WHAT IS CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY? - Intentional Wellness Therapy


WHAT IS CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY? - Intentional Wellness Therapy
405 W Central ParkwaySuite 1010
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
Phone: 407-774-7744
[email protected]
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on method of enhancing the body’s natural healing abilities. It releases tensions in
the central nervous system so that your body and mind can relax and self-correct. It naturally and effectively relieves sources
of pain and dysfunction, and improves over all well-being. It is a powerful, yet nurturing and calming approach to health and
wellness, and is safe for people of all ages.
The guiding principles of CranioSacral Therapy are founded in Osteopathy. Osteopathy is a
Our approach to treatment can be beneficial for system of medicine developed in the 1800’s by civil war surgeon Andrew Taylor Still. Osteopathy is based on the theory that many diseases are caused by disturbances of structure, and
a wide array of diagnoses and for all ages.
that correcting these can alleviate illness and dysfunction. Beginning in the 1970’s, Dr. John
Common conditions include:
Upledger expanded CranioSacral Therapy with significant research, development and teaching
of CranioSacral Therapy principles. He has additionally addressed the mind, body and spirit
All Ages:
component of healing and incorporated embryological development, quantum physics, cell
structure, therapeutic imagery and Somato-Emotional Release into this holistic approach.
Birth trauma
Headaches / Migraines
Neck and back pain
Ear infections
Orthopedic problems
Cerebral and
Nerve Palsy
Post Traumatic Stress Dis
order (PTSD)
Post-Surgical Dysfunction
(misshapen head)
Traumatic Brain and spinal
cord injury
Sensory Processing
Connective Tissue and
Auto-Immune Disorders
Learning disabilities
Temperomandibular Joint
Dysfunction (TMJ)
and Chronic Fatigue
Emotional difficulties
Vertigo/ Tinnitus
Sinus conditions
Poor sleep
Digestive disorders
Failure to thrive
Stress and tension related
Some Foundational principles of Osteopathy and CranioSacral Therapy are:
1. Structure and Function are Inter-Related. Each structure in our body is designed to perform a specific task. If a structure becomes altered as a result of stress, misuse, disuse or overuse, it will impact its ability to perform its designated function. For example, chronic poor
posture will result in faulty adaptation and diminished biomechanical alignment. Similarly, we
can shape a structure through changing its function. This is evident in considering how a carpenter develops calloused hands and developed forearms compared to a ballerina who develops astounding foot control. Our bodies accommodate and develop differently in accordance
to demands placed upon it. One aspect of CranioSacral Therapy is to positively influence and
assist in restoring structural integrity, thereby optimizing functional capabilities and overall
2. The Body is a Whole. Although we tend to break ourselves into many parts, the body operates as a system of related interactions. No component functions in isolation. If you affect one
part, you are automatically influencing another. Think of your car engine as an example. If one
of the structures of your engine is altered, it affects the whole car. You may be able to operate
your vehicle with some dysfunctional parts, but the damage makes the engine work harder.
Eventually, the cost of maintaining dysfunction is likely to take its toll and create breakdown.
Our bodies operate in the same manner. We are complex machines and all of our parts are
vital. Retaining inefficient patterns leads to DYS-FUNCTION and DIS-EASE.
3. The Body is Self-Correcting. The body is always seeking to restore balance. This is called
homeostasis and is an inherent principle of all medicine. CranioSacral Therapy uses methods
of evaluation and treatment to detect and correct any areas of imbalance, and assist in restoring the body’s ability to heal.
Our innate response to danger is a function of our Autonomic (automatic/unconscious) nervous
system. This response is termed the “fight, flight or freeze” response. Signals are sent from our
brain to release specific hormones and prepare the body to run away from or confront the
threatening stimulus, regardless of if the threat is real or perceived. Heart rate and blood pressure increase and digestion is reduced. A state of immobility may arise, similar to a state of
shock, to protect ourselves and diminish the pain and trauma we are experiencing. These effects often do not resolve or discharge themselves completely, and negative patterns may develop from this energy being trapped in the nervous system. Accidents, falls, illnesses and surgeries, even seemingly minor ones, often elicit this protective response. Chronic, prolonged
physical or mental stress creates an ongoing and detrimental fight, flight or freeze reaction,
which continues to impact us physiologically until released. CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release assist in finding and dissipating these sources of stress in a safe and gentle
way and allow true healing to occur.
CranioSacral Therapy is profoundly helpful in achieving a wide array of health and wellness goals.
Many people experience changes they never expected to be possible .
What is the CranioSacral S y s t e m?
The CranioSacral System
specifically refers to the
membranes and Cerebrospinal fluid that surround,
support and protect the
Central Nervous System
(brain and spinal cord).
All body systems are
regulated by the Central
Nervous System. Every
single function of the
body, consciously or unconsciously, is affected by
the condition of the Central Nervous System.
Restrictions in the body may distort the CranioSacral system, thereby altering
the ability of the Central Nervous System to function as it is meant to.
All body systems are regulated by the Central Nervous System. Some affected areas are:
Pain Modulation
Postural Tone
Motor Control
Sensory Integration
Stress Response
Organ Function
Immune System
What is a Restriction?
Injury, inflammation, disease, surgery, and poor posture can cause fascial
adhesions (sticky spots). These may also develop from gestational and
birth factors, chemical or environmental toxicity, and physical, mental , or
emotional stress. Adhesions tighten and create areas of adverse strain
which compromise motion. When structures cannot move, they cannot
function. Our body must adapt and
compensate for these areas of restriction, which in turn, depletes energy.
These dysfunctional body patterns may
cause abnormal mechanical or chemical effects. These effects may remain
local or reach distant regions of the
body because of this interconnected
network. Imagine tugging on the bottom of your shirt. You can see and feel
the tug transmit up to your shoulders.
Similarly, local restrictions in fascia can
“tug” on other areas, creating patterns
of strain and inefficiency.
How is a Treatment Performed?
Treatment is very gentle and non-invasive, always respectful of the client’s
needs and honoring their innate wisdom. Generally, the client is clothed
and in a comfortable position. The therapist will evaluate and treat by
placing their hands in a variety of positions on your body. Experiences vary
Primary Components of the CranioSacral System:
from session to session. At times it may be very quiet and you may fall
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF): Provides shock absorption and transports chemi- into a deeply relaxed state or even sleep, or there may be dialogue and
cals, hormones and immune cells. Cerebrospinal fluid also removes waste expression throughout. You may feel a range of sensations, or recall
products and toxins, and supplies nourishment for the growth, development memories or emotions that are pertinent to healing. Sometimes these
may be subtle and at other times very apparent. Following treatment,
and overall health of our brain and spinal cord.
changes continue to integrate for several days, and often several weeks.
Membranes: Cerebrospinal fluid is
Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy
contained within three layers of
membranes attached to the
How Does the CranioSacral System Work?
inside of the skull and to the
tailbone, which forms a sac
The production and re-absorption of Cerebrospinal Fluid cycles on and off
around the brain and spinal
in a rhythmic fashion, creating a palpable expansion and contraction
transmitted throughout the body. This is identified as the CranioSacral
Rhythm. This may be likened to feeling the pulse in your wrist to obtain
Fascia: These three meminformation about your heart and cardiovascular system. However, the
branes are composed of fascia
CranioSacral Rhythm has different characteristics than the other body
(connective tissue). Fascia
systems. This motion, indicative of the condition of the Cerebrospinal
interpenetrates and encomfluid flow, is used to identify areas of restriction and facilitate change
passes all anatomical strucwithin those areas, and is a primary element used during evaluation and
treatment. People often ask, “How can you possibly feel that?” Each body
tures, including muscles,
system has palpable, inherent qualities. Some qualities are obvious and
nerves, organs, bones, blood
some are subtle. It is obvious that we can feel the rate and quality of our
vessels, and cells. Fascia is an
breath and our pulse. As therapists, we evaluate and “listen with our
uninterrupted, three dimenhands” to the subtleties of the CranioSacral System, fascia, lymphatic,
sional web of tissue that extends from head to toe, from front to back, from
organs, muscles, bones and energy systems and look at how these sysinterior to exterior. It is designed to provide support, separation, and ease of
tems are relating to each other. We are trained to look beyond the obvimotion among structures, maintain structural integrity, and act as a shock
ous to find and help release the origins of dysfunction, which may not be
absorber. Fascia has an essential role in circulatory and biochemical procfound through other means of diagnostics.
esses, and provides the matrix that allows for intercellular communication.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Fascia functions as the body's first line of defense against disease causing
agents and infections. After injury it is the fascia that creates an environment
Each person’s needs and goals are highly individualized. You are a partner
for tissue repair.
in your treatment plan. Initially, a minimum of 3 treatments within a 10-14
CranioSacral Therapy addresses the body, mind,
spirit, and energy of each individual
day period is usually recommended to determine what changes are being
made, and to ascertain what the optimal dosage, frequency, and intensity
of treatment is most appropriate for you and your goals. Often, people
experience profound changes rapidly, however many people find the benefits to be worth incorporating into their wellness and preventative care
routines, or as an adjunct to other therapies. At times, a more intensive
protocol may be required to break through long-standing dysfunctional
patterns in order to create more efficient and healthy ways of functioning.
© 2008 Robyn Walpert –Rose MPT, CST-D