CV as pdf - AIT Austrian Institute of Technology


CV as pdf - AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Curriculum Vitae of
Thomas I. Strasser
Full name:
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Thomas I. Strasser
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 2, 1210 Vienna, Austria
[email protected]
Thomas Strasser holds a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering with focus
on automation and control theory and a Master degree in Industrial Engineering with focus on mobile robotics and automation from Vienna University
of Technology. For several years he has been working as a senior scientist
at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in the Energy Department in
the area of active electrical energy systems (i.e., Smart Grids). His main responsibilities are the strategic development of the research area Smart Grid
automation and control architectures, the coordination and management of
national and international research projects as well as mentoring and advising of junior scientists. Before his work at AIT he was responsible for more
than 6 years as senior researcher for the research topic advanced and reconfigurable automation and control systems at PROFACTOR research. Thomas
Strasser is active as lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology, Upper
Austrian University of Applied Sciences and University of Applied Sciences
Technikum Vienna in the area of Automation and ICT Systems as well as
Smart Grids. Moreover, he is currently a Guest Professor at the University
of Applied Sciences Salzburg.
He is the co-author of more than 110 scientific publications as well as 3 patents
in the above mentioned areas. Thomas Strasser has presented results of his
research topics in various IEEE, international and national workshops, events
and seminars.
Dr. Strasser was and is involved as scientific and/or sub-project coordinator in several national (e.g., KLIEN DG-EV-HIL, FIT-IT Crons, FITIT eCEDAC, FIT-IT FRONTICS, FFG 4DIAC) and international research
projects (e.g., FP6 NoE I*PROMS, FP6 IP PISA, FP7 STREP MEDEIA,
FP7 DERri). In addition, he is an evaluator of R&D proposals for the Swiss
National Science Foundation and the Czech Science Foundation. He is member of the IEC SC65B/WG15 for the IEC 61499 standard on distributed automation and control systems and Senior Member of the IEEE societies IES,
SMCS and IEEE PES. Furthermore, he is member of several IEEE technical
committees and task forces (IEEE IES: TC-IA, TC-SG, Standards-TC; IEEE
SMCS: TC-DIS; IEEE PES: TF on Real-time Simulation for Power and Energy Systems, TF on Open Source Software for Power Systems). Moreover,
he is one of the co-founders of the 4DIAC open source initiative.
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Embedded Automation and Control Systems
Distributed embedded industrial automation and control
Reconfigurable and adaptive control systems
Mechatronical approaches - plug and produce systems
Monitoring and diagnosis in distributed systems
Model-driven approaches in industrial automation
Open source software development
Standard development (i.e., IEC 61499)
Smart Electric Grids
Power utility automation
Modelling and (real-time) simulation
Controller and power hardware-in-the-loop simulation
Distributed generation
Distributed control approaches for smart grid applications
ICT for Smart Grid systems
Standards for Smart Grids (i.e., IEC 61850)
Control Theory
• Adaptive control and identification
• Fault diagnosis (fault detection, fault isolation, etc.)
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Dr.techn. (Ph.D.), Mechanical Engineering, September 2003
• Graduation with distinction in “Mechanical Engineering”
• Topic of thesis : “Plausibility check on automatic measurements on
test beds with artificial neural networks” (in German)
• Advisor: o.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Hanns-Peter Jörgl
• Field of study: fault diagnosis, identification and control theory
Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.), Industrial Engineering, May 2001
• Graduation with distinction in “Industrial Engineering”
• Topic of thesis: “Development of a mobile robot platform” (in German)
• Advisor: o.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Dr.h.c.mult. Peter Kopacek
• Field of study: mobile robotics
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Exchange Student, Faculty of Engineering, September 2000 to December
• Mechanical and mechatronics engineering
• Work on the diploma thesis
Technical High School, St. Pölten, Austria
Matriculation, Automation and Mechanical Engineering, July 1995
• Graduation with distinction in “Automation and Mechanical Engineering”
• Automation, control and mechanical engineering
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Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Art
Würdigungspreis der Bundesministerin für Bildung, Wissenschaft und
Kultur, 2001 (price in appreciation of special study performance from
the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Art)
Record /
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Energy Department - Business
Unit Electrical Energy Systems, Vienna, Austria
Senior Scientist
since January 2012
• Topcis of research: embedded automation and control systems for
Smart Grids, power utility automation, modelling and (real-time) simulation of Smart Grids
• Acquisition of new national and international R&D projects in the
above mentioned R&D topic
• Project coordination and management
• Supervision of master and bachelor students
• Supervision of internships
May 2010 to December 2011
• Topcis of research: embedded automation and control systems for
Smart Grids, power utility automation, modelling and (real-time) simulation of Smart Grids
• Acquisition of new national and international R&D projects in the
above mentioned R&D topic
• Project coordination and management
• Supervision of master and bachelor students
• Supervision of internships
Vienna University of Technology - Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Vienna, Austria
since March 2011
• Lecture: Industrial Real-time Control Systems and Information Technology (VO 325.035)
Czech Technical University in Prague - Department of Cybernetics,
Prague, Czech Republic
Guest Lecturer
May 2013
• Lecture: Modern ICT for Industry and Smart Grids: Smart Grids Recent Research Activities and Trends
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg - Information Technology
& Systems Management, Salzburg, Austria
Guest Professor
since October 2012
• Lecture: Smart Grids Modeling and Simulation
University of Applied Sciences Technikum - Department of Renewable Energy, Vienna, Austria
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since March 2012
• Tutorial: Smart Grids Simulation
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - School of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Wels, Austria
since March 2012
• Lecture: Smart Grids
PROFACTOR Research, Robotics and Adaptive Systems Group, Industrial Automation and Robotics, Steyr, Austria
Senior Researcher
January 2007 to April 2010
• Responsible for the R&D topic “Adaptive and reconfigurable process
and control systems” and its future development
• Topics of research: embedded automation and control systems
• Acquisition of new national and international R&D projects in the
above mentioned R&D topic
• Research team leader
• Project coordination and management
• Supervision of master and bachelor students
• Supervision of internships
October 2003 to December 2006
• Responsible for the R&D topic “Adaptive and reconfigurable process
and control systems” and its future development
• Topics of research: Embedded automation and control systems; control theory and smart and adaptive structures
• Acquisition of new national and international R&D projects in the
above mentioned R&D topic
• Project coordination and management
Vienna University of Technology - Institute for Machine and Process Automation, Vienna, Austria
Research Fellow
April 2001 to September 2003
• Research fellow in the “Christian Doppler Laboratory for intelligent
control solutions for process technologies” at the Institute for Machine
and Process Automation, Vienna University of Technology
• Ph.D. thesis in the field of fault diagnosis and fault detection
• Collaboration with a leading Austrian company in the area of automotive solutions
• Teaching activities in the domain of control theory
Actual Projects (6x)
• Sparks - Smart Grid Protection Against Cyber Attacks (, European Commission, FP7, Security, Project No. 608224,
Collaborative Project, Topic: Cyber Security, Researcher, 2014 - 2017
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• ELECTRA IRP - European Liason on Electricity Committed Towards
long-term Research Activity Integrated Research Programme
(, European Commission, Energy, FP7, Project No.
609687, Combination of CP & CSA, Topic: Smart Grids, Researcher
and Work Package Leader, 2013 - 2017
• Perfomance Plus - Tools for Enhanced Photovoltaic System Performance (, European Commission, FP7, Energy, Project
No. 308991, Collaborative Project, Topic: Photovoltaics, Researcher,
2012 - 2015
• IPEN - IP Infrastructure for Energy Networks (,
Austrian Government, Climate and Energy Fonds, FFG, Project No.
838626, Thematic Programme, Topic: Communication networks and
protocols for Smart Grids, Co-Proposal Writer, AIT project leader,
2013 - 2016
• DG-EV-HIL - Research focus for the integration of distributed renewable energy sources and distributed energy storage systems into active electrical distribution grids via Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop simulations, Austrian Government, Austrian Climate and Energy Funds,
FFG, Project No. 827987, Research Project, Topic: Smart Energy
Grids, Scientific Coordinator, Sub-Project Coordinator, and Researcher,
2010 - 2014
• 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control
(, Open Source Initiative, Topic: Distributed Control
Systems, Co-Founder and former Project Coordinator, Contributor,
since 2007
Finished Projects (15x)
• DERri - Distributed Energy Resources Research Infrastructure
(, European Commission, FP7, Infrastructures, Project
No. 228449, Combination of CP & CSA, Topic: Distributed Energy
Resources, Researcher and Work Package Leader, 2009 - 2013
• MASGrid: Multi-Agent System for Self-Optimizing Power Distribution
Grids (, Research Studios Austria, FFG, Project No. 832037, Research Project, Topic: Smart Energy
Grids, Co-Proposal Writer, Researcher, 2011 - 2014
• V2G-inverter: Multi-Purpose Inverter for Smart Grids: Analysis of the
functional chain distribution network to battery with bidirectional loading, Austrian Government, Climate and Energy Fonds, FFG, Project
No. 829770, Thematic Programme, Topic: Simulation and PowerHardware-in-the-Loop experiments, Co-Proposal Writer, 2011 - 2013
• 4DIAC Enhancements (, Austrian Government, FFG,
Project No. 823243, Basic Programme, Topic: Online-Monitoring and
Debugging in Distributed Control Systems, Co-Proposal Writer, Project
Coordinator, 2008 - 2011
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• MEDEIA - Model-Driven Embedded Systems Environment for the Industrial Automation Sector (, European Commission,
FP7, ICT, Project No. 211448, Collaborative Project, Topic: Embedded Systems Design, Co-Proposal Writer, Project Coordinator, 2008 2010
• PISA - Flexible Assembly Systems through Workplace-Sharing and TimeSharing Human-Machine Cooperation (, European
Commission, FP6, NMP, Project No. 026697-2, Integrated Project,
Topic: Intelligent Assembly Systems, Co-Proposal Writer, Sub-Project
Coordinator, 2006 - 2010
• FRONTICS - Communication Framework for Networked Automation
and Control Systems (, Austrian Government, FITIT Embedded Systems, Project No. 815200, Topic: Communication
Configuration in Networked Control Systems, Co-Proposal Writer, Scientific Coordinator, Researcher, 2008 - 2010
• DIANA - Distributed Intelligent Automation with Next-Generation Architecture, Funded by an industrial company (i.e., Rockwell Automation Inc., USA), Topic: Resource Constraint Distributed Control Systems, Researcher, 2004 - 2010
• I*PROMS - Innovative Production Machines and Systems (, European Commission, FP6, NMP, Project No. 026697-2,
Network of Excellence, Topic: Advanced Production Systems, Researcher,
2004 - 2009
• CEDAC - Evolution Control Environment for Distributed Automation Components, Austrian Government, FIT-IT Embedded Systems,
Project No. 809447, Topic: Engineering of Reconfigurable and Distributed Control Systems, Co-Proposal Writer, Project Coordinator,
2005 - 2007
• µCrons - Micro Holons for Next Generation Distributed Automation
and Control, Austrian Government, FIT-IT Embedded Systems, Project
No. 808205, Topic: Real-Time Execution of Reconfigurable and Distributed Control Systems, Co-Proposal Writer, Project Coordinator,
2004 - 2006
• Communication Middleware for Distributed Automation Systems, Funded
by an industrial company (i.e., Bachmann electronic GmbH, Austria),
Topic: Middleware Approaches for industrial automation systems, Researcher, 2004 - 2005
• AVC - Active Vibration Control, Internal PROFACTOR Project, Topic:
Advanced Control of Smart and Adaptive Systems, Researcher, 2003 2004
• SES - Smart Embedded Systems, Internal PROFACTOR Project, Topic:
Distributed Automation Systems, Researcher, 2003 - 2004
• AMPA - Automatic Measurement Plausibility and Quality Assurance,
Austrian Government, Christian Doppler Laboratory, Collaboration
Project with AVL List, Topic: Fault Diagnosis and Fault Detection
in Automotive Applications, Researcher, 2001 - 2003
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and Service
Journal Organizations
• Co-Organizer of Special Issues/Sections (2x)
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Informatics, Joint Special Section on “New Trends in
Intelligent Energy Systems”, Corresponding Guest Editor, in progress,
planned publication in 2015 (1̃00 submissions)
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Special Issue on “Industrial Applications of Distributed Intelligent Systems”, Corresponding Guest Editor, published 2014 (6 papers)
Conference Organizations
• Conference Co-Chair of (3x)
- 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Energy Systems
(IWIES’14), San Diego, CA, USA, 2014
- 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Energy Systems
(IWIES’13), Vienna, Austria, 2013
- 4th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and
Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS), Linz, Austria, 2009
• Publicity Co-Chair of (1x)
- IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
(SMC’14), San Diego, CA, USA, 2014
• Tutorial Co-Chair of (1x)
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’15),
Cambridge, UK, 2015
• Track Co-Chair of (4x)
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’15),
Track “Technologies and Infrastructures”, Cambridge, UK, 2015
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’14),
Track “Technologies and Infrastructures”, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 2014
- The 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’13), Industry Forum, Vienna, Austria, 2013
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Track
“Power Systems and the Smart Grid”, Cape Town South Africa, 2013
• Program Committee Member of (15x)
- 1st International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent
Systems (INISCom’15), Tokyo, Japan, 2015
- 2014 International Workshop on Modern Software Engineering Methods for Industrial Automation (MoSEMInA’14), Hyderabad, India,
- 5th PhD Workshop “Energy Informatics (Energieinformatik)” 2014,
Zurich, Switzerland, 2014
- IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
(SMC’13), Manchester, UK, 2013
- 6th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and
Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS’13), Prague, Czech Republic, 2013
- The 2013 IFAC Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Symposium (IAV’2013),
Gold Coast, Australia, 2013
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- 11th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’13),
São Paulo, Brazil, 2013
- IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory
Automation (ETFA’12), Kraków, Poland, 2012
- 5th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and
Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS’11), Toulouse, France, 2011
- 10th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’10),
Lisbon, Portugal, 2010
- 4th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and
Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS’09), Linz, Austria, 2009
- IEEE International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems (DHMS’08), Athens, Greece, 2008
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’08),
Daejeon, Korea, 2008
- 3rd International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and
Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS’07), Regensburg, Germany, 2007
- IEEE Distributed Intelligent Systems (DIS’06), Track B, Prague, Czech
Republic, 2006
- 2nd International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and
Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS’05), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005
• Co-Organizer of Special Sessions (26x)
- 2014 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications
(SmartGridComm’14), Special Session “Co-Simulation for Smart Grids”,
Venice, Italy, 2014
- The 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’14), Special Session “Information Technologies for Smart
Grids”, Dallas, TX, USA, 2014
- The 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’14), Special Session “Real-time Simulation and Hardwarein-the-Loop Validation Methods for Power and Energy Systems”, Dallas, TX, USA, 2014
- 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC’14), Special Session “Intelligent Real-Time Automation and
Agent-based Systems”, San Diego, CA, USA, 2014
- The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
(ISIE’14), Special Session “Real Time Simulations on Electrical Systems”, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
- The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
(ISIE’14), Special Session “Distributed Intelligent Systems in Industrial Environments”, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
- The 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’13), Special Session “Intelligent Real-time Automation
and Control Systems”, Vienna, Austria, 2013
- The 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’13), Special Session “Real-time Simulation and Hardwarein-the-Loop Validation Methods for Power and Energy Systems”, Vienna, Austria, 2013
- 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC’13), Special Session “Intelligent Real-Time Automation and
Agent-based Systems”, Manchester, UK, 2013
- IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Fac8 of 30
tory Automation (ETFA’13), Special Session “Distributed and Autonomous Intelligent Systems”, Cagliari, Italy, 2013
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’13),
Special Session “Industrial Informatics for Smart Grids”, Bochum,
Germany, 2013
The 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’12), Special Session “Intelligent Real-time Automation
and Control Systems”, Montreal, Canada, 2012
The 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’12), Special Session “Harmonization of standards as a
result of convergence of technologies in modern technical artifacts”,
Montreal, Canada, 2012
The 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’12), Special Session “Industrial Applications of Holonic
and Multi-Agent Systems”, Montreal, Canada, 2012
The 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’12), Special Session “Industrial Electronics in Smart
Grids”, Montreal, Canada, 2012
The 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’12), Special Session “Real-time Simulation and Validation Methods for Power and Energy Systems”, Montreal, Canada,
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’12), Special Session “Distributed and Autonomous Intelligent Systems”, Kraków, Poland, 2012
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory
Automation (ETFA’12), Special Session “Harmonization of standards
as a result of convergence of technologies in modern technical artifacts”, Krakw, Poland, 2012
The 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’11), Special Session “Real-time Simulation Methods for
Smart Grids”, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’11), Special Session “Applying Agent-Based
Technology in Industrial Systems”, Toulouse, France, 2011
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’11),
Special Session “Modern Software Engineering Methods and Approaches
in Industrial Informatics”, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011
IFAC International Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
(IMS’10), Special Session “Applying advanced software design concepts to industrial automation systems”, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’10),
Special Session “Modern Software Engineering Methods and Approaches
in Industrial Automation”, Osaka, Japan, 2010
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’09),
Special Session “Component-based and model-driven design of industrial automation systems”, Cardiff, Great Britain, 2009
IEEE International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems (DHMS’08), Special Session “PISA - Flexible Assembly Systems
through Workplace-Sharing and Time-Sharing Human-Machine Cooperation”, Athens, Greece, 2008
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- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’07),
Special Session “Downtimeless reconfiguration of distributed automation systems”, Vienna, Austria, 2007
• Co-Organizer of Tutorials (4x)
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’10),
Tutorial “From IEC 61131-3 to IEC 61499: Migration vs. Harmonization”, Osaka, Japan, 2010
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’09),
Tutorial “PISA - Flexible Assembly Systems through Workplace-Sharing
and Time-Sharing Human-Machine Cooperation”, Cardiff, Great Britain,
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’08),
Tutorial “Modelling Distributed Control Systems within 4DIAC”, Daejeon, Korea, 2008
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’07),
Tutorial “Modelling Distributed Control Systems within ODECE based
on IEC 61499”, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Symposium and Workshop Organizations (9x)
• 5th 4DIAC Users Workshop, IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’14), Barcelona, Spain, 2014
• 4th 4DIAC Users Workshop, IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’13), Cagliari, Italy, 2013
• 3rd 4DIAC Users Workshop, IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’12), Kraków, Poland, 2012
• 2nd 4DIAC Users Workshop, IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’11), Toulouse, France, 2011
• MEDEIA FP7 Project Workshop, Workshop, SPS/IPC/Drives 2009 trade
fair, Nuremberg, Germany, 2009,
• 4DIAC Initiative - Open Source Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation, Workshop for automatic packaging machine builders, Ozzano
dell’Emilia - Bologna, Italy, 2009
• The Future of IEC 61499 - Open Discussion on the 2nd Edition, Workshop,
SPS/IPC/Drives 2009 trade fair, Nuremberg, Germany, 2009
• 18th Cooperation Symposium Science, Symposium, Vienna University of
Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Paper Reviews
• Conferences (55x)
HoloMAS 2013, HoloMAS 2011, HoloMAS 2009, HoloMAS 2007,
HoloMAS 2005, I*PROMS 2008, I*PROMS 2006, I*PROMS
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ReMAR 2009, IFAC INCOM’09, IFAC IMS’2010, IFAC IMS’2013,
FDL’2012, IEEE SMC’2012, IEEE SMC’2013, IEEE SMC’2014,
2013, IFAC IAV’2013, IEEE EPEC’2013, IEEE IWIES’2013,
• Journals (21x)
Automation in Construction (AUTCON), Computer Standards
& Interfaces Journal (CSI), MDPI Energies, IFAC Control Engineering Practice (CEP), IFAC Engineering Applications of
Artificial Intelligence - The International Journal of Intelligent
Real-Time Automation (EAAI), International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources (DER-Journal), International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC), International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR), International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII),
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A
(SMCA), IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C (SMCC), ISRN Communications and Networking
(ISRN), Journal of Engineering (JE), IFAC Mechatronics - The
Science of Intelligent Machines (MECH), IEEE Systems Journal (ISJ), IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids (TSG), Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation
International (Simulation), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (TPWRS).
• Books (1x)
IGI Global - Reconfigurable Embedded Control Systems: Applications for Flexibility and Agility
• Book Proposals (1x)
IET - Modelling control systems using IEC 61499 - 2nd Edition
• Special Session Proposals (1x)
IFAC World Congress 2014 - Special Session Proposal “Smart
Grid Operation”
Standardization and Industrial Committee Work
• IEC TC8/WG6, since 2013
• IEC TC65/WG17, since 2013
• OVE TK MR/TSK MR65, since 2010
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• IEC SC65B/WG15, since 2009
• PLCopen User Organisation, TC4 and TC6, 2009 - 2010
• OVE, since 2010
• IEEE SMC - Technical Committee on Distributed Intelligent Systems
(TC-DIS), since 2010
• IEEE IES - Standards Technical Committee (Standards-TC), since 2011
• IEEE IES - Technical Committee on Industrial Agents (TC-IA), since
– Secretary of Technical Committee, since 2014
– Working Group Co-Chair for “Intelligent Real-time Automation and
Control Systems”, since 2012
– Working Group Co-Chair for “Standardization”, since 2012
• IEEE IES - Technical Committee on Smart Grids (TC-SG), since 2010
• IEEE PES - Task Force on Open Source Software for Power Systems,
since 2011
• IEEE PES - Task Force on Real-Time Simulation Methods for Power and
Energy Systems, since 2011
• Member of the Editorial Board of ISRN Communications and Networking
Journal, since 2010
• IEEE - Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), since 2010
• IEEE - Industrial Electronics Society (IES), since 2009
• IEEE - Power & Energy Society (PES), since 2011
• IEEE Austria Section, Member of the Election Commission, 2011
• IEEE, since 2009 (Senior Member, since 2013)
• Österreichischer Verband der Wirtschaftsingenieure (WING), since 2001
• ARTEMIS-Austria Advisory Board, 2009 - 2010
• O3 neida Automation Network (founding member), 2004 - 2010
Evaluator/Reviewer (5x)
• Reviewer (Expert) supporting the European Commission (EC) in the
evaluation of H2020 project proposals, since 2014.
• Reviewer (Expert) supporting the European Commission (EC) in the
evaluation of running FP7 ICT projects, since 2013.
• Evaluator of R&D proposals for the Czech Science Foundation, 2012.
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• Reviewer of the doctoral thesis “Distributed Problem Solving by Means of
Agent Negotiation” from Jiřı́ Vokřı́nek and member of the defense committee, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Cybernetics, Czech
Technical University in Prague, 2011.
• Evaluator of R&D proposals for the Swiss National Science Foundation
in the domain of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering, 2009.
Advisory Board Member (1x)
• Josef Ressel-Zentrum for Application-Oriented Smart-Grid Privacy, Security and Control, University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Salzburg,
Supervised Students
• Six supervised master thesis since 2003
• Seven supervised internships since 2003
Teaching Activities (7x)
• “Smart Grids Modeling and Simulation”, Lecture, University of Applied
Sciences Salzburg, Salzburg, since 2013
• “Modern ICT for Industry and Smart Grids: Smart Grids - Recent Research Activities and Trends”, Guest Lecture, Czech Technical University
in Prague, Czech Republic, May 2013
• “Smart Grids Simulation”, Tutorial, University of Applied Sciences Technikum, Vienna, Austria, since 2012
• “Smart Grids”, Lecture, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria,
Wels, Austria, since 2012
• “Industrial Real-time Control Systems and Information Technology”, Lecture, No. 325.035, Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, since 2011
• Supervision of control laboratory courses at the Institute of Machine and
Process Automation, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2001 to
• Teaching of closed loop control courses at the Institute of Machine and
Process Automation, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2001 to
Plenary Talks HoloMAS 2013
• 26.08.2013: Review of Trends and Challenges in Smart Grids: An Automation Point of View, 6th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, August 26-28, Prague,
Czech Republic, 2013.
International Forum Mechatronic 2007
• 12.07.2007: Plenum 3: Robotik und Assistenzsysteme — Intelligente Autonome Maschinen auf Basis mechatronischer Ansätze, Internationales
Forum Mechatronik (IFM 2007), September 12-13, Winterthur, Switzerland, 2007.
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Theses (2x)
[1] T. Strasser, Einsatz von künstlichen Neuronalen Netzen zur Messdatenplausibilitätsprüfung bei automatischen Messungen bei Motorprüfständen
(engl. title: Plausibility check on automatic measurements on test beds
with artificial neural networks). PhD thesis, Technische Universität Wien,
Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Vienna, September 2003.
[2] T. Strasser, “Entwicklung einer mobilen Roboterplattform (engl. title:
Development of a mobile robot platform),” Master’s thesis, Technische
Universität Wien, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Vienna, March 2001.
Book Chapters and Editorials (5x)
[3] T. Strasser and A. Zoitl, Industrial Agents: Emerging Applications of
Software Agents in Industry, ch. Distributed Real-time Automation and
Control—Reactive Control Layer for Industrial Agents. Elsevier, accepted, appears 2015.
[4] P. Palensky, F. Kupzog, T. Strasser, T. Leber, and M. Stifter, Industrial
Communication Technology Handbook, ch. Communication Protocols for
Power System Automation. CRC Press, 2 ed., 2014.
[5] M. Merdan, A. Prostejovsky, I. Hegny, W. Lepuschitz, F. Andrén, and
T. Strasser, Recent Advances in Robotics and Automation, Studies in
Computational Intelligence, vol. 480, ch. Power Distribution Control using Multi-Agent Systems, pp. 323–333. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
[6] T. Strasser, A. Zoitl, and M. Rooker, Reconfigurable Embedded Control
Systems: Applications for Flexibility and Agility, ch. Zero-Downtime Reconfiguration of Distributed Control Logic in Industrial Automation and
Control, pp. 55–81. IGI Global, 2011.
[7] V. Marı́k, T. Strasser, and A. Zoitl, eds., Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing, 4th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, HoloMAS 2009, Linz,
Austria, August 31 - September 2, 2009. Proceedings, vol. 5696 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2009.
Patents (3x)
[8] O. Hummer-Koppendorfer, A. Zoitl, F. Auinger, T.I. Strasser, J. Christensen, and K. Hall, “Automation HMI Visualisation utilizing GUI Function Blocks, European Patent No. EP1873633,” January 2008.
[9] J. Gottwald, A. Zoitl, F. Auinger, T.I. Strasser, I. Terzic, J. Christensen,
and K. Hall, “HMI Framework for Extensible Automation Systems Engineering Platforms, European Patent No. EP1873634,” January 2008.
[10] J. Gottwald, A. Zoitl, F. Auinger, T.I. Strasser, I. Terzic, J. Christensen,
and K. Hall, “HMI Framework for Extensible Automation Systems Engineering Platforms, United States Patent Application Publication No. US
2011/0093800,” April 2011.
14 of 30
Refereed International Journals (14x)
[11] P. Vrba, V. Marik, P. Leitao, P. Siano, G. Zahbelova, V. Vyatkin, and
T. Strasser, “A review of agent and service-oriented concepts applied to
intelligent energy systems,” Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions
on, pp. 1–14, accepted, appears 2015.
[12] T. Strasser, M. Stifter, F. Andrén, and P. Palensky, “Co-simulation
training platform for smart grids,” Power Systems, IEEE Transactions
on, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1–9, 2014.
[13] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, G. Ebenhofer, and A. Zoitl, “Standardized dynamic reconfiguration of control applications in industrial systems,”
International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE), IGI
Global, vol. 2, pp. 57–73, Jan.-Jun. 2014.
[14] T. Strasser, A. Zoitl, and W. Gruver, “Guest Editorial: Special Issue
on “Industrial Applications of Distributed Intelligent Systems”,” Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 44,
pp. 261–262, March 2014.
[15] T. Strasser, F. Andrén, F. Lehfuss, M. Stifter, and P. Palensky, “Online Reconfigurable Control Software for IEDs,” Industrial Informatics,
IEEE Transactions on, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1455–1465, 2013.
[16] F. Andrén, F. Lehfuss, and T. Strasser, “A Development and Validation Environment for Real-Time Controller-Hardware-in-the-Loop Experiments in Smart Grids,” International Journal of Distributed Energy
Resources and Smart Grids, vol. 9, pp. 27–50, January - March 2013.
[17] F. Andrén, M. Stifter, and T. Strasser, “Towards a Semantic Driven
Framework for Smart Grid Applications: Model-Driven Development
using CIM, IEC 61850 and IEC 61499,” Informatik-Spektrum, vol. 36,
pp. 58–68, Jan. 2013.
[18] T. Strasser, M. Stifter, W. Hribernik, E. Lambert, P. Kotsampopoulos,
P. Crolla, and C. Tornelli, “Improving the Portability and Exchangeability of Model Data for Smart Grids Real-Time Simulations—Definition
of a Common Reference Model,” e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, pp. 1–6, 2013.
[19] T. Strasser and R. Froschauer, “Autonomous application recovery in
distributed intelligent automation and control systems,” Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, IEEE Transactions
on, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1054–1070, 2012.
[20] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, and G. Ebenhofer, “An IEC 61499 Distributed
Control Concept for Reconfigurable Robots,” International Journal
Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, no. 3/4, pp. 344–
359, 2011.
[21] T. Strasser, A. Zoitl, J. H. Christensen, and C. Sünder, “Design and
Execution issues in IEC 61499 Distributed Automation and Control
Systems,” Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and
Reviews, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 41, pp. 41–51, Jan. 2011.
15 of 30
[22] A. Zoitl, T. Strasser, C. Sünder, and T. Baier, “Is IEC 61499 in harmony
with IEC 61131-3?,” Industrial Electronics Magazine, IEEE, vol. 3,
pp. 49–55, Dec. 2009.
[23] R. Brennan, P. Vrba, P. Tichy, A. Zoitl, C. Sünder, T. Strasser, and
V. Marı́k, “Developments in Dynamic and Intelligent Reconfiguration of
Industrial Automation,” Computers in Industry - An International, Application Oriented Research Journal, Elsevier Editorial, vol. 59, pp. 533–
547, April 2008.
[24] S. M. Jakubek and T. I. Strasser, “Artificial neural networks for fault
detection in large-scale data acquisition systems,” IFAC journal - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 17, pp. 233–248,
March 2004.
Invited Papers (5x)
[25] P. Leitao, P. Vrba, and T. Strasser, “Multi-Agent Systems as Automation Platform for Intelligent Energy Systems,” in 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’2013), November 10-13, Vienna, Austria, 2013.
[26] T. Strasser, F. Andrén, M. Merdan, and A. Prostejovsky, “Review of
trends and challenges in smart grids: An automation point of view,” in
Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing (V. Marı́k, P. Skobelev, and J. L. Lastra, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 1–
12, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2013.
[27] M. Stifter, E. Widl, F. Andrén, A. Elsheikh, T. Strasser, and P. Palensky, “Co-Simulation of Components, Controls and Power Systems based
on Open Source Software,” in 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)
General Meeting, July 21-25, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
[28] T. Strasser, M. Stifter, F. Andrén, D. Burnier de Castro, and
W. Hribernik, “Applying Open Standards and Open Source Software
for Smart Grid Applications: Simulation of Distributed Intelligent Control of Power Systems,” in 2011 IEEE Power & Engineering Society
(PES) General Meeting, July 24-29, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2011.
[29] A. Zoitl, T. Strasser, K. Hall, R. Staron, C. Sünder, and B. FavreBulle, “The past, present, and future of IEC 61499,” in Holonic and
Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing (V. Marı́k, V. Vyatkin, and
A. Colombo, eds.), vol. 4659 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 1–14, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2007. 10.1007/978-3-540-744818 1.
Refereed Conference Proceedings (85x)
[30] F. Andrén, T. Strasser, and W. Kastner, “Model-Driven Engineering
applied to Smart Grid Automation using IEC 61850 and IEC 61499,” in
1814 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC’14), August 18-22,
Wroclaw, Poland, 2014.
16 of 30
[31] M. Stifter, J.H. Kazmi, F. Andrén, and T. Strasser, “Co-Simulation of
Power Systems, Communication and Controls,” in 2014 IEEE Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
(MSCPES’14), April 14, Berlin, Germany, 2014.
[32] S. Rohjans, S. Lehnhoff, S. Schüutte, F. Andrén, and T. Strasser, “Requirements for Smart Grid Simulation Tools,” in IEEE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’2014), Istanbul, Turkey,
June 1-4 2014.
[33] F. Andrén, F. Lehfuss, P. Jonke, T. Strasser, E. Rikos, P. Kotsampopoulos, P. Moutis, F. Belloni, C. Sandroni, C. Tornelli, A. Villa,
A. Krusteva, and R. Stanev, “DERri Common Reference Model for Distributed Energy Resources—Modelling Scheme, Reference Implementations and Validation of Results,” in CIGRE Session 2014, SC C6 Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation, PS1 Design of distribution
networks with high penetration of DER and new loads, August 24-29,
Paris, France, 2014.
[34] T. Strasser, F. Andrén, V. Vyatkin, G. Zhabelova, and C.-W. Yang,
“Ein Standard-basierter Automatisierungsansatz fr Smart Grid Komponenten: Analyse der Domänen-Standards IEC 61850 und IEC 61499 für
Energieapplikationen,” in sps ipc drives - Elektrische Automatisierung,
Systeme und Komponenten - Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress,
November 26-28, Nuremberg, Germany, 2013.
[35] T. Strasser, F. Andrén, R. Bründlinger, and D. Garabandic, “Integrating PV into the Smart Grid - Implementation of an IEC 61850 Interface
for Large Scale PV Inverters,” in 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), September 30-October 4,
Paris, France, 2013.
[36] F. Andrén, T. Strasser, and W. Kastner, “Towards a Common Modeling
Approach for Smart Grid Automation,” in 39th Annual Conference of
the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’2013), November 1013, Vienna, Austria, 2013.
[37] P. Kotsampopoulos, N. Hatziargyriou, B. Bletterie, G. Lauss, and
T. Strasser, “Introduction of advanced testing procedures including
PHIL for DG providing ancillary services,” in 39th Annual Conference
of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’2013), November
10-13, Vienna, Austria, 2013.
[38] F. Andrén, M. Stifter, and T. Strasser, “An Environment for the Coordinated Simulation of Power Grids together with Automation Systems,” in
2013 IEEE PowerTech Grenoble (PowerTech 2013), June 16-20, Grenoble, France, 2013.
[39] M. Stifter, R. Schwalbe, F. Andrén, and T. Strasser, “Steady-State CoSimulation with PowerFactory,” in 2013 IEEE Workshop on Modeling
and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES’13), May
20, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2013.
[40] F. Andrén, T. Strasser, S. Rohjans, and M. Uslar, “Analyzing the Need
for a Common Modeling Language for Smart Grid Applications,” in 11th
17 of 30
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’13),
July 29-31, Bochum, Germany, 2013.
[41] A. Zoitl, T. Strasser, and G. Ebenhofer, “Developing Modular Reusable
IEC 61499 Control Applications with 4DIAC,” in 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’13), July 29-31,
Bochum, Germany, 2013.
[42] S. Ghaemi, M. Stifter, T. Strasser, F. Zucker, F. Kupzog, and S. Henein,
“The Role of Active Buildings in the Context of Smart Cities - Introducing the project SmartCityGrid: CoOpt ,” in e-nova 2012 - Nachhaltige
Gebäude, Internationaler Kongress, November 22-23, Pinkafeld, Austria, 2012.
[43] T. Strasser, F. Lehfuss, P. Kotsampopoulos, P. Crolla, C. Tornelli, and
S. Numminen, “Harmonising hardware-in-the-loop simulation procedures for power systems and distributed energy resource components,”
in 5th International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources, December 4-6, Berlin, Germany, 2012.
[44] T. Strasser, J. H. Christensen, A. Valente, J. Chouinard, E. Carpanzano,
A. Valentini, H. Mayer, V. Vyatkin, and A. Zoitl, “The IEC 61499 Function Block Standard: Launch and Takeoff,” in ISA Automation Week
2012, September 24-27, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2012.
[45] J. H. Christensen, T. Strasser, A. Valentini, V. Vyatkin, and A. Zoitl,
“The IEC 61499 Function Block Standard: Software Tools and Runtime
Platforms,” in ISA Automation Week 2012, September 24-27, Orlando,
Florida, USA, 2012.
[46] J. H. Christensen, T. Strasser, A. Valentini, V. Vyatkin, and A. Zoitl,
“The IEC 61499 Function Block Standard: Overview of the Second
Edition,” in ISA Automation Week 2012, September 24-27, Orlando,
Florida, USA, 2012.
[47] M. Uslar, F. Andrén, W. Mahnke, S. Rohjans, M. Stifter, and
T. Strasser, “Hybrid Grids: ICT-based Integration of Electric Power
and Gas Grids - A Standards Perspective,” in 3rd IEEE PES Innovative
Smart Grids Technologies (ISGT) Europe Conference, October 14-17,
Berlin, Germany, 2012.
[48] G. Lauss, F. Lehfuss, B. Bletterie, T. Strasser, and R. Bründlinger,
“Examination of LV grid phenomena by means of PHIL testing,” in
38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
(IECON’2012), October 25-28, Montreal, Canada, 2012.
[49] F. Lehfuss, G. Lauss, and T. Strasser, “Implementation of a MultiRating Interface for Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations,” in
38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
(IECON’2012), October 25-28, Montreal, Canada, 2012.
[50] F. Andrén, T. Strasser, A. Zoitl, and I. Hegny, “A Reconfigurable
Communication Gateway for Distributed Embedded Control Systems,”
in 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
(IECON’2012), October 25-28, Montreal, Canada, 2012.
18 of 30
[51] T. Strasser, F. Andrén, V. Vyatkin, G. Zhabelova, and C.-W. Yang,
“Towards and IEC 61499 Complinace Profile for Smart Grids - Review
and Analysis of Possibilities,” in 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’2012), October 25-28, Montreal,
Canada, 2012.
[52] I. Hegny, T. Strasser, M. Melik-Merkumians, M. Wenger, and A. Zoitl,
“Towards an Increased Reusablity of Distributed Control Applications
Modeled in IEC 61499,” in 17th IEEE International Conference on
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2012), September 17-21, Kraków, France, 2012.
[53] A. Prostejovsky, M. Merdan, F. Andrén, and T. Strasser, “MASGrid: A
Multi-Agent-Based Smart Grid Control Approach,” in ComForEn 2012,
Dritte Fachkonferenz Kommunikation für Energienetze der Zukunft —
Smart Grids werden Realität!, September 5, Wels, Austria, 2012.
[54] A. Prostejovsky, W. Lepuschitz, T. Strasser, and M. Merdan, “Autonomous Service-Restoration in Smart Distriubtion Grids using MultiAgent Systems,” in 2012 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and
Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2012.
[55] T. Strasser, M. Stifter, W. Hribernik, E. Lambert, P. Kotsampopoulos,
P. Crolla, and C. Tornelli, “Improving the Portability and Exchangeability of Model Data for Smart Grids Real-Time Simulations—Definition of
a Common Reference Model,” in CIGRE Session 2012, SC C6 Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation, PS1 Planning and operation of
active distribution networks including Dispersed Generation (DG), Storage and Demand Side Integration (DSI), August 26-31, Paris, France,
[56] C. Landsteiner, F. Andrén, and T. Strasser, “Evaluation and Test Environment for Automation Concepts in Smart Grids Applications,” in
First International Workshop on Smart Grid Modeling and Simulation
(SGMS2011), to be held at 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart
Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2011), October 17, Brussels,
Belgium, 2011.
[57] M. Merdan, W. Lepuschitz, T. Strasser, and F. Andrén, “Multi-Agent
System for Self-Optimizing Power Distribution Grids,” in 5th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications, December
6-8, Wellington, New Zealand, 2011.
[58] F. Lehfuss and T. Strasser, “Multi-Purpose Inverter for Smart Grids:
The V2G-inverter Approach,” in ComForEn 2011, Zweite Fachkonferenz Kommunikation für Energienetze der Zukunft — Vom aktiven
Verbraucher zum Smart Grid, September 22, Wels, Austria, 2011.
[59] E. Mrakotsky, C. Mayr, M. Stifter, and T. Strasser, “Sharing Laboratory
Infrastructures for Integrating more Energy from Renewable Sources to
the Grid: The FP7 project DERri — Distributed Energy Resources
Research Infrastructure,” in Innovations in Sharing Environmental Observation and Information (EnviroInfo 2011), October 5-7, Ispra, Italy,
19 of 30
[60] G. Lauss, F. Lehfuss, A. Viehweider, and T. Strasser, “Power Hardware
in the Loop Simulation with Feedback Current Filtering for Electric
Systems,” in 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics
Society (IECON’2011), November 7-10, Melbourne, Australia, 2011.
[61] F. Andrén, M. Stifter, T. Strasser, and D. Burnier de Castro, “Framework for Co-Ordinated Simulation of Power Networks and Components in Smart Grids Using Common Communication Protocols,” in
37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
(IECON’2011), November 7-10, Melbourne, Australia, 2011.
[62] F. Andrén and T. Strasser, “Distributed open source control with Industrial Ethernet I/O devices,” in 16th IEEE International Conference on
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2011), September 5-9, Toulouse, France, 2011.
[63] T. Strasser, F. Andrén, and M. Stifter, “A test and validation approach
for the standard-based implementation of intelligent electronic devices
in smart grids,” in Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing
(V. Marı́k, P. Vrba, and P. Leitão, eds.), vol. 6867 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pp. 50–61, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011.
10.1007/978-3-642-23181-0 5.
[64] T. Strasser, A. Zoitl, and G. Ebenhofer, “4DIAC - Ein Open
Source Framework für verteilte industrielle Automatisierungs- und
Steuerungssysteme,” in INFORMATIK2010, Service Science - Neue
Perspektiven für die Informatik, Workshop Service Infrastructure - Modellierung verteilter eingebetteter Systeme, September 27 - October 1,
Leipzig, Germany, pp. 435–440, 2010.
[65] T. Strasser, G. Ebenhofer, M. Rooker, and I. Hegny, “Domain-Specific
Design of Industrial Automation and Control Systems: The MEDEIA
Approach,” in 10th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’10), July 1-2, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.
[66] M. Wenger, A. Zoitl, R. Froschauer, M. Rooker, G. Ebenhofer, and
T. Strasser, “Model-driven Engineering of Networked Industrial Automation Systems,” in 8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Informatics (INDIN), July 13-16, Osaka, Japan, 2010.
[67] A. Zoitl, T. Strasser, and A. Valentini, “Open Source Initiatives as basis
for the Establishment of new Technologies in Industrial Automation:
4DIAC a Case Study,” in IEEE International Symposium on Industrial
Electronics (ISIE’2010), Bari, Italy, July 4-7 2010.
[68] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, A. Zoitl, and I. Hegny, “Modellbasierte Entwicklung von eingebetteten Systemen in der Automatisierungsindustrie,” in
Internationales Forum Mechatronk 2009 (IFM 2009), November 10-11,
Linz, Austria, 2009.
[69] I. Terzic, A. Zoitl, M. Rooker, T. Strasser, P. Vrba, and V. Marı́k,
“Usability of Multi-agent Based Control Systems in Industrial Automation,” in Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing (V. Marı́k,
T. Strasser, and A. Zoitl, eds.), vol. 5696 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pp. 25–36, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009. 10.1007/978-3642-03668-2 3.
20 of 30
[70] M. Rooker, T. Strasser, A. Pichler, G. Stübl, A. Zoitl, and I. Terzic,
“Adaptive and Reconfigurable Control Framework for the Responsive
Factory,” in 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’09), June 23-26, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, 2009.
[71] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, I. Hegny, M. Wenger, A. Zoitl, L. Ferrarini,
A. Dede, , and M. Colla, “A Research Roadmap for Model-Driven Design of Embedded Systems for Automation Components,” in 7th IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’09), June
23-26, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, 2009.
[72] M. Rooker, G. Ebenhofer, and T. Strasser, “Reconfigurable Control
in Distributed Automation Systems,” in ASME/IFToMM International
Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2009),
King’s College of London, London, United Kingdom, June 22-24, 2009.
[73] C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, O. Hummer-Koppendorfer, T. Strasser, G. Ebenhofer, M. Rooker, and G. Kerbleder, “4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control,” in EKA 2008 - Entwurf
komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, Beschreibungsmittel, Methoden,
Werkzeuge und Anwendungen, 10. Fachtagung, April 15-17, Magdeburg,
Germany, 2008.
[74] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, A. Zoitl, and C. Sünder, “Komponenten- und
modellbasierte Entwicklung von Steuerungssoftware für mechatronische
Ansätze,” in Industrielles Symposium Mechatronik (ISM 2008) - Automation, October 11, Linz, Austria, 2008.
[75] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, and G. Ebenhofer, “Distributed Control Concept for a 6-DOF Reconfigurable Robot Arm,” in 4th I*PROMS Virtual
International Conference, July 1-14, 2008.
[76] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, G. Ebenhofer, A. Zoitl, C. Sünder, A. Valentini, and A. Martel, “Structuring of Large Scale Distributed Control
Programs with IEC 61499 Subapplications and a Hierarchical Plant
Structure Model,” in 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2008), September 15-18,
Hamburg, Germany, 2008.
[77] I. Terzic, A. Zoitl, B. Favre-Bulle, and T. Strasser, “A Survey of Distributed Intelligence in Automation in European Industry, Research and
Market,” in 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2008), September 15-18, Hamburg,
Germany, 2008.
[78] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, G. Ebenhofer, I. Hegny, M. Wenger, C. Sünder,
A. Martel, and A. Valentini, “Multi-Domain Model-Driven Design of
Industrial Automation Systems,” in 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2008),
September 15-18, Hamburg, Germany, 2008.
[79] M. Rooker, T. Strasser, G. Ebenhofer, M. Hofmann, and R. V. Osuna,
“Modelling Flexible Mechatronical based Assembly Systems through
Simulation Support,” in 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2008), September 1518, Hamburg, Germany, 2008.
21 of 30
[80] M. Rooker, T. Strasser, G. Ebenhofer, and D. Christ, “Framework for
Distributed Industrial Automation and Control applied in the PISA
Context,” in IEEE International Conference on Distributed HumanMachine Systems (DHMS’08), March 9-12, Athens, Greece, 2008.
[81] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, G. Ebenhofer, A. Zoitl, C. Sünder, A. Valentini,
and A. Martel, “Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and
Control (4DIAC),” in 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Informatics (INDIN’08), July 13-16, Daejeon, South Korea, 2008.
[82] T. Strasser, C. Sünder, and A. Valentini, “Model-Driven Embedded Systems Design Environment for the Industrial Automation Sector,” in 6th
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’08),
July 13-16, Daejeon, South Korea, 2008.
[83] M. Rooker, C. Sünder, T. Strasser, A. Zoitl, O. Hummer, and G. Ebenhofer, “Zero Downtime Reconfiguration of Distributed Automation Systems: The CEDAC Approach,” in Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for
Manufacturing (V. Marı́k, V. Vyatkin, and A. Colombo, eds.), vol. 4659
of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 326–337, Springer Berlin /
Heidelberg, 2007. 10.1007/978-3-540-74481-8 31.
[84] C. Sünder, J. Fritsche, H. Steininger, and T. Strasser, “Evolution Control Engineering of Distributed Automation Components: Der CEDAC
Ansatz,” in SPS/IPC/DRIVES - Elektrische Automatisierung, Systeme
und Komponenten, Fachmesse & Kongress, November 27-29, Nürnberg,
Germany, 2007.
[85] C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, H. Rofner, T. Strasser, and J. Brunnenkreef,
“Benchmarking of IEC 61499 runtime environments,” in 12th
IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA’2007), September 25-28, Patras, Greece, 2007.
[86] M. N. Rooker, T. Strasser, C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, and O. Hummer, “Evolution Control Environment for Distributed Automation Components,”
in IFAC International Workshops Intelligent Assembly and Disassembly
(IAD’07) and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’07), University
of Alicante, May 23-25, Alicante, Spain, 2007.
[87] T. Strasser and I. Müller, “Intelligente Autonome Maschinen auf Basis
mechatronischer Ansätze,” in Internationales Forum Mechatronik (IFM
2007), September 12-13, Winterthur, Switzerland, 2007.
[88] T. Strasser, C. Sünder, M. N. Rooker, O. Hummer, A. Zoitl, and
I. Müller, “Enhanced IEC 61499 System Model for Evolution of Control
Applications in Distributed Industrial-Process Measurement and Control Systems,” in European Control Conference (ECC 2007), July 2-5,
Kos, Greece, 2007.
[89] T. Baier, J. Fritsche, G. Keintzel, D. Loy, R. Schranz, H. Steininger,
T. Strasser, and C. Sünder, “Future scenarios for application of downtimeless reconfiguration in industrial practice,” in 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’07), July 23-27,
Vienna, Austria, 2007.
22 of 30
[90] A. Zoitl, G. Grabmair, R. Smodic, and T. Strasser, “An Execution
Environment for Real-Time Constrained Control Software based on
IEC 61499,” in 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’07), July 23-27, Vienna, Austria, 2007.
[91] O. Hummer, C. Sünder, T. Strasser, M. N. Rooker, and G. Kerbleder,
“Downtimeless System Evolution: Current State and Future Trends,”
in 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’07), July 23-27, Vienna, Austria, 2007.
[92] G. Grabmair, A. Zoitl, T. Strasser, and R. Froschauer, “Modelling Realtime Constraints Regarding Reconfiguration Aspects for IEC 61499 Control Applications,” in 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Informatics (INDIN’07), July 23-27, Vienna, Austria, 2007.
[93] A. Zoitl, C. Sünder, T. Strasser, and M. Colla, “A Device and Resource
Execution Model for IEC 61499 Control Devices,” in 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’07), July 23-27,
Vienna, Austria, 2007.
[94] C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, J. H. Christensen, M. Colla, and T. Strasser, “Execution Models for the IEC 61499 elements Composite Function Block
and Subapplication,” in 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’07), July 23-27, Vienna, Austria, 2007.
[95] T. Strasser, C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, M. N. Rooker, and J. E. Brunnenkreef,
“Enhanced IEC 61499 Device Management Execution and Usage for
Downtimeless Reconfiguration,” in 5th IEEE International Conference
on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’07), July 23-27, Vienna, Austria,
[96] C. Sünder, J. Christensen, V. Vyatkin, R. Brennan, A. Valentini, L. Ferrarini, T. Strasser, J. Martinez-Lastra, and F. Auinger, “Usability and
Interoperability of IEC 61499 based distributed automation systems,”
in 4th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’06), 16-18 August, Singapore, 2006.
[97] T. Strasser, I. Müller, M. Schüpany, G. Ebenhofer, R. Mungenast,
C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, O. Hummer, S. Thomas, and H. Steininger, “An
Advanced Engineering Environment for Distributed & Reconfigurable
Industrial Automation & Control Systems based on IEC 61499,” in 2nd
I*PROMS Virtual Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and
Systems, July 3-14, 2006.
[98] C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, B. Favre-Bulle, T. Strasser, H. Steininger, and
S. Thomas, “Towards Reconfiguration Applications as basis for Control System Evolution in Zero-downtime Automation Systems,” in 2nd
I*PROMS Virtual Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and
Systems, July 3-14, 2006.
[99] R. Smodic, A. Zoitl, G. Grabmair, and T. Strasser, “A real-time execution model for IEC 61499 based control applications,” in 12th IFAC
Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, May
17-19, Saint-Etienne, France, 2006.
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[100] T. Strasser, I. Müller, C. Sünder, O. Hummer, and H. Uhrmann, “Modeling of Reconfiguration Control Applications based on the IEC 61499
Reference Model for Industrial Process Measurement and Control Systems,” in IEEE 2006 Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems
(DIS’06), June 15 - 16, Czech Republic, 2006.
[101] G. Grabmair, R. Froschauer, T. Strasser, and A. Zoitl, “Modelling Execution Order and Real-time Constraints in IEC 61499 Control Applications,” in IEEE 2006 Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems
(DIS’06), June 15 - 16, Czech Republic, 2006.
[102] R. Froschauer, F. Auinger, G. Grabmair, and T. Strasser, “Automatic
Control Application Recovery in Distributed IEC 61499 based Automation and Control Systems,” in IEEE 2006 Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems (DIS’06), June 15 - 16, Czech Republic, 2006.
[103] O. Hummer, C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, T. Strasser, M. Rooker, and G. Ebenhofer, “Towards zero-downtime evolution of distributed control applications via evolution control based on iec 61499,” in 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA’2006), September 20-22, Czech Republic, 2006.
[104] I. Müller, T. Strasser, and S. Bloch, “Analysis and evaluation of dynamic characteristics of 3- and 5-axis milling machines,” in 4èmes Assises Machines et Usinage à Grande Vitesse, June 8-9, ENSAM Aix-enProvence, France, 2006.
[105] I. Müller and T. Strasser, “Distributed Control Environment in the
Production Context,” in 5th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent
Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, CIRP ICME ’06, July 2528, Ischia, Italy, 2006.
[106] C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, T. Strasser, and B. Favre-Bulle, “Intuitive Control
Engineering for Mechatronic Components in Distributed Automation
Systems based on the reference model of IEC 61499,” in 3rd International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’05), Perth,
Australia, 2005.
[107] O. Hummer, I. Krezic, A. Zoitl, and T. Strasser, “Development of an
extensible Engineering Support Tool for IEC 61499 considering WYSIWYG GUI Building as Example,” in 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2005),
Catania, Italy, 2005.
[108] T. Strasser, A. Zoitl, F. Auinger, and C. Sünder, “Towards Engineering Methods for Reconfiguration of Distributed Real-Time Control Systems Based on the Reference Model of IEC 61499,” in Holonic and
Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing (V. Marı́k, R. W. Brennan, and
M. Pechoucek, eds.), vol. 3593 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 165–175, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2005. 10.1007/11537847 15.
[109] T. Strasser, I. Müller, A. Zoitl, C. Sünder, and G. Grabmair, “A Distributed Control Environment for Reconfigurable Manufacturing,” in 1st
I*PROMS Virtual Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and
Systems, 2005.
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[110] T. Strasser, K. Fessl, A. Hämmerle, and M. Ankerl, “Rapid Reconfiguration of Machine-Tools for Holonic Manufacturing Systems,” in 16th
IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005.
[111] T. Strasser, F. Auinger, and A. Zoitl, “Development, Implementation
and Use of an IEC 61499 Function Block Library for Embedded Closed
Loop Control,” in 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’04), Berlin, Germany, pp. 594–599, June 24-26 2004.
[112] F. Auinger, T. Strasser, and J. H. Christensen, “Using IEC 61499 Function Blocks (FB) for Closed Loop Control Applications,” in International
IMS Forum 2004 — Global Challenges in Manufacturing, Cernobbio,
Italy, pp. 37–45, May 17-19 2004.
[113] S. Jakubek and T. Strasser, “Neural Networks applied to Automatic
Fault Detection,” in 45th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and
Systems Conference (MWSCAS 2002), Tulsa, OK, pp. I–639 to I–642,
August 5-7 2002.
[114] S. Jakubek and T. Strasser, “Fault-Diagnosis Using Neural Networks
with Ellipsoidal Basis Functions,” in 20th American Control Conference
(ACC 2002), Anchorage, AK, pp. 3846–3851, May 2002.
Technical Magazine Publication (4x)
[115] T. Strasser, J. Fritsche, G. Ebenhofer, and G. Kerbleder, “IEC 61499
- der Test-Aspekt,” Computer & Automation Magazin, vol. November
- 11, 2009.
[116] A. Zoitl and T. Strasser, “Auf dem Weg in die Anwendung,” Computer
& Automation Magazin, vol. November - 11, 2008.
[117] C. Sünder, T. Strasser, A. Zoitl, and H. Steiniger, “Die rekonfigurierbare Fertigung,” Computer & Automation Magazin, vol. November 11, 2007.
[118] T. Strasser, I. Müller, A. Zoitl, C. Sünder, and G. Grabmair, “Verteilte,
rekonfigurierbare Automatisierungssysteme im Produktionsbereich,”
Industrie Management, Zeitschrift für industrielle Geschäftsprozesse,
wissenschaftliches Magazin, GITO-Verlag, ISSN 1431-1980 (April,
2006), 2006.
Technical Reports (1x)
[119] R. Bründlinger, D. Craciun, W. Heckmann, V. Helmbrecht, B. Klebow, P. Kotsampopoulos, L. Martini, S. Numminen, I. Papaioannou,
T. Strasser, M. Sosnina, and P. Vaessen, “European Distributed Energy Resources Laboratories Activity Report 2012/2013,” tech. rep.,
European Distributed Energy Resources Laboratories (DERlab) e.V.,
Further Publications (6x)
[120] T. Strasser and F. Andrén, “POWERLINK für intelligente Stromnetze,” x-technik Automation, 03, 2012.
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[121] T. Strasser, “Erfolgreiche Automatisierung mit der IEC 61499,” SPSMagazin, Ausgabe 3/2009, 2009.
[122] T. Strasser, “Neue Norm sorgt für mehr Dynamik im Anlagenbau,”
medianet - industrialtechnology, 2008.
[123] T. Strasser, “Neue Industrienorm für Steuerungssysteme im Praxistest,” APA - Austria Presse Agentur, ZukunftWissen, 2008.
[124] T. Strasser, “Geht denn das? Adaption von Produktionsprozessen im
Betrieb,” x-technik Automation, 01, 2007.
[125] T. Strasser, “Die Vision der Selbstorganisation - Forschung: Wie autonome Softwareagenten die Produktion revolutionieren sollen,” Industrie Magazin, 2006.
Posters (10x)
[126] A. Prostejovsky, M. Merdan, G. Schitter, T. Strasser, F. Andrén, and
A. Dimeas, “Demonstration of Agent-Based Control of Active Power
Distribution Grids,” in Poster at the Smart Grids Week 2013, May
13-17, Salzburg, Austria, 2013.
[127] T. Strasser, F. Lehfuss, P. Kotsampopoulos, P. Crolla, C. Tornelli, and
S. Numminen, “Harmonising hardware-in-the-loop simulation procedures for power systems and distributed energy resource components,”
in Poster at 5th International Conference on Integration of Renewable
and Distributed Energy Resources, December 4-6, Berlin, Germany,
[128] T. Strasser, M. Stifter, W. Hribernik, E. Lambert, P. Kotsampopoulos, P. Crolla, and C. Tornelli, “Improving the Portability and Exchangeability of Model Data for Smart Grids Real-Time Simulations—
Definition of a Common Reference Model,” in Poster at CIGRE Session 2012, SC C6 Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation, PS1
Planning and operation of active distribution networks including Dispersed Generation (DG), Storage and Demand Side Integration (DSI),
August 26-31, Paris, France, 2012.
[129] F. Andrén and T. Strasser, “Distributed open source control with
Industrial Ethernet I/O devices,” in Poster at 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA’2011), September 5-9, Toulouse, France, 2011.
[130] T. Strasser, “Model-Driven Embedded Systems Design Environment
for the Industrial Automation Sector,” in Poster at the CPSWeek 2010,
April 13, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.
[131] T. Strasser, M. Rooker, G. Ebenhofer, I. Hegny, M. Wenger, C. Sünder,
A. Martel, and A. Valentini, “Multi-Domain Model-Driven Design
of Industrial Automation Systems,” in Poster at 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA’2008), September 15-18, Hamburg, Germany, 2008.
26 of 30
[132] M. Rooker, T. Strasser, G. Ebenhofer, M. Hofmann, and R. Velez
Osuna, “Modelling Flexible Mechatronical based Assembly Systems
through Simulation Support,” in Poster at 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA’2008), September 15-18, Hamburg, Germany, 2008.
[133] T. Strasser, “Model-Driven Embedded Systems Design Environment
for the Industrial Automation Sector,” in Poster at I*PROMS Researcher Symposium, July 1-3, Cardiff, UK, 2008.
[134] T. Strasser, “Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and
Control,” in Poster at I*PROMS Researcher Symposium, July 1-3,
Cardiff, UK, 2008.
[135] C. Sünder, A. Zoitl, O. Hummer-Koppendorfer, T. Strasser, G. Ebenhofer, M. Rooker, and G. Kerbleder, “4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control,” in Poster at EKA 2008
- Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, Beschreibungsmittel,
Methoden, Werkzeuge und Anwendungen, 10. Fachtagung, April 1517, Magdeburg, Germany, 2008.
Presentations (32x)
[136] T. Strasser, “Standard-basierte Automatisierungsanstze für die Einbindung dezentraler Erzeuger in Smart Grids,” in Smart Grid Day
2014, Fachhochschule Salzburg, Salzburg, Österreich, 2014.
[137] T. Strasser and C. Tornelli, “Experiences with Hardware-in-the-Loop
Experiments in the FP7 DERri Project,” in EERA/ELECTRA Smart
Grid Workshop, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 2014.
[138] F. Andrén, R. Bründlinger, and T. Strasser, “A Standard-based Control Approach for Distributed Energy Resources,” in RTLabOS Workshop II - Software Ecosystems for Power System Integration Labs, DTU
Risoe Campus, Roskilde, Denmark, 2014.
[139] C. Mayr, R. Bründlinger, G. Lauss, P. Svec, F. Andrén, and T. Strasser,
“AIT SmartEST Lab - Smart Energy Systems and Technology Laboratory,” in RTLabOS Workshop I - From Interoperability to System
Integration, DTU Lyngby Campus, Lyngby, Denmark, 2013.
[140] F. Andrén and T. Strasser, “Open Source based Automation for Smart
Grids - Experiences with DERri JaNDER in AIT Smart Grid Labs
and Challenges and experiences using open source software for lab automation,” in RTLabOS Workshop I - From Interoperability to System
Integration, DTU Lyngby Campus, Lyngby, Denmark, 2013.
[141] T. Strasser, “Towards a Formal Modeling Approach for Smart Grids
- Design, Implementation and Validation of Smart Grid Systems,” in
Power Systems ICT Workshop, DTU Risoe Campus, Roskilde, Denmark, 2013.
[142] T. Strasser, “ICT-enabled Automation for Smart Grids - A Standardbased Approach,” in Power Systems ICT Workshop, DTU Risoe Campus, Roskilde, Denmark, 2013.
27 of 30
[143] T. Strasser, “Modellierung Smart Grid,” in Eröffnungsveranstaltung
der Masterspezialisierung Future Energy Systems, FH Salzburg,
Salzburg, 2012.
[144] T. Strasser, “IEC 61499/4DIAC Applications for the Power and Energy
Domain,” in Presentation at the 17th IEEE International Conference
on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2012), 3rd
4DIAC User’s Workshop, September 17-21, Kraków, Poland, 2012.
[145] F. Andrén, M. Stifter, and T. Strasser, “Towards a Semantic Driven
Framework for Smart Grid Applications: Model-Driven Development
using CIM, IEC 61850 and IEC 61499,” in D-A-CH Energieinformatik
2012, Oldenburg, Germany, July 2012.
[146] T. Strasser, “4DIAC for Smart Grids Applications,” in Presentation
at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation (ETFA’2011), 2nd 4DIAC User’s Workshop,
September 5-9, Toulouse, France, 2011.
[147] T. Strasser, “IEC 61499 in the Context of Smart Grids Applications,”
in Presentation at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2011), Industry Day,
September 5-9, Toulouse, France, 2011.
[148] T. Strasser, “Standardization activities in the domain of Smart Grids
and its relation to IEC 61499,” in Presentation at the 15th IEEE
International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2010), Workshop IEC 61499 standard status and current activities within the IEC SC65B WG15 (IEC 61499 Maintenance
Team), September 13-16, Bilbao, Spain, 2010.
[149] T. Strasser, “Model-Driven Embedded Systems Design Environment
for the Industrial Automation Sector,” in Presentation at the CPSWeek
2010, April 13, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.
[150] T. Strasser, “MEDEIA - Modellbasierte Entwicklung von eingebetteten
Systemen in der Automatisierungsindustrie,” in Presentation at the
opening ceremony of the Christian Doppler Laboratory ”Software Engineering Integration for Flexible Automation Systems” at the Vienna
University of Technology, April 12, Vienna, Austria, 2010.
[151] T. Strasser, “Präsentation laufender FIT-IT Projekte - FRONTICS,”
in FIT-IT’09 - Embedded Systems and Semiconductors - Erste gemeinsame Ausschreibung FIT-IT ES & FIT-IT SoC, September 25th, Vienna, Austria, 2009.
[152] T. Strasser, “Model-Driven Embedded Systems Design Environment
for the Industrial Automation Sector,” in ARTEMIS-Austria Event,
Embedded Systems and Industrial Automation, October 5, 2009, Vienna, Austriaa, 2009.
[153] T. Strasser, “Model-Driven Embedded Systems Design Environment
for the Industrial Automation Sector,” in IMS International MTP
Workshop, April 24, Bern, Switzerland, 2008.
28 of 30
[154] T. Strasser, “Model-Driven Embedded Systems Design Environment
for the Industrial Automation Sector,” in FFG Open Space Event, April
2, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
[155] T. Strasser, “Forschungsprojekt MEDEIA,” in logi.cals Teaser Day
V5.1, Krems, Austria, October 2008.
[156] T. Strasser, “Erfahrung mit FIT-IT Projekten bei der PROFACTOR
GmbH,” in FIT-IT’08 - Spring Research, Success Stories from the
Industry - Research Institution Interface, May 8th, Vienna, Austria,
[157] T. Strasser, “4DIAC-IDE and FORTE: two IEC 61499 based open
source projects,” in Industrial Day Session on New Developments and
Implementations based on the IEC 61499 Standard, 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA’2008), September 15-18, Hamburg, Germany, 2008.
[158] T. Strasser, “PiSA - Flexible Assembly Systems through WorkplaceSharing and Time-Sharing Human-Machine Cooperation,” in Industrial
Track, 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics
(INDIN’08), July 13-16, 2008, Daejeon, South Korea, 2008.
[159] T. Strasser, “Model-Driven Embedded Systems Design Environment
for the Industrial Automation Sector,” in I*PROMS Researcher Symposium, July 1-3, Cardiff, UK, 2008.
[160] T. Strasser, “Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and
Control,” in I*PROMS Researcher Symposium, July 1-3, Cardiff, UK,
[161] T. Strasser, “Verteilte, rekonfigurierbare Automatisierungssysteme,” in
AUTCOM Innovationsworkshop der TU Wien (unterstützt durch IEEE
Austria), Wien, Austria, January 2007.
[162] T. Strasser, “Evolution Control Engineering of Distributed Automation Components: Der CEDAC Ansatz,” in kirchner SOFT UserKonferenz, Göttweig, Austria, Oktober 2007.
[163] T. Strasser, “Adaption von laufenden Produktionsprozessen im Betrieb
durch ein flexibles Steuerungskonzept,” in Kunststoff-Cluster, Produktivitätssteigerung in der Kunststofffertigung - Potenziale erkennen und
wertsteigernd nutzen, Wels, Austria, September 2007.
[164] T. Strasser, “Selbstorganisation in der Automation - Vision und Wirklichkeit?,” in Rockwell Automation University, Salzburg, Austria, May
[165] T. Strasser, “Research Activities in the Field of Reconfigurable Automation Systems,” in 18th Cooperation Symposium Science-Industry
/ Distributed Intelligence in Automation, Vienna, Austria, September
[166] T. Strasser, I. Müller, and M. Schüpany, “Intelligente, verteilte Systeme
im Produktionsumfeld,” in FIT-IT Embedded Systems - Zukunftsfelder
für KMUs / Innovative Lösungen und Wirkung integrierter Systeme
und mögliche Förderungen, Linz, Austria, May 2005.
29 of 30
[167] T. Strasser, F. Auinger, C. Eberst, M. Gusenbauer, and M. Schüpany,
“Intelligente verteilte Systeme auf Basis modularer smarter Komponenten,” in Industrielles Symposium Mechatronik (ISM 2004), Linz,
Austria, June 2004.
Interviews (1x)
[168] T. Strasser, “Engineering-Kosten drücken,” Video Interview Computer
& Automation Magazin, SPS/IPC/Drives 2009, November, 2009.
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