Blepharoplasty Surgery - Westshore OMS Specialists


Blepharoplasty Surgery - Westshore OMS Specialists
 Blepharoplasty Surgery Post Op Instructions 1. Apply topical ointment 3x a day for the first week and then nightly for on additional week. 2. Cold compresses over eye for the first 24 hours. 3. Cycle cold compresses on and off 10-­‐15 minutes during first 4-­‐6 hours, as will be numb. 4. Frequent use of lubricants is important to prevent irritation to the eye. Use artificial tears though out the day over the first few weeks. 5. Expect increased swelling and some discomfort over the first 28-­‐82 hours. Vision is often blurred and distorted secondary to the lubricant. 6. As the swelling and ocular discomfort improves, it is okay to go to the artificial tears, but it is important over the first 48-­‐72 hours to use the thicker lubricant on a regular basis. 7. If the eye becomes tender, even with the lubricant, the eye can be patched to prevent blinking and irritation form the sutures. 8. It is very import to not do anything physically strenuous over the first 3-­‐5 days to prevent increased swelling or bleeding. 9. The eyelid usually attains its height level 3-­‐6 weeks post-­‐operatively. 1 •
AFTER YOUR SURGERY: At home, a family member/ friend MUST drive you because you have been sedated. Someone should stay overnight with you. They may need to assist you to the bathroom, getting something to eat or drink, and assisting with your ice packs. VERY IMPORTANT: If you have any of the following call (239) 992-­‐9201: o Fever greater than 101 degrees o Excessive drainage or bleeding o Excessive sudden swelling, change in vision or excessive pain involving any one eye o Itching, redness or rash around the incision lines o Excessive discomfort your pain medication does not control o Recurring vomiting o Reaction to medication •
SUTURE CARE: (Supplies furnished by our office) 1. CU3 Creme 2. Cotton tip applicators 3. Large gauze (to be moistened) 4. Vial of Artificial Tears (daytime) 5. Lubricant Eye Ointment (nighttime) 6. 3% hydrogen peroxide a) Mix 2 tbsp. Peroxide with 2 tbsp. of water in a small, clean container b) Use cotton tip applicators and peroxide solution to clean all blood and material from the incision lines. DO NOT leave any crust or blood on the stitched area. Repeat a minimum of 4-­‐5 times per day. c) Cover ALL incision lines and abrasions with CU3 Intensive Repair Creme. DO NOT allow ANY area to dry out or scab over. d) DO NOT apply any bandages or other material to surgical area unless otherwise instructed. EYE CARE: Apply the eye drops 3-­‐4 times daily. Expect temporary swelling of the eyelids, tightness of eyelids, bruising, dryness, burning, and itching of eyes. You may have “gummy” eyes for approximately one week. For the first few weeks you may EYE CARE cont.: experience excessive tearing, sensitivity to light and other irritants, double or blurred vision. You may have difficulty closing your eyes when you sleep. DO NOT use eye make-­‐up until sutures are removed. DO NOT tweeze your eyebrows for the first 2 weeks. Contact lenses should NOT be worn until after the first week. 2 •
SWELLING: Swelling and bruising of the eye area is to be expected post-­‐operatively. This is normal and should disappear with 1-­‐2 weeks. ICE: For the first 48 hours, apply moist frozen gauze and ice packs to surgical areas to reduce swelling, bruising and pain. Apply to the area for 20 minutes every hour. HEAT: Begin moist heat 12 hours after the cold packs are stopped. If you use a hot water bottle or heating pad, first coat the skin with CU3 Creme. Then apply a moist towel and the heat. The temperature on the heating pad should be no higher than the medium setting. DO NOT use heat continuously…. Only 20 minutes out of each hour. •
ACTIVITY: o During your first post-­‐operative day, stay up as much as possible. You should sit, stand, or walk around rather than remain in bed. However, you should rest when you become tired. o Avoid bending or lifting anything more than 5 lbs. during your first week. o We do not want you to bleed and cause any more swelling and bruising than is necessary. o Take extra precautions to protect your face from bumps, hits or injuries for at least 2 weeks after your surgery. o NO SWIMMING for at least 2 weeks. o Avoid strenuous activity & heavy physical exertion for 2-­‐3 weeks after surgery. SLEEPING POSITION: Sleep on your back with your head elevated on 2 pillows for at least 1-­‐2 weeks after surgery. Take it easy and pamper yourself. DIET: If you have any postoperative nausea, carbonated sodas and dry crackers may settle the stomach. If you experience severe nausea, use prescribed medication for the nausea. If there is no gastric upset, start with liquids and bland foods, and if those are well tolerated, progress to a regular diet. HAIR CARE: You may wash your hair after surgery. A mild shampoo is recommended and avoid your eyes & face. •
COSMETICS: Facial make-­‐up can cover up bruising after the sutures are removed. Eye makeup may be gently applied after all sutures are removed and gently removed with a mild gentle cleanser. 3 •
SMOKING: Smoking decreases capillary flow to your skin. DO NOT smoke at all during the first 21 days after surgery. •
ALCOHOL: Alcohol dilates the blood vessels and could increase post-­‐operative bleeding. Please do not drink until you have stopped taking the prescription pain medications, as the combination of pain medications and alcohol can be dangerous. •
DRIVING: Please do not drive for at least 2 days after general anesthesia or 24 hours after intravenous sedation or while taking prescription pain medications. •
SUN EXPOSURE: Avoid exposing scars to the sun for at least 12 months. A sunscreen with a minimum of 30 SPF is recommended. If fresh scars are exposed to the sun, they will tend to become darker and take longer to fade. SCARS: Healing is a gradual process and your scars may remain slightly pink for 6+ months. •
POST OPERATIVE APPOINTMENTS: It is very important that you follow the schedule of appointments we establish after your surgery. WestShore Facial Cosmetic Surgery -­ Colonnade Medical Complex 9540 Bonita Beach Road SE – Suite 106 -­ Bonita Springs FL 34135 239-­333-­FACE (3223) After Hours Emergency number: 239-­263-­7474 or 239-­992-­9201 Eric Reed, MD, DDS – Medical Director 4