FY 2011-2012 - Maryland New Directions


FY 2011-2012 - Maryland New Directions
C on tribu to rs: F Y 20 12
Corporate and
Mi s si o n
Our mission is to provide
comprehensive career counseling,
employment assistance, and postemployment support to people who are in
life and career transition.
Jayme Abrams
John and Natalie Lewis
Jennifer Auman
Mineshyong and Kay Lin
Edward and Ellen Bernard
Ronald and Karen Lowman
Robert Bogomolny
Karin Lundquist
Theresa Brewsaugh
George Bunting
Kathleen and Skip Case
Rosina L. Maiers
Bradford McGowan
Carol McGowan
coming soon >>>
Katherine Cawood
Marjorie Mitchell
Dorothy L. and Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr. Foundation
Michelle Cookson
Fred Munn
FutureCare Health and Management Corporation
Barry and Nancy Diamond
The Harry L. Gladding Foundation
Pa u l DiB a r i
Paul and Amy DiBari
Allen and Audrey Murray
Eric and Beverley Murray
Harold Donofrio
Karen Murray
Vice President
Mark Donowitz
Kent and Donna Murray
Home’s Value
John J. Leidy
Jason and Jennifer Dudderar
Stuart R. Murray
Lois and Philip Macht Family Philanthropic Fund
Andy Dudek
Ray Naimoli
McCormick & Co., Inc
Deb ra Ha r t
Brian and Denise Eakes
Brien O'Toole and Elizabeth O'Leary
Coriolanus A. Ferrusi and Jennifer Day
Charles and Katherine Piven
The Smith Group
Gregory and Kim Fisher
Andrew and Victoria Friesner
Norbert Robinson
George Roche
Herbert S. Garten
Richard Scholz and Mary Kane Scholz
United Way of Central Maryland
Robert Gauch
Theresa Silanskis
Venable Foundation
Ci n d y A tk in so n
Janet Glover-Kerkvliet
Henry Slyker, II
Marian Goetze
Susan O. Smeragliuolo
Nathan and Karen Harris
Sharon Smith
Keith and Debra Hart
Barbara and Alexander Sonberg
Heather A. Harvinson
Lillian Sonberg
Helen Stough and Dwight Bartlett
Nicole Holland
Glendora Hughes
Deborah Jennings
Michael Swaby-Rowe
Ernest and Mary Swanson
Susan Torroella
Charles and Kathleen Lea
Chad and Lindsay Unitas
Grace Lee
Sarah and Christopher Walsh
Thai Hunyh
Judith Letcher
Building strong communities
Maryland New Directions
2700 North Charles Street
Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21218
P: (410) 230-0630
F: (410) 230-0275
The Abell Foundation
The Associated Jewish Charities of Baltimore
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bookkeeping & More, Inc
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Combined Charity Campaign
Constellation Energy
In The Next Issue
Company, P.A.
Downpayment Help For Young Buyers
Improving lives through work
Bo a r d of Dir e c t or s
S kip Ca se
Ka ren Ha r ri s
The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Maryland New Directions is a 501(c)3
non-profit organization. All contributions
made to the agency are tax exempt.
Get connected!
Co rio la n u s A .J. Fe r ru s i
Vic ki Fr ie sn e r
Br ien R. O ’To o le
Ba rb a ra S o n b e rg
Mi ch a e l S wa b y - Ro we
Ma ria n Go e t ze, Fo u n d e r
Ad v i s o r y Bo a r d
Co lle en M. Ma llo n
MND offers a variety of ways to get
involved. Find us online to stay up to
date on our news and events!
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[email protected]
Annual Report FY 2011-2012
Rev. S h a ro n S m ith
Glen d o ra C. Hu g h e s
Ju d y Le tch e r
F u n d r ai s i n g Co m mi tt e e
Win n ie Bo rd en
Na n c y Dia mo n d
Ca ro l M cGo wa n
Thank you from MND
As we enter our
providing exceptional career services to those in
need in Baltimore
City, we at Maryland New Directions
would like to
thank our supporters for contributing to
the work we do year after year.
year—a huge commitment to serving the
Baltimore community.
This year, we upheld our reputation of
providing high quality services to help
individuals like Keeton, a father of six
who was laid off from a construction job
he loved. Though he had been a solid
worker and a dedicated family man for
years, he struggled for months trying to
find a job due to an old criminal charge.
When he came to MND, he found the
support he was looking for to help him
overcome his past and gain a new full
time job in construction.
Also this year, we worked to increase our
capacity and outreach through the help of
many volunteers, who donated a combined total of nearly 2,500 hours. We are
extremely grateful for the time they have
given to our mock interview program and
computer lab.
We also completed our computer lab upgrade, which is critical as we help those
with low computer literacy gain the basic
technological skills in order to apply and
qualify for jobs. We now have 32 work
stations with wireless access, a ceiling
mounted projector and wall screen to
make our workshops and computer classes more effective and accessible.
MND continues to enhance employment
opportunities for our clients and fill the
occupational needs of the business community of Baltimore. Thank you again for
making our work possible and we look
Keeton’s story, and over 130 like his, forward to continuing these relationships
were made possible by individual donors, in 2013 and years to come.
as well as new funding from corporations
and foundations including Bank of AmerSincerely,
ica, The Abell Foundation and The T.
Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving. With your contributions, we have
increased the number of clients we served
Grace Lee, Executive Director
in this program, from 200 to 300 per
Fiscal Statement
What Clients Are Saying
Career Focus
July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
MND is doing its part to improve lives and communities in Baltimore.
Through our Career Focus program, MND offers free job readiness and job search training to low-income men and women in
Baltimore City. From single mothers to ex-offenders, all clients
learn the right way to seek work and make connections.
Contributions Receivable
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses and Deposits $17,154
Property and Equipment, Net
Permanently Restricted Cash $10,000
Total Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Total Liabilities
Career Focus Star Graduate: Johnny DeQuair
Before coming to MND, Johnny DeQuair had worked for 17 years
as a regional manager with the same company. He oversaw stores
from Baltimore to Seattle and supervised 250 employees. It wasn’t
until he was laid off that Johnny had to face his issues with reading
and writing.
Unrestricted Assets Available $400,995
Temporarily Restricted -Time $196,903*
Permanently Restricted Assets $10,000*
Though he had earned a high school diploma and gained extensive
leadership experience, Johnny could not overcome his barriers on
his own. He enrolled in adult literacy classes and was referred
MND for job search help.
Government Grants Contracts
Total Support & Revenue $805,737
Program Services
General Management
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
His hard work paid off. In June 2012, Johnny obtained a survival job, but continued to build
his skills as a volunteer at MND. MND staff later assisted Johnny to apply to Chimes, an organization that helps those with intellectual disabilities. He was hired as a Behavioral Tech in
September, which matches his career interest and offers a career ladder for growth. He is not
stopping there, though. Johnny is also pursuing his degree at BCCC in psychology and maintains an ‘A’ average.
Career Focus Program Highlights: July 1, 2011– June 30, 2012
316 low-income job seekers served
233 graduated from Career Focus
136 obtained employment
$11.45 average hourly starting wage
86.7% employed clients retained
employment for at least six months
as of December 2012.
With continuing job search efforts,
16 graduates from prior years obtained employment during this time
period in addition to the 136 who
enrolled and gained employment
this fiscal year.
*$206,903 of these assets are restricted.
Maryland New Directions, Inc.
(MND) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and registered Maryland
charity. Donations to our programs
are tax-deductible. Visit our website
at www.mdnewdirections.org to
make a donation.
- Alfreda Baxter, former Career Focus participant
and current adult educator. Alfreda first came to
MND in 1997 and gained employment, but then
returned in 2011 after being laid off. MND helped
her stay focused on her career path .
Each two-week session begins with career assessments followed
by interactive workshops. Participants define career goals and
sharpen their job search skills, then work with a job coach to address barriers, receive referrals to supportive services, practice job
interviews, and gain job leads until they are successfully employed.
Because MND understands the importance of computer literacy, MND also offers free computer classes to clients who wish to boost their technological competency and online job
search skills.
Total Net Assets
"When I needed help, I knew exactly
where to go."
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on our activities!
"When I was hired, I felt very much relieved… There is a good chance I will go
back to school, but for now I want to work
on getting my credentials and clearance
back and bettering my skills."
- Richard Dickerson, former Career Focus participant and current wiring and cabling linesman
New Beginnings
This year MND proudly continued its partnership
with Morgan State University to prepare over
1,600 welfare recipients for employment.
Through the New Beginnings program, participants learn how to make the leap from not working to steady employment.
Most New Beginnings participants are single
mothers who have encountered many personal
and professional setbacks. MND workshops
guide participants in developing barrier reduction
plans and setting measurable goals. Participants
also learn to overcome criminal backgrounds and
create concrete steps to employment success.
RecoveryNet: Access to Recovery
In partnership with Maryland RecoveryNet, MND
is changing lives for those who have struggled
with substance abuse.
Without help, former substance abusers face dim
prospects for employment. As a part of the RecoveryNet network, MND offers career assessment and counseling to assist recovery addicts in
becoming job-ready. The goal of this program is
for clients to obtain employment that pays a livable wage so they can stay clean and become selfsufficient.
Through this effort, MND has helped 19 individuals begin planning their careers and job searches.
These job seekers receive extra support from their job coaches and other agencies as they
move towards obtaining internships and employment.
Grace Lee, Executive Director
Clair Watson, Program Coordinator
Erika Milenkovic, Resource Dev. Specialist
Sonya Gibbs, Job Coach
Karen Holmes, Job Coach
Rick Vallance, Job Developer
Max Elsman, Support Specialist
Sarah Schulman, Outreach Associate
Bev Englert, Bookkeeper
Jackie Ellis, Graduate Counseling Intern
Volunteers and Interns
Mock Interviewers, cont.
Jamila Asgar
Patricia Barr
Michael Brown
Katherine Buitrago
Cindy Chen
Nelly d'Almeida
Johnny DeQuair
Brian Dames
Robbin Hooper
Jan Houbolt
Tim Kinser
Patty Laing
Karen Markiewicz
Branden McLeod
Frank McShalley
Christian Metzger
Ross Miller
Dan Moylan
Manoj Pillai
Teron Powell
Aaron Proietti
Norbert Robinson
Sandy Rohrer
Paul Sturm
Chris Theodore
Daniel Todd
Susan Torroella
Ed Waldman
Kimberly Douglass
Leticia Enos
Shanna Germain
Hye Jeong Han
Patricia Knight
Kimberly Makle
Norraine Miller
Donte Richardson
Mistoura Salami
Brigitt Thompson
Chunlei Wang
Mock Interviewers
Steve Baloga
Dina Billian
Christy Cohen
This year, volunteers and interns gave
over 2,500 hours of their time to MND