Franciscan Spirituality Center


Franciscan Spirituality Center
Ongoing Programs and Groups
at The
A newsletter published by the Franciscan Spirituality Center
Spring/Summer 2010
Depressed Anonymous
Fe a ture A rt i c l es
Where Two Find Us
What does it mean to be a friend?
The Hmong Friendship Project teaches new ways of being a friend.
page 3
Our Volunteers
Meet Donna Glowcheski and Cynthia Bomber.
page 5
Our Donors
Thank you to all our Donors. A list of those who support the work of the
FSC. page 11
The Stations of the Cross
Joe Orso recounts the day of reflection.
Franciscan Spirituality
Center is at 920 Market
Street, one block west
of Franciscan Skemp
Healthcare and one
block north of Viterbo
University. FSC shares
the building with St.
Rose Convent.
page 7
Every Monday evening throughout the year
5:30 – 6:30 pm
A 12-step group where people dealing with depression can generate
positive energies, form networks of friendship and support, and give
each other strength to live each day with hope. For more information,
call Vince at 791-5298. Newcomers always welcome!
Saturday Morning Men’s Group
Saturday morning May 22 and June 19
9:00 – 11:00 am
Enjoy coffee, muffins, and discussion on a current book related to
spirituality. Call Vince Hatt at 791-5298 for information about the
Investment: $7/session. Registration required.
Enneagram Study Group
Programs an d Retre ats
Second and fourth Wednesday throughout the year 5:15 – 7:00 pm
This is a chance to share experiences and learn how the enneagram can
enhance your spiritual journey as well as improve your relationships with
family, friends and co-workers.
For more information, call John Hempstead 784-8763.
The Last Word
Vince Hatt explains how we are celebrating 25 years.
Celebrating the Power of Our Stories
25th Anniversary Event
Creativity and Art
Begin Like A River: A Writing Retreat
Drum Making: A Reflection of the Self
Journeying Together on the Artist’s Way
Spirited Writer’s Forum
Tapping into Your Creative Energy
Health and Wellness
Singing Bowl Inner Harmony Yoga Retreat
Usui Reiki 3A: Advanced Reiki Training (ART)
Reiki Level 1
Vinyasa Yoga
Golden Yoga
The Nia Technique...Through Movement We Find Health!
Reiki Level 2
Mindfulness and Meditation
Evening Mindfulness Series
page 14
page 5
page 5
page 8
Scripture and Franciscan Studies
The Parables of Jesus: An Invitation to Enter Jesus’ Dream for Us page 4
Cyber Franciscan Pilgrimage Retreat
page 6
Extended Programing
Foundations for Servant Leadership
Spiritual Direction Preparation Program
Celebrate Friendship
Circles of Women: Savoring Sabbath
page 10
page 9
Pax Christi (Peace of Christ)
The second Wednesday of the month
(5:15–5:45 pm) Soup and sandwich available
(5:45–7:00 pm) Meeting
No fee, donations accepted
Newcomers welcome!
Solitude Ridge Hermitages
hermitages have
been built on the
edge of a woodland
and provide the
peace and quiet of a
rural setting. These
small buildings were
designed to provide
a space for the
silence and solitude
necessaryfora deeper
experience with God.
Hermitages are $36
per night. Write or
call the Center for a
hermitage brochure.
page 4
page 8
To find out more about our programs, meeting rooms, hermitages and spiritual direction,
call (608) 791-5295, e-mail [email protected] or
Pax Christi is an international organization of local groups promoting
peacemaking based on the pastoral cycle of Christian prayer, study and
action. From their discernment of the signs of the times, Pax Christi
groups initiate action—as a community—in a concrete effort to effect
For Your Information
At the Center is published three times a year by:
Franciscan Spirituality Center
920 Market Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
(608) 791-5295 [email protected]
Franciscan Spirituality Center is a Gospel-driven,
interfaith community founded and sponsored by the
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.
The Franciscan Spirituality Center is dedicated to
anyone seeking wholeness.
We live this mission because we believe:
hhIn each of us lives the Sacred.
hhWe need each other to recognize and honor that
part of ourselves.
hhResponding to spiritual hunger is necessary for
growth, healing and peace.
hhAs we grow in wholeness, we contribute to the
healing of all creation.
Core Values
In keeping with the tradition of our Franciscan
founders, we hold these core values:
Believe that in every person and all creation lives
the Sacred.
Acknowledge the dignity, diversity and worth of
each person as a unique image of God.
Through prayer, empathy, and sharing, create a safe,
peaceful place.
Welcome all with compassion, acceptance and
Commit to competence, quality, trust and personal
spiritual development.
What We Do
The staff at the Center offers spiritual direction,
individually directed and group retreats, and daylong programs. Some staff members are available
for off-site workshops, presentations, and programs
that fit anyone seeking wholeness. Topics include
those listed in each publication of “At the Center.”
At the Center 2
What Does it Mean to be a Friend?
By Theresa Washburn
Coming In May and June
Singing Bowl Inner Harmony Yoga Retreat
After her Peace Corps stay in Seoul, Korea, Linda Kerrigan knew she would never see the world the same way again.
Fear of other cultures melted into curiosity; mistrust transformed into new adventures. It is fitting that Linda started the
FSC Hmong Friendship Outreach Effort because she learned that her life was always enriched when she connected with
people outside her own Midwestern roots.
Dates: Friday, May 21 (5:30 – 8:30 pm) through Saturday, May
22 (9:00 am – 4:00 pm)
“When I talked to our Director Vince Hatt, he agreed that this was an appropriate venture for us,” says Kerrigan. “We
endorse the concept that there is goodness in everyone and we can promote that goodness anywhere.”
A singing bowl is a special type of metal bowl that functions
as a ritualistic instrument. Several harmonic sounds come
together as it is gently rung or massaged around its rim
to call attention to a forthcoming significant event. Like
the singing bowl, if we call attention to inserting mindful
yogic practices into every day, there is potential for creating
melodic balance within ourselves. A concert of values to live
by, conscious movements of the body, purposeful breath work
and various forms of meditation collectively can enhance our
inner harmony. A consistent rehearsal of a yoga way of life is a
lark’s song to our self-confidence, composure and feelings of
sustained contentment.
The effort began with a small group of interested volunteers and a connection with Hmong enrolled in a GED course at
WTC. Many of the people in the course remain primarily connected to the Hmong community in La Crosse and have
little opportunity for inter-cultural relationships. The idea is to partner with the community of the La Crosse area and
pair volunteers with a Hmong adult, many who may be enmeshed in the naturally segregated population of Hmong. The
hope is to establish a simple friendship contact.
“This is a commitment to become a part of a person’s life, to meet with them
on a social level and share,” says Kerrigan.
To date three people have joined this program and they wholeheartedly agree
they have received as much, or more, than they have given to the experience.
The volunteers describe it as enriching and fulfilling.
Director: Bernice Olson-Pollack
Investment: $95 includes meals. Limited bedrooms available at $36/night.
Linda knows first-hand the joys of this relationship-building program. She
spends one day a week with a young woman who has two children. She
shared Thanksgiving with her and, in turn, went as an invited guest to the
Hmong New Year.
The Parables of Jesus: An Invitation to Enter
Jesus’ Dream for Us
No one should stay away because of inability to pay. The Center will
accept a donation within your means should you be unable to make the
suggested fee. Others may wish to give beyond the suggested fee. In both
cases, we gratefully accept whatever is given.
To register, call the Center (608)791-5295 or e-mail [email protected]
or online
A $20.00 non-refundable deposit on all weekend programs and program
series is required.
3 At the Center
Saturday, June 5
9 :00 am to 5:30 pm
Usui Reiki levels one and two are prerequisites. Contact Sr.
Marlou Ricke to register at [email protected] or call
Sr. Marlou Ricke is a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration.
She is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher and a Karuna Reiki™
Master Teacher who was taught by Laurelle Shanti Gaia from
the International Center for Reiki Training. Her master
of arts degrees are in education and expressive therapies.
She is also a spiritual director who was trained through the
Franciscan Spirituality Center, La Crosse, WI. Sr. Marlou
lives in and practices in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Celebrate Friendship
Dates: Friday, June 18 (6:30 – 8:30 pm) and Saturday, June 19
(9:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Investment: $95 includes meals. $30 for those under 30 years old.
Limited bedroom space available at $36/night.
Facilitators: Linda Kerrigan and Barb Kruse
She’s the first one you call when you need to talk. She’s there for
the good times and bad. She’s the one who knows everything
about you and she is still your friend. Invite your best friend,
sister, mother, daughter, college roommate, or co-worker for
an evening and day of reflection and connection through
prayer, laughter, food, creative movement and relaxation.
You’ll leave rejuvenated and recommitted to your cherished
If you are interested in joining this group, feel free to call or e-mail Linda
Kerrigan at (608) 791-5276 or [email protected].
General Information
Usui Reiki 3A: Advanced Reiki Training (ART)
Dates: Monday, May 31 (7:00 pm) through
Saturday, June 5 (noon)
Investment: $355 includes retreat, bedroom and meals
Commuters: $195 includes retreat and meals
Directors: FSC Staff
This silent retreat is an invitation to enter the heart and soul
of the stories of Jesus, called parables. They represent the
very words of Jesus, capturing in vivid, dramatic language the
proclamation of the Kingdom of God. They will be offered
in the context of the cultural, societal, economic, political
and religious background of first century Palestine so the
radical demands for personal conversion can be heard anew,
as if for the first time. The stories ought to leave us all rather
uncomfortable, yet affirmed, for even as we recognize how
far we are from the Kingdom, we see how personally we have
been called to enter it, with Him who loves us. Through
prayer, exposition of the stories, and silence, we will be able to
enter, with some depth, into Jesus’ own dream for us.
Linda is on staff at FSC and offers individual and group
spiritual direction. She believes building and nurturing
authentic relationships is central to embracing a rich and
meaningful life.
Barb Kruse is on staff at FSC. She received her training in
spiritual direction from FSC, completing the program in
2002 and has a masters in servant leadership from Viterbo
University. Barb is a wife, mother, community volunteer and
friend. She believes as we journey throughout our lives, it is
through friendship that we find grace, healing and ourselves.
More events coming in June on the
next page . . .
At the Center 4
Celebrating the Power of Our Stories
Friday, June 25 and Saturday, June 26
Keynote presenters: Ellen Kort on Friday and
Tom Thibodeau on Saturday
Investment: $95 two days, $50 one day.
20% discount if you register and pay by June 1.
Limited bedroom space available at $36/night.
A sampling of sessions to choose from:
pp The Power of Compassion in Transforming Our
Life Stories
pp What I Learned from a Convict: Stories that Cross
pp The Eco-lyric: An Alternative to Story
pp Growing Older, Getting More Alive
pp Living a Discerning Life
pp Mindfulness: Being Present as Things Fall Apart
pp Connecting Through Intuition
pp Journey Shield: The Other Life Story
FSC 25th Anniversary Celebration!
Coming In July and August
Investment: $25 donation
Begin Like A River: A Writing Retreat
Friday, June 25 5:00 – 6:45 pm
At St Rose Convent and Chapel
Support FSC and celebrate
25 years of the spirituality, the
Franciscan way. Enjoy an hour of
socializing, hors-devours from
Root Note and then join us for
poetry, prose and music. Readings
by the winners of the writing
contest will be intertwined with
music and song from local artists.
Copies of Essential Inklings, a
first-time publication from the
Franciscan Spirituality Center‘s
contest winners and work from
the women’s writing group will be
on sale.
Meet our Volunteers
Donna Glowcheski
I started volunteering at the Spirituality Center after receiving a phone call from my sister (an employee of the Center)
asking if I would like to do some work in the bookstore. As books are a vital part of my life, it did not take long to say yes.
I also work at the reception desk several times a month. The atmosphere at the Center makes for a
very pleasant place to work. The caring and sharing is very evident in each person who is involved
with the Center. Volunteering is a way to give back for all the blessings I have received in my life.
Dates: Thursday, July 8 (5:00 pm) – Sunday, July 11 (Noon)
Investment: $235 includes meals, bedroom and river cruise.
Commuters: $135 includes meals and river cruise.
Facilitator: Theresa Washburn
Where do we commence the journey of writing? Do we
start with a story, the characters, or an experience? In this
retreat we begin like a river, at the first trickle of energy
emanating from our souls. We will reinforce this energy with
support systems to create credible, readable stories. Using
combinations of free writing with present moment practice,
we will explore voice, character credibility, and overall plot
development. Saturday evening, we will read and celebrate our
stories on a river cruise. This retreat is for anyone who wants
to learn or return to the basics of the story and re-ignite their
passion for writing.
Theresa Washburn is a communications consultant to the
Franciscan Spirituality Center and a writer. She holds a
masters in servant leadership and is an affiliate to the
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. She has written
for over a dozen publications, leads a writing group and
co-developed the conference, Awakening the Soul of the
Writer. She is dedicated to combining the art of writing with
the human journey towards the divine.
This unique experience is an opportunity offered to Franciscan
women and men, their affiliates and associates, and members
of the Secular Franciscan Order who are unable to travel to
Italy for the hands-on experience of Assisi and Rome. At a
fraction of the cost of a group pilgrimage, interested persons
can have a taste of what so many have enjoyed in the land of
Francis and Clare.
This five-day cyber or virtual pilgrimage uses PowerPoint
presentations, reflections, prayers and rituals to “visit” Chiesa
Nuova, San Ruffino, San Damiano, the Basilicas of Francis
and Clare, the Carceri, La Verna, Santa Maria Maggiore,
Greccio, the Porziuncula and various places in Rome.
Group Spiritual Direction: Is it for me?
Wednesday, August 11 6:30 - 7:30 pm
While spiritual direction is often experienced one-on-one, it
can also be experienced in a group setting, where people seek
God together and explore work, relationships, prayer and
life experiences. Come to this informational session to learn
about the process and to determine whether this might be a
possibility for you, or call Sr. Joan Weisenbeck (791-5297) or
Linda Kerrigan (791-5276) for information.
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Contact Kathy Broghammer at (712) 560-6642 or e-mail kbhealer@
When Cynthia Bomber retired, she began volunteering at FSC. Prior to that, she participated in spiritual direction, the
Women’s Circle sessions, and a few other workshops. “The atmosphere at FSC is always peaceful and welcoming—that
hallway candle is wonderful, the people genuinely hospitable, and the experiences very enriching,”says Bomber,“I wanted
to be a part of that.”
5 At the Center
Investment: $355 includes retreat, bedroom and meals
Commuters: $195 includes retreat and meals
Directors: Staff of Franciscan Pilgrimage Program
Saturday, August 14 Cynthia Bomber
For 36 years, Ms. Bomber served as an educator. She taught secondary students in English and served
as a secondary principal, elementary principal, and director of instruction in various Wisconsin
communities. She and her husband Bill, also a retired high school principal, enjoy boating, fishing,
and golf. Cynthia is an avid reader—has a book of fiction, non-fiction, and spirituality in progress
at all times and highly recommends that lifestyle as a means of perpetual growth!
Dates: Sunday, July 25 (arrive after 5:00 pm).
Five days, July 26 through July 30, depart Saturday am, July 31
Reiki level 1
In my lifetime, I have been a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, librarian, a widow and now
a volunteer. I enjoy reading, walking, going on trips and sometimes just being in the quiet. My 11
grandchildren make my life enjoyable and busy. I am a prayer partner. This also is a special privilege
to spend quality time in the presence of the Lord.
Cynthia currently serves as president of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 81 in Mauston, which includes a busy
schedule of catering meals for special events. In addition she volunteers in the greenhouse and golf shack at the Tomah
Veterans Administration Hospital. “I am so grateful for the pace that retirement allows. Having
good health and many activities with a wonderful, large family is a tremendous blessing.”
Cyber Franciscan Pilgrimage Retreat
Usui Reiki Master Teacher Training
Kathy Broghammer is an affiliate of the Franciscan Sisters of
Perpetual Adoration. She first experienced Reiki in 1990 and
has been a practitioner since 1999. She is a Usui and Karuna
Reiki Master Teacher. She received her Usui Reiki Master
Training from Sr. Marlou Ricke. Her training is through the
International Center for Reiki Training. She is a registered
yoga and pilates teacher. She holds a business degree from Mt.
Mercy College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She resides in Sioux
City, Iowa, with her husband and three Boykin Spaniels.
Saturday, August 7 (1:00 – 5:30 pm) and
Sunday, August 8 (100 – 5:30 pm)
Participants must attend both days.
Reiki levels one, two, and ART are prerequisites for this class.
Contact Sr. Marlou Ricke to register at marlouricke@gmail.
com or 719-599-5392.
See Usui Reiki 3A on page 4 for information about Marlou.
To find out more about our programs, meeting
rooms, hermitages and spiritual direction,
call (608) 791-5295, e-mail [email protected]
At the Center 6
Social justice Stations of the Cross draws nearly 100 to Center on Good Friday
By Joe Orso
On Good Friday, Christians around the world commemorate Jesus’ journey to his execution by walking the traditional
Stations of the Cross.
Today, a growing number are also using the ritual to shed light on the oppression and suffering that persists in the human
Here at the Center, our Pax Christi group organized a social justice Stations of the Cross for the morning of Good Friday.
Nearly 100 people gathered on the steps of the Center for the first station, “Jesus is condemned to a violent death.”
From there, we walked a 1.6 mile route through downtown La Crosse, stopping at eight other locations to both remember
the suffering of Jesus and of our brothers and sisters today.
At the front of the procession, participants carried a banner reading, “Jesus Still Suffers in His Body,” followed by others
carrying a large wooden cross lent to us by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.
We walked in silence.
After communal prayer at each station, we sang, “The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor.”
Outside the local VFW, we prayed for victims on all sides of war.
“Jesus, you suffered so much before your death,” a leader said. “You fell again under the weight of the cross. You continue
to suffer in your body, for we are the body of Christ. The effects of war never end.”
At the Job Service Center, we remembered how Jesus was stripped of his clothes, and prayed for the “millions of men
and women today [who] are stripped of their jobs and professions.”
Starting This Fall
Vinyasa Yoga
Six Mondays and six Wednesdays
Beginning September 13 and 15 5:30– 6:30 pm
Instructor: Bernice Olson-Pollack, ms
Investment: $40 for one session or $65 for both Monday and Wednesday.
$10 reserves a place. Each class is limited to 20 participants.
Golden Yoga
Six Thursdays, beginning September 16 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Instructor: Bernice Olson-Pollack, ms
Investment: $40 for one session. $10 reserves a place.
The Nia Technique...Through Movement We
Find Health!
Eight Tuesdays and Thursdays
Beginning September 14 and 16
5:30 – 6:30 pm
Instructors: Lisa Radtke
Investment: $55 for one session or $90 for both Tuesday and Thursday.
Reiki level 2
Saturday, October 2 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Contact Kathy Broghammer at (712) 560-6642 or e-mail kbhealer@
At a Pay Day Loan business, we remembered how Jesus was nailed to the cross and acknowledged that “to do violence to
us precious people, whether with a nail and a cross or oppressive interest rates, is to do violence to God.”
Circles of Women: Savoring Sabbath
We ended at the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman in the middle of downtown La Crosse, where we said prayers
around new life, hope and Jesus’ resurrection.
Presenter: Marci Madary
Investment: $10/session
“In many places I was moved to tears,” one participant wrote in an e-mail to the Center. “Jesus and His mother were with
us, and many more spiritual friends, also.”
La Crosse Area Pax Christi hope to hold the event again next year; so if you were unable to join us this year, watch for
details during Lent 2011.
October 5, November 2 and December 7 6:30 – 8:00 pm
In the rush of our twenty-first century lives, stillness can
be perceived as wasteful. Rather, it can be an investment
that yields one hundred fold. Join a Circle of Women and
take a moment to consider the importance of Sabbath: time
designated for rest. Discover different aspects of Sabbath
and where the tradition stems. Share ideas on how Sabbath
is celebrated in our culture. Reflect on creative ways to open
time for Sabbath in your life. Savor the rich and complex
flavors of Sabbath.
Drum Making: A Reflection of the Self,
Celebrating Your Story
Friday, October 8 (7:00 – 9:00 pm) to
Saturday, October 9 (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)
Director: Wayne Manthey
Maximum enrollment is 15 persons
Investment: Materials (choose one): 16” drum – $120; 13” drum – $100
Commuters: $95 plus materials. Others: $135 plus materials, includes
bedroom and meals.
Wayne Manthey returns to us to share his journey of becoming
a drum maker. As Wayne tells his story and guides us through
the process of making our drums, we may also recall our
own stories of celebration. In honoring the give–away of the
animal for the hide, we celebrate our unique relationship with
all creation. Participants will also have the opportunity to
participate in a drum circle.
Wayne is a nationally known drum maker and drum-making
teacher. He takes each participant through the step-bystep process, weaving stories throughout. Wayne begins the
workshop with an introduction of how he got started making
drums and his personal journey with the drum.
“The drumbeat itself is a reflection of your heart. So your
heart is your drumbeat, and your songs are the gifts of life.”
(Author unknown)
Evening Mindfulness Series beginning in
With Tom Roberts
Journeying Together on the Artist’s Way
Tuesday Evenings, October 12 – November 16
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Facilitator: Theresa Washburn
Investment: $40 or $7 per session
Would you like to reawaken your creative spirit? Using the
book The Artist’s Way we will begin a journey of recovering
the creative spirit inside, the one that wants to paint, write,
sing, dance, cook and bring beauty to the world. Using group
dynamics, we will support each other as we move through the
first six-weeks of this program.
Spirited Writer’s Forum
First and Third Tuesday, October 12 – November 16
12:00 – 1:15 pm
Investment: $40/series or $7/session, includes lunch
Tapping into Your Creative Energy
Saturday, October 16 Presenter: Laurice Heybl, fspa
Investment: $15
7 At the Center
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
At the Center 8
spiritual Direction PReparation Program
Foundations for Servant Leadership
Year I
Year II
Year III
Date: September 10–12, 2010
Topics: God is in The Story
What is Spiritual
Date: September 9–11, 2011
Topics: Personal Growth and
Faith Development
Date: Topic: In today’s society, we have a crucial need for the development of spiritually motivated leaders who will help shape a lifegiving organizational culture and society for the challenges ahead. Foundations for Servant Leadership is designed for
those who seek a deeper spiritual foundation for their lives and work in the company of other like-minded leaders. It
promises to bring both life to the leader and effectiveness and profitability to the workplace.
Date: November 11–13, 2011
Topics Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius
Date: March 8–10, 2013
Topics: Discernment and
Spiritual Direction
Date: Topic: Date: July 26–28, 2013
Topic: Issues in Spiritual
Date: Topics: Verbatims
November 12–14, 2010
Listening Skills and
Topic: March 25–27, 2011
Basics of Spirituality
Annual Review: August 2011*
March 2–4, 2012
Biblical Spirituality
Annual Review: August 2012*
Final Review: August 5–11, 2012
The Directed Retreat
July 2013*
Application to the Program
Persons seeking admission to the Spiritual Direction Preparation Program are asked to return the "request for application" form by June 30, 2010.
Applicants will be informed of their acceptance into the program within 60 days of receiving the completed application.
For further information feel free to contact:
Barb Kruse at (608)791-5612 or [email protected]
Linda Kerrigan, fspa affiliate at (608)791-5276 or [email protected]
or by mail 920 Market Street, La Crosse, WI 54601
Look for the used book sale in September!
Meeting Rooms
The Franciscan Spirituality Center offers a wide variety of rooms to fit the needs
of your meetings, retreats, and training sessions. We offer five meeting rooms to
accommodate groups from 2 to 72 participants. Each room is bright, attractive,
comfortable, quiet, and can be tailored to meet the needs of your group. In
addition, we provide a wide range of audio/visual equipment for no additional
charge. Refreshments and catering are also available.
To enhance your visit, your group will be provided personal care by FSC staff
that exceeds expectations of professionalism, flexibility, courtesy, and hospitality.
This service includes assisting you with everything right down to welcoming your
group upon arrival to helping with last minute details that will insure your visit is
pleasant and enjoyable.
Please call (608) 791-5295 or e-mail [email protected] for pricing, availability,
or additional information.
9 At the Center
Foundations is a four-session residential program which builds on the principles of servant leadership. It is not a quick
fix, but a long-term approach to becoming a servant leader who listens well, builds community, stewards organizational
resources and has a vision of the common good.
All sessions run from Friday (6:30 pm) to Saturday (8:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Investment: $740 for series, $195 individual session, includes meals and bedroom
An Invitation to Servant Leadership
Discovering Your Leadership Style
What is servant leadership and who is a servant leader? This
weekend explores the history of servant leadership and gives
examples of people and organizations practicing many of the
basic principles of this new leadership style. Participants will
be given an opportunity to review the characteristics of their
own leadership styles. They will be able to determine areas
of growth and potential practical applications of approaches
and skills of servant leadership.
Servant leadership involves moving from ego-based to soulbased leadership which is good for the leaders, good for
employees and good for business. Using the insights from the
enneagram, a system of personality typology that combines
psychology and spirituality to achieve self-awareness, we
can learn specifically our own leadership style as it relates to
communication with and understanding of another.
The Reflective Life of a Leader
April 15 & 16, 2011
Carl Koch & Rosalie Hooper Thomas
October 29 & 30, 2010
Carl Koch and Rosalie Hooper Thomas
January 14 & 15, 2011
Vince Hatt & Mary Kathryn Fogarty, fspa
A cornerstone for servant leadership is a regular reflective
practice which enables self-awareness, creativity and
integration. We will explore various methods of reflection and
prayer and discover how a reflective practice can contribute
to improved communication and decision making. We will
also introduce the personal mentor option as a support in
developing the habit of regular reflection.
March 18 & 19, 2011
Vince Hatt
Acting for the Common Good
The servant leader must not only intend to do good, but she
or he must also have the skills to do the good intended. A key
skill is discerning what actions need to be taken. During this
session, we will examine and work with tools of discernment
and decision making, which will actually contribute to
common good. Participants will be encouraged to develop
a plan of practical steps in becoming the servant leader that
they are called to be.
What Participants Say:
Thank you for an exquisitely rich experience—though back to reality, I am still very much feeling the peace and energy of the program.
-- Participant 2008 – 2009
I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, the rich presentations and the invigorating interactions.
-- Participant 2008 – 2009
“Full of excellent, stimulating information and process. Re-energized self-reflection.”
-- Participant 2007 – 2008
For more Information
Call Rosalie (608) 791-5268 or
E-mail [email protected]
Or Visit
At the Center 10
Donations January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009
We offer our heartfelt appreciation to all those who donated to our endowment this past year. These contributions insure the
lasting viability of the Franciscan Spirituality Center. All donations to the endowment continue to be matched by a donor. We
are DOUBLY BLESSED by your gifts! Listing the names of donors is one way we show appreciation to the many friends that
support our work. We try hard to be accurate, but do make mistakes. If you notice one, please call us at (608) 791-5295.
*Indicates a gift given in memory or honor of someone, which is shown below the name.
Seraphim $1,500 or more
Liz and Chuck Becker
Anonymous Donor
Cherubim $350 - $1,499
Scott and Faye Baker
Ardel Barta
Coulee Bank
*Gloria and Richard Faivre
In honor of Blanche Klein, fspa
Vince and Janice Hatt
Jack and Dolores Heilmeier
Hospital Sisters of St. Francis
*Shirley Huhn
In honor of Helga Sauer’s birthday and FSC
*Tara Johnson and Tim Padesky
In memory of Jane Johnson and Jeanette
*Dee Paque
In memory of Ralph and Harriet Dawson
Fran and Dick Rybarik
*Stephanie and Robin Swartz
In memory of Elaine Lee
*Mary Louise and Craig Thompson
In memory of Betty and Peggy Hoye
*Mary Jo and Shawn Werner
In memory of Earl Madary
Edna and Ray Whalen
Archangels $200 - $349
Kathleen Berg
Rev. Russell Bleich
Dr. Vana Bowen
*Candice Corrigan and Johanna Leuchter
In memory of Blanche Childs
*Marilyn Deters
In honor of Blanche Klein, fspa
Maryann L. Dunn
Norm Fabian
Jim Fowler
Elaine and Jeff George
Margaret Grenisen and John Cochran
John and Marilyn Hempstead
*Vernon D. Hunstad
In memory of Joanne and Mark
Jane and Michael Jacobi
Thomas S. Kelly
Blanche Klein, fspa
Barb and Joe Kruse
11 At the Center
Roger and Sondra LeGrand
Jamie and Linda Hatt Lundahl
John and Maggie McHugh
Lucille Pedretti
Edward H. Rasmussen
*Marikaye and Charles Robers
In memory of Grace McDonald, fspa
*Fr. Mike Schelble
In honor of my niece Barb Franke
*Nancy Sieger
In memory of Fr. Tom O’Neill
Steve and Suzanne Tanke
*Ken and Jane Washburn
In honor of prayers for our family
Angels $100 - $199
Anonymous Donor
*Charlotte Baier
In honor of all my fspa teachers
*Maggie and Vern Bjorkquist
In honor of Blanche Klein, fspa
Cynthia Bomber
*Elizabeth Bungard
In memory of deceased fspa
Sharon Chavolla
*Ursula Chiu
In memory of Dr. Laura Schuh
*Chuck and Carma Coon
In memory of Laurian Peterek, fspa
*Pat Dolan
In memory of Mynette Gross, fspa
Karen Dosemagen
Gayleen Eilers
Beth and Kevin Erickson
Roberta and Dan Gelatt
Carol A. Hagen
*Phillip and Jean Hahn
In memory of our baby granddaughter Claire
*Alice Holstein
In honor of FSC staff
Rosalie Hooper Thomas and Stan Thomas
*Mary B. Johnson
In honor of Merlin Heggig
*Peter and Lu Johnson
In memory of Carl and Mildred Johnson
*David Kampa and Donna Reichwein-Kampa
In honor of Marian Massman, fspa and Marge
Pape and good cancer tests and Andrew
*Pat and Linda Kerrigan
In honor of Janet Mallak, ssnd
Kathy and John Kitner
Carolyn Klein
*Carl Koch and Joyce Heil
In honor of Marcie Dreikosen, fspa and Evelyn
Schlosser, fspa
Dan Leach
Joe Leuck
Dr. Patricia Lund
Sally Micek
*Fran Morrissey, fspa
In memory of family
Kay and Joe Morrissey
Patty Mulry
Julie Nelson
Rebecca and Robert Nesse
Charlotte Nesseth
Annette Niederkorn
Marge Novy
Greg and Laura Olson
Jim and Anne Orso
Ron Paczkowski and Judy Talbott
*Ray Pavelko
In memory of Dr. Helen Schucman and in
honor of Ilene Pavelko
Dan and Carol Pulsfus
*Kathy Reardon
In honor of Marian Massman, fspa
*Lori Lu Rebhan
In memory of Leora Foegen, fspa
*Jane Rendler
In memory of Mary Larkin
*Fr. Arnold Reuter
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reuter
Thomas S. Rislow
Rose Santiago
Terri Sersch
Sisters of Charity of the BVM
Charlene Smith, fspa
Louise Sonday
*Wilma Spaeth
In honor of Mary Kathryn Fogarty, fspa
Marge Stansfield
*Bradley and Lynn Sturm
In honor of Joe and Barb Kruse
Carol Sudmeier
Dr. Ralph Tauke
Colleen Thomas
*Ardelle Tuxen
In memory of Arthur and Marion Dworschak
Jenny and Tom Walter
Theresa Washburn and Bob Schroeder
*Joan Weisenbeck, fspa
In memory of the parents of Matt and Lucy
Rev. Jude Weisenbeck, sds
Bonnie White
*Cathy Witzke
In memory of Lucille Witzke and Agnes
Elaine Young
Bill Younglove
*Monica L. Zabor
In memory of Roy Voeller
Friends up to $99
Karen Acker
*Betty Adams
In memory of Bob Adams
*Terry and Ron Amel
In memory of Arnold Weisse
Jean and Jon Amlaw
Marcella Anibas, fspa
Anonymous Donor
*Mark R. Avery
In honor of Joan Weisenbeck, fspa
*David and Diane Banner
In honor of Theresa Washburn and memory of
Anita Lang
Joy Barth osf
Teri and Dave Barthelmes
*Tammy and Randy Barthels
In honor of Paula Stephens
*Corrine Bauer
In memory of Joan Marie Wendl, fspa
Rosalia Bauer, fspa
Allan Beatty
Mary Becker, fspa
*Dick and Pat Berendes
In honor of Tom & Jenny Walter’s 25th wedding
Jean Bierly
Margaret Bleuer
Jolynn Brehm, fspa
*Bill and Elizabeth Brendel
In honor of Janet Mallak ssnd
*Carol and Jim Brickson
In memory of Eugene Friedrichs and Cliff
William and Louise Bruring
*Deborah Buffton
In honor of William and Catherine Buffton
Lou Ann Burkle and Joe Fagan
Graham and Karen Cameron
*Dennis Carter
In memory of Susan Carter
Georgia Christensen, fspa
*Theresa Connolly, fspa
In memory of Joyce Miller, fspa
Chet and Kathy Corey
Naomi Craft
Marv Davis
Philip and Kathleen Doescher
Sigrid Dooley
*Dorothy Dunbar, fspa
In honor of FSC staff
*Luanne Durst, fspa
In honor of Mary Kathryn Fogarty, fspa
Rose Eddy
Frederick P. Ellis
*Alise Feeney
In memory of Josephine Feeney
*Suzanne and Stan Ferguson
In memory of John and Mary Duellman
*Ken Flottmeier
In memory of Barbara Flottmeier
*Sibyl Floyd
In memory of Robert Floyd
Jamie Flynn
*Pam and Roger Foegen
In memory of Leora Foegen, fspa
Cheryl Folstad
*Charles Forer
In memory of Mary Forer
Norbert Gaier
Ann Gerding
*Donna Glowcheski
In memory of Fred Glowcheski
*Jeanette and Al Graf
In thanksgiving for favor received
Lu Ann Greiner
Donna Greischar
*Joan Gundersen
In memory of Maria Happe
*Patricia Hagen
In memory of John Leland
Bud and Barb Hammes
*Janice Hancock, pbvm
In honor of Donna Snyder, fspa
Ginger Hann
Pam Harstad
*Carol J. Hawley
In memory of my son
Steve and Mary Jo Hazard
*Rita Heires, fspa
In memory of Mary Walter Heires, fspa
Grace Hendel
*Carole and Walter Hodgins
In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Nealon
*Barbara Hoffman
In memory of Monica & Frank Kleczewski, Pat
Hoffman and Annie Mahrile
*Shirley Hogan
In memory of Gerald and Theresa Devine
Gayda Hollnagel
*Kathryn M. Houge
In memory of C’s baby and in honor of John
and Meredith Houge
*Tom and Margaret Jablonski
In memory of Rev. Stephen Gross
Marilyn Johnson
Donna Kamann and Eric Christensen
*Eileen Kazmierowicz osf
In honor of FSC staff
*Elizabeth Keimig
In honor of Marcia Baumert, fspa
Tim and Gretchen Kelly
*Fr. Ben Kenkel
In honor of Kathleen Kenkel, fspa
*Mary Kerrigan
In honor of the fspa, Vince Hatt and all who
prayed for us during Sara’s long battle with
*Mike and Jeanne Kinney
In memory of Aunt Lorraine
Anne Kisting, osf
Phyllis Koschmeder
Kathy Krueger
Sharon and Dennis Krumenauer
*James and Carmen LaSater
In memory of Patrick
*Rita A. Lee
In memory of Walt and Helen Rondorf
Kris and Mark Litzow
*Sandra Locher
In honor of Leclare Beres, fspa
Jean Marck
John and Dorothy Maule
Larry Mauss
*Marlene McDonnell, sfcc
In memory of Ambrose and Florence
*Martha Ann McGinnis, osf
In honor of immigrant brothers and sisters
*Theresa A. McHenry
In memory of Nick Myers
Sally and Mark McLaughlin
John and Dee Medinger
*Arlene Meyerhofer
In memory of Dorothy Pierce
Kent Miller
John and Ruth Monson
Ellen A. Moore
Genny Morrissey, fspa
Julie and Randall Moseng
Lois Oliver
Bryan A. Olson
Ginny and Phillip Olson
Cecilia Pazdernik
Fred and Peggy Perri
*Carol Peterson
In honor of Paula Stephens and Tammy
At the Center 12
Fr. Mark Pierce
*Julie Pitsch
In honor of mother’s 90th birthday
Maureen and Bill Plzak
Lois Pouzar
Ken Puchalski
Sandy and Jerry Putman
*Alice Rass
In honor of Rita Marie Bechel, fspa
*Deborah Rice-Viner
In honor of Marian Massman, fspa
Silvana Richardson
Mary Beth Ripp
*John and Lenora Rodin
In honor of Lenora Rodin and John Phillip Rodin
Charles and Lee Rodman
Dr. Fred and Hedy Ross
Ed Rowley
Randy Schenkat
*Nancy Schermerhorn
In memory of Eric Schermerhorn
*Bob and Theresa Schneyer
In memory of Trish Stoltenberg
Roger and Carol Schomberg
*Mel and Marj Schulte
In memory of deceased members of Schulte
and Tecklenburg families
Martha and William Scowcroft
James Sheffer
*Susan Sieger
In honor of Blanche Klein, fspa
*James A. Sill
In honor of Vince Hatt
Betty and Brian Singer-Towns
Sandra Skach
Jean and Sam Skemp
*Edna and Wenzel Smetana
In memory of McCarthy and Smetana families
Mary Ann Snapp
Leanne Spacek and Gene Portz
Mark Stahlhut
*Jane and Paul Steingraeber
In honor of Barb Kruse
*Paula Stephens
In honor of Tammy Barthels and Carol Peterson
*John Sterling
In honor of Vince Hatt
*Trudy Stratman
In memory of Doris True
*Pamela and Richard Strauss
In memory of Celestine Cepress, fspa
Sara Sullivan
*Bernadette Teff
In honor of prayers for James
*Magdalena Tenorio
In honor of my beloved Franciscan teachers
Mary Rita Thompson, osm
Bill and Ann Van Atta
Evie Waack
Deacon Bob and Ruth Wagner
Yvonne Weinzierl
Linda Wenger
*Carolyne White
In memory of Emma C. Raith
Marjorie Wilbur
Lucille Wilcox
Gail Wiley
*John Williams and Jane Redig
In memory of Tom Ninnemon and William and
Martha Williams
Liz Wing
*Julia Wingert, pbvm
In honor of Donna Snyder, fspa
*Cynthia Wojahn
In memory of Susan Baker
*Paul and Kathi Woods
In memory of Joseph and Sophie Bruha and
Harry and Charlotte Woods
Darlene Wozney
Mary C. Zapf
Elizabeth Dolder Zieke and Steven Zieke
The Last Word
25 Years – 25 Trees
Would you help us plant 25 trees in honor of our 25th anniversary?
Here’s the plan. La Crosse is developing the natural area around the new EcoCenter north of Myrick
Park. This EcoPark will be in process over the next few years and will include a zoo with animals
native to Wisconsin.
In honor of our 25th anniversary, we will be planting 25 trees in the EcoPark.
We began with planting a Sugar Maple near the EcoCenter on April 23, 2010.
Then as the zoo animal enclosures get built over the next couple of years, we will donate more trees to grace the walkways
and grounds.
Here’s where you come in. If you would like to join with us by donating a tree, please send us $100 per tree. Indicate
exactly how to spell your name or the name of those you are honoring or remembering. We will be working with the
EcoPark in developing a way to honor donors.
The EcoPark promises to be a great place for families from all over the country to visit as the park moves towards
Other 25th Anniversary Events
June 25, 2010, will mark another event of our 25th anniversary year. A
gathering will be held on Friday evening of our Summer Program. It will
begin with a reception with beverages and appetizers, and show photos
marking the Center’s activities through the 25 years. The celebration
will continue in St. Rose Chapel with story and song. Do plan to join
us for the Summer Program and this celebration of 25 years! See more
information on page 5.
Spiritual Literature Contest
As I write this, judges are evaluating the 235 entries to our 25th
Anniversary Spiritual Literature Contest without awareness of the
authors. There are many excellent works so this is a difficult task. Around
May 1, 2010, winners will be notified. At the June 25th celebration noted
above, we will feature their winning work. Please come to hear some
amazing writing.
The first tree goes in! Staff, board members and others
work to fill the hole for the first of 25 trees.
Please Remember the
Franciscan Spirituality Center in Your Will
FSC is part of the FSPA, a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Our tax ID# 39-0806386
13 At the Center
At the Center 14
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