Ausgewählte Publikationen - Afrikazentrum


Ausgewählte Publikationen - Afrikazentrum
Comoé Research Station Stand 2010
Adlbauer, K. (2000) Bockkäfer aus dem Comoé-Nationalpark in der Elfenbeinküste
(Coleoptera, Cermbycidae). Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Zool. Reihe 76(1): 101-112.
Beaucournu, J.-C. & Fahr, J. (2003) Notes sur les Ischnopsyllinae du Continent Africain.
IV: Quelques Lagaropsylla Jordan & Rothschild 1921 de Côte d’Ivoire; description de L.
senckenbergiana n. sp. (Insecta: Siphonaptera: Ischnopsyllidae). Senckenbergiana biol.
82(1/2): 157-162.
Bodendorfer T, Hoppe-Dominik B, Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2006) Prey of leopard
(PAnthera pardus) and the lion (Panthera leo) in the Comoé and Marahouè National
Parks , Cote d`Ivoire, West Africa. Mammalia: 231-246
Brandt, M. & Mahsberg, D. (2002) Bugs with a backpack: the function of nymphal
camouflage in the West African assassin bugs Paredocla and Acanthaspis spp . Animal
Behaviour 63: 277-284
Brendle, R. (1997) Populationsstudie an einer Waldvogelart (Cossypha niveicapilla,
Turdinae) in einer Mosaik-Waldlandschaft der Subsudan-Savanne, Republik
Elfenbeinküste. Dissertation Universität Frankfurt/M.
Büdel, B.; Becker, U.; Porembski, S.; & Barthlott, W. (1997) Cyanobacteria and
Cyanobacterial Lichens from Inselbergs of the Ivory Coast, Africa. Bot. Acta 110: 458-465
Dörrstock, S.; Porembski, S. & Barthlott, W. (1996) Ephemeral flush vegetation on
inselbergs in the Ivory Coast (West Africa). Candollea 51:407-419.
Dosso K, Konaté S, Kouakou TAM, Dembele A, Aidara D, Linsenmair KE (2011) The study
of unburned savanna sections serving as temporary refuges for insects. An experiment
in a tropical humid savanna in Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Applied Biosciences 39, 26072617
Dosso K, Yéo K, Konaté S, Linsenmair KE (2012) Importance of protected areas for
biodiversity conservation in central Côte d’Ivoire: Comparison of termite assemblages
between two neighboring areas under differing levels of disturbance . Journal of Insect
Science 12:131. Available online:
10. Ernst R, Linsenmair KE, Thomas R, Rödel M-O (2007) Amphibian communities in
disturbed forests: lessons from the Neo- and Afrotropics. In : Tscharntke et al. (eds) The
stability of tropical rainforest margins: linking ecological,economic and social
constraints. Springer. Pp 61-87.
11. Ernst R, Keller A, Landburg G, Grafe TU, Linsenmair KE, Rödel M-O, Dziock F (2012)
Common ancestry or environmental trait filters: cross-continental comparisons of traithabitat relationships in tropical anuran amphibian assemblages. Global Ecology and
Biogeography 21, 704–715
12. Fahr, J. (1998) Die Sandlaufkäfer (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) des Comoé-Nationalparks,
Elfenbeinküste: Faunistik, Zoogeographie und Ökologie. Bonn. zool. Beitr. 47(3-4): 321343.
13. Fahr, J. (2013) in: Mammals of Africa, Vol. IV: Hedgehogs, Shrews and Bats, (eds.
Happold, M. & Happold, D.C.D.), Bloomsbury, London. 800 pp.
Genus Nanonycteris, p. 277
Nanonycteris veldkampii Veldkamp's epauletted fruit bat, pp. 278-280
Genus Scotonycteris, p. 294
Scotonycteris ophiodon Pohle's fruit bat, pp. 295-297
Scotonycteris zenkeri Zenker's fruit bat, pp. 297-299
Rhinolophus guineensis Guinea horseshoe bat, pp. 331-332
Rhinolophus hilli Hill's horseshoe bat, pp. 334-336
Rhinolophus hillorum Upland horseshoe bat, pp. 336-337
Rhinolophus maclaudi Maclaud's horseshoe bat, pp. 342-343
Rhinolophus ruwenzorii Rwenzori horseshoe bat, pp. 347-348
Rhinolophus ziama Ziama horseshoe bat, pp. 355-356
Hipposideros cyclops Cyclops leaf-nosed bat, pp. 380-383
Hipposideros fuliginosus Sooty leaf-nosed bat, pp. 383-385
Hipposideros jonesi Jones's leaf-nosed bat, pp. 387-389
Hipposideros lamottei Lamotte's leaf-nosed bat, pp. 389-390
Hipposideros marisae Aellen's leaf-nosed bat, pp. 391-392
Saccolaimus peli Pel's pouched bat, pp. 425-427
Nycteris arge Bates's slit-faced bat, pp. 442-443
Nycteris intermedia Intermediate slit-faced bat, pp. 450-451
Nycteris major Dja slit-faced batpp. 453-454
Nycteris nana Dwarf slit-faced bat, pp. 455-456
Genus Myopterus, pp. 475-476
Myopterus daubentonii Daubenton's winged mouse bat, pp. 476-478
Myopterus whitleyi Bini winged mouse bat, pp. 478-479
Tadarida aloysiisabaudiae Duke of Abruzzi free-tailed bat, pp. 493-495
Tadarida bemmeleni Gland-tailed free-tailed bat, pp. 497-499
Tadarida congica Congo free-tailed bat, pp. 507-509
Tadarida demonstrator Mogalla free-tailed bat, pp. 509-511
Mimetillus moloneyi Moloneyi's mimic bat, pp. 586-588
Glauconycteris superba Pied butterfly bat, pp. 575-576
Pipistrellus brunneus Dark-brown pipistrelle, pp. 613-614
Pipistrellus crassulus Broad-headed pipistrelle, pp. 617-619
Pipistrellus tenuipinnis White-winged pipistrelle, pp. 655-657
Kerivoula cuprosa Copper woolly bat, pp. 727-728.
Kerivoula phalaena Spurrell's woolly bat, pp.731-732
Kerivoula smithii Smith's woolly bat, pp. 733-734
14. Fahr, J.; Vierhaus, H.; Hutterer, R. & Kock, D. (2002) A revision of the Rhinolophus
maclaudi species group with the description of a new species from West Africa
(Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae). Myotis 40: 95-126.
15. Fahr, J. & Ebigbo, N. (2003) A conservation assessment of the bats of the Simandou
Range, Guinea, with the first record of Myotis welwitschii (Gray, 1866) from West Africa.
Acta Chiropterologica 5(1): 125-141.
16. Falk, K.H. & Salewski, V. (1999) First records of Golden-tailed Woodpecker Campethera
abingoni in Ivory Coast. Bull. African Bird Club 6 (2): 101-102.
17. Fischer, F. (1995) Untersuchung der Kob-Antilope im Comoé-Nationalpark in Westafrika.
Natur und Museum 125(5): 155-165.
18. Fischer, F. (1996) Ivory Coast: Comoé National Park. Antelope Survey Update No. 2: 9 12; East, R. (Compiler). IUCN/SSC Antelope Specialist Group Publication.
19. Fischer, F. (1997) Regional Rundown, Ivory Coast. Gnusletter 16(2): 30-32.
20. Fischer, F. (1998) Ökoethologische Grundlagen der nachhaltigen Nutzung von
Kobantilopen (Kobus kob kob). Dissertation Universität Würzburg.
21. Fischer, F. (2001) Beobachtungen eines Kobantilopenweibchens mit Hörnern. Natur und
Museum 131(8): 250-253.
22. Fischer, F. (2002) The Comoé National Park – threatened last stronghold of ungulates in
Côte d’Ivoire. Gnusletter 21(2): 4-8.
23. Fischer, F. (2003) Comoé Nationalpark in Not. Zoologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt
Mitteilungen 1/2003: 7.
24. Fischer, F. (2013) Kobus kob. In: Kingdon, J.; Happold, D.; Butynski, Th.; Hoffmann, M.;
Happold, M.; Kalina, J. (Eds). The Mammals of Africa. Vol. 6. Pigs, Deer, Giraffe, Bovids,
and Hippos. Bloomsbury Publishing, London
25. Fischer, F. & Gross, M. (1998a) Die Avifauna des Comoé Nationalparks in der Republik
Elfenbeinküste, Westafrika. Natur und Museum 128(4): 97 – 112.
26. Fischer, F. & Gross, M. (1998b) Narkosen von Leopard und Kob-Antilope in freier
Wildbahn zur Analyse einer Räuber-Beute Beziehung. Münchener Tierpark Hellabrunn
AG Geschäftsbericht 1997.
27. Fischer, F. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1999) The territorial system of the kob antelope (Kobus
kob kob) in the Comoé National Park, Côte d´Ivoire. African Journal of Ecology 37: 386399.
28. Fischer, F. & Gross, M. (1999) Chimpanzees in the Comoé National Park, Côte d´Ivoire.
Pan Africa News 6(2): 19-20.
29. Fischer, F. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2000) Changes in group size in Kobus kob kob (Bovidae) in
the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast (West-Africa). Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 65:
30. Fischer, F. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2001a) Decreases in ungulate population densities.
Examples from the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast. Biological Conservation 101(2):
31. Fischer, F. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2001b) Spatial and temporal habitat use of kob antelopes
(Kobus kob kob, Erxleben 1777) in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast as revealed by
radio tracking. African Journal of Ecology 39(3): 249 – 256.
32. Fischer, F.; Groß, M. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2002) Updated list of the larger mammals of
the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast. Mammalia 66(1): 83-92.
33. Fischer, F.; Kunz, B. & Gross, M. (2002) The primates of the Comoé National Park, Ivory
Coast. African Primates 1999-2000, 4(1&2).
34. Fischer, F. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2002) Demography of a West-African kob antelope
(Kobus kob kob) population. African Journal of Ecology 40:130-137.
35. Fischer, F.; Linsenmair, K. E.; Hector, J. & Wiesner, H. (2002) Immobilizing free-ranging
western kob antelope (Kobus kob kob) in the Comoé National Park, Côte d’Ivoire.
Nature et Faune 18(2): 25 – 44.
36. Fischer, F. & Braun, U. (2004) Integration of the riverine population in bio-monitoring
projects in the Comoé National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. In: Treffpunkkt Biologische Vielfalt IV
- Interdisciplinary approach and the convention on biodiversity (H. Korn & U. Feit Edts.)
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: 217 – 222
37. Fischer, F. (2004) Status of the Comoé National Park, Côte d’Ivoire and the effects of
war. Parks 14(1): 17-25
38. Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2007) Changing social organization in an ungulate population
subject to poaching and predation – the kob antelope (Kobus kob kob) in the Comoé
National Park, Cote d’Ivoire. African Journal of Ecology 45(3): 285-292
39. Frahm, J.-P. & Porembski, S. (1994): Moose von Inselbergen aus Westafrika. Tropical
Bryology 9: 59-68.
40. Frahm, J.-P., Porembski, S., Seine, R. & Barthlott, W. (1996): Moose von Inselbergen aus
Elfenbeinküste und Zimbabwe. Nova Hedwigia 62: 177-189.
41. Geise, W. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1986) Adaptations of the reed frog Hyperolius viridiflavus
(Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) to ist arid environment. II Some aspects of water
economy of Hyperolius viridiflavus nitidulus under wet and dry season conditions.
Oecologia 86: 542-548
42. Geise, W. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1988) Adaptations of the reed frog Hyperolius viridiflavus
(Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) to ist arid environment. IV. Ecological significance of
water economy with comments on thermoregulation and energy allocation. Oecologia
(Berlin) 77: 327 – 338.
43. Goetze, D.; Hennenberg, K. Koulibaly, A. Orthmann, B. & Porembski, S. (2003)
Biodiversitätsforschung im Zeitalter des globalen Wandels: Habitatfragmente als
Modellsysteme. – Traditio et Innovatio 8(1): 32–36.
44. Grabow, K.; Korb; J. Martens, A. & Rödel, M.-O. (1997) The use of termite mounds by
the dragonfly Crocothemis divisa KARSCH 1898 during the pre-reproductive period
(Odanata Libellulidae). Trop. Zool. 10(1): 1-10.
45. Grafe T.U. (1997): Costs and benefits of female choice in the lek-breeding African reed
frog (Hyperolius marmoratus). Anim. Behav. 53: 1103-1117.
46. Grafe, T. U. (1999) A function of synchronous calling and a novel female preference shift
in an anuran. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 266:2331-2336.
47. Grafe, T.U. (2000) Leptopelis viridis (West African tree frog). Cocoon formation. Herp.
Review 31:100-101.
48. Grafe T. U. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1989) Protogynous sex change in the reed frog
Hyperolius viridiflavus. Copeia 1989: 1024-1029.
49. Grafe, T. U; Schmuck, R. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1992) Reproductive energetics of the
African reed frogs Hyperolius viridiflavus and Hyperolius marmoratus. Physiol Zool 65,
50. Grafe T. U.; Spieler M. & König, B. (1999) Erklärungsmodelle der Soziobiologie für
Verhalten von Amphibien und Reptilien. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 6: 1-42.
51. Grafe, T.U.; Steffen, J. O. & Stoll, C. (2000) Vocal repertoire and the effect of
advertisement call intensity on calling behaviour in the West African tree frog Leptopelis
viridis. Amphibia-Reptilia 21: 13-23.
52. Grafe, T. U. & Kaminsky, S. K. (2001) The status of amphibians in the Ivory Coast, West
Africa. IUCN SSC Working Group Report 2001.
53. Grafe, T. U.; Döbler S. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2002) Frogs flee from the sound of fire. Proc.
R. Soc. Lond. B. 269:999-1003.
54. Grafe, T.U & J.H. Bitz (2004a) Functions of duetting in the tropical boubou, Laniarius
aethiopicus: territorial defense and mutual mate guarding. Animal Behavior 68: 193201.
55. Grafe, T.U. & J.H. Bitz (2004b) An acoustic postconflict display in the tropical boubou
(Laniarius aethiopicus): a signal of victory? BMC Ecology 4:1.
56. Grafe, T.U., S.K. Kaminsky, H. Lüssow, J.H. Bitz & K.E. Linsenmair (2004) Demographic
dynamics of the afro-tropical pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus: effects of climate
and predation on survival and recruitment. Oecologia 141:40- 46.
57. Grafe, T.U., J.H. Bitz & M. Wink (2004) Song repertoire and duetting behaviour of the
tropical boubou, Laniarius aethiopicus. Animal Behavior 68:181-191.
58. Grafe, T.U., S.K. Kaminsky & K.E. Linsenmair (2005) Terrestrial larval development and
nitrogen excretion in the afro-tropical pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus. Journal of
Tropical Ecology 21:219-222.
59. Haarmeyer D.H., Luther-Mosebach J., Dengler J., Schmiedel U., Finckh M., Berger K.,
Deckert J., Domptail
60. Hallermann, J. & M.-O. Rödel (1995) A new species of Leptotyphlops (Serpentes:
Leptotyphlopidae) of the longicaudus-group from West Africa. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk.
Ser. A 532: 1-8.
61. Hennenberg, K. J., D. Goetze, V. Minden, D. Traoré, and S. Porembski, 2005. Size class
distribution of Anogeissus leiocarpus (Combretaceae) along forest-savanna ecotones in
northern Ivory Coast. Journal of Tropical Ecology 21:1-9.
62. Hennenberg K.J, .F Fischer, K Kouadio, D Goetze, KE Linsenmair, F Jeltsch, S Porembski,
(2006) Phytomass and fire probability along forest-savanna transects in the Comoé
National Park, Ivory Coast. – Journal of Tropical Ecology 22, 303-311.
63. Hoffman, R. and Mahsberg, D. (1996): A new milliped of the genus Pelmatojulus from
the Ivory Coast (Spirobolida: Pachybolidae). Myriapodologica 4 (6): 43-49.
64. Hovestadt, T. (1997) Fruchtmerkmale, endozoochore Samenausbreitung und ihre
Bedeutung für die Zusammensetzung der Pflanzengemeinschaft. Untersuchungen im
Wald-Savannenmosaik des Comoé Nationalparks, Elfenbeinküste. Berlin: Wissenschaft &
Technik Verlag.
65. Hovestadt, Th., Yao, P. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1999) Seed dispersal mechanisms and the
vegetation of forest islands in a West-African forest-savanna mosaic (Comoé National
Park, Ivory Coast). Plant Ecology 144: 1-25.
66. Hovestadt T, Poethke HJ, Linsenmair KE (2005) Spatial patterns in species-area
relationships and species distribution in a West African forest-savanna mosaic. Journal
of Biogeography, 32, 677-684
67. Jmhasly, P. & Leuthold, R.H. (1997) Intraspezifische Kolonieerkennung bei der Termite
Macrotermes subhyalinus und Macrotermes bellicosus. Proc. IUSSI german Sect. Vol. 16:
68. Jmhasly,P. , Brandl, R., Leuthold, R.H. & Kaib,M. (1998) Aggression and cuticular
hydrocarbons in a termite. Proc.13th Cong. of the IUSSI Adeleide,13, 233 p.
69. Jmhasly, P. (1998) Territorial phenomena and intraspecific colony recognition in the
higher termites Macrotermes bellicosus and Macrotermes subhyalinus (Isoptera:
Termitidae). Dissertation PhD pp.1-81, Universität Bern.
70. Jmhasly, P. & Leuthold, R.H. (1999) Foraging territories of Macrotermes bellicosus and
mutual territory dynamics between M. bellicosus and M. subhyalinus (Isoptera:
Termitidae). Sociobiol. 34, 23-33.
71. Jmhasly, P. & Leuthold, R.H. (1999) The system of underground passages in
Macrotermes subhyalinus and comparison of laboratory bioassays to field evidence of
intraspecific encounters in M. subhyalinus and M. bellicosus. Ins. Soc. 46, 332-340.
72. Jmhasly, P. & Leuthold, R.H. (1999) Intraspecific colony recognition in the termite
Macrotermes subhyalinus and Macrotermes bellicosus (Isoptera, Termititdae). Ins. Soc.
46 164-170.
73. Jmhasly, P. & Leuthold, R.H. (1999) Intraspecific colony recognition in a higher termite:
combining behaviour, morphology, and chemistry. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol.
74. Jetz, W. (2001) Biodiversity of African Birds. D.Phil. Thesis. Zoology Department, pp. 250.
University of Oxford, Oxford.
75. Jetz, W.; Steffen, J. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2003) Effects of light and prey availability on
nocturnal, lunar and seasonal activity of two sub-tropical nightjars. Oikos 103: 627–639.
76. Jetz, W. (2000) Temporal dynamics and community composition of aerial insects in a
West African Bush Savannah. Oxford University Expedition to the Ivory Coast 1999 Report. Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK. 43pp.
77. Kaminsky, S.K.; Linsenmair, K. E. & Grafe, T. U. (1999) Reproductive timing, nest
construction and tadpole guidance in the African pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus.
J. Herpetol. 33:119-123.
78. Kaminsky, S.K.; Grafe, T.U.; Spieler M. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2004) A new method for
immobilizing frogs after radio-transmitter implantation: migration patterns in the pignosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus. Herpetological Review 35:146-148
79. Kaminsky, SK, Grafe TU, Spieler M, Linsenmair KE (2004). A new method for
immobilizing fossorial frogs after radio-transmitter implantation and notes on
movement patterns in the pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus. Herpetological Review
35(2), 146-148.
80. Kaupp, A. & Rödel, M.-O. (1996) Die Fühlerkäfer der Elfenbeinküste, Faunistik und
Phänologie (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae). Koleopterol. Rundsch. 66: 7-17.
81. Kaupp, A. & Rödel, M.-O. (1997) Ein neuer westafrikanischer Paussus LINNAEUS aus der
P. favieri Gruppe (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae). Koleopterol. Rundsch. 67: 5-12.
82. Kobelt, F. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1986) Adaptations of the reed frog Hyperolius viridiflavus
(Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) to its arid environment. I The skin of Hyperolius
viridiflavus nitidulus in wet and dry season conditions. Oecologia 68, 533-541
83. Kobelt, F. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1992) Adaptations of the reed frog Hyperolius viridiflavus
(Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) to its arid environment. VI. The iridophores in the skin
of Hyperolius viridiflavus taeniatus as radiation reflectors. J. Comp. Physiol. B 162, 314326.
84. Kobelt, F. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1995). Adaptations of the reed frog Hyperolius viridiflavus
(Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) to its arid environment. VII. The heat budget of
Hyperolius viridiflavus nitidulus and the evolution of an optimized body shape. J Comp
Physiol B, 165: 110-124.
85. Koné M, S Konaté, K Yeo, P K Kouassi, K. E. Linsenmair (2010) Diversity and abundance
of terrestrial ants in a forest–Savannah zone. Journal of Applied Biosciences 29, 18091827.
86. Koné N’G.A., Dosso K., Konaté S., Kouadio J.K., Linsenmair KE (2011). Environmental and
biological determinants of Termitomyces species seasonal fructification in central and
southern Côte d’Ivoire. Insectes Sociaux, 58, 371-382.
87. Korb, J. (1997) Lokale und regionale Verbreitung der hügelbauenden Termite
Macrotermes bellicosus (Isoptera, Macrotermitinae): Stochastik oder Deterministik?
Dissertation Universität Würzburg.
88. Korb, J. (2000) Methods to study elusive spotted hyenas in the Comoé National Park,
Côte d’Ivoire. Hyaena Specialist Group Newsletter IUCN 7: 3-12.
89. Korb, J. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1998) The effects of temperature on the architecture and
distribution of Macrotermes bellicosus (Isoptera: Macrotermitinae) mounds in different
habitats of a West African Guinea savanna. Insectes Sociaux 45: 51-65.
90. Korb J, Linsenmair KE (1998) Experimental heating of Macrotermes bellicosus (Isoptera;
Macrotermitinae) mounds: what role does microclimate play in influencing mound
architecture? Insectes Sociaux 45, 335-342.
91. Korb, J. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1999a) The architecture of termite mounds, a result of a
trade-off between thermoregulation and gas exchange? Behavioral Ecology 10: 312-316.
92. Korb, J. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1999b) Reproductive success of Macrotermes bellicosus
(Isoptera, Macrotermitinae) in two neighbouring habitats. Oecologia 118: 183-191.
93. Korb, J. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2000a) Ventilation of termite mounds: new results require a
new model. Behavioral Ecology 11: 486-494.
94. Korb, J. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2000b) Thermoregulation of termite mounds: what role
does ambient temperature and metabolism of the colony play? Insectes Sociaux 47:
95. Korb, J. & Salewski, V. (2000) Predation on swarming termites by birds. African Journal
of Ecology 38: 173-174.
96. Korb, J. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2001a) The causes of spatial patterning of mounds of a
fungus-cultivating termite: results from nearest-neighbour analysis and ecological
studies. Oecologia 127: 324-333.
97. Korb, J. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2001b) Resource availability and distribution patterns,
indicators of competition between Macrotermes bellicosus and other macrodetritivores in the Comoé National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. African Journal of Ecology 39:
98. Korb, J. & Linsenmair, K. E. (2002) Evaluation of predation risk in the collectively
foraging termite Macrotermes bellicosus. Insectes Sociaux 49: 264-269
99. Korb, J. (2003) Thermoregulation and ventilation of termite mounds.
Naturwissenschaften 90: 212-219.
Krell, F.-T. (1999) Dung Beetles Unharmed by Army Ants in Tropical Africa
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae; Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dorylinae). Coleopterists
Bulletin 53 (4): 325-328. Sacramento. [30.xii.1999].
Krell, F.-T. (2003): Onthophagus mankonoensis Balthasar from Côte d’Ivoire, a junior
synonym of Onthophagus mocquerysi d’Orbigny (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Časopis
Národního Muzea, řada Přirodovédná: 172(1-4): 51-54.
Krell, F.-T.; Schmitt, T. & Linsenmair, K.E. (1997) Diplopod defensive secretions as
attractants for necrophagous scarab beetles (Diplopoda; Insecta, Coleoptera:
Scarabaeidae). Entomologica Scandinavica Supplementum 51 (Enghoff, H. (Ed.):
Many-legged animals - A collection of papers on Myriapoda and Onychophora.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Myriapodology, Copenhagen, 29
July - 2 August, 1996): 281-285. Lund. [French summary] [15.xii.1997].
Krell, F.-T. & Krämer, F. (1998) Chemical attraction of crab spiders (Araneae,
Thomisidae) to a flower fragrance component. Journal of Arachnology 26 (1): 117119.
Krell, F.-T.; Schmitt, T. & Linsenmair, K.E. (1999) The rhinoceros beetle Cyphonistes
tuberculifrons Quedenfeldt attracted by quinones (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae:
Dynastinae) - primary olfactory attraction of a saprophagous beetle by its source of
food? Tropical Zoology 12 (2): 297-307. Firenze. [xii.1999].
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