St. John`s wort


St. John`s wort
St. John's wort
(Hypericum Perforatum)
St. John's wort has been used since the Middle Ages for treatment of mental
illness or "casting out demons.” Considered a nervine in the 1800’s, it was used
for treatment of nervous conditions. It was used as far back as ancient Greece.
Hippocrates used St. John's wort for digestive disorders, worms, and scanty
urine flow. It has also been used for centuries for its wound-healing properties,
as well as its ability to treat melancholy and depression.
In most recent years, it has become one of the primary botanicals used in the
treatment of depression. It has also been used to treat a variety of mental
illnesses. Its Latin name 'hypercium' is derived from 'hyper' meaning over, and
'eikon,' meaning an apparition, which refers to its past usage in treating
demonic possession. It was also used for anxiety, and to cure bedwetting in
children, when caused by frightfulness. It has also been dubbed the 'arnica for
the nerves' among homeopaths.
Today, it is one of the best-documented and researched herbs on the market.
In Germany, it is used by prescription for depression and is covered by the
national health care plan.
Common Names
Besides St. John's wort, it is also otherwise known as goatweed, klamath weed,
binbirdelikotu, chin su tsao, tipton weed and amber.
Glycosides, hypericin, hyperoside, quercitrin, quercetin, rutin, flavonoids,
amentoflavone, hyperforin, adhyperforin, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, tannins,
and pseudohypericin. There are many other unknown plant chemicals inherent
in St. John's wort as well.1-30
Scientific Research/Validation
Most reputable studies used an aqueous- alcohol extract standardized for
hypericin or hyperforin or both.
Hyperforin is proving to be promising as an active ingredient in treatment of
mild to moderate depression.17
Hypericin was previously considered to be the primary active ingredient,
however, recent research has reported that hyperforin is the primary active
constituent effective for treatment of depression.103
Three studies using a low hyperforin form of St. John's wort were found to
be effective in treatment of depression.34,66,67
Meta analysis of 27 trials with a total of 2,291 patients, as well as analysis
of several studies,31-40 indicated that St. John's wort was a superior to
placebos and was at least as effective as many tricyclic anti-depressants.39,4166
Five studies done in the last two years indicate that St. John's wort is at
least as effective in treating depression as fluoxetine and imipramine.67-71
It has been reported to be effective in treating seasonal affective disorder
St. John's wort may reduce the uptake of serotonin, norepinephrine and
It was found to be non sedating and did not affect libido.62,76-81
Early uncontrolled studies indicated possible use in cases of HIV and Aids.
Increased CD 4 cell counts reduced p 24 antigen levels, which reduced
incidents of swollen lymph glands and fewer infections were observed.82,83
However on further examination of the data and results from a later study,
the previous study appears to be based on a faulty hypothesis.12
Studies on insomnia and St. John's wort use found it to be significantly
more effective than placebos.37,50,84,85
High doses were found to be safer than standard anti-depressants in terms
of cardiac side effects.72
St. John's wort has been found to be more effective in treating anxiety than
By any real measure occurrence of side effects were very rare and mild, no
greater than those of placebos.31,87,88
Certain very rare instances of photosensitivity have occurred in cases of
high dosage, involving very fair skinned people.89
Hyper mania may occur rarely. Only anecdotal reports suggest the
Drug Interactions
May change the actions of Warfarin, Digoxin, Cyclosporine, Indinavir, Oral
Contraceptives and Theophylline.92-96,99
St. John's wort may increase the activity of selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors, creating a mild serotonin syndrome.95,96
Migraine medication Imitrex and the pain medication Tramadol increase
serotonin levels and may interact with St. John's wort.38,39
Do not take St. John's wort if you are taking anti-depressant drugs
including MAO inhibitors or tricyclics, or:
Protease Inhibitors
Oral Contraceptives
Chemo therapy drugs
Sulfa drugs
St. John's wort may change how the above medications function, either
increasing or decreasing their effectiveness.
Sudden discontinuation of St. John's wort may dramatically increase the
blood levels of these drugs.104,105,106
Newly published research shows that when St. John's wort and Indinavir, a
protease inhibitor used in HIV treatment, are used together, Indinavir blood
levels are decreased, which reduces the effectiveness of Indinavir considerably,
and may lead to increased viral resistance to the drug. It is thought that St.
John's wort stimulates the cytochrome P450 pathway in the liver, which is an
indication that St. John's wort works to cleanse the liver of drugs that use the
liver to regulate blood levels of certain drugs. These may include oral
contraceptives, transplant rejection drugs, heart medications, anti-depressants
and seizure medications.
Patients with bi-polar disorder should avoid St. John's wort as it may cause
Photosensitivity in humans is extremely rare and only apparent when using
four times the normal dose (3600 mg per day).100,101
Ther is only one reported case of photosensitivity at therapeutic dose.102
St. John's wort has been safely tested at doses of 13 mg. per kilo of body
It should be used with caution when pregnant or nursing due to mild uterine
tonic effects reported.107
A recent study has contradicted hundreds of previous studies reporting the
effectiveness of St. John's wort in treating mild to moderate depression.
Reaction has been mixed, however the majority of researchers have stated that
this one negative study does not cancel out the findings of the hundreds of
positive studies that came before.
1. Brockman H, Haschad MN, Maier K, et al. Uber das Hypericin, den
photodynanmisch wirlisamen Farbstoff aus Hypericum perforatum.
Naturwissenschaften 1939; 27:550.
2. Brockman H, Franssen U, Spitzer D, et al. Sur isolierung und Konstitudon
des Pseudohypericins. Tetrahedron Lett 1974; 1991 -4.
3. Schutt H, Holzl J. Vergleichende Qualitatsuntersuchung von Johanniskraut
Fertigarzneimittein unter Verwendung vershiedener quantitativer
Bestimmungsmethoden. Pharmazie 1994; 49:206-9.
4. Kramer W, Wartalla R. Bestimmung von Naphthodianthronen
(Gesamthypericinc) in Johanniskraut (Hypericum perforatum L.). Pharm Ztg Wiss
1992; 137:202-7.
5. Haberlein H, Tschiersch KP, Stock S, et al. Johanniskraut (Hypericum
perforatum L). Teil 1: Nachweis eines weiteren Naphthodianthrons. Pharm Ztg
Wiss 1992; 137:169-74.
6. Holzl J, Ostrowski E. Johanniskraut (.Hypericum perforatum L.) HPLC
analysis der wichrigen Inhalstoffe und deren Variabilitat in einer Population
Dtsch. Apoth Ztg 1987; 23:1227-30.
7. Tsitsina SI. Results of studying some medicinal plants containing flavone
compounds. Tr Bot Sadov Akad Nauk Kaz 1969; 1969:111-14.
8. Benigni R, Capra C, Cattorini PE. Hypericum: Plante medicinal: chimica,
farmacologia e terapia. Milano: Inverni & Della Beffa; 1971.
9. Koget TA. Determination of the amount of quercetin in Hypericum
perforatum. Khim Prir Soedin 1972; 1972:242-3.
10.Berghofer R, Holzl J. Isolation of 13', 118-biapigenin. Planta Med 1989;
11.Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, et al. Hagers Handbuch der
Pharmazeutuschen Praxis, vol 5. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1993.
12.Dorossiev I. Determination of flavonoids in Hypericum perforatum. Pharmazie
1985; 40(8): 585-6.
13.Berghofer R, Holzl J. Bioflavonoids of Hypericum perforatum. Part I. Isolation
of 13,118-biapigenin. Planta Med 1987; 53:216-7.
14.Akhtardzhiev K, Koleva M, Kitanov G, et al. Pharmacognostic study of
representatives of Arum, Althaea, and Hypericum species. Farmatsiya (Sophia)
1984; 34:1-6.
15.Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P. Hypericum perforatum. Fitoterapia 1995; 66:4368.
16.Akhtardzhiev K, Kitanov G. Catechin composition of Hypericum perforatum.
Farmatsiya (Sophia) 1974; 24:17-20.
17.Brantner A, Kartnig T, Quehenberger F. Vergleichende phytochemische
Untersuchungen an Hypericum perforatum L. und Hypericum maculatum
Crantz. Sci Pharm 1994; 62:261-76.
18.Brondz I, Greibrokk T, Aasen AJ. N-Alkanes of Hypericum perforatum, a
revision. Phytochemistry 1983,22:295-6.
19.Brondz I, Greibrokk T. N-l-Alkanols of Hypericum perforatum. J Nat Prod
1983; 46:940-1.
20.Mathis C, Ourisson G. Etude chimio-taxonomique du genre Hypericum II.
Phytochemistry 1964; 3:115-31.
21.Mathis C, Ourisson G. Etude chimio-taxonomique du genre Hypericum III
Phytochemistry 1964; 3:133-41.
22.Mathis C, Ourisson G. Etude chimio-taxonomique dc genre Hypericum IV:
Repartition des sesquiterpenes, des alcools monoterpeniques et des aldehydes
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23.Mathis C, Ourisson G. Etude chimio-taxonomique du genre Hypericum V.
Phytochemistry 1964; 3:379.
24.Maisenbacher P, Kovar KA. Analysis and stability of hyperici oleum. Planta
Med 1992; 58:351-4.
25.Lapke C, Schilcher H, Riedel E. GABA in H. perforatum L. and in other herbal
drugs [poster abstract]. In: 'Abstracts of lectures and poster presentations'. 44th
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26.Bennett GJ, Lee HH. Xanthones from Guttiferae. Phytochemistry 1989;
27.Sparenberg B, Demisch L, Holzl J. Investigations of the antidepressive
effects of St. John's wort. Pharm Ztg Wiss 1993; 6:50-4.
28.Murch SJ, Simmons CB, Saxena PK. Melatonin in feverfew and other
medicinal plants. Lancet 1997; 350:1598-9.
29.Erdelmeier CA. Hyperforin, possibly the major non-nitrogenous secondary
metabolite of Hypericum perforatum L. Pharmacopsychiatry 1998; 31(Suppl 1):
30.Maisenbacher P. Untersuchungen zur Analytik von Johanniskraut-ol [PhD
thesis]. Tubingen, Germany; Eberhard-Karls-Universitat; 1991.
31.Unde K, Mulrow CD. St. John's wort for depression. In: The Cochrane library
Issue 4, 1998. Oxford: Update Software.
32.Wheatley D. LI 160, an extract of St. John's wort, versus amitriptyline in
mildly to moderately depressed outpatients — a controlled 6-week clinical trial.
Pharmacopsychiatry 1997; 30(Suppl 2): 77-80.
33.Laakman G, Schille C, Baghai T, et al. St. John's wort in mild to moderate
depression: the relevance of hyperforin for the clinical efficacy.
Pharmacopsychiatry 1998; 31(Suppl 1): 54-9.
34.Laakman G, Dienel A, Kieser M. Clinical significance of hyperforin for the
efficacy of Hypericum extracts on depressive disorders of different severities.
Phytomedicine 1998; 5(6): 435-42.
35.Schrader E, Meier B, Brattstrom A. Hypericum treatment of mild-moderate
depression in a placebo-controlled study. A prospective, double blind,
randomized, placebo-controlled, multicentre study. Hum Psychopharmacol
1998; 13(3): 163-9.
36.Bernhardt M, Uske E, Ebeling L. Hypericum perforatum in der Therapic
leichter bis mittelschwerer Depressionen: Vergleich der antidepressiven
Wirksamkeit von zwei unterschiedlichen Dosierungsschemata. 5. In:
Phytotherapie-Kongress; 1993; Bonn.
37.Muldner H, Zoller M. Antidepressive effect of a Hypericum extract
standardized to an active hypericine complex. Biochemical and clinical studies
[in German]. Arznemittelforschung 1984; 34(8): 918-20.
38.Harrer G, Schmldt U, Kuhn U, et al. Comparison of equivalence between the
St. John's wort extract LoHyp-57 and fluoxetine. Arznemittelforschung 1999;
49(4): 289-96.
39.Philipp M, Kohnen R, Hiller KO. Hypericum extract versus imipramine or
placebo in patients with moderate depression: randomised multicentre study of
treatment for eight weeks. BMJ 1999; 319:1534-9.
40.Spielberger E. Johanniskraut-Praparat linden selbst mittelschwere
depressionen. Arzt Prax 1985; 37(60): 2546-7.
41.Diczler K, Gessner B, Schatton WFH, et al. Clinical trial on Neuropas versus
placebo in patients with mild to moderate depressive symptoms: a placebocontrolled, randomised double-blind study. Comp. Ther Med 1994; 2:5-13.
42.Halama P. Wirksamkeit des Johanniskrautextraktes LI 160 bei depressiver
Verstimmung. Nervenheilkunde 1991; 10:250-3. Also: Halama P. Wirksamkeit
des Hypericum-Extraktes LI 160 bei 50 Patienten einer psychiatrischen
Fachpraxis. Nervenheilkunde 1991; 10:305-7.
43.Haring B, Hauns B, Hermann C, et al. A double blind, placebo-controlled
pilot study of LI 160 in combination with chemotherapy in patients with solid
tumors. Phytomedicine 1996; 3(Suppl 1): SL-88.
44.Konig CD. Hypericum perforatum L. Gemeines Johanniskraut als
Therapeutikum bei depressivcn Verstimmungszustanden — cine Alternative zu
synmetischen Aizneiminein [thesis]. Basel; University of Basel; 1993.
45.Lehrl S, Woelk H. Ergebnisse von Messungen der kogniriven
Leistungsfahigkeit bei Patienten unter der Therapie mil Johanniskraut.
Nervenheilkunde 1993; 12:281.
46.Quandt J, Schmidt U, Schenk N. Ambulante Behandlung leichter und
mittelschwerer depressiver Verstiinmungcn. Allgemeinarzt 1993; 2; 97-102.
47.Reh C, Laux P, Schenk N. Hypericum-Extrakt bei Depressionen — eine
wirksame Alternarive. Therapiewoche 1992; 42:1576-81.
48.Schlich D, Braukmann F, Schenk N. Behandlung depressiver Zustande mit
Hypericin-ium. Pyschopharmakotherapie 1987; 13:440-7.
49.Sommer H, Harrer G. Placebo-controlled double-blind study examining the
effectiveness of a preparation in 105 mildly depressed patients. J Geriatr
Psychiatry Neurol 1994; 7(Suppl1): S9-ll.
50.Hubner WD, Lande S, Podzuweit H. Hypericum treatment of mild depression
with somatic symptoms. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 1994; 7(Suppl 1): S12-5.
51.Harrer G, Hubner WD, Podzuweit H. Effectiveness and tolerance of the
Hypericum extract LI 160 compared to maprotiline: a multi-center double-blind
study. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neural 1994; 7(Suppl 1): S24-8.
52.Vesper J, Ploch M. Multi-center double blind Study examining the
antidepressant effectiveness of the Hypericum extract U 160. J Geriatr
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53.Hofiinann J, Kuhl ED. Therapie von depressiven Zustanden mit Hypericin. Z
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54.Osterheider M, Schmidtke A, Beckmann H. Behandlung depressiver
Syndrome mit Hypericum Johanniskrauteine placebokontrolliene
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55.Schmidt U, Schenk N, Schwarz I, et al. Zur Therapie depressiver
Verstimmungen. Psycho 1989; 15:665-71.
56.Sommer H. Johanniskraut-Extrakt zur ambulanten Therapie der Depression.
Fortschr Med 1993:111:339-42.
57.Wine B, Harrer G, Kaptan T, et al. Behandlung depressiver Verstimmungen
mit einem hochkonzentrierten Hypericum praparat — eine multizentrische
plazebokontrollierte Doppelblindstudie. Fortschr Med 1995 113(28): 404-8.
58.Harrer G, Schmidt U, Kuhn U. "Alternative" Depressionsbehandlung mit
einem Hypericum-Extrakt. Ther Neurol 1991; 5:710-6.
59.Hiller KO, Rahlfs V. Therapeutische Aquivalenz eines hochdosierren
Phytopharmakons mit Amitriptylin bei angstiich-depressiven Verstimmungen —
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62.Bergmann R, Nubner J, Demling J. Behandlung leichter bis mittelschwerer
Depressionen. Ther Neural Psychiatr 1993; 7; 235-40.
63.Vorbach EU, Hubner WD, Amoldt KH. Effectiveness and tolerance of the
Hypericum extract LI 160 in comparison with imipramine: randomized doubleblind study in 135 outpatients. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neural 1994; 7(Suppl l): Sl923.
64.Warnecke G. Beeinflussung klimakterischer Depressionen. Z Allg 1986;
65.Vorbach EU, Arnoldt KH, Hubner WD. Efficacy and tolerability of St. John's
wort extract LI 160 versus imipramine in patients with severe depressive
episodes according to ICD-10. Pharmacopsychiatry 1997; 30(Suppl 2); 81-5.
66.Schmidt U, Harrer G, Kuhn U, et al. Equivalence comparison of the St. John's
wort extract LoHyp-57 versus fluoxetine HCL. Z Phytother 1999; 20(2): 89-90.
67.Schmidt U, Harrer G, Biller A, et al. A long-term, changeover study with the
St. John's wort extract LoHyp-57. An observational study of 95 patients with
mild and moderate depression. Nervenheilkunde 1999; 18(10): 106-9.
68.Holsboer-Trachsler E, Vanoni C. Clinical efficacy and tolerance of the
hypericum special extract LI 160 in depressive disorders — a drug monitoring
study. Schweiz Rundschau Med Prax 1999; 88(37); 1475-80
69.Vollmer H. St. John's wort is just as effective as imipramine in moderate
depressions. Z Allg 1999; 75(17-18): 782.
70.Vok HP, Laux J, Laux P. Antidepressive pharmacotherapy in mild to
moderate depression — a comparison of extracts of St. John's wort and
fluoxetine. Psychopharmakotherapie 1999; 6(4): 138-42.
71.Czekalla J, Gastpar M, Hubner WD, et al. The effect of Hypericum extract on
cardiac conduction as seen in the electrocardiogram compared to that of
imipramine. Pharmacopschychiatry 1997; 30(Suppl 2): 86-8.
72.Kasper S. Treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) with Hypericum
extract. Pharmacopsychiatry 1997; 30(Suppl 2): 89-93.
73.Mamnez B, Kasper S, Ruhrmann S, et al. Hypericum in the treatment of
seasonal affective disorders. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neural 1994; 7(Suppl 1): S2933.
74.Wheatley D. Hypericum in seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Curr Med Res
0pin 1999; 15(1): 33-7.
75.Johnson D, Ksduk H, Woelk H, et al. Effects of Hypericum extract LI 160
compared with maprotiline on resting EEG and evoked potentials in 24
volunteers. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neural 1994; 7(Suppl 1): S44-6.
76.Johnson D. Neurophysiologische wir kungen von Hypericum perforatum im
doppelblindversuch mit probanden. Nervenheilkunde 1991; 10:316-7.
77.Schellenberg R, Sauer S, Dimpfel W. Pharmacodynamic effects of two
different Hypericum extracts in healthy volunteers measured by quantitative
EEG. Pharmacopsychiatry 1998; 31(Suppl 1): 44-53.
78.Friede M, Hasenruss I, Wustenberg P. Traffic and work safety under the
effect of St. John's wort [in German]. Fortschr Med 1998; 116(34); 44-5.
79.Lehrl S, Willemsen R, Papp R, et al. Ergebnisse von Messungen der
kognitiven Leistungsfahigkeit bei padenten unter Therapie mit JohanniskrautExtrakt. Nervenheilkunde 1993; 12:281-4.
80.Lehrl S, Hauer H. Johanniskraut: emodonale Stabilisierung und kognitive
Leistungssteigerung. Ther Sports Med 1994; 4:227-8.
81.Steinbeck-Klose A, Wemet P. Successful long-term treatment over 40
months of HIV-patients with intravenous hypericin [abstract PO-B26-2012]. Int
Conf AIDS 1993; 9(1): 470.
82.James JS. AIDS Treat News 1991(DEC21): 117.
83.Sharpley AL, McGavin CL, Whale R, et al. Antidepressant-like effect of
Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort) on the sleep polysomnogram.
Psychopharmacology 1998; 139(3): 286-7.
84.Schuiz H, Jobert M. Effects of Hypericum extract on the sleep EEG in older
volunteers. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neural 1994; 7(Suppl 1): S39-43.
85.Maisenbacher J, Schmidt U, Schenk N. Therapie mir Hypericum bei
Angstzustanden. Ther Neural Psychiatr 1995; 9(1-2): 65-6,69-70.
86.Panijel J. Die Behandlung mitcelschwerer Angstzusrande. Therapiewoche
1985; 41:4659-68.
87.Linde K, Ramirez G, Mulrow CD, et al. St. John's wort for depression — an
overview and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials. B M J 1996; 313:253-8.
88.Brinker F. Herb contraindications and drug interactions. 2nd ed. Sandy (OR):
Eclectic Medical Publications; 1998.
89.O'Breasail AM, Argouarch S. Hypomania and St. John's wort [letter] Can J
Psychiatry 1998; 43(7): 746-7
90.Schneck C. St. John's wort and hypomania [letter]. J Clin Psychiatry 1998;
59(12): 689.
91.Nebel A, Schneider BJ, Baker RK, et al. Potential metabolic interaction
between St. John's wort and theophylline [letter]. Ann Pharmacother 1999;
92.Rey JM, Walter G. Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) in depression:
pest or blessing? Med J Aust 1998; 169:583-6.
93.Lantz MS, Buchalter E, Giambanco V. St. John's wort and antidepressant
drug interactions in the elderly. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neural 1999; 12:7-10.
94.Yue QY, Bergquist C, Gerden B. Safety of St John's wort (Hypericum
perforatum [letter]. Lancet 2000:355:576-7.
95.Bon S, Hartmann K, Kuhn M. Johanniskraut ein Enzyminduktor? Schweitz
Apoth 1999,16:535-6.
96.Moses EL, Mallinger AG. St. John's wort: three cases of possible mania
induction [11]. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2000; 20(1): 115-7.
97.Nierenberg AA, Bun T, Matthews J, et al. Mania associated with St. John's
wort. Biol Psychiatry 1999; 46(12): 1707-8.
98.Piscitelli SC, Burstein AH, Chain D, et al. Indinavir concentrations and St.
John's wort. Lancet 2000,355:547-8.
99.Brockmoller J, Reum T, Bauer S, et al. Hypericin and pseudohypericin:
pharmacokinetics and effects on photosensitivity in humans.
Pharmacopsychiatry 1997; 30(Suppl 2): 94-101.
Roots T. Evaluation of photosensitization of the skin and multiple dose
intake of Hypericum extract [abstract SL-83]. Phytomedicine 1996; 3(Suppl 1):
Golsch S, Vocks E, Rakoski J, et al. Reversible increase in
photosensitivity to UV-B caused by St. John's wort extract [in German]. Hautarzt
1997; 48(4): 249-52.
Leuschner G. Preclinical toxicology profile of Hypericum extract LI 160.
Phytomedicine 1996; 3(Supp] 1): 104.
Barnes J, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD. St John's wort (Hypericum
perforatum L.): a review of its chemistry, pharmacology and clinical properties.
Centre for Pharmacognosy & Phytotherapy, School of Pharmacy, University of
London. J Pharm Pharmacol 2001 May; 53(5): 583-600
Baede-van Dijk PA, van Galen E, Lekkerkerker JF. [Drug interactions of
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College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen, Den Haag. Ned Tijdschr
Geneeskd2000 Apr 22; 144(17): 811-2
Risk of Drug Interactions With St John's Wort.
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Miller JL. Interaction between Indinavir and St. John's wort reported. Am
J Health Syst Pharm 2000 Apr 1; 57(7): 625-6
107. Grush LR, Nierenberg A, Keefe B, Cohen LS. St John's wort during
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