PROGRAM - NuVo Video
PROGRAM - NuVo Video
PROGRAM SIA FOR SIX LOST BUT FOUND Choreogmphy Alan Scofield Ch01 ·c'ogmp!lY Deborah Graham Nhlsic 7he Whisperer, David Guetta; Music Lost on the River #20; Spanish Mary; Cost m nC.f 70e Dancers Sung by Sia, Listen 2014, Parlophone Music Chandelier (piano version) written and sung by SIA, Forms of Fear 2014, RCA Music Sharon Scofield Judy Davis, Lorelei Ghanizadeh, Dawn Gilbert, ~iko McRae, Nancy Mimms, Sharon Scofield Lost on the River - The New Ba sement Tapes; by Bob Dylan, Rhiannon Giddens, Marcus Mumford. Lead Vocals, Rhiannon Giddens Costumcs Set Design The j)tlilcen I DREAMED A DREAM In the musical, Les Miserables, this song is sung by the anguished Fantine, who has just been fired from her job at the factory and thrown onto the streets. She thinks back to happier days and wonders at all that has gone wrong in her life. Choreogmpby lvIusic Costumes The Danre1· David Alonzo Jones I Dreamed a D1'eam, Les Miserables; Claude-Michel Schonberg and Alan Boubli; Sung by Anne Hathaway David Alonzo Jones and Milly Murrin Milly Murrin Cbor.:ogmphy J1!lusic Costumes 1J.7C D rl1lcers Costllm"s The Dancer.< SPIEGEL 1M SPIEGEL A Journey of being lost and wanting to be found. Choreography J1!lusit Reginald Ray-Savage Spiegel im Spiegel, for Violin and Piano (1978); Vadim Gluzman and Angela Yoffe; Composed by Arvo Part; Arvo Part : 75 Year Celebration Collection, 2010; X5 Music Group Alison Hurley David Alonzo Jones Happy, performed by Pharrell Williams; Girl, 2014; Backlot Music, Columbia Records, 2013 David Alonzo Jones and dancers Miya Bertuccini-Napoli, Chris Danscuk, Judy Davis, Jennifer Gotti, Darlene Johnson, Amy Laun, Kristen Nehasil, Simone Samdaan, Jenny Shand, Saskia van Buuren CLASSICAL COMPOSURE Ch01·eOgmphy lVlwic Featured Guest Performance by Savage Jazz Dance Company. Directed by Reginald Ray-Savage. Ih,· Dancer HAPPY Deborah Graham Sandra Tanner, David White Featuring Jasmine Gipson Sabrina Alvarez, Sarah DeFino, Kaitlin Kerwin, Trungta (Kae) Kositchaimongkol, Saskia Van Buuren, Emilly Yuriar Kristi Kuhn Four Impmmptus, D. 899 (Op.90), Franz Schubert, Pianist Inon Bartanon Kristi Kuhn and Megan Kenyon Piko McRae, Kim Fullerton-Nelson, Stella Hildebrand GRIT Choreogmpby J1!lu.lic Costumes 7be Dancers Sandra Tanner I Shall Be Free, Amplivate, Kid Beyond; Love-Million Records Sandra Tanner Sabrina Alvarez, Galen Groff; Stella Hildebrand, Milly Murrin WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE DONORS WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE ANNUAL GIVING FUND, DANCERS' GUILD, DANCE PROGRAM FUND, AND COLLEGE OF MARIN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. If you would like to make a donation please visit:! MUSIC USED IN THIS CONCERT • I Shall Be hee, Amplivate, Kid Beyond; Love-Mi llion Records • I D,·eamed a Dream, Les Miserables; Claude-Michel Schonberg and Alan Boubli; Sung by Anne Hathaway; Les Miserables Soundtrack, Polydor Records, a division of Universal Music Operations, Ltd. • Four Impromptus, D 899 (Op.90); Franz Schubert, Pianist Inon Bartanon • Lost on the River #20; Lost on the River - The New Basement Tapes; by Bob Dylan, Rhiannon Giddens, Marcus Mumford. Lead Vocals, Rhiannon Gidden s; Harvest Records and Electromagnetic Recordings \. Spanish Mary; Lost on the River - The New Basement Tapes; by Bob Dylan, Rhiannon Giddens, Marcus Mumford. Lead Vocal s, Rhiannon Giddens; Harvest Records and Electromagnetic Recordings • Spiegel im Spiegel for Violin and Piano (1978); Vadim Gluzman Angela Yoffe; Composed by Arvo Part; Arvo Part: 75 Year Celebration Collection, 2010; X5 Music Group • 1he Whispem; David Guetta; Sung by Sia, Listen 2014, I' Parlophone Music • Chandelier (piano version) written and sung by SIA, Forms of Fear 2014, RCA Music • H appy performed by Pharrell Williams; Girl, 2014; Backlot Music, Columbia Records, 2013 PRODUCTION CREW Production Design e. "Ernie" Ernstrom Production Technical Director David M. White Stage Manager Keara Reardon Show Operator/Electrician Mark Johnson L ightboard Operator Ryan Martin Stage Crew David L Smith Caroline Doyle Videographer Rick Davis, Nuvo Video Senior Creative Designe,· Shook Chung Box Office Glenda Lockhart Anita Stewart Svetlana Pantenkova H ouse Manage,· Jannely Calmell Elias Reye s Production Technician Kim S. Foulger 2015 FALL DANCE CONCERT CALLS FOR AUDITIONS DANCE COMPANY DANCE 241 A, B, C, D For dancers at the intermediate level and above in modern, ballet, j,azz, hip hop, or musical theater styles. Students rehearse and perform faculty choreography in a formal concert. Focus on technique, choreographic phrasing; artistry, and performance presence. Auditions: Friday, August 21, 6 pm Saturday, August 22, noon Dance Center, PA 92 Kentfield Campus Performances: October 30 and 31,8 pm November 6 and 7, 8 pm COM James Dunn Theatre Kentfield Campus Contact: Kristi Kuhn 415.457.8811 ext. 7734 [email protected] INTRODUCTION TO DANCE PERFORMANCE SKILLS Basic skills of rehearsal and performance. Development of projection , stage presence, mastering stage space and artistic expression. Students perform in and/or choreograph for group, small groups, duet or solo pieces which are presented ina studio venue. Begins September 14, 2015 Performance date TBA. Contact: David Jones [email protected] N0 CAMERAS CELL PHONES PAGERS TEXTING FOOD/ DRINKS SMOKING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DONORS TO THE COLLEG E O F MAR IN PERFO RMING ARTS PROGRAM Fred and Joanne Abrams Analisa Adams Susan Adamson Stephanie and Tom Ahlberg Dale and Judy Alstrom Jerome Aparton Gary and Ruthanne Appell Elizabeth Arnold ASCOM Carolyn and Peter Ashby Francisco and Janet Aviles Dr. and Mrs. Larry Babow Norm and Dianna Baetz Jack Belgum and Annette Arena Jo Ann Berman Philip Bickler and Amy Blevins Cheryll Boissevain \ Dr. Benjamin Bonnlander Jan Booth Aria Bostick Dorothy Boswell Peter Bowser Karen Brandreth Mary Lee Bronzo Ruth Brown Leslie Brown Michael and Sharon Burch Lucy Ann Burke Gerald K. Cahill and Kathleen S. King Barbara Camera Laura and Clint Campbell Posie Carroll and Donn Sanders Elizabeth Chesnut Shook Chung William and Diane Clarke Fredericka Cobey Lisa Conlon Leslie Connarn Cecilia Connell Kathryn Conway Wayne and Geri Cooper Polly and Robert Coote Nicole Cruz Robert Dauphin Linda Davis and Michael Carroll Dance Palace Joan Dedo Robert and Ruth Dell William and Sarah Devlin Thomas Diettrich Carol Jean Donohoe James and Judith Dowling Oak and Mary Dowling Gregory and Sharon Doyle Dan Drake Dale and Donna Dutton Emily Dvorin Renee and Michael Eckstut Bart Eisenberg Miriam Ellingson Linda and Bernd Enders Kathy Engle Phyllis Faber David and Nancy Fickbohm Judi Finklestein Susan Fordyce Margot Fraser Fund Nancy Freedman Melanie S. Freeman Alison Fuller Marilyn Gates Dottie Gribben Jane M. Gitschier Foundation Robert Glasson and Ruth Tanner Golden Gate Therapies Jonathan Marshall and Lorraine Goldin Ellen and Bob Goldman James Grant Robert E. Greeley Leonard D. Greenberg Dana Gribben John and Nancy Griffin Sandy Haevernick Doty Hamilton Robert L. Hamilton David and Dorli Hanchette Arlene Hansen-in honor of Ruth Nash Margaret and John Hart Mary Ellen Hauke Faye Hinze Alice Hofer Barbara Hogan Nancy Holter Svanhild Hoover Grace Hughes Brenda Hunt Pris Imlay Michaellngerman and Madeleine Sloane Michael Irvine Robin Jackson Roberta Jeffrey Cheryl Johnson Delphine Johnson Claron and Fay Jorgensen Bruce Katz Linda Knanishu Thilo and Sandra Koehler Neil R. Kraus, D.C. Ronald Krempetz and Diane Judd Kristi Kuhn Irwin Kuntz and Jill Ross-Kuntz Pamela Kurzman Leslie Kwartin William and China Lamers Deborah Learner and Robert May Warren G. Lefort Mardi Leland Ms. Lamar Leland Barbara Leopold and Fred Kanter Anne and Albert Lettrich Kenneth and Sharon Levien Michael Levy C.S. Little Deborah Loft Lynn Lohr and Lance Belville David and Carolyn Long Carolyn Losie Sarah Love Cook and Stephen Cook Susanne and Jeff Lyons George Mancini The Dance Palace Maya Manny Oshalla Dianne Marcus Marin Symphony Association Paula Martin Thomas and Laura McCarty James McCray M. Kathryn McGeorge Elaine McKenna Judith Mckenney Sara McKinnon Suzanne McWilliam Oberlin Scott Merrick Worth Miller Abigail Millikan-States Lisa Morse and Step Wilson Phyllis Myers Marie and Rich Narlock Ruth and Steven Nash Robert and Diane Neuhaus Sheila Newton Patricia Nienstedt Molly Noble Gary and Robin Nosti Vincent Nuzzo Wulfrin Oberlin Kaori Okada Laurie Ordin Stephen and Mary Ann Orsary Mary Osterloh Marta Osterloh Thomas Painchaud Hannah M. Panger Margaret Partlow Billy Pate Robert Pettolio Sa ra Pea rson Myrna and Derek Pepper Robert and Anne Petersen Janis Peterson Murray and Alice Peterson Judy Phillips Joanna Pinckney and David Smith Bob and Bodil Platt Romulus Portwood Erica Posner Ralph Purdy The Purple Lady Fund Mary Reid Tim and Nancy Reyes Lonna Richmond Gail M Rolka Marguerite Ross (Tinka) Hermina M. Rosskopf Jill Ross-Kuntz and Tack Kuntz Martha Roush LeAnne Rumbel Maxine Sattizahn Cynthia Sawtell Maureen P. Scheuenstuhl Julie and David Schnapf Nancy and Brian Schrock Herbert Schuyten Rishi Schweig Richa rd Scott Robin Scott John Severinghaus Peg Shalen Marianne Shaw Mary Sherlin Martin and Deidre Silverman Judd and Judy Simmons Helen and Carl Sitchler Marianne F. Skipper Wilma Smith Robert Lee Smithton David Snyder Mary Sorensen Keegan Richard Squeri Mary Jeanne Stavish Hans Stiller Audrey Stolz Steve Stromberg Cathy Summa-Wolfe Barbara Summers Marilyn Sutherland Susie Cakes Marilyn Swiecenek Stephen Tedesco and Pamela Tibbitts Robert and Patricia Teichman James and Mary Terstegge Louis Thomas Erin Thompson Wanden Treanor David Treganowen Mahsati Tsao Katrina Urbach and Tim Crowley Judy Valentine Alexander Vereshagin Villa Sinfonia Foundation H. Hugh Vincent and Joan Watson Barbara E. Von Dallwitz Michael Vorperian Peter Sager and Judith Webber Sager Clive and Elaine Weston Robin M. Williams Nancy Williams-Koors Nancy and Bob Wilson Joyce Wilson Shelley Winn Christy Wise Spirit Wiseman Ilene Wolff Ed Wynne and Stella Torrez Alexander Vereshagin Gerrie and Dick Young Audrey Zavell and Michael Bloom Liping Zhu Linda and Kory Zipperstein OUR SPECIAL THANKS TO Lycee Francais de San Francisco-Sausalito campus for the set donation. Also, thanks to Judy Davis (Costumes) and Richard Davis (Nuvo Video). Individuals seeki ng special assistance to a c c o mm od ~te a d isa b i lity may call the Sll" ien A ffairs O ffice, 4 15 .485.9376.
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