Epworth Preschool Brochure (PDF file)


Epworth Preschool Brochure (PDF file)
Department of Children and Families requires all students to provide
us with a Immunization Record(blue form) and a Statement of Good
Health(yellow form). These forms are available at your
pediatrician's office or the Health Department. These forms must be
onfile within I0 days of enrollment.
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Epworth United Methodist Preschool
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7651 Johnson Street
Hollywood, FL 33024
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Epworth United Methodist Church
7651 Johnson Street
Hollywood, FL 33024
invite oar preschoolfamilies to worship with us!
Jo in us fo r fe I low s h ip an d r efr e s h me nts imme diate ly
fo llow in g
th e
Epworth united Methodist pre-schoor: was established
in 196g and
is part of Epworth United Methodist church. Members
of this church
receive preferential registration privileges, but parents
invited to enroll their children.
ofall faiths are
Enrollment information is available at the school offrce
8:30a.m. and 3:0Op.m.The school office number is (95a)
School Year:
our school's calendar follows that of the Broward county school
System in observing all holidays, and vacations. we are open
workdays. Full Day students and vpK Before/After care students
may arrive between 7-8:30am. Half Day students and vpK only
students may arrive as early as g:30am. classes begin promptly
8:30am and end at noon. Ail students must be picied up
no rater
than 6pm!
there is a reason you can not pick up your child, prease
arrangements and notify the school in writing. your child
will not be
s have been made with his/her
the school director. please have any emergency .u.. gi,ro,
photo identification (drivers
license oi state io"niin.utioi;. This is
for your child's safety.
Goals of our school program:
A. School shouid help the child make satisfactory adjustment from
the home to a larger social group.
B. School should challenge the chiid to stretch his/her mind
develop his/her imagination.
c. School should lead the child to think, to explore and create.
D. School fumishes situations that will give the child opportunities
to grow in initiative and in is/her ability to solve proti"-r.
E' our school program seeks to develop th. po*"r, of observation
and inquiry.
F. our school will encourage the child to express himself.
G' our school aims to deverop an appreciation of music and
sense of rhythm in each child.
H. our school stresses good habits of citizenship, health
I. The school experience should develop the intellectual,
emotional, physical, social and spiritual life of each child.
Before/After School Care:
Naps will be one hour to one and one half hours as required by
children And Family Services. we will provide each child with
his/her own mat. Mats are sterilized daily.
Chapel Services
Bible Stories
Language Development
Reading Readiness
Music Classes
Arts & Crafts
Sensory Perception
Physical Education
Likenesses & Differences
Social Studies
Chapel Services:
chapel services are held every Tuesday at l0:00am in the sanctuary.
Parents are invited to attend chapel services with their children
Meals and Snacks:
Epworth Preschool provides a moming and an afternoon snack and
beverage. After Care parents are responsible to send a lunch and
beverage everyday for their child. ws can reheat items to be served
using a microwave, however due to time restraints we can not cook
ftod If your child has any allergy, please note on the allergy on the
registration form. Refreshments may be brought in for the child,s
birthday. Please give the teacher one week's notice.
Please send your child in clothes that give them the freedom they
need. In this stage of development it is very important. you can help
prevent accidents on the playground equipment by fitting chiidren
with rubber soled shoes. The children -use many difierent art
materials. Please send an old shirt (button-up type) to help protect
your child's clothing. Pack a complete change of clotheJ in your
child's backpack, in case of accidents.
Fees and Payments
Registration Fee: (K2 and K3 students only)
The $130.00 registration fee must accompany each application form.
The Registration Fee is not refindable. Application forms will not be
processed until the $130.00 Registration Fee has been paid.
Activity Fee:
A $45.00 Activity Fee shall be paid at the beginning of the school
year- The Activity.Fee covers all special aciivitieJsuch as Holiday
Parties, clowns, Discovery center, pony Rides, Farm Animal visits,
etc. All students K2 and K3 are required to pay this fee. (optionai
fee for VPK students to participate in events.)
Full Day Tuition:
llteekly payments
for K2
and K3 students, care available Monday-
Friday, 7am-6pm. This weekly fee is $125.00, payable every
Monday. Please be advised, the total tuition for this program is
$4,750.00 payable in 38 weekly installments of $125.00 u *""k, fro*
the first week of school in August to the last week of school in June.
You will not pay for the weeks we are closed for christmas and
Spring Break. There flre no reductions or refunds on the weekly
tuition for absences from school! your payment secures your child's
spot on our roster and enrollment is limited. There is a $25.00 late fee
for payments received more than l0 days late.
Half Day Tuition:
Monthly payments for K2 and K3 students, class is Monday-Friday,
8:30am-I2pm.d on the first day of each month. This monthly fee is
$250.00, payable on the first school day of each month. please be
advised, the total tuition for this progftrm is $2,500.00, payable in ten
monthly installments of $250.00 a month; payments begin with
August and end with May. There are no reductions or refunds on
the monthly tuition
from school! your payment
secures your child's spot on our roster and enrollment is limited.
There is a $25.00 late fee for payments received more than l0 days
VPK Extended Care:
school from 8:30am-l2pm, Monday-Friday.
Should you need care before and after those hours, we offer Before
and After school care that covers 7-8:30am and 12-6pm. The weekly
vPK funds cover
fee for this program is $65.00, payable every Monday.
Lunch Bunch:
For those students who leave at l2pm, we offer a once a week
opportunity for your child to eat lunch and play with their friends.
Every Wednesday, for a $4.00 fee, your child may stay for lunch and
play. Give payment to your child's teacher, you may send your child
weekly, or once in'a while. There is no need to notifu us head of
time. Pick up is by l:30pm, prompt. Don't forget to send a labeled
Late Pick-Up Fee:
Our center closes promptly at 6pm. There is a fee of $1.00 per minute
if you pick up your child after 6pm. This fee is to be paid, in cash, to
the staff member who stayed late with your child. Please be prepared
to pay this fee when you pick him/her up.
Occasional Care:
We offer occasional care for 55.00 an hour.
Epworth United Methodist Preschool
7651Johnson Street
Hollywood, FL 33024