eugene Cortese
4574 Trawler Court #405
• P. Knudsen & Virginia Knudsen
9508 Mariners Cove Lane
• Angeline Munn
4604 Flagship Drive #205
• Steve & Kim Meek
4445 Crossjack Court #A2
• John & Linda McMillan
4386 Jib Boom Court #4D
• Jean Boushay
4574 Trawler Court #405
• Thomas & Nancy Joneli
9508 Mariners Cove Lane
No number listed
• David & Elizabeth Marini
4604 Flagship Drive #205
No number listed
Doors Open
& Cocktails
Fashion Show
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
The Helm Club’s Main Deck
$18 inclusive Per Person
Join us for an enjoyable afternoon of
lunch, prizes and fashion.
Lunch Includes:
Warm Rolls & Butter
Pear Delight Salad
grilled chicken, caramelized pear slices,
feta cheese & almonds atop mixed greens
& dressed with a raspberry vinaigrette
Cream Puffs
Limited Seating! Call (239) 482-3211 for Reservations
or email [email protected]
24 Hour Cancellation To Avoid Charges.
Safe Biking
Submitted by John Shepherd
LYGTC Wellness Committee
Rambling From Bill
At The Bike Route
By Bill Wallstedt
ost of us understand the importance of wearing a
bike helmet. The problem is, you don’t know when
you will need it. So, many bike accidents occur and the
next thing you know you’re on the ground and you don’t
even know how you got there. Some surprises can come
at us really fast.
Lighting is the other area I try to get new cyclists
interested in. Not from the standpoint of riding at night,
but at all times of the day. I want to make cyclists blink
and flash like a fire truck. Todays L.E.D. (Light Emitting
Diode) lights are quite bright even in the daytime. I take my
queues from the motorcyclists I see with flashing headlights
and blinking taillights. Some of the lights available today
are so bright they are quite effective even in the daylight.
Your safety will be enhanced if you simply take a
moment to look over your bike to be sure that it is in good
shape and ready to ride.
First, check the tires for proper inflation. The proper
pressure to which it should be inflated can be read on the
side of the tire. If the air pressure is low, it will seem as if
your brakes are dragging. A rule of thumb is to check your
tires every two weeks.
Next, I would look for loose bearings located in the
wheels, crank or headset. If anything wiggles sideways, it
is an indication to have it tightened before your next ride.
Also, pay close attention to the brakes by pulling on the
levers to be sure they feel tight enough to stop you. Then
test them once more when you first begin your ride. It is
comparative to a pilot performing a preflight check on his
aircraft to be sure the equipment is in
good condition.
If you are still unsure about the
condition of your bicycle, then
bring it by the Bike Route
for a free safety check…. and
ask for Bill.
League Of Women Voters
onia Pressman Fuentes, JD, a co-founder of the
National Organization for Women (NOW) will
speak about The Beginning of the Second Wave of
the Women’s Movement and Where We Are Today
on Saturday, March 1, 2014, 8:45 a.m. to 11 a.m. at The
Landings—Helm Dining Room.
This event, in celebration of Women’s History Month,
is an opportunity to recognize the achievements of women
in the past and celebrate the successes of women today. The League of Women Voters (LWV) in partnership with
the American Association of University Women (AAUW)
invites Landings members and the public to attend.
Reservations are required. Cost including breakfast is $15.
To reserve, call 239-278-1032 or e-mail lwvlee@yahoo.
In 1965 Sonia Fuentes became the first woman
attorney in the Office of the General Counsel at the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
The following year she helped found the National
Organization for Women (NOW). In November 1996,
at a ceremony honoring the founders of NOW, Betty
Friedan presented her with the Veteran Feminists of
America Medal of Honor. On October 10, 1999, she was
one of four recipients of the 1999 Women at Work Award
of Wider Opportunities for Women given in recognition
of her commitment to women’s issues and leadership in
the fields of law and business. Prior recipients included
Jane Fonda, Katie Couric, Linda Ellerbee, and Hillary
Rodham Clinton. In 2013 she was one of five recipients
of the Glass Ceiling Award given annually by the Jewish
Museum of Florida. Ms. Fuentes has lectured extensively
in this country and abroad on women’s rights and has
written numerous articles on that subject in law reviews
and other publications both in the US and abroad. She has
traveled as an “American specialist” on women’s rights
for the then-US Information Agency to France, Germany,
Spain, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and
Indonesia. [http://www.erraticimpact.com/~feminism/
Future League of Women Voters meetings include:
• April 5, 2014 LWVLee 65th Anniversary Celebration
and A Look at Lee County Schools—Dr. Nancy Graham,
Superintendent, Lee County Schools.
• May 3, 2014 Lee County Election Issues and Voter
Guide—Sharon Harrington, Supervisor of Elections
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan
political organization that encourages informed and
active participation in government, works to increase
understanding of major public policy issues, and
influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Information on the programs and issues of the League of
Women Voters is available on the web at www.lwv.org,
www.lwvfla.org, and www.lwvlee.org. Call 239-278-1032
or e-mail [email protected].
A Florida attorney will be
present to discuss:
Tax Time Help
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Reservations are required.
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A Florida Attorney will be present to assist in the discussion of Florida Domicile. The opinions of the guest speakers are their own
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC or its affiliates. This event is educational in nature. No
company specific products will be discussed. Wells Fargo Advisors is not a tax or legal advisor.
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Happy Landings, Page 5
Starting at 5pm
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Page 6, Happy Landings
Nine Hole Golf League By Lois Deets, photos by Jackie Wagner
eet and welcome our new members: Lynn Birdt – Lori
Emmons – Diane Inman – Mary Leo & Jean Wik.
Remember the dates for February: Lincoln’s Birthday on
2/12 – Valentine’s day on 2/14 – President’s Day on 2/17.
Invitations have been received for play at Kelly Greens on
2/20 and at Del Tura on 2/27 and at Shadow Wood on 2/25. Do check our main board for further details plus notices of
other special happenings during the month. December Golfing Results: December 6th – “Criers Tournament.” Flight 1 –1st–
Lynda Schmitt – 2nd - Pat Groetsch & Kathy Langton.
4th – Sugar Keedy & Gayle Braffett & Gretchen Howard. Flight 2 – 1st – Joan Zerolis, 2nd –Bobbie Geherke & Peg
Thompson, 4th Cheryl Box & Lois McAllister & Jeanne
Squitier & Jean Szczeurek. Flight 3 –1st – Connie Long,
2nd – Dee Bellar & Irene Winterrowd– 4th – Vinzi Amato
& Carolyn Souders. December 13th – “Christmas Luncheon”. Flight 1
- Gayle Braffett & Sandi Marshall & Mary Rea. Flight 2 –
Nancy Brown & Judy Kay& Bobbie Gehrke & Vinzi Amato
& Lynn Stewart & Marilyn Love& Elaine Willis & Cheryl
Box. December 20th – “2 Best Ball”. Flight 1 – Kathie
LLGA 9 hole President, Sugar Cheryl Box, LLGA 9 hole
Vice President.
Linda Schmitt new LLGA 9 New LLGA 9 member Mary
hole member.
Langton & Pat Groetsch Cheryl Box & Pat O’Donnell, 2nd
– Edith Culver & Judy Kay & Ferne Ford & Connie Long
& Betty Marshall & Dee Bowersox & Bobbie Gehrke & Pat
Daniels. December 27th – Shamble” – Flight 1 –Betty Marshall
& Pam Mangene& Sandi Marshal& Bette Schenian – 2d –
Gayle Braffett & Judy Kay & Carolyn Souders – 3rd – Bev
Reeves & Kathie Langton & Ferne Ford & Bobbie Gehrke.
Thanks to all who played in our tournaments in 2013. See
you in 2014.
LLGA-18 League News!
LLGA 9 hole members ready to play a scramble.
Hungry after a great round of golf…LLGA-18 Gail
Campbell, Christy Fitz, Sandy Frank, Susie Scharber and
Pat Cunningham - beautiful tables.
18 Holers had a great time at the Holiday Lunch, Pat, Jeanne,
Deanne, Josie, Doris, Tish, Pat and Pat.
Birthdays in December were many and the LLGA-18 did not
let Dee Driscoll’s Special Day go unnoticed. Lunch after golf
is always something to look forward to.
By Mary Ann Spry
ur last month of play was really well represented, even
with the busy holiday preparations and travels. We are
pleased with the many new members and look forward to
playing with each and everyone during the next months.
Our Holiday luncheon on December 11 was quite a work
of beauty. Mary Greenberg, Chairperson with the help of
Dottie Fritze and Deanne Butindaro, did a magnificent job
decorating each table, selecting a terrific lunch created by
our wonderful Chef Ted, and inviting the Landings, “In
Harmony” ladies choral group, directed by Lynn Cisky, to
entertain us. After a perfect morning of golf, we had all of that
to put us in a glorious state of holiday mind. If you have not
had the pleasure of hearing, “In Harmony”, they are quite a
talented group and have performed at the ball games, singing
our National anthem, and at many other opportunities through
out the area. Thank you to all for a wonderful day!
We will be enjoying a full month of golf now that we
resume a normal schedule. Our annual Member/ Guest Day
is soon to be held on January 15th and the committee has
planned a jovial day for all.
Renewals for 2014 are now due and we anticipate a very
active season these next months. Anyone wanting to join us,
pick-up an application from our bulletin board in the Helm
Club, and with a check of $65 for the year, turn it in to the
Pro shop. Nancy Grant, our membership person will contact
you and you will be off and running to have some extra fun
in your game of golf.
Results for the past weeks:
On 12/04/2013- Even Holes - Low Net
Flight 1: 1st - 25 Jeanne Parks, 2nd - 31 Sue Lentz, 3rd
- 32 Lynne DeFranc
Flight 2: 1st - 29 Helen Amy, 2nd - 30 Pat Lally, 3rd - 31
Jane Burns
Flight 3: 1st - 27 Leslie Trudeau, 2nd - 30 Annabelle
Hutson, 3rd - tie Jackie Dorval
Closest to the Pins: #1 Annabelle Hutson #11 Helen Amy
On 12/11/2013 - Three Blind Mice Scramble (throw out
holes 8, 10, 11)
1st - 43 Josie Rasalan, Christy Fitz, Marilyn Harlan,
Carole Lungren. 2nd - 45 Ellen Christian, Dee Driscoll,
Diane Reed, Joyce Kascsak. 3rd - 46 Sue Lentz, Diane Hester,
Marlene Mercurio, Evelyn Swartz
Tie - Marlene Huseman, Lynne DeFranc, Bobbie Yager,
Nancy Grant. Tie - Barb Christian, Pat Lally, Cathy Carley,
Pat Seibel. Tie - Doris Kelly, Deanne Butindaro, Tish Achorn,
Josie Kingsley
Closest to the Pins: #1 and #3 Barb Christian
LLGA-18 Hole League Christmas Luncheon Co-Chairs
Deanne Butindaro, Dottie Fritze, and Mary Greenberg.
Longest Putt: #10 Dee Driscoll #12 Marlene Mercurio
On 12/18/2013: Odd Holes - Low Net
1st - 18 Pat Lally; 2nd - 20 Josie Rasalan; 3rd - 22 Jackie
Crump; 4th - 25 (4 way tie) Barb Christian, Ann Boyd, Mary
Ann Spry, Christy Fitz; 8th - 26 (3 way tie) Lynne De Franc,
Sandra Frank, Sue Lentz
Have a great month and we hope you are learning the new
course and having some fun and scores to brag about.
Tennis Events For 2014
By Paul D’Amico
he Tennis Department is pleased to announce its Events
Schedule for the Upcoming Season. The following
Events are scheduled for February thru September 2014, the
schedule may also be found on-line on the LYGTC website.
• Club Championships – Singles – February 1-2, 2014
• Club Championships – M & W Doubles
– February 8-9, 2014
• Club Championships – Mixed Doubles
– February 15-16, 2014
• LTA Taste of Chili – February 16, 2014
• Martini Night Round Robin – Championship Party
– March 7, 2014
• Ladies Team Appreciation Day/Fashion Show
– March 13, 2014
• Village Team Challenge – March 15-16, 2014
• LTA Round Robin and Cookout – March 23, 2014
• Madisen’s Match – March 28-29, 2014
• Landings Swing & Ping Challenge – April 12-13, 2014
• LTA End of Season Round Robin – April 13, 2014
• Spring Round Robin – May 23, 2014
The Law Office of James A. Crawford, Inc.
1705 Colonial Blvd., Suite C-4
Fort Myers, Florida 33907
• 25th USTA National Selection/Florida Open
– May 24-26, 2014
• SW Florida Adult Clay Court Championships
– September 12-14, 2014
If you have any questions or require any more information
concerning any and all of the events, please feel free to
contact the Tennis Shop either by e-mail at tennisdir@lygtc.
com or by phone at 239-482-0515.
2014 Landings Club Tennis Championships
On February 1st, the 2014 Club Tennis Championships
will start with the Singles Championships for both Men and
Women. The event will run through the weekend. The Men’s
and Women’s Doubles events will be held starting on February
8th and the Mixed Doubles events will start on February 15th.
There will be play in different levels, as well as in the 60’s,
70’s and 80’s age categories. To enter, please stop by the
Tennis Shop and complete an entry form. On Friday, March
7th, there will be a Championship Player Party for all players
and guests. Deadlines start on February 1.
Happy Landings, Page 7
LTA Party - Where The Fun Lives
Photos by Bill Steed
Alan and Judy Woodford
Barb, Bridget, Bill and Jen
Jim, Ron and Tim
Bonnie Kentris
Jonathon and Lucy from Hope Marcia and Tim Dennison
Bridget, Jen and Sharrie
Jim and Mary Pat Willis
Joan Henry
Rick Bosshard and Peter Ted Winterrowd and Harley
Geoff, Joan, Pam and Merle
(Corner Summerlin & Pine Ridge)
Open Monday - Saturday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Page 8, Happy Landings
Landings Yacht Club
By Pam Mangene
here’s an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. With that in mind,
here’s a pictorial valentine from the Yacht Club. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Lovely lunch crowd – Useppa
Landings Singers at the Tree Lighting
Fred Garner
LeRoy and Ann Fleming at Rumrunners
Dick and I at Rumrunners
Christmas Tree and donated bikes!
Croquet – Useppa
Useppa – lunch in whites
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Cruisers at the pool
Green Flash – South Seas
Happy Landings, Page 9
TGIF – Fishing Club At Picnic Pointe
Jon Friling, a LFC Member uses his
fishing rod to drop the 2014 New Year
Ball at a Schooner New Year’s Eve
House Party.
L to R: Gayle Braffett, John Scherbick, Susan Scherbick, Roger
/ 3,
/ 2 LARGE 3
$109,000 ~ $133,900
Jon Box throwing away the empty pizza
boxes from the TGIF Party.
L to R: Dotty Fritze, Mary Greenberg, David Greenberg, Tom
Bace, Alan Fritze
Fixer Uppers to
Completely Remodeled
...Pet Friendly Village
ARIEL #1504 - Premium, luxurious 2
bedroom + den with best view under 17!
$439,000. O.B.O.
Photos by Jackie Wagner
WINDJAMMER - Great buy on this 2
bedroom “end” with nice views from lanai
and dining room. Furnished and with a
carport, too! $115,000.
ARIEL #608 - Nicely updated, turnkey
unit with deep terrace. 1,997 sq. ft.
$194,000 SOLD.
SUNSET HARBOR - New! Top floor!
Gorgeous! 3/2 Better hurry. $399,000.
Open house Sat., Feb 1st.
9431 Sunset Harbor #152
HARBORTOWN - 2nd floor 3/2 with 2
car garage across from river. $242,000.
Open house, Feb 1 & 2, 1-4 p.m.
5015 Harbortown Ln. #203
STEAMBOAT BEND - Nice 2/2 turnkey!
Long southerly views over lake. Carport
too! Lowest 2/2 in The Landings $99,900.
updated “end” unit on golf course & next to
pool! Furnished w/carport, too! $135,000.
Exp 03/31/14
Hurry for recently released
seasonal rentals on the marina,
lake and golf course! These won’t
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Exp 03/31/14
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Page 10, Happy Landings
The Landings Duplicate Bridge Club News
John Martin, Irene & Ted Winterrowd, Ginny Nightingale,
Barb Steed, Co-chair, and Nancy Baer (seated).
Photo-story by Wanda Jacobs
andings Duplicate Bridge Club holds a lesson session
each Monday at 11 a.m. prior to game time. All Landings
residents are welcome to come to the lesson and/or play
that starts at noon. John Martin, our director of our ACBL’s
sanctioned game, offers a Q&A session that progresses to
his Lesson of the Week. Lessons are FREE. Our Queen of
Hearts is, of course, Nancy Diamond. She and her husband
Tom Thompson and wife
Pat Cunningham and Doris Janet (far right) and Betty
Schmoyer and Angie Munn
Reserved table for Rick
Nancy Diamond
Rick Diamond have given much to this club since 1983. The
Diamonds always occupied Table No. 1 and we reserved that
table in his memory at our December 29 session. Generally,
we see 10-13 tables ready to play each Monday at 11 a.m.
and yet we do have room for more; so, if you want to join
us, contact Bill or Barb Steed at (239) 288-5388.
Angie Munn, a long-time member and friend to all at The
Landings Duplicate Bridge Club, was given a “Fare Thee
Well” as she is moving away. “God speed and may you have
many 7-NT hands in the future, Angie!”
Need a partner? No problem – contact Barb Steed or
Wanda Jacobs (239)-481-4216.
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Happy Landings, Page 11
Fort Myers Republican
Women’s Club
Dedicated to Political
Annual Gem Award And Student
Essay Winners To Be Featured At
Monthly Luncheon
etty Parker, political writer for the News-Press, will be
presented with the G.E.M. Award by the Fort Myers
Republican Women’s Club at the monthly luncheon meeting
on Tuesday, February 18. In addition, essay winners from
Cape Coral’s Oasis Middle Charter School will be announced
and scholarships awards will be presented.
The G.E.M. Award represents individuals who have
shown Good leadership, Effort in establishing programs and
policies, and being a Major contributor to the community
through time and effort.
The public is invited to attend the luncheon and the
program being held at The Helm Club, The Landings, South
Fort Myers. A social hour begins at 11:15 a.m. The noon
lunch, business meeting, and presentation of awards follow.
The luncheon cost is $16.00. Reservations are required by
Thursday, February 13, and may be made by contacting Tina
Laurie, 489-4701.
Additional information about the club may be obtained
by contacting the president, Gaile Anthony, 292-5212.
Save The Date For Special
Uncommon Evening
March 26 Annual Event
To Honor Berne Davis
ave the date of March 26 for a very special event. The
annual Uncommon Evening, presented by the Uncommon
Friends Foundation, will honor Fort Myers resident Berne
Davis on her 100 years of philanthropic endeavors. She will
mark her 100th birthday on March 19.
The Southwest Florida community is invited to participate
in the special celebration of Davis’ life. The gala evening
will be held at Harborside Event Center, 1375 Monroe Street,
Fort Myers. The event will also feature the presentation of
the 9th annual Business Ethics Award, Character Education
Teacher Awards, and Scholarships to 20 recipients.
The event begins with a social hour at 6:00 p.m. The public
is invited to attend. Individual tickets are $100. Tables of
eight and sponsorships are
available. Contact Arlene
Roth, 239-337-9503, or
org to make reservations.
The Uncommon Friends Foundation, a not for profit
501(c)3 organization established in 1993, is dedicated to
lifelong character building among today’s youth and business
leaders. Its mission is to promote character education in
schools, business ethics in the workplace and historic
preservation of the Burroughs Home and James Newton
Additional information about the foundation and tickets
for the Uncommon Evening may be obtained by calling 239337-9505 or checking the website at www.uncommonfriends.
New selection of Antiques, Waterford, Swarovski
Crystal Lamps, Pictures
and More!
Vintage Peddler
Classic Furniture & Consignment
Harry Chapin
Food Bank
3760 Fowler Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901
4th Annual Pub Crawl Feb. 22, 2014
owntown Punta Gorda is looking to have
hundreds of participants help by bringing canned
goods to the event. Cost for Crawl $27.00 pre-paid,
4pk price at $23 each (ending on Feb. 15th.) or $35.00
day of, if available. 10 a.m.- noon Sign in & donate
your food items at The Ice House Pub 408 Tamiami
Tr. (Goal is 2,700 Lbs. or more) Crawl runs from 12:30
to 6:30 with the last hour 6:30-7:30 back at the Ice
House Pub, where prizes of the day given out. Pub
Crawlers will receive a T-shirt, Koolee Cup, coupon
book. Anyone bringing a food item will receive a
raffle ticket (one per can of food up to 20 tickets)
for a chance to win a Key West get away for two.
Participants will take a walk through some of the most
awesome pubs, bars & restaurants Punta Gorda has
to offer. There are seven stops total, some with live
music. Special rates at a downtown hotel and Microtel
just 2 miles north with transportation provided to and
from the Pub Crawl with stay at Microtel, good fares
from local cab companies will be available and free
parking in downtown garage. This event sold out
last year so get your tickets early! You should not
miss this chance to have a good time and help feed the
hungry in Southwest Florida. Come on out. If you’d
like more information, please go to our website www.
puntagordapubcrawl.com or call Mike Colgan 239872-1171 or Nick Berry at 941-628-4800
The Harry Chapin Food Bank solicits, collects and
stores quality food for distribution to families in need
through a network of 150 nonprofit agencies in Lee,
Collier, Hendry, Charlotte and Glades counties that
provide food to more than 30,000 people monthly. Over 1 million pounds of food are distributed by
the Harry Chapin Food Bank monthly. For every
dollar donated, about $6 in food value goes back
to the community. In the past fiscal year, the Harry
Chapin Food Bank distributed more than 16.6 million
pounds of food and other grocery items valued at more
than $27.6 million. This is roughly the equivalent
of 13.8 million meals to people in need. Additional
information about or to contribute financially to the
Harry Chapin Food Bank, contact 239-334-7007 or
go to harrychapinfoodbank.org.
Horizon Plaza
One mile south of Gladiolus
16050 S. Tamiami Trail, #106 • Ft. Myers, FL 33908
Just North of The Forest
Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-5
Ask for Tyler
Or ... Choose Zero Interest if paid in full within 15 Months and up to a $2,930 Instant Rebate.*
It’s Hard To Stop A Trane
Page 12, Happy Landings
Village News
Ariel, Clipper Cove, Flagship, Harbortown, Lighthouse, Longboat, Mariners Cove,
Riverside, Schooner, Steamboat Bend, Steamboat Bend East, Sunset Cove, Sunset Harbor, Trawler, Windjammer
he first morning of 2014 was a
chilly 65 degrees, but that did not
stop some Ariel residents including
Donna Nellis, Sandy Frank, Dana
Clark and Mac Phares from meeting
at the pool for Water Aerobics. After
the class they headed for the elevator
only to find an unregistered guest in
the atrium. She looked as if she were Annabelle Hutson
Canadian with her feathers and beak. [email protected]
She also appeared to have settled in
for a nice visit. The ladies made several attempts to steer the
visitor to a side door, but Mrs. Duck would have nothing of
it. She knew a good roosting place when she saw it.
Another newcomer arrived
at Ariel in November via
Nigeria to live permanently in
Ariel. She is most welcome and
says she loves living in Ariel
and in The Landings. If you
meet Carolyn Jensen, strike up
a conversation and learn of her
fascinating life. She said she
started out as a typical blond
southern California surfing gal. Carolyn Jensen
Her first job was with a utility
company handling its environment issues. Twenty years
and the advent of deregulation created burnout. Her next
job was with a French company which included extensive
international travel and the use of diplomacy. When the
company was sold in 2001, she decided to retire and live
in a small village in Ecuador where she had done volunteer
work during her vacation breaks from work.
A friend’s invitation to accompany her to a gathering
where Colin Powell would be speaking did not appeal to
Carolyn, who said that living in Southern California had
numbed her to celebrities, but she finally consented. She
listened politely to the speech after which she headed for the
exit. She said she became aware that people were looking
at her. Turning around to see what they were looking at, she
realized that General Powell was speaking to her. He said, “ I
know you never served in the military.” When she confirmed
this, he said “Are you ready to serve your country?” When
she said she was planning to go to Ecuador, Powell asked if
it could wait a year, and this is how Carolyn Jensen’s career
in the US State Department began. After several months of
boring work in Washington Carolyn said she encountered
General Powell in the hallway. When asked, she politely
expressed her sentiments. He told her to be patient. Before
long she found herself supporting the embassy and had an
office located in one side of Hussein’s palace. Her cot was
on the exact spot where Hussein had sat on his throne. The
Iraqi military offices occupied the other half of the building.
Her former experience with the utility company came in
handy when her group and MCI established the first and
only cell phone company in Baghdad. A goodwill gesture
of free phones made to the many tribal leaders affected by
the 38 towers installed in and around Baghdad encouraged
the safety and security of the towers. Tribesmen became as
addicted to the phones as we are and learned that the towers
were essential to communications.
When she was called back to Washington to meet with
the State Department Chiefs of Staff, Carolyn learned she
would be going to Nigeria as a full diplomat. She spent
the next four years interacting with the military and the
Joint Chiefs of Staff to ensure the request for coordinated
activities between the two entities. During those years in
Nigeria she also worked with the villages as a volunteer. To
communicate, with the people in the villages which each had
its own language, she learned HAUSA known as the trading
language which takes its words from the languages of the
two hundred tribes in Nigeria and lands to the north.
Carolyn also has three children and eight grandchildren.
What I have written only touches the surface of her
fascinating life. Hopefully, we will hear more from her during
her residence at the Landings.
oley Moley…Not even one
month and we have broken
all of out good intended New Years
Resolutions, that my Friends is what
happens when your Significant Other
or Spouse can come up with a Gourmet
Meal using only a can of tomatoes and
a steak of questionable origin, and
make a superb Chateaubriand…Oh
well we will give it a try next Year. As Jerry Rossano
we rush Headlong into St. Valentine’s
Day, it’s time to head out to Norman Love and pick up a box
of Chocolate Bon-Bons and a Bouquet of Flowers to worm
our way back into the Good Graces of our Spouses….That,
or we dine on Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches for the
foreseeable future…and beyond. NEWS FLASH….NEWS
FLASH…. Our long missing resident Alligator, Raoul, has
been in contact with this writer and is wintering in Monaco,
after taking in the Baths at Gstaad. We hope to see him soon,
back at the Pool after his tete a tete with the Hoi Polloi.
We Finally welcome our new Residents, Georgia and Bob
Lowman of Windjammer and Lincoln,IL See you around the
Pool Parties. On a melancholy note, we bid a Fond Farewell
to Sue Phillips, as she is moving to Cypress Cove, an Elegant
Lady who will be sorely missed around Harbortown, stay
in touch Sue, and we will do the same. On a Very Sad note,
we report the passing away of Rick Diamond, a long time
member of the Harbortown Community, our condolences to
Nancy and her Family.
A new couple have purchased on the River, and we
welcome the Trefney’s, Margaret and Robert of London,
UK, who have purchased across the street from Sue at 5026
Harbortown Lane. Coming right along with them is their
little dog, a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, who might also
be a Supreme Gecko Stalker, as is, Sir Darby of Dunlap, an
accomplished Lizard Chaser of no mean reputation.
Spotted wheeling around the Village in her new RagTop
was Joanne Zucker, Lovely spouse of that Hog Riding
Bad Boy, Paul Zucker , a “Sickle” riding Biker, late of
“Da Bronx”. Go Easy, You Two. Received an Update from
neighbor, Susan Stroud, of West Des Moines, IA, They are in
the grip of a Winter Blizzard, 9 inches on the ground and no
letup in sight, jump on a plane Sue, and relax at the pool in
80’s Temp and Chilled Chardonnay, and from another one of
our Northern Couples, Marya & Dennis Van Dover, the temp
is below Zero in Minnesota and they are heading South the
day after Christmas. February promises not only Valentines
Day, but also Presidents Day and that one day that none of the
“SnowBirds” can afford to ignore… Groundhog Day, where
they find out if they have half a chance of an Early Spring.
And on that note ,we wrap up this months meanderings with
a little something that those from the Frozen North can relate
to: Being raised in Detroit, I miss everything about that great
city, except January and February.
ur first column for Happy
Landings will serve to introduce
ourselves to Longboat Village and
provide information to Longboat
residents about how to contact us. We
are Nick and Penny Ranson and have Nick & Penny
recently been appointed as reporters Ranson
[email protected]
of our village news.
Nick was born in Chester,
England. He earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees
from Emanuel College at Cambridge University and later a
PhD in Renaissance Literature from Case Western Reserve
University. Prior to coming to the United States in 1968, Nick
was a pilot for the Royal Air Force. After switching career
paths, Nick became a Shakespearean scholar; he finished his
career as professor and chair of the department of English at
Village News on page 13
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Happy Landings, Page 13
Mariners Cove
Village News from page 12
The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio.
Penny was born in Akron, Ohio. She earned her BA degree
from Ohio Wesleyan and two master’s degrees and a Doctor
of Modern Languages degree from Middlebury College.
Penny became professor and chair of the department of
Modern Languages at The University of Akron.
In 2000, the Ransons decided to participate in the
university’s early retirement incentive program. They bought
a condo at Legends and became snowbirds traveling back and
forth between Ohio and Florida for four years. In 2004, they
became permanent residents of the State of Florida and built
a house at Crown Colony. After nine years at Crown Colony,
they finally found paradise at the Landings! A little over a
year ago, they purchased a small condo in Windjammer; then,
after selling at Crown Colony, they bought a larger condo in
Longboat and moved in at the end of September 2013 when
the remodeling and renovations had been completed. They
are also known as “half-backs” since they have a summer
place in Hendersonville, NC (half way back to Ohio).
Nick and Penny are avid
bridge players and became
life masters in 2007. They
also like to play golf; Nick
has the remains of a golf
game and Penny is a duffer André
who likes the game. As
sailors, they have an 18’
Sun Cat in the marina and
like to do day sailing on
the Caloosahatche. The
household is completed by
a pair of Russian Siberian
cats--André and Dmitri (see Dmitri
The Ransons’ interest in teaching continues. Both of
them have taught courses at Florida Gulf Coast University.
In June 2013, they went to Orlando to be trained as Stephen
Leaders. Currently they are training a class of nine for
Stephen Ministry at Saint Hilary’s Episcopal Church. They
also serve as lay readers and as Eucharistic ministers and
visitors for the church.
We have introduced ourselves. Now, we would like to
share interesting life stories of other Longboat residents with
members of the Landings community in Happy Landings.
Please contact us by email ([email protected]) or
by telephone 239-225-1204. We want to get to know you
and publish your stories.
he Cove” folks did their best to
say “Good-bye” to 2013 in style!
A bunch of folks from the village
participated in the LMGA’s annual
“Guys and Dolls” event. Our own
Pat and Carol Milkovich came in
first, scoring a 50 in this two person
scramble. Coming in a close second
in Flight 1 was Ron Amy and Dee
Driscoll with a 53. Harley and Pat
Benner were also in the money in
Christy Fitz
Carol and Pat Milkovich
their flight. Not only that, Pat Benner, Carol Milkovich, Dee
Driscoll and Wes Fitz all took “closest to the pin” on various
holes. Awesome job guys, you made the village proud!
Keep practicing up,
the “Intervillage” is
coming up in April!
That day turned out
to be very busy for
some of us, because
the Ricker’s hosted
the December village
get together that
evening. Sandy and
Bill’s home was so
beautifully decorated
for Christmas, and Sandy and Bill Ricker
everyone was in a
festive mood. It was a great party with tons of yummy food
and great conversation. I was surprised to see so many in
attendance. As it turned, out many folks headed out of town to
visit family a couple days later. So it all worked out, but boy
was The Landings deserted after that. Even Bill and Sandy
headed to Vermont not long after their party. Sandy reported
that they had a hard time getting home. They, like many this
year, had the “pleasure” of experiencing the “best” Mother
Nature has to offer including snow, freezing rain, dark and
gloomy skies and terrible roads. To make matters worse,
Sandy said the temp there Christmas day was 15 below...
yikes, I hate to tell you Sandy, we had several bottles of
champagne in the pool that morning!!
Carol and Jay Robinson also stayed here for the holidays.
They spent a week with their son, daughter and two
granddaughters. The Robinsons had a great time, going out
to dinner, shopping and seeing “We Will Rock You”. Jay said
that the show was great and kept them in touch with their rock
and roll roots. The family set up a sound system and spent
evenings singing and playing together, they all are musical
and play instruments as well. Jay also mentioned that with
four women in the house there was a “strong flow of estrogen
around there!” Hummm….Glad you survived it Jay!!
Mariners Cove rang
in the New Year with our
annual “Gutter Party” held
at the Yetsko’s. What a
great way to start January
1! Once again there was a
plethora of food, Bloody
Marys, and Mimosa’s...
Many thanks to Linda
and Ron for all the great
drinks and hosting this Linda and Ron Yetsko
party. I had a chance to
talk to Ginnie Knudsen, they recently left Mariners for an
independent living situation. Ginnie said that while they
really miss living here, they are in a great place. They have
folks to have dinner, play bridge and socialize with, but they
still enjoying maintaining contact with their old friends here
in The Landings.
The Gutter party
That’s all for now folks...Until next month, we’ll be seein’
ya around “The Cove!”
Village News on page 14
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Page 14, Happy Landings
Village News from page 13
Americans. This trip opened their eyes to a vastly different
culture than ours, and awakened their interest in traveling to
many unique parts of the world. Click served on the Board of
Education for 8 years in Michigan, and was active in Rotary
International where he received the Paul Harris Award.
Through the Rotary Student Exchange Program in 1982, the
Cheff’s sponsored a young Mexican boy named Eduardo for
a year when their children were high school age. Eduardo
has remained in touch with the Cheff family ever since. This
Christmas he and his family visited the Click, Sharrie, their
children, and grandchildren here at The Landings.
Steamboat Bend East
Tennis brings people together. This is a party of the 3.5tennis team. Party in Riverside at our home. Left to right:
sitting. Georgene Hildebrand (host), Diana Mitchell,Ginger
Beckwith (captain) Middle. Muriel Hackney, Nancy Yavorsky,
Wilma Easton Standing: Stephie Sherman, Carole Hill,
Donna Schmidt, Lynne Birdt (co-captain), Lyn Savidge.
lick Cheff was the youngest of
14 children born in a log cabin
on a Flathead Indian Reservation in
Montana. The log cabin where he
was born had neither running water
nor electricity, and life was tough.
Children were necessary to work the
farm and survive. One day an Indian
neighbor asked his mother if she Josie Kingsley
would trade her 14 year old son for 2 [email protected]
horses, 2 cows, 3 pigs, and some land.
To gather food, she would
go hunting on horseback
with the Indians for 2 to 3
days at a time, leaving the
older children behind to care
for the young ones. In spite
of their meager lifestyle,
the children all attended
school. One time 3 of the
children were caught in a
ferocious snowstorm while
walking home from school.
They burrowed down in a Sharrie and Click Cheff
neighbor’s haystack to stay
alive. After the storm was over, they walked home.
When Click was a boy, his mother inherited $500, which
she used to move the family to Detroit where she operated
a rooming house to make ends meet. She continued to rent
rooms until she was 92, when her children retired her. When
Click and 6 siblings were still home, they bunked together in
the attic while she rented rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
Click remembers that there was no insulation in the attic,
and in the winter, wind and snow would blow through the
cracks in the walls. They all kept warm under duck feather
blankets made by his mother and brought from the Montana
Click’s mother was a proud woman. One Christmas the
Good Fellows brought hats, boots, gloves and toys for the
family. His mother told them she didn’t need anything, to
take everything to the poor people. The Cheff’s were so poor
they shared hand me down clothes and shoes. They often
lined the shoes with cardboard to fill the holes in the sole.
At that time, so many were in need that being poor was not
a stigma.
Click used his older brother’s ID to get a full time job with
General Motors when he was 16 and still in high school. He
was drafted into the army in 1953 during the Korean War.
When he returned, he attended college on the GI bill and
became a chiropractor. He married and had a daughter, both
of whom died prematurely. He later met and married Sharrie,
a school teacher, who you may know from her active life
here at The Landings. Together they raised her two children,
Jennie, and David.
Click’s chiropractic expertise gave him and Sharrie an
opportunity to go on an acupuncture tour in China. They
spent 3 weeks there in 1979 before the country was open to
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ith sadness but best wishes,
we have said farewell to Bezy
and Cliff McKay, long time residents
of our 4160 building. They have
decided to move to a different living
arrangement while they still are
100% healthy. In part due Cliff’s past
experience as Executive Director for
Presbyterian Homes in a region of
central Florida, they are moving to a Dianne Hester
Presbyterian Home in Winter Park. [email protected]
Not only will we miss their sparkling personalities, but we
will also miss Cliff’s periodic digital column “Around the
As all readers will know, our wonderful new golf course
opened officially on November 15. What many people may
have missed was a comment made by Mr. Cecil Pendergrass,
Chair of the Lee County Board of Commissioners, who did
the official ribbon cutting. With scissors in hand, as he looked
around at the assembled golfers by the first tee, he recognized
and pointed out “There is Don Scarcello, my golf instructor
from 38 years ago!!” Don, a resident of our 4100 building,
was very surprised, but delighted by the recognition.
Another item of delight, but this time by my wife and
myself, was the wonderful help we obtained from our Village
housekeeper, Wendy Coleman, when one of our lanai doors
unexpectedly erupted, and sent thousands of bits of glass
all over the lanai and our bedroom. We were at our home
in Minnesota at the time and very much needed on the spot
assistance. Thank you Wendy for being such a supportive
friend. And kudos to the McKays for their help as well.
This is an important time of year for our village, as we
have board elections next month. We need all unit owners
to get involved.
As many of you know, we have a number of beautiful
banana trees in our village, some by the pool and some by the
4100 building. Is it time for another Bananas Foster party???
Bill Keys and Wilson Saenger have been great hosts for this
event in the past.
In closing, the writer of this column in March will be
Myra Hall. If you have a news item or a photo about life in
Steamboat Bend East, please send it to her at Myra-Hall@
Trawler Village held a Christmas
party on December 12 at Picnic
Point. The tradition of having a
village Christmas party was started
by John and Sugar Keedy, but with
the passing of John this past year, it
was decided to move the party from
the Keedy condo to Picnic Point.
Annette & Paul
Cheryl Box and Bonnie Pellegrino
planned the event this year with the
[email protected]
help of their husbands and other
Trawlerites helping to decorate the area in a festive manner.
Approximately 40 people attended. Glenn Lookenott
provided a prayer of thanks prior to the consuming of some
great food prepared by the attendees. Doug Craig entertained
the group with his emceeing of a “Chinese Auction Gift
Exchange” with many interesting gifts being taken and then
Dave Pellegrino, his wife Bonnie, and Glenn Lookenott (with
his Santa hat). retaken by others. As the party was closing down, it shifted
from Christmas mode to birthday mode and presented a
poker-decorated cake to Dave Pellegrino who turned 70 this
night. Dave is the coordinator for poker nights in Trawler
Village so the theme of the cake was very appropriate.
Another special holiday event was a holiday tea for about
40 women hosted by Sugar Keedy on December 13. Sugar
wanted to thank everyone for the support and friendship that
they have provided since John’s passing. She is grateful to
be in Trawler among friends and active in all the activities
that the Landings provides.
Your reporters had a wonderful four days in Orlando the
week before Christmas. Our son Mark, his wife, and our
4-year old granddaughter flew into Orlando, and we spent
three exciting days at the Disney theme parks. Seeing the
parks through the eyes of a 4-year-old is indeed a rewarding
ere we are, well into the New
Year. January is almost behind
us and most of our new year ’s
resolutions are a distant memory. At
least that what usually happens in our
home. But one of the most common
resolutions is to get in better shape
and live a healthier lifestyle. The
Landings sure makes that goal easy Barbara Shields
to reach.
After not being able to walk much over the last couple
of years due to my back, I have enjoyed waking around the
Landings. Whether staying on the sidewalks or navigating
the roads, there are many trails to cover. Most of you have
seen the maps at several locations throughout the Landings
that show how far different paths make up. Many new classes
are being added to those offered in our fitness center. Balance
and stretching is so important for us all. Knowing how to do
it properly is key to avoiding injuries. Be sure and check out
the new opportunities being offered at the fitness center.
We experienced some cooler weather early in this New
Year. Of course, it was nothing compared to our friends
who are still up north. I’m so thankful no shovels for snow
are needed here in our own paradise. I did have to find a
jacket to wear for my daily walks. I think since moving here
almost 4 years ago, I have become “sissified” when it comes
to cooler weather. (and believe me my senior high school
English teacher would cringe at my made up words). Being
from Texas, I didn’t have to endure what many of you did
at your northern homes, but for this gal, it was a little chilly.
I’m proud to say, that as of the column deadline, we have
yet to turn on the heater.
I’m excited to hear that Beer, Brats and Blues is back for
a 2nd year. There was good food and great music last year,
so I know it will be a big hit again. Be sure and check it out
February 28th and March 1st.
Well, that’s all for now. I’d love to hear your news, so
please feel free to email me at [email protected].
Happy Landings, Page 15
Therapy Dogs Live
In The Landings, Too!
By Hugh McCandless
ois Deets is a sociable Minnesotan who has lived here in
the Landings for 23 years. She’s a gutsy lady who got a
pilot’s license while still in college in Minneapolis and then,
after taking a job as a medical records manager at a Honolulu
hospital, took a leave to travel the world by air. “It was in
Honolulu that I met my late husband, Les,” she told me.
“Our daughter Shelley lives in Sarasota and visits me often.”
As many readers know, Lois was the Landings Yacht
Club’s first female commodore and she’s also been president
of the Ladies 9-Hole Golf League. What many may not
know is that she regularly brings her toy poodle with
her to post-surgery wards at Lee Memorial Health Park.
“Patients and their families find Renee’s company soothing,”
she explained. Lois took my wife’s sister (visiting from Australia) with her on
one of these visits, and my sister-in-law resolved to get the hospital in her New
South Wales home town to consider starting similar therapy dog visitations.
Sam Crouch, another Landings resident, also got his dog, Jack, certified by
Therapy Dogs Incorporated, an organization based in Cheyenne Wyoming.
“TDI tests the dogs it certifies to ensure they are calm and well behaved,” he said.
Therapy dogs are increasing used not only in medical settings but in other
tense situations, too. For example, they’re being used to calm college students
during exams and at airports to de-stress passengers faced with delays or
cancelled flights. It’s really nothing new. I read recently that Florence Nightingale
even made use of dogs in her pioneer nursing work in England 150 years ago.
Readers wanting to know more about Therapy Dogs Incorporated can go
to www.therapydogs.com. Those interested in helping out at Health Park can
call its volunteer resources group at 239-343-5055.
Lois Deets, longtime Schooner resident, is
shown with therapy dog Renee.
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Page 16, Happy Landings