Over the Rainbow Countdown - E. DORNER / westermann wien


Over the Rainbow Countdown - E. DORNER / westermann wien
Over the Rainbow
Hop on! 3
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
Hop on! 3 – Over the Rainbow
Track 4, Track 5: Balloon Song: Music: Traditional (The Mulberry Bush); Text: Petra Schiller-Piniel
Track 7, Track 8: Color Song: Music: Traditional (Jesus Loves Me This I Know); Text adapted from: http://www.
Track 9, Track 10: Rainbow Song: Text and music adapted from: Reilly, Vanessa; Ward, Sheila M. 1997. “Colours for
you”. In Maley, Alan (ed.). Very young learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 95f.
Track 11: Rainbow Action Rhyme: Text adapted from: http://www.everythingpreschool.com/themes/colors/songs.htm
Track 13, Track 14: Frog Band Countdown Song: Music: Traditional (Ten Green Bottles); Text: Petra Schiller-Piniel
Track 19: Color Hunt Poem: Text adapted from: http://preschool.uen.org/curriculum/september_s/Color_unit.pdf
Track 26: Scat the Cat (Story): Text: Traditional story; author unknown; retold by Petra Schiller-Piniel
Hop on! 3 – Countdown
Track 29, Track 30: Five Little Monkeys Song: Music adapted from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhODBFQ2bQ; Text: Traditional
Track 33, Track 34: Seven Step (Dance): Music: Traditional
Track 35, Track 36: One, two, three … once I caught a fish alive (Song): Text and music: Traditional
Track 39, Track 40: For she/he’s a jolly good fellow (Song): Text and music: Traditional
Track 41: Counting Poem: Text from: http://www.mamalisa.com/?t=hes&p=2300
Track 43: A Birthday Present for the King (Story): Text: Sieglinde Lengwin, Petra Schiller-Piniel
Bearbeiterin: Petra Schiller-Piniel
Covergestaltung: Andrea Neuwirth, Wien
Illustrationen: Irene Brischnik, Weiz
Satz und Layout: Gertrud Šimec, Wien
Notensatz: Ewald Dorninger, Aschbach Markt
Aufnahmen und Produktion der Hop on! 3 Audio-CD:
Terra-x Soundproductions, Armin Hinterberger, www.hoerbuchstudio.at
Der Verlag hat sich bemüht, alle Rechtsinhaber ausfindig zu machen. Sollten trotzdem Urheberrechte
verletzt worden sein, wird der Verlag nach Anmeldung berechtigter Ansprüche diese entgelten.
= advanced
In der Reihe Hop on! sind bisher erschienen:
Hop on! 3 (Over the Rainbow + Countdown) Student’s Book – Buch-Nr. 160.354
Hop on! 3 (Over the Rainbow + Countdown) Audio-CD – Buch-Nr. 160.598
Hop on! 3 (Over the Rainbow + Countdown) Teacher’s Book – ISBN: 978-3-7055-1498-0
Hop on! 4 (Family Life + Year In, Year Out) Student’s Book – Buch-Nr. 160.355
Hop on! 4 (Family Life + Year In, Year Out) Audio-CD – Buch-Nr. 160.599
Hop on! 4 (Family Life + Year In, Year Out) Teacher’s Book – ISBN: 978-3-7055-1501-7
Hop on! 3/4 Toolbox – ISBN 978-3-7055-1747-9
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Hop on! 3 Over the RainbowTapescript
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
1. Welcome from the Characters
Stevie Stick BugHey folks! I’m Stevie Stick Bug. I’m the page manager. Follow my instructions, please.
Phoebe FireflyHello kids! I’m Phoebe Firefly. I’m the language expert. We’ll highlight important phrases.
Chris CricketGreetings everybody! I’m Chris Cricket. I’m the entertainer. We’ll enjoy stories, songs
and rhymes.
Ralph RaccoonHi there! I’m Ralph Raccoon. I’m the artist. We’ll have fun with arts and crafts.
Becky BeeHi guys! I’m Becky Bee. I’m the word organizer. We’ll collect vocabulary.
Olga OwlHello students! I’m Olga Owl. I’m your coach. We’ll take time to reflect.
Fred and Frida FrogWelcome everyone! We are Frida and Fred Frog. We are your study buddies. Ready? Set?
Let’s hop on!
2. Let’s listen to the leporello story together.
Back to School Party
The animals are having a back to school party. They are thinking about what decorations to bring.
Stevie Stick Bug has fun at school. He brings a yellow smiley balloon.
Frida Frog loves to go to school. She brings a red heart-shaped balloon.
Phoebe Firefly wants to shine at school. She brings a tiny golden balloon.
Becky Bee feels like a princess at school. She brings a purple glitter balloon.
Chris Cricket likes to rock at school. He brings a cool green balloon.
Fred Frog plays the clown at school. He brings a blue water balloon. Oops!
Ralph Raccoon uses his talents at school. He brings a twisted brown balloon.
Olga Owl says learning makes you wise. She brings a white balloon with a surprise.
What is the surprise in Olga’s balloon? Draw it.
Together, the friends decorate their classroom with the balloons. They have a yummy back to school cake and
juice, and play some balloon games.
And you? Which balloon will you bring to the party? Draw it, please.
3. Listen to the leporello story again and answer after each
Back to School Party
The animals are having a back to school party. All the friends are thinking about nice decorations to bring.
Stevie Stick Bug has fun at school. He brings a .
Frida Frog loves to go to school. She brings a .
Phoebe Firefly wants to shine at school. She brings a .
Becky Bee feels like a princess at school. She brings a .
Chris Cricket likes to rock at school. He brings a .
Fred Frog plays the clown at school. He brings a . Oops!
Ralph Raccoon uses his talents at school. He brings a .
Olga Owl says learning makes you wise. She brings a .
What is the surprise in Olga’s balloon? Draw it.
Together, the friends decorate their classroom with the balloons. They have a yummy back to school cake and
juice, and play some balloon games.
And you? Which balloon will you bring to the party? Draw it, please.
Hop on! 3 Over the RainbowTapescript
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
4. Let’s sing the “Balloon Song”.
5. Playback Version
6. Listen and color, please.
Color Phoebe Firefly pink.
Color Stevie Stick Bug brown.
Color Olga Owl red.
Color Ralph Raccoon gray.
Color Frida Frog light green.
Color Fred Frog dark green.
Color Chris Cricket orange.
Color Becky Bee yellow.
Where are you? Draw yourself into the picture.
7. Let’s sing the “Color Song”.
Hop on! 3 Over the RainbowTapescript
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
8. Playback Version
9. Let’s sing the “Rainbow Song”.
10. Playback Version
11. Let’s say the rhyme together.
One day the sun was shining bright,
then clouds came along and it became dark as night.
Slowly the rain began to sprinkle onto the ground.
And soon it was raining heavily all over town.
When the clouds were gone – don’t ask me why,
a big beautiful rainbow stretched out across the sky.
12. Listen to the rhyme again. Fill in the missing rhyming words after each
One day the sun was shining bright,
then clouds came along and it became dark as .
Slowly the rain began to sprinkle onto the ground.
And soon it was raining heavily all over .
When the clouds were gone – don’t ask me why,
a big beautiful stretched out across the .
Hop on! 3 Over the RainbowTapescript
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
13. Let’s sing the “Frog Band Countdown Song”.
Four colored frogs playing in a band,
four colored frogs playing in a band,
and if one colored frog decides to leave the band,
there’ll be three colored frogs playing in a band.
3. Three colored frogs …
4. Two colored frogs …
One colored frog playing in a band,
one colored frog playing in a band,
and if one colored frog decides to leave the band,
there’ll be NO colored frog playing in a band.
14. Playback Version
15. Let’s do some color gymnastics.
Everybody wearing blue – swim like a whale.
Everybody wearing yellow – fly like a butterfly.
Everybody wearing orange – walk like a crab.
Everybody wearing green – hop like a frog.
Everybody wearing black – walk like a penguin.
Everybody wearing white – dance like a swan.
Everybody wearing brown – gallop like a horse.
Everybody wearing pink – trudge like a pig.
Everybody wearing gray – sleep like a koala bear.
Everybody wearing red – run like a fox.
Everybody wearing silver – stomp like an elephant.
Everybody wearing purple – skip and shout “Hooray!”
16. Listen to some more of Fred’s poems.
I’m a poet.
I see Becky Bee,
hiding between the rocks!
Look at Becky Bee,
what color are her socks?
I see Phoebe Firefly,
hiding between the rocks!
Look at Phoebe Firefly,
what color are her socks?
Hop on! 3 Over the RainbowTapescript
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
17. Listen to some more of Fred’s poems.
I’m a poet.
I see Phoebe Firefly,
hiding between the rocks!
Look at the fun firefly,
what color are her socks?
I see a butterfly,
hiding between the rocks!
Look at the beautiful butterfly,
what color are his socks?
18. Red, red, what is red?
Red, red, what is red?
A tiny ladybug is red.
Pink, pink, what is pink?
A grunting pig is pink.
Blue, blue, what is blue?
A swimming whale is blue.
Black, black, what is black?
A smelly skunk is black.
Yellow, yellow, what is yellow?
A humming bee is yellow.
Brown, brown, what is brown?
A wiggly worm is brown.
Green, green, what is green?
A hopping frog is green.
Orange, orange, what is orange?
A happy clownfish is orange.
Gray, gray, what is gray?
A tired koala bear is gray.
White, white, what is white?
A scary polar bear is white.
19. Let’s go on a color hunt. Collect as many things as you can.
We’re going on a color hunt,
we’re going right away,
if we can’t find
we’ll be hunting all day.
20. Listen and repeat, please.
polka dot – striped – checkered – plain – flowered
21. Listen and number, please.
number one: striped
number two: checkered
number three: flowered
number four: polka dot
number five: plain
Now design your own soccer shirt.
Hop on! 3 Over the RainbowTapescript
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
22. Let’s say the “Soccer Poem”.
SOCCER is the best known sport of all,
everybody tries to kick the ball.
Eleven players are on each team,
to score a goal is every player’s dream.
The sound of a whistle – the players hear,
the game begins and the spectators cheer.
Out on the field, players kick, run, and throw –
passing and dribbling the ball to and fro.
Once the ball is in the net – a goal for a score,
a moment of silence, the spectators roar.
Winners are happy and losers are sad,
watching a great game makes everybody glad.
23. Let’s have some bubble fun.
How many bubbles can you blow?
How many bubbles can you catch?
How many bubbles can you kick?
How many bubbles can you burst with your knee?
How many bubbles can you carry on your nose?
How many bubbles can you touch with your thumb?
How many bubbles can you balance on your index finger?
How many bubbles of different sizes can you count?
How many bubbles can you catch and give to your friend without bursting?
Try to make a very big bubble.
Try to make a very small bubble.
Think of a secret wish and send it away with a really big bubble.
24. Listen to my “Bubble Poem”.
Sometimes, at night,
I dream of colors, beautiful and bright.
Of purple planes and rockets,
and orange worms in my pockets.
Of pink mountains so high,
and golden frogs that fly.
Of blue spaghetti, pizza and chips,
and neon pirate ships.
Of yellow speaking dogs,
and blue zebras dancing on logs.
Of green giraffes at the zoo,
and sometimes of you.
25. Listen and relax, guys.
Slowly close your eyes.
Breathe in and breathe out.
Quietly count to ten.
Imagine you are in a garden.
The sky is blue.
You are enjoying the warm sunshine on your body.
You see a tiny bubble dancing in the sky.
Follow the tiny bubble with your eyes.
Hop on! 3 Over the RainbowTapescript
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
You see a big bubble dancing in the sky.
Follow the big bubble with your eyes.
You see a gigantic bubble dancing in the sky.
Follow the gigantic bubble with your eyes.
You like bubbles.
Quietly count from ten to one.
Slowly open your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
Take a piece of paper.
Draw the bubbles you have seen.
What color are the bubbles?
Where are the bubbles now?
26. Listen to the story “Scat the Cat”.
Once upon a time there was a little cat and his name was Scat. Scat the Cat was a BLACK cat. One day he looked
around and saw that all his brothers and sisters, everyone in his family was black. His friends were black, too. But
Scat the Cat was tired of being like everyone else. Scat decided he would like to be a different color, so he said,
“I’m Scat the Cat!
I’m sassy and fat.
And I can change my color,
Just like that!”
All of a sudden Scat the Cat was GREEN like the trees, and the grass, and . He went out to play with his friends,
but they couldn’t find him because he was the color of the trees and grass. He was very unhappy and decided he
didn’t want to be green anymore, so he said,
“I’m Scat the Cat!
I’m sassy and fat.
And I can change my color,
Just like that!”
Then Scat turned BLUE like the water, the sky, and let’s see what else is blue?
He walked to the lake to look
at himself in the water. Unfortunately, he fell in the water! Poor Scat couldn’t swim. He called for help but his
friends couldn’t see him because he was blue like the water. Just then his friend, Timmy Turtle, caught him and
carried him safely to shore. Scat didn’t want to be blue anymore, so he said,
“I’m Scat the Cat!
I’m sassy and fat.
And I can change my color,
Just like that!”
Then Scat turned YELLOW like the sun and lemons and . On his way through the jungle, he met his cousin Leo
the Lion. “Grrrrrrrrrr!” roared Leo. “I’m the only cat who is supposed to be yellow.” Scat was so afraid that he decided he better not be yellow any more and he quickly said,
“I’m Scat the Cat!
I’m sassy and fat.
And I can change my color,
Just like that!”
Scat the Cat turned into an ORANGE cat. Orange like a carrot, or a clownfish, or a/an . He was pretty happy
with being orange until he went walking down the street and saw some children playing basketball. And then he
Hop on! 3 Over the RainbowTapescript
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
thought, “Oh dear, I would not want to be mistaken for a basketball and get bounced on that hard, hard ground.
No way!” So he said,
“I’m Scat the Cat!
I’m sassy and fat.
And I can change my color,
Just like that!”
This time, Scat turned bright RED like an apple. What else is the color red?
He went out to play with his bro­
thers and sisters and friends, but they all laughed at him. “Who ever heard of a red cat,” they said. No one played
with him and he felt so sad. “I don’t want to be red. I don’t want to be yellow like Leo the Lion, I don’t want to be
blue like the water, and I don’t want to be green like the grass. I want to be black again just like my brothers and
sisters and friends. I’d like to have lots of cats to play with.” So he said,
“I’m Scat the Cat!
I’m sassy and fat.
And I can change my color,
Just like that!”
Scat changed back to BLACK. After changing his colors many times, he found out that it wasn’t so bad being a
black cat. Scat knew that being himself was the best thing to be and he was happy just being himself. So he sang,
“I’m Scat the Cat!
I’m sassy and fat.
And I can change my color,
Just like that!
Oh yeah!!!!”
And do you know what? Being yourself is the best thing you can be, too. Because there’s nobody else exactly like you.
Hop on! 3 Countdown
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
1. Welcome from the Characters
Stevie Stick BugHey folks! I’m Stevie Stick Bug. I’m the page manager. Follow my instructions, please.
Phoebe FireflyHello kids! I’m Phoebe Firefly. I’m the language expert. We’ll highlight important phrases.
Chris CricketGreetings everybody! I’m Chris Cricket. I’m the entertainer. We’ll enjoy stories, songs
and rhymes.
Ralph RaccoonHi there! I’m Ralph Raccoon. I’m the artist. We’ll have fun with arts and crafts.
Becky BeeHi guys! I’m Becky Bee. I’m the word organizer. We’ll collect vocabulary.
Olga OwlHello students! I’m Olga Owl. I’m your coach. We’ll take time to reflect.
Fred and Frida FrogWelcome everyone! We are Frida and Fred Frog. We are your study buddies. Ready? Set?
Let’s hop on!
27. Let’s listen to the leporello story together.
Ten Little Turtles
Ten little turtles are dancing in the sunshine –
one gets a sunburn – then there are nine.
Five little turtles are sweeping the floor –
one slips – then there are four.
Nine little turtles are walking to the gate –
one has a security check – then there are eight.
Four little turtles are sailing across the sea –
one gets sick – then there are three.
Eight little turtles are meeting at eleven –
one is missing – then there are seven.
Three little turtles have the flu –
one has to stay in bed – then there are two.
Seven little turtles are doing toothpick tricks –
one gets stuck – then there are six.
Two little turtles are having lots of fun –
one gets the hiccups – then there is one.
Six little turtles are going for a dive –
one falls in love – then there are five.
One little turtle feels so alone.
It walks and walks until it is home! Yahoo!
28. Listen to the leporello story again and answer after each
Ten Little Turtles
Ten little turtles are dancing in the sunshine –
one gets a sunburn – then there are .
Five little turtles are sweeping the floor –
one slips – then there are .
Nine little turtles are walking to the gate –
one has a security check – then there are .
Four little turtles are sailing across the sea –
one gets sick – then there are .
Eight little turtles are meeting at eleven –
one is missing – then there are .
Three little turtles have the flu –
one has to stay in bed – then there are
Seven little turtles are doing toothpick tricks –
one gets stuck – then there are .
Two little turtles are having lots of fun –
one gets the hiccups – then there is .
Six little turtles are going for a dive –
one falls in love – then there are .
One little turtle feels so alone.
It walks and walks until it is ! Yahoo!
Hop on! 3 Countdown
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
29. Let’s act and sing the “Five Little Monkeys Song”.
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,
one fell off and bumped her head,
so Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed.”
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,
one fell off and bumped her head,
so Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed.”
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,
one fell off and bumped his head,
so Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed.”
One little monkey jumping on the bed,
one fell off and bumped his head,
so Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
“Put those monkeys straight to bed!”
1-Good night.
30. Playback Version
31. Listen and color the pajamas, please.
Where is monkey number one? Look for number one. Color his pajamas green.
Where is monkey number two? Look for number two. Color her pajamas green.
Where is monkey number three? Look for number three. Color his pajamas purple.
Where is monkey number four? Look for number four. Color her pajamas yellow.
Where is monkey number five? Look for number five. Color his pajamas blue.
Hop on! 3 Countdown
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
32. Listen and color the pajamas, please.
Monkey number one is wearing red pajamas with black stripes.
Monkey number two is wearing yellow pajamas with stars.
Monkey number three is wearing purple pajamas with yellow polka dots.
Monkey number four is wearing plain blue pajamas with black dots.
Monkey number five is wearing green pajamas with white stripes.
33. Let’s practice the “Seven Step”.
34. Come on everybody, let’s dance.
35. Listen and fill in the blanks, please. Then let’s sing and clap our hands.
36. Playback Version
37. Listen and repeat, please.
plates – cupcakes – numbers – balloons – piñata – place mats – straws – candles – flowers –
party hats
Hop on! 3 Countdown
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
38. It’s time for a party.
Let’s have a birthday party for us all
with cards and posters on the wall.
With balloons everywhere
and flowers in our hair.
With bowls full of chips
and ice cream that drips.
With presents and big hugs, too,
let’s all sing “Happy Birthday to you”.
With fun games and party hats
and cupcakes on funky mats.
With candles that blink
and a straw for the drink.
Hurry to the party – don’t be late.
Quick! Don’t miss the date!
39. La la la. For she’s a jolly good fellow …
40. Playback Version
41. Let’s say the “Counting Poem”.
One and one is two,
One for me and one for you.
Four and four is eight,
It’s not hard to get that straight.
Two and two is four,
If you like this, let’s do more.
Five and five is ten,
Now let’s do it all again.
Hop on! 3 Countdown
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
42. What do the ants want to do? Listen and fill in the action poem, please.
Ninety nine ants are marching through the gym.
The first one says, “I don’t want to march, I want to run.”
The second one says, “I don’t want to run, I want to dance.”
The third one says, “I don’t want to dance, I want to jump.”
The fourth one says, “I don’t want to jump, I want to skip.”
The fifth one says, “I don’t want to skip, I want to swing.”
The sixth one says, “I don’t want to swing, I want to swim.”
The seventh one says, “I don’t want to swim, I want to climb.”
The eighth one says, “I don’t want to climb, I want to kick-box.”
The ninth one says, “I don’t want to kick-box, I want to hula hoop.”
The tenth one says, “Stop! Let’s get the parachute out.”
“That’s fun,” they all shout.
43. Let’s listen to the story “A Birthday Present for the King”.
the best present and
enjoy an XL piece
of King Roy’s birthday cake.
TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, and NINE all have something special to give to the king. Only ONE
and ZERO do not know which present to bring. Everybody wants the XL piece of King Roy’s birthday cake.
One by one they knock at the castle door to bring their presents to the king.
TWO shouts, “Your Majesty, here are 2 big diamonds for your crown!”
King Roy smiles and says, “Oooh, oooh.”
THREE shouts, “Your Majesty, here are 3 big trees for your garden!”
King Roy smiles and says, “Mhm, mhm.”
FOUR shouts, “Your Majesty, here are 4 big wheels for your carriage!”
King Roy smiles and says, “Clickety-clack, clickety-clack.”
FIVE shouts, “Your Majesty, here are 5 big arrows for your bow!”
King Roy smiles and says, “Poing, poing.”
SIX shouts, “Your Majesty, here are 6 big eggs for your breakfast!”
King Roy smiles and says, “Aha, aha!”
SEVEN shouts, “Your Majesty, here are 7 big candles for your tower!”
King Roy smiles and says, “Oh-lala, oh-lala.”
EIGHT shouts, “Your Majesty, here are 8 big apples for your apple strudel!”
King Roy smiles and says, “Sweet, sweet.”
NINE shouts, “Your Majesty, here are 9 big hats for the queen!”
King Roy smiles and says, “Wow, wow.”
Hop on! 3 Countdown
© 2013 Verlag E. DORNER GmbH, Wien
All numbers are proud and happy. Only ZERO and ONE are sad. They say to each other, “What are we? We are
nothing! Only ONE and ZERO. All other numbers have more presents to bring. We can only bring one or zero.”
Then, ZERO has an idea! He whispers into ONE’s ear. “Great idea”, ONE says. So they climb up and knock at the
castle door.
ONE and ZERO say, “Happy Birthday, your Majesty, here are 10 big hugs for you!”
King Roy smiles and says, “Thank you, my dear friends, help yourself to an XL piece of my birthday cake.”
ONE and ZERO smile and say, “Yummy, yummy.”
All other numbers also get a piece of the cake. Everybody is having a great party! Together they are celebrating