August 28 - Our Lady of Lourdes


August 28 - Our Lady of Lourdes
455 Hunter Avenue, West Islip, NY 11795
Msgr. Brian McNamara, Pastor
Rev. Andrew Garnett, Associate Pastor
Rev. Lawrence Maduewesi, in Residence
Chaplain, Southside Hospital
Deacon John De Guardi, Deacon Tom Lucie,
Deacon Rich Maher, Deacon Jack Meehan,
Deacon John Teufel
Sr. Nancy Campkin CSJ, Director of Religious Ed
Trish Frodell, Director of Parish Social Ministry
Louise Jane Krol, School Principal
Sr. Diane Liona CSJ, Director of Religious Ed
Debbie Meyer, Business Manager
Robin Reynolds Brennan, Coordinator of Worship
and Choir Director
Vita Scorcia, Ministry Spiritual Director
Anointing of the Sick
Throughout the liturgical year. If needed sooner, please call
the Parish Office.
Please contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment.
Arranged at least six months in advance, please call the
Parish Office.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
A process to be embraced by the Catholic Church. For
non-Catholics and for Catholics who have never received
formal religious education. If interested, please call the
Parish Office.
Liturgical Schedule
Daily Mass
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm
Acts 2:1
and 6:00pm
Saturday: 4:00pm-4:45pm or by appointment
Daily at 8:00am
Miraculous Medal Novena
Monday at 8:00am
Parish Office
Phone: 631.661.3224, press 1
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-7:30pm
Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am-3:00pm | Sunday: 9:00am-2:00pm
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 631.661.7143 | Website:
Our Lady of Lourdes School
Phone: 631.587.7200, press 2
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
E-mail: [email protected]
Religious Education Office
Phone: 631.661.5440, press 3
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-Noon,
1:00pm-5:00pm, 7:00pm-9:00pm
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Outreach Office
Twenty-Second Sunday
in Ordinary Time
August 28, 2016
Phone: 631.661.9262, press 4
Monday-Friday: 9:30am-3:30pm
SAGE (Senior Advocates for Growth and Enrichment)
Phone: 631.661.3224, Ext. 122
E-mail: [email protected]
Welcome to our Parish Family
New Parishioners are cordially invited to register as members of
our Parish Family. Please call or visit our Parish Office.
Remember: Together, we can do something beautiful for God!
- Mother Teresa
Pastoral Council
Msgr. Brian McNamara
Eileen Rega
Mary Borgs
Lisa Cantalino
Sonia DaSilva
Nilo DeLeon
Jerry Esposito
Trish Frodell
Pam Gagliano
Deborah Lamb
Rosalie Mangels
Deacon Jack Meehan
John Muldoon
Dottie Perdue
Vita Scorcia
Parish Staff
Patti Anderson
Parish Office
AnnMarie Buonaspina
Director of Youth Choirs
Michael Buonaspina
Parish Organist
Stacy Gordon
School Office
Mary Anne Lettieri
Parish Office
Rita Spera
Religious Education Office
Lori Walsh
Bulletin Editor/Website
Pat Young
Parish Office
Mission Statement
As stewards of all that God has given us, the Parish Family of
Our Lady of Lourdes serves and ministers to all who come to
this place.
Regardless of a person’s history, ethnicity, gender, orientation,
age or race, we commit ourselves to open wide the doors of our
Parish to provide a place of welcome and hospitality.
Readings for the Week of August 28
Next Sunday:
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29/ Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a/ Lk 14:1, 7-14
1 Cor 2:1-5/ Mk 6:17-29
1 Cor 2:10b-16/ Lk 4:31-37
1 Cor 3:1-9/ Lk 4:38-44
1 Cor 3:18-23/ Lk 5:1-11
1 Cor 4:1-5/ Lk 5:33-39
1 Cor 4:6b-15/ Lk 6:1-5
Wis 9:13-18b/ Phlm 9-10, 12-17/ Lk 14:25-33
Financial Summary
August 21, 2016 - will be posted next week
Weekly Collection
Weekly Budget
+/- for the week
- $ 17,800.00
The estimated weekly collection needed to maintain and operate
our parish buildings, ministries, programs and salaries is $17,800.
As you may know, every first Saturday of the month, we have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
organized by the Nocturnal Adoration Society. It begins after the 5:00pm Saturday evening Mass
(about 6:00pm) and concludes with Benediction shortly before 10:00pm.
I would like to encourage everyone to stop by for all or part of the prayer time before the Blessed
Sacrament. With apologies to David Letterman, here are our Top Ten reasons why you should spend
at least some time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament:
Pastor’s Letter
Dear Parishioners:
NUMBER 10: To pr ay for the futur e of our countr y and our Chur ch, especially in the wake of
recent Supreme Court rulings
NUMBER 9: To pr ay for healing for our fr iends who ar e str uggling with health pr oblems or
difficult marriages
NUMBER 8: To pray for peace and to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the
NUMBER 7: To pray for family members who have left the Church
NUMBER 6: To ask God to help me to grow in holiness and to become the saint God created me
to be
NUMBER 5: To ask forgiveness when I have hurt someone
NUMBER 4: To thank God for the blessings of my family, home, work and food, blessings that
many people in today’s world do not have
NUMBER 3: To pray for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and the consecrated life
NUMBER 2: To place myself in a quiet place where I can hear Jesus speak to me
Because Jesus is our Lord and Savior and it is right and just to give Him thanks and
Next weekend, we celebrate Labor Day. While it is a secular holiday, it is an opportunity for us to
reflect upon the Christian meaning of work. For the Christian, work has a spiritual dimension. The
Second Vatican Council noted that Christ Himself “conferred an eminent dignity on labor when at
Nazareth He worked with His own hands.” In his papal encyclical, Laborem Exercens, Saint Pope
John Paul II wrote about a spirituality of work which includes such elements as creation, redemption
and the cross.
Work should never stifle the creativity or imagination of a person but, rather, work should engage the
whole person. Human work participates in God’s ongoing creation and leads to holiness in the world.
Work is a means for sanctification, for the individual and for the world at large. At all times, however, we must always place the dignity of the person performing the work higher than the work itself;
our current culture tends to do the opposite. Perhaps it is best to follow the motto of St. Benedict: all
of us need to “ora et labora”: pray and work!
Remember: Together, we can do something beautiful for God!
In Christ,
Fr. Brian
Altar Society
Altar linens this week will be cared for by Rosemary Kaste. If you would like to help care for
our altar needs, please call the Parish Office at 631.661.3224.
Members in the Military
We ask that you pray especially for those in our parish that are on active duty in the Middle East
Brian Barthel-US Air Force
Michael DiMatteo-US Marines
Michael Fantauzzi-US Air Force
Christopher Florca-US Marines
Anthony Mannino-US Marines
James Rooney III-US Marines
Michael Wilkinson-US Army
… and remember those of our parish family that are in the armed services, listed in our Parish
Book of Intentions.
Pastoral Care of Our Sick
Please call the Parish Office at 661.3224 to leave the names of
parishioners who:
 Are homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist.
 Are in Good Samaritan Hospital and/or a local nursing home
and would like to be visited by a member of our Pastoral Care
 Would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.
Pray for Our Sick
Please remember to keep in your thoughts and prayers …
Sal Albanese, Thomas Anderson, Rebecca Arrov, Mario Baibel, Luddy Bruno, Clare Buetow,
Ann Calogero, Benjamin Calogero, Thomas J. Calogero III, Frank Castellano, Bob Cestaro,
Lisa Charron, Helen Ciardella, Grace Ciccarello, Tom Corcoran, Diane Cullen, James Dobson,
Michael Einfeldt, T. J. Ferrante, Robert Garretson, Daniel Golden, Elizabeth Goode,
Charlene Grahn, Lillianna Grillo, Josephine Heffron, Patrick Anthony Heffron, Patricia Hernandez,
Thomas Hicks, Jr., Dawn Hutchinson, Msgr. William Jablonski, Henry Kahn, Shena Kahn,
Anne Kerrigan, George Koehler, Patrick Lillis, Sean Lillis, Ellen McGee, Vinny Meade,
Dotty Meloni, Regina Mirabella, Ken Monroe, Christine O’Connell, Tobie Oreste, Phyllis Pasciuta,
Bob Perlow, Peter Porzio, Dorothy Proctor, Bill Reilly, Jimmy Reilly, John Rickey, Rose Rickey,
Joseph Roccaro, Alan Roman, Joseph J. Schiavoni, Ann Marie Schiraldi, John Shaddock,
Denise Stark, Loretta Sullivan, Andrew Velten
Names of the sick will be listed for six weeks for short-term requests and six months for long-term.
Rest In Peace
Peter De Blasi
Joan M. Puccia
Maria Scalese
We extend our prayerful
sympathy to the families
and loved ones of those
recently deceased.
Monday, August 29
The Passion of St. John the Baptist
Nancy Kotz
Tuesday, August 30
James & Peggy Spearman & family
Wednesday, August 31
Luisa Cruz, Florencia Delfin
Thursday, September 1
Brian Patrick Clyde
Celebrating Sacraments
Mass Intentions
Friday, September 2
Georgia Laracase & family
Saturday, September 3
St. Gregory the Great
Andy Schmitt, Vito & Rosa Mastrorocco,
Martyn Matheson, Louise Italia (living)
Upcoming Marriages
Sonia DaSilva and
Steven Lopez, both OLL
Amanda Harnos, OLL and
Thomas Lowe,
St. Joseph, Hewlett
Sunday, September 4
Deceased Members of the Ascrizzi Family
Msgr. Brian McNamara
Kannon Julian Saxby
Kenneth & Kristianna
Josephine Sabella & Family
Msgr. Brian McNamara
Joseph & Mary Rizzo
Fr. Andrew Garnett
Florence & Michael Worysz
Fr. Andrew Garnett
Deceased Members of the D’Antonio &
Genovese Families
Msgr. Brian McNamara
People of the Parish, Domenica Palminteri,
Lopez Family - “For Mom”, Batson Family - “For
Dad”, Mr. & Mrs. Smutney, Thomas Villareale,
Kenneth Foster, Edward Murphy, Roger Williams,
Helen Bune (living), Carlos Alberto Ibay (living)
Msgr. Brian McNamara
Gabriel’s Courage Perinatal Support Program
Gabriel’s Courage is a family centered program for families who receive
a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis during their pregnancy. The program
offers a multidisciplinary team approach to care and support throughout
pregnancy, birth and post birth. Gabriel’s Courage is a program of
Catholic Health Services and Good Shepherd Hospice. This program
offers hope, affirms life and provides an opportunity for the family to
welcome their baby, as well as assisting in saying goodbye. Gabriel’s
Courage is seeking financial support to continue this important program.
If you are interested in making a donation to Gabriel’s Courage, please contact Good Shepherd
Hospice Development Office at 631.465.6350.
At times, infant burial can be challenging financially. Gabriel’s Courage seeks to honor the lives
of these babies and support parents in their wishes to bury their child. A burial is the last act of
parenting for some of our families. We ask that you consider donating resources for burials which
could include financial support or donation of an available grave. If you are interested in making a
donation, please contact Peter Ryan, Director of Catholic Cemeteries, at 516.334.7990, Ext. 109.
Thank you for your support of this special program and the recipients in its care.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
Continuing with our reflection on the psalms of mercy, we will be praying Psalm 51
throughout the month of August. As we pray Psalm 51 this month, let us appeal to the
merciful love of God to change us and create in us a new heart!
Psalm 51: Be Merciful, O Lord
Refrain: Be merciful, O Lord; be merciful, O Lord.
Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.
Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness.
In your compassion blot out my offense.
O wash me more and more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin.
My offenses truly I know them: my sin is always before me.
Against you, you alone have I sinned, what is evil in your sight I have done.
A pure heart create for me, O God, put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence, nor deprive me of your holy spirit.
Give me again the joy of your help; with a spirit of fervor sustain me.
O Lord, open my lips and my mouth shall declare your praise.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
Jubilee Year of Mercy
... You are the visible face of the invisible Father,
of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy
Our Parish Spiritual Work of Mercy
for this month is
Be Patient With Those In Error
(Even When It Is Hard)
Try to listen to others with an open mind
(even when you think you are right)
If you have a child entering first grade in public school, your child should be
registered for our “PEP 1” Religious Education Program.
This first year program is required for participation in First Eucharist.
It introduces the children to a basic understanding of the loving presence of God,
the person of Jesus, conscience formation and the importance of community worship.
Choose one:
September 26
September 28
10:30am or 7:30pm
10:30am or 7:30pm
The meeting will take approximately 45 minutes
and will be held in the Parish Center
(meeting room opposite the playground)
Please bring your child’s Baptismal certificate (a copy is acceptable),
and the registration fee (if this is your oldest child) is $200
2016 Catechetical Congress:
Safeguarding Human Dignity
In this Year of Mercy
Featuring Keynote Speaker: Helen M. Alvaré, Professor
of Law at George Mason University School of Law,
Advisor to USCCB, Author
Catechetical Congress is an exciting, enjoyable, and
rewarding experience. The worship, keynote address,
and many workshops will touch on every aspect of
parish ministry. The Congress also serves as an opportunity for renewal, formation, and fellowship for all the ministries in the parish community, such as RCIA, Marriage Prep, and Baptism
The Congress will be held on Saturday, September 17 at St. John the Baptist High School in
West Islip from 8:30am-5:00pm.
To register for the Congress online visit
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Italian Family
Feast 2016
September 14-18, 2016
Open Wednesday and Thursday from 7:00pm-10:00pm
Open Friday from 7:00pm-11:00pm
Open Saturday from 6:00pm-11:00pm
Open Sunday from 2:00pm-8:00pm
Vegas Night Gambling on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Walk With Mary and Feast Mass
On Saturday, September17, we celebrate our Feast Mass and Walk with Mary
with a procession at 4:00pm and Mass at 5:00pm. Please plan to join us in prayer
and song as we process through the Feast grounds.
Super Raffle
$10,000 in prizes. Only 220 tickets to be sold. Each ticket $100. Tickets on sale
after Mass . Don’t wait - these tickets sell out very quickly!
Super Raffle drawing will be held on Sunday, September 18 at 8:00pm.
Television Raffle Tickets
Also, purchase your raffle tickets to win a Big Screen Television.
$5 per raffle ticket - 6 raffle tickets for $20.
POP bracelets are available online through a link from the parish website
( until the first day of the Feast, Wednesday, September 14 at noon.
Cost: Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday: $22 for 1 bracelet
Friday and Saturday: $30 for 1 bracelet.
All bracelets will cost $30 at the Feast, so purchase your POP bracelets early to
take advantage of the discount and/or avoid waiting on line at the Feast!
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are always needed and welcomed to support our annual Italian Family Feast.
Can you help? If you’re interested or have any questions, please call
Frank Antonawich at 631.882-0886 or Deacon Rich Maher at 631.661.5478.
Nocturnal Adoration
“Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”
This is Jesus Christ’s invitation every first Saturday of the month. The
Blessed Sacrament is taken to the altar after the 5:00pm Mass and will be
exposed up to 9:50pm. Everyone is invited to spend some time in front of
the Blessed Sacrament to offer prayers, petitions and thanksgiving to Jesus.
Nocturnal Adoration will follow the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday, September 3,
concluding with Benediction at 9:50pm. Please come and pray with us. All
are invited and welcome. Bring a friend!
Outreach “Back to School” Drive
Outreach will be collecting school supplies to donate to families in need.
School Supplies we could use include:
* Glue Sticks
* 2 and 3 inch Binders
* Marble Notebooks
* Pencil Sharpeners
* Scissors
* Two Pocket Folders
* Crayons
* Soft Pencil Cases
* Post-It Notes
* Pink Erasers
* Supply Boxes
* Highlighters
* Paper
* Markers
* Three and Five Subject Spiral Notebooks (We have plenty of
one subject notebooks, thanks to all the donations from last
* Gift Cards to Payless or Target would also be appreciated
Donations can be left in the food baskets at the doors of the Church and, as always, our thanks!
Around the Parish
Donations to Outreach
If you would like to make a donation to Parish Outreach in memory of a loved one, please call
Trish Frodell, Director of Parish Social Ministry at 661.3224, option 4.
Peanut butter / jelly
As members of the Body of Christ, we are called to protect the dignity of everyone. We all need to
make sure that our children are in safe environments at home, at school, at church. As a Church,
and more specifically as a Diocese and as a parish, we have the Virtus Program.
EVERY employee and EVERY volunteer is required to take a special class (called VIRTUS) that
trains adults to see the signs of behaviors in adults that may be a sign of a sexual predator. While
this training is mandatory for all employees and volunteers, it is good training for all parents also.
If you have already taken the VIRTUS course, you need not repeat it.
You MUST pre register online, that is the only way to be “signed up” for the course
You MUST register by going online to / click VIRTUS link to register
Thursday September 8, 2016
Our Lady of Lourdes, West Islip
Parish Center
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sister Nancy at 631.661.5440, Option 3.
The Journey Continues ...
Last Sunday at the 6pm Mass, Fr. Andrew congratulated and thanked Emily Brierly who graduated
from St. John the Baptist this June and heads up to the College of New Rochelle next week. Emily
received the highest honor from St John the Baptist Diocesan High School: the “St John the Baptist
Award.” This award is given to the student who truly lives the Gospel values. Emily was also
involved here in the OLL Youth Group, as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Religious Ed Catechist,
Hang Out Leader, Hospitality Ministry and, of course, Feast Worker.
We’ll miss you, Emily Brierly, but your journey continues in New Rochelle, and we look forward to
always seeing you here at OLL and our prayers are with you.
In addition to our parish website (, please visit us on Facebook
at The Parish Family of Our Lady of Lourdes. Click “Like” and you will
receive the latest news on upcoming parish events and information.
Ministry of Praise
Members pray at home for the intentions of the Church and Parish; designed for the homebound,
senior citizens, etc. Monthly calendar is available in the Narthex. Prayer requests can be left in
the Ministry of Praise box along with the name and address of any homebound person who might
want a copy of the calendar mailed to them (please print).
Good Samaritan Prayer Group of L.I.
The Good Samaritan Prayer Group of Long Island holds their meetings every
Friday (except the first Friday of the month) at OLL School in Room 16 from
8:00pm until 10:00pm. All are welcome to experience singing, praying and
Prayer for Divine Mercy
An invitation to all men and women to be part of God’s plan. We invite you to meet in prayer for
the world and our nation to put their trust in God. Our hope is that the nations will have a new
spirit of morality. Please come with your love and hope for humanity as well as your prayer requests. We gather together every Thursday at 1:30pm before the Blessed Sacrament for about
one half hour. For more information, call Charles Argento at 586.8528.
Around the Parish
Boy Scout Troop 179
For over 40 years, Our Lady of Lourdes has been sponsoring Boy Scout
Troop 179 of West Islip. We meet every Thursday during the school year in
the School Cafeteria from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. If you are interested in joining
Boy Scouts, check out our website and stop by a meeting!
Email: [email protected]
Support Groups (all meetings are in Lourdes Hall - lower level of Convent)
Alcoholics Anonymous: Monday and Tuesday at 8pm and Satur day at 11am and 7pm.
ALANON: Wednesday at 10am. Beginner ’s meeting at 9:30am. Fr ee babysitting available.
AA Day-by-Day/Girls Night Out: Thur sday at 7:30pm.
Diocesan Year of Mercy Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception
In celebration of the Year of Mercy, the Diocese of Rockville Centre offers us a Pilgrimage to the
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Departure will
be from Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Lindenhurst, NY.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Departure Time
The Angelus, Upper Church
Welcome and Introduction, Msgr. V ito A . Buonanno
Presentation, Christopher Ruddy, PhD Catholic University of A merica
Lunch, Tours and Gift Shop, Private Prayer, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament,
Visit to the Holy Door of Mercy and Individual Confessions in the Reconciliation
Youth Event, Crypt Church
Rosary in Word and Song, Upper Church
Celebration of the Eucharist
Cost: $60 per person round trip coach bus transportation (includes driver gratuity).
Contact: Angela Garofalo at 516.445.9635 or email at [email protected] for more
information. To reserve a seat on the bus, please fill out and return the slip below:
Diocesan Year of Mercy Pilgrimage
Home phone:
Cell phone:
Email address:
Amount included:
Please drop in the collection basket or at our Parish Office. Make checks payable to: OLPH Church
Labor Day is an opportunity to take stock of the ways workers are honored and respected. As Pope Francis
pointed out, "Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person ... It gives one the ability to maintain oneself,
one's family, to contribute to the growth of one's own nation."
For many people, especially for the poor and the working poor, many of whom are unemployed or underemployed, the struggle to support their families is a daily battle. Please consider supporting the Catholic
Ministries Appeal which supports the programs and services that serve the poor and working poor in our
PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A GIFT TO THE 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal! Every Gift Makes a Difference
in the Lives of Others.
Our Lady of Lourdes, West Islip
City, State, Zip:
Down Payment $_________
Catholic Ministries Appeal, Diocese of Rockville Centre, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, New York 11571
Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you
argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about
it only make it worse?
Retrouvaille helps couples thr ough difficult times in their mar r iages.
This program has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing
ALL TYPES of marital difficulties.
For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, September 2, please
call 1.800.470.2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially
to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. Please
call or go on the web to make a reservation! Weekends get filled up very
quickly | 1.800.470.2230 | website:
Around the Diocese
You Can Help Heal Your Marriage!
Ladies Night Out at St. Joseph’s, Babylon
Extend the summer festivities and come to St. Joseph’s Parish Center on Saturday, September 10
from 6:30pm to 10:30pm.
Come on your own, bring a friend or a group of friends. We’re doing a Pot Luck Dinner so
everyone’s being asked to bring your favorite dish to share. Cost is $20 pp, which covers the DJ,
beverages, hot/cold drinks, beer, wine, water, line dancing with dance instructor, 50/50, games. If
you can’t bring a dish, then the cost is $30 at the door. Adults only please and remember, the guys
have to stay home.
Questions or to register, contact Lorraine DeCanditis at 631.553.0160. Make checks payable to:
St. Joseph Church and mail to: Lorraine DeCanditis, 132 Foster Boulevard, Babylon, NY 11702.
Sponsored by Sociable Singles
Preparing for Marriage?
Engaged Encounter is an effective PreCana program designed to provide you
with the tools for a successful marriage. Couples are given the opportunity to
explore many aspects of their relationship through a series of presentations,
writings and dialog. There are no group discussions. Our next weekend will be
held at the Montfort Spirituality Center in Bay Shore September 16-18.
For information/registration please call 631-563-1032 or visit
Gennesaret Retreat For Those Facing Serious Illness
A retreat especially designed for persons who live with a serious illness is planned September 23,
24 and 25 at Montfor t Spir ituality Center in Bay Shor e, NY. This r etr eat offer s r espite, a
quiet time, an oasis, to enable one to continue the journey. The retreat focuses on God’s love, His
forgiveness and His faithfulness. To register or receive more information about this weekend,
please call: Colette Fanelli at 631.665.7052.
Bereavement Support Group
St. Mary’s Parish in East Islip is offering a free 8-week support group for adults who are struggling
to cope with the death of a loved one. Registration is required for this group which begins on
Wednesday, September 7-October 26 from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Refr eshments will be ser ved.
For information and/or registration, please call the Rectory at 631.581.4266, Ext. 100. Please note
the group is open to people of all faith denominations. In order to participate in this group, the death
must have occurred prior to June 7, 2016.
Vendors Wanted for Harvest Craft Fair 2016
at Westminster United Presbyterian Church, 109 Udall Road, West Islip, NY 11795
October 8 from 9:00am to 4:00pm with a rain date of October 15
Please call to inquire how you can become a vendor at this event. Vendor contact info:
Pat Rich - Liaison for Harvest Craft Fair - phone 631.661.9047 or email: [email protected].
Applications and guideline sheets are available at the Church Office. Donation of $40.00 per table.
Catholic High School Entrance Exam Prep Courses
Eighth Graders:
Catholic High School Entrance Exam Prep Course offered at Holy Trinity High School in Hicksville.
Five 2 ½ hour Saturday morning sessions, each including review in English and Math as well as practice tests. Course begins September 17. $250 fee covers instruction and materials. For additional
information, visit or call 516.433.2900.
St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School is offer ing a Pr ep Cour se to pr epar e students for the
Catholic High School Entrance Exam. They will run five 2 ½ hour sessions beginning in September.
For additional information: Please visit or call 631.587.8000, ext. 117.
Dynamic CHSEE Prep Course taught by experienced teachers from St. Anthony’s High School. Call
DAC TEST PREP for an application at 631.663.3303. Space is limited - call today! To download an
application, visit:
Religion and Rock
Tune into “Religion and Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from 7am to 8am on
WBAB 102.3 FM or 95.3 on the East End of Long Island. Listen on Saturdays at 11pm
on Sirius Radio, Channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11pm on XM Satellite,
Channel 117. Next Sunday’s theme is “Being Excited.”
Growing with the Gospel
Sharing the Gospel
If you act bossy, you might get
your way, but you won't make
many friends. Jesus shared a
secret about making friends. When
you treat other kids with kindness,
they will want to be your friends.
Instead of telling other kids what
to do, ask other kids to choose a
game. If you want to play tag with
other kids, offer to be "it" first. If it
is time to line up to go outside,
offer to go to the back of the line
and let other kids in front of you.
Mission for the Week
When you sit down with your family for dinner tonight, ask if
you can serve the food. You may surprise your parents and
get some pretty big smiles from them.
Dear God,
help me to
be a good
Something to
Draw a
picture of
yourself at
the end of
the line.