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Uhrwerkverlag – Neues System Malmsturm
Malmsturm - Die Regeln............................29,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 05.05.2011
Malmsturm ist ein
deutschsprachiges Rollenspiel.
Genauer gesagt ein FantasyRollenspiel, das sowohl eine
deutsche Version des sogenannten
FATE Systems, als auch eine
vollständig ausgearbeitete Spielwelt
enthält. Die Präsentation des
universell anwendbaren FATE
Systems, bzw. Regelwerks
konzentriert sich dabei auf die
Anforderungen des Fantasy-Genres
im Allgemeinen, während die
dargestellte Spielwelt vor allem für
die spezifischeren Anforderungen
des sogenannten „Sword & Sorcery“
Genres entworfen wurde – mehr
dazu weiter unten. Bei der
Gestaltung von Malmsturm wurde außerdem darauf geachtet, die
Darstellungen von Regelwerk und Spielwelt strikt voneinander zu
trennen. Dies bedeutet unter anderem, dass die Regeln zwar einige
Optionen enthalten, die speziell auf die Verhältnisse der Spielwelt von
Malmsturm angepasst wurden, diese jedoch die Anwendbarkeit des
Gesamtregelwerks auf andere Spielwelten oder Fantasyvarianten in
keiner Weise einschränken. Weiterhin erlaubt die praktisch „regelfreie“
Beschreibung der Spielwelt, diese auf Wunsch auch mit einem stark
modifizierten FATE oder sogar einem völlig anderem Regelwerk zu
nutzen, ohne dazu irgendwelche nennenswerten Konvertierungen
vornehmen zu müssen.
Das FATE System zeichnet sich unter anderem durch seine Verwendung
sogenannter Aspekte aus. Dies sind möglichst lebendige und
inspirierende Kurzbeschreibungen von Charakteren, Schauplätzen,
Waffen, Werkzeugen oder anderen Dingen, denen eine wichtige Rolle in
der zu erzählenden Geschichte zukommt. Aspekte weisen dabei meist
nicht nur positive oder negative Eigenschaften auf, sondern zeichnen
sich durch möglichst vieldeutige und zweischneidige
Interpretationsmöglichkeiten aus, über die sie im Verlauf eines
Rollenspiels erheblichen Einfluss auf Richtung und Inhalt der Handlung
nehmen können. Eben dieses erzählerische Element der Regeln sollte nun
auch ein Teil der Spielwelt von Malmsturm sein: So entstand eine Welt
mit einer „dramatischen“ Realität, genauer gesagt, eine vom „Sword &
Sorcery“ Genre der Fantasy inspirierte Welt, in der Geschichten und ihre
Charaktere, Gefühle und Gedanken, Wille und Vorstellung, die
Wirklichkeit so unmittelbar beeinflussen, dass die Menschen in ihr
erwarten, dunkle Wolken und Gewitterstürme über einem Schlachtfeld zu
sehen. Ebenso wie sie wissen, dass der Zorn eines barbarischen Kriegers
Schilde und Schwerter zerschmettern kann, und dass selbst die Geister
der Erde zu Sklaven von Lust und Leidenschaft werden können!
So ist jeder Winkel der Spielwelt von
Malmsturm buchstäblich durch seine
Geschichte und die in ihm und über ihn
erzählten Geschichten geformt, d.h.
die Welt ist wie ein Blatt Papier, das
vom Willen und der Phantasie der
Menschen beschrieben wurde und
wird: Ein uraltes Imperium, das wie
der Fiebertraum eines expressionistischen Filmemachers erscheint. Ein
halbvergessenes und vom Glauben beherrschtes Grenzland, in dem selbst
die blutigsten Grimmschen Geschichten wahr werden. Und barbarische
Länder wie die blutige Bühne einer arktischen Heavy Metal Oper…
Malmsturm - FATE - Würfelset (4 Würfel)....3,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 05.05.2011
Corvus Belli
Haramaki Zensenbutai...............................24,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich KW 17
Haramaki Zensenbutai. New release! A new Infinity unit box. With this
release you can build most of the different weapon options for the
Haramaki and compose an Infinity Fireteam of these aggressive
Japanese swordmasters. The Haramaki are samurai warriors with servopowered armor, intrepid storm troops devoted to the Bushido code who
form the spearhead of Yu Jing offensives in the most dangerous war
Al Hawwa' Unit (Hacker)...............................7,75
Erscheint voraussichtlich KW 17
Al Hawwa' Unit (Hacker). New
release! The Al Hawwa’, the ‘Snake
Charmers’, are the secret security
service of the Qapu Khalqi
spaceships. Hidden amongst crew
members or passengers, they
always attack from surprise. These
camouflaged infiltrators are
cyberwarfare specialists and the spearhead of both the Qapu Khalqi, the
Sultan’s Sectorial army, and the main Haqqislamite forces.
Bakunin Überfallkommando.......................24,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich KW 17
Bakunin Überfallkommando. New
release! Composed of a Chimera, a
human with bizarre combat
modifications, and a group of
Pupniks, illegal human-animal
hybrids genetically designed for
fighting and sex, the
Überfallkommando riot control unit is the scourge of the clandestine
fight circuits. In this box you will find a female Chimera (Winter Vixen
version), and also 3 Pupniks (Evil Ram, Mad Fox and Wild Cheetah
versions). Do you want a bloody Nomad victory? Then, just unleash the
wildest and most bizarre unit that comes from the darkest side of
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Noctifers (Spitfire).....................................10,25
Erscheint voraussichtlich KW 17
Noctifers (Spitfire) The alien
Shasvastii are experts in hiding and
deception - and the Noctifers are
one of the most dangerous
examples of their species. There is
no trooper more fearsome than an
invisible Noctifer armed with the
powerful and versatile Spitfire.
Thanks to its Thermo-Optical Camouflage Special Skill, a Noctifer can be
deployed hidden and shoot from surprise, leaving few options for his
target to survive, and even fewer to reply to his treacherous attack.
Spread panic amongst your adversary’s troops with this alien stealth
Heidelberger Spiele Verlag
Lord of the Rings LCG
Der Herr der Ringe: Das Kartenspiel LCG.....23,95
"Doch ist es nicht unsere Aufgabe,
alle Zeiträume der Welt zu lenken,
sondern das zu tun, wozu wir fähig
sind, um in den Jahren Hilfe zu
leisten, in die wir hineingeboren sind,
das Übel in den Feldern auszumerzen,
die wir kennen, damit jene, die später
leben, einen sauberen Boden zu
bestellen haben. Auf das Wetter, das
sie haben werden, können wir keinen
Einfluss ausüben." Gandalf, Die Rü?
Freebooter Miniaturen
Freebooter's Fate
Figurenbausatz mit 7 Teilen.
Mono ist ein Spezialist für die
Mannschaften der Piraten und kann
einmal pro Mannschaft für 70
Dublonen angeheuert werden.
Mono komplettiert die Mannschaft
der Piraten im ersten
ckkehr des Königs
In Der Herr der Ringe: Das Kartenspiel bilden die Spieler eine
Gemeinschaft von Helden, die sich gefährlichen Abenteuern in Mittelerde
entgegenstellt. Diese unvergesslichen Helden aus Tolkiens epischer
Erzählung sind zusammengekommen von den lichten Feldern des
Auenlandes, den gefährlichen Pfaden des Du?sterwaldes und aus den
mächtigen Reichen Gondor und Rohan, um es mit der Bedrohung durch
den Dunklen Herrscher Sauron aufzunehmen.
Der Herr der Ringe: Das Kartenspiel ist ein kooperatives Spiel fu?r 1
oder 2 Spieler. Die Spieler treten gemeinsam gegen die Widrigkeiten der
Szenarios an, die vom Spiel selbst gesteuert werden. Mit einem zweiten
Grundset können bis zu 4 Spieler miteinander spielen. Fu?r dieses Living
Card Game® erscheinen regelmäßig weitere Karten und Abenteuer in
Erweiterungen, die es den Spielern erlauben, den Inhalt dieses Grundsets
ihren Wu?nschen anzupassen oder ganz eigene Decks zu erstellen.
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Strandgut (21) (Freebooters Fate)................6,50
Figurenbausatz mit 21 Teilen.
Ein Set mit kleinen Krabben,
angespülten Brettern, einem
rostigen Anker und einem nicht
mehr ganz frischen Fisch.
Ideal zum verschönern einer
Figurenbasis oder zum
Agricola inkl. Moorbauern Erweiterung.......47,95
Dieses Bundle enthält das Agricola Grundspiel inklusive der Moorbauern
Paizo Publishing
Gamemastery Zubehör
GameMastery Carrion Crown Deck...............8,80
Brave the night and defy its horrors
with the weapons and relics of
fireside legends. Tools for both
battling and creating gothic
monstrosities yearn to be claimed in
the Carrion Crown Adventure Path.
This 54-card set of beautifully
illustrated, full-color item cards
allows you to track your newest and
most fearsome treasures in vibrant
GameMastery Item Cards allow
heroes to keep track of their
equipment in style, and this deck is
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completely compatible with all of Paizo's other GameMastery Item Card
sets. Each of these full-color cards features a beautiful portrait of an item
on one side with space on the back to keep notes. GameMastery Item
Cards are compatible with any fantasy roleplaying game.
GameMastery Map Pack: Crypts................10,40
Exploring ancient burial grounds
and protecting the corpses of the
honored dead from unholy
transformation are standard fare for
bold adventurers. But no Game
Master wants to spend valuable
game time drawing every looted
grave and undead-haunted
sepulcher. Fortunately, with Paizo
Publishing’s latest GameMastery
Map Pack, you don’t have to!
Inside, you’ll find 18 captivating 5"
× 8" map tiles, all specially coated
to allow you to use wet erase and
dry erase markers, then remove ink
with ease!
This set includes:
- Catacombs
- Noble's Crypt
- Ghoul Lair
- Defiled Mausoleum
- Soldier's Tomb
Game Masters shouldn’t waste their time sketching maps every time an
adventure calls for a haunted tomb. With GameMastery Map Pack:
Crypts, you’ll be ready next time your players go dungeon crawling!
Plus, combine this set with GameMastery Flip-Mat: Necropolis to show
your crypts in the context of a huge cemetery!
For use with all tabletop roleplaying and miniatures games and usable by
experienced GMs and novices alike, this product fits perfectly into any
Game Master’s arsenal.
Good GMs can never have too many maps at their disposal, and Paizo’s
GameMastery Map Packs provide high-quality gridded maps for use with
both RPGs and miniatures games.
Flip-Mat: Necropolis...................................10,40
The corpses of fallen heroes and the
spirits of the unquiet dead all end
up here, in the haunted paths of the
Necropolis! From the graves of
common soldiers to the fine
mausoleum of the noble dead, FlipMat: Necropolis contains a massive
graveyard teeming with adventure
and plenty of opportunities to give
player characters a new permanent
Combine Flip-Mat: Necropolis with
GameMastery Map Pack: Crypts to
reveal interiors for each building!
This portable, affordable map
measures 24" x 30" unfolded, and
8" x 10" folded. Its coated surface
can handle any dry erase, wet
erase, or even permanent marker. Usable by experienced GMs and
novices alike, GameMastery Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game
Master’s arsenal!
On tabletops across the world, the Flip-Mat Revolution is changing the
way players run their fantasy roleplaying games! Why take the time to
sketch out ugly scenery on a smudgy plastic mat when dynamic
encounters and easy clean-up is just a Flip away?
Cartographer: Corey Macourek
Adv. Path #44: Trail of the Beast ..................
(Carrion Crown 2 of 6)...............................15,99
Chapter 2: "Trial of the Beast"
by Richard Pett
The rampaging abomination known as
the Beast of Lepidstadt has been
captured! Yet rather than destroy the
monster for its countless murders and
untold crimes, the city council
demands the creature receive a fair
trial. Upon traveling to Lepidstadt, the
adventurers find themselves caught up
in the anger and investigations
surrounding the Beast’s judgment.
Soon it’s up to them to discover
whether the legendary monster is
truly a killer or merely the instrument of some greater evil—and either
way, whether it’s too dangerous to be allowed to survive.
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Carrion Crown
Adventure Path and includes:
- “Trial of the Beast,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 4th-level
characters, by Richard Pett
- An investigation into the secret society called the Esoteric Order of the
Palatine Eye, by Brandon Hodge
- Revelations on the faith of Pharasma, goddess of birth, death, and fate,
by Sean K Reynolds
- Terror upon terror for Laurel Cylphra in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by F.
Wesley Schneider
- Four exciting and deadly new monsters, by Rob McCreary, Patrick
Renie, and Sean K Reynolds
Each monthly full-color softcover 96-page Pathfinder Adventure Path
volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new
monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional
material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes
use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and
the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Rule of Fear......
A Cursed Land
For thousands of years, the Immortal
Principality of Ustalav has labored
beneath the legacy of its dark past.
Within the shelter of its mistshrouded hills and decaying, decadent
cities, things that have no right to live
stalk the night, and superstitious
residents lock their doors tight
against the howls and scratchings
that summon them forth. Vampires,
werewolves, undead monstrosities,
and stranger things make their homes
here, and even those fools who ignore
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such threats tremble at the thought of the Whispering Tyrant, the
nation’s former conqueror, who even now shifts restlessly beneath his
prison-tower of Gallowspire. Though most of Ustalav’s citizens are
ordinary men and women, canny urban merchants, or fallen nobles
coasting on their last shreds of wealth and reputation, no one here dares
peer too far into the shadows, for fear of what might be looking back.
Rule of Fear provides a comprehensive overview of the nation of Ustalav,
a realm of urban intrigue and gothic horror, and the setting of Pathfinder
Adventure Path’s Carrion Crown Adventure Path.
Inside this 64-page book, you’ll find:
- A complete overview of 13 adventure-packed counties, from the ghosthaunted wastelands of Virlych to the bustling ports of Caliphas, including
detailed descriptions of significant locations, notable personages, and the
rulers of each region
- In-depth gazetteers of seven major cities, including key locations, city
stat blocks, and local rumors to draw your players into the action
- Six conspiracies and secret societies, and how they fit into Ustalav’s
baroque government
- Eleven terrifying adventure locations, plus details on their masters,
inhabitants, and supernatural hauntings
- Information on local superstitions, secrets about notable families (and
the unspeakable curses they bear), tips for running classic horror-themed
campaigns, and more!
Rule of Fear is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into
any fantasy game setting.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Purity
True heroes know that evil is not an
abstraction, nor a concept to be
debated. Rather, it is a relentless
adversary, a dark tide that seeks
always to roll over the world,
turning the hearts of gentle souls
with its claws and whispers.
Against this onslaught stand a
proud and pious few: those priests
and soldiers who dedicate
themselves in body and soul to the
forces of light, ready to lay down
their lives in defense of the
innocent. Aided by the powers of
their gods, these stalwart
champions use sword and spell, faith and ferocity to protect all that they
hold dear. For they know that if they do not—who will?
Faiths of Purity presents a player-friendly overview of the good-aligned
religions of the Pathfinder campaign setting, along with new rules and
information to help players customize pious characters in both flavor and
Inside this book, you'll find:
- Information on each of the major good-aligned gods and his or her
corresponding religion, including what's expected of adventurers of
various classes, ways for the faithful to identify each other, taboos,
devotions and ceremonies, church hierarchies, holy texts, religious
holidays, and more
- New traits to help represent and cement a character's background in the
- New feats and combat tricks for all holy warriors
- New god-specific spells for a wide variety of spellcasting classes
- Paladin codes for sacred warriors of each major god, as well as new
organizations and knightly orders
- Details on good-aligned minor deities, racial gods, empyreal lords, and
Faiths of Purity includes key information on:
- Cayden Cailean, god of freedom, ale, wine and bravery
- Desna, goddess of dreams, stars, travelers and luck
- Erastil, god of farming, hunting, trade and family
- Iomedae, goddess of valor, rulership, justice and honor
- Sarenrae, goddess of the sun, redemption, honesty and healing
- Shelyn, goddess of beauty, art, love and music
- Torag, god of the forge, protection and strategy
Written by Colin McComb
Each bimonthly 32-page Pathfinder Companion contains several playerfocused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles
with innovative new rules for social, magic, religious, and combatfocused characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the
Pathfinder Module: Tomb of the Iron Medusa..
A dungeon adventure for 14th-level
Hidden in the remote southern
range of the World’s Edge
Mountains lies a mysterious
necropolis known in legend as the
Tomb of the Iron Medusa. When
the last heir of the dungeon’s longdead noble builders hires the PCs to
explore the forlorn and deadly site
in search of evidence that may
clear his family name, the intrepid
heroes soon find themselves in over
their heads. For the Tomb of the
Iron Medusa does not give up its
secrets lightly, and the dangerous
truths that lie within its ancient, trap-laden crypts may have been hidden
for very good reasons indeed.
Written by fan-favorite author Mike Shel, Tomb of the Iron Medusa
features an expansive necropolis of crypts and tombs, all guarded by
devious traps, strange puzzles, fiendish monsters, bizarre creatures, and
the undead remnants of a once-powerful aristocracy.
Tomb of the Iron Medusa is an adventure for 14th-level characters,
written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the
3.5 edition of the world’s oldest RPG. In addition to the adventure, this
volume also features a brand-new monster and a fully detailed
borderland inn that can serve as a place to begin the adventure, or as a
roadside tavern in any fantasy world.
Written by Mike Shel
Pathfinder Modules are 32-page, high-quality, full-color, adventures
using the Open Game License to work with both the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set. This
Pathfinder Module includes new monsters, treasure, and a fully detailed
bonus location that can be used as part of the adventure or in any other
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Musik CD's & DVD's
JourneyQuest: Season 1 DVD.....................11,99
A tale of severely reluctant heroism
from the creators of The Gamers
and The Gamers: Dorkness Rising.
Perf (Christian Doyle), a wizard of
questionable competence, has had
enough of this quest. He only wants
two things: to win the heart of the
elfmaid Nara (Anne Kennedy), and
to go home. He can’t do the latter
until his party finds and destroys
an ancient, evil artifact—the
legendary Sword of Fighting—and
he can’t do the former because Nara
hates him. Despite his attempts to
flee, Perf can’t shake his love for
Nara, a band of revenge-seeking
Orcs, or the Sword of Fighting,
which has plans of its own for Perf. His quest isn’t ending anytime soon.
• All 7 Season One Episodes
• JQ Season 1: The Movie Version
• Commentaries by the Cast and Crew
• Fan Submissions: Redubs and Animation
• Subtitles: English, German, Italian, Russian, Danish, Portuguese,
Swedish, & Serbian
• Outtakes & Easter Eggs
• Season Two Teaser
• R.L. McSterlingthong: Interviews and Commentary
Region 0
Stereo Sound
Palladium Books
Rifter Number Fifty Four..............................9,55
The Rifter® is your doorway to
unlimited imagination and
numerous Palladium role-playing
worlds. It offers new heroes,
powers, weapons, magic and
adventure for your games. It
presents new villains, monsters and
dangers to battle, and new ideas to
The Rifter® #53 includes:
Ravages of Time, by S.E. Gibbons,
is an interesting Rifts® article with
tips for Game Masters and playing
sprawling epic sagas like the
Minion War™ and Siege on
ARCHIE Phase Two, by Damon Sutton. This Rifts article takes a look at
more machinations of our favorite mechanized menace, ARCHIE Three™.
On Faerie Folk, by Michael P. Yocom, offers up a menagerie of new
Faerie Folk, cousins and animals for the Rifts® and Palladium Fantasy®
Dawn of a New Era, by Corey Livermore, presents an adventure in a
setting for Heroes Unlimited™ in which mutants and aliens are being
forced to “register” with global governments, or else.
The Lucky Psychic, by Steven Dawes, presents a new Beyond the
Supernatural™ psychic who makes his own luck.
A Dark Day™ Short Story, by Jeremy Hutchins, will keep you wondering
what’s next.
The next chapter of the Hammer of the Forge™.
Plus news and coming attractions.
Heroes Unlimited™ cover by Zachary Schoenbaum.
More of the usual, but in addition to game material and fiction, you’ll
learn what Palladium has planned for 2011.
Rifts Mercenaries......................................16,79
We're back to North America to
explore the conflicts and intrigue in
and around the Coalition States,
Tolkeen, Northern Gun, Manistique
Imperium, Kingsdale and the Pecos
Empire. This book is filled with
exciting new mercenary O.C.C.s,
weapons, equipment, merc
organizations, information, great
art and adventure ideas. Written by
C.J. Carella with additional text by
Kevin Siembieda.
Highlights Include:
Nine mercenary Occupational
Character Classes including the
Bounty Hunter, Spy, Safecracker, and Smuggler. Rules for creating
mercenary companies. Hints and suggestions for playing a mercenary
A half dozen major mercenary companies and their key officers,
transdimensional arms dealers, villains and D-Bee invaders.
The transdimensional arms dealer, Naruni Enterprises (scum bags almost
as bad as the Splugorth), plus Iron Heart Industries, the Manistique
Imperium and more.
New weapons include rifles, ram-jet rounds, force fields, aircraft, tanks,
boats, power armor, demon power armor, robots and vehicles!
Zillions of ideas and suggestions for adventures.
Written by C.J. Carella and Siembieda.
160 pages with art by Long, Breaux, & Martin.
Rifts Three Galaxies..................................16,79
A Phase World® adventure
sourcebook that presents more
information on the Three Galaxies,
with an emphasis on inhabited
worlds, alien technologies, people
and conflicts.
Overview of the Three Galaxies with
plenty of Hook, Line & SinkersTM
New Magic O.C.C.s, Tattoo Magic
and spells.
New aliens and monsters. Key
people, leaders and villains.
New technology, spacecraft and
Setting information and adventure
ideas galore.
Page Count: 160 pages.
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Rifts Adventure Sourcebook 3: Black Vault...7,99
The Coalition States deny its
existence, yet the legend has
persisted for generations. The
legend of the Black Vault,
depository for thousands of lost
magic items collected over the
years by the Coalition States and
locked away where nobody can find
them. And nobody has, till now!
Word on the street is a group of
mercenaries or practitioners of
magic from Tolkeen or the
Federation of Magic have broken
into the Black Vault and stolen a
truckload of its most powerful
artifacts. The Chi-Town police and Coalition Army are on high alert. The
‘Burbs are being shaken down and nobody is safe.
The Black Vault, its history and rumors.
Where it is and what's inside.
Adventures surrounding the Black Vault and its contents.
The Coalition in savage recovery mode.
Additional background and adventure ideas.
Page Count: 48 pages.
Heroes Unlimited
Scibor Monstrous Miniatures
SMM28FM0059 28mm/30mm War Bear #4.....................18,50
SMM28SF0034 28 mmm Templar SF Knight #4................18,50
Aliens Unlimited, 2nd Edition.....................19,99
This giant sourcebook is packed
with aliens, mutants, cyborgs,
power armor, robots, weapons and
superbeings from across the
universe. Suitable for contemporary
superhero adventures or cosmic
More than 100 alien races/R.C.C.s.
Alien creation rules and tables.
15 Galactic monsters and evil
Spaceships and spacecraft creation
High-tech weapons and equipment
including Kisentite weapons.
Earth UFO watch groups and secret
SMMBREG0040 Egyptian Ruins 40 mmm Round Edge bases #1 (2)
Rifts® conversion notes throughout and more.
Written by Wayne Breaux Jr.
208 pages
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SMMBREG0041 Egyptian Ruins 40 mmm Round Edge bases #2 (2)
SMMBSEG0027 Egyptian Ruins Square Bases 50mm / 25mm (2)
SMMBREG0042 Egyptian Ruins 60 mmm Round Edge bases #2
SMMBSEG0028 Egyptian Ruins 95 mm / 45 mm squre Bases
SMMBSEG0026 Egyptian Ruins Square Bases 20mm (5).......3,70
SMMBSET0029 Elven Temple Ruins Squere Bases 20mm (5). .
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 16
KW 16
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
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SMMBSET0030 Elven Temple Ruins Squere Bases 25mm (5). .
SMMCPRH0076 SF Roman Halberds (3)................................4,30
SMMBSET0031 Elven Temple Ruins Squere Bases 50/25mm (2)
SMMCPSH0067 Lion Shoulder Pads #2 (8)...........................4,30
SMMCPSH0068 Lion Big Shields (3)......................................4,30
SMMCPAS0074 SF Lion Accessories set................................4,30
SMMCPSH0069 Rosette of Death #1 (2)...............................5,50
SMMCPRD0072 Rosette of Death #4....................................3,70
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 16
KW 16
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
– Internet:
SMMCPSH0070 Rosette of Death #2....................................3,70
SMMTEER0001 Egyptian Ruins Terrain (4).........................13,50
SMMCPSH0071 Rosette of Death #3....................................3,70
SMMCPSH0073 SF Shoulder Pads #2 (8)..............................4,30
SMMCPTO0075 Templar Torsos (8)......................................5,50
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.