6 Bibliografia166 corretta.indd


6 Bibliografia166 corretta.indd
Bibliography on the History
of the Society of Jesus 2014
Paul Begheyn SJ
I am grateful to the following persons who have helped me in putting
together this bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (Rome), Sacha BermudezGoldmann SJ (Madrid), Clemens Brodkorb (München), Mauro Brunello
(Rome), Ad Dudink (Louvain), Dominique Gonnet SJ (Lyon), Yannick
van Loon (Louvain), Paul Oberholzer SJ (Basel), Nicolas Standaert SJ
(Louvain), Gabriel M. Verd SJ (Granada), and others.
For a more detailed bibliography on spirituality, please turn to
the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa and to
www.ignaziana.org, a review of theological research.
You are invited to send new titles, corrections and suggestions to:
Paul Begheyn SJ
Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies
Singel 448
1017 AV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
General Index
I. The entire Society
A.General history
1. Auxiliary sciences
2. Historical works
B.Special history
1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola
2. Institute
3. Spiritual Exercises
4. Spirituality
5. Pastoral activities
6. Cultural activities
7. Polemical writings
II. Countries
Paul Begheyn SJ
III. Persons
Persons in alphabetical order
Complementary list of persons
Index of authors
I. The entire Society
A. General History
1. Auxiliary sciences
1. P. Begheyn, ‘Bibliography on the history of the Society of Jesus
2013’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 82 (2013), 513-631.
2. Historical works
2. A. Samper Cortés, ‘Un acercamiento al proceso de extinción de
la Compañía de Jesús a través de la correspondencia diplomática
del Conde de Mahony, embajador español en Viena’, Revista de
historia moderna 19 (2001), 431-450.
3. J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los Jesuitas. Religión, política
y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), 3 vols., Madrid, Universidad
Pontificia de Comillas, 2012, 1906 p.
4. G. Brüntrup a.o. (eds.), Unheilige Macht. Der Jesuitenorden und die
Missbrauchskrise, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 202 p.
5. B. Hogenmüller, ‘“Enemigos de los Jesuitas” - Melchior Canos
Verhältnis zu den Jesuiten’, Theologie und Philosophie 88 (2013),
6. E. Jiménez Pablo, ‘The evolution of the Society of Jesus during
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: an order that favoured
the papacy or the Hispanic monarchy?’, in M.C. Giannini (ed.),
Papacy, Religious Orders, and International Politics in the Sixteenth
and Seventeenth Centuries, Roma, Viella, 2013, 47-65.
7. S. Kiechle, Jesuiten: Zwischen Klischee und Realität, Kevelaer,
Topos, 2013, 90 p.
8. A. Leal de Faria, ‘Uma nova leitura das relações históricas entre
Jesuítas e a Inquisição’, Brotéria 176 (2013), 361-369.
9. J.K. Lucas, ‘Jesuit Order, Role of’, in R. Seaman (ed.), Conflict in the
Early Americas: An Encyclopedia of the Spanish Empire’s Aztec, Incan,
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
and Mayan Conquests, Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2013, 199-200.
10. K.H. Neufeld, ‘Die Rolle der Jesuiten in der restaurativen Phase
neuzeitlicher Theologie’, in P. Bsteh (ed.), Die Orden im Wandel
Europas. Historische Episoden und ihre globalen Folgen, Berlin, LIT,
2013, 231-246.
11. P. Oberholzer, ‘Die Wiederherstellung der Gesellschaft Jesu 1814
- das Ergebnis eines geschickten und geglückten Ränkespiels’,
Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 135 (2013), 127-169.
12. void
13. B. O’Leary, ‘Marie Madeline D’Houët and the Jesuits: a complex
relationship’, Milltown Studies 71 (2013), 1-44.
14. J.W. O’Malley, Saints or devils incarnate?: Studies in Jesuit History,
Leiden, Brill, 2013, 312 p.
15. M. Rotsaert, De Loyola au Vatican: idées reçues sur les Jésuites, Paris,
Cavalier Bleu, 2013, 179 p.
16. R. Schlögl, ‘Die Jesuiten’, in his Alter Glaube und moderne Welt:
europäisches Christentum im Umbruch 1750-1850, Frankfurt am
Main, S. Fischer, 2013, 91-92.
17. R.E. Scully, ‘The suppression of the Society of Jesus: A perfect
storm in the age of the ‘Enlightenment’’, Studies in the Spirituality
of Jesuits 45/2 (2013), 1-42.
18. K. Suenens, ‘De ‘Jésuitesses’. Zusters in het spoor van Ignatius
van Loyola’, KADOC Nieuwsbrief 6 (2013), 10-15.
19. H. Wendt, ‘The Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses: The politics
of history in different nineteenth-century editions’, in F. Jensz
& H. Acke (eds.), Missions and Media: The Politics of Missionary
Periodicals in the Long Nineteenth Century, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner,
2013, 97-112.
B. Special History
1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola
See also 453.
20. M.L. Suárez Castiñeira a.o., New Perspectives on James Joyce.
Ignatius Loyola, make haste to help me!, Bilbao, Universidad de
Deusto, 2009, 296 p.
21. M. Blickman a.o. (eds.), Ignatius van Loyola, Het verhaal van de
pelgrim, Altiora Averbode, 32010, 172 p.
22. A. Agostini & M.C. Pagnini, Atto Fabroni e il crocifisso di
Sant’Ignazio: storia, restauro e documenti, Firenze, Polistampa,
2013, 113 p.
Paul Begheyn SJ
23. P.R. de Andrada Pacheco, ‘Inácio de Loyola: ‘Experiênciamodelo’ e educação à liberdade’, Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica
1/1 (2013), 67-91.
24. R. Carls, Ignatius av Loyolas teologiska profil: Mellan riddarväsen,
renässans och reformation, Skellefteaa, Artos, 2013, 658 p.
25. E. Cattaneo, ‘La riforma della Chiesa secondo sant’Ignazio di
Loyola’, La Civiltà Cattolica 3922 (2013), 341-351.
26. S. Crestani, Le binaire Ignace-Descartes, 2nd ed., Vicenza, Ed.
L’Oricanno, 2013, 67 p.
27. F. Elorriaga, ‘Las ‘heridas’ en la vida de san Ignacio: un large
camino hacia la alteridad de Dios’, Manresa 85 (2013), 125-135.
28. P. Émonet, Ignace de Loyola: légende et réalité, Bruxelles, Lessius,
2013, 192 p.
29. E. García Hernán, Ignacio de Loyola, Madrid, Taurus, 2013, 568 p.
30. I. Iglesias, Sentir y cumplir: escritos ignacianos. Edited by J.A.
García, Bilbao, Ediciones Mensajero, 2013, 434 p.
31. A.N. Kirk, ‘Ignatius’ statements of self-sacrifice: Intimations of
an atoning death or expressions of exemplary suffering?’, The
Journal of Theological Studies 64 (2013), 66-88.
32. F. Körner, ‘Salvific community. Part One: Ignatius of Loyola’,
Gregorianum 94 (2013), 593-609.
33. D. Kowalczyk, ‘Dall’analisi trascendentale del giudizio al Dio
trascendente: Kant, S. Tommaso, Maréchal, e le esperienze di
Ignazio di Loyola’, Ignaziana 15 (2013), 76-86.
34. W. de Mahieu, ‘De mystiek van het doen en de mystiek van het
zijn – Ignatius en Charles de Foucauld’, Cardoner 3 (2013), 1-19.
35. J.M. McManamon, The text and contexts of Ignatius Loyola’s
autobiography, New York, Fordham University Press, 2013, 230 p.
36. W.M. Melion, ‘In sensus cadentem imaginem: Varieties of
the spiritual image in Theodoor Galle’s Life of the Blessed
Father Ignatius of Loyola of 1610’, in W. de Boer & C. Göttler,
Religion and the senses in Early Modern Europe, Leiden, Brill,
2013, 63-107.
37. C. Osswald, ‘Aspectos de autoridad y poder en las ceremonias
de canonización de Ignacio de Loyola y Francisco Javier en
Portugal’, Hipogrifo: Revista de literatura y cultura del siglo de oro
1 (2013), 43-55.
38. K. Rahner, Ignatius of Loyola speaks, South Bend IN, St. Augustine’s
Press, 2013, 112 p.
39. B. Repschinski, ‘Lebensreflexion als Ort der Gotteserfahrung.
Ignatius von Loyola und Paulus von Tarsus im Vergleich’,
Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 135 (2013), 230-251.
40. D. Rosales-Acosta, ‘Jesus and the demons: Portraits of the
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
spiritual seeing in Mark’s gospel. Origen, Bonaventure and
Ignatius as hermeneutic reading key of the gospel’, Teología y
Vida 54 (2013), 307-337.
41. M. Rotsaert, ‘Una spiritualità del dialogo e della riconciliazione.
Ignazio di Loyola (1491-1556)’, Ignaziana 15 (2013), 33-45.
42. M. Rotsaert (ed.), Ignatius van Loyola, Geestelijk dagboek, Averbode,
Altiora, 2013, 140 p.
43. M. Rotsaert, Il discernimento spirituale nei testi di Ignazio di Loyola,
Roma, Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2013, 216 p.
44. D. Salin, ‘Saint Ignace et la liberté. Au service d’une décision à
prendre’, Christus, 237 (2013), 102-112.
45. M. Sievernich, ‘Von Gott gesandt. Zum Selbstverständnis des
Ignatius von Loyola’, in M. Delgado & V. Leppin (eds.), Gott in
der Geschichte. Zum Ringen um das Verständnis von Heil und Unheil
in der Geschichte des Christentums, Fribourg, Academic Press /
Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 271-288.
46. U. Valero, ‘‘Quien más recibe más deudor se hace’: Gratitud y
agradecimiento en san Ignacio de Loyola’, Manresa 85 (2013), 2131.
2. Institute
47. K. Bartnicka & T. Bieńkowski, Ratio atque institutio studiorum SJ,
czyli, Ustawa szkolna Towarzystwa Jezusowego (1599), Warszawa,
Wydawn. Naukowe Ateneum, 2000, 129 p.
48. R. Feenstra, ‘Jesuit freedom of contract’, Tijdschrift voor
rechtsgeschiedenis 77 (2009), 423-459.
49. M. Miranda, ‘Sequendus Aristoteles. Da ciência e da natureza
na Ratio Studiorum (1599)’, Humanitas 61 (2009), 179-190.
50. M. Miranda, ‘A Ratio Studiorum e a educação da Europa. Atenas,
Roma e Jerusalém’, in N. Castro Soares & S. López Moreda (eds.),
Génese e Consolidação da Ideia de Europa, Coimbra, Imprensa da
Universidade de Coimbra, Universidad de Extramadura, 2009,
51. W. Simon, ‘“Ratio studiorum“. Organisation von Bildung im
Kontext neuzeitlicher Herausforderungen’, in M. Delgado &
H. Waldenfels (eds.), Evangelium und Kultur : Begegnungen und
Brüche. Festschrift für Michael Sievernich SJ, Fribourg, Academic
Press / Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2010, 518-529.
52. A.M. Kuchan a.o., ‘Psychological characteristics of applicants to
the Jesuit order’, Pastoral Psychology 62 (2013), 319-331.
53. M.d.C. Labrador Herráiz, ‘La Ratio Studiorum de 1599: un
modo de ser y hacer en educación’, Signos Universitarios: Revista
de la Universidad del Salvador 32 (2013), 69-93.
Paul Begheyn SJ
54. A. Molnár, ‘Come debellare il diavolo? Controversie alla XXVIII
Congregazione generale della Compagnia di Gesù intorno alla
lotta anticomunista (1938)’, in A. Fejérdy (ed.), La Chiesa cattolica
dell’Europa centro-orientale di fronte al comunismo. Atteggiamenti,
strategie, tattiche, Rome, Viella, 2013, 61-80.
55. D. Moreno Martínez, ‘La aportación española al debate sobre
la obediencia ciega en la Compañía de Jesús durante el Papado
de Sixto V (1585-1590)’, Investigaciones históricas: Época moderna y
contemporánea 33 (2013), 63-88.
56. P. Quattrone, ‘The Jesuit ordering: In between the imaginative
force of the art of memory and the organizational power of
accounting practices’, in B. Boute & T. Småberg (eds.), Devising
order: Socio-religious models, rituals, and the performativity of
practice, Leiden, Brill, 2013, 243-264.
57. V. Seibel, Architektur einer Gemeinschaft. Impulse aus den Satzungen
der Jesuiten. Würzburg, Echter, 2013, 72 p.
58. M. Sievernich, ‘Vom Dienst am Heil der Seelen in Jerusalem
zur klerikalen Führungsmacht in Rom. Die Spannung
zwischen nachgehendem Gehorsam und (Kirchen-)politischer
Opportunität’, in P. Bsteh (ed.), Die Orden im Wandel Europas.
Historische Episoden und ihre globalen Folgen, Berlin, LIT, 2013,
3. Spiritual Exercises
59. C.M. Rutishauser, ‘The goal of Ignatian Exercises and
Soloveitchik’s Halakhic spirituality’, in T.F. Michel (ed.), Friends
on the Way. Jesuits encounter contemporary Judaism, New York,
Fordham University Press, 2007, 38-56.
60. D. Bertrand, ‘Die geistliche Unterscheidung im Politischen nach
Ignatius von Loyola’, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 135 (2013),
61. D. Böhler, ‘Die Bibel in den Geistlichen Übungen des Ignatius von
Loyola und in der spirituellen Praxis des frühen Jesuitenordens’, in
K. Baier (ed.), Text und Mystik. Zum Verhältnis von Schriftauslegung
und kontemplativer Praxis, Göttingen, V&R Unipress / Vienna
University Press, 2013, 117-139.
62. B. Niederbacher, ‘Emotion und Entscheidung – Erkenntnistheoretische Bemerkungen zur kognitiven Funktion affektiver Zustände in den Geistlichen Übungen des Ignatius von Loyola’,
Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 135 (2013), 212-229.
63. M. Pavulraj, ‘Nishkama Karma and active indifference: A dialogue
between the Bhagavad Gita and the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius’,
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 23 (2013), 207-225.
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
64. T. Shufflebotham, ‘El Gran Capitán: An influence on Ignatius and
the Spiritual Exercises?’, The Way 52 (2013), 31-43.
65. M. Sluhovsky, ‘St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises and
their contribution to modern introspective subjectivity’, The
Catholic Historical Review 99 (2013), 649-674.
4. Spirituality
66. D. Moore, ‘An Ignatian perspective on contemporary Jewish
spirituality’, in T.F. Michel (ed.), Friends on the Way. Jesuits
encounter contemporary Judaism, New York, Fordham University
Press, 2007, 57-70.
67. M. Bordt (ed.), Was uns wichtig ist oder warum die Wahrheit zählt:
Gespräche mit Jesuiten über Gerechtigkeit, Verantwortung und
Spiritualität, Pößneck, Zabert Sandmann, 2010, 168 p.
68. J. Martin, The Jesuit guide to (almost) everything. A spirituality for
real life, San Francisco, Harper Collins, 2010, 448 p.
69. P. Goujon, ‘I tratti dell’umanesimo gesuitico’, La Civiltà Cattolica
3909 (2013), 238-249.
70. P. Goujon, ‘Jezuïetenhumanisme vandaag’, Cardoner (2013), 32-44.
71. A. Meira Henriques, ‘A devoção jesuíta a Nossa Senhora de S.
Lucas’, Brotéria 176 (2013), 153-160.
72. N. Litoing, ‘Ignatian discernment and the search for an African
identity: Ministering to a protean African, The Way 52/3 (2013),
73. M. Marandu, Ignatian Discernment: An African perspective,
Nairobi, Paulines Publications Africa, 2013, 104 p.
74. R.A. Maryks, ‘Religious authority and publishing success in the
Early Modern Jesuit penitential book printing’, in P. Bromilow
(ed.), Authority in European Book Culture 1400-1600, Farnham,
Ashgate, 2013, 189-198.
75. J.M. Molina, To overcome oneself: the Jesuit ethic and spirit of global
expansion, 1520-1767, Berkeley, University of California Press,
2013, 292 p.
76. G. Mongini, ‘I gesuiti e i santuari nell’Età Moderna’, in L. M. M.
Olivieri (ed.), Ordini religiosi e santuari in età medievale e moderna,
Bari, Edipuglia, 2013, 223-238.
77. N. Sintobin, Jezuïeten grappen: humor en spiritualiteit, Averbode,
Altiora, 2013, 96 p.
78. R. Zas Friz de Col, ‘Breve introducción a la mística ignaciana del
siglo XVI’, Ignaziana 16 (2013), 201-235.
5. Pastoral activities
79. F. Guardiani, ‘Modernity of the first Jesuits’, in F. Guardiani a.o.
Paul Begheyn SJ
(eds.), Weapons of mass instruction: Secular and religious institutions
teaching the world, New York, Legas, 2008, 75-91.
80. N. Brieskorn, ‘Jesuiten als Hofbeichtväter. Sakramentaler Dienst
und Politikberatung’, in J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Religion
und Rationalität, Freiburg etc., Herder, 2011, 164-183.
81. M. Asche, ‘Kollegien, Kompetenz und Kostenkalkül - jesuitische
Erfolgsrezepte an Universitäten im Konfessionellen Zeitalter’,
Historisches Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft 133 (2013), 57-75.
82. E. Bieger, ‘Das Gebetsapostolat. Eine Initiative im Umbruch’,
Geist und Leben 86 (2013), 95-105.
83. G. Ems, ‘L’ars pronuntiandi dans les collèges jésuites au XVIIe
siècle’, in L. Isebaert & A. Smeesters (eds.), Poésie latine à haute
voix (1500-1700). Études réunies, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 43-75.
84. R. Kuttner, ‘Jesuit values and alternative dispute resolution: Parallels
and challenges to alternative dispute resolution scholarship and
education’, Journal of Religion and Society 13 (2013), 1-18.
85. D. Martín López, ‘“Escaleras hacia el cielo”. La búsqueda de
la virtud en la tratadística moral jesuítica entre los siglos XVI y
XVII’, in E. Serrano Martín (ed.), De la tierra al cielo. Líneas recientes
de investigación en Historia Moderna, Zaragoza, Institución
“Fernando el Católico”, 2013, 101-116.
86. R.A. Maryks, ‘The Jesuit missionary ethos’, Eighteenth-Century
Studies 46 (2013), 431-434.
87. C. Patterson, ‘Jesuit Neo-Scholasticism and Criollo consciousness
in Sor Juana’s El mártir del sacramento, San Hermenegildo’, Hispania
96 (2013), 460-468.
88. G. Soriano Sancha, ‘Pensamiento clásico e intellectualidad
cristiana: Quintilliano y la Compañía de Jesús’, Miscelánea
Comillas 71 (2013), 265-292.
89. H. Sproll, ‘Jesuitenkollegien und Jesuitenpädagogik im 19. und 20.
Jahrhundert’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 82 (2013), 240-265.
90. J. Vergara & A. Costa París, ‘La identidad pedagógica de la
Compañía de Jesús en el siglo XVI’, History of Education &
Children’s Literature 8/2 (2013), 11-31.
6. Cultural activities
91. H. Meyer, ‘David poenitens als Exempelfigur des Jesuitentheaters’,
in N.R. Miedema & R. Suntrup (eds.), Literatur - Geschichte Literaturgeschichte, Beiträge zur mediävistischen Literaturwissenschaft.
Festschrift für Volker Honemann zum 60. Geburtstag, Frankfurt am
Main, Lang, 2003, 841-862.
92. H. Meyer, ‘Zur Präsentation und Deutung von Sinnbildern auf der
Jesuitenbühne’, in C. Meier a.o. (eds.), Das Theater des Mittelalters
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
und der Frühen Neuzeit als Ort und Medium sozialer und symbolischer
Kommunikation, Münster, Rhema, 2004, 391-421.
93. E. García & A.M. Alonso, ‘El conocimiento psicológico de la
Compañía de Jesús y "El examen de ingenios” de Huarte de San
Juan’, Revista de Historia de la Psicologia 26 (2005), 45-53.
94. V. Janning, ‘Figuren und Aktionen der antiken Mythologie auf
der Jesuitenbühne’, in C. Meier a.o. (eds.), Akteure und Aktionen.
Figuren und Handlungstypen im Drama der Frühen Neuzeit,
Münster, Rhema, 2008, 171-228.
95. M. Molina Sánchez, ‘La edición de los textos dramáticos
jesuíticos: peculiaridades y problemas’, Florentia illiberritana:
revista de estudios de antigüedad clásica 19 (2008), 221-240.
96. C. Miranda Urbano, ‘Utopias na literatura neolatina da
Companhia de Jesus’, in M.d.F. Silva (ed.), Utopias e Distopias,
Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2009, 185-194.
97. P.F. Campa, ‘Devotion and onomasiology: The Impressa of the
Society of Jesus’, in P.F. Campa & P.M. Daly (eds.), Emblematic
images & religious texts. Studies in honor of G. Richard Dimler, S.J.,
Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2010, 1-28.
98. L. Grove, ‘Jesuit emblems and Catholic comics’, in P.F. Campa
& P.M. Daly (eds.), Emblematic images & religious texts. Studies
in honor of G. Richard Dimler, S.J., Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s
University Press, 2010, 253-272.
99. F. Mennekes, ‘“Zu dir fliege ich, Manresa”. Über Nachwirkungen
einer Fluxus-Demonstration von Joseph Beuys’, in M. Delgado
& H. Waldenfels (eds.), Evangelium und Kultur : Begegnungen und
Brüche. Festschrift für Michael Sievernich SJ, Fribourg, Academic
Press / Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2010, 587-606.
100. E.D. Blodgett, Les enfants des Jésuites ou le sacrifice des vierges,
Quebec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2013, 257 p.
101. A. Brett, ‘Human freedom and Jesuit moral theology’, in Q.
Skinner & M. van Gelderen (eds.), Freedom and the Construction
of Europe, Vol. 2, Free Persons and Free States, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 2013, 9-26.
102. M.D. García Gómez, ‘‘Cartapacios de verbos’: Los manuscritos
de literatura propia de la Compañía de Jesús’, Hispania Sacra 65
(2013), 161-180.
103. S. Mailloux, ‘Enactment history, Jesuit practices, and rhetorical
hermeneutics’, in M. Ballif (ed.), Theorizing histories of rhetoric,
Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 2013, 25-40.
104. J. Nowaszczuk, Difficillimum poematis genus. Jezuicka teoria
epigramatu, Szczecin, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu
Szczecińskiego, 2013, 574 p.
Paul Begheyn SJ
105. N. Overgaard, ‘Early Modern Catholic defense of Copernicanism:
The Jesuits and the Galileo affair’, Prandium: The Journal of
Historical Studies 2 (2013), 29-36.
7. Polemical writings
See also 360, 373.
106. F. Damour, Le pape noir: genèse d’un mythe, Bruxelles, Lessius,
2013, 144 p.
107. P. Valadier, Rigorisme contre liberté morale. Les provinciales: actualité
d’une polémique antijésuite, Bruxelles, Lessius, 2013, 118 p.
108. C. Weber (ed.), L’ horreur des Jésuites: Denkschriften, Dekrete,
diplomatische Depeschen sowie journalistische Lettres de Rome aus
der Zeit von Clemens XIII., Clemens XIV. und Pius VI. (1767-1780),
Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovač (VDK), 2013, 612 p.
II. Countries
A. Africa
See also 72, 73.
109. A. Nteba, ‘Le jubilé d’or de la province jésuite d’Afrique Centrale (1961-2011). Avec une ferveur et un élan toujours ardents’,
Telema 137 (2011), 22-42.
110. P. Manwelo a.o. (eds.), Un feu qui en allume d’autres. Grandes
conférences jubilaires de la Province d’Afrique Cntrale (ACE) de la
Compagnie de Jésus, Kinshasa, Loyola, 2012, 320 p.
111. F. Mkenda, Mission for Everyone. A Story of the Jesuits in Eastern
Africa (1555-2012), Nairobi, Paulines Publications Africa, 2013,
311 p.
See 484.
112. C. Libois, ‘L’École des Jésuites au Caire dans l’Ancienne
Compagnie’ Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 82 (2013), 355-395.
113. V.M. Fernández a.o., ‘Arqueología de las misiones jesuitas
ibéricas del siglo XVII en la región del lago Tana (Etiopía).
Informe preliminar sobre las excavaciones de 2008 en el
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
yacimiento de Azäzö (Gondar, ...)’, in Informes y Trabajos.
Excavaciones en el exterior 2011, [Spain], Ministerio de Educación,
Cultura y Deporte, 2012, 190-203.
114. W.L. Belcher, ‘Sisters debating the Jesuits: The role of African
women in defeating Portuguese proto-colonialism in
seventeenth-century Abyssinia’, Northeast African Studies 13
(2013), 121-166.
115. L. Cohen, ‘El padre Pedro Páez S.J. frente a la interpretación
biblica etiope. La controversia sobre ‘cóme llenar una brecha
mítica’’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 82 (2013), 397-419.
116. F. Kassa, Buildings archaeology: The Pre-Gondarine monuments in
West Gojjam; Indigenous vs Jesuit architectural influences,
Saarbrücken, LAP (Lambert Academic Publishing), 2013, 116 p.
117. E. Combeau-Mari, ‘L’observatoire d’Ambohidempona à Madagascar (1888-1923): Pouvoir jésuite et science coloniale’,
French Colonial History 12 (2011), 103-121.
B. America
See also 381, 595.
118. S. Anagnostou & F Krafft, ‘Jesuiten in Spanisch-Amerika als
Heilkundige und Pharmazeuten’, Pharmazeutische Zeitung
131/145 (2000), 11-18.
119. B. Illari, ‘Carta de misiones: Sobre la música jesuítico-guaraní
en 1651 y su investigación actual’, Revista del Instituto de
Investigación Musicológica “Carlos Vega” 20 (2006), 97-113.
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D. Europe
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Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
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Lonergan, Bernard (1904-1984)
See also 843.
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739. N. Olkovich, ‘Conceptualism, classicism and Bernard
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740. C. Orji, ‘Pannenberg and Lonergan in dialogue on the theology of the history of revelation’, Pacifica. Australasian Theological
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741. M. Pampaloni, ‘O desejo natural de ver a Deus. Uma questão
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(eds.), Les Musulmans dans l’histoire de l’Europe, t. 1: Une
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746. E. Colombo, ‘A Muslim turned Jesuit: Baldassarre Loyola
Mandes (1631-1667)’, Journal of Early Modern History 17 (2013),
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See also 805.
747. P.M.O. Svriz Wucherer, ‘Un documento inédito del siglo
XVIII. El padre jesuita Pedro Lozano y su primera carta anua,
1720-1730’, Hispania Sacra 65 (2013), 139-159.
Lubac, Henri de (1896-1991)
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the Heart of Twentieth-Century Thomistic Thought, Ave Maria
(FL), Sapientia Press, 2009, 3-20.
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
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751. B. Dumas, Mystique et théologie d’après Henri de Lubac, Paris, Ed.
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757. P. Rožič, ‘Dire quelque chose qui compte: de la méthode
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758. K. Storer, ‘Theological interpretation and the spiritual sense of
Scripture: Henri de Lubac’s retrieval of a christological hermeneutic
of presence’, Journal of Theological Interpretation 7 (2013), 79-96.
Lucas, Jean (1638-1716)
759. T. Denecker, ‘Joannes Lucas SJ, De monumentis publicis Latine
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Lovaniensia. Journal of Neo-Latin Studies 62 (2013), 523-581.
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Lucci, Isidoro (1661-1719)
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Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
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Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
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Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
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in his Waar onze doden zijn. Negenenveertig namen, Utrecht, Ten
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Stephens, Thomas (1549-1619)
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Paul Begheyn SJ
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Macau Ricci Institute, 2013, 241-255.
Suarez, Buenaventura (1679-1750)
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Suárez, Francisco (1548-1617)
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924. O. Bach a.o. (eds.), “Auctoritas omnium legum”: Francisco Suárez`
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e XVII): estudos, catálogo, exposição, Porto, Universidade de
Aveiro, 2013, 285-296.
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
926. S. Penner, ‘The pope and prince of all the metaphysicians’:
Some recent works on Suárez’, British Journal for the History of
Philosophy 21 (2013), 393-403.
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881-1955)
927. M. García Doncel & J.M. Romero (eds.), Actualidad de Teilhard de
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l’universel’, in P. Goujon (ed.), 1840-1960: Guerre et paix. Une
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de Chardin’, in F. Depoortere & J. Haers (eds.), To discern
creation in a scattering world, Leuven, Peeters, 2013, 87-118.
Thjulen, Lorenzo Ignazio (1746-1833)
933. R. Rojas, ‘Viaje de un panfleto. Thjulen y la lengua de la revolución’, Historia Mexicana 62 (2012), 749-793.
Thomas, Antoine (1644-1709)
934. L. Hennequin, ‘Les premières observations astronomiques
occidentales par le père Thomas de la Société de Jésus au Siam
à la fin du XVIIe siècle’, Aséanie 13 (2004), 63-101.
935. N. Golvers, ‘A note on the “machine of Roemer” in late-17th
century China: Antoine Thomas, SJ, and the first contacts of
Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J., with the Jesuits in Paris’, Almagest 4
(2013), 63–73.
Tirnberger, Karel (1731-1780)
936. S. Južnič, ‘Tirnberger, the Jesuit scientist from Ptuj’, Studia
Historica Slovenica 3 (2003), 61-70.
Trigault, Nicolas (1577-1628)
937. N. Golvers, ‘The instrument collection of Prince-bishop Ernest
Paul Begheyn SJ
of Bavaria († 1612), Nicolas Trigault & Johann Terrentius, and
the Chinese destiny of some of its items’, Archives internationales
d’histoire des sciences 62 (2012), 691-701.
Tromp, Sebastian (1889-1975)
938. A. von Teuffenbach, ‘La Curia romana e il Concilio Vaticano II
negli scritti di Sebastian Tromp SJ’, in P. van Geest & R. Regoli
(eds.), Suavis laborum memoria. Chiesa, Papato e Curia Romana tra
storia e teologia / Church, Papacy, Roman Curia between History
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Tucci, Roberto (1921- )
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nei diari inediti del direttore della “Civiltà Cattolica” padre Roberto
Tucci, Milano, Jaca Book, 2012, 173 p.
Vagnone, Alfonso (1568-1640)
940. N. Kuzuya, [Brief commentary on the Christian Doctrine by Fr.
Vagnoni S.J.; text in Japanese], Bulletin Language and Culture 22
(2010), 186-204.
941. T. Meynard, ‘Aristotelian ethics in the land of Confucius: a
study of Vagnone’s western learning on personal cultivation’,
Antiquorum Philosophia 7 (2013), 145-169.
Valdivia, Luis de (1561-1642)
942. G. Payàs a.o., ‘Al filo del malentendido y la incomprensión: El
Padre Luis de Valdivia y la mediación lingüística’, Historia 45
(2012), 69-90.
Valignano, Alessandro (1539-1606)
See also 866.
943. J.B. Hoey, ‘Alessandro Valignano and the restructuring of the
Jesuit mission in Japan, 1579-1582’, Eleutheria 1 (2010), 23-42.
Vass, George (1928-2013)
944. B. Repschinski, ‘In memoriam O. Univ. Prof. P. Dr. George
Vass SJ (1.4.1928 - 28.7.2013)’, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie
135 (2013), 457-458.
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
Verbiest, Ferdinand (1623-1688)
See also 282, 935.
945. N. Golvers, ‘Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J., with the Jesuits in Paris’,
Almagest 4 (2013), 63-73.
Vieira, António (1608-1697)
946. M.F. Cunha, Padre António Vieira, Lisboa, Edições70, 2012, 222 p.
947. K.A. Kottmann, ‘The architecture of verbum: Antônio Vieira’s
livro and Diego de Zúñiga’, Ciudad de Dios. Revista agustiniana
225 (2012), 769-801.
948. P. de Assonção, A trama e o drama. O pensamento económico do
Padre António Vieira, Lisboa, Esfera do Caos, 2013, 368 p.
949. P. Calafate & J.E. Franco, ‘Inéditos de Vieira. A propósito da
publicação em curso da sua Obra Completa’, Brotéria 177
(2013), 219-228.
950. K.A. Kottmann, ‘The architecture of verbum: Antônio Vieira’s
livro and Diego de Zúñiga, concluded. Part II’, La Ciudad de
Dios 226 (2013), 177-202.
951. J.C. Lopes de Miranda, ‘Vieira de vento em popa. Do desaccordo
phonético à harmonia orthográphica que nos resta’, Brotéria
177 (2013), 229-235.
952. J. Madeira & M. Massimi, ‘Excessus de Deus, Verbum e a
sombra. Modos de conhecimento nos sermões de Antônio
Vieira’, Perspectiva Teológica 44 (2013), 87-100.
953. G. Marcocci & J.P. Paiva, ‘Em torno de um proceso emblemático:
António Vieira’, in their História da inquisição portuguesa 15361821, Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros, 2013, 181-209.
954. R. Marques, ‘O P. António Vieira e o mito do Quinto Império.
Revisitação e actualidade’, Brotéria 177 (2013), 257-274.
955. P. Pinto, ‘O oratória “profética” do Padre António Vieira’,
Brotéria 177 (2013), 245-256.
Vives del Solar, Fernando (1871-1935)
956. R. Bruno-Jofré, ‘The Catholic Church in Chile and the social
question in the 1930s: The political pedagogical discourse of
Fernando Vives del Solar, S.J.’, The Catholic Historical Review 99
(2013), 703-726.
Vogels, Isidoor (1860-1929)
957. P. Begheyn, ‘Pater Isidoor Vogels (1860-1929), een veelzijdig
jezuïet uit Beek en Donk’ D’n Tesnuzzik 33/2 (2013), 21-30.
Paul Begheyn SJ
Vries, Jan de (1823-1887)
958. H. Knipschild, ‘De diensten van een jezuïet op Borneo’, in his
De bekering van de wereld. Brieven, verhalen en ervaringen uit de
geschiedenis van de missie, Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2013, 143150.
Walsh, Edmond (1885-1965)
959. M. Patulli Trythall, ‘The little known side of Fr. Edmund Walsh.
His mission to Russia in the service of the Holy See’, Studi
sull’Oriente cristiano 14 (2010), 159-183.
Wijuk-Koialowicz, Albert (1609-1677)
960. M. Bonda, ‘Albert Wijuk-Koialowicz as a Jesuit historian’,
Darbai ir Dienos 49 (2008), 45-68.
Wiltheim, Alexandre (1604-1684)
961. J. Birsens, ‘Les frères Jean-Guillaume (1594-1636) et Alexandre
Wiltheim (1604-1684). Aux sources de l’archéologie
luxembourgeoise’, in E. Haag (ed.), Une réussite originale. Le
Luxembourg au fil des siècles, Luxembourg, Éditions Guy
Binsfeld, 2011, 195-196.
Wu, Li (1632-1718)
962. [Rereading and re-contextualizing Wu Li’s “Songs to the Holy
Mother” from Tianyue Zhengyin Pu], Jidujiao wenhua xuekan 29
(2013), 187-208.
Xavier, Francis (1506-1552)
See also 37, 453.
963. C. Miranda Urbano, ‘S. Francisco Xavier e a poesia hagiográfica
novilatina em Portugal’, Humanitas 58 (2006), 369-390.
964. F. Guillen Preckler, ‘Summa Xaveriana: A commentary to
Letter 90 of Saint Francis Xavier’, Quaderni del Centro Studi
Asiatico 6 (2011), 14-34.
965. I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit
missionary enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San
Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre
culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad
de Navarra, 2012.
966. A. Adde, ‘L’enfance et la conversion de Saint François-Xavier:
un homme ordinaire?’, in A. Adde a.o. (eds.), Mondes parallèles
dans les espaces coloniaux: XVI-XXI siècles - Regards croisés dans le
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
monde indiano-océanique: histoire, patrimoine, fiction, Paris,
Editions L’Harmattan, 2013, 83-93.
967. A. Adde, ‘Le Christ et le crabe: réflexions sur la mythographie
de François Xavier’, in A. Adde a.o. (eds.), Mondes parallèles
dans les espaces coloniaux: XVI-XXI siècles - Regards croisés dans le
monde indiano-océanique: histoire, patrimoine, fiction, Paris,
Editions L’Harmattan, 2013, 307-324.
Xavier, Jerónimo (1549-1617)
968. H. Didier, ‘Islam et christianisme. Éthique et politique. Jérôme
Xavier, conseiller chrétien d’Akbar (1542-1605), roi aussi
machiavélique que musulman?’, Studia Arabica 14 (2010), 103-141.
Zipoli, Domenico (1688-1726)
969. B. Illari, Domenico Zipoli: para una genealogía de la música latinoamericana, Habana, Casa de las Americas, 2011, 610 p.
Paul Begheyn SJ
Complementary list of persons
Aguayo, Miguel (1934- ) 614
Bernhardt, Georg (1595-1660) 672
Delehaye, Hippolyte (1859-1941) 605, 823
Doran, Robert (1939- ) 743
Gerbillon, Jean-François (1654-1707) 597
Gomez, Pedro (1535-1600) 633
Lima, João Baptista (1659-1733) 761
Magalhães, Gabriel de (1610-1677) 282
Maréchal, Joseph (1878-1945) 33
Mariana, Juan de (1536-1624) 774
Mendonça, Francisco de (?-?) 883
Oglio, Paolo Dall’ (1954- ) 333
Pesch, Heinrich (1854-1926) 742
Pozzo, Andrea (1642-1709) 792
Retz, František (1673-1750) 226
Schreck, Johann (1576-1630) 937
Smedt, Charles De (1833-1911) 605
Tamburini, Michelangelo (1648-1730) 227
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
Index of authors
Adde, A.
966, 967
Agostini, A. 22
Akono, F.X. 785
Albuquerque Binet, A.M. de 443
Alice, D. 513
Almeida Azevedo Murakawa, C. de 611, 612
Almeida Martins, R.M. De 135
Alonso Romo, E.J. 438
Alonso, A.M. 93
Amantino, M. 159
Ambrogetti, F. 561, 573, 574
Anagnostou, S. 118, 126, 215
Anderson, E. 167
Andes, S.J.C. 202
Andrada Pacheco, P.R. de 23
Antonucci, D. 275
Aranda Doncel, J. 480
Arellano, I. 176, 965
Arenz, K.H. 132
Arias de Saavedra Alías, I. 481
Arimura, R. 316
Arockiasamy, X.M. 306
Arranz Roa, I. 482
Arroba Conde, M.J. 794
Artigalas, F. 168
Asche, M. 81
Assonção, P. de 948
Astorgano Abajo, A. 204,
681, 846
Aubin, F. 854
Ayán, J.J. 827
Azambuja Ribeiro, M. de 450
Baatz, U. 656
Bach, O. 924
Baichun, Z. 257
Bailey, G.A. 128, 179
Balázs, M. 454
Baldini, U. 409, 855
Barbafieri, C. 692
Barbiche, B. 587, 588
Bartnicka, K. 47
Bartolomé Martínez, B. 466
Bashir, H. 276, 309
Batlogg, A.R.
385, 562, 639,
831, 837
Bauer, B. 677
Begheyn, P.
1, 421, 642,
670, 957
Belcher, W.L. 114
Benassy-Berling, M.C. 765
Benite, Z.B. 856
Benito Moya, S.G.A. 142, 229
Berchmans, R. 729
Bergerfurth, Y. 387
Bernabéu Albert, S. 196
Bernad, M.A. 637
Bernhard, P. 784
Béroujon, A. 771
Bertrand, D. 60
Betlej, A. 433
Betrán, J.L. 483
Biallowans, S. 563
Bieger, E. 82
Bien, R. 632
Bieńkowski, T. 47
Bieś, A.P. 380, 417,
431, 457
Binder, H. 653
Birsens, J. 961
Bitskey, I. 807
Blanco Fernández, C. 483
Blattmann, E. 828
Blickman, M. 21
Blodgett, E.D. 100
Boberski, W. 341
Bocken, I. 620
Boersma, H. 368
Böhler, D. 61
Bonda, M. 960
Bonroy, F. 559
Bordt, M. 67
Brandariz Caamaño, F. 463
Brañes, M.J. 678
Paul Begheyn SJ
Bratičević, I. 711
Brett, A. 101
Brieskorn, N. 80
Brockey, L. 268
Brodkorb, C. 914
Brotherton, J.R. 544
Bruno-Jofré, R. 956
Brüntrup, G. 4
Bruschi, M. 640
Brusse, M.J. 422
Bsteh, P. 781
Buckley, C.M. 717
Burckhalter, D.L. 205
Burns, D.J. 244
Burrows, W.R. 645
Burson, J.D. 277
Byrne Curtis, E. 915
Cáceres, A.M. 564
Caffiero, M. 459
Caglioni, G. 699
Calafate, P. 949
Campa, P.F. 97
Campbell, M.B. 166
Campbell-Johnston, M. 534
Campeau, L. 169
Cams, M. 278
Cao, T. 616
Cargnel, J. 805
Carls, R. 24
Cartier, M. 857
Carvalho, M.S. de 444
Casalini, C. 410
Castillo Ramírez, E. 405
Castro Fones, P. 174
Catalano, A. 358
Cattaneo, E. 25
Cavieres, E. 180
Cawley, K.N. 858
Cconocc Flores, D.L. 235
Ceballos Rodríguez, A.G. De 595
Ceccherelli, A. 900
Celestino de Almeida, M.R. 151
Celli, M.E. 895
Certeau, M. de 523
Cervera, J.A. 848
Chakravarti, A. 160
Chalupecký, I. 462
Chantraine, G. 748
Chen, F. 872
Chevalier, J.F. 375, 617
Chilton Thompson, A.L. 902
Chinnici, I. 892
Cholvy, B. 750
Chu, P. 279
Cieslak, S. 434, 719
Clair, M. 602
Clameyn, M.L. 624
Clark, A.E. 693
Clark, J. 529
Classen, A. 245
Coelho, I. 901
Coello de Rosas, A. 330-332
Cohen, L. 115, 801
Coll, M. 411
Collani, C. von 263, 269,
859, 886
Collinson, P. 514
Colombo, E. 623, 745, 746
Combeau-Mari, E. 117
Combs, M.B. 246
Comerford, K.M. 400
Comte, A. 625
Conill-Sancho, J. 919
Consolmagno, G. 635
Contreras, S. 920
Cordes, P.J. 565
Córdoba Salmerón, M. 500
Correa Muñoz, F. 185
Correa, F. 913
Costa París, A. 90
Costa Toipa, H. 815-817
Costa, C.J. 155
Cowburn, J. 929
Coxito, A. 440
Craigo-Snell, S. 832
Crestani, S. 26
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
Criado Mainar, J. 488
Criveller, G. 852
Croos, D. 566
Crosignani, G. 512
Crowe, N. 643
Cruz, A. 874
Cubitt, G. 376
Cunha, M.F. 946
Dadosky, J.D. 731
Dagher, C. 710
Daly, R.J. 557
Damour, F. 106
Dan’ko, L.F. 342
Daneri, J.J. 712, 713
Danieluk, R. 661, 662
Dau, D. 686
Daxecker, F. 700, 888
Deckmann Fleck, E.C. 216, 221,
501, 775
Decock, W. 723, 724
Dekoninck, R. 890
Delesalle, S. 630
Delfosse, A. 343
Denecker, T. 759, 760
Descalzo Yuste, E. 780
Deshen, R.S. 687
DeSilva, C.W. 770
Dhombres, J. 860
Dhruv, R. 310
Dias de Oliveira, L. 224
Didier, H. 968
Dijk, M. van 796
Ditchfield, S. 520
Do, Q.C. 335
Domínguez, L. 826
Dudink, A. 264
Duggan, A.E. 663
Dumas, B. 751
Dumons, B. 369
Dumortier, F.X. 627
Dunn, M.W.I. 646
Dupré, S. 525
Eder, J.F. 651
Egan, H.D. 838
Egan, L. 631
El Alaoui, Y. 191
Elazar, M. 657, 658
Elmgren, A. 360
Elorriaga, F. 27
Elvin, M. 258
Émonet, P. 28
Ems, G. 83, 350
Eppe, P. 830
Ewals, L. 423
Fabre, P.A. 377, 715
Fabri, R. 345
Fechner, F. 214, 216
Feenstra, R. 48
Fennell, F. 688
Ferlan, C. 698
Fernández Arillaga, I. 502, 613,
Fernández Cortizo, C. 472
Fernández, V.M. 113
Fernando, L. 790
Ferrer Benimeli, J.A. 441, 484
Fiala, J. 359
Fielitz, S. 800
Finnegan, D. 398
Fiori, A. 217
Flicky, T. 270
Focant, C. 644
Foitzik, A. 695
Fordoński, K. 885
Foresta, P. 636
Forlivesi, M. 918
Fouilloux, E. 749
Frainais-Maitre, M.J. 280
Franco, J.E. 949
Frazão Correia, J. 641
Freitas de Oliveira, W. 152
Friday, J.R. 732, 733
Frie, B. 680
Fritz, P.J. 833, 835
Fuentes Lázaro, S. 477
Füg, U. 671
Paul Begheyn SJ
Führer, H. 538
Gabaix-Hialé, E. 333
Gadelha, R.M.A.F. 161, 211
Gady, A. 371
Galadza, D. 819
Galeffi, F.G. 810, 811
Galindo, S. 675, 916
Gallucci, J. 127
Garay Vera, C. 793
García, E. 93
Garcia Alsue, J. 664
García Arenas, M. 451, 485
Garcia de Castro Valdés, J. 822
García Doncel, M. 927
García Garrido, M.A. 503
García Gómez, M.D. 102, 504
García Hernán, E. 29
García Mateo, R. 659
García Redondo, J.M. 196
Garofalo, E. 406
Garrido Domené, F. 204
Gärtner, T. 604
Garzonio, M. 767
Gaune, R. 181
Geldhof, J. 752
Gembero-Ustárroz, M. 148
Gennip, J.W.J. van 424, 560
Gijsbers, P.M. 792
Gilbert, M. 766
Gimenez Lopez, E. 370, 401
Giordano, S. 588
Girard, P. 412, 470
Glüsenkamp, U. 236
Gmainer-Pranzl, F. 820
Godet, A. 839
Goehring, E. 338
Golvers, N. 261, 281, 282, 861
935, 937, 945
Gómez-Ferrer, M. 486
Gomez-Géraud, M.C. 317
Gonçalves, M.F. 611, 612
Gonggong, A. 905
Gonzalez Fasani, A.M. 230
González Mora, F. 149
Goujon, P. 69, 70
Grabill, S.J. 774
Gramatowski, W. 892
Green, R.L. 232
Grendler, P.F. 372
Grove, L. 98
Gu, W.M. 303
Guardiani, F. 79
Guarné, B. 321
Guerrero Cano, M.M. 190
Guibert, J.M. 487
Guibovich, P.M. 228
Guiderdoni-Bruslé, A. 346
Guignet, P. 344
Guillén Nuñez, C. 260
Guillen Preckler, F. 964
Guimarães Pinto, A. 883
Guoping, J. 777
Gutiérrez Arriola, C. 198
Guzmán, F. 179
Hal, T. Van 676
Han, Q. 283, 887
Hanhausen Cole, M.R. 614
Haskell, Y. 586
Hausberger, B. 197
Hausman, N. 626
Havard, G. 363
Havlík, J.M. 357
Haydon, C. 373
Heijden, C. van der 567
Heinz, A. 897
Heister, H.W. 222
Hennequin, L. 934
Henriques, A.M. 445
Hermann De Franceschi, S. 524
Hermans, J. 813
Hernán Perrone, N. 682
Herzstein, R. 329
Heyberger, B. 254
Heynickx, R. 847
Hiraoka, R. 315, 322, 633
Hoey, J.B. 943
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
Hofmann, P. 599
Hogenmüller, B. 5, 505
Holguín Salas, R.A. 199
Holler, M. 153
Hong, K.C. 255, 284
Hong, L. 532
Hong, S. 889
Hortal Muñoz, J.E. 348
Hosne, A.C. 233
Hsia, R.P. 271, 853
Hui, Z. 256
Iaci Melo, I. 162
Iannaccone, I. 862
Ibáñez Fernández, J. 488
Ide, P. 541, 542, 545
Iglesias, I. 30
Illari, B. 119, 212, 969
Imbornone, J.S. 603
Impalà, E. 768
Induráin, C. 965
Inglot, M. 458, 460, 461, 674
Innocentini Hayashi, M.C.P. 150
Iommi Amunátegui, G. 634
Iommi Echeverría, V. 634
Isgro, G. 365
Ivancich Dunin, E. 552
Jablonski, T.J. 238
Jacobs, A. 721
Jaklin, V. 354
Janning, V. 94
Janssens, J. 772
Jiménez Pablo, E. 6
Joassart, B. 347, 351, 352,
605, 812, 823
Joblin, J. 589
Johnson, J. 546
Jones, C.B. 218
Jonge, K. de 349
Julien, P. 371
Justo, M.d.l.S. 219
Južnič, S. 936
Kádár, Z. 396
Kalapure, J. 311
Karabová, K. 537
Kassa, F. 116
Kawas, F. 195
Kelly, D. 928
Kelly, J.E. 515
Kelly, T. 669
Kemmler, R. 530
Kempis, S. von 568
Kennedy, T.F. 120
Kiechle, S. 7
Kilby, K. 543
King, U. 930
Kirk, A.N. 31
Klaiber, J. 234
Klein, A. 709
Klein, N. 837, 906
Kleuthgen, K. 615
Knebel, S.K. 666
Knipschild, H. 958
Knorn, B. 787
Kochanowicz, J. 430
Koller, A. 590
Koning, E. 722
Koning, R. 735
Konior, J. 265, 432, 879
Körner, F. 32
Koss, N. 285
Koss, N. 896
Kottmann, K.A. 947, 950
Kowalczyk, D. 33
Kozak, D.L. 206
Krafft, F. 118
Krokus, R. 736
Kuchan, A.M. 52
Kurris, F. 425, 535, 789
Kuster, N. 562
Kuttner, R. 84
Kuzuya, N. 940
Labrador Harráiz, M.d.C. 53
Lacouture, J. 364
Laker, J.A. 239
Lalaut, C. 621, 622
Lamet, P.M. 728
Paul Begheyn SJ
Lampe, A.C. 247
Landry-Deron, I. 597, 863
Lăpădatu, L. 456
Lapomarda, V.A. 379
Larcher, M. 156
Larsen, S. 753
Lasa, L.I. De 129
Lassalle-Klein, R. 655
Laven, M. 286
Lawler, J.G. 684
Lázaro Pulido, M. 921
Leal de Faria, A. 8
Lécrivain, P. 259
Leibold, G. 871
Leinsle, U.G. 825
Lelong, J. 362
Lenik, S. 193
Lennan, R. 840
Levillain, P. 591
Li, S. 821, 864
Libois, C. 112
Lim, J. 328
Lin, R. 266
Linhares, J. 841
Lisiak, B. 429
Litoing, N. 72
Liu, Y. 880
Lo, K. 532
Loach, J. 870
Lobo, R. 448
Lobunda, G. 776
Lombaerde, P. 345, 527
Lopes Cardoso, A.P. 536
Lopes de Miranda, J.C. 951
López Castillo, G. 207, 413
López Poza, S. 668
Lopez, J.D. 569
López-Guadalupe Muñoz, M.L.489
Lorenzo Jorquera, J. 490
Lovay, S.M. 146, 182
Lozano Navarro, J.J. 446
Lubac, H. de 754
Lucas, J.K. 9
Luisier, P. 720
Luiz, M.T. 129
Lütz, M. 565
MacDougall, S. 240
Machielsen, J. 353, 875
Madeira, J. 952
Madruga Monteiro, L. 154
Maffeo, S. 414
Magone, R. 452
Mahieu, W. de 34
Maia Cardoso, V. 159
Maier, H. 782
Mailloux, S. 103
Majorana, B. 716, 894
Maldavsky, A. 231
Malek, R. 865
Malta Romeiras, F. 533
Mancilla Mantilla, R.H. 235
Manning, P.W. 667
Manwelo, P. 110
Marandu, M. 73
Marchand, P. 366
Marcocci, G. 953
Marcos de Dios, A. 438
Mariani, A. 418, 435
Marín Barriguete, F. 467
Markéta, K. 248
Marques, R. 954
Martín López, D. 85, 491
Martin, J. 68, 170
Martínez Dominguez, L.M. 492
Martínez Millán, J. 3
Martinović, I. 596
Maryks, R.A. 74, 86
Masashi, M. 323
Masse, V. 200
Massimi, M. 163, 952
Matienzo Castillo, W.J. 136
Maurice, E. 931
Mauro, I. 594
Mazzotti, M. 893
McCann, P. 842
McCoog, T.M. 516
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
McDermott, R. 755
McManamon, J.M. 35
McShea, C. 137, 249
Medina Rojas, F. de 447
Mei, Q. 287
Meier, J. 121. 236
Meinheit, H.E. 849
Meira Henriques, A. 71
Melion, W.M. 36
Mello, B. de 770
Menéndez Peláez, J. 469
Menezes, S.L. 155
Menichetti, M. 773
Mennekes, F. 99
Merekina, O. 288
Mesquida, P. 164
Meulenberg, L. 570
Meyer, A. 511
Meyer, H. 91, 92, 382
Meyer, K. 687
Meyer, V. 778
Meynard, T. 287, 866, 867,
Mezzadri, L. 809
Miazek, M. 598
Miguel Alonso, A. 468
Miguez Santa Cruz, A. 324
Miklovič, P. 652
Miola, R.S. 909
Miranda Urbano, C. 96, 963
Miranda, M. 49, 50
Miyanga, T. 289
Mkenda, F. 111
Molina Sánchez, M. 95, 873
Molina, J.M. 75
Molnár, A. 54
Moloney, R. 737
Monari, G. 223
Mongini, G. 76
Moore, D. 66
Morales, A.J. 493
Morales, M. 220
Moraru, A. 420
Moreno Martínez, D. 55, 506
Mostaccio, S. 618
Mucci, G. 571
Muller, H.J. 237
Müller, M. 381
Münch, B.U. 786
Murray, J.R. 783
Murry, G. 521
Murta Pina, I. 267
Nanni, S. 809
Napolitano, M.L. 592
Navarro Catalán, D.M. 507
Nawrot, P. 138
Neagu, R.M. 455
Nelis, J. 403
Neufeld, K.H. 10, 337,
383, 756
Ngaiza, R. 776
Niederbacher, B. 62
Nienow Stein, T. 221
Nieva Ocampo, G. 143
Nomberto Bazán, V. 802
Novotný, V. 547
Nowaszczuk, 104
Nteba, A. 109
Ó Hannracháin, T. 806
O’Collins, G. 647
O’Donovan, L.J. 836
O’Hanlon, G.F. 548, 572
O’Kelly, G. 339
O’Leary, B. 13, 378
O’Malley, J.W. 14
Oakes, C. 517
Oberholzer, P. 11
Obermeier, F. 144
Oftestad, B.T. 428
Ogbonnaya, J. 738
Ogliaro, M. 878
Oglio, P. Dall’ 333
Oliveira e Silva, P. 925
Olivero Guidobono, S. 145
Olkovich, N. 739
Ollé, M. 707
Paul Begheyn SJ
Olmi, A. 851
Olszowski, L. 899
Oosterhuis, H. 696, 726, 912
Orii, Y. 318
Orji, C. 740, 843
Ormezzano, G.R. 147, 165, 225
Osswald, [M.] C. 37, 157,
312, 453
Overgaard, N. 105, 415
Pabel, H. 608
Pace, P. 22
Pacheco, M. 478
Pagano, S. 593, 628
Page, C.A. 226, 227
Pagnini, M.C. 22
Paiva, J.P. 953
Palmisano, J.R. 876
Pampaloni, M. 741
Pan, F.C. 290
Pan, W. 868
Panadan, J. 304
Pandžić, Z. 694
Pang, N. 850
Papavero, N. 649
Pappová, Z. 531
Parcell, W.C. 703
Pärr, N. 679
Parra Carrasco, F. 714
Pascual Barea, J. 600
Paternicò, L.M. 769
Patterson, C. 87, 208
Patulli Trythall, M. 959
Pauley, A. 734
Paulo Cabral, J. 442
Pavez Ojeda, J. 803
Pavulraj, M. 63
Payàs, G. 942
Pelleprat, P. 124
Pelletier, D. 619
Peñafiel Ramón, A. 606
Penaskovic, R. 834
Penner, S. 926
Pérez González, C. 471
Perez Riveras, J. 474
Pfau, T. 685
Pfeifer, F. 388
Philips, C. 690
Pica Ciamarra, L. 691
Pinedo Iparraguirre, I. 473, 762
Pinna, D. 629
Pino Díaz, F. del 123
Pinto, P. 955
Pioffet, M.C. 130
Planet, H. 910
Platania, G. 436
Poletto, R. 501, 775
Pollak, O.B. 241
Pollard Brown, N. 908
Ponce de León Romeo, R. 439
Poncela González, A. 923
Ponzone, A. 798, 799
Pop, I.A. 456
Poppe, N. 526
Porres Marijuán, R. 494
Porro, A. 650
Pozo Martínez, I. 508
Prades, J. 540
Prawita Arissuta, D. 727
Puente-Ballesteros, B. 291, 761
Qi, H. 272
Qianjin, W. 881
Quattrone, P. 56
Quellet, R. 124
Rädle, F. 389
Rahner, K. 38
Rakoczy, S. 932
Rakutz, N. 139
Rambla, J.M. 607
Ramírez Aguilar, J. 802
Ramirez, J. 209
Ramis-Barceló, R. 509
Ramos Riera, I. 787
Rasquinha, D. 307
Raymaker, J. 741
Redden. A. 140
Remmert, V.R. 882
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
Renn, J. 257
Repschinski, B. 39, 944
Revuelta González, M. 213,
495, 528
Rey Fajardo, J. del 122, 141,
Rico Callado, J.A. 496
Roberts, G. 518, 689
Rocher, P. 171
Rodrigues, V.L.G. 673
Rodríguez-Meza, M.A. 916
Rojas, R. 933
Roling, B. 672
Romero, J.M. 927
Rosales-Acosta, D. 40
Rosario Nobile, M. 407
Rosso, C. 805
Rotsaert, M. 15, 41-43
Roumegoux, Y. 361
Rousse-Lacordaire, J. 818
Rowland, I.D. 701, 702,
704, 706
Rožič, P. 757
Rubiés, J.P. 292
Rubin, S. 561, 573, 574
Rueda Enciso, J.E. 189
Ruggiano Schmidt, P. 246
Rule, P. 293
Runggaldier, E. 340
Russell, C. 294
Russo, M.G. 416
Rutishauser, C.M. 59
Rygl, J. 356
Sacré, D. 665, 760
Sagemüller, E. 683
Sale, G. 939
Salin, D. 44
Salvarani, L. 250, 410
Samper Cortés, A. 2
San Juan, R.M. 399
Sánchez, G. 319
Sánchez Andaur, R. 175, 183
Sánchez González, R. 498
Sanz de Diego, R.M. 499
Sariego, J.M.
Sayer, J. 575
Scavo, N. 576
Schaller, A. 638
Schatz, K. 319a, 390
Schelkens, K. 553
Schlesinger, E.R. 844
Schlögl, R. 6
Schmalor, H.J. 877
Schmid Heer, E. 898
Schmid, J. 251
Schmutz, J. 464
Schneider, M.R. 192
Schnoor, A. 184
Schnyder, C. 295
Schrader, S. 296
Schubert, M. 386
Schütte, H. 763
Scully, R.E. 17
Sebastiá Sáez, M. 718
Seibel, V. 57
Shea, F.X. 242
Shelford, A.G. 194
Shufflebotham, T. 64
Shute, M. 730
Sievernich, M. 45, 58
Silva Machado, R. da 845
Silva Santa Cruz, M.J. 177
Simon, W. 51
Singer, D. 222
Sinha, R.P. 308
Sintobin, N. 77
Sluhovsky, M. 65
Smith, J.C. 391
Snaet, J. 349
Sobrino, J. 654
Solana Pujalte, J. 133
Soriano Sancha, G. 88
Soto Artuñedo, W. 465
Soukup, P.A. 795
Šourek, D. 355
Sousa, L. de 297
Paul Begheyn SJ
Souza Couto, E. 152
Spadaro, A. 577-583
Spica, A.E. 779, 884
Spiegelhalter, E.M. 549
Spinosa, G. 374
Spohr, I. 158
Spreng, E.M. 384
Sproll, H. 89
Stagaman, D. 660
Stanciu, D. 725
Standaert, N. 298, 299
Steckley, J. 601
Stegner, P.D. 907
Stock, K. 554
Stolzenberg, D. 708
Storer, K. 758
Stössl, H. 437
Sturmel, P. 367
Suárez Castiñeira, M.L. 20
Subanar, G.B. 314, 727, 904
Sudnik, A.I. 342
Suenens, K. 18
Svriz Wucherer, P.M.O. 747
Swahney, M. 313
Szabó, F. 808
Szuly, R. 397
T’Kint, N. 361
Tackney, C. 742
Targa, S. 325
Tarsetti, G. 810, 811
Tavares Mourão, I.A. 336
Teuffenbach, A. von 938
Thiel, A. van 555
Thornton, R.K.R. 690
Tilg, S. 824
Torales Pacheco, M.C. 203
Tornielli, A. 584
Torres Garibay, L.A. 199
Trigueiros, A.J.L. 416
Trollinger, W.V. 252
Tronu Montané, C. 320
Truchet, B. 300
Truskauskaite, V. 419
Tünnermann, C. 210
Tuttle, L. 172
Valadier, P. 107
Valdez Aguilar, R. 125
Valenzuela Márquez, J. 178
Valero, U. 46
Valle, I. del 522
Vanwelden, S. 891
Varela Gomes, P. 448
Vera Vallejo, I. 479
Verburg, A. 697
Verdeil, C. 334
Verdoy, A. 764
Vergara, J. 90
Vet, J. de 426
Vetö, E. 550
Viana, A. De 610
Vielle, C. 676
Vijgen, J. 814
Vila Despujol, I. 449, 475, 510
Vivas Moreno, A. 476
Volder, J. de 585
Waddell, M.A. 705
Waisman, L.J. 131
Walatka, T. 903
Waldenfels, H. 648, 788
Wang, F. 869
Wang, Y. 301, 804
Washburn, C.D. 558
Weber, C. 108
Wels, H. 539
Welton, M.R. 173
Wendt, H. 19, 134
Werff, E. van der 427
Westerman, P.C. 917
Weston, V.L. 326
Whelan, G. 743
Whitehead, M. 519
Wiedmeyer, H. 392, 393
Wilkins, J.D. 744
Will, P.E. 262
Williamson, B. 253
Witwer, A. 404
Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits
Wong Ching Him, F. 791
Wu, H. 302
Yenson, M.L. 551
Yunli, S. 274
Zafra, R. 609
Zardin, D. 408
Zas Friz de Col, R. 78
Zermeño, G. 201, 402
Zhang, L. 327
Zhao, D. 282
Ziajka, A. 243
Ziller Camenietzki, C. 911
Županov, I.G. 305