Ignacio “Nacho” Figueras Sergio García


Ignacio “Nacho” Figueras Sergio García
Sport: Golf
Roots: Spanish
Age: 30
Currently ranked 13th
in the world (and,
according to him,
“not attached”), this
gorgeous golfer is
swinging hard to top
the number two slot he
held in 2008. After an
adolescence and early
career of record-setting
wins, he’s also hoping
to make green from
greens by designing
courses in Dubai and
San Antonio. And if
you think golf is boring,
then you clearly don’t
play it: “What’s sexy
and compelling about
golf? It’s the ultimate
challenge every day,”
he says. With homes
in Switzerland and
Florida, García often
misses his hometown
of Castellón, Spain.
But the hardest part of
it all? Being far from
some good jamón and
Sport: Polo
Roots: Argentinean
Yes, we all want
a taste of yummy
Figueras, the model in
Ralph Lauren’s Polo
fragrance and Black
Label clothing ads. But
he’s not just a pretty
face; the Argentinean
captains the Black
Watch polo team,
which he founded
in order to raise
awareness of the sport
and “make it accessible
to all people.” The
married father of three
also enjoys the scent of
his woman: “I believe
that a fragrance is
special on different
skins. I love the way
[Ralph Lauren’s]
Romance smells on
my wife, Delfi.” We bet
you smell awesome
too, Nacho—even after
a polo match.
78 L ATI NA.CO M 05_Sports.indd 78
■ may
p h oto g r a p h s : G e tt y I ma g e s ( to p ) ; Ral p h L a u r e n F r a g r anc e s .
Age: 33
3/25/10 7:30:27 PM