Third Sunday of Lent - St. Paul Catholic Newman Center


Third Sunday of Lent - St. Paul Catholic Newman Center
Third Sunday of Lent
March 8, 2015
Readings: Ex 17:3-7; Rom 5:1-2,5-8; Jn 4:5-42
A Story with Multiple Levels of Meaning
Today we read one of the most famous of scripture passages; and one of
my favorites. This story overflows with different meanings. On one level
it’s a faith development story as the woman moves through stages from
understanding Jesus as a man and a Jew, to being a prophet, to being
the Messiah, to the Savior of the universe. On another level the story is a
model of a woman coming to faith and becoming a missionary who
brings others to Jesus. It gives today’s church, more specifically-us, a
mandate to recognize the gifts and ministries of women.
On still another level, the story reminds us that to have faith as disciples
today involves immersion in the living water of baptism and rising up to
bring others to Christ- a constant message of Pope Francis. The story is
also a narrative of God attempting to attract the outsider. The
Samaritans, who were considered godless, end up confessing Jesus as
savior of “the world,” not simply of His own people.
And then there is the mysterious empty bucket left behind by the
Samaritan woman- a symbol of her past. It’s a reminder that whenever
you encounter Jesus you leave the past behind and seek a new path. You
move from the known (your past) to the unknown (following Jesus and
all that it brings). Changes like these are the essentials of a real
conversion and the leap of faith.
Who or what will you leave behind this Lent in order to better encounter
God? What will you act on to enhance this encounter? It may be helpful
for you to seek out someone to help you better relate to God and spend
some time with that person.
Continued blessings and peace on your journey,
Deacon John
Mission Statement
St. Paul Catholic Newman Center is a Catholic parish committed to serving the spiritual needs of
college/university students, faculty and all other people who freely choose to be part of our parish family. Gathered
together by the Spirit and seeking God’s will in our lives, we dedicate ourselves to bringing the transformative
power of Christ into the world we know through worship, education, service and support.
Sacrament Of Reconciliation
Our final hours during Lent for the Sacrament of Penance
here at St. Paul Catholic Newman Center will be the Tuesday
before Holy Week, March 24, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
our regular hour, 4 to 5 p.m. There will be no Sacrament of
Reconciliation (Confessions) during Holy Week here. There
will be Lenten Penitential Services, with opportunity for
individual celebration of the Sacrament, at nearby parishes
during Holy Week:
Monday, March 30, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Anthony of Padua
Church, Fresno (corner of Bullard& Maroa); Wednesday,
April 1 at 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church,
Clovis (Harvard/DeWitt) We will resume our regular hour
for the Sacrament of Reconciliation here at St. Paul’s on
Tuesday, April 14 from 4 to 5 p.m.
Newman Center Young Adults
Join us this Thursday, March 12, for our Catholic
Conversations in the Fr. Sergio Negro Library at
6:30pm. All are welcome!
March 19 we will be hosting Theology on Tap at
the DiCicco’s restaurant (Blackstone & Barstow).
Our guest speakers will be Vic & Patti Telles.
Dinner will be at 6:00pm followed by our speakers
at 7:00pm. Hope to see you there!
High School Youth Group
This afternoon, March 8, we will be watching
the film “Son of God” in the Cardinal Newman
Hall from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Hope to see you
Lenten Retreat - Becoming
Our Parish will be hosting our Lenten retreat Monday March
9 & Tuesday March 10 at 6:15pm in the Chapel. Join us in
hearing our presenter Dr. Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ speak about
“Becoming Church”. Our first session on Monday evening will
be ; “The Early Roots of the Church” followed by “The
Challenge of Being Church Today” Tuesday evening.
Chidlcare will be provided both nights. We hope to see
you there!
Sunday Contributions
Feb. 28 - March 1 Contributions:
Feb. Total Contributions:
Monthly Sunday Contributions Goal:
Total Fiscal Year (July-January):
Childcare services are still available during both our 9:00am
& 11:00am Masses in Classroom 4.
Family Life Ministry
Men’s Morning Scripture Study Group meets
Tuesdays 7:30-8:15AM after 7:00AM Mass in the
Community room.
Meditation Opportunities
Christian Meditation meets Thursday mornings,
11:15AM to 12:15PM in Cardinal Newman Hall, Room
104. Facilitated by Benita Lankford
Evening Meditation meets Wednesday evenings,
7:00PM to 8:00PM in CNH #104. Facilitated by Veena
Tai Chi for Arthritis
Tuesday & Thursday mornings. Beginner’s class: 9:0010:00AM; Regular class: 10:15 -11:15AM. CNH room
#103. Instructor: Art Lopez.
Tai Chi: Thursday evening Tai Chi classes are held on
Thursday evenings, 5:30-6:30PM in CNH, room #102103. $20 registration fee. Instructor: Bill Titus
Contact John Prandini
College Ministries
Spring Retreat 2015 Our Newman Catholic Student
Association Spring Retreat will take place April 11-12 at
the Evergreen Conference Center at Oakhurst. Take
some time away from work and studies to meet new
friends, grow in your faith, and enjoy God’s creation!
Pick up a registration form in the Newman Center lobby
or email [email protected] for details.
College Night meets Wednesdays from 6:00pm to
8:00pm in Cardinal Newman Hall. All college students
are welcome to join us for a delicious home-cooked
dinner (it’s free!) followed by a discussion, guest
speaker, service project, or other activity.
College/Young Adult Bible Study meets Mondays,
7:00pm to 8:30pm, in the Annex. Join us for prayer and
discussion of the Sunday readings and
how to make your faith more a part of your
daily life!
Catholic Conversations on Campus
Join our weekly discussion group on
Fresno State campus, USU 310, Thursdays at 11:30am.
Students, faculty, and staff are all invited. Feel free to
bring your lunch!
Our after-Mass discussion group for college students
meets Sundays from 8:00pm to 8:30pm in the Annex
(east side of the main building by the carport). Make new
friends and challenge yourself to live out the message of
the Gospel!
Contact: Karey Spach, Director of Campus Ministry,
[email protected]
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, March 8
Ex 17:3-7; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4:5-42
7:30am Mass for Arturo Balli
9:00am Mass for Joan Felger
5:00pm High School Youth Group
8:00pm Emmaus
+ For those who have died:
Monday, March 9
Lenten Retreat
7:00am Mass for Santiago & Perla Olba
6:30pm RCIA Inquiry
6:30pm Sacred Fire Book Study
7:00pm College & NCYA Bible Study
7:00pm Grief Support
7:00pm Es-Tu-Dios Board Meeting
2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Lk 4:24-30
Room 5
CNH 105
Community Room
Tuesday, March 10
Dn 3:25, 34-43; Mt 18:21-35
Lenten Retreat
7:00am Mass for Jerry Tarkanian
7:30am Men’s Morning Scripture Study
Community Room
9:00am Beginning Tai Chi for Arthritis
CNH 102-103
10:15am Tai Chi for Arthritis
CNH 102-103
4:00pm Confessions
6:00pm Faith, Family & Friends
6:00pm College Confirmation Class
Wednesday, March 11
7:00am Mass Ethel Gentry
4:30pm Chess for Kids
6:00pm Scriptural Rosary
6:00pm Prayer & Life Workshop
6:00pm College Night
6:45pm RCIA Catechumenate
7:00pm RCIA Enlightenment
7:00pm Evening Meditation
Thursday, March 12
7:00am Mass for Marie O’Hare
9:00am Beginning Tai Chi for Arthritis
9:30am Morning Scripture Study
10:15am Tai Chi for Arthritis
11:00am Christian Meditation
5:30pm Tai Chi
6:30pm NCYA Catholic Conversations
7:00pm Peace & Justice
7:00pm Knights of Columbus
Friday, March 13
7:00am Communion Service
6:00pm Food Recovery Network
6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration
7:00pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 14
9:00am Advanced Tai Chi
5:00pm Mass for Jack Patrick
Sunday, March 15
7:30am Mass for Ron Barrows
9:00am Mass for Verginia Dominguez
8:00pm Emmaus
Dt 4:1, 5-9; Mt 5:17-19
Room 5
Community Room
CNH 105
CNH 101
St. John XXIII
CNH 104
Jer 7:23-28; Lk 11:14-23
CNH 102-103
CNH 102-103
CNH 104
CNH 102-103
CNH 105
CNH 103
Hos 14:2-10; Mk 12:28-34
Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18:9-14
St. John XXIII
Mass Intentions: Allan Kennedy, Arturo Balli,
Joan Felger
+ Please pray for healing of our loved ones who
are ill…
Paul DeRuosi, Steve McGowan, Steve & Debbie
Strope, David Hooker, Dorothy Finn, Tom Langa,
Dominic Valdez, Annette Harbinger, Sam
VanderDussen, Jim Tudman, Luz Elower (mother
of Mark), Ollie Mae & Tom Godburn, Robby
Klimaytis, Ernie Lee, Jennifer McClain, Don
Casperson, Kenny Smith, Cathleen DiMaggio,
Horace Spann, Kyle Springer
Faith, Family & Friends
This Tuesday, March 10, Faith, Family & Friends’
adult participants will take part in our parish’s Lenten
Retreat as part of our religious education program.
The retreat entitled, Becoming Church, will be
presented by Dr. Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ beginning at
6:15PM in the Chapel.
Families and friends are still invited to eat their
preordered pizza or to bring their own food to share
from 5:30pm to 6:00pm in Cardinal Newman Hall
before the retreat session begins at 6:15PM.
Our youth and children will remain in Cardinal
Newman Hall for their own Lenten activities lead by
the HS Youth Group.
Please join us for this wonderful Lenten opportunity
to continue your lifelong journey of faith formation
with family, friends, and our faith community. All are
welcome to Faith, Family & Friends each week!
Confirmation Program
The Second Year Confirmation Class will be
confirmed by Bishop Armando Ochoa on March 21 at
10:00am. They have completed two years of
education, service and community building through
retreats and faith sharing. It has been a privilege to
walk this journey with them and we are proud to
welcome them into full communion within the
Catholic Community at St. Paul Catholic Newman
Please note that our Confirmation rehearsal will be
held on Friday, March 20, at 6:00pm in the Chapel.
Following rehearsal a potluck dinner will be held in
the Cardinal Newman Hall.
This year’s Good Friday Prayer (stations) will be
different. The students in the Confirmation Program
will be presenting a Mini Passion Retreat based on
all that happened that first Good Friday and how it
changed humanities world view, you will not be
disappointed. More information will follow in the
weeks to come.
Serving “recovered” food to the
hungry and food insecure
Year of Consecrated Life
In 2013, Pope Francis declared that a Year of
Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout
Pope Francis has said, "throwing away food is like stealing from the the world. YCL began on the First Sunday of
table of the poor and hungry." St. Paul Catholic Newman Center is
Advent, November 30, 2014 and will close on the
doing its part to make sure that doesn’t happen in our community by World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016.
working with the Fresno State Food Recovery Network to provide
Our Diocese of Fresno, to celebrate YCL, has
hot meals each week to the hungry and food insecure in our
created a Vocations Prayer Calendar listing each
neighborhood. The Food Recovery Network is a club at Fresno
month the names of priests, religious, deacons
State in which students collect leftover food from on-campus dining and seminarians. They are grouped in two for
facilities, farmers markets and local restaurants, and distribute it to
each day. We ask you to pray for those who are
food banks, churches and other organizations serving the hungry in already in the consecrated service of the Church.
Fresno. Newman Center volunteers are divided into four teams, one We also want to encourage discernment & prayer
for each Friday of the month, who help clean, chop and cook fresh
for vocations.
vegetables, prepare fruit salad, warm up trays of donated food, set
tables, serve and then clean up the dishes and facility. If you would
like to join a team, please email Jeannette Warnert at
Interested in your child attending a Catholic
[email protected]. You can also help by donating food to
the small pantry we maintain in the Newman Center kitchen to carry School? Our Lady of Victory is now signing up
kindergarten students for the 2015-2016 school
us over when recovered food is insufficient. Please pick up a “wish
year. Please Call the OLV School Office at 229list” from the shopping cart in the vestibule to contribute items we
can use in recipes for making our meals. Thanks for supporting the 0205 if you would like to learn more or to take a
tour of the school.
Newman Center Food Recovery Network ministry.
OLV School has spaces available in all current
grades. Not sure if you can afford Catholic
School? We do have financial aid—call the school
“Confession is the soul’s bath. Even a clean and office at 229-0205 for more information on how
you might qualify. OLV School is dedicated in
unoccupied room gathers dust; return after a
serving the needs of Catholic families. Please join
week and you will see that it needs dusting
our Faith Family!
Our Lady of Victory
again!” - St. Padre Pio
Counseling Available
The Rehabilitation Counseling Center at Fresno State provides weekly confidential counseling services to individuals in
the Central Valley. We especially seek to serve clients with chronic health impairments and emotional, developmental,
or physical disabilities, including substance abuse and learning disabilities. We also provide counseling services for
caregivers & family members of individuals with disabilities.
Counseling sessions are being offered every Tuesday or Thursday from now to Thursday, April 30. To make an
appointment call: 287-0194. Please allow seven days for a return call and initial appointment.
Central California Worldwide Marriage Encounter
“Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.” Take time to reflect on what God is asking for your marriage. Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends® which will be held on May 1-3, 2015, at
the Saint Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista, California and July 17-19, 2015, at the St. Anthony Retreat Center in Three Rivers, California. For more information call Mary Jo and Rich Castello, at 831-704-6322; [email protected] or register online at
Listening Sessions
Thank you to all who attended our listening sessions this past week. We received many positive concerns and suggestions and we hope that more of you will add to that number. For any further concerns or inquiries you may contact the
Pastoral Council at [email protected].
Grief Support
The Grief Support group began its spring session on Monday, March 2, at 7:00pm in the Community Room. We will be
meeting for four more Mondays. Please join us in processing the loss of loved ones. If you know of people who might
benefit from this support, please tell them about us. For any questions, please contact the coordinator Michelle Kilner at