Business Minute


Business Minute
Business Minute
A Bi-Weekly Publication
November 5, 2007
Phone: (517) 432-0830
The Lear Center Welcomes
For the weeks of: November 5th and November 12th
ArcelorM ittal
Carpenter Company
CH R obinson
Crowe Chizuk
D eloitte
D oeren Mayhew
D ow
D ow Chemical
Ernst & Young
Ford M otor Company
G eneral M ills
H umatal
Key Bank
M acy’ s Coporation
National City
Plante & Moran
Sherwin W illiams
T arget
T he T homson G roup
U nion Pacific
U nited Airlines
Virchow Krause
W hirlpool
W ells Fargo
Getting Involved
The Supply Chain Management Association strives to provide students with exceptional learning experiences and development
opportunities beyond the classroom environment. This is accomplished through exposure
to leading industry practices and business
professionals, as well as an additional forum
for student/faculty interaction.
For more information visit:
Lear Center Advisory Council:
21 Eppley Center
It Could Happen to YOU
Name: Cathleen Garbacik
Major: Marketing / International
Business Specialization
Graduation Date: December 2008
Company: Motorola Inc.
Location (city, state): Libertyville,
Internship Position (title): North
American MobileMe Marketing
What type of effects has the experience had on your academics?
One word: Tremendous! There is an incredible amount of
correlation between my classes and the real-life experiences I
learned first hand over the summer. From time-management
to communicating ideas, I have learned how to be a more
effective student before I have to head back into the “real
world.” I even catch myself saying; “During my internship,
I remember working on this project where I had to ...” all
the time. An internship can be a great tool for discovering
where your future career might lie in addition to your major’s
course requirements.
What tips would you give to other students to increase their
success in securing an internship?
1) Never underestimate the power of Networking. You never
know what possibilities exist out there, if you never seek to
find them through others.
2) Try to talk to as many people as possible and don’t be
afraid of getting rejected. Always remember, when one door
closes, another door opens.
3) After you receive a business card, write a follow-up email
within 24 hours. Your future is destined by your own actions.
From your experience, what competencies or skills does an
employer look for in candidates?
I believe the most important skills include your attitude, your
ability to communicate ideas effectively, and your willingness to adapt in a team setting. While what you have done in
the past is important, you have to show employers what they
would lose if they don’t hire you. Have a positive and engaging attitude, speak up confidently during meetings (even when
the boss is there), and treat your coworkers with respect (as
they can be your BEST resource).
For more information, contact: [email protected] or visit
If you’d like to be profiled in the Business Minute, please
contact Matt Dunatchik at [email protected]
Business Minute+
November 5, 2007
Phone: (517) 432-0830
21 Eppley Center
An Inside Edge
Media correspondents Erin Crouch, Jessica Doroshewitz and Matt Dunatchik sat down with the
following companies to get the inside edge:
What are some new and exciting things happening at Macy’s?
Retail is always exciting and always changing. We are launching our fall season, and getting ready for the holiday
season. Macy’s North is new to the Macy’s family, and we continue to grow everyday. We’re very excited about
the upcoming holiday season for all our stores.
How important is it for students to participate in internships/co-ops for career success?
I think they are wonderful because they give students an idea of what life will be like outside of college and gives
them an idea of where they want to go in terms of their career. The student may or may not like their internship,
and that is beneficial for them to figure out what they want.
How does your company define “the best student”?
To us, the best student is the one that not only shows strong academic skills, but more importantly shows strong
leadership skills. Leadership skills can be shown in academia, as well as involvement in extra curricular activities.
We also look for a student that can take what he has learned in academia and bring it to the company he works for.
Why do you recruit at MSU?
We recruit here for several reasons, one being the world renowned supply chain program. We are a very heavily
oriented company on supply chain and we know that Michigan State has a very strong supply chain management
program. Also, we feel that MSU’s overall approach to business is one in which they teach their students how all
the different majors will interact with each other, instead of a heavy focus on one business major.
What’s the one thing students should know about your organization?
We are a very progressive, growing company, as we have a lot of employees retiring. There are a lot of opportunities for newer employees to move up quickly within the company, as well as new hires coming in as our company
expands and grows in the future.
Lear Center Advisory Council:

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