Messiah Messenger - Messiah Lutheran Church, Auburn


Messiah Messenger - Messiah Lutheran Church, Auburn
Messiah Messenger
“For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
During the month of December, Messiah Lutheran Church will resound with the music of Christmas. You will have
many opportunities to sing familiar carols, to listen to glorious music from the various music groups, and to hear the
wondrous story of Christ’s birth. Come join us!
December 2, 9, & 16: Advent Soup Suppers and Holden Evening Prayer
We will gather these three Wednesdays at 6:00 pm for soup in the Gathering Space, and then join together in
worship at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
December 5: Christmas Concert/Hanging of the Greens
Messiah musicians will offer their annual Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 5 at 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
Included will be the Messiah Chorale, Messiah Ringers, Alleluia Express children’s choir, and the Praise Teams,
who will join together for a “Hanging of the Greens” concert. During the concert, they will be decorating the sanctuary in preparation for Christmas. The concert will be followed by cookies and cocoa served in the Gathering Space.
December 13: Children’s Christmas Program
The annual Children’s Christmas Program will be on Sunday, December 13, at the 10:45 am Worship Service in
Galli Hall. This year they are presenting “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. More information is available on the Youth
page of this newsletter.
December 20: Longest Night Worship Service (or “Blue Christmas” Service)
This service will be at 7:00 pm, in the Sanctuary. This pre-Christmas prayer service is for those whose Christmas
season is a little less than “merry”, with appropriate scripture, message, music, and prayers. There will also be an
opportunity to pray privately or with the pastor.
December 24: Christmas Eve Worship
All are Candlelight Services with Communion and are in the Sanctuary;
5:00 pm: Family Service with Praise Band; 7:00 pm: Lessons and Carols with piano; 10:30
pm: Christmas Eve Organ Concert; 11:00 pm: Lessons and Carols with organ
December 25: Christmas Day Worship
Worship will be at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary. Come and sing carols and celebrate Holy
Communion as we welcome the Christ child!
Celebrate the Season with Joy! O Come, let us adore Him!
Messiah Lutheran Church—December 2015
From Pastor Chuck
Picture a family gathering for the holidays and everyone sharing together what they did over the past year.
Picture a family newsletter sent to neighbors close by and friends far away, detailing some of the adventures
experienced during summer vacations or school trips or church youth events. Picture sitting down with a dear
friend, over coffee, and sharing a significant life event, like a cancer diagnosis, and how God was present in
the midst of it. Each of these life experiences are filled with stories told, memories shared, and hopes and
dreams dared.
I always get excited when a congregation tells its mission story. Like stories told around a table, or in
newsletters, or between dear friends, the mission story of a faith community creates a powerful connection
between members of the community and its friends and neighbors. Sharing stories about our life together,
our adventures together, our God-moments together builds a bridge between those already on a faith journey
together and those who might like to start walking along. Our mission story is our most effective tool for
connecting ourselves, our friends, and our neighbors to the adventure of walking into God’s future for Messiah
Lutheran Church.
The bridge building and adventure inviting work, done through the telling of an exciting and compelling
mission story, is one of my primary goals for Messiah in the coming year. I believe we have an amazing
opportunity to tell the story of where God desires us to go (vision) and how God desires us to get there
(mission). I believe we are on the cusp of defining for ourselves what our true DNA as a congregation really is
and discovering who the neighbors we are to greet with faith active in love really are.
This is an exciting time for both discovery and action. As a congregation, Messiah already engages in
fantastic ministry and mission. We experience together amazing worship, do incredible faith formation for all
ages, and engage our neighbors with the love of God through the sharing of our time and talents and
treasures. There is, though, a fundamental question which remains to be answered: Are we ready to learn
together, and share with others, our powerful and compelling story as a community of faith?
I think we are, and I think the leadership of Messiah is. I also think each of us, as either a member or friend of
Messiah, is aching to gather around a table and weave the story together, publish it near and far, and sit with
our dearest friends and share it over coffee. I believe we know what we have to do and in this coming year
God is giving us the time to do it.
Thank you for calling me into this work with you. It will be all of our work, in our common life together, and it
will be blessed by God, to display the wonders of God, to all our friends and neighbors near and far.
-Pastor Chuck
Messiah Lutheran Church—December 2015
Faith Formation at Messiah
Messiah Children’s
Christmas Program
“A Charlie Brown
Presented and performed by
all of our Sunday School
Sunday, Dec. 13th
10:45 AM in Galli Hall.
Ed Johnson will be leading a study of Micah
during the beginning of Advent, Dec. 6th
and 13th. The class will primarily focus on
Micah 5:1-5 and the text pointing to the
coming of Christ. Come join this text study
and discussion as we prepare our hearts and
minds for the birth of our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ. Meet in classroom E at 9:30am.
We would appreciate donations of plates of cookies
to serve following the program.
Messiah’s Church Library News…
Preparing for Christmas - Sunday School
teachers! Looking for resources? We have
a set of Christmas - An American Annual of
Christmas Literature and Art, an Ideals-like,
oversized “magazine” from Augsburg
Publishing House. These books contain a
rich and varied selection of beautiful
seasonal artwork, articles, stories, poems,
and Christmas carols (with music). As part
of our Reference collection, these books are
available for use in the building and are
currently on display adjacent to the New
Additions section. The Annuals are dated
from 1936 to 1982.
New children’s books and Bibles - As a
thank-you from the publisher, Messiah
received a free copy of each book, Bible and
DVD offered in the recent pre-order sale.
They are on display in the Young People’s
section (Upper Gathering Space) and in the
cubby-hole area (Lower Gathering Space).
The Faith Formation Team thanks the Library
Team for assisting with the sale.
December 20th
5:00-7:15 PM
Family Potluck—all ages
followed by Christmas
games, crafts & a Christmas
movie. Please bring
something to share for the potluck and
come join in on the fun!
Please note: There will
be no Sunday School
classes on Dec. 20th or
Classes for all ages, 3-99, will resume on
January 3rd, 9:30 AM
Messiah Lutheran Church—December 2015
What’s Happening at Messiah ?
Worshiped at Other Churches…
Ed & Marien Johnson, Zion Lutheran Church,
Rapid City SC
Dale Schossow & Connie Stone, St. Peter
Lutheran Parish, Leonard ND
Senior Actioneers Event for December
All ages are invited to the
December event of the Actioneers.
So bring a friend and come for good
food and great entertainment!
Date :
Tuesday, December 8th
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Event: Our annual Christmas potluck lunch with
entertainment by Auburn High School’s Show Choir &
If you are able, please bring: If your last name
begins with A-L, please bring a salad or dessert; M-Z
please bring a hot dish.
ALTAR FLOWERS for 2016...
If you would like to donate flowers for the sanctuary
altar, please sign your name on the chart that will
soon be posted on the wall outside the sanctuary
doors. If you prefer the Galli Hall altar for contemporary services, call the office (253-833-5280) to make
arrangements. Would you like to give glory to God,
celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or honor the
memory of a loved one? Sign up on a chart and prior
to your date you will receive a form in the mail to indicate how you want your flowers designated in the worship bulletin. Cost for each vase is $20. You are welcome to take your flowers home following the service.
Each of the following 3rd grade students received a
Bible on Bible Sunday, Nov. 15th: Jolene Henson,
Chloe Hollenbeck, Eric Lunde, Liam Power, Emily
Mullin and Ryan Monsen. The Bibles were gifts of our
MLCW women.
Messiah Lutheran Church—December 2015
Address Changes...
Eric & Kathy Lauer, 2930 Viewpoint Pl., Camano
Island WA 98282
Sandi Wollum, 3828 N. 9th St., Tacoma 98406;
Thank you notes…
Many thanks for the cards, telephone calls, and
visits we received and special thanks to Pastor Eric
and Pastor Jim for their visits during Ed’s illness.
Also thank you to the kitchen crew for the
wonderful reception following Ed’s memorial
-Blanche Swalling & family
Members of Charlie’s Angels give thanks to all
who donated warm items of clothing that was
handed out at the Community Meal on November
22nd, helping many people stay warmer. Cold
weather items are always welcome this time of the
year. -Karla McCall & friends
A big THANK YOU to all who donated items for
the White Elephant Sale at the Bazaar. The
amount raised of $330 has been given toward the
cost of purchasing food for the Christmas Hampers
Holiday Bazaar
Lutheran World Relief Shipment
We shipped 86 quilts, 503 school kits, 27 personal
care kits, 6 fabric kits, 17 baby care kits, and 19#
of soap. That’s a total of 2,003 pounds of
materials sent to the LWR warehouse. A big
THANK YOU to Don and Judy Jensen for help
making the delivery into Seattle.
Thank you to all who donated school supplies,
sewed backpacks and brought in other kit items.
Now we need your help with shipping costs.
Make your checks to Messiah Lutheran with “LWR
quilt and kit shipping on the memo line.” Since
this is a donation, the amount will be included in
your giving statement from the church.
Even though we are finished with what will be sent
this year, there are kits available to assemble to
get ready for the next shipping date in May.
Drawstring back pack and quilt top kits are
available to take home and sew in your free time.
Up coming Event dates
December 5th - Advent Brunch, 11:00 -1:00
PM. We encourage you to bring your favorite
salad to share — rolls and dessert will be
provided. Tickets are still available at $10 each
or $70 for a table of 8. Proceeds will benefit Vine
Maple Place that offers transitional housing for
mothers and children.
13-15, 2016, Southw est W ashington
Synod Women’s Spring Retreat.
Watch for
registration forms and more information. Great
Christmas gift!!!!
April 2016,
M essiah Spring Luncheon
watch for more details
June 23-25, 2016, R egion One w om en ’s event,
Lynnwood, WA
Mark your calendar for these events!
Messiah Lutheran Church—December 2015
Our annual Bazaar was held on Saturday,
November 14th and was well attended
even with the wind and rain. Thank you
for supporting the many crafters and the
groups inside Messiah. Youth helped bring
in many boxes of supplies for the crafters
and helped clean up afterward. They also
manned the food service with the help of
many devoted volunteers and parents.
The MLCW bake table made $700, Quilters
cleared $400, Coffee Project made $300.
White Elephant made $330 to go toward
food for the Christmas Hampers. With a
few more receipts still to be turned in, the
Youth Café probably cleared $1,000 to go
toward scholarships for camps. All profits
go to benevolent projects of the individual
Note: We thank Jan Nelson for once again
coordinating the event — a very difficult
and time consuming job.
Women of the ELCA Mission Statement
Fair Trade Coffee
Coffee, chocolate, tea and other Fair Trade
items will be available most Sundays
between services up to Christmas. OR
pick up an order form in the office or
narthex entrance, fill it out, and turn it in
to the office. Your order will be filled
Help is needed to continue project. If
you are interested in supporting this
important mission, please contact Jan
Nelson at [email protected]
2015 Messiah Lutheran Church Christmas Hampers
The annual Christmas Hamper Program is upon us and the ornamental Christmas tree is up in the
Gathering Space! Messiah Lutheran Church (MLC) members have distributed “Christmas Hampers” to
families in need in our community for 40+ years. This annual project brings God’s unconditional Love
and Grace to those less fortunate as we give food, clothing and gifts to those whose names we receive
through area agencies.
Gifts: There is a paper ornament on the tree for each individual that we will assist this year. You are
encouraged to sign up for a family, or feel free to take one or several ornaments. Purchase and wrap
a gift for the person listed, and return the gift with the ornamental card attached no later than
Tuesday, December 15, 2015. When you take an ornament, please sign your name and your
telephone number on the list that is provided beside the tree.
Cash and Food: Cash gifts for food purchases are being accepted now. Checks should be made payable
to ‘Messiah Lutheran Church’ with an indication it is for “Hampers.” We’d like to raise approximately
$5,000 for bulk purchase of food for 60 families. There will soon be sign-up sheets posted in the
Gathering Space for donations of turkeys, hams and cookies. For storage and freshness we ask that
you bring these items on Tuesday, December 15. We also are in need of used clothing in very good
condition from which families can choose when they come to get their Hamper.
TUES., DEC. 15: Set up tables in Galli Hall. Tape and distribute the boxes. Starting time is around 5:00
p.m. We will need a few strong people for setting up tables and many hands for assembling and
distributing the boxes. This project should only take an hour or two. All of the tables need to be
labeled with family number and number of family members.
WED., DEC. 16: We will need 5 to 6 people with trucks or SUVs to meet at the Auburn Fred Meyer. A time
will be determined closer to this date. We will load up trucks and bring everything to the church,
unload it, and divide it into the individual families’ assigned boxes. This is where the majority of
work/fun takes place; there is plenty of work for everyone who can join us. We will work from 8:30
a.m. until noon, or until the work is done.
THUR., DEC. 17: We will be working on clothing room and gifts starting about 9:00 a.m. There are lots of
small tasks!
FRI., DEC. 18: Time to fine tune gifts, distribute bakery goods, cookies, work on clothing room, make
calls for gifts that have not arrived yet, wrap gifts for last minute adds, etc., starting about 9:00 a.m.
SAT, DEC. 19: CHRISTMAS HAMPERS PICKUP/DELIVERY DAY! This is the day when we will need people to
make deliveries, greet the public, carry boxes to cars, and clean up. We should all try to be at the
church around 8:30 a.m., doors open promptly at 9:00 a.m.
Please feel free to contact us and let us know when you are available to volunteer your time,
or just show up at any of the times listed. Your presence and assistance is always
appreciated. Remember to wear comfortable walking shoes and casual clothing. Thank
you so much to all who have and will make this project so much fun and so worthwhile.
-Laurie Bishop - (206) 669-1992- Cell
Messiah Lutheran Church—December 2015
Present: Anne Baunach, Sheilia McLaughlin, Jonathan Kniss, Alex Hawkins, Cathy Hawkins, Ross Chamberlain,
Lori Revely, Ransom Alexander, JoEllen Yadwinski. Excused: Joe Hamell
Staff: Pastor Eric Wooldridge, Pastor Ron Kempe, Kelly Mullin. Devotions were led by: Cathy Hawkins. Call to
Order by President Anne Baunach @ 6:30 pm
Preliminary Actions
MLC Minutes: Motion to accept the September 17th Council Meeting and the October 4th Congregation Meeting
Correspondence: Information was received from the ELCA regarding Global Missions ideas and participation by
churches in the ELCA. Pastor Eric will share more information in future meetings.
Building Security: In addition to the report, a pole light is out in the parking lot, the Property Team is getting it
repaired. Reminder to be extra careful and aware if you are at Messiah during the evening.
Treasurer’s Report: Motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.
Ministry Team Reports: Additional information to add to reports already included.
A. Property Team-Mike McLaughlin has been elected as the chair of the committee.
B. Personnel – Met on October 7th to discuss ideas and plans for the next meeting on November 11 th, which will
include electing a chairperson.
Old Business:
A. Senior Pastor Installation- Pastor Charles Harris’ Installation Ceremony will be on Sunday, December 6th at 4
pm followed by a light supper. Sheilia and Laura Kniss will coordinate the meal. Pastor Harris would also like
to schedule the 2016 Council Retreat sometime in February or early March. It will be an overnight retreat.
B. MLC October work party Saturday will be on October 17th from 8am to noon. Walt Richards will be supervising the event.
C. Ministry Team Budget Development- Please complete your Pledge Cards. More information will be discussed
at the next meeting.
D. Ministry Team Vacancy- Beverly Brennan has accepted the request to fill the vacancy on the Personnel Committee.
E. Ministry Team Restructuring- Anne will be working on the communication process with the new groupings
of the Ministry Teams.
F. Community Dinner Update: The Task Force met and discussed the concerns that were raised at the last council meeting from members of the congregation. Discussion included looking at limited access in the building,
and t-shirts for the Hospitality Crew to wear so they are easily seen. The possibility of moving the meal to a
different day of the week was discussed although there is no other source in the community for a meal on Sundays, and this will be communicated to the congregation. Auburn Mayor Backus is currently forming a Homelessness Task Force which Sheilia will be a part of to help make some positive changes to help serve this community.
New Business:
Memorial Funds Committee: Leon Chute presented an update of the committee’s work in the last few months.
The accounts have been updated within the new Church Windows accounting system. Procedures have been
put in place for donation tracking and for communicating to donors and families in all steps of the donation
process. A new Memorial Brochure has been created. A responsibility matrix and guidelines for the committee
have also been created. The committee will be submitting a quarterly report to the Council with updated information. The committee thanks Pastor Ron Kempe for his knowledge and help in organizing and implementing
the new process.
Fence on Property: A neighbor with property next to MLC parking lot has requested permission to build a
fence to secure his property. Further information on lot lines will need to be gathered. The Property Team will
work with the neighbor on this project.
Adjournment at 7:50 pm
Note: Full reports from staff members and ministry teams are always available in the church office. Minutes of meetings are not available for distribution until they have been approved by council; the November minutes will be approved at the Dec. 17th meeting.
Messiah Lutheran Church—December 2015
A note from Sheilia McLaughlin:
Sunday, November 22nd, was our day of thanks here at Messiah Community Supper. It began on
Saturday when members of the Mar Thoma Church in Kent, the Hawkins family and Jay Baunach came to help
me prep for dinner. In 2 1/2 hours we prepped 15 turkeys, 5 pans of stuffing, peeled 100 lbs of potatoes and
50 pounds of sweet potatoes, made three green bean casseroles, candied yams and a Waldorf salad.
I got here early Sunday morning to get the roasters and ovens heated up and it was cold. We had guests waiting
at the door; they were cold and hungry. There isn’t any place in Auburn to eat on Saturdays for homeless
people, so by Sunday morning our guests are very hungry. Somebody donated a case of pepperoni pizza
HotPockets, not the most practical for dinner, so I began microwaving them to get some hot food in their
belly’s. They were most grateful. Scott and Paul, guests, came to help me in the kitchen; Paul kept the dishes
caught up and Scott helped me mash potatoes. The Harris Family, the Hawkins family and the Powers family
came to help and Mar Thoma members were back to help serve and clean up. We served 185 people a full
turkey dinner and then we boxed up the leftovers and sent them to the cold weather shelter sponsored by The
Auburn Food Bank so they could have dinner that night. By the time we were cleaned up and out of the
building my feet were killing me and I felt like I got hit by a truck, but every ache and pain is worth it when you
see the smiles and hear the thank you’s.
I also recently found out that a member of our church is donating a side of beef and when they told the distributor
what they were doing with it, the distributor threw in another 250 lbs of beef. We are going to be able to serve
roasts, ground beef and stew meat good quality corn fed beef. What a blessing.
Some have said that Sunday’s are too busy at church, that there is too much going on and that safety in our
building is at risk. While it is true that we need to be vigilant in the safety of our children and members, I sat
down to eat on Sunday and looked around the room and what I saw was simply Godly. Cristo Vive members
were serenading us, Mar Thoma Indian Church members were serving dinner, New Covenant members were
just getting done and exiting sanctuary for their after-service meal, Charlies Angels members were handing out
cold weather gear, and our guests were smiling and laughing in some cases. Having conversations over
coffee and dinner, I saw a community that comes together every Sunday to help those who need it, whether
need be food, shelter, clothing or companionship. There was a feeling of joy and contentment. This building is
alive and I think it is doing what it needs to do. It is bringing people together who would normally never sit
together and it is allowing stories to be shared and it is serving the community it sits in.
I need to say a huge thank you to everybody that helped out with this meal and to everybody that helps on a
regular basis. Thank you to Mar Thoma Church for donating all of the turkeys and coming to help out. Thanks
to the Harris’s, the Hawkin’s, the Power’s, thanks to Pastor Eric and Nichole for donating the pies. I have said
it before but I am truly blessed to be able to work among these amazing people, to be allowed to do what I love
and am called to do. Thanks be to God!
-Sheilia McLaughlin
Messiah Lutheran Church—December 2015
410 H Street NE
Auburn WA 98002-4369
Sunday Worship Service Schedule
8:15 a.m. Worship (Traditional, Sanctuary)
9:30 a.m. Worship (Blended, Sanctuary)
9:30 a.m. Education Hour (September-May)
10:45 a.m. Worship (Contemporary, Galli Hall)
Pastors and Staff:
Rev. Chuck Harris, Senior Pastor
Rev. Eric Wooldridge, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Jim Rismiller, Pastor of Visitation
Traci Vatne, AIM, Director of Faith Formation
Kelly Mullin, Assoc. Director of Faith Formation
Tia Monsen, Music Administrator
Katie Walda, Organist/Pianist/Bells Director
Carmen Ode, Office Manager
Lynne Inman, Church Secretary
Janeen Smith, Financial Coordinator
Blaine Benjamin, Facilities Manager
Mark your calendar…
Saturday, Dec. 5
Women’s Advent Brunch, 11:00 a.m.
Saturday, Dec. 5
3:00 p.m. Messiah Christmas Concert
Sunday, Dec. 6
4:00 p.m. Installation Service for Pastor
Chuck; dinner to follow
Tuesday, Dec. 8
11:00 a.m. Actioneers Potluck Lunch & AHS Show Choir
Wednesdays Dec. 2, 9 & 16
6:00 p.m. Soup Supper, 7:00 Advent Worship
Sunday, Dec. 13
School Christmas Program, 10:45 worship service
Week of Dec. 15-19
Christmas Hampers
Sunday, Dec. 20
7:00 p.m. “Longest Night” Worship Service
Christmas Eve Worship Services
5:00, 7:00 & 11:00 p.m.
Organ Concert 10:30 p.m.
Christmas Day Worship Service, 11:00 a.m.
Messiah Lutheran Church—December 2015