5 Muay Thai Basics Breakdown with Sean Fagan


5 Muay Thai Basics Breakdown with Sean Fagan
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5 Muay Thai Basics Breakdown
with Sean Fagan
Muay Thai Instructor / Competitor
Written by: Coach Dan, Founder of
Visit Sean Online at:
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Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
In this article the Muay Thai Guy will show YOU how to perform a roundhouse kick
that, with practice, will make even the greatest be weary. They key to a good kick
comes in 6 steps detailed below. Stick to the training and keep the tips in, and Muay
Thai success is just around the corner.
Push Up on the Balls of Your Feet. This is where all the power is coming
from. Use the floor as leverage!
Extend your hips forward as you begin your kick. Thrust the air for
devastating effect.
The leg you are kicking with should be loose. It’s going to want to swing
THROUGH behind the hip. You’re going to be pivoting hard on your post
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Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
While kicking swing the same side arm down to the open hip this will
help with contra body balance.
Keep the other hand up and ready for defense. You’ll know when you
forget this step. Forgetting is going to cost you.
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Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
This last step is very important to a clean Roundhouse kick. Kick
THROUGH your opponent and don’t stop mid kick.
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Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
The basics are truly important in any sport one participates in and Muay Thai is no
exception. In this chapter, throwing an effective Teep Kick, or Push Kick, is outlined.
Push Up on the Balls of Your Feet. This is where the power will come from
if done well. Use the floor as leverage.
If your leg up before you go outward. This will help clear your opponents
check. Imagine bringing your knee up to your chest before striking.
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Imagine yourself kicking down a door. In either scenario you are going to
want to extend yourself/the kick as far as you can.
Next, make sure to return your foot the same way it came out, like your
standard jab or a cross. Practice makes perfect on this.
Extend Your Hips and Rotate the Posted foot slightly. Obverse the slight
change in the photos of the posted foot below.
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The same side of the arm leg that is kick’s arm will want to swing down
to the open hip.
Your other arm is going to have the duty of protecting your skull. Keep it
up or get struck in the head. Your choice.
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Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
Knowing how to throw an overhead right is essential to anyone beginning Muay Thai.
There are some key pro tips that you’re going to want to ingrain into your game as
soon as you can. This is valuable stuff! One thing you should keep in mind is the
mechanics of this move and a cross are very similar.
If you are going to want to deal massive damage you’re going to have to
first pivot your back foot and rotate your hips and shoulders.
The next step is to make a semi-circle or arc with your fist. This is
designed to come over your opponent’s top guard. Think of yourself
clinching a marker in your fist and visualize the arc you draw for the first
few punches.
Just like pitching in Baseball don’t think about winding up too much or
overthrowing. The effects of a successfully landed strike will be noticed,
trust me. Notice the windup does not go beyond my shoulder at all.
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Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
The classic hook. Learning it the right way, right at the start of any Muay Thai career is
critical. This chapter will teach you how to throw the classic hook. Stick to the tips and
you’ll do fine; cut corners and you’ll have to fix it later if you are serious at all about
the sport. A hooking arm can be either rotated sideways or upwards depending on
your comfort and ease of motion. It is up to you.
Step One is to pivot your leading foot inward and ROTATE your hips.
This next step may be the most crucial. Your arm should be parallel to
the ground during the punch. The reason for this is twofold. 1) You are
able to aim better. You’ll notice immediately the difference and 2) the
arm still provides defensive structures to your chest and face. Look at
how much is still covered in the photo above while the punch is being
While throwing the hook, the other hand is going to want to be tight into
your body in order to protect yourself from counters.
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Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
Travel to Thailand and Train for Real! Click Here to Learn How
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The point of a Switch Roundhouse Kick is to keep the opponent guessing. In the heat
of a match a subtle feint can catch your opponent incredible off guard as Sun Tzu has
said, “Make the enemy strong of his left and he will be weak on his right. “
Switch your foot quickly. Speed is the name of the game here.
Don’t jump up like you’ve seen in the movies. Changing your eye level from the
opponent will give you away. As you can see above, the posted foot never leaves
the ground.
The remaining details are exactly like the standard round house we broke down
in chapter 1.
Now get kickin’ practice both. Make sure not all of your kicks become Switch
roundhouse kicks, because that removes all of the surprise from an observant
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