January 11, 2015 - American Martyrs Church


January 11, 2015 - American Martyrs Church
A W e l c o m i n g C o mm u n i t y , H e l p i n g O n e A n o t h e r
The Baptism of the Lor d
Rev. Msgr. John F. Barry, P.A.
Associate Pastors
Rev. Joseph Kammerer
Rev. Rick Prindle
Fred Rose
Derek Brown
Chris Amantea
Dick Williams
Business Manager
Bob Hodges
Weekend Mass
Saturday Vigil: 5pm
7am, 8am, 9:30am, 11:30am and 5pm
Weekday Mass
Monday / Wednesday / Friday:
8am, 12:10pm and 5pm
Tuesday / Thursday:
6:30am, 8am and 5pm
Saturday: 8am
Holy Day Mass
Vigil: 5 pm
Holy Day: 6:30am, 8am,
12:10pm, 5pm, and 7:30pm
Reconciliation (Penance)
Tuesday: 7 am -7:15 am
Wednesday: 5:30 pm -6 pm
Thursday: 7 am -7:15 am
Saturday: 8:30 am -9 am ,
4 pm -4:30 pm
Eves of Holy Days: 4 pm -4:30 pm
Confessions by request anytime.
Call Rectory for appointment.
6 2 4 15 t h S t r e e t
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
L i v e H o ly L i v e s
Jesus Christ.
Ja nuary 11, 2015
A me r ic an M a rt yrs C athol ic C h ur ch | www . A m e r ica nM a rt yrs. or g
American Martyrs
Catholic Community
T able
P ray
C ontents
Prayers / Mass Readings ................................................................ 2
Parish Calendar / Mass Intentions............................................. 3
Parish Life....................................................................................... 4-5
Pastoral Care...................................................................................... 6
Stewardship........................................................................................ 6
Social Justice & Outreach............................................................. 7
Faith Formation ................................................................................8
Families in Faith / AMS / SRE / Youth Ministry .......................9
Contact Information & Resources (Parish Directory).......... 10
Gym & Field / Beyond Our Parish.............................................. 11
S ick
for the
Please remember the sick in our community. Pray that they may
find comfort and healing in Christ, especially:
Jack Radville
Nora Hudson
Marco Bonella
Emily Denczek
Sandy Mirante
Natalie Dwyer
Chad Larivee
Arlene Platten
May Serrano
Katie Limoncelli
newborn Marco Giovanni Bonello
I n M emoriam
In Remembrance, let us pray for all who have died, that they may
rejoice with the Risen Lord.
N ext W eekend ' s M ass C elebrants
S at 5:00 pm : Fr. Joe Kammerer
S un 7:00 am : Fr. Rick Prindle
8:00 am : Msgr. John Barry
9:30 am : Msgr. John Barry (Livestream Mass)
11:30 am : Fr. Rick Prindle
5:00 pm : Fr. Joe Kammerer
This schedule is subject to change.
Lynne Sorbel
Joe Regatti
Dan Nisen
May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of
God, rest in peace.
D aily P rayers
of the
C hurch
Chapel hours are:
Monday-Friday, 7:00am-8:00pm | Saturday, 7:00am-5:00pm
Sunday, 1:00pm-5:00pm; closed during regular Sunday Masses.
Contact: Jim Quilliam, AdorationChapel@Americ anMar t yrs.org
H oly M atrimony
Monday - Saturday, 7:30am, in the Church
Third Banns:
Andrew Webster and Celena Castillo
Monday at 5:35pm, in the Church
Contact: Dick Williams, 310-292-0996
First Banns:
Jefindar Singh Bhathal and Elizabeth Anne Posvar
Tuesday following the 8:00am Mass
Wednesday following the 5:00pm Mass,
followed by the praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet
S acraments
1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays at 1:00pm
Pre-Baptism instruction for parents
and godparents is required.
Call Deacon Fred Rose,
310-545-5651, for an appointment.
Next class is Sunday, January 11, 2015.
Contact Rectory at least 6 months
prior to wedding date.
Celebrated throughout the year.
Call anytime in case of serious illness.
A rmed F orces
We remember those serving in our Armed Forces overseas and pray that
they return safely to their loved ones, especially:
Sgt Mohses Afkari - U.S.M.C.
Sgt Ciriaco Ayala - U.S.M.C.
LTJG Joshua Bergen - U.S. Navy
Jonathan Concetti - U.S.M.C.
SSG Eric Cothren - U.S. Army
PVT Julia Cothren - U.S. Army
Cpl Brendan Hart - U.S.M.C.
Michael Ivers - U.S.A.F.
SGT Charles Koffman - U.S. Army
1LT Nicholas Marquez - National Guard
SGT Keegan J. Mattick - U.S. Army
CPT Richard Moravec - U.S. Army Rangers
LCDR Mike Mullen - U.S. Navy
Matthew Murphy - U.S. Navy
SSgt Kyle Nesbitt – U.S.A.F.
PVT Joshua Stanziole - U.S. Army
LT Marissa Watson - U.S. Navy
PFC Dariusz Wawryk - U.S. Army
Capt Tim Woodring - U.S.M.C.
To add someone to the list or if you know that someone above has returned home,
contact 310-545-5651 | bulletin@americ anmar t yrs.org
J a nua ry 11, 2 015 |The Ba pt i sm of the Lord
Parish Calendar
This Week
N ext Weekend
MONDAY, January 12
9:00am PH
Monday Morning Starters
9:00am SpC Monday Morning Faith Sharing
7:00pm SJC
Monday Evening Prayer Group
7:00pm SpC Stephen Ministry Training
8:00pm PH
Babysitting Co-op
TUESDAY, January 13
Men’s AA Meeting
8:30am ODH Young at Art Workshop #2
9:15am SpC Tuesday Morning Scripture Study
12:00pmODH M.O.M. Sandwich Making
1:00pm SK
Single Seniors Meeting
3:30pm PH
Legion of Mary
3:45pm SCH SRE Grades 1-6
5:30pm ODH Sandpipers Meeting
6:00pm HFH Teen Tuesday
7:00pm SK
Virtus Training "Protecting God's Children"
7:15pm SCH Jr. High SRE
7:30pm BB
Al-Anon Meeting
Contemplative Prayer
WEDNESDAY, January 14
3:45pm SCH SRE Grades 1-6
7:00pm BB
Peace Meditation
7:00pm PH
Stewardship Commission Meeting
7:15pm SCH Jr. High SRE
7:30pm SpC Sunday's Readings in Context
THURSDAY, January 15
5:30am PH
Men’s AA Meeting
National Charity League
3:15pm SKMR AM Children’s Choir
6:30pmODH XLT
7:00pm SCH School Board Meeting
FRIDAY, January 16
3:30pm SCH Irish Dance Class
SATURDAY, January 17
Pre-Cana Workshop
Liturgy & Worship Meeting
10:00amHFH Women's AA Meeting
SUNDAY, January 18
7:00amODH Coffee & Donuts
Spiritual Library (open until 4:00pm)
AMYM Life Night
M ass I ntentions
MONDAY, January 12
Readings: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97; Mk 1:14-20
8:00 Morris Stewart – RIP (Chris & Connie Farrell)
12:10 Prayer Service
5:00 Mike Fucci – RIP (Jim & Bobbi Sindelar)
TUESDAY, January 13 – St. Hilary
Readings: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8; Mk 1:21-28
6:30 Richard Welsh - RIP (Joan Welsh)
8:00 Patrick Dang Pham - RIP (Jennifer Pham)
5:00 Suzie Rose – RIP (Dave & Dottie Arias)
WEDNESDAY, January 14
Readings: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105; Mk 1:29-39
8:00 Francois Davoust – RIP (Gunderman Family)
12:10 Harry Stallings – RIP (The Attanasio Family)
5:00 Betty Crawford – RIP (Tim Bersin)
THURSDAY, January 15
Readings: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95; Mk 1:40-45
6:30 Theresia Hafner – RIP (A. & B. Jung)
8:00 Helen Jenke – RIP (The Fry Family)
5:00 Special Intention
FRIDAY, January 16
Readings: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78; Mk 2:1-12
8:00 Sophie Guden – RIP (The Altar Society)
12:10 Nicetas Hontucan – RIP (Hontucan Family)
5:00 Nicholas Boden – RIP (Huttinger Family)
NOTE: Dates and locations are subject to change without notice.
Please check with the ministry to verify event.
BB-SS. Brigid/Brendan ∙ BBP-SS. Brigid/Brendan Patio ∙ CH-Church
CHP-Church Patio ∙ GYM-Gym ∙ HFH-Holy Family House ∙ ODH-O’Donnell Hall
PH-Parish House ∙ SpC-Spirituality Center ∙ SpG-Spirituality Garden
SpL-Spirituality Center Library ∙ SCH-School ∙ SHH-Sacred Heart House
SJC-St. Joseph’s Chapel ∙ SK-St. Kateri ∙ SKMR-St. Kateri Music Room
SATURDAY, January 17 – St. Anthony
Readings: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19; Mk 2:13-17
8:00 Constance Dawson – RIP (The Dawson Family)
5:00 Gordon Bell – RIP (Ed & Carol Wagner)
SUNDAY, January 18 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42
Dr. John Messenger – RIP (Pat & Patsy Murray)
Ginger Eastom – RIP (Eastom Family)
For the Parishioners, Living and Deceased
Gerry Becker – RIP (Diane Giaquinta)
Mildred Parsons – RIP (Linda Gallucci)
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A me r ic an M a rt yrs C athol ic C h ur ch | www . A m e r ica nM a rt yrs. or g
You will draw water
from the springs
of salvation.
Isaiah 12
Do you ever WONDER?
So many of us have grown up attending Mass but
maybe not really knowing why the various parts of the
Mass are the way they are. We are planning to spend
some time over a four week period starting January
17-18 bringing some brief explanations to the four
parts of our Sunday liturgies.
We hope that these short commentaries will help us
understand the liturgy, and so appreciate a bit more
how extraordinary the Mass really is.
The vision of American Martyrs as a parish
is to be "a Welcoming Community."
This calls all of us, as parishioners, to
take part in making our community
a "welcoming place."
We ask you to please take one weekend
and model this spirit by serving as a
greeter at Mass. Our parishioners are of
all ages so we would like greeters
of all ages on our front steps.
Whether you are a long-time parishioner
or new to the parish, young or old,
single, a couple or a family with young
children, you arrive at the Mass of your
choosing 15 minutes early and model the
welcoming attitude that we have been
called to by Pope Francis.
Go to the AM website, see our Orientation
notes and video and schedule your Mass.
It's that easy, really.
Q u e st i o n s ? Co n t a c t E r i n M c G a r r y,
C E C @A m e ri c a nM a rty rs . o rg
All it takes is a sm ile and a hello
J a nua ry 11, 2 015 |The Ba pt i sm of the Lord
Parish News
P ancake B reakfast T oday
The Pancake Breakfast Ministry is
serving pancakes, sausage, eggs,
orange juice & coffee in O’Donnell Hall
after the 7am, 8am and 9:30am Masses.
Please pay at the door!
$6 / adults, $4 / children under 12, $25 / family (2 adults w/children)
Mothers of Young Children will serve Coffee and Donuts.
S ingle S eniors
Join us Tuesday, January 13 at 1:00pm in St. Kateri for the
monthly meeting.
Ministry Contacts: Kay, 310-379-0130 or
Magda, 323-469-0577
M others
VIRTUS - Protecting God’s Children
VIRTUS - Protecting God’s Children awareness
program in prevention of child sexual abuse
is a requirement for all adults in contact with children
on our parish campus.
Parents in AMS, Preschool and SRE are required to attend
the awareness sessions. Also, all adult Eucharistic ministers,
ushers, sacristans, lectors and rectory or parish center
volunteers, and all volunteers with youth in our parish.
Tuesday, January 13, 7:00 - 10:00pm, St. Kateri Room
Sunday, January 25, 7:00 - 10:00pm, St. Kateri Room
VIRTUS Recertification, “Renewing the Promise,”
is due every 4 years after initial training.
Monday, January 26, 7:00 - 8:30pm, St. Kateri Room
Register by contacting Patti Williams, 310-546-4734 or
pw i l l i am s @Am e ri c an M ar t y rs.org
Young C hildren
Wednesday, January 21
9:30–11:00am in O'Donnell Hall
AM C hildren's C hoir
MOYC provides a network of friendship and local resources
to mothers with babies through pre-school aged children in The AM Children's Choir is open to all children in grades 4 - 8,
American Martyrs Parish. Whether you're a first time mom or
you come with a brood, we welcome you! Bring your children, We rehearse on Thursday afternoons, 3:15-4:15pm in the
your parenting questions, and your prayer intentions for Music Room (up the stairs from the kitchen side of O'Donnell
Hall) during the academic year. The Children's Choir sings
fellowship in a relaxed, supportive environment.
about once a month at the Saturday 5:00pm Mass.
Our guest speakers will be parishioners Marianne Fraher
and Becca Dalton of Klutter Busters, a 2-mother team of If you have questions, contact Patti Williams, 310-546-4734
professional organizers who will give tips on how to create or Ellen Steinmetz, 310-372-3412 | [email protected].
functional and organized living spaces by eliminating clutter. Otherwise - please just come on by!
Babysitting provided.
Ministry Contacts: Allison Saba, 310-890-7198 and
Stephanie Garcia, 310-383-3635
P r e s c h o o l A ppl i c at i o n s f o r 2015-2016
G ive Yourself
G ift
A doration
Celebrate with the Eucharistic Lord;
Jesus is waiting for you. Come join Him!
Adoration Chapel Hours:
Monday-Friday, 7:00am - 8:00 pm
Saturday, 7:00am - 5:00 pm
Sunday, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The chapel is in the back of the Church, south
end of the vestibule.
Sit in Silence ◊ Pray the Rosary ◊ Meditate on the Scriptures
Ask for Forgiveness ◊ Pray the Psalms ◊ "Be" with the Lord
Monday Morning Starters
9:00-10:30am, in the Parish House
Contact: Andrea Krych, [email protected]
American Martyrs Preschool is accepting applications for
entrance in September, 2015. Your child must be 3 years old
by December 2, 2015 and fully potty trained upon entrance.
Applications for our developmental,
mixed-age program are available at
Americ anMar t yrsPreschool.co m Applications can be dropped off at the
preschool or mailed to:
American Martyrs Preschool
1705 Laurel Avenue
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Due by: Wednesday, February 11, at 3:30pm
Small Group Tours of the preschool in action (for adults
only, please) can be scheduled by calling 310-802-8149.
Tours are 9:00-9:30am or 10:00-10:30am on:
Wednesday, January 14, Thursday, January 15
Wednesday, January 28
Thursday, February 5
Questions? Call the preschool office at 310-802-8149.
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A me r ic an M a rt yrs C athol ic C h ur ch | www . A m e r ica nM a rt yrs. or g
Commission Chair: Jim LaVerda
Stew ar d ship @Am er ic anMar t y r s.o r g
S t e wa rdsh ip ...
moving us closer to God
It's always interesting to me that you come across life's
little truths in the least expected places.
We spent part of New Year's Day watching the Rose
Bowl game with other Pac12 fans. We lingered a little
after the game so when we got home it was time to sit
and relax. The television came on tuned to one of those
"entertainment" channels and the narrator was talking
about staying fit. What an appropriate message for the
traditional close of the holiday season! Before I could
change the channel, she said, "There is no magic bullet
to staying fit; you have to work at it someway every day."
I'm sure we have all seen the ads for the shortcuts to
fitness and weight loss. They promise a fit body with only
fifteen minutes of several exercises three days a week, or
if you eat these three foods the pounds will fall off. We
know that success in any worthwhile endeavor takes
work; whether it's your career, marriage, or family life.
So why should our spiritual life be any different? There
is no magic bullet. We have a good start with Baptism,
regardless if we received it at birth or as an adult. Our
Catechism states "Holy Baptism is the . . gateway to life
in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other
sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and . .
. we become members of Christ . . ." From that point on, it
requires work to reach the goal that Baptism promises.
If we were serious about getting physically fit, I'm sure
we would have a plan. You would set aside time for
exercising every day, increasing the weight or reps as
you advanced. Our spiritual lives should be the same. We
should start with a plan to pray,
say five minutes at a specific time
everyday and as we advance in this
discipline we increase the time to
maybe ten minutes. Following
that we may add a weekday Mass,
service to other or adoration time.
Develop a plan for your spiritual
life in 2015.
Our spiritual fitness has benefits
that outlast our physical existence.
P lanned G iving Do you intend to remember American Martyrs Church or
School in your will or trust? Don’t put it off until later. The
government already has a plan for you if you do not make
one that includes your own charitable intent.
For information, contact Bob Hodges at 310-545-5651 or
b h o d ge s@ am e r ic an m ar t yrs.org
The twelve days of Christmas
culminated with the celebration of
the wonderful feast of Epiphany. We
are thankful for all the generous gifts that you provide to our
parish and realize that you cannot be with us every Sunday
of the year. Please consider using our secure electronic
giving program, Faith Direct.
Faith Direct will automatically process
any offertory or second collection
donations of your choosing.
Enrollment is simple: use our Church
code, CA308, at w w w.Fai th D i re c t.n e t.
As always, know that your generosity is truly a gift from God,
both with your treasure and with your time and talents.
Pastoral Care
B eginning A gain
Our group offers a welcoming and healing atmosphere for
those experiencing separation or divorce.
The next meeting is Tuesday, January 20, from 7:00 - 9:00pm
in the Holy Family House. The topic is "Friendship."
For more information call Jenny Attanasio, 310-545-5651.
S tephen M inistry
A Stephen Ministry Story
She was young. She was so paralyzed she couldn’t move
in any direction. She called and literally screamed for
help. She was so afraid. Through gentle dialogue with her
Stephen Minister it evolved that abuse in her childhood
was immobilizing her as a young adult. When her caregiver convinced her what a beautiful person she was
and how much God loved her, she was able to go into
professional counseling. This helped bring out all that had
been buried deep inside. Today she is moving ahead in life
with enthusiasm; studying for a college degree, working
with young children in a private school and fulfilling her
dream to be a teacher.
If a Stephen Minister could be of help to you, please call our
confidential line, 310-545-8244.
C are N otes C an H elp You C ope Check out the Care Note rack in the Church vestibule.
There are many topics that change frequently, such as:
Hospice Care: When Enough is Enough
Five Ways to Grow Through Experiences of Failure
Understanding Thoughts of Suicide and Self-Harm
Please deposit donations in the Poor Box.
J a nua ry 11, 2 015 |The Ba pt i sm of the Lord
Commission Chair: Jay Perrault
SJO@Americ a nMa r t yrs.org
Wednesday, January 28
On behalf of the South Bay Coalition to End Homelessness,
we would like to ask for your help for a CRITICAL NEED ON
HUD requires a Homeless Census Count every 2 years and
their funding for homeless services is directly apportioned
according to these numbers.
We did not have enough volunteers 2 years ago to get
an accurate count, so our numbers were very low. We
have been struggling with inadequate funding as a result.
(There are currently over 3,000 homeless children reported
by our public schools in the South Bay.)
We will be conducting another count on Wednesday,
January 28 throughout the South Bay.
You simply need to report to your local Deployment
Center (we can tell you this location), receive some brief
training, and go out in cars in groups of 2 or 3, to fill out
a form of your observations for the tract/area you are
assigned to canvas.
Contact Julie Jacks, j j ja cks76 51 @a ol.com if you can help.
Or sign up at http :/ / l a hsa.nationbuilder.com/south _ bay.
Then select a city and enter your contact information.
L ittle C ompany
M ary T hrift S hop
Please support this volunteer-staffed thrift shop with donations
of books, collectibles, costume jewelry and small kitchen items.
All proceeds benefit Providence Little Company of Mary Medical
Center in Torrance.
In support of Matthew 25, the shop donates excess clothing
and toiletry products to us. We can show our appreciation by
donating to them (3737 Torrance Blvd., Torrance, 310-303-6748)
Donations accepted Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm and Sat, 11am-3pm.
H earts
for the
H ungry
Saturday Blessings: Every Saturday to downtown LA
Contact : PJ Murphy, 310-430-5676 / pjm urphy90266@gm ail.com
St. Francis Center: 1st Saturday of every month,
(next trip is February 7)
Contact : Matt Conway, m att. conway.1 61 8@gmail. com
St. Lawrence of Brindisi: 2nd Saturday of every month,
(next trip is February 14)
Contact : Frank Valdez, 310-926-6940 / fra nk . va l [email protected]
Santa Monica: last Saturday of every month, 7am - noon
(next trip is January 31)
Contact : Michael Concannon, 714-852-2112
m i c h a el.co n c an n o n@ bovislendlease. com
R espect L ife M inistry
OneLife LA is Saturday, January 17 – 9:30am to 3:00pm
Event begins at La Placita Olvera and ends at Grand Park
in Downtown LA
OneLife LA invites all people to
join us in declaring a commitment
to valuing and protecting all
human life, particularly the most
vulnerable in our community.
If you are interested in attending with Respect Life Ministry
group or need transportation, please contact Steve Perry
at 818-800-5653. If you prefer to go on your own, consult
the OneLife LA website: w w w. o n e l i fe l a . o rg
Remember to bring your water bottles, hats and picnic
blankets (no outside chairs or tables of any kind are
allowed in Grand Park). Food trucks, speakers, music and
entertainment will be offered, and handicapped seating is
What is Marriage?
A Sunday Evening Lecture Series
by Dr. David Arias,
Thomas Aquinas College
Sunday, January 25,
February 8 and February 22
SS. Brigid & Brendan Room
Whether you are married or single, young or seasoned,
you’ll find something valuable in Dr. Arias’ presentations
on one of the most important subjects currently being
debated in faith communities and the secular culture.
The lectures will cover such topics as:
• Sacramental view of marriage
• Why is marriage important for a civil society
• Truth, marriage and human nature
• Why is marriage a moral good, and more.
Food and drinks will be provided; a goodwill offering is
appreciated. More information, call Russ Neglia, 562-335-7853.
For information about the Respect Life Ministry, contact
Steve Perry, 818-800-5653 | s te ve n .m i c h ae l.p er r y@ g ma i l. co m
H elp
do not ?
Do you have some time after dropping off the kids? Or work
from home and could spare a couple of hours a month? Can
you drive someone to Mass? Sometimes we just need a bit of
help whether we’ve broken a foot or need some lab tests run.
Others may not drive any longer and need a ride to Mass.
And whatever you do, in word or in deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Col 3:17
Martyrs Angels provide parishioners with rides to
doctor appointments, the grocery store, and to Mass on the
weekends. If you would like to be an Angel, or if you need
a ride, call Jenny Attanasio at 310-545-5651.
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A me r ic an M a rt yrs C athol ic C h ur ch | www . A m e r ica nM a rt yrs. or g
Faith Formation
I nfant B aptism
Pre-Baptism instruction for parents and godparents is required
to have your child baptized at American Martyrs Church.
Next class is TONIGHT, January 11 at 7:00pm in St. Kateri.
For information and schedule of classes, go online to
w w w. Ame r ic anMar t y r s.org | Sacraments | Baptism.
Questions: Contact Deacon Fred Rose, 310-545-5651 x321
or de a co n f re d @ Ame r ic anMa r t yrs.org.
M en's C ornerstone R etreat
January 30-31, 2015
The retreat begins Friday at 6:00pm
and ends Saturday at 8:00pm. Join us
for 26 hours and give yourself time to
strengthen your faith and deepen your
perspective on life, family and God.
You'll be home in time for Super Bowl Sunday.
Don't miss out on the 10th Anniversary of the Men's
Cornerstone Retreat!
Find the link to online registration at w w w.AmericanMar t yrs.org.
Direct questions to Bill King, 310-902-2386,
Cameron Myronowicz, 424-241-8255 or Mike Wilk, 310-292-7774.
2015 Women's C ornerstone R etreat
Join us, AS YOU ARE.
The Women’s Cornerstone Weekend will be
February 6 and 7, 2015.
Register online via link at
w w w. Ame r ic anMar t y r s.org, OR submit an
application to the Parish Center or to
20 1 5 wo me n sco r ne r sto ne@gma il. com.
Applications are available in the Parish Center office, school
office and in the church vestibule.
Reflect and revitalize your relationship with God. Gather with
ordinary women for this extraordinary experience!
Contact: Emily Nochez, 2 01 5womenscornerstone@gm ai l.com
or 310-349-7350.
www .R adiate . la
We are called to radiate the love of Jesus Christ to
all the world! However, this divine love only comes
through a personal relationship with our Lord and
Savior. In this website we will learn how to love
God with our head through spiritual reading, with
our heart through deep prayer, and with our hands
through humble service.
C ontemplative P rayer
Tuesday evenings, 7:30 - 8:30pm
St. Joseph’s Chapel in the Spirituality Center
(please use Pacific entrance)
“Silently, how silently the wondrous gift is given. Where meek
souls will receive him, still the dear Christ enters in.”
O Little Town of Bethlehem
A primary dimension of Christian prayer is
receiving: we receive the Love by which we
are loved. In contemplative prayer, we listen
with our hearts for the many ways in which
God loves and guides each one of us within
and beyond our faith community.
Contemplative Prayer meets every Tuesday
Newcomers are always welcome.
Join us once, often or always, for the Love of it!
For information, call Donna Ennis 310-941-1349
“What good it be, Christ born in Bethlehem if not again in me?.”
Bd. Angelus Silesius - “ The Cherubic Wanderer”
O ngoing F aith F ormation & E nrichment
When we pray, we join a steady stream of prayer that began
more than 2,000 years ago. With our world around us constantly
in a state of flux, there is a special grace in knowing there is a
place that is sacred and unchanging, a place where we can go to
be renewed in the love that is ours by way of God’s grace.
We all have gifts differing. There are many pathways to prayer.
Sunday’s Readings In Context
Wednesday, 7:30-9:00pm in the Spirituality Center
Contact: John D'Isacco, 310-546-1302
Tuesday Morning Scripture Group
Tuesday, 9:15-11:00am in the Spirituality Center
Contact: Alvin Fletcher, 310-379-5241
Weekly Scripture Reading with Fr. Joe
(No sessions December 24 - January 28)
Wednesday, 10:00-11:30am, in SS. Brigid/Brendan Room
Tuesday evening, 7:30-8:30pm, in the Spirituality Center Chapel
(770 17th St, please use Pacific Ave. entrance)
Contact: Donna Ennis, 310-941-1349
Monday, 9:00-11:00am in the Spirituality Center
Contact: Sharon Law, 310-963-9484
2nd and 4th Monday, 7:00-8:30pm, in the Spirituality Center Chapel
Contact: Sharon Law, 310-963-9484
2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:00-8:30pm, in SS. Brigid/Brendan Room
Contact: Avito Moniz, 310-430-5257 or Beverly, 310-376-2056
Open Sunday, 10:00am-4:00pm, in the Spirituality Center, 2nd floor
Contact: Anna, 310-374-0863 or Millie, 310-938-3125
Contact: Jenny Attanasio for referral, 310-545-5651
J a nua ry 11, 2 015 |The Ba pt i sm of the Lord
Faith Formation
American Martyrs Youth Ministry
Every Tuesday - Teen Tuesday, 6-8pm, Holy Family House
Sit back, hang out, pray, and build community. Evenings may
include scripture study, Catholic Trivia games, or praying the
Divine Mercy Chaplet or Rosary.
TONIGHT, January 11 - Year 1 Confirmation
Meet in O'Donnell at 3:30pm. Teens are expected to join us
for the 5:00pm Sunday Mass. Be sure you have completed
your online lesson and quiz before coming to class!
NEXT SUNDAY, January 18 is Life Night
All High School teens are invited to attend our Life Teen Mass
& Life Night. These are nights of games, activities, prayer and
inspirational talks. Confirmation Candidates are required to
attend at least one Life Night of the Year.
If you are interested in joining Life Teen, contact Monica
Leon at ml e o n @ Am e r ic a nMa r t yrs.org.
Find us on Facebook at American-Martyrs YM
Contact: YM@ Am e r ic anMa r t yrs.org
American Martyrs
AMS Used Uniform Sale TODAY
Wow, how can kids grow that much
since September? Those uniforms you
bought at the beginning of school are
now too small and how did those polo
shirts get so dirty??
We have the perfect solution!!
AMS sells gently used uniforms that
practically look like new! Gently used uniforms are washed,
dyed and resold at nearly half the price of a new one!!
The best part is that ALL proceeds go to our school library.
Stop by O'Donnell Hall after 7am, 8am and 9:30am Mass.
Cash, checks or credit card.
Contact Debbi Drewry, [email protected] | 310-488-1265
or our Librarian, Mrs. Covelli, jcovelli@americ anma r t y rs.org.
Scrip Corner
Happy New Year!
Looking for a 'New Year' look for 2015?
Try Hush Hush Hair Salon in downtown MB.
Thank you to all the parishioners who supported our scrip
gift card program during the holiday season. We operate
year-round so please use us as your gift card resource holiday, birthdays, anniversaries - we have something for
every occasion.
Sales Hours:
Weekdays,7:45am - 3:45pm (Fridays till 1:00pm)
Sunday,7:45am - 11:30am
Special Orders or Other Info: Contact the Scrip office
at 310-545-5651 x289 | S crip@Americ anMa r t yrs.org
It is an error to think that
is so entirely a gift of God that it is not in our
power to increase and strengthen it."
5 New Years Resolutions for kids
1. Be more helpful around the house
2. Be a good citizen – to family, friends and school mates
3. Be a better student
4. Be thankful for what I have
5. Be active, try something new
Third Grade Faith Celebration - Wednesday, January 14
All Third Graders in AMS and SRE and their parents are
invited to celebrate your service to our church community.
Wednesday, January 14 at 7:00pm in the Church.
Older Children Baptism - Sunday, January 25 at 1:00pm
We welcome our newest members from our AMS and SRE
students as their families celebrate their baptism.
SRE Classes for Grades 1-6
January 13/14
January 20/21
January 27/28
Sunday SRE (including Special Sacrament Class)
January 11
January 25
Junior High SRE
January 13/14
January 20/21
January 27/28
Contact Patti Williams for more information
310-546-4734 or pw i l l i am s @Am e ri c an M ar t y rs. o rg.
Help children game safely online
Thousands of children and young people received game
consoles for Christmas. Parental involvement is critical when
it comes to helping children online game more safely. Take an
active interest in the games that your child plays alone or with
You can research games’ ratings and content on w w w.esrb.org.
This website is maintained by the Entertainment Software Rating
Board which rates thousands of games each year. Another tip
is to know which safety features are available on the gaming
equipment that your child uses—a headset may have voicemasking features. For more information visit on using gaming
sites go to: http://w w w.netsmar tz.org/G aming.
For particular help, call Assistance Ministry at 213-637-7650.
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A me r ic an M a rt yrs C athol ic C h ur ch | www . A m e r ica nM a rt yrs. or g
Contact Information
& Resources
mailing address: Parish Center
Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:45pm
mailing address: Sunday, 9:00am-1:00pm
Parish Center Office and St. Kateri Room
Business Manager
(enter from Deegan Place)
O'Donnell Hall and St. Brigid/Brendan Room Pastoral Council President
(enter from O'Donnell parking lot)
Finance Council Chair
GYM - 701 15th Street 310-802-8720
Adult Baptism, Confirmation
Do not park on 15th Street.
& Eucharist
Use parking structure and crosswalk
Baptism for Infants
HOLY FAMILY HOUSE - 700 17th Street
Funeral Planning
Do not park on 17th Street.
& Bereavement
Use lower level entrance next to Gym
Liturgy & Worship
PARISH HOUSE - 659 15th Street
Stephen Ministry
SACRED HEART HOUSE - 720 18th Street
Finance Director
Do not park on 18th Street.
Park on Church /School property and enter Gym, Field & Athletics
from schoolyard
Music Director
SPIRITUALITY CENTER - 770 17th Street Parish Center Administrator
St. Joseph's Chapel, Meditation Garden
& Facilities Coordinator
Upper Room Library (open Sunday,10am-4pm) Parish Communications
is available for Sunday 5:00pm Mass,
weddings, and funerals.
Please call Gigi 310-214-4851
Maternity Home, 310-325-8208
24 HOUR Pregnancy Helpline,
LINE 800-355-2545
Suzanne Healy, 213-637-7650
fax 310-546-9209
1400 Deegan Place, M.B., CA 90266-4805
P.O. Box 3639, M.B., CA 90266-1639
fax 310-545-3971
Bob Hodges
[email protected]
Edna Murphy
Charles Wilmot
[email protected]
[email protected]
Deacon Derek & Terri Brown
[email protected]
Deacon Fred Rose
[email protected]
Deacon Chris & Yvonne Amantea [email protected]
[email protected]
Monica Hughes
[email protected]
Deacon Dick & Patti Williams
Pattie Johnson
[email protected]
Lou Ann Selsky
[email protected]
Bill Svarda
Dottie Arias
[email protected]
Anne Riordan
[email protected]
Plant Manager
Tony Hatfield
[email protected]
Rectory Office Administrator
Laurie Oester, Ph.D
rector [email protected]
Vicki Terbovich
[email protected]
Volunteer Ministry Formation
Jenny Attanasio
[email protected]
Religious Education
624 15th Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-4805
P.O. Box 3639, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-1639
1701 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805
Director, Religious Education
Patti Williams
[email protected]
Director, Youth Ministry
Monica Leon
[email protected]
Co-Director, Sunday Preschool
April Beuder
[email protected]
Co-Director, Sunday Preschool
Kristen Holleran
[email protected]
American Martyrs School
1701 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805 310-545-8559
fax 310-546-7219
Camryn Connelly
American Martyrs Preschool
Preschool Director
1705 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805
Mara Zepeda
Sunday Mass is shown
Live each week
Click the Button on our Homepage
w w w.Americ anM ar t yrs.org
and watch Mass as it happens,
or anytime after that.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Watch Msgr. Barry's
Minute Message
You do not need a Facebook account; just click the
'Find us on FB' link on our homepage.
Follow Msgr. on Twitter
J a nua ry 11, 2 015 |The Ba pt i sm of the Lord
G ym A ctivities
Seniors Exercise - Community is welcome!
Every Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00-11:00am
Women's Volleyball
Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 8:00-10:00am.
All players welcome, from beginners to advanced.
Tuesdays are instructional and Thursdays are free play.
Contact: Rocky Wade, [email protected]
Men’s and Women’s Coed Volleyball
Tuesday evenings 8:00-10:00pm.
Intermediate skill levels and recreational play.
Contact: John Wargnier, 310-796-1058
or j o h nwarg n ie r @ am e r ic anma r t yrs.org
Gym Contact: Lou Ann Selsky, 310-802-8720
[email protected]
G ym & Field R entals
For information about renting the Gym, call 310-802-8720
For field rentals, call 310-802-0729 x287.
The Religious Education Congress is
ready to enrich and revitalize us once
more. Join us March 12, (Youth Day),
March 13-15, 2015 at the Anaheim
Convention Center. If you have never
before attended Congress, you are
assured of a wonderful experience. All
are welcome to attend! The Congress,
sponsored by the Office of Religious
Education at the Archdiocese of Los
Angeles, offers a variety of opportunities for personal
faith enrichment, prayer and entertainment.
We offer 310 workshops, from spirituality and personal
development to biblical studies, theology and catechesis;
there is a topic of interest for you. Participants will also
enjoy morning praise, evening liturgies and a variety of
noon time and evening concerts. Come and be renewed
by these Congress experiences.
Register now for this spirit-filled and enriching weekend!
Access the book on line and register at www.R E Co n g res s.
o rg. Or call the RECongress information line, 213-637-7348,
to request your own copy of a Registration Guidebook.
Early registration and discounted fee through January 22.
Beyond Our Parish
Join John D’Isacco and Mary Hornickel at St. Andrew’s Abbey
in Valyermo, CA. Arrive on Tuesday, January 20 for 12noon Mass
and lunch; depart after lunch on Thursday, January 22.
With a special emphasis on hospitality, the monastic
community welcomes people of all faiths, or none, to enjoy the
peace, silence, and rhythm of their life as they follow the Rule of
St. Benedict. You are invited to join the monks for the singing of
the Divine Office and daily celebration of the Eucharist.
RSVP to 310-546-1302 by January 12.
THE 5TH ANNUAL LONGEST MARRIED COUPLE PROJECT The search for the longest married couples continues. In
addition to honoring the longest married couple for the entire
United States, recognition will also be given to a couple from
each state and territory who has achieved that distinction.
Appropriate gifts will be presented to the couples at a ceremony
to be held at their location during Valentine's week. The
state winners will receive personal recognition and a special
certificate of achievement during that same time frame from
the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Movement.
For more information go to w wm e.org
PREGNANCY HELP CENTER - Volunteer RNs and NPs Needed
Can you spare a few hours per month?
Pro-life medical clinic needs volunteer RNs and NPs to perform
pregnancy and STD testing. Shifts are available mornings,
afternoons, evenings, and weekends. California nursing license
must be current; on-site training will be provided; no new
grads. Qualifications: Caring, compassionate nurses possessing
desire to support mothers who choose life for their unborn.
Contact Victoria Koh, Nurse Manager, 310-320-8976 for details.
www. p hc to r r ance.o r g
ACCW DISTRICT MEETING - Tuesday, January 27, 9:30 am -1:30 pm
American Martyrs will host the Southwestern District Meeting
of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women.
Registration is at 9:30am in O'Donnell Hall, followed by our
speaker, Fr. James Anguiano from the Juan Diego House. Mass
is at 11:30am in the Church, luncheon at 12:15pm, followed by a
short meeting.
Pre-paid registration is $10. Send check to Judy Parnin (AMC
Rep), 1911 Perry Ave, Redondo Beach, CA 90278.
For information contact Judy Parnin, 310-374-9804.
Every Catholic Woman is a member of ACCW and there are NO DUES!
This Grief Recovery Weekend for Widowed, Separated and
Divorced Individuals will be at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center
in Encino, and is for those who have experienced the loss of
a spouse through death or divorce/separation. This program
helps a person move from the darkness of grief into the light of
a new beginning with renewed hope.
Beginning Experience is recognized by the Office of Family Life
for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Registration/Infomation: Peg Setti, 818-767-1007
or Brenda Mikhail, 818-352-5265 or Maria Rojas, 310-365-0186.
See more at w w w. b eg i n n i n g ex p er i en ce. o rg.
Catholic Homeschooling Families
Holistic Homeschool Network is a Catholic based group that
meets on Friday each month for faith enrichment and fellowship.
Some of our activities: Adoration and Sandwich Making,
Stations of the Cross, Cooking Class for children ages 5-11,
Works of Mercy, Park Days, Field Trips, etc.
We are at all levels/styles of homeschooling and all ages. For
more info contact Gigi (AMC parishioner) 310-528-9024.
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A me r ic an M a rt yrs C athol ic C h ur ch | www . A m e r ica nM a rt yrs. or g
South Bay XLT - January 15
Do you like music?
Do you want to encounter God in a powerful way?
Join American Martyrs Youth Ministry as we host
a night of fellowship, prayer and music led by
Catholic recording artists,
The Jacob and Matthew Band.
The Jacob and Matthew Band travels
internationally to share their music and inspire
teens to grow in faith. They are excited to lead
our community, along with other South Bay
parishioners, in prayer. The evening begins with
refreshments and fellowship at 6:45pm and the
night of music and prayer will begin promptly
at 7:00pm. Fr. Rick Prindle will address the
community with an inspirational message about
the new year.
Families with children of all ages are welcome.
This event is FREE! We hope to see you there!
O'Donnell Hall
Thursday, January 15, 6:45-8:15 pm
Join us at Pancake Breakfast Today!
Welcome Table Today
Are you new to American Martyrs?
Have you moved?
Stop by the Welcome Table
and let us update your information
or register you in the Parish.
Looking to get more involved?
We can help with that too!
For information contact Michele Neesley
at M M Ne e sle y @ di re c tt v.com | 310-343-0569
Several times in recent months we have
encouraged everyone at Sunday Mass to create a
name tag. Why? What's in a name? With apologies
to Shakespeare, a lot.
Knowing someone's name is not only a sign of
respect, names also signify our individuality and,
when we gather for Mass, remind us that each
person has a special part in the Body of Christ.
Many of us sit in the same pew every week, and
recognize the people around us. But maybe we
don't know their names. And there are people at
Mass every Sunday whom we may not know at all. This nametag was found in the Church when cleaning
up after October's 'Nametag Sunday.' We think it
So why name tags? Simply put, we hope to build says a lot about who we are, who we should be
a greater sense of community, a greater sense and what our actions say to those around us.
that each person is this community is valued and
cherished and respected. And because of that, we Thank you to whoever wrote it and left it.
should know your name.
Al l it tak es is a s mil e and a hel l o