How to Skyrocket Your Energy and Look and Feel 10 Years


How to Skyrocket Your Energy and Look and Feel 10 Years
Totally New You! - High Energy Wellness Coaching - 1
Personalized Fitness, Super Nutrition, and Healthy Lifestyle Design
How to
Your Energy!
...and Look and Feel
10 Years Younger =)
Totally New You! - High Energy Wellness Coaching - 2
Personalized Fitness, Super Nutrition, and Healthy Lifestyle Design
Copyright © 2010 by David Hoffmaster
Cover design by David Hoffmaster
Book design by David Hoffmaster
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any electronic or mechanical means including
information storage and retrieval systems, without
permission in writing from the author. The only
exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short
excerpts in a review.
David Hoffmaster
Visit my website at
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing: March 2010
ISBN 1451575904
Totally New You! - High Energy Wellness Coaching - 3
Personalized Fitness, Super Nutrition, and Healthy Lifestyle Design
Authors Note:
I would like to tell you
why I wrote this book.
I am Disgusted with the
BS being spoon fed to
the American people by
the Media, Big Pharma,
the “Food
Manufacturers”, and the
lifetime Politicians.
I Love to learn about the
way the Ultimate Machine
- the Human Body works.
I am fascinated by the intricacies of the potential for
greatness in all of us.
This book sets out to lay the groundwork so that You
can understand how your own body works, how to
Increase your energy, and how to literally “erase” 10
years of stress and disfunction from the body.
You arenʼt Supposed to be Tired!
You are Supposed to wake up Feeling Great, and
knowing that what you do is going to make a real
difference in Your world.
Donʼt let the Bastards wear you Down! =)
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Personalized Fitness, Super Nutrition, and Healthy Lifestyle Design
• David Hoffmaster, CPT
• Engineer and Nutrition Expert
• Strength Athlete + Knowledge Junkie
• Biometric Enhanced Viking!
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Totally New You is the Ultimate Wellness Solution.
Every 4.5 minutes an American dies because
of the food that they eat.
Personal trainers ignore nutrition, Nutritionists
ignore fitness, and Doctors ignore health
by only treating symptoms instead of patients.
We offer personalized fitness, high energy
nutrition, and help our clients design healthy
lifestyles. We can help you lose weight, increase
strength and vitality, and reduce stress so that
you can live a healthy and happy life.
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How to Skyrocket Your Energy!
...and Look and Feel 10 Years Younger =)
Do you want more energy?
Have some body fat you would like to lose?
Like to be able to move without all the aches and
pains in your joints and muscles?
Today I would like to show you some very simple
ways to accomplish those goals.
The 3 Essential Strategies.
Healthy Lifestyle Design - the framework or context
on which you build Healthy Habits, because without
your health, nothing else matters.
Personalized Fitness - We are all built differently,
does it make sense that everyone should follow the
same “exercise” plan? that is why I lift weights (or
cars =), you may like tennis, or yoga, or pilates.
Super Nutrition - 70% of fat loss and high energy is
what you put in your mouth. I am going to show you a
simple formula for making great tasting meals that
help you lose weight and keep your energy at
optimum levels all day long.
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Introducing the Antagonist Politicians are messing up your food!
Who has politicians on their Christmas card list?
When this country was founded, those in public office
usually had real jobs.
People like Ben Franklin - a printer and inventor.
People like Abraham Lincoln who ran a shop and and
was a surveyor.
These people had real jobs, and were connected to
the real lives of the people they represented.
Now being a politician is a career.
Politicians spend their time in office making
themselves richer, currying favor, and getting
themselves re-elected.
They have no concern for the lives of the
people they “represent”!
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Why am I bringing up politics?
I am going to tell you about that here in a minute.
First though I want to show you some scary statistics.
Top 14 Causes of Death USA
High BP
Liver Disease
Sys Infection
Kidney Dis
L Respitory
All Cancers
Heart Disease
At Least 9 Are Food Related!
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Why are 69% of Americans Overweight or Obese?
Why are they dropping dead like houseflies?
Here is my answer: Cheap Corn
This is approximately how much money a farmer
LOSES for each fully productive acre of corn
How does that work? Surely they have to make some
kind of profit to stay in business, Right?
Here is the dirty little secret - the government pays the
farmers to run at a loss.
This is called a Crop Subsidy.
They are paid to produce Way more corn than we can
consume, eating up tax dollars, natural resources,
and destroying the health of an entire nation.
So what is the big deal about too much corn?
Why not get cheap food?
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The reason that the farmers can get so much yield,
(since they are paid by the government by the bushel)
is through the wonders of modern science.
They spray their “Roundup Ready” corn crop
(made possible by the chemical / pharmaceutical
company Monsanto) with weed killers (also made by
That way when they dump multiple poisons onto the
“food”, it does not die. Of course it still gets into the
food, the groundwater, and the animals and humans it
Not just for corn either...
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Can you find even 5 items in the grocery store without
a corn product of some kind on or in it?
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Did you know all this processed food not only is
addicting and causes disease, but that it sucks the
Energy giving nutrients right out of your body?
Do you think you would live longer on a Desert Island
drinking plain spring water or soda?
The sugar content in a coke would leach the vitamins
and minerals right out of your body, and leave you
more dehydrated!
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Energy drinks are even worse. Most are full of HFCS,
and those that arenʼt have artificial sweetener and a
bunch of caffeine.
(We affectionately refer to HFCS as fat fertilizer)
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Is this Energy - or Weight Gainer?
Donʼt get me wrong - I love my coffee! But have you
ever wondered why it seems to take more and more
caffeine to get you going when you are tired? Your
brain runs on Neurotransmitters and Glucose.
Caffeine causes your brain to release a bunch of feel
good chemicals and neurotransmitters all at once.
That is why you crave it!
The problem with that is because of lack of nutrition,
rest, and exercise, your body canʼt replace them as
fast as it spends them. Kind of like letting your
“significant other” go on a shopping spree with your
plastic =) I am actually going to share a few of the
tricks we use to get your body to rebuild those
neurotransmitters faster, so you can feel good longer
and more often.
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Big Pharmaceutical companies offer your drugs to
treat any symptom you can think of. They advertise
on your TV. Your Doctor writes prescriptions to treat
your symptoms instead of figuring out what caused
the problem(s).
Then they lobby to get your representative to vote to
dump industrial coal poison into your drinking water
(fluoride), inject you with mercury (h1n1), and scare
you into taking cholesterol lowering drugs (up to 75%
of those who have heart attacks have normal
cholesterol levels). Research the Whys!
Profit in Sickness. Politics!
Should You Trust Your Health
to those who Profit from your Sickness?
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Always consult your physician before
beginning any nutrition or exercise program Really?
Did you know that Doctors receive 13 hours of
nutrition education over 8 years of medical school
(which is less than 2 class days), and 0 hours of
exercise education.
How many of you have doctors that are overweight, or
smoke, or donʼt tell you what They ate that day?
Please Note: I am Not anti-Doctor, nor am I
anti-Western medicine.
If I have an Acute problem (like needing my
pacemaker, getting a nail removed from my
foot, or any other Major thing that needs taken
care of Right Now, there is no other place I
would rather be than America.
I Do have a problem with Chronic, long term
medication of Symptoms. I want to know Why
the problem exists, and fix it. I donʼt want to
put drugs into my body to just “hide” the
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Here is something else to ponder...
In some places in China for instance, you pay
your Doctor every month that you are Healthy.
When you get sick, you do Not pay - because
the Plan you were on did not work.
People will pay almost No attention to their
health until it’s gone, and then they will pay
almost any price to get it back.
Simple Solution - Be Proactive
about your Health, not Reactive!
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So now that you know some of
the scope of the problem, so
let’s talk now about what we can
do about it!
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Healthy Lifestyle Design - What is Energy?
All energy in the human body comes from just one
source chemically - ATP
Where does that come from? In your cells, you have
something call Mitochondria. Basically they are
power factories that take nutrients from food, combine
them with oxygen, and turn them into fuel. The
amount of ATP your mitochondria create is
determined by genetics, exercise level, your
nutritional status and thyroid activity.
As you age the number of mitochondria in your cells
decreases in efficiency by about 5-8% every 10 years.
This is one of the main reasons why you have less
energy the older you get. One easy way to reverse
this is by exercising. Those who exercise have more
mitochondria, which means more potential for energy
and the ability to burn more calories for healthy weight
loss. What are some of the Big things we can Design into
our Lifestyles to give us more energy? We are going
to be talking about food and exercise a little later, so
what else is there?
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Uninterrupted Healthy Sleep is a Big one.
7-9 nonstop hours are required to fully recharge your
physical and mental batteries. You go into repair and
regeneration mode while you sleep, and you donʼt hit
the best part until you pass 5 hours straight.
Dehydration is another major energy sapper. Your
body is about 60% water by weight. Many times your
brain will tell you you are hungry when you are
dehydrated. It is hard to tell the difference. I have my
clients drink 2-3 liters of water daily to be on the safe
Water - Here is something to Ponder...
H = hydrogen
O = oxygen
H2O = water
Each separately are flammable,
but together they put out fire...
the whole is different than its individual
parts. Separately they destroy,
together they sustain life
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Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common! Bouts of
depression, getting sick, and low energy levels are all
symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. Where does
Vitamin D come from? Sunlight is the best possible
source. When you are deficient your brain does not
produce enough serotonin and dopamine - feel good
Did you know that office workers are over twice
as likely to get skin cancer than construction
workers? Sunlight and Vitamin D actually are one of
your bodies main cancer fighters! You get skin cancer
from all the chemicals that build up in your body,
unrelieved stress, dehydration, and lack of sweating
out toxins.
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Up to 78% of all Cancers can be fought with Sunlight.
That is why there is so much propaganda from the
Pharmaceutical companies - sunlight, water, and
exercise are free guys!
Smashing your
breasts and
slamming them full of
radiation yearly on
the other hand Does
cause cancer.
Mammograms - think
about it...
Getting Burnt Can
give you skin
cancer though
- 15 minutes of
sunlight daily is
enough to get a good
dose of Vitamin D.
You can also get it as
a super cheap supplement.
Vitamin D Rules!
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Setting Goals and a Sense of Accomplishment does
wonders for your state of mind and health. If you
donʼt have dreams with deadlines, your mind starts to
wither and die.
Wheel of Life - Balance is Crucial to Energy!
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Constant, Never-ending, Incremental Improvement
Daily Excellence!
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Personalized Fitness Programs
There are over 600 muscles in the human body.
If you read magazines or go into a typical gym or
health club, you would think that you needed to have
a different machine to work each one.
This is by far one of the Stupidest things I have ever
Drop a pencil experiment...
You canʼt even pick a pencil up off
the floor with 1 muscle! Go ahead
and try!
Why would you even want to isolate 1 muscle to
begin with?
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Your body can do so many incredible things - and
trying to “isolate” individual muscles is just ludicrous.
The only people that have any business trying to
isolate muscles is to rehab an injury, or teach your
body to use something that it isnʼt.
(Unless of course you want to spend 4-5 hours a day
in the gym, pumping your body full of steroids,
covering yourself in baby oil, and posing in your super
sexy g-string - oh wait, that is bodybuilding... =)
I am friends with many bodybuilders, and I am poking
fun at them (they donʼt all fit the above description!)
By the way, I am Not a bodybuilder.
I am strength athlete - big difference!
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There are really only 6-7 different movement patterns
that you need to know to make your workouts better
than anything you read about in the magazines:
Squat, Lunge, Flexion, Extension,
Push, Pull, and Rotate
Before you even think about those though, you need
to know about posture!
Good Posture is one of the Single Most Important
gifts you can give yourself.
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The very first thing we fix with new clients is their
posture, and it makes a world of difference to how you
look, feel and move. If you control your posture, you
can even control your mood!
Experiment: Stand up, reach up really tall, turn your
head up to the ceiling, and put a stupid ear to ear grin
on your face. Yes Really =) Hold it - donʼt change a
thing. Exaggerate it!
Now try to get depressed without changing your
posture or expression...
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Now imagine if your body cooperated with you all the
time to automatically maintain better posture. You
would feel Magnificently Better all the time!
Emotion can be changed with Motion
Now, if you are able, stand and jump in place for 30
seconds - GO!
Now take Deep nose breaths all the way down into
your belly for 60 seconds.
How does that feel?
Euphoric? High? Warm? Energized?
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It makes very little difference what kind of Exercise
you do. I like lifting cars =)
You might enjoy lifting weights, doing yoga or pilates,
or playing tennis.
You also need to do some very specific mobility and
flexibility drills to keep your joints from literally getting
rusty. These only take 5-10 minutes, and make you
feel great afterwards.
Find something you enjoy doing, and spend 30
minutes a day with your heart rate elevated and
sweating. Just know that some exercises are much
better than others if you are trying to lose fat!
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How many of you think that the treadmill is a good fat
loss machine? How about that elliptical, bike or
running outside?
How many calories do you think you burn on average
per mile of running?
Here is some scary math: 1 pound of body fat
contains 3,500 calories, once you are used to running
you burn about 100 calories per mile.
That means you would have to run over a full
marathon to lose 1 pound of body fat!
That Sucks!
Here is another one. In a recent study, participants
walked or ran on a treadmill for 45 minutes a day, 5
days per week, for 12 weeks.
At the end of the study, the ladies had only lost 1
single, lonely pound! The guys did slightly better they lost 6 pounds - in 12 weeks over diet alone!
We use a much better system that burns fat 9 x faster
with exercise, not to mention the other tricks we have
at our disposal. Pretty cool huh?
Remember when I asked you if you were warm after
the jumping? Why do you think that happened?
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What is Metabolism?
Very simply Metabolism is the speed at which you
burn through food.
Which would your rather have for a Metabolism?
How do you you increase your metabolism? We have
a bunch of tricks for this, but one of the #1 ways to
increase your metabolism is through resistance
training. Not that silly stuff on the machines we talked
about earlier, but using my cool Movement Pattern
System we talked about earlier.
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A properly performed resistance
routine can elevate your
metabolism up to 38 Hours!
The reason that regular cardio sucks for fat loss is
that your body stops burning extra calories when you
stop running. Real resistance training after-burn
keeps on going, and going, and going...
Here is an easy way to tell if you are working hard
enough. If you are not breathless after an exercise,
and breathing harder for a while after your workout,
you missed a great opportunity. The Oxygen debt is a
good sign that you stimulated your Metabolism.
this may be a Little overkill though... =)
We specialize in postural strength, and fun
metabolism stimulating exercise programs!
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Time for the Last Big Puzzle Piece Super Nutrition
Nutrition is about 70% responsible for the way you
look and feel!
If you are putting low quality fuel in your gas tank,
donʼt be surprised if you get less performance than
you expect.
The most important thing you can do to make yourself
feel better is to stabilize your blood sugar, using whole
foods. I have a specific formula that I have used very
successfully with myself and hundreds of clients that
will keep your energy Rockinʼ all day long.
Who skips breakfast?
What is a good way to tell if the food you are about to
eat is Healthy?
If it has an Ingredient List, you should not put it in your
Real Food is Ingredients,
it does not Have Ingredients!
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Repeat after me:
“I alone am fully responsible for whatever
I choose to put in my pie hole.”
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Common Excuses...
• But I donʼt have Time to eat healthy...
• Grocery shopping? That is too much work...
• Cooking at home? I have kids!...
• My kids / husband wonʼt eat healthy foods...
• It is too expensive to eat healthy food...
1st off if you think Eating Healthy is expensive, try Cancer!
2nd - Repeat after me:
“I alone am fully responsible for whatever I choose to
put in my pie hole.”
Remember what I said earlier about every 4.5
minutes an American dies because of the foods he
chooses to eat? If you donʼt have the money to take
care of your health, then maybe you need to reevaluate your priorities!
What good is 500 channels if you are dead?
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Can I Afford Personal Training
/ Wellness Coaching?
The # 1 reason most people say they cannot afford
personal training is the cost. I completely understand
this reason - money is tight right now for a lot of
But I had a client say to me the other day “I can afford
personal training now that I am not spending $100 per
week on beer and cigarettes.” This got me thinking
about how many unhealthy ways we tend to spend
our money.
How much you are already spending to Decrease
your Health and Increase your Waistline?
Do you smoke?
Cigarettes cost about $5 per pack. 1 pack per day =
$150 monthly / $1800 year
Add in the health costs, social stigma, and insurance
= $10,000 per year
Watch TV?
The average American watches 4 hours of tv per day,
28 per week, 1,456 yearly even assuming your time
is worth $10 per hour you lose in productive time...
$40 a day, $1,120 per month, $15,000 per year
+ $60-$90 for cable = $700-$1,000 per year
+ advertising stuff you donʼt want / need = ?
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Go Out to Eat Frequently?
The average American goes out to eat 1 in 5 meals,
or 4.2 times per week
at $8 per meal = $33 per week, $1,700 yearly
Buy Junk at the Grocery Store?
Our clients save on average $150 dollars per month
shopping healthy that is about $1,800 per year
Drink Energy Drinks / Sodas?
The average soda drinker consumes 7 twelve oz
sodas daily - that is 239 Gallons of soda per year
= 408,000 sugar calories yearly
at 50 cents a can, that is $3.50 per day (also 1 energy
= $105 per month or $1,200 per year
Drink Alcohol?
$30-$40 each time you go out, average 2 x week
= $3000 per year
What is Your Total Health Destruction Cost
for the Year = ?
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People buy what they want, Not what they need or
can afford! Maybe personal training or wellness
coaching is out of reach for you right now, but
eliminating any ONE thing from the above list would
way more than pay for our best “Get Started Right!”
Investing in yourself is smart
- paying for your own self destruction is
just plain stupid!
But I have some good news - eating healthy does not
Have to be expensive! In fact, we have found ways to
save a Ton of Time and Money every month on
groceries, and as far as cooking time...
According to a recent survey,
the typical American spends about:
14 minutes on breakfast,
16 minutes on lunch,
22 minutes dinner.
= 52 Minutes Daily
+ Average Grocery Store Time: 41 Minutes
= Total time of 7.5 Hours weekly / 1 full work day
We show our clients how to cook for an entire day in
20 minutes! Tasty recipes using real food that you will
Want to eat.
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Examples of some of our favorites...
• Baked Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
• Mexican Fritata
• Pecan Crusted Salmon
• Chicken Fajitas
• Reeseʼs Peanut Butter Chocolate Oats
• Turkey Burger with Avocado, Tomato, and Pesto
Here is our formula for stabilizing your blood sugar
and skyrocketing your energy levels:
• Eat 2 Veggies, a Lean Protein with some Healthy
Fat, and a bit of Fruit for Desert
• Do this no further apart than 4 waking hours, and
never skip breakfast.
Here is a picture to simplify:
Protein + Healthy Fat
Colorful Veggies
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What Should be on Your 9 inch Plate?
• 2 Colorful Veggies - Provides Nutrients,
Fiber, Energy, and Phytochemicals
• Lean Protein - Stabilize Blood Sugar,
Blocks to Rebuild Your Cells and Neurons,
Boosts Metabolism
• Fruit - Natures Energy Bars and Immune
Boosters, Dessert =)
• Healthy Fats - Brain Food, Healthy Hair /
Skin / Nails, Fullness, Mood Stabilizers
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By The Way - A full grocery store tour, healthy grocery
shopping list, and high energy meal plans are part of
our Totally New You! system.
Our system takes 20 minutes at the grocery store,
and 20 min per day to prepare awesome tasting
healthy, nutritious food = less than 3 hours weekly
This frees up 4.5 hours a week for ____________?
You canʼt think of anything you could use that extra
time for can you? =)
On Average Clients Save $150 per month on
groceries + $$$ going out to eat costs
That is Over $2,000 per year saved!!!
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How Much Time Does It Take?
You can get in Spectacular shape in 3 hours per week
If you use the Right Strategies.
30 Minutes per day is Only 2% of your Time.
What else in life can give you such a return on
What else can you do in 30 minutes that will make
you Perform, Look, and most importantly Feel so
much Better?
And if you are following our Nutrition Strategies, you
will already be Saving 4.5 hours weekly - with a Lot
more energy to do it!!!
If that does not sound like a good deal to you, then TV
really has rotted your brain!
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7 Healthy Ways to Skyrocket Your Energy
... and get in spectacular shape!
There is Way to much confusion about what it really
takes to get in shape, lose body fat and live a healthy
life. So I have put together a secrets “cheat sheet”
that will help you to make the right decisions quickly
and easily in the real world.
Why am I calling them secrets?
First, because there is so much Misinformation out
there I would be honored to be able to guide you into
making simple choices to improve your life, instead of
studying for Years and struggling to find these out on
your own.
Secondly - even if you think you know something,
if you do not act on what you know
then it is a Secret to You!
So without further ado
the 7 Healthy Ways to Skyrocket Your Energy
... and get in spectacular shape!
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Secret 1 - Never Skip Breakfast!
You have probably always heard that breakfast
is the most important meal of the day from your
parents, or even grandparents. Well, it turns out they
were right!
If you think about it, it only makes sense to fuel your
body Before you are going to use it, right? What
sense would it make to try to drive a car with an
empty gas tank? Yet people try to do it every day!
Then they need coffee or sugar midmorning, and then
invariably they crash mid-afternoon without the
energy to make it Productively through the day.
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Then nearly everyone eats a huge dinner, or high
calorie snacks before bed - Not smart if fat loss is
your goal. Do you know some athletes eat once daily
before bed? They are called Sumo wrestlers. Is that
Really who you want to model Your behavior after?
Here are 2 studies that were recently performed that I
think you will find Very interesting.
In the first study there were 3 groups of people.
Those that ate:
1. No breakfast
2. Breakfast occasionally
3. Breakfast every day
All three groups got the exact Same amount of
calories. Those that skipped breakfast had
measurably higher levels of belly fat. Did you catch
that? They all ate the same amount, but those who
did not eat breakfast had bigger bellies! That should
make you stop and think.
In the second study there were 2 groups. Both ate
breakfast, both ate about the same amount of
calories. There were no other differences in the
study. The only difference lay in the size of their
breakfast. Group 1 ate around 300 calories, and
group 2 ate around 600 calories.
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There was not a lot of difference
between the groups after 4
months. But after 8 months,
group 1 lost an average of 10
pounds. But the group that ate
the bigger high protein breakfast
lost an average of 39 pounds!
They lost 4 x the weight by eating
More food early.
Your body is very smart, if you
donʼt eat a lot early it will make
you make it up before bed, and
you remember what that does for
the Sumoʼs, Right?
So Secret # 1 is Never Skip Breakfast!
Secret 2 - Eat veggies, fruit, protein, and a healthy
fat at least 4x daily
What does your body actually need to carry out all the
processes it takes to keep you awake, to rebuild after
your workouts, and to keep your immune system
charged to keep you from getting sick?
Most people really have no clue. I will tell you right
now that it isnʼt a mocha latte and and a half dozen
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You need to learn to eat in a way that fuels your body
and gives it all the tools it needs to keep you running
at a high level all day. I like to call it eating
So the foods that you should be eating at each meal
are: a serving of lean protein to give your body the
building blocks of muscle and stabilize your blood
sugar; at least 1 or 2 servings of veggies or fruit to get
your vitamins, antioxidants and fiber; and some
healthy fats for your brain, hair, skin, nails, immune
system, and to help you feel full.
Eating a bunch of carbs does not give you long term
energy alone, they only cause your sugar and insulin
to spike, which then causes your sugar to crash and
then you crave it again! This is what makes you fat!
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Protein + Healthy Fat
Colorful Veggies
I am Not saying that carbs are all bad, but you get
some with your fruit and veggies, and you really only
need extra carbs before you workout (and sometimes
not even then).
Most of you have heard that you should eat 5-6 small
meals each day, but almost no one does. It is simply
too much work for most people, so I have my clients
start with 4 meals and work from there. They usually
feel So much better they stay with it - which is what
really matters. Sticking with a program is many times
more important than what program you choose.
So Secret #2 is to eat veggies, fruit, protein, and a
healthy fat at least 4x daily
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Secret 3 - Elevate your heart rate and sweat 30
minutes daily
You donʼt need to join a gym to exercise! Many
people, myself included, learn to love working out, but
for many reasons donʼt like working out in a “health
There is nothing wrong with joining a gym, but what is
really important is to find something physical you
really enjoy doing, and do it consistently!
You could do weight lifting, yoga, pilates, boot camps,
run stadium stairs, flip tractor tires... the list is
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Why is exercise necessary? Well 200 years ago it
wasnʼt! You need a minimum of 30 minutes of
exercise daily just to replace the movement the
human body should be doing all day just through
living an active life. But many of us sit all day so it is
imperative to sweat daily to get rid of all the toxins you
build up from the stress and toxins of modern life.
So Find Something you really enjoy doing, sweat and
elevate your heart rate at least 30 minutes every day
and you will feel So much better!
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Secret 4 - Consume 2-3 liters of water and 15
minutes of sunlight a day
Your body is like a lot like a plant - it needs fresh air,
sunlight, and fresh water to stay healthy!
Your muscles are 70% water. Your kidneys need
cleansed of toxins each day. And many times your
body will mistake dehydration for hunger. Drinking
clean water will help keep you fuller and reduce
cravings. The best way to fulfill this need is to fill 3 - 1
liter bottles first thing in the morning, and not go to
bed until you finish them. The first time you wait too
long to drink and you are up all night will help you to
remember =)
Sunlight, contrary to
popular belief is incredibly
good for you in measured
doses. Your body needs
the sun to produce
vitamin D, which is great
for boosting the feel good
chemicals in your brain.
It is also anticarcinogenic.
Thatʼs right, sunshine
actually helps Fight
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Skin cancer really comes from burning all those toxins
you keep putting in and on your body. That is one of
the main reasons you need the extra water and to
sweat daily - to flush out the toxins so you donʼt get
cancer. Many sunscreens actually contain
carcinogenic substances.
Just donʼt stay out long enough to get burnt, or cover
up if you need to be out a long time.
Want proof? Office workers are 2x as likely to
develop skin cancer as construction workers.
So get 2-3 liters of water, and 15 minutes minimum of
fresh air and sunshine a day!
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Secret 5 - Never eat anything with an ingredient
This one may sound a little odd in modern life where
Everything seems to have a label and ingredient list.
That is a big part of the problem.
Let me break this down simply.
Apples donʼt have an ingredient list, apple juice does.
Chickens donʼt have an ingredient list, chicken cordon
bleu does.
Nuts have no ingredient list, peanut butter (the kind
most people buy) has a dozen ingredients!
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This basically means that if you could find it in nature,
it is going to be much better for you than something
that your grandparents would not even recognize as
I will have videos coming out where I really break this
down further, but for now - If it has an ingredient list,
donʼt eat it!
Your food should BE ingredients,
not HAVE ingredients!
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Secret 6 - Never drink anything sweet
This could really go under the rule above, but it is so
important I want to stress itʼs importance. Your body
will generally tell you when to stop when you are
eating apples. Your body has no such regulation
when you drink your calories. It simply cannot tell
how much it has had with drinking until you are
completely full through pressure (like with the 3 liters
of water you should be drinking)
This covers a lot of things:
Soda is the worst offender,
followed by sweet tea. Fruit
juice is also a no no unless
you juiced it yourself.
And that big
monster thing from
Starbuckʼs - you would pass
out if you knew how much
sugar was in that!
Nearly everything these days is sweetened with High
Fructose Corn Syrup. Your liver (which is the only
place in your body that can store fructose) is totally
full with just 30 grams of fructose. A 12 oz can has a
minimum of 45 grams, and most bottles are 2-3
servings! Anything over your liverʼs fill up point goes
straight to your body fat, after helping you get Type 2
diabetes along the way.
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And donʼt tell me you only drink diet soda either.
Those artificial sweeteners are actually worse for you
in the long run for a lot of reasons. They actually fool
your brain into not knowing how much sugar you are
taking in your regular food, as well as the possibility of
causing altzheimers, cancer and migraines.
I actually had a client who was stuck in her weight.
She was chewing a lot of sugar free gum and using
Splenda in all her drinks.
I will make a video of this as well, but to make a long
story short, she was actually consuming about 1400
calories More than she thought she was through
“sugar free foods”.
She immediately dropped 5 pounds the first weekend,
and 4 more over the next 4 weeks. All this, and I
actually added in nearly 600 extra healthy calories
from almonds, walnuts and fruit.
There is almost always a reason for so called
“plateaus”, you just have to dig deep enough to find
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So never drink anything sweet is an excellent rule to
live by.
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Secret 7 - Reward yourself with at least 7-8 hours
sleep every night to Recharge
One of the #1 problems
today in modern life is
the inability to manage
stress. We are
constantly all day
surrounded by sources of
stress, and you Need to
find effective ways of
dealing of dealing with it.
Sleep is one of bodies
primary ways of destressing and sorting the
days activities.
You need good, natural sleep to recharge you
physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your body
repairs and rebuilds at night as well. But did you
know that lack of sleep can actually make you fat?
When you donʼt give your body enough sleep, it
increases stress hormones like adrenaline and
cortisol. These hormones in excess make your body
less sensitive to insulin, which can increase your risk
of diabetes - one of the biggest killers today!
Some simple strategies that can really help are:
Turning off the TV at least an hour before bed, limiting
caffeine in the afternoons, and keeping a journal next
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to your bed to “download” all your thoughts into before
sleep. This does wonders for your rest as it “closes
the open loops” that you brain is afraid of forgetting.
Planning the next day before bed will also allow your
subconscious to give you answers to make your life
Nothing beats a warm cup of herbal tea and a fiction
book for me to put me right into restful sleep though.
Reading fiction is different than nonfiction in the way it
changes your brain waves. Storytelling before bed is
not just for kids!
So for your health and fitness, it is very important to
Reward yourself with at least 7-8 hours sleep every
night to Recharge!
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7 Healthy Ways to Skyrocket Your
Energy... and get in spectacular shape!
Cheat Sheet Checklist =)
Never skip breakfast!
Eat veggies, fruit, protein, and a
healthy fat at least 4x daily
Elevate your heart rate and sweat at
least 30 minutes daily doing
something you enjoy
Drink 2-3 liters of pure water and at
least 15 minutes of sunlight a day
Never eat anything with an
ingredient list
Never drink anything sweet
Reward yourself with at least 7-8
hours sleep every night to Recharge
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So what are You going to DO about it?
You have all this great info
You have the tools to change your life
Dig deep down inside yourself
and find Your Why
Find the Will in Yourself
to Change the way you Look and Feel
Right Now and Forever!
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And Remember Emotion can be changed by Motion
Smile Big, and Make It So!
Contact us Today to
Make the Transformation
to the Totally New You!
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Why you should choose us
by Kym Roberts
Less than two years ago, I was
sitting where you are now.
Even though I won my battle with cancer a few years
ago, death was still knocking at my door. I was
obese. I realized I had a problem while I was on
vacation. I spent nine days enjoying a cabin in the
mountains and dining out everyday. Towards the end
of my vacation I was shocked to find that I could not fit
into ANY of my clothes! Mortified, I had to go to the
nearest Wal-mart in my stretchy PJʼs to buy more
clothes for the remainder of my visit.
I came home and reluctantly
got on the scale... and weighed
219! I made a promise to
myself that very day that when I
got back home I would join a
gym. I came back on a
Monday and Tuesday I was
signing up for the gym.
Like most people, I worked out alone and felt that I
was not getting results fast enough. I decided that I
needed a personal trainer to give me a push in the
right direction. So thatʼs what I did - I found a
personal trainer.
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I started training with him immediately. He told me as
long as I ate what he told me to and did the workouts
like he said, that I would lose weight quickly. I know
now that this is the typical advice from most personal
For the record, he was wrong!!
He told me to eat 5 oz of chicken, as much broccoli as
I wanted, and 1/4 cup of brown rice for every meal- 6
times a day. That got old quick like!
As far as the workouts go, we did the same six
exercises every single time!
After about three weeks and no change in my weight,
I wanted to give up on all of it.
As I was leaving the gym one day, I was stopped by
another personal trainer I had seen around the gym.
He asked me what my goals were and how have I
progressed. I told him about my diet and exercise
plan and he said simply, “Howʼs that working for you?”
My first thought was
“What a smart-ass! I should smack him!”
Then again that was just what I needed - Right to the
point. He was very blunt about it and I appreciated
the fact that he wasnʼt trying to waste my time.
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He then introduced himself as David Hoffmaster and
offered to put me through one of his workouts. I had
nothing to lose so I agreed. Afterwards, I thought I
would die and I was sore, but I felt like I accomplished
something for a change. (the next day I was 3 lbs
lighter though! =)
Needless to say, David became my personal trainer
from that point on. All of my questions about what to
eat, how much, and how often were answered as
well. He gave me “Already done for you” meal plans
to follow along with other helpful advice about
Working with David and following his expert advice
about nutrition and exercise, I have lost 84 pounds
and have never felt better mentally or physically.
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I can promise you this - If I had stayed with the
“average” personal trainer, I would have given up and
a long time ago and who knows if I would still be
around to share my story with you.
Throughout this
experience I have
gained so much
knowledge and I now
know what it takes to
lead a fun and
healthy lifestyle.
Thatʼs the reason I
decided to become a
personal trainer
Only someone who
has been where you
are can truly
understand your
struggles and mindset.
I have been there, and now I want to help you - if you
will let me.
I wonʼt lie - it wonʼt always be easy. In fact somedays
it will be downright hard.
But I promise you this - when you can look in mirror
and see the person you have always wanted to be, for
you, your friends, and your family - It Is So Worth It!
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Before I had my baby, I was a gym rat, into
powerlifting and loved staying fit and healthy. Then I had my son. Everything about my body
changed, and everything I did before to stay fit,
didn’t seem to work anymore. After spending 7 months going to the gym 4 times
a week for 2 hours at a time, doing excessive
cardio, and eating (okay, somewhat) healthy, trying
the colon detox, the liver detox, the yeast detox,
thermogenics, diuretics, laxatives… trying to lose
the 25 pounds leftover from the birth of my first
son, I was tired, frustrated, annoyed and
depressed that NOTHING would get this weight
to come off!!
Then my husband asked me what I wanted for
Christmas, and I told him I wanted to be a size 8
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again – to have my body back!! I was SICK of the
size 14s that I had been in for the past umpteen
So he told me to call David – and I am SOOO glad
I did. So far it’s only been 5 weeks, and I’ve lost
about 11 pounds and 4 1/2 inches off my waist! They have absolutely kicked my butt, but I LOVE
IT! (mostly when it’s over, haha)
The classes are always challenging, but never the
same, and always get results. David gave me some
guidelines for what I should be eating, and every
day since I started with him and Kym, I’ve seen my
body get just a little closer to where I was before. I can now get into some of my size 8 pants, my 14s
are falling off of me, and for the first time since I
was 7 months pregnant, I can get my wedding rings
on again!!!! My joints feel better, I have SO much
more energy, I’m actually becoming a morning
person (wonder of wonders!) and I’m halfway back
to the body I had, only it’ll be even better this
time! My only regret is that I didn’t call David sooner.
David and Kym were exactly what I needed to get
me “back into my skinny jeans again!” Thanks guys
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When I graduated from the US Naval Academy in
1965, I was a fit 165-pound young man. Years of
easy living and not taking care of myself added
some 40 pounds. I developed type II diabetes, had
2 heart attacks with a double bypass and a stent
implant, and I had difficulty catching my breath
after walking up the stairs in my home.
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Obviously, I needed to take action if I was going to
go on living. I had no idea what that meant. Like
many, I tried diets, signed up with gymnasiums,
bought a skiing machine and a treadmill, walked
long distances – all programs that were abandoned
after monotony and boredom set in.
In 2007 I made yet
another resolution to
“get in shape.” This
time, with the help of a
friend, I joined a local
gym and found a fitness
instructor. Initially I
couldn’t do much of
anything. Lunge? After two I was
exhausted. Lift weights? Are you kidding?
It’s now 2010. I’m still working out, and I feel like
a new person. My diabetes is still with me, but
under control. At my age, my joints are beginning
to cause some problems. I still have to push
myself to go to the gym. But, my endurance and
strength are much improved; I wear trousers with
a smaller waist size.
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I won’t win any weight-lifting competitions, but at
my last stress test my cardiologist told me that I
exceeded his expectations for 15-20 year younger
man. I’m proud of simple things such as the ability
to squat to find a book in the bottom shelf in a
book store, or carry all of the grocery bags into
the house for my wife.
So what’s the difference this time? Why have I
been able to stick with the program? I credit two
things. The first is that I continue to work out
with a friend. We don’t compete: we motivate each other.
The second important difference has been having a
trainer/coach who has taken the time to
understand me and my physical problems and who
has tailored my workouts to strengthen those
areas which needed strength. He has not just tried
to get me to “bulk up” my muscles or had me follow
some sort of generic and fixed exercise program. The program is constantly changing and is never
My coach, David Hoffmaster, is not the first
personal trainer I’ve had, but he’s the best.
Lee Mager
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I began training with David just 3 months after a
hospitalization with Rocky Mountain Spotted
Fever. I had tried training on my own, but started
going backwards. I realized it was time to get
professional help! For me it has been a great
journey, where David really took the “personal” in
personal training seriously. I have worked with him
for several years and he always maintains a
supportive and positive atmosphere. He has kept
me motivated through some tough times battling
with Lyme disease.
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Initially, I thought holding a single 75 pound
dumbbell and a 185 pound deadlift were awesome.
But since he inspired me the dream of competing in
Strongman meets, I have held 190-pound farmers’
handles in each hand for over 1 minute. Also, I
broke all the IBP powerlifting records for my age
and weight class in the bench press, squat and
deadlifted 315!
I was a typical busy pharmacist living on fast food
and junk foods for convenience. For the first time
in m life, I had to learn to eat a healthy diet and
cut weight to be a competitive lightweight at
Strongman Nationals.
Now, I have the health, strength, and selfconfidence to be competitive against world-class
strongman competitors with the intention of going
after the heavy weights! I have definitely come a
long way, Baby!
-Andrea “Anny” R., Pharmacist in NC
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David has been working with me for one year. I
enjoy the variety and intensity of the workouts
which balance strength, balance, and flexibility
exercises. He adapts training to the needs and
ability of each client to make each session a
success. He also helps identify goals and monitors
progress. In one year, I lost 48 pounds total while
increasing muscle mass. In two months, I lost 4” in
the hips, 6” waist, and 5” thigh. Thank you, David.
Alternative Testimonial for David Hoffmaster
– the true one.
“Torture by David” is a good slogan of David
Hoffmaster. (Notice that three letters in David
also appear in Devil!) He makes you twist, hop,
stretch, push, and pull in ways that no human
should be expected to move. He uses all gym
equipment to inflict pain and fatigue on clients.
David ignores your screams and grunts, cracks
painful jokes, and smiles while you lie incapacitated
on the floor in a writhing, sweating lump. After a
workout, you must go to bed for two hours and/or
take drugs. This should serve as fair warning to
anyone who is considering training with the best
personal trainer in Western North Carolina,
perhaps the Western Hemisphere.
- Steven Tipps, retired college professor
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