
The Abe Lincoln Chapter of the Frontier Camping Fellowship is looking for elite boys and men of Royal Rangers who have completed the Trail of the Grizzly requirements and are READY to complete the Frontier Adventure. The next Frontier Adventure will be held on June 6th – 8th, at the Northern Illinois Pow-­‐Wow. The cost for the Frontier Adventure is $35.00. That fee includes your food for the weekend along with items that you will walk away with from the adventure, such as several parts of your FCF outfit, an FCF handbook, FCF pin (If you pass), and possibly other items. The adventure will begin at 8:30 pm on Friday, June 6th and will conclude Sunday June 8th. You should have Friday dinner with your outpost and then report to the frontier adventure welcoming area (look for signs), where you will need to stay until the adventure begins. If you accept the challenge and have met all the necessary requirements, we ask that you sign-­‐up to become a greenhorn with the Abe Lincoln Chapter Trapping company at the Northern Illinois Pow-­‐Wow. As a greenhorn, you will be under the direction of the camp bourgeois, who will assign you to different mountain men throughout the weekend. Those mountain men will teach you the tools of becoming a successful trapper. While assigned to the trapping company, we will house you, feed you, train you, and to some extent clothe you. Then at the end of the weekend, we will test you on the skills that you learned throughout the weekend. If you are ready to join FCF, and are up to the challenge of the Frontier Adventure, then join us at Cedar Creek for Pow-­‐Wow. Here is a list of items that you need to bring 1. Backpack or duffle bag that you can carry all your gear in, with the exception of sleeping gear 2. Small pocket size Bible 3. Sleeping gear 4. Change of clothes 5. Toiletries 6. Dish ware, i.e. Metal, wood, or ceramic plate, bowl, cup, fork and spoon. If you don’t have these items, you can purchase items at local sporting good stores, such as Wal-­‐Mart, or borrow them from an FCF friend. You can use a mess kit, but please no plastic or paper products. 7. Pencil 8. Small pocket knife 9. Candle 10. Apple 11. Can of vegetables (i.e. Corn, Green beans) 12. Ground cloth (i.e. 6’ x 8’ waterproof tarp) optional DO NOT BRING ANY FOOD OR SNACKS TO EAT, AS YOUR FOOD WILL BE PROVIDED FOR YOU. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL DIETARY OR MEDICAL NEEDS, LET US KNOW. If you are planning on attending the Frontier Adventure you must pre-­‐register by Monday, June 2nd. Please send your application to Paul Nottingham at 1325 Lake Drive, Morris, IL 60450, or email to [email protected]. Applications can be found at www.ilrr.org under FCF downloads. If you have any questions feel free to contact your division FCF vice-­‐presidents or myself. Look forward to seeing you there, White Hawk (Matt Black)
Abe Lincoln Chapter FCF President
[email protected]