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plagiat merupakan tindakan tidak terpuji plagiat
Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the
Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) Degree in English Language Studies
Adesia Kusuma Wardani
Student Number: 126332030
This is to certify that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the
ideas, phrases, and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full
consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else‟s ideas,
phrases, or sentences without proper references.
Yogyakarta, February 10, 2014
Adesia Kusuma Wardani
Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma :
: Adesia Kusuma Wardani
Nomor Mahasiswa
: 126332030
Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan
Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul :
beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada
Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, me-ngalihkan dalam
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akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya
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Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.
Dibuat di Yogyakarta
Pada tanggal : 10 February 2014
Yang menyatakan
Adesia Kusuma Wardani
This thesis would not have been completed without the help and support
from many people. Therefore, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to
the following people who have assisted me in completing this thesis.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Jesus Christ for
His guidance and never ending love in finishing this thesis and in breaking all
problems I had during my thesis writing. Thank you for bringing me through all
of this, Lord. I would also express my gratitude to my parents, brother, and my
relatives for the spirit and financial supports that keep me strong in accomplishing
my study.
I would also like to extend my appreciation to my thesis supervisor, Bapak
F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D for his support, encouragement, supervision, and suggestion
throughout my research work. Moreover, my appreciation also goes to all
lecturers and all the staffs of English Language Studies for the help during my
I would also like to say my great thanks to Kiki and Jalu for their
willingness to share their experiences in their initial years of teaching. Thank you
for always making time for me though you both were very busy. I also thank to
my best friend Jeng DewiKA for lending her ears to always listen to me, for her
prayers, and her encouragement.
My thank also goes to
Serenata „Bebek‟, Aditya W „Whe‟, Andyka
„Cukong‟, Elise „Cicik‟, Sekar „Ika‟, Ian „Kutil‟, Arista „Oyob‟, Ogie, Dida, Putra,
Priska, Amung, and Ester for kidnapping me from piles of papers and books. I
owe Rifky „Qrick‟ my thanks too for letting me to hostage his headphone to
collect and transcribe the data of my research.
Next, I would also express my thankfulness to all of my friends of the
class of ‟12, especially Yustin, Mbak Pepy, and Mbak Hari for sharing many
things during the study. Lastly, I would not be able to mention one by one those
other helpful people. Simply thank to all of them who have accompanied and
taught me a lot until I finish my thesis and my study.
TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………….
APPROVAL PAGE ………………………………………………………...
DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE ……………………………………………
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ….……………………………………………..
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………...
LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………….
ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………...
ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………….
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………
A. Background ………………………………………………………...........
B. Problem Identification …………………………………………………...
C. Problem Limitation ……………………………………………………...
D. Research Question …....………………………………………………….
E. Research Goals ……………………………………………………..........
F. Research Benefits …………………………………………………..........
A. Theoretical Review ………………………………………………...........
1. Novice Teachers …………………………………………………….
a. The notion of novice teachers ……………………………….….
b. Understanding novice teachers ………………………….………
c. Problems faced by novice teachers.……………….………..........
d. Support for novice teachers ….……………………………..........
1) Source of support ……………………………………………
a) Mentor…………………………………………………....
b) Coworkers ……………………………………………….
c) Family……………………………………………………
d) Perceived efficacy ……………………………………….
2) How to support novice teachers...……………………………
2. Primary Level …………………………………………………..........
a. Bilingual education ………………………………………….…..
b. Primary school in Indonesia ……………………………………..
c. Primary level students characteristics………………..…………..
d. Teaching English at primary level ………………………………
3. Lived Experience ……………………………………………………
4. Review of Related Research ………………………………………...
B. Framework of Pre-Understanding.……………………………………….
A. Research Method ………………………………………………………...
B. Data and Data Gathering Technique …………………………………….
1. Nature of data and data collection techniques ……………………….
2. Setting ……………………………………………………………….
3. Participant …………………………………………………………...
4. Validation ……………………………………………………………
C. Research Procedures …………..………………………………………...
1. Turning to a phenomenon of interest ...……………………………...
2. Investigating experience as we live in it rather than conceptualizing
it …………………………………….………………………………..
3. Reflecting on the essential themes which characterize the
phenomenon ……..…………………………………………………..
4. Describing the phenomenon-the art of writing and rewriting.……….
5. Maintaining a strong and oriented relation to the phenomenon...……
6. Balancing the research context by considering the parts and the
whole ………………………………………………………………...
D. Text Composition and Interpretation…………………………………….
1. Text composition……………………………………………………..
2. Interpretation…………………………………………………………
A. Description ………………………………………………………………
1. Participants‟ background (prologue)…………………………………
2. Life after graduation ………………..………………………………..
3. Joining the school where the participants work ……………..............
4. Orientation before teaching ...………………………………………..
5. Dealing with administrative works for the first time ………………..
6. The participants‟ first teaching ………………………………………
7. Meeting with „special‟ kids ………………………………………….
8. Reminding and encouraging students to speak English ……………..
9. Participants‟ job besides teaching …………………………………...
10. Participants‟ metamorphose …………………………………………
11. Participants‟ reason to stay teaching……............................................
12. Wish (epilogue) ……………………………………………………...
B. Interpretation …………………………………………………………….
1. Initial belief.………………………………………………...………..
2. Reality shock…………………………………………………………
3. Feeling.……………………………………….………………………
4. Problem …………………………….………………………………..
5. Support ………………………………………….…………………...
6. Struggle and adaptation ……………………………………………...
7. Current belief ………………………………………………………..
8. Good time management ……………………………………………..
9. Autonomy ……………………………………………………………
10. Understanding children ……………………………………………...
11. Creativity ……………………………………………………………. 100
12. Need ………………………………………………………………… 101
A. Conclusions …………………………………………………………….. 103
B. Suggestions ……………………………………………………………... 106
REFERENCES …………………………………………………………….. 109
APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………...
Appendix 1. Interview Questions Guideline ………………………………..
Appendix 2. Kiki‟s Interview Transcripts ...………………………………..
Appendix 3. Jalu‟s Interview Transcripts …………………………………..
Appendix 4. Participants‟ Consents ...………………………………………
Table 2.1
Table 2.2
Differences between Bilingual Education and Traditional
Second- or Foreign Language Education …………………... 22
Younger Learners and Older Learners Characteristics …….. 25
Wardani, Adesia Kusuma. 2014. The Lived Experience of Novice English
Teachers at a Primary Level. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English
Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.
When novice teachers entered their new working environments for the first
time, they would likely face difficulties. They would experience the reality shock
in which the ideal that they had formed during their pre-service education
programs was different from the reality of classroom language. Furthermore, they
would also find that there was a gap between the academic course content in the
language teacher education program and the reality that they faced in the real
language classroom. Because of that, novice teachers needed to adapt themselves
in their new working place. Hence, I was interested to conduct a study on novice
English teachers‟ lived experience particularly at the primary school. I chose
primary school as the context of my study because of my interest on teaching
English to young learners, my previous working experience as English teacher at
the primary school, and the fact that not few novice English teachers met the
demand of English teachers for children resulted from the mushrooming of
primary schools in Indonesia which offered English as the medium of instruction
and as subject to attract parents to enroll their children there.
“What is the lived experience of novice English teachers at the primary
level like?” was the research question investigated in this study. In doing this
research I adopted an empirical phenomenological method which aimed to
describe and interpret novice teachers‟ experience during their initial years of
teaching. I involved two participants who were novice English teachers at a
private bilingual primary school in Salatiga. I carried out in-depth interviews in
order to obtain the data to compose the narratives. The narratives were composed
based on the shared-events between the participants.
The finding of the study was the descriptions of the participants‟ stories
and the interpretation of it. The description of the participant stories were divided
into twelve parts in order to make it more organized and easier to understand.
Those twelve parts were: (1) participants‟ backgrounds; (2) their lives after
graduation; (3) joining the school where they work now; (4) orientation before
teaching; (5) dealing with administrative works for the first time; (6) their first
teaching; (7) their meeting with „special‟ kids; (8) reminding and encouraging
students to speak English; (9) their jobs besides teaching; (10) their
metamorphose; (11) participants‟ reason to stay teaching; and (12) wish.
The description of the participants‟ lived experience as novice English
teachers at the primary school was then being interpreted to unveil the essential
themes of their lived experience. The essential prefigured themes were: (1) initial
belief; (2) reality shock; (3) feeling; (4) problem; (5) support; (6) struggle and
adaptation; and (7) current belief. Moreover, the emergent themes were: (1) good
time management; (2) autonomy; (3) understanding children; (4) creativity; and
(5) needs.
Wardani, Adesia Kusuma. 2014. Pengalaman Hidup yang Dihayati oleh Para
Guru Bahasa Inggris Pemula di Tingkat Sekolah Dasar. Yogyakarta: Kajian
Bahasa Inggris, Program Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Sanata Dharma.
Ketika guru-guru Bahasa Inggris pemula memasuki lingkungan tempat
mereka bekerja untuk yang pertama kali, mereka akan menghadapi kesulitankesulitan tertentu. Mereka akan mengalami „reality shock‟ dimana mereka mulai
menyadari bahwa hal-hal ideal tentang mengajar yang mereka bayangkan ketika
mereka mengenyam pendidikan guru berbeda dengan realita yang sebenarnya.
Kemudian mereka juga akan menyadari bahwa ada hal-hal penting untuk
mengajar yang belum dipelajari saat mereka menempuh pendidikan guru. Oleh
sebab itu, guru-guru Bahasa Inggris pemula ini perlu beradaptasi dengan
lingkungan sekolah mereka yang baru. Menyadari hal ini, saya tertarik untuk
melakukan penelitian tentang pengalaman hidup yang dihayati oleh para guru
Bahasa Inggris pemula khususnya di tingkat sekolah dasar. Saya memilih tingkat
sekolah dasar sebagai konteks penelitian saya karena ketertarikan saya akan
pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak, pengalaman bekerja saya sebagai
guru Bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar, dan juga realitas dimana tuntutan pasar akan
guru Bahasa Inggris untuk sekolah dasar yang menawarkan Bahasa Inggris
sebagai bahasa pengantar dan juga sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran dipenuhi oleh
guru-guru Bahasa Inggris pemula.
“Apa sajakah pengalaman hidup yang dihayati oleh para guru Bahasa
Inggris pemula di tingkat sekolah dasar?” merupakan pertanyaan penelitian yang
diselidiki dalam studi ini. Dalam penelitian ini, saya mengadopsi metode
empirical phenomenological yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan
menginterpretasikan pengalaman para guru Bahasa Inggris pemula di periode
awal mereka mengajar. Saya melibatkan dua orang partisipan dalam penelitian ini.
Kedua partisipan saya adalah guru Bahasa Ingris pemula di sekolah dasar swasta
di Salatiga yang menerapkan system dwi-bahasa. Saya melakukan wawancara
mendalam kepada kedua partisipan saya untuk mendapatkan data penelitian ini.
Berdasarkan hasil wawancara mendalam saya kepada para participant, saya
menyusun narasi tentang pengalaman hidup mereka yang dihayati. Narasi disusun
berdasarkan kesamaan peristiwa yang dialami kedua partisipan.
Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah deskripsi dari pengalaman hidup para
partisipan dan interpretasi dari cerita tersebut. Supaya cerita pengalaman hidup
yang dihayati oleh para guru pemula di tingkat sekolah dasar dapat dipahami
dengan mudah, deskripsinya dibagi menjadi dua belas bagian. Kedua belas bagian
tersebut adalah: (1) latar belakang para partisipan; (2) kehidupan mereka setelah
lulus; (3) bergabungnya para partisipan dengan sekolah dimana mereka bekerja;
(4) orientasi sebelum mengajar; (5) mengerjakan tugas-tugas administrasi untuk
yang pertama; (6) mengajar perdana; (7) berhadapan dengan anak-anak „spesial‟;
(8) mengingatkan dan memotifasi anak untuk berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris; (9)
tugas-tugas selain mengajar; (10) metamorphosis mereka; (11) alasan mereka
tetap bertahan untuk mengajar; dan (12) harapan.
Deskripsi tersebut kemudian di interpretasikan supaya tema-tema essesiil
dari pengalaman hidup yang dihayati oleh para guru Bahasa Inggris pemula di
tingkat sekolah dasar dapat diungkap. Tema-tema essensiil yang sudah diduga
terlebih dahulu adalah: (1) keyakinan awal tentang pengajaran; (2) reality shock;
(3) perasaan; (4) permasalahan; (5) dukungan; (6) perjuangan dan penyesuaian;
(7) keyakinan terkini tentang pengajaran. Kemudian, tema esentiil yang muncul
kemudian adalah: (1) manajemen waktu yang baik; (2) otonomi guru; (3)
This first chapter provides the readers with an introduction to the research
and what makes me interested in exploring this particular topic of research. It
consists of six majors sections, namely (1) background, (2) problem identification,
(3) problem limitation, (4) research question, and (5) research goal and (6)
research benefits.
Teaching is a lofty yet demanding, time-consuming, and often thankless
job. Teachers have demanding work since they have to deal with complicated
educational issues and practical demands of classroom teaching. According to
Pollard (2008), when teachers harmonize their personal ideals, performance
standards, practicalities, and wider educational concerns, they might find it
difficult and overwhelming. Novice teachers in particular are likely to face unique
difficulties with reconciling those things and also adaptation during the initial
years of teaching.
Huberman (1993) reveals that in their initial years of teaching, novice
teachers experience the transformational process in which they undergo the real
“learning to teach” process. In this transformational process from the state of “the
learner” to the state of “the teacher”, novice teachers usually face what so called
the “reality shock”. They have to face the reality of classroom life which is far
different from what they have imagined during their pre-service education. During
this transformational process in which novice teachers face the real classroom life,
they often find difficulties and challenges. According to Kuzmic (1993) it is
essential to understand novice teachers‟ experience in their initial years of
teaching since it is a critical time for them which may determine their philosophy
and attitude for the rest of their career.
Likewise, Farrell (2008) mentions that many language teachers experience
the “reality shock” during their initial years of teaching because they have to learn
how to adapt and survive in a new school culture. He put that in their initial year
of teaching, novice English teachers usually find that there is a gap between
academic course content in language teacher preparation programs and the reality
that they face in the real language classroom. Hence, understanding the actual
experiences of novice English teachers is essential since it might be beneficial for
designing teacher training programs which would better prepare the next
generation of teachers, particularly their transition to employment (Farrell, 2008).
Though understanding novice teachers‟ experience, in particular novice language
teachers‟ experience, during their initial years of teaching is important, only few
in-depth studies which elucidate their experience have been documented in the
TESOL education literature (Farrell, 2008). Therefore, I am interested in studying
novice English teachers‟ lived-experience during their initial years of teaching.
In this study, my focus is on novice English teachers at bilingual primary
school. I decided to study on novice English teachers at bilingual primary school
because I am interested to the field of teaching English to young learners.
Moreover, my first working experience as English teacher at primary level after
leaving undergraduate college also provokes me to focus this study on novice
English teachers at primary level. Another reason is the fact that not few novice
English teachers meet the demand of English teachers for children resulted from
the mushrooming of primary schools in Indonesia which offer English as the
medium of instructions and as a subject to attract parents to enroll their children
The post-modernism or post-method era leads to the idea of modern
progressivism in which education should help human to progress more. New
progressivism perspective proposes that “the goals of education are not defined in
terms of particular ends or products, but in terms of the processes and procedures
by which the individual develops understanding and awareness and creates
possibilities for future learning” (Finney in Richards and Renandya, 2001:73).
Moreover, Finney puts that the emphasis of progressivism is on concepts of
learner needs, interest, and human progress that leads to self actualization of each
human being.
Expectedly, by conducting a study on the lived experience of novice
primary English teachers, it would facilitate them to achieve their self
actualization. Through their lived experience, novice primary English teachers
might reflect on it in order to understand better, to be aware of, to improve
themselves, and perform better in their job as primary English teacher. In other
words, through the study of their lived experience, novice primary English
teachers are encouraged to be autonomous. Pre-service language teachers and
teacher educators might also reflect on it so that they would have better idea of the
reality of classroom and thus could prepare better for employment. Furthermore,
the school board and experienced teachers would also find it beneficial in order to
understand the needs and the challenges of their new colleagues so that they could
give appropriate support. For the common readers, they might get better and
empathic understanding of the lived experience of novice primary English
teachers so that they would humanize the job of primary English teachers,
particularly the novice and language teaching.
Introducing English to children has become great vogue across the world.
Graddol (2006) reveals that:
The age at which children start learning English has been lowering across
the world. English has moved from traditional „foreign language‟ slot in
lower secondary school to primary school-even preschool. The trend has
gathered momentum only very recently and the intention is often to create
bilingual population (p.88).
Likewise, Pinter (2006) and Nokolov (2009) mention that now ever more and ever
younger children are learning English and English is compulsory in primary
education in many countries around the world.
This great vogue results the mushrooming of primary schools in Indonesia
which offer English as the medium of instructions and as a subject to attract
parents to enroll their children there. The mushrooming of primary school which
offers English as the medium of instructions and English as a subject in Indonesia
results the high demand of English teachers for children. Undoubtedly, this high
demand of English teacher for children is fulfilled by many novice English
teachers who have just graduated from English teacher education program besides
experienced teachers.
In their initial year of teaching, novice teachers experience what Farrell
(2008) calls as “reality shock”. Novice English teachers face the real classroom
language which is far different from what they have form as ideals during their
pre-service education. They usually find their initial year of teaching as a time of
much difficulty because of factors such as problem with classroom management,
the learning and teaching process, motivating students, assessment and evaluation,
insufficient and inadequate material, instructional planning and pacing, the
workload, and relationship with colleagues and parents (McCann & Johanessen,
2004). Leaving novice teachers on their own with much difficulties would make
them become worse and leave the profession. Crookes (1997) and Peacock (2009)
state that when novice teachers are left to survive on their own in difficulties, they
will leave their job early in their careers. Because of that, novice teachers need
guidance and support from experienced educators (Boss, 2001).
Teachers in post-method condition, according to Kumaravadivelu (2006),
should be autonomous since teacher autonomy is the heart of pos-method
pedagogy. Teachers need to be encouraged, helped, and facilitated to be
autonomous by promoting their ability to develop a reflective approach to their
own teaching acts, how to initiate change in their classroom, and how to monitor
the effects of such changes. Then, post-method teacher educator should not only
transfer “a set of preselected and pre-sequenced body of knowledge” to the
prospective teachers but also encourage and help the prospective teachers to be
Hence studying novice English teachers‟ lived experience during their
initial year, in particular novice English teachers at primary level as my concern
toward the global trend of lowering the age at which children learning English, is
needed to elucidate what they experience, thought, feel, believe, need, and aware
of. When a clear and comprehensible understanding of novice primary English
teachers‟ lived experience is obtained from the descriptions of their experience,
appropriate guidance and support for them could be prepared and provided.
Moreover, in order to encourage, to help, and to facilitate novice primary English
teachers to be autonomous, studying their lived experience is needed because it
would enable them to be reflective and self-directed.
This study is limited to the lived experience of novice primary English
teachers in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia who work at the private bilingual
schools. Novice teachers in this study are defined as teachers who have just
graduated from English Teacher Education study program and in their initial years
of teaching. The initial years of teaching is defined as the period beyond
practicum when the novice teachers move from teacher training institution to the
real classroom to teach for the first time. In terms of time teaching, novice
teachers in this study are teachers who have less than 3 years of teaching.
This present study is an empirical
phenomenological research.
Phenomenological studies are, by nature, limited to the experiences of those who
participate in the study. And although it is possible for readers to transfer the
descriptions to other settings because of shared or similar situational
characteristics (Creswell, 2007), generalization is not possible.
In order to obtain meaningful description of phenomenon on novice
primary English teachers‟ lived experience, the researcher has to formulate
question which can help to get the description clearly. Moreover, the question
here helps to frame the construction of interpretation so that the narration will be
meaningful. Thus, the question is: “What is the lived experience of novice English
teachers at the primary school like?”
This present study about the lived experience of novice primary English
teachers is conducted to describe and interpret meaningful phenomenon
experienced by novice English primary teacher during their initial year from the
anecdote of the participants‟ lived experience. This study about novice primary
English teachers‟ lived experience will bring significant and empathic
understanding of the novice primary English teachers‟ adaptation and survival
during the transmission process from college to real language classroom life.
There will be two kinds of benefits offered in this present study: practical
and scientific benefits. Practical benefits from this study are offered to the
participants, the school board, experienced teachers, pre-service teachers, teacher
educators, and the readers. This research, through in-depth interviews, would
allow the participants to reflect on what they had experienced in their initial year
of teaching. Through the texts or anecdote of the participants‟ lived experiences in
their initial years of teaching English at primary level, the participants might learn
a lesson from it and adjust themselves for improvement. In other words, it
encourages, helps, and facilitates the participants to be autonomous teachers.
Through the description and the interpretation of novice primary English
teachers‟ lived experience during their initial years of teaching, the school boards
and the experienced teachers in the same site with the participants might get
comprehensible and empathic understanding about what their new colleagues face
during their initial year of teaching. By inferring to the comprehensible and
empathic understanding of the novice primary English teachers‟ lived experience
the school board and the experienced teachers might provide appropriate support
and mentoring for the novice teachers. Similarly, teacher educators might also
infer to this description and interpretation to prepare and provide suitable teacher
education program. Pre-service teachers may also get better idea of the real
classroom language, so that they can prepare themselves for, reduce, or even
overcome the “reality shock” when they enter their in-service teaching. Practical
benefits would also be obtained by common reader from this study that is
comprehensible and empathic understanding of the lived experience of novice
primary English teachers so that they would be able to humanize the job of
primary English teachers, particularly the novice and language teaching.
In addition to its practical benefits, this present study also offers scientific
benefits. The description and interpretation of participants‟ lived experience in
teaching English at primary level during their initial years of teaching would
become the property of the body of science which could contribute insight to the
theory of English teacher education and development and teaching English to
young learners, particularly in Indonesian context.
This second chapter presents the theoretical review and theoretical
framework of the research. The construct and concepts related to the research are
reviewed and clarified and then being used to formulate the framework of preunderstanding.
In this section, I would review and clarify concepts and constructs related
to this research. Those concepts and constructs are (1) novice teachers; (2)
primary level; and (3) lived experience. Furthermore, previous related studies are
also being reviewed in this section.
1. Novice Teachers
In this section (a) definition of novice teachers; (b) understanding novice
teachers; (c) problems faced by novice teachers; and (d) supports for novice
teachers are being reviewed and clarified.
a. The notion of novice teachers
Though in the studies of beginning teachers the term “novice” has been
used frequently, Farrell (2012) mentions that there is no distinct definition of a
novice teacher in the literature. In terms of time teaching, Farrell (2012) says that
there is no full agreement as to the exact definition of when a teacher ceases to be
novice. In some research articles on novice teachers, the time teaching of novice
teachers can be from “as little as one year to as many as five years” (Farrell,
2012:437). For example, Kim and Roth (2011) reveal that novice teacher is
defined as teachers with less than five years of teaching experiences by some
researchers. In addition, Hayness (2011) mentions that some researchers refer to a
teacher with two years of teaching experience or less as novice teacher. Based on
the time teaching, Farrell (2012) sees three years of time teaching as realistic
measurement for teachers to be considered as novice teachers.
Farrell (2012) reveals that among the members of TESOL Quarterly
editorial advisory board various definitions of novice teachers also emerge. Some
board members suggest that novice teachers are “anyone teaching a new course
for the first time” (Farrell, 2012:437). Other board members determine novice
teachers as teachers who have entered “a new cultural context for the first time”
(Farrell, 2012:437). Moreover, Farrell (2012:437) also mentions that there is also
suggestion from the board members that novice teachers refer to “anyone who has
received a second license or endorsement in English as a second language even
though he or she may be an experienced teacher in other subjects”.
Because of those varied definitions of novice teachers, Farrell (2012)
realizes that what exactly a novice teacher is needs to be defined. When there is a
clear definition about novice teachers, people who are interested for the issue on
novice teachers would know exactly what could be included and not into novice
teachers. Farrell (2012) define novice teachers as
those who are sometimes called newly qualified teachers, who have
completed their language teacher education program (including teaching
practicum), and have commenced teaching English in an educational
institution (usually within 3 years of completing their teacher education
program (p. 437).
Based on Farrell‟s (2012) definition of novice teachers above, experience
ESOL teachers who enter new culture or school context could not be considered
as novice. Moreover, teachers who are returning to TESOL after many years off
could not be considered as novice. Another important thing related to the
definition of novice teachers is that age could not be used as the criterion. In other
words, age does not have any relevance with novice (Farrell, 2012).
For the purpose of this study, novice teachers are defined as teachers who
have just graduated from English Teacher Education study program and in their
initial years of teaching. In terms of time teaching, novice teachers in this study
are defined as teachers who have less than three years of teaching.
b. Understanding novice teachers
When beginning teachers enter their in-service teaching, they start to
experience the real “learning to teach” process. In this “learning to teach” process,
novice teachers change their prior state of “the learner” into the state of “the
teacher” (Huberman, 1993). During their real “learning to teach” process or their
initial years of teaching, novice teachers usually faced with “culture shock” or
“reality shock” (Veenman, 1984, Huberman, 1993, Farrell, 2006, Farrell, 2008,
and Farrell, 2012).
According to Veenman (1984:143) novice teachers experience the “reality
shock” because of “the collapse of the missionary ideals formed during teacher
training by the harsh and rude reality of classroom life”. Similarly, Huberman
(1993) refers to the reality of classroom life which is very different from what
novice teachers envisaged during their pre-service education as the “reality shock”
faced by novice teachers during their initial years. Likewise, Farrell (2012:211)
also reveals that the “reality shock” faced by novice teachers is the time when
novice teachers realize that “the ideals they formed while training may not be
appropriate for the realism they are faced with during their first year of teaching”.
Regarding to the “reality shock” faced by novice teachers, understanding
novice teachers is crucial in order to rescue them from abandoning their job.
Crookes (1997) and Peacock (2009) reveal that novice teachers are left to survive
on their own in less than ideal conditions too often and it results some drop out of
the profession early in their careers. In addition, Farrell (2012:436) reveals that
many novice teachers are travelling alone without the guides and guardians
decided to “abandon the teaching path before ever discovering the joys of
teaching”. Therefore, novice teachers should be understood and should not be
neglected on their own.
Besides the “reality shock” in their initial years of teaching which might
make them leave their profession, novice teachers need to be understood since
what they experience in their initial years of teaching would determine their future
practice. According to Karatas and Karaman (2013) the first years of teaching in
teacher‟s career play a significant role in shaping their identity and future practice.
Pitton (2006:2) also puts that “the success of new teachers is critically linked to
their first teaching experiences and the opportunities they are given to talk through
issues they face in the classroom”. Therefore, it is important to understand their
struggle, survival, and adaptation during their initial years of teaching because
when they were left alone with their challenges and start to fell ineffective, they
believe that they are not suitable for the profession and quit their jobs.
c. Problems faced by novice teachers
During their initial years of teaching, novice teachers face with many
problems and challenges (Pfister, 2006). The initial years of teaching is described
as the discovery and survival phase of teaching by Huberman (1993). Others
describe this first years of teaching as the period of uncertainty as “a sink-or-swim
experience” since novice teachers are expected to take on many job
responsibilities which they are not ready yet for (Huling-Austin et al., 1989).
Odell and Ferraro (1992) describe this first period of teaching as vicious cycle
during which novice teachers complain about the teaching workload.
Problems which might arise during the novice teachers‟ initial years of
teaching are classroom management, the workload, the learning and teaching
process, motivating students, assessment and evaluation, insufficient and
inadequate material, instructional planning and pacing (Calderhead, 1991;
McCann & Johannessen, 2004). There are five main areas of novice teachers
concern identified by McCann and Johannessen (2004): (1) knowledge of
curriculum; (2) relationship with students, parents, colleagues, and supervisors;
(3) workload or time management; (4) evaluation or grading; and (5) autonomy or
control. Similarly, Calderhead (1991) mentions that besides curriculum, teaching
techniques, and methods, novice teachers usually face problems related to
relationship with other teachers.
Among those problems faced by novice teachers in their initial years of
teaching, working load and classroom management are the two most outstanding
problems they struggle with (Veenman, 1984, Clift et al., 1995, Alexander and
Galbraith, 1997, Crookes and Arakaki, 1999, and McCann and Johannessen,
2004). According to Veenman (1984) and Alexander and Galbraith (1997),
classroom management is one of the main concerns of novice teachers during
their initial years of teaching. Veenman (1984) particularly mentions five issues
perceived by novice teachers in classroom management: (1) motivating students;
(2) dealing with individual differences; (3) assessing students‟ work; (4) relations
with parents; and (5) organization of class work.
Working load is another problem faced by novice teachers during their
first years of teaching besides classroom management. Crookes and Arakaki
(1999) and McCann and Johannessen (2004) find that overwork associated with
lack of preparation time is the main problem faced by novice teachers during their
initial years of teaching which make them having apprehensive attitudes towards
their professional development. Previously, Clift et al. (1995) also find that novice
teachers are having so much heavy problems in their initial years since they are
usually given the most demanding assignment, such as teaching difficult groups
and completing paperwork assigned by administration, as well as an overload of
teaching hours.
Another problem faced by novice teachers when they enter their in-service
teaching for the first time is adaptation. Goodwin (2008) mentions that beginning
teachers face challenge of understanding and fitting into the culture of their new
school. Similarly, Pfister (2006) says that besides the classroom-specific and
school problems, novice teachers also face problems with adjusting themselves to
new situations.
d. Support for novice teachers
Since beginning teachers face so many problems during their initial years
of teaching therefore supports, and guidance need to be provided in order to
rescue them from abandoning their professions. Fox and Singletary (1986)
mentions that support is highly needed in this phase in order to confront any
problems which may arise in the classroom and at school. Likewise, Boss (2001)
maintains that novice teachers need guidance and support in their initial years of
Below two constructs or concepts related to support for novice teachers:
(1) sources of support and (2) how to support novice language teachers are being
reviewed and clarified.
1) Sources of support
During their initial years of teaching, novice teachers need to be supported
to pass their crucial period in their career. Working environment, the school where
they work, might be the support provider for novice teachers during their initial
years of teaching besides personal support (Karatas & Karaman, 2013). In their
summary of studies related to novice language teachers, Karatas and Karaman
(2013) put mentors and coworkers as the support provided by the school. Then,
the source of personal support could be from novice teachers‟ family and their
perceived efficacy.
a) Mentor
Mentor is more experienced teacher who supports the novice teacher
(Lindgren, 2004). The mentor and novice teacher or the mentee build a good
relationship upon openness and confidentiality in which the experienced and
judicious teacher and the novice meet regularly for discussion according to the
needs of the novice (McGee, 2001). Importantly, a mentor is not a problem solver
and not a judge of the novice‟s problems and opinion (Chubbuck, Clift, Allard,
and Quinlan, 2001). According to them, the task of the mentor is to support the
learning and reflective process of the novice. Likewise, Lick (1999) and Alred and
Garvey (2000) emphasize that mentoring has a special goal to contribute to
learning and thus the novice should be engaged and have a constructive selfawareness in order to make learning happen.
Mentoring a novice teacher is different from supervision a student teacher
(Lindgren, 2004). The task of the mentor is to listen, to support, and to develop
the thinking of the novice for his or her constructive progress, not telling the right
things to do nor the right answer. On the other hand, supervisor has to control the
outcome of the students. Hence, a mentor is required to encourage novice to learn
from their own experiences in order to develop a vision of good teaching (FeimanNemser, 2001).
The mentor who is more experienced than the novice does not necessarily
be a teacher who is way older than the novice. Man and Tang (2012:485) find that
younger mentor is “a good source of emotional and practical support and is
perceived as more approachable with more attainable suggestions”. Carter and
Francis (2001) in Man and Tang (2012:485) also maintain that young mentor is
“better at emphasizing and recalling what it is like to be a beginning teacher”.
Hence, as the alternative, giving two mentors to guide and support the novice is
suggested (Man and Tang, 2012). Those two mentors are the experienced mentor
playing a more advice giving role and the relatively inexperienced mentor playing
collaborative and empathetic role.
Related to the mentoring as the support and guide provided by schools for
their novice teachers, Man and Tang (2012) state that novice teachers need to be
given time table which is novice-friendly. It aims to give much time for novice
teachers to observe experienced people‟s classes and learn from them. Besides
observing experienced people‟s classes, novice teachers need to be observe too in
order to contribute to novice teachers‟ development not to assess their
performance (Man and Tang, 2012).
Man and Tang (2012) also mention that principal has a very important
function in the process of mentoring novice teachers. If the principal does not
recognize and support the mentors, this may limit mentors‟ effectiveness. In
addition to valuing and supporting mentors, the principal should create
opportunities for their training as well. In this way, mentors can contribute to
novices‟ development process.
b) Coworkers
Colleagues are also the source of support which can be provided to the
novice teachers. Brannan and Bleistein (2012) discover that supports from
colleagues are useful for novice teachers. According to them, there are two kinds
of support provided by colleagues: (1) pragmatic and (2) affective support.
However, these kinds of supports are difficult to be distinguished. Brannan and
Bleistein (2012:531) mention that “sharing ideas about teaching, classroom
management, school policies, or logistics, as well as peer observation and sharing
resources” are included to the pragmatic support provided by colleagues. While
affective support are sharing experiences and offering encouragement.
Farrell (2012) also emphasizes the role of colleagues in novice teachers‟
adaptation period. Farrell (2012) describes how a director while observing his
class stood up and told him he was not teaching correctly. At that time he felt like
going to leave his job because he thought he was not suited to be a language
teacher. Fortunately, Farrell (2012) was rescued by his colleagues who acted as
his guides and guardians. His colleagues boosted his morale and provided wise
counsel (Farrell, 2012:436). From the description of his experience when he was a
novice teacher, Farrell (2012) shows how important support from colleagues is.
c) Family
In their study, Brannan and Bleisten (2012) also found that family is one of
the support providers for novice teachers. From their study, they reveal that family
helps them to prepare materials for teaching such as purchasing supplies or
organizing stapling papers. Furthermore, Brannan and Bleisten (2012) also reveal
that helping a married novice teacher in taking care of the child so that they could
work is also kind of helpful support for them.
Similarly, Howard and Johnson (2004) and Day and Gu (2007) also
maintain that family is one of support provider for novice teachers to cope with
their problems and challenges. According to Howard and Johnson (2004) family
caring aids novice teachers to cope with workplace challenges. Similarly, Day and
Gu (2007) find that having a supportive family might enhance teachers‟ capacity
to cope with workplace challenges.
d) Perceived efficacy
Self efficacy is the extent to which individuals believe they can organize
and execute actions necessary to bring about a desired outcome (Bandura, 1997).
Novice teachers‟ self efficacy played an important role in supporting their
development as language teachers too (Faez and Valeo, 2012). From their study
on 115 novice teachers‟ self efficacy and how it plays a role in supporting their
development as language teachers, Faez and Valeo (2012) reveal that novice
teachers‟ self efficacy particularly their perceived efficacy should not be neglected
since novice teachers build on their perceived efficacy and it can predict success
and commitment to work. Hence, novice teachers‟ perceived efficacy as one of
the personal supports should be boosted in order to help novices to cope with
problems and challenges during their initial years of teaching and thus they can
perform better in teaching.
2) How to support novice teachers
In order to support novice language teachers, Richards and Farrell (2005)
suggest two kinds of strategies to assist novice teachers in dealing with their
problems and retain them in the profession. Those strategies are institutional and
individual strategies. The institutional strategies are providing sources for
development, arranging visits to other schools, and providing time for ongoing
reflections (Richards and Farrell, 2005). According to them, individual strategies
are reflection, self-directed learning, and taking part in teacher support groups.
Another way to support novice teachers is by encouraging them to share
the challenges they face in their first years of teaching and tell other people about
what the experience (Farrell, 2012). Thus, Farrell (2012) encourages second
language educators to collect the stories novice teachers share about their first
years of teaching. From what they have collected, a corpus of the story of novice
teachers first years of teaching could be created. This would help novice teachers
overcome the challenges they face and reflect on their own teaching experiences
(Farrell, 2012). Similarly, Shin (2012) also reveals that by sharing their stories,
novice teachers are able to reflect on their own teaching practices and it is
2. Primary Level
In this section, constructs and concepts related to primary level particularly
bilingual school are being reviewed and clarified. Those constructs and concepts
are: (1) bilingual education; (2) primary school in Indonesia; (3) primary level
students‟ characteristics; and (4) teaching English at primary level.
a. Bilingual education
Bilingual education at the elementary is defined as “education that aims to
promote bilingual (or multilingual) competence by using both (or all) languages
as media of instruction for significant portions of the academic curriculum”
(Genesse, 2004:548). According to Genesse (2004) the distinctive characteristic or
the hallmark of bilingual education is integrating language and academic
In her book entitled Bilingual Education in the 21st Century: A Global
Perspective, Garcia (2011) differentiates bilingual education and traditional
education which teach a second or a foreign language. Below is the table of
differences between bilingual education and traditional foreign- or second
language education by Garcia (2011:26).
Table 2.1 Differences between Bilingual Education and Traditional Second- or
Bilingual Education
Overarching Goal
Academic Goal
Language Use
Instructional Use of
Pedagogical Emphasis
Educate meaningfully
and some type of
Educate bilingually and
be able to function across
Languages used as media
of instruction.
Uses some form of
two/more languages.
Integration of language
and content.
Second- or ForeignLanguage Education
Competence in additional
Learn an additional
language and become
familiar with and
additional culture.
Additional language
taught as subject.
Uses target language
Explicit language
According to Garcia (2011) the remarkable difference between bilingual
education program and traditional second- or foreign-language program is that the
traditional second- or foreign-language program teaches the language as a subject,
whereas bilingual education teaches content through an additional language other
than the children‟s home language. Garcia (2011) mentions that bilingual
education program uses the language which is other than children‟s mother tongue
as a medium of instruction. Further, Garcia (2011) also emphasizes the aim of
bilingual education is for developing multiple understandings about languages and
cultures, and foster appreciation for human diversity through general education
which is taught in two or more languages.
For the purpose of this study, bilingual education is defined as education
program which does not only to teach English in order to develop the students‟
foreign language competence but also to teach content through English or in other
words using English as the media of instruction. Though English becomes the
language instruction, Indonesian is still being used to teach certain subjects which
cannot or too difficult to be delivered in English.
b. Primary school in Indonesia
According to Law No. 20/2003, primary school and lower secondary
school belong to the basic education. Basic education itself is general education
with a duration of nine years: six years in primary school or elementary education
and three years in lower secondary school or junior secondary education. This
basic education is compulsory for the Indonesian citizens and it is well known as
“wajib belajar sembilan tahun” or nine years compulsory education.
Seven until twelve year old children are required to attend Sekolah Dasar
(SD) or primary school or elementary school. Primary school in Indonesia consists
of six grades (grades 1 – 6). Primary schools in Indonesia are run either by the
government (public school) or sectors (private schools). Nowadays, some private
schools in Indonesia refer to themselves as “national plus schools”. National plus
schools are schools which intend to go beyond the minimum government
requirements, especially with the use of English as medium of instruction or
having an international-based curriculum instead of the national one.
For the purpose of this study, primary school which is chosen as the
context of this study is private primary school which uses national plus
curriculum. This private primary school is also a bilingual school which uses
English as a media of instruction. Most of the subjects in that school are delivered
in English, however certain subjects such as Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) and
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civics) are delivered in Indonesian. Moreover,
English in this kind of school is given more than time slot than English in regular
primary school. The students in this school learn English 6 hours of lesson a week
(1 hour of lesson is 35 minutes).
c. Primary level students’ characteristics
Children in primary level are those whose ages are ranged between 7 until
12 years. Young learner in this level of education have different characteristics
from adult as follows: (1) they have unlimited physical energy which makes them
often need to be physically active; (2) they have various emotional needs; (3) they
are emotionally excitable; (4) they are at their early stage of schooling so that they
are still developing conceptually; (5) they are still developing their first language
literacy; (6) they learn slowly and easily to forget things; (7) they are self
oriented; (8) they have excellent ability in imitating; and (9) they do not have the
same kinds of motivation in learning language as adults (Brewster et al., 2004).
Nunan (2011) classifies young learners into two: (1) younger learners and
(2) older learners. Children at grade 1-3 are included into younger learners, while
children at grade 4-6 are included into older learners. Nunan‟s (2011:2-3)
identification of younger learners‟ and older learners‟ characteristics is presented
in the table below.
Table 2.2 Younger Learners and Older Learners Characteristics
Younger learners
Older learner
They are at pre-school or in the first
couple of years of schooling.
Generally, they have a holistic
approach to language which means
that they understand meaningful
messages but cannot analyze language
They have lower level of awareness
about themselves as well as about the
process of learning.
They have limited reading and writing
skills, even in their first language.
They are more concerned about
themselves than others.
They have limited knowledge about
the world.
They enjoy fantasy, imagination, and
They are well established at school
and comfortable with school routines.
They show growing interest in
analytical approaches, which means
that they begin to take an interest in
language as an abstract system.
They show a growing level of
awareness about themselves as
language learners and their learning.
They have well-developed skills as
readers and writers.
They have a growing awareness of
others and their view points.
They have a growing awareness of
about the world around us.
They begin to show an interest in real
life issue.
Children characteristics can also be identified through their developmental
stages as they progress from birth to adolescence in which children‟s social;
psychological; and intellectual development are build up through those four stages
(Nunan, 2011). According to Jean Piaget, a Swiss developmental psychologist,
children develop through four stages in gaining knowledge about world, from
birth to adolescence: (1) sensori-motor stage; (2) pre-operational stage; (3)
concrete-operational stage; and (4) formal operational stage.
Children at primary level are already in the third stage, concreteoperational stage. Children in this stage are at age of 7 to 11 or 7 to 12 (Henniger,
2009 and Nunan, 2011). According to Henniger (2009), children in this stage are
less egocentric and their ability to see other‟s perspective is gradually established.
Furthermore, they are still developing their ability to think logically and also
starting to make generalizations from the environment although it is limited
(Henniger, 2009 and Nunan, 2011).
d. Teaching English at the primary level
Teaching English at primary level means teaching English to young
learners whose ages are ranged from 7 to 12. Teaching English to young learners
is not the same with teaching English to adults. The remarkable difference is the
motivation owned by young learners and adults. Brewster et al. (2004) reveals that
young learners do not have the same kinds of motivation as adults in learning
English. Therefore, in teaching young learners, teachers need to engage them well
in the learning process. Moreover, engaging children well in the learning process
is needed since children‟s concentration span is shorter than adults (Brewster et
al., 2004). It means that teachers need to create various attractive activities to
engage the students in learning activities.
Moreover, children have their unique characteristics and are still in their
psychological and intellectual development. Hence the way English is taught to
children should be different from adults. Related to the children‟s psychological
and intellectual development, Nunan (2011) reveals that in designing learning
activities and creating tasks and materials for children, their psychological and
intellectual development and also their characteristics need to be considered. In
addition, each child has their own learning styles which need to be considered too
(Clarke, 2010). Therefore in designing learning activities, teachers need to vary
the activities in order to suit to the students‟ learning styles.
Classroom management in teaching English to young learners cannot be
seen as a trivial thing since it will influence the smoothness of the overall
teaching-learning activities. When the class and the students are under controlled,
teacher can teach better and might achieve the teaching objectives well. Oliver
and Reschly (2007) maintain that classroom management is important. They
reveal that
The ability of teachers to organize classrooms and manage the behavior of
their students is crucial to achieving educational outcomes. Although
sound behavior management does not guarantee effective instruction, it
establishes the environmental context that makes good instruction possible
(Oliver & Reschly, 2007:1).
Hence, teachers need to have good classroom management skills in order to
establish classroom context which enables learners to learn well.
Assessment is a necessary part of teaching and learning though it may
threaten the children since it is not suitable with their nature (Ioannou-Georgiou &
Pavlou, 2003). Cameron says that assessment brings a strong “washback” effect
on children lives which then can influence their interest and motivation in learning
English. Therefore the methods and techniques of assessing young learners should
be selected appropriately so that the assessment is valid, reliable, and fair.
Teaching English to young learners is different from teaching English to
adults and it cannot be seen as a trivial and easy job. Children might be very
unpredictable during the teaching-learning process, sometimes they are nice, but
sometimes they are spoiled, naughty, and egoistic. Therefore, English teachers for
young learners should not only have good knowledge and techniques about
teaching but also passion and patience in teaching children.
3. Lived Experience
Dilthey (1985) in Van Manen (1990:35) suggests that “lived experience
involves our immediate, pre-reflective consciousness of life: a reflexive or selfgiven awareness which is, as awareness, unaware of itself”. According to Dilthey
(1985:223) as cited in Van Manen (1990), a lived experience
does not confront him as something perceived or represented; it is not
given to me, but the reality of lived experience is there-for-him because he
have a reflexive awareness of it, because he possesses it immediately as
belonging to him in some senses. Only in thought does it become
Furthermore, Dilthey (1985) in Van Manen (1990:36) also suggest that
lived experience is “to the soul what breath is to the body”. According to Van
Manen (1990:36) it is “the breathing of meaning”. Thus, lived experience has an
essence or quality that could be recognized when we consciously retrospect on it.
Then, Van Manen (1990:36) states that lived experience is “the starting
point and end point of phenomenological research”. Phenomenology, according to
Van Manen (1990:36) aims to
transform lived experience into a textual expression of its essence – in
such a way that the effect of the text is at once a reflexive re-living and a
reflective appropriation of something meaningful: a notion by which a
reader is powerfully animated in his or her own lived experience.
For Hegel in Moustakas (1994:26), phenomenology refers to “knowledge
as it appears to consciousness, the science of describing what one perceives,
senses, and knows in one‟s immediate awareness and experience.” According to
Husserl (1962) phenomenology as a research method is an in-depth process of
reexamining the things themselves. Powers and Knapp (1995) put that
phenomenology is a way of thinking about what life experiences are like for
people and is primarily concerned with interpreting the meaning of these
According to Creswell (2003) phenomenological research is a research in
which the “essence” of human experiences concerning a phenomenon is
identified. Phenomenon according to Moustakas (1994) is what appears in
consciousness. Heidegger (1977:74-75) mentions that the word phenomenon
comes from the Geek phanesthai. It means to flare up, to show itself, to appear.
Moreover, the word phenomenon, according to Heidegger (1977:74-75), is
constructed from phaino. Then, phenomenon means to bring to light, to place in
brightness, to show itself in itself, the totality of what lies before us in the light of
day. According to Husserl (1931:129) any phenomenon represents a suitable
starting point for an investigation and it serves as the essential beginning of a
science that seeks valid determinations that are open to anyone to verify.
For the purpose of this study the lived experience of novice English
teachers at the primary school in this study is defined as their past experience
which has essence of meaning obtained or recognized from conscious reflection
on it. The lived experience of novice English teachers in their initial years is the
phenomenon of this study.
4. Review of Related Research
According to Farrel (2006, 2008) the first years of teaching has been well
documented in general education research, for instances: studies conducted by
Bullough (1989, 1990, and 1997); Bullough and Baughman (1993); and
Calderhead (1992). Recently, the first year of teaching has been recognized by
language teacher educators as having enormous influence on the future
development of language teachers (Farrell, 2006). Though, it is now crucial to
study about novice teachers, “not many detailed studies outlining the experiences
of language teachers in their first years of teaching have been documented in the
TESOL education literature” (Farrell, 2006:212). For instances: Richards and
Pennington (1998); Farrell (2006); Moore (2008); and Hayes (2008).
Richards and Pennington (1998), in their study of five first-year teachers
of English in Hong Kong, find that those teachers focus their attention on two
main themes: (1) establishing their role and their relationship with the students,
and (2) covering the required material and preparing for examination in their
initial years of teaching. According to Richards and Pennington (1998), the focus
of those first-years teachers diverge from their beliefs formed during their preservice education. It is happened because of number of factors, such as: the impact
of larger classes, unmotivated students, examination pressures, a set syllabus,
pressure to conform more experienced teachers, students‟ limited proficiency in
English, students‟ resistance to new ways of learning, and heavy workloads. Study
by Richards and Pennington (1998) shows that the reality of language classroom
could change what teachers have formed as ideal during their pre-service
Farrell (2006) conducts a study on how a new Singaporean teacher
balances a delicate and sometimes conflicting role between learning to teach and
learning to become a teacher within a local school with an established culture in a
neighborhood secondary school in Singapore during his first year. In his study,
Farrell (2006) uses a story framework (orientation-complication-result). Farrell
(2006) founds three major challenging situations faced by his participant: (1)
teaching approach; (2) course content; and (3) collegial relationship. Moreover he
also indentifies his participant responses with each challenging situation as he
struggle to establish himself as a teacher.
A study on a Cambodian English teacher‟s first year of teaching in
Cambodian high school is conducted by Moore (2008). He describes the first-year
experience of a Cambodian teacher who is trained to teach English in local
secondary schools but ends up teaching on the Bed (TEFL) program she has just
graduated from. Based on his participant‟s experience, it is revealed that she has
two kinds of issues: (1) institutional issues and (2) personal issues. The
institutional issues are: (1) the program‟s transition from being taught by native
English speakers to being taught by Cambodians; (2) the introductions of a
student‟s contribution fee which created unrest among the students. The personal
issues include: (1) the pride and responsibility associated with being a university
lecturer; (3) teaching classes in class in which many students had not done their
homework; (4) dealing with trouble-makers; and (4) the resistance of some
students to the communicative teaching methodology. Besides revealing the issues
faced by the participant, Moore (2008) also describes how she overcomes those
issues and how she helps her students learn.
Another study is a study on Thailand teachers in their first years of
teaching conducted by Hayes (2008). The participants of his study are four novice
teachers who have never experienced any formal induction in their first year. In
his study, Hayes (2008) documents how those four Thai teachers undergo their
first year of teaching using a life history research method. Based on his
documentation, he argues that new teachers need to be prepared for the reality of
the classroom during training program and on-the-job guidance in dealing with
school structures and collegial relationship would be reduce some of the burdens
face by teachers.
Most of the previous studies on novice teachers‟ experiences during their
initial years of teaching in TESOL context are case studies which only reveal the
problems and challenges faced by them. Hence through this present study I want
to not only reveal novice teachers‟ problems and challenges during their initial
years of teaching English but describe their lived experience by conducting a
particularly the
hermeneutic phenomenological research, the participants‟ meaningful experiences
which they could reflect on could be described. Then form the description, their
feelings, awareness, beliefs, problems, challenges, and thought could be
Constructing a framework for research is important since it serves as the
main guidance for a research (Creswell, 2003). Since this study, is a
phenomenological research in which “the essence of human experiences
concerning a phenomenon” (Creswell, 2003:15) is identified, the framework is
also formed as the pre-figured themes. The theoretical framework or preunderstanding of the lived experience of novice English teachers at primary level
is formulated as follows.
Novice English teachers are teachers who have just graduated from
English Teacher Education study program and in their initial years of teaching
which is still less than three years. When they first enter their in-service teaching,
novice teachers bring the ideals that they formed during their pre-service
education. The ideal that they have formed during their pre-service education
could be a set of beliefs about teaching English to young learners. However, when
they start teaching in the real language classroom they might experience the
“reality shock” in which they face reality which is far different from the ideal that
they formed duting their pre-service education and then they start to realize that
there is a gap between what they learnt in the pre-service education program and
the reality of classroom language or their in-service teaching (Farrel, 2012).
Therefore initial belief becomes the first theme and reality shock becomes the
second theme.
Novice English teachers might feel sad, depressed, and stressful during
their initial years of teaching since the reality is far different from what they have
envisaged during their pre-service education. Many problems might arise during
their initial years, such as: adaptation with the new school environment, classroom
management, workload, learning and teaching process, evaluation and grading,
relationship with students, parents, colleagues, and supervisors, and any other
problems (Calderhead, 1991; McCann &Johannessen, 2004). Hence, feeling or
what novice teachers fell in their initial years is the third theme, while problem
is the fourth theme.
When novice teachers are being left alone with their problems, they would
feel that they are not suitable for the job and start thinking to leave the job
(Crookes, 1997; Peacock, 2009; Farrel, 2012). The institution where they work
might realize this and then provide support for them. The support provided by the
environment or the school where they work can be sharing and mentoring
(Karatas & Karaman, 2013). Through sharing and mentoring, novice teachers
receive support from their mentor and coworkers. If the school where they work
does not provide any support for them, they might get support from their family
(Karatas & Karaman, 2013). Moreover, novice teachers‟ perceived efficacy also
might boost them to survive (Brannan and Bleisten, 2012). Thus, support
becomes the fifth theme.
Besides that, novice teachers‟ might also employ their personal strategies
to cope with problems during their initial years of teaching (Richards & Farrel,
2005). They might have self reflection and self-directed learning as their personal
strategies. They could see and reflect from what they have done and then take the
lesson from it to improve themselves. In other words novice teachers also have
their own strategies to struggle and to adapt in their new school. It makes struggle
and adaptation becomes the sixth theme then.
Novice teachers‟ experience in their initial years of teaching might
determine their philosophy and attitude for the rest of their career (Kuzmic, 1993).
Furthermore, the first year of teching in teachers‟ career played significant role in
shaping their future practice (Karatas and Karaman, 2013). The up and down of
novice teachers‟ experience during their initial years might make them either
abandon their job or make them keep teaching (Farrel, 2012). Hence, when they
survive, what novice teachers have experienced might shape and change their
initial beliefs about teaching English at primary level. Because of that, current
belief becomes the last theme.
This chapter discusses the methodology and the procedures that would be
employed in this research. It was essential to this research since it elaborated the
appropriate steps of how to answer the research question systematically. Hence
the elaboration in this chapter covers four major parts, namely (1) research
method, (2) data and data gathering techniques, (3) research procedures, and (4)
text composition and interpretation.
This research was a qualitative research, particularly empirical
phenomenological research which aimed to describe and interpret novice teachers‟
experience during their initial years of teaching. This study was a qualitative
research because it took place in natural setting, was fundamentally interpretive,
and put the researcher to view the social phenomenon holistically (Creswell,
2003:181-183). It was a phenomenological since it described the participants‟
lived experience and described the meaning of the experience without “offering
casual explanations or interpretive generalization” (Van Manen, 1990:54). It was
also empirical because it “involved a return to experience in order to obtain
comprehensive description that provided the basis for a reflective structural
analysis that portrayed the essence of the experience” (Moustakas, 1994:13). In
this study, the lived experience of interest was the participants‟ up and down
experience in their first 3 years of teaching English at a private bilingual primary
school in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.
Phenomenology was a method which procedures “involve studying a small
number of subjects through extensive and prolonged engagement to develop
patterns of relationship of meaning” (Moustakas, 1994 as cited in Creswell,
2003:15). Therefore, in conducting this study I involved two participants who
were willing to have an extended engagement to tell their experience during their
initial years of teaching and to develop narrative stories of their experiences. In
order to obtain the data or the lived experience of novice teachers in teaching
English at primary level, I carried in-depth interviews with the participants.
Narrative stories resulted from in-depth interviews was then categorized. After
that, novice primary English teachers‟ lived experiences were described and
interpreted based on the categorization.
The elaboration in this section covers (1) nature of data and data collection
techniques; (2) setting; (3) participant; and (4) validation.
1. Nature of data and data collection techniques
All of the data needed to conduct this research would be in the form of
texts, particularly narrative stories (anecdote). The texts were obtained from indepth interviews. In-depth interviews were conducted in an informal atmosphere
outside the work area and working hour so that the participants and I felt more
comfortable. When it was not possible to have face to face meeting, with the
participants, I sometimes interviewed my participants through facebook and
whatsapp. The interviews were taped and transcribed in order to transform the
data into text form. The interviews were conducted several times in order to get
thick data or to get the richness of the texts. Since the data obtained from the
interviews was essentials, good instrument to collect data was needed. The
instrument of this research was interview guideline which was built based on the
theoretical review and pre-understanding (Appendix 1).
2. Setting
This research was conducted in the context of private primary school in
Indonesia which used national plus curriculum. This private primary school was
also a bilingual school because English was also used as a media of instruction for
any other subjects. The school was located in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. In
this kind of school, students studied English 6 hours of lesson in a week. Teaching
and learning process in that school was supported with some facilities such as:
AC, LCD projector, and white board in each class and a library.
3. Participants
The participants of this study were two novice primary English teachers.
They were chosen by certain criteria such as: (1) the participants have just
graduated from English Teacher Education study program; (2) the participants
were still in their initial years of teaching; (3) the participants had less than 3 years
of teaching; and importantly (4) the participants were willing to have an extended
engagement to tell their experience during their initial years of teaching and to
develop narrative stories of their experiences.
As Creswell (2007) and Moustakas (1994) stated that a phenomenological
study required a researcher to provide a consent signed by the participants and
researcher as a legal contract and for the validity of the data obtained from the
participant. I asked my participants to sign a consent stating her willingness to
participate and thus I could use their real name in the research.
My first participant was Kiki Kurniawati. She graduated from English
Teacher Education study program in March, 2012. She started working as English
teacher at primary level since June, 2012. My second participant was Febriyant
Jalu Prakosa. He graduated from English Teacher Education study program in
July, 2013 and started working as teacher at primary level in October, 2013. Kiki
and Jalu worked in the same school but different class or grade. Kiki taught grade
3 and 4, while Jalu taught grade 2.
4. Validation
Validation was essential for qualitative research since it dealt with the
accuracy of the findings. In order to validate the data, I requested each of my
participants to carefully examine the description of their lived experiences so that
additions and corrections could be made (Humphrey, 1991 in Moustakas,
1994:111). Creswell (2012) suggested researchers to employ at least two
validation strategies in conducting qualitative research. Therefore, I decided to
have thick description of the participants‟ lived experiences besides member
checking. I composed the narratives of my participants‟ lived experience in rich
detail in order to reach the thick description of it.
In conducting this research I did what Van Manen (1990) suggested. I
adapted Van Manen‟s six methodological procedures.
1. Turning to a phenomenon of interest
Firstly, I tried to find the topic that interested me to investigate. After I
found the topic, I collected the information needed to support the significance of
my research in order to formulate my research problem. Following that, I
determined the participants who were willing to help me conduct the research and
the research setting. Then, through library research, I gathered the theories and to
review previous related research. Library research was done in order to review
and clarified the concepts and constructs related to the research so that preunderstanding could be formulated.
2. Investigating experience as we live in it rather than conceptualizing it
As a researcher, I needed to investigate experience as living in it (Van
Manen, 1990). Hence, I also gathered my own experiences as a novice English
teacher for primary students in order to be able to elaborate the participant‟s
stories more comprehensively during the in-depth interviews. The in-depth
interviews were used to obtain the data for this research. Interview guideline was
built based on the theoretical review and pre-understanding in order to enable the
researcher to be able to elaborate all essential points.
3. Reflecting on the essential themes which characterize the phenomenon
When all of data had been gathered or obtained, I could analyze essential
pre-figured and emergent themes. Those essential pre-figured and emergent
themes could be use as the reflection for the researcher and participants to perform
and actualize ourselves better.
4. Describing the phenomenon-the art of writing and rewriting
The aims of this research were for describing and for interpreting
participants‟ stories during their initial years of teaching. Hence, I needed to write
and rewrite the narratives. The write and rewrite process required me and the
participants to have reflection of the research by doing the re-interviews to
synchronize all the information and stories to enhance the accountability and
trustworthiness of the research result. Moreover, I always presented the narrative
stories to the participants so that they could check whether the narratives were
acceptable or not.
5. Maintaining a strong and oriented relation to the phenomenon
When all of the data had been obtained, I could analyze them and wrote
them. After that, I interpreted them into some themes of phenomenon. The
essential meanings of the participants‟ lived experience during their initial years
of teaching English at the primary level could be interpreted from those themes of
phenomenon. Thus, I needed to be not to indulge in wishy-washy speculations, to
become enchanted with narsistic reflections or self-indulgent preoccupations in
the process of gathering the data in order to be able to capture the essence.
6. Balancing the research context by considering the parts and the whole
In order to balance parts and whole, I did what Van Manen suggested in
balancing it. In writing, I sometimes stepped back and looked back at the total, at
the contextual givens and how each of the parts needs to contribute toward the
Van Manen (1990) revealed that the notion of “data” was ambiguous
within the perspective of human science. Related to phenomenology, Van Manen
explained that data or datum meant something given or granted. It meant that
experience was given to us in every life. Thus, the data in this study was the text.
Below, I elaborated how I composed the text and interpreted it.
1. Text composition
Text or data in this study was obtained from the in-depth interviews. The
interviews were being transcribed into verbatim transcript. Then, I tried to capture
the shared-events between my participants based on the verbatim transcript.
Identifying the shared-events would help me to make the organization easier.
Based on the transcript and the shared-events, I composed the narratives.
2. Interpretation
After describing the lived experience of novice primary English teachers,
the interpretation process was conducted. I interpreted the text based on the prefigured themes and emergent themes.
In this chapter texts are gathered, organized, and composed into narratives
and then interpreted. I divided this chapter into two major parts: (1) description
and (2) interpretation. In the first part, description, I described my participants‟
stories of teaching English at primary level during their initial years of teaching.
In the second part, interpretation, I interpreted the stories based on the pre-figured
themes and emergent themes.
In this section I would describe my participants‟ lived experiences during
their initial years of teaching English at primary level. In order to make the
narrative of the participants‟ lived experiences more organized and easier to
understand, I divided the story (anecdote) into several parts: (1) participants‟
backgrounds (prologue), (2) their lives after graduation, (3) joining the school
where they work now, (4) orientation before teaching, (5) dealing with
administrative works for the first time, (6) their first teaching, (7) their meeting
with „special‟ kids, (8) reminding and encouraging students to speak English, (9)
their jobs besides teaching, (10) their metamorphose, (11) participants‟ reason to
stay teaching, and (12) wish (epilogue).
Participants’ backgrounds (prologue)
In this study, I involved two participants, Kiki and Jalu, who both were my
juniors when I was in undergraduate program. Kiki Kurniawati or Kiki, my first
participant, was a 24 year-old female. She was born on March, 29 1989 in
Salatiga. While Jalu or Febriyant Jalu Prakosa, another participant in this study,
was a 22 year-old male. Jalu was born on February, 28 1989 in Salatiga. Jalu was
the only child in his family, while Kiki was the second daughter in her family.
Kiki has a sister who was 8 years older than her.
Both of my participants had not married yet and still lived with their
parents. Jalu lived in Salatiga with his parents. However, his father only stayed at
home during weekend, since he worked at PT. Kartabina in Kaliwungu,
Semarang. During weekdays, Jalu lived with his mother, a home maker who also
opened a food stall at home. Likewise, Kiki only lived in Salatiga with her parents
because her sister who was a nurse was already married and lived with her
husband. Kiki‟s father worked as a PNS (civil servant) at DLLAJR while her
mother was a home maker who also made some snacks to be sold for additional
Both of the participants completed their education in Salatiga. Kiki and
Jalu were studying at the same English Teacher Education study program in
Salatiga. Kiki started studying there in 2007, while Jalu in 2009. English Teacher
Education study program was not Kiki‟s main choice to study after graduated
from Senior High School. Kiki had two options at that time, whether studying
mathematics in the faculty of science and mathematics or studying English in
English Teacher Education study program. She decided to study at English
Teacher Education study program because of her sister‟s suggestion that English
would ease her to get job later than mathematics.
Different from Kiki, Jalu decided to study at English Teacher Education
study program because it was his main preference to continue his education after
graduated from Senior High School. English Teacher Education study program
became Jalu‟s main option because that was the only program which matched
with him and located in Salatiga. As his father worked out of the town and his
mother was only being accompanied with him at home, Jalu did not have any
reason to not study at Salatiga. Hence he studied at an English Teacher Education
study program at a well-known university in Salatiga.
Kiki and Jalu finished their undergraduate study program on time. After 4
until 4.5 years studying there, both of them graduated and got their degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan. Kiki graduated in March, 2012, while Jalu graduated in July
Life after graduation
After graduated from English Teacher Education study program, both Kiki
and Jalu were in quest of what they want to be. Teaching was not their dream job.
Trying to find other professions than teaching led them to the journey of
jobseekers. During their few months after graduation many application letters had
been sent to not few job vacancies. Some were replied and followed up with jobinterview, some were not.
Kiki did not dream to be a teacher though she graduated from an English
Teacher Education study program. In her opinion at that time, people tended to
underestimate teacher‟s job. People saw teacher as a profession which did not
need particular or specific skills, whereas actually being a teacher was not such a
trivial job. Kiki revealed that:
Many people think that being a teacher is a trivial job. Being a teacher
seems to be a job which does not require any particular or specific
skills. When we are being asked about what we want to be after graduated
and then we tell them that we want to be a teacher, people will
underestimate us. People underestimate teacher because they think that
being a teacher is easy, teacher‟s job is only teaching, teacher does not
have any burden, teacher always goes home early, teacher has longer
holiday like the students do, but actually teacher has piles of works
besides teaching.
Because of that, Kiki did not apply for jobs as a teacher after graduated. She
looked for other jobs than teaching.
Kiki had applied for jobs at companies in around Semarang and Solo. Kiki
had ever sent her application letter to a batik company at Solo. It was replied and
followed up with a psycho test, but she did not pass the psycho test. Kiki also had
ever passed a job interview and accepted at a stock company in Semarang.
Though she was accepted, Kiki did not take that job. She did not take that job
because the company was not bona fide enough and Kiki did not sure to work
there. While waiting for the desirable job, Kiki worked as a part time English
teacher in an English course near her house. At that time, she taught around 5 to
10 students. They were grade 2 and grade 4 students.
Similarly, Jalu also did not put teacher as the ultimate profession that he
wanted to be after graduated. Since he studied at English Teacher Education study
program, he understood that teacher‟s job was not trivial. He viewed teacher as a
job which has many things to do besides teaching and then Jalu thought that he
did not suit with that job.
… because I studied at English Teacher Education study program, I know
that being a teacher is not easy, teacher has many things to do which are
complicated, and I am not that kind of people who are keen to do that
kind of job. I am kind of person who like to do practical things so that I
want to look for a job which is practical too, a field work or else.
Moreover, Jalu viewed teaching less challenging since he already knew what
teachers should do and thus it made him tried to find another job which was more
challenging than teaching.
Hence, Jalu applied for any other jobs than teaching. One of them was at a
food company in Salatiga. He had passed the first and the second job-interview
but there was no any further confirmation up to now. Working as an admin was
also interested him because it required him to be fluent in written and oral
English. Hence Jalu applied a job as an admin at an English course in Solo. He
passed the first job-interview as an admin, but he did not come for the second jobinterview because he already accepted in the school where he worked now.
Besides applying jobs here and there, Jalu also had a part-time job at that
time. Jalu had been a part-time English teacher at an English course in Salatiga.
He taught English to Senior High School students, ESP to the college students,
and also TOEFL preparation. Furthermore, he also had ever been a volunteer in a
private bilingual pre-school in Salatiga. He became an assistant teacher in that
Joining the school where they work
Jalu and Kiki were working at the same private primary school in Salatiga.
This primary school was a bilingual school which applied national plus
curriculum. The journey of finding their desirable job led Jalu and Kiki to their
supposed job, English teacher. It was a profession which they were qualified at
since they graduated from an English Teacher Education study program.
Been through in the battle of jobseekers, Kiki realized and thought that her
actual expertise was in teaching English. She was afraid if she had to learn from
the beginning when she decided to work at a certain company. Kiki also thought
that working at the company would be monotonous and would fade her English
proficiency away.
I have ever applied for jobs in several companies before, but then I think
my expertise is in teaching English. If I work in a company, it would be
monotonous and would require me to learn from the beginning. Surely,
my English skills would not be use much like what my friends who do
not work as teacher experience.
Hence, she started to change her horizon in seeking for jobs. She swerved from
looking for jobs in companies to teaching.
Kiki tried to apply for a job as teacher at an international primary school in
Semarang but she was refused because of her religion. Not long after that, Kiki
received a text message from the school where she worked now which informed
her about a job vacancy as an English teacher there. Then she sent her application
letter to that school and was being invited for the job-interview.
Actually Kiki applied for a job as English teacher at the pre-school;
however the school principal took her as the candidate for English teacher at
primary level by considering her ability and any other things. After being
interviewed and did micro teaching, she was called and told that the school
accepted her as primary English teacher at that school.
Slightly different from Kiki, though Jalu wanted to find job in different
field from teaching, he did not limit himself to only apply job other than teaching.
He also applied for a job as teacher because he liked to teach and he did not want
to pass the opportunity approaching him. Thus, applying job as an English teacher
was part of his quest for job.
Since I like teaching and the opportunity to be a teacher is approaching
me, thus I take that. Moreover, I do not want to be unemployed too long
after graduated. I want to search for working experiences so that I can
use it as my sale value for the next or other job application.
Being a PNS (civil servant) ever interested Jalu. Thus, he had ever applied
for a job as a language instructor at Disnakertrans in Yogyakarta. Jalu passed the
first selection which was the administrative selection, but then he did not come for
the test because he had already accepted in the school where he worked now.
Jalu got the information of a job vacancy as English teacher in that school
from his girlfriend. Then, he applied for a job as English teacher at Junior High
School. Similar with Kiki, he was put at different position from what he wished.
However, the consideration of placing Jalu at primary level was not similar with
Kiki. Jalu was placed at primary level since the position of English teacher at
Junior High was already filled with another candidate. Similar with Kiki, Jalu also
passed the job-interview and micro teaching first, before accepted as English
teacher at that school.
Orientation before teaching
Following the process of job-interview and micro teaching was the
introduction to the job description and then the school and administrative
orientation for the new teachers. After both of my participants passed the jobinterview and micro teaching, they were invited to come to the school to meet
with the school principal, the secretary of school boards, and the head of the
school boards. In that meeting they were told that they were accepted and they
would be responsible for teaching what subjects at what level.
Kiki who started working there from June, 2012 was responsible to teach
English at grade 2 both of grade 2 Glowing and grade 2 Sparkling and became the
assistant of homeroom teacher of grade 2 Glowing also. As an English teacher,
Kiki‟s duty were teaching and doing the administrative works. As the assistant of
homeroom teacher, she helped the homeroom teacher to lead morning service for
students in the class, to supervise students during snack time and lunch time, and
then to watch students during dismissal.
Different from Kiki, Jalu did not start working in that school right from the
beginning of new school year. He started working in October, 2013. Jalu replaced
the previous teacher who were left job during the probation.
… the previous teacher was still in the probation. If the teacher is
considered qualified enough to teach there, he or she would be hired for a
year. The trial period is 3 months. If the teacher does not show any
improvement during 3 months probation but the school boards view that
the teacher has such potency, the trial period is extended into 6 months.
However, after 3 months addition of probation, the teacher would be fired
if he or she does not show any improvement. Actually I don‟t really know
the exact case, but what I heard is that the previous teacher thought that
she was qualified enough and thus she felt disappointed that her
probation was being extended. Because of that she quitted.
Since the previous teacher quitted, the position of English teacher at grade 2 was
empty and a new teacher was urgently needed to replace it. And Jalu was the
lucky person who filled that empty position.
In his meeting with the school principal, the secretary of the school boards,
and the head of the school boards, Jalu was explained about his job and
responsibilities. Jalu was assigned to teach English at grade 2 both of grade 2
Glowing and Sparkling and to teach Christian Education at grade 3 Glowing and
Sparkling and also grade 4 Glowing and Sparkling. Besides that, Jalu also had
responsibility as PIC of swimming. Similar with Kiki, as a subject teacher, Jalu
had responsibilities to teach and to deal with the administrative works related to
the subject. However, Jalu was responsible for two subjects; English and Christian
Because both of Kiki and Jalu were novice English teachers, they did not
know and did not have any knowledge of what kinds of administrative works they
should deal with in that school. Hence, after meeting with the school principal, the
secretary of the school boards, and the head of the school boards, they met with
the vice principal to listen to the explanation of what kinds of administrative
works they should do besides teaching. The administrative works which they
should handle were: annual program (prota / program tahunan); semester
program (promes / program semester); syllabus; lesson plan; monthly schedule
(mos); summary of teaching material; grading; score test analysis; report card
checklist; quiz and test scope and items (kisi-kisi soal); and making questions for
quiz, monthly test, and final test.
Kiki, who started working the school in June, 2012 had the chance to join
one week training about new teaching materials for math and science and also
about administrative works before the first day of school in new school year
started. Besides training, Kiki also joined 3 days orientation with the students in
the beginning of the new school year in order to get close to the students and to
familiarize the students with the school routines. However, Kiki deplored for she
did not get the chance to observe the students when they were in the class
studying with the teacher.
From the first time I joined this school, I did not get any opportunity to
observe the students during the teaching and learning process because I
was badly needed to fill the position of the English teacher as soon as
possible. Unable to observe the students made unable to get a clear
picture of how to handle children during the lesson. Because of that, I
became terribly stressed.
Unlike Kiki, Jalu who joined this school not from the beginning of new
school year did not get any opportunity to join any training and orientation days
with the students. Jalu only met with the vice principal after meeting with the
school principal, the secretary of the school boards and the head of the school
boards to get the explanation about what administrative works which should be
done by him. However, Jalu got the opportunity to observe the students when they
were studying in the class. After he had been accepted, Jalu were given the
opportunity to observe teacher who teach English and Christian Education at
grade 1.
Dealing with administrative works for the first time
As English teachers, Jalu and Kiki understood well that they were
responsible to teach English to the students. However, dealing with so many
administrative works had not ever been envisaged before. They only knew that
teacher was responsible for making lesson plan, making questions for test, and
grading. Other administrative works such as annual program (prota / program
tahunan); semester program (promes / program semester); syllabus; monthly
schedule (mos); summary of teaching material; score test analysis; report card
checklist; and quiz and test scope and items (kisi-kisi soal) were never been
imagined before.
At the beginning I actually was shocked knowing that I had so many
things to do. I have never thought before that teacher has many things to
do. I guessed other schools do not assign their teachers to do these piles
of work. Then, I realized that being a teacher is not as easy as what we
thought before. Teacher‟s job is not only teaching. There are so many
things to do besides teaching. Though I got shocked at first, I do enjoy it.
Annual program (prota / program tahunan) and semester program (promes
/ program semester) were the prior administrative works which Jalu and Kiki
should make. Making annual and semester program were new for both of them.
Kiki ever revealed she never learnt about how to make those programs when she
was in undergraduate study program. Similarly, Jalu also maintained that he did
not ever study about how to make annual and semester program before at the
Kiki learnt how to make annual and semester program from the vice
principal and school training that she joined before the new class year started in
2012. Slightly different from Kiki, Jalu who joined the school in around the first
mid-term semester of 2013 school year, learnt how to make annual and semester
program from the vice-principal only. Though making annual and semester
program had never been studied previously at their college, Kiki and Jalu could
grasp the key concept of those programs and thus knew what they should do. Kiki
told me that
At that time, the vice principal who was also the coordinator of the
curriculum told me how to make annual and semester program. Prota
(annual program) is like an annual program which is comprised of
indicators, learning materials, and the time allocation. For me, prota is
conceivable and feasible. Not much different from prota, promes is
comprised of indicators but with detail time allocation. Though it was not
taught at the college, I could more or less conceive of what and how to
make them.
Likewise, Jalu revealed that
Though when I was studied at the college I had never learnt how to
make prota and promes, I could grasp the idea of how to make those
programs easily since it is simple actually. It is like making the plan for the
time allocation for each learning material based on each basic competence
and each standard competence… ya at last I could understand and make
The so called “learning by doing” was experienced by Kiki and Jalu when
they dealt with annual and semester program. Learning from the previous annual
and semester program was one of their strategies to handle those administrative
works. Jalu revealed that a good filing system in the school helped him much. The
previous annual and semester program which were kept and organized well in the
library could be used as the examples.
Luckily, the school has a good filing system. The files of annual and
semester program made by the teachers are kept well there. Even the files
of the previous teacher which I replace are there. Because of that, I could
learn how to make annual and semester program from it.
Besides learning by doing, in making annual and semester program Kiki
and Jalu were helped by the vice principal who was also the curriculum
coordinator. They preferred to asked and consulted to the vice principal about how
to make annual and semester program, because the vice principal was also an
English teacher and graduated from the same English Teacher Education study
program with them.
I made annual and semester program by considering teaching materials
that I should teach based on the textbook and then I consulted it to the
vice principal who was also the coordinator of the curriculum. He
graduated from English Teacher Education study program too. He liked to
give me suggestions “Miss Kiki, it would be better if you make it this
way…” Moreover he already got his master degree, and I think he knows
better about it. However, though I could consult my annual and semester
program to him basically I learnt it by myself. I tried to grasp the concept
or the pattern of it by myself.
I usually asked… I have ever asked Mbak. Kiki. But mostly I asked the
vice principal who was also the coordinator of the curriculum. Because he
was also an English teacher, I thought it was better to ask him.
Besides annual and semester program, syllabus also became one of Kiki
and Jalu‟s challenges in their initial times. Designing syllabus was their main
problem related to the administrative works. They found that it was difficult to
design syllabus because so far they thought that syllabus was already provided by
the government or the school. Kiki revealed that she had never been taught how to
design or develop syllabus when she was at the college.
Next is about syllabus. We never studied about how to develop a
syllabus. We used to think that syllabus is already provided. Since the
school is a private bilingual school with national plus curriculum, we
introduce English since the students are in the pre-school and we are free
to not to follow the syllabus made by the government. Unfortunately, I did
not ever study to develop a syllabus into certain extent. That was the
thing that I never learnt before.
Hence, when she developed her syllabus, she made it based on the textbook used
in the school without any changes and adjustment.
Likewise, Jalu did not really understand how to develop a syllabus. Even
though he had learnt from the last year syllabus, Jalu was still confused about to
what extent he might develop it. Because of that, he did not make his own
syllabus but copied from the last year syllabus.
The participants’ first teaching
Besides dealing with administrative works, teaching was Kiki and Jalu‟s
main job. In their first teaching, both of Kiki and Jalu experienced the unexpected
thing. They faced the situation in which their teaching did not run as what they
had planned. However, from the unexpected thing happened in their first teaching,
they could took what so-called “the lesson learnt”.
In her first teaching, Kiki taught about “How Do I Wear” at grade 2. Kiki
taught the students about kinds of clothes and in what season we wear it. Her first
teaching did not run as what she expected and then she considered her first
teaching as unsuccessful.
Kiki considered her first teaching as unsuccessful because the students
were not enthusiastic in and did not enjoy the lesson. In her first teaching, Kiki
found that the students did not enjoy the lesson and got bored with the material
because they had already known that.
At that day, I taught them about kinds of clothes. I thought the students
had not studied about it before. Thus, I taught them about kinds of clothes
at the first meeting. I showed them the pictures of the clothes and told
them the name of those kinds of clothes. Surprisingly, they had already
known that. According to the monthly schedule (mos) the students learnt
about vocabulary at that day and since they had already known about it, I
taught them fast. I only reviewed it. However, the students were bored
then. They even said “I have already known that!” They did not really
enjoy the lesson because they have already studied it before. It made me
thought that they had already understood the material well. Thus I
reviewed the material fast and then moved to the next teaching material,
but still in the same topic. I taught them grammar related to the topic.
Another reason which made Kiki considered her first teaching as
unsuccessful was the students‟ failure in doing quiz on that material. Kiki found
that almost more than half of the class scored below the KKM for the monthly
I was shocked with my students’ quiz results. Almost all of them got bad
score. It was unexpected because at the time when I taught them that
material, they had already known that. Most of the students got less than
the KKM, some got 70, and only few got more than 70 but less than 80.
Because of that, I made quizzes for several times. But the results still the
same. Even when I gave them monthly test about that material, almost
half of the class needed to take remedial test.
Knowing that her students‟ quizzes and test results were not satisfying,
Kiki shared this problem to her colleagues and the class teachers. According to
her colleagues and the class teachers, Kiki‟s teaching did not achieve the learning
objectives so that the students could not achieve the learning outcomes too. They
suggested Kiki to teach that material one more time. However, re-teaching that
material was not possible. A tight teaching schedule made it impossible for Kiki
to manage the time for re-teaching.
Different from Kiki‟s colleagues and the class teachers, parents did not
realize that there was something wrong. They only knew that their children did
not perform well on the quiz and test because the only know their own child‟s
score not the whole class. Though there was no complaint from the parents, Kiki
did not let this problem unsolved. Then Kiki decided to review this material
during the review time before mid-semester test.
From that experience, Kiki learnt that she must make sure that the students
understood the material well though they said that they had already known that.
Kiki then realized that she must not be deceived with the students‟ words that they
already understood the material. When the students said that they had already
understood the lesson, their understanding was actually still superficial.
Actually when the students said that they had already known the lesson,
they did not really understand it. Now I know that when they say that
they already understand the lesson, it does not always true. Therefore, I
like to vary and modify my questions and exercises and then I ask it again
and again to the students in order to make sure that they really understand
the lesson. Their understanding is still superficial. They only know the
name of the object but they cannot relate it to other things. For example,
the students know that this kind of clothes is called jacket but they did not
know in what season they could wear jacket. When almost half of the class
scored less than KKM, I realized that it was my failure as a teacher. My
teaching could not achieve the learning outcomes at all. It teaches me to
always check my students‟ understanding again and again in order to make
sure that they really understand the lesson.
Besides making sure that students understood the lesson well was
important, Kiki also realized that she needed to have a rich collection of teaching
idea to deliver the material interestingly. She mentioned that she needed a rich
collection of teaching idea in order to overcome the situation in which students
were getting bored since they have already known the material before. A rich
collection of teaching idea would ease her to switch her planned teaching
procedure into other procedure which still aimed to achieve the planned teaching
objectives. Then, Kiki maintained that she should not be too rigid in teaching. It
meant that she should be more flexible in teaching by allowing such a deviant
teaching procedure from the lesson plan.
At first, Kiki thought that her teaching should accordingly to the
procedures which she had planned in her lesson plan. When her teaching achieved
its objectives through her planned procedures, then she considered her teaching as
successful. Thus, a good lesson plan was needed and must be adhered to achieve
teaching objectives. In other words, Kiki used to think that sticking to a good
lesson plan was the key success of teaching.
However, in her initial teaching she found that the classroom situation did
not always allow her to stick to her lesson plan. In her first teaching, Kiki found
that time of teaching would affect the students‟ mood. Then the students‟ mood
would usually influence the flow of teaching. When Kiki taught in the morning
class, the students were still fresh, enthusiastic, and cooperative and thus she
could apply her teaching procedures well. Contrastingly, when she taught in the
afternoon class, she could not follow her planned procedure well since the
students were reluctant to learn, not cooperative, and very noisy. Thus her
teaching could not achieve its objectives and of course the students could not also
obtain the learning outcomes.
It made her realized that she had not ever learnt about how to face the
unpredicted things happened in her class. She mentioned that she had not ever
studied about how to overcome the unpredicted situation in which she could not
run her teaching accordingly to her lesson plan. But then, Kiki learnt that when
her teaching did not go well accordingly to her teaching procedures in the lesson
plan, it was alright as long as her teaching could achieve its objectives. Thus she
became more flexible towards her lesson plan now. She usually prepared for plan
B when her lesson plan did not work well. Besides preparing plan B, she also
differentiated the lesson plan for morning and afternoon class.
… lesson plan which I made and applied at grade 2 Sparkling might
different from the one that I made and applied at grade 2 Glowing, but the
teaching objectives were the same.
Not much different from Kiki, Jalu who taught “A Day at the Zoo” for his
first teaching also experienced the same situation with Kiki in which he could not
apply his lesson plan well sometimes. He found it a bit difficult to teach grade 2 in
the afternoon class. Since the students were already tired and sleepy in the
afternoon, they tended to be not cooperative, reluctant to learn, and noisy. Indeed
the teaching and learning process did not run well and thus the learning objectives
could not be achieved.
Similar with Kiki, facing that kind of problems in his first teaching had not
ever been envisaged. It made Jalu needed to share it to other person in the school
to look for enlightenment. Jalu shared his problem to the vice-principal. Jalu‟s
sharing with the vice principal, who then revealed having the same experience
with Jalu when he became a submissive teacher at grade 2, resulted an
understanding that the ability of manage the class well could not instantly
obtained and an overview that lesson plan was not everything. Jalu found that
sticking to the teaching procedures in the lesson plan was not the important thing,
but achieving the objectives of teaching.
In his first teaching, Jalu also experienced facing the fact that some
students scored badly on their quiz. Different from Kiki‟s case where her teaching
was the matter, the problem in Jalu‟s case was his quiz. Some parents whose
children got bad score complained to Jalu for his pictures in the quiz were not
clear. Those parents blamed it as the impediment for their children to do the quiz.
Those parents believed that their children could actually do the quiz well if the
pictures were clear since their children always get good score in English. Then,
what Jalu could do at that time was only explaining to the parents that since he
was new and just replaced the previous teacher, he made the quiz based on the
previous teacher‟s pattern in making quizzes. Moreover, he also told the parents
that he had already consult it to the vice-principal in order to dampen their anger.
Receiving complaints from parents made Jalu re-examined his quiz. He
realized that the pictures were not clear. This experience taught Jalu to be careful
in making quiz next time. He did not make similar type of quiz with the previous
teacher any longer. From this experience, Jalu knew how to make quiz which was
suitable with his students and he also found his own type in making quiz. He did
not any longer following the way the previous teacher develop a quiz. In
developing quiz or test, Jalu now was aware to consider his students‟ ability.
Therefore, he made quiz which was feasible for all of the students but challenging.
Before I make the quiz, I have to make sure what is going to be assessed. I
check the basic competence, the standard competence, and the indicators
first before making the quiz. Then, based on the basic competence, the
standard competence, and the indicators, I developed quiz which is
feasible for the students whose ability is the least, but challenging at some
points for the students whose ability is the most.
Meeting with ‘special’ kids
Special kids in the participants‟ stories were those who were the trouble
makers and who had different learning ability in learning English than other
students in the class. Their initial in-service teaching opened Kiki and Jalu‟s mind
that a real language classroom consists of various children with their own
uniqueness. In the real language classroom, they faced children with their real
characteristics which far different from the embellishment of the children image.
They found that children were not always nice, kind, cheerful, and friendly
because they sometimes might turn to be very difficult to be controlled. The most
difficult situation experienced by Jalu and Kiki in their initial years of teaching
was meeting with the “trouble makers”. Both of them got terribly stressed when
the class was in chaos.
Kiki had ever experienced her class turned to be like a jungle as her
students shouted and wandered here and there. The unforgettable part of teaching
in the jungle was when one of her students embraced her legs and then he licked
them. That boy was pretended to be a dog. Kiki was then in difficulties to released
herself from that boy. Though, she already mustered up her energy to ask that boy
to get her free, to go back to his place, and to continue to study, it was useless.
Likewise, asking the students to be quiet was not easy since they would stop
making noise only for a while.
The same classroom situation was also experienced by Jalu. He described
his class as in chaos. One of his students had ever hid the LCD remote control in
his uniform pocket. It was very difficult for Jalu to persuade that boy to return that
remote control. When Jalu tried to ask that boy to return the remote control, the
rest of the class then became very noisy. Other terrible experience with that boy
was when suddenly he climbed up Jalu‟s back when Jalu was taking something on
the floor.
The trouble maker in Kiki and Jalu‟s class often became the impetus of the
class noisiness. When the class was very noisy and hard to be controlled, indeed
the teaching and learning process did not run smoothly. Sometimes, the teaching
objectives could not be achieved too. This kind of situation made Kiki and Jalu
felt stressed. They did not know how to cope with this problem.
Knowing Kiki and Jalu‟s difficulties in classroom management, the school
principal and his vice supported Kiki and Jalu by supervising the class when they
were teaching and encouraging them to survive though it was difficult. Kiki told
me that
Because my class was always very noisy and hard to be controlled, the
school principal stayed in the class when I was teaching. When the school
principal was with us in the class, the students were not very noisy
because they were afraid of him. The school principal stayed in my class
when I was teaching because I could not control the class and I was too
delicate to students at that time.
Actually Kiki realized that being accompanied by the school principal
when she was teaching in the class was not the effective way to solve her
problem. Thus it made her stressed in finding the remedy for it.
Different from Kiki who was being supervised by the school principal,
Jalu‟s got suggestion from the vice principal to read a book entitled “Nanny 911”
to learn how to handle children. However, he had not found the suitable strategy
or technique from “Nanny 911” which matched with his situation and himself.
Besides suggestion from the vice principal, Jalu also got encouragements from the
school principals who often visited him in his office during his free time to ask
about his feeling and how things went so far.
Besides receiving support from the school principal and his vice, Kiki and
Jalu were also seeking for others‟ suggestions by sharing their problems to other
teachers. However, sharing their problems to other teachers did not help them to
find the solution to remedy their problem with the chaos in the classroom because
they still needed to find their own strategies to handle their class. Kiki revealed
that each teacher had their own style and she could not just adopt one of them to
solve her problem. She needed to find her own style which suitable with her
students and her characteristics.
When I told my problem to other teachers, they only told me their
methodologies. One said, “My method is like this…” Another said, “Mine
is like this…” The next teacher also said, “Mine is like this…” Each
teacher has their own style in handling the class. For example, a teacher
whose characteristic is grumpy tends to be very strict to the students.
However, I could not suddenly change my style becomes very strict like
that teacher. I could not adopt that style and applied it in my class because
the students will be reluctant to me. It made me confused in choosing the
right ways to handle my students. I had ever tried so many styles in order
to find the one which worked best and was suitable with my
Likewise, Jalu also experienced the same thing with Kiki. He revealed that
I had ever asked my colleagues who stayed in the same office with me and
who were mostly female about how to handle noisy class. Then they told
me their ways in handling that kind of situation, “To face that kind of
situation the strategies are this ... this … and this …”. Another teacher
even shared her similar experience with me and how she handled it, “Sir, I
also have the same experience with you in my initial year of teaching”.
Then she shared her experience and her knowledge in handling noisy class.
… some strategies could be adopted, some are modified, and some need
further consideration. I need to consider those strategies with my
characteristics, whether it is suitable or not. I need to adjust it with
myself. For example, I am a delicate person and I definitely cannot be
grumpy to children. Therefore I cannot adopt the strategy from teacher
whose characteristic is grumpy and who are able to bring themselves to be
grumpy to children. Because of that I need to think about my own
strategies to handle my class.
Besides meeting with the trouble makers, these novice teachers also met
with students who had different ability in learning English than other students.
Both Kiki and Jalu identified students who did not perform as well as other
students in each of their class. Those students were having lower ability than
others. Moreover, those students had difficulties in paying attention and
Kiki experienced meeting two students who was then revealed having
lower ability than others. The first student was having difficulties in
understanding commands, instructions, and sentences in English. Therefore, this
student could not give respond to the teacher correctly in English. When this
student was being asked about something in English, she could not respond it.
This student would usually answer the question by uttering “Hee…”, “Mmm …”,
or “What?”. Apart from her weakness in understanding commands, instructions,
and sentences, this little girl could mention vocabulary well but still her spelling
still incorrect sometimes. For her achievement in doing English task or exercise,
this student could score more than KKM but could not get high score. However,
Kiki found it absurd because this student could not get the same score in doing the
same exercise with the same questions which being reordered its sequence.
Furthermore this student also liked to lose her concentration, to play by herself in
the middle of the lesson, and suddenly laughed without any reasons.
Another Kiki‟s student who then was revealed having problem in learning
was a boy who performed slower than others. At first, Kiki did not realize that this
boy was „special‟ until his parent came and told Kiki that his note was not
complete and messy. Then Kiki noticed that this boy was slow in writing and
processing information in his mind, and in recalling the lesson. For example,
copying Kiki‟s note from the white board to his own note book, he needed longer
time than his friends. In doing exercises he could only understand and do 5
numbers while the others do 10 numbers.
Jalu also experienced meeting a student who has different ability than
other students. He found a student whose English proficiency was not at the same
level with other students. This student was the one who hid the LCD remote
control. Besides having lower ability than others, this boy was also very lazy and
liked to work hastily. Because of that he often got bad scored and needed to take
Meeting with students, who had different ability than others, provoked
Kiki and Jalu to find a way to help those students to perform better. In finding
ways for her „special‟ students, Kiki tried to find the ways by herself, to
communicate with the parents, and to ask suggestions from colleagues and school
principal. Different from Kiki, Jalu did not ask suggestion from his colleagues and
did not communicate the problem to the parent, but found his own way to deal
with his „special‟ student.
Previously, Kiki thought that her „special‟ student, who had difficulties in
understanding and responding to commands, instructions, and sentences in
English, needed extra explanation than other students. But then, when she shared
this problem to other teachers, it was revealed than other teachers also had the
same problem with that girl. Even for other subjects delivered in Indonesian such
as Bahasa Indonesia and PKN, this „special‟ student also could not understand the
lesson well. Since other teachers also experienced the same problem like her, Kiki
had an initiative to communicate this problem with the parents. However, the
parents particularly the „special‟ student‟s mom insisted that her daughter did not
have any problem in learning. The mother said that when she taught her daughter
at home, she could understand and do the exercise well. This made Kiki suspected
the „special‟ students‟ mom was having different style in teaching. Kiki suspected
the mother was teaching her daughter in Bahasa Indonesia not in English. Besides
that, Kiki also suspected this student‟s age which was younger than her friends as
one of the cause. Kiki guessed that this student‟s was not in the same intellectual
and psychological development stages with other students so that she could not
perform like them.
Since this problem with Kiki‟s „special‟ students was not only Kiki‟s own
problem but the entire teachers, the school principal got involve in finding ways to
help this student. The school principal assigned the teachers to give tutorial to this
student for subjects in which she scored less than KKM. Since this „special‟
student‟s English score was not below the KKM, Kiki did not have to give her
Though Kiki did not need to give this „special‟ student tutorial, she still
needed to find a way to help this student to perform better in her class. Because
this girl was difficult to concentrate and to focus on the lesson, Kiki paid more
attention to her. Kiki always monitored her, reminded her to listen, and hooked
her up to the lesson. Kiki changed her way to remind this student to pay attention
and to listen to the lesson became more firmly than before. In hooking this student
up to the lesson, Kiki liked to ask questions related to the lesson again and again.
Furthermore, Kiki liked to put this girl with brighter students in the class when
doing group task. Though sometimes the brighter students did not want to be in
the same group with this „special‟ girl, Kiki forced them to do so. By putting this
„special‟ student in the same group with brighter students, Kiki hoped it would
help her to learn from the brighter students.
In handling Kiki‟s student who was slow in writing and processing
information in his mind, and in recalling the lesson, she found her own way. To
increase this student speed in writing, Kiki liked to encourage this boy to write
fast. Then, Kiki usually gave him less portion in copying examples than his
friends. In doing task or exercise, Kiki also gave him less portion than his friends.
Kiki let him doing half of the total numbers. She decided to do it because Kiki
thought that it was better for him to do half of the total numbers and understood it
rather than do all of the numbers but did not understand at all.
Similar with Kiki, in handling his „special‟ student who has lower ability
than others, was lazy, and liked to work hastily, Jalu also found his own way.
Because Jalu knew that this boy liked to do the test hastily and scored bad, Jalu
gave the remedial test orally. In other words, Jalu switched his way by testing the
students orally. When this boy was tested orally, he could achieve full point. Even
though he already found his way to deal with this problem, Jalu still
communicated this boy‟s problem with the class teacher so that the class teacher
could inform it to the parents. Since this boy was very lazy, he even slept during
the lesson time. This kind of behavior needed to be reported to the parents to the
class teacher. Hopefully by having communication with the class teacher and
parents, this student could be helped to be more diligent in the class and careful in
doing tasks.
Reminding and encouraging students to speak English
Since the school where Kiki and Jalu worked wass a bilingual school, the
students were required to speak in English. The students should not speak in
Indonesian, especially when they were studying English. However, younger
students were not easy to be required to speak English all the time because their
linguistic ability was also still limited, they mostly spoke in Indonesian at home,
and their motivation to always speak in English was still low.
At their initial years of teaching, Kiki and Jalu were still a bit loose with
the use of L1 in the class. They sometimes let the students to speak in Indonesian.
Then they gradually reminded their students to speak in English when thy uttered
something in Indonesian. Moreover, when the students talked or asked in
Indonesian, Kiki and Jalu always responded it in English.
After teaching for a year, Kiki then changed her ways of reminding and
encouraging the students to speak English. Right at the beginning of the new
school year Kiki stated her rule of classroom language and its consequences if the
students broke it. The students must speak in English during the English lesson
time. When they did not know the English word, the students might say it in
Indonesian but it should be accompanied with quotation mark gesture. If the
spoke more than one Indonesian words, they would get the consequence. For the
first time breaking the rule, the student must sing banana milkshake song with its
movements in front of the class. For the second time breaking it, they must do it in
the vice-principal office. For the third, they must do it in the school principal
office. According to Kiki, this rule was quite successfully working because the
students were shy if they had to do it and thus they tried to always speak in
Different from Kiki, Jalu, who was still in his around 5 months of
teaching, could not suddenly implement a strict rule for classroom language. He
was afraid if he suddenly implement a strict classroom language rule, his students
would complain and even reluctant to speak. Thus, what Jalu could do was only
always reminding the students to speak in English and responding all of the
students Indonesian questions in English. However, he planned to implement such
a classroom language rule in the next school year and he still tried to find his rule
for classroom language for the next school year.
Participants’ job besides teaching
Kiki and Jalu‟s main job as English teachers was teaching English.
However, they still had so many jobs besides teaching such as administrative
works and PIC of certain program. Besides annual program, semester program,
and syllabus which should be done first or before teaching, they still had so many
administrative works such as lesson plan monthly schedule (mos); summary of
teaching material; grading; score test analysis; report card checklist; quiz and test
scope and items (kisi-kisi soal); and making questions for quiz, monthly test, and
final test.
Apart from their duty as English teacher and its administrative works, they
also had another jobs related to their additional position in the school. Besides an
English teacher, Jalu was a Christian Education teacher and the PIC for swimming
program in the school. As the PIC for swimming, Jalu was responsible to gather
the students who joined swimming extra-curricular after school and to accompany
those students waiting for the car which would pick them up to the swimming
pool. On the other hand, Kiki was a classroom teacher in this year and the
coordinator of English development started from the middle of her first year up to
now. As the English development coordinator, she was responsible for arranging
the time table for English subject. Then she also became English trainer for other
teachers. A year before, Kiki had ever been an assistant of classroom teacher in
her first year of working.
Kiki and Jalu worked every Monday to Friday starts from 7 o‟clock, in the
morning until 3.15 in the afternoon. At 07.00 a.m. until 07.30 a.m. Kiki and Jalu
were having morning service and briefing. If they were on usher duty, they had to
stay at the front gate to greet the students from 07.30 a.m. until 08.00 a.m. If not,
they were free up to 08.30. However, Kiki who was an assistant of class teacher in
her first year working and was a class teacher in her following year of working,
could not have free time from 08.00 a.m. until 08.30 a.m. because she must lead
the morning service for the students in the class. After that, Kiki and Jalu would
enter the class based on the teaching schedule they have.
In one day, Kiki and Jalu usually had around 5 up to 6 hours of teaching.
An hour of teaching was equal with 35 minutes. In between their busy teaching
hours, they had around 3 hours of teaching which was free and could be used for
doing their administrative works. In other words, they only had approximately 1
hour and 45 minutes for doing any job other than teaching, such as making lesson
plan, monthly schedule (mos), summary of teaching material, grading, score test
analysis, report card checklist, quiz and test scope and items (kisi-kisi soal), and
making questions for quiz, monthly test, and final test.
At first, their free time in between their teaching hours was not enough to
be used for doing all of the administrative works. Thus they could not avoid
bringing their works home. Their free time at home was usually being used to do
administrative works.
Kiki revealed that she could not finish all of the administrative works only
in her free time from teaching. Though she tried to manage her free time well for
doing any kinds of administrative works, the time was still not enough. Thus she
still needed to bring her works home. She especially did lesson planning at home
because she could not easily find the idea for it at the office. Moreover, her duty
in preparing the school event also took her time and thus she could not finish the
administrative works at the office. Kiki told me:
In my free time, around 3 hours of teaching, I tried to finish any
administrative work. It can be lesson plan, questions for quiz, checking
students‟ exercises, quizzes, or tests. However, the time is not enough.
Therefore, I need to bring some to home. It is impossible for me to make
lesson plan during my free time which is not quite long. Moreover, when
we are going to hold such an event, such as Christmas and Valentine, the
free time would also be reduced for discussing the upcoming event and
thus overtime-work at home is unavoidable.
As the time went by, Kiki realized that she needed to have a good time
management so that she did not need to bring so many works home. Thus, she
avoided making lesson plan at the office because she needed more time to think
and to find the idea for it. Instead of spending her free time to think and to find the
idea for her lesson plan, she did other administrative works which could be
finished faster than making lesson plan. However, Kiki maintained that up to now
she still brought her work home sometimes when she could not finish it at the
Talking about her overtime-works at home, it was then revealed that
actually her over-time works are not mainly about doing administrative works, but
also thinking over her students‟ particular problems, for instance the trouble
maker students and the low ability students. Kiki revealed that
… actually my overtime-work at home is a lot and is not mainly about
administrative job. As a teacher, I realized that I am working with
humans. My job is about my relationship with my students who are
humans. If I work with a computer, I could know exactly the cause of its
error. However, working with human is not as definite as working with a
computer. When there is a problem with children, I need to think about
what makes them become like that… I need to think about how to
communicate it with their parents and also how to make up their behavior
to be better …
Jalu also experienced similar things. At his first month working he even
brought the entire administrative works home because he used to think and to do
intellectual things better at home. Another reason was because he did not have
notebook computer, but only personal computer at home. But then he realized that
doing all of the administrative works at home was not effective. Sometimes he
even left important data at home. Then he decided to buy notebook computer to
ease his jobs because he could do his administrative jobs at the office. However he
sometimes still brings his works home because the time is not enough.
Facing with piles of works besides teaching made Jalu realized that he
must be good in managing his time. He sometimes has additional duty, such as
preparing certain school event, besides doing administrative works. Thus, he was
now more flexible but wise to choose which works done at the office and which
works done at home based on the urgency. For instance, he ever experienced
using his free time in which he usually did administrative works for preparing the
following day‟s school event.
10. The participants’ metamorphose
Kiki and Jalu‟s experiences about the reality in language classroom which
different from what they envisaged before in their pre-service education shaped
them to be who they were in doing their jobs as English teachers then. Through
their experiences they found the best way to deal with their students. The
remarkable change was in the way they teach the students from fun, nice, and
loose into fun but strict. At the beginning they were unable to handle their
classrooms which were always noisy and chaotic. They realized that their inability
to handle their classroom was because they were too kind, too delicate, and too
loose so that the students could see the cleft in which they could be noisy and
could play during the lesson time.
Kiki was already stricter than before. Her class was already under
controlled. The school principal did not need to stay in her class any longer to
make the students quiet. She already had her own rules for the students during her
teaching. Right at the beginning of the new school year, she already stated her
rules and its consequences if the students broke it. Then, she was also consistent
and sticks to the rules always.
As the results every time she entered the class the students were ready to
study and were consistent to speak English during the lesson time. Moreover, the
students were now aware of Kiki‟s authority as the teacher. Conversely, Kiki now
was firmer than before to the students and being obeyed by the students. Though
Kiki was firmer than before, she still taught them in nice and fun ways so that the
students were not afraid of her.
She ever faced a student who was angry because he lost the game or his
score was left by other students and he would lose the game. Then that boy
suddenly said “I don‟t join!” At that time Kiki did not know how to handle him.
Kiki was afraid if she would discourage him or made him angry and sad when she
became firm to him. But now, when he says “I don‟t join!” she would let him not
join the game even she will let him not join the class. She was not afraid of that
boy‟s threat any longer. Now Kiki was firmer and stricter than before. She wants
her students aware of her authority in the class, that she was the controller not the
Kiki‟s change from nice, delicate, fun, and loose into nice, delicate, fun
but firm teacher was not only formed by her teaching experiences but also from
the training she ever joined. Start from last year, she joined GLDPN (Global
Literacy Professional Development Network) training from the International
Reading Association. This training was a training held for teachers in Salatiga.
Every school in Salatiga was invited to join this training. However, the quota was
only 20 teachers from the total teachers in Salatiga. Kiki‟s school was only got 4
slots to join that training and thus the school needed to choose the teachers to be
sent for that training. And Kiki was one of the teachers chosen by the school to
join that training.
From GLDPN training, Kiki learnt a lot of teaching techniques and
methodologies and one of them was classroom management. Kiki revealed that
fron the training she learnt about how to make the students close to her and not
afraid of her but still obey her. Moreover, she knew that a contract between her
and the students was needed to make and to agree on from the first day of school.
By making a contract the students would know what the rules and the
consequences are.
Furthermore, the GLDPN training also opened Kiki‟s minds that her view
about the students as the main cause of classroom chaos was wrong. Now, Kiki
understand that when a classroom was in chaos, the problem was not on the
students who were naughty but on the teacher who was not able to control or to
manage the class well. Hence it made her now became firm to the students.
Next, she now realized that classroom management was essential in her
teaching, particularly at the primary level. It was essential because good
classroom management would smooth the run of teaching and learning process in
which the objectives of teaching were obtained well. Then, this shifted her belief
that a good lesson plan was the key success of teaching.
Different from Kiki, though Jalu now also realized that firmness was
needed in teaching besides fun and nice, in order to control his chaotic class, he
could only verbally warn the students to be quiet and to stop playing so far.
Sometimes he applied his own way to make the class quiet, such as silent
competition (lomba diam). Silent competition was Jalu‟s way to ask the students
to be quiet and the quietest will get such a reward.
When the class is getting noisy and at that time I bring the students‟ test
results, I tell them “Okay, I have your test results. Do you want it?” The
students reply “Yes, Mr…” and the class becomes very noisy. Then I ask
them to be quiet and the quietest student would get the test result first.
It works at grade 2.
However when he applies lomba diam, it could only make the students be quiet
for a while. Jalu guessed that the students could only be quiet for a while because
their attention or concentration span was still short.
Since that way only calm the students for a while, Jalu had to do
something else to hook their attention up. To do that, Jalu usually created a game
or ice breaker which was interesting and still related to the lesson to get the
students attention back. Thus Jalu needed to prepare a lot of idea about games and
icebreakers to grab the students‟ attention back. It was needed because Jalu ever
experienced a situation in which one of his students ever said that his game was
In his fifth month of teaching, Jalu realized that his classroom management
had not established well yet. He maintained that from the scale of 1-10, his
classroom management was only 4 up to now. He desired to improve his
classroom management and to find his own ways which were suitable with
himself and did not require him to speak loudly because he could not speak
loudly. Moreover, he also planned to be firmer in the new school year. He planned
to state his rules and its consequences right at the beginning of the new school
year, so that he would not be overwhelmed with the students‟ noisiness and
classroom chaos.
Another change because of their experiences so far was changing in the
way they presented the lesson. Because children liked to easily get bored they
needed to be creative and innovative in presenting the material. Previously, Kiki
liked to print pictures as her ava for teaching. But then she found it ineffective and
uneconomical. Because of that she made use the LCD projector as her teaching
aid in showing picture, flash cards, etc. Similar with Kiki, Jalu also made use
LCD more in presenting the material in order to make the students eager to learn.
Jalu usually developed such computer games, such as hang man and showed it
through the LCD projector.
11. Participants’ reason to stay teaching
In their first and second month of working which was shocking, hard,
torturing, and stressful had ever raised the feeling to leave the job as primary
English teacher in that school. Their belief towards themselves, that they could
pass the difficult times and found the joys of their works, was one of the reasons
which made them survived. Kiki and Jalu believed that they could undergo their
job well and of course to pass the difficulties and challenges. They wanted to
prove to themselves and others that they could.
Next, supportive colleagues also became the reason why they stayed
teaching there up to now. Related to this reason Kiki revealed
The working environment is pleasant because the age range between me
and my colleagues is not too far, except the school principal. Moreover,
there are a lot of teachers who come from the same alma mater so that we
are relatively close to each other. Our closeness makes us easy to support
each other and to joke.
Likewise, Jalu said
… other teachers are nice and fun. I feel like I am reared by them since I
am the youngest among them. I feel like I have many older brothers and
Beside their perceived their efficacy and supportive colleagues, family
supports enabled them to survive with their job as a primary English teacher up to
now. Family was the first place to share their difficulties, feelings, and
complaints. Family was the endless support and encouragement provider for them
to survive.
Their students‟ affection also made Kiki and Jalu refused to leave this job.
Recently they realized that their students love them. Kiki was shocked but happy
when she got welcoming card and letter from her students after one week leave
because she got injured from a traffic accident. Similarly, Jalu also got surprised
knowing his students missed him and looked for him when he was replaced by
other students because he had to do another duty which could not be left.
In addition, Jalu had a different reason from Kiki which made him stayed
teaching up to now. It was his gratefulness to God that He granted Jalu‟s prayer to
have a job in Salatiga. Jalu revealed that if he leaves this job it meant that he was
not grateful to God for his granted prayer.
12. Wish (epilogue)
After so many things happened, experienced, and learnt by Jalu and Kiki
in their initial year of teaching, these novice teachers had wishes which they
thought necessary for their professional development. First they wished for
training which beneficial to help them to improve their performance as primary
English teachers. Specifically, Jalu wished for a training about classroom
management. He said
I think classroom management training is needed. I think I am not the
only teacher who needs that kind of training because some of my friends
are also young teacher and have the same difficulties in classroom
management like me. Thus we need it so much. Moreover, when there is
training on classroom management, we will have the same understanding
of it. Therefore, we will have the same standard of it. The same standard
of classroom management will make the students easily to adapt
themselves to obey the rules.
One wish further from Jalu, Kiki wished for the school to send and to grant its
prominent teacher to higher level education program. By obtaining higher
education, Kiki thought it will helpful for teacher to perform better in teaching.
In this section, participants‟ stories were being interpreted based on the
pre-figured themes and emergent themes. There were eight pre-figured themes
established in the framework pre-understanding: (1) initial belief, (2) reality
shock, (3) feeling, (4) problem, (5) support, (6) struggle and adaptation, (7)
current belief. Besides based pre-figured themes, participants‟ stories would also
be interpreted based on the emergent themes. The emergent themes were: (1) good
time management, (2) autonomy, (3) understanding children, (4) creativity, and
(5) needs.
Initial belief
Initial belief in this study was defined as novice teachers‟ belief which has
been formed during their pre-service education which was still perceived during
their first time of teaching in real classroom language and then changed because
of certain events or experiences. It was related to what Farrel (2012) mentioned as
the ideals that novice teachers formed during their pre-service education. In their
initial teaching, Kiki and Jalu believed that teaching English to young learners
should be fun. Kiki revealed that she used to believe that teaching English to
young learners should be in fun way and thus she had to be nice and as cheerful as
children when she taught them. Kiki often stated
Teaching young learners should be nice and fun so that the students are
keen to learn. For example, we start the lesson by greeting the “Good
morning …” (she said it cheerfully)
Similarly Jalu also stated that ideally teaching English to young learners should be
in fun, amusing, and pleasant ways.
Ideally, teaching children should be fun, amusing, and pleasant.
Because Kiki and Jalu believed that teaching English to young learners
should be fun, they tried to not to be firm to students who suddenly lost their
motivation to study, who suddenly refused to join the activity, or who make chaos
in the class. Rather than warned the students firmly, Kiki and Jalu tended to
encourage them in delicate manner because they believed that teaching should be
fun, pleasant, and should not make the students discourage to learn.
Moreover, their belief that teaching English to young learners should be
fun is also depicted in the way they presented their teaching materials. They liked
to teach through colorful pictures and games. They also liked to make use of LCD
projector to show flash cards, motion pictures, or videos related to the lesson.
I like to teach my students by showing them colorful pictures which I
printed on paper. Those pictures are my teaching aids. It is effective
enough because the pictures are interesting and it can make students eager
to learn. Then I use LCD projector to show pictures and videos because
it is more economical.
At that time I was teaching about things we wear on hot and cold day. I
showed them a picture of sun hat and blank space to be fulfilled with
alphabets by using LCD projector. It is like hang-man game. Then the
students should guess what it is and fill the blanks.
Another initial belief conceived by these novice teachers in their beginning
career as English teachers was good lesson plan as the key of successful teaching.
It was conveyed when they told their unsuccessful teaching because of their
inability to follow their planned teaching procedures and to achieve teaching
objectives as they designed on their lesson planned. Because they believed that a
good lesson plan was the key successful of teaching, they tried to adhere to their
teaching procedures and to achieve the teaching objectives through the planned
procedures so that they did not allow for any deviance from their lesson plan.
From the excerpt of the interviews transcripts below, it could be seen that they
tended to stick to their planned teaching procedures in their lesson plan.
I thought when I already had good lesson plan my teaching would be
successful. When I have good lesson plan it meant that I am save. I just
need to follow my planned teaching procedures and my teaching
objectives will be achived then. But then when I experienced the situation
in which my procedures could not be applied, I feel confused and I think
my teaching was not successful. It could not achive its objectives. I did not
know what best to do at that time.
In my first month of teaching I always tried to teach accordingly to my
lesson plan.
The next initial belief was the students were the causal agent of
classroom noisiness and chaos. Therefore they viewed naughty children as the
main cause of classroom noisiness and chaos. Previously, Kiki thought that the
classroom chaos and noisiness was caused by the students who were naughty and
who did not want to listen to her.
I used to think that children are the causal agent of classroom nosiness and
chaos. When my class became very noisy and chaotic it must be caused by
the students who were naughty, were talkative, and did not want to listen
to me.
Different from Kiki, Jalu did not reveal this initial belief clearly. However
it was conveyed from the way he dealt with noisiness and chaos in his classroom.
When the class was getting noisy and chaotic, Jalu tended to have “man to man”
way to solve it. It can be seen from the way he dealt with a boy who hid the LCD
remote control. He preferred to approach and to calm down the boy who was
considered as the impetus of the classroom noisiness and chaos.
Reality shock
Usually, beginning teachers faced reality shock when they entered their in-
service teaching (Veenman, 1984, Huberman, 1993, Farrel, 2006, Farrel, 2008,
and Farrel 2012). Reality shock meant facing the reality which was far different
from what novice teachers envisaged during their pre-service education
(Huberman, 1993). Moreover, when novice teachers faced reality shock, Farrel
(2008) mentioned that they would realized that there was a gap between academic
course content in their language teaching preparation programs and the reality that
they face in the real language classroom.
Kiki and Jalu experienced reality shock when they faced the real language
classroom situation, the real working situation, and the real responsibilities of a
teacher which were different from what they had formed and envisaged during
their pre-service education program. Because of that they also realized that there
was a gap between what they have learnt in their pre-service education program
and the reality that they face in the real language classroom.
The first reality shock experienced by Kiki and Jalu was the fact that
teacher‟s job besides teaching was not few. There were so many administrative
works which they did not know how to deal with before. Previously, they only
knew that besides teaching, a teacher still had to deal with administrative works
such as lesson plan, making questions for quizzes or test, grading, and filling
student‟s report cards. Other administrative works such as annual program,
semester program, syllabus, monthly schedule (mos), summary of teaching
material, score test analysis, report card checklist, and quiz and test scope and
items (kisi-kisi soal) were never been imagined before.
They experienced reality shocked when they know that teachers have piles
of works besides teaching. Moreover, most of those piles of administrative works
were new for them because they never learnt it before. Thus they needed to learn
how to make it.
When they learnt how to deal with administrative works, they realized that
there was a gap between what they have learnt in their pre-service education
program and the reality that they face in their working environment. Particularly,
Kiki and Jalu found it difficult for them to develop and to design a syllabus
because they used to think that the syllabus was already prepared by the
government or the school. It was conveyed through Kiki‟s sharing that
… teachers are having freedom in designing and developing the syllabus.
The thing is I did not learn how to design the syllabus and did not know
to what extend it could be developed.
Similarly, Jalu revealed that
I am still confused in how to design syllabus up to now, … hehehe still
confused … Last time, I copied the previous year syllabus, I only changed
the year…
The next reality shock faced by Kiki and Jalu was the fact that the real
language classroom, especially at the primary level was not as pleasant as they
have ever imagined. They used to thought that working with children was always
fun. However, they realized that children were not always as nice as they had ever
thought before. Dealing with children was not easy because they were moody and
It made them realized that they did not have enough classroom
management knowledge and skills. They realized that they did not learn much
about the important skill needed to handle classroom, which was classroom
management, during their pre-service education program. Thus they learnt it
naturally from the environment and they seek for support related to this matter.
Kiki revealed that
One of the important things that I did not learn in the college was about
classroom management. I was only taught about how to plan and
evaluate. I was not taught about how to handle moody and unpredictable
students. Thus, I learn classroom management naturally from the
Likewise, Jalu shared that he did not learn about classroom management in the
college and then he said that
My weakness is on classroom management. I could not handle my class
well. From the scale of 1-10, I‟ll say that my classroom management now
is only 4.
In their initial years of teaching, novice teachers experienced the reality
which was different from what they have envisaged during their pre-service
education (Farrel, 2008). Intial year of teaching was not always easy. HulingAustin et al. (1989) described this period as a “sink-or-swim experience”. When
novice teachers “sank”, they would abandon their jobs. Novice teachers
abandoned their job because they felt overwhelmed, ineffective, and unsupported
(Ingersoll and Smith, 2003). However, when they found the joy of teaching, they
would survive (Farrel, 2012). In other words, novice English teachers experienced
the up and down feelings during their initial years of teaching.
From Kiki and Jalu‟s lived experience as novice English teachers, their
feelings during their initial years of teaching were elucidated. Based on oxford
online dictionary, feeling was an emotional state or reaction. From their first time
working up to now, both of Kiki and Jalu experienced the up and down of
emotional state towards the reality in the school environment. They ever felt
stressed, confused, useless, but then they felt happy, loved, and proud.
Stress according to oxford online dictionary was a state of mental or
emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.
Thus when someone felt stressed, it meant that he or she felt a mental or
emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.
Kiki and Jalu also ever felt stressed in their initial months of working because of
the demand of their jobs, particularly their piles of administrative jobs. They got
emotional tensions too when they faced noisy and chaotic classroom in which
they could not teach well. They revealed that
At the beginning, I felt stressed since the students were very active and
difficult to be handled.
Knowing that I have so many administrative works which I had never
thought before made me felt stressed. I guess other schools do not require
their teachers to do these kinds of administrative jobs.
In the oxford online dictionary, confused meant unable to think clearly and
bewildered. When an individual could not think clearly about what to do or how
to do, it meant that he or she feel confused. Feeling confused was also
experienced by these novice primary English teachers. Dealing with
administrative works, especially the syllabus was something new which they
never had learnt before in their pre-service education program made them felt
confused. They felt confused to make the syllabus correctly. Related to this, Kiki
and Jalu ever mentioned that
I am still confused in how to design syllabus up to now… hehehe still
confused …
I did not learn how to design the syllabus and did not know to what
extend it could be developed.
Useless in the oxford online dictionary was defined as not fulfilling or not
expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome. Both of Kiki and
Jalu felt useless when they could not achieve the desired outcome of being a
teacher. Kiki felt useless when she, as the teacher, could not control the class
situation and needed to be supervised by the school principal.
Because my class was always very noisy and hard to be controlled, the
school principal stayed in the class when I was teaching.When the school
principal was with us in the class, the students were not very noisy because
they were afraid of him. The school principal stayed in my class when I
was teaching because I could not control the class.
Feeling useless was also experienced by Jalu when he did not understand
how to design a syllabus and thus he copied exactly from the previous year
syllabus made by other teacher. Jalu shared that
Though it was ridiculous and made me felt useless, I re-typed the previous
The meaning of happy in the oxford online dictionary was feeling or
showing pleasure or contentment. Besides feeling stressed, confused, and useless,
Kiki and Jalu also experienced happiness in their initial times. Kiki and Jalu felt
happy because they were working with fun, and pleasant colleagues. Fun, and
pleasant colleagues who liked to tell jokes and to share teaching experience make
Kiki and Jalu felt happy to work in that school. Supportive school principal and
his vice also made Kiki and Jalu happy and then enjoyed and felt comfortable to
Love was defined as a strong feeling of affection by the oxford online
dictionary. When a person felt loved, it meant that he or she felt that people loved
and cared of him or her. Both of Kiki and Jalu felt loved by their students. Kiki
and Jalu already had close relationship with their students and their students loved
them. Jalu‟s students looked for him, when he was replaced by other teacher
because of Jalu had something important to do. It showed that his students missed
Jalu. Likewise, Kiki also felt loved by her students when receiving a welcoming
party and letter from them after one week leave because she was sick.
Based on oxford online dictionary, proud was feeling deep pleasure or
satisfaction as a result of the one‟s own achievements, qualities, or possessions.
Kiki and Jalu felt proud of their job now. Kiki felt proud that she could be teacher
whose job was not merely delivering the materials to the students. She felt proud
because she could be a teacher who did not only teach but also did a lot of
administrative works. She also felt proud for her teaching which was not
conventional and for her successful in applying classroom management in this
new school year. Feeling proud of being a teacher was also experienced by Jalu.
Jalu felt proud that he was a novice teacher who could survive in a prospective
school though was still relatively new.
Pfitser (2006) put that during their initial years of teaching, novice teachers
faced many problems and challenges. As novice teachers, in their initial times of
teaching, Kiki and Jalu also faced problems. Veenman (1984), Clift et al. (1995),
Alexander and Galbraith (1997), Crookes and Arakaki (1999) and McCann and
Johannessen (2004) found that classroom management and working load were the
two most outstanding problems faced by novice teachers in their initial years of
teaching. Likewise, Kiki and Jalu experienced those two outstanding problems in
their initial years of teaching.
Based on their lived experience, prominent problems which they faced
during their initial times of teaching were classroom management and working
load. In their first time teaching they found it difficult to handle noisy and chaotic
classroom. Moreover, facing with so many administrative works with insufficient
time was also one of their problems.
The first prominent problem faced by these novice teachers was classroom
management. In their initial years they always faced with the condition in which
their teachings did not run smoothly because the class turned to be like a jungle.
Both of Kiki and Jalu did not know what they should do to handle that kind of
classroom situation and they found difficulties in it. Moreover, because they were
lack of classroom management skill, they did not make the students to
consistently speak English. They did not have firm and clear rules for classroom
language yet.
The second prominent problem in their initial times of teaching was
working load. Besides teaching, Kiki and Jalu were responsible with many
administrative works. They found it difficult to finish all of those administrative
works at the office because sometimes they were also busy with the school upcoming event preparation. Thus, they often brought their works home. They found
it demanding and stressful because they could not finish that many administrative
works with insufficient time at the office.
Initial time of teaching was not an easy moment for novice teachers in
their journey of their teaching career. The initial time of teaching was also
considered as the crucial period in their teaching. Fox and Singletary (1986)
mentioned that support was highly needed in novice teachers‟ initial years in order
to confront any problems which may arise in the classroom and at school. Thus,
support was needed by Jalu and Kiki as novice teachers to pass their crucial
period in their career.
Karatas and Karaman (2013) put that there were two kinds of support
providers for novice teachers. First, novice teachers might get support from the
school where they work, such as mentor and coworkers. Besides that, Karatas and
Karaman (2013) mentioned that novice teachers might receive personal support
from their family and their perceived efficacy to help them to survive. Kiki and
Jalu received support from the school where they worked, their family, and their
perceived efficacy.
First, Jalu and Kiki received support from the school principal and his
vice. The school principal provided support by encouraging them to survive
though it was not easy. The school principal supported them by building a good
relationship with them. Moreover, the school principal also supervised them. The
vice principal also supported them by providing guidance and supervision in
dealing with administrative works. The vice principal played the role as the
consultant for Jalu and Kiki in dealing with administrative works.
Second, besides receiving support from the school principal and his vice,
Jalu and Kiki received support from their colleagues or coworkers. Since their
colleagues were mostly from the same alma mater with them and were in the
relatively close age range, Kiki and Jalu could easily share their problems to their
colleagues. Luckily, their coworkers were willing enough to share their similar
experience at the first time they started to work. Even they would share their
strategies to cope with certain problems in the classroom.
Third, family was also one of the support providers for Kiki and Jalu to
pass their crucial period in working as a teacher. Family was the entrusted and
unalterable place the share what they experienced, what they felt towards the
experience, and what they wanted actually. Family was a place to pour out their
hearts and minds. Moreover, family was the endless source of support and
encouragement for the novice teachers in undergoing their teaching career.
Fourth, Kiki and Jalu‟s perceived self-efficacy was one of their personal
supports which helped them to cope with problems in their initial period of
teaching. They believed that they had the capacity to pass the crucial period and to
cope with problems and challenges in it. Because of their perceived self-efficacy,
they could pass it and could survive as English teachers at the primary level.
Struggle and adaptation
During their initial time of teaching, Jalu and Kiki faced with reality shock
and problems. Thus they needed to learn to adapt and to survive. Richards and
Farrel (2005) mentioned that in dealing with their problems, novice teachers
might employ their individual strategies. According to Richards and Farrel (2005)
novice teachers‟ individual strategies were reflection, self-directed learning, and
taking part in teacher support group. In order to cope with problems arose in their
initial period of teaching, as novice teachers, Jalu and Kiki also employed their
own or individual strategies. Based on their lived experience as novice English
teachers at the primary level, it could be elucidated that they employed these
following strategies: learning by doing; finding what works best; and joining
Their first strategy was learning by doing. They employ this strategy when
they had to deal administrative works which they did not know before. Since they
never learnt how to develop annual program, semester program, syllabus, and any
other administrative works, they learnt it from the examples. They tried to grasp
the concept of those administrative works and then applied it and made it by
themselves. This strategy could be seen as their self-directed learning because in
dealing with administrative works, these novice teachers initiatively and
responsibly learn from the examples, grasp the main idea, and then applied it in
order to develop the administrative works.
The second strategy was finding what works best. When Kiki and Jalu
faced with the problem of classroom noisiness and chaos, they tried to find
strategies to handle it which match with themselves and their students. They did
not easily adopt other teachers‟ strategies. Even when they found their own
strategies, Jalu and Kiki needed to checked whether those strategies was
applicable or not for themselves and their class. The applicable strategies were
then being used. For the strategies which did not work well were being improved.
In this case, Jalu and Kiki did what so-called self-reflection in which they
examined by themselves what strategies were applicable and worked best in their
The third strategy was joining training or taking part in teacher support
group. However, this strategy was only being employed by Kiki because Jalu had
not got the opportunity yet to join such training. By join GLDPN training, Kiki
got a lot of new knowledge and skills to cope with her daily problem in teaching
English to young learners. Kiki were being trained about how to have good
classroom management and how to teach by using certain teaching method which
can interest and attract students to learn and can help students to learn better.
Hence, after joining such training, Kiki was able to develop her professional that
was to perform better in her employment.
Current belief
According to Kuzmic (1993) novice teachers‟ experience in their initial
years of teaching might determine their philosophy and attitude for the rest of
their career. Likewise, Karatas and Karaman (2013) mentioned that the first years
of teaching in teachers‟ career played significant role in shaping their future
practice. Based on their story, culture shock and problems experienced by Jalu
and Kiki during their initial time of their teaching career shaped and changed their
initial beliefs. Dealing with problems in their in-service teaching turned their
initial beliefs which were shaped during their pre-service education program into
their current beliefs. Their current beliefs were the improvement of their initial
beliefs or the counterpoint of their initial beliefs.
First, they improved their initial belief which said that teaching English to
young learners should be fun became teaching English to young learners should
be fun and firm. Kiki and Jalu realized that when they were too loose to the
students, they would make use of their looseness to be noisy and to play in the
class. Thus, Kiki and Jalu shifted their belief into fun but strict. For them, teaching
should be in fun way but at the same time firm to the students so that they would
not be noisy and would not play during the lesson time. This current belief was
depicted in the way Kiki applied certain classroom management strategies in her
class recently. Also from Jalu‟s endeavor to be firm in his class recently and his
plan to be firmer start from the beginning of the new school year. Jalu planned to
have clear classroom rules and the consequences clearly in the upcoming school
year. Then he would state it right at the first day of school and would be firm
towards his rules.
Second, they did not any longer believe that the key of successful teaching
was a good lesson plan, but classroom management skills. According to them no
matter how good the lesson plan was, if they could not control the classroom well
then it would be useless. Even Kiki ever said
In my searching of the right styles, I found that good lesson plan helped
me in handling the class. When I have good lesson plan, I could control the
class well so that it ran smoothly and the teaching objectives could be
achieved well too. Yet, good classroom management is the most
important strategy needed in handling the class. When we already have
good classroom management whatever lesson plan we have
Third, they now believed that students were not the causal agent of
classroom noisiness and chaos, but teacher was the one who responsible for the
classroom chaos. Hence they believed that there was no bad student, but bad
teacher. This belief was related to the previous belief about classroom
management as the key of successful teaching.
Good time management
One of novice teachers‟ prominent problems was working load (Veenman,
1984, Clift et al., 1995, Alexander and Galbraith, 1997, Crookes and Arakaki,
1999; and McCann and Johannessen, 2004). Crookes and Atakaki (1999) and
McCann and Johannessen (2004) found that overwork associated with lack of
time preparation time was the main problem faced by novice teachers during their
initial years of teaching.
Working load and lack of time preparation was also one of Kiki and Jalu‟s
problem in their initial years of teaching. Kiki and Jalu were having piles of
administrative works besides teaching. Furthermore, they sometimes were busy
with the preparation of the up-coming school events. Unfortunately, the provided
time to do administrative works during office time was not sufficient. Thus, they
tried to be smart in managing their time well so that they did not need to always
bring so many works home. Good time management skill was needed to cope with
this problem. Thus they tried to work effevtively during their free time from
teaching which was only 1 hour and 45 minutes a day. Moreover they also tried to
be wise in choosing what kind of administrative works could be done effectively
at the office and at home. However, they still sometimes brought those works
Kumaravadivelu (2006) mentioned that autonomy was the heart of post-
method pedagogy. Therefore, teachers were expected to be autonomous to
develop a reflective approach to their own teaching, to initiate change in their
teaching and to monitor the effects of such changes. Autonomy meant personal
independence. It also meant someone‟s capacity to make his or her own decisions
about his or her actions. Someone who had that capacity was called as
autonomous person. As primary English teachers, Jalu and Kiki realized that they
must be autonomous in teaching.
Jalu and Kiki ever experienced teaching situations in which they could not
teach accordingly to their planned teaching procedures and could not achieve their
teaching objectives. From that experience they learn that actually they were
allowed to not to adhere to their planned teaching procedures and might decide to
change their teaching procedures as long as the teaching objectives could be
achieved well.
I realized that I should not always adhere to my teaching procedure in
my lesson plan. When my planned teaching procedure does not work well,
I should have initiative to change the plan and apply other activities as
long as the teaching objectives could be achived well.
… lesson plan is not everything. At the beginning I always sticked to my
teaching procedures in my lesson plan. When I could not teach as what I
had planned, I felt disappointed. Now, I realize that when my planned
teaching procedures or activities do not work, I should change it
immediately into other activities. As long as the indicators are achived
with the new activities, it is okay.
From that experience, they realized and learnt to be reflective to their own
teaching acts, to initiate change in their classroom, and to monitor the effects of
such changes. When they experienced inability to perform their planned teaching
procedures they started to think and to realize that they could make such changes
during their teaching when they met unexpected situation. In their next teaching,
they started to initiate change when their planned teaching procedures could not
be applied. Then, they also learnt to monitor the effects of such changes by
making sure that changes in their teaching procedures could still help them and
the students to achieve the teaching objectives.
10. Understanding children
Brewster et al. (2004) mentioned that children had different characteristics
from adults. According to them, children were physically active, having various
emotional needs, easily forget things, and self oriented. Nunan (2011) stated that
children‟s characteristics should be considered in designing learning activities and
creating tasks and materials for them. In addition, Clarke (2010) put that each
child‟s learning styles should be considered too. Hence, teachers must understand
their students‟ characteristics and also learning styles which then should be
considered in designing activities, tasks, and materials.
From their experience in their initial years of teaching, Kiki and Jalu
realized that children were unpredictable. Children were unpredictable because
they were moody. Because of that, Jalu and Kiki needed to understand the
children well, particularly their mood to learn that day. Their mood to learn was
usually influenced by the time of learning. During the morning class, the students
were in a good mood and cooperative. Contrastingly, the students were not in a
good mood and uncooperative in the afternoon class. Because of that Kiki and
Jalu differentiated their teaching procedures and the activities for morning and
afternoon class.
When I develop lesson plan I need to consider my
students’characteristics, their mood, and also their condition whether
they are tired or not. In the morning class, my students are usually still in
the good mood and cooperative but in the afternoon class they are not
cooperative at all. Therefore, lesson plan which I made and applied at
grade 2 Sparkling might different from the one that I made and applied at
grade 2 Glowing, but the teaching objectives were the same.
Furthermore they also realized that a classroom consisted of various
students with different level of ability and learning ability. Kiki and Jalu realized
that they should understand it in order to provide appropriate treatment for them.
For instance, Kiki ever gave different amount of exercise for a student who had
lower ability that other students and was slow in writing and understanding
lesson. Similarly, Jalu also ever gave different treatment, an oral assessment, to a
student who had lower ability that other students and was lazy and also liked to do
things hastily.
11. Creativity
Someone who is creative has the ability or power to create. As primary
English teachers, Kiki and Jalu realized that they must be creative. They must be
creative in designing activities immediately when their planned teaching
procedures could not be applied at that moment. Both of them ever experienced
the situation in which their planned teaching procedures could not be applied and
it made them realized that they needed to be creative to switch or to find another
activity which could also be used to achieve the learning objectives. Also in
creating games, Jalu and Kiki realized that they should be creative because the
students were easily bored with the same games played over again and again.
Kiki revealed that
I think I need to have a bank of ideas or activities so that when my
activities could not work well in a certain situation I could change it
imidiately. I realized that I should not always adhere to my teaching
procedure in my lesson plan. When my planned teaching procedure does
not work well, I should have initiative to change the plan and apply
other activities as long as the teaching objectives could be achived well.
From Kiki‟s statemen above about bank of ideas or activities, it could be inferred
that she realized that she should be creative to create such activity when her
planned teaching procedure did not work well.
Jalu shared one of his experiences which made him understand that
creativity helped him.
At the first time I did not have various collections of games or ice
breakers. My collections were still limited and it made me gave them the
same games again and again. Because of that my students ever said “It is
boring!” It made me shoked. But then I learnt that children easily get
bored and I need to have lots of ideas and to be creative with any games
or activity which I applied in the class.
Facing children who got bored easily when they did the same games again and
again made Jalu understand that he should be creative in creating games and
12. Need
Needs could be defined as anything necessary but lacking. What Jalu and
Kiki had experienced so far in their initial times of teaching made them realized
that they were lacking of classroom management skills. They wished for a training
on classroom management so that they could perform better. It meant that they
need training on classroom management. They revealed that
I hope the school gives me opportunity to join a training like GLDPN
I think classroom management training is needed. I think I am not the
only teacher who needs that kind of training because some of my friends
are also young teacher and have the same difficulties in classroom
management like me. Thus we need it so much.
As Veenman (1984), Clift et al. (1995), Alexander and Galbraith (1997),
Crookes and Arakaki (1999) and McCann and Johannessen (2004) mentioned that
classroom management was one of the most prominent problems faced by novice
teachers. Both of Kiki and Jalu also faced that classroom management was one of
their outstanding problems in their initial years of teaching. From their reflection
on their past experience in their initial years of teaching, Kiki and Jalu realized
that classroom management was important in teaching. It was in accordance to
what Reschly (2007) put that teachers‟ ability to organize and manage the
students‟ behavior was important to achive educational outcomes. Since it was
necessary but lacking, Kiki and Jalu needed to get classroom management
This chapter consists of two parts. They are the conclusion that contains
the summary of my study and the answer to my research question and the
This study aimed to reveal the lived experience of novice English teachers
at the primary level. In this study I involved two novice primary English teachers,
who were willing to have an extended engagement to tell their experience during
their initial years of teaching and to develop narrative stories of their experiences,
as the participants in this study. In order to answer the research question, I did indepth interviews to narrate the participants‟ stories. Thus, I was able to compose
the participants‟ past stories (anecdote) of their lived experiences during their
initial years of teaching. After describing the lived experience of novice English
teachers at a primary level, I interpreted it in order to unveil the essence of their
lived experience.
Kiki and Jalu learn that besides teaching English in fun ways, being firm is
needed in teaching English at a primary level. Being firm is related to the
importance of classroom management in teaching English to young learners.
When teachers are firm towards the classroom rules, as the results the students
will behave in accordance to the rules and thus the teaching and learning process
can run smoothly. Teachers need to teach English in fun ways in order to interest
the children to learn. When the teachers are firm towards the classroom rules and
are teaching English in fun ways, children can learn better and can achieve the
expected outcomes well. Hence teaching English to young learners should be fun
and firm.
A well planned lesson plan is not the ultimate key success in teaching. No
matter how good the lesson plan is, it will be useless without good classroom
management. When the students behaved well and the classroom situation is
under controlled, teachers could apply any learning activities and thus could
achieve the teaching objectives well. Hence, good classroom management is the
key success in teaching.
Since classroom management plays an important role in making the
children behave well and in controlling the classroom situation, children could not
be blamed as the causal agent of classroom noisiness and chaos. When the class
became noisy and chaotic, the teacher iss the one who should be blamed since he
or she do not manage the class and the students‟ behavior well. The students are
not the casual agent of classroom noisiness and chaos, but the teacher is the one
who is responsible for the classroom chaos.
Besides having good classroom management, understanding children is
also important in teaching English to young learners. Children‟s characteristics
need to be considered in designing learning activities, tasks, and materials.
Furthermore, since a classroom might consist of various students with different
level of ability and learning style, Kiki and Jalu learn that they should understand
and should be sensitive towards children who have low ability and different
learning style so that appropriate treatment for those children could be provided.
Creativity is needed by English teachers at a primary level for creating
various interesting activities. Children are having unique characteristics which are
different from adults. Jalu and Kiki noticed that children are unpredictable,
moody, and easy to get bored. Since children are easy to get bored, Jalu and Kiki
learn that the same activities and games could not be done again and again. Being
creative in designing activities and games helps them to make the students
interested to learn.
Besides creativity, autonomy is also needed in teaching English to young
learners. Teachers need to be autonomous to initiate changes in their teaching
when their planned teaching procedures do not work well because of the
unpredicted situation. Furthermore, being autonomous to initiate changes in
teaching is needed because adhering to the planned teaching procedures which do
not work well would disadvantage the children. It disadvantages the children since
the objectives of teaching could not be achieved well.
Novice teachers‟ initial years of teaching are not easy to be passed. They
face reality shock, problems, and the up and down of feelings throughout the
beginning years of their teaching career. Supports from the school, their family,
and their perceived self-efficacy strengthen them to survive and not to abandon
their job as English teachers at a primary level. Support from the school, their
family, and their perceived self-efficacy help novice English teachers to survive in
the crucial times of their teaching career. Furthermore, their struggle and
adaptation in which they employ their own strategies to deal with problems arouse
also help them to survive.
Teaching English to young learners is not a trivial job. English teachers at
the primary level need to have good classroom management skills and
understanding of children. Because of that I suggest both of the participants to
always explore their knowledge of classroom management and children
characteristics by reading various resources and sharing lived experiences in order
to expand their knowledge and empower themselves to prepare better as English
teachers at a primary school. Moreover, I also suggest the participants to have
good time management because they have many works to do, yet so little time to
accomplish. Hopefully, by having good tima management, they would not bring
extra works home anymore.
The school boards and experienced teachers who work at the same site
with Kiki and Jalu should be sensitive better towards what they faced during their
initial years of teaching, such as reality shock, problems, and the up and down of
feelings. Then, I suggest the school boards and experienced teachers to provide
mentoring, support, and in house training for novice teachers.
The school boards might assign one of the experienced teachers to be Kiki
and Jalu‟s mentor who will listen, support, and help them to learn from their own
experience in order to develop or to perform better as primary English teacher.
The school boards might also hold in-house trainings related to the problem faced
by Kiki and Jalu. I suggest the school board to hold in house trainings on
classroom management and administrative works. Furthermore, I also hope that
experienced teachers are willing to share their experience and to encourage novice
teachers to survive.
Teacher educator should also be sensitive towards novice teachers‟
experience during their initial career. I suggest them to examine and then to bridge
the gap between the academic course content in the pre-service education program
and the reality of language classroom faced by novice teachers. Moreover, I
suggest teacher educators to provide and invite novice teachers to trainings or
seminars on classroom management, teaching English to young learners,
curriculum and syllabus design, and also material or tasks design.
I hope pre-service teachers could have better idea of the crucial moment in
their beginning career later. The idea of a real language classroom, culture shock,
problems, and teachers responsibilities obtained from this study could be used as
one of their consideration in preparing themselves for employement. I suggest
pre-service teacher to explore more their knowledge on teaching English to young
learners, classroom management, curriculum and syllabus design, and also
material and tasks design in order to reduce or even overcome the problems which
might arise during their initial years of teaching later.
Furthermore, I hope common readers who read this study could gain
comprehensible and empathic understanding towards novice teachers‟ experience
during their initial years of teaching. I expect common readers would not
underestimate the job as a primary English teacher since it is not a trivial job at
all. Moreover, I hope the readers would not demand novice teachers to perform as
well as experienced teachers and would not blame novice teachers for their failure
in teaching. I suggest common readers to support and to encourage novice
teachers whom they know so that the next generation of teachers would not
The finding of this study, a clear understanding of novice English teachers
experience at a primary level during their initial years of teaching, might
contribute insight to the theory of English teacher education and the development
of teaching English to young learners, particularly in Indonesian context. Since
studies on novice English teachers, particularly in the TESOL education context
are not many, I encourage other academician to do research on novice English
teachers. For those who are interested in doing research on it, I suggest them to do
research at different level of education, such as secondary, senior, university, and
even preschool.
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Interview Questions Guideline
Kiki’s Interview Transcripts
Interview Transcript 1
Day and date : Thursday, January 30, 2014
: 20.07 p.m. – 21.02 p.m.
The interview was done through chatting on WhatsApp
A : Adesia
K : Kiki
Interview 1
Kiki lulus kuliah langsung ngajar di Bethany ya?
Waduh nah itu …. Hehe … Iya mbak…
Kamu memang cita-citanya jadi guru ya? Khan banyak tuh
temen-temen kita yang lulus nggak mau jadi guru…
Oke mbak … aku ga cita-cita jadi guru awalnya … waktu kecil
sih emang suka main guru-guru nan tapi setelah gede nggak
pengen jadi guru … karena tanggung jawab yang gede dan
image yang nggak terlalu bagus buat jadi guru.
Lha terus kok sekarang ngajar?
Awalnya khan aku nggak pasti pengen kerja apa. Aku sempat
nglamar di perusahaan, tapi setelah aku pikir-pikir my expertise
kan ya dingajar kalau di perusahaan pasti nanti monoton dan aku
harus belajar lagi, dan pasti Bahasa Inggris nggak kepake kayak
teman-teman yang nggak jadi guru.
Ohh gitu…, terus nglamar kerja di Bethany? Atau ada sekolah
lain yang dikirim lamaran kerja?
Itu di Bethany juga karena ada yang sms aku kalau di buka
lowongan guru… nah aku coba masukin lamaran dan diterima
Ohhhh begitu….
Sebenernya kamu memang berharapnya ditempatkan kelas besar
apa kecil, maksudku pengennya di SD atau pengenya di SMP,
SMA, atau malah pre-school?
Aku sebenernya pengen kalau kecil ya kecil sekalian kayak preschool dan kalau besar ya besar sekalian kayak SMA. Waktu di
wawancara aku pilih pre-schoolnya Bethany sebenere… tapi
karena pertimbangan kemampuan dan sebagainya aku
dimasukan di SD gitu mbak.
Pas dimasukin di SD kamu ditawari kelas berapa gitu nggak?
Apa langsung dikasih kamu handle kelas 3 dan 4?
Iya kelas 2… aku sekarang bisa di kelas 3 dan 4 karena memang
di Bethany tiap tahun gurunya dioplos mbak.
Ooohhh… jadi memang systemnya rolling gitu? Gonta-ganti?
Bisa jadi tahun depan beda lagi ya?
Iya mbak…
Kamu tahu nggak kenapa regulasinya begitu? Terus dulu kamu
ngajar kelas 2 aja kok sekarang oplosane jadi 2 level 3 sama 4
Aku ga tau tepatnya kenapa mbak ... Yang pasti karena kita
nggak pake system guru kelas makanya lebih fleksibel.
Ohhh jadi guru subject ya modelnya?
Kamu guru subject aja atau sama home room teacher? Eh ada
home room teachernya ga sih?
Aku guru subject dan home room teacher kelas 4 mbak sekarang
Pas pertama kali ngajar di kelas 2 itu udah jadi home room juga?
Aku jadi assisstent homeroom teacher kelas 2 waktu itu.
Ooohhh…. Ada assisstent juga to?
Iya mbak.
Eh, pas pertama kali kamu mulai ngajar Bahasa Inggris, bukan
jadi assisstent home room ya, kamu gimana rasanya?
Nervous, apa excited apa piye?
Awalnya setress banget mbak, karena anak-anaknya hiper
aktif… mereka brutal banget sama guru yang baru dan nggak
tegas. Jadi waktu itu setiap selesai ngajar harus evaluasi diri
sendiri gimana biar anak-anak bisa diem dan menerima pelajaran
dengan baik… dan salah satu hal yang nggak pernah di pelajari
di FBS pas kuliah dan padahal penting banget adalah class
management. Cuma diajari buat perencanaan dan evaluasi ... tapi
untuk menghadapi murid-murid yang kompleks nggak pernah
dipelajari. I learn naturally from the environment.
Interview Transcript 2
Day and date : Sunday, February 9, 2014
: 09.28 a.m. – 09.48 a.m.
The interview was done through chatting on WhatsApp
A : Adesia
K : Kiki
Interview 2
Kiki, dulu awal lulus SMA memang pilihan utama kuliah di
FBS? Atau ada cita-cita kuliah di tempat lain dan jurusan
Dulu bingung mau masuk fsm atau fbs mbak ... tapi atas banyak
pertimbangan masa depan dan saran kakak, aku masuk FBS.
Kalau boleh tau pertimbangan maksudnya alasannya untuk
memutusakan ambil FBS aja, itu apa?
Kalau Bahasa Inggris itu lebih flexible mbak mau jadi apa aja
Kiki lulus tahun berapa ya? Masih inget bulannya ga? Terus
mulai kerja tahun berapa, sama bulannya sekalian ya?
Aku lulus tahun 2012 bulan Maret, terus kerja mulai 2012 Juni.
Interview Transcript 3
Day and date : Sunday, February 16, 2014
: 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 a.m.
: Paprika Resto
Jl. Jendral Sudirman no. 175, Salatiga
A : Adesia
K : Kiki
Interview 3
Kita mulai dari perkenalan ya, nama lengkapnya? Sama tanggal
lahir ya?
Kiki Kurniawati, 29 Maret 1989
Dari kecil, dari lahir di Salatiga, asli Salatiga?
Pas sekolah, dari lulus SMA memang pengen masuk FBS?
Sebenernya ada 2 pilihan mau masuk FSM (Fakultas Sains dan
Matematika) atau Bahasa Inggris tapi karena pertimbangan dan
banyak pertimbangan lah, pertimbangannya masalah nanti
kedepannya gimana, nanti kalau matematika itu lebih sempit dan
sebagainya. Lalu kakak juga menyarankan di Bahasa Inggris,
yausdah akhirnya masuknya ke FBS.
Di rumah panggilannya, Kiki juga?
Saudara ada berapa?
Iya, kakak. Dia 8 tahun di atas.
Kakak kerja?
Iya, perawat.
Berarti, seperti ceritamu yang waktu kemarin itu, kuliah di FBS
terus lulus kuliah langsung kerja. Trus pas itu kamu cerita kalau
jadi guru itu sebenernya ga bercita-cita jadi guru karena
tanggung jawab guru itu gede dan juga karena image nya yang
begitu bagus. Maksudnya imagenya yang begitu bagus itu
Imagenya itu khan sekarang ini guru-guru banyak sekali yang
misalnya sekarang itu khan lesson plan ga ada, ya guru cuman
datang, masih konserfatif gitu, jadi misalkan di kelas ya sudah
misalkan menulis di papan tulis, murid-murid ya cuma
mendengarkan atau cuma menyalin ya cuma seperti itu. Jadi
banyak sekali orang-orang yang berfikir kalau guru itu ya cuman
kerjaannya gitu-gitu aja gitu lho, tanpa ada memiliki apa ya
kualitas tertentu tuh ga ada. Ya jadi guru itu ya udah, misalkan
“Mau jadi apa?” “Jadi guru.” Pasti orang langsung menyepelekan
gitu. Karena orang pikirnya jadi guru tuh gampang, sepele,
ngajar-tinggal ngajar, tidak ada beban apa-apa, pulangnya lebih
awal, liburnya sama kayak anak sekolah khan padahal beban
pekerjaannya banyak. Apalagi kalau misalkan lembur di rumah
itu sebenarnya banyak, apalagi yang di… apa ya… hubungan
kita khan sama manusia gitu lho mbak. Jadinya kalau misalkan…
kalau sama komputer khan beda ya, kalau komputer salah
yaudah jelas salah, tapi kalau sama anak itu khan ga jelas.
Maksudnya, oh ya… mungkin… mungkin anak itu kenapa kita
harus berfikir juga anak itu buat masalah di sekolahan kita juga
harus ini mikirin juga gimana nanti gimana kita ke orang tuanya,
bagaimana untuk memperbaiki anak itu, kayak gitu kayak gitu…
Bisanya kalau lembur, yang dikerjakan di rumah itu apa?
Biasanya RPP, RPP itu pasti karena RPP itu susah sekali untuk
punya ide kalau waktu di kantor karena waktu di kantor itu
administrasinya pun banyak apalagi di Bethany itu ga cuman
RPP mbak. Kalau RPP itu khan sudah pasti sendiri, lalu untuk
soal, karena kita sekolahannya ga negeri tapi swasta soal itu
harus buat sendiri, dan itu bentuknya kayak kuis, monthly test,
lalu apakah itu speaking test atau presentasi, kayak gitu kayak
gitu dan apa lagi ya, kalau misalkan di Bethany itu ada monthly
schedule, summary, jadi kayak module semuanya itu buat
sendiri, jadinya memang administrasinya sangat banyak.
Kiki kalau ngajar pake text book apa? Maksudnya di sekolah
textbooknya apa?
Iya mbak, pakenya My Pals.
Terus tadi khan Kiki cerita kalau jadi guru tuh harus ngerti si
anak itu masalahnya apa. Ada pengalaman ga, ada cerita ga
tentang ini yang Kiki hadapi selama ini anak-anak itu
masalahnya apa sih?
Kalau permasalahannya itu banyak mbak, misalkan kalau anak di
Bethany itu permasalahannya bukan lagi ke masalah ekonomi itu
nggak karena mereka mmm…. apa ya golongongan orang tuanya
khan udah menengah ke atas, cuman masalahnya itu ya orang
tuanya ada yang bermasalah misalnya tidak harmonis, itu nanti
ngaruhnya khan ke anaknya, anaknya itu tiba-tiba murung
sendiri. Kenapa sih kok tiba-tiba murung? Pelajaran kok nggak
ngerti-ngerti sih? Kayak gitu. Nanti kita ada kita sampaikan ke
orang tua, tapi orang tua khan pasti juga apa ya… tidak terlalu
apa ya… membuka masalah apa nya khan enggak. Jadi ya kayak
gitu misalkan.
Terus misalkan, anak itu punya learning difficulties tuh juga ada
mbak. Misalkan dia di kelas itu sama sekali… mmm…. Jadi gini
karena gaya belajarnya orang tuanya itu berbeda dengan gurunya
misalkan gurunya khan di sekolah pake Bahasa Inggris terus,
tetapi mungkin anak ini punya masalah di Bahasa Inggris, tapi
kalau di pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dia nggak bermasalah, jadi
misalkan soal Bahasa Inggris tuh, dia ngerti tapi kalau pelajaran
lain, misalkan science dengan Bahasa Inggris, dia sama sekali
nggak ngerti, kalau diajak ngomong pake Bahasa Inggris dia
nggak ngerti, tapi kalau pelajaran Inggris dia ngerti kayak gitu.
Jadi kayak anak ini memiliki learning difficulties yang apa ya
yang special gitu lho kayak gitu misalkan. Kalau udah kayak gitu
nanti disampaikan ke orang tuanya, orang tuanya akan ngomong
“Lhoh anak init tuh mengerti, kalau saya ajari, belajar di rumah
sama saya tuh mengerti” tapi kalau sudah sampai di sekolahan
itu nilainya jelek semua gitu lho. Nah itu khan, kayak apa ya…
harus menjembatani antara sebenernya memang gaya belajarnya
di rumah yang berbeda atau anaknya ini memang tidak mengerti
gitu lho.
Kalau khusus di pelajaran Bahasa Inggris pernah ga menghadapi
anak yang bermasalah?
Iya. Nah itu salah satunya itu, anak yang sama itu juga. Jadi
kalau misal khan dia soal gitu ya soal misalnya dibolak-balik
gitu, dia akan bingung, jawabannya akan berbeda. Sebenernya
soalnya sama mbak, cuman nomernya dibolak-balik urutannya.
Dia jawabnnya bisa beda mbak, jadi itu, anak itu kalau diajak
ngomong pake Bahasa Inggris, anak itu cuman “mmmm….?”
tapi kalau nanti dia dikasih soal, nanti dia bisa mengerjakan
separoh lebih. Jadi kayak, ga tau tuh kenapa anaknya. Jadi
sampai sekarang juga masih dicari-cari, kalau misalkan kalau
untuk menyebutkan pasti dia tau, tapi kalau sudah masuk kayak
ke grammar lalu ke apa ya… kayak bentuk yang sudah sentence
dia sudah kesusahan gitu.
Hmm…. Berarti kalau menyebutkan vocab gitu masih bisa?
Vocab, kalau vocab masih iya bisa walaupun tulisannya juga
salah. Tulisannya tapi ya gapapalah ya… tulisannya masih kita
benerin kayak gitu-kayak gitu.
Itu khan masalahnya dengan parents juga ya, dari sekolah apakah
sekolah mewadahi?
Iya jadi sekolah bantunya lewat memberikan tambahan ke anak
itu untuk mata pelajaran yang dia ga bisa, kayak gitu. Tapi kalau
untuk Bahasa Inggris, karena permasalahannya anak ini special,
di Bahasa Inggris dia ga bermasalah, di pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
dia tidak di bawah KKM, tapi untuk pelajaran science yang
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dia di bawah KKM kayak gitu.
Jadi untuk satu anak ini memang penanganannya masih selalu
diperhatikan dalam kelas. Kalau di dalam kelas dia, temantemannya sudah selesai, guru itu masih ngajari dia untuk
menulis, untuk apa…. Jadi di dalam kelas itu dia paling special
gitu. Ada pertanyaan pasti ditujukan ke dia, karena kalau nggak
gitu takutnya nanti dia sama sekali nggak ngerti. Kalau di kelas,
biasanya dia itu cuman diem terus nanti kalau anak itu ditegur
nanti responya cuman “hee? Apa Miss? What?” Nanti kalau di
suruh ngerjain ga ngerti lagi. Instruksi ga ngerti, dia ga ngerti.
Untuk sentence ga ngerti, belum ngerti. Tapi mungkin karena
faktor umurnya dia masih muda.
Untuk menghadapi anak “special” ini Kiki dibantu, ada support
ga dari teman-teman guru? Atau waktu pertama menghadapi
anak ini Kiki menyelesaikan masalah ini sendiri?
Awalnya nyelesein sendiri, karena ooh… anak ini mungkin perlu
2 atau 3 kali untuk mengerti. Tapi ternyata kok juga banyak guru
yang keluhannya sama tiap pelajaran yang pake Bahasa Inggris,
anaknya tidak bisa memahami. Bahkan untuk pelajaran Bahasa
Indonesia dan PKn pun mengalami kesulitan, jadi seperti logical
thinkingnya dia belum jalan. Misalkan untuk pelajaran PKn gitu
ya, misalkan “Pekerjaan apa yang bisa kamu lakukan di rumah
untuk membantu orang tua?” Dia jawabannya akan berbeda
dengan teman-teman yang lainnya. Misalkan dia apa sendiri. Jadi
memang dia apa ya ya memang masih belum bisa berfikir apa ya
logikanya belum ini… nalarnya belum terlalu jalan gitu.
Waktu pertama kali menghadapi anak “special” ini setres ga?
Kok diajarin ga ngerti-ngerti atau gimana?
Karena dia untuk Bahasa Inggris masih ga di bawah KKM, jadi
aku ga masalah awalnya. Yaudah normal aja kalau anak ini
nilainya nggak setinggi temannya, misalnya temannya 90 terus
dia cuman dapat 73 tapi udah di atas KKM menurutku nggak
papa waktu itu. Tapi lama-kelamaan dia ga mengerti, instruksi ga
mengerti, gitu. Lama-lama, khan memang awalnya dulu khan
masih apa ya mbak… karena guru baru awalnya guru baru itu
kayak masih alus gitu ya… maksudnya masih kayak “Ayo come
on!” masih yang gitu khan, masih yang kayak apa ya… kita terus
ngereh-reh gitu. Tapi lama-kelamaan khan jadi ini lama-lama
metode nya khan jadi ini berbeda… mm…. “Pay attention!”
lama-lama jadi kayak strict gitu lho mbak, jadi “Kamu harus
gini… kamu harus mendengarkan!” Karena dia sekali tidak
digituin dia akan lost mbak, yang melamun, yang tiba-tiba apa
sendiri, gitu-gitu, bermain sendiri, terus tiba-tiba ketawa sendiri
padahal temen-temenya enggak. Terus orang lain pasti bilang
“Lhoo kamu kenapa?” Padahal kadang temennya itu ga mau
sekelompok sama dia, mbak, karena dia... karena ya itu dia
memang daya tangkapnya ya itu slow learner itu tadi.
Terus kalau temennya ga ada yang mau sekelompok gitu terus?
Ya aku paksa, temennya yang pinter pun aku paksa harus mau
sekelompok sama dia. Harus mau, apa ya… biar yang pinterpun
bisa istilahnya ngajari dia. Soalnya takutnya dia digituin terus, di
kelompok lain juga ga mau sama dia karena dia yang paling…
jadi kalau misalnya ada average dia itu memang gap nya
memang bener-bener paling terlalu membuat jauh gapnya ya dia
itu sendiri. Jadi kalau misalkan yang lainnya itu bisa above
average bahkan untuk Bahasa Inggris itu anak-anak lainnya itu
bisa 90 itu sangat gampang sekali, tapi kalau dia… yaudah 80 itu
udah paling bagus gitu, kayak gitu. Ya dia itu rangenya itu 7080. Yang paling kesalahanya tuh ya itu, tapi kadang khan apa ya?
Tulisan masih aku betulin, nah makanya itu kadang aku ada
beberapa kali itu spelling ga tak benerin mbak, malah aku
kurangin, memang orang tuanya pasti complaint, “Loh Miss.
Kiki mbok ini jangan dikurangi khan dia mengerti maksudnya.”
Tapi aku bilang “Iya, Mam tapi ini kita belajar bahasa dan ini
sudah pernah di kelas 2.” Jadi di kelas 2 sudah pernah gitu lho
mbak materinya, nah kalau di kelas 3 dia melakukan kesalahan
yang bahkan teman-teman nya sudah tidak melakukan nanti
takutnya nilainya 100 semua kalau lama-lama kalau misalkan
spellingnya juga dibenerin, kayak gitu.
Pas menghadapi masalah ini, ada sharing ga sama guru lain?
Iya, pernah memang sempat. Bahkan guru lainpun juga sharing
masalah yang sama kan, tapi memang guru lain selalu bilang
“Ki, dia itu butuhnya itu diajari Bahasa Inggris, karena di science
itu dia sama sekali nggak ngerti”. Lalu aku bilang “Ya memang
dia science nggak ngerti, tapi di Bahasa Inggris dia tidak
bermasalah kalau aku memberikan tambahan ya aku bisanya
memberikan tambahan Bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk science”.
Gitu mbak, jadinya memang susah. Soalnya anak ini kalau
Bahasa Inggris tidak terlalu bermasalah, jadi bentuk soal apapun
dia masih di atas KKM jadi nggak ada justifikasi kenapa dia
harus ikut tambahan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, padahal nilai
Bahasa Inggrisnya sudah di atas KKM gitu. Jadinya ya udah….
Kamu merasa nggak kalau kamu tuh kok jadi yang dilimpahi
masalah anak ini?
Ooohhh…. Enggak karena ya memang anak ini ya memang ga
bisa Bahasa Inggrisnya itu memang ga mengerti, tapi dia di
hafalan memang kayaknya pinter, dia kalau untuk menghafalkan
object itu bagus. Tapi kalau tulisan, bentuk kalimat, instruksi itu
memang ga bisa, kayaknya belum bisa.
Dari kepala sekolah ada support ga ke Kiki untuk masalah ini?
Kalau kepala sekolah ya memang hanya menerima ada keluhan
apa, enaknya solusinya apa. Nah karena memang dia masalahnya
di science ya akhirnya tambahan pelajaran yang diberikan ya
science. Jadi bukan tambahan Bahasa Inggris, karena sebenernya
permasalahan untuk anak ini tuh sangat global. Dia itu mamang
kemampuan nalarnya itu memang belum seperti temennya. Ya
akhirnya, yang kelihatan dulu masalahnya khan di science, ya
tambahannya di science.
Kalau dari kamu sendiri ga ada treatment khusus untuk dia?
Misal soal utnuk dia lebih mudah dari yang lainnya?
Ooohh, ga bisa mbak kalau gitu mbak. Soale untuk dia di
pelajaran Bahasa Inggris nilainya ga di bawah KKM, kalau soal
untuk dia dipermudah, dia pasti dapat 100 mbak, yaa khan?
Soale dia ga bermasalah di Bahasa Inggris, kecuali dia
bermasalah. Itu mungkin nanti bisa…. Itu ada mbak… ada anak
lain yang memang dia tidak terlalu bisa Bahasa Inggris, Jadi pasti
dia selalu tanya “Miss, can I speak in Bahasa?” itu pasti dia
selalu pasti tanya. Nah untuk anak-anak seperti ini aku masih
bisa, apa ya untuk menurunkan soalnya misalnya aku buat agak
berbeda, misalnya lebih gampang. Tapi kalau untuk yang tadi,
yang „special‟ tadi nggak.
Ohhh… tapi pernah kasih treatment soal yang berbeda?
Iya, jadi misalnya temen-temennya itu, misalnya ada 10 soal ya
mbak, dia cukup mengerjakan itu 5 soal tapi dia mengerti, 5 soal
kayak gitu. Soalnya apa ya, kadang dia itu untuk menulispun
temennya 5 menit selesai, dia itu bisa 1 jam pelajaran hanya
untuk menulis, gitu… Kalau ga “Ayo!! Ayo!” nggak digituin tuh
ga bakal dia selesai.
Jadi dulu pernah semua dibuat sama tapi ternyata hasilnya….
He‟em ternyata hasilnya kayak gitu … catatannya amburadul,
orang tuanya ya bilang kok catatannya ga lengkap dan
sebagainya…. Padahal anaknya sendiri memang nggak bisa 2
jam pelajaran pun ga bisa
Akhirnya dibuat variasi?
Iya dibuat variasi, temennya mengerjakan berapa, dia hanya
berapa, temanya mencatat missal lebih detail dan examples nya
banyak, dia cukup berapa gitu. Misalnya temennya aku minta
“List 20 words!” gitu ya tentang things in the birthday party.
Temanya misalkan bisa menyebutkan 20-30 items, dia cukup 10
aja wes aku gapapa. 10 itu sudah bagus… yaudah dia akan
memenuhi 10 itu dan 10 itupun lama mbak… 1, 2 jam itu nggak
cukup… tapi yowes gpp lah yang benting bisa, at least ada 10 itu
Ide ngasih variasi soal itu dari Kiki sendiri atau?
He‟e dari sendiri mbak. Jadi misalkan kadang ada spontant, kok
anak ini ga ngerti ya, kadang khan di RPP ga ada khan
perencanaan kalau anak ga bisa khan makanya waktu dilihat
waktu dijelasin oh dia ga ngerti terus yang langsung spontaneous
aja dia dikasih ini aja yang beda yang lainnya tetap yang itu…
Berarti sekarang ngajarnya berubah ya… kalau sekarang jadi
lebih strict ya... berarti dulu pandanganmu tentang ngajar anak
kecil itu harusnya yang…
He‟e harusnya yang nice, yang apa-apa itu dibuatnya harusnya
yang enak gitu pokoknya, kayak kita ngajar mulai dengan “Good
Morning…” (sambil memeragakan dengan gaya yang ramah)
Apa ya… yang kita pelajari dulu khan gitu too…. Kalau kita
ngajar anak-anak ya kita harus seperti anak-anak dan kita harus
menyenangkan biar anak-anak senang gitu khan, tapi metode
kayak gitu itu enggak berlaku setiap saat, karena saat kita enak
menyenangkan, anak-anak itu akan mempergunakan… ooh…
gurunya baik, berarti aku melakukan apa saja bisa, di kelas aku
bisa mau main-main sama temen, apa-apa paling gurunya ga
akan marah, itu selalu terjadi gitu. Kalau ada guru baru, pasti
kayak gitu anak-anak, pasti mereka suka dengan guru baru itu
dan akhirnya nanti kalau ada pelajaran dia kelas itu ya sudah
nanti ada yang teriak-teriak… kelas itu jadinya udah kayak
Kalau sekarang, aku masuk kelas itu udah langsung hitung dulu.
Misalkan 1-10, dan 10 belum duduk berarti ini, dia harus
melakukan sesuatu. Kalau di kelasku biasanya yang itu lho
mbak, pake gerakan-gerakan misalnya kayak COCONUT (C-OC-O-U-N-U-T) pake gerakan-gerakan gitu. Itu hukuman untuk
mereka kalau mereka waktu aku masuk belum siap. Karena kalau
misalnya kita masuk dan mereka nggak aware sama keberadaan
kita, itu udah parah banget, karena nanti akhirnya nanti di kelas
saat pembelajaran pastinya akan sangat parah gitu.
Karena waktu aku awal masuk, kelas yang aku ajar khan kelas 2
sama kelas 3. Yang kelas 2 ini wah bener-bener parah. Aku
masuk to mbak, ada yang megangi kakiku. Ada yang meganggi
kakiku mbak… dia itu kayak apa ya… “ngganduli” kakiku terus
berpura-pura jadi kayak anjing mbak. Terus dia kayak jilatinjilatin gitu mbak… Itu di tengah-tengah pelajaran lho mbak…
sampe aku tuh bener-bener … dia tak lepasin ga mau, tak suruh
duduk ga mau, tak bentak ga mau. Karena dia sudah biasa
dengan aku yang ga pernah marah gitu lho… Terus ada yang
teriak-teriak. Jadi kalo ada activitas, misalnya games yang
sebenernya menyenangkan gitu ya kalau masuk kelas itu pasti
malah ga menyenagkan pasti malah wwooohhh…. Malah kayak
jadi bener-bener kayak di hutan. Padahal satu kelas itu maksimal
cuman 15 anak lho mbak… 15 anak sudah apa ya…..
wooooohhh… membuat keriuhan kayak gitu. Sampe beberapa
kali itu waktu aku ngajar kepala sekolahnya itu pasti masuk,
khan takut… pada takut sama kepala sekolah gitu…. Kepala
sekolahku sampe masuk mbak… Karena apa? Karena itu
keadaan kelasnya tuh memang sudah ga bisa dikontrol sama guru
mbak… karena aku terlalu baik. Makanya mulai tahun ajaran
baru ini aku mengubah metode ku. Yaudah sekarang aku hitung
1 – 10, kamu enggak duduk itu berarti kamu ga siap, sekarang
sudah kayak gitu mbak strict. Tapi bukan yang wuuuhhh untuk
tunjuk jari bertanya aja takut ya endak sampe segitu. Aku masih
ngasih kesempatan mereka berekspresi itu iya, tapi ada batasnya,
kayak gitu sih mbak…
Yang ide kamu di awal pelajaran sebelum mulai kamu hitung 1
sampe 10 itu dari mana?
Emmm jadi setiap guru itu kayak gitu mbak. Jadi setiap guru apa
ya… memang menghitung 1-10 agar anak-anaknya itu duduk,
jadi semua diseragamkan kalau pengen anak-anak duduk ya
hitung 1-10 tapi guru-guru itu memang hukumannya masingmasing berbeda, kalau sampai 10 masih ada yang belum duduk
ada yang stand in the corner, ada yang apa… beda-beda
terganting gurnya pengennya kayak apa… gitu.
Pas memutuskan 1-10 itu ada team sharing atau gimana?
Enggak mbak, jadi dari kita lihat… jadi dulu khan awalnya
kayak dicangkokan, satu guru baru itu dicangkokan ke wali kelas
yang lama, yang udah lama… oohh tau ooohhh caranya gini…
Jadi kita belajarnya sendiri, gini to caranya guru ini, ohh ya udah
dipakai… dipake akhirnya yaudah seragam akhirnya.
Kalau Kiki tadi itu hukumannya gimana sih?
Itu tuh kayak spelling tapi pake gerakan gitu lho mbak… Karena
untuk kelas yang lebih besar kelas 3 dan kelas 4 itu sudah sangat
efektif karena mereka sudah tau malu gitu lho mbak… Jadi kalau
digituin di depan kelas tuh malu ya… jadi aku harus duduk. Tapi
kalau untuk anak kelas 1 kelas 2 digituin malah seneng.
Yang hitungan 1-10 itu hanya untuk membuat anak duduk atau
juga untuk siap belajar, siap dengan buku-buku?
Buku udah harus siap mbak…
Pas kamu pertama kali datang ke sekolah, kamu dikasih waktu
untuk observasi dulu, perkenalan dengan lingkungan?
Iya itu ada. Jadi khan sebelum aku ngajar itu sebelum tahun
ajaran baru khan ada waktu sekitar 2 minggu, itu khan memang
dikenalin biasa lah dikenalin dengan peraturannya, bagaimana
membuat PROTA, PROMES yang dikuliahan aja ga pernah
diajari buatnya.
Itu apasih?
Program Tahunan, Program Semester. Terus mbak selain itu aku
harus buat syllabus sendiri, itu khan kita ga terlalu di-ini-in gitu
lho mbak. Dah perkenalan administrasi baru setelah mereka
masuk, mereka ada waktu 3 hari masa orientasi, kita juga ikut
masa orientasi itu, oh jadi kita lihat anak-anaknya seperti ini.
Anak-anak diminta untuk mengenal Miss atau Mr –nya yang
baru, kayak gitu sih, tapi pas masuk yaudah…. Waktu itu pas
masuk aku ga mendapatkan waktu untuk observasi karena waktu
itu apa ya memang sangat dibutuhkan aku dibutuhkan untuk
segera untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggris. Jadi aku tidak diberikan
waktu untuk observasi bagaimana seharusnya aku menangani
anak itu. Makanya itu saat akau menghadapi setress ya itu benerbener kayak… woooouuuuuuhhh… kayaknya setresnya tuh ga
bisa ngomong sama siapa tuh ga bia gitu lho mbak, itu
penanganan kelasku sendiri. Aku sharing ke siapa… metode
mereka beda... Mereka bilang “Kalau metode ku begini…kalau
aku gini… kalau aku ginii...” Pada akhirnya itu ga bisa berlaku
semua, karena mereka punya style sendiri-sendiri, kalau yang
udah dari sana nya galak, yaudah dia begitu…. Aku khan ga
mungkin tiba-tiba pakai stylenya dia yang galaknya begitu khan
mbak… anak-anak nanti malah justru akan langsung reluctant
gitu khan sama aku, makanya aku sampai bingung aku harus
nyari yang mana nih? Aku harus nyoba yang mana nih? Aku
nyoba-nyoba banyak hal gitu lho. Memang RPP itu salah satunya
membantu, kalau RPP nya bagus pasti nanti ini nya apa ya
pembelajarannya itu juga kena, tapi pada akhirnya yang apa ya
classroom management itu lah yang intinya yang paling penting
dulu. Kalau classroom managementnya bagus, baru deh RPP
bentuk apapun bisa. Classroom managementnya ga bagus….
yowes RPP bagusnya kayak apa ya ga bisa ga bisa jalan
Berarti kalau kamu curhat ke senior, mereka lebih ngasih contoh
apa yang mereka lakukan?
He‟em mbak… mereka bilang “Kalau aku… Kalau aku enggak
Ki, kalau misal ad anak kayak gitu, langsung stand in the
corner!” dia bilang gitu. Nah kalau misalkan anaknya banyak
mungkin kan kalau kelasnya dia khan mungkin beda, mbak.
Misalkan khan karena dia gurunya orangnya galak, ooh… hanya
satu anak nih yang berulah. Lha tapi kalau di kelasku banyak,
khan ga mungkin kalau stand in the corner semua, khan ga
mungkin. Kelasku tuh keadaannya gitu, hampir 5 anak tuh
uuuhhh…… membuat kelas itu kacau gitu, sampai akhirnya itu
menemukan cara-cara sendiri. Oohhh harusnya gini diitung dulu,
kalau dihitung mereka ga duduk harusnya gimana… Terus apa
ya, karena aku juga mengikuti training untuk classroom
management, akhirnya aku juga tau kalau kita sebenernya
harusnya ada kontrak dulu sama anak-anak, kalau anak-anak buat
suatu kesalahan apa yang… , konsekuensi yang mereka harus
lakukan kayak gitu jadinya aku juga belajar juga sih mbak.
Berarti Kiki kalau denger strategi guru lain itu didengarkan terus
difikirkan mana ya yang cocok sama Kiki, gitu?
He‟em… jadi memang masih mikir-mikir aja, guru ini gini, guru
ini gini…., kayak gitu dan apa ya dan yaudah memang ga ada
cara lain selain aku sendiri yang menemukan gitu lho mbak.
Yaudah mereka hanya menemukan masukan, ooh … ini ini ini
mana ya enaknya gitu…
Training yang diikuti Kiki itu apa namanya?
Jadi training itu aku khan ikut training GLPDN itu tuh dari
International Reading Association mbak, jadi itu tuh satu tahun.
Jadi itu ada banyak sekali metode dan tehnik yang dipelajari
untuk di kelas gitu, salah satunya classroom management itu,
classroom management yang seharusnya kita dapatkan. Dan dia
mengajarkan banyak sekali, kayak tehnik gimana anak-anak itu
di kelas selalu di kelas itu tidak takut tapi masih order, kayak
mereka mengetahui apa yang harus mereka lakukan, mereka tahu
apa tujuan mereka belajar di pelajaran itu kayak gitu, ya salah
satunya itu kamu harus membuat kontrak dengan anak-anak dulu
sebelum kamu menentukan keputusan, misalkan dan itu biasanya
di awal tahun pembelajaran khan… Bagaimana anak apa ya
misalnya kalau anak melakukan kesalahan ini konsekuensi apa,
kalau anak apa ya melakukan sesuatu yang bagus dia
mendapatkan apa juga, yaa kayak reward and punishment itu lho
Kamu ikut training itu tau dari kamu sendiri atau dari sekolah?
Training itu jadi dari sekolah. Awalnya suratnya dari sekolah.
Jadi itu kayak guru-guru di seluruh Salatiga gitu tu lho mbak …
Gurunya memang di sekolah dipilihi, karena memang ada
kuotanya. Kuotanya itu se-Salatiga 20 dan Bethany itu hanya
dapat 4 guru, 4 slot itu untuk ikut training itu, dan itu satu tahun.
Sekarang Kiki ngajar berapa kelas berarti?
Awalnya aku ngajar kelas 2 kelas 3, tapi pararel. Jadi 4 kelas,
sekarang juga 4 kelas. Karena Inggris itu satu minggu 6 jam
mbak, jadi 4 kelas itu dah 24 jam, jadine memang ya ya gitulah.
Mulai tahun ajaran baru itu kamu sudah menerapkan classroom
management yang dari training itu?
He‟em iya ya udah dari awal aku memang sudah harus punya
cara sendiri gitu lho mbak, jadi cara-carane aku sudah harus….
Ohya jadi aku reflect dulu, dari kemaren masak aku ya mau
kayak kemaren gitu. Bener-bener mbak berat banget, kalau
pulang tuh mesthi wes capek, anaknya nakal, adminitrasinya
segitu banyaknya. Khan dulu waktu dulu tuh mikirnya anakanaknya yang nakal karena mereka ga bisa diatur, tapi dari
training yang aku ikuti ternyata bukan anaknya yang nakal, tapi
there‟s only a bad teacher, bad students tuh ga ada … ya
teachernya yang harus apa ya…. Maksudnya harus menggunakan
apapun caranya biar anak itu bisa, gitu. Karena, anak-anak tetep
aja, powernya ada di bawah kita gurunya gitu lho, tinggal kita
caranya gimana.
Berarti dulu Kiki menganggap sumber permasalahannya itu ada
di anaknya?
Iya… He‟e ini anaknya yang salah jadi anaknya yang nakal,
anakanya yang ga mau dengerinlah… tapi setelah ikut training
itu kayak diputar balikan sebenernya ga ada lho anak-anak yang
bermasalah, yang ada itu karena kamu, persepsimu tentang anak-
anak itu seperti itu, karena kamu apa ya menurutmu anak-anak
itu nakal, cerewet, nah persepsi itulah yang membentuk mereka
kayak gitu. Jadinya kalau apa ya kalau kamu mau mengganggap
mereka sebagai partner juga pasti enak gitu lho mbak.
Sekarang classroom management yang kamu terapkan dari
semester baru ini apa aja?
Itu aku saat mereka enggak duduk mereka harus C-O-C-O itu
tadi coconut itu tadi. Kalau mereka ngomong pake Bahasa
Indonesia di kelasku, itu mereka juga ada nyanyian gitu mbak,
kayak banana milkshake gitu mbak, nyanyiannya. Itu kalau
mereka ngomong pake Bahasa Indonesia lebih dari satu kata,
karena mereka kalau mereka ga ngerti mereka masih pake
quotation mark (memeragakan tanda kutik dengan kedua jari)
aku masih ga papa. Tapi kalau sudah dalam bentuk kalimat
mereka akan nyanyi banana milkshake itu. Tapi kalau mereka
masih terus ngomong pake Bahasa Indonesia mereka akan pergi
ke kantornya kurikulum dan mereka nyanyi itu juga dan mereka
harus memeragakan dengan tariannya, dan mereka biasanya
malu. Ya kalau terakhir paling parahnya, tapi ga pernah sih, ya
mereka akan pergi ke kantornya Mr. Kukuh, kepala sekolahnya.
Sekarang hasilnya sudah terlihat dengan classroom amanagement
yang sudah diterapkan itu?
Iya better, ya jauh… jauh lebih baik. Jadi anak-anak udah apa
ya… udah bener-bener aware gitu lho, saat aku masuk ke kelas
gitu mereka udah siap-siap gitu, langsung prepare themselves.
Tadi Kiki cerita kalau kadang ada reflection itu berarti informal,
hanya kaya mikir…
Enggak tak tulis mbak, jadi cuman tiap kali pulang aku mikir,
aku harus gimana ya…. Cuma kayak gitu. Dulu khan ada to
kalau waktu kuliah disuruh buat reflection gitu-gitu khan, ga
usah tak reflect gitu aku udah tak reflect sendiri aja….
Dari dalam diri kamu tuh ya ada rasa pengen tau kenapa gitu ya?
Iya mbak dari dalam diriku sendiri. Pasti ada yang salah gitu lho
mbak, kok tiap kali ngajar pasti kok kayak gitu, padahal kalau
sama guru lain enggak. Khan kita bisa tau mbak kalau sama guru
lain mereka bermasalah, kenapa kok di pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
pasti bermasalah. Pasti khan ya udah yang salah ya itu tadi tidak
lain tidak bukan khan pasti yang salah gurunya. Jadi gurunya
yang harus mikir, harus diapain ya harus diapain ya gitu…
Berarti waktu dulu kamu jadi assisstent kamu tinggal di kelas,
terus kamu observe guru lain gitu?
Enggak, aku enggak observe guru lain. Kalo jadi guru kelas itu
cuman jagain kalau morning service, snack time, sama lunch
time gitu lho mbak. Tapi kalau misalkan waktu guru lain ngajar
khan kita lewat khan kita bisa tau, oohhh…. Kok sama sekali
nggak ada suara kegaduhan yang diciptakan mereka waktu
pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Tiap guru baru pasti gitu
mengalaminya mbak…
Terus tadi Kiki cerita yang buat PROTA sama PROMES itu
belajarnya dari contoh?
Waktu itu ada coordinator kurikulumnya mbak, jadi kayak
coordinator kurikulumnya itu menunjukan kalau PROTA itu
kayak gini kalau PROMES itu kayak gini. PROTA itu semacam
program tahunan yang isinya indicator terus materi pembelajaran
sama alokasi waktu, kalau itu adalah gambarannya jadi adalah ya
bisa gitu… kalau untuk PROMES pun ooohh…. Ya itu sama
indicator, lalu alokasi waktu tapi lebih rinci gitu, maksudnya
kelihatan gitu bisa tau, tapi itu ga pernah diajarkan. Lalu
syllabus, bagaimana mengembangkan syllabus, itu khan juga ga
pernah belajar kita. Yang kita tau dulu khan kalau mau ngajar itu
syllabus udah ada kayak gini… Tapi bagaimana dari sesuatu
yang ga ada…. Istilahnya kayak gini mbak… soalnya di Bethany
itu khan eeee…. Bahasa Inggris itu khan perlu banget gitu ya…
kaya… mmmm…. bener-bener harus ada tapi syllabus mau
dikembangkan seperti apa tuh terserah gurunya. Nah aku tidak
mempelajari bagaimana mengembangkan syllabus to what extent
gitu lho itu bisa dikembangkan, istilahnya yasudah kalau ada
syllabus kayak gini yaudah kita ikut aja, padahal kita punya
kebebasan untuk tidak mengikuti syllabus yang dari pemerintah,
karena kita swasta dan kita mulai Bahasa Inggris saja sudah
mulai dari pre-school udah ada Bahasa Inggrisnya kayak gitu
lho. Nah kayak gitu tu lho mbak yang dulu nggak dipelajari.
Jadinya akhirnya belajar dari mana?
Ya dari buku itu sendiri, terus akhirnya tanya sama coordinator
kurikulumnya enaknya dibuat gimana. Dia khan juga dari FBS
mbak, jadinya dia juga tau “Ooooo…. Kalau Bahasa Inggris,
enaknya dibuat gini Miss…” Dan dia juga sudah S2 gitu lho jadi
dia lebih tau “Ooooo enaknya dibuat gini dibuat gini.” Tapi ya
akhirnya belajarnya ya kayak sendiri gitu lho… Ooooo dari
kayak gini bisa dibuat kayak gitu ya… kayak gitu mbak….
Jadi coordinator kurikulum itu perannya dalam bantu Kiki
gimana? Temen sharing aja atau mentor?
Bukan mentor sih mbak tapi kayak sharing ke dia, enaknya
dibuat gimana ya, ooohh enaknya kayak gini kayak gini jadi
nanti serempak ya nanti kita ini, jadi lebih kayak guru-guru
Bahasa Inggrisnya itu ya di … di … kumpulin jadi satu ini mau
kita buat begini begini setuju atau enggak ya begitu
Berarti di sekolah ada meeting subject teacher?
Itu meetingnya rutin?
Enggak, enggak rutin, itu cuman tergantung kalau ada masalah
atau ada kebutuhan tertentu atau enggak, kalau kurrikulumnya
oke-oke aja maksudnya kayak ooh… masih bagus kok, masih
belum apa ya… tidak terlalu harus ada eee….. penambahan
ataupun pengurangan, yaudah kita pake yang itu
Kalau buat syllabus itu kamu liat dari contoh atau gimana?
Kalau syllabus yang terakhir kemaren itu aku buat sendiri mbak,
karena apa ya karena materinya ya memang udah tau PROTA
PROMES nya sama pasti tapi dari silabusnya kita kembangin
sendiri ya itu aku kembangin sendiri.
Pas pertama kali ngajar masih inget ga ngajar apa? Topiknya?
Tentang apa ya….. ini “How Do I Wear?” topiknya tentang itu,
pokoke tentang ya pakaian apa musim apa untuk musim apa gitu
Sukses nggak waktu itu?
Enggak sukses, mbak waktu itu…!!!
Jadi gini mbak… materinya itu tentang yaudah pakaian-pakain
gitu khan… Aku berfikirnya, anak-anak itu belum tau … belum
tau tentang itu, jadi aku hanya … akan … apa ya … istilahnya
pertemuan pertama itu ya aku akan mengenalkan bentuknya dan
nama pakainnya kayak gitu khan … tapi ternyata mereka sudah
tau. Jadi kayak mereka sudah tau, yaudah… aku mikirnya kalau
mereka sudah tau padahal harusnya belajar vocab dan itu di
monthly schedule juga itu belajarnya vocab khan mbak, ya
akhirnya aku tetep aku review tapi akhirnya anak-anak itu akan
merasa bosan, memang jadinya yaudah mereka bosan “I have
already known that!” Kayak mereka udah bener-bener nggak
menikmati pelajaran itu khan, karena mereka sudah tau… kayak
gitu. Dan waktu itu, karena mereka…. aku berfirikir mereka
sudah tau, aku reviewnya cepet dan aku langsung moved ini… ke
next material gitu khan. Materi itu juga tapi beda, tentang
grammarnya atau apanya. Ternyata waktu kuis… mereka
dapatnya jelek semua mbak… Padahal mereka waktu di ini bisa
gitu lho…. Tapi pas aku buat kuis, nilainya tuh jelek semua,
nilainya tuh 70 berapa dan itu banyak yang 70 berapa dan
sebagian itu di bawah KKM. Jadinya aku berkali-kali aku buat
kuis, buat monthly test hampir setengah kelas tuh pasti remidi
mbak…. Jadi kayak… mereka itu sebenernya kayak kalau
mereka bilang mengerti sebenernya mereka tuh belum mengerti.
Jadi aku sekarang udah tau, kalau mereka bilang gitu, pasti
mereka tuh belum mengerti. Jadi sekarang kayak aku bolak-balik
pake pertanyaan lain atau aku buat exercisenya bentuk lain.
Mereka tuh belum tau, hanya mereka memang sudah tau oohhh
ini hanya kayak gini tok, tapi kalau aku suruh hubungin sama apa
pasti belum tau. Misalkan mereka tau nih, itu jacket namanya
jacket, tapi kalau dihubungin sama musim apa kamu bisa pake
jacket atau waktu keadaan cuaca kayak apa kamu pake jacket dia
ga ngerti, ya kayak gitu-kayak gitu mbak… Ohhh…. Aku baru
ngerti toh setelah itu oohhhh kok nilainya jadi kayak gini. Waktu
itu khan kalau setengah kelas remidi itu khan kegagalan guru to
mbak …. Berarti learning outcomesnya khan ga kecapai sama
sekali. Yaudah akhirnya aku mau ini, mau ngerti atau ga ngerti,
meskipun ga ada pertanyaan sekalipun aku mengulang
pertanyaan itu berkali-kali, aku pasti review dulu, aku reviewreview-review gitu.
Kamu begitu tau hasil kuisnya itu separo lebih dapat jelek gitu
terus gimana?
Ya waktu itu aku cuman sharing aja sama guru-guru sama wali
kelas “Miss, ini masih satu kelas, setengah kelas ini remidi.”
Terus ada guru yang bilang “Berarti learning outcomes mu ga
tercapai, seharusnya kamu ulang materi itu.” Nah waktu itu kalau
mau ngulang materi itu enggak memungkinkan mbak, karena
waktu itu … apa ya kepadatan jadwal yang sudah aku buat itu
padat banget, jadi nggak mungkin diulang. Jadinya yaudah aku
ngulangnya pas mereka mau mid-semester. Jadi aku ulang yang
bagian itu yang mereka waktu itu gagal banyak banget itu aku
ulang waktu jatah review di mid-semester itu. Aku review benerbener dari awal gitu mbak.
Hasil kuis yang separo kelas dapat jelek itu di dibagikan ga?
Iya mbak.
Orang tua ada komentar ga? Komplain kok bisa separo kelas
Enggak mbak, mereka nggak komen gimana-gimana. Mereka ya
cuman mikir anaknya ga bisa gitu. Tapi aku merasa kok nilainya
bener-bener ga ada yang dapat 90 tuh ga ada gitu lho mbak, 80
aja ga ada kok. Jadi kayak orang tua tuh mikire “Ooohhh anakku
ki entuke elek.” Karena litanya satu tok, ga liat keseluruhan. Lha
kalau aku khan liat secara keseluruhan dan sudah jelas-jelas
antara banyak yang di bawah KKM gitu lho…
Dan waktu itu memang permasalahannya waktu aku di … ngajar
kelas 2 kelas 3 waktu tahun itu, itu tuh kita masih pakai
kurrikulumnya My Pals itu tapi yang untuk local Singapore, jadi
kayak yang biru ….. Ya sekarang kita pakenya yang
International setelah ada evaluasi karena jaraknya, waktu aku
ngajar kelas 3, materi kelas 3 itu dikuliahan aja mungkin ga bisa
lho… yang di ini di IC itu mungkin ga bisa. Aku ngajar kelas 3
pas itu, nah itu khan ga mungkin pada saat nanti mereka SMP
nya mau kayak gimana? Yang di dalam kelas 3 aja materinya
udah kayak gitu. Makanya ada evaluasi dari seluruh sekolah
bagaimana tentang materi Bahasa Inggris, makanya kita pake
yang edisi International Edition. Masih dalam bentuknya sama
tapi range nya ga terlalu tinggi.
Itu evalusi waktu akhir tahun ajaran?
Iya sama sekalian rapat kerja itu lho mbak, raker.
Kiki ada pelajaran yang bisa diambil ga dari pengelaman ngajar
pertama yang ga sukses itu?
Iya yang materi ternyata anak-anak kalau kayak gitu dah tau,
berarti aku kayak harus punya banyak apa ya mbak ya… kayak
bank data atau bank apa ya, maksudnya kayak pembelajaran dari
satu topik ini sudah bisa aku harus kayak apa gitu lho… nextnya,
jangan terlalu terpaku sama RPP yang sudah dibuat, materinya
kayak gini enggak gitu, bahkan kalau RPP ini nggak jalan kamu
harus ada RPP RPP yang lain, istilahnya ada aktifitas-aktifitas
lain di dalam kelas, jadi anak-anak tetep mendapatkan exsposure,
dengan learning outcomes yang sama tapi caranya beda. Kayak
gitu-kayak gitu sih.
Berarti kalau yang dulu kamu masih nurut yang di buku begini…
He‟em mbak… ooohhh kalau di buku gini, RPP nya gini, khan
pikirnya RPPnya udah dibuat pasti aman nanti learning
outcomesnya tercapai, ternyata enggak gitu lho… Dan dulu khan
kita nggak diajarin mbak, saat RPP nya gini gimana…? Jadi
situasi-situasi yang nggak terduga itu belum belajar mbak…
Sekarang kamu juga kalau mau siapin materi pertimbangan
muridmu seperti apa juga ya?
Iya mbak, karakter anak, mood-nya, apakah mereka capek atau
enggak, jam belajarnya di jam berapa, aku harus mikirin mbak,
kalau sekarang aku buat RPP, aku dah tahu RPP ku dari satu
kelas khan pararel mbak, ada Sparkling, ada Glowing, yang RPP
aku buat dan aku terapkan di Sparkling itu bisa aja beda dengan
yang di Glowing dengan learning outcomes yang sama. Karena
yang glowing itu selalu di jam siang mbak, jam terakhir itu ga
mungkin mbak pake RPP yang sama dengan Sparkling yang
belajarnya di jam yang pagi yang masih fresh. Di jam terakhir itu
anak-anak udah waaahh…, ga kooperatif, apalagi kita khan
belajar sampai jam setengah 3 mbak.
Kiki kerjanya 5 hari kerja?
He‟em. Senin sampai Jumat.
Jam kerjanya?
Dari jam 7.00 – 7.30 itu aku briefing pagi mbak sama morning
service. Trus jam 7.30 itu usher sampai jam 8.00. Usher untuk
apa … untuk greet anak-anak. Jam 8.00 – 8.30 itu morning
service untuk anak-anak sama wali kelas. Jadi mulai
pembelajaran itu dari jam 8.30 – sampai jam 14.50.
Terus Kiki masih ada office hour setelah itu?
Nggak ada mbak, cuman sampai itu 15.15 kita pulang mbak,
karena kita harus jagain anak-anak sampai mereka pulang.
Lha terus itu kamu kerjain administrasinya in-between?
Iya, berarti khan aku ngajar sehari 5-6 jam. Ada sekitar 3 jam
yang aku harus ngerjain administrasi. Ya itu, apapun itu, RPP,
soal, koreksi, apa-apa itu ya 3 jam itu, dan itu tidak
memungkinkan. Pasti ada yang harus dibawa pulang ke rumah.
Ga mungkin buat RPP selesai dalam waktu segitu, ya masih ada
aktifitas-aktifitas ya natal, ya valentine, apa… apa…
Kiki, koreksianmu banyak ya?
Iya, worksheet, quiz ini sebulan sekali mbak. MOS sebulan
sekali. Summary sebulan sekali.
MOS itu apa?
Monthly schedule lalu ada summary itu juga sebulan sekali.
Khan tiap bulan kita buat summary untuk itu yang diberikan
kepada orang tua.
Monthly schedule itu seperti sebulan dia belajar apa aja, terus
summarynya itu yang tentang materinya itu mbak.
Kiki kalau assessment ada apa aja?
Aku ada listening, speaking iya, sama itu tertulis itu jadi yang
kognitif itu.
Itu sudah peraturan dari sekolah begitu?
Iya itu sudah aturannya sekolah. Jadi kalau Bahasa Inggris itu
memang harus adakayak gitu nya. Tapi sebenernya ada
kebebasan mbak untuk speaking itu mau dibuat kayak benerbener speaking test atau assessment secara keseluruhan gpp,
khan assessment secara keseluruhan khan kelihatan oohh… anak
ini gimana, cuman dari observasi gitu lho… nggak perlu ada
bentuk tertulisnya speaking kayak gini kayak gini enggak.
Kalau Kiki biasanya gimana?
Aku speakingnya block waktu sendiri mbak, misalnya kayak
Keluarga di rumah tau nggak tiap kamu pulang kerjaanmu
banyak gitu? Terus tanggapan mereka gimana?
Mesthi gini kerjaane akeh pulangnya sore dan itu masih lembur,
kayak gitu khan kok nganu ga ada liburnya, pasti bilang gitu.
Apalagi kayak kemaren akreditasi itu mbak, Sabtu khan juga
masuk. Jadi yaudah to, kalau aku, aku ga akan mengeluh. Kalau
aku nggak mengeluh di depan Bapak Ibu, pasti mereka yaudah
pasti mereka ga akan bermasalah. Tapi pasti saat aku mengeluh
kayak tahun-tahun awal aku mengeluh, yaudah mereka khan
pasti mikirnya kenapa nggak nganu, kerja di tempat lain aja
kayak gitu. Awalnya gitu, karena aku selalu mengeluh. Kalau
aku pulang aku selalu mengeluh, pulang mengeluh. Tapi lamalama itu bukan lagi mengeluh, biasa diatasi kok asal yaitu
management aku sendirinya ya bagus pasti ga mengeluh.
Berarti dalam diri kamu ada keyakinan kalau aku tuh bisa
menghadapi ini?
Iya … Aku selalu mikir kalau aku tuh pasti bisa cuman kadang
waktu awal-awal itu khan anak-anaknya udah pada ga bisa
dihandle. Aku ga bisa nih sama anak-anakanya. Tapi ternyata
kalau anak-anaknya itu menyenangkan ngajar itu pasti
menyenangkan gitu lho mbak tiap kali masuk itu menyengankan.
Tapi kalau kita ga bisa memange anaknya, anak-anaknya bikin
ulah, keluar kelas tuh nanti pasti wes males mau ngerjain
administrasi apa-apa gitu
Keluarga support gimana? Bantuin Kiki apa gitu… ?
Nggak, mbak. Ya doain aja mbak.
Kalau situasi di tempat kerja gimana?
Lingkungan kerja itu enak mbak, karena temen-temennya tidak
ada usianya yang jaraknya terlalu tua, kecuali kepala sekolahnya.
Jadi kayak apa ya enak aja, apalagi banyak yang anak-anak FBS.
Jadi enak khan ngasih supportnya, suka bercanda gitu-gitu jadi
enak mbak.
Hubungan Kiki dengan kepala sekolah gimana?
Iya di awal itu support mbak, kepala sekolahnya itu dulunya itu
gini, ga tau ya… karena misalkan aku peganggnya Bahasa
Inggris, semua kegiatan Bahasa Inggris jadinya ke aku, kayak
misalkan extra curricular, jadinya kayaknya aku… Tapi akhirnya
aku dibilangin “Ki, kamu jangan jadi kayak yes-person.” Jadi
kalau misalkan dikasih kerjaan ini ya, ini iya. Akhirnya aku
sebagain aku tolak, jadi kayak jadi guru untuk English Club aku
tolak mbak.
Kalau buat aktifitas di kelas pasti jalan? Atau pernah ada
pengalaman yang ga sukses dengan aktifitasnya?
Kenapa kok bisa gitu?
Ya itu, karena ada anak yang misalkan game gitu ya, anaknya itu
marah karena dia kalah atau karena dia belum kalah tapi
scorenya udah dibawah temennya itu ga mau, “I don‟t join!”
kalau dia udah ngomong gitu, wah udah… mbak…
Dulu kalau ada anak yang kayak gitu, aku ga berani mbak …
Saat anak bilang “I don‟t join!” aku ndak memiliki apa ya…
kata-kata lain untuk gimana-gimana. Kalau sekarang aku kalau
ada anak yang bilang “I don‟t join!” yaudah tak bilang aja kalau I
don‟t join sekalian aja nggak usah join kelas sekalian. Tak gituin
aja. Sekarang aku kayak gitu mbak. Tapi kalau dulu aku kayak
takut gitu lho mbak. Nanti kalau anaknya marah gimana. Dulu
tuh masih yang “Ayo to ikut… gpp…” kalau sekarang yaudah
lebih tegas aja, kalau misalkan anak ini udah dari awal kita ada
aktifitas yang kayak gitu kalau ga ini harus gimana. Sekarang
udah terbiasa gitu lho mbak, kalau mereka melanggar ada
consequences nya apa…
Berarti sekarang jauh lebih settled ya?
Iya aku udah bilang di awal procedure ku untuk belajar Bahasa
Inggris aturannya apa aja. Jadi sekarang kalau aku masuk kelas
mereka langsung switch ke English khan sebelumnya
pelajarannya bukan Bahasa Inggris. Mereka sekarang udah
automatically switch ke Bahasa Inggris, karena mereka sudah tau
apa consequencesnya kalau ga pakai Bahasa Inggris.
Kiki dulu pas awal ngajar kalau angajar tipenya kayak gimana
Aku masuk kelas, aku suka ngajar pake pictures, apa gambar
sendiri apa ngeprint pake pake AVA gitu mbak.Ya cukup
effective sih anak-anak cukup tertarik, tapi lama-kelamaan khan
itu memakan waktu mbak, makanya sekarang aku berubah ke
LCD, video, aku udah ga lagi kayak yang dulu karena sekali
pake aja yang dulu kalau gambar.
Kiki kalau ngajar urutannya sama kayak di My Pals? Mulai
dengan reading dulu trs baru apa gitu?
Oh kalau topik sama nurut My Pals tapi aku ga selalu reading
dulu. Ga pasti reading dulu, aku ide sendiri mbak.
Pertimbangannya apa?
Susah atau enggaknya materinya mbak, kalau readingnya susah
yang nggak aku pakai. Misalkan belajar food and drink trs ada
poemnya yang menjijikan itu lho mbak, yang nenek-nenek
masak masukin kaos kaki itu lho mbak, aku ga pakai
Soalanya mereka itu orang tuanya sensitive. Makanya menurutku
itu ga mendidik terus aku ga masukin aja, 135ang a begitu
member support untuk tema utama. Kalau readingnya ga bagus,
ya aku cari yang sesuai atau aku buat sendiri yang sesuai
Pernah ada masalah sama parents ga?
Dulu pernah itu waktu My Pals nya masih susah. Ada yang
datang kalau anak-anak kesusahan. Mereka bilang “Miss Kiki ini
khan ga mungkin anak-anak mengerti seperti ini” Tapi aku ga
ada jawaban lain ya selain memang materinya itu memang
bukunya itu dan itu keputusan dari sekolah seperti itu. Tapi aku
mencoba untuk menyederhanakan materi itu, jadi itu masih pakai
My Pals yang dulu mbak, readingnya susah-susah mbak. Karena
aku meminimalisasi biar ga ada lagi complain seperti itu, agar
anak-anak mengerti. Tapi jatuh-jatuhnya tetep ada yang ga
mengerti ya karena memang buku itu susah mbak.
Kiki sampaikan ga masalah ini ke guru lain?
Ya aku cerita ke guru-guru lalu aku certain ke kurikulum dan ke
kepala sekolah, karena itu tanggung jawab mereka. Karena
mereka yang set kurikulum seperti itu, jadi kalau ada complain
apa-apa pasti yang kena khan gurunya. Ya akhirnya diganti itu
Di sekolah ada guru coordinator subject ga sih?
Ga ada mbak, ya itu cuman kurikulum untuk semuanya dia yang
koreksi semua kayak PROTA, PROMES, silbus, soal, MOS,
summary dia semuanya…
Tapi dia bukan mentor ya? Cuman sharing aja?
Iya jadi dia lebih kayak sharing enaknya gimana ya. Nanti dia
kasih saran enaknya dibuat gini gini….
Interview Transcript 4
Day and date : Wednesday, February 19, 2014
: 06.00 a.m. – 06.30 a.m.
The interview was done through chatting on WhatsApp
A : Adesia
K : Kiki
Interview 4
Kiki, khan dulu cerita sebelum kerja di Bethany, sempat nglamar
kerja di perusahaan. Itu apa aja ya? Udah sampai tahap apa?
Perusahaan Penata Future di Semarang udah sampai interview
dan diterima, tapi aku nggak ambil mbak… Terus Daniel
Creative School Semarang, aku ditolak karena alasan agama.
Terus sempat juga ikut psikotes di perusahaan batik di Solo.
Yang di Penata Future kok nggak diambil kenapa dek?
Karena perusahaannya nggak beres mbak… nggak nggenah gitu
dan aku cuman coba-coba.
Sekarang Kiki ngajar subject English kelas berapa aja?
Ngajar kelas 3 dan 4 pararel.
Selain jadi guru subject ada tugas lain ga? Wali kelas atau PIC
apa? Kalau tahun lalu?
Sekarang aku wali kelas 4 tahun lalu assistant wali kelas 2. Aku
juga coordinator pengembangan Bahasa Inggris beberapa guru.
Interview Transcript 5
Day and date : Wednesday, February 23, 2014
: 07.00 p.m. – 08.30 p.m.
The interview was done through chatting on WhatsApp
A : Adesia
K : Kiki
Interview 5
Kiki di Salatiga tinggal dengan siapa saja?
Bapak sama ibu, mbak.
Terus kakak?
Sudah berkeluarga mbak, jadi rumah sendiri.
Pekerjaan orang tua apa ya?
Bapak kerja di DLLAJR, kalau ibu jual snack-snack gitu mbak.
Setelah lulus kuliah pernah kerja part-time nggak? Misalkan
Dulu ngelesi di Global Vision, mbak. Aku ngajar sekitar 5-10
Kelas berapa murid-muridnya?
Kelas 2 dan 4
Kiki, aku mau confirmasi ya dek pas interview kemaren kan Kiki
cerita kalau jadi guru itu bukan cita-cita utama karena orang
menyepelekan profesi itu, tapi sekarang setelah kerja jadi tau dan
sadar kalau guru itu kerjaannya banyak dan pekerjaannya
bukanlah hal yang sepele. Bener ga dek?
Iya mbak, dan aku bangga bisa jadi guru yang melakukan
pekerjaan yang semestinya.
Kiki, dulu waktu proses nglamar kerja ke Bethany ada micro
teaching dulu nggak? Apa langsung dikasih tau diterima atau
Ada mbak. Waktu itu aku disuruh ngajar tentang road safety
kelas 3. Terus habis selesai ngajar, aku cuman dikasih tau kalau
bagus gitu.
Terus habis itu baru dihubungi diterima atau enggak? Terus
dijelaskan ngajar kelas berapa dan tugas-tugasnya apa aja?
Hu‟um mbak. Waktu itu aku ikut training seminggu untuk materi
pembelajaran math and science sama administrasi.
Tugas-tugas administrasi guru apa aja?
Tugas-tugas guru itu, PROTA, PROMES, lesson plan, monthly
schedule, summary, analisis ulangan bulanan, kisi-kisi, soal-soal.
Di tahun pertama kerja sudah jadi coordinator pengembangan
Bahasa Inggris? Itu tugasnya apa ya dek?
Dari pertengahan tahun pertama mbak. Itu tugasnya ngatur
jadwal guru yang ngajar Bahasa Inggris sama jadi trainer Bahasa
Inggris untuk guru-guru lainnya.
Kiki pas tahun pertama khan ada kesulitan dengan pembuatan
silabus, terus akhirnya gimana buatnya?
Tahun pertama aku sama ngikut My Pals gitu mbak… tahun ini
baru buat sendiri.
Di tahun pertama ada problem ga dengan L1 dan L2 di kelas?
Anak-anak suka ngomong pake Bahasa Indonesia mbak, tapi aku
tetap jawab pake Bahasa Inggirs
Karena mereka suka ngomong pake Bahasa Indonesia itu buat
kelas jadi rame ga sih? Maksudku mereka jadi suka ngomong
sama temannya, khan bebas tuh mereka suka pake Bahasa
Indonesia? Sebelum kamu terapkan classroom management itu?
Mereka emang rame mbak. … kadang ramenya bukan karena
ngobrol tapi banyak tanya terus sahut-sahutan gitu
Ooohhh jadi ibaratnya lalu-lintas komunikasi di kelas itu in
Terus kamu apply classroom management mu itu, terus mereka
udah ga rame lagi?
Sudah enggak mbak, rebut pun terkontrol dan focus.
Startegy classroom management apa yang mbok aplikasikan
untuk hal ini?
Aku Cuma strict aja mbak… kalo rebut ya stand in the corner …
Eh, GLDPN itu kepanjangan dari apa sih?
GLDPN itu global literacy professional development network.
Dari training itu selain classroom management kamu dapat ilmu
baru apa lagi dek?
Diagnose teaching methods mbak … Banyak banget method
baru yang aku pelajari.
Kiki mulai menerapkan diagnose teaching method itu di tahun
ajaran baru ini?
Dari tahun sebelumnya pertengahan udah aku coba beberapa
method yang aku pelajari.
Ohhh yayaya…, kalo kamu terapkan method itu jadi lebih
baiknya gimana?
Yang jelas materi kayak reading gitu jadi lebih menyenangkan
karena metode nya lebih variatif dan fun.
Lebih bisa menarik perhatian anak buat belajar ya?
Hu‟um mbak karena ga monoton methodnya.
Kiki dulu khan pas baru mulai kerja rasanya berat sampai ada
rasa pengen resign, tapi itu pas di awal-awal aja khan? Apa sih
yang membuatmu bisa melewati itu dan bertahan sampai
Iya mbak, di awal itu rasanya berat, serasa pengen resign … tapi
ga bener-bener pengen sih… Aku sampai sekarang masih
bertahan karena aku suka ngajar mbak, aku juga suka teman dan
suasanya kerjanya.
Eh sebagai novice teacher dengan semua yang sudah kamu
lewati, Kiki ada harapan apa ga? Harapan misalnya ada training
lagi ada support yang membantu mu to perform better? Atau
mungkin berharap ada kenaikan salary hehehehe…..
Kalau gaji pasti pengen ditambah mbak …. Pengen aja dari
yayasan memberikan beasiswa buat sekolah lagi … atau
mungkin training yang berkelanjutan kayak GLDPN
Kiki, mulai ikut training GLDPN itu mulai kapan ya? Sampai
Mulai satu tahun yang lalu mbak… lupa aku kapan?
Itu biaya dari sekolah?
Iya aku enggak bayar.
Terus itu dipilih dari sekolah?
Iya dipilih dari sekolah
Kiki kalau sama anak-anak berarti udah ada kayak rasa sayang
ikatan gitu ya?
Iya mbak apalagi anak-anaknya lucu-lucu jadi itu juga yang
membuat aku tetep ngajar.
Ada cerita nggak yang misal Kiki nggak masuk kerja terus anakanak kangen nyariin Kiki?
Ada mbak. Pernah waktu itu aku nggak masuk seminggu … terus
mereka buat ucapan selamat datang dan kasih aku surat gitu
Jalu’s Interview Transcripts
Interview Transcript 1
Day and date : Saturday, February 1, 2014
: 10.23 a.m. – 12.47 p.m.
The interview was done through chatting on Facebook
A : Adesia
J : Jalu
Interview 1
Jalu, aku mulai pertanyaan yangawal2 dulu ya...
Kamu dulu dari SMA lulus memang niatnya masuk UKSW
Trus lulus FBS juga memang pengen jadi guru? Khan banyak
tuh anak-anak FBS yang lulus ga pengen jadi guru...
Lulus SMA dulu memang FBS pilihan utamanya… kalau jadi
guru sih bukan pilihan pertama (meskipun S.Pd.) bukan karena
gak suka jadi guru, tapi pengen coba kerja yang lain... tapi dari
sekian banyak proses seleksi kerja kemaren yang bisa lolos
sampe diterima ya yang jadi guru ini...
Sebenernya pengennya jadi apa? Trs, sebelum akhirnya kerja di
Bethany daftar apa aja?
Kalau yang sbenar-benarnya sih akhir2 kuliah punya visi jadi
dosen tapi begitu lulus pengen coba kerja kantoran sempat daftar
di beberapa perusahaan dan lolos beberapa tahap tapi gak
Perusahaannya bergerak di bidang apa?
Ada yang di bidang makanan, ada yang di bidang kosmetik
Jadi dosen berarti dosen FBS gitu? Ngajar English?
Ya entah di FBS atau dmana aja, yang jelas ngajar English..
Ohh gitu...
Alasanya memutuskan untuk terima kerjaan jadi guru apa?
Soalnya gini mbak… aku juga suka mengajar, mumpung ada
kesempatan bekerja di depan mata dan itu jadi guru, ya tak
ambil… yang kedua... aku juga gak mau kalo seandainya udah
lulus lama tapi belum punya pengalaman kerja seandainya harus
cari kerja lagi
Terus kalau ngajar memang suka ngajar di SD? Atau sebenernya
pengennya ngajar di kelas yang lebih besar (usianya) atau kelas
Waktu nglamar di Bethany aku masukin buat SMP... tapi waktu
dipanggil memang yang kosong SD aku ambil aja sebagai
tantangan baru karena pengalaman PPL dulu memang ngajar
SMP dan SD belum pernah sama sekali kalo kelas yang lebih
kecil dari SD (TK) malah pernah
Sekarang ini kamu ngajar kelas berapa?
Ngajar kelas 2, 3, sama 4 mbak
Kamu dulu milih sendiri mau kelas itu atau ditawari dulu atau ya
langsung dikasih kelas itu?
Langsung dikasih... karena yang kosong ya kelas itu
Kamu guru subject aja?
Apa ada jabatan lain?
Kayak home room atau asistent?
English sama Christian Education kalo jabatan lain sementara ini
belum ada
Pas pertama kali kamu mulai kerja gimana rasanya?
Excited, nervous apa piye?
Nervous… karena belum pernah ada pengalaman ngajar anak
SD yang pemahamannya belum seperti anak SMP
Pas pertama masuk kelas gitu piye ceritane?
Ya cukup rame... aku berusaha biar pelajarannya semenarik
mungkin aja buat anak-anak
Kamu ada kesulitan ga pas menghadapi mereka?
Anaknya rame gitu kamu piye?
Ya itu dia kesulian utama untuk anak SD mereka masih sering
rame sendiri tapi ya kalau rame ada beberapa cara yang tak pake
bisa tak diemin dulu sampe sadar sendiri (buat kelas yang sudah
agak gede), bisa tak peringatkan secara halus ataupun tegas, bisa
tak ajak maen games juga… tergantung kondisi dan sebab
mereka rame mbak…
Pas menghadapi anak-anak yang rame gitu stress ga?
Pernah juga sih, tapi gak sampe stress trus gak ngapa2in… aku
tetep cari cara saat itu juga biar anak2nya gak rame lagi
Interview Transcript 2
Day and date : Monday, February 17, 2014
: 04.50 a.m. – 06.00 p.m.
: Jalu‟s house
Jl. Nakula Sadewa, Taman Kembang Arum, Salatiga.
A : Adesia
J : Jalu
Interview 2
Mulai dari nama lengkap ya… Nama lengkapnya?
Febriyant Jalu Prakosa
Tanggal lahir?
28 Februari 1992
Dari kecil di Salatiga? Asli Salatiga?
Jalu, lulus kuliah langsung kerja di Bethany? Apa sempat kerja
atau lamar kerja di tempat lain?
Sebelumnya sempat kerja juga, jadi khan Juli 2013 itu lulus
diwisuda it terus dari Juli sampai September awal itu cari-cari
kerja terus pertengahan September itu dapat kerja di itu di sana di
Salatiga Lab, tapi aku ambilnya part time dulu khan ditawari full
timer tapi aku tetep ambilnya part time soale mau cari kerja di
sekolah formal entah di Salatiga pokoknya di Jawa Tengah lah.
Nah itu juga sempat sambil volunteer di SWCC itu…
Di Salatiga Lab, ngajar?
Ngajar English juga mbak…
Usia variatif sih mbak, ada yang paling muda itu kelas SMA,
terus kuliah itu untuk yang specific purpose, mereka ada yang
mau S2 juga, gitu khan English buat yang mau nerusin itu juga,
terus TOEFL. Pernah juga ngajar Kasatlantas. Tapi Kasatlantas
nya masih muda sih mbak … masih umur 30.
Terus yang di SWCC itu?
Itu ngajar anak-anak TK mbak.
Ngajar apa?
Cuman jadi assistant teacher sih. Jadi assistant nya Ms. Sus sama
Ms. Andri.
Mulai kerja di Bethany kapan?
Itu bulan Oktober tanggal 21
Berarti itu malah enggak pas tahun ajaran baru ya?
Endak mbak. Jadi itu ceritanya aku sudah nglamar di beberapa
tempat yang tanggal, eemm … bulan Agustus itu aku masukan di
2 tempat, di Kievid sini sebenernya, itu khan nggak … nggak apa
teaching to… nggak tentang education, terus sama di Bethany.
Pertamanya dua-duanya dipanggil tapi Kievid dulu, Kievid udah
lolos-lolos tapi nggak ada kabar lagi, sementara aku dah masuk
ke Bethany gitu.
Berarti sekarang Jalu udah berapa bulan ngajar di Bethany?
Mm….. ya 4bulanan lah mbak….
Berarti udah lewat satu semester ya. Pas di awal itu ada observasi
dulu atau orientasi tentang sekolahnya ga?
Kalau dikenalin sih… Bentar tak ingat-ingat dulu mbak. Soalnya
aku lebih kayak eee… waktu yang pertama datang itu khan aku
kayak interview khan, yaudah interview aja, terus kalau sudah
lolos nanti baru dikasih tau kapan praktek ngajar… micro
teaching gitu terus ya setelah itu micro teaching itu tanpa
diperkenalkan tanpa observe. Jadi langsung dek…. Kayak gini
nih anak-anaknya, jadi aku ga tau anaknya seperti apa,
perilakunya sperti apa. Dan aku ga tau approach nya harus
gimana. Yaudah aku siap dengan materi yang mereka berikan
aku buat lesson plan ku sendiri, belajar, terus praktek ngajar.
Eksekusinya langsung. Yaa… lancar sih waktu itu.
Masih ingat ga waktu itu ngajar apa?
Ngajar English buat kelas 2 sama kelas 3. Waktu itu disamaain
sih mbak, memang bukan materinya mereka tapi aku disuruh
ngajar tentang itu, tentang World of Plants, jadi tentang tanaman.
Setelah diterima dikasih tau nggak job descriptionnya apa,
tanggung jawab administrasi dan sebagainya?
He‟e… iya itu di hari dimana aku dikasih tau aku diterima, ada
janjian waktu itu sama Waka Kurikulumnya, beliau bilang nanti
kamu gini… gini... gini… ini yang dikerjakan membuat misalkan
ada yang namanya daftar nilai, analisis nilai test, terus kayak
rapor checklist yang per-anak, per-mata pelajarannya gitu. Kayak
syllabus itu pasti, RPP, terus PROMES, PROTA.
Itu kamu diajari apa cuman dikasih contoh terus disuruh belajar
Eee... karena keterbatasan waktu. Waktu itu khan bener-bener
butuh guru, guru yang untuk masuk langsung kerja itu. Aku
nggak diajari mbak. Jadi cuman dikasih tau job des nya itu terus
ya udah aku learning by doing. Hehehe…..
Terus kamu pinjem dari guru lain biar tau kayak apa sih
contohnya. Apa kamu dikasih ini lho contohnya begini?
Eee…. Untungnya begini mbak, pengarsipannya di Bethany itu
kebetulan agak… agak lebih baik mbak. Soalnya beberapa dari
guru bahkan guru yang tak gantiin ini, itu ada arsipnya. Terus
aku nyonto yang punya dia terus tak buat-buat sendiri.
Kaget ga harus bikin kayak gitu?
Ya sebetulnya pertamanya sih bener kaget. Waahh ternyata
banyak ya…. Dulu ketoke kalau di sekolah-kolah lain ga sampai
kayak gini sih …. Gitu. Dipikir-pikir lagi ternyata jadi guru itu
nggak segampang yang kita pikirin, ga cuman tinggal ngajar
ternyata masih banyak tanggung jawab yang lain, tapi asyik sih
... pertama memang shock cuman.
Pertama kali waktu buat PROTA, PROMES, syllabus ada yang
ga ngerti ga? Maksudnya ternyata yang aku pelajari waktu kuliah
itu ada yang kurang untuk membantu aku buat ini.
Kalau yang PROTA, PROMES ga terlalu bermasalah soalnya
tanya cara buatnya gimana terus bisa buat sendiri dan contohnya
ada. Tapi kalau syllabus sampe sekarang sih masih bingung,
hehehehe Masih bingung mbak…
Yang kalau PROTA, PROMES memang ga belajar waktu kuliah
tapi itu sudah ada banyangannya karena ternyata simple kok
kayak buat plan pembagian jam mata pelajaran sama per
materinya per KD sama per SK nya… ya akhirnya mudeng sih.
Cuma kalau silabus khan ee…. Kemaren aku copy-paste, jadi
dari yang tahun lalu tak ganti tahunnya aja.
Kemarin kalau Mbak Kiki cerita dia itu taunya kalau silabus itu
sudah ada ternyata eh harus buat sendiri. Dan dia bingung harus
mengembangkannya seperti apa dan bagaimana. Kamu sama ga?
Merasa bingung juga?
Iya mbak sama mbak sama itu. Jadi gini mbak, tak ceritani ya.
Aku khan ngajarnya dua English sama CE (Christian Education).
Nah kalau CE ini ada bukunya, ada buku panduannya to… terus
di buku panduannya itu ada PROTA, PROMES, silabus itu
bahkan ada. Jadi aku kayak… apa ya aku ketik ulang aja biarpun
agak konyol gitu, kayak merasa nggak berguna po piye terus
wess… tak ketik ulang wae. Cuman kalau Bahasa Inggris mesthi
mikir soalnya khan cuman dikasih tau bukunya My Pals. Jadi
khan kita cuman dikasih tau kompetensinya apa aja terus kita
khan harus bikin, terus aku mikir ini sesuai nggak ya sama
standard kompetensi yang dikasih pemerintah. Terus yoweslah
teko mbikin aja.
Setelah itu kamu serahkan ke kurikulum, ada feedback nggak?
Mmm…. sementara ini belum mbak, karena kemarin itu aku
membuat silabus, PROTA, PROMES itu demi keperluan
akreditasi mbak. Nah, karena untuk itu makanya administrasi
harus ada dulu, dikejar dulu. Katanya buat Bahasa Inggris harus
semeyakinkan mungkin dan harus berdasarkan buku… yaudah
aku buatnya gitu, tak kebut.
Waktu proses buat PROTA, PROMES, syllabus, Jalu tanyatanya ga ke temen atau ke kurikulum, atau yaudah selesain
sendiri aja?
Aku ya tanya nya ya sama…. Sempat sih nanyanya ya sama
mbak Kiki juga itu to… Kebanyakan ya tanyanya sama Waka
Kurikulumnya itu, soalnya khan beliau juga ngajar English, jadi
mending langsung tanya sama beliau aja.
Pas tanya, terus dapatnya apa? Saran gitu?
Iya, selalu kasih saran.
Sekarang ini, Jalu ngajar kelas berapa aja?
Kelas 2, 3, 4.
Yang ngajar Bahasa Inggris kelas?
Kelas 2 aja.
Berarti total ngajar Bahasa Inggrisnya berapa jam?
English itu berarti 12 jam.
Jalu berarti di sekolah jadi guru subject aja. Ngajar subject
English sama CE sama kerjain administrasinya?
Itu sama swimming mbak. Jadi aku bukan coach, karena ga bisa
renang. Ya renang bisa sih, tapi ga bisa ngajar gitu. Cuman jadi
kayak PIC nya di sekolah, mereka khan renangnya di Laras Asri.
Jadi, aku PIC nya aja yang di sekolah`.
Jam kerjanya Jalu, bisa diceritain ga?
Mulai kerja jam 7 mbak, morning service guru sama briefing
sampe jam 7.30. Terus nanti kalau piket usher, ya salaman itu
sampai jam 8. Masuk kelas, morning service murid dipimpin
home room teacher, terus nanti 8.30 baru mulai pelajaran.
Sekarang Jalu udah jadi home room?
Belum mbak.
Waktu pertama kali ngajar yang pas udah diterima. Masih ingat
nggak ngajar apa? Tentang apa?
Itu materinya “A Day at the Zoo” Jadi itu tentang animals, ada
beberapa tentang grammatical functions yang dimasukin di situ
juga, kayak ee…. Present continuous terus itu has/ have ya kayak
gitu lah…
Sukses nggak?
Sukses sih, cuman waktu pertama masuk itu mbak, bukan ngajar.
Aku disuruh ngasih kuis. Jadi aku yang buat kuis berdasarkan
apa yang sudah diajarkan sama guru yang lalu. Itu yang benerbener pertama sih mbak. Jadi aku bukan langsung ngajar tapi
bikin kuis. Ya agak kerepotan sih. Sempat ada beberapa orang
tua yang protest juga.
Kenapa protest?
Karena… “Lhoh Mr ini gambarnya kurang jelas...” atau gimana
terus tak jelasin juga to karena aku cuman ngikutin polanya dari
teacher yang sebelumnya juga to. Tapi terus akhirnya aku dari
situ aku memperbaiki lagi, model aku membuat kuis itu seperti
apa, akhirnya aku bisa punya kayak semacam template ku
Kalau yang bener-bener ngajar materimu sendiri yang nggak
melanjutkan dari guru sebelumnya?
Mmmm… “A Day at the Zoo” itu melanjutkan jadi guru yang
sebelumnya itu kemarin sampai setengahnya, jadi aku tinggal
melanjutkan aja dan review lagi terus test yang bulanan itu.
Pas buat test susah ga?
Ga sih soalnya udah sempat kuis itu terus ada kayak
pebendaharaan soal juga dari guru sebelumnya terus tinggal aku
bikin gitu.
Kalau dengan anak-anak kelas 2 ada masalah ga sama anak-anak
yang rame?
Sampai sekarang sih masih ya mbak. Kadang-kadang ada
masalah ya mbak, soalnya mereka itu gini, aku seringnya dapat
jam pelajaran English itu setelah lunch atau menjelang lunch.
Jadi itu mereka pas ngantuk-ngantuknya atau pas rame-ramenya.
Jadi khan beda kalau misalkan pagi itu… Pagi, ngajar mereka
pagi itu cuman Kamis dan Jumat dan itu pasti beda banget mbak.
Kalau Kamis sama Jumat itu pasti mereka diem, dengerin, terus
aktif. Afktinya tapi bukan rame, tapi terus involve gitu khan terus
mereka bener-bener pay attention. Cuman kalau misalnya
masalahnya kalau menurutku tuh cuman karena dasarnya jamnya
ya memang jam-jam yang kurang mendukung untuk
pembelajaran sama khan butuh istirahat ya kali ya mbak ya…
Mereka khan masih kecil, kelas 2 disuruh pulang sampai jam 3
itu capek. Chaotic mbak jadinya.
Ohya… chaoticnya gimana? Kiki cerita ada anak yang pegangin
kakinya terus jilat-jilat kayak anjing. Kalau kamu gimana?
Iya sama, aku ya pernah mbak kayak gitu. Cuman ga sering sih
mbak, cuman 1 atau 2 kali itu ada anak yang kayak gitu dan
kebetulan ada anak di kelasku yang gini… emmm… Ada 2 kelas
to mbak, yang Sparkling sama Glowing, yang entah
pembagiannya kayak gimana pembagiannya aku belum tau
gimana mbak. Cuman kecenderungannya tuh gini, cuman yang
di Sparkling ini kebanyakan yang bright brighter gitu lho yang
nilainya cenderung standardnya lebih bagus tapi lebih ramai juga
gitu dan di kelas Sparkling ini ada satu biang keroknya terus satu
yang susah diatur karena dia kemampuannya berkomunikasi,
berbahasanya itu masih kurang akhirnya dia susah diatur terus
dia males. Jadi 2 anak ini yang jadi apa ya, yang kayak membuat
kalau komplikasinya gitu. Jadi apa ya… Kalau yang satu
provokator, kalau aku ngurusi anak yang ini belum kelar yang ini
jadi tambah ramai tak tinggal jadi parah.
Ada ga masalah dengan anak ini yang jadi pengalaman tak
Apa ya…?
Ee… pernah belum belum lama sih. Bisanya oke oke aja sih
terus bilangin oke manut. Cuman kemaren itu sempat bulan lalu,
dia ambil remote LCD terus dikasih di sakunya terus dia tak
ambil lagi itu nggak mau, akhirnya terganggu khan pelajarannya
terus kacau, temen-temennya juga ya makin ramai karena aku
sempat ninggal mereka karena ngurusin anak itu tadi buat minta
remote LCD nya dan dia ga kasih, akhirnya dia ya tak tinggal
aja. Aku ngurusin temen-temennya aja, terus ya sempet agak
lama, berapa menitan ya itu, kira-kira ada 10 menitan. 10
menitan itu ya sempat bolak-balik dari dia ke temen-temenya, dia
ke temen-temenya.
Berarti kalau ada masalah gitu seketika kamu selesaikan dengan
anak itu, terus yang lain ditinggal dulu?
Iya mbak selesaikan langsung dengan anak itu. Menurutku gitu
sih mbak, daripada kayak membuat si ini wah… Kalau dia
dibiarin ramen anti yang lain protes kok itu boleh rame terus.
Nah nanti kalau udah rame baru semuanya. Aku terus bisanya
pake itu namanya “lomba diam”.
Lomba diam itu gimana?
Ee…. Aku bilang, kalau misalkan pas rame ya pas rame… terus
aku bawa hasil test mereka terus aku bilang “Oke, I have your
test result. Do you want it?” “Yes, Mr… “ wa…wa…wa gitu to
mbak terus rame khan… aku bilang kalau yang paling tenang
paling diem, itu nanti yang paling dapat duluan, itu yang paling
manjur kalau di kelas 2.
Habis itu sampai pelajaran selesai juga aman terkendali?
Hemmmm… enggak, soalnya kalau aku dulu pernah dibilanginm
entah itu theory-theory dari siapa tapi kayaknya bener-bener
terbukti. Eee… konsentrasinya seorang anak itu umurnya
ditambah 3, itu jumlah menit konsentrasi anak, gitu… Nah, dan
kayaknya memang terbukti mbak, jadi aku suruh mereka diem
gitu cuma bertahan beberapa menit, terus aku jadi harus ada
semacam hook lagi untuk menarik mereka lagi ke pelajaran dan
itu sing waahhh…. Luar biasa susahnya cari kayak games, ice
breaker dan sebagainya. Kalau mereka ga suka ya mereka benerbener ga suka.
Pernah ga mereka ga suka sama aktifitas mu itu?
Pernah, itu pertama-tama tapi. Akhir-akhir ini udah enggak.
Waktu pertama itu gimana?
Waktu pertama itu aku belum sempat punya games yang banyak
gitu belum khan. Aku cuman punya games terbatas dan sempat
kehabisan akal terus mereka ini lagi ini lagi “Boring!” sempet
ada yang teriak seperti itu. Terus aku aduh terus aku ya gimana
ya… akhirnya ya tak jalani aja. Terus tak cari-cari anak-anak
yang seperti ini itu sukanya yang seperti apa ya …. Ooo ternyata
mereka sukanya yang seperti ini terus mungkin ada yang suka
dengan semacam TPR tapi ee… beda-beda dikit, atau mungkin
ada yang suka denga visualization. Dan itu manjur juga. Kayak
lomba diem itu aku tercetusnya juga bukan karena aku mikir, tapi
spontan aja, dan sampai sekarang masih mempan.
Pernah setres ga sih di awal-awal gitu? Ternyata ngajar anak
kecil itu aduuhhh….
Pernah mbak, aku pernah pengen sempat resign. Capek ek
mbak… Wonge gedhe tapi kalahnya sama anak-anak kecil. Tapi
ya akhirnya tak coba tak coba tak telateni, ya memang makan ati
sih mbak. Aku mikirnya sih, aku memang suka sama anak-anak,
di luar jam pelajaran yang nakal-nakal itu mereka juga sayang
sama aku. Aku mikirnya gitu dan aku juga saying sama mereka
ya tak tunjukin ajalah, tak terusin ajalah.
Jalu pernah sharing ga sama teman kantor tentang masalah, kok
anak-anak di kelas suka rame ya?
Pernah tapi, cuman tanya caranya gimana… Khan aku satu
kantornya sama cewek-cewek semua, soalnya khan itu guru yang
di lantai 1 dan kebetulan itu cewek semua. Terus aku tanya
gimana caranya enaknya soalnya anak-anakku kayak gini kayak
gini… terus mereke cerita “Itu biasanya caranya, triknya gini…
gini…” Ada juga yang cerita “Iya bener kok Mr. Aku dulu juga
gitu… “, terus mereka cerita caranya begini… Akhirnya malah
berbagi cerita malah dapat ilmu juga gitu…
Setelah Jalu denger cara-cara dari teman itu terus langsung
dicoba atau dipikir dulu?
Kalau aku e... ada beberapa yang langsung tak coba ada beberapa
yang tak modifikasi, ada juga yang tak pikir…. Ee…. Tak buat
bahan pemikiran, terus habis itu tak sesuaikan… ohhh guru ini
karakternya seperti ini… terus karakterku ga bisa seperti guru
itu. Misalkan aku khan orangnya lebih cendurung kalem kan
mbak ke anak-anak ga bisa galak, terus ada guru yang galak,
bener-bener bisa galak dan aku nggak bisa kayak gitu. Terus
caranya gimana ya, biar anak-anak mau. Kalau dia seperti itu,
aku harus seperti apa. Terus aku tak jadiin bahan pemikiran, tak
cari lagi caranya.
Kalau di kelas anak-anak rame gitu apakah mempengaruhi
planningmu, RPP mu hari itu?
Beberapa kali… waktu itu di bulan pertama itu beberapa kali
pelajaran yang ga tuntas goalnya itu karena mereka rame. Nah itu
aku share ke Waka Kurikulumnya itu to … ke beliau terus … pas
itu aku ngajar kelas 2 Sparkling yang ada 2 biang kerok nya tadi
itu mbak, terus aku bilang “Saya ga tuntas Sir di situ
ngajarnya…” khan Waka Kurikulumnya itu cowok to mbak. Dia
cerita “Ooo… gitu. Saya dulu memang sempat ngajar di situ.
Jadi guru subtitue guru matematika di situ. Dan saya juga ga
tuntas ngajarnya di situ, jadi nggak papa. Memang ga seketika itu
juga bisa menguasai kelasnya”. Dan aku mikir di situ dan punya
sebuah konklusi kalau RPP itu bukanlah segalanya gitu. Dulu
khan yang bulan pertama ngajar khan ini harus … harus tercapai
RPP ku. Tapi ya intinya KD, SKKD sama indikatornya sudah
tercapai ohh yaudah… Jadi ga usah terlalu yang idealis.
Sekarang Jalu sudah settled dengan anak-anak, lebih bisa
mengontrol atau belum, atau sudah tapi ingin lebih lagi?
Masih pengen lebih lagi sih mbak, sudah lebih baik sih tapi …
sudah punya cara-cara. Cuma kadang-kadang loss control gitu
lho mbak sama anak-anaknya terus aku bingung mau diapain lagi
ya gitu. Terus pakai cara-cara yang kemaren itu ada yang kurang
mempan. Masa mau pake cara-cara yang itu terus untuk
mengantisipasi anak-anaknya nanti bosen. Masih pengen bisa
lebih lagi sih mbak.
Waktu kuliah belajar ga sih how to deal with children?
TEYL diajarin dan aku harus buka bukunya lagi dan bukunya di
gudang mbak…
Jalu merasa ga ngajar yang sebenernya itu jauh dari apa yang kita
bayangkan waktu kuliah? Ternyata anak-anak itu ga gampang di
taklukan misalnya….
Iya mbak … bener mbak waktu kuliah itu khan kita belajarnya
anak-anak itu baik ya semua hal-hal yang ideal ternyata pas di
dunia kerja itu anak-anaknya rame banget mbak… Apalagi dulu
pas aku PPL nya masih aman, itungannya aman soalnya mereka
sudah SMP dan itu SMP Lab masih mending ya nakal-nakal
biasa tapi masih bisa diatur. Makanya dulu aku daftar pertama ke
Bethany itu SMP. Cuman SMP itu penuh dan aku ditawari ke
SD. Terus aku mau, daripada enggak kerja, hehehe…. Terus
ee…. Sekalian tantangan baru, eh ternyata ya itu tadi… sama
sekali huaaaaa………
Kalau mbak Kiki kemaren cerita kalau hal penting yaitu
classroom management itu harus kita kuasai tapi malah kita tuh
ga belajar dulunya. Kalau Jalu gimana?
He‟eh bener mbak itu bener. Dan aku itu kewalahannya di situ.
Classroom management ku itu masih, mungkin kalau dari skala
1-10 itu masih 4 mungkin mbak sampai sekarang. Jadi eee…
Kalau untuk kelas 2 lho kadang-kadang bisa kadang-kadang
enggak, dan sering-seringnya itu rame banget terusss dan habis
itu kalau udah tak peringatkan aku harus menggunakan suara
yang keras gitu, padahal aku paling nggak mau itu pake suara
yang keras sampai bentak itu enggak mau. Jadi kadang mereka
mau diem kadang enggak. Jadi mereka itu kayaknya moody gitu
lho mbak… dan capek. Yaaahhh itulah mbak… classroom
management itu mbak duuhh…
Dari sekolah ada support ga untuk guru baru tentang classroom
Emmm… Sejauh ini belum ada sih mbak, paling cuman
disarankan sama ya beberapa guru dan terutama dari Waka
Kurikulum itu di perpustnya Bethany itu ada buku tentang Nanny
911, untuk meng-handle anak. Terus cuman disuruh itu, aku cari
artikelnya di internet juga tentang tehniknya dari Nanny 911.
Cuma ya belum ada yang bener-bener bisa praktis tak
aplikasikan gitu belum ada yang bisa, tak apa ya… tak pake…
karena pasti beda gitu lho….
Berarti sekarang masih berjuang untuk itu ya … Emmm… Jalu
kau habis kerja gitu ada seperti refleksi ga hari ini aku gagal di
mana ya, sukses di mana ya, apa yang kurang ya?
Iya mbak, kalau itu aku biasanya habis ngajar sih mbak. Habis
ngajar itu biasnya tak pikir, oohhh tadi itu harusnya gini, ooohhh
tadi harusnya kayak gini, kalau aku pegang si anak ini harusnya
bisa lebih baik. Ya kayak gitu sih mbak, sehabis ngajar, kalau
pulang kerja malah biasanya enggak, aku udah nggak tak pikir
lagi, aku mikirnya buat besok lagi mikirnya… besok gini ya….
Kalau ngajar anak-anak itu pernah ga ngalami, mereka ditanya
sudah jelas belum jawabnya sudah tapi ternyata belum?
Kalau murid-muridku ini cenderung jujur mbak. Kalau belum
jelas mereka bilang “Aku masih nggak tau Mr”, gitu mereka
bilang kayak gitu. Terus habis itu tak jelasin lagi. Cuma enggak
ke semua tapi aku harus ke dianya sendiri soalnya kadangkadang gini mbak, kalau tak jelasin ke semua “Lhoh ini khan aku
udah tau Mr” gitu yang lain gitu. Jadi aku harus jelasin ke yang
sini terus yang lain tak suruh diem dulu tenang dulu, boleh
misalkan mereka beraktifitas tapi enggak rame. Aku jelaskan ke
satu anak ini baru nanti aku balik lagi ke semunya.
Di dalam pikiranmu sebelum melewati proses ngajar beberapa
bulan ini, harusnya kalau ngajar anak-anak itu baiknya yang
seperti apa sih?
Idealnya yang ngajar anak-anak itu yang fun, lucu,
Terus setelah beberapa bulan ini ngajar itu berubah nggak?
Eee… berubah sedikit, fun tapi tegas… karena soalnya anakanak khan masih belum tau tanggung jawabnya mereka sebagai
pelajar itu adalah belajar. Kayak anak kelas 2 itu masih
pengennya main aja... Jadi harus selalu diingetin-diingetin lagi.
Terus apalagi mereka itu anaknya orang berpunya semua jadi
lebih ke apa ya respect ke orang lainnya itu perlu lebih
ditingkatin. Tegasnya itu tegas di situ tapi harus tetap fun, nah itu
yang susah.
Pernah ga ngajar terus hasilnya separoh kelas ga begitu bagus?
Emm… enggak mbak. Cuman paling satu dua anak mbak.
Kenapa bisa dapat jelek?
Emmm… ya itu tadi mbak anak yang nyembunyiin remote itu
tadi yang itu dia itu males mbak, malesnya bukan main. Kalau
udah tak suruh ngerjain itu seringnya asal-asalan padahal dia
bisa. Misalkan dia remedial gitu, tak tanyain secara lisan gitu
bisa njawab, dapat 100. Tapi kalau misalnya pas ngerjain test
gitu, dia itu buru-buru mau ngapain gitu nggak tau… Terus
ngerjainnya malah asal-asalan.
Untuk anak ini, kamu pernah nggak ada komunikasi dengan
orang tuanya?
Belum sih, paling … soalnya itu kayak masih lebih berat
tanggung jawabnya ke wali kelasnya. Jadi aku lebih sering
komunikasiin ke wali kelas biarpun itu ee…. Seremeh apappun
dan kalau itu crucial bagi si anak ini aku komunikasikan ke wali
kelas. Jadi aku bilang “Miss, tadi si Ken anu lho Miss, tidur di
kelas atau eee…. Sepatunya dicopot di kelas terus mengganggu
temennya jijik”. Ya aku komunikasikannya lewat wali kelasnya
biar nanti orang tuanya diberi tau, tapi ga pernah langsung ke
orang tuanya.
Jalu, berarti udah sadar ya aware sama dua anak yang suka buat
masalah di kelas itu? Apa ada treatment khusus buat dia?
Kalau khusus nggak sih mbak. Paling aku liat kondisinya dia
gimana, paling aku mikir harusnya gimana.
Oooo… tapi kalau learning ability nya ga ada masalah ya, ya
cuman suka rame aja ya…?
Iya mbak lebih ke karakternya itu.
Kalau ngajar, materinya nurut dari My Pals atau kamu sesuaikan
muridku itu kemampuannya dimana terus cari dari source lain?
Kalau aku liat dulu dari materinya My Pals apa bahannya, khan
buku panduannya itu, tapi aku buat sendiri. Kayak tadi
membahas tentang things we wear on hot and cold day, jadi aku
misalkan di My Pals nya ada gambar cewek pakai sun-hat terus
aku cari gambar sun-hat terus tadi tak display tak jadiin buat
teka-teki. Aku tanya “What is this thing?” terus urut absen tak
suruh maju jawab.
Terus kalau tentang L1/ L2, Jalu ada peraturan khusus ga untuk
anak-anak di kelas?
Aku selalu negur anak-anak yang pake Bahasa Indonesia, cuman
anak-anak kelas 2 ini susah, masih susah untuk disuruh pake
Bahasa Inggris, kayak mereka itu mmmm….. ada anak-anak
yang memang ga mau. Dan kayaknya memang mereka belum
bisa Bahasa Inggris gitu. Tak ingetin, “Speak English please! In
English please!” gitu, terus ya kayaknya memang harus peraturan
sih, aku khan masuk baru kalau misalkan di tengah-tengah ini
nanti aku set peraturan kayak gini mereka ee…. Terus nanti
“Dulu ga gitu Mr…. ga mau….” Kayak gitu. Jadi sekarang tak
ikuti dulu baru nanti di tahun ajaran baru aku mau tak perbaharui
semuanya tak kasih peraturan. Aku dulu pernah khan jadi
substitute teacher di kelas 5 itu juga gurunya ngasih peraturan
kalau ngomong pake Bahasa Indonesia itu di denda. Dan itu aku
suka, jadi bener-bener malah tak buatin tak jadiin hal yang fun
“Waaa… you speak Indonesian”. Kalau kondisinya seperti aku
gini serba bingung mbak, masih mencari-cari.
Berarti pernah observe kelas lain atau pernah lihat kelas lain?
Eee… pernah. Jadi begitu lolos yang micro teaching itu terus
masuk terus penjelasan tentang administrasi, aku disuruh observe
kelas yang lain. Aku lihat CE sama English. Yang English
ngajarnya tegas, yang CE ngajarnya alus. Bisa sih aku ngajarnya,
cuman untuk yang kelas 2 itu waaaahhh susah banget. Aku
pengennya tegas tapi fun.
Jalu merasa berat ga sih, mesthi ngajar, ngurusin anak-anak yang
rame, masih harus ngerjain administrasi? Cukup ga waktu kerja
di kantor, atau pasti masih harus nglembur di rumah?
Emmm… dulu waktu pertama protest mbak, tapi protest nya tak
batin, kenapa kok gini… kerja itu kok kayak gini ya ternyata,
tapi sekarang ya tak jalani aja… Malah aku bisanya ngerjain
segala sesuatu itu bisanya di rumah, dulu. Dulu biasanya semua
tak bawa ke rumah, tak bawa ke rumah. Terus, tak kerjain di
rumah karena dulu memang aku nggak ada laptop, adanya PC
jadinya tak kerjain di rumah. Jadi kayak kebiasaan terus lamalama nggak effektif kalau kayak gini terus nanti ketinggalan,
terus makanya aku tak beli laptop terus kalau ada yang bisa tak
kerjain di sekolah ya tak kerjain di sekolah. Nyatanta ya mulai
Berarti sekarang sudah enggak pernah bawa kerjaan ke rumah?
Ada sih yang masih kalau kepepet lupa ya masih tak kerjain di
Kalau ngajar, Jalu kasih worksheet gitu?
Endak sih mbak, aku pake workbooknya aja. Khan My Pals itu
ada 2 Textbook sama Workbook, nah kebanyakan anak-anak itu
cuman punya Workbook aja. Nah Textbooknya itu enggak mbak,
jadi kadang-kadang aku mikir “terus gunane beli ki opo?”
hehehehe... Jadi aku harus kadang-kadang… Ada anak yang beli
Textbook, tapi enggak semua. Jadi di satu kelas itu cuman ada 2,
maksimal itu cuman dua yang beli Textbook sama Workbook.
Yang lain cuman beli Workbook, bahkan enggak beli sama
sekali. Terus jadi aku, harus misalkan materi yang dari Textbook
itu tak scan terus tak display di kelas. Kadang ada yang bilang
“Lho… Mr ini khan ada di Textbook?” aku jawab “Iyaaa…. “
Kalau ambil nilai dari apa aja?
Kuis, monthly test, test, sama mid-term test.
Koreksinya banyak?
Suasanya lingkungan kerja gimana?
Enak sih… Cuman eee…. Hehehe… ada beberapa hal yang lucu
tak anggap lucu aja dari tempat kerjaku ini, hubungan personal
Itu mengganggu ga?
Enggak sih mbak, aku cuman nganggepnya lucu aja. Oooohh
ternyata di sekolah bisa kayak gitu ya…
Tapi itu menyangkut ke kamu nggak?
Ndak mbak ndak…. Hehehe….
Kepala sekolah support ga pas awal-awal kamu mulai ngajar?
Support, sangat support.
Seperti apa?
Beliau observe yang waktu awal dia observe dan terus
mengenalkanku ke guru-guru lain. Dia juga suka tanya terus
perkembanganku, gimana betah apa enggak, pas awal-awal aku
kerja itu beliau sering dating ke kantor guru.
Waktu Bapak Kepala Sekolah observe, dia ngasih feedback
Waktu itu….Ooohhh dikasih dikasih mbak… tapi enggak
langsung sih.
Apa feedbacknya?
Suara yang keras, soalnya beliau suaranya keras banget…
“Huaaaaa….” Gitu… Kalau aku harus bener-bener konsentrasi
baru suaranya keras, soalnya khan suaranya keturunan mbak,
ibuk bapak ku khan suarane ya kayak gini.
Dulu waktu awal-awal kerja sering cerita ngeluh gitu nggak sih,
sama bapak ibuk?
Eee… ya cerita sama ibuk sih, seringnya sama ibuk, karena
bapak khan kerjanya di luar kota. Ya ngeluh sih… Buk kerjane
kok kayak gini… gini… ya Ibuk bilang “Ya sabar….” Paling ya
kayak gitu tok, sama ngasih tau yang namanya kerja ya kayak
gitu. Dikasih penguatan juga dari situ, akhirnya ya sampai
sekarang ya nyatanya masih.
Apasih yang membuat kamu masih bertahan?
Apa ya…. Mmmm….. kalau yang membuat bertahan itu. Kayak,
maksudku kayak pembuktian ke diri sendiri gitu lho mbak.
Soalnya gini, di situ aku khan juga ada beberapa yang kenal kan
kayak-kayak Dewa mbak Kiki terus ada beberapa yang lain.
Mereka aja bisa, masa aku nggak bisa? Terus ya aku coba
dengan caraku sendiri, setiap ada… setiap ada apa pemikiran
untuk keluar, coba ah tak butktiin dulu sampai sejauh mana aku
mau bertahan. Terus aku mikir-mikir gitu terus… ya sempat ada
di titik terendah terus ya tak pikir lagi, ya pokoknya mbalik terus
lah mbak…
Sekarang ini masih ada fikiran untuk keluar?
Sekarang sudah endak sih mbak, cuman kalau misalkan eee….
Misalkan ditawari di tempat yang lain itu ya misalkan apa yg
load kerja yang ga sebanyak ini aku mau.
Perasaan pengen resign itu ada di bulan-bulan pertama?
Satu bulan di awal, 2 bulan itu udah nggak, udah ketemu fun nya.
Fun nya itu apa?
Ngajar anak-anak nya sendiri itu ternyata juga fun mbak. Waktu
sebulan di awal khan anak-anaknya memang ga bisa diatur tapi
dah ketemu kayak seninya sendiri, kayak gitu terus tementemennya juga asyik. Kayak diemong juga sih mbak aku, soalnya
aku sekarang paling muda di situ. Jadi kayak punya banyak
kakak di situ.
Kalau ngajar seringnya pake method approach tertentu ga? Atau
ciptaannya Jalu sendiri?
Kalau aku sejauh ini masih dengan metode ku sendiri sih mbak,
soalnya eee…. Pengennya sih kayak cooperative learning tapi
nggak cooperative banget, karena yang kelas 2 itu masih apa ya
harus bener-bener harus banyak lebih belajar lagi supaya aku tau
metode apa yang tepat untuk anak-anak ini.
Kenapa pengennya cooperative learning?
Soalnya yang terbantu aja, nanti anak-anaknya lebih ee… lebih
apa ya mereka kayak mengetahui sendiri dari materi pelajaran
yang tak kasih itu, tiap anak ada kontribusi untuk itu.
Apa itu beliefmu tentang learning?
Enggak juga sih mbak, aku nggak saklek gitu. Aku nanti kalau
menemukan yang baik lagi ya aku khan ganti.
Dulu kalau dari sekolah khan sempat mau mengembangkan
tentang MI, terus ada training-training tentang itu, sebelum aku
masuk. Tapi sempat terhenti karena adanya akreditasi. Ya waktu
aku masuk itu. Terus belum dilanjutkan lagi. Pemrakarsanya ya
Waka Kurikulum itu, karena beliau percaya bahwa kalau setiap
anak khan punya kecerdasan masing-masing di bidang masingmasing dan itu yang mau di gali dan caranya gimana biar
ketahuan nah itu ada trainingnya cuman aku kemaren belum ikut
Interview Transcript 3
Day and date : Monday, February 24, 2014
: 04.45 p.m. – 06.00 p.m.
: Jalu‟s house
Jl. Nakula Sadewa, Taman Kembang Arum, Salatiga.
A : Adesia
J : Jalu
Interview 3
Dek Jalu anak tunggal ya? Ga ada saudara?
Sehari-hari di rumah tinggal dengan?
Sama ibuk aja mbak…
Kalau bapak?
Bapak kerja di Semarang khan, di Kaliwungu deket Kendal.
Minggu pulang mbak
Pekerjaan bapak apa ya dek?
Bapak kerja di PT. Kartabina persewaan alat berat gitu mbak.
Dek, dulu khan pas interview yang lewat facebook cerita kalau
habis lulus SMA, FBS itu jadi pilihan utama. Kenapa ya?
Alasannya ya itu tadi mbak, karena kondisi itu tadi to mbak,
Bapak khan mulai tahun 2009 khan pindah ke Kendal itu, terus
otomatis aku di sini sama ibuk sendiri cuma berdua, ibuk khan
juga jualan ini to… kalau siang jualan full, kalau sore ya cuman
terima yang beli siapa gitu … kalau misal aku nanti kuliah di luar
kota, ibu nanti sama siapa ndak ada yang nemenin nanti, alasan
utamanya itu sih. Terus milih apasih yang cocok … ooohh FBS
Kemaren khan juga cerita kalau dari bulan Juli sampe September
itu cari-cari kerja, terus salah satunya khan nglamar kerja di
Kievit, lainnya dimana lagi?
Di Solo sempet daftar di mana itu namanya English One, tapi
nggak jadi English instructure nya tapi nyoba jadi adminnya,
adminnya juga harus full speak in English nyoba… ternyata udah
lama itu mbak… ternyata kejadiannya sama kayak yang PNS itu
mbak jadi setelah keterima di Bethany itu terus yang PNS itu
khan lolos juga, terus kondisinya aku dah punya kerja di
Salatiga enak, aku diterima di Solo, ya udah tak ambil yang
Salatiga aja.
Terus pernah nyoba PNS juga?
Jadi guru berarti? Daftar apa?
Intruktur Bahasa Inggris.
Yang di Solo itu sudah sampe proses interview dan lainnya?
Iya udah interview pertama terus udah mau interview kedua
untuk apa… mungkin gaji atau apa… sama yang punya, Bule
juga yang punya tapi ya aku ga bisa karena aku udah keterima
kerja di sini.
Kalau yang PNS itu udah sampe mana prosesnya?
Belum test, masih yang lolos syarat-syarat administrasi itu lho…
surat SKCK dan sebagainya, tapi akhire memutuskan untuk
nggak ikut.
Itu jadi instruktur Bahasa Inggris jadi PNS untuk department
Di Disnakertrans mbak.
Kalau yang Kievit kemaren itu sudah sampe tahap apa?
Interview satu, interview dua terus katanya akan dihubungi lagi
tapi sampai sekarang tidak dihubungi… hehehe….
Dulu khan di interview pertama juga sempat cerita kalau
sebenernya jadi guru itu bukan cita-cita yang utama tapi juga
bukan berarti ga suka jadi guru to… Nah pandanganmu tentang
pekerjaan jadi guru itu gimana sih, sebelum kerja jadi guru ini
Maksudnya yang dikerjakan gitu mbak?
He‟e, jadi kalau kemaren Kiki itu cerita kalau kerja jadi guru itu
dipandang orang sepele mbak… tapi setelah kerja aku sadar
kalau guru itu pekerjaannya banyak dan nggak sepele dan aku
bangga jadi guru yang bener. Kalau Jalu gimana?
Iya, sih terlebih lagi kalau… perbedaannya setelah aku jadi dan
sebelum jadi guru ya… Kalau sebelum jadi guru aku memandang
wah jadi guru malah bukan sepele tapi aku khan kuliah
pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, aku tau jadi guru tuh repot dan aku
tuh orange bukan orang yang tipikal repot repot mau repot gitu
nggak, aku orange yang praktis banget jadi pengen cari kerja
yang tas tes tas tes gitu… yang di lapangan kek … apa yang
dimana gitu. Pengen cari kerja yang kayak gitu terus ee…
ternyata setelah jadi guru ya emang bener repot cuma
tantangannya ada, dulu aku meremehkannya wah jadi guru
kurang ada tantangannya nih … dan cuman pekerjaannya gitu
tapi setelah kerja ini ternyata jadi guru itu asyik ada
tantangannya juga ngajar anak, administrasi gitu mbak …
Setelah jadi guru ini ada rasa bangga nggak jadi guru yang ngajar
dengan tantangan pekerjaan seperti ini?
Ya mbak bangga… bangga kalau rasa bangga itu ada rasa sendiri
soalnya problemku masuk di satu sekolah yang aku rasa itu baru
masih berkembang dan punya prospek yang cerah gitu. Dan
guru-gurunya masih muda dan aku merasa ee…. banyak
temennya, kecuali kalau misalkan aku masuk di suatu sekolah
yang apa ya sudah lama berdiri jadi khan guru-gurunya lebih
banyak yang sudah senior dari aku gitu khan untuk masalah
pergaulan dan kayak semacam mentoring gitu itu khan kayak
susah gitu. Kalau ini khan masih usia khan yaa… paling tua khan
masih dua belas atau beberapa belas tahun di atasku khan ya
masih deket.
Dek, dulu cerita mulai kerja di Bethany khan 21 Oktober, proses
sebelumnya itu seperti apa?
Eee… waktu itu aku disms sama pacarku waktu itu bilang khan
dia tau dari temennya kerjanya itu ngajar TK-nya. Terus waktu
itu bilang SMP waktu itu… SMP atau SD membutuhkan, terus
aku daftar yang SMP nya. Aku masukan lamaran itu 16 Agustus
mbak, itu prosesnya lama, ya karena khan gurunya yang keluar
itu baru bulan September. Soalnya gini mbak, belum tak ceritani
ya mbak? Gini soalnya tiga bulan, dia khan masa percobaan
kalau dirasa layak setelah itu dikontrak satu tahun. Kalau masih
belum bisa tapi masih layak terus diperpanjang lagi 3 bulan jadi
total 6 bulan to mbak tapi kalo nggak layak terus putus. Nah dia
merasa dia layak kayaknya… nah aku… aku ga tau pasti
ceritanya gimana pokoknya merasa layak kontrak satu tahun tapi
dia cuman diperpanjang masa percobaannya terus akhirnya dia
keluar, mugkin karena lamaran yang ada punyaku, terus
dipanggil sekalian. Karena waktu itu memang waktu itu gurunya
keluar dan lamaran yang paling baru eh paling lama itu aku terus
akhirnya itu. Terys interview terus micro teaching.
Terus dek, taunya kalau kamu ngajar kelas 2 itu kapan? Pas di
tahap yang mana?
Emmm…. Itu sehabis jadi aku ngajar kelas berapa itu waktu
habis micro teaching itu sudah di kasih tau oleh kepala sekolah.
Habis micro teaching khan langsung dapat keputusannya
keterima atau enggak terus itu interview masalah gaji itu, nah
waktu itu kepala sekolah, sekertaris sama ketua yayasan ketemu
aku untuk membicarakan aku ngajar kelas berapa, tapi belum tau
detailnya, cuman kelas 2, 3, 4 aku ngajar ini ini. Cuman
dijelaskan… dijelentrehkannya itu baru waktu sama wakil kepala
sekolah bagian kurikulum itu.
Kalau yang PIC swimming itu tugasnya apa?
Kalau PIC swimming itu tugasnya ya cuman… bukan ngajar sih,
khan cuma ngumpulin kalau hari Kamis sama Jumat itu khan kita
setengah hari pelajarananya dan sisanya jam 12.20 itu kita ekstra
12.20 sampai jam 13.00 itu khan mereka boleh main dulu. Jam
satunya itu kita ekstra. Salah satunya itu kita swimming,
swimming itu nanti sebelum jam satu aku mengumpulkan
mereka dulu ke kelas-kelas habis itu “Who join swimming
today? Siapa yang nggak?” terus nanti alasannya kenapa enggak.
Terus sudah. Kalau sudah baru diingatkan nanti kumpul di
biasanya di parking area, terus baru nanti kita dijemput mobil
dari Laras Asri. Terus nunggu di sana sampai mobilnya dating,
terus udah gitu aja.
Yang cerita orang tua murid protes karena soal kuis yang
gambarnya ge jelas itu gimana sih detailnya, anaknya ga bisa
kerjain karena gambarnya ga jelas atau gimana?
Emm… kayaknya iya, soalnya kebetulan temen-temen guru di
sana itu sering mewanti-wanti kalau parents-nya di sana itu
pretty demanding gitu lho mbak. Jadi kalau misalkan kalau ada
sesuatu yang ga beres sama anaknya itu protes. Nah salah satu
yang gap rotes ini biasanya anakku dapatnya 8 ke atas atau 8
bahkan waktu itu ada yang dapet 60 tak kasih itu karena memang
ngawur jawabnya. Usut punya usut bisanya dia dapetnya 8 sama
guru yang sebelumnya, terus protes, cuman ga protes sih cuman
nanya “Mr, ini gambarnya kok kayak gini ga terlalu jelas terus
soalnya juga mungkin anak-anak ga paham.” Aku jawab “Oh
gitu ya buk ya…” aku cuman bilang “Ini sudah tak konsultasikan
ke Waka kurukulumnya”, soalnya khan yang tugas untuk
mengoreksi soal khan beliau. Itu satu-satunya pembelaanku dan
aku khan masih baru. Aku enggak tau… eemmm… masih belum
tau seberapa jauh konsep pemahaman anak-anaknya.
Dari situ berarti ada pelajaran ya…? Oohhh kalau besok lagi buat
soal berarti aku harus…
He‟e kayak minggu kemaren yang tak sampein itu to mbak. Jadi
pokoknya KD nya apa, standard kompetensinya apa,
indikatornya apa, tak buat soal yang semudah mungkin kira-kira
anak yang paling eee… pencapainya yang paling rendah di kelas
itu bisa ngerjain, tapi juga ada tantangan juga buat anak yang
pinter di kelas itu, jadi imbanglah.
Yang ngajar di jam siang khan anak-anak suka rame, khan dulu
juga pernah cerita ngalami sama kayak Kiki itu kamu serius
diganduli gitu kakinya?
Ee… diganduli gitu… kalau diganduli di kaki gitu enggak cuman
ada anak yang sukanya gelendotan. Aku ga sampai separah itu
sih mbak, cuman gelendotan terus tak peringatin terus dia
kembali ke tempat duduknya gitu. Atau waktu aku lagi ngambil
sesuatu di bawah tau tau ada yang lari kayak minta gendong di
punggung mbak. Lhoh… apa ini hahahaha… tapi ya tak suruh
Pas dari pertama ngajar masalah L1 sama L2 di kelas gimana
dek? Masih banyak yang pake L1?
Kalau sampai sekarang sih masih kadang-kadang perlu diingetin
yang sudah terbiasa itu malah yang kelas 3 4 itu sudah terbiasa
meskipun di kelas 3 dan 4 aku ngajarnya bukan Inggris. Jadi aku
di kelas 2 ini cuman ngingetin terus “In English please. Speak in
English please.”
Kalau anak-anak masih sering pake L1 jadi rame nggak sih di
kelas? Khan mereka bisa ngobrol sama temennya?
Emmm…. Kayaknya lebih ke suatu ketika mereka ingin
mengatakan sesuatu yang kelas 4 atau kelas 3 itu punya trik,
mereka sebisa mungkin berbicara dengan Bahasa Inggris. Kalau
ada satu kata yang pake Bahasa Indonsia mereka ada gesture nya
gini (quotation mark). Tapi kalau yang kelas 2 belum bisa kayak
itu. Jadi kalau mereka pengen mengatakan sesuatu dalam Bahasa
Inggris tapi ga bisa, mereka langsung pake Bahasa Indonesia.
Jadi effortnya mereka masih kurang, jadi ya tak ingetin terus tak
ingetin terus.
Di jam kosong pas ga ngajar khan ceritanya ngerjain
administrasi, semua bisa selesai dalam jam-jam itu?
Wah kalau mau diselesain yaa… tergantung pekerjaannya apa
mbak. Kalau misalkan buat soal, terus kisi-kisi gitu ya kadang di
bawa di rumah terus diselesaikan di rumah. Bahkan kalau
mungkin misalkan pas ada tugas dari sekolah kayak kemaren beli
bibit tanaman buat acara gowes itu khan kita harus ada sumbang
sihnya ke departemen lingkungan hidup itu khan beli tanaman
terus yaudah di waktu harusnya aku bisa ngerjain administrasi
aku beli taneman. Yaudah kerjaannya tak bawa ke rumah.
Berarti harus pinter ngatur waktu ya?
He‟eh jadi ga harus selalu di rumah semua atau di sekolah semua
itu sih.
Bedanya dulu sama sekarang berarti jauh lebih rapi ya untuk
mengatur waktu?
Aku bukan lebih rapi sih mbak lebih fleksible. Jadi dulu khan
pertama-tama masih idealis, ini harus dikerjakan di sini ini di
sini. Sekarang yaweslah kalau ga bisa dikerjakan di sekolah ya di
Kalau ditanya nih… bedanya Jalu yang dulu pas di awal-awal
kerja sama yang sekarang itu apa?
Mungkin apa ya? Yang jelas anak-anak lebih familiar sama aku
itu jelas pasti dan mereka kayak lebih seneng juga sama aku.
Bahkan kemaren sempat ada guru baru juga yang masuk, aku
harus ngajar untuk promosi sekolah ngajar art, khan guru art nya
ga begitu fasih Bahasa Inggrisnya, jadi aku ngajar art sama guru
artnya tapi aku lebih yang Bahasa Inggrisnya jadi asistentnya dia
buat ngajar art sama music. Terus ada yang gantiin aku di kelas 2
itu ngajar terus anak-anak “Lhoo Mr. Jalu kemana??” sampai
kayak gitu mbak, aku ya kaget. Ya… gitu sih… lebih deket aja
sama anak.
Pernah ada masalah ga dengan assessment?
Masalahnya ini mbak, ga pernah ada yang ngajarin cara apa bikin
analisa nilainya, aku cuman dapat file excel nya dari guru yang
lama itu untuk hasil test yang lama. Yaudah tak pelajari sendiri
sampai puyeng pake rumus-rumus excel yang yang pernah tak
pelajari. Akhirnya bisa buat sendiri. Dan itu rumus yang sama
sebenernya ya cuman aku cari sendiri.
Analisa nilai itu gimana sih?
Jadi analisis nilai itu kayak misalkan kita punya 20 soal, emmm
10 pilihan ganda, 5 isian, 5 urain. Pilihan ganda itu pointnya
berapa per soal, itu ditulis terus itu ada kolomnya untuk per-anak
jadi anak ini di soal nomer berapa salah nomer berapa salah terus
point totalnya untuk nomer ini misalkan di kelas 2 Sparkling itu
berapa terus ada yang butuh remedial dan pengayaan itu khan
ketauan dari situ, terus ada kolom untuk menghitung ini tuntas
KKM atau tidak tuntas itu ada.
Wow… detail sekali ya…?
Nah itu makanya mbak, waktu bener-bener masuk situ tuh yang
stress out gitu… Waktu kuliah ga dikasih tau kerjaannya seperti
ini dan menurutku di sekolah-sekolah lain ga ada yang kayak
gini. Tapi buahnya besok, itu malah membantu sendiri.
Terus dulu yang cerita terakhir itu khan ga kerekam, yang mau
test tapi malah workbooknya dikumpulkan itu, terus itu jadi
belajar kalau culturenya di sekolah itu begini.
He‟em mbak jadi belajar kalau ga semua anak punya textbook
dan workbook.
Setelah melampaui semua ini dari awal kerja sampai sekarang
sudah masuk 5 bulanan. Ada wish ga? Maksudku harapanya
kamu ingin apa, perlu apa to perform better?
Kayaknya perlu training untuk ee… untuk classroom
management. Soalnya aku merasa kayaknya ga cuman aku aja
yang butuh tapi beberapa temen juga mengeluhkan itu. Jadi
masih butuh. Apalagi kita masih muda khan kebanyakan dan
masih sangat butuh kalau misalkan kita di training masalah
classroom management khan kita lebih enak dan kita misalkan
punya satu pemahaman yang sama ee…. untuk menghandle
suatu kelas, jadi enggak tiap orang punya beda style sendiri,
nanti khan anak-anak ada adaptasi sendiri kalau menurutku sih
kayak gitu. Kalau kita punya konsep yang sama untuk
menghandle kelas nanti kita lebih enak jadi nanti gayanya di
sekolah ini tuh begini.
Jadi kayak ada standardnya apa, jadi semua guru sama, dan nanti
muridnya pun ga wah nanti kalau sama Mr ini bisa gini kalau
sama laini begini?
He‟em… he‟em… iya … iya… soalnya aku masih merasa di
sekolah kayak gitu mbak. Wah aku kalau sama Miss ini kayak
gini. Jadi style ku ngajar sama yang tak ganti khan pasti berbeda
dan juga karekternya khan juga beda cuman kalau di sekolah ini
ada suatu pemahaman tentang classroom management atau tipe
pengajaran seperti ini nanti sepaham nanti lebih enak lagi.
Apasih dek yang membuatmu bertahan sampai sekarang?
Yang utamanya to mbak, aku juga ga terlalu apa ya … terlalu
yakin apa sih yang mebuat aku bertahan, ya itu tadi factor-faktor
nya itu tadi mbak yang kayak di interview kemaren, ya cuman
mungkin kalau dipikir-pikir yang utam itu aku sudah punya satu
pekerjaan di Salatiga yang itu bener-bener tak doakan selama ini
terus minta sama Tuhan kerja di Salatiga dan ini aku dapet gitu
lho… Kalau aku resign dan aku keluar berarti aku enggak
bersyukur sama Tuhan soalnya ini satu-satunya pekerjaan di
Salatiga yang menerima aku, berarti ini khan jawaban dari Tuhan
udah gitu. Kayak rasa syukur ke Tuhan, jadi religious aku mbak.
Menurut Jalu dan pengalaman sampai saat ini, komunikasi antara
guru dan orang tua itu penting ga?
Kalau menurutku penting mbak. Ya soalnya kayak dalam materi
itu khan setiap bulan kita khan buat namanya summary.
Summary itu isinya jadwal bulanan kita terus schedule nya
bulanan. Jadi tanggal ini bulan Maret terus jadwalnya ini topik
pembahasannya apa untuk kelas 2 Glowing dan kelas 2 Sparkling
itu khan beda. Terus itu nanti disetor ke wali kelas nanti
dimasukan ke jadwal kelas yang nanti akan di upload ke website.
Terus nanti kita buat summary, summarynya itu ringkasan materi
yang akan dibahas di bulan depan gitu. Nah kadang-kadang …
eh… bukan kadang-kadanga sih kalau English itu aku mesthi
scan materi dari buku cetak, nah di situ itu jadi polemic sendiri
buat aku karena ada beberapa anak yang sudah punya buku dan
itu cuman segelintir, satu atau 2 di masing-masing kelas, dan
yang sisanya cuman punya workbook bahkan tidak punya buku
sama sekali karena merasa sudah ada summary, biar hemat uang
juga khan. Terus jadi akhirnya tetep tak scan aja. Suatu ketika
aku mikir gini, kalau kayak gini terus kayaknya perlu ada deh
koordinasi ke orang tua mengenai materi eee… aku ketemu
orang tua sendiri menjelaskan materi yang akan tak pakai ke
orang tua. Cuman itu kayaknya bukan hakku tapi wewenangnya
wali kelas untuk menjelaskan itu semua.
Participants’ Consents